
[racemization during peptide synthesis]. 20164881545
[splenic cysts in childhood. presentation of 4 cases and review of the literature]. 20103041316
[dynamics of sexuality and sex customs]. 20113173040
[acquired aortic coarctation. study of a case secondary to an unspecific aortitis]. 2004441490
different effects of the ionophore a-23187 and d-glucose on 45ca2+ fluxes in isolated islets of ob/ob-mice.fluxes of 45ca2+ were studied in beta-cell rich islets of non-inbred ob/ob-mice, using lacl3 to wash out extra-cellular and superficially bound 45ca2+. the ionophore a-23187 (10 microm) increased the 45ca2+ uptake in islets both at 3 and 20 mm d-glucose, the effect being more pronounced after 10 min than after 120 min of incubation. in incubations for 120 min, 20 mm d-glucose induced a higher uptake of 45ca2+ than did a-23187. the ionophore enhanced the unidirectional efflux of 45ca2+ from prelo ...1986362823
[choledochoplasty in the treatment of cholelithiasis]. 2004516291
the measurement of radiant temperature in neonatal thermal environments.heat exchange through radiation is recognized as the dominant mode of heat transfer for an infant nursed in an incubator or warmer. a radiometer was constructed to measure the planar radiant temperature experienced by the infant. two heat-flow sensors of different emissivities were mounted onto a heat sink such that one measured principally convective heat exchange while the other measured convective and radiant heat exchange. the radiant heat exchange was obtained from the difference between th ...20061393209
interventional radiology in appendicular skeletal trauma.embolotherapy for extremity vascular injuries is a relatively new, effective, and safe treatment modality in selected patients. the resultant hemostasis decreases the morbidity or even mortality that can result from uncontrolled hemorrhage. in addition, surgery may be postponed until the patient is stabilized, or avoided altogether. prompt diagnosis of vascular injury and embolization when indicated also contributes to the proper management of associated osseous and soft tissue injuries.20123671712
homogeneous immunoglobulins in the serum of irradiated and bone marrow reconstituted mice: the role of thymus and spleen.the influence of thymectomy and splenectomy on the frequency and class distribution of homogeneous immunoglobulins (h-ig) in serum was studied in lethally irradiated (dba/2 x c57bl/rij)f1 mice reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow. during four follow-up periods in the first 9 months after transplantation, the sham-operated controls and splenectomized animals developed transient h-ig in an average frequency of 14.2 and 15.7% respectively. there were no marked differences in the incidence of h- ...2004387578
[enterostoma therapy--a pilot course in the essen education center of the german nursing association]. 20113127632
metabolism of 1-naphthol by tyrosinase.1-naphthol was metabolized by the polyphenol oxidase, tyrosinase, primarily to 1,2-naphthoquinone and to small amounts of 1,4-naphthoquinone as well as to covalently bound products. the inhibition of covalent binding by ethylenediamine, which reacts specifically with 1,2-naphthoquinone but not 1,4-naphthoquinone, suggested that most of the covalent binding was due to 1,2-naphthoquinone or a metabolite of similar structure. the activation by tyrosinase of 1-naphthol to covalently bound products s ...20143929786
evaluating the optometric literature: the educated clinician.the purpose of this article is to present a framework for reader evaluation of optometric literature. the elements of a research article are outlined. suggestions are presented that clinicians can use to develop competence in evaluating research literature. also presented is an annotated bibliography of research references. better patient care and increased professional growth will result when clinicians evaluate and make use of the research literature.20082703662
evaluating the optometric literature: the educated clinician.the purpose of this article is to present a framework for reader evaluation of optometric literature. the elements of a research article are outlined. suggestions are presented that clinicians can use to develop competence in evaluating research literature. also presented is an annotated bibliography of research references. better patient care and increased professional growth will result when clinicians evaluate and make use of the research literature.20082703662
nutrition and brain function: trace elements. 20102856557
