
pathophysiology of low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein glucosylation. 20143911060
[application of microassay to laboratory medicine--immunoassay in laboratory tests]. 20143903286
auditory thresholds in schizophrenics versus normal controls. 20144064638
carbocyanine dye metachromasia of sialidase-sensitive polyanions in sera from normal and tumor-bearing mice. 20144138668
values and structure in the german health care systems. 20143911098
[pacemaker implantation in infants and children for atrioventricular block]. 20143819491
[calcium oxalate calculi]. 20154685992
censusing small mammals by trapping them in trenches. 20154668831
radiation dose to humans from 75 se-l-selenomethionine. 20154622232
[serial hemocultures with warren's medium in patients with positive machado-guerreiro reaction]. 20154624192
[histologic contributions on the endocrine pancreas of ichthyophis glutinosus (l.) (gymnophione batrachian)]. 20154905264
[60th birthday of wolf-dietrich eichler]. 20154601674
nonspecificity of st-t changes. 20154611611
[estimation of work ability in rheumatic patients]. 20154545949
minnesota's first homeopath: william h. leonard, m.d. 20154591817
influence of binding on drug metabolism and distribution. 20154588440
a solution exchanger to aid in cryopreservation. 20154708633
a solution exchanger to aid in cryopreservation. 20154708633
effect of aminoglutethimide on adrenal cholesterol in patients with cushing's syndrome. 20154543647
[enzymatic thin layer chromatography for the identification of some organophosphorous pesticides]. 20154446338
[a glance at nursing services in cuba]. 20154491315
immobilon in the otter. 20154450432
absorption of 5.47 mev alpha particles by membrane filter material. 20154436056
[characteristics of the course of acute renal insufficiency in urologic disease]. 20154468554
genetic and environmental factor in the pathogenesis of motor neuron disease; (1) identification of the index cases. 20154476822
kinetic studies of glutamate dehydrogenase with glutamate and norvaline as substrates. coenzyme activation and negative homotropic interactions in allosteric enzymes.1. kinetic studies of glutamate dehydrogenase were made with wide concentration ranges of the coenzymes nad(+) and nadp(+) and the substrates glutamate and norvaline. initial-rate parameters were evaluated. 2. deviations from michaelis-menten behaviour towards higher activity were observed with increasing concentrations of either coenzyme with glutamate as substrate, but not with norvaline as substrate. 3. in phosphate buffer, ph7.0, lineweaver-burk plots with either coenzyme as variable and a c ...20154391040
[cranial trauma in otosclerotic patients. (clinical and medico-legal considerations: 5 personal cases)]. 20154387542
cosmetic covers for lower-limb prostheses. 20154462925
medical care utilization in an experimental prepaid group practice. 20154456736
evaluation of the endoscopic pancreatogram. 20154425005
cyanide-insensitive respiration. i. the steady states of skunk cabbage spadix and bean hypocotyl mitochondria. 20154349864
cytologic and histologic aspects of toxically induced liver reactions. 20154774698
[differences in metric characteristics between partners of longitudinally studied pairs of twins during growth]. 20154478732
[pharmacologic tests for evaluation of the state of the pulmonary vessels in patients with congenital heart defects and severe pulmonary hypertension]. 20164999544
[primary and secondary risk factors]. 20165072449
no excuse for rh failure. 20164981721
[prof. fernando marcolongo]. 20164946861
policy decisions facing the united states in financing and organizing health care. 20164958246
an adventure in articulators. the aderer stimulator. 20164933562
[effects of alcohol on the liver]. 20164922062
[pathophysiologic foundation in clinical enzyme diagnosis]. 20164913347
sixteen points concerning cadaver organ transplantation. 20164899775
[alcohol and psychiatric diseases]. 20164883778
thoracic duct lymph dialysis. 20164882570
occurrence of cis-5, cis-9-hexacosadienoic and cis-5, cis-9, cis-19-hexacosatrienoic acids in the marine sponge microciona prolifera. 20164855483
[diverticulum of the male urethra]. 20164989829
the development of a reproducible dialysis system for the investigation of protein binding. 20164845987
a controlled trial of débridement and ambulatory treatment in the management of tuberculosis of the spine in patients on standard chemotherapy. a study in bulawayo, rhodesia. 20164835932
isolation and characterization of a vinylic tricarboxyl porphyrin from bile. 20164836427
malaria--the insidious enemy. 20164956696
[differential treatment of parkinson's disease, with special reference to the possibility of iatrogenic disorders (author's transl)]. 20164836359
[10 years' studying of plant viruses at the institute of microbiology and virology of the ukrainian academy of sciences]. 20164899491
rhesus disease--a notable advance. 20164959496
levels of expectation and aspiration in the brain injured. 20164811922
plasma lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency in a child with terminal pulmonary hyaline membrane disease. 20164800877
platelet survival in patients with rheumatic heart disease. 20164811098
the jcah and quality assessment. 20164820305
[intracerebral space-occupying processes of a granulomatous nature]. 20164784357
