
possible interactions between zolpidem, a new sleep inducer and chlorpromazine, a phenothiazine neuroleptic.the combined use of a hypnotic and a neuroleptic is a rather frequent situation, encountered especially in the psychiatric sphere. we therefore tested zolpidem and chlorpromazine in six healthy subjects by using a double-blind latin square design. all of them received single doses of 20 mg zolpidem (zol), 50 mg chlorpromazine (cpz) and the combination of zol + cpz. the medication was given as a single dose in the morning and each treatment being separated by a 1-week interval. zolpidem produced ...20113147477
pseudoanaphylaxis: two case studies. 20113143943
lower oesophageal contractility as an indicator of brain death in paralysed and mechanically ventilated patients with head injury. 20113111608
[peyronie's disease: an objective review]. 20113070700
departmental divisions and the crisis in undergraduate medical education. 20113133048
the nature of time: implications for research on aging.contemporary research on aging gives little evidence of recognition of the underlying concepts of time. researchers have been much concerned with age as a variable but little with the explication of aging as a process. most authors do not define aging as they use the term or explain how time enters their causal explanations. in this article major concepts of time are reviewed and distinctions are made between physical, biological, psychological, and social time or age, which all might be classif ...20113076507
transfusion of bone marrow red cells during bone marrow harvests.large volumes of bone marrow may be required for certain types of autologous bone marrow transplants. the present study was done to determine whether red cells obtained during a bone marrow harvest would be useful in reducing homologous transfusion requirements. a group of patients receiving standard transfusion support during the harvest (group 1) was compared to a group that received processed bone marrow red cells (pbmrbc) (group 2). using the cobe 2991 cell processor, 90% of the harvested bo ...20113042443
[malignant lymphomas of various histological types in pike from the eastern portion of the baltic sea].malignant lymphomas have been found in pikes (esox lucius l.) caught in the eastern part of the baltic sea. the frequency of the disease has increased in recent years. three different histological types of malignant lymphoma are described in 32 pikes: poorly differentiated diffuse lymphocytic lymphoma, mixed (histiocytoid-lymphocytic) diffuse lymphoma and undifferentiated (anisomorphic) diffuse lymphoma.20113053150
[pharmacokinetics of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the elderly]. 20113067421
limitations in the use of 14c-glycocholate breath and stool bile acid determinations in patients with chronic diarrhea.analysis of a modified 14c-glycocholate breath test on 165 consecutive in-patients being investigated for chronic diarrhea showed that the measurement of 14co2 between 3 and 6 h after oral dosing of 5 microci of 14c-glycocholic acid was of only limited use to distinguish between patients with crohn's disease (cd), idiopathic bile salt wastage (ibw), or ileal resection (ir) from those with the irritable bowel syndrome (ibs). continuing 14co2 collections for up to 24 h was of little more help in e ...20113090133
psychochemistry in psychiatry. papers presented in memory of ole j. rafaelsen. 20113067535
[clinical pharmacology of converting enzyme inhibitors]. 20113375761
[determination of methylmethacrylate in expired gases after hip prosthesis cementing].total hip replacement using methylmethacrylate can induce early intraoperative hypoxaemia caused, according to some authors, by alveolar gas dilution by acrylic monomer vapour. in order to test this hypothesis, expired monomer was measured in ten patients undergoing total hip replacement carried out under narconeuroleptanalgesia. methylmethacrylate was collected by adsorption on activated charcoal and measured by gas chromatography. the quality of expired monomer was 25 +/- 10 micrograms after c ...20123729086
oral analgesia for treatment of painful crisis in sickle cell anemia.a therapeutic plan that emphasized oral narcotic analgesia was instituted for the treatment of painful crisis of sickle cell anemia. of the 100 adult sickle cell syndrome patients registered at north central bronx hospital, 15 were identified as using the emergency department facilities three or more times per year. this "frequent user" patient population was tracked in their hospital and drug usage patterns during the first full year of the oral protocol and compared to their own patterns durin ...20123729099
