
surveillance of human viral contamination and physicochemical profiles in a surface water lagoon.the present study evaluated the contamination of a surface water lagoon (peri lagoon) in florianópolis, santa catarina, brazil, by human adenovirus (hadv), polyomavirus jc (jcpyv), hepatitis a virus (hav) and rotavirus species a (rva). efforts were driven to determine the correlation between viral presence and the physicochemical parameters of the lagoon and measure the distribution of these viruses throughout the year (june 2010 to may 2011). a total of 48 samples were collected, concentrated a ...201223109586
hepatitis a in puglia (south italy) after 10 years of universal vaccination: need for strict monitoring and catch-up vaccination.raw seafood consumption was identified as the major risk factor for hepatitis a during the large epidemic of 1996 and 1997 in puglia (south italy). in puglia, vaccination for toddlers and preadolescents has been recommended since 1998.the aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence, seroprevalence, molecular epidemiology, and environmental circulation of hepatitis a virus (hav) in puglia more than ten years after the introduction of anti-hav vaccination in the regional immunization program.201223098290
analysis of the circulation of hepatitis a virus in argentina since vaccine introduction.hepatitis a virus (hav) has shown intermediate endemicity in argentina, but its incidence has decreased since vaccine introduction in 2005. environmental surveillance was conducted in five rivers from argentina from 2005 to 2012, complementing clinical information. hav detection decreased since 2005, although its circulation continues, maintaining viral diversity but not undergoing antigenic drift. most sequences belonged to subgenotype ia, closely related to argentinean clinical sequences, but ...201223072283
prolonged cholestasis following hepatitis a virus infection: revisiting the role of steroids. 201223055653
acute isolated velopharyngeal insufficiency in children: case report and systematic review of the literature.acute isolated velopharyngeal insufficiency (vpi) is a clinical entity mainly reported in children. we undertook a systematic review in order to better characterize its features. following a medline search (1960-2012), the authors reviewed and analyzed the cases of acute vpi in children; 36 cases were found. the most common presenting features were hypernasal speech (97 %), nasal reflux (73 %), and dysphagia (49 %). 73 % of the children were males and 27 % females, of 8.9 ± 2.5 years. in all the ...201323053390
molecular characterization of hepatitis a virus isolates from nigeria.despite the endemicity of hepatitis a virus (hav) in nigeria, genetic information on the hav genotypes/subgenotypes circulating in the country remains unknown. the objective of this study was to investigate hav strains using molecular epidemiological and genetic analyses among apparently healthy adult nigerian subjects.201323052106
a case of severe acute hepatitis a complicated with pure red cell aplasia.hepatitis a is typically a self-limited acute illness that does not progress to chronic hepatitis. in rare cases, acute hepatitis a can be associated with serious complications (such as fulminant hepatitis or acute kidney injury) and may result in death or liver transplantation. pure red cell aplasia (prca) is a rare hematologic disorder characterized by anemia, reticulocytopenia in the blood, and isolated erythroblastopenia with normal granulopoiesis and megakaryopoiesis in the bone marrow. prc ...201223018540
[establishment and application of taqman real-time rt-pcr for the detection of hepatitis a virus].to establish a specific taqman-based real-time pcr assay for the detection of hepatitis a virus in serum samples.201223002559
[primary establishment of an alphalisa assay for detection of hav igm].to develop an alphalisa method for detection of antibody of hepatitis a virus.201223002558
quantitative approach of risk management strategies for hepatitis a virus-contaminated oyster production is not yet known whether using the new molecular tools to monitor hepatitis a virus (hav) in shellfish production areas could be useful for improving food safety. hav contamination can be acute in coastal areas, such as brittany, france, where outbreaks of hepatitis a have already occurred and have been linked to the consumption of raw shellfish. a quantitative probabilistic approach was carried out to estimate the mean annual risk of hepatitis a in an adult population of raw oyster consumers ...201222980008
stability of human enteric viruses in seawater samples from mollusc depuration tanks coupled with ultraviolet evaluate the stability in seawater of human adenovirus (hadv2), murine norovirus (mnv-1) and hepatitis a virus (hav) in a shellfish depuration system with and without ultraviolet (uv) treatment.201222967243
epidemiological and serological aspects of hepatitis a among children and teenagers in the city of santos: a cross-sectional study.viral hepatitis a is still a concern at public health level in brazil and around the world, due both to the number of affected subjects and the possibility of complications in the acute forms. the brazilian ministry of health estimates that at least 70% of this country's population has already had contact with the hepatitis a virus (hav). the aim here was to discover the prevalence of serological markers for the hepatitis a virus among children and teenagers at daycare facilities, kindergartens ...201222965363
travel medicine and vaccines for hiv-infected travelers.for the purposes of vaccination, persons with asymptomatic hiv infection and cd4+ cell counts of 200/μl to 500/μl are considered to have limited immune deficits and are generally candidates for immunization. hivinfected persons with cd4+ cell counts less than 200/μl or history of an aids-defining illness should not receive live-attenuated viral or bacterial vaccines because of the risk of serious systemic disease and suboptimal response to vaccination. available data indicate that immunization d ...201222954612
prolonged cholestasis triggered by hepatitis a virus infection and variants of the hepatocanalicular phospholipid and bile salt transporters.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection resolves in most patients uneventfully within weeks from the onset of the disease. in rare cases, however, it may relapse or cause prolonged cholestasis. here we present a case of a 36-year-old female patient who developed severe pruritus and jaundice three weeks after initially uncomplicated hepatitis a. a relapse of the infection was excluded. since therapy with colestyramin, antihistaminics, naloxon and ursodeoxycholic acid (udca) did not improve symptoms, we ...201322947535
