
dame josephine barnes: distinguished gynaecologist and first woman president of the british medical previous articles in this series, we have written about the great women pioneers who broke down the barriers which prohibited or limited their entry into the various branches of the healthcare professions and who then proved that they could compete, on equal terms, with their male counterparts. included in the first among these, of course, was florence nightingale, who, in the crimean war (1854-6) and afterwards introduced the 'modern' era of nursing training and put an end to the dirty, igno ...201020225720
phantom-less qct bmd system as screening tool for osteoporosis without additional radiation.phantom-less bone mineral density (plbmd) systems are easily integrated into the ct workflow for non-dedicated quantitative ct (qct) bmd measurements in thoracic and abdominal scans. this in vivo retrospective study aims to determine accuracy and precision of the plbmd option located on the extended brilliance workspace (philips medical systems, cleveland, oh, us) from both cross-sectional and longitudinal image data.201120223609
relighting the lamp.florence nightingale transformed the public's perception of nursing and laid the foundation for nursing schools and community nursing.201020162915
florence nightingale: nurse and public health pioneer.august 2010 marks the centenary of the death of florence nightingale, who must be, without doubt, the most famous name in nursing. most people, even those in the health professions, think of her as 'the lady with the lamp'; the heroine of the crimean war, who tended the sick and wounded soldiers at scutari. important though this was, her main contribution, which continued long after crimea, was in the organization of nursing training, in hospital planning, public and military health, and in effe ...201020081644
volumetric and viscometric studies on dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide in aqueous and in aqueous amino acid solutions in premicellar region.the densities and viscosities of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (dtab), glycine, and rac-alanine in water and dtab in glycine/alanine aqueous solutions have been determined at 288.15, 296.15, 304.15, 312.15, and 320.15 k. the apparent molar volumes (φv) were obtained from these density data. the limiting apparent molar volumes (φv(0)) and experimental slopes (sv) were derived from the masson equation and interpreted in terms of solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions. the sign of [δ(2)(φ ...201726166851
starving amidst plenty: malnutrition is still a problem.'thousands of patients are annually starved in the midst of plenty for want of attention to the ways which alone make it possible for them to take food' (florence nightingale, 1860).201619966738
the time has come for evidence-based staffing and last, we will have a published source of articles documenting evidence and best practices in a practical publication available to everyone. we are grateful to the editor and publisher of nursing economic$ for their vision and support of this very serious issue in nursing and health care. we look forward to a future where nurses and the entire health care team embed evidence and not opinion into our staffing. in the words of florence nightingale: "no system can endure that does not march. are ...200919927442
evidence-based medicine and hospital reform: tracing origins back to florence nightingale.the use of reliable evidence to evaluate health care interventions has gained strong support within the medical community and in the field of plastic surgery in particular. evidence-based medicine aims to improve health care and reduce costs through the use of sound clinical evidence in evaluating treatments, procedures, and outcomes. the field is hardly new, however, and most trace its origins back to the work of cochrane in the 1970s and sackett in the 1990s. though she wouldn't know it, flore ...201019910854
speech of the president of india, smt. pratibha devisingh patil, at the presentation of national florence nightingale awards for nursing personnel on 12 may, 2009 at rashtrapati bhawan. 200919886166
in: judgment for 'wrongful termination' upheld: employee not in 'competition with agency'. nightingale home healthcare, inc. v. olivia, 29 a. 02-902-cv- 17 (8/23/2009)-in. 200919882772
moral accountability and integrity in nursing practice.the therapeutic nature of the nurse-patient relationship is grounded in an ethic of caring. florence nightingale envisioned nursing as an art and a science...a blending of humanistic, caring presence with evidence-based knowledge and exquisite skill. in this article, the author explores the caring practice of nursing as a framework for understanding moral accountability and integrity in practice. being morally accountable and responsible for one's judgment and actions is central to the nurse's r ...200919850179
peterborough projects put patients one of the architectural practice's largest ever contracts of its kind, nightingale associates is playing a major part in a pound 335 million local health reconfiguration project (the greater peterborough health investment plan) which should see primary and acute care provision transformed in peterborough and its surrounds. jonathan baillie reports on the completion of two impressive new nightingale-designed buildings constructed as key scheme elements.200919795674
conflict and costs when reforming nursing: the introduction of nightingale nursing in australia and examine the financial impact of nightingale nursing in the mid-19th century; to identify any long-term implications of this financial impact on nursing.200919744020
