
role of peroxiredoxin 1 and peroxiredoxin 4 in protection of respiratory syncytial virus-induced cysteinyl oxidation of nuclear cytoskeletal proteins.the respiratory epithelium plays a central role in innate immunity by secreting networks of inflammatory mediators in response to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection. previous proteomic studies focusing on the host cellular response to rsv indicated the existence of a nuclear heat shock response and cytoplasmic depletion of antioxidant proteins in model type ii-like airway epithelial cells. here, we increased the depth of nuclear proteomic interrogation by using fluorescence difference l ...201020610706
[recommendations for the use of palivizumab in the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection in late preterm infants (32(1) to 35(0) weeks of gestation)].late preterm infants (32(1) to 35(0) weeks gestation) aged less than 6 months at start of rsv station or discharged during this time may benefit from rsv monoclonal antibodies (palivizumab) administration to decrease the rates of rsv hospitalization. the spanish society of neonatology considers, based on flip2 results in spain, that palivizumab prophylaxis is strongly recommended if the "2 major risk factors" are present (chronological age less than 10 weeks at start of rsv season or being born ...201020621574
viral load drives disease in humans experimentally infected with respiratory syncytial virus.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading cause of childhood lower respiratory infection, yet viable therapies are lacking. two major challenges have stalled antiviral development: ethical difficulties in performing pediatric proof-of-concept studies and the prevailing concept that the disease is immune-mediated rather than being driven by viral load.201020622030
virologically confirmed population-based burden of hospitalization caused by respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza viruses in children in hong determine virologically confirmed hospitalization rates associated with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), adenovirus, and parainfluenza viruses in hong kong children.201020622713
virological investigations in sudden unexpected deaths in infancy (sudi).previous studies have implicated viral infections in the pathogenesis of sudden unexpected death in infancy (sudi), and routine virological investigations are recommended by current sudi autopsy protocols. the aim of this study is to determine the role of post-mortem virology in establishing a cause of death. a retrospective review of 546 sudi autopsies was carried out as part of a larger series of >1,500 consecutive paediatric autopsies performed over a 10-year period, 1996-2005, in a single sp ...201020623342
the effect of respiratory syncytial virus on subsequent recurrent wheezing in atopic and nonatopic children.although respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) lower respiratory tract infections (lrtis) in early life are followed by later airway hyperreactivity, it is unclear whether there is a causal relationship between this and an atopic diathesis.201020624638
respiratory virus-induced tlr7 activation controls il-17-associated increased mucus via il-23 regulation.the response to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), negative strand ssrna virus, depends upon the ability to recognize specific pathogen-associated targets. in the current study, the role of tlr7 that recognizes ssrna was examined. using tlr7(-/-) mice, we found that the response to rsv infection in the lung was more pathogenic as assessed by significant increases in inflammation and mucus production. although there appeared to be no effect of tlr7 deficiency on type i ifn, the pathology was asso ...201020624950
fosfomycin suppresses rs-virus-induced streptococcus pneumoniae and haemophilus influenzae adhesion to respiratory epithelial cells via the platelet-activating factor receptor.human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) sometimes causes acute and severe lower respiratory tract illness in infants and young children. the platelet-activating factor (paf) receptor, which is a receptor for streptococcus pneumoniae and haemophilus influenzae, is upregulated by rsv infection in the pulmonary epithelial cell line a549. fosfomycin, an antimicrobial agent, significantly suppressed paf receptor induction by rsv infection at the mrna and cell surface expression levels. fosfomycin als ...201020629755
healthcare costs within a year of respiratory syncytial virus among medicaid research exists on the economic impact of respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory infection (rsv lri) among vulnerable infant populations. this study evaluated healthcare costs of full-term and late-preterm medicaid infants with rsv lri within 1 year of infection. medicaid administrative claims were used to conduct a retrospective study of infants born 2003-2005. full-term and late-preterm infants <1 year old were assigned to groups based on rsv lri and unspecified bronchiolitis/pn ...201020632403
identification of adenovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, and respiratory syncytial virus by two kinds of multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and a shell vial culture in pediatric patients with viral pneumonia.early identification of causative agents in lower respiratory infection of pediatric patients can reduce morbidity and prevent an overuse of antimicrobials. two kinds of multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and a commercial shell vial viral culture were performed to identify causative agents in pediatric patients.201020635453
foxp3+ cd4 regulatory t cells limit pulmonary immunopathology by modulating the cd8 t cell response during respiratory syncytial virus infection.regulatory foxp3(+) cd4 t cells (tregs) prevent spontaneous inflammation in the lungs, inhibit allergic and asthmatic responses, and contribute to tolerance to inhaled allergens. additionally, tregs have previously been shown to suppress the cd8 t cell response during persistent virus infections. however, little is known concerning the role that tregs play in modulating the adaptive immune response during acute respiratory virus infections. we show following acute respiratory syncytial virus (rs ...201020639494
detection of viruses via statistical gene expression analysis.we develop a new bayesian construction of the elastic net (enet), with variational bayesian analysis. this modeling framework is motivated by analysis of gene expression data for viruses, with a focus on h3n2 and h1n1 influenza, as well as rhino virus and rsv (respiratory syncytial virus). our objective is to understand the biological pathways responsible for the host response to such viruses, with the ultimate objective of developing a clinical test to distinguish subjects infected by such viru ...201120643599
