
[four cases of trichoepithelioma papulosum multiplex, with special reference to the large glycogen granules in the cytoplasm (author's transl)]. 1989313462
the role of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the diagnosis of central nervous system tumors.eighty glial and non-glial brain tumors have been studied to date using an immunologically specific and highly sensitive method of staining gfa protein which is applicable to formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue. eight of these cases have been described and illustrated in some detail. gfa protein was present in all astrocytes and astrocytomas studied and in a proportion of ependymal cells and ependymomas. some tumor cells have been demonstrated by this method to be glial despite the compl ...1989209658
elevated serum angiotensin i converting enzyme in sarcoidosis.serum angiotensin i converting enzyme was found to be elevated in 56 patients with sarcoidosis (52.7 +/- 25.4 nmole per min per ml) compared to 84 normal control subjects (28.2 +/- 11.3 nmole per min per ml), 22 patients with tuberculosis (26.4 +/- 10.9 nmole per min per ml), and 20 patients with lymphomas (31.8 +/ 13.9 nmole per min per ml). forty-eight per cent of the patients with sarcoidosis had values of enzymatic activity that were higher than 2 sd above the mean value of the control popul ...1990184726
[electron microscopic features of lung cancer with special reference to prognosis of anaplastic carcinoma (author's transl)]. 1990184319
layman's guide to common complaints. 10. poisons and poisoning. 1990258409
[anuria caused by allo-immunization in the kidd system]. 1990183289
cyclic amp-dependent phosphorylation of the actin-binding protein filamin.filamin is a high molecular weight protein that binds to actin filaments in cells. it is found in large amounts in several different cells and tissues, including smooth muscle, fibroblasts, platelets, and macrophages. it is immunologically related to the previously described macrophage high molecular weight actin-binding protein but clearly different from erythrocyte spectrin. filamin is a phosphoprotein; it is phosphorylated in vivo in intact tissues and cells. it can be phosphorylated in vitro ...1991208386
[inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region and the function of the adrenal cortex]. 1991208193
[apropos the year of the child: we have much to learn about the poor cultures]. 1991257821
erythrocyte pyridoxine kinase levels in patients with sideroblastic anemia. 1992183116
the methodology of collecting, handling, and analyzing data. 1992257358
the characteristics of adsorption of pyrophosphate and citrate onto whewellite.the adsorption of pyrophosphate and citrate to whewellite was measured by solution depletion. at ph 6.5, the concentration for one-half surface coverage ce(1/2) by pyrophosphate is 15 micrometer. the estimated maximum coverage is 37.5 mumoles per m2. the ce (1/2) for citrate is 4 micrometer, and the estimated maximum coverage is 6.42 mumoles per m2.1992206522
types and usage of orthopedic shoes. 1992257259
sleep-related periodic headache and imipramine. 1994197039
[priapism]. 1994302959
rem phase deprivation and schizophrenia ii.nine schizophrenic patients with active symptomatology were compared with seven patient controls in their response to two nights of rapid eye movement (rem) sleep deprivation. the control subjects demonstrate "normal" increases in total rem and percentage rem time increase on recovery nights compared to base line nights. the schizophrenic subjects differ substantially from the control subjects in both these measurements and show no perceptible change from base line nights on recovery nights. the ...1995173254
influence of agents that act on dna and rna synthesis on the activity of poly(adp-rib) polymerase.the activity of poly(adp-rib) polymerase is enhanced in the presence of spermine and spermidine. among the adenosine-like antibiotics tested, only formycin b and showdomycin cause an inhibition of the enzyme, which is competitive to nad. the activity of poly(adp-rib) polymerase is not reduced by rifamycin, alpha-amanitin and 2-phenylethanol.1995170123
clinical effect of levamisole therapy and its immunological control. 1996229002
the kinetics of suppression of proliferation of oxidized murine lymphoid cells by sodium borohydride reduction. 1997179717
new frontier for radiology: computed tomography. 40th annual preston m. hickey memorial lecture.the basic principles of computed tomography (ct) and their application are discussed. the impact of this method on neuroradiologic diagnosis is reviewed, including economic considerations and the effect on nuclear medicine and other diagnostic procedures. the initial experiences of the mallinckrodt institute with whole body scanning are illustrated, and failure possibilities for ct are predicted.1997179368
