
is jump to population-explosion bandwagon justified? 20165009981
[early postoperative rehabilitation after maxillary resection]. 20164951118
[measurement of central venous pressure: only in recumbent position?]. 20164829023
[subphrenic abscess and its x-ray differential diagnosis]. 20165076712
[circumstantial study of accidents in minors under 15 years of age (study of 100 cases)]. 20164791562
[the bioelectrical activity of the muscles in patients following poliomyelitis]. 20164775888
primary angle-closure glaucoma in urbanized south african caucasoid and negroid communities. 20164725852
utility of leopold maneuvers in screening for malpresentation.malpresentation is a common complication of pregnancy. using ultrasound as the gold standard, we prospectively tested leopold maneuvers as a screen for nonvertex presentation in the third trimester. in our hands this technique performed poorly. values for sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 28, 94, 24, and 95%, respectively, in a population with a 7% prevalence of noncephalic presentation. much of the correlation between the screening and diagn ...20071876372
study of arterial pressure in 0- 12-year-old children. 1969250120
evaluation of 99mtc-albumin dilution curve with simultaneous injection of 99mtc- and 131i-albumins.a critical comparison of radiocardiograms with 99mtc- and 131i-albumins was made to determine whether or not 99mtc-albumin can be used as a tracer for measuring blood volume (bv) and cardiac output (co). simultaneous injection of both isotopes was given to twenty-two patients to obtain radiocardiograms for each by means of a single scintillation counter with two pulse height analyzers. such method allows for the determination of the energy levels for both 99mtc and 131i. the radiocardiographic p ...1970376896
immunohistologic findings in the glomerular crescents in various renal diseases.renal tissues from 37 patients with glomerulopathies involving glomerular crescents were investigated using an immunofluorescence technique. immunohistologic findings revealed two kinds of crescents, those with fibrinogen deposits (active), and those without (inactive). the degree of igg deposition in glomeruli with active crescents was much higher than in glomeruli with inactive crescents in acute glomerulonephritis (agn) and chronic glomerulonephritis (cgn). active crescents were observed only ...1970376895
the use of diagnosis-related groups to highlight quality of care issues. 19702130809
on fluency measures in aphasic speech.this study was conducted with two purposes. first, to examine the extent to which fluency measures are affected by conditions of speech production. the speech of an unselected sample of 18 aphasic subjects was collected in two situations: conversation and description of short picture stories. words were uttered at a reduced rate in the story descriptions, which were also characterized by a greater use of verbs. however, the ranking of the subjects on the different measures of fluency was correla ...19702427539
case history of a physiologist: f. g. hall. 1971377317
david bruce dill, president 1950--1951, american physiological society. 1971377316
changes in the natural history of bacterial endocarditis. 1972376539
pseudo-gaucher cells in multiple myeloma.a bone biopsy specimen from a patient with multiple myeloma showed numerous gaucher-like cells scattered throughout a homogeneous background of plasma cells. further studies using histochemical stains, immunofluorescence, and light and electron microscopy were carried out to further define these cells. light microscopy of wright-stained and hematoxylin and eosin-stained marrow preparations showed large, round cells with fibrillar appearing cytoplasm and eccentric, pyknotic nuclei. these cells we ...1972380339
[a roentgenographic cephalometric study on vertical dimension (comparison between the dentulous and the edentulous with complete dentures) (author's transl)]. 1972285195
[a new treatment for vitiligo: topical kandil therapy combined with oral p.a.b.a]. 1972380273
obituary: frank schepelmann. 1972380272
dr. armaly honored. 1973379730
neurologic problems of diabetic lower extremity. 1973285345
the elderly: health and mental health care - a nursing challenge. 1973380921
[trends in nursing research and the position of the basic study. discussion]. 1973251675
[continued care of the mother and child following delivery--a need for interaction between the public health clinic and hospital]. 1973251597
[ambulatory diagnostic methods in disorders of sex maturation].the most important investigative methods for study of disorders of pubertal development are simple. however, they require a detailed knowledge of the normal course of puberty. in most cases the family history (height of the parents, course of puberty in the father, age at menarche of the mother), personal history (growth curve, height velocity) and physical examination (height measurement, evaluation of stage of pubertal development, bone age) make it possible to decied whether there is benign d ...1974186866