cerebral venous thrombosis as an extrahepatic manifestation of acute anicteric hepatitis a infection.among the many infective causes of cerebral venous thrombosis (cvt), viral hepatitis has been regarded as a rare associated condition. we report the case of a 31-year-old woman presenting with cvt associated with hepatitis a virus (hav) infection, outlining probable pathogenic mechanisms. we suggest that hepatitis a serological markers should be routinely included in the investigation of cerebral venous thrombosis of unknown etiology, in nonvaccinated patients with risk factors of a recent hav e ...201222934203
determinants of hepatitis a vaccine immunity in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus-infected children living in switzerland.vaccination in hiv-infected children is often less effective than in healthy children. the goal of this study was to assess vaccine responses to hepatitis a virus (hav) in hiv-infected children. children of the swiss mother and child hiv cohort study (mochiv) were enrolled prospectively. recommendations for initial, catch-up, and additional hav immunizations were based upon baseline antibody concentrations and vaccine history. hav igg was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) wit ...201222933400
increased circulation of hepatitis a virus genotype iiia over the last decade in st petersburg, russia.the current study, covering the period 2004-2009, is a part of long-term monitoring for hepatitis a virus (hav) strains circulating in st petersburg, russia. the hav rna was isolated directly from the sera of hepatitis a patients and rt-pcr was carried out using primer pairs for vp1/2a and vp1 genomic regions. pcr products were sequenced and 324 nucleotides from vp1/2a and 332 from the vp1 region were used for phylogenetic analysis. the results show that the ia subtype was the most common circul ...201222930498
could oral fluid be used to evaluate anti-hepatitis a virus status in individuals living in difficult-to-access areas?a strategy adopted by different countries to reduce the number of new cases of hepatitis a is the vaccination. however, the mosaic of the epidemiological profile in developing countries has hampered the establishment of a unified nationwide vaccination program. to determinate national vaccination policies, the results of epidemiological studies need to be carefully considered. for this monitoring, the use of oral fluid is very important due to the painless and non invasive collection characteris ...201222910286
cholestatic syndrome in viral hepatitis study the cholestatic forms of viral hepatitis a that are described as unusual and very rare, but that are of great significance because of their severe course and high morbidity rate.201322908828
virus safety of plasma products using 20 nm instead of 15 nm filtration as virus removing step.during the manufacture of human plasma derivatives, a series of complementary measures are undertaken to prevent transmission of blood-borne viruses. virus filtration using 15 nm (planova15n) filters has successfully been implemented in manufacturing processes for various plasma derivatives primarily because virus filtration is a technique, mild for proteins, that can effectively remove even small non-lipid-enveloped viruses, such as hav and parvovirus b19. however, the use of 15 nm filters has ...201222901944
inactivation effect of standard and fractionated electron beam irradiation on enveloped and non-enveloped viruses in a tendon transplant model.background: for increasing allograft tendon safety in reconstructive surgery, an effective sterilization method achieving sterility assurance including viruses without impairing the grafts properties is needed. fractionated electron beam (ebeam) has shown promising in vitro results. the proof of sufficient virus inactivation is a central part of the process validation. methods: the ebeam irradiation of the investigated viruses was performed in an optimized manner (oxygen content < 0.1%, -78 °c). ...201222896764
changing pattern of hepatitis a virus epidemiology in an area of high endemicity.continuous assessment of hepatitis a virus (hav) seroepidemiology is a useful tool to control the risk of infection.201222879827
clinical factors associated with hepatitis a virus seropositivity in hiv-infected adults living in a country with an epidemiologic shift for hepatitis a virus infection.the number of hiv-infected individuals susceptible to hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is increasing in korea; however, it has proven difficult to devise a vaccination policy therefore because limited seroepidemiologic data exists for them. accordingly, anti-hav igg was measured in 188 hiv-infected adults between july 2008 and july 2010. the nadir cd4+ t lymphocyte counts were not different between the hav-positive and -negative groups (197 ± 138 vs 202 ± 129, p = 0.821). the only factor indepe ...201222876069
changes in seroprevalence to hepatitis a in victoria, australia: a comparison of three time points.serological data provide an important measure of past exposure and immunity to hepatitis a virus (hav) infection in a population. national serosurveys from developed countries have typically indicated a decline in hav seroprevalence over time as sanitation levels improve. we examined trends in the seroepidemiology of hav antibodies in victoria, australia, drawing on cross-sectional samples taken at three time points over a 20-year period. stored sera from 1988 (n=753), 1998 (n=1091), and 2008 (n ...201222867722
association of hepatitis a exposure and tim-1 with childhood allergic asthma.hepatitis a virus (hav) receptor (tim-1) polymorphism plays an important role in asthma and autoimmune diseases. objective. to analyze the association of tim-1 polymorphism and hav infection with childhood allergic asthma in southwest china.201222857392
hepatitis a vaccine should receive priority in national immunization schedule in india.hepatitis a is an acute, usually self-limiting infection of the liver caused by a virus known as hepatitis a virus (hav). humans are the only reservoir of the virus; transmission occurs primarily through the fecal-oral route and is closely associated with poor sanitary conditions. the virus has a worldwide distribution and causes about 1.5 million cases of clinical hepatitis each year. the risk of developing symptomatic illness following hav infection is directly correlated with age. as many 85% ...201222854671