congenital granular-cell tumor of alveolar ridge and tongue. report of two cases.granular-cell tumors in the oral cavity occur primarily on the tongue (myoblastoma) in adults and on the gum pads (congenital epulis) in infants. because of the usual location and age, these histologically and histochemically similar tumors have been separate clinical entities. these case reports, however, report the concurrence of both clinical entities in the same patient. a 7-day-old female infant had a 1 cm. epulis on the right anterior maxilla and two 1.5 mm. masses on the anterior ventrum ...1997168531
malignant pheochromocytoma in childhood: report of a case with familial neurofibromatosis.a 14-year-old male with familial neurofibromatosis and widely disseminated malignant pheochromocytoma is described. current criteria for the diagnosis and management of this rare malignancy are discussed.1997232742
the experience of screening mammography.nearly 1000 women who had just undergone screening mammography responded to a survey regarding demographics, the circumstances of the mammographic examination, and their responses to it. several findings of interest to the family physician include the following: (1) the majority of respondents obtained the examination as a result of their physician's referral rather than on their own. (2) most respondents experienced less pain during the procedure than they had anticipated. (3) the major express ...19982809522
[colo-rectal carcinomas: a challenge]. 1998108581
retrospect and prospect of electron microscopy in japan: biology/virology. 19982809471
[the cranio-carpo-tarsal dysplasia syndrome in a 6-year-old girl (whistling-face syndrome)]. 1998106974
[the mechanism of antigen-antibody reaction at the basement membrane zone in bullous pemphigoid. the question of interaction of complement factors and bivalent cations (author's transl)].1. in a medium poorly cationic indirect immunfluorescence of the basement membrane zone normally observed with preparations of sera from patients with pemphigoid has not be seen. 2. the fluorescence of basement membrane zone takes place if fe2+ ions are added together with the antibasement zone antibodies. evidently fe2+ ions are essential for fixing antibodies. 3. with the method of indirect fluorescence the c3 component of complement could be observed after fixation of pemphigoid antibodies to ...199956158
evidence for an hla-linked resistance gene in buerger's disease.the incidence of thromboangiitis obliterans in brothers and the high prevalence in some ethnic groups have led us to investigate the histocompatibility hla-a, b and dr antigens of 46 buerger's disease patients. the main result indicates a marked decreased freqeuncy of the b12 antigen: 2.2% vs 28% in controls. our study suggests that buerger's disease is, on the basis of hla antigens, a distinct immunogenetic entity and not a particular form of arteriosclerosis. moreover, this disorder may repres ...199991227
[pathways to new antibiotics]. 2000101812
[therapy with beta adrenergic agents]. 20002869565
notes on the spectrum of opiate use. 200097557
characterization of fractional mutations in drosophila: role of rna, protein & repair synthesis. 200094307
[motor complications in patients with parkinson disease treated with levodopa].motor complications appearing in 180 patients with parkinson's disease who received levodopa for a long period are reviewed. the most frequently observed motor disorders were wearing off fluctuations and dyskinesias of "dose benefit". most patients who presented a decrease in the response to levodopa developed signs during the course or findings in complementary tests which were incompatible with the diagnosis of parkinson's disease. in the present study, the duration of the treatment with levod ...20012631806
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans--case reports and review of literature. 2002139685
[reflection of hydroelectrolytic replacement prior to parenteral feeding]. 2002120569
[endogenous factors in acquired cochlear deafness in adults]. 2002123939
[minor burns]. 2003254377
a scanning electron microscope study of one year in vivo amalgam-enamel interfaces. 2003298764
[difficulty of regulating maximum amount of any chemical in perfumes (author's transl)]. 2004539743
[psychopathology of protracted endogenous depressions].a clinico-psychopathological study of 85 patients with protracted endogenous depressions permitted to distinguish 7 main syndromological types: melancholic, adynamic, dysphoric, anesthetical, anxious, cenestho-hypochondriacal and a complex type of depressive disorders with hallucinatory, delusional and catatonic disturbances. the first 5 types were characterized by syndromological simplicity and could be qualified as monomorphic. the latter 2 types of depressions had a complex structure with pro ...2004525121
[9th consensus conference on resuscitation and emergency medicine. 19 june 1992. evaluation of ventricular function in adults at the patients's bedside]. 20041304651
