
respiratory tract immune response to microbial pathogens.effective resistance to respiratory tract infection depends principally on specific immunity on mucosal surfaces of the upper or lower respiratory tract. respiratory tract immune response comprises antibody and cell-mediated systems and may be induced most readily by surface presentation of replicating agents but can result from parenteral or local presentation of highly immunogenic antigens. upper and lower respiratory tract systems differ in immunologic competence, with the lungs having a grea ...19826294027
theory and practice of immunoprophylaxis in cattle. 19826294031
importance of competitive binding in the detection of antigen specific bovine isotypes and subisotypes by the micro enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed to detect and quantify the specific bovine immunoglobulin class response to trypanosoma theileri, dictyocaulus viviparus and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus. comparative measurement of the specific immunoglobulin classes in whole serum was achieved using monospecific rabbit antibovine igg1, igg2 and igm, followed by a goat anti-rabbit ig-enzyme conjugate (antiglobulin elisa). the results obtained in the antiglobulin elisa compared favour ...19826296953
experimental latent and recrudescent bovine herpesvirus-1 infections in calves.latent bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1) infection was established in 6 calves and was demonstrated by reinduction of virus shedding after administration of corticosteroids. latently infected calves failed to transmit bhv-1 during 4 weeks' contact with sentinel calves. infected calves were killed and necropsied during latency or induced recrudescence. the bhv-1 dna was demonstrated intranuclearly in trigeminal ganglion neurons by in situ hybridization. the bhv-1 antigen was demonstrated by immunofluo ...19836299146
detection of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and bovine viral diarrhea viruses in the nasal epithelial cells by the direct immunofluorescence technique.nasal epithelial cells were collected by cotton swabs for the diagnosis in experimental and field cases of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and field cases of bovine viral diarrhea in calves. a portion of the cells was washed twice in phosphate buffered saline and a 25 microl drop was placed on microscope slides. the cells were dried, fixed and stained according to the direct fluorescent antibody technique. another portion of the same specimen was inoculated onto primary bovine skin cell cultur ...19836299484
effect of viral dose on experimental pneumonia caused by aerosol exposure of calves to bovine herpesvirus 1 and pasteurella haemolytica.the effect of various aerosol doses of bovine herpesvirus 1, followed four days later by aerosol exposure to a constant level of pasteurella haemolytica, was studied in 16 crossbred hereford range calves. a collision nebulizer was used to generate aerosols from virus suspensions with concentrations of 10(8.2) (high), 10(5.2) (moderate) or 10(2.2) (low) tcid50/ml. the bacterial suspension contained 10(7) colony forming units/ml. control calves exposed only to p. haemolytica developed no pulmonary ...19836299485
rapid detection of antibodies to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis by 'macro' and 'micro' elisa.two kinds of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were evaluated in their ability to detect specific antibodies against bovine rhinotracheitis virus (ibr-ipv). the tests were called macroelisa and microelisa, according to the kind of the solid support used for antigen insolubilization, polystyrene beads and microtitration plates respectively. partially purified virus was used to coat both beads and plates; a single dilution of examples was tested and protein a linked to peroxidase was employed as e ...19826299826
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis: study on the experimentally induced disease and its prevention using an inactivated, adjuvanted vaccine.experimentally induced ibr was studied in calves. intranasal challenge enabled reproducible results to be obtained, both from qualitative (clinical aspect) and quantitative points of view (virus excretion, temperature); local and general immunity were also evaluated. this challenge method is useful when studying ibr vaccines. the disease was also experimentally induced by putting healthy animals into contact with diffusor calves. a single injection of inactivated vaccine in oily adjuvant already ...19826299856
experimental infectious bovine rhinotracheitis: comparison of four antigen detection methods.the duration of detectable viral antigen in nasal secretions was studied by four methods in calves experimentally infected with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. virus isolation in cell culture was the most sensitive and was successful for up to 11 days after inoculation. three direct rapid antigen detection systems (immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [elisa]) were all successful during the pyrexic phase, but less useful in the later stages of the disease ...19836300979
histological changes in the respiratory tract of calves exposed to aerosols of bovine herpesvirus 1 and pasteurella haemolytica.histopathological changes in the respiratory tract of 19 calves exposed sequentially to aerosols of bovine herpesvirus 1 (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus) and pasteurella haemolytica, either 4 or 5 days apart, are described. tissues were examined 1.5 to 14 days following the bacterial aerosol. the salient features were hyperaemia of pharyngeal tonsils and lamina propria of air passages and alveoli; alveolitis associated with oedema and fibrin in lumen and septa; pneumocytes, mononuclear ...19836302139
preliminary survey for antibodies against five bovine viruses in cattle in korea. 19826302359
evaluation of an immunofluorescent test for the rapid diagnosis of field infections of infectious bovine indirect immunofluorescent test for the rapid detection of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus in smears of nasal and ocular secretions from infected cattle, was compared with conventional virus isolation procedures using 200 swabs from 107 field outbreaks of suspected ibr. virus was isolated from 38 per cent of the swabs and the indirect immunofluorescent test detected virus in 14.5 per cent of the positive swabs. examination of samples from more than one animal increased the confi ...19836302972
identification of envelope and nucleocapsid proteins of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus was purified by rate zonal and isopycnic centrifugation in potassium tartrate gradients. viral nucleocapsids were isolated from purified virions by treatment with the nonionic detergent triton x-100 followed by high speed centrifugation. this treatment was shown to produce a suspension of 74% completely de-enveloped nucleocapsids, 24% incompletely de-enveloped nucleocapsids, and 2% whole virions. the viral nucleocapsids contained dna and banded at a ...19836302976
bovid herpesvirus 1 infection of cattle: pathogenesis, latency, consequences of latency. 19826303191