characterization of 5-methylchrysene-1,2-dihydrodiol-3,4-epoxide-dna adducts.products of reaction of the racemic anti bay region 1,2-dihydrodiol-3,4-epoxide of 5-methylchrysene with dna were identified by comparison with the products formed in reactions with individual nucleotides. the latter products, i.e. two deoxyguanosine adducts and four deoxyadenosine adducts, were characterized by various spectroscopic methods. in dna, in addition to the major deoxyguanosine adduct already identified by melikian et al. (cancer res., 44, 2524, 1984), we have now identified a second ...20123621468
[individual preventive examinations of school-age children accompanied by their parents]. 20123502955
malignant melanomas in the eur-african-malay population of south africa.malignant melanoma is common among the whites of south africa. in the black population, the tumor is much less frequent and occurs predominantly on the lower limb--particularly the sole of the foot. this study brings to light the anomalous situation that among the eur-african-malay population (those of mixed ancestry), malignant melanoma has probably the lowest incidence in the world.20123504109
eeg criteria of hypocalcaemia and hypercalcaemia. 20124103542
gilles de la tourette's syndrome and schizophrenia.a gilles de la tourette's syndrome (ts) patient is described who experienced a schizophrenic episode 11 years after ts onset. analogies and differences between the two syndromes are reviewed, leading to the conclusion that ts is a definite entity independent from schizophrenia, but that they share some common features of symptomatology and pathophysiology and have closely related anatomical lesions.20123457099
[clinical analysis of 334 aged psychiatric inpatients in the past 35 years]. 20123440409
[real possibilities in surgical dental preservation]. 20123866739
cervical lymph node metastases with occult primary.patients with cervical metastases from an unknown primary tumour present both diagnostic and therapeutic problems. twenty patients with a metastatic lesion in the neck, in whom the primary tumour was not found despite extensive, diagnostic procedures, were treated in the department of otolaryngology, linköping university hospital, during a 14-year period (1971-1984). since 1975 tonsillectomy has been performed regularly on the affected side as a part of the diagnostic procedure. eight patients w ...20123815873
[euthanasia]. 20123417189
[the use of the large saphenous vein in-situ in the treatment of ischemia of the leg and foot]. 20123406073
natural cooling of the brain during outdoor bicycling?tympanic membrane temperature (ttymp) and deep esophageal temperature (tes) were measured in 8 subjects during normal outdoor bicycling. metabolic rate (vo2) was determined by the douglas bag method. heart rate was sampled continuously. skin surface temperatures were measured at the forehead, chest and shoulder, and core temperatures in the deep esophagus and at the tympanic membrane using a radio telemetry system. for each outdoor experiment an indoor experiment in a climatic chamber, adjusted ...20123399365
medical numismatic notes. xvi. philemon holland, "the great translator". 20124604744
anterior and posterior marginal fracture-dislocations of the distal radius. an analysis of the results of treatment.anterior and posterior marginal fractures of the distal end of the radius associated with dislocation of the carpus are rare injuries. the results of 20 patients with 12 anterior and eight posterior marginal fracture-dislocations of the distal radius were reviewed. eleven patients had closed reduction and plaster cast immobilization, including three with external fixation, while nine patients required surgery and internal fixation. at a mean of 3.2 years, 40% were rated as excellent, 45% as good ...20123370873
[duodenal stenosis caused by a pyloric diaphragm]. 20123370728
sinus arrest associated with clonidine therapy.a 65-year-old male with diabetes, hypertension, and mild renal failure developed dizziness and syncope one week after starting clonidine 0.45 mg/day. a continuous ecg recording revealed sinus bradycardia, nodal rhythm, and multiple episodes of sinus arrest lasting up to 4.5 seconds. upon discontinuation of clonidine, serial continuous ecg recordings revealed gradual decrease in the number and duration of the sinus arrest episodes, until their complete disappearance shortly after the third day of ...20123349661
effects of adult and peer social initiations on the social behavior of withdrawn, maltreated preschool children. 20123346446