declining prevalence of hepatitis a virus antibodies among children from low socioeconomic groups reinforces the need for the implementation of hepatitis a vaccination in brazil.age-related seroprevalence studies that have been conducted in brazil have indicated a transition from a high to a medium endemicity of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection in the population. however, most of these studies have focused on urban populations that experience lower incidence rates of hav infection. in the current study, the prevalence of anti-hav antibodies was investigated in children with a low socioeconomic status (ses) that live on the periphery of three capital cities in brazil. a ...201222850956
a case of hepatitis a vaccination failure in an hiv-positive man who had sex with men in israel.hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccination is recommended for men who have sex with men (msm) and other susceptible populations, who are at increased risk for hav infection, such as hiv-positive persons. vaccines failures are uncommon, and in hiv-positive individuals whose cd4 count is ≥ 500 cells/mm(2), seroconversion is achieved in 73-94% of vaccinees following the second dose. data were retrieved from the patient's file at the sexually transmitted disease clinic and the aids clinic describing this r ...201222844014
immune response to hepatitis a vaccination in hiv-infected men in patients are at increased risk for acquiring hepatitis a virus (hav) infection. we evaluated the seroconversion rate (anti-hav antibodies ≥ 20 miu/ml) and the geometric mean antibody titres (gmts) in a group of 351 hiv infected men, who had received two doses of a hepatitis a vaccine. we analysed blood samples collected at one, six, 12 and 18 months following the administration of the second dose of the vaccine. the seroconversion rate one month after the second dose of the vaccine ...201222843998
en bloc and dual kidney transplantation: two initial cases from a new kidney transplantation center.the aim of this study was to share our initial successful experiences with en bloc dual kidney transplantation.201222841247
evolutionary pattern of 5'-utr of enteroviruses and primer update for the detection of enteroviral rna in environmental study the recombination events among enterovirus strains and the development of specific primers for the detection of enteroviruses in environmental samples.201222805721
hepatitis a immunisation in persons not previously exposed to hepatitis many parts of the world, hepatitis a infection represents a significant cause of morbidity and socio-economic loss. whilst hepatitis a vaccines have the potential to prevent disease, the degree of protection afforded against clinical outcomes and within different populations remains uncertain. there are two types of hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccine, inactivated and live attenuated. it is important to determine the efficacy and safety for both vaccine types.201222786522
[personal hygiene is important in prevention of hepatitis a virus infection]. 201222783564
age-specific seroprevalence of anti-hepatitis a antibody among 1-30 years old population of savadkuh, mazandaran, iran with literature determine age-specific seroprevalence rates of hepatitis a virus (hav) immunoglobulin g (igg) antibody in savadkuh district, mazandaran province, north of iran, as well as to compare the collected data with earlier seroprevalence studies in the region and iran in order to draw a proper epidemiological pattern for hav infection in the country.201222783344
hepatitis a outbreak associated with a revolving sushi bar in chiba, japan: application of molecular epidemiology.the number of hepatitis a cases in japan as well as in other developed countries has been progressively decreasing during the last several years. there is no universal hepatitis a vaccination program in japan, and a hepatitis a virus (hav) epidemic in japan is not unlikely. in 2011, a hepatitis a outbreak associated with a revolving sushi bar occurred in chiba, japan. we aimed to analyze this outbreak.201222776552
dominance of the cd4(+) t helper cell response during acute resolving hepatitis a virus infection.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection typically resolves within 4-7 wk but symptomatic relapse occurs in up to 20% of cases. immune mechanisms that terminate acute hav infection, and prevent a relapse of virus replication and liver disease, are unknown. here, patterns of t cell immunity, virus replication, and hepatocellular injury were studied in two hav-infected chimpanzees. hav-specific cd8(+) t cells were either not detected in the blood or failed to display effector function until after viremia ...201222753925
withdrawn: improved taqman real-time assays for detecting hepatitis a virus.this article has been withdrawn at the request of the author(s) and/or editor. the publisher apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause. the full elsevier policy on article withdrawal can be found at
lineage-specific evolution of t-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 1 gene in the primates.t-cell immunoglobulin domain and mucin domain containing protein 1 (tim1), also known as a cellular receptor for hepatitis a virus (havcr1) or a molecule induced by ischemic injury in the kidney (kim1), is involved in the regulation of immune responses. we investigated a natural selection history of tim1 by comparative sequencing analysis in 24 different primates. it was found that tim1 had become a pseudogene in multiple lineages of the new world monkey. we also investigated t cell lines origin ...201222710823
stability of orally administered immunoglobulin in the gastrointestinal tract.oral administration of immunoglobulin in the colostrum or egg yolk has been considered an effective tool for preventing enterobacterial infection via passive immunization. during this process, the transmission and residence of the active immunoglobulin are the most important conditions for successful protection. we investigated the stability of encapsulated colostrum and egg yolk immunoglobulin for the effective transmission of immunoglobulin in the gastrointestinal (gi) tract. first, we measure ...201222691618
seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus antibody in a population aged 0-30 years in shanghai, china: implications for hepatitis a immunization.this study aimed to determine current seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) antibody in subjects aged 0-30 years in shanghai. a total of 5515 subjects were recruited through random clustering sampling in 2009. basic clinical and demographic information and records of hav vaccination were acquired by questionnaire interviews and review of immunization records. serum samples were collected and tested for anti-hav igm and total anti-hav. the overall seroprevalence of total anti-hav was 52·9%. s ...201322687628
