
protection of tilapia (oreochromis mosambicus) from edwardsiellosis by vaccination with edwardsiella tarda ghosts.the vaccine potential of edwardsiella tarda ghosts produced by gene e mediated lysis was investigated using tilapia (oreochromis mosambicus). tilapia immunized with e. tarda ghosts (etg) and formalin killed e. tarda (fkc) vaccines showed significantly higher serum agglutination titers than control fish. fish immunized with etg showed no significant differences with fish immunized with fkc in serum agglutination titers, but showed significantly higher bactericidal activity than fish immunized wit ...200616226892
identification of quorum-sensing signal molecules and the luxri homologs in fish pathogen edwardsiella tarda.edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative bacterium that causes septicaemia in fish and serious damage to the aquaculture industry. the virulence factors of this pathogen and control mechanisms of the expression of virulence genes have not yet been clearly elucidated. a number of gram-negative pathogenic bacteria have a quorum-sensing system. these bacteria produce n-acyl-l-homoserine lactone (ahl) that they use them as a quorum-sensing signal molecule. in this study, we found that e. tarda isolated ...200416233705
the immunomodulatory effects of tuftsin on the non-specific immune system of indian major carp, labeo rohita.the purpose of this study was to determine if injections of different dosages of tuftsin would enhance the immune response and disease resistance against the infections due to the opportunistic pathogens aeromonas hydrophila and edwardsiella tarda in labeo rohita fingerlings. hence, four different dosages of tuftsin in pbs suspension at the rate of 0, 5, 10, 15 mg kg(-1) body weight of fish were injected intraperitoneally to the fingerlings of l. rohita at 2-week intervals for four times. after ...200616293422
carriage by the housefly (musca domestica) of multiple-antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are potentially pathogenic to humans, in hospital and other urban environments in misurata, libya.using standard microbiological procedures, bacteria that are potentially pathogenic to humans were isolated from 150 houseflies collected in the libyan city of misurata (50 flies each from the central hospital, streets and abattoir). salmonella spp., yersinia enterocolitica and edwardsiella tarda were isolated from flies collected on the streets and in the abattoir but not from those collected in the hospital. shigella sonnei was detected in just one fly, which was collected in the abattoir. of ...200516297293
loop-mediated isothermal amplification: an emerging technology for detection of fish and shellfish and shellfish diseases are a constant threat to the sustainability and economic viability of aquaculture. early diagnosis plays a vital role in management of fish and shellfish diseases. traditionally, various biochemical and serological tests have been used for fish disease diagnosis. however, the time and expertise required for such diagnoses makes it difficult for aquaculturists to easily adopt them under production conditions. polymerase chain reaction and probe-based nucleic acid detec ...200516302951
molecular cloning of the gyra gene and characterization of its mutation in clinical isolates of quinolone-resistant edwardsiella tarda.knowing the entire sequence of the gene encoding the dna gyrase subunit a (gyra) of edwardsiella tarda could be very useful for confirming the role of gyra in quinolone resistance. degenerate primers for the amplification of gyra were designed from consensus nucleotide sequences of gyra from 9 different gram-negative bacteria, including escherichia coli. with these primers, dna segments of the predicted size were amplified from the genomic dna of e. tarda and then the flanking sequences were det ...200516408842
identification and characterization of a myeloid differentiation factor 88 (myd88) cdna and gene in japanese flounder, paralichthys olivaceus.the interleukin-1 receptor/toll-like receptor (il-1r/tlr) superfamily signaling involves myeloid differentiation factor 88 (myd88) that acts as an important adapter protein. a japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus) myd88 (jfmyd88) cdna and gene were cloned, and found to have lengths of 1.5 and 3.01 kb, respectively. the orf encodes 285 amino acids that contain a death domain and a toll/il-1 receptor domain. the gene is composed of 5 exons and 4 introns. the jfmyd88 gene is highly expressed i ...200616412507
pathology of edwardsiella tarda infection in turbot, scophthalmus maximus (l.).macroscopic and histopathological changes in cultured turbot, scophthalmus maximus (l.), in spain caused by infection with edwardsiella tarda are described. eye tumefaction, inflammation, haemorrhages, ascites and the presence of a purulent fluid were the main macroscopic lesions observed. histopathological lesions were found in the kidney, spleen and liver. in the kidney and spleen these were characterized by a severe apostematous inflammatory reaction, with a large number of abscesses. the liv ...200616436119
occurrence of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in retail prepackaged portions of marine fish in survey the presence of indigenous and nonindigenous foodborne bacterial pathogens in displayed prepacked portions of fresh marine fish.200616478492
important unusual infections in australia: a critical care review a number of the important unusual infections in australia that can lead to critical illness.200116573516
a case of empyema caused by edwardsiella december 2003, a 57-year-old-man was diagnosed as having a hepatic tumor for which he had a hepatectomy. on pathology, the hepatic tumor biopsy specimen was diagnosed as malignant lymphoma. in february 2005, the patient was referred to our hospital because of fever and chest pain. a right pleural effusion was seen on chest x-ray. microscopic examination of the stained pleural fluid revealed many neutrophils and gram-negative rods, and edwardsiella tarda was cultured from the pleural effusion ...200616620999
liver abscess caused by edwardsiella tarda biogroup 1 and identification of its epidemiological triad by ribotyping.two clinical isolates and an environmental isolate of edwardsiella tarda biogroup 1 (etb1), recovered from liver pus, the stool specimen and from the pond water of the village of the patient, diagnosed to have liver abscess, were found to be identical by protein fingerprinting and ribotyping. it can be construed that the pond water served as the source of infection. the epidemiological triad of the agent (etb1), host (the patient) and environment (pond water) was thus established. this is the fi ...200616687868
identification and characterization of an intervening sequence within the 23s ribosomal rna genes of edwardsiella ictaluri.comparison of the 23s rrna gene sequences of edwardsiella tarda and edw. ictaluri confirmed a close phylogenetic relationship between these two fish pathogen species and a distant relation with the 'core' members of the enterobacteriaceae family. analysis of the rrl gene for 23s rrna in edw. ictaluri revealed the presence of an intervening sequence (ivs) in helix-45. this new 98bp ivs shared 97% nucleotide identity with salmonella typhimurium helix-45 ivs. edw. ictaluri helix-45 ivs was present ...200716697134
