
influence of bioaugmentation on biodegradation of phenanthrene-contaminated soil by earthworm in lab scale.use of earthworm to eliminate the phenanthrene from the soil (bioaccumulation) is developed as an economical method. bioaugmentation of microorganism was used for promotion of bioaccumulation by earthworm. the aim of this study was to determine the bioaccumulation or biodegradation of phenanthrene by eisenia fetida and bacterial consortium in polluted soil.201425606345
growth inhibition and altered gene transcript levels in earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed to 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether.the toxic effects of the ubiquitous pollutant 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (bde-47) on the earthworm eisenia fetida were assessed by determining growth-inhibition and gene transcript levels of superoxide dismutase (sod), catalase (cat), glutathione transferase (gst), and transcriptional changes of the stress-response gene (heat-shock protein 70 [hsp70]). somatic growth and growth-inhibition rates in all bde-47-treated groups were significantly different from those of the controls. the sod ...201525600924
joint toxicity of chlorpyrifos, atrazine, and cadmium at lethal concentrations to the earthworm eisenia fetida.contaminants in the environment often occur as complex mixtures, and their combined effect may exhibit toxicity to organisms. risk assessments based on individual components tend to underestimate the effects associated with toxic action of mixtures. toxicity studies on chemical mixtures are urgently required to assess their potential combined toxicities. the combination index (ci)-isobologram method was used to study chemical interactions to determine the nature of toxicological interactions of ...201525595933
toxicity of a neonicotinoid insecticide, guadipyr, in earthworm (eisenia fetida).neonicotinoid insecticides are new class of pesticides and it is very meaningful to evaluate the toxicity of guadipyr to earthworm (eisenia fetida). in the present study, effects of guadipyr on reproduction, growth, catalase(cat), superoxide dismutase (sod), acetylcholinesterase (ache) and dna damage in earthworm were assessed using an artificial soil medium. guadipyr showed low toxicity to earthworms and did not elicit an effect on earthworm reproduction or growth in artificial soils at concent ...201525594687
a site-specific ecological risk assessment for corn-associated insecticides.a site-specific ecological risk assessment (era) was conducted to examine the simultaneous use of genetically modified corn (bt corn) with a neonicotinoid seed coating, clothianidin, and use of a granular insecticide, tefluthrin, to protect crops from pest damage. a field study was conducted on site, and exposure data from the literature were summarized to determine the matrices and exposure concentrations that nontarget species could typically experience within an agricultural ecosystem. to det ...201525557061
bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl acids by earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed to contaminated soils.the presence of perfluoroalkyl acids (pfaas) in biosolids-amended and aqueous film-forming foam (afff)-impacted soils results in two potential pathways for movement of these environmental contaminants into terrestrial foodwebs. uptake of pfaas by earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed to unspiked soils with varying levels of pfaas (a control soil, an industrially impacted biosolids-amended soil, a municipal biosolids-amended soil, and two afff-impacted soils) was measured. standard 28 day exposure ...201525517891
utilizing heavy metal-laden water hyacinth biomass in vermicomposting.we studied the efficiency of water treatment by water hyacinth (eichhornia crassipes) from heavy metals (zn, cd, pb, cu), as well as a possibility of using water hyacinth biomass obtained during treatment for vermicomposting by eisenia fetida and the vermicompost quality in a model experiment. the results showed that the concentration of heavy metals in the trials with water hyacinth decreased within 35 days. we introduced water hyacinth biomass to the organic substrate for vermicomposting, whic ...201525501861
uptake and depuration kinetics of lead (pb) and biomarker responses in the earthworm eisenia fetida after simultaneous exposure to decabromodiphenyl ether (bde209).lead (pb) and bde209 (decabromodiphenyl ether) are the main contaminants at e-waste recycling sites, and their potential toxicological effects on terrestrial organisms have received extensive attention. however, the impact on earthworms of exposure to the two chemicals remains almost unknown. therefore, indoor incubation tests were performed on control and contaminated soil samples to determine the uptake and toxicity of pb in the presence of bde209 to the earthworm eisenia fetida. the results h ...201525483371
uptake and retention of radio-caesium in earthworms cultured in soil contaminated by the fukushima nuclear power plant understand the effects of radionuclides on non-human biota and the environment, it is essential to study the intake and metabolism of radio-isotopes in earthworms which are among the most important soil organisms, and eisenia fetida, which were used in this study, are known to be sufficiently sensitive to chemicals and representative of common earthworms. in this study, we assessed the concentration ratios, uptake and retention, absorbed dose rate, and distribution of radio-caesium in earthwo ...201525464049
ternary toxicological interactions of insecticides, herbicides, and a heavy metal on the earthworm eisenia fetida.the combined toxicities of five insecticides (chlorpyrifos, avermectin, imidacloprid, λ-cyhalothrin, and phoxim), two herbicides (atrazine and butachlor), and a heavy metal (cadmium) have been examined using the acute toxicity test on the earthworm. with a concentration of 2.75 mg/kg being lethal for 50% of the organisms, imidacloprid exhibited the highest acute toxicity toward the earthworm eisenia fetida. toxicological interactions of these chemicals in ternary mixtures were studied using the ...201525463238
reproductive responses of the earthworm (eisenia fetida) to antiparasitic albendazole exposure.albendazole (abz) is a veterinary drug with a high efficiency against helminths. here reproductive responses of earthworms eisenia fetida to abz exposure (0, 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mg kg(-1) soil dry weight) were investigated for 56 d in chronic reproduction test, and deformed sperm were counted and morphological alterations in the seminal vesicles were qualitatively assessed by light and transmission electron microscopy. results have showed that cocoon number of earthworms was more sensitive to low ...201525462294
effects of acute gamma radiation on the reproductive ability of the earthworm eisenia fetida.earthworms are the most suitable biological indicators of radioactive pollution because they are the parts of nutritional webs, and are present in relatively high numbers. four months old eisenia fetida were exposed to different doses of gamma radiation, namely 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 & 60 gy to study the effects of radiation on different reproductive parameters. the number of cocoons laid and the hatchlings emerged were recorded for all the selected doses. there was n ...201525461510
responses of earthworms to repeated exposure to three biocides applied singly and as a mixture in an agricultural field.the study aimed at investigating effects of three differently acting biocides; the insecticide esfenvalerate, the fungicide picoxystrobin and the bactericide triclosan, applied individually and as a mixture, on an earthworm community in the field. a concentration-response design was chosen and results were analyzed using univariate and multivariate approaches. effects on juvenile proportions were less pronounced and more variable than effects on abundance, but effects in general were species- an ...201525461024