scalp cooling by cold air for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced alopecia.a new system is described for cooling the scalp with cold air in order to prevent chemotherapy-induced alopecia. compressed air was cooled by means of a vortex tube built into a hair-drier cap. this system reduced the blood flow in the scalp to 35%, the surface temperature to 14.2 degrees c and the intradermal temperature at hair follicle level to 29.2 degrees c. the low temperature could be kept constant for at least one hour of cooling. by means of comparison, with cryogel packs the lowest epi ...20072074916
letter: brain-levels of monoamine oxidase in depression. 20144136104
[determination of anionic surface-active substances in the blood serum by a colorimetric method]. 20143957060
[total ligation of the esophagus by murphy's button. hemmorrhages caused by esophageal varices in portal hypertension. apropos of 34 cases]. 20154549250
observations on pulmonary function testing and blood-gas analysis in children. 20154503927
kinetic investigation of unfolding and partial refolding of a crab satellite (da-dt)n.crab (da-dt)n was isolated from the testes of cancer borealis by a procedure involving separation of dna and segregation of the satellite fraction by hg2+ binding/cs2so4 density gradient ultracentrifugation. the titration of crab (da-dt)n samples at 10 degrees indicated a sharp absorbance change at ph 11.98 in agreement with the phm value observed for synthetic poly(da-dt) under identical conditions. the reversal of the titration, however, resulted only in about 50% recovery of the original abso ...1984240385
can the family physician avoid conflict of interest in the gatekeeper role? an affirmative view. 20002723596
isolated duodenal tamponade for treatment of bleeding duodenal ulcer. 20102895833
a pedigree of leber's congenital amaurosis.a pedigree of leber's congenital amaurosis compatible with autosomal recessive trait is reported. two male infants from consanguineous parents had remarkable visual loss within the first year of life, with sluggish pupillary responses, poor fixations, minimal eyeground changes and absent electroretinograms on presentations at the ages of four or 14 months. follow-up studies revealed definite progressions of eyeground abnormalities consisting of attenuated retinal arterioles, pepper- and salt-lik ...20123405591
a light and electron microscopic study of the epithelium of the extrapulmonary airways of mauremys caspica and lacerta lepida (reptilia).the epithelium of the extrapulmonary airways of a chelonia (mauremys caspica) and a squamata (lacerta lepida) was investigated by means of conventional light and transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, histochemistry and immunocytochemistry. the epithelium of mauremys caspica is composed of basal, ciliated, endocrine and mucous cells. serotonin-immunoreactivity was detected in the endocrine cells. mucous cells were found to contain either sialo-mucins or both sialo- and s ...20123370620
the role of the paediatric endoscopist.the role of the paediatric endoscopist has been a changing one. when i first commenced at the royal alexandra hospital for children in sydney 25 years ago, paediatric endoscopy of the upper respiratory tract and oesophagus was a limited and poorly defined field. most endoscopic examinations were requested, often reluctantly, by a paediatrician in the investigation of stridor. in fact my first consultation involved instructions to perform a laryngoscopy, but not a bronchoscopy and general anaesth ...20133805880
[new studies on a relationship between hemoglobins and rhesus factors in africans]. 20144308643
[new studies on a relationship between hemoglobins and rhesus factors in africans]. 20144308643
reflectivity, internality, and animistic thinking. 20144143831
[certain peculiarities in the phenomenology and therapy of jaw osteomyelitis]. 1983272810
effects of blocked versus random practice by mentally retarded subjects on learning a novel skill.the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of different practice conditions on mentally retarded subjects learning a novel task. 20 subjects with a mean iq of 51.82 were randomly assigned to one of two practice conditions. the first group practiced at three different speeds (60, 30, and 15 rpm) on the pursuit rotor using a block arrangement in which each speed was practiced for five consecutive trials of 20 sec. duration before practicing at the next speed. the second group used random ...20102812988