correlation of viral load of respiratory pathogens and co-infections with disease severity in children hospitalized for lower respiratory tract infection.the clinical significance of viral load and co-infections in children with respiratory infections is not clear.201020646956
epidemiology of viral respiratory tract infections in a prospective cohort of infants and toddlers attending daycare.the epidemiology of respiratory tract infections (rtis) in a daycare cohort has not been explored using molecular techniques.201020650679
the cost effectiveness of palivizumab: a systematic review of the evidence.palivizumab is a prophylactic therapy shown to reduce the number of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)-related hospitalizations but has a high acquisition cost. the objective was to systematically examine the cost effectiveness of palivizumab in defined infant groups and identify important cost and outcome determinants.201020653398
humoral response to the central unglycosylated region of the respiratory syncytial virus attachment characterize the humoral response to the unglycosylated central region of the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) attachment (g) protein, we generated glutathione s-transferase (gst)-rsv g subdomains (central core (cc), residues 151-190; proximal central core (pcc), 151-172; and distal central core (dcc), 173-190) to screen paired sera from rsv subtype a- or b-infected adults in hospitalized or outpatient settings. following rsv infection, a >or=4-fold increase in homo- and heterosubtypic igg r ...201020655403
intrapatient variation of the respiratory syncytial virus attachment protein gene.intrapatient variability of the attachment (g) protein gene of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) was examined using both population and single-genome sequencing. samples from three patients infected with a group b virus variant which has a 60-nucleotide duplication in the g protein gene were examined. these samples were chosen because occasional mixed sequence bases were observed. in a minority of rsv genomes from these patients considerable variability was found, including point mutations, inse ...201020660195
molecular quantification of respiratory syncytial virus in respiratory samples: reliable detection during the initial phase of infection.quantitative real-time pcr for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) rna is increasingly used to study the causal role of rsv in lower airway disease. the objective of our study was to evaluate variations in rsv rna loads at different steps in the rna quantification process: (i) variation in rsv rna load within one sample (step 1), (ii) variation in the load in samples from patients who were sampled twice on the same day (step 2), and (iii) variation in the load between simultaneous ...201020660210
palivizumab use in preterm neonates.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading cause of bronchiolitis in infants. palivizumab is an immunoprophylactic agent for rsv prevention in preterm infants and those with neonatal chronic lung disease. this study examines its use across neonatal units in ireland. a questionnaire was administered to one consultant neonatologist or paediatrician in each of the 20 maternity centres in ireland about their guidelines for palivizumab administration. there is variation in administration of pal ...201020666085
fatality rates in published reports of rsv hospitalizations among high-risk and otherwise healthy review the fatalities among children hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection, and identify factors leading to a fatal outcome.201020666690
new insights for development of a safe and protective rsv vaccine.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infants and children <1 year old, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. there is currently no rsv vaccine. in the 1960s, a formalin-inactivated rsv (fi-rsv) vaccine trial led to exacerbated disease upon natural infection of vaccinees, including two deaths. the causes involved in the disastrous results of these vaccine trials are still unclear but they remain the engine for searching new ...201020671419
recombinant avian leukosis viruses of subgroup j isolated from field infected commercial layer chickens with hemangioma and myeloid leukosis possess an insertion in the e element.five isolates (js09gy2, js09gy3, js09gy4, js09gy5, and js09gy6) of avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) were isolated from six infected commercial layer flocks displaying both hemangioma and myeloid leukosis (ml), which shared the same parental line, in china in 2009.201020676760
exhaled nitric oxide in acute respiratory syncytial virus investigate fractional exhaled nitric oxide (feno) levels in infants during acute respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) bronchiolitis and during convalescence.201020679163
robust iga and igg-producing antibody forming cells in the diffuse-nalt and lungs of sendai virus-vaccinated cotton rats associate with rapid protection against human parainfluenza virus-type 1.sendai virus (sev), a natural mouse pathogen, shows considerable promise as a candidate vaccine for human parainfluenza virus-type 1 (hpiv-1), and also as a vaccine vector for other serious pathogens of infants including respiratory syncytial virus (rsv). in an effort to define correlates of immunity, we examined the virus-specific serum antibody of cotton rats inoculated intranasally (i.n.) with sev. virus-specific antibody forming cells (afcs) were also measured in the bone marrow, because the ...201020682364
epitope-specific regulatory cd4 t cells reduce virus-induced illness while preserving cd8 t-cell effector function at the site of infection.the role of epitope-specific regulatory cd4 t cells in modulating cd8 t-cell-mediated immunopathology during acute viral infection has not been well defined. in the murine model of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection, cd8 t cells play an important role in both viral clearance and immunopathology. we have previously characterized two rsv epitope-specific cd4 t-cell responses with distinct phenotypic properties. one of them, the ia(b)m(209)-specific subset, constitutively expresses foxp3 a ...201020686045
community-acquired respiratory infections in young children with congenital heart diseases in the palivizumab era: the spanish 4-season civic epidemiologic investigate the epidemiology of acute respiratory tract infections (aris) in children younger than 24 months old with hemodynamically significant congenital heart diseases. primary aim: incidence of hospital admission due to ari. secondary aims: risk factors, etiologic agents, clinical outcomes, and usefulness of preventive measures.201020686437
