
do renshaw cells tell spinal neurones how to interpret muscle spindle signals?in vertebrates many alpha motoneurone pools are subjected both to recurrent inhibition via renshaw cells and to proprioceptive feedback via muscle fibres and proprioceptors, particularly spindles. in these cases, the two feedback loops have a common input (alpha motoneurone output) and a common target (alpha motoneurones). this implies that the target alpha motoneurones receive a compound information dispatched by the source alpha motoneurones, but processed in different ways via the two feedbac ...20092699368
artificial skin. i. preparation and properties of pluronic f-127 gels for treatment of burns. 20154642986
physician income and education. 20093224940
the functional role of the muscle spindle's primary end organs. 20094229845
safety issues in the handling of chemotherapeutic agents. 20123449377
[anesthesiologist in a unit for the treatment of burns]. 20164731788
nocturnal enuresis associated with sodium valproate. 20072859433
changes of right ventricular size and function in neonates after valvotomy for pulmonary atresia or critical pulmonary stenosis and intact ventricular septum.right ventricular end-diastolic and stroke volumes were calculated from orthogonal subcostal echocardiographic images in 24 neonates (mean weight +/- sd 3.4 +/- 0.4 kg) with pulmonary atresia (n = 18) or critical pulmonary stenosis (n = 6) and intact ventricular septum before and at an average of 5 days and then 19 days after pulmonary valvotomy. the preoperative echocardiographic volume determinations were compared with the respective angiographic determinations. in addition, the endocardial ar ...20061552090
introduction to endoscopic therapy for bleeding peptic ulcers. 20072242806
[standardization of bronchial provocation tests using histamine]. 20113218107
deux chevaux, jaguar--or ford. 20113113564
investigation of circulating anticoagulants against ahf (factor 8) in three patients with hemophilia a. 20144174253
[changes of the connective tissue in the process of aging]. 20144236562
[simplified transrectal prostatic biopsy]. 20144126705
pathologic fracture from metastatic malignant melanoma. 20154689126
[the effect of electrolytes on hydrocodone extraction by organic solvents from acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions]. 20154702838
[the effect of electrolytes on hydrocodone extraction by organic solvents from acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions]. 20154702838
the director of nursing and the hat of administration. 20154524716
clinical and pathological studies of five autopsied cases of aortitis syndrome. i. findings of the aorta and its branches, peripheral arteries and pulmonary arteries. 20154537470
data collection in the home health agencies of rhode island--home health agency management system brief. 20154496466
[scanning of the distal perfusion pressure in skin and muscle with 133 xenon in estimation of the pressure situation in pregangrene--gangrene]. 20164913102
[nonsurgical vascular functional explorations (value and results)]. 20165084470
simultaneous assessment of inflammation and epidermal proliferation in psoriatic plaques during long-term treatment with the vitamin d3 analogue mc903: modulations and interrelations.the influence of topical application of mc903, an analogue of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3, on psoriatic plaques was investigated during a long-term treatment study. the parameters for epidermal growth and for inflammation were assessed on frozen sections using immunohistochemical methods to elucidate their modulations in time and the interrelations between the different cell types involved during treatment with mc903. biopsies were taken before and after 1, 2, 4 and 12 weeks of treatment. mon ...20072018728
[a case of toxic leucoencephalopathy induced by 5fu derivatives].a case of toxic leucoencephalopathy induced by 5 fu derivatives is reported. a 46-year-old woman was diagnosed as having breast cancer, and radical mastectomy was performed on may, 1982. after operation, she was given irradiation and 5fu derivative (tegafur or carmofur) 600 mg and nolvadex 20 mg (tamoxifen citrate) were administered every day. after taking the medication for a month, she began to stagger and developed a tremor in both arms. she was admitted to our hospital on august 16, because ...20133937066
[clinical trial of a new locally acting product in acute venous inflammation]. 200094278
[factors in therapeutic decisions]. 20092652061
[basal and gonadotropin releasing hormone-stimulated gonadotropin secretion in patients with chronic uremia].in 11 patients with chronic uremia both the basal and stimulated levels of lh and fsh in serum were determined by ria. after renal transplantation the investigations were repeated in 2 cases. the basal levels of lh were unphysiologically increased whereas fsh was found in the normal range. the stimulation of lh by gnrh was adequate in 6 patients and in 5 there was no response. as a result of renal transplantation there was a drop of lh in serum. it is supposed that the unphysiological increase o ...20103137735
