
virus-coded origin of a 32,000-dalton protein from avian retrovirus cores: structural relatedness of p32 and the beta polypeptide of the avian retrovirus dna polymerase.a 32,000-dalton protein (p32) located in avian retrovirus cores was immunoprecipitated from [35s]methionine-labeled avian myeloblastosis virus (amv) propagated in cultured chicken embryo fibroblast cells by an antiserum preparation (sarc iii) derived from tumor-bearing hamsters injected with cloned and passaged cells from an avian sarcoma virus-induced primary hamster tumor. since sarc iii serum apparently contained antibodies only to virus-coded proteins and not to chicken cellular proteins, th ...197881316
complete versus selective dry cow therapy for mastitis control.two hundred and thirty-two cows were assigned alternately to complete dry cow therapy (infusion in all quarters on the day of drying off) or selective therapy (infusion in all quarters if a history of mastitis, california mastitis test score of +2 or +3 in any quarter, or if cell counts from bucket milk samples as determined by the membrane filter-deoxyribonucleic acid procedure were above 500,000 cells/ml). a dry cow product containing 10(6) units of procaine penicillin g and 1 g of dihydrostre ...197881843
antibiotic-associated colitis. 197882080
penicillin today. 197882094
immunochemical studies on staphylococcus aureus plasma membrane. 2. antigenic properties.cytoplasma membrane and lipoteichoic acid (lta) isolated from s. aureus cowan i were examined serologically. lta contains both alpha- and beta-glucosyl substituents at glycerol and most probably ester-linked alanine as well, all being antigenic determinants. in addition to lta, the membrane contains a glycoprotein exhibiting antigenic determinant(s) in both the protein and sugar moieties.197882370
precipitating antibodies against neisseria meningitidis in normal sera and their possible origin.crossed immunoelectrophoresis was used to study precipitating antibodies against neisseria meningitidis in sera from 214 normal persons and in human gammaglobulin. a polyspecific meningococcal antigen preparation and a corresponding rabbit antiserum constituted the reference system. all the sera contained one to five precipitins against n. meningitidis which could be identified and quantified by means of the reference system. the precipitin score, which expresses the number and titre of precipit ...197882371
effects of human alpha-foetoprotein on human b and t lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. 197882499
a rapid, novel method for the solid-phase derivatization of igg antibodies for immune-affinity chromatography.we show that a solid-phase immune adsorbent can be prepared from rabbit antiserum by isolating the igg fraction with the a protein of staphylococcus aureus associated covalently with a sepharose matrix. the igg is then coupled to the matrix using the cross-linking agent dimethylsuberimidate. igg antibody bound in this fashion is in the proper orientation for combination with antigen because association with protein a occurs via the fc portion of the igg molecule, thus leaving the combining site ...197882592
toxic-shock syndrome associated with phage-group-i children (aged 8--17 years) presented with a high fever, headache, confusion, conjunctival hyperaemia, a scarlatiniform rash, subcutaneous oedema, vomiting, watery diarrhoea, oliguria, and a propensity to acute renal failure, hepatic abnormalities, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and severe prolonged shock. one patient died, one had gangrene of the toes, and all have had fine desquamation of affected skin and peeling of palms and soles during convalescence. five patients were studi ...197882681
rapid diagnosis using surface analysis by bacterial adherence. 197882699
induction of leukochemotaxis by peptidoglycan of staphylococcus aureus.leukochemotactic activity of staphylococcal peptidoglycan and isolated, specified fragments has been studied. the d-ala-d-ala group of the pentapeptide was found to be the major cytotaxigen, and c5a to be the dominant cytotaxin. a molecular weight of about 2,000 appeared to be a critical lower limit for inducing chemotactic response, the highest effect being observed with a fragment having a molecular weight of 3,000. the effect seems to depend on the kind of available antigenic determinants in ...197883093
the depressing effect of tumour on bactericidal capacity of plasma and leukocytes.leukocyte--plasma suspensions and plasma from tumour patients have been tested in vitro against staphylococcus aureus for bactericidal capacity. blood was collected during surgical intervention from peripheral vein and from the nearest point of vein to tumour. second collection of peripheral blood was done 2--3 weeks later after surgery. decrease of bactericidal activity of plasma has been found in blood collected from vein near the tumour. we can suggest that tumours release some factors distur ...197883269
