enzyme immunoassay of testosterone in plasma, with use of polyethylene glycol to separate antibody-bound and free hormone. | we describe an enzyme immunoassay for testosterone in which we use a testosterone-3-(carboxymethyl)oxime horseradish peroxidase conjugate as the label and an antiserum, raised in rabbits, to testosterone-3-(carboxymethyl)oxime-bovine serum albumin conjugate. polyethylene glycol (carbowax 6000) is used to separate antibody-bound and free steroid. the assay has a sensitivity of 12 pg/assay tube and satisfies the usual criteria of specificity, precision and accuracy. the results agree well with tho ... | 1979 | 390778 |
morphological characteristics of lateral rectus motoneurones shown by intracellular injection of hrp. | the morphology of identified lateral rectus motoneurones is described after staining by intracellular iontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase. soma vary in shape and size according to the number and orientation of primary dendrites. the basic pattern of arborisation shows short primary dendrites which branch close to the soma, forming a distal ramification extending over 600 to 1,200 micrometer from the soma. distal dendrites extend into the ipsilateral medial vestibular nucleus, the reticular f ... | 1979 | 392076 |
evaluation of igg molecules, fab' fragments and igg-horseradish peroxidase conjugates as surface labels for freeze-etched membranes. | sheep red blood cell (srbc) ghosts were incubated with preparations of anti-srbc igg, antigen-binding fragments of igg (fab') or igg coupled to horseradish peroxidase (hrpo). frozen samples of the labelled ghosts were deep-etched and replicated with platinum-carbon to visualize their surface features in the transmission electron microscope. the surfaces of control ghosts contain a very low number of 'background' particles (42 +/- 8 particles/micron 2) that vary in size from 4.5 to 25 nm. after l ... | 1979 | 392105 |
a solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for detection of antibody to rubella virus. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was established for detection of antibodies to rubella virus. in this system commercially available rubella antigen was attached to the wells of polystyrene microtitre plates after which sera were added and incubated to allow the formation of antigen-antibody complexes. the presence of bound antibody was detected by adding anti-human globulin coupled to horseradish peroxidase and visually observing the colour change produced after addition of an appropriate s ... | 1979 | 392423 |
igg molecules, fab' fragments and igg-peroxidase conjugates as markers in replicas of deep-etched, labeled cell surfaces. | sheep red blood cell (srbc) ghosts were incubated with preparations of anti-srbc igg, antigen-binding fragments (fab') or igg coupled to horseradish peroxidase (hrpo). frozen samples of the labeled ghosts were deep-etched and replicated with platinum-carbon to visualize their surface features in the transmission electron microscope. an analysis of both size and density of surface "particles" observed on labeled ghosts was performed to evaluate which markers could be practically used to label the ... | 1979 | 392717 |
[cytochemical and ultrastructural studies of the cell wall of candida albicans (author's transl)]. | the ultrastructural localization of polysaccharides in the cell wall of candida albicans was carried out by means of concanavalin a on glycol methacrylate ultrathin sections. the sections were incubated successively with horseradish peroxydase, 3-3' diaminobenzidine and h2o2, for revealing the binding sites of the lectin. this method allowed us to localize mannan, since concanavalin a does not react with other polysaccharides of the c. albicans cell wall. in these conditions mannan was found to ... | 1979 | 393198 |
insulin-induced receptor loss in the cultured human lymphocyte: quantitative morphological perturbations in the cell and plasma membrane. | when cultured human lymphocytes (im-9) are exposed to 10(-6) m procine insulin for 6 h, washed, and incubated with 125i-insulin, the ability of the cell to bind the labelled hormone is reduced by a mean of 78%. under these experimental conditions that induce insulin-receptor loss in this cell there is a mean 95% increase in microinvaginations in the plasma membrane revealed by electron microscopy on freez-fractured replicas of the cell. at the same time, horseradish peroxidase uptake, a marker o ... | 1979 | 393710 |
renal reabsorption and excretion of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 393894 |
bacterial lipopolysaccharides bind selectively to lymphocytes from lipopolysaccharide high-responder mouse strains. | three different concentrations of horseradish peroxidase-labelled lipopolysaccharide (lps-hrp) were added in vitro to spleen cells from the lps high-responder strain c3h/tif and to cells from the low-responder strain c3h/hej. after being washed and fixed the cells were exposed to the substrate and prepared for electron microscopy. after addition of 7 and 0.7 microgram/ml of labelled lps only lymphocytes from the high-responder strain were labelled. about 5-10% of the cells from c3h/tif bound lps ... | 1979 | 396666 |
a simple and rapid section embedding technique for sequential light and electron microscopic examination of individually stained central neurons. | a method for section embedding of central nervous tissue, and its application to light and electron microscopic examination of neurons stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase, is described. after primary fixation in aldehydes, thick (10--80 micrometer) sections are cut on a vibratome. they are then treated for the histochemical demonstration of peroxidase, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated and infiltrated with spurr's low viscosity resin. infiltrated sections are emb ... | 1979 | 397378 |
sulphydryl oxidase: oxidation of sulphydryl groups and the formation of three-dimensional structure in proteins. | sulphydryl oxidase, an enzyme isolated from milk, catalyses the de novo synthesis of disulphide bonds. thiol groups in amino acids or their derivatives, peptides, and proteins are oxidized; molecular oxygen serves as the electron acceptor and undergoes a two-electron reduction to hydrogen peroxide. michaelis constants vary considerably amongst various substrates; glutathione is a particularly good substrate. inhibition studies and oxidation of 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran suggest a mechanism involv ... | 1979 | 398763 |
the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase: problems in the interpretation of its ultrastructural aspects. | in this study we consider critically the use of hrp in research on the ultrastructure of the central nervous system. in fact, although controls make by optical microscope on semi-thin sections made us certain that some of the neurons were definitely marked with the enzyme, when the same specimen was observed by electron microscope, in no case was it possible for us to distinguish any particular aspect of the ultrastructural morphology of labelling within neurons. | 1979 | 399735 |