non-specific antiviral activity of bovine leukocytes against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus in vitro.leukocytes collected from bovine blood inhibit the multiplication of virus in ibr infected mdbk cells. this inhibition is non-specific and can be observed in the absence of serum. number of infected cells, number of leukocytes per infected cell and time of placing of leukocytes onto infected cells are some of the important factors in this protection. we observed variations between animals, but for each animal the activity of leukocytes was constant for several months. contact between leukocytes ...19826303192
persistence of antibodies and anamnestic response in calves vaccinated with inactivated infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and parainfluenza-3 virus vaccines.persistence of antibodies in calves vaccinated with 2 types of inactivated infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus and parainfluenza-3 (pi-3) virus vaccines were determined. calves seronegative for ibr and pi-3 viruses were inoculated with 2 doses of inactivated ibr virus-pi-3 virus vaccines administered 2 weeks apart. blood samples were obtained from the calves for serum at 2 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year after vaccination. the serums were tested by serum-neutralization tests. antibody resp ...19836303996
[timing of sensitization and appearance of skin allergic reaction in infectious bovine rhinotracheitis--infectious pustular vulvovaginitis].allergic and serologic investigations were carried out on infectious bovine rhinotracheitis--infectious pustular vulvovaginitis with cattle artificially and spontaneously affected with the causative agent of the disease as well as with cattle that were treated with a live attenuated vaccine. it was found that in the case of experimental infection the allergization of the body and the positive skin allergic reaction set in as early as the 7th day of the disease while in the case of vaccination th ...19826304991
experimental infection of cattle of different ages with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (strichen strain).the clinical signs and pathological lesions which developed in various ages of cattle experimentally infected intranasally with the "strichen" strain of ibr virus were similar to, but generally milder than, those of the field disease. the clinical signs were most severe 4 days after infection and had almost wholly regressed after 12 days. serum neutralizing antibodies were detected in every animal. virus was isolated from nasal and ocular swabs for up to 13 days and 10 days, respectively, after ...19836306070
reactivation and shedding of bovine herpesvirus 1 following dictyocaulus viviparus infection.three groups of 4 bullocks which had recovered from infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) were infected 5 months later with dictyocaulus viviparus larvae. bovine herpesvirus 1 was recovered from days 7 to 21 post-infection from the nasal secretions of the group given 50 larvae per kilogram and on one occasion from those given 1000 larvae per animal (less than 5 l3 per kg). virus was not isolated from the animals given 1000 irradiated larvae. typical clinical signs and lesions of ibr developed ...19836306071
cloning and cleavage site mapping of dna from bovine herpesvirus 1 (cooper strain).sequences representative of most of the bovine herpesvirus 1 (cooper strain) dna were cloned in the plasmid vector pbr322 at the hindiii site. ecori, hpai, and bamhi restriction endonuclease sites were mapped in each of the cloned fragments, and this information was used to construct a restriction endonuclease cleavage site map of the entire viral genome for the four enzymes.19836306279
a comparison of the virulence of three strains of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus.the virulence of three strains of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus was compared in six-month-old ayrshire-cross calves. the strains were an isolate from a recent severe outbreak of ibr in scotland (strichen strain), the prototype british strain (oxford strain) and a north american isolate (colorado strain). the colorado and strichen strains produced the characteristic clinical signs and pathological lesions of severe ibr three to four days post infection (p.i.). the strichen strain ...19836306899
[evaluation of the specificity of skin allergy tests in cattle with ibr-ipv].an allergic and serologic investigation was carried out by the skin allergic test (sat) and the virus neutralization test (vnt) to demonstrate the presence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis -- infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (ibr-ipv) in cattle divided into three groups according to age, treated with the live attenuated vaccine mk25 against aujeszky's disease. it was found that this vaccine induced the production of specific antibodies against the virus of ibr-ipv, which could be demonstra ...19836306906
[use of nonspecific agents and vaccination in bronchopneumonia prevention in cattle].a group of 463 calves, kept under one and the same conditions of tending and feeding, were followed up from the fifteenth day after birth up to one year of age, after treatment by subgroups with a hyperimmune antibovine rabbit serum, biomass of chlorella, a tissue preparation of swine embryos, and vaccines against mucosal diseases and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. the experiment revealed that those of the calves that were treated with a combination of chlorella biomass and a hyperimmune ant ...19836306907
[field trials of a number of ibr vaccines in dairy cattle].vaccination of ninety-six cows which showed titres of less than or equal to 1:2 on inoculation, using vaccines containing attenuated live ibr virus (tracherine, resbo. ibr pi3, respacine 3) elicited a moderate serological response. inoculation of these vaccines in 192 cows showing titres of greater than or equal to 1:3 on vaccination did not result in a significant increase in titre. inactivated ibr vaccines (iffavax and ibeair h) induced a satisfactory serological response in 140 cows, regardle ...19836308850
[vaccination against ibr: a recommendation for dairy herds].in view of the results of previous serological studies on the presence of sn antibodies to ibr virus in a minimum of ten per cent of the herd, the following procedure is suggested: (1) vaccination of serologically negative herds in areas menaced by ibr virus. (2) vaccination of ibr-negative groups of animals in herds in which serologically ibr-positive animals are present. when sampling shows that ibr-negative animals are present in every age group, vaccination of the entire herd should be conte ...19836308851
a mail survey of factors associated with morbidity and mortality in feedlot calves in southwestern ontario.the design and results of a mail survey of a simple random sample of southwestern ontario feedlot owners are presented. the survey provided general data about management of feedlot calves and the association between a number of factors and disease and/or death rates. the number of calves purchased was related positively, in a linear manner, to mortality and morbidity rates. increased levels of morbidity and mortality were noted when the ration was changed to corn silage from dry-hay within the f ...19836309344
the effect of dose, route and virulence of bovine herpesvirus 1 vaccine on experimental respiratory disease in cattle.three experiments were conducted with calves in which, following intramuscular or intranasal vaccination with virulent or attenuated bovine herpesvirus 1, calves were protected against bovine herpesvirus 1 -- pasteurella haemolytica challenge. calves receiving low doses of vaccine had lower levels of antibody and greater evidence of virus replication upon challenge than those receiving higher doses. in contrast 11/13 unvaccinated controls had fibrino-purulent pneumonia following challenge. the i ...19836309347