transgenic zebrafish expressing chicken lysozyme show resistance against bacterial diseases.we established a transgenic zebrafish strain expressing chicken lysozyme gene under the control of the japanese flounder keratin gene promoter, and investigated its resistance to a pathogenic bacterial infection. to generate the lysozyme transgenic construct, japanese flounder keratin promoter was linked to both the hen egg white (hew) lyoszyme gene and green fluorescence protein (gfp) gene used as a selection marker for the transgenic strains, in a recombinant plasmid. the recombinant plasmid w ...200616779653
protective effects and mechanisms of a probiotic bacterium lactobacillus rhamnosus against experimental edwardsiella tarda infection in tilapia (oreochromis niloticus).in recent years, probiotics, especially lactic acid bacteria, have been used as dietary supplements to protect fish from various infections. here, we examined the protective effects of lactobacillus rhamnosus against experimental edwardsiella tarda infection in tilapia (oreochromis niloticus). cumulative mortality was significantly lower in probiotic-supplemented fish than in control fish. in a histopathological survey, pyogranulomatous responses were observed at an earlier stage and to a greate ...200616870266
unraveling edwardsiella tarda pathogenesis using the proteomics approach. 200616929682
characterization of edwardsiella tarda strains isolated from turbot, psetta maxima (l.).the biochemical, serological and molecular characteristics of a group of 21 edwardsiella tarda strains isolated from turbot, psetta maxima, in two different areas of europe were analysed and compared with a total of 13 strains of this bacterial species with different geographical and host origins. all the turbot isolates were biochemically identical to the e. tarda strains included as reference. the use of different techniques including microagglutination, dot blot and western blot of lipopolysa ...200616948704
pathogenicity of edwardsiella tarda to olive flounder, paralichthys olivaceus (temminck & schlegel).the ld50 and cytotoxic and enzymatic activities of both cells and extracellular products (ecps) of eight edwardsiella tarda strains were determined and their bacterial superoxide dismutase gene (sodb) and catalase gene (katb) were sequenced. strains were also examined for their ability to resist the immune responses of olive flounder, paralichthys olivaceus. ld50 values of strains (fsw910410, ke1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) in olive flounder ranged between 10(2.5) and 10(5.3) cfu (colony forming units) p ...200617026669
lymphoid apoptosis in edwardsiella tarda septicemia in tilapia, oreochromis niloticus.the present study revealed a relationship between the kinetic change of apoptosis and the inflammatory response during experimental intraperitoneal infection with edwardsiella tarda as a septicemic model. the morphological changes of apoptotic cells including cellular shrinkage, condensed nuclear chromatin, nuclear fragmentation and membrane blebbing were detected by light and transmission electron microscopy. tunel and agarose gel electrophoresis confirmed the fragmentation of dna in the apopto ...200717046284
gene expression of leucocytes in vaccinated japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus) during the course of experimental infection with edwardsiella this paper, we focused on the detection of differentially expressed genes in peripheral blood leucocytes (pbl) during the course of edwardsiella tarda infection in vaccinated and non-vaccinated japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus). cdna microarray analysis was performed to compare the gene expression patterns of the pbl between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated fish in response to e. tarda inoculation. fish were vaccinated twice, at a two-week interval and experimentally challenged with ...200717049272
intracellular replication of edwardsiella tarda in murine macrophage is dependent on the type iii secretion system and induces an up-regulation of anti-apoptotic nf-kappab target genes protecting the macrophage from staurosporine-induced apoptosis.edwardsiella tarda is a pathogen with a broad host range that infects both animals and humans. resistance to phagocytic killing may be involved in the pathogenicity of this bacterium. here we show that intracellular replication of e. tarda in murine macrophages is dependent on the type iii secretion system and induces an anti-apoptotic effect by up-regulating anti-apoptotic nf-kappab target genes. the wild-type strain replicates within the phagosomal membrane of macrophages; whereas the type iii ...200617049431
genotyping of edwardsiella tarda isolated from freshwater fish culture system.the applicability of pcr-rflp of 16s rdna and conventional phenotypic methods for differentiation of edwardsiella tarda associated in freshwater fish culture system was studied. in this study, by conventional biochemical tests and antibiotic resistant patterns 2 and 14 groups were obtained. but these methods failed to discriminate the isolates habitat wise. however, pcr-rflp of 16s rdna was found to be specific to detect habitat-specific isolates. all the fish isolates belonging to particular ge ...200717113645
molecular cloning and characterization of toll-like receptor 9 in japanese flounder, paralichthys olivaceus.toll-like receptor (tlr) 9 cdna and gene were cloned from japanese flounder, paralichthys olivaceus. the japanese flounder tlr9 cdna encodes 1065 amino acids. the leucine-rich domain (lrd) and the toll/interleukin-1 receptor (tir) domain found in other vertebrate tlr9s were conserved in japanese flounder tlr9. the gene is composed of three exons and two introns. the japanese flounder tumor necrosis factor (tnf) gene promoter was activated in japanese flounder tlr9-transformed hirame natural embr ...200717118454
probiotic properties of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium strains isolated from porcine gastrointestinal strain of lactobacillus salivarius, two strains of lactobacillus reuteri and lactobacillus amylovorus, and two strains of bifidobacterium thermacidophilum with antagonistic effect against clostridium perfringens were isolated from porcine gastrointestinal tract. isolates were assayed for their ability to survive in synthetic gastric juice at ph 2.5 and were examined for their ability to grow on agar plate containing porcine bile extract. there was a large variation in the survival of the iso ...200717136367
retention of virulence in a viable but nonculturable edwardsiella tarda isolate.edwardsiella tarda is pathogen of fish and other animals. the aim of this study was to investigate the viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state and virulence retention of this bacterium. edwardsiella tarda cw7 was cultured in sterilized aged seawater at 4 degrees c. total cell counts remained constant throughout the 28-day period by acridine orange direct counting, while plate counts declined to undetectable levels (<0.1 cfu/ml) within 28 days by plate counting. the direct viable counts, on the oth ...200717189433