toxicity of mixtures of λ-cyhalothrin, imidacloprid and cadmium on the earthworm eisenia fetida by combination index (ci)-isobologram method.contaminants in the environment do not appear singly and usually occur as mixtures. we applied the combination index (ci)-isobologram method which allows computerized quantitation of synergism, additive effect and antagonism to determine the nature of toxicological interactions of two pesticides λ-cyhalothrin, imidacloprid, and heavy metal cadmium towards earthworm eisenia fetida. in an artificial soil test, λ-cyhalothrin and cd combination was slightly synergistic at low effect levels which tur ...201525450940
bioavailability of perfluorooctane sulfonate (pfos) and perfluorooctanoic acid (pfoa) in biosolids-amended soils to earthworms (eisenia fetida).the bioavailability of perfluorooctane sulfonate (pfos) and perfluorooctanoic acid (pfoa) in seven biosolids-amended soils without any additionally spiking to earthworms (eisenia fetida) was studied. the uptake and elimination kinetics of pfos and pfoa fit a one-compartment first-order kinetic model. pfos displayed higher uptake and lower elimination rate coefficients, and longer time to reach steady-state (t(ss)) than those of pfoa. the bioaccumulation factors (bafs) of pfos and pfoa ranged 1.5 ...201525439283
both released silver ions and particulate ag contribute to the toxicity of agnps to earthworm eisenia disentangle the contribution of ionic and nanoparticulate ag to the overall toxicity to the earthworm eisenia fetida, a semi-permeable membrane strategy was used to separate ag(+) released from silver nanoparticles (agnps) in an aqueous exposure. internal ag fractionation, activities of antioxidant enzymes and metabolites in e. fetida were determined after 96 h of exposure to two sizes of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated agnps. the response of the antioxidant system combined with the content of ma ...201525387252
epr detection of hydroxyl radical generation and oxidative perturbations in lead-exposed earthworms (eisenia fetida) in the presence of decabromodiphenyl ether.lead (pb) and decabromodiphenyl ether (bde209) are the main contaminants at e-waste recycling sites, and their potential toxicological effects on terrestrial organisms have received extensive attention. however, the impacts on the oxidative perturbations and hydroxyl radical (·oh) generation in earthworms of exposure to the two chemicals remain almost unknown. therefore, indoor incubation tests were performed on control and contaminated soil samples to determine the effects of pb in earthworms e ...201525373545
activity of earthworm in latosol under simulated acid rain stress.acid rain is still an issue of environmental concerns. this study investigated the impacts of simulated acid rain (sar) upon earthworm activity from the latosol (acidic red soil). laboratory experiment was performed by leaching the soil columns grown with earthworms (eisenia fetida) at the sar ph levels ranged from 2.0 to 6.5 over a 34-day period. results showed that earthworms tended to escape from the soil and eventually died for the sar at ph = 2.0 as a result of acid toxicity. the catalase a ...201525351717
effects of benzo[a]pyrene on growth, the antioxidant system, and dna damage in earthworms (eisenia fetida) in 2 different soil types under laboratory conditions.the aims of the present study were to compare the toxic effects of benzo[a]pyrene (bap) and to screen for rapid and sensitive biomarkers that can be used to assess the environmental risks of bap in earthworms in different natural soil types. the authors exposed eisenia fetida to 2 types of soil (red soil and fluvo-aquic soil) spiked with different concentrations (0 mg kg(-1), 1 mg kg(-1), 10 mg kg(-1), 100 mg kg(-1), and 500 mg kg(-1)) of bap for 7 d or 14 d. benzo[a]pyrene-induced weight variat ...201525331318
biomarker responses in earthworms (eisenia fetida) to soils contaminated with di-n-butyl phthalates.di-n-butyl phthalates (dbp) are recognized as ubiquitous contaminants in soil and adversely impact the health of organisms. changes in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and levels of glutathione-s-transferase (gst), glutathione (gsh), and malondialdehyde (mda) were used as biomarkers to evaluate the impact of dbp on earthworms (eisenia fetida) after exposure to dbp for 28 days. dbp was added to artificial soil in the amounts of 0, 5, 10, 50, and 100 mg kg(-1) of soil. earthworm tissues exposed ...201525328097
chronic pfos exposure alters the expression of neuronal development-related human homologues in eisenia fetida.pfos is a toxic, persistent environmental pollutant which is widespread worldwide. pfos contamination has entered the food chain and is interfering with normal development in man and is neurotoxic, hepatotoxic and tumorigenic. the earthworm, eisenia fetida is one of the organisms which can help to diagnose soil health and contamination at lower levels in the food chain. studying the chronic effects of sub-lethal pfos exposure in such an organism is therefore appropriate. as pfos bioaccumulates a ...201425285771
effects of combined composting and vermicomposting of waste sludge on arsenic fate and bioavailability.composting and vermicomposting are traditional processes for the treatment of sludge. during these processes, the humification of organic matter has a significant effect on the physicochemical form and distribution of heavy metals. in this study, industrial sludge (groundwater treatment waste) contaminated by arsenic (396 ± 1 mg kg(-1)) was used. such sludge poses a significant challenge with respect to effective treatment. composting, vermicomposting (with eisenia fetida), and the combined appr ...201425209831
evaluation of zinc oxide nanoparticle toxicity in sludge products applied to agricultural soil using multispecies soil study the environmental impact of nanoparticles, the sludges of wastewater (wwts) and water treatment (wts) plants enriched with zno nanoparticles were added to agricultural soil, and the toxic effects of the nanoparticles were studied using a microcosm system based on the soil. the wwts treated soils were characterised by statistically significant decreases (p<0.05) in vicia sativa germination at the lowest (76.2%) and medium (95.2%) application rates, decreases in the fresh biomass for trit ...201425194764
anti-elastase, anti-tyrosinase and matrix metalloproteinase-1 inhibitory activity of earthworm extracts as potential new anti-aging examine whether earthworms of eisenia fetida, lumbricus rubellus and eudrilus eugeniae extracts have elastase, tyrosinase and matrix metalloproteinase-1 (mmp-1) inhibitory activity.201425183109
effect of triclosan on reproduction, dna damage and heat shock protein gene expression of the earthworm eisenia fetida.triclosan (tcs) is released into the terrestrial environment via the application of sewage sludge and reclaimed water to agricultural land. more attention has been paid to its effect on non-target soil organisms. in the present study, chronic toxic effects of tcs on earthworms at a wide range of concentrations were investigated. the reproduction, dna damage, and expression levels of heat shock protein (hsp70) gene of earthworms were studied as toxicity endpoints. the results showed that the repr ...201425134678
toxicological responses of the earthworm eisenia fetida to 18-crown-6 under laboratory conditions.the earthworm eisenia fetida was exposed to artificial soil supplemented with 18-crown-6 (1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane) to investigate its effects on earthworm mortality, growth, avoidance, burrowing behavior and respiration. the results revealed that 18-crown-6 had the potential to negatively affect the behavior of earthworms. the 7-d lc50 was 585 mg kg(-1) soil. avoidance behavior was the most sensitive endpoint, with a 48-h ec50 of 120 mg kg(-1) soil. growth, burrow length and respir ...201425100182