nonspecific suppressive effect of bovine herpesvirus type 1 on bovine leukocyte functions.the effect of bovine herpesvirus type 1 on the specific and nonspecific immune response of calves was examined. animals with or without prior aerosol exposure to pasteurella haemolytica serotype a1 were aerosol challenged with 10(8) pfu of virus. blood and serum samples were taken before and after virus challenge for determining cell-mediated, humoral, and neutrophil responses. a significant depression of the blastogenic responses to phytohemagglutinin, p. haemolytica, and pasteurella multocida ...19836311742
goat herpesviruses: biological and physicochemical properties.two herpesvirus isolates from goats are known which cause afflictions of the digestive tract in kids and, in some cases, abortion. an antigenic relationship of these goat herpesviruses with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvo-vaginitis virus (bovid herpesvirus 1, bhv-1) was reported and because of the species-specific pathogenicity, the goat isolates were named caprine herpesvirus 1. in this report the two isolates are further characterized and compared with bhv-1. althou ...19836311953
analysis of bovine herpes virus-type 1 isolates by restriction endonuclease an effort to determine whether distinct types of bovine herpesvirus 1 are responsible for causing specific syndromes, the polypeptides and dna of 93 bhv 1 isolates from the province of alberta as well as vaccine strains and numerous other canadian, u.s. and european isolates were analyzed by page and restriction endonuclease fingerprinting, respectively. the polypeptide patterns showed only slight variations: only six isolates contained polypeptides that varied from the norm in their molecula ...19836312930
efficacy of aerosol, intranasal and intramuscular vaccination against selected bovine viral experiment was designed to compare the efficacy of an im modified live vaccine, an in temperature-sensitive vaccine, an in modified live vaccine, and an aerosolized modified live vaccine (two concentrations) to stimulate specific serum antibody and protect calves from a known viral challenge. all vaccines except the im vaccine contained ibr virus and pi3 virus. the im vaccine and the in vaccines provided excellent protection to an ibr challenge, but both concentrations of aerosolized vaccine ...19836313292
challenge exposure of cattle vaccinated with a chemically altered strain of pasteurella haemolytica.calves vaccinated with a chemically altered strain of pasteurella haemolytica and their nonvaccinated controls were challenge exposed intranasally with the cooper strain of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus. five days later, the calves were challenge exposed intratracheally with the p haemolytica type a1. calves that had been vaccinated with large, medium, or small doses of the chemically altered vaccinal strain of p haemolytica had various degrees of resistance to the experimental challen ...19836314851
characteristics of the polyriboinosinic acid:polyribocytidylic acid assay for noncytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus.the use of polyriboinosinic acid:polyribocytidylic acid (poly i:c) for noncytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus (nc-bvdv) assay (pinba) was studied. several viruses were tested for their suitability as test challenge viruses. in addition to vesicular stomatitis virus, which previously was shown to be a suitable challenge virus, bovine enteroviruses also were found to be suitable, whereas infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and parainfluenza type 3 virus were only marginally suitable. bo ...19836314854
a field trial, of preshipment vaccination, with intranasal infectious bovine rhinotracheitis-parainfluenza-3 vaccines.a total of 849 calves, 278 controls, 335 vaccinated intranasally with ibr-pi3/ts and 236 vaccinated intranasally with ibr-pi3/ptc were studied in a field trial of preimmunization. all calves were vaccinated in saskatchewan at least three weeks prior to shipment to feedlots. four hundred and twenty six calves were not sold within eight weeks of vaccination; however, seven of these died within four weeks of vaccination. treatment rates varied from 1.0% to 5.2%. there was no significant effect of v ...19836315194
prevention of experimental bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis with an extract of pasteurella haemolytica.a total of 36 calves were used in three experiments to test the efficacy of a potassium thiocyanate extract of pasteurella haemolytica in protecting against experimental pneumonia. in each of experiments a and b, 12 calves were divided into three equal groups. the first group was vaccinated with an aerosol of a potassium thiocyanate extract twice, two weeks apart; the second group was vaccinated subcutaneously once only with the same extract. the third group of calves in both experiments remaine ...19836315195
viral-bacterial pneumonia in calves: duration of the interaction between bovine herpesvirus 1 and pasteurella haemolytica.sixteen six to eight month old beef calves were exposed individually to a five minute aerosol of bovine herpesvirus 1, isolate 108. aerosol exposure to pasteurella haemolytica (biotype a, serotype 1) was administered individually for five minutes at either four, ten, 20 or 30 days after the virus. fibrinous pneumonia and pleuritis occurred in all four groups but were most extensive and severe in those exposed to the virus and bacterium four days apart (the positive controls). fibrinous pneumonia ...19836315196
the relationship of serology and nasal microbiology to pulmonary lesions in feedlot cattle.a group of 62 beef calves, born and raised in an institutional herd, were transferred at nine months of age to a commercial feedlot where they remained until slaughter seven months later. clinical, immunological and microbiological monitoring was carried out during this period. no serious clinical illness occurred. one hundred percent seroconversion to bovine virus diarrhea virus took place after introduction of the calves into the feedlot as well as almost complete (59/62) seroconversion to bov ...19836315201
prevalence of antibody to bovine herpesvirus 1 in wild ruminants captive in united states zoos.serum samples (n = 1,146) representing 100 species of exotic ruminants now captive in united states zoos were assayed for neutralizing antibody to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus (bovine herpesvirus 1). thirty-four animals (3%) of 11 species had antibody to ibr virus. because of the low prevalence of ibr antibody found, it was concluded that vaccination against ibr virus probably is not necessary for captive wild ruminants in united states zoos.19836315661
epidemiology of bhv 1 virus infections in dairy herds.the epidemiology of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv 1) infections was studied in 20 dairy herds. periodic serological surveillance of these herds during three consecutive years (1980-82) was combined with clinical studies. in 19 herds seropositive cows were found indicating previous exposure to bhv 1. one herd had its first experience with bhv 1 during the study. no indication of virus circulation for at least three years was found in eight herds. in five herds an interval of 2 years without an indica ...19836315812