purification and characterisation of a natural lectin from the serum of the shrimp litopenaeus vannamei.a natural lectin from the serum of the shrimp litopenaeus vannamei was purified to homogeneity by a single-step affinity chromatography using fetuin-coupled agarose. the purified serum lectin (named lvl) showed a strong affinity for human a/b/o erythrocytes (rbc), mouse rbc, chicken rbc and its haemagglutinating (ha) activity was specifically dependent on ca2+ and reversibly sensitive to edta. lvl inactive form had a molecular mass estimate of 172 kda and was composed of two non-identical subuni ...200717239614
occurrence of edwardsiella tarda in wild european eels anguilla anguilla from mediterranean spain.pure cultures of edwarsiella tarda were isolated from body ulcers and internal organs of wild european eels caught in a mediterranean freshwater coastal lagoon (albufera lake, valencia, spain) over a 1 yr period. overall, the e. tarda isolation rate from wild eels was 9%, but this increased to 22.8% in diseased individuals. all 22 e. tarda isolates belonged to the 'wild-type' biogroup of the species and were virulent for eels (lethal dose that kills 50% of exposed individuals [ld50 dose]: 10(4.8 ...200617240756
serum antibody response of indian major carp, labeo rohita to three species of pathogenic bacteria; aeromonas hydrophila, edwardsiella tarda and pseudomonas fluorescens.the immune response to mixed whole cell antigens of aeromonas hydrophila, edwardsiella tarda and pseudomonas fluorescens, the common gram negative bacterial pathogens associated with diseases of indian major carps were evaluated for their efficacy in triggering antibody responses in rohu, labeo rohita (ham.). the rohu yearlings were either immunized with antigens from single bacterial strain, a. hydrophila, e. tarda and p. fluorescens or a combination of all three. an antibody response was detec ...200717383016
transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder in a beluga whale (delphinapterus leucas).a transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder was found in a beluga whale stranded in the st. lawrence middle estuary. various organs of this animal were submitted to high resolution gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry analysis. high frequency of urinary bladder cancer in the human population of the same area and the presence of carcinogenic compounds in the marine environment of this animal are discussed.concurrent isolation of edwardsiella tarda from various organs of this ...198517422578
effect of dietary supplementation of probiotic and vitamin c on the immune response of indian major carp, labeo rohita (ham.).the immunostimulatory effect of probiotics and vitamin c has been established in many systems including fish. an investigation was carried out to study the effect of dietary supplementation of a probiotic bacterium "bacillus subtilis", vitamin c in the form of ascorbyl polyphosphate and their combination on the immune response of indian major carp, rohu, (labeo rohita ham.) fingerlings fed for a period of 60 days. the total serum protein and globulin content was significantly higher (p<0.05) in ...200717434319
construction and characterization of a live, attenuated esrb mutant of edwardsiella tarda and its potential as a vaccine against the haemorrhagic septicaemia in turbot, scophthamus maximus (l.).the esrb gene of edwardsiella tarda, which encodes a regulator protein of the type iii secretion system, was mutated by the unmarked deletion method and reintroduced by allelic exchange into the chromosome of e. tarda lse40 by means of the suicide vector pre112. the lse40 esrb mutant was highly attenuated when inoculated intraperitoneally into turbot scophthamus maximus l., showing a 50% lethal dose of 10(8.1)cfu/fish. the esrb mutants were not recoverable from the internal organs at 14 days pos ...200717478097
escc is a chaperone for the edwardsiella tarda type iii secretion system putative translocon components eseb and esed.edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative enteric pathogen that causes disease in both humans and animals. recently, a type iii secretion system (t3ss) has been found to contribute to ed. tarda pathogenesis. eseb, esec and esed were shown to be secreted by the t3ss and to be the major components of the extracellular proteins (ecps). based on sequence similarity, they have been proposed to function as the 'translocon' of the t3ss needle structure. in this study, it was shown that eseb, esec and esed ...200717526852
identification of a novel c-type lectin gene in japanese flounder, paralichthys olivaceus.a novel c-type lectin of japanese flounder (jfctl) was identified among japanese flounder liver est. of 2083 of japanese flounder liver ests in the genbank database, 48 were identical to jfctl, suggesting that jfctl is abundantly produced in liver. jfctl cdna contains an open reading frame of 642 bp encoding 214 amino acids. a c-type lectin domain was conserved in the deduced amino acid sequence. the protein showed homology to transmembrane-type c-type lectin receptors rather than the soluble c- ...200717596963
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of edwardsiella tarda has protective antigenicity against vibrio anguillarum in japanese flounder.edwardsiella tarda glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) may be an effective vaccine candidate against infection by e. tarda in japanese flounder paralichthys olivaceus. the gapdh of e. tarda is highly homologous to that of vibrio cholerae (91%), and therefore e. tarda gapdh may have protective antigenicity against vibrio species. in this study, we immunized japanese flounder with gapdh of e. tarda and infected the fish with v anguillarum. the result showed that gapdh prepared from e. ...200717629116
edwardsiella tarda septicemia with underlying multiple liver abscesses.edwardsiella tarda has recently been described as a member of the family enterobacteriaceae. the genus edwardsiella contains three species; e. hoshinae, e. ictaluri and e. tarda. edwardsiella tarda is the only species which has been recognised as pathogenic to humans, especially in those with an underlying disease. the most common presentation is watery diarrhoea. extra intestinal infections have been reported infrequently. humans seem to be infected or colonised with edwardsiella through ingest ...200617694959
base changes in the flic gene of edwardsiella tarda: possible effects on flagellation and motility.edwardsiella tarda is a broad host-range pathogen infecting both animals and humans. e. tarda isolates from red sea bream pagrus major are non-motile, whereas isolates from japanese eel anguilla japonica and japanese flounder paralichthys olivaceus are motile with peritrichous flagella. we compared the flic gene coding for flagellin (flic) in motile and non-motile e. tarda strains isolated from diseased fish. twenty-two amino acid residues differed in the predicted flic amino acid sequences betw ...200717760384