bioactive proteins and peptides isolated from chinese medicines with pharmaceutical potential.some protein pharmaceuticals from chinese medicine have been developed to treat cardiovascular diseases, genetic diseases, and cancer. bioactive proteins with various pharmacological properties have been successfully isolated from animals such as hirudo medicinalis (medicinal leech), eisenia fetida (earthworm), and mesobuthus martensii (chinese scorpion), and from herbal medicines derived from species such as cordyceps militaris, ganoderma, momordica cochinchinensis, viscum album, poria cocos, s ...201425067942
can the use of medical muds cause genotoxicity in eukaryotic cells? a trial using comet assay.despite the lack of knowledge of their exact effects, peloids (natural muds) are widely applied in clinical treatment and prevention of different diseases, especially in rheumatic and gynecological disorders or skin diseases. primarily we have information on their inorganic components, but only limited data are available on the organic components and nothing on their mechanism of chemical action. the objective of the present study was to detect the dna-damaging effects (possible genotoxic effect ...201525063339
combined toxicity of butachlor, atrazine and λ-cyhalothrin on the earthworm eisenia fetida by combination index (ci)-isobologram method.pesticides in the environment do not appear singly and usually occur as complex mixtures and their combined effect may exhibit toxicity to organisms. the individual and combined toxicities of two herbicides, atrazine and butachlor and an insecticide λ-cyhalothrin have been examined to the earthworm eisenia fetida, as a non-target terrestrial organism, in artificial soil and filter paper tests. the order of toxicity for the individual pesticides was ranked as atrazine>λ-cyhalothrin>butachlor in b ...201425048932
toxicity and bioaccumulation of ethofumesate enantiomers in earthworm eisenia fetida.earthworms represent an important food source for many vertebrates and as a result, predators may encounter toxic effects via the food chain from consumption of contaminated worms. therefore, including an assessment of xenobiotic to worms in risk assessment procedures is advisable. here we studied the acute toxicity, bioaccumulation and elimination of ethofumesate enantiomers in earthworm, eisenia fetida, in a soil. a slight difference in toxicity to earthworm between two enantiomers was found, ...201425048902
inhibition effect of glyphosate on the acute and subacute toxicity of cadmium to earthworm eisenia fetida.the acute and subacute toxicities of cadmium (cd) to earthworm eisenia fetida in the presence and absence of glyphosate were studied. although cd is highly toxic to e. fetida, the presence of glyphosate markedly reduced the acute toxicity of cd to earthworm; both the mortality rate of the earthworms and the accumulation of cd decreased with the increase of the glyphosate/cd molar ratio. the subcellular distribution of cd in e. fetida tissues showed that internal cd was dominant in the intact cel ...201425043609
the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of metalaxy-m on earthworms (eisenia fetida).as the main optical isomer of metalaxyl, metalaxyl-m has been widely used worldwide in recent years because of its notable effect on the prevention and control of crop diseases. together with the toxicity and degradation of metalaxyl-m, the chemical has attracted the attention of researchers. the present study examined the toxic effects of metalaxyl-m on earthworms at 0 mg kg(-1) , 0.1 mg kg(-1) , 1 mg kg(-1) , and 3 mg kg(-1) on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after exposure. the results showed that meta ...201425043480
a multi-biomarker risk assessment of the impact of brominated flame retardant-decabromodiphenyl ether (bde209) on the antioxidant system of earthworm eisenia fetida.decabromodiphenyl ether (bde209) is the major contaminant at e-waste recycling sites (ewrss), and its potential toxicological effects on terrestrial organisms have received extensive attention. however, the impacts of bde209 on the antioxidant defense system in terrestrial organisms remain vague. therefore, indoor incubation tests were performed systematically on control and contaminated soil samples to determine the effects of bde209 on the antioxidant system of earthworm eisenia fetida. the re ...201425016100
effects of soil organic matter content on cadmium toxicity in eisenia fetida: implications for the use of biomarkers and standard toxicity tests.bioavailability is affected by soil physicochemical characteristics such as ph and organic matter (om) content. in addition, om constitutes the energy source of eisenia fetida, a well established model species for soil toxicity assessment. the present work aimed at assessing the effects of changes in om content on the toxicity of cd in e. fetida through the measurement of neutral red uptake (nru) and mortality, growth, and reproduction (organisation for economic co-operation and development [oec ...201525015731
optimization of nru assay in primary cultures of eisenia fetida for metal toxicity assessment.coelomocytes, immunocompetent cells of lumbricids, have received special attention for ecotoxicological studies due to their sensibility to pollutants. their in vitro responses are commonly quantified after in vivo exposure to real or spiked soils. alternatively, quantifications of in vitro responses after in vitro exposure are being studied. within this framework, the present study aimed at optimizing the neutral red uptake (nru) assay in primary culture of eisenia fetida coelomocytes for its a ...201425011921
integrated assessment of oxidative stress and dna damage in earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed to azoxystrobin.azoxystrobin has been widely used in recent years. the present study investigated the oxidative stress and dna damage effects of azoxystrobin on earthworms (eisenia fetida). earthworms were exposed to different azoxystrobin concentrations in an artificial soil (0, 0.1, 1, and 10mg/kg) and sampled on days 7, 14, 21, and 28. superoxide dismutase (sod), catalase (cat), guaiacol peroxidase (pod), glutathione-s-transferase (gst), reactive oxygen species (ros), and malondialdehyde (mda) content were m ...201425011117
molecular and ultrastructural insights into the earthworm eisenia fetida of the assessment of ecotoxicity during colistin exposure.colistin is a peptide antibiotic widely used as a feed additive in animal farming, especially in poultry and swine production, for treatment and prevention of gram-negative bacterial infections, as well as for growth promotion use. when orally ingested, colistin is poorly absorbed and is eliminated almost unaltered by the enteric canal into the environment. thus, risk of environmental toxicity cannot be ignored. in the present study, we examined the effects of colistin on heath shock protein (hs ...201424999182
earthworm coelomocytes as nanoscavenger of zno nps.earthworms can 'biotransform' or 'biodegrade' chemical contaminants, rendering them harmless in their bodies, and can bioaccumulate them in their tissues. they 'absorb' the dissolved chemicals through their moist 'body wall' due to the interstitial water and also ingest by 'mouth' while soil passes through the gut. since the advent of the nanotechnology era, the environmental sink has been continuously receiving engineered nanomaterials as well as their derivatives. our current understanding of ...201424959107