unusual cause of abdominal pain in pediatric emergency medicine.atypical manifestations of acute hepatitis a virus (hav) infection include ascites, pleural effusion, acute renal failure, aplastic anemia, and neurological manifestations. although association of hav and acute cholecystitis is known, presentation of hepatitis a infection with acute cholecystitis has not been reported in pediatric emergency medicine literature. primary acute acalculous cholecystitis in children is rare and commonly attributed to systemic infections. we report a case of a child d ...201222668660
corticosteroid treatment of pure red cell aplasia in a patient with hepatitis a.secondary pure red cell aplasia (prca), as an extrahepatic manifestation of hepatitis a virus infection, has been reported on rare occasions. we report herein an unusual case of hepatitis a complicated by prca. in addition, we reviewed nine cases reported in the english literature. our case of nonfulminant hepatitis a complicated by prca and hemolytic anemia was successfully treated with initial transfusion and corticosteroid therapy for 18 weeks. the patient's hematologic abnormalities and live ...201222627171
immunogenicity and safety of two tetravalent (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella) vaccines coadministered with hepatitis a and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines to children twelve to fourteen months of age.this study compared single-dose tetravalent measles, mumps, rubella, varicella vaccine, priorix-tetra, stored refrigerated (gsk+4c) or frozen (gsk-20c), with proquad (merck-20c), when coadministered with hepatitis a vaccine (hav) and 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (pcv7).201222622699
development of recombinant single-chain variable fragment against hepatitis a virus and its use in quantification of hepatitis a antigen.phage display technology has been utilized for identification of specific binding molecules to an antigenic target thereby enabling the rapid generation and selection of high affinity, fully human antibodies directed towards disease target appropriate for antibody therapy. in the present study, single chain fv antibody fragment (scfv) to hepatitis a virus (hav) was selected from phage displayed antibody library constructed from peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbls) of a vaccinated donor. the varia ...201222613789
long-term protective effects of hepatitis a vaccines. a systematic on duration and long-term protective effects of hepatitis a vaccines (hepa) have not been reviewed using a systematic approach. our objective is to provide a comprehensive review of evidence on the duration of protection achieved by hepa, which is needed for revising existing vaccine policies. limitations in data availability and implications for future research in this area are discussed.201222609026
comparison of two extraction methods for the detection of hepatitis a virus in semi-dried tomatoes and murine norovirus as a process control by duplex rt-qpcr.enteric viruses are important agents of foodborne diseases. due to their low infectious doses and low concentrations in food samples, an efficient and rapid virus concentration method is required for routine control. because of the absence of a reliable cell culture method for most of the enteric viruses involved in outbreaks, reverse transcription quantitative real-time pcr (rt-qpcr) is now widely used for the detection of rna viruses in food samples. one of the general requirements for viral d ...201222608230
temperature and density dependent induction of a cytopathic effect following infection with non-cytopathic hav strains.hepatitis a virus infection and growth in cultured cells is protracted, cell-type restricted, and generally not accompanied by the appearance of a cytopathic effect, with the exception of some culture-adapted strains. we demonstrate that the non-cytopathic hav strain hm175/clone 1 can be induced to exhibit a cytopathic phenotype in both persistently or acutely infected cells under co-dependent conditions of lower incubation temperature (<34°c) and reduced cell density in both monkey (frhk-4) and ...201222608060
multicenter evaluation of a commercial multiplex polymerase chain reaction test for screening plasma donations for parvovirus b19 dna and hepatitis a virus rna.three european laboratories evaluated the taqscreen dpx test (dpx test), a multiplex nucleic acid test assay for the simultaneous detection and quantitation of parvovirus b19 (b19v) dna and the detection of hepatitis a virus (hav) rna.201222587637
use of pcr for detection of faecal hav as a screening tool in an outbreak of hepatitis a in daycare centres.using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to detect faecal hepatitis a virus (hav) can be a useful tool for investigating hav outbreaks, especially in low-endemic countries. we describe the use of faecal hav pcr as a non-invasive tool for screening. two dutch children visiting different daycare centres were diagnosed with hepatitis a in 2011. a systematic contact investigation was started in the daycare centres and relevant contacts were screened. the faecal hav pcr test was used to screen the child ...201322584109
temperature-dependent survival of hepatitis a virus during storage of contaminated onions.pre- or postharvest contamination of green onions by hepatitis a virus (hav) has been linked to large numbers of food-borne illnesses. understanding hav survival in onions would assist in projecting the risk of the disease associated with their consumption. this study defined hav inactivation rates in contaminated green onions contained in air-permeable, moisture-retaining high-density polyethylene packages that were stored at 3, 10, 14, 20, 21, 22, and 23°c. a protocol was established to recove ...201222544253
expression of recombinant rotavirus proteins harboring antigenic epitopes of the hepatitis a virus polyprotein in insect cells.rotavirus and hepatitis a virus (hav) spread by the fecal-oral route and infections are important in public health, especially in developing countries. here, two antigenic epitopes of the hav polyprotein, domain 2 (d2) and domain 3 (d3), were recombined with rotavirus vp7, generating d2/vp7 and d3/vp7, cloned in a baculovirus expression system, and expressed in spodoptera frugiperda 9 (sf9) insect cells. all were highly expressed, with peak expression 2 days post-infection. western blotting and ...201224130930
hesperidin induces apoptosis by inhibiting sp1 and its regulatory protein in msto-211h cells.hesperidin, a flavanone present in citrus fruits, has been studied as potential therapeutic agents that have anti-tumor activity and apoptotic effects in several cancers, but there is no report about the apoptotic effect of hesperidin in human malignant pleural mesothelioma through the specificity protein 1 (sp1) protein. we investigated whether hesperidin inhibited cell growth and regulated sp1 target proteins by suppressing the levels of sp1 protein in msto-211h cells. the ic50 value of hesper ...201224130923