respiratory syncytial virus and staphylococcus aureus coinfection in children hospitalized with pneumonia.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection might facilitate bacterial infection. we describe 5 patients with rsv among 30 children admitted to pediatric hospitals in atlanta between october 1, 2006 and april 30, 2007 with community-onset staphylococcus aureus pneumonia. rsv-s. aureus patients were younger and had less medical comorbidity than those without rsv.201020686440
structural features in the rous sarcoma virus rna stability element are necessary for sensing the correct termination codon.nonsense-mediated mrna decay (nmd) is an mrna quality control mechanism that selectively recognizes and targets for degradation mrnas containing premature termination codons. retroviral full-length rna is presented to the host translation machinery with characteristics rarely observed among host cell mrnas: a long 3' utr, retained introns, and multiple open reading frames. as a result, the viral rna is predicted to be recognized by the host nmd machinery and degraded. in the case of the rous sar ...201020687936
palivizumab prophylaxis in 'late preterm' the last decades the preterm birth rate rose more than 20%, largely because of an increase among deliveries of 'late preterm' infants, i.e. those born at 34 to 36 weeks gestational age. late preterm infants are more susceptible to infection by pathogens, such as respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), possibly because of the immaturity of both the respiratory system and the immune system. as a consequence, similar risks of serious rsv illness have been observed in late preterm and preterm (born ≤ ...201020695756
incidence of bacterial coinfection with respiratory syncytial virus bronchopulmonary infection in pediatric inpatients.bacterial coinfection occurs in pediatric bronchopulmonary infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), but the incidence is uncertain. our subjects are 188 pediatric inpatients having rsv bronchopulmonary infection in two hospitals in chiba prefecture between 2005 and 2007. on admission, antigen detection kits using nasopharyngeal aspirate were performed to detect rsv infection and washed sputum bacterial culture was performed to detect bacterial infection. of the 188 pediatric inpat ...201120700753
roles of the respiratory syncytial virus trailer region: effects of mutations on genome production and stress granule formation.the 5' extragenic trailer region of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is known to be necessary for genome replication, but is more than three times the length of the 3' leader replication promoter, raising the possibility that trailer might play an additional role in viral replication. to examine this, mutant recombinant viruses were constructed in which the trailer region was truncated or substituted with leader-complement sequence. this analysis showed that the complete trailer increased promo ...201020701943
toll-like receptor 4-mediated activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is a determinant of respiratory virus entry and tropism.respiratory viruses exert a heavy toll of morbidity and mortality worldwide. despite this burden there are few specific treatments available for respiratory virus infections. since many viruses utilize host cell enzymatic machinery such as protein kinases for replication, we determined whether pharmacological inhibition of kinases could, in principle, be used as a broad antiviral strategy for common human respiratory virus infections. a panel of green fluorescent protein (gfp)-expressing recombi ...201020702616
palivizumab for the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection.question: palivizumab, a specific monoclonal antibody for respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), is available for prevention of pediatric respiratory tract infections. what are the indications for its use and can it be used for treatment of rsv infections? answer: most infants should not be considered for rsv prophylaxis with palivizumab. the drug is approved for use for different indications in different canadian provinces. the drug should be administered only in the context of infants most vulnera ...201020705882
tlr4 asp299gly and thr399ile polymorphisms: no impact on human immune responsiveness to lps or respiratory syncytial virus.a broad variety of natural environmental stimuli, genotypic influences and timing all contribute to expression of protective versus maladaptive immune responses and the resulting clinical outcomes in humans. the role of commonly co-segregating toll-like receptor 4 (tlr4) non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms asp299gly and thr399ile in this process remains highly controversial. moreover, what differential impact these polymorphisms might have in at risk populations with respiratory dysfu ...201020711470
molecular and demographic analysis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in patients admitted to king chulalongkorn memorial hospital, thailand, preliminary preview the molecular character and its possible clinical correlation of rsv subgroups in thailand.201020716160
inhibition of epithelial sodium channels by respiratory syncytial virus in vitro and in vivo.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infants and children worldwide. infection of mice with rsv decreased sodium (na(+)) dependent alveolar fluid clearance (afc), resulting in increased lung water content and hypoxemia. rsv infection resulted in higher levels of pyrimidines and purines in the alveolar space. intratracheal administration of utp or udp also decreased afc. the effects of rsv on afc and oxygen saturation of balb/c mice we ...201020716287
a flow cytometry-based assay to assess rsv-specific neutralizing antibody is reproducible, efficient and accurate.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is an important cause of respiratory infection in people of all ages, and is the leading cause of hospitalization in infants. although commercially available monoclonal antibody is available for passive prophylaxis of neonates at risk of severe disease, there is no available vaccine to prevent rsv. measurement of neutralizing activity will be a key endpoint for vaccine evaluation. assessment of neutralizing antibody against rsv has been limited to traditional pl ...201020727896
rapid detection of respiratory tract viral infections and coinfections in patients with influenza-like illnesses by use of reverse transcription-pcr dna microarray systems.we prospectively tested 95 nasal swabs or nasopharyngeal aspirates taken from 56 adults and 39 children visiting the reims university medical centre (northern france) for influenza-like illnesses (ili) during the early stage of the french influenza a/h1n1v pandemic (october 2009). respiratory samples were tested using a combination of two commercially available reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr) dna microarray systems allowing rapid detection of influenza a virus strains, including the new a/h1n ...201020739481
