
[ultrasonic study of the liver in the diagnosis of lung cancer metastases]. 20053320479
[calculation of integral doses and evaluation criteria in the use of forming appliances in radioisotope teletherapy]. 20051196031
[behavior of intraocular pressure following argon laser trabeculoplasty]. 20053371809
examination of federal government response to recommendations of house of representatives standing committee on industry, science and technology's inquiry into gmos. 20051369114
[epidemiological survey of dysphonia in school children. preliminary findings].in this article the authors have performed a study on 318 students in naples to estimate the incidence of the dysphonetic diseases in 6-12-18 years-old subjects. the investigation showed that 34.9% of examined patients revealed speech troubles; these troubles were more common in 6-years-old subjects. the dyslalies were the most common phonetic trouble (97.9%) with prevalence of sygmatism (87.9%). the authors mean to extend the study on more large sample, although the results of the present study ...20052291713
effect of pluronic f-68 on the mechanical properties of mammalian cells.the mechanical properties of tb/c3 hybridoma cells taken from a continuous culture were measured by micromanipulation. the culture conditions were constant except for the presence or absence of pluronic f-68 in the medium. it was found that the mean bursting membrane tension and the mean elastic area compressibility modulus of the cells were significantly greater (60% and 120%, respectively) in a medium with 0.05% (w/v) pluronic f-68 compared to that without pluronic. pluronic f-68 therefore aff ...20051369100
salting out: experience in 9,000 cases.a complete method of saline abortion has been presented. this method has been well thought out, is physiologically sound, and has been proven safe and reliable. although we have reduced the potential for complications to a minimum, those specific to the salting-out procedure as well as those inherent in any mid-trimester labor and delivery cannot be completely eliminated. therefore, there can be no shortcuts. salting out must be performed only in a hospital where well trained specialists are ava ...20051151933
lecithin---sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid, as assessed by a modified thin-layer chromatographic method in which a commercial pre-coated plate is used.commercially available pre-coated thin-layer chromatographic plates consisting of silica gel supported on aluminum sheets were used to determine the lecithin-sphingomyelin ration in samples of amniotic fluid. these lipids were separated in chloroform-methanol-water (65:25:4 by vol) solvent system (lecithin rf = 0.33; sphingomyelin, rf = 0.25), and the spots were made visible in 5-15 min by heating to 180 degrees c after spraying with a solution of copper acetate (30 g/liter) in aqueous phosphori ...20051112033
[clinical course of mitral insufficiency after commissurotomy].in 172 patients in whom transventricular mitral commissurotomy had been complicated by the development of post-operative regurgitation the immediate and remote results of the surgery were studied. among patients with mitral incompetence a complicated post-operative period with regurgitation of the i degree was registered in 51 per cent of the cases, with the ii degree-in 73 and with the iii-in 100 per cent of the patients. the principal complications included cardiac insufficiency and various de ...20051142604
[gastric and duodenal erosions]. 20051087507
the intravenous infusion of co-trimoxazole in cases of septicaemia: tolerance and results of treatment.the tolerance to co-trimoxazole given by intravenous infusion was investigated in 25 patients suspected to be suffering from septicaemia. one patients developed allergic skin manifestations and two had increased difficulties with cardiac insufficiency, probably on account of the infusion. the other patients tolerated well. the results of treatment of 11 patients with septicaemia were good in 8 cases. in 2 cases, the poor results of the treatment can be explained by the presence of undrained absc ...20051064919
[protracted remissions in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia]. 20051063991
electrocardiographic changes under moderate hypoxia. 2005546723
[surgical treatment of lateral instability of the ankle]. 2005544240
issues with radiation therapy article. 20061828682
issues with radiation therapy article. 20061828682
aggressive chemotherapy for acute leukaemia frequently causes intestinal protein leakage.cytostatic drugs are known to produce disturbances in intestinal absorption of carbohydrates. to further explore the gastrointestinal (gi) toxicity of cytostatic therapy, 37 patients with acute leukemia were investigated during and/or after remission induction courses by the use of the differential sugar absorption test (dsat) and the intestinal clearance of alpha-1-antitrypsin (claat). the ratio of the lactulose to the mannitol excretion in the urine was found abnormal in 44% of the tests. the ...20061828960
aggressive chemotherapy for acute leukaemia frequently causes intestinal protein leakage.cytostatic drugs are known to produce disturbances in intestinal absorption of carbohydrates. to further explore the gastrointestinal (gi) toxicity of cytostatic therapy, 37 patients with acute leukemia were investigated during and/or after remission induction courses by the use of the differential sugar absorption test (dsat) and the intestinal clearance of alpha-1-antitrypsin (claat). the ratio of the lactulose to the mannitol excretion in the urine was found abnormal in 44% of the tests. the ...20061828960