heavy metal behavior and dissolved organic matter (dom) characterization of vermicomposted pig manure amended with rice straw.vermicomposting is an eco-friendly method for disposing of livestock and poultry manure. in addition, dissolved organic matter (dom) can serve as a carrier that enhances the migration and transformation of heavy metals. here, pig manure amended with rice straw was vermicomposted with eisenia fetida. the dom content, molecular weight distribution, and spectroscopic properties of the amended pig manure were measured before and after vermicomposting. the cu and zn concentrations in the earthworms i ...201424958537
effects of field metal-contaminated soils submitted to phytostabilisation and fly ash-aided phytostabilisation on the avoidance behaviour of the earthworm eisenia fetida.the earthworm eisenia fetida avoidance behaviour test was used to assess the quality recovery of metal-contaminated soils from lands submitted for 10 years to remediation. soils were from plots located in the surroundings of a former lead smelter plant of northern france. metal concentrations in the soils ranged from 93 to 1231, 56 to 1424, 0.3 to 20 and 15 to 45.5mg metal/kg dry soil for pb, zn, cd and cu, respectively. several former agricultural plots were treated either by a single phytostab ...201424949898
[effects of lead on the growth and reproduction of eisenia fetida with aged soils].in this study, effects of pb (no3)2 on the growth and reproduction of eisenia fetida were investigated with artificial soils. the results showed that: compared with the control group, the growth of e. fetida in contaminated soil was inhibited significantly with increasing pb (no3)2 concentrations. but there were great differences in the extent of inhibition after 0, 7, 28 and 84 days of aging in the artificial soils. the most obvious effect occurred in 1000 mg x kg(-1) and 1500 mg x kg(-1) exper ...201424946607
ecotoxicological effects on the earthworm eisenia fetida following exposure to soil contaminated with imidacloprid.imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide, has been used widely in agriculture worldwide. the adverse effects of imidacloprid on exposed biota have brought it increasing attention. however, knowledge about the effects of imidacloprid on antioxidant defense systems and digestive systems in the earthworm is vague and not comprehensive. in the present study, the changes in the activity of superoxide dismutase (sod), catalase (cat), peroxidase (pod), cellulase, reactive oxygen species (ros), and mal ...201424938817
exposure assessment to glyphosate of two species of mortality, biomass, fecundity and viability of cocoons were studied in eisenia fetida and octolasion tyrtaeum, in response to glyphosate exposure in soil. exposure tests were carried out following usepa procedure, with five concentrations of glyphosate in soil and a control. o. tyrtaeum was more sensitive to the highest concentration of glyphosate (50,000 mg kg(-1)), with 100 % mortality by day 7 of exposure, compared with 71 % for e. fetida. although biomass of o. tyrtaeum was significant ...201424902650
genotoxicity in earthworm after combined treatment of ionising radiation and mercury.this study was performed to investigate the acute genotoxic effects of mercury and radiation on earthworms (eisenia fetida). the levels of dna damage and the repair kinetics in the coelomocytes of e. fetida treated with mercuric chloride (hgcl₂) and ionising radiation (gamma rays) were analysed by means of the comet assay. for detection of dna damage and repair, e. fetida was exposed to hgcl₂ (0-160 mg kg(-1)) and irradiated with gamma rays (0-50 gy) in vivo. the increase in dna damage depended ...201424870361
short-term effects of dechlorane plus on the earthworm eisenia fetida determined by a systems biology approach.dechlorane plus (dp), a chlorinated flame retardant, has been widely detected in environmental matrices, especially in sediment and soil. dp has characteristics similar to persistent organic pollutants. however, no toxicity data of dp on terrestrial invertebrate are available. in this study, earthworms eisenia fetida were exposed to 0.1, 1, 10, and 50mg/kg dp for 14 days. lethality, oxidative stress and damage, neurotoxicity, and transcriptomic profiles of e. fetida were assessed on day 7 and da ...201424751489
identification of oscillatory firing neurons associated with locomotion in the earthworm through synapse imaging.we used fm imaging to identify neurons that receive sensory feedback from the body wall in a circuit for octopamine (oa)-evoked rhythmic locomotion in the earthworm, eisenia fetida. we visualized synapses in which postsynaptic neurons receive the sensory feedback, by using fm1-43 dye to label the synapses of both motor and sensory pathways that are associated with locomotion, then clearing the motor pathway synapse labeling, and finally identifying the target synapses by distinguishing physiolog ...201424657777
evaluation of vermicompost maturity using scanning electron microscopy and paper chromatography analysis.vermicompost was produced from flower waste inoculated with biofertilizers using the earthworm eisenia fetida. principal component analysis (pca) and cluster analysis (ca) were carried out on the basis of physicochemical parameters of vermicomposted samples. from the results of the pca and ca, it was possible to classify two different groups of vermicompost samples in the following categories: e2 and e5; and e1, e3, e4, and control. scanning electron microscopy and biodynamic circular paper chro ...201424634991
first evidence of the p-glycoprotein gene expression and multixenobiotic resistance modulation in earthworm.multixenobiotic resistance (mxr) is an important mechanism of cellular efflux mediated by atp binding cassette (abc) transporters that bind and actively remove toxic substrates from the cell. this study was the first to identify abc transporter p-glycoprotein (p-gp/abcb1) as a representative of the mxr phenotype in earthworm (eisenia fetida). the identified partial cdna sequence of abcb1 overlapped with abcb1 homologues of other organisms from 58.5 % to 72.5 %. we also studied the effect of five ...201424622780
combined effects of oxytetracycline and pb on earthworm eisenia fetida.combined effects of oxytetracycline (otc) and pb on lysosomal membrane stability and coelomocyte apoptosis of earthworm were studied in the paper. compared with control, the lysosomal membrane stability decreased and coelomocyte apoptosis increased in the treatments of single otc and pb contamination. as for compound pollution, combined effect of (5 mg/kg otc+50 mg/kg pb) treatment on earthworm lysosomal was synergistic (except 28 d). however, it was antagonistic at higher concentration of (10 m ...201424607684
soil acidification increases metal extractability and bioavailability in old orchard soils of northeast jiaodong peninsula in china.the bioavailability of cu, zn, pb and cd from field-aged orchard soils in a certified fruit plantation area of the northeast jiaodong peninsula in china was assessed using bioassays with earthworms (eisenia fetida) and chemical assays. soil acidity increased with increasing fruit cultivation periods with a lowest ph of 4.34. metals were enriched in topsoils after decades of horticultural cultivation, with highest concentrations of cu (132 kg(-1)) and zn (168 mg kg(-1)) in old apple orchards and ...201424583712
acute toxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, sodium pentachlorophenate, and their complex on earthworm eisenia fetida.laboratory experiments were undertaken to relate biomarker responses to the toxicities of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (mwcnts) and sodium pentachlorophenate (pcp-na), both individually and combined. the acute toxicities of mwcnts and pcp-na on earthworm eisenia fetida were studied through different exposure methods (filter paper contact test, immersion contact test, and artificial soil contact test). enzyme activity and malondialdehyde (mda) content in the earthworm e. fetida exposed to mwcnts ...201424562180