anaerobic subareolar breast abscess.15 non-puerperal women with breast abscess were seen during one year. in 8, anaerobes were cultured from pus obtained from the abscess, in 6, staphylococcus aureus was grown, and in 1 the pus was sterile on culture. all 7 breast abscesses in puerperal women seen during the same period were staphylococcal. the anaerobic abscesses were all subareolar; they were recurrent in 4 patients and were associated with retracted nipples in 7. the anaerobes isolated were those found as normal commensals in t ...197983476
[effects of serums and plasmas of various species on a protease of staphylococcus aureus. human alpha2-macroglobulin as an inhibitor (author's transl)].serums and plasmas from various animals and man inhibited 85-100% of the activity of a purified protease from staphylococcus aureus, strain m 135 (table 1). the inhibitory effects of corresponding serums and plasmas were approximately equal. the inhibition in human serum was caused by alpha2-macroglobulin. on the other hand, alpha1-antitrypsin proved to be ineffective (table 2). the complex alpha2-macroglobulin-protease could be separated by vertical polyacrylamide discelectrophoresis. immunelec ...197883750
tolerance in staphylococcus aureus. 197984166
diisopropylfluorophosphate-evoked inhibition of anaphylactic histamine release from human skin: decrease of the inhibition by storing the skin specimens.antigen-induced histamine release from human skin slices passively sensitized with reaginic serum in vitro was inhibited by dfp, suggesting involvement of serine esterase activation in the reaction. the magnitude of dfp-evoked inhibition of the histamine release was not the same in each skin sample and no correlationship was observed between the magnitude of the dfp-evoked inhibition of the histamine release and that of the histamine release in the absence of dfp. the magnitude of the histamine ...197984487
quantitative analysis of catecholamines in skin and serum.a quantitative method for the analysis of noradrenaline and adrenaline by means of high performance liquid chromatography (hplc) and electrochemical detection is described. the method is applicable to tissues as well as serum.197984499
intraepithelial lymphocytes in the excurrent ducts of the testis of the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus).cells considered to be lymphocytes are reported in the epithelial lining of the excurrent ducts of the testis of normal and vasoligated domestic fowl. they resemble those already reported in the rat and monkey epididymal epithelium, the human intestinal mucosa, and in the bursa of fabricius. the cytoplasm is usually less dense than that of adjacent epithelial cells, and contains only a few organelles. the nucleus is highly heterochromatic and with no definite nucleolus. cytoplasmic processes are ...197984511
fimbriae of actinomyces viscosus t14v: their relationship to the virulence-associated antigen and to coaggregation with streptococcus sanguis 34.1) fimbriae from a. viscosus t14v may be similar to those found on other bacteria. 2) the antigenic difference between virulent and avirulent a. viscosus t14 appears to be of a quantitative rather than a qualitative nature and is related to fimbriae and not to the cell wall polysaccharide. 3) coaggregation between a. viscosus t14v and s. sanguis 34 is mediated by fimbriae on the former which have specificity for beta-linked galactosyl residues.197884522
[syncope and transitory amaurosis during mastocytosis].in a 70-year old man who has been suffering for 20 years from mastocytosis, a syncope followed by a transitory amaurosis occured. neurological complications of mastocytosis are exceptionnal. syncope is the most frequent, secondary to a drop in arterial pressure due to an inappropriate discharge of histamin.197884544
[effect of s-adenosyl-l-methionine on the cerebral and peripheral metabolism of l-dopa].the repartition of [3h]l-dopa administered i.p. does not change in rats treated with s-adenosyl-l-methionine (sam). the effect was studied on the central nervous system and at the periphery. the biosynthesis of metabolites [3h]dopamine and [3h]3-o-methyldopamine are also unchanged. on the other hand, in the kidney an accumulation of [3h]norepinephrine +[3h]normetanephrine was observed, while in the brainstem + midbrain the synthesis of these metabolites was decreased after sam injection. the rel ...197884550
study of the glycolipid composition of the milk fat-globule membrane and the mouse mammary tumour virus prepared from the milk of infected swiss mice [proceedings]. 197884579
the incorporation of uridine triphosphate in bovine thyroid nuclei [proceedings]. 197884626