oxidation of tryptophan-p-1 and p-2 by beef liver catalase-h2o2 intermediate: comparison with horseradish peroxidase. | tryptophan-p-1 (trp-p-1) and p-2, which have high mutagenic and carcinogenic potential, are oxidized by catalase- and horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-h2o2 intermediates with optimum ph 5.9 (0.2 m-acetate) in catalase and ph 5.0 (0.2 m-acetate), 8.0 (0.01 m-phosphate) in hrp. the rate constants (k4) of the oxidation in the catalase at ph 5.9 (0.2 m-acetate) were 2965 m-1 x sec-1 for trp-p-1 and 576 m-1 x sec-1 for trp-p-2. in the case of hrp, 1894 m-1 x sec-1, (ph 5.0, 0.2 m-acetate) for trp-p-1 and ... | 1979 | 399746 |
immunohistologic localization of antigen and antibody in antigen-induced arthritis using horseradish peroxidase (hpo) labeling. | | 1978 | 401418 |
displaced ganglion cells in the retina of the monkey. | horseradish peroxidase has been injected into the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of macaque monkeys to label ganglion cells of the retina by retrograde axoplasmic transport. displaced ganglion cells, with somata in the inner nuclear layer and dendrites in the inner plexiform layer, were detected by virtue of their filling with peroxidase-positive granules. these cells were numerous in the peripapillary region, but relatively uncommon elsewhere in the retina. | 1977 | 401780 |
demonstration of bilateral projection of the central retina of the monkey with horseradish peroxidase neuronography. | in the primate, ganglion cells of the temporal retina project ipsilaterally and those of the nasal retina, contralaterally into the optic tract. the vertical meridian passing through the fovea defines the border between these two populations of ganglion cells and has been demonstrated in four macaque monkeys after unilateral injection of horseradish peroxidase into the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and examination of the pattern of retrograde labeling of those ganglion cells projecting to th ... | 1977 | 401836 |
cyclocryotherapy: a light and electron microscopic study. | previous anatomic studies of the effects of cyclocryotherapy have produced confusing results because of variations in technique and instrumentation. five eyes from three patients treated by a standard technique were compared to the eyes of rhesus monkeys that received identical treatment. the monkeys were given horseradish peroxidase intravenously 30 minutes before enucleation. hemorrhage, edema, and epithelial disruption were characteristic of the acute lesions. later, the nonpigmented ciliary ... | 1977 | 402130 |
heterogeneous afferents to the inferior parietal lobule of the rhesus monkey revealed by the retrograde transport method. | the sources of afferent connections to the inferior parietal lobule (rostral part of the area 7 of brodman; pf and rostral part of pg of von bonin and bailey) were examined with the retrograde transport method in infant and adult rhesus monkeys. two to 3 days after injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the cortex, the animals were anesthetized, and the brains fixed and processed for the histochemical demonstration of the enzyme marker. labeled neurons were found in layer iii in the ips ... | 1977 | 402983 |
efferent connections of the hippocampal formation in the rat. | in this investigation the projections of the hippocampal formation to the septal area and hypothalamus were studied in the rat with the combined use of 3h-amino acid radioautography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. the results indicate that all of the fibers which project to the hypothalamus and the majority of fibers which project to the septum arise from the subicular cortex and not from hippocampal pyramidal cells. the projection to both of these areas are topographically organized ... | 1977 | 402984 |
cells of origin and terminal distribution of corticostriatal fibers arising in the sensory-motor cortex of monkeys. | the cells of origin of the corticostriatal projection have been identified in squirrel monkeys by the use of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase method. in the subfields of the somatic sensory, motor, parietal and frontal areas of the cortex, cells projecting to the ipsilateral striatum are relatively sparsely distributed and form a group of small- to medium-sized pyramidal cells with an average somal diameter from area to area of 14-16 mum. such cells are found only in layer v of the cortex ( ... | 1977 | 403206 |
pulvinar-latero posterior afferents to cortical area 7 in monkeys demonstrated by horseradish peroxidase tracing technique. | pulvinar-latero posterior afferents to the parietal cortical area 7 of the monkey have been demonstrated by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing technique. following hrp injection of area 7, labelled neurons have been found in the pulvinar medialis and the nucleus lateralis posterior. the role of these pulvinar projection fibers is discussed with reference to the "visual neurons" of area 7 recently recorded from. | 1977 | 404172 |
ultrastructural investigations on surface structures involved in coxiella burnetii phase variation. | by using the cytochemical staining procedure with concanavalin a, horseradish peroxidase, and diaminobenzidine, no surface carbohydrates with terminal alpha-glucosyl or sterically closely related residues could be detected on the cell walls of coxiella burnetii phases i and ii. using a polycationized ferritin derivative as a cytochemical probe, anionic binding sites were visualized in the electron microscope on cell membranes of c. burnetii phase ii, but not on phase i organisms. the sites appea ... | 1977 | 404251 |
experimental macular edema after lens extraction. | macular edema has been observed frequently in man after cataract extraction, but pathogenic mechanisms remain unclear. seven eyes of four young adult rhesus monkeys underwent lens extraction. the retinas and maculae of these eyes were examined by ophthalmoscopy fundus photography, fluorescein angiography, light and electron microscopy, and the horseradish peroxidase tracer technique. in the macular region, the blood-retinal barrier at the retinal vasculature was disrupted in three of the seven e ... | 1977 | 404267 |
spinal neurons project to the dorsal column nuclei of rhesus monkeys. | cells of origin of ascending nonprimary afferents to the dorsal column nuclei of rhesus monkeys have been identified in the spinal cord by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. these neurons are mainly located in lamina iv and medially in more ventral laminae of the dorsal horn on the side ipsilateral to the medullary injection. large neurons in the ventral horn ("spinal border cells") also appear to project to the ipsilateral dorsal medulla. the dorsal column nuclei of a primate t ... | 1977 | 404704 |