[basal and gonadotropin releasing hormone-stimulated gonadotropin secretion in patients with chronic uremia].in 11 patients with chronic uremia both the basal and stimulated levels of lh and fsh in serum were determined by ria. after renal transplantation the investigations were repeated in 2 cases. the basal levels of lh were unphysiologically increased whereas fsh was found in the normal range. the stimulation of lh by gnrh was adequate in 6 patients and in 5 there was no response. as a result of renal transplantation there was a drop of lh in serum. it is supposed that the unphysiological increase o ...20103137735
relationship between directed visual attention and saccadic reaction times.saslow (1967) and fischer and ramsperger (1984) found that saccadic reaction time (srt) depends on the interval between the fixation point offset and the target onset. using a continuously visible fixation point, we asked whether a similar function would be obtained if subjects attended to a peripherally viewed point extinguished at variable intervals before or after the target onset. the interval was varied between -500 ms (i.e., attention stimulus offset after saccade target onset = overlap tr ...20103224663
[the wilson-mikity syndrome]. 20164734835
tympanic membrane retraction pockets. etiology, pathogeny, treatment.the author describes the morphological behaviour of the tympanic membrane, undergoing long term negative pressure in the middle ear cavities. he explains the viscoelastic properties of the tympanic membrane lamina propria, in cases of retraction pockets. he analyses the preferential weakness of some well localized parts of the tympanic membrane and defends an accurate treatment to avoid this pathology.20071950545
perceived distributions of the characteristics of in-group and out-group members: empirical evidence and a computer simulation.this research studied 2 properties of perceived distributions of the characteristics of social category members: the probability of differentiating (making distinctions) among category members and the perceived variability (variance) of category members. the results of 4 experiments supported the hypothesis that greater familiarity with a social group leads to greater perceived differentiation and variability regarding that group. in-group members formed more differentiated and variable distribu ...20092760805
[chronic constipation in children caused by "sigma elongatum"?]. 20061544339
lower extremity reconstruction using a long-cryopreserved venous allograft for free flap venous outflow.vein grafts are used frequently in microvascular surgery, but an adequate supply of autogenous veins is not always available. the search for an ideal substitute for autogenous vein continues. we present a case of lower extremity reconstruction made difficult by lack of suitable autogenous vein for venous outflow from a rectus abdominus free flap. a 36 cm cryopreserved allograft saphenous vein was used on an emergency basis for this problem.20061569881
cytotoxicity of airborne particles from roadside urban gardens.airborne particles were collected in two small urban gardens along the roads with heavy traffic in hong kong. the chemical and physical properties of the particles of a diameter about 1 micron were analysed by a scanning electron microscope incorporated with a x-ray energy dispersive microanalyzer and an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. the cytotoxicities of particles were compared using an in vitro alveolar macrophage culture assay. it was found that both particles significantly increase (p ...20133823860
let's control our own destiny. 20144082629
spontaneous disappearance of a large middle fossa arachnoid cyst.a case of a large middle fossa arachnoid cyst that spontaneously disappeared is reported. the possible mechanisms involved in the "natural cure" of this lesion and the indications for surgical versus conservative treatment of middle fossa arachnoid cysts are discussed.20144012575
editorial: from the president; you must help. 20154606472
sealants for sources emanating rn-222. 20154443279
proceedings of the third international symposium on minimal residual disease in acute leukemia. 28-30 march, 1990, rotterdam, the netherlands. 20082390635
circumscribed endometrial stromatosis of the uterus with marked epitheliogenesis.a 75-year-old female suffered from continuous abnormal genital bleeding; endometrial biopsy was interpreted as stromal hyperplasia. simple total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was performed. a circumscribed tumor covered by atrophic endometrium was found in the uterine fundus, bulging into the endometrial cavity; histological pictures revealed endometrial stromatosis with marked epitheliogenesis having a papillary formation and sex-cord-like differentiation. no recur ...20133721309
source of admissions for tuberculosis to five massachusetts sanatoriums. 20164956104