congenital lobar emphysema.congenital lobar emphysema is a rare disorder thay may present outside the newborn period. it is generally best treated surgically by excision of the affected lobe. we describe a 6 1/2-week-old infant in whom the initial auscultatory and roentgenographic findings were confusing and of no help in making the diagnosis. the etiology of congenital lobar emphysema remains unclear.2004451655
children's literature on death and dying. 2004375165
jama reference directories. 2004368362
tailgut cyst with carcinoid: a case report.tailgut cyst, an unusual presacral lesion, is lined by a variety of epithelial types including squamous, columnar, transitional and cuboidal epithelium. disorganized fascicles of smooth muscle may be seen in the cystic wall. tailgut cysts are usually multiloculated, and often afflict adult women. in rare cases, adenocarcinoma arises within the tailgut cyst. we present a carcinoid tumor developing from the tailgut cyst. the tumor cells grow in ribbon and festoon patterns and are positive for argy ...20051312386
simple rapid test for specific determination of fetal lung maturity. 20051214200
[new method of creating a bile-draining anastomosis]. 20053320470
[morphological principles of the aqueous humor secretory system and its changes induced by antiglaucoma drugs]. 20053371812
foot-pedal control of jet ventilation during bronchoscopy and microlaryngeal surgery. 20051169033
treatment of neonatal hypertension with captopril. 20053294363
preservation of detached fragments in open fractures of the open limb fractures, loss of bone fragments of considerable size, including portions of the joint surface, is a frequent finding. although the authors routinely use common surgical methods of reconstruction, in this paper they present a method for preserving these fragments by storage in the abdominal wall, and using them for autografting once healing of the soft tissues in the site of fracture has occurred. this method, illustrated by an analysis of 3 cases, appears to be simple and effectiv ...20062151600
bone marrow involvement by non-hodgkin's lymphoma: the clinical significance of morphologic discordance between the lymph node and bone marrow. nebraska lymphoma study group.bone marrow specimens from 317 patients with non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) obtained at initial staging were evaluated for the presence of lymphoma or benign lymphoid aggregates. thirty-two percent (102 patients) had lymphoma in their bone marrow, and 9% had benign lymphoid aggregates. bone marrow lymphoma was present in 39% of low-grade, 36% of intermediate-grade, and 18% of high-grade lymphomas. the bone marrow was involved in 25% of patients with diffuse large-cell or immunoblastic nhl (ie, dif ...20061694234
fatal outcome with use of rectal morphine for postoperative pain control in an infant. 20061489382
the european federation of cytology societies, 1969-1989. 20061449022
[insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus]. 20072258670
[insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus]. 20072258670
[difficulties in the diagnosis of primary malignant histiocytoma of the lung].a case is presented of a round coin shadow seen on a routine chest radiogram producing grave diagnostic problems. during hospitalization the patient presented neurological and bone and joint involvement symptoms. transthoracic needle biopsy of the lesion allowed to diagnose large cell cancer, but autopsy changed this diagnosis to malignant histiocytoma.20072168043
[hyperoxalemia and secondary oxalosis of chronic renal insufficiency]. 20072074920
[clinical significance of the determination of serum fructosamine and albumin in children with diabetes mellitus].the paper is devoted to a study of the role of serum glycoprotein fructosamine and serum albumin in the pathogenesis of a severe course of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm) in children. fructosamine was determined in 43 pediatric patients with iddm by direct spectrophotometry using hoffman-la-roche kits; albumin, c-peptide and malonic aldehyde were also determined. disorder of the mechanism of regulation of homeostasis by albumin was shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis o ...20072717569
surgical aortic valvuloplasty using the cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator: an invasive hemodynamic follow-up study.valve repair and calcium debridement in patients with calcific aortic stenosis, using the cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator (cusa), results in a reduction in the aortic valve gradient while potentially avoiding long-term problems inherent to prosthetic valves. invasive followup data in these patients has not previously been reported. ten patients in whom cusa debridement was performed underwent cardiac catheterization prior to and 8.0 +/- 2.5 months following the procedure. compared to base ...20071913786