[role of poly(glycerophosphate) complexes in bacterial resistance to beryllium toxicity (proceedings)]. 197884638
fibroblast interferon in man is coded by two loci on separate chromosomes.we have examined viral and poly(rl):poly(rc) induction of interferon synthesis in several human, mouse and chinese hamster cell lines, and in hybrids derived from the fusion of such cells. we observed species and cell-type differences in inducer effectiveness and in the kinetics of interferon production. in some cases, parental characteristics are preserved in somatic cell hybrids, and in other cases, the expression of the donor phenotype is modulated by the epigenetic state of the recipient cel ...197984714
[use of chromolymphotrast for color lymphography]. 197984768
localization of nors in chromosomes of mouse cell lines by a combined 33258-hoechst and ag-staining technique. 197984805
electron microscopic studies of serially sectioned cat spinal alpha-motoneurons. i. effects of microelectrode impalement and intracellular staining with the fluorescent dye "procion yellow".cat spinal alpha-motoneurons were studied in the light and electron microscope after intracellular recording and staining with the fluorescent dye procion yellow. generally, the ultrastructural preservation of the stained neurons improved when the amount of dye delivered was decreased, and when the duration of the microelectrode impalement of the neuron as well as the time between the intracellular staining and the tissue fixation was kept as short as possible. utilizing the optimal experimental ...197984820
electron microscopic studies of serially sectioned cat spinal alpha-motoneurons. iii. motoneurons innervating fast-twitch (type fr) units of the gastrocnemius muscle.two intracellularly stained cat gastrocnemius alpha-motoneurons of the fr-type (burke et al., '73) were studied ultrastructurally. the architecture and synaptology of the cell body and proximal parts of the dendrites were analyzed from a long series of consecutive sections, according to a method presented in a preceding paper (conradi et al., '79a). several of the dendrites had a base diameter exceeding 10 micrometer. the proportion of the surface covered by boutons was 40-50% for the cell body ...197984821
coupling of gamma-globulin to microcrytstalline cellulose by periodate oxidation.anti-rabbit igg sheep gamma-globulins were covalently coupled to periodate oxidized microcrystalline cellulose using the schiff reaction. optimal conditions (sodium m-periodate concentration and gamma-globulin amount) were studied measuring the ability of this solid-phase antibody to bind glucose oxidase-labeled rabbit igg.197984841
mesosomes observed in unfixed cells of staphylococcus aureus by negative staining. 197884850
effect of trypsin and chymotrypsin on the polypeptides of large and small plaque variants of foot-and-mouth disease virus: relationship to specific antigenicity and infectivity.large and small plaque variants of a12 foot-and-mouth disease virus were shown to have specific antigenic determinants. large plaque virus antigenic specificity was destroyed by trypsin treatment, but the small plaque antigen was resistant despite cleavage of the trypsin-sensitive polypeptide. the cleavage of polypeptide vp3 by trypsin resulted in the formation of a new antigen not present on untreated virus. the effects of chymotrypsin and trypsin on the polypeptides of the plaque variants have ...197884854
food allergy. 197984902
rimantadine inhibits reproduction of influenza virus a/ussr/77. 197984920
enteritis necroticans in nepal. 197984938
changing phage typing patterns of epidemic gentamicin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. evidence for transmission of gentamicin a 10-week period, infection with gentamicin resistant staphylococcus aureus appeared in 24 adults and infants in one hospital. medical staff were affected first, and subsequently 16 infants in the neonatal intensive-care unit. the gentamicin-resistant staphyloccal isolates showed three distinct phage susceptibility patterns in two distinct phage groups during the early, middle, and late phases of the outbreak. although not confirmed with in-vitro or in-vivo laboratory data, this outbreak sugg ...197984945
phage typing of group b streptococci. 197984983
dietary fibre and experimental colon cancer. 197985018
multiple sclerosis and canine distemper in iceland. 197985027
stimulation of prostacyclin release from vessel wall by bay g 6575, an antithrombotic compound.ingestion of 1.2 g bay g 6575 daily for 1 week by six healthy volunteers had no effect on blood-coagulation, fibrinolysis, or platelet aggregation in vitro, but it seemed to inhibit platelet aggregation in vivo (shown by a smaller reduction in the platelet aggregate ratio after venous occlusion). plasma drawn from five volunteers after ingestion of a single dose of 1.2 g of the drug stimulated prostacyclin release from slices of rat aorta which had been washed until they stopped releasing anti-a ...197985106