effects of blocked versus random practice by mentally retarded subjects on learning a novel skill.the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of different practice conditions on mentally retarded subjects learning a novel task. 20 subjects with a mean iq of 51.82 were randomly assigned to one of two practice conditions. the first group practiced at three different speeds (60, 30, and 15 rpm) on the pursuit rotor using a block arrangement in which each speed was practiced for five consecutive trials of 20 sec. duration before practicing at the next speed. the second group used random ...20102812988
physical and psychological sequelae to torture. a controlled clinical study of exiled asylum applicants.the study comprised 24 male lebanese refugees living in denmark. twelve of them alleged having been tortured in lebanon during the period 1981-85. the remaining twelve had neither been imprisoned nor tortured and thus acted as control persons. all the testimonies were found to be valid according to a method previously used by the author. the most common forms of torture were blows against the head, body and foot soles, suspension and asphyxiation. threats and solitary confinement were frequent, ...20113209147
[in vitro fertilization in reduced male fertility]. 20134029742
[factors determining the severity of traumatic lesions of the popliteal artery]. 20134073583
[double electron-nuclear resonance of free radicals in gamma-irradiated glycine single crystals]. 20164701432
utilization of the intestine in surgery for major urological complications following gynaecological cancer. 20144119642
[the activity of factor xiii in plasma of children with acute leucaemia (author's transl)]. 20154518176
prevention and therapy of serous otitis media by oral decongestant: a double-blind study in pediatric practice.we studied the efficacy of (1) preventing the development of serous otitis media (som) by using an oral decongestant in children with acute otitis media and (2) treating som with an oral decongestant. in a randomized double-blind study, 190 children were treated for acute otitis media with antibiotics and either pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (sudafed) or placebo. they were evaluated two weeks later by tympanometry and (independently) by clinical evaluation and pneumotoscopy. there were no signif ...1981351537
primary nursing: one nurse--one client planning care together. 1981243765
validity of family informants' ratings of psychiatric patients: general validity. 1982242027
[inhibition of premature uterine contractions].various drugs used to stop premature uterine contractions are discussed in the paper. particular attention is paid to beta-mimetic drugs. the results of ming partusisten, one of beta-mimetic drugs, is presented on the material of 104 patients with threatening immature and premature labour. partusisten was administered in the form of intravenous drip infusion or tablets. during treatment monitoring of the uterine contractility and of foetal heart rate took place. inhibition of the uterine contrac ...1984263521
the ada conference on increasing access to dental care. a report. 1985268525
[provisional crowns and bridges]. 19973250891
staging of myeloma. a preliminary study of staging factors and treatment in different stages.attempts were made to find prognostic factors in myeloma. in 16 deceased patients, urinary light chains, skeletal lesions, and the quantity of the monoclonal protein fraction in the serum were correlated to prognosis, in contrast to the electrophoretic mobility of the monoclonal fraction, the hemoglobin, the serum creatinine value, the serum calcium, or the intestinal calcium absorption. skeletal calcium uptake was only numerically higher in mild myeloma than in advanced myeloma. since these fin ...1998106448
[role of axoplasmc transport in the pathogenesis of cottony exudates]. 199991450
two effects of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on limulus ventral photoreceptors. 199991407
[treatment of allergic non-seasonal rhinitis with intal]. 199991152
the bulletin turns forty. 2003150055
[a rapid method for the determination of urinary pregnandiol using sephadex lh-20 chromatography]. 2004520858
t.n.m. classification for urological tumours (u.i.c.c.) - 1974. 20051169085
new heparin-like insoluble materials: part ii. 2005549503
a role of carbohydrate-carbohydrate interaction in the process of specific cell recognition during embryogenesis and organogenesis: a preliminary note.a possible role of cell surface glycoconjugates in cell recognition has been envisioned based on recognition of carbohydrates by cell surface proteins such as endogenous lectins, glycosyltransferases, and hydrolases (refs. 18-22 in text). a new possibility that a specific carbohydrate at the cell surface could be recognized by the same or similar carbohydrate on the counterpart cell surface is now suggested by specific interaction between lex and lex, but not between lex and sialylated or non-su ...20062563943