dissection of a type vi secretion system in edwardsiella tarda.bacterial pathogens use different protein secretion systems to deliver virulence factors. recently, a novel secretion system was discovered in several gram-negative bacterial pathogens, and was designated as the type vi secretion system (t6ss). in edwardsiella tarda, a partial e. tardavirulent protein (evp) gene cluster was implicated in protein secretion. here, we identified the entire evp cluster as a t6ss and two additional secreted proteins (evpi, a homologue of vgrg, and evpp) were found. w ...200717986187
gastroenteritis caused by edwardsiella tarda in a pediatric renal transplant recipient.edwardsiella tarda, a member of the family enterobacteriaceae, is a gram-negative bacillus that is most often pathogenic in aquatic environments. human infections with edwardsiella are rare, with most occurring in immunocompromised or immunosuppressed hosts. reported infections include meningitis, cholecystitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, soft tissue infections, bacteremia and septicemia, dysentery, and gastroenteritis. this report describes a case of e. tarda gastroenteritis in a renal transp ...200818086238
comparison of the responses of peritoneal macrophages from japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus) against high virulent and low virulent strains of edwardsiella vivo infection studies in japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus) demonstrated that the number of viable cells of the virulent strain (nuf251) of edwardsiella tarda increased gradually in kidney and hepato-pancreas after intraperitoneal injection, but the low virulent strain (nuf194) did not. to gain insight into the virulence factors of e. tarda, in vitro responses of japanese flounder (p. olivaceus) peritoneal macrophages to these strains were compared in terms of phagocytosis, bacterici ...200818178102
characterization of the rrn operons in the channel catfish pathogen edwardsiella advance diagnostics and phylogenetics of edwardsiella ictaluri by sequencing and characterizing its rrn operons.200818217940
phenotypic and genetic characterization of edwardsiella tarda isolated from pond sediments.the extent of genotypic and phenotypic diversity of edwardsiella tarda isolated from pond sediment was assessed by sds-page, plasmid profiling and eric-pcr. sds-page of whole cell protein extracts reveals 20-23 discrete bands with molecular wt of 14-110 kda. several bands with molecular weight range of 38-83 kda were present in all the isolates. numerical analysis of protein electrophoregram delineated the isolates into four clusters. two different types of plasmids having molecular mass of 23 k ...200918243313
isolation of an unusual strain of edwardsiella tarda from turbot and establish a pcr detection technique with the gyrb gene.the aim of this study was to report an unusual edwardsiella tarda and develop an effective method to identify this bacterium.200818341558
the macrophage chemotactic activity of edwardsiella tarda extracellular products.the chemoattractant capabilities of edwardsiella tarda extracellular products (ecp) were investigated from two isolates, the virulent fl6-60 parent and less virulent ret-04 mutant. chemotaxis and chemokinesis were assayed in vitro using blind well chambers with peritoneal macrophages obtained from nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticus, 5 days following squalene injection. non-purified ecp derived from both isolates stimulated predominantly chemokinetic migration of macrophages. additionally, the e ...200818355182
the type iii secretion system-dependent repression of nf-kappab activation to the intracellular growth of edwardsiella tarda in human epithelial cells.edwardsiella tarda is a pathogen with a broad host range infecting animals and humans. we have reported recently that the type iii secretion system (ttss) is essential for intracellular replication of the bacterium in murine macrophages. the present study shows that the ttss is also needed for intracellular growth of the bacterium in human epithelial cells (hep-2). however, different from the previous microarray analyses on murine macrophages, upregulation of the mrna expression level of nf-kapp ...200818397289
secretory delivery of heterologous proteins in attenuated vibrio anguillarum for potential use in vaccine synthesize and secrete heterologous proteins in an attenuated vibrio anguillarum strain for potential multivalent live vaccine development, different antigen-delivery systems based on bacterial-originated secretion signal peptides (sps) were designed and identified in this work. four sps were derived from hemolysin of escherichia coli, rtx protein of v. cholerae, hemolysin of v. anguillarum, zinc-metalloprotease of v. anguillarum, respectively, and their abilities to support secretion of gree ...200818535826
teleostean il11b exhibits complementing function to il11a and expansive involvement in antibacterial and antiviral responses.interleukin 11 is a class-1 helical cytokine, having the four-helix bundle structure, possessing pleiotropic characteristics involved in physiological processes including blood production, bone formation and placentation. the interleukin 11 paralogues (il11a and il11b) have been identified in fish with only il11a from carp and trout have been characterized and analyzed for its expression thus far. here, we cloned and studied the structure and expression of il11b in japanese flounder (paralichthy ...200818538848
chemical investigation of finlaysonia obovata: part i--a rare triterpene acid showing antibacterial activity against fish pathogens.the antibacterial screening of extracts of the leaves of finlaysonia obovata with hexane, chloroform and alcohol was carried out against fresh water fish pathogenic bacteria viz., micrococcus sp. (multidrug resistant strain), aeromonas hydrophila, pseudomonas aeruginosa, vibrio alginolyticus, staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, edwardsiella tarda by disc-assay method. the hexane and chloroform extracts were found active against four and five pathogens, respectively. the highly active chloro ...200818569719
regulation of autoinducer 2 production and luxs expression in a pathogenic edwardsiella tarda strain.edwardsiella tarda is a bacterial pathogen that can infect both humans and animals. tx1, an ed. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish, was found to produce autoinducer 2 (ai-2)-like activity that was growth phase dependent and modulated by growth conditions. the gene coding for the ai-2 synthase was cloned from tx1 and designated luxs(et)(.) luxs(et) was able to complement the ai-2 mutant phenotype of escherichia coli strain dh5alpha. expression of luxs(et) correlated with ai-2 activity and w ...200818599834
development of an effective edwardsiella tarda vaccine for cultured turbot (scophthalmus maximus).since 2004 edwardsiella tarda has become one of the most important emerging pathogens in turbot aquaculture industry in europe causing serious economic losses. therefore, this study aimed to design an effective vaccination strategy to prevent edwardsiellosis in this fish species. two vaccine formulations, an adjuvanted vaccine and an aqueous bacterin, and different routes of administration, bath and intraperitoneal injection (i.p.), were tested. the effectiveness of the different immunization st ...200818602276