decline of the hospital staphylococcus? incidence of multiresistant staph. aureus in three birmingham hospitals.the prevalance of antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus was studied in three birmingham hospitals. in a general hospital periodic surveys showed a progressive decline in the proportions of patients with staph. aureus in their noses which were resistant to tetracycline, erythromycin, and kanamycin. this change was associated with a progressive reduction in the use of tetracycline without an overall reduction in the use of antibiotics. there was no similar decline in resistance of ...197985116
[resistence of head lice against gammexane (lindane) applies also to the nonalcoholic preparations]. 197985264
fetal phenotypic expression by adult rat hepatocytes on collagen gel/nylon meshes.hepatocytes from adult rats were maintained in primary culture for up to 10-13 days on nylon meshes coated with a thin layer of rat tail collagen gel. their ultrastructure closely resembled that of the liver parenchymal cell in vivo, but hepatocytes in late culture exhibited a pronounced buildup of microfilaments beneath their apical cell surface. hepatocytes in early and late cultures secreted albumin, transferrin, and alpha1-acid glycoprotein into the medium; they exhibited a 7- to 10-fold ind ...197985301
[determination of protein-sh groups with ddd reagent]. 197685309
alteration of human blood cells and changes in plasma mediators produced by radiographic contrast vitro incubation of human blood cells with iodinated radiographic contrast media (rcm) produced marked effects which were dose-dependent: erythrocytes showed crenation which was reversible; neutrophil leukocytes released the lysosomal enzyme beta-glucuronidase; basophil leukocytes released histamine; and platelets released serotonin as well as beta-glucuronidase. the release reaction could not be attributed to cell lysis, as demonstrated by the release of the cytoplasmic enzyme lactic dehydro ...197985375
[characteristics of isolated human mast cells]. 197885378
[experimental observations in rabbits with pulmonary hyalin membranes (author's transl)]. 197885383
[pressing problems of the prevention of intestinal infections]. 197885396
comparative light- and electron-microscopical study of the normal adenohypophysis in the human.the pars distalis of 1 girl and of 3 sexually mature women was studied. the glands were dissected out and fixed within a period of 30 min following death; in the aldehyde fixative, each gland was systematically divided into ten pieces. before fixation in osmium tetroxide, each piece was again divided into several blocks. at least 60 blocks were obtained from each gland. semi-thin sections obtained from all the blocks were stained and studied under the light microscope. ultrathin sections were ob ...197985403
streptococcal pharyngitis: diagnosis by gram a beta-hemolytic streptococci were isolated from 49 (10.4%) of 472 patients with pharyngitis. throat culture results, interpreted by five observers of varying experience, showed the mean sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of a positive gram-stained smear of pharyngeal secretions as 73%, 96%, and 71%. assignment to a high-risk group by clinical algorithm gave sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of only 45%, 83%, and 23%. the gram-stained smear is the most accurate met ...197985421
the effects of thyroxine and climatic factors on colostral gammaglobulin absorption in newborn calves.observations of 68 friesian and holstein x friesian calves in a single herd with low neonatal mortality gave the following results: --the calves which will suffer from diarrhoea but survive were in a hyperthyroid state (high levels of hormonal iodine, t3 and free thyroxine index) compared with the healthy animals. --the concentration of plasma globulins, after colostrum intake was lower in diarrhoeic subjects calves than in the healthy ones. --for the whole group of animals, plasma hormonal iodi ...197885426
a comparative immunological study of catalases from coagulase-positive staphylococci.protein homology studies with catalase as a reference point were carried out with coagulase-positive staphylococci belonging to staphylococcus aureus, s. intermedius and s. hyicus. antisera against catalases of s. aureus atcc 12600 and s. aureus atcc12601 reacted very weakly employing double immunodiffusion and quantitative microcomplement-fixation assay with cell-free extracts or catalase enriched preparations of s. intermedius or s. hyicus. the differences between coagulase-positive staphyloco ...197985438