[nurses in care for the mentally retarded: for some nurses occasionally interesting tasks]. 1974245858
autopsy correlations of computerized tomography: experience with 6,000 ct scans.seventy-nine autopsy correlations of ct scans showed (1) excellent correlations in normal brains, but the size of the lateral ventricles consistently larger during life than after death; (2) a distinctive pattern differentiating obstructive from nonobstructive hydrocephalus; (3) infarctions appearing as areas of decreased densities of parenchyma in vascular distributions; (4) distinctive high density appearances of hemorrhages that differentiated them from infarctions and, in general, all other ...1974186726
fighting disasters: preparing nurses for relief work. 1974245651
addendum to salzman paper: efficacy of low dose heparin prophylaxis. 19741129500
ecdysone-induced changes in morphology and protein synthesis in drosophila cell cultures. 1974414947
thymol turbidity and thymol flocculation tests in nigerian control subjects. 1974380220
williams e. pembleton 1909-1979. 1974380211
reaction time variability in epileptic and brain-damaged patients.median reaction times and intra-individual variability were studied in epileptic (n = 63), brain-damaged (non-epileptic) (n = 25) and control patients (n = 25) using a six and one half minute visual, continuous reaction time task. epileptic and brain-damaged groups were significantly slower than control patients on median reaction times at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles and on the differences between the 10th and 90th percentiles. thus both general slowing and greater intra-individual vari ...1974414884
george winthrop fish. 1896-1977. 1974380112
[diagnostic measures during functional impressions]. 1974380053
ten years of clinical experience with metoprolol.metoprolol has been on the market for 10 years; the research, however, started nearly 20 years earlier and clinical research some 17 years ago. metoprolol has been and is still subject to intensive research, which has resulted in evidence for its cardiovascular protective effects in coronary heart disease, cardiovascular hypertrophy and atherosclerosis. the properties making the beta 1-selective blocker metoprolol a cardioprotective drug and pharmaceutical development improving the qualities of ...19742481176
cancer risk among children of atomic bomb survivors. a review of rerf epidemiologic studies. radiation effects research foundation.this article summarizes recent epidemiologic studies of cancer risk among the children of atomic bomb survivors conducted at the radiation effects research foundation. these children include two groups: (1) the in utero-exposed children (ie, those born to mothers who had been pregnant at the time of the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki) and (2) the f1 population, which was conceived after the atomic-bombings and born to parents of whom one or both were atomic bomb survivors. although from 1950 ...19742366299
vascular permeability factors (pf/nat and pf/dil)--their relationship to hageman factor and the kallikrein-kinin system. 1975235929
action of corticosteroids in regulation of prostaglandin biosynthesis in cultured fibroblasts.various vasoactive agents (e.g., thrombin and bradykinin) and serum stimulate arachidonate production and thus prostaglandin biosynthesis in cultured fibroblasts. treatment of 3t3 cells with the anti-inflammatory steroid, dexamethasone, inhibits this stimulation but has no inhibitory effect on the basal activity of phospholipase (or on prostaglandin content) in resting, confluent fibroblasts. in intact cells, the proportion of released arachidonic acid converted into prostaglandins is increased ...1975415306
myocardial localization of 99mtc-pyrophosphate without evidence of acute myocardial infarction.localization of 99mtc-pyrophosphate in the cardiac region during routine bone scanning for metastatic tumor is discussed in two cases. clinical information as well as electrocardiographic and serum enzyme studies did not reveal any evidence of acute myocardial injury. the cause of myocardial localization of the radiopharmaceutical is not clear in these cases.1976170382
role of 'detail person' is vital in well-run office. 1976274421