the value of an expert system in performing clinical drug expert system has been designed to assist the cardiologist in determining whether patients can be included in clinical trials. this system contains knowledge on inclusion and exclusion criteria for six drug trials, and has been validated in 100 randomly selected patients. in 97 cases, the expert system and the cardiologist made an identical classification; in the remaining three cases, the patient was incorrectly classified by the physician. the system will also optimize the order in which qu ...20061764928
how accurate is a computerized surgical audit when resident medical staff collect the data?since july 1988 all eight general surgeons at fremantle hospital have used a computer-based surgical audit and discharge system. at the time of writing (september 1991) 10,919 computer-generated discharge letters have been produced by the system. this paper describes the system and reports a series of quality control assessments carried out between 1 july 1988 and 30 june 1990 during which 30 pre-registration surgical residents completed 5,716 data collection forms. it was found that: (1) data c ...20061610325
intraperitoneal immunotherapy for ovarian cancer with alpha interferon. 20061524888
treatment of alopecia areata with diphenylcyclopropenone. 20061552076
intravenous nifedipine for prevention of myocardial ischaemia after coronary revascularization.we sought to determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic behaviour of a continuous infusion of nifedipine given for prevention of myocardial ischaemia following coronary artery bypass graft (cabg) surgery. patients scheduled for elective cabg, who had good left ventricular function, were included. only normotensive patients who did not require treatment with vasoactive drugs and were bleeding less than 100 following surgery were included. the patients were randomly distributed into ...20061464126
haemorheology and exercise: intrinsic flow properties of blood in marathon running.haemorheological and haematological parameters were studied in venous blood samples taken from 8 endurance-trained athletes before and after a marathon run. viscometry was performed in a 20 microns glass capillary and in a couette viscometer. apparent blood viscosity was lower in the capillary than in the rotational viscometer, but significant differences between pre- and post-run samples were not observed in either system. this is presumably due to the absence of changes of haematocrit (pre-run ...20061459744
asthma and open cast mining. 20061393082
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. 20061392903
[growth and therapy in angle class ii/2--a longitudinal cephalometric study].the influence of both growth and functional therapy with the u-bow-activator type i on angle class ii subdivision 2 malocclusion is analysed in a cephalometric long term study. findings concerning skeletal problems: 1. therapeutically intended clockwise rotation of the mandible with vertically and sagittally controlled maxillary position, 2. achieving normal sagittal mandibular growth rates. dental problems are improved significantly. the results obtained by functional therapy and growth proved ...20072227736
[growth and therapy in angle class ii/2--a longitudinal cephalometric study].the influence of both growth and functional therapy with the u-bow-activator type i on angle class ii subdivision 2 malocclusion is analysed in a cephalometric long term study. findings concerning skeletal problems: 1. therapeutically intended clockwise rotation of the mandible with vertically and sagittally controlled maxillary position, 2. achieving normal sagittal mandibular growth rates. dental problems are improved significantly. the results obtained by functional therapy and growth proved ...20072227736
[lung cancer in women in moscow (epidemiology, etiology and surgical treatment)].in the studied period (1973-1987) the lung carcinoma morbidity rate among females of moscow, in general intensive indices (per 100,000 females), showed a tendency to reduce (18.4 in 1973 and 15.1 in 1987). a reverse tendency is mostly encountered in other countries. more than half of patients with lung carcinoma were over 70 years of age. the ratio of males with lung carcinoma to that of females grew from 3.0:1.0 in 1973-1977 to 3.6:1.0 in 1983-1987. in the period from 1979 to 1988, 380 females ...20072223213
[lung cancer in women in moscow (epidemiology, etiology and surgical treatment)].in the studied period (1973-1987) the lung carcinoma morbidity rate among females of moscow, in general intensive indices (per 100,000 females), showed a tendency to reduce (18.4 in 1973 and 15.1 in 1987). a reverse tendency is mostly encountered in other countries. more than half of patients with lung carcinoma were over 70 years of age. the ratio of males with lung carcinoma to that of females grew from 3.0:1.0 in 1973-1977 to 3.6:1.0 in 1983-1987. in the period from 1979 to 1988, 380 females ...20072223213