[infections with respiratory syncytial virus in north lebanon--prevalence during winter 2008].between 1 december 2007 and 31 may 2008, we analysed 120 nasopharyngeal swabs for the presence respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection in 120 children aged 15 days to 6 years, hospitalized in 2 hospitals in north lebanon. of the 120 samples, 32 were positive (26.7%) for rsv. there was a peak in january which progressively disappeared from february to may. being positive for rsv was significantly associated with the presence of rhinorrhoea and dyspnoea as clinical symptoms and the absence of ...201020799555
respiratory morbidity in adulthood after respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization in infancy.a prospective >25-year follow-up study evaluated the outcome of patients hospitalized for respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection at <24 months of age. questionnaires were sent to 51 study subjects and to population controls. self-reported asthma was present in 30% of the former rsv patients, compared with 3.8% of controls. in adjusted analyses, rsv hospitalization was an independent risk factor of adulthood asthma.201020803817
treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infection in adult patients with hematologic malignancies based on an institution-specific guideline.a total of 26 adults with hematologic malignancies and/or hematopoietic stem cell transplant were treated for respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection based on an institutional guideline. thirteen patients received aerosolized ribavirin, and 13 received aerosolized ribavirin and intravenous palivizumab. two deaths, not attributed to rsv infection, occurred within 90 days of diagnosis.201120804534
inefficient lymph node sensitization during respiratory viral infection promotes il-17-mediated lung pathology.development of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue has been suggested to enhance local antiviral immune responses; however, ectopic lymph node formation often corresponds to chronic inflammatory diseases. these studies investigated the role of ectopic pulmonary lymph nodes upon respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection using ccr7-deficient mice, which develop bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue early in life. ccr7(-/-) mice exhibited impaired secondary lymph node formation, enhanced effector t ...201020805422
the synthetic bacterial lipopeptide pam3csk4 modulates respiratory syncytial virus infection independent of tlr activation.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is an important cause of acute respiratory disease in infants, immunocompromised subjects and the elderly. however, it is unclear why most primary rsv infections are associated with relatively mild symptoms, whereas some result in severe lower respiratory tract infections and bronchiolitis. since rsv hospitalization has been associated with respiratory bacterial co-infections, we have tested if bacterial toll-like receptor (tlr) agonists influence rsv-a2-gfp inf ...201020808895
human respiratory syncytial virus in children with acute respiratory tract infections in china.there are limited data on the prevalence and clinical and molecular characterization of human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv) in children with acute respiratory tract infections (artis) in china. from december 2006 to march 2009, 894 nasopharyngeal aspirates (npas) were collected from children under 14 years of age with artis. samples were screened for hrsv and genotyped by reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr) and sequencing. demographic and clinical information was recorded. a total of 38.14% ...201020810776
respiratory syncytial virus infection and risk of acute myocardial infarction.increasing evidences have shown that pathogens may promote atherosclerosis and trigger acute myocardial infarction (ami). there is no report on the association between respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection and ami. the case-control study was used to assess the association of previous rsv infection and acute myocardial infarction.201020811272
pandemic influenza a(h1n1) 2009 and respiratory syncytial virus associated determine the contribution of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) as the cause of lower respiratory tract infection (lrti) associated hospitalizations during the first year of the influenza a(h1n1) 2009 pandemic and to assess the severity of illness during the second pandemic wave.201020816695
burden on uk secondary care of rotavirus disease and seasonal infections in children.rotavirus is a common infection affecting children under 5 years, which leads to a significant disease burden. this burden is potentially exacerbated by the seasonality of rotavirus, particularly in the context of the seasonality of other common childhood infections. the primary study objective was to describe the pattern and burden of seasonal infections amongst children under 5 years of age with particular attention placed on rotavirus and other gastrointestinal infections.201020818925
pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics of a respiratory syncytial virus fusion inhibitor in the cotton rat model.human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in infants, young children, elderly persons, and severely immunocompromised patients. effective postinfection treatments are not widely available, and currently there is no approved vaccine. tmc353121 is a potent rsv fusion inhibitor in vitro, and its ability to reduce viral loads in vivo was demonstrated in cotton rats following prophylactic intravenous administration. here, the pharmacokinetics of tm ...201020823290
withdrawn: immunoglobulin treatment for respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) bronchiolitis and pneumonia hospitalise hundreds of thousands of infants every year. treatment is largely supportive therapy, (for example, oxygen, fluids and occasionally mechanical ventilation). ribavirin, an antiviral agent, is licensed for severe rsv infection, although systematic reviews find it of no benefit. passive protection against rsv can be achieved through monthly intramuscular injections of the humanised monoclonal anti-rsv antibody palivizumab (sy ...201020824840
central apnoeas in infants with bronchiolitis admitted to the paediatric intensive care further characterize apnoea(s) complicating bronchiolitis because of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), to describe the incidence of this complication and identify possible risk factors for apnoea(s) and its development.201120825601
predictors of respiratory failure among previously healthy children with respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)-related disease is the leading cause of hospitalization among infants, with approximately 7% to 21% of these patients developing acute respiratory failure.201120825782