rediscovering a history of nursing management: from nightingale to the modern matron.this paper presents an examination of distinct periods in the development of nursing in order to rediscover a history of nursing management in england. the overall purpose is to demonstrate that uncritical accounts written in the past have not adequately explained the complex factors that have shaped nursing management in england. it is also suggested that the approach taken may be usefully applied to other national contexts.200919596321
observations on sustainable and ubiquitous healthcare informatics from florence nurses around the world prepare to celebrate the centenary of the death of florence nightingale in 2010 this paper reviews her work on using information, especially statistics, to analyze and manage patient care and links that to current developments in informatics. it then examines assistive technologies and how they may impact on nursing practice in the future and links these developments to the writings of florence nightingale. the paper concludes by suggesting that in progressing towards ...200919592815
in defense of nightingale. 200919492607
splendid isolation? the pros and cons of single rooms for the nhs.nightingale wards remained the layout of choice in most nhs hospitals until the 1960s, when racetrack wards and bay areas with between four and six beds were introduced. more recently, a case has been made for more single-room accommodation in new hospital designs and some have argued for the abolition of all shared accommodation. this article explores the evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of such moves.200919485004
travel scholarships.applications are invited for the florence nightingale foundation 2010 travel scholarship awards. proposed projects must be connected to applicants' work and be of benefit to service users and the wider profession.200927316847
from nightingale and mendel to genomics in health care for children. 200919467428
nursing and the issue of 'party' in the church of england: the case of the lichfield diocesan nursing recent years, there has been increased interest in the role of religion in the reform of nursing during the mid-nineteenth century. however, less is known about how 'party' disputes between evangelicals and followers of the 'oxford movement' may have affected nursing. this study examines a proposal to create a nursing association for the diocese of lichfield in 1864, which leads to a public dispute concerning the 'ecclesiastical' nature of the organisation. leading evangelicals in derby campa ...200919453354
florence nightingale and elizabeth blackwell. 200919418612
national nurses week and the nightingale pledge. 200919387283
[the nightingale pledge, today]. 200919341044
sex-specific timing of mate searching and territory prospecting in the nightingale: nocturnal life of females.formal models have shown that diel variation in female mate searching is likely to have profound influence on daily signalling routines of males. in studies on acoustic communication, the temporal patterns of the receivers' signal evaluation should thus be taken into account when investigating the functions of signalling. in bird species in which diel patterns of signalling differ between males singing to defend a territory or to attract a mate, the diel patterns of mate and territory prospectin ...200919324798
continuity of nursing and the time of sickness.this paper explores the relationship between temporal continuity in nursing and temporal features of sickness. it is based on phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy, empirical studies of sickness time, and the nursing theories of nightingale, of benner and of benner and wrubel. in the first part, temporal continuity is defined as distinct from interpersonal continuity. tensions between temporal continuity and discontinuity are discussed in the contexts of care management, of conceptualisa ...200919291197
reinterpreting the concept of "nursing" in the korean context.florence nightingale acts as the threshold dividing "modern" nursing and "premodern" nursing. the history of modern korean nursing is not exceptional. it is not surprising that the history of modern korean nursing describes the advent of "western" nursing as it was delivered from western medical professionals. although traditional korean medical doctors, hanuisa, largely practice at traditional korean health clinics and hospitals, the nurses who work at these traditional korean health clinics an ...200919218840
mastering the art of a long-term political relationship matures, the nurse's scope of influence with the legislator generally grows and mutual respect ensues. in the best relationships, legislators seek the opinion of nurses on health care questions and ask them to share their expertise at informal meetings or through formal testimony at a policy committee hearing. when possible, backing friendly legislators from either party during their re-election bids places nurses in a proactive rather than a reactive relati ...200819170321
post-traumatic stress reactions before the advent of post-traumatic stress disorder: potential effects on the lives and legacies of alexander the great, captain james cook, emily dickinson, and florence nightingale.evidence is presented that alexander the great, captain james cook, emily dickinson, and florence nightingale each developed symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder in the aftermath of repeated potentially traumatizing events of differing character. their case histories also varied with respect to background, premorbid personality style, risk factors, clinical presentation, and course of the illness, illustrating the pleomorphic character of the disorder, as well as the special p ...200819149331