short-term reproductive prognosis when no cause can be found for recurrent miscarriage.the short-term reproductive prognosis of recurrent miscarriage for which no cause was found has been evaluated in 95 couples investigated between 1980 and 1986 at the first obstetric and gynaecological clinic of the university of milan. the actuarial overall 3-year livebirth delivery rate was 64%, increasing constantly with time. the reproductive success rate decreased with the number of previous miscarriages from 80% in women with two, to 60% with three and 46% with four or more miscarriages. n ...20123415931
smooth muscle tumours of the digestive tract: report of 160 cases.of 160 patients seen in the period 1951-84 with smooth muscle tumours of the digestive tract, 71 proved to have leiomyomas, 87 had leiomyosarcomas and 2 had leiomyoblastomas. tumour diameter was frequently greater in patients with leiomyosarcoma. the surgical mortality was 2.8 per cent after treatment of leiomyoma and 10.3 per cent after treatment of leiomyosarcoma. after resection of leiomyosarcoma the 2-year survival rate was 86 per cent and the 5-year survival rate was 43 per cent. the only h ...20123349313
prenatal sonographic depiction of intralobar pulmonary sequestration. 20123323551
mechanisms of peptide transport.this review touches on the development of the concept of transmembrane transport of peptides, which originated more than 100 years ago, and discusses present knowledge of the phenomenon, with special reference to intestinal absorption of peptides. it deals with (1) peptide transport in animal small intestine and its main features--active transport of di- and tripeptides into the absorptive cells, the question of sodium or proton dependence of peptide transport, the independence of peptide and am ...20123318803
[dental pathology (1): anomalies of development and evolution]. 20123318327
binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to polyadenylic acid.a number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons bind to the double-stranded, acid form of polyadenylic acid (poly a). model building shows that these hydrocarbons may intercalate in the helix, and be well protected from contact with the aqueous medium. hydrocarbons that are too large to be so protected are found not to bind. a size criterion for the binding of hydrocarbons to poly a therefore exists. this criterion differs from one that was previously found for dna. the size criteria for dna and po ...20124098724
management of behavioral symptoms in disturbed elderly patients: comparison of trifluoperazine and haloperidol.this double-blind trial compared the efficacy of trifluoperazine 1 mg b.i.d. and haloperidol 0.5 mg b.i.d. as initial doses in the treatment of behavioral symptoms associated with chronic brain syndromes and senile psychoses in 54 institutionalized elderly patients. forty-four of the patients were followed through the entire 6-week trial. improvement in symptoms as measured by clinical global impressions (cgi) scores was observed in 86% (n = 19) of those who received trifluoperazine and 90% (n = ...20123294815
base-varnish interactions around amalgam restorations: spectrophotometric and microscopic assessment of leakage. 20123862381
atomic absorption spectrometry of magnesium. 20123374388
contrasting mandibular growth and facial development in long face syndrome, juvenile rheumatoid polyarthritis, and mandibulofacial dysostosis.the complex rotation process of the mandible during growth is elucidated by longitudinal roentgencephalometric analyses, using metallic implants as fixed references. contrasting development of face and mandibular shape is described in three subjects. in the so-called long face syndrome, development is characterized by increasing inclination of the mandible during growth with only moderate remodeling. in the subjects with juvenile rheumatoid polyarthritis and mandibulofacial dysostosis, the incre ...20133877091
relation between nasal/voice accelerometric values and interval estimates of hypernasality.nasal/throat accelerometric ratios were obtained from 12 hypernasal and three normal children. the accelerometric voltages comprising the ratio were analogs of nasal and anterior-neck tissue vibrations. audio recordings, which were obtained simultaneously with the accelerometric voltages, were later judged for hypernasality using an equal-appearing-interval (eai) scale. high correlations were evident between accelerometric and eai values when a stimulus sentence contained obstruents, semivowels, ...20133863721
[hla antigens in the etiopathogenesis of pemphigus]. 20133858260
risk of arterial hypertension and characteristics of functional brain asymmetry in workers airlifted for short tours of duty. 20133837741