[lipoprotein (a)--a further risk factor in arteriosclerosis?].epidemiological studies have identified lipoprotein (a), which has been known since 1963, but has received attention only recently, as a further risk factor for premature arteriosclerosis. this substance is similar to low-density lipoprotein, but it's serum concentration (and thus the increase in risk) is genetically determined and highly variable from one individual to another. the usual dietary and drug measures have only little effect on lipoprotein (a) serum levels. although the physiologica ...20072147016
ovarian cancer. 20072042058
[long-term results of the treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms. study of a series of 328 patients hospitalized from 1972 to 1984].between 1972 to 1984, 328 patients were admitted in the department of neurosurgery, for the treatment of a ruptured intracranial aneurysm, and being clinically in grades i to iv. these patients were submitted to a deferred surgery protocol. 5.5% of the patients died before surgery, and 94.5% were actually operated on. the follow-up was at least over one year, and up to 14 years (mean 3 years and 8 months). the long term result was appreciated according to the physical status of the patients and ...20073374722
access to information for adult adoptees. 20071913424
paraquat poisoning with acute renal failure--a case report.paraquat poisoning is relatively rare and is associated with mortality varying from 35 to 50%. a patient who consumed paraquat developed features of non-oliguric acute renal failure and recovered following haemodialysis. renal biopsy done during the early recovery phase showed features of acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis with no disruption of tubular basement membrane. on recovery the patient had no evidence of proximal renal tubular dysfunction.20072613639
[transient polyuria in pregnancy in diabetes insipidus and gestational diabetes].two pregnant women developed overt polyuria (up to 11 l/day) and polydipsia during their second and third trimesters of pregnancy. in one patient hydronephrosis was present. both patients suffered from mild gestational diabetes mellitus. plasma sodium was 145 and 162 mmol/l. polyuria and urinary hypo-osmolality responded well to desmopressin acetate. after delivery, polyuria and polydipsia disappeared in one patient and significantly improved in the other. infusion of hypertonic saline one and t ...20071770904
[a comparative assessment of methods of collecting and long-term storage of ixodidae ticks].a humid bandage 130 mm wide turned to be the best kind of "chamber" for the collection of ixodidae in nature and their maintenance under laboratory conditions, as it was demonstrated by studies of ixodus persulcatus imago ticks.20082710046
[a comparative assessment of methods of collecting and long-term storage of ixodidae ticks].a humid bandage 130 mm wide turned to be the best kind of "chamber" for the collection of ixodidae in nature and their maintenance under laboratory conditions, as it was demonstrated by studies of ixodus persulcatus imago ticks.20082710046
aging: the lived experience.this exploratory study examined the lived experience of aging in a group of 32 community dwelling adults aged fifty to eighty years (m = 68.4). respondents completed in-depth interviews in which they described the meaning of aging, the "types of things" associated with aging in themselves and in others, and methods of coping with aging-related changes. respondents' overall impressions of the meaning of aging were generally positive; however, the changes they associated with aging, both in themse ...20082628349
[determination of antitoxoplasma igg antibodies using the elisa method].the described elisa reaction is suggested as a method for examination of antitoxoplasmatic igg antibodies. it is a simple, i.e. three-layer sandwich with the following layers: 1. antigen 2. the examined serum either in serial dilution or single dilution 1:300 and 3. a peroxidase anti-igg conjugate with a final conclusive step, i.e. a substrate solution with opd. sera and conjugate are allowed to bind for 30 mins. at 37 degrees c and the substrate solution with opd is allowed to act for 15 mins., ...20082632016
[determination of antitoxoplasma igg antibodies using the elisa method].the described elisa reaction is suggested as a method for examination of antitoxoplasmatic igg antibodies. it is a simple, i.e. three-layer sandwich with the following layers: 1. antigen 2. the examined serum either in serial dilution or single dilution 1:300 and 3. a peroxidase anti-igg conjugate with a final conclusive step, i.e. a substrate solution with opd. sera and conjugate are allowed to bind for 30 mins. at 37 degrees c and the substrate solution with opd is allowed to act for 15 mins., ...20082632016
sleep-disordered breathing in healthy aged persons: one-year follow-up of daytime sequelae.we studied the waking medical, sleep, and psychological status of 28 healthy older persons who had undergone nocturnal polysomnography and daytime assessment approximately 1-year earlier. in a previous report based on this sample, we found that sleep-disordered breathing (sdb) indices were not related to concurrent measurements of daytime functioning. however, in the present study, we observed relationships between the original sdb indices and several measures of cardiopulmonary functioning obta ...20082740692