the morphology and laminar distribution of cortico-pulvinar neurons in the rhesus monkey. | using autoradiography and the horseradish peroxidase method, the morphology and laminar distribution of cortico-pulvinar neurons and the reciprocity of connections between pulvinar and cortex were examined in five rhesus monkeys which had received medial, lateral and inferior pulvinar nucleus injections of both tritiated amino acids and horseradish peroxidase. cortico-pulvinar neurons were identified in one heterotypical cortical area (area 17) and in many homotypical areas in frontal (areas 45, ... | 1977 | 407094 |
optic disc edema in raised intracranial pressure. iii. a pathologic study of experimental papilledema. | optic nerve heads of 21 eyes from 13 rhesus monkeys that had developed papilledema secondary to chronically raised intracranial pressure from balloon implantation in the subarachnoid space were studied by light and electron microscopy. nine eyes were also examined with the horseradish peroxidase tracer technique. the pathologic changes in the optic nerve head included severe axonal changes and mild interstitial edema. axonal alteration ranged from axonal swelling to formation of cytoid bodies. i ... | 1977 | 407894 |
prefrontal granular cortex of the rhesus monkey. ii. interhemispheric cortical afferents. | in 6 adolescent rhesus monkeys, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into 6 regions of the dorsalateral convexity of the prefrontal granular cortex. the commissural connections originated in both homotopical and heterotopical zones of the hemisphere contralateral to the injection site. the areas affected by the injections, i.e. areas 46,45, 10, 9, 12 and 8a, received extensive homotopical interhemispheric input. hrp-labeled neurons were less extensive in heterotopical as opposed to homotopi ... | 1977 | 407976 |
cortical cells projecting to the dorsal column nuclei of rhesus monkeys. | corticals cells projecting to the dorsal column nuclei (dcn) of rhesus monkeys have been identified after unilateral or bilateral injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the dorsal medulla. hrp-positive neurons identifiable as the source of cortico-dcn projections were pyramidal cells in layer v whose largest diameters ranged from 12--31 micron. cortico-dcn neurons were concentrated in the trunk, fore- and hindlimb regions of area 4 and of si, and to a lesser extent in sii. this distribut ... | 1977 | 408162 |
peroxidase permeability of the cryogenic chorioretinal adhesion. | under normal conditions the retinal pigment epithelium does not permit passage of peroxidase tracers. photocoagulation disrupts this barrier. rhesus monkeys which received transconjunctival cryotheropy showed a similar disruption, with leakage of horseradish peroxidase into the retina. this leakage persisted for the 6-month duration of the experiment. one month after treatment, a firm chorioretinal adhesion was present, characterized by gliosis, adherent junctions, and cellular interdigitation. ... | 1977 | 408292 |
cells of origin and terminal distribution of descending projections of the rat somatic sensory cortex. | the retrograde, horseradish peroxidase technique has been used to demonstrate the cells of origin of corticofugal fiber systems arising in the rat somatic sensory cortex and projecting to the striatum, diencephalon, brainstem, and spinal cord. correlative experiments conducted with the anterograde, autoradiographic method have been used to confirm the terminal distribution of many of these fiber systems. corticofugal pathways directed to subcortical structures arise in the first and second somat ... | 1977 | 408380 |
permeability properties of the tissues in the optic nerve head region in the rabbit and the monkey. an ultrastructural study. | the distribution of the protein tracer, horseradish peroxidase, has been studied in the optic nerve head region in rabbits and monkeys by light and electron microscopy. following intravenous injection of the tracer, the eyes were enucleated after varying time intervals. leaking out of the choroidal capillaries in the peripapillary choroid, peroxidase rapidly spread to the adjacent sclera and to the intraneural connective tissue, that is lamina cribrosa and the connective tissue surrounding the i ... | 1977 | 409092 |
[effect of chemical modification on thermal stability of horseradish peroxidase]. | soluble preparations of horse radish peroxidase are obtained by means of its amino groups modification with glutaric aldehyde, maleic anhydride and inert proteins including albumin. the enzyme activity is found to decrease under the modification with glutaric aldehyde and to be unchanged at all other cases. thermal stability of the enzyme preparations obtained is studied within the temperature range from 56 to 80 degrees c. thermostability of glutaric aldehyde-modified peroxidase is approximatel ... | 1977 | 409438 |
mannose-binding hemagglutinins in extracts of pseudomonas aeruginosa. | mannose-binding hemagglutinins were found in the extracts of a pyocyanin-forming pseudomonas aeruginosa, which contain galactose-specific hemagglutinins. they were purified simultaneously with the latter proteins by heating to 70 degrees c, precipitating with ammonium sulfate, application to a sepharose 4b column, and elution from it by 0.05 m mannose. the mannose-specific hemagglutinins were shown to be similar to the galactophilic ones in (a) being glycoproteins of very low molecular weight (a ... | 1977 | 409463 |
complementary laminar terminations of afferents to area 17 originating in area 18 and in the lateral geniculate nucleus in squirrel monkey. | the projections from area 18 and the lateral geniculate nucleus onto area 17 of the squirrel monkey (saimiri) were investigated with retrograde (horseradish peroxidase) and anterograde (tritiated proline) labelling techniques, and the (fink-heimer) silver impregnation method for degenerating axons and their terminals. the association fibers from area 18 terminated in all layers of area 17 except in layer iv and in the lower aspect of layer iiic. the greatest number of terminals were in layers i, ... | 1977 | 409740 |
thalamic projections of the hippocampal formation: evidence for an alternate pathway involving the internal capsule. | experiments were performed using [3h]leucine radioautography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry to determine the origin and distribution of the projection from the hippocampal formation to the thalamus in the rat. the results confirm recent findings that postcommissural fornix fibers which project to the anterior thalamus arise exclusively from the subicular cortex and not from hippocampal pyramidal cells. a second significant feature of this pathway is that it arises from cells situated ... | 1977 | 410479 |