symptoms and signs predictive of the voiding pattern after acute urinary retention in men.over a 9-month period 228 men were admitted for acute urinary retention to six different casualty wards in the copenhagen area. the patients were followed in the corresponding urological departments for one year. twenty-seven variables were registered for each patient. the cumulative rate of recurrent retention was 56% after one week and 68% after one year. factors predictive of preserved voiding ability were a retained volume less than 500 ml, a known event provocative of acute retention, and a ...20123589519
the microvascular response to growth factors in the hamster cheek pouch.implicit in attempts to characterize and purify biologically active factors is the premise that the bioassay system employed will show a progressive increase in the response as the concentration of the responsible factor increases. we employed the hamster cheek pouch to assay the neovascularization potential of growth factors, including endothelial cell growth supplement (ecgs), epidermal growth factor (egf), fibroblast growth factor (fgf) and platelet-derived growth factor (pdgf). each growth f ...20133753390
the possible role of conformational isomerism in the biological actions of acetylcholine: spectral studies. 20154383579
surgical refinements of the hairline in hair transplant surgery.a hairline placed too low on the forehead is the most common error in hair transplant surgery, and misdirection of grafts is the second most common. correction of these and other errors in this subtle surgery is difficult and challenges the surgeon's artistic talents. in most cases, a natural appearance can be achieved.20083988535
physical aspects of radiation treatment. some past and present developments with implications for the future.some aspects of the development and initial use of high energy photons and electrons are discussed, including the initial roles of kerst and quastler. analytical developments in brachytherapy are also described. relative to orthovoltages, the availability of high energy photons and electrons have provided the opportunity for concentration of ionizing energy anywhere in the body. computer methods became necessary to handle the number of computations required in treatment planning, and the develop ...20103098086
drunken driving: why so little progress? 20133965071
drunken driving: why so little progress? 20133965071
[sensitivity of the organism of adolescents and youths to industrial poisons]. 20164908349
cytochrome c from schizosaccharomyces pombe. 2. amino-acid sequence.the amino acid sequence of schizosaccharomyces pombe cytochrome c has been established by automatic degradation of the protein and by manual degradation of fragments obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage and chymotryptic digestion. the chymotryptic peptides were aligned by homology with other known cytochrome c sequences. the protein is 108 residues long, with a four-residue amino-terminal tail. it has only one methionine residue and differs from other fungal cytochromes c in lacking the one-res ...1992207525
proceedings: an overview of clinical applications of photon absorptiometry. 1997179420
the margin of safety of polyquaternium-1 preserved lens care solutions: a phase i clinical study. 20123293843
[isotope angiocardiographic study of 30 cases of ventricular tachycardia with fourier phase analysis].twenty-seven patients (15 men, 12 women; mean age 48.9 years) suffering from ventricular tachycardia (vt) (n = 30) were studied by radionuclide angiocardiography with fourier phase analysis, both in sinus rhythm and during tachycardia. vt was spontaneous, electrically inducible, sustained, haemodynamically stable and monomorphous, with a mean rate of 174 beats/min (range: 115-260 beats). heart diseases responsible for vt were: non-obstructive cardiomyopathy (n = 7), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ( ...20113136707
orofacial dyskinesia. clinical features, mechanisms and drug therapy.orofacial or tardive dyskinesias are involuntary repetitive movements of the mouth and face. in most cases, they occur in older psychotic patients who are in institutions and in whom long-term treatment with antipsychotic drugs of the phenothiazine and butyrophenone groups is being carried out. these dyskinesias are frequent in occurrence and characteristically are irreversible. several biochemical mechanisms have been proposed as causes, including hypersensitivity or partially deneverated brain ...199723611
the osmotic fragility of red cells in hereditary stomatocytic elliptocytosis. 20133682946
central properties of alpha-allophanyl-alpha-allyl-gamma-valerolactone (valofan) [proceedings]. 2004526756
[stability of antibiotics in infusion solutions]. 20154556617
historical evolution of disease mapping in general and specifically of cancer mapping.the presentation of areal data in epidemiology is illustrated by such mapping techniques as dots (spots), shading (choropleth, thematic) and isolines (isopleths). examples are also given of computer-assisted cartography (computer graphics) which employs hardware and software components of digital computers, together with the use of geographical and demographic base maps.20092682858