real-time detection of influenza a, influenza b, and respiratory syncytial virus a and b in respiratory specimens by use of nanoparticle probes.seasonal epidemics of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. infrequently, novel or reemergent strains of influenza a virus have caused rapid, severe global pandemics resulting in millions of fatalities. the ability to efficiently and accurately detect and differentiate respiratory viruses is paramount for effective treatment, infection control, and epidemiological surveillance. we evaluated the ability of two fda-cleared nucl ...201020826644
vincristine-resistant human laryngeal carcinoma cells demonstrate increased rous sarcoma virus promoter activity.gene therapy is a candidate approach for treating cancer patients whose tumors have developed resistance to some drugs. our study aims to examine possible alteration in ad5rsvβgal-mediated transgene expression in a vincristine-resistant cells (vk2) derived from the human laryngeal carcinoma cell line hep2, and the underlying mechanism(s) thereof.201020837033
molecular detection of nine rice viruses by a reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay.a reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (rt-lamp) assay was established for the detection of nine viruses from infected rice plants, including rice black-streaked dwarf virus (rbsdv), rice dwarf virus (rdv), rice gall dwarf virus (rgdv), rice ragged stunt virus (rrsv), rice transitory yellowing virus (rtyv), rice stripe virus (rsv), rice grassy stunt virus (rgsv), rice tungro spherical virus (rtsv), and rice tungro bacilliform virus (rtbv). virus-specific primer sets were ...201020837064
respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) rna loads in peripheral blood correlates with disease severity in mice.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is usually restricted to the respiratory epithelium. few studies have documented the presence of rsv in the systemic circulation, however there is no consistent information whether virus detection in the blood correlates with disease severity.201020843364
temporal association of streptococcus, staphylococcus, and parainfluenza pediatric hospitalizations and hospitalized cases of henoch-schönlein determine if hospitalizations for specific infectious exposures are associated with hospital admissions for henoch-schönlein purpura (hsp).201020843903
respiratory syncytial virus induces host rna stress granules to facilitate viral replication.mammalian cell cytoplasmic rna stress granules are induced during various conditions of stress and are strongly associated with regulation of host mrna translation. several viruses induce stress granules during the course of infection, but the exact function of these structures during virus replication is not well understood. in this study, we showed that respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) induced host stress granules in epithelial cells during the course of infection. we also showed that stress ...201020844027
evaluation of three influenza a and b real-time reverse transcription-pcr assays and a new 2009 h1n1 assay for detection of influenza viruses.the performance characteristics of three real-time influenza a/b virus reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr) assays and two real-time 2009 h1n1 rt-pcr assays were evaluated using previously characterized clinical specimens. a total of 150 respiratory specimens from children (30 influenza a/h1 virus-, 30 influenza a/h3 virus-, 30 2009 h1n1-, and 30 influenza b virus-positive specimens and 30 influenza virus-negative specimens) were tested with the cdc influenza a/b pcr (cdc), proflu(+) multiplex rea ...201020844230
[activation of tlr3 pathway in the pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome induced by respiratory syncytial virus in rat model].to explore the activation of toll-like receptor 3 (tlr3) pathway on the process of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) induced nephropathy.201020848777
rna interference therapy in lung transplant patients infected with respiratory syncytial virus.lower respiratory tract infections due to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) are associated with development of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome in lung transplant (ltx) recipients. aln-rsv01 is a small interfering rna targeting rsv replication.201120851929
a survey of pediatric ward hospitalization due to respiratory syncytial virus infection after the introduction of palivizumab to high risk infants in japan.background: respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is a major cause of hospitalization during a winter season among infants and young children. in 2002 palivizumab was introduced to high risk infants for rsv hospitalization in japan. thus, it is important to characterize the hospitalized children due to rsv infection after the introduction of palivizumab. method: a survey was conducted to collect the data from the hospitalized children at 12 participate hospitals during the winter season in ...201020854284
molecular monitoring of causative viruses in child acute respiratory infection in endemo-epidemic situations in shanghai.numerous viruses are responsible for respiratory infections; however, both their distribution and genetic diversity, in a limited area and a population subgroup, have been studied only rarely during a sustained period of time.201020855230
nk cell deficiency predisposes to viral-induced th2-type allergic inflammation via epithelial-derived il-25.severe respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection has long been associated with an increased risk for the development of childhood asthma and exacerbations of this disorder. despite much research into the induction of th2 responses by allergens and helminths, the factors associated with viral infection that predispose to th2-regulated asthma remain unknown. recently, clinical studies have shown reduced numbers of nk cells in infants suffering from a severe rsv infection. here we demonstrate tha ...201020855881
use of a highly sensitive strand-specific quantitative pcr to identify abortive replication in the mouse model of respiratory syncytial virus disease.the balb/c mouse is commonly used to study rsv infection and disease. however, despite the many advantages of this well-characterised model, the inoculum is large, viral replication is restricted and only a very small amount of virus can be recovered from infected animals. a key question in this model is the fate of the administered virus. is replication really being measured or is the model measuring the survival of the virus over time? to answer these questions we developed a highly sensitive ...201020860795