assessment of clinical application of test-dose concept for theophylline in patients with respiratory failure.the possibility of clinical application of test-dose concept for theophylline was assessed in 11 patients with serious underlying disease who required theophylline. based on the pharmacokinetic parameters calculated from the single intravenous aminophylline administration, they received a continuous infusion of aminophylline in order to maintain about 10 micrograms/ml plasma which is considered to be the lowest therapeutic level. plasma levels during a constant rate infusion were assayed at 6:00 ...20082630628
assessment of clinical application of test-dose concept for theophylline in patients with respiratory failure.the possibility of clinical application of test-dose concept for theophylline was assessed in 11 patients with serious underlying disease who required theophylline. based on the pharmacokinetic parameters calculated from the single intravenous aminophylline administration, they received a continuous infusion of aminophylline in order to maintain about 10 micrograms/ml plasma which is considered to be the lowest therapeutic level. plasma levels during a constant rate infusion were assayed at 6:00 ...20082630628
[results of synovectomy of the elbow joint in chronic polyarthritis]. 20082576709
the biology of the scid mutation. 20082519515
portable multichannel recordings: a new screening approach for evaluating apnea in infants and children. 20082724063
[assessment of nutritional status in the elderly]. 20082519421
house dust mite-induced histamine release from washed blood cells. evaluation of effect a selected group of 60 house dust mite allergic asthmatics, the correlation between the bronchial sensitivity to house dust mite and effect parameters of mite-induced histamine release from washed blood cells was evaluated. using a sensitive glass microfibre-based method, a significant positive correlation (r = 0.60; p less than 0.001) was found between bronchial allergen sensitivity and basophil cell sensitivity expressed as the house dust mite concentration necessary to give half the maximu ...20082446521
the keeler panoramic prismatic loupe.panoramic prismatic loupes are optically superior to standard binocular galilean loupes and are rivaled only by operating microscopes. several companies offer these loupes. the keeler loupe (keeler instruments, inc, broomall, pa) offers the most versatility, with seven different magnifications and three different working distances. in addition, all of the lenses are interchangeable on the same lightweight frame.20082394873
[a training program after coronary surgery improves blood lipid profile]. 20082263103
inspiring nursing students to mobilize communities in 1987 nurse educators in nepal implemented a revised certificate nursing curriculum oriented toward primary health care (phc) and a bachelor of community health nursing (chn) curriculum with emphasis on leadership in phc. as both curricula included practical experience for nursing students in the community, the teachers had to strategize how to maximize both the students' learning and their contribution to community health. below, how the educators encouraged reluctant students to not only par ...20082249925
nacm, a cytopathogenic protein from naegleria gruberi, egs; purification, production of monoclonal antibody, and the immunoidentification of a product that develops in nacm-treated vertebrate cell cultures.the story of nacm involves the discovery of a deleterious response of cultured vertebrate cells to a component in cell-free lysates prepared from free-living amebae of the genus naegleria; hence the acronym nacm derived from naegleria ameba cytopathogenic material. the cellular reaction is the basis for the biological assay that has been fundamental in the study of the action of nacm in a variety of cell cultures. it also has been used in the determination of the physical characteristics, and to ...20082258825
levels and correlates of blood pressure in recent and earlier ethiopian immigrants to israel.blood pressure (bp) and anthropometric data were collected on 483 recent immigrants from ethiopia to israel, and on 171 adults and 100 adolescent boarding school students who had immigrated two to three years earlier. comparison of samples within the ethiopian groups, and between new and early ethiopian immigrants with israel and resident israelis revealed the following: systolic and diastolic bp were considerably lower in recent immigrants of both sexes than among counterparts residing in israe ...20082258889
characterization of a phosphoenzyme intermediate in the reaction of phosphoglycolate phosphatase.when 32p-glycolate and phosphoglycolate phosphatase from spinach are mixed, 32p is incorporated into acid precipitated protein. properties that relate the phosphorylation of the enzyme to the phosphatase are: the km value for p-glycolate is similar for protein phosphorylation and substrate hydrolysis; the 32p in the phosphoenzyme is diluted by unlabeled p-glycolate or the specific alternative substrate, ethyl-p; the activator cl- enhances the effectiveness of ethyl-p as a substrate and as an inh ...20092820973
characterization of a phosphoenzyme intermediate in the reaction of phosphoglycolate phosphatase.when 32p-glycolate and phosphoglycolate phosphatase from spinach are mixed, 32p is incorporated into acid precipitated protein. properties that relate the phosphorylation of the enzyme to the phosphatase are: the km value for p-glycolate is similar for protein phosphorylation and substrate hydrolysis; the 32p in the phosphoenzyme is diluted by unlabeled p-glycolate or the specific alternative substrate, ethyl-p; the activator cl- enhances the effectiveness of ethyl-p as a substrate and as an inh ...20092820973