[age determination of venous thrombi by ultrasound].in addition to diagnosing deep-vein thrombosis of the lower limb and pelvis, determination of the age of the thrombus is of considerable importance in guiding treatment. the present study was done to find out whether thrombus age can be determined by ultrasound morphology. 138 examinations were carried out on 76 lower limbs with phlebographically demonstrated thrombosed veins. diameter of the thrombosed vein, echogenicity of the thrombus and demarcation of the venous wall from its surroundings w ...20071932731
an entrepreneurial role for the nurse consultant. 20072725970
[opinions and attitudes toward dentistry in early adolescence]. 20071852655
how we teach ... practical skills in an undergraduate medical curriculum: 5 years of experience at gezira medical school (sudan).an outline of an undergraduate course to teach medical students practical medical procedures early in their curriculum is described. introduction of those skill as early as the second year has given the student ample time to practice those skills before graduation. feedback has shown that the course has been successful in helping the students to master simple procedures by the time they graduate. early demonstration of complicated skills has also facilitated the ability and confidence of the stu ...20071865801
[induction of lung maturation in the early stage of premature rupture of fetal membranes]. 20071790890
on presentation of the friedenwald award of the association for research in vision and ophthalmology to dr. gerald j. chader. 20082643586
on presentation of the friedenwald award of the association for research in vision and ophthalmology to dr. gerald j. chader. 20082643586
acceptability of day care surgery.although day case surgery is recommended, its widespread feasibility in an urban environment is unclear. we studied 100 consecutive unselected patients admitted for surgical procedures considered to be suitable for day case surgery. their age, fitness and social details were recorded and they were asked both before surgery and after discharge by a postal questionnaire, whether they would have preferred treatment as an outpatient. there were 47 men and 53 women with a mean age of 42.5 years. nine ...20082614766
fibreoptic laser laparoscopy.many gynaecologist are now doing more aggressive operative laparoscopic surgery. we feel that procedures which in the past required open laparotomy to be successfully performed, can now be done with fibreoptic laser energy. this chapter reviews our experiences with argon, ktp and nd-yag lasers for advanced laparoscopic surgery. we feel that these fibreoptic lasers allow us to obtain good results with less risk, shortened operating room time and with reduced difficulty during surgery. in this tim ...20082533010
lennox-gastaut syndrome in association with tuberous sclerosis. 20082630483
[99mtc-nanocolloid: clinical results of its use as a new inflammation marker].fifty scintigrams were performed on 45 patients using 99mtc-nanocolloid in order to test its affinity for inflammatory lesions; in these patients there was clinical and/or radiological suspicion of an inflammatory process. there was good correlation between the degree of uptake and the activity of the inflammatory process. specificity is limited because of uptake in certain tumours (eg. sarcomas of the extremities), but difficulties in differential diagnosis are not expected to be serious. judgi ...20082849165
clinical effects of intravenous iloprost in patients with intermittent a randomized patient-blind study iloprost or hydroxy-ethyl starch 200/0.5 were given i.v. 5 h daily for 2 weeks to 24 patients suffering from severe intermittent claudication due to peripheral vascular disease. an increase in pain-free walking distance of more than 50% occurred in 6 of 11 patients after the iloprost infusions and in 7 of 12 patients after hes treatment. no significant effects on haemodynamic or clinical chemistry tests were observed.20082446877
reversal of lymphocyte activation in vivo in the kawasaki syndrome by intravenous gammaglobulin.the effect of intravenous gammaglobulin (ivgg) on the immunoregulatory abnormalities found during acute kawasaki syndrome (ks) was studied in a randomized trial of ivgg plus aspirin (asa) versus asa alone. before therapy, patients in each treatment group had increased numbers of circulating hla-dr-bearing leu 3+ helper t cells, a deficiency of leu 2+ suppressor/cytotoxic t cells, and increased levels of spontaneous igg and igm synthesis by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. there were no signif ...20082433307
[an operative case of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (men type 1) with insulinoma]. 20092906375
myocardial reperfusion injury: an inflammatory reaction? 20092786416
comparison of the high-resolution structures of the alpha-amylase inhibitor tendamistat determined by nuclear magnetic resonance in solution and by x-ray diffraction in single crystals.the three-dimensional structure of the alpha-amylase inhibitor tendamistat determined by nuclear magnetic resonance in aqueous solution is compared with the tendamistat crystal structure refined at 2.0 a resolution. between the two independently obtained structures the root-mean-square distances are 1.05 a for the backbone atoms n, c alpha and c', 1.25 a for the backbone and the interior side-chains, and 1.84 a for all heavy atoms. these numbers show that the interior of the molecule is nearly i ...20092786963