immunomodulation with il-4r alpha antisense oligonucleotide prevents respiratory syncytial virus-mediated pulmonary disease.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) causes significant morbidity and mortality in infants worldwide. severe rsv infections in infants cause bronchiolitis, wheeze, and/or cough and significantly increase the risk for developing asthma. rsv pathogenesis is thought to be due to a th2-type immune response initiated in response to rsv infection, specifically in the infant. using a neonatal mouse system as an appropriate model for human infants, we sought to determine whether local inhibition of il-4rα ...201020861354
effect of th1/th2 cytokine pretreatment on rsv-induced gene expression in airway epithelial cells.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection in infants with th2 predisposition is thought to increase the risk of allergic sensitization, recurrent wheezing, and bronchial asthma during childhood. we attempted to clarify the molecular mechanisms by which th1/th2 predisposition in the host alters rsv infection and facilitates airway inflammation.201120861640
a protein transduction domain located at the nh2-terminus of human translationally controlled tumor protein for delivery of active molecules to cells.protein transduction domains (ptds) are small peptides, able to penetrate biological membranes and deliver various types of cargo both in vitro and in vivo. because use of ptds originating from viral origins resulted in undesired effects, ptds originating from non-viral origins are needed. here, we report that a 10-amino acid peptide (miiyrdlish) derived from the nh(2)-terminus of human translationally controlled tumor protein (tctp) functions as a ptd. this peptide was internalized through lipi ...201020863558
creola bodies in infancy with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis predict the development of asthma.creola bodies (crbs) in the sputum are an indicator of respiratory epithelial damage and appear specifically in bronchial asthma. we studied the presence and clinical significance of crbs in infants with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) bronchiolitis contributing to the development of asthma.201020864800
nationwide survey of severe respiratory syncytial virus infection in children who do not meet indications for palivizumab in japan, palivizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody specific for respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), has been available since 2002. however, its use is limited to children at risk of severe rsv infection, with specific criteria that have been validated in large-scale clinical studies. the pharmaceutical committee of the japan pediatric society established a committee to conduct a nationwide questionnaire survey to determine which diseases place children at risk of severe rsv infection and requ ...201020872156
therapeutic targeting of respiratory syncytial virus g-protein.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a leading cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infants and young children and an important pathogen of the elderly and immune suppressed. the only intervention currently available is a monoclonal antibody against the rsv fusion protein, which has shown utility as a prophylactic for high-risk premature infants, but which has not shown postinfection therapeutic efficacy in the specific rsv-infected populations studied. thus, for the major susceptible populat ...201020874649
immunohistochemical assessment of respiratory viruses in necropsy samples from lethal non-pandemic seasonal respiratory infections.acute respiratory infections are an important cause of childhood morbidity and mortality throughout the world, and viruses have often been reported to be an aetiological agent. this study aimed to identify respiratory viruses in paraffin-embedded samples of paediatric lung necropsy specimens, using immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray slides.201020876328
how innate immune mechanisms contribute to antibody-enhanced viral infections.preexisting antibodies may enhance viral infections. in dengue, nonneutralizing antibodies raised by natural infection with one of four dengue viruses (denvs) may enhance infection with a different virus by a process we term "intrinsic antibody-dependent enhancement" (iade). in addition, nonprotective antibodies raised by formalin-inactivated respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) and measles virus vaccines have led to enhanced disease during breakthrough infections. infections under iade conditions ...201020876821
structure of a major antigenic site on the respiratory syncytial virus fusion glycoprotein in complex with neutralizing antibody 101f.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a major cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infants and elderly people. currently there is no effective vaccine against rsv, but passive prophylaxis with neutralizing antibodies reduces hospitalizations. to investigate the mechanism of antibody-mediated rsv neutralization, we undertook structure-function studies of monoclonal antibody 101f, which binds a linear epitope in the rsv fusion glycoprotein. crystal structures of the 101f antigen-binding fragment ...201020881049
prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infection in young children, with significant numbers of premature infants and those with other risk factors requiring hospitalization in canada each year. palivizumab, an rsv-specific monoclonal antibody, can reduce the hospitalization rate and severity of illness for a small group of high-risk or premature infants during their first rsv season. the present statement reviews the published literature and ...200920885804
recurrent wheezing in the third year of life among children born at 32 weeks' gestation or later: relationship to laboratory-confirmed, medically attended infection with respiratory syncytial virus during the first year of quantify the relationship between recurrent wheezing (rw) in the third year of life and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection, prematurity, and neonatal oxygen exposure.201020921348
genetic susceptibility to the delayed sequelae of neonatal respiratory syncytial virus infection is mhc dependent.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a major cause of respiratory morbidity, resulting in hospitalization for bronchiolitis in some infected infants that is associated with wheeze in later life. genetic factors are known to affect the severity of the sequelae after rsv infection, but the complexity of the temporal and genetic effects makes it difficult to analyze this response in studies in man. therefore, we developed a murine genetic model to analyze the sequelae occurring after rsv infection ...201020921522