second meeting of the panamerican society for pigment cell research. bethesda, maryland, april 23-26, 1989. abstracts. 20092812206
second meeting of the panamerican society for pigment cell research. bethesda, maryland, april 23-26, 1989. abstracts. 20092812206
anomalous origin of right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta.anomalous origin of one pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta without associated intracardiac defects is a rare congenital malformation. about 60 anatomic and surgical descriptions have been reported in the literature. up to 1974, 22 of the 50 reported cases underwent surgical correction with a 40% mortality rate. the natural history without surgery is poor with a very high mortality during the first year of life. successful anatomic correction of anomalous origin of right pulmonary artery f ...20092777879
the grading and prevalence of macular degeneration in chesapeake bay watermen.a new grading scheme was developed to classify the fundus features of macular degeneration. this scheme identifies the earliest fundus changes associated with macular degeneration, as well as specific drusen characteristics felt to be associated with an increased risk of developing the exudative forms of this disease. agreement between two graders using this scheme indicated good interobserver reliability. using this scheme, fundus photographs of 777 participants were graded in a population-base ...20092786408
treatment of nasal polyps--medication or surgery and which technique. 20092772493
predictors of mortality and physical disability in the charleston heart study. 20092741270
mass treatment approach to acute diarrhoeal disease in afabet hospital, northern ethiopia.during an outbreak of acute diarrhoeal disease in a military camp in afabet region from august to october 1985, 416 cases were admitted to afabet hospital. all were national military service recruitee males who developed signs of moderate to severe dehydration. simplified methods of diagnosing and treating the disease were used so that mass rehydration therapy could be instituted early, using locally available manpower and material resources. the severity of dehydration was graded, and rehydrati ...20092753031
an ultrastructural study of pigeon bursa of fabricius during involution.the ultrastructure of the pigeon bursa of fabricius during involution is described. according to the aa, the involutive process may be divided into 3 stages: an early involutive stage, a late involutive stage and a residual stage. the involutive process starts from epithelium later affecting the follicular medulla and all other structures of the organ. a mucoid degeneration can be observed, followed by an impressive fatty degeneration.20092817414
3 drug management problems: cost, confusion, and adverse reactions. 20092733864
hb j-calabria [beta 64(e8)gly----asp] found in a japanese family. 20092737915
[fibrinogen and pentoxifylline. results of a french cooperative exploratory study of stage ii arteritis].a collaborative exploratory study was undertaken by 139 private angiologists in 427 out-patients with pvd stage ii treated for 90 days with pentoxifylline 1 200 mg per day. in 306 patients (71,6%) the fibrinogen level was decreased by 0,21 g/l in mean (p less than 0.01). this significant decrease is correlated to the global improvement (p less than 0.01) and is within the magnitude of difference that is associated between vascular death and comparative groups in recent epidemiologic studies. in ...20092715734
brain resuscitation. medical management and this article, we have reviewed the pathophysiology and several therapeutic strategies for cerebral ischemia. it seems likely that there will never be simple therapeutic answers to the complex pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia as we now understand it. ultimate therapies will probably involve combinations of interventions designed to block several ongoing pathophysiologic processes in neuronal death. progress in this field will likely be slow and difficult.20092679786
cinahl and medline: a comparison of indexing practices.a random sample of fifty nursing articles indexed in both medline and cinahl (nursing & allied health) during 1986 was used for comparing indexing practices. indexing was analyzed by counting the number of major descriptors, the number of major and minor descriptors, the number of indexing access points, the number of common indexing access points, and the number and type of unique indexing access points. the study results indicate: there are few differences in the number of major descriptors us ...20092676049
endoscopic sclerotherapy for esophago-gastric varices: a critical reappraisal.amongst the many non-surgical techniques for the treatment of variceal bleeding, endoscopic sclerotherapy (est) has shown great promise. est can successfully obliterate esophageal varices and prevent variceal rebleeding. it is also very effective in the control of active bleeding from esophageal varices. the technique of est is simple and can be carried out with a conventional, forward viewing, flexible endoscope and a teflon injector. weekly intravariceal injections of an aqueous sclerosant are ...20092669716
thrombolytic therapy. a review (2). 20092663220