subarachnoid space of the cns, nasal mucosa, and lymphatic system.we have briefly reviewed the literature pertaining to the movement of tracer molecules and infectious organisms within the olfactory nerve. there is a body of evidence indicating that tracers placed in the csf will quickly move via the olfactory nerve to the nasal mucosa and then to the cervical lymph nodes. organic and inorganic tracer materials and organisms as diverse as viruses, a bacillus, and an amoeba, when placed in the nasal cavity, have been shown to move from the nasal mucosa via the ...197985446
evidence for the platelet specificity of beta-thromboglobulin and studies on its plasma concentration in healthy individuals.the concentration of normal human platelet beta-thromboglobulin (beta-tg) was measured in various washed organ samples by a radioimmunoassay. as only trace amounts were detected, beta-tg appears to be a platelet specific protein. assay of beta-thromboglobulin in plasma samples from 180 normal individuals gave a range of 10--65 mg/ml. in the 10 subjects studied, plasma beta-tg concentration was related to platelet lifespan but not to turnover. the plasma beta-tg concentration rose with increasing ...197985458
goitrogens. 197985506
pattern of activity of nucleolus organizers during spermatogenesis in mammals as analyzed by silver-staining.silver-staining in the nuclei and chromosomes of spermatogenesis of four species of mammals (man, mus musculus, rattus norvegicus, and cavia cobaya) was investigated qualitatively and quantitatively. these species show a very similar pattern of activity of the nucleolus organizer regions (nors) during the various stages of spermatogenesis. silver precipitates are detectable in growing spermatogonia and up until the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase. during the meiotic metaphases i and ii and d ...197985513
responses of lateral preoptic neurons in the rat to hypertonic sucrose and nacl.multiple-unit recordings were taken from the lateral preoptic region during a series of hypertonic and isotonic nacl and sucrose intracarotid injections. subjects were 11 hooded rats (8 males and 3 ovariectomized females) under urethane anesthesia. the data showed that under favorable cannulation conditions there were strong multiple-unit responses to hypertonic sucrose injections, and that under these conditions nacl injections were not significantly more effective than sucrose injections. the ...197985536
gonadotropin stimulation of porcine ovarian ornithine decarboxylase in vitro: the role of 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate.the role of camp as a mediator of gonadotropin stimulation of ovarian ornithine decarboxylase (odc) activity was studied in granulosa cells isolated from small (1--2 mm) porcine ovarian follicles. these cells responded to both fsh and lh with significant increases in intracellular concentration of camp. at concentrations of gonadotropins which were saturating for the induction of odc activity, fsh was a more potent stimulator of both camp production and odc activity than lh. n,o'-dibutyryl camp ...197885547
relationship of intracellular 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate accumulation to parathyroid hormone release from dispersed bovine parathyroid cells. 197885548
[macrophage-lymphocyte contact in peripheral blood smears. brief report].in the brief report the contact of macrophagues and lymphocytes which up till now was only observed in the bone-marrow, spleen, lymph nodes and in lymphocyte cultures as an expression of a beginning immunoreaction was also demonstrated photographically for the peripheral blood and in vivo.197885588
the spinal cord protein (scp): appraisal of physiological and immunological hypotheses of anti-encephalitogenic action. 197885602
thermonuclease seroinhibition test for distinguishing staphylococcus aureus from other coagulase-positive staphylococci.since coagulase-positive staphylococci from animals are heterogeneous, another test is necessary to distinguish staphylococcus aureus from them. staphylococcal thermonucleases appear to be heterogeneous; antisera raised against s. aureus isolated from humans inhibit thermonuclease activity as demonstrated by the metachromatic well-agar diffusion method. the serological specificity of the thermonuclease elaborated by s. aureus of human origin was demonstrated using three antisera and 407 strains ...197985633
the distribution of lead in human hair. 197985680
demonstration of an unusual dna polymerase activity associated with the l cell virion.purified preparations of l cell virions (lcv) were found to possess an associated dna polymerase activity. this enzyme was active with poly(c).oligo(dg) and poly(cm).oligo(dg) and was able to transcribe poly(a).oligo(dt). endogenous dna synthesis was also demonstrable in disrupted virion preparations but this reaction was enhanced, rather than inhibited, by rnase pre-treatment. the effects of variations in a number of the assay parameters on these activities were examined in an attempt to determ ...197985690