effects of cadmium and lead on the life-cycle parameters of juvenile earthworm eisenia fetida.juveniles eisenia fetida were exposed to cadmium (1-500µgcdg(-1)) and lead (20-2500µgpbg(-1)) for fourteen weeks in order to evaluate the impact on life-cycle parameters (survival, growth, sexual maturation, and cocoon production) and lipid peroxidation (expressed as concentration of malondialdehyde (mda)). both metals were found to significantly affect survival of the juveniles (fourteen-week lc50 296±125µgcdg(-1) and 911±164µgpbg(-1)) and alter their development. cd and pb severely affected th ...201424561241
environmental assessment of depleted uranium used in military armor-piercing rounds in terrestrial systems.depleted uranium (du) from the military testing and use of armor-piercing kinetic energy penetrators has been shown to accumulate in soils; however, little is known about the toxicity of du geochemical species created through corrosion or weathering. the purpose of the present study was to assess the toxic effects and bioaccumulation potential of field-collected du oxides to the model terrestrial invertebrates eisenia fetida (earthworm) and porcellio scaber (isopod). earthworm studies were acute ...201424549573
genotoxic and oxidative responses in coelomocytes of eisenia fetida and hediste diversicolor exposed to lipid-coated cdse/zns quantum dots and cdcl2.the emerging of quantum dots utilization in industrial or medicinal fields involved a potentially increase of these nanoparticles in environment. in this work, the genotoxic (comet assay) and oxidative effects (sod activity, tbars) of functionalized-qds and cadmium chloride were investigated on hediste diversicolor and eisenia fetida coelomocytes. results demonstrated that functionalized-qds (qdns) and cadmium chloride induced dna damages through different mechanisms that depended on the nano- o ...201524500942
uptake kinetics of five hydrophobic organic pollutants in the earthworm eisenia fetida in six different soils.hydrophobic organic contaminants in soils may pose toxicity or transfer to food chains after their uptake to soil biota. however, uptake data for earthworms are usually limited, as: (a) only fixed exposure times are studied instead of whole uptake kinetics and (b) studies including compounds with different environmental properties and more than two soils of different properties are quite rare. in our study, five persistent organic pollutants (phenanthrene, pyrene, lindane, p,p'-dichlorodiphenylt ...201424447858
solid phase microextraction of organic pollutants from natural and artificial soils and comparison with bioaccumulation in earthworms.the presented study investigates the use of passive sampling, i.e. solid phase microextraction with polydimethylsiloxane fibers (pdms-spme), to assess the bioavailability of fiver neutral organic chemicals (phenanthrene, pyrene, lindane, p,p'-ddt, and pcb 153) spiked to natural and artificial soils after different aging times. contaminant bioavailability was assessed by comparing pdms concentrations with results from a 10 day bioaccumulation test with earthworms (eisenia fetida). the hypotheses ...201424433790
effects of a natural toxin on life history and gene expression of eisenia andrei.earthworms perform key functions for a healthy soil ecosystem, such as bioturbation. the soil ecosystem can be challenged by natural toxins such as isothiocyanates (itcs), produced by many commercial crops. therefore, the effects of 2-phenylethyl itc were investigated on the earthworm eisenia andrei using an ecotoxicogenomics approach. exposure to 2-phenylethyl itc reduced both survival and reproduction of e. andrei in a dose-dependent manner (median effective concentration [ec50] = 556 nmol/g). ...201424395740
insight into the roles of earthworm in vermicomposting of sewage sludge by determining the water-extracts through chemical and spectroscopic methods.this work illustrated the effects of earthworm in vermicomposting (eisenia fetida) by determining the water-extracts through chemical and spectroscopic methods. a field experiment with sludge as the only feed was subjected to vermicomposting and the control (without worms) for three weeks. compared to the control, vermicomposting resulted in lower ph and water-extractable organic carbon (weoc) along with higher electrical conductivity (ec). moreover, vermicomposting caused nearly two times highe ...201424384315
comparative and combined acute toxicity of butachlor, imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos on earthworm, eisenia fetida.various pesticides have become widespread contaminants of soils due to their large applications in agriculture and homes. an earthworm assay was used to assess the acute toxicity of butachlor, imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos with different modes of action. ecotoxicities of these pesticides were compared for earthworm eisenia fetida separately and in combination in artificial soil and contact filter paper tests. imidacloprid was the most toxic for e. fetida with lc₅₀ (lethal concentration 50) value ...201424377448
dna damage and effects on antioxidative enzymes in earthworm (eisenia fetida) induced by flumorph.flumorph is an oomycete fungicide, which is used extensively as an effective fungicide in vegetables and fruits, but little is known about its effect on nontarget soil organisms. in the present study, biochemical responses including changes in the activity of antioxidative enzymes catalase (cat), superoxide dismutase (sod), glutathione-s-transferase (gst), malondialdehyde (mda), and dna damage induced by flumorph were investigated in earthworms (eisenis fetida). the cat concentrations were stimu ...201424352618
ecotoxicological effects of a veterinary food additive, copper sulphate, on antioxidant enzymes and mrna expression in earthworms.the present study was aimed to investigate the effect of the veterinary food additive copper sulphate (cuso₄) on the eco-toxicological responses of earthworms eisenia fetida (e. fetida). the following biomarkers were measured: catalase (cat), superoxide dismutase (sod), glutathione peroxidase (gpx), and glutathione-s-transferase (gst) activities. gene expression analyses such as metallothionein (mt) and heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) were also examined. a time-dependent increase of cat activity w ...201424322621
comparative toxicity of carbaryl, carbofuran, cypermethrin and fenvalerate in metaphire posthuma and eisenia fetida -a possible establish the use of metaphire posthuma as a sensitive test model for ecotoxicological studies, acute toxicity testing of carbaryl, carbofuran, cypermethrin and fenvalerate on eisenia fetida and metaphire posthuma were carried out. two different types of bioassays, contact filter paper toxicity and soil toxicity bioassays were used to determine lc50 values for these insecticides. among the tested chemicals, carbofuran was the most toxic to both the earthworm species. in paper contact method, ...201424321850
zonation in the digestive tract of eisenia fetida: implications in biomarker measurements for toxicity assessment.eisenia fetida is a model species for soil health assessment and different biomarkers that detect either the presence of bioavailable contaminants or their biological effect have been developed. these parameters are performed in a target tissue or whole earthworm, without considering the marked zonation in histological organisation, enzyme activities and gene expression pattern existing along the body. thus, the present work was aimed at (a) characterising the morphofunctional heterogeneity alon ...201424291736