antimicrobial prophylaxis for fractured base of skull in children.the details are reviewed of 50 children who were treated over a 10-year period with clinical signs of fractured base of skull. two patients died early without signs of sepsis--due to the severity of their head injuries. of the remainder, 23 received antibiotic prophylaxis and 25 did not. one patient from each of these groups developed pneumococcal meningitis, and they were successfully treated. our results correlate well with those previously published, confirming the low incidence of infective ...20061393186
accessory adrenal: an incidental finding during orchiopexy. 20062870456
accessory adrenal: an incidental finding during orchiopexy. 20062870456
[diagnosis and surgical treatment of traumatic damage to the sinus of valsalva following penetrating wounds of the heart].the authors had three patients with traumatic damage of the sinus of valsalva, caused by penetrating injury of the thorax inflicted with a knife. the patients were brought to the clinic in a grave condition with decompensation of systemic and pulmonary circulation. the anomaly called for emergency surgical correction under conditions of extracorporeal circulation. the diagnosis was based on the complaints, medical history, clinical picture, the results of functional methods of examination includ ...20072223226
[diagnosis and surgical treatment of traumatic damage to the sinus of valsalva following penetrating wounds of the heart].the authors had three patients with traumatic damage of the sinus of valsalva, caused by penetrating injury of the thorax inflicted with a knife. the patients were brought to the clinic in a grave condition with decompensation of systemic and pulmonary circulation. the anomaly called for emergency surgical correction under conditions of extracorporeal circulation. the diagnosis was based on the complaints, medical history, clinical picture, the results of functional methods of examination includ ...20072223226
[a congenital esophagotracheal fistula in an adult]. 20072223222
[a congenital esophagotracheal fistula in an adult]. 20072223222
[a juvenile form of osteochondrosis]. 20072074966
occult rupture of spleen. 20071800517
solving problems: down the yellow brick road. 20082600651
effect of psoralens and ultraviolet radiation on murine dendritic epidermal cells.monofunctional psoralens produce less phototoxicity than bifunctional psoralens after ultraviolet a (uva) irradiation. we investigated the effect of repetitive treatments with angelicin (isopsoralen), a monofunctional psoralen, plus uva radiation (ipuva) on the number and morphology of dendritic epidermal cells (dec). this effect was compared with that of 8-methoxypsoralen plus uva radiation (puva), uva alone, and uvb radiation. c3h/hen mice were treated topically with the drugs three times/wk f ...20082565931
ovarian suppression induced with buserelin or danazol in the management of endometriosis: a randomized, comparative study.the effectiveness of buserelin (hoechst-roussel pharmaceuticals, inc., somerville, nj) (0.2 mg subcutaneously [sc] or 1.2 mg intranasally [in] per day) and danazol (800 mg per day) in inducing ovarian suppression for the management of endometriosis was compared in a prospective randomized study. during 6 months of treatment, peripheral follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh), luteinizing hormone (lh), and estradiol concentrations were suppressed to a similar degree in both groups. symptomatic improve ...20082493400
protocol for rapid chemical rna sequencing. 20082443900
predictive value of a short dietary questionnaire for changes in serum lipids in high-risk utah families.dietary questionnaires and serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein (hdl) cholesterol determinations were completed for 1239 subjects aged greater than or equal to 20 at each of two separate screenings. the mean time between screenings was 2.5 y. after correcting for potential confounding variables, reduction of a measure of dietary cholesterol and saturated fatty acids assessed by two simple questions was a significant independent predictor of reduction in total cholestero ...20092756916