organization of the thalamo-cortical connexions to the frontal lobe in the rhesus monkey. | in 25 rhesus monkeys horseradish peroxidase was injected in different parts of the frontal cortex. the retrogradely labelled thalamic neurons formed longitudinal bands, some of which crossed the internal medullary lamina, and extended from one thalamic nucleus into another. on the basis of these findings the frontal cortex was subdivided into seven transverse cortical strips which receive afferents from seven longitudinal bands of thalamic neurons. the most rostral transverse strip receives affe ... | 1977 | 410652 |
limbic and sensory connections of the inferior parietal lobule (area pg) in the rhesus monkey: a study with a new method for horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. | the caudal part of the inferior parietal lobule (area pg) was injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in 6 hemispheres of 5 rhesus monkeys. the retrograde transport of hrp resulted in the labeling of neurons in diverse cortical and subcortical areas. in cortex, labeled neurons were noted in prefrontal cortex (areas 8, 45, 46), in the banks of the intraparietal and superior temporal sulci, in medial parietal cortex, in cingulate cortex, in the retrosplenial area, in area tf and the caudal port ... | 1977 | 411543 |
[anatomical identification of the vestibulo-olivary and cerebello-olivary projections in the cat]. | injections of horseradish peroxidase were made into different parts of the inferior olive in the cat. it is shown that the vestibular nucleus z and, to a lesser extent, the nucleus f send off fibres to the ipsilateral medial accessory olive. the ventral part of the nuclei inter-positus and dentatus send off fibres to the ventrolateral outgrowth of the opposite side. | 1977 | 411581 |
the projections of the entopeduncular nucleus and globus pallidus in rat as demonstrated by autoradiography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. | | 1978 | 411809 |
some claustro-cortical connections in the cat and baboon as studied by retrograde horseradish peroxidase transport. | 1. the mammalian claustrum (cl) is a convergent multisensory structure of unknown function, and disputed ontogenetic origin. its cortical projections, hitherto unknown, have been studied in cat and baboon by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. hrp was injected into the gyrus proreus (frontal eye field) of cats, and separately into the frontal eye fields, visual areas, and motor-premotor areas of the baboon cortex. 2. differential retrograde transport to the cl was demonstrated, ... | 1978 | 412882 |
[morpho-histochemical characterization of the connections between the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) and the brain stem of albino rats) (author's transl)]. | after selective application of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) of the albino rat, cells were labelled through the retrograde transport of the enzyme in the following nuclei of the brain stem: 1. ncl. raphes linearis, 2. nel, raphes centralis, 3. ncl. raphes dorsalis, 4. ncl. ventralis rostralis lemnisci lateralis, 5. ncl. coeruleus. using the glyoxylic acid method to demonstrate biogenic amines we could find serotonine in following areas ... | 1977 | 413324 |
the intracerebellar nucleocortical projection in a primate. | experiments were performed to determine if a nucleocortical system, a projection from the cerebellar nuclei to the cerebellar cortex, was present in primates. both electrophysiological and neuroanatomical techniques were employed to investigate this question. it was shown that neurons within the dentate and interposed nuclei were antidromically activated by stimuli applied to the cerebellar cortex. in addition, cells in these nuclei were retrogradely labelled following injections of small amount ... | 1977 | 413728 |
fixation variables in horseradish peroxidase neurohistochemistry. i. the effect of fixation time and perfusion procedures upon enzyme activity. | in a series of neurohistochemical experiments the effect of aldehyde fixation upon the detection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was examined. these experiments demonstrated that: a) increments in fixation of as little as 1 hr significantly decreased the number of labeled neurons; 12-hr fixation abolished hrp activity in many neuronal populations and significantly reduced the apparent size of the injection site. b) this negative fixation effect was greatest where the hrp concentration was low (e ... | 1978 | 413864 |
[organization of contralateral and bilateral projections of corticospinal tracts in cats]. | in cats with a previous spinal lesion (c 6) saving only a lateral or ventral funiculus, a caudal horseradish peroxidase injection (c 8-th 1) reveals that some cortical zones (lateral sigmoïd gyrus, medial part of the posterieur sigmoïd gyrus, medial part of the dorsal bank of the cruciate sulcus) send spinal projections, only contralaterally, by way of the dorsolateral funiculus, whereas other cortical zones (anterior sigmoïd gyrus, middle part of the posterior sigmoïd gyrus, lateral parts of th ... | 1977 | 417815 |
[cells secreting antibodies originate from cells secreting immunoglobulins without a detectable antibody function for the antigen injected]. | cells secreting immunoglobulins without detectable antibody function arising after an injection of horseradish peroxidase were micromanipulated from the center of haemolytic plaques of sheep red blood cells coated with anti-ig antibodies. these cells were cultured individually for 48 hrs, with irradiated cells as feeder layer and in the presence of the immunogen and of lps. it was shown that after this time 22% of the immunoglobulin-secreting cells had generated antiperoxidase antibody-secreting ... | 1977 | 417838 |
thalamic projections to s-i in macaque monkey. | the organization of thalamic input to functionally characterized zones in primary somatosensory cerebral cortex (s-i) of macaque monkeys (macaca mulatta) was investigated using the method of labelling by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). it was found that the cell columns positioned at the posterior margin of the band of cortex representing a given body region receive thalamic input from a posterior level of the ventroposterior thalamic nucleus (vp), and that cell columns at ... | 1978 | 418081 |
rapid preparation of peroxidase: anti-peroxidase complexes for immunocytochemical use. | soluble immune complexes of horseradish peroxidase and antibody to peroxidase (pap) have been widely used in the 'unlabelled antibody' method for the immunocytochemical detection of cellular antigens. this paper describes a simple and rapid method for preparation of these complexes by column chromatography of a mixture of the enzyme and the igg fraction of antiperoxidase antiserum on sephacryl s-200. the material eluting in the void column consists of stable soluble pap complexes, with a molar p ... | 1978 | 418119 |