ophthalmological complications of cryptococcal meningitis.two patients with cryptococcal meningitis associated with ophthalmological complications are described. one patient developed a cryptococcal fundal lesion which disappeared during chemotherapy. chronically raised intracranial pressure was associated with a visual field defect. this resolved with repeated lumbar punctures. the second patient developed visual deficits secondary to papilloedema and responded to optic nerve decompression. in both cases ct scanning demonstrated swelling of the optic ...20133843225
[the usefulness of kinetic studies and modeling in the study of apolipoprotein metabolism]. 20133910175
[successful delivery in a female with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura]. 20133820614
[rates of incidence and prevalence of various neuromuscular diseases in the udine and pordenone provinces]. 20133796514
[methodology of plasmapheresis in the treatment of patients with hereditary hypercholesterolemia].the plasma replacement procedure using the blood cell separator ibm-2997 provides for safe replacement of 2000-3000 ml plasma and a 35 to 45% reduction of the lipid concentration. plasma replacement with 5% albumin solution per 50 to 70% of total volume allows to maintain normal total plasma protein levels throughout treatment. it was demonstrated that plasmapheresis with plasma ultrafiltrate return makes the procedure more tolerable for the patients, while their own electrolytes, amino acids, v ...20133795701
aids victims, modern pariahs. 20134048032
[a comparative study. the older person too is an individual]. 20133850215
[preliminary clinical observations on the eutrophic-protective action on the corneal epithelium of combined vitamin a + e].the epithelio-protective activity of a combination of retinol and tocopherol has been studied. the two vitamins have been administered orally to a group of patients suffering from different corneal diseases. a control group was treated with a placebo associated to the usual topical therapies. with some reserve, the evaluation of the vitamin therapy is positive as the epithelial repairing was more rapid in the vitamin treated group, but the poor homogeneity of the corneal diseases permits a quali ...20133842230
papers of the society of head and neck surgeons. 32nd annual meeting. colorado springs, colorado, may 7-10, 1986. 20133766859
[features of the clinico-roentgenologic picture of acute pneumonia in chronic alcoholics]. 20133705450
timed overnight sodium and potassium excretion and blood pressure in steel workers in north china.three timed overnight urinary sodium (na), potassium (k) and creatinine measurements, standardized to 8 h, as well as three blood pressures on corresponding consecutive days were obtained on a sample of 90 steel workers (40 men, 50 women) aged 34-56 years in beijing, north china. for three indices of electrolyte excretion - absolute na and k output/8 h, na:k ratio and 8 h creatinine output - the ratios of intra- to inter-individual variations were less than 1.0 for men, but higher for women in c ...20133734452
an illusion of reversed direction in hyperopes.if a subject who is sufficiently farsighted removes his corrective, positive, lenses and looks with one eye from a distance of one or a few meters, at a small lighted area such as the (continuously "on") indicator light of an electric toothbrush, razor, or smoke detector, and if a small object such as a pin is then moved slowly from above to below the subject's eyes (in a plane close to the eye), the subject will perceive the object moving normally from above to below until it encroaches on his ...20133696931
screening for psychiatric illness in general practice: the general practitioner versus the screening questionnaire.this study compares the characteristics of general practitioners and a pen and paper test in the detection of psychiatric disorder in primary care settings. a psychiatrist interviewed a stratified sample of 283 patients drawn from 590 consecutive new illnesses seen in 15 general practices. research diagnoses could be made in between one-quarter and one-third of the consecutive new illnesses. two different research diagnostic systems agreed quite well with one another about who should be regarded ...20133668916
we must build a smooth career path. 20133648506
haemothorax in the course of chickenpox. 20133787528
caring. 20133636029
time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies of the b in equilibrium d structural transition in the dna double helix.because of the relation between topology and function, there has been much interest in the structural transitions of the various conformations of dna polymers. the x-ray fiber diffraction analysis system at the daresbury synchrotron radiation source was used to study the reversible transition between the b and d forms of the synthetic dna poly[d(a-t)].poly[d(a-t)]. the gradual progression of conformations between these two forms indicates that the dna double helix does not undergo a change of ha ...20133726529