athletic activities for children who are mentally retarded. 20154412116
the adenylate cyclase rebound response to naloxone in the ng108-15 cells. effects of etorphine and other opiates.the adenylate cyclase (ac) of the neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid cells (ng108-15), is generally considered to be a model for the study of the biochemical correlates of opiate tolerance and dependence. however, the naloxone-induced rebound response of adenylate cyclase, described in some recent reports, is much smaller than that originally described by sharma, klee and nirenberg (1975). possible explanations for these discrepancies are: (1) a marked down-regulation of opioid receptors and tolerance ...20113022177
structures of the sugar chains of a major glycoprotein present in the egg jelly coat of a starfish, asterias amurensis.sugar chains of a major glycoprotein, obtained from the egg jelly coat of a starfish (asterias amurensis), were released quantitatively as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis. after n-acetylation, they were converted to radioactive oligosaccharides by reduction with nab3h4. analysis by paper electrophoresis revealed that all of them were neutral oligosaccharides. upon bio-gel p-4 column chromatography, the radioactive oligosaccharide mixture was separated into four components. structural study of ...20123813529
structures of the sugar chains of a major glycoprotein present in the egg jelly coat of a starfish, asterias amurensis.sugar chains of a major glycoprotein, obtained from the egg jelly coat of a starfish (asterias amurensis), were released quantitatively as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis. after n-acetylation, they were converted to radioactive oligosaccharides by reduction with nab3h4. analysis by paper electrophoresis revealed that all of them were neutral oligosaccharides. upon bio-gel p-4 column chromatography, the radioactive oligosaccharide mixture was separated into four components. structural study of ...20123813529
[proceedings: prevention of terminal kidney insufficiency]. 20134211605
atheromatous disease of the carotid artery. correlation of angiographic, clinical, and surgical findings. 20154412115
factor viii-related antigen (viii r:ag) in haemophilic patients and in carriers.all of fourteen patients with severe classic haemophilia and twelve of fifteen obligate carriers had a pre-peak ("rocket") above the sample well when factor viii-related antigen was examined by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. the pre-peak may be found in other conditions--including von willebrand's disease--but if these conditions can be excluded, the pre-peak may be helpful in identification of carriers or haemophilia.200091786
the concept and pathogenesis of active but asymptomatic coronary artery disease. 20123815781
the plasminogen activator content of the arterial wall in occlusive arterial diseases. 20154662619
investigation on the kinetic mechanism of octopine dehydrogenase. a regulatory behavior.the kinetic scheme of octopine dehydrogenase of pecten maximus l., a monomeric enzyme obeying a bi-ter sequential mechanism, was completed, essentially in the forward reaction, by steady-state studies over a wide range of substrate concentration at ph 7.0. deviation from the michaelis-menten behavior with respect to nad+ and other significant kinetic data led us to ascribe for octopine dehydrogenase mechanism the mnemonical enzyme concept. in addition, another regulatory behavior can be envisage ...1994205413
[hygienic evaluation of the operating efficiency of a radial-type air oxidizer for sewage purification]. 1994159220
the evolution of quality of life evaluations in cancer therapy.patients' feelings, psychological and functional status, and quality of life have often been regarded as unmeasurable subjective entities that cannot be scientifically studied. but now, with better measurement tools, the cancer patient's quality of life can be understood in more operational terms than the "soft" subjective statements that have too often characterized the field to date. this paper addresses the issue of quality of life from several perspectives: 1. historical antecedents of the c ...19962143407
whither breast cancer? report on the inaugural meeting of the national breast cancer group. 199723587
caudal dislocation of the pons in the adult arnold-chiari malformation: an angiographic evaluation.the position of the pons, determined angiographically, can be related to the clivus and sella. in adult patients with the chiari malformation, a caudal dislocation of the pons is frequently associated with the well known anomalously low position of the cerebellar tonsils. this finding may aid in the angiographic diagnosis of the chiari malformation.1997179349
structure of the mengo virion. iv. amino- and carboxyl-terminal analyses of the major capsid polypeptides. 1997179198