projection from the vestibular nuclei to the inferior olive in the cat: an autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase study. | injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the inferior olive of 13 cats resulted in the labeling of neurons in the medial (mvn) and descending vestibular nuclei (dvn) as well as in subgroups g, p.h., s.v., x and z. the contribution of groups p.h. and z. could not be definitively established. injections of triated leucine in the vestibular nuclei and adjacent reticular formation in 4 cats indicated that the previously identified vestibular nuclei and subgroups project bilaterally to the dorso ... | 1979 | 421137 |
the vestibular nuclei in the domestic hen (gallus domesticus). | stereotaxic injections of small quantities of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) are made in the vestibular complex in the hen and the labelled cells due to retrograde transport of the tracer enzyme are studied, especially in the vestibular complex but also in other parts of the brain stem. the superior vestibular nucleus sends commissural fibres to the superior, medial, and descending nuclei and to deiters' complex. the cell group a projects to the contralateral superior nucleus and to the deiter's c ... | 1979 | 421748 |
the pontine projection onto longitudinal zones of the paramedian lobule in the cat. | the distribution of labeled cells in the pontine nuclei was studied following microinjections of horseradish peroxidase into three longitudinal zones in the paramedian lobule in the cat. labeled cells were only found when the staining of the cerebellar cortex included the granular layer. the labeled cells were present contralateral to the injection site in the cases with the smallest injections, in the others there was a bilateral distribution with a contralateral preponderance. the labeled cell ... | 1979 | 421749 |
anatomical and electrophysiological identification of motoneurones supplying the cat retractor bulbi muscle. | motoneurones innervating the retractor bulbi muscle in the cat have been identified by retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase, by intracellular recording and by intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. their somata are found in an accessory abducens nucleus, analogous to that described in some other species, which consists of a narrow column of cells situated in the lateral tegmental reticular field, above the superior olive and medial to the facial nerve. the column of cell ... | 1979 | 421760 |
the permeability of rat palatal mucosa maintained in organ culture. | the intercellular permeability barrier of neonatal rat palatal mucosa maintained in organ culture for periods up to 24 days was studied ultrastructurally using the tracers horseradish peroxidase and lanthanum nitrate. at all time intervals examined the limit of penetration of the tracers corresponded to the level at which the membrane-coating granules were being discharged. however, in the cultured mucosa, extrusion of granules occurred closer to the granular cell-keratin junction after 6 and 12 ... | 1979 | 422477 |
projections from the spinal and the principal sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve to the cerebellar cortex in the cat, as studied by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | projections from the spinal (vsp) and the principle sensory (vp) nuclei of the trigeminal nerve to the cerebellar cortex were studied by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in the cat. neurons projecting to the simple lobule and the dorsal part of the paramedian lobule (pmd) were located mainly in the dorsal part of the nucleus interpolaris (vi) and of the caudal one third of the nucleus oralis (vo) and in the rostralmost part of the vo. neurons projecting to the medial part ... | 1979 | 422757 |
commissural and intrinsic connections of the rat hippocampus. | the commissural and intrinsic connections of the hippocampus were studied using the fink-heimer method and the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) uptake technique. a conspicuous septo-termporal gradient was found of the density of the commissural projection that passes through the psalterium ventrale to the ammon's horn. the degeneration resulting from transection of the psalterium ventrale was most dense in the septal tip and decreased towards the temporal tip. the commissural and ipsilateral connect ... | 1979 | 422759 |
endocytosis in chronically denervated mouse skeletal muscle. a biochemical and ultrastructural study with horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 424075 |
the heterophagic granules of mast cells: dipeptidyl aminopeptidase ii activity and resistance to exocytosis. | dipeptidyl aminopeptidase ii (dap ii) was demonstrated cytochemically in rat peritoneal mast cells. the bright red reaction product in smears of peritoneal wash fluid tended to be localized in one to eight granules in the perinuclear region of the cell. this finding was confirmed at the electron microscopic level, where a small proportion of the granules, most often located near the nucleus, revealed electron opacity indicative of dap ii. focal areas in the nuclear envelope densified by dap ii r ... | 1979 | 426034 |
distribution of surface coat material on nasal folds of mouse embryos as demonstrated by concanavalin a binding. | 3h-concanavalin a and the concanavalin a-horseradish peroxidase staining technique were used to study the distribution of surface coat material on the epithelium of the nasal folds and nasal groove of mouse embryos. in stages shortly before and during epithelial fusion concanavalan a stained or labeled material was present at apical surfaces of epithelial cells of the nasal groove and nasal folds. silver grains, representing bound 3h-concanavalin a, were counted in defined areas of the nasal gro ... | 1979 | 426293 |
the differential absorptive activity of epithelial cells of the rat epididymus before and after castration. | horseradish peroxidase introduced into the lumen of the rat epididymis was taken up by the columnar cells of the epithelium by five minutes and more so after longer periods. the apical cells and particularly the clear cells in the caput and cauda epididymis, respectively, showed significantly greater endocytotic activity than the principal cell in both locations. within 14 days after castration, however, such differences in absorptive activity among the various cell types were essentially obscur ... | 1979 | 426301 |
spinal axon collaterals of corticospinal neurons identified by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 427559 |
physiological properties of stalked cells of the substantia gelatinosa intracellularly stained with horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 427560 |
localization of parabrachial nucleus neurons projecting to the thalamus or the amygdala in the cat using horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 428513 |