[reasons for the construction of bispebjerg hospital--a hospital with light, air and freedom of nature].since the 1850ies the city of copenhagen changed, ramparts were removed or remodelled as parks, industries were established. the new factories and wharfs expanded, labourers were needed; many country people moved into the city to find work and thus the population increased immensely. in copenhagen a few hospitals only were present around 1850; the royal frederik hospital (now the museum of applied arts) was the only hospital in the modern sense of the word. other institutions with "hospital" as ...200920509450
a call for change: perspectives on nurses' role in health care reform.a new generation of nurse activists must follow in the footsteps of nursing pioneers such as florence nightingale and lillian wald to facilitate health care systems that promote healthy populations.200819090093
reappraising florence nightingale. 200819088144
the nightingale prize 2007. 200818989716
florence nightingale: creator of modern nursing and public health starting this series of articles on distinguished women in nursing, medicine and the related healthcare professions, the choice of the first name is obvious. florence nightingale is, i suggest, the most famous female in the long history of medicine and is a name that is known and revered throughout the world. most people--even those in 'the trade'--think of her as 'the lady with the lamp', the heroine who went out to the crimean war and nursed the sick and wounded at scutari. important though ...200818828456
[florence nightingale: an italian portrait.].florence nightingale was the pioneer of modern nursing. the aim of this article is to give a brief review of her character. her christian name derives from her birthplace, albeit her english nationality. she was trained in england, save for a brief spell in germany. the nursing profession of her time left much to desire; competent nurses were hard to find, their preparation was poor, and so was availability. in paris, she first encountered real issues related to nursing and sanitation, but did n ...200820102253
florence nightingale: a proud heritage of carrying the torch for nursing and patient care. 200818782996
[florence nightingale (1820-1910)]. 200818669390
social justice and nursing: the key is respect.respect for others as individuals and as members of diverse groups, and respect for self, are the basis of socially just health care. respectful action has been exemplified by robert humphrey, sister madeline clemence vaillot, and florence nightingale. respect is the foundation of relationship-based care.200818655514
 atmospheric art: a 12m-long art installation made of surgical gloves and crepe bandages is on display from this month at the florence nightingale museum, in london.200827741637
a "lamentable failure"? the founding of nightingale nursing in australia, 1868-1884.florence nightingale's private assessment was that lucy osburn failed in her attempt to found nightingale nursing in australia. this assessment is directly at odds with those of historians who have unquestioningly accepted osburn's success. an alternative narrative of the founding of nightingale nursing in australia is provided through examining why nightingale thought osburn failed. the judgment of failure had little to do with nursing practice or care. nightingale's judgment was based on the p ...200118574895
an experiential theory of spiritual care in nursing practice.spiritual care has been recognized as integral to nursing care for centuries, as described by florence nightingale, and has been studied in both medicine and sociology. health care institutions, particularly faith-based health systems, also have recognized the importance of spiritual care. both qualitative and quantitative research support the importance of spirituality in patient health. although the profession, health care institutions, and research support spiritual care, there is no empirica ...200818552319
improved data illustration in complex multi-ligament knee reconstruction surgery: using the historical principles of florence nightingale and john venn.the collection of multi-ligament knee reconstruction procedure data generates long tabulated lists of featureless abbreviations, which are often difficult to interpret and present. as demonstrated with the launch of the scandinavian anterior cruciate ligament registries, such data are under increasing scrutiny. when developing a visual tool to improve the interpretation, presentation, and ongoing collection of data within this field, much can be learnt from the historical teachings of florence n ...200818484251
[the new hospital model established at the end of 19th century and the professional nursing schools].the historical research in hospitals organisation began in europe only after the ii world war. in particular, studies regarding the nursing in italy are very scarce and heavily influenced by the fragmented political and organisational management due to the historical divisions within italy. all the same, the social and working conditions, at least in the north of italy, were similar in this respect. the workforce up to the beginning of the 20th century was equally divided between males and femal ...200818431331
concept synthesis of the art of nursing.the aim of this paper is to add clarity to the concept art of nursing.200818426463