low nanogram detection of nucleotides using fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry.the effect of trimethylsilyl (tms) derivatization on detection limits of mononucleotides in fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry (fab-ms) was examined. fab-ms methods were developed to optimize sensitivity using adenosine 5'-monophosphate as a model compound and then applied to reference standards of two clinically important nucleotides: tricyclic nucleoside-5'-monophosphate (tcnmp) and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate (fdump). the detection limit for the tms derivative of tcnmp was ...20092729562
evaluation of tenoxicam in rheumatology--clinical trial results in argentina and brazil.the therapeutic activity of tenoxicam, a thienothiazine derivative with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, has been studied by 15 investigators in argentina and brazil. twenty-nine clinical trials were performed in a total of 747 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (270), cox- and gonarthrosis (190), extra-articular inflammation (250) and acute gout (37). out of the patients studied, 507 received tenoxicam and 240 were given comparative preparations. in 76% of the patients 20 m ...20113329108
evaluation of tenoxicam in rheumatology--clinical trial results in argentina and brazil.the therapeutic activity of tenoxicam, a thienothiazine derivative with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, has been studied by 15 investigators in argentina and brazil. twenty-nine clinical trials were performed in a total of 747 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (270), cox- and gonarthrosis (190), extra-articular inflammation (250) and acute gout (37). out of the patients studied, 507 received tenoxicam and 240 were given comparative preparations. in 76% of the patients 20 m ...20113329108
ferriprotoporphyrin ix mediated oxygen activation/insertion reactions: the anerobic reduction of the aniline-fe3+-microperoxidase-8 complex by nadh.a spectrophotometric study of the reduction of the fe3+ microperoxidase-8-aniline (fe3+-mp-8-an) complex has been carried out. addition of nadh to a solution of fe3+-mp-8-an under strictly anerobic conditions results in the formation of a species with lambda max = 414 nm (fe3+-mp-8-an lambda max 407 nm). the kinetics of formation of this species show an induction period (tau) which follows saturation kinetics with respect to [aniline] with km(app) = 2.2 x 10(-3) mol dm-3, i.e., close to that obt ...20113236002
[accidental inversion of the gastroscope in the esophagus]. 20113197612
hypopigmented mycosis fungoides. speculations about the mechanism of hypopigmentation.hypopigmented, nonatrophic macules are an unusual manifestation of lesions of early mycosis fungoides. presented herein is a patient with such lesions and an unusual mask-like hypopigmentation of the face. we review both the clinical and microscopic findings in this patient and in previously reported patients with hypopigmented lesions of mycosis fungoides. finally, speculation is made as to the mechanisms of the hypopigmentation.20113766921
[protein engineering and bioelectronics]. 20123546782
testicular metastasis from carcinoma of the 1 out of 56 patients, orchiectomized in the course of treatment for prostatic carcinoma, metastatic growth in the testis was found. this uncommon metastatic spread is a sign of advanced disease.20123590410
testicular metastasis from carcinoma of the 1 out of 56 patients, orchiectomized in the course of treatment for prostatic carcinoma, metastatic growth in the testis was found. this uncommon metastatic spread is a sign of advanced disease.20123590410
paroxysmal myoclonic dystonia with vocalisations: new entity or variant of preexisting syndromes?from among 1377 patients with movement disorders, four patients had an unusual movement disorder characterised by paroxysmal bursts of involuntary, regular, repetitive, rhythmic, bilateral, coordinated, simultaneous, stereotypic myoclonus and vocalisations, often associated with tonic symptoms, interference with voluntary functioning, presence of hyperactivity, attention and learning disabilities, and resistance to treatment with haloperidol and other drugs. this symptom complex may represent a ...20123457101
better clinical diagnosis of contraction of the transverse brim. 20124825881
impact of dosage regimens on the efficacy of antibiotics in the immunocompromised host. 20123360680