the use of aqueous space markers to determine the mechanism of interaction between phospholipid vesicles and cells.a method has recently been introduced that quantitates the extent of phospholipid vesicle-cell interactions by following the amount of a vesicle-entrapped water-soluble fluorescent probe, carboxyfluorescein (cf) that becomes cell associated (weinstein, j.n., yoshikami, s., henkart, p., blumenthal, r. and hagins, w.a. (1977) science 195, 489--492). we have characterized some of the properties of this probe in sonicated phospholipid vesicles. the cf undergoes a ph-dependent quenching as previously ...1976420835
[topographic peculiarities and radiography of the mandibular joint]. 1976291184
naproxen nephrotoxicity. 1976420591
southwest arthritis center. 1976420587
doctors, physiotherapists, and placebo pharmacology. 1977421107
facilities for prenatal diagnosis. 1977421106
primary nursing won't work...unless the head nurse lets it. 1977242595
fibrous histiocytoma of the corneoscleral limbus.a 21-year-old white woman had an apparently benign fibrous histiocytoma at the corneoscleral limbus. by histopathologic and ultrastructural studies, the tumor consisted of lipid-containing histiocytes and fibrocytic cells arranged in a storiform configuration with a collagenous interstitium. after an excision, the lesion gradually decreased in size and did not recur in a five-month follow-up period.1977170830
[variations in middle-ear producen during a mask-ventilation (author's transl)].in 30 patients ageing from 19-60 years dueing forced mask-ventilation, the pressures present in the epipharynx and the middle ear were measured. in 12 patients results raising pressure of the middle ear which has a corresponding level in the epipharynx accompanied by a time delay. it was possible to measure peaks in pressure of 100 cm h2o which however, by increased forced ventilation could produce higher results. disturbances of the movable structures of the middle ear, due to increased forced ...1977274605
different susceptibility of dna and rna to cleavage by metal ions. 1977235098
triage in the management of emergency patients. 1978275338
the qualities of good nursing administrators (nursing leaders). 1978243075
the effect of diet on the development of atheroma and ischaemic heart disease with particular reference to fats. 1978243074
survival--through consumer demand? 1978243013
consumer health education steps in planning and developing a hospital based program. 1978242994
alcoholism: visiting all-important. 1978242981
peripheral red blood cell survival invariance during pefloxacin treatment in subjects with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase order to evaluate the possible damaging effect of pefloxacin on erythrocytes in subjects with g-6-pd deficiency, a trial on red-cell survival was carried out using a 51cr-labelled peripheral red blood cell technique. eight men, aged 52 to 64 years, with osteoarthrosis and g-6-pd deficiency (mediterranean type) were treated with 800 mg/day pefloxacin. pefloxacin did not modify red cell survival in the subjects under study. in all subjects erythrocyte gsh levels were investigated in baseline co ...19782130006
[evaluation of aortic regurgitation with radioisotopes]. 1978352221
animal models of emphysema. 1978352207
a surgical view of stable angina pectoris. 1979273289
revising the or record. 1979243388
[visual defects and strabismus]. 1979243269
vso (voluntary service overseas) nurse faces the challenge of africa. 1979243235
[dental disorders in anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia]. 1979272997
[the resected root apex and the filled root canal under scanning electron microscopy]. 1979272960
efficacy of saliva and a copal resin varnish in reducing mercury vapor emission from amalgam restorations. 1980291698
[periodontal surgery of multirooted teeth]. 1980291633
the dental assistant's role in patient relationships. 1980273520
surface marker analysis and flow cytometric studies of acute nonlymphocytic leukemias in children and young adults. 1980291503
simultaneous presentation of acute myelomonocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma.a patient with acute myelomonocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma occurring simultaneously prior to initiation of chemotherapy is described. possible mechanisms for this occurrence are discussed.1980273468
[differential diagnosis of hypertension in 390 cases (author's transl)]. 1980550972
responses of plants to saline environments. 1980550858
[comment on the review of the nursing encyclopedia]. 1981243904
[organic neuroses and hypochondriasis]. 1981243902
resorption of the zygomatic arch after elevation of a depressed fracture and subsequent osteomyelitis: report of case.a case of osteomyelitis of the zygomatic arch with complete resorption has been presented. the cause of osteomyelitis of the facial bones was discussed. infection of the soft tissue after intraoral elevation of fractured zygomas does occur, but rarely leads to osteomyelitis and subsequent bony resorption of the underlying bone. antibiotics have reduced the incidence of osteomyelitic infections in the past 20 years; however, a vigorous regimen of preoperative and postoperative attention to asepti ...1982272456
