
the csr/rsm system of yersinia and related pathogens: a post-transcriptional strategy for managing virulence.this review emphasizes the function and regulation of the csr regulatory system in the human enteropathogen yersinia pseudotuberculosis and compares its features with the homologous csr/rsm systems of related pathogens. the csr/rsm systems of eubacteria form a complex regulatory network in which redundant non-translated csr/rsm-rnas bind the rna-binding protein csra/rsma, thereby preventing its interaction with mrna targets. the csr system is controlled by the bara/uvry-type of two-component sen ...201222336760
the influence of monogalactosyldiacylglycerols from different marine macrophytes on immunogenicity and conformation of protein antigen of tubular immunostimulating complex.the tubular immunostimulating complex (ti-complex) is a novel nanoparticulate antigen delivery system consisting of cholesterol, triterpene glycoside cucumarioside a(2)-2, and glycolipid monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (mgdg) isolated from marine macrophytes. mgdg is crucial for the formation of a lipid matrix for the protein antigen incorporated in ti-complexes. fatty acid composition and the physical state of this glycolipid depend on the taxonomic position of marine macrophytes. therefore, the a ...201222269933
terminal ileitis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis mimicking crohn disease in childhood. 201222228001
visceral lesions caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis, serotype ii, in different species of bird.the size and distribution of histological lesions was studied in 14 cases of avian pseudotuberculosis using a combination of serotype-specific immunohistochemistry and image analysis. the material was derived from recent and archival cases in six canaries (serinus canaria), two zebra finches (poephila guttata), three psittaciformes (a kaka, nestor meriondalis, one rainbow lorikeet, trichoglossus mollucanus, and one budgerigar, melopsittacus undulatus), and three new zealand wood pigeons (hemipha ...199926905497
oral delivery of escherichia coli persistently infected with m2e-displaying bacteriophages partially protects against influenza a virus.we describe a novel live oral vaccine type. conceptually, this vaccine is based on a non-lytic, recombinant filamentous bacteriophage that displays an antigen of interest. to provide proof of concept we used the amino-terminal part of a conserved influenza a virus epitope, i.e. matrix protein 2 ectodomain (m2e) residues 2 to 16, as the antigen of interest. rather than using the phages as purified virus-like particles as a vaccine, these phages were delivered to intestinal peyer's patches as a li ...201728842314
engineering of chimeric protein based on e protein domain iii of tick-borne encephalitis virus and ompf porin of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.tick-borne encephalitis poses a serious public health threat in the endemic regions. the disease treatment is restricted to symptomatic therapy, so great expectations are in the development of the prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. the domain iii of e protein of the tick-borne encephalitis virus is the main antigenic domain which includes virus-specific epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies. we have expressed, isolated and characterized the chimeric protein based on the fusion of do ...201728741465
production of recombinant porin from y. pseudotuberculosis in a water-soluble form for pseudotuberculosis diagnostics.ompf porin from the outer membrane of yersinia pseudotuberculosis was cloned into pet-40b(+) plasmid. using e. coli rosetta (de3) strain, mx-medium, iptg concentration of 0.2 mm and post-induction cultivation at 14 °c overnight allowed us to obtain a water-soluble form of the recombinant protein (rs-ompf). rs-ompf was shown to have the ordered spatial structure at the levels of secondary and tertiary structure. rs-ompf was found to be effective as diagnostic antigen in elisa for pseudotuberculos ...201728723607
epigallocatechin gallate inhibits the type iii secretion system of gram-negative enteropathogenic bacteria under model conditions.epigallocatechin gallate (egcg), a major polyphenol in green tea, inhibits the type iii secretion system (t3ss) of enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (epec and ehec, respectively), salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium, and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. the inhibitory effect causes the inhibition of hemolysis, cell invasion, cell adhesion and apoptosis, which are functions of the type iii secretion device. in the case of epec, espb accumulates in the cells. rt-pcr showed th ...201728651361
synthetic cyclic peptomers as type iii secretion system inhibitors.antibiotic-resistant bacteria are an emerging threat to global public health. new classes of antibiotics and tools for antimicrobial discovery are urgently needed. type iii secretion systems (t3ss), which are required by dozens of gram-negative bacteria for virulence but largely absent from nonpathogenic bacteria, are promising virulence blocker targets. the ability of mammalian cells to recognize the presence of a functional t3ss and trigger nf-κb activation provides a rapid and sensitive metho ...201728652236
salicylidene acylhydrazides and hydroxyquinolines act as inhibitors of type three secretion systems in pseudomonas aeruginosa by distinct mechanisms.type 3 secretion systems (t3sss) are major virulence factors in gram-negative bacteria. pseudomonas aeruginosa expresses two t3sss, namely, an injectisome (it3ss) translocating effector proteins in the host cell cytosol and a flagellum (ft3ss) ensuring bacterial motility. inhibiting these systems is an appealing therapeutic strategy for acute infections. this study examines the protective effects of the salicylidene acylhydrazide inp0341 and of the hydroxyquinoline inp1750 (previously described ...201728396545
c4b gene influences intestinal microbiota through complement activation in patients with pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease.complement c4 genes are linked to pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (pibd), but the mechanisms have remained unclear. we examined the influence of c4b gene number on intestinal microbiota and in vitro serum complement activation by intestinal microbes in pibd patients. complement c4a and c4b gene numbers were determined by genomic rt-pcr from 64 patients with pibd (crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis). the severity of the disease course was determined from fecal calprotectin levels. intesti ...201728832994
molecular bases for multidrug resistance in yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the enteropathogen yersinia pseudotuberculosis causes gastrointestinal infections in humans. although this species is usually susceptible to antibiotics active against gram-negative bacteria, we identified three multidrug resistant (mdr) strains of y. pseudotuberculosis that were isolated from the environment in russia and from a patient in france. the resistance traits of the two russian isolates were transferable at high frequencies (≈2×10(-1)/donor cfu) to y. pseudotuberculosis. in contrast n ...201728830739
structure and gene cluster of a tyvelose-containing o-polysaccharide of an entomopathogenic bacterium yersinia entomophaga mh96(t) related to yersinia o-polysaccharide was isolated from the lipopolysaccharide of an entomopathogenic bacterium yersinia entomophaga mh96(t) by mild acid hydrolysis and studied by 2d nmr spectroscopy. the following structure of the branched tetrasaccharide repeating unit of the polysaccharide was established: where tyv indicates 3,6-dideoxy-d-arabino-hexose (tyvelose). the structure established is consistent with the gene content of the o-antigen gene cluster. the o-polysaccharide structure and gene cluster of y. ...201728460348
experimental infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis in european brown hare (lepus europaeus, pallas).to investigate clinicopathological, bacteriological and pathological aspects of an experimental infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis (y. pseudotuberculosis) in hares to verify the efficacy of serology for the in vivo diagnosis. moreover, the pathogenicity of two y. pseudotuberculosis strains was investigated in order to detect potential differences.201728442112
the virulence protein yop5 of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is regulated at transcriptional level by plasmid-plb1 -encoded trans-acting elements controlled by temperature and calcium.the dna sequence of the structural gene (yope) of one of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis virulence plas-mid-plb1-encoded proteins, yop5, is presented. the deduced protein showed a molecular weight of 22971 daltons. a specific mutant, having a kanamycin-resistance fragment inserted within the yope gene was no longer virulent for mice. the expression of the yop5 protein is regulated at the level of transcription by temperature as well as by the ca(2+) -concentration of the medium. a significant in ...198828776790
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