prograde versus retrograde endoscopic laser therapy for the treatment of malignant esophageal obstruction: a comparison of techniques.the prograde and retrograde approaches to the treatment of malignant esophageal obstruction with the nd:yag, or neodymium: yttrium, aluminum, garnet, laser are compared. with the prograde technique, tumor destruction proceeds from the proximal to the distal tumor margin. in retrograde treatment, the endoscope is passed to the distal tumor margin so that the treatment can proceed in the reverse direction, thereby completing therapy in a single treatment session. this is usually accomplished by pa ...20123393057
biographical sketches--87. b.a. houssay. 20123298140
alcohol-related symptoms. 20133877581
vasodilator drugs in patients with chronic ischaemic heart failure.the effects of intravenous nitroglycerin (ntg), trimetaphan (tmp), and phentolamine (ptl) on pulmonary artery diastolic pressure (padp), systemic arterial pressure (sap), cardiac index (ci) and systemic vascular resistance (svr) in patients (12 in each treated group) with chronic ischaemic heart failure are analyzed. each group was divided into two subgroups according to the initial padp taking into account the mean value in the whole group. a significant decrease in padp (by 40%; p less than 0. ...20133935374
[the significance of abnormal qrs amplitudes in the electrocardiogram]. 20134222444
mri: applications in soft tissue anatomy. 20133739418
measurement of sebum output using a lipid absorbent tape.a sebum absorbent tape is introduced as a reproducible and convenient method for estimation of sebaceous gland output. we have tested the reproducibility of this method by serial measurements of sebum excretion rates (ser) of 10 individuals over a 6-week period, and in addition we have correlated this method with the conventional hexane extraction technique. the sebum absorbent tapes gave consistent values for the sers, and within subjects variation over the 6-week period was statistically nonsi ...20133734473
[effect of irradiation on the size of isolated liver mitochondria].the role of external effects in the time course of changes in hepatocyte mitochondria size was studied. suspensions of mitochondria isolated from the liver of inbred mice were investigated at various periods after gamma irradiation. statistical analysis of changes in the size of isolated mitochondria has shown that irradiation leads to an increase in mitochondria size, reflected in the distribution pattern. the changes may be related to the functional activity, and distribution shifts may be reg ...20133697486
long term effect of gynecologic age on somatic growth of children.a sample of new orleans black primiparous women under 25 years of age, participants in the national collaborative perinatal study, and their singleton children were studied to determine the relationship of maternal gestational age (gea), gynecologic age (gya) and size for gea (s/gea) on the child's growth over seven years observation. early childbearers (less than 4 years gya) had a somewhat higher proportion of preterm births than the late group (greater than or equal to 4 yrs gya). a repeated ...20133624531
[sketches on the history of the training of paramedical personnel in russia]. 20133553835
free radicals of biological interest. ii. electron spin resonance (esr) spectra of 2537 a irradiated amino acids. 20144295529
free radicals of biological interest. ii. electron spin resonance (esr) spectra of 2537 a irradiated amino acids. 20144295529
[ultrastructural characteristics of lamellar exfoliation of the newborn. report of 2 cases]. 20144615293
the value of unionization to faculty. 20144492430
the value of unionization to faculty. 20144492430
simplified methods for automated ion-exchange separation of peptides and accelerated manual edman degradations. 20144202981
the prevention of dental caries by mouthrinsing with solutions of neutral sodium fluoride. 20144149260
control of diesel exhaust odors. 20144138799
malignant epidermal tumours. 20144019861
lice & scabies control. 20143957613
effect of ocular compression on intraocular pressure.a prospective double-blind controlled study was undertaken to determine the effects of different compression times applied to soften the eye on normal subjects. application of the honan intraocular pressure reducer (hipr) produced a significantly (p less than 0.02) greater decrease in intraocular pressure when applied for 40 minutes (14.3 mmhg sd = 1.7) when compared to a five-minute application (8.8 mmhg sd = 1.7). no untoward effects were noted in these patients. physiologic effects of externa ...20144058845
[caucasian period of the activity of v. s. bobrovskiÄ­ (on the 100th anniversary of his birth)]. 20154592872
Displaying items 4601 - 4700 of 6009