[vesico-uterine fistulas]. 20133623249
the p-value of the correlation coefficient in lithium therapy and research. 20133621691
decisions and dilemmas in the development of a nursing information system. 20133649264
prostatic biopsy guided by transrectal ultrasonography using real-time linear scanner.prostatic needle biopsy guided by transrectal ultrasonography using a real-time linear scanner was performed on 257 cases in our outpatient clinic and mass screening program for prostatic diseases. the success rate was 99.2 per cent, and complications occurred in only 2 cases (0.8%) after biopsy. this newly developed method is recommended as being safer and more accurate than conventional ones.20133554701
[decreased activity of the renal vasodilation and natriuretic system in normotensive men with a familial history of essential hypertension and decreased na+, k+-cotransport in erythrocytes]. 20133536113
[the intratypical differentiation of strains of the poliovirus group (marker determination)]. 20144295632
toxohormone studies in autochthonous tumor-host system. 20144291640
toxohormone studies in autochthonous tumor-host system. 20144291640
the inhibition of red cell and brain atpase by delta-aminolaevulinic acid. 20144250838
[our experience in the surgical treatment of leg-length differences]. 20144248877
a model for neuron firing with exponential decay of potential resulting in diffusion equations for probability density. 20144293111
[specific immediate experimental hypersensitivity]. 20144239643
[detection of the au antigen in the population of cosenza region]. 20144204942
histochemical analysis of secretory material in a zollinger-ellison tumour. 20144231756
electrolyte abnormalities and porphyria. 20144177989
muscular dystrophy with a familial aminoaciduria of unusual pattern. 20144157779
[treatment with kushen chinpi decoction in 50 cases of acute bacillary dysentery in children]. 20144200749
letter: plasma-catecholamines in sleeping hypertensives. 20144136084
in vitro assay of cellular immunity to tumor-specific antigen(s) of virus-induced tumors by macrophage migration inhibition. 20144346097
letter: hodgkin's disease in children. 20144127681
some psycho-physical experiments into the vertical dimension of occlusion of edentulous subjects. 20144135892
relationships among physique, strength, and performance in women students. 20144068687
luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome in mild endometriosis. assessment with biochemical parameters.failure to extrude an ovum, with subsequent luteinization of the unruptured follicle (luf), has been proposed as a cause of infertility in women with mild endometriosis. to assess the incidence of this process we performed laparoscopies in the early luteal phase on 16 women with mild endometriosis and 8 control subjects. peritoneal fluid was aspirated and a plasma sample obtained concurrently. estradiol (e2) and progesterone (p) concentrations were determined. a review of the literature suggeste ...20144057180
the fibrinolytic enzyme system in the newborn. 20144224630
diurnal rhythm of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (mhpg): relationship between plasma and urinary levels.plasma and urinary levels of mhpg were determined in six normal volunteers. samples were obtained at 3-hour intervals for plasma and at 12-hour intervals for urine. acrophase, amplitude and period were determined for plasma mhpg levels. a sinusoidal pattern was obtained for diurnal plasma mhpg with a peak at 15:00 hrs. +/- 46 min. urinary mhpg, corrected for creatinine levels, correlated with both 9 am plasma mhpg and with baseline plasma mhpg. furthermore, the relationship between plasma and ur ...20144058250
duodenal perforation associated with tolazoline.a neonate, managed with tolazoline for pulmonary hypertension after repair of a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, developed a duodenal perforation. the role of tolazoline in this condition is discussed, and possible measures to reduce its gastrointestinal side effects are proposed.20144051547
metoclopramide in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.cardiovascular and plasma catecholamine responses to metoclopramide (mcp), a dopamine antagonist, were examined in 5 patients with pheochromocytoma, 12 patients with essential hypertension (eht) and 9 normotensive (nt) subjects who displayed symptoms suggestive of pheochromocytoma on a constant daily intake of 100 meq sodium and 80 meq potassium. significant pressor responses to intravenous doses of 5 mg of mcp, which produced no serious pressor episodes and no other undesirable side effects, we ...20144057555