morphologic study of the action of lymphoid tissue extracts in peroxidase arthritis. | by means of modelling arthritis by horseradish peroxidase it was possible to reproduce a process corresponding to immune synovitis. a considerable reduction of immunomorphological phenomena in joints, lymphoid tissue, heart, liver and kidneys was favoured by application of lymphoid tissue extracts. comparison between the extracts of spleen and lymph nodes showed a more pronounced effect of spleen extract. | 1979 | 428522 |
sympathetic neurons in the cat spinal cord projecting to the stellate ganglion. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the stellate ganglia of anesthetized cats. after a 2-day survival time the spinal cord was processed for the hrp reaction to study the distribution of the preganglionic neurons which project to the stellate ganglia. hrp-labeled neurons in the cord were located exclusively on the side ipsilateral to the injected stellate ganglia and were concentrated in four distinct areas: (1) intermediolateral cell column (78.2%), (2) lateral funiculus (18.5%), (3) ... | 1979 | 429616 |
the lateral cervical nucleus in the cat: anatomic organization of cervicothalamic neurons. | the morphology of the lateral cervical nucleus (lcn) and the organization of the cervicothalamic projection neurons were studied in cats which had received thalamic injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the boundaries of the lcn were defined following very large thalamic (hrp injections. roughly 92-97% of lcn cells project contralaterally to thalamus; an additional 1.5% project ipsillaterally. computer-assisted measurements of perikaryal areas demonstrated that there are two sizes of lcn c ... | 1979 | 429620 |
localization of neurons in the rat superior cervical ganglion that project into different postganglionic trunks. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to determine whether neurons in the rat superior cervical ganglion (scg) are localized in regions of the ganglion as a function of the postganglionic trunk they utilize. in separate experiments, each of the two major postganglionic trunks was cut 1-3 mm from the scg and solid hrp was applied to the cut end proximal to the ganglion. the results demonstrated that the cell bodies of neurons whose axons project out the internal carotid nerve (icn) were located p ... | 1979 | 429622 |
submandibular glandular permeability to blood-borne horseradish peroxidase in dogs, before and after obstructing secretion [proceedings]. | | 1979 | 430395 |
endocytosis in glial cells (pituicytes) of the rat neurohypophysis demonstrated by incorporation of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 431821 |
patterns of subcortico-cortical projections as revealed by somatopetal horseradish peroxidase tracing. | | 1979 | 431824 |
identification of cerebellar corticovestibular neurons retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 431827 |
direct projection of catecholamine (presumably dopamine)-containing neurons from hypothalamus to spinal cord. | a procedure for combining catecholamine (ca) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry was used to demonstrate that some of the catecholamine-containing cells in the rabbit dorsal hypothalamus project directly to the thoracic spinal cord. these cells, which are probably dopaminergic, may be involved in the integration of pituitary hormonal secretion and peripheral autonomic nervous regulation. | 1979 | 431883 |
cerebellar afferents from the nucleus of the solitary tract. | the cerebellar afferents from the nucleus of the solitary tract were studied in cat by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. labelled cells occurred bilaterally in the nucleus of the solitary tract following injections in various folia of the cerebellar vermis and in the flocculus (the positive cases are shown in fig. 1a). injections in the anterior lobe vermis labelled cells in the caudal part of the nucleus, injections in the posterior vermis labelled cells in the ros ... | 1979 | 431884 |
the fine structure of neurones and cellular relationships in the abducens nucleus in the cat. | light and electron microscope studies of the abducens nucleus in the cat have disclosed two populations of neurones: large neurones 25 to 75 micrometer in diameter and small neurones 10 to 25 micrometer in diameter. characteristic of the large neurones are a highly developed granular endoplasmic reticulum and a large number of axo-somatic synapses. the small neurones have a poorly developed granular endoplasmic reticulum and comparative by few axo-somatic synapses. injection of horseradish perox ... | 1979 | 436996 |
development of spinal motoneuron innervation of the upper limb muscle in the rat. | horseradish peroxidase was injected into the biceps brachii muscle of rats at various stages of development, from 10 days to 50 weeks. the retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the ipsilateral ventro-lateral column of the cervical cord, c4--c8, of all stages studied, but the number of labeled neurons decreased according to exponential curve as the age advanced. a striking finding was that the contralateral ventral horn cells were also labeled in the 10- and 14-day-old rats. | 1979 | 436997 |
uptake of exogenous protein by supraependymal cells of the feline area postrema. | supraependymal cells occurring on the surface of the feline area postrema were examined for phagocytic ability. it was shown that they could ingest exogenous horseradish peroxidase that was experimentally introduced into the brain ventricular system. the cells thus bear functional as well as ultrastructural attributes of macrophages, similar to those found in the third ventricle and subarachnoid space. | 1979 | 437052 |
the uptake of horseradish peroxidase by damaged autonomic nerves in vitro. | the uptake of horseradish peroxidase by damaged autonomic nerves was studied in vitro. large amounts of the enzyme penetrated the axons in a diffuse (nonvesicular) form. this occurred within 90 minutes of application of the enzyme. twenty four hours after application of the enzyme diffuse peroxidase was still present in the axoplasm, but it was 'diluted' as a result of great axonal swelling. pinocytotic uptake of the enzyme was observed both 90 minutes and 24 hours after application of the enzym ... | 1979 | 438097 |
glomerular permeability of macromolecules. effect of molecular configuration on the fractional clearance of uncharged dextran and neutral horseradish peroxidase in the rat. | molecular parameters other than size and charge are likely to influence the filtration of macromolecules across the glomerular filter. we have studies, therefore, the glomerular permeability of macromolecules with widely different molecular configuration such as horseradish peroxidase, a plant glycoprotein with an isoelectric point in the physiologic ph range, and dextran, an uncharged sugar polymer of d-glucopyranose. simultaneous fractional clearances were determined for both test macromolecul ... | 1979 | 438331 |