lead accumulations and toxic effects in earthworms (eisenia fetida) in the presence of decabromodiphenyl ether.lead (pb) and decabromodiphenyl ether (bde209) are the main contaminants at e-waste recycling sites, and their potential toxicological effects on terrestrial organisms have received extensive attention. however, the impact on earthworms of exposure to the two chemicals remains almost unknown. therefore, indoor incubation tests were performed on control and contaminated soil samples to determine the pb accumulations and toxic effects by earthworms in the presence of bde209 for the first time. the ...201424243266
species composition of a soil invertebrate multi-species test system determines the level of ecotoxicity.a soil multi-species, sms, experimental test system consisting of the natural microbial community, five collembolan species and a predatory mite along with either enchytraeus crypticus or the earthworm eisenia fetida were exposed to α-cypermethrin. a comparison of the performance of these two types of smss is given to aid the development of a standard test system. e. fetida had a positive effect on the majority of the species, reducing the negative insecticide effect. e. fetida affected the spec ...201424201037
can commonly measurable traits explain differences in metal accumulation and toxicity in earthworm species?there is no clear consensus in the literature on the metal accumulation pattern and sensitivity of different earthworm species. in the present study, accumulation and toxicity of cu, cd, ni, and zn in the earthworms lumbricus rubellus (epigeic), aporrectodea longa (anecic), and eisenia fetida (ultra-epigeic) were determined after 28 days exposure in two soils. metal accumulation and sensitivity were interpreted using the specific traits of different earthworm species. results showed that for all ...201424193403
polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) accumulation by earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed to biosolids-, polyurethane foam microparticle-, and penta-bde-amended soils.polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) flame retardants have been used in consumer polymers at up to percent levels. while long viewed as biologically inaccessible therein, pbdes may become bioaccessible following volatilization or polymer deterioration. pbdes may then enter soils via polymer fragmentation or following land application of sewage sludge-derived biosolids. studies of direct pbde uptake from these materials by soil organisms are scarce. we thus exposed earthworms ( eisenia fetida ) t ...201324160918
mutual impacts of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) and earthworms (eisenia fetida) on the bioavailability of perfluoroalkyl substances (pfass) in soil.wheat and earthworms were exposed individually and together to soils contaminated with 11 perfluoroalkyl substances (pfass). wheat accumulated pfass from soil with root concentration factors and bioconcentration factors that decreased as the number of perfluorinated carbons in the molecule increased. earthworms accumulated pfass from soil with biota-to-soil accumulation factors that increased with the number of carbons. translocation factors (tf) of perfluorinated carboxylates (pfcas) in wheat p ...201424158108
coelomocyte-derived fluorescence and dna markers of composting earthworm species.supravital species identification of morphologically similar syntopic earthworms inhabiting dung and compost heaps or those from commercial cultures is difficult. the aim of the studies was to find out non-invasive species-specific markers for proper segregation of earthworm species from a dense mixed colony of waste decomposers. worms were segregated according to external characteristics into eisenia andrei, eisenia fetida, and dendrobaena veneta, and left for reproduction and analysis of non-i ...201424115405
toxicological effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes adsorbed with nonylphenol on earthworm eisenia fetida.the high surface area of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (mwcnts) tends to adsorb a large variety of toxic chemicals, which may enhance the toxicity of both mwcnts and chemicals to organisms. in order to evaluate the combined toxicity of nonylphenol (np) and mwcnts to the earthworm eisenia fetida in soil, artificial soil systems containing distilled water, 0.1 g kg(-1) mwcnts, 1 g kg(-1) mwcnts, 1 g kg(-1) mwcnts absorbed 5 mg kg(-1) np, and 10 mg kg(-1) np alone were prepared and exposed to earth ...201324104387
time-course profiling of molecular stress responses to silver nanoparticles in the earthworm eisenia fetida.the molecular mechanism of silver nanoparticle (agnp) toxicity, particularly its temporal aspect, is currently limited in the literature. this study seeks to identify and profile changes in molecular response patterns over time during soil exposure of the earthworm eisenia fetida to agnps (82±27 nm) with reference to dissolved silver salt (agno₃). principal component analysis of selected gene and enzyme response profiles revealed dissimilar patterns between agno₃ and agnp treatments and also ove ...201324041528
amelioration of acidic soil increases the toxicity of the weak base carbendazim to the earthworm eisenia fetida.ameliorating acidic soils is a common practice and may affect the bioavailability of an ionizable organic pollutant to organisms. the toxicity of the weak base carbendazim to the earthworm (eisenia fetida) was studied in an acidic soil (ph-h₂o, 4.6) and in the ameliorated soil (ph-h₂o, 7.5). the results indicated that the median lethal concentration of carbendazim for e. fetida decreased from 21.8 mg/kg in acidic soil to 7.35 mg/kg in the ameliorated soil. to understand why the amelioration incr ...201324038552
bioaccumulation and the soil factors affecting the uptake of arsenic in earthworm, eisenia better understand arsenic (as) bioaccumulation, a soil invertebrate species was exposed to 17 field soils contaminated with arsenic due to mining activity. earthworms (eisenia fetida) were kept in the soils for 70 days under laboratory conditions, as body burden increased and failed to reach equilibrium in all soils. after 70 days of exposure, xanes spectra determined that as was biotransformed to a highly reduced form. uptake kinetics for as was calculated using one compartment model. stepwi ...201324026203
ecological risks of polycyclic musk in soils irrigated with reclaimed municipal wastewater.hhcb (1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8-hexamethylcyclopenta-c-2-benzopyrane) and ahtn (7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene) are found in reclaimed municipal wastewater. they may accumulate in soils receiving long-term application of reclaimed water thus adversely impact the soil biota. we evaluated the extent of their accumulation in receiving soils using hydrus-1d based on reclaimed municipal wastewater irrigation data at a public park in beijing. the potential for ecol ...201323978598
proteomic and metabolomic analysis of earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to different concentrations of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl a class of brominated flame-retardants (bfrs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) are widely used in industrial products. pbdes have been detected in local terrestrial biota from the laizhou bay in china. they can induce various toxicities, such as hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and endocrine disrupting effects in animals. in this work, we characterized the dose-responsive effects of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (bde 47) in earthworm eisenia fetida using a ...201323954424