the distribution of myelin basic protein in subcellular fractions of developing jimpy mouse brain. 197985694
in vitro synthesis of infectious transforming dna by the avian sarcoma virus reverse transcriptase.infectious dna molecules, capable of transforming chicken embryo fibroblasts, can be synthesized by the rous sarcoma virus-associated reverse transcriptase in vitro. the optimal enzymatic conditions employed for infectious dna synthesis also facilitate maximum synthesis of genome length dna. analysis of the dna product synthesized by detergent-disrupted rous sarcoma virus under these conditions indicates that dna complementary to viral rna (minus-strand dna) is genome length in size, whereas dna ...197985719
yersinia enterocolitica and thyroid diseases in spain. 197985925
dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer.colorectal carcinoma is becoming the most common form of visceral cancer in western populations. a fat-related dietary factor is implicated in its pathogenesis, and evidence in man suggests that this factor may be cholesterol. dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic in animals with colon cancer, and there is indirect evidence for a similar role in man. it is proposed that prolonged exposure to dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer in that it facilitates the development, gr ...197985993
inhibition of platelet aggregation and thromboxane synthesis by onion and garlic. 197986023
[perichordal necroses. contribution to the understanding of the spinal column morphogenesis].in 12--15 days old rat embryos and 12 days old mouse embryos vitally stained by acridin orange, a perichordal necrosis appears, showing metameric intensifications at the level of the dense sclerotomites. similar aspects were detected in serially sectioned rabbit and human embryos (6--7 mm c.r. length). the authors correlate the necrotic zones mentioned with the inductive functions of the notochord.197886154
prostate cancer: normal prostate from human and hamster."prostatic acid phosphatase" is a term that has been used widely and ambiguously to refer to acid phosphatase, which 1) is elevated in the sera of patients with various diseases of the prostate, 2) is inhibited by one or more specific inhibitors, 3) attacks one or more specific substrates, 4) has certain unique antigenic properties, 5) is extracted from homogenates of prostate, and 6) is obtained from prostate secretions, etc. most of the data adduced to justify this term is indirect. we have pu ...197886160
dna polymerase with characteristics of reverse transcriptase purified from human milk.a dna polymerase purified from a particulate fraction of human milk has biochemical and biophysical properties similar to those of viral reverse transcriptases. this enzyme is immunologically distinct from cellular dna polymerases obtained from a variety of human sources.197986209
the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to somatic and metabolic antigens in rats infected with angiostrongylus cantonensis. 197886211
[reaction of the cerebral cortical neurons to complete ischemia].changes of morphological and neurophysiological characteristics of pyramidal neurons in response to complete ischemia have been studied by means of vital microscopy of cat and rabbit cortex neurons in addition to some other cytological methods. these responses were found to be complex involving phasic changes in the neuron size, membrane potential and redox potential. neurons of particular types responded to normo- and hypothermic ischemia differently. pyramidal neurons retained their vital abil ...197986219
genetic mapping of the chromosome of rhizobium trifolii.cultures of the wild strain and auxotrophic mutants of rhizobium trifolii t37 synchronized by means of phenylethanol have been mutagenized with nitrosoguanidine. fifteen genetic markers were characterized in respect of their order and the time of replication based on the peaks of mutations of the genes. the time of r. trifolii chromosome replication was estimated using inhibitors of the initiation of dna replication: rifampicin, chloramphenicol and phenylethanol. the replicative map of r. trifol ...197886278
counterimmunoelectrophoresis for rapid identification of blood-culture isolates.a total of 303 blood cultures that were positive by examination of gram-stained smears were tested immediately by counterimmunoelectrophoresis for detection of bacterial antigens. antigen was detected in all 82 blood cultures containing streptococcus pneumoniae and 11 of 22 with klebsiella pneumoniae, two of two with haemophilus influenzae, and one of one with neisseria meningiditis. false-positive cross-reactions in 265 tests occurred only with pneumococcal omniserum in two cases of nongroupabl ...197986294