strategies to reduce patient harm: understanding the role of design and the built of the great ironies of modern medicine is that the very environments created to heal are the cause of countless injuries, illnesses and death to the vulnerable population they were created to serve. not since florence nightingale visited the pestholes in which wounded and sick british soldiers were housed in the crimea, has there been a growing international awareness of the harm caused by the healing environment. there is growing recognition that risks and hazards of health care associated ...200818391248
the influence of environment in palliative care: supporting or hindering experiences of 'at-homeness'.florence nightingale stated that the art of nursing is to provide an environment in which the patient is in the best position for nature to act upon, and martha rogers, in turn, emphasized that one part in nursing is to pattern the environment into a place where healing conditions are optimal. this paper presents a preliminary conceptual framework that describes the influence of environment in palliative care. based on previously published studies, a conceptual framework describing the influence ...200718386962
nightingale and henderson: a review of the classics. 200818362013
nursing research: what is it and how can dermatology nurses use it?the international council of nurses (2007) defines nursing research as a systemic inquiry that seeks to obtain new nursing knowledge for the benefit of patients, families, and communities and includes all aspects of health that are of interest to nursing including health promotion, disease prevention, and care during illness and recovery or towards a peaceful death. there is an increased amount of clinical research available to nurses and now we are challenged to utilize this knowledge to improv ...200718286857
a brief history of infection control - past and present.the scientific study of hospital or nosocomial cross-infection began during the first half of the 18th century, and from that time until the start of the 'bacteriological era' many of the most notable contributions originated in scotland. however it was only 100 years later in 1858 that florence nightingale promoted the case for hospital reform. the real understanding of hospital infection followed upon the discoveries of pasteur, koch and lister and the beginning of the 'bacteriological era'. t ...200718250929
authority and leadership: the evolution of nursing management in 19th century teaching hospitals.this study shows why some 19th century nursing managers were successful and some were not.200818211330
florence nightingale ... what you may not know. 200718165730
the life and impact of florence nightingale.all nurses learn about florence nightingale sometime during their academic studies. miss nightingale, even though she lived over a century ago, still impacts current nursing care. this article provides a brief biographical review of her life and her impact on present day patient care.201618091630
reflections on a study tour to explore history taking and physical assessment 2005 a study tour, funded by a florence nightingale foundation travel scholarship, was undertaken by the author to gain insight into the teaching of 'history taking and physical assessment' (htpa) across different countries of the uk and beyond. the study tour was inspired by recent developments in health professional practice, which increasingly require nurses and other health care professionals to undertake the skills of history taking, inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. th ...200818086451
[a pupil of florence nightingale became a pioneer in sweden]. 200718050999
the nightingale prize for the best scientific paper published in mbec 2006. 200718038167
nightingale regional air ambulance: 25 years of excellence. 200717991609
florence nightingale and children's nursing. 200717970357
nurses and computers. an international perspective on nurses' requirements.this paper reports the findings from a florence nightingale foundation travel scholarship undertaken by the author in the spring of 2006. the aim of the visit was to explore nurses' attitudes towards, and experiences of, using computers in their practice, and the requirements that they have to encourage, promote and support them in using ict. nurses were found to be using computers mainly for carrying out administrative tasks, such as updating records, rather than as information tools to support ...200717911712
the educational preparation: of nurses in ireland.the history and evolution of nurse education in ireland has been similar to that of other countries. initially conducted under the apprenticeship model established by nightingale, it continued under this model for more than a century because the educational needs of nurses were seen as subordinate to the needs of the health service. the necessity for reform in nursing education was identified in a number of irish government policy documents. one of the strongest arguments put forward for the fut ...200717557634
florence nightingale, a force to be reckoned with: the bjn over 100 years ago. 200717551442
teaching holistic nursing: the legacy of nightingale.this article emphasizes the importance of holistic concepts in nursing and curriculum development. grounded in the work of florence nightingale, nursing education prepares practitioners to meet the holistic needs of clients. the basic tenets offered by the american holistic certification corporation and the american holistic nurses' association are used to describe essential content in a nursing program emphasizing holism. strategies for introducing holistic nursing into curriculum and overcomin ...200717544685
betwixt and between: a critical ethnography of comfort in new zealand residential aged care.this research sought to explore the nature of comfort within the context of three new zealand nursing homes and examine how nursing and other actions contribute to residents' comfort.200717462044