prevalence of bovine herpesvirus-1, parainfluenza-3, bovine rotavirus, bovine viral diarrhea, bovine adenovirus-7, bovine leukemia virus and bluetongue virus antibodies in cattle in mexico. 19836316006
antibodies against viral pathogens in dairy cattle in colombia. 19836316593
thymidine kinase (tk) induction after infection of tk-deficient rabbit cell mutants with bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1): isolation of tk- bhv-1 mutants.cytosol thymidine kinase (tk) activity is enhanced at 6 hr after bovine embryo tracheal (ebtr) and rabbit skin fibroblast (rab-9) cells are infected with the los angeles and cooper strains of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1). to learn whether this enhancement resulted from the induction of a virus-specific tk activity, biochemical and genetic studies were carried out. the biochemical experiments demonstrated that: (i) the bhv-1-induced tk activity had a relative disc page mobility (rm) characte ...19836316635
suppressed lymphocyte blastogenic responses and enhanced in vitro growth of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus in stressed feeder calves.hereford steers were stressed on a large-animal treadmill operating at speeds of 1.8 to 2.2 m/s. blood samples were collected from indwelling jugular catheters before, during, and after exercise. peripheral blood lymphocytes from stressed calves at 5 and 30 minutes after exercise had less (p less than 0.01) mitogen-induced blastogenic responses when compared to pre- or 60-minute postexercise values. serum from stressed calves incorporated into lymphocyte cultures from nonstressed steers resulted ...19836316823
attempted reactivation of latent bovine herpesvirus 1 infection in calves by infection with ruminant pestiviruses.three calves, latently infected with bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv 1), were each inoculated intranasally with 9 strains of ruminant pestivirus (bvdv). all three calves developed a biphasic pyrexia and a lymphopenia followed by a neutrophilia. they did not shed bhv 1 in their nasal secretions in the 14 days following bvdv inoculation, and their bhv 1 antibody levels remained static, as did those of 2 control calves not given bvdv. all five calves were subsequently shown to be latently infected with b ...19836318422
variation of virus replication in primary bovine kidney cell cultures derived from 68 three-day-old calves.primary kidney cell cultures were prepared from 68 three-day-old calves. complete monolayers of these cultures were infected separately with viral diarrhea, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza, and adenovirus 7 viruses. the yield of virus from all infected cultures was calculated by plaque titer assay after 2 to 4 days' incubation. the variation of virus yield was substantial between individual cultures.19836318615
in vivo and in vitro effect of acyclovir on pseudorabies virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and pigeon herpesvirus.the effect of various concentrations of acyclovir on the mean plaque size of pseudorabies virus (shv), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (ibr virus) and pigeon herpesvirus (phv) has been studied. acyclovir significantly reduced the mean plaque size of shv and phv, whereas ibr virus was less affected and did only show a reduction of the mean plaque size at the highest concentration of acyclovir used (1000 microm). in vivo effect of acyclovir was tested using pigeons and budgerigars experime ...19836318645
the effect on kaolin adsorption of serum on the virus neutralization and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays of antibody to bovine herpesvirus 1.two procedures have been used for measuring antibody titres to bovine herpes virus 1 (bhv1): the serum neutralization (sn) test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). one hundred and thirty-two sera selected for their low sn titres were tested both unadsorbed and after adsorption with kaolin to determine the effect of kaolin on the titres. with elisa, the titres of unadsorbed and kaolin adsorbed were not significantly different but with the sn test many treated sera, originally with weak ...19846321512
bovine cytomegaloviruses: identification and differential properties.biological properties and restriction enzyme patterns of the slowly replicating herpesviruses isolated from cattle affected with different diseases in north america and europe were analysed. these virus isolates induced identical plaques that developed within 7 to 9 days in bovine foetal spleen cells and within 5 days in actively growing georgia bovine kidney cells. these virus isolates were found to be antigenically related when tested in the indirect immunofluorescence test, and antigenic rela ...19846323619
brs virus, pi3 virus and bhv1 infections of young stock on self-contained dairy farms: epidemiological and clinical findings.the role of bovine respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza type 3 virus and bovine herpesvirus 1 as disease agents in 28 groups of young cattle on 19 dairy farms which raised their own replacements was investigated. bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections occurred in 27, parainfluenza type 3 virus infections in all and bovine herpesvirus 1 infections in three of the 28 groups. some infections were accompanied by clinical signs while others were entirely subclinical. clinical respiratory ...19846326374
the dna of an ipv strain of bovid herpesvirus 1 in sacral ganglia during latency after intravaginal infection.two calves were inoculated intravaginally with a strain of bovid herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1, ibr/ipv) isolated from a cow with infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (ipv). the animals were killed during a latent stage of infection as characterized by seroconversion, absence of virus shedding and recrudescence of virus shedding after dexamethasone treatment. ipv-virus dna was detected in 9 out of 20 sacral ganglia of the 2 calves. of the sections, 7.2% (n = 250) contained 1 cell with ipv-virus dna, w ...19846326378
effect of bovine viral diarrhea virus infection on the distribution of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus in calves.four calves (control animals) were inoculated (by aerosol) with cooper's strain of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus given with an ultrasonic nebulizer. seven other calves (principals) were inoculated (by aerosol) with a noncytopathic strain of bovine viral diarrhea (bvd) virus and 7 days later, with ibr virus. the calves were killed 3 to 8 days after the latter virus was inoculated. various tissues were collected from the calves during necropsy and assayed for ibr virus. in the cont ...19846329040
isolation of bovine herpesvirus-1 from vesicular lesions of the bovine udder.bovine herpesvirus-1 was isolated from vesicular lesions on the udder and mammary papillae (teats) of a charolais cow. lesions on the animal consisted of papules and vesicles up to 10 mm in diameter. the virus was identified by fluorescent antibody and serum-neutralization tests.19846329042