recurrent intussusception due to a primary colloid carcinoma of the large bowel in a child. 1997179075
the effect of bicarbonate and distilled water on sickle cell trait hematuria and in vitro studies on the interaction of osmolality and ph on erythrocyte sickling in sickle cell trait.the effect of intravenously administered distilled water was examined alone and during alkalization in a patient with gross hematuria associated with the sickle cell trait. on each of 4 occasions hematuria ceased promptly after the infusion of distilled water. bicarbonate therapy also consistently decreased hematuria. in vitro studies on erythrocytes from another patient with sickle cell trait and hematuria demonstrated that slight increases in urinary ph similar to those that occur in the urine ...199821309
suppression of sympathetic nervous function in low-renin essential of general haemodynamics in 15 patients with low-renin essential hypertension showed haemodynamic and pathophysiological heterogeneity. however, there was suppression of sympathetic nervous system function in all low-renin patients, regardless of haemodynamic pattern. subnormal sympathetic nervous activity was manifested by a low normal mean plasma-noradrenaline concentration at rest, diminished noradrenaline responsiveness to postural stimulation, and a reduced blood-pressure response to ...200059183
digital e.m.g. processor. 2000310937
residues of organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish from lakes saint clair and erie, canada--1968-76.eighteen species of fish from lake saint clair and 19 species from lake erie were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) between 1968 and 1976. mean residues of sigma ddt peaked at 1.19 ppm in longnose gar (lepisosteus osseus) caught in lake saint clair in 1970-71, but had declined in all species by 1975-76. dieldrin levels in fish tissues increased over the same period. white bass (morone chrysops), caught in 1975 in lake erie, had the highest mean residue o ...2000101968
computerized concurrent review of prenatal care. 2000101951
a simple but powerful theory of the moon illusion.modification of restle's theory (1970) explains the moon illusion and related phenomena on the basis of three principles: (1) the apparent sizes of objects are their perceived visual angles. (2) the apparent size of the moon is determined by the ratio of the angular extent of the moon relative to the extents subtended by objects composing the surrounding context, such as the sky and things on the ground. (3) the visual extents subtended by common objects of a constant physical size decrease syst ...20002144580
intravenous insulin infusion in diabetic emergencies.continuous intravenous insulin and dextrose infusions were used in managing various diabetic emergencies. standard and constant rates of insulin and dextrose infusion resulted in satisfactory control of blood glucose concentrations during labour, after major surgery, and in patients recovering from ketoacidosis (average insulin infusion rates 1, 2, and 3 u/h respectively). higher infusion rates were used to correct or prevent ketoacidosis in pregnant diabetic women who had received steroids and ...2000102400
incarceration of hernia after colonoscopy. 200164897
prognosis in coronary heart disease. 20021222554
computer-assisted static/dynamic renal imaging: a screening test for renovascular hypertension?computer-assisted static/dynamic renal imaging with [197hg] chlormerodrin and [99mtc]pertechnetate was evaluated prospectively as a screening test for renovascular hypertension. results are reported for 51 patients: 33 with benign essential hypertension and 18 with renovascular hypertension, and for 21 normal controls. all patients underwent renal arteriography. patients with significant obesity, renal insufficiency, or renoparenchymal disease were excluded from this study. independent visual an ...2003430172
[diagnosis of growth hormone and acth deficiency in children]. 2003166811
transventricular blood vessels in the third ventricle of the armadillo brain.transventricular filaments were observed with scanning electron microscopy on the dorsolateral wall of the infundibular recess of the third ventricle of the armadillo brain. two to seven transventricular filaments per animal were present in 6 of 18 animals. there were two types of transventricular filaments, ciliated and bare. using transmission electron microscopy, we determined that these filaments consisted of a single, central capillary surrounded by ciliated ependymal cells and a small accu ...2004443562
[exchange--from lithuania to aarhus]. 20041299024
acetazolamide and urinary stone formation. 20051266368
a demonstration that breast cancer recurrence can be predicted by neural network analysis.neural network analysis, a form of artificial intelligence, was successfully used to predict the clinical outcome of node-positive breast cancer patients. a neural network was trained to predict clinical outcome using prognostic information from 1008 patients. during training, the network received as input information tumor hormone receptor status, dna index and s-phase determination by flow cytometry, tumor size, number of axillary lymph nodes involved with tumor, and age of the patient, as wel ...20051391974