interchangeability and tolerability of two inactivated hepatitis a vaccines in chinese china, no data are available to evaluate the interchangeability between chinese domestic inactivated hepatitis a vaccines (healive) and imported inactivated hepatitis a vaccines (havrix). a double-blind, randomized controlled study was to compare interchangeability and safety of healive and havrix among chinese children. vaccine was administered to 303 healthy children at 0 and 6 months in one of four vaccine regimens: healive-healive; healive-havrix; havrix-healive or havrix-havrix. we colle ...201222537990
relationship between h. pylori and hepatitis a virus infection. 201222537375
breastmilk hepatitis a virus rna in nursing mothers with acute hepatitis a virus infection.breastmilk specimens from three women with acute hepatitis a virus (hav) infection were studied. anti-hav immunoglobulin m and immunoglobulin g antibodies were detected in serum and breastmilk specimens of the three women. the three women also had serum hav rna. however, hav rna was detected only in two of the three breastmilk specimens. it is interesting that none of the three infants contracted clinical hav infection. furthermore, mothers with hav infection should not be encouraged to disconti ...201222537111
cytokine expression profiles associated with distinct clinical courses in hepatitis a virus-infected children.we determined the serum cytokine profiles during distinct hepatitis a virus-induced clinical courses in children. a significant overexpression of interleukin-1, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and monocyte chemotactic protein-2 was found in children with intermediate liver injury, whereas the patients with minor liver injury had a significant increase of interleukin-8 and transforming growth factor-beta values.201222531242
responses to hepatitis a virus vaccine in hiv-infected women: effect of hormonal contraceptives and hiv disease characteristics. 201222517417
drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome following cholestatic hepatitis a: a case report.hepatitis a virus (hav) infections occur predominantly in children, and are usually self-limiting. however, 75-95% of the infections in adults are symptomatic (mostly with jaundice), with the illness symptoms usually persisting for a few weeks. atypical manifestations include relapsing hepatitis, prolonged cholestasis, and complications involving renal injury. drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (dress) syndrome is a severe, drug-induced hypersensitivity reaction characterized by s ...201222511907
optimal time for repeating the igm anti-hepatitis a virus antibody test in acute hepatitis a patients with a negative initial test.the nonspecific clinical presentation of acute hepatitis a (aha) mandates the detection of anti-hepatitis a virus igm antibodies (igm anti-hav) in the serum for obtaining a definitive diagnosis. however, igm anti-hav might not be present during the early phase of the disease. the aim of this study was to determine the optimal time for repeating the igm anti-hav test (hav test) in aha patients with a negative initial test.201222511904
occurrence of vaccine and non-vaccine human papillomavirus types in adolescent finnish females 4 years post-vaccination.control of human papillomavirus (hpv)-related cancers by inclusion of hpv vaccination into national vaccination programmes is likely. one open question is replacement of the vaccine types with other high-risk (hr) hpv types in the vaccination era. we studied occurrence of hpv types in adolescent females participating in a population-based vaccination trial. a total of 4,808 16- to 17-year-old females from finland were enrolled in the 1:1 randomized phase iii (patricia) trial of the efficacy of v ...201222492244
hepatitis a: epidemiology and prevention in developing countries.hepatitis a is the most common form of acute viral hepatitis in the world. major geographical differences in endemicity of hepatitis a are closely related to hygienic and sanitary conditions and other indicators of the level of socioeconomic development. the anti-hepatitis a virus (hav) seroprevalence rate is presently decreasing in many parts of the world, but in less developed regions and in several developing countries, hav infection is still very common in the first years of life and seropre ...201222489258
hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in 2 pediatric patients secondary to hepatitis a virus infection.hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (hlh) is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by uncontrolled activation of cytotoxic t cells and antigen-presenting cells. common clinical manifestations include high fever, maculopapular rash, neurological symptoms, coagulopathy, and abnormal liver function tests [1]. hlh can be either primary, that is, due to an underlying genetic defect, or secondary, associated with malignancies, autoimmune diseases, or infections. the true incidence of secondary hlh is ...201222475296
genetic analysis of hepatitis a virus variants circulating among children presenting with acute diarrhea in cameroon.molecular investigation was undertaken of circulating hepatitis a virus (hav) associated with cases of acute diarrhea among children under 5 years of age in kumba-cameroon. reverse transcription pcr, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis of a 371 bp segment of the vp1/p2a junction of six isolates obtained from stool samples showed the exclusive emergence of genetically related hav subgenotype ia. all the isolates clustered within a unique lineage exhibiting a 99.5% nucleotide identity suggesting ...201222431020
binding of hepatitis a virus to its cellular receptor 1 inhibits t-regulatory cell functions in humans.cd4+ t-regulatory (treg) cells suppress immune responses and control self-tolerance and immunity to pathogens, cancer, and alloantigens. most pathogens activate treg cells to minimize immune-mediated tissue damage and prevent clearance, which promotes chronic infections. however, hepatitis a virus (hav) temporarily inhibits treg-cell functions. we investigated whether the interaction of hav with its cellular receptor 1 (havcr1), a t-cell co-stimulatory molecule, inhibits the function of treg cel ...201222430395