reproductive tract lesions in heifers after intrauterine inoculation with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus.cross-breed heifers given infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus by intrauterine inoculation 1 day after natural mating with a noninfected bull were killed on postinoculation days 4 to 14. when reproductive organs were examined for gross and microscopic lesions and for virus infection, the most severe uterine lesions were found in the body and caudal portions of the uterine horns of heifers killed between postinoculation days 4 and 9. primary pathologic features were necrosis, edema, hemorrhage ...19846329043
prevalence of bovine herpesvirus-1, bovine viral diarrhea, parainfluenza-3, goat respiratory syncytial, bovine leukemia, and bluetongue viral antibodies in sheep.sera from healthy sheep were collected in january and march 1982 from flocks of sheep located in southwestern and southeastern louisiana. these sera were tested for bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1), bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv), parainfluenza-3 (pi-3) virus, and goat respiratory syncytial virus (grsv) antibodies by microtitration virus-neutralization test. the sera were tested also for bovine leukemia virus (blv) and bluetongue virus (btv) antibodies by immunodiffusion tests. the number of flo ...19846329044
mass abortion caused by infectious rhinotracheitis (ibr/ipv) virus in a beef cattle herd. 19836331143
anticytotoxin activity of bovine sera and body fluids against pasteurella haemolytica a1 cytotoxin.toxin neutralizing activity of bovine sera and body fluids against pasteurella haemolytica type a1 cytotoxin was evaluated by 51cr release assay using bovine peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes as the target cells. sera collected from precolostral calves did not exert anticytotoxin activity at 10(-1) or higher dilutions, whereas randomly selected complement fixing antibody-negative sera neutralized on average over 90% of cytotoxin activity at the 10(-1) dilution and less than 50% of the toxi ...19846372970
interactions of monoclonal antibodies and bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1) glycoproteins: characterization of their biochemical and immunological properties.hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies to bovine herpes virus type 1 (bhv-1) were established. the monoclonal antibodies were characterized with respect to their antigen specificities and biological activities. one group of eight monoclonal antibodies precipitated the glycoproteins gvp 3 (180k) and gvp 9 (91k), a second group of thirteen monoclonal antibodies precipitated gvp 6 (130k), gvp 11 (74k) and gvp 16 (55k), and one monoclone secreted antibodies specific for gvp 7 (105k). a ...19846377683
replication of five bovine respiratory viruses in cultured bovine alveolar macrophages.the replication of five bovine respiratory viruses in cultured bovine alveolar macrophages (bam) was investigated. the bovine herpesvirus dn-599 strain did not cause cytophatic effect (cpe), extracellular virus and intracellular antigen were not demonstrated. although a small number of bovine respiratory syncytial virions were consistently released and about 1 percent of the bam were fluorescence antibody (fa) positive the virus caused no cpe. infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus caused cpe a ...19836404239
effect of recombinant dna-produced bovine interferon alpha (boifn-alpha 1) on the interaction between bovine alveolar macrophages and bovine herpesvirus type 1.treatment of bovine alveolar macrophages (bam) with bovine leukocyte interferon (boifn-alpha 1) resulted in reduced bovine herpesvirus type 1 replication and spread. this was demonstrated by reduced virus yields and number of cells infected. boifn-alpha 1 treatment of bam also induced enhanced fc receptor expression and/or avidity by the cells, increased their activity in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and augmented their extrinsic antiviral activity as measured by a reduction in the ...19846470681
animal dna viruses analyzed by colour electron and colour transmission electron micrographs of three dna viruses (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine adenovirus type 5 and molluscum contagiosum) are comparatively presented. the colour images have been obtained by an original method of computer-assisted analogic processing of black-and-white micrographs, using the romanian electronic device optimiscop. a comparative analysis of the two types of images demonstrates the variety of additional information provided by t ...19846495647
a preliminary serological survey of viral antibodies in peruvian sheep.this study reports the sero-prevalence of viral infections in sheep in peru. serum samples were collected from 34 mature healthy rams located in 3 different geographic regions of the country (north, central and south). the sera were tested for antibodies to the following viruses: respiratory syncytial virus (rsv); parainfluenza 3 (pi-3) virus; bovine viral diarrhea/border disease (bvd/bd) virus; bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1); bluetongue (bt) virus; ovine progressive pneumoniae (opp) virus; bovine ...19846528458
effect of homologous delayed hypersensitivity testing on specific and non-specific lymphoblastic transformation in cattle latently infected with bovine rhinotracheitis virus (bovine herpesvirus 1, bhv 1).two cattle latently infected with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (bovine herpesvirus 1, bhv 1) were intradermally injected with inactivated bhv 1 antigen (delayed hypersensitivity test, dht, skin test). another animal, free of bhv 1 infection was similarly treated. two latent carriers of the virus, intradermally injected with phosphate-buffered saline solution were used as control. the evolution of spontaneous multiplication of lymphocytes and lymphoblastic transformation in vitro induc ...19846529117
characterization of bovine herpesvirus-1 isolated from trigeminal ganglia of clinically healthy cattle.isolates of bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1) recovered from tissue explants of trigeminal ganglia of clinically healthy cattle were studied in vitro and in an animal model, and their characteristics were compared with those of vaccine and field strains of bhv-1. the isolates could be distinguished by their plaque size on cell monolayers, but were not significantly different in their thermal inactivation profiles at 48 c. temperature-sensitive mutants were not found among the isolates when they were ...19846611096
inhibition of glycosylation of bovine herpesvirus 1 glycoproteins by the thymidine analog (e)-5-(2 bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine.(e)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (bvdu) was phosphorylated by the bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1)-induced thymidine kinase and subsequently incorporated into viral dna, resulting in dna that was more dense than dna from untreated cells. incorporation of the drug did not result in the termination of replicating bhv-1 dna molecules since radioactively labeled dna synthesized in drug-treated and untreated cells sedimented at similar rates in alkaline sucrose gradients. no differences were observed ...19836614891
parasites, diseases, and health status of sympatric populations of sika deer and white-tailed deer in maryland and july 1981, investigations on parasites, diseases, and herd health status were conducted on sympatric populations of sika deer (cervus nippon) and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) from blackwater national wildlife refuge (maryland) and chincoteague national wildlife refuge (virginia) on the delmarva peninsula. five adult deer of each species were collected from each location and subjected to thorough necropsy examinations and laboratory tests. white-tailed deer at both locations harb ...19836644934