single-dose intravenous h2 blocker prophylaxis against aspiration pneumonitis: assessment of drug concentration in gastric aspirate.this placebo-controlled trial compared the effects of preoperative, intravenous cimetidine (300 mg) or ranitidine (50 mg) on gastric ph and gastric volume in 31 adult patients requiring general anesthesia. the elapsed time from drug administration to initial gastric sampling did not differ significantly between ranitidine (45 minutes), cimetidine (48 minutes), or placebo (52 minutes) treated patients. ranitidine, but not cimetidine, significantly (p = 0.02) increased gastric ph when compared wit ...20092773628
hepatic extraction of morphine is impaired in cirrhosis.using hepatic vein catheterization this study has provided the first direct measurement of morphine hepatic extraction in 8 controls and 8 cirrhotics. the extraction ratio was 0.52 in the control group and was reduced by 25% in the cirrhotics. this reduction is due to impaired enzyme capacity rather than reduced blood flow. the effect of cirrhosis is less than that reported in similar studies of high clearance oxidized drugs and this lends support to the concept that glucuronidation may be relat ...20092753069
wegener's granulomatosis (wg) and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm).we report a case of a 14 year-old girl with wegener's granulomatosis (wg) complicated by its direct brain invasion and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm). this case was diagnosed as wg early in its onset and successfully treated. as for iddm of this case, the presence of hla-dr4 and the islet cell surface antibody (icsa) was demonstrated. to our knowledge, this is the first case report on iddm associated with wg. we consider that wg may precipitate the development of iddm in a geneticall ...20092786968
renal adenocarcinoma presenting with bilateral metastases to bartholin's glands: primary diagnosis by aspiration cytology.the first recorded case of renal adenocarcinoma presenting with bilateral metastases to the bartholin's glands is presented. primary diagnosis of the metastatic deposits was made by fine-needle aspiration cytology with subsequent localization of the unsuspected renal primary. the value of fine-needle aspiration in the identification of inapparent primary tumors is discussed and cytological findings are described in detail.20093769735
sinusitis and its relationship to asthma. 20092687782
sulindac does not spare renal has been suggested that the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, sulindac, selectively spares renal prostaglandin synthesis. we compared the effect of placebo and sulindac 300 mg daily for one week on furosemide-stimulated renal prostaglandin synthesis in twelve healthy young men. sulindac reduced serum thromboxane b2, a measure of platelet thromboxane a2 production, from 21 +/- 3.9 to 10.9 +/- 2.2 ng/ml (p less than 0.01) but had no effect on body weight, blood pressure or serum creatinine. ...20092650941
patient selection and results of cardiac transplantation in patients with cardiomyopathy.cardiac transplantation for the treatment of end-stage congestive heart failure has been shown to be of benefit regardless of the etiology. with few exceptions, the evaluation of patients with end-stage heart failure is the same, regardless of the etiology. in those with cardiomyopathy not as a result of cad, special attention must be given to exclude secondary causes of cardiomyopathy such as amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, and sarcoidosis, as well as generalized systemic illnesses that may also ...20103048684
patient selection and results of cardiac transplantation in patients with cardiomyopathy.cardiac transplantation for the treatment of end-stage congestive heart failure has been shown to be of benefit regardless of the etiology. with few exceptions, the evaluation of patients with end-stage heart failure is the same, regardless of the etiology. in those with cardiomyopathy not as a result of cad, special attention must be given to exclude secondary causes of cardiomyopathy such as amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, and sarcoidosis, as well as generalized systemic illnesses that may also ...20103048684
[value of abdominal pulsed duplex sonography].pulsed duplex sonography is a routine method for evaluation of superficial vessels. especially in the assessment of the extracranial vessels of the head and neck region duplex sonography proved to be the method of choice. modern technology allows the investigation of deep vessels by pulsed doppler sonography. this study tries to define the value of the combination of real time sonography and pulsed deep doppler sonography in the abdomen on the basis of the author's experiences. value and limitat ...20102954181