[burkitt's disease outside of africa]. 20144229321
the heart in hypertension. 20144038422
[epidemiology and early diagnosis of thyroid cancer (based on data from the oncology dispensary of the city of stara zagora, the people's republic of bulgaria)].an epidemiologic study on thyroid gland cancer in the catchment area of stara zagora district oncological dispensary with a population of 645,000 was conducted in 1964-1983. the morbidity rate was 1.62/100,000 population, thyroid cancer amounting to 0.83% of all malignancies. female morbidity was 2.7 times that of males. the highest level of morbidity for both sexes was in the age interval of 31-50 years. morbidity in urban and rural areas was on the ratio of 1.5:1.20144013131
phenytoin clearance by continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.phenytoin clearance by continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd) was studied in a three-year, 8-month-old child. this dialysis resulted in a clearance rate less than 1 ml/min. this is different from that reported in the literature for regular peritoneal dialysis for phenytoin overdose. unlike regular peritoneal dialysis, capd may not require phenytoin adjustment.20144006737
accession of sweet stimuli to receptors. i. absolute dominance of one molecular species in binary mixtures.intensity/time studies of sweetness response in pure solutions of each of nine different sweet stimuli have been carried out. both variables exhibit simple power functions of the form intensity (s) = kscns and persistence (p) = kpcnp. in binary mixtures of these nine stimuli a depression (or negative synergism) of both sweetness intensity and persistence is observed which is predictable from the low exponents of the power functions. combination of both power functions allows the "effective conce ...20143982052
blood transfusion and athletics. games people play. 20143974666
[long-term evaluation of the results in sphincterotomies in spina bifida]. 20143993483
higher cardol homologues (5-alkenylresorcinols) from rye affect the red cell membrane-water transport.the influence of 5-heptadecenylresorcinol and total rye 5-alkenylresorcinols isolated from rye grains on the red blood cell water permeability was studied using osmotic shrinkage experiments performed in 300 mm sucrose. the studied compounds induced significant increase of erythrocyte water permeability. the threshold concentration needed for the increase of water permeability was in an order of 10(-6) mol/l. the temperature dependence of the observed process showed the discontinuity which was r ...20143993182
diastolic time during recovery from upright exercise in persons without heart assess the relation between heart rate and diastolic time (cardiac cycle minus electromechanical systole) during the recovery period from upright exercise, 12 normal volunteers were studied immediately after and 2 and 5 minutes after exercise in the upright position. although heart rate was significantly lower at 5 minutes compared with 2 minutes after exercise (106 vs 116 beats/min), there was significant shortening of diastolic time (from 251 to 230 ms) and total diastole per minute (from 2 ...20143966377
routine admission chest x-ray in the management of hospitalized patients. 20143957607
iohexol vs. metrizamide: study of efficacy and morbidity in cervical myelography.a double-blind study was conducted in 60 patients undergoing either cervical or more complete myelography via c1-c2 puncture. patients received either iohexol or metrizamide at a 300 mg l/ml concentration. the contrast media were equally efficacious in the production of high-quality radiographs and ct scans. however, the incidence of adverse reactions differed markedly. of patients receiving metrizamide, 68% had some type of adverse reaction, whereas only 26% receiving iohexol had symptoms. the ...20143934932
levels and patterns of intellectual functioning among ld college students: clinical and educational implications. 20143950517
[alcohol, alcoholism and drugs].abuse of alcohol (ethanol) and abuse of an increasing number of drugs (e.g. analgesics and sedatives) are among the outstanding social and medical problems of many industrialized countries including switzerland. since alcohol consumption has profound effects on both the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of a variety of drugs, the rational use of drugs in alcoholics is an increasingly difficult task and requires a thorough understanding of the physiologic, biochemical, pharmacologic and ...20143911383
Displaying items 4401 - 4500 of 6009