lights in the shadows: florence nightingale and others who made their mark.florence nightingale, the 'lady with the lamp' became the image of 'heroic womanhood' (bostridge 2004) when she returned from the crimean war an iconic figure and ever since she has remained fated to wear the mantel of nursings' leading light. but she wasn't the only woman who made their mark or who undertook to risk their live caring for the sick and injured, wounded and dying in the crimea. sadly, nightingale's iconic status has also succeeded in overshadowing the existence and the achievement ...200717348782
local action and global networking: the nightingale initiative for global health. 201417234573
from the grey nuns to the streets: a critical history of outreach nursing in canada.this article traces the historic antecedents of outreach nursing in canada, going as far back as the grey nuns in what is now quebec. it attempts to place modern-day street nursing in a historical context, which includes nightingale, wald, the early victorian order of nurses, and the social reform movements of the early 20th century. the article critiques the involvement of nursing in less than virtuous aspects of social control with respect to impoverished and otherwise marginalized groups. the ...200717214658
brief history of inclusion of content on culture in nursing education.nursing has a long history of focusing on the cultural dimension of care, dating back to florence nightingale and the early days of public health nursing. nursing education studies advocated for including social science concepts in nursing curricula well before the founding of the first university school of nursing in the united states in 1910. a brief review of the highlights of major nursing curriculum, licensing, funding, accreditation studies, and initiatives reveals that culture competence ...200717204811
the day after: effects of vocal interactions on territory defence in nightingales.1. models on territory acquisition and tenure predict that territorial animals benefit by adjusting territorial defence behaviour to previous challenges they had experienced within the socially complex environment of communication networks. 2. here, we addressed such issues of social cognition by investigating persisting effects of vocal contests on territory defence behaviour in nightingales luscinia megarhynchos (brehm). 3. using interactive playback during nocturnal song of subjects, a rival ...200717184365
the study of nursing documentation complexities.this study aimed to explore complexities in nursing documentation and related factors. nursing documentation has been one of the most important functions of nurses since the time of florence nightingale because it serves multiple and diverse purposes. current health-care systems require that documentation ensures continuity of care, furnishes legal evidence of the process of care and supports evaluation of quality of patient care. however, nursing documentation has not served such objectives bec ...200617176310
ventilator-associated pneumonia and pressure ulcer prevention as targets for quality improvement in the icu.the health care culture must change. florence nightingale wrote [8] "deep-rooted and universal is the conviction that to give a medicine is to be doing something, or rather everything and to give air, warmth, cleanliness etc. is to do nothing." hygiene care practices and mobility activities are fundamental and independent care components in the nursing profession. when implemented using available evidence, they can significantly improve patient outcomes. it is time to claim and demonstrate the i ...200617118300
using evidence-based knowledge in a nursing documentation system.just as florence nightingale based her care delivery decisions on the analysis of outcome results, clinical information systems can support evidence-based nursing content and analysis tools to promote the practice of knowledge-driven nursing. this system demonstration will depict how nursing evidence is embedded into an automated assessment and documentation process to achieve immediate results in such areas as:* compliance with core quality and clinical performance metrics--including skin integ ...200617102513
horus meets nightingale in the modern age: how nursing communicates with pharmacy in hcit 2002 the australia council for safety and quality in healthcare determined that problems with medicines were responsible 2-3% of all hospital admissions in australia emr's with codified datasets lay the foundation for significantly reducing the number of these adverse events. cpoe has well documented benefits in the reduction of order related errors. the use of information technology in pharmacy has long provided proven benefits in the diminution of pharmacy errors. the use of an electronic m ...200617102327
nursing spoken corpora for understanding nursing assignments.we have built spoken corpora using voice data that were obtained by monitored and recorded daily nursing assignments in hospitals. the devices, we have developed are able to monitor daily nursing assignments and record multimedia data, such as video, voice, pedometer, acceleration, and. so on. focusing on voice data, we have built two types of corpora one for analyzing nursing tasks and the other for collecting nursing terms. this work represents the first trail in japan to develop such special ...200617102304