lymphocyte responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin and to worm and egg antigens in human schistosomiasis japonica.using a whole blood culture technique, lymphocyte responsiveness was assayed as 3h thymidine incorporation in 41 individuals infected with schistosoma japonicum. in comparison with controls, response to phytohemagglutinin (pha) was suppressed but was unrelated to egg excretion levels or duration of infection. reactivity to whole worm antigens was significantly greater in individuals with a higher level of egg excretion and presumably greater infection intensity. the response to egg antigens sign ...197986307
study of factors influencing the effectiveness of two treatments, penicillin-streptomycin and rifamycin, against experimentally induced staphylococcal mastitis in lactating cows.the effectiveness of two antibiotic preparations, a combination of penicillin-streptomycin and rifamycin sv, was measured on persistent subclinical infections produced experimentally by two strains of staphylococus aureus in the bovine mammary gland. effects of different parameters upon the efficiency of these treatments were analysed. the combination penicillin-streptomycin cured 23 quarters of 46 treated (50 %) against 14 out of 55 for the rifamycin sv (25 %). this difference was significant ( ...197886321
immunoperoxidase localization of sporothrix schenckii and cryptococcus neoformans. staining of tissue sections fixed in 4% formaldehyde solution and embedded in indirect immunoperoxidase staining method has been successfully applied to 4% formaldehyde solution tissue sections fixed in and embedded in paraffin for the localization of sporothrix schenckil and cryptococcus neoformans without prior trypsinization of tissue sections. a comparison of this method with an analogous immunofluorescence staining technique has been made.197986325
the role of lysine in the serological specificity of some proteus mirabilis lipopolysaccharides. 197886335
the isolated human cortex. a golgi analysis of krabbe's disease.the clinical course of a child with krabbe's leukodystrophy was characterized by clinical seizures, startle myoclonus, and paroxysmal activity recorded by eeg. at autopsy in the fourth year, myelinated subcortical axons were destroyed, virtually completely. despite isolation from major subcortical and interhemispheric connections, the cell and fiber pattern of the cortex appeared remarkably normal in routine histologic preparations. the normal range of pyramidal and stellate interneurons were al ...197986346
purification of glutathione s-transferases from rat lung by affinity chromatography. evidence for an enzyme form absent in rat liver. 197986357
inhibition of neuronal firing by opiates: evidence against the involvement of cyclic nucleotides.1. extracellular recordings were made in vitro from single neurones of the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig ileum. 2. neuronal firing was inhibited by morphine and normorphine (10 nm to 1 micrometer). cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic amp) (100 micrometer to 1 mm) also inhibited the firing of the majority of the neurones. prostaglandin e2 usually caused a short-lasting excitation of myenteric neurones and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine was usually withou ...197986371
effect of gammaglobulin injection on circulating immune complexes in various diseases.immune complexes (ics) participate in the pathogenesis of various diseases and can be shown in 18% of all hospitalized patients (excluding those with infectious diseases) by means of a sensitive method such as the raji-cell radioimmune assay. however, before this test can be applied to quantify disease activity in renal, connective tissue and neoplastic diseases, it must be recognized that febrile infections of the upper respiratory tract also induce ics in 86% of all patients. the immune comple ...197986443
difference in antigenic reactivity and ultrastructure between fluid-phase c5b-9 and the c5b-9 membrane attack complex of human complement. 197986461
effect of rabbit anti-human b-cell antigens on the response of lymphocytes stimulated by blastogenic has been shown that specific antisera to b-cell determinants can block stimulation in the human mixed lymphocyte reaction. therefore, it is of interest to study the effect of anti-human b-cell serum on blastogenic activities of the cell-free culture medium (cfm) derived from cultures of human blood lymphocytes. b-cell antigen was prepared from human b-cell line as a glycoprotein complex of mol. wt 27,000 and 33,000. rabbit antisera to the b-cell antigen after absorption with human platelets o ...197886505