molecular analysis of the fur (ferric uptake regulator) gene of a pathogenic edwardsiella tarda strain.the gene encoding the edwardsiella tarda ferric uptake regulator (fur(et)) was cloned from a pathogenic e. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish. fur(et) shares 90% overall sequence identity with the escherichia coli fur (fur(ec)) and was able to complement the mutant phenotype of a fur (ec)-defective e. coli strain. mutational analysis indicated that c92s and c95s mutations inactivated fur(et) whereas e112k mutation resulted in a superactive fur(et) variant. fur(et) negatively regulated its ...200818604507
differential modulations of two glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase mrnas in response to bacterial and viral challenges in a marine teleost oplegnathus fasciatus (perciformes).glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) has been recognized as an invariant internal control for various gene expression studies due to its classical housekeeping role in the glycolytic metabolism. however recently, this enzyme has been proven to be a multifunctional protein involved in diverse non-glycolytic activities. in the present study, two paralogue isoforms of gapdh mrnas were characterized from a marine teleost species, rockbream (oplegnathus fasciatus; perciformes) and their t ...200818692141
production of monoclonal antibodies specific to major outer membrane protein of edwardsiella tarda.edwardsiella tarda is an important cause for hemorrhagic septicemia in fish and gastro and extra-intestinal infections in humans. monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were produced against outer membrane proteins (omps) of e. tarda et-7, isolated from diseased snakehead (ophiocephalus punctatus). two stable hybridoma clones, designated as 3f10 and 2c3 mabs were found to be potentially specific for e. tarda by indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). these mabs recognized major immunogenic omp ...201018804863
development of qcm biosensor to detect a marine derived pathogenic bacteria edwardsiella tarda using a novel immobilisation method.qcm technology offers a real time output, simplicity of use and cost effectiveness in addition to high sensitivity. sensitivity of qcm immunosensor can be enhanced by improving the immobilisation procedure on the quartz surface. the immobilisation strategy should be able to control both the amount and the orientation of the antibody (immunoglobulin; igg) on the transducer for high affinity to antigens. this study introduced a new methodology recruiting oxidised igg to expose aldehyde group in fc ...200918838265
influence of carp intestinal mucus molecular size and glycosylation on bacterial adhesion.the first step of the pathogenesis of many infectious diseases is the colonisation of the mucosal surface by the pathogen. bacterial colonisation of the mucosal surface is promoted by adherence to high molecular weight mucus glycoproteins. we examined the effect of carp intestinal mucus glycoproteins on the adhesion of different bacteria. the bacteria used were 3 strains of aeromonas hydrophila, and a. salmonicida, edwardsiella tarda and yersinia ruckeri. all bacteria adhered to mucus, but at va ...200818924378
development of monoclonal antibodies to rohu [labeo rohita] immunoglobulins for use in immunoassays.serum immunoglobulins [ig] of rohu [labeo rohita] were purified by affinity chromatography using bovine serum albumin as capture ligand. the purified rohu ig [r-ig] had a molecular weight [mw] of 880 kda as determined with gel filtration chromatography. the heavy chain of r-ig had an mw of 77.8 kda and that of light chain was 26.4 kda in sds-page. purified r-ig was used for the production of two anti-rohu ig monoclonal antibodies [d7 and h4] that belonged to subclass igg2b and igg1, respectively ...200818996722
generation of safety enhanced edwardsiella tarda ghost vaccine.a dual vector expressing the ghost-inducing phix174 lysis e gene and the bacterial dna degrading staphylococcal nuclease a (sna) gene was constructed to solve the problem of remnant antibiotic resistance genes and genomic dna with intact pathogenic islands in the final product of edwardsiella tarda ghosts (etg). the sna (devoid of secretion signal sequence and the nuclease b amino terminus sequence), fused with the 26 amino acid n-terminal sequence of the lambda phage cro gene, showed successful ...200818998589
growth differentiation factor 15, a novel acute phase response gene in japanese flounder, paralichthys olivaceus.the acute phase response, an important aspect of innate immunity, leads to the production of acute phase proteins (apps) in the liver which would consequently help restore homeostasis to the body. here, we identified a novel cytokine, growth differentiation factor 15 (gdf15) from japanese flounder. three out of the 384 est sequences derived from liver of japanese flounder treated with formalin-killed edwardsiella tarda showed significant homology with gdf of various species. after obtaining the ...200919059342
identification and characterization of the prepro-vasoactive intestinal peptide gene from the teleost paralichthys olivaceus.the gene encoding the prepro form of a vasoactive intestinal peptide (vip) was cloned, and its structural organization and expression profiles were determined in the teleost paralichthys olivaceus. the prepro-vip encodes both a vip and a peptide-histidine-isoleucine (phi). the vip gene comprises six exons with two distinct peptides encoded on separate exons, i.e., phi on exon iii and vip on exon iv. several elements involved in cytokine-mediated activation are highly conserved in an 806-bp segme ...200919084281
a 12-year-old boy with acute gastroenteritis caused by edwardsiella tarda o4:h4.a 12-year-old boy was brought to the hospital with a 3-week history of watery diarrhea mixed with mucus and colicky abdominal pain. stool culture identified edwardsiella tarda o4: h4, and no other pathogenic bacteria were detected. acute gastroenteritis caused by edwardsiella tarda o4: h4 was diagnosed. this bacterium was shown to be sensitive to ampicillin hydrate. when this antibiotic was administered, the condition of the patient improved within a week. the patient had a history of eating raw ...200819089557
mice orally vaccinated with edwardsiella tarda ghosts are significantly protected against infection.bacterial ghosts may be generated by the controlled expression of the phix174 lysis gene e in gram-negative bacteria and they are intriguing vaccine candidates since ghosts retain functional antigenic cellular determinants often lost during traditional inactivation procedures. the edwardsiella tarda ghost (etg) vaccine was prepared using this technology and tested in vaccination trials. control groups included mice immunized with formalin-killed e. tarda (fkc) or mice treated with phosphate-buff ...200919166892