[clefts, oligodontia and supernumerary teeth various manifestations of a disease entiting hypothesis]. 20051062876
percutaneous discectomy using onik's method: 3 years' experience.a total of 234 patients treated by percutaneous discectomy at 237 levels and followed-up between 11 months and 3 years 4 months showed an overall success rate of about 75%. in a subgroup of 112 of these patients rechecked for a second time, the clinical results remain consistently good even 24 months after surgery. in a special group of 28 patients who complained only of low back pain, percutaneous discectomy achieved a success rate of 85.7%. complications consisted of one disc infection which c ...20061780054
lack of correlation between the coupling interval of ventricular premature beats and the preceding cycle length.the accepted variation of 80-120 ms in the coupling interval of non-parasystolic ventricular premature beats has been linked to the duration of the preceding cycle length, but a lack of correlation between these factors has often been found. as a result, there is no explanation for variations in the coupling interval of such ventricular premature beats. to analyze the influence of the preceding cycle length on the coupling interval of isolated ventricular premature beats throughout an entire day ...20061716169
the carpal tunnel syndrome: part ii.the carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel with very specific signs and symptoms. anatomical dissection of 156 wrists is presented and then the authors compare their findings with the findings of other investigators. the purpose of this article is not to present results but rather to discuss the anatomic entities involved with the syndrome and to present the open treatment modality.20061550309
tuberculosis and malnourished children. 20061604731
psychological impact of islet cell-antibody screening. preliminary results.the identification of at-risk individuals before the onset of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with islet cell-antibody (ica) screening programs could have significant psychological sequelae. we initiated a descriptive study of ica+ subjects and their family members in which reactions to study participation, anxiety, and coping responses are monitored. described here are preliminary results from 18 ica+ youngsters, 6 ica+ adults, and their family members. ica+ identification resulted in clini ...20072190772
secondary external-beam radiotherapy and hyperthermia for local recurrence after 125-iodine implantation in adenocarcinoma of the stanford, six patients underwent a course of external radiotherapy after local recurrence following 125-iodine implantation. four of the six patients also received concomitant hyperthermia. four patients were initially managed with hormonal manipulation at time of local relapse and subsequently received external beam radiotherapy with or without hyperthermia. the hyperthermia was non-invasively induced using an annular phased array radiative electromagnetic system. treatment was well tolerate ...20071995540
laboratory information systems from a perspective of continuing evolution.during the past 20 years, laboratory systems have evolved to a high degree of complexity. in some cases, continuing addition of new features has adversely affected functionality. there is increasing recognition that the number of features listed on a request for proposal does not necessarily provide an accurate guide to functionality in day to day operations.20072040150
predominant expression of lambda light chain in adult cases with non-t-cell acute lymphocytic and chronic myelogenous leukemia in lymphoid blast crisis.the authors investigated cytoplasmic immunoglobulins of the leukemic cells from 20 adult cases with non-t-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (all) and from three cases with chronic myelogenous leukemia in lymphoid blast crisis using immunoelectron microscopy. they also studied these cases using various monoclonal antibodies. of the 23 examined cases, nine were negative for both heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins; the authors defined these as common all. two cases were positive for the mu cha ...20071906773
body composition of low-birth-weight infants determined by using bioelectrical resistance and reactance.we tested the hypothesis that bioelectrical resistance and reactance are indices of total body water (tbw) and extracellular water (ecw), respectively. infants less than 2500 g in birth weight were studied while less than 24 h old and at 4-7 d of age. tbw (n = 32) was measured by h2(18)o dilution and ecw (n = 34), by bromide dilution. measurements were made by using an impedance plethysmograph from each of four electrode pairs. bioelectrical resistance correlated inversely with tbw (r = -0.683). ...20071858693
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