use of urinary biomarkers of renal ischemia in a lamb preclinical left ventricular assist device model.evaluation of thrombogenicity is a critical component in the preclinical testing and development of blood pumps. left ventricular assist devices (lvads), because of their device routing, can produce thromboembolic showers to the kidney resulting in renal cortical ischemia or infarctions. although postmortem evaluation of renal pathology can confirm ischemic events and infarctions, there are no validated and highly sensitive real-time measures of renal ischemia in the preclinical models. in this ...201222428807
living on three time scales: the dynamics of plasma cell and antibody populations illustrated for hepatitis a virus.understanding the mechanisms involved in long-term persistence of humoral immunity after natural infection or vaccination is challenging and crucial for further research in immunology, vaccine development as well as health policy. long-lived plasma cells, which have recently been shown to reside in survival niches in the bone marrow, are instrumental in the process of immunity induction and persistence. we developed a mathematical model, assuming two antibody-secreting cell subpopulations (short ...201222396639
hepatitis a virus evolution and the potential emergence of new variants escaping the presently available vaccines.hepatitis a is the most common infection of the liver worldwide and is fecal-orally transmitted. its incidence tends to decrease with improvements in hygiene conditions but at the same time its severity increases. hepatitis a virus is the causative agent of acute hepatitis in humans and belongs to the hepatovirus genus in the picornaviridae family, and it has very unique characteristics. this article reviews some molecular and biological properties that allow the virus to live in a very quiescen ...201222393888
persistence of hepatitis a vaccine induced seropositivity in infants and young children by maternal antibody status: 10-year follow-up.persistence of seropositivity conferred by hepatitis a vaccine administered to children <2 years of age is unknown and passively transferred maternal antibodies to hepatitis a virus (maternal anti-hav) may lower the infant's immune response to the vaccine. one hundred ninety-seven infants and young children were randomized into three groups to receive a two-dose hepatitis a vaccine: group 1 at 6 and 12 months, group 2 at 12 and 18 months, and group 3 at 15 and 21 months of age. within each group ...201222371069
seroepidemiology of hepatitis a infection in northeastern china, korea, and japan.the epidemiological patterns of endemic hepatitis a virus (hav) are unclear in northeastern asia depending on the ethnicity of the country in question. the purpose of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of hav in northeastern china, south korea, and japan.201224159484
monophyletic outbreak of hepatitis a involving hiv-infected men who have sex with men, rome, italy 2008-2009.outbreaks of acute hepatitis a virus (hav) among men who have sex with men (msm) have been reported in europe and, recently, in italy. from july 2008 through january 2010, 162 hav infections were diagnosed at national institute for infectious diseases, rome, italy, with high male-to-female ratio (m:f=7.5).201222341552
a possible outbreak of hepatitis a associated with semi-dried tomatoes, england, july-november october 2011, two primary cases of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection with identical hav genotype ib strains to those seen in other outbreaks associated with semi-dried tomatoes were reported in england. both cases had consumed semi-dried tomatoes. epidemiological investigations revealed two additional cases of genotype ib strains with different sequences who also reported having consumed semi-dried tomatoes. in november, five cases of hav infection with closely related strains were identified ...201222340975
molecular epidemiology of hepatitis a virus in patients in the ahwaz region of iran.hepatitis a virus (hav) is one of the etiologic agents of acute viral hepatitis, an important public health problem worldwide. the aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of hav in southwest iran (ahwaz). a total of 59 sera were collected from acutely ill patients with anti-hav igm antibodies during 2009 and 2010 were tested also by rt-pcr targeting the 5' ncr for molecular diagnosis and examined in the vp1-2a and vp3-vp1 regions for genotyping. twelve (20%) patients were dete ...201222337296
improvement of the papmv nanoparticle adjuvant property through an increased of its avidity for the antigen [influenza np].the principal caveat of existing influenza vaccine is their failure to provide long-term protection. this lack of efficiency is caused by persistent (drift) and dramatic (shift) antigenic changes on the major surface proteins, the main target of protective immunity generated by traditional vaccines. alternatively, vaccination with most conserved protein, like the nucleoprotein (np) can stimulate immunity against multiple serotypes and could potentially provides an extended protection. the np ant ...201222326774
the depuration dynamics of oysters (crassostrea gigas) artificially contaminated with hepatitis a virus and human adenovirus.within the country of brazil, santa catarina is a major shellfish producer. detection of viral contamination is an important step to ensure production quality and consumer safety during this process. in this study, we used a depuration system and ultraviolet (uv) disinfection to eliminate viral pathogens from artificially infected oysters and analysed the results. specifically, the oysters were contaminated with hepatitis a virus (hav) or human adenovirus type 5 (hadv5). after viral infection, t ...201222310530
comparative hepatitis a seroepidemiology in 10 european countries.the who recommends hepatitis a virus (hav) immunization according to level of transmission and disease burden. we aimed to identify susceptible age groups by standardized serosurveys to inform hav vaccination policy in participating countries: belgium, czech republic, england, finland, germany, italy, lithuania, malta, romania, and slovakia. each country tested national serum banks (n = 1854-6748), collected during 1996-2004, for anti-hav antibodies. local laboratory results were standardized to ...201222273572
hepatitis a seroprevalence in children and adolescents aged 1-18 years among a low socioeconomic population in izmir, turkey.the age-specific prevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection and risk factors were evaluated in a low socioeconomic population in izmir. children and adolescents 1-18 years of age admitted to the outpatient clinics for follow-up visits, or healthy children between april-december 2009 were investigated for anti-hav antibodies by a cross-sectional study. a questionnaire on sociodemographic and hygiene information was obtained from the parents. all unvaccinated children against hav were grouped ...201222264583