response of mucosal and systemic sigm-positive cells in turbot (scophthalmus maximus l.) immunization with edwardsiella tarda.indirect fluorescence analyze technology (ifat) and fluorescence-activated cell sorter (facs) analysis were used to detect surface igm positive cells (sigm+ cells) in lymphoid tissues of unvaccinated turbots and vaccinated ones with inactivated edwardsiella tarda. the results were as follows: (1) the percentage of sigm+ cells respectively was 0+/-0.00% of skin, 1.58+/-0.40% of gills, 17.05+/-0.39% of peripheral blood (pbl), 21.06+/-1.79% of kidney in unvaccinated healthy turbots (average length: ...200919178953
evaluation of a digoxigenin-labelled probe for detection of aeromonas outer membrane protein-based digoxigenin (dig)-labelled dna probe was developed for the specific detection of aeromonas sp. from food/environmental/clinical samples. dot blot reaction answered for all the aeromonas isolates and was negative for escherichia coli, pseudomonas sp., klebsiella sp., vibrio parahaemolyticus, v. harveyi, v. alginolyticus, v. vulnificus. edwardsiella tarda and staphylococcus sp. as this protein is highly conserved in various aeromonas species, the probe has the poten ...200919187505
multiple brain abscesses in neonate caused by edwardsiella tarda: case report.a neonate presented with multiple brain abscesses caused by very unusual infection with the gram-negative bacterium, edwardsiella tarda. serial changes in magnetic resonance imaging findings including diffusion-weighted imaging demonstrated the development from the late cerebritis to late capsule stages. the patient was successfully treated by external drainage, and has since reached normal development milestones. early diagnosis with computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasou ...200919246871
in this issue: proteomics 5/ this issue of proteomics you will find the following highlighted articles:heart (pump) broken?hearts are pumps within pumps within channels and pumps. calcium is pumped, potassium, sodium, amino acids, and electrons are all pumped, channeled or driven until, finally, blood is pumped. failure of one or more pumps leads to a heart attack. this report from zlatkovic et al. looks at the sub-proteome associated with hypertensive failure of the k(+)atp channel and associated cardiomyopathy that dev ...200919253291
emerging infections of the gastrointestinal tract.infections account for significant gi morbidity and mortality worldwide. new organisms are being identified, associated with diarrhoeal illness and some with other gastrointestinal illness as well. among gi viruses, sapovirus is now recognised to cause diarrhoea, especially in children. a hypervirulent strain of clostridium difficile has caused epidemics in many countries. newly identified bacterial species that may cause diarrhoea include campylobacter concisus, arcobacteria, edwardsiella tarda ...200919258189
immunoprotective analysis of two edwardsiella tarda antigens. 200919282634
characterization of edwardsiella tarda rpos: effect on serum resistance, chondroitinase activity, biofilm formation, and autoinducer synthetases this study, rpos gene was identified from edwardsiella tarda eib202 and its functional role was analyzed by using an in-frame deletion mutant rpos and the complemental strain rpos (+). compared with the wild type and rpos (+), rpos was impaired in terms of the ability to survive under oxidative stress and nutrient starvation, as well as the resistance to 50% serum of scophthalmus maximus in 3 h, demonstrating essential roles of rpos in stress adaptation. the rpos mutant also displayed markedl ...200919283379
identification of novel putative virulence factors, adhesin aida and type vi secretion system, in atypical strains of fish pathogenic edwardsiella tarda by genomic subtractive hybridization.edwardsiella tarda, which is known to be the causative agent of edwardsiellosis in freshwater and marine fish, has two motility phenotypes. typical strains exhibiting motility are isolated mainly from freshwater fish and japanese flounder. atypical strains exhibiting non-motility are isolated mainly from marine fish, with the exception of japanese flounder. subtractive hybridization was performed to identify genomic differences between these two phenotypes. two fragments which showed homology to ...200919302523
investigation of esca as a chaperone for the edwardsiella tarda type iii secretion system putative translocon component esec.edwardsiella tarda is an important gram-negative enteric pathogen affecting both animals and humans. it possesses a type iii secretion system (t3ss) essential for pathogenesis. eseb, esec and esed have been shown to form a translocon complex after secretion, while escc functions as a t3ss chaperone for eseb and esed. in this paper we identify esca, a protein required for accumulation and proper secretion of another translocon component, esec. the esca gene is located upstream of esec and the esc ...200919332827
attenuation of edwardsiella tarda virulence by small peptides that interfere with luxs/autoinducer type 2 quorum sensing.edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative pathogen with a broad host range that includes humans, animals, and fish. recent studies have shown that the luxs/autoinducer type 2 (ai-2) quorum sensing system is involved in the virulence of e. tarda. in the present study, it was found that the e. tarda luxs mutants bearing deletions of the catalytic site (c site) and the tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site, respectively, are functionally inactive and that these dysfunctional mutants can interfere with t ...200919411415
immunoprotective analysis of vhhp2, a vibrio harveyi vaccine candidate.vhhp2 is an outer membrane protein identified in a pathogenic vibrio harveyi strain, t4, isolated from diseased fish. when used as a subunit vaccine, purified recombinant vhhp2 affords high level of protection upon japanese flounder against v. harveyi challenge. vaccination with vhhp2 induced the expression of a number of immune-related genes, especially those encoding immunoglobulin m (igm) and major histocompatibility complex (mhc) iialpha. a vhhp2 surface display system, in the form of the fi ...200919428886
identification, characterization, and molecular application of a virulence-associated autotransporter from a pathogenic pseudomonas fluorescens strain.a gene, pfa1, encoding an autotransporter was cloned from a pathogenic pseudomonas fluorescens strain, tss, isolated from diseased fish. the expression of pfa1 is enhanced during infection and is regulated by growth phase and growth conditions. mutation of pfa1 significantly attenuates the overall bacterial virulence of tss and impairs the abilities of tss in biofilm production, interaction with host cells, modulation of host immune responses, and dissemination in host blood. the putative protei ...200919447960
characterization of proteins secreted from a type iii secretion system of edwardsiella tarda and their roles in macrophage infection.the type iii secretion system is essential for intracellular replication of edwardsiella tarda in phagocytes of fish and mammals. we identified the secreted proteins of the type iii secretion system by comparing the wild-type strain and the type iii mutant met1229. the wild-type strain secreted 55, 25, and 22 kda proteins into the culture supernatant, whereas the type iii mutant did not. these proteins were identified as eseb, esec, and esed and are similar in sequence to salmonella sseb, ssec, ...200919476281