why not launch a new cadet nurse corps? 20103279779
[tuberous iododerma due to solutan]. 20102949449
endoscopic anatomy of choledochoduodenostomy in relation to clinical observations.thirty patients having undergone choledochoduodenostomy for benign biliary diseases were studied by means of endoscopy. the endoscopic anatomy of the anastomosis was classified into two types. inflammatory changes of the choledochal mucosa adjacent to the stoma were found in nine cases. endoscopy of the proximal and distal (blind) segment of the common bile duct was accomplished in 19 and nine patients, respectively. it is very probable that these inflammatory mucosal changes could lead to compl ...20103962952
[temporary minimal esophagostomy in the surgical treatment of malignant esophago-respiratory fistulas].oesophago-bronchial and oesophago-pleural fistulae are serious complications of oesophageal cancers. they occur earlier than is generally believed and, if untreated, result in death caused by septic and respiratory complications. an original two-stage surgical method is reported and illustrated by 3 cases. the first stage consists of excluding the oesophagus at both ends and introducing, through a small oesophagostomy, a foley's catheter to aspirate the secretions; the cardia is excluded by stap ...20102938171
elective testicular biopsy during chemotherapy for childhood leukaemia is of no clinical value.the clinical value of early detection of testicular leukaemia was assessed by elective wedge biopsy during the 12th or 18th month of therapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. biopsy samples were taken in 106 of 238 consecutively treated boys who attained complete remission; only 1 had occult disease. samples were also taken in 2 boys with testicular leukaemia at diagnosis as soon as they achieved complete remission, and in 14 others at the end of therapy; none showed evidence of le ...20102863443
oxidation-reduction reactions of cytochrome b6 in a liposome-incorporated cytochrome b6-f complex.the chloroplast cytochrome b6-f complex, incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, shows proton translocation with an observed h+/e- ratio of approximately 2. the oxidation-reduction behavior of cytochrome b6 during electron transport from duroquinol to plastocyanin is affected by incorporation. the most obvious effect of incorporation is an increase in the duration of a steady-state level of cytochrome b6 that persists during electron transport. reagents that decrease activity increase the durat ...20102821919
vascularization of male gonads in blennius pavo (teleostei, blenniidae) as revealed by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts.the vascular architecture of male gonads of blennius pavo is studied by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. arterial supply to the gonads is by a branch of the first ventral segmental artery of the tail. from the surface of the gonads, this vessel gives rise to branches which supply testes, spermatic ducts, testicular glands, blind pouches, urogenital sinus and urogenital papilla. the testis has a rope-ladder-like capillary network around the seminiferous tubules, while in ...20113238381
[aids. less risk for the circumcised]. 20113209172
nonlinear accumulation of propranolol enantiomers.the accumulation of (+)- and (-)-propranolol was investigated in nine subjects who received 160 mg of racemic propranolol as a single dose and then once daily for 7 days. the serum concentrations of propranolol enantiomers were measured by h.p.l.c. using a novel chiral stationary phase allowing direct resolution of underivatized propranolol. the (+)-propranolol auc increased from 412 +/- 223 ng ml-1 h after single doses (0-infinity) to 584 +/- 279 ng ml-1 h at steady-state (0-24 h) (p less than ...20113203053
fetomaternal macrotransfusion in the yorkshire region. 2. perinatal outcome.the perinatal outcome associated with fetomaternal macrotransfusion (fmmt), defined as fetomaternal haemorrhage greater than or equal to 10 ml, was investigated in a study group of 179 cases of fmmt and compared with the outcome in 322 controls selected from the same population. perinatal mortality and morbidity occurred more frequently in the case group (p less than 0.01). the mean apgar score at 1 min and the cord haemoglobin level differed significantly between the case and control groups (p ...20113207644
poona district leprosy committee annual report for 1985-86. 20113192982
solving the rod-and-frame test in a tachistoscopic presentation: effects of stimulus size and perceptual style. 20113226894
metabolism of natural and synthetic steroids used in cancer treatment. 20113279431
metabolism of natural and synthetic steroids used in cancer treatment. 20113279431
the ohio medicaid drug formulary. 20113328840
Displaying items 4801 - 4900 of 6009