diagnostic studies of the fetus, placenta and maternal blood from 265 bovine abortions.during 1981, the fetus, placenta and maternal serum were received from each of 265 bovine abortions. these specimens were examined using histopathological, histochemical, bacteriological, mycological, endocrinological, immunological, serological and virological techniques. the cause of abortion was identified in 98 (37%) cases. of these diagnosed abortions 27 (28%) were due to infection with fungi, 17 (17%) to salmonella spp, 11 (11%) to campylobacter fetus and 10 (10%) to corynebacterium pyogen ...19846705541
evidence for defective neutrophil function in lungs of calves exposed to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus.calves were exposed to an aerosol of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus followed five days later by an aerosol of pasteurella haemolytica. the animals were subjected to bronchoalveolar lavage before ibr and four days after, and again at 0, 4, 24, and 48 hours following pasteurella haemolytica challenge. the results of these experiments suggest that neutrophil infiltration into the lung, in response to the presence of the bacteria was delayed thereby allowing the bacteria to become est ...19846719822
immunogenicity of a soluble antigen against pasteurella haemolytica-associated pneumonia in calves.three experiments were performed to evaluate the immunogenic potency of a soluble fraction of pasteurella haemolytica against pneumonic pasteurellosis in calves. a soluble antigen was extracted by a 2.5% saline solution from p. haemolytica. weaned holstein bull calves, seronegative for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus ( ibrv ) and the pasteurella antigen, were vaccinated either by repeated subcutaneous (sc) vaccination, or by exposure 3 times to the aerosol of p. haemolytica antigen. chal ...19846740917
effect of bacterial dose on pneumonia induced by aerosol exposure of calves to bovine herpesvirus-1 and pasteurella haemolytica.sixteen crossbred hereford range calves were used to study the effects of pasteurella haemolytica aerosols of various concentrations administered 4 days after they were exposed to a uniform aerosol of bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1). all calves were given bhv-1 on day 0. on day 4, groups of 4 calves each were exposed to aerosols of p haemolytica generated from suspensions with the following concentrations: high (10(8)/ml)--group 1, moderate (10(5)/ml)--group 2, low (10(2)/ml)--group 3, or none (con ...19836830012
hematologic, serum chemistry and serologic values of dall's sheep (ovis dalli dalli) in june 1979, 73 dall's sheep were captured near tok, alaska to determine selected hematologic and serum metabolite parameters and to determine the presence of antibodies to selected pathogens. hematology and serum metabolite values were compared with values for domestic sheep and bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis). antibodies were detected against brucella sp. (4%), campylobacter feti (30%), contagious ecthyma virus (23%) and bovine parainfluenza type 3 virus (1%). antibodies were not detected aga ...19836887435
immunologic effects of experimental iodine toxicosis in young cattle.a study was designed to evaluate effects of 4 dosage levels (0, 50, 250, or 1,250 mg) of daily iodine supplementation on cell-mediated and humoral immune mechanisms in 40 calves, 10 per group, for a 6-month period. immune and inflammatory responses were measured by titers to brucella, leptospira, and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus vaccinations, by stimulation of lymphocyte mitoses with poke-weed, phytohemagglutinin (pha), and conconavalin a mitogens, by intradermal pha responses, by in ...19806996540
pathological changes in young and adult cattle after intranasal inoculation with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus. 19827068953
distribution of pasteurella haemolytica and pasteurella multocida in the bovine lung following vaccination and challenge exposure as an indicator of lung resistance.experimental calves were vaccinated with virulent strains of pasteurella haemolytica or pasteurella multocida or with phosphate-buffered saline solution either by an aerosol method or by subcutaneous injection. calves were subsequently challenge exposed by intrapulmonic inoculation of the homologous virulent pasteurella species. sections obtained from the resulting pulmonic lesion were stained, using a fluorescent antibody technique, to determine relative number, location, and integrity of the c ...19827073058
effect of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus infection of calves on cell populations recovered by lung lavage.calves were challenge exposed with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus, and experiments were carried out to determine the presence of virus in the lungs, virus or viral antigen in alveolar macrophages, and alterations in immune functions of alveolar macrophages. in experiment 1, calves were challenge exposed intranasally with ibr virus. although clinical signs of ibr occurred in all challenge-exposed calves, there was minimal evidence of virus or viral antigen in cells lavaged from the ...19827103198
effect of lymphocytes and broncho-alveolar washing cells on the replication of bovine herpesvirus type 1 in tracheal organ cultures.the daily addition of lymphocytes collected from a calf between 7 and 11 days after experimental infection with bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1) to bovine fetal tracheal organ cultures after infection with bhv-1 did not inhibit virus replication. the daily addition of normal lymphocytes, together with a low concentration of serum antibody against bhv-1, had a slight viral inhibitory effect which was believed to be due to antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. the addition of broncho-alv ...19827112897
herpesvirus-induced "early" glycoprotein: characterization and possible role in immune cytolysis.glycoprotein gvp-11 (molecular weight, 71,500), induced by bovine herpesvirus type 1, was detected on the external surface of infected cells. it could be categorized as an "early" or "beta" class protein since it was synthesized early in the infectious process and its expression was not dependent upon prior viral dna replication in the infected cells. monoclonal antibodies directed against gvp-11 immunoprecipitated that glycoprotein and some low-molecular-weight polypeptides from infected cells ...19827143563
scanning electron microscopy of the tracheal epithelium of calves inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 1.tracheal epithelium was examined by light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy at four, five and seven days after calves were infected intranasally with bovine herpesvirus. similar areas were examined from uninoculated calves. tracheal epithelial lesions were found in all inoculated calves and their degree of severity did not vary with the interval between inoculation and examination. extensive loss of cilia leaving areas of tracheal epithelium covered by microvilli was the ma ...19807255893