lists of products evaluated by the council on dental materials and devices and the council on dental therapeutics. 1982272419
[surgical management of rectal neoplasms]. 1982220439
an application language for psychophysiological experimentation. abs: an application language for psychophysiological experimentation. ibm 1130 (8k). 1982242033
[rim--depth--detector and the consideration of the functional spectrum of the muscles of the mouth floor and tongue (ii)]. 1982347490
[surgical treatment of hemangiomas in the facial- and mouth-cavity region]. 1982272320
neurobiology of stomotoca. ii. pacemakers and conduction pathways.evidence is presented for separate conduction pathways for swimming and for tentacle coordination in the marginal nerves of the jellyfish stomotoca. the effector muscles are fired through junctions sensitive to excess mg++, probably represented by the neuromuscular synapses observed by electron microscopy. the swimming effector (striated muscle) fires one-to-one with nerve input signals and myoid conduction occurs. tentacle responses (smooth muscle contractions) involve facilitation, presumably ...1982241778
[the application of interference contrast microscopy in biology (author's transl)].like phase contrast, nomarski interference contrast microscopy can be used to examine unstained specimens in biology and medicine. the properties of both contrast enhancement techniques are illustrated by various examples. the phase contrast method is especially suited for thin specimens with small differences in refractive index, whereas the interference contrast method supplies good results even of thick specimens. interference contrast is a valuable supplement to the phase contrast method, an ...1983239302
[drug information. agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (antidiabetics). therapeutic main group: oral antidiabetics. 2. sulfonylurea compounds]. 1983242387
webb-johnson lecture, 1978. the marches of dentistry. 1983348009
the absence of structural relationship between mitochondrial and mitochondrial and cytoplasmic leucyl-trna synthetases from tetrahymena pyriformis. 1983242273
[the incidence of caries in juvenile diabetics]. 1984271437
[problems perceived as priorities for patients in peritoneal dialysis]. 1984261434
adverse reactions to drugs: a 12-month hospital survey.a formalised system of adverse drug reaction (adr) reporting was instituted at the royal adelaide hospital in august 1975. the present report reviews the results obtained from this system after a 12-month period of operation. a significant number of reports associated with the use of antibiotics and radiographic contrast media were received. the importance of "feed-back" of adr information to prescribers is emphasised.1984270988
[a challenge: the profession and the dental students]. 1985268548
preparation areas resisting displacement of artificial crowns.the areas of luting cement resisting rotation of artificial full crowns subjected to non-axial forces were calculated for varying values of preparation diameter, height, and convergence angle. the calculations were performed for regular conical and pyramidal preparations. the results showed that the resisting areas are larger in pyramidal than in conical preparations. increasing the convergence angle resulted in an almost linear reduction in resisting area. the reduction was particularly pronoun ...1985268415
[present situation and outlook of the campaign for abolition of practical nurse system--asking some questions of omori, president of the japanese nursing association]. 1985261186
[the role of physiotherapy in recovery of patients with traumatic disorders of the peripheral nervous system]. 1986212863
the average rcbf pattern of resting consciousness studied with a new colour display system. 1986268800
delayed onset of secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. 1987204179
[albrecht graefe (on the 150th anniversary of his birth)]. 1988358049
platelet adhesiveness in cerebrovascular diseases. 1988266564
preretirement health planning. 1988259398
the professional objectives of canadian dental from a 1971 national study of canadian dental education are used as a basis for examining the relative importance which dental students and faculty place on the professional objectives of economic gain and service. students (n = 1,247) were asked to rank a set of career attributes in terms of their importance both for themselves and for other students. dental school faculty (n = 510) were asked to assess whether students under emphasized or overemphasized a group of 16 parallel objectives. ...1989267133
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