transforming growth factor beta is a major regulator of human neonatal immune responses following respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. previous studies have suggested that t-cell responses may contribute to rsv immunopathology, which could be driven by dendritic cells (dcs). dcs are productively infected by rsv, and during rsv infections, there is an increase of dcs in the lungs with a decrease in the blood. pediatric populations are particularly susceptible to severe rsv infections; however, dc responses to rsv from pediatric populations have not be ...201020926560
coupled nucleotide and mucin hypersecretion from goblet cell metaplastic human airway epithelium.adenosine triphosphate (atp) and its metabolite adenosine regulate airway mucociliary clearance via activation of purinoceptors. in this study, we investigated the contribution of goblet cells to airway epithelial atp release. primary human bronchial epithelial (hbe) cultures, typically dominated by ciliated cells, were induced to develop goblet cell metaplasia by infection with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) or treatment with interleukin-13 (il-13). under resting conditions, goblet cell meta ...201020935191
respiratory syncytial virus is associated with an inflammatory response in lungs and architectural remodeling of lung-draining lymph nodes of newborn lambs.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infection in children worldwide. the understanding of neonatal rsv pathogenesis depends on using an animal model that reproduces neonatal rsv disease. previous studies from us and others demonstrated that the neonatal lamb model resembles human neonatal rsv infection. here, we provide an extensive and detailed characterization of the histopathology, viral load, cellular infiltration, and cytokine production in lung ...201020935230
evaluation of a synthetic peptide as a replacement for the recombinant fusion protein of respiratory syncytial virus in a potency elisa.this report describes the development of a potency elisa using a peptide derived from the motavizumab binding epitope of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) f-protein. motavizumab is an antibody therapeutic studied for the prevention of rsv disease. it binds to the rsv glycoprotein f (f-protein), blocking the ability of rsv to fuse with target cells. this binding is the basis for a potency elisa, however, due to inefficient f-protein production, development of an alternative ligand for the potency ...201020943340
decreased toll-like receptor 8 expression and lower tnf-α synthesis in infants with acute rsv infection.toll-like receptors (tlrs) are part of the innate immune system, able to recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns and activate immune system upon pathogen challenge. respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a rna virus particularly detrimental in infancy. it could cause severe lower respiratory tract disease and recurrent infections related to inadequate development of anti-viral immunity. the reason could be inadequate multiple tlrs engagement, including tlr8 in recognition of single-strand ...201020946625
meta-analysis of passive immunoprophylaxis in paediatric patients at risk of severe rsv review respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), passive immunoprophylaxis (pi) trials and meta-analysis (ma).201020950412
size-independent and noncooperative recognition of dsrna by the rice stripe virus rna silencing suppressor ns3.plant and animal viruses employ diverse suppressor proteins to thwart the host antiviral reaction of rna silencing. many suppressors bind dsrna with different size specificity. here, we examine the dsrna recognition mechanism of the rice stripe virus ns3 suppressor using quantitative biochemical approaches, as well as mutagenesis and suppression activity analyses in plants. we show that dimeric ns3 is a size-independent, rather than small interfering rna-specific, dsrna-binding protein that reco ...201020951141
age related changes in t cell mediated immune response and effector memory to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) in healthy subjects.abstract: respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the major pathogen causing respiratory disease in young infants and it is an important cause of serious illness in the elderly since the infection provides limited immune protection against reinfection. in order to explain this phenomenon, we investigated whether healthy adults of different age (20-40; 41-60 and > 60 years), have differences in central and effector memory, rsv-specific cd8+ t cell memory immune response and regulatory t cell express ...201020961416
ikkε modulates rsv-induced nf-κb-dependent gene transcription.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), a negative-strand rna virus, is the most common cause of epidemic respiratory disease in infants and young children. rsv infection of airway epithelial cells induces the expression of immune/inflammatory genes through the activation of a subset of transcription factors, including nuclear factor-κb (nf-κb). in this study we have investigated the role of the non canonical iκb kinase (ikk)ε in modulating rsv-induced nf-κb activation. our results show that inhibiti ...201020961594
pattern recognition receptors and genetic risk for rsv infection: value for clinical decision-making?respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) causes respiratory tract infections, especially among young infants. practically, all infants are infected during epidemics and the clinical presentation ranges from subclinical to fatal infection. known risk factors for severe rsv infection include prematurity, age of <2 months, underlying chronic lung or heart diseases, serious neurological or metabolic disorders, immune deficiency (especially a disorder of cellular immunity), crowded living conditions, and in ...201020963841
two novel fusion inhibitors of human respiratory syncytial search for novel drugs against human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), we have screened a diversity collection of 16,671 compounds for anti-rsv activity in cultures of hep-2 cells. two of the hit compounds, i.e., the n-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methoxy-n-methyl-3-(6-methyl[1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-a]phthalazin-3-yl)benzenesulfonamide (designated as p13) and the 1,4-bis(3-methyl-4-pyridinyl)-1,4-diazepane (designated as c15), reduced the virus infectivity with ic₅₀ values of 0.11 and 0.13μm respectively. ...201020965215
altered cardiac rhythm in infants with bronchiolitis and respiratory syncytial virus infection.although the most frequent extra-pulmonary manifestations of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection involve the cardiovascular system, no data regarding heart function in infants with bronchiolitis associated with rsv infection have yet been systematically collected. the aim of this study was to verify the real frequency of heart involvement in patients with bronchiolitis associated with rsv infection, and whether infants with mild or moderate disease also risk heart malfunction.201020969802