specific mhc class ii b alleles associated with resistance to edwardsiella tarda in turbot, psetta maxima (l.). 200919486240
extraintestinal manifestations of edwardsiella tarda infection: a 10-year retrospective review.edwardsiella tarda, a member of the family enterobacteriaceae found in aquatic environments, is an unusual cause of human disease, presenting most frequently as gastroenteritis. extraintestinal manifestations of e. tarda infection are rare but have included meningitis, cholecystitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, soft tissue infections, bacteremia, and septicemia. over a 10-year period at our institution, 10 cases of extraintestinal infection related to e. tarda were identified. the infections ra ...200919489391
comparative analysis of the production of nitric oxide (no) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha) from macrophages exposed to high virulent and low virulent strains of edwardsiella tarda.we previously reported that high virulent strain (nuf251) of edwardsiella tarda has an ability to prevent the production of reactive oxygen species by macrophages, and is even capable of surviving and multiplying within japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus) peritoneal macrophages, whereas the low virulent strain (nuf194) has no such ability. in this study, we found that nuf251 and nuf194 induced no and tnf-alpha production from japanese flounder peritoneal macrophages, and nuf251 caused fas ...200919539031
detection of different quorum-sensing signal molecules in a virulent edwardsiella tarda strain ltb-4.the aim of this study was to elucidate the potential quorum-sensing (qs) signal molecules of an emerging pathogen (edwardsiella tarda strain ltb-4) of cultured turbot (scophthalmus maximus).201019548884
urosepsis caused by edwardsiella tarda.edwardsiella tarda is a rare causative agent of human infection, predominantly associated with gastroenteritis. we describe a fatal case of urosepsis caused by e. tarda. the patient's underlying condition of advanced uterine cancer may have contributed to the development of the infection.200919554405
edwardsiella tarda t6ss component evpp is regulated by esrb and iron, and plays essential roles in the invasion of fish.edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative pathogen for hemorrhagic septicemia in a broad range of hosts. the type vi secretion system (t6ss) has recently been dissected in e. tarda to secrete evpc, evpi and a novel effector protein evpp. in this study, sequencing and genetic alignments showed that evpp genes from different e. tarda isolates were highly similar and an evpp homolog was also found in aeromonas hydrophila 0865 isolated from a diseased eel, suggesting the possible lateral gene transfer o ...200919563898
identification of major antigenic proteins of edwardsiella tarda recognized by japanese flounder antibody.edwardsiella tarda is a fish pathogen that causes systemic infections in fresh water and marine fish. determining the antigenic proteins is important for the development of an immunodiagnostic tests and a vaccine for effective infection control in fish. in the current study, antigens were detected by immunoblotting and affinity column chromatography using a japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus) antibody produced by experimental infection with e. tarda. groel, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy ...200919564499
identification and characterization of the acrr/acrab system of a pathogenic edwardsiella tarda strain.edwardsiella tarda is one of the leading marine pathogens that can infect a wide range of cultured marine species. in this study, the acrr-acrab cluster was cloned from tx1, a pathogenic e. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish. acrr and acrab were found to be involved in resistance against acriflavine and methyl viologen, which positively regulate the expression of acrab. acrr negatively regulates its own expression and the expression of the acrab operon, most likely by interacting with a 24 ...200919590146
construction and evaluation of dna vaccines encoding edwardsiella tarda antigens.edwardsiella tarda is an opportunistic pathogen that can infect humans, animal, and fish. two e. tarda antigens, eta6 and flic, which are homologues to an ecotin precursor and the flic flagellin, respectively, were identified by in vivo-induced antigen technology from a pathogenic e. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish. when used as a subunit vaccine, purified recombinant eta6 was moderately protective against lethal challenge of e. tarda in a japanese flounder model, whereas purified recom ...200919596416
genomic organization and mrna expression of manganese superoxide dismutase (mn-sod) from hemibarbus mylodon (teleostei, cypriniformes).the genomic structure of manganese superoxide dismutase (mn-sod) was characterized in hemibarbus mylodon (teleostei, cypriniformes), an endangered freshwater fish species, and changes in mn-sod mrna expression in response to various stimuli, such as challenge with lipopolysaccharide (lps), bacteria, or heavy metals, were examined. h. mylodon mn-sod possesses well-conserved features of vertebrate mn-sods, including its homologous quinquepartite gene structure (five exons interrupted by four intro ...200919616630
molecular cloning and characterization of lps-binding protein/bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (lbp/bpi) from olive flounder, paralichthys olivaceus.a lipopolysaccharide (lps)-binding protein/bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (lbp/bpi) homolog was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes cdna library of olive flounder paralichthys olivaceus. the isolated lbp/bpi cdna is 2806bp in length with a 1419bp open reading frame (orf) that encodes a protein of 472 amino acid residues. the lps-binding domain is well conserved in the n-terminal barrel, showing high sequence identities with other teleost lbp/bpi as well as those of mammals. r ...201019698997
identification and immunoprotective analysis of an in vivo-induced edwardsiella tarda antigen.edwardsiella tarda is a severe aquaculture pathogen that can infect many important fish species cultured worldwide. the aim of this study was to evaluate the vaccine potential of an e. tarda antigen, eta21, which was identified from a pathogenic e. tarda strain via the method of in vivo-induced antigen technology (iviat). eta21 is 510-amino acid in length and shares approximately 58% sequence identity with a putative peptidase of several bacterial species. eta21 was subcloned into escherichia co ...200919706328
motility and the expression of the flagellin protein flic are negatively regulated by quorum sensing in edwardsiella tarda.edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative bacterial pathogen of fish and animals. a number of gram-negative bacteria have quorum-sensing systems and produce n-acylhomoserine lactone (ahl) that they use as a quorum-sensing signaling molecule. we have already reported that e. tarda nuf251 produces ahls and has the ahl-synthase gene, edwi. inactivation of nuf251 edwi induces expression of an approximately 45 kda extracellular protein, identified as a flagellin encoded by flic. mutation of edwi also cha ...200919716521