tumor-associated antigens of chemically-induced murine tumors; the emergence of mulv and fetal antigens after serial passage in culture.using radioiodinated staphylococcus aureus protein a [125i]spa to measure syngeneic, allogeneic and heterogeneic igg bound to murine tumor cells, we performed a serological analysis of surface antigens of 8 solid tumors and 2 leukemias of balb/c mice (3 chemically-induced colon carcinomas, 3 chemically-induced sarcomas, 1 murine leukemia virus (mulv) induced leukemia, 1 irradiation induced leukemia, 1 spontaneous melanoma and 1 spontaneous sarcoma). we were able to detect and distinguish between ...197986520
interplexiform cell of the mouse retina: a golgi demonstration.a neuron of the inner nuclear layer (inl) with some processes extending to the outer plexiform layer (opl) and others to the inner plexiform layer (ipl) was discovered near the posterior pole of the mouse retina. the neuron's location and appearance are similar to the interplexiform cells of several other species. the relatively recent recognition of this cell type along with its characteristic of infrequent staining by the golgi technique make the extent of its distribution among species uncert ...197986528
the phenomenon of differentiation in murine erythroleukemic cells. 197886529
automatic cell identification and enrichment in lung cancer. i. light scatter and fluorescence parameters.two physical parameters were investigated to automatically recognize cells in sputum from human squamous cell carcinoma of the lung and to separate them for preparation by the papanicolaou methods, for human interactive identification and for automated high resolution image analysis. the two parameters, 0.5-15.0 degrees forward argon-ion laser light scatter to estimate total cell size and 546 nm acridine orange fluorescence to approximate total cell dna content, were measured in a flow-through f ...197986575
cytofluorometric and cytochemical comparisons of normal and abnormal human cells from the female genital tract.acridine orange staining of exfoliated cells from epithelial tissues facilitates discrimination between normal and abnormal cells: abnormal cells develop highly elevated nuclear fluorescence. comparisons of acridine orange (ao) staining with propidium iodide (pi) or feulgen staining have shown that: (a) pi staining also provides highly elevated nuclear fluorescence from abnormal cells; (b) the distributions of nuclear fluorescence following ao or pi staining were usually not significantly differ ...197986579
chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. correlation of circulating lymphocyte fluctuations with disease activity in suppressed and unsuppressed animals.groups of juvenile strain 13 guinea pigs sensitized for chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (eae) with isogeneic central nervous system (cns) tissue in complete freund's adjuvant (cfa) were either left to develop late-onset chronic eae (unsuppressed), or given a series of injections of bovine myelin basic protein (mbp) in incomplete freund's adjuvant (ifa) to suppress the disease. all unsuppressed animals developed disease and all suppressed animals remained healthy over a ...197986602
[toxicological studies on pepleomycin sulfate (nk631). vi. chronic toxicity of pepleomycin in dogs (author's transl)].chronic toxicity and its recovery of pepleomycin sulfate was studied in both sexes of beagle dogs. at dose levels of 0.3, 0.15 and 0.075 mg/kg, pepleomycin was administered intramuscularly to dogs for 180 successive days. two dogs of the 0.15 mg/kg dose group were used for recovery test for 35 days. as general findings, the decrease of food intake, the loss of body weight, ulceration of foot pad, nail root necrosis and onychoptosis, ulcer of tongue and labia, and alopecia, dermatitis and necrosi ...197986626
comparison between systemic and oral antimicrobial prophylaxis in colorectal a prospective randomised trial in which 93 patients undergoing elective colorectal operations were given a short prophylactic course of metronidazole and kanamycin orally or systemically, postoperative sepsis occurred in only 3 (6.5%) of those given antimicrobials systemically, compared with 17 (36%) of those given oral prophylaxis (p less than 0.01). 15 of the 17 infections in patients who received antimicrobials orally were due to kanamycin-resistant bacteria present in the colon at operati ...197986666
klebsiella and ankylosing spondylitis--molecular mimicry? 197986725
placental fluorescent-antibody studies as test for congenital cytomegalovirus infection. 197986741
vidarabine monophosphate in viral encephalitis. 197986765
sepsis, septicaemia, and the sea. 197986842
interactions of lysophospholipids and mast cells. 197986956
[experimental allergic encephalomyelitis--clinical aspects and treatment]. 197986987
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 163583