dynamics of microbial communities related to biochemical parameters during vermicomposting and maturation of agroindustrial lignocellulose wastes.scarce information is available on the changes in abundance of microbial taxa during vermicomposting. quantitative pcr and dgge analysis were used to monitor variations in the microbial structure, relative abundance of four bacterial classes and fungi over the vermicomposting and maturation period of wet olive cake (o) and vine shoots (w). multivariate correlation analysis between microbial structure and abundance, earthworm biomass and enzyme activities revealed similar and divergent interactio ...201323948272
[polycyclic musks exposure affects gene expression of specific proteins in earthworm eisenia fetida].to investigate the changes in gene expression of earthworm specific proteins following long-term exposure to low-dose polycyclic musks in soil, the mrna expression levels of the four representative protein-coding genes (hsp70, crt, cypa, tctp) were examined in earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to polycyclic musks using real-time quantitative pcr (rt-qpcr). the purpose of this study was to investigate mrna expression profiles of test protein genes in response to sublethal galaxolide (hhcb) and ton ...201323914539
mixing of an anthracene-contaminated soil: a simple but efficient remediation technique?contamination of soils with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) is a serious problem in petroleum producing countries, such as méxico, and environment-friendly easy to apply techniques are required to accelerate the removal of the contaminants. removal of anthracene was monitored in an arable and a pasture soil regularly mixed or amended with organic material, a non-ionic surfactant (surfynol(®) 485) or earthworms (eisenia fetida (savigny, 1826)). in both soils the same results were obtained ...201323896178
influence of earthworm eisenia fetida on iris pseudacorus's photosynthetic characteristics, evapotranspiration losses and purifying capacity in constructed wetland systems.four constructed wetland systems were studied to investigate the effects of adding eisenia fetida on the purifying capacity of constructed wetlands. addition of e. fetida increased the photosynthetic rate (pn), transpiration rate (tr) and chlorophyll meter value of leaves of iris pseudacorus l. in the constructed wetlands by 16, 35 and 7%, respectively. compared with the substrate only system, evapotranspiration losses were increased by 8, 48 and 56% for the wetland systems with substrate and e. ...201323863425
evaluation of phenanthrene toxicity on earthworm (eisenia fetida): an ecotoxicoproteomics approach.the goal of this study was to identify promising new biomarkers of phenanthrene by identifying differentially expressed proteins in eisenia fetida after exposure to phenanthrene. extracts of earthworm epithelium collected at days 2, 7, 14, and 28 after phenanthrene exposure were analyzed by two dimensional electrophoresis (2-de) and quantitative image analysis. comparing the intensity of protein spots, 36 upregulated proteins and 45 downregulated proteins were found. some of the downregulated an ...201323856470
earthworms newly from mongolia (oligochaeta, lumbricidae, eisenia).two new megadrile earthworms from the steppes, the first species wholly from outer mongolia, are ascribed to the partially parthenogenetic eisenia nordenskioldi (eisen, 1879) species-complex. taxonomic justification of sympatric eisenia nordenskioldi mongol and eisenia nordenskioldi onon ssp. n. are supported by mtdna coi barcodes. the unreliability of molecular differentiation based on voucher names compared to definitive types is again demonstrated, as pertains to the ultimate eisenia andrei b ...201323798894
[effects of imidazolium chloride ionic liquids on the acute toxicity and weight of earthworm].standard contact filter paper test of oecd and artificial soil test were used to study the acute lethal effect of three imidazolium chloride ionic liquids, 1-butyl- 3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim] cl), 1-hexyl- 3-methylimidazolium chloride ([hmim] cl), and 1-octyl- 3-methylimidazolium chloride ([omim] cl) on earthworm (eisenia fetida), and the weight of the earthworms was measured after subtle exposure. the 24 h-lc50 values of [bmim] cl, [hmim] cl and [omim] cl using the contact filter pape ...201323798118
pseudo-basal levels of and distribution of anti-oxidant enzyme biomarkers in eisenia fetida and effect of exposure to the paper, the pseudo-basal levels of anti-oxidant system in different earthworm life stages (juvenile and adult) and the pseudo-basal distribution in different regions of adult earthworms (pre-clitellum, clitellum and post-clitellum) were studied using filter contact tests. the effects of phenanthrene (phe) at different exposure levels on anti-oxidant enzymes along the earthworm body were also investigated after 24 and 48h of exposure. the pseudo-basal levels of the anti-oxidant enzymes vari ...201323769124
[impact of pahs on the expression of prdx in earthworm (eisenia fetida)].a peroxiredoxin6 (prdx6)-like gene segment has been found in up-regulated cdna libraries of earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to benzo[a]pyrene(bap). analysis with basic local alignment search tool (blast) and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the gene segment contains a characteristic motif which was encoded by cys, illustrating that this gene segment belongs to prdx. to verify the response of prdx in e. feitida exposed to poly aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs), four-week pollution experiments were ...201323745435
soil ph effects on the comparative toxicity of dissolved zinc, non-nano and nano zno to the earthworm eisenia determine how soil properties influence nanoparticle (np) fate, bioavailability and toxicity, this study compared the toxicity of nano zinc oxide (zno nps), non-nano zno and ionic zncl2 to the earthworm eisenia fetida in a natural soil at three ph levels. np characterisation indicated that reaction with the soil media greatly controls zno properties. three main conclusions were drawn. first that zn toxicity, especially for reproduction, was influenced by ph for all zn forms. this can be linke ...201423739012
subacute toxicity of copper and glyphosate and their interaction to earthworm (eisenia fetida).glyphosate (gps) and copper (cu) are common pollutants in soils, and commonly co-exist. due to the chemical structure of gps, it can form complexes of heavy metals and interface their bioavailability in soil environment. in order to explore the interactions between gps and cu, subacute toxicity tests of cu and gps on soil invertebrate earthworms (eisenia fetida) were conducted. the relative weight loss and whole-worm metal burdens increased significantly with the increasing exposure concentratio ...201323733011
development of an in vitro thin-film solid-phase microextraction method to determine the bioavailability of xenoestrogens in soil.biosolids applied to agricultural fields, parks, and other areas represent significant sources of estrogen-like endocrine disrupting compound (eedc) inputs to soil. it is important to determine the bioavailability of eedcs in soil to inform risk assessment concerning their environmental presence; eisenia fetida (earthworms) are typically used in traditional in vivo bioavailability experiments. the development of an in vitro bioavailability method will decrease time, expense, and use of solvents ...201323720405
hazard remediation and recycling of tea industry and paper mill bottom ash through vermiconversion.considerable amount of bottom ash (ba) is produced by tea and paper factories in northeast india. this significantly deteriorates soil and surface water quality through rapid acidification, releasing sulfur compounds and heavy metals. the present investigation endeavoured to convert this waste to organic manure through vermicomposting by eisenia fetida. substantial increment in bioavailability of n, p, k, fe, mn and zn along with remarkable decline in toxic metal like cr due to vermicomposting w ...201323706375