the morphological and physiological properties of a regenerating synapse in the c.n.s. of the leech. | regeneration of an electrical synapse between particular interneurons in the medicinal leech was traced physiologically and morphologically using intracellular recording the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection. the synapse between s-cell interneurons lies in the connective midway between segmental ganglia, so crushing near one ganglion severs only one s-cell's axon. the severed distal stump remains connected to the adjacent uninjured s-cell and continues for weeks to conduct impulses. the inj ... | 1979 | 438368 |
opening of tight junctions in cerebral endothelium. i. effect of hyperosmolar mannitol infused through the internal carotid artery. | infusion of 1.8 m mannitol solution into the internal carotid artery of wistar rats allows horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to cross cerebral vascular endothelium via intercellular pathways. this was made evident by density gradients of hrp observed in consecutive tight junctional compartments following in vivo administration, and by the passage of colloidal lanthanum through junctional membrane appositions of glutaraldehyde fixed cerebral endothelium. three hours after mannitol infusion, small non- ... | 1979 | 438370 |
opening of tight junctions in cerebral endothelium. ii. effect of pressure-pulse induced acute arterial hypertension. | acute arterial hypertension was produced in male wistar rats by pressure pulse through the right internal carotid artery. the pressure pulse was induced by infusion of physiological saline as a bolus, at a rate of 0.63 ml per second by syringe pump. evans blue (eb) was used to visualize the areas of blood-brain barrier opening. intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to study the ultrastructural basis of permeability changes in cerebral endothelium. eb outlined circumscribed ... | 1979 | 438371 |
a microplate immunoenzyme assay for anti-influenza antibodies. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using horseradish peroxidase is described for the detection and quantitation of anti-influenza virus antibodies. compared with complement fixation and hemagglutination inhibition tests, elisa is far superior with respect to sensitivity and reliability. non-specific viral inhibitors present in sera do not affect the titer in elisa. its sensitivity, close to that of radioimmunoassay permits detection of small amounts of antibodies in pulmonary secretion ... | 1979 | 438513 |
histochemical identification of acetylcholinesterase in dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. | by combining histochemical procedures, evidence was obtained in the rat that acetylcholinesterase (ache) is contained within perikarya of dopaminergic substantia nigra cells which project to the caudoputamen. nigrostriatal neurons were identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). simultaneous incubation of substantia nigra sections for the presence of ache and hrp demonstrated both reaction products in the same cell bodies. the catecholaminergic nature of these cells was d ... | 1979 | 438805 |
early and late mechanisms of increased vascular permeability following experimental cerebral infarction. | cerebral infarction was produced in rats by a combination of transient unilateral common carotid artery occlusion and systemic hypoxia. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and evans blue were given 5 minutes prior to sacrifice to assess the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (bbb) at 1 minute, 30 minutes, and 2 hours following the ischemic insult. there was immediate permeability to hrp in the early (1 minute and 30 minutes) post-ischemic period, whereas, evans blue was not seen until the late (1.5 t ... | 1979 | 438863 |
[horseradish peroxidase labeled neurons of the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus projecting to the somatosensory zone i of the cat cerebral cortex]. | the morphology and topography of the neurons in the ventro-basal complex (vb) projecting to the somatic sensory cortex (si) were studied by the method of the retrograde axonic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). different types of hrp-labelled cells were found in this structure. the concentration of labelled cells was the greatest in the central part of the vb. the most peculiar feature in the distribution of hrp-positive neurons was their organization in two large populations in the dors ... | 1979 | 440485 |
inhibition of the discharge of endocytosed protein from phagosomes into lysosomes in hepatoma cells exposed to dimerized ribonuclease a. | the mechanism of the cytostatic action of dimerized ribonuclease a toward cultured hepatoma cells was investigated. a decrease in mitotic index, modifications of adsorptive properties of the pericellular membrane and inhibition of the degradation of two different proteins taken up by endocytosis are the first cell functions to be affected by the dimer. this effect on protein digestion is not due to an inhibition of proteolytic enzymes. the intracellular localization of exogenous protein and of r ... | 1979 | 444221 |
intercellular junctions and the development of the blood-brain barrier in manduca sexta. | in early embryonic development of the tobacco horn moth no blood-brain barrier is present, as shown by the unimpeded entry of exogenous tracers into the nervous system. however, later on, just before hatching, lanthanum and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) are unable to move inwardly beyond the level of the perineurium, which is the morphological site of the blood--brain barrier in the adult moth, as well as in other insects. freeze-fracture studies indicate that in the early embryo, 10 nm particles ... | 1979 | 445142 |
quantitative histological study of spinal afferent innervation on the ventral surface of the cat stomach by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. | retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to the ventral surface of the cat stomach. we investigated the number, size and distribution of hrp-positive cells in spinal ganglia. the unexpected finding was the wide distribution of these cells from t3 down to l3. this would result in a diffuse pattern of referred pain. | 1979 | 446627 |
prefrontal cortex of the cat: evidence for an additional area. | direct projections from the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus to ventral parts of the insular region of the cat's cortex were demonstrated by using the horseradish peroxidase technique. | 1979 | 446633 |
abnormal retino-geniculate and geniculo-cortical pathways in several genetically distinct color phases of the mink (mustela vison). | several genetically distinct color phases of mink, which all show an abnormal reduction of pigment in the retinal pigment epithelium and which also show abnormalities of the retinofugal pathways, have been studied. autoradiographic methods have been used to demonstrate the retino-geniculate pathways, and retrograde degeneration or the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase has been used for the geniculo-cortical pathways. the retino-geniculate abnormality is mild in some of the color pha ... | 1979 | 447875 |