new aspects of the german 'scientific nursing' movement before world war i: florence nightingale's notes on nursing disguised as part of a medical tradition.a group of german physicians propagated 'scientific nursing' in the 1890s in order to establish it as a medical specialty. martin mendelsohn (1860-1930) emerged as the figurehead of this movement. one of his earliest key publications on this topic appeared in 1890, with a second edition in 1892. it was entitled the comfort of the sick (der comfort des kranken). the comparison with florence nightingale's (1820-1910) notes on nursing led to the conclusion that mendelsohn's book constitutes a hithe ...200617100800
uk ward design: patient dependency, nursing workload, staffing and quality-an observational study.there are important relationships between ward design, patient welfare and staff activity in the literature but studies seem not to have tested all the variables. whether ward designs influence nursing structures, processes and outcomes, therefore, has not been fully answered. while studies provide helpful guidance, nursing efficiency and effectiveness implications are speculative.200817097658
remarkable anatomic anomalies of coronary arteries and their clinical importance: a multidetector computed tomography angiographic anomalous origin and course of the coronary arteries can be benign or life threatening. recently, because of new advances in computed tomography technology, radiologists have begun to interpret the diseases of coronary arteries. we aimed to demonstrate some remarkable anomalies of coronary arteries, some of which were not shown by multidetector computed tomography (mdct) coronary angiography previously, and to discuss the clinical importance of these anomalies.201617082700
'faithful in adversity'.earlier this year, the hospital in which i work held its annual 'pride in nursing' day, at which the assistant director of nursing spoke about how she had been inspired by florence nightingale.200627718717
'finest of the fine arts'.florence nightingale said nursing is 'the finest of the fine arts'. in the last of our heart of nursing series, we consider the similarities between nursing care and art.200617042363
ethical decision-making when caring for the noncompliant patient.ethical dilemmas frequently occur when nurses care for patients with a history of intravenous substance abuse who are hospitalized on medical-surgical units. this article discusses the recent findings on substance abuse, including its impact on the brain, effects on society and healthcare, available treatment options, and medical complications related to substance abuse. an ethical model is introduced to analyze ethical dilemmas with an accompanying case scenario. resources available to nursing ...200617035888
finding patterns of knowing in the work of florence nightingale. 200617027603
the nightingale metrics.staff nurses at children's hospital boston worked together to identify what was important to the patients and families they cared for, measured how often nurses performed these interventions, and used the data to improve the care they provide. this initiative, the nightingale metric project, can serve as a model for ongoing measurement and improvement of nursing care in all settings.200617016098
peace, love and florence nightingale.legendary woodstock music festival star country joe mcdonald has a fascination with florence nightingale, dating from his work with vietnam war veterans. although her theories have diminished in popularity, he believes her life has lessons for modern nurses.200716972565
signalling through acoustic windows: nightingales avoid interspecific competition by short-term adjustment of song timing.the function of bird song is closely linked to sexual selection through female choice and male-male competition, and thus variation in communication success is likely to have major fitness consequences for a singing male. a crucial constraint on signal transmission is imposed by background noise, which may include songs from other species. i investigated whether singing nightingales (luscinia megarhynchos) avoid temporal overlap with the songs of other bird species in a playback experiment. i an ...200616924503
welcome nightingales! 200616864634
assisting pre-registration students in the acquisition of clinical skills utilising computer assisted learning.practical nursing skills form the bedrock of nursing practice. in line with government initiatives, practitioners also need to master skills in information technology. in an attempt to address these issues, funding has been awarded for a nursing led multi-professional development of a clinical skills website at the florence nightingale school of nursing and midwifery at king's college london. the aim is to provide students with a high quality resource to promote mastery of clinical skills and in ...200616863408
nightingale the person-not the symbol. 200616827171
[concurrent development trends in the international nursing profession].the modern nursing profession, established by florence nightingale, is influenced by myriad factors that include politics, legislation, societal priorities, advances in medical and computer technologies, and changes in the economic and the medical environments. nursing profession development in taiwan is further influenced by western culture through overseas study by scholars and the frequent holding of academic activities. nursing education, administration and standards of practice in taiwan ar ...200616767619
 full honours: nursing director at surrey and sussex healthcare nhs trust irene scott (pictured centre) carried nightingale's lamp last month at the annual commemoration of florence nightingale's birthday. she was joined at westminster abbey by florence nightingale scholars vivienne davies-quarrell, director of service development at memory matters, a support group in north wales for young people with dementia, and tom fernandez, a charge nurse at the ian charleson day centre for people with hiv ...200627718923