respiratory syncytial virus infection in human bone marrow stromal cells.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the most common respiratory pathogen in infants and young children. the pathophysiology of this infection in the respiratory system has been studied extensively, but little is known about its consequences in other systems. we studied whether rsv infects human bone marrow stromal cells (bmsc) in vitro and in vivo, and investigated whether and how this infection affects bmsc structure and hematopoietic support function. primary human bmsc were infected in vitro ...201020971883
serum antibodies critically affect virus-specific cd4+/cd8+ t cell balance during respiratory syncytial virus infections.following infection with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), reinfection in healthy individuals is common and presumably due to ineffective memory t cell responses. in peripheral blood of healthy adults, a higher cd4(+)/cd8(+) memory t cell ratio was observed compared with the ratio of virus-specific effector cd4(+)/cd8(+) t cells that we had found in earlier work during primary rsv infections. in mice, we show that an enhanced ratio of rsv-specific neutralizing to nonneutralizing abs profoundly ...201020971927
interleukin-6⁻¹⁷⁴ and tumor necrosis factor α⁻³⁰⁸ polymorphisms enhance cytokine production by human macrophages exposed to respiratory viruses.interleukin-6⁻¹⁷⁴ (il-6⁻¹⁷⁴) and tumor necrosis factor α⁻³⁰⁸ (tnfα⁻³⁰⁸) are high-cytokine-producing genotypes that are known to increase the susceptibility to infectious diseases, but their influence on cytokine production induced by respiratory viruses is unknown. we exposed human monocyte-derived macrophages from il-6⁻¹⁷⁴, tnfα⁻³⁰⁸, and normal genotype donors to different respiratory viruses. respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) stimulation was associated with higher il-6 concentrations in il-6⁻¹ ...201020973681
surface display of respiratory syncytial virus glycoproteins in lactococcus lactis nz9000.a system for displaying heterologous respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) glycoproteins on the surface of lactococcus lactis nz9000 was developed.201020973806
effects of respiratory syncytial virus infection and major basic protein derived from eosinophils in pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells (a549).rsv (respiratory syncytial virus)-induced pneumonia and bronchiolitis may be associated with hyperresponsive conditions, including asthma. eosinophilic proteins such as mbp (major basic protein) may also be associated with the pathophysiology of asthma. to elucidate the roles of rsv infection and mbp in the pathogenesis of pneumonia with hyperresponsiveness, we investigated the effects of rsv infection and mbp on a549 (alveolar epithelial) cells. cpe (cytopathic effects) in a549 cells were obser ...201120977431
circulating antibody-secreting cells during acute respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults.the specificity and duration of circulating human antibody-secreting cells (ascs) after vaccination have been well described, but characteristics of ascs during acute respiratory infections have not been well studied.201020979459
assembly and immunological properties of newcastle disease virus-like particles containing the respiratory syncytial virus f and g proteins.human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a serious respiratory pathogen in infants and young children as well as elderly and immunocompromised populations. however, no rsv vaccines are available. we have explored the potential of virus-like particles (vlps) as an rsv vaccine candidate. vlps composed entirely of rsv proteins were produced at levels inadequate for their preparation as immunogens. however, vlps composed of the newcastle disease virus (ndv) nucleocapsid and membrane proteins and c ...201020980510
the role of respiratory virus infections in childhood asthma inception.viral respiratory illnesses associated with wheezing are extremely common during early life and remain a frequent cause of morbidity and hospitalization in young children. although many children who wheeze with respiratory viruses during infancy outgrow the problem, most children with asthma and reductions in lung function at school age begin wheezing during the first several years of life. whether symptomatic viral infections of the lower respiratory tract are causal in asthma development or si ...201021029935
respiratory syncytial virus infections in the adult asthmatic--mechanisms of host susceptibility and viral subversion.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), a single-stranded rna virus of the paramyxoviridae family, is a major cause of bronchiolitis in infants and is also conjectured to be an early-life influence on the development of asthma. although the data supporting a role for rsv in bronchiolitis in children are robust and evidence to support its role in juvenile asthmatics exists, rsv's role in asthma pathogenesis in adults is not as clearly defined. the authors review the literature to further elucidate rsv ...201021029936
influenza a infection in young infants.objective to determine the clinical characteristics of infants ≤2 months old hospitalised with influenza a. study design the study was a retrospective analysis of infants ≤2 months old hospitalised with fever, respiratory distress and/or sepsis. clinical signs, laboratory values, hospital duration and outcome were compared between children with influenza a and other viruses. results the charts of 268 infants were reviewed. 29 (11%) children had laboratory-confirmed influenza a infection. unique ...201021030378
a community health concern: respiratory syncytial virus and children.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a significant health issue. nearly all children contract rsv by 3 years of age. this virus causes mild cold-like symptoms in older children and adults. however, in infants and toddlers, it causes serious lower respiratory tract infections. recovery from rsv can be lengthy, and caring for an unwell child can become a burden for a family. prevention plans for those children that are at highest risk have been helpful in reducing the incidence of rsv. the america ...201021035019
the role of cytokines and chemokines in severe respiratory syncytial virus infection and subsequent asthma.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the primary cause of serious lower respiratory tract illness in infants and young children worldwide. the mechanism is largely unknown. rsv stimulates airway epithelial cells and resident leukocytes to release cytokines. cytokines and chemokines involved in host response to rsv infection are thought to play a central role in the pathogenesis. in addition, rsv infection early in life has been associated with the development of asthma in later childhood. it is ...201021035355
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