an hrp and autoradiographic study of the projection from the cerebellar cortex to the nucleus interpositus anterior and nucleus interpositus posterior of the cat. | the recently developed anatomical techniques of retrograde transport of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp), anterograde transport of tritiated amino acid, and intracellular injections of hrp were used to study the organization of the corticonuclear projection to the nucleus interpositus anterior (nia) and the nucleus interpositus posterior (nip) of the cat. injections of hrp into the nia and the nip revealed that the major areas of the cortex which provided afferents to these two nuclei wer ... | 1979 | 447879 |
reexamination of the dorsal root projection to the spinal dorsal horn including observations on the differential termination of coarse and fine fibers. | primary afferent fibers in the lumbar, sacral, and caudal spinal segments of several mammals (rat, cat, monkey) were stained by applying horseradish peroxidase to the proximal part of cut dorsal rootlets and reacting the tissue histochemically after several hours of survival. the stained fibers' pattern of termination in the dorsal horn was similar in all three species, with many bouton-like enlargements in the ipsilateral marginal zone, substantia gelatinosa, and nucleus proprius, as well as a ... | 1979 | 447880 |
morphological features of functionally defined neurons in the marginal zone and substantia gelatinosa of the spinal dorsal horn. | functional characteristics of spinal neurons located in the marginal zone (lamina i) and substantia gelatinosa (lamina ii) were compared to their structural features by intrcellularly staining the source of unitary potentials with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in unanesthetized, spinal cats. the responses of postsynaptic units to graded electrical volleys in intact dorsal roots and to physiological stimulation revealed that the peripheral excitatory input to neurons of the region is dominated by ... | 1979 | 447881 |
structure of physiologically identified x and y cells in the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus. | horseradish peroxidase injected into 18 single, physiologically identified geniculate x and y cells permitted a detailed morphological correlate to be determined for the physiological properties of each neuron. class 1 morphological characteristics were associated with y cells, class 3 with x cells, and class 2 structural traits were seen in both physiological types. | 1979 | 451559 |
quantitative estimate of pinocytosis in experimental acute hypertension. | cerebral cortical arterioles in focal neocortical areas develop increased permeability to plasma proteins and protein tracers in experimental hypertensive encephalopathy. the mechanism underlying this increased permeability has been the subject of several studies. in our previous studies of angiotensin-induced acute hypertension, pinocytosis appeared to be the principal mechanism for the increased blood-brain barrier (bbb) permeability observed. in the present study pinocytotic activity was asse ... | 1979 | 452852 |
a study of the perineurial diffusion barrier of a peripheral ganglion. | the perineurial diffusion barrier to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and ferritin was investigated in superior cervical ganglia of rats and mice. the ganglion was surrounded by a delicate epineurium and 2-5 perineurial lamellae joined by zonulae occludentes and desmosomes. following local application of tracers the animals were killed after 5, 30, and 60 min and the distribution of hrp and ferritin was studied by light and electron microscopy. the inner layers of the ganglionic perineurium prevente ... | 1979 | 452854 |
bactericidal effect of cysteine exposed to atmospheric oxygen. | peptostreptococcus anaerobius vpi 4330-1 was exposed to atmospheric oxygen in a dilution bland (0.2% gelatin, salts, resazurin) solution. the organisms were rapidly killed when the solution contained cysteine. the organisms were effectively protected by catalase and horseradish peroxidase as well as by the metal ion-chelating agents 8-hydroxyquinoline and 2,2'-bipyridine. superoxide dismutase increased the rate of killing of the organisms, whereas singlet oxygen quenchers and scavengers of hydro ... | 1979 | 453819 |
[epithelial permeability study of the bronchi in chronic bronchitis using an electron-dense tag]. | an electron dense tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), treated with dab-h2o2 for electron histochemical demonstration of peroxidase was used in an effort to find out whether or not the human bronchial epithelium was permeable to some macromolecules in chronic bronchitis. the biopsy specimens obtained from 5 patients at bronchoscopy and cultured in a medium with 2% hrp for 1-6 hours showed the reaction product to be distributed within intracellular spaces of the epithelium as well as in some ves ... | 1979 | 454230 |
axon trajectories of renshaw cells in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat, as reconstructed after intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 455060 |
efferent projections of the parabigeminal nucleus in rats: a horseradish peroxidase (hrp) study. | the parabigeminal nucleus of the rat was made up of the dorsal, middle and ventral subgroups. when hrp was introduced into the superficial layer of the superior colliculus, labeled neurons were observed in the ipsilateral dorsal and ventral subgroups and in the contralateral middle subgroup. it was demonstrated that neurons of the dorsal and ventral subgroups sent fibers to the ipsilateral superior colliculus, and that those of the middle subgroup sent them to the anterior half of the contralate ... | 1979 | 455073 |
cat phrenic nucleus architecture as revealed by horseradish peroxidase mapping. | cat phrenic motoneurons, labeled by intradiaphragmatic injection of horseradish peroxidase, formed a tight cluster in the most ventral portion of the ventral horn in lamina ix of the lower cervical cord. cell counts were symmetrically distributed for 17 to 21 mm along the longitudinal axis of the cord with a unimodal peak at the junction of segments c5 and c6. the phrenic nucleus was bilaterally organized on either side of the cord with anatomical symmetry and in no case was there evidence for t ... | 1979 | 456448 |
the projection of the temporal retina in rats, studied by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected unilaterally into the lateral geniculate nucleus or tectum, or both, in 26 hooded rats in order to mark the exact extent of the retina from which uncrossed optic axons arise. this region occupied about a quarter of the retina, in the temporal periphery, following thalamic injections, but a much smaller region following tectal injections. by comparing the proportions of hrp positive neurones in nasal and temporal retinae of both eyes it was shown that: (1 ... | 1979 | 456453 |