daisy ayris lecture. looking back, looking forward.this was the second time that mary spinks, a former chairman of natn, has given the daisy ayris lecture. this unprecedented move indicates the association's respect for mary's influence and commitment to patient care in her current role as director of the florence nightingale foundation. her address, given below in full, covers key themes of education, reasoning and communication.200616729599
detection of myocardial bridging with ecg-gated mdct and multiplanar reconstruction.the aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of myocardial bridging in 626 patients examined with mdct angiography of the coronary arteries.200616714614
icons of dentistry: dr leon eisenbud.dentistry has a long, often well documented history. evidence of tooth pullings has been discovered in crude carvings on the walls of caves that are over 10,000 years old. the ancient egyptians, the athenians, and the early inhabitants of rome required oral health care; in addition to tooth extractions, they underwent tumor removal, tamponade for hemorrhage, reduction of jaw fractures with gold wire ligatures, cautery using white hot platinum loops, and an additional variety of remedies and nost ...200616704105
[florence nightingale and charity sisters: revisiting the history].this study presents an historical analysis on the links between the nursing practice and the influence received from various religious orders/associations along the times, especially from saint vincent paul's charity sisters. the professional nursing which was pioneered by florence nightingale in the xlxth century, was directly influenced by the teachings of love and fraternity. in addition, other contributions from the religious orders/associations were the concepts of altruism, valorization of ...200616689509
florence nightingale (1820-1910): founder of modern nursing. 200616518550
the life and death of edith cavell, english emergency nurse known as "the other nightingale". 200616439284
florence nightingale and healthcare reform.the purpose of this article was to examine the work of florence nightingale in light of her collaboration with william farr, the eminent medical statistician. nightingale's epidemiological investigations supported by farr illustrated that attention to environmental cleanliness was an important factor in preventing spread of disease. nightingale channeled her investigations to support hospital reforms and the need for an educated nurse who could provide better management of the hospital environme ...200616407602
oklahoma nurses association 2005 house of delegates resolution. the nightingale tribute.nursing is a calling, a way of life. nursing is a service profession that can not be lived in isolation. nurses rely on each other for the synergistic effect of teamwork in our efforts of care giving. it is appropriate that we honor our colleagues not only during their career, but also at the end of life's journey. the nightingale tribute is a way of honoring our colleagues at the end of life's journey. the tribute has been fully developed and piloted by the kansas state nurses association. a br ...200516372460
influences on the early training of nurses in denmark.this paper attempts to uncover some of the factors that may have influenced the choice of model for the systematic training of nurses in denmark. from a historical analysis of selected historical literature, nursing magazines, and archival documents, three themes emerge: the interest from (and of) the medical profession, the strategy on nurse training of the danish nurses' organization, and the societal context of the time. despite there being a deaconess institution in copenhagen from 1863, it ...200516359455
[inside history: the teaching of administration in nursing].this article traces some developments in the teaching of administration in nursing, from its origins to the present time. the role of florence nightingale and her modern ideas in nursing, are emphasized, focusing on the administrative vision of work in nursing. the work presents the trajectory of this teaching in nursing education in brazil. therefore, the goal is to register its evolution and analyze the different phases and factors that determined the changes that have occurred. we can affirm ...200616334193
sensing an atmosphere of ease: a tentative theory of supportive care settings.nightingale saw the art of nursing as providing an environment in which patients were offered the best conditions for nature to act upon them. however, we still have limited research-based understandings of care settings experienced as supportive by patients, significant others and staff. the aim of this study was to construct a theoretical understanding of processes contributing to supportive care settings. the authors used grounded theory design and the constant comparative method to analyse t ...200516324058
the evolution of orthopaedic nursing at the hospital for special surgery: the first orthopaedic institution in the united states.the history of nursing began in london in the late 1800s with the reform of unsanitary conditions by florence nightingale. during the same period, the united states was bitterly fighting the civil war. nursing had not developed as a profession, and most of the duties performed by nurses were conducted by men. casualties of war required rehabilitation and care. crippled children were left to die because they were considered a burden to society. dr. james knight founded the hospital for the ruptur ...201516272913
ona member to receive nightingale medal from international red cross. 200516167567
florence nightingale and the crimean war. 200516116803
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 1384