regulation of the edwardsiella tarda hemolysin gene and luxs by ethr.edwardsiella tarda is a pathogen with a broad host range that includes human and animals. the e. tarda hemolysin (eth) system, which comprises etha and ethb, is a noted virulence element that is widely distributed in pathogenic isolates of e. tarda. previous study has shown that the expression of ethb is regulated by iron, which suggests the possibility that the ferric uptake regulator (fur) is involved in the regulation of ethb. the work presented in this report supports the previous findings a ...200919734713
isolation of faecal coliform bacteria from the american alligator (alligator mississippiensis).to determine whether american alligators (alligator mississippiensis) are an unrecognized poikilothermic source of faecal coliform and/or potential pathogenic bacteria in south carolina's coastal waters.201019735329
a novel c1q family member with fucose-binding activity from surfperch, neoditrema ransonnetii (perciformes, embiotocidae).the c1q family is a growing group of proteins with a globular c1q domain in the c-terminal region. we purified a new member of this family with l-fucose-binding activity from the plasma of surfperch, neoditrema ransonnetii through l-fucose-affinity chromatography and anion-exchange chromatography. n-terminal amino acid sequencing followed by cdna sequencing revealed that the protein was composed of 212 amino acids including a signal peptide of 20 amino acids. the gene expression analysis by rt-p ...200919772923
dna adenine methylase is involved in the pathogenesis of edwardsiella tarda.edwardsiella tarda is a serious aquaculture pathogen that can infect many cultured fish species. the aim of this study was to investigate the potential importance of dna adenine methylase (dam) in e. tarda pathogenesis. the e. tarda dam gene (dam(et)) was cloned from a pathogenic strain, txd1, isolated from diseased fish. dam(et) shares high (70.2%) sequence identity with the dam proteins of yersinia enterocolitica and several other bacterial species. recombinant dam(et) is able to complement a ...201019781866
genome sequence of the versatile fish pathogen edwardsiella tarda provides insights into its adaptation to broad host ranges and intracellular niches.edwardsiella tarda is the etiologic agent of edwardsiellosis, a devastating fish disease prevailing in worldwide aquaculture industries. here we describe the complete genome of e. tarda, eib202, a highly virulent and multi-drug resistant isolate in china.200919865481
identification of edwardsiella ictaluri and e. tarda by species-specific polymerase chain reaction targeted to the upstream region of the fimbrial gene.phylogenetic analysis of nine strains of edwardsiella ictaluri and eight strains of e. tarda (six typical motile strains and two atypical nonmotile strains) isolated from diseased fish was performed using the upstream region of the fimbrial gene cluster. strains of e. ictaluri and e. tarda were significantly clustered into separate groups. moreover, atypical e. tarda strains were clustered into a different group from the other strains. three polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primer sets for differ ...200919873834
analysis of the effect of copper on the virulence of a pathogenic edwardsiella tarda investigate the effect of copper on the virulence of edwardsiella tarda.201019912523
domain analysis of the edwardsiella tarda ferric uptake regulator.recent studies have shown that the ferric uptake regulator (fur) of edwardsiella tarda (fur(et)) shares high sequence identity with the escherichia coli fur (fur(ec)) at the n-terminal dna-binding region. in the present study, the functional importance of the c-terminal region of fur(et) was investigated. it was found that fur(et) bearing deletion of the c-terminal 12 residues still possesses most of the repressor activity, whereas fur(et) bearing deletions of the c-terminal 16 and more than 16 ...200919940381
immune response of japanese flounder paralichthys olivaceus to outer membrane protein of edwardsiella tarda.the humoral and cellular immune responses of japanese flounder, paralichthys olivaceus, were investigated following intraperitioneal injection with outer membrane protein (omp) of edwardsiella tarda in freund's incomplete adjuvant (fia). the specific serum antibody titre against omp of e. tarda were measured using elisa for 14 weeks, and the total serum antibody concentrations were also determined according to the sandwich elisa standard model constructed using purified igm. both of the specific ...201019944169
transgenic zebrafish eggs containing bactericidal peptide is a novel food supplement enhancing resistance to pathogenic infection of fish.zebrafish (danio rerio) was used as a bioreactor to produce bovine lactoferricin (lfb), which has wide-ranging antimicrobial activity. we constructed an expression plasmid in which lfb was fused with green fluorescent protein (gfp) and driven by zebrafish beta-actin promoter. after microinjection, six transgenic founders were screened on the basis of gfp appearance. among them, a stable zbl-5 line was selected by the ubiquitous and strong expression of gfp. using pcr and western blot analysis, w ...201019944764
verification of an edwardsiella ictaluri-specific diagnostic verify the specificity of a pcr assay for the identification and diagnosis of edwardsiella ictaluri.201020002568
proteomic analysis of outer membrane proteins of edwardsiella tarda.the purpose of this study was to identify outer membrane proteins (omps) of edwardsiella tarda.201020002913
comparative study of the effects of aluminum adjuvants and freund's incomplete adjuvant on the immune response to an edwardsiella tarda major antigen.edwardsiella tarda is a severe aquaculture pathogen that can infect many different fish species cultured worldwide. et49 is a major e. tarda antigen with weak immunoprotective potential. in this study, using et49 as an example vaccine, the adjuvanticity of freund's incomplete adjuvant (fia), aluminum hydroxide, and aluminum phosphate adjuvant were evaluated in a japanese flounder model. the results showed that the presence of fia, aluminum hydroxide, and aluminum phosphate adjuvant increased the ...201020006568
immune responses and expression profiles of some immune-related genes in indian major carp, labeo rohita to edwardsiella tarda infection.edwardsiella tarda is an important gram-negative bacterium that causes systemic infections in a wide range of hosts including fish. the pathogenic mechanisms in this disease are still poorly understood in fish. indian major carp, labeo rohita were intraperitoneally challenged with a pathogenic isolate of e. tarda to measure sequential changes in immunity level. a significant decrease in the superoxide production, myeloperoxidase, alternative complement activity, total protein levels and antiprot ...201020045061
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 1358