[indications for and the outcome of pneumonectomy in the presence of destructive tuberculosis in the other lung]. 20164784039
[gentamicin nephropathy]. 20164773996
[pyelonephritis xanthogranulomatosa (description of 5 cases)]. 20164765928
the ileal knot. 20164773542
the public health '72: the story behind the statistics. 20164756364
[case of syndrome of the medial longitudinal fasciculus following head injury]. 20164796518
an experimental examination of transference. 20164751814
pteridine-requiring dihydroorotate hydroxylase from crithidia fasciculata. 20164731957
a method for the computation of age-dependent reference intervals. 20164761796
[isolated posterior intraventricular hemiblock]. 20164704428
[an occupational disease to be recognized as compensable: dermatitis caused by japan]. 20144265329
correlation of double-contrast high-density barium enema, colonoscopy, and histology in children with special attention to disparities.colonoscopic and double-contrast high-density barium enema (dcbe) findings were correlated in 68 patients (39 boys and 29 girls) aged 6 months to 18 years (mean 11.6 years) evaluated over a 24-month period. there was excellent correlation in 53 patients (78.0%) and good correlation in another 3 (4.4%) who had identical diagnoses and only slightly differing extent of disease reported. in 2 of these, dcbe showed more extensive disease, confirmed histologically in 1. distal colitis seen on colonosc ...20133725447
[mental deficiency]. 19951005559
the blood-brain barrier and response of c.n.s. metastases to chemotherapy.a case demonstrating a differential effect of chemotherapy on a pineal metastasis and parenchymal cerebral metastases is described. at presentation, extensive metastatic small cell carcinoma of the lung was present and ct scanning showed an apparently solitary metastasis in the pineal. the clinical course and serial ct scans showed significant improvement of the pineal tumor and simultaneous development of multiple intra-cerebral metastases. this case confirms that the pineal gland is excluded f ...20082547031
temporal synchronization in the primary auditory response in the pigeon.spike potentials were recorded from single fibres in the auditory nerve of the pigeon. in responses elicited by tonal stimuli, the timing of each spike relative to stimulus waveform was measured and period histograms were constructed. phase locking of spikes was estimated in terms of a synchronicity index obtained by vector addition within the period histogram. a second measure of synchrony in the spike responses was obtained, that of temporal dispersion. for a population of fibres, vector stren ...20082737971
temporal synchronization in the primary auditory response in the pigeon.spike potentials were recorded from single fibres in the auditory nerve of the pigeon. in responses elicited by tonal stimuli, the timing of each spike relative to stimulus waveform was measured and period histograms were constructed. phase locking of spikes was estimated in terms of a synchronicity index obtained by vector addition within the period histogram. a second measure of synchrony in the spike responses was obtained, that of temporal dispersion. for a population of fibres, vector stren ...20082737971
absconders from a rural health centre in papua new guinea. 20113245337
absconders from a rural health centre in papua new guinea. 20113245337
commonly adopted postures and their effect on the lumbar spine.the activity of the erector spinae muscles and the changes in lumbar curvature were measured in 11 subjects in a range of commonly adopted postures to see if there were any consistent trends. surface electrodes were used to measure back muscle activity and lumbar curvature was measured using electronic inclinometers. the results showed that many commonly adopted postures reduced the lumbar lordosis when compared with erect standing or sitting, even at the expense of increasing the back muscle ac ...20123406840
oncocytoma of kidney involved by multiple myeloma. report of a unusual combination of renal oncocytoma with multiple myeloma in a 69-year-old woman is reported. the possible hematogenous spread and/or direct extension of malignant plasma cells to the kidney tumor is discussed.20123387036
in vitro comparison of antiplatelet effects of beta-lactam penicillins.beta-lactam antibiotics have been shown to cause platelet dysfunction and bleeding in some patients. however, relative antiplatelet activity of various beta-lactams has remained controversial. results of clinical studies have been variable because of the presence of underlying disease in the study patients, in addition to inherent difficulties of in vivo experimentation such as individual variations of drug metabolism and drug kinetics. thus, we designed in vitro experiments to study the direct ...20133746096
effect, on serum lipid levels of omega-3 fatty acids, of ingesting fish-oil concentrate. 200192666
a further contribution to the study of the genus penicillium.a study of one hundred penicillium strains belonging to raper and thom's monoverticillate series was carried out. the data compiled led to the conclusion that there are no significant biochemical differences which would make possible an accurate separation of the strains belonging to the series.20133834278
meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials.a new type of research, termed meta-analysis, attempts to analyze and combine the results of previous reports. we found 86 meta-analyses of reports of randomized controlled trials in the english-language literature. we evaluated the quality of these meta-analyses, using a scoring method that considered 23 items in six major areas--study design, combinability, control of bias, statistical analysis, sensitivity analysis, and application of results. only 24 meta-analyses (28 percent) addressed all ...20133807986
hepatitis b vaccination in ramathibodi health personnel 1986-1987.hevac-b-pasteur 5 mcg, h-b-vax i 20 mcg, and engerix b 20 mcg, were given to 23, 34, 15 health personnel in ramathibodi hospital. the seroconversion rate for pasteur vaccine was 85 per cent compared to 95 per cent for the other two groups. adverse reactions were few and transient.20082527940
segregation analysis of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.we examined the inheritance of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (jme). we looked at both the trait of "epilepsy" and the trait of "epilepsy-plus-eeg abnormalities," since eeg abnormalities are frequently found in the clinically unaffected sibs of jme patients. we tested several modes of inheritance including the fully penetrant recessive and several two-locus models. we could reject all models tested (fully penetrant single-locus and two-locus models) when abnormal eegs were classified as "unaffected ...20103136050
possible role of insulin deficiency and growth hormone in severe retinopathy. 20102863521
renal masses. 20143968744
[q beta rna replicase]. 20154567707
the influence of type of tube and experience of the operator on performance of small bowel enema.seventy patients underwent small bowel enema (sbe) to assess the influence of experience of the radiologist on the ease of jejunal intubation and the adequacy of sbe using two types of tubes. comparing intubation time, intubation screening time, total screening time and total room time, we conclude that jejunal intubation is achieved easily, in a reasonable time with both types of tube, by all grades of radiologist, although the experienced operator using the silk tube achieved intubation in a s ...20092713604
impairment of modulating role of testosterone in growth hormone response to clonidine in essential investigate the effects of endogenous testosterone (t) on the responsiveness of plasma growth hormone (gh) to central alpha 2 adrenergic stimulation, we administered clonidine (0.15 mg, p.o.) to 16 male patients with essential hypertension (eht) and 13 age-matched male normotensive controls (nt). although the basal t level was correlated with the peak gh increment (r = 0.709, p less than 0.01) and with the area under curve of gh (r = 0.714, p less than 0.01) in the nt group, no such correlati ...20082612023
[clinical roentgenoanatomy of the cervical division of the spine and spinal cord of the newborn infant].the image of the cervical spine and spinal cord on pneumoencephalograms of 50 newborn babies with a birth craniocerebral trauma is analysed. the specific features of the normal structure of the vertebrae and vertebral canal of the newborn and the relations between the spinal cord, its meninges, and the bony walls of the vertebral canal are determined.20123591152
[clinical roentgenoanatomy of the cervical division of the spine and spinal cord of the newborn infant].the image of the cervical spine and spinal cord on pneumoencephalograms of 50 newborn babies with a birth craniocerebral trauma is analysed. the specific features of the normal structure of the vertebrae and vertebral canal of the newborn and the relations between the spinal cord, its meninges, and the bony walls of the vertebral canal are determined.20123591152
electrophysiological effects of mexiletine in patients of sinus node dysfunction and intraventricular conduction defects. 20123557516
electrophysiological effects of mexiletine in patients of sinus node dysfunction and intraventricular conduction defects. 20123557516
[conservative treatment of injuries of the liver]. 20143911104
secondary mania. 199984956
[placenta percreta: a danger in pregnancy].repeated massive bladder haemorrhages of a patient during the 22nd week of her third pregnancy was treated symptomatically for more than three weeks. the cause of the bleeding could not be found. only the knowledge of the clinical features of a placenta percreta led to the survival of the patient.20113234719
the autonomic nervous system and the peripheral circulation. 20164911050
[the significance of the determination of catecholamines and their metabolites in neuroblastomas].a method for the determination of catecholamines and their metabolites in the urine was established. the specimens were previously cleaned by ion exchangers and the components were separated by a 'reversed phase' ionic pair chromatography, determined by an electrochemical 'wall-jet'-detector. this method was applied in order to find a diagnostic marker in case of neuroblastoma diseases. in 85 per cent of the patients (n = 13) we stated an increased ejection of dopamine.20062095056
hypothermia and the action of neuromuscular blocking agents. 20123354819
[mechanisms of adaptation to physical exertion in patients with an expiratory obstructive syndrome]. 20144096445
Displaying items 4501 - 4600 of 6009