genetic analysis of hepatitis a virus strains that induced epidemics in korea during 2007-2009.hepatitis a virus is one of the most prominent causes of fecally transmitted acute hepatitis worldwide. in order to characterize the viral agents causing an outbreak in korea (comprising north and south korea) from june 2007 to may 2009, we collected specimens and performed genotyping of the vp1/p2a and vp3/vp1 regions of hepatitis a virus. we then used a multiple-alignment algorithm to compare the nucleotide sequences of the 2 regions with those of reference strains. hepatitis a virus antibodie ...201222238447
a multistate outbreak of hepatitis a associated with semidried tomatoes in australia, 2009.a large outbreak of hepatitis a affected individuals in several australian states in 2009, resulting in a 2-fold increase in cases reported to state health departments compared with 2008. two peaks of infection occurred (april-may and september-november), with surveillance data suggesting locally acquired infections from a widely distributed food product.201222238166
persistence of immunity from 1 year of age after one or two doses of hepatitis a vaccine given to children in argentina.this study was done to determine the immunogenicity of a single dose of hepatitis a vaccine in children, providing needed clinical data on the flexibility of booster administration.201224367232
characterization of outbreak hepatitis a isolates in five tunisian childcare the present study, epidemiological survey and molecular characterization of hepatitis a virus during an outbreak in five tunisian childcare centers in el-mahres during october and november 2006 were carried out. five well-water and five drinking water samples were included in the present study. serological investigation and molecular characterization were carried out. all patients were igm seropositive and the viral genome was detected in all clinical and well-water samples whereas it was not ...201124031743
encephalitis associated with acute hepatitis a.encephalitis is caused by multiple organisms, but rarely by the hepatitis a virus. a 27-year-old man visited our hospital because of fever, altered consciousness, and seizures. on physical exam, a stuporous mentality and neck stiffness were found. on laboratory exam, elevated liver enzymes and cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities, including pleocytosis and elevated protein levels were observed. the hepatitis a virus (hav) igm antibody was also detected. we conclude that these findings were compatib ...201124649441
decline in hav-associated fulminant hepatic failure and liver transplant in children in argentina after the introduction of a universal hepatitis a vaccination program.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is a vaccine-preventable disease. the most severe complication in children is fulminant hepatic failure (fhf), estimated to occur in 0.4% of cases; patients with fhf often require a liver transplant (lt). following another outbreak of hav infection in argentina during 2003-2004, a one-dose hav universal immunization (ui) program was started in 2005, resulting in a reduction in the incidence of hav infection. we have investigated the impact of hav ui on the trend ...201124367225
hepatitis a with pleural effusion, ascites and acalculous cholecystitis.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection constitutes an important health problem in developing countries. it is usually a benign self-limiting disease, but may present with atypical clinical findings.201023056750
acute hepatitis a infection: a predisposing factor for severe leptospirosis.leptospirosis is a rare and potentially fatal infection that requires a high index of suspicion for timely diagnosis and treatment. diagnosis of leptospirosis can be particularly difficult in context of coexistent viral hepatitis. we present a case of weil's syndrome, in which a concurrent resolving hepatitis a virus infection was concomitantly diagnosed. assessment of epidemiologic risk factors and serial serology testing were key in making this diagnosis. the immunologic consequence of the coe ...201323875528
acalculous gallbladder distension in a young child due to hav infection: diagnostic dilemma.gall bladder distension with acute viral acalculous cholecystitis is a rare event in pediatric cases with a high incidence of perforation, gallbladder necrosis and mortality. we report a two and a half year old female child presenting with fever, vomiting, pain abdomen, mild hepatosplenomegaly and tenderness in right hypochondrium. laboratory investigations revealed hyperbilirubinemia and elevated alkaline phosphatase, but there was no evidence of bacterial or parasitic infection. serology for v ...200923105856
longitudinal study on occurrence of adenoviruses and hepatitis a virus in raw domestic sewage in the city of limeira, são paulo.the aim of this study was to verify the presence and annual distribution of adenoviruses and hepatitis a virus in domestic sewage in the city of limeira, são paulo. fifty samples with a volume of 8 liters each were collected weekly from december 2004 to december 2005. the viruses were concentrated by filtration through positively charged zp60s filter membranes, followed by ultracentrifugation. human adenoviruses (hadv) were detected by pcr followed by nested-pcr and screening for species f was d ...200924031326
epidemiological factors affecting hepatitis a seroprevalence in childhood in a developing country.the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence rate of hepatitis a virus (hav) and the socio-epidemiological factors affecting hav among children aged 0-18 years in eastern turkey.200825610018
[not available].the hepatitis a virus causes about one third of all acute cases of viral hepatitis in germany. the virus is usually transmitted via the fecal oral route, in most cases by close contact with an infected individual. only a small percentage of cases is recorded as food-borne; however a high number of unrecognized food-borne infections has to be assumed. transmission by food is favoured by the extraordinary stability of the virus, by high viral concentrations in the stool of infected individuals, an ...200224643269
assessment of virus infection in cultured cells using metabolic monitoring.a rapid, in-process assessment of virus replication is disired to quickly investigate the effects of process parameters on virus infection, and to monitor consistency of process in routine manufacturing of viral vaccines. live virus potency assays are generally based on plaque formation, cytopathic effect, or antigen production (tcid(50)) and can take days to weeks to complete. interestingly, when infected with viruses, cultured cells undergo changes in cellular metabolism that can be easily mea ...199622358917