detection of bacteremia in cattle inoculated with bovine viral diarrhea virus.bovine viral diarrhea virus infection of cattle interfered with normal blood clearance mechanisms, as evidenced by the detection of an endogenous bacteremia in up to 85% of infected calves during the first 5 days after infection. the occurrence of detectable bacteremia correlated with the period of leukopenia and depression of lymphocyte responses to mitogens. noninoculated control animals, reinoculated immune calves, or calves inoculated with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus yielded cons ...19817258771
failure of a subunit bovine herpesvirus 1 vaccine to protect against experimental respiratory disease in two experiments in which 31 calves were used, a bovine herpesvirus 1 subunit vaccine previously shown to elicit a strong immunological response in adult cattle failed to do so in younger animals and failed to protect against pneumonia caused by sequential exposure to virulent bovine herpesvirus 1 and pasteurella haemolytica aerosols. one of the experimental groups had been previously inoculated with a live commercial vaccine but even this failed to elicit a strong immunological response. thes ...19817272846
isolation of bovine herpesvirus-1 from trigeminal ganglia of clinically normal cattle.trigeminal ganglia collected from 56 adult dairy cattle at slaughter were maintained in explant culture. bovine herpesvirus-1 was isolated from six ganglia after periods of 7 to 24 days' maintenance in vitro. antibody against bovine herpesvirus-1, indicating exposure to that virus, was found in 45.4% of the sample population from which ganglia were collected.19807447114
the pathological features of severe cases of infectious bovine recent outbreaks of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) in britain a proportion of the animals affected developed a severe clinical disease characterised, at necropsy, by widespread damage to the respiratory tract. they had necrotising rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheobronchitis with extensive pseudomembrane formation and severe pneumonia with or without interstitial emphysema. renal infarction was seen in approximatley half of the cases. the central nervous system was not affected in ...19807456296
the bovine herpesvirus 1 maturational proteinase and scaffold proteins can substitute for the homologous herpes simplex virus type 1 proteins in the formation of hybrid type b capsids.we determined the nucleotide sequence of a 3.5-kb region of the bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1) genome which contained the complete bhv-1 homologs of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) ul26 and ul26.5 genes. in hsv-1, the ul26 and ul26.5 open reading frames encode scaffold proteins upon which viral capsids are assembled. the ul26-encoded protein is also a proteinase and specifically cleaves both itself and the ul26.5-encoded protein. the overall bhv-1-encoded amino acid sequence showed only 41 ...19957474173
identification and transcriptional analysis of a 3'-coterminal gene cluster containing ul1, ul2, ul3, and ul3.5 open reading frames of bovine herpesvirus-1.we have identified and sequenced 3113 nucleotides located at the right end of the hindiii l fragment of the bovine herpesvirus-1 genome from map units 0.712 to 0.734. analysis of the sequence identified four open reading frames (orfs) which are designated ul1, ul2, ul3, and ul3.5 based on their homology with proteins of herpes simplex virus-1 (hsv-1), pseudorabies virus (prv), equine herpesvirus-1, and varicella-zoster virus. the ul1 orf of 158 amino acids exhibits limited homology with ul1 (gly ...19957483276
antibody responses by cattle after vaccination with commercial viral vaccines containing bovine herpesvirus-1, bovine viral diarrhea virus, parainfluenza-3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus immunogens and subsequent revaccination at day 140.calves were vaccinated with four different commercial viral vaccines containing bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1), bovine viral diarrhea (bvdv), parainfluenza-3 virus (pi-3v), and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (brsv) immunogens. for the initial vaccination certain vaccines were given twice (days 0 and 28), whereas other vaccines were given on day 0. the calves received another injection on day 140 with the vaccine originally given on day 0. the sera were collected at days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 42, 5 ...19957483787
bhv-1 glycoprotein 1 and recombinant interleukin 1 beta efficiently elicit mucosal iga response.the mucosal immune response to most soluble antigens administered directly to the mucosal system is low and requires a large amount of antigen and frequent vaccinations. in this study we tested whether immunizing cattle at a site which shares lymphatic drainage with the nasal mucosa could prime local mucosal immunity. we further tested whether recombinant bovine il-1 beta (rboil-1 beta) could potentiate the induction of mucosal immunity. animals were immunized subcutaneously at the base of the e ...19957483811
gp13 (ehv-gc): a complement receptor induced by equine herpesviruses.equine herpesviruses type 1 (ehv-1) and type 4 (ehv-4) induce a complement receptor protein on the surface of infected cells capable of binding to the third component of complement (c3). the protein mediating the binding to the c3 component of complement was identified as glycoprotein 13 (gp13, ehv-gc), as expression of the cloned viral gene under the control of a cmv promoter induced c3 binding activity at the transfected cell surface. comparable to glycoprotein c (gc) from herpes simplex virus ...19957483825
interferon-alpha primes macrophages for lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptosis.apoptosis plays an important role in generating and maintaining an effective immune system. many pathogens can perturb the homeostasis of the immune system by either inducing or suppressing cell death of immune cells. using bovine macrophages as a model, we found that interferon-alpha, one of the host's responses to viral infection, can prime macrophages for activation-induced apoptosis. exposure of bovine bone-marrow-derived macrophages to interferon-alpha and subsequent activation with lipopol ...19957488062
molecular basis of antigenic variation between the glycoproteins c of respiratory bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1) and neurovirulent bhv-5.herpesvirus glycoprotein c (gc) functions as a major virus attachment protein. the gc sequence of the neurovirulent bovine herpesvirus type 5 (bhv-5) virus was determined and compared with the gc sequence of the nonneurovirulent bhv-1. alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of bhv-1 and bhv-5 gc orfs showed that the amino-terminal third of the protein differed between the two viruses. whole or subgenomic fragments of gc coding regions from both viruses were expressed as trpe-gc fusion p ...19957491780
monoclonal antibodies that distinguish between encephalitogenic bovine herpesvirus type 1.3 and respiratory bovine herpesvirus type mouse hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies (mab) against an encephalitogenic strain of bovine herpesvirus type 1.3 (bhv-1.3) were established. the clones producing mab were selected to be specific for bhv-1.3 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. only l1b neutralized virus without complement. with the addition of complement, five of the mab neutralized bhv-1.3 but not the respiratory strain bhv-1.1. the anti-bhv-1.3-specific mab q10b, l6g, and l1b precipitated glycoproteins ...19947496928