perfluorooctane sulfonate release pattern from soils of fire training areas in australia and its bioaccumulation potential in the earthworm eisenia fetida.aqueous film-forming foams (afff) are used to extinguish hydrocarbon fuel fires. certain afff products such as 3m lightwater contain perfluorooctane sulfonate (pfos) as the active ingredient which is highly persistent in the environment and is thus globally prevalent. with thousands of tons of soils potentially contaminated with pfos stockpiled at a number of sites in australia, the lack of reliable information on bioavailability of this recalcitrant contaminant constrains the application of a r ...201523695853
bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (pfcas) and perfluoroalkane sulfonates (pfsas) by earthworms (eisenia fetida) in soil.earthworms were exposed to artificially contaminated soils with ten perfluoroalkyl substances (pfass). pfass with longer perfluorinated carbon chain displayed higher uptake rate coefficients (k(u)), longer half-life (t(½)) and time to steady-state (t(ss)) but lower elimination rate coefficients (k(e)) than the shorter ones. similarly, perfluorosulfonates acids (pfsas) displayed higher ku, longer t(½) and tss but lower ke than perflurocarboxylic acids (pfcas) with the same perfluorinated chain le ...201323644275
influence of the bioaccessible fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the ecotoxicity of historically contaminated soils.sequential supercritical fluid extraction together with a two-site desorption model were employed to estimate the bioaccessible fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in four historically contaminated soils. the ecotoxicity of the soils was assayed by four different contact tests. the same soils were exposed to exhaustive extraction and the extracts were returned to the soils to ensure total 100% bioaccessibility of the pollutants. then the soils were assayed again. statistical eval ...201323611796
a study on as, cu, pb and zn (bio)availability in an abandoned mine area (são domingos, portugal) using chemical and ecotoxicological tools.the aim of this study was to relate the results obtained by chemical methods, used to assess environmental (bio)availability, with the ecotoxic response and bioaccumulation of trace elements (te) by the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to field-contaminated, metal-polluted soils from a sulphide mine. the extracting solution 0.5 m nh4ch3coo, 0.5 m ch3cooh and 0.02 m edta (ph 4.7), was able to predict environmental bioavailability of te to e. fetida. however, the toxicological bioavailability coul ...201323608975
toxicological responses of earthworm (eisenia fetida) exposed to metal-contaminated soils.the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicological responses of earthworm (eisenia fetida) induced by field-contaminated, metal-polluted soils. biochemical responses and dna damage of earthworm exposed to two multi-metal-contaminated soils in a steel industry park and a natural reference soil in zijin mountain for 2, 7, 14, and 28 days were studied. results showed that three enzyme activities, including superoxide dismutase (sod), acetylcholinesterase (ache), and cellulase, in earthworm in ...201323589267
stabilisation of sewage sludge and vinasse bio-wastes by vermicomposting with rabbit manure using eisenia fetida.changes in the chemical characteristics and biological parameters of eisenia fetida were assessed by ver using (co+ve) rabbit manure (vo) spiked with sewage sludge (ss) or vinasse (v). seven mixtures were used: vo, control; vo+ss at 10%, 30%, and 50% (ss1, ss2, and ss3); vo+v at 10%, 30%, and 50% (v1, v2, and v3). ss vermicomposts had higher humus, nutrient and total metal contents, but less soluble salts (ec) than v vermicomposts. the number and weight of worms were higher in vo, followed by ss ...201323584410
immobilization of chlorobenzenes in soil using wheat straw biochar.biochar has shown great potential for immobilizing organic contaminants in soil. in this study, pentachlorobenzene (pecb), 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene (1,2,4,5-tecb), and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-tcb) artificially spiked soil was amended with wheat straw biochar at 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, and 2% application rates, respectively. the sorption, dissipation, and bioavailability of chlorobenzenes (cbs) in soil were investigated. the sorption of pecb by biochar was significantly higher than that of its so ...201323578388
impact of fly ash and phosphatic rock on metal stabilization and bioavailability during sewage sludge vermicomposting.sewage sludge (ss) was mixed with different proportions of fly ash (fa) and phosphoric rock (pr), as passivators, and earthworms, eisenia fetida, were introduced to allow vermicomposting. the earthworm growth rates, reproduction rates, and metal (except zn and cd) concentrations were significantly higher in the vermireactors containing fa and pr than in the treatments without passivators. the total organic carbon (toc) and total metal concentrations in the mixtures decreased, and the mixtures we ...201323567692
predicting copper toxicity to different earthworm species using a multicomponent freundlich model.this study aimed to develop bioavailability models for predicting cu toxicity to earthworms (lumbricus rubellus, aporrectodea longa, and eisenia fetida) in a range of soils of varying properties. a multicomponent freundlich model, complying with the basic assumption of the biotic ligands model, was used to relate cu toxicity to the free cu(2+) activity and possible protective cations in soil porewater. median lethal concentrations (lc50s) of cu based on the total cu concentration varied in each ...201323548049
comparative proteomic analysis of the sun- and freeze-dried earthworm eisenia fetida with differentially thrombolytic activities.the dried earthworm is a traditional thrombolytic medicine in east asia. its thrombolytic mechanism has been extensively studied. however, the effects of drying process on thrombolysis were rarely investigated. herein, we compared the thrombolytic activity of earthworm eisenia fetida processed by sun-drying to that by freeze-drying. fibrin plate and blood clot lysis assays showed that freeze-dried earthworms gave dramatically higher fibrinolytic and thrombolytic activities than the sun-dried ear ...201323517719
bioavailability of barium to plants and invertebrates in soils contaminated by barite.barium (ba) is a nonessential element to terrestrial organisms and is known to be toxic at elevated concentrations. in this study, the bioavailability and toxicity of ba in barite (baso4) contaminated soils was studied using standard test organisms (lactuca sativa l. "great lakes", eisenia fetida). contamination resulted from barite mining activities. barium concentrations in contaminated soils determined by x-ray fluorescence were in the range 0.13-29.2%. barite contaminated soils were shown to ...201323484806
solid waste management of temple floral offerings by vermicomposting using eisenia fetida.recycling of temple waste (tw) mainly comprising of floral offerings was done through vermitechnology using eisenia fetida and its impact on seed germination and plant growth parameters was studied by comparing with kitchen waste (kw) and farmyard waste (fyw) vermicompost (vc). the worm biomass was found to be maximum in tw vc compared to kw and fyw vcs at both 40 and 120days old vcs. physico-chemical analysis of worm-worked substrates showed better results in tw vc especially in terms of electr ...201323481343
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 866