seroprevalence of total antibodies to hepatitis a virus in haemophiliacs in the west of scotland.serum samples taken from 73 patients with haemophilia a were tested for the presence of total antibody against hepatitis a (antihav) by radiommunoassay. 29 (39.7%) were antihav positive and 44 (60.3%) were antihav negative. these figures are comparable with local prevalence figures for immunity (40.3%) and susceptibility (59.7%) to hav in adults. 30 patients were subsequently exposed to scottish national blood transfusion service high-purity factor viii (snbts hpviii). they were re-tested for th ...199527214539
antiviral effects of bacteria isolated from manure.the objectives of this study were to determine the role of microbial activity in inactivation of hepatitis a virus (hav) and to learn how the virus is inactivated. of 31 bacterial strains isolated from animal manure, 10 efficiently inactivated hav in fluid thioglycollate medium, with d10 values (time, in days, required for a 90% reduction of virus titer) of ≤ 10 at 30°c. the d10 value of the control suspension without bacteria was 35.1. most of the 10 strains raised the ph of the medium during g ...199524185411
effect of ribavirin on hepatitis a virus replication in vitro.the effect of ribavirin on fetal rhesus monkey kidney cells (frhk-4) acutely or chronically infected with hepatitis a virus was studied. the effect of ribavirin on hepatitis a virus yield as detected by radioimmunoassay in acutely infected frhk-4 cells was dependent on hepatitis a virus inoculum dose. treatment with 100 μg/ml ribavirin completely inhibited hepatitis a virus growth in cultures infected with 100 to 800 tissue culture infectious dose 50 (tcid(50)) hepatitis a virus, but inocula of ...199222529734
inactivation of viruses and bacteria on strawberries using a levulinic acid plus sodium dodecyl sulfate based sanitizer, taking sensorial and chemical food safety aspects into account.the efficacy of levulinic acid (lva) in combination with sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds) in removal of foodborne viruses, enteric bacterial pathogens and their surrogates on fresh strawberries was investigated. inoculated strawberries were treated with potable water, sodium hypochlorite solution (50ppm), 0.5% lva plus 0.5% sds solution, and 5% lva plus 2% sds solution respectively for 2min, followed by spray-rinsing with potable water. water washing removed at least 1.0-log of the tested viral and ...201728668727
detection of diverse viruses in alimentary specimens of bats in macau.bats carry a variety of viruses, and some of them cause public health problems. macau, which is famous for its gambling industry, has a complex population structure. the globalization in such an international metropolis has enhanced the chance of disease transmission. therefore, surveillance of zoonotic viruses is necessary for the early warning of potential emerging infectious diseases. here, we report the first surveillance of bat viruses in macau. in this study, we collected 1004 samples invo ...201728589292
host differences affecting resistance and susceptibility of the second generation of a pekin duck flock to duck hepatitis a virus genotype 3.earlier work suggested the possibility to anti duck hepatitis a virus genotype 3 (dhav-3) using the resistance breeding strategy. here, we report the creation of the second generations of a resistant pekin duck flock (designated z8r2) and a highly susceptible pekin duck flock (designated z8s2) and the investigation of their responses to dhav-3. experimental infection with dhav-3 at 7 days of age resulted in a high mortality (66.3%) in 11 susceptible z8s2 families and an extremely low mortality r ...201728674528
raw rehmannia radix polysaccharide can effectively release peroxidative injury induced by duck hepatitis a viral hepatitis (dvh), caused by duck hepatitis a virus (dhav), is a fatal contagious infectious disease which spreads rapidly with high morbidity and high mortality, and there is no effective clinical drug against dvh.201728638862
comparative analysis of virus-host interactions caused by a virulent and an attenuated duck hepatitis a virus genotype 1.because of their better immunogenicity and the improved protection they afford, live attenuated vaccines derived from serial passaging in an abnormal host are widely used to protect humans or animals from certain pathogens. here, we used a virulent and a chicken embryo-attenuated duck hepatitis a virus genotype 1 to compare the different regulated immune responses induced by viruses with differing virulence. in this study, the attenuated strains had lower protein expression levels than the virul ...201728614378
the 3d protein of duck hepatitis a virus type 1 binds to a viral genomic 3' utr and shows rna-dependent rna polymerase explore the rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) function of the 3d protein of duck hepatitis a virus type 1 (dhav-1), the gene was cloned into the pet-32a(+) vector for prokaryotic expression. the 3' untranslated region (3' utr) of dhav-1 together with a t7 promoter was cloned into the pmd19-t vector for in vitro transcription of 3' utr rna, which was further used as a template in rna-dependent rna polymerization. in this study, three methods were applied to analyze the rdrp function of the 3 ...201728600723
effects of chrysanthemum indicum polysaccharide and its phosphate on anti-duck hepatitis a virus and alleviating hepatic explore new effective anti-duck hepatitis a virus drugs, chrysanthemum indicum polysaccharide (cips) was phosphorylation modified using stmp-stpp method, and phosphorylated chrysanthemum indicum polysaccharide (pcips) was obtained. characteristic absorption peaks were observed in pcips using ir spectrum, suggested that cips was successfully modified. in addition, field emission scanning electron micro-scope (fe-sem) was used to observe the polysaccharides' surface features. in vitro, we found ...201728455254
an outbreak of duck hepatitis a virus type 1 infection in june 2015, a highly fatal and acute disease broke out in a duckling farm in hyogo prefecture, japan. the birds exhibited poor growth, reduced movement, lying in a dorsal recumbent position, depression, lethargy, ataxia and opisthotonus, with a high mortality rate of approximately 76%. by performing a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) using primers specific for duck hepatitis a virus type 1 (dhav-1), we obtained the pcr products of a predicted size. the nucleotide sequen ...201728413174
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