isotype-specific antibody responses in sera and mucosal secretions of calves experimentally infected with bovine herpesvirus 1.enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas) were developed for studying the kinetics of isotype-specific antibody responses in sera, nasal, ocular and genital secretions of calves infected with bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv1). the bhv1-specific igm and iga antibodies were measured in antibody capture assays, and the igg1 and igg2 antibodies in indirect double antibody sandwich assays. the elisas were shown to be isotype-specific, sensitive and reproducible. antibodies of all isotypes were able to ne ...19957502487
epitope-specific antibody responses in market-stressed calves to bovine herpesvirus type 1.reciprocal competition elisa (rcelisa) was conducted to map monoclonal antibodies (mabs) reactive with gi, giii and giv glycoproteins of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1) into epitope groups. mabs to glycoproteins gi and giv were divided into six epitope groups each, while giii mabs had been previously divided into four areas. mabs were chosen from each epitope group to compete in celisa wih bovine sera collected during a typical regimen of vaccination and transportation from farm to auction to ...19947526569
a simple, specific, and highly sensitive blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies to bovine herpesvirus using a monoclonal antibody directed against an epitope located on glycoprotein b of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv1), a simple, convenient blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) which combines a high sensitivity with a low false-positive rate has been developed. the test can be performed at low variance on undiluted bovine serum samples. the epitope on glycoprotein b appears to be conserved, because it could be detected by immunostaining in all of 160 bhv1 isolates originating from 10 ...19947529249
fine mapping of bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1) glycoprotein d (gd) neutralizing epitopes by type-specific monoclonal antibodies and sequence comparison with bhv-5 gd.overlapping fragments of the bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1) glycoprotein (gd) orf were expressed as trpe-gd fusion proteins in escherichia coli to map linear neutralizing epitopes defined by bhv-1-specific mabs. the mabs 3402 and r54 reacted with the expressed fragments on western blots that located the epitopes between the amino acids 52-126 and 165-216, respectively, of gd. bovine covalescent sera with high neutralizing antibody titers against bhv-1 reacted with these bacterially expressed prote ...19957530392
restriction endonuclease analysis of bovine herpesvirus type 1 isolates from calves with fatal encephalitis: comparison with vaccine virus.meningo-encephalitis in feedlot cattle sporadically occurred in the tokachi area in northern japan. the calves had been vaccinated intranasally with a mixed live-vaccine (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease virus, and parainfluenza 3 virus) for which intramuscular inoculation was indicated. two additional live vaccines, bovine adenovirus type 7 and bovine respiratory syncytical virus, had been inoculated simultaneously. eleven isolates of bovine herpesv ...19957548427
a glycoprotein e deletion mutant of bovine herpesvirus 1 infects the same limited number of tissues in calves as wild-type virus, but for a shorter gain insight into the role of glycoprotein e of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1), we compared the distribution of wild-type (wt) bhv-1 with that of a ge deletion mutant (ge-) in calves after intranasal inoculation. the wt-infected calves had severe clinical signs, but the ge(-)-infected calves were virtually free of clinical signs. at 3, 4, 7, 8, 44, 45, 50 and 51 days post-infection (p.i.), one calf from each group was killed and tissues were collected for virus isolation and pcr analysis. at 3, ...19957561782
sequence analysis of the ul39, ul38, and ul37 homologues of bovine herpesvirus 1 and expression studies of ul40 and ul39, the subunits of ribonucleotide reductase.we sequenced the region of the bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1) genome corresponding to map units 0.172-0.230 (7964 bp), representing the ul39, ul38, and ul37 homologues of herpes simplex virus which encode the large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (rr) and components of the viral capsid and the tegument, respectively. to discriminate between two potential initiator augs of the ul39 gene, the 5' end of the mrna was mapped by s1 nuclease protection assays. comparison of the amino acid sequen ...19957571445
abortion in heifers inoculated with a thymidine kinase-negative recombinant of bovine herpesvirus 1.the copper isolate of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1) was used to produce a thymidine kinase-negative (tk-) recombinant by insertion of a beta-galactosidase (bgal) expression cassette into the tk coding region. the recombinant virus (tk- bgal+) was tested for abortifacient activity in cattle by inoculation of 5 pregnant heifers at 25 to 29 weeks gestation. five additional heifers were inoculated with the cooper tk-positive (tk+) virus to serve as controls. after inoculation, both groups of heifers ...19957574153
cloning of 2.4 kb bovine herpesvirus-1 dna fragment containing glycoprotein iii gene into puc18 plasmid vector.a recombinant pbr322 plasmid containing bovine herpesvirus-1 hindiii 'i' fragment was analysed using ecori and bamhi restriction endonucleases. this recombinant plasmid was labelled with [alpha 32p]datp and hybridized with southern blot of hindiii digested bhv-1 dna fragments. a 2.4 kb double digested ecori-bamhi fragment of hindiii 'i' was subcloned into puc18 plasmid to get complete giii gene. the recombinant puc18 plasmid was analysed for 2.4 kb bhv-1 dna insert by restriction digestion with ...19957590952
study of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to bovine herpes virus type-1 (cooper strain) by immunoperoxidase and immunoelectron microscopy.three neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mabs) that are specific against bovine herpes virus type-1 (bhv-1) were studied as to their viral specificity by immunoperoxidase and immunoelectron microscopy. microscopic examination of gbk bhv-1 infected cells revealed peroxidase activity represented by red-brown granular deposits in the nucleus and cytoplasm. no immunoperoxidase activity was observed in negative controls. for the ultrastructural observations, two approaches were used. firstly we test ...19957599599
characterization of cell-binding properties of bovine herpesvirus 1 glycoproteins b, c, and d: identification of a dual cell-binding function of gb.previous studies have suggested that the attachment of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1) to permissive cells is mediated by its major glycoproteins b (gb), c (gc), and d (gd). in order to gain further insight into the mechanism of the bhv-1 attachment process, we purified authentic gb, gc, and gd from bhv-1-infected cells and membrane anchor-truncated, soluble gb, gc, and gd from stably transfected cell lines by affinity chromatography and examined their cell-binding properties on madin-darby bovine ...19957609042
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