links between clinical and experimental neuropsychology.the goals of both experimental and clinical neuropsychology involve qualitative analyses of the behavioral sequelae of brain damage in humans. both of these subdisciplines attempt to delineate and clarify perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, affective, and other changes in individuals with neurological disease--particularly as these disorders contribute to our understanding of normal brain function and its modification by pathology. thus, an interest in brain-behavior relations is coupled with dia ...20092668327
current concepts of the vestibular system reviewed: 1. the role of the vestibulospinal system in postural control.this paper reviews the research findings that support the presence of vestibulospinal reflexes in corrections for head and body instability. studies of the importance of labyrinthine inputs to the central nervous system organization of eye, head, and body movements demonstrate that the vestibular nuclei are more than a simple relay station for labyrinthine activity. at all levels of the vestibular system beyond the primary vestibular afferents, parallel processing of labyrinthine signals occurs ...20092655458
porous acrylic cement: evaluation of a novel implant material.the preparation and some properties of in situ curing porous acrylic cement, a modification of the traditional bone cement, are described. through numerous animal experiments, the behavior of the porous cement in a biological environment has been studied. the histological evaluation reveals that hard and soft tissues readily grow into the pores of the cement, thus anchoring the implant to the host tissues. some inflammatory foci, decreasing in number with residence time, together with varying nu ...20103071237
porous acrylic cement: evaluation of a novel implant material.the preparation and some properties of in situ curing porous acrylic cement, a modification of the traditional bone cement, are described. through numerous animal experiments, the behavior of the porous cement in a biological environment has been studied. the histological evaluation reveals that hard and soft tissues readily grow into the pores of the cement, thus anchoring the implant to the host tissues. some inflammatory foci, decreasing in number with residence time, together with varying nu ...20103071237
fabric of many-colored threads. 20103056893
fabric of many-colored threads. 20103056893
screening for silent myocardial ischemia.since many patients do not experience angina prior to myocardial infarction or sudden death, screening of asymptomatic high-risk patients is necessary. exercise stress testing of asymptomatic patients with coronary risk factors can be performed by family physicians in their offices. for the physician trying to develop a rational screening policy for silent myocardial ischemia, the relatively low yield of positive test results creates a management dilemma.20103057838
screening for silent myocardial ischemia.since many patients do not experience angina prior to myocardial infarction or sudden death, screening of asymptomatic high-risk patients is necessary. exercise stress testing of asymptomatic patients with coronary risk factors can be performed by family physicians in their offices. for the physician trying to develop a rational screening policy for silent myocardial ischemia, the relatively low yield of positive test results creates a management dilemma.20103057838
[comparative efficacy of disinfectants on the poliovirus]. 20102999938
[chronobiology of dynamic equilibrium and recurrence of migraine crises].haemodynamic balance was assessed in relation to platelet-vessel homeostasis in the microcirculation in a group of 15 migraine sufferers and 15 healthy subjects. the results support the hypothesis of a relationship between the typical recurrence of migraine attacks and the chronobiological performance of the haemodynamic balance.20103736980
the adenosine triphosphate-pyrophosphate isotopic exchange reaction: a tool for determination of tryptophan.quantitative determination of tryptophan at the picomole level is described, using the atp-[32p]ppi isotopic exchange reaction catalyzed by tryptophanyl-trna synthetase. sensitivity limits of 500 fmol were obtained. the presence of other amino acids at a 1000-fold excess over tryptophan did not interfere significantly with the quantitative determination of tryptophan. the specificity of the reaction was checked using five tryptophan analogs. these analogs did not prevent the determination of try ...20103014918
malignant mixed mullerian tumor arising in extragenital endometriosis: report of a case and review of the literature.a primary malignant mixed mullerian tumor (mmmt) was found in the wall of the rectum of a 67-year-old female. the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries had been previously excised for benign disease. the tumor was associated with foci of benign endometriosis. a literature review of extragenital mmmts indicates that these are extremely rare tumors. this case supports the theory that endometriosis may serve as a progenitor to extraendometrial malignancy.20103002920
peculiarities of the endocrine time structure in noninsulin-dependent adult-onset (type ii) diabetes mellitus.twenty noninsulin-dependent elderly diabetic patients, ten of whom were treated by oral hypoglycemic agents and ten of whom were regulated by diet alone, and 20 clinically healthy subjects matched for age, sex, height, and weight were examined with six blood and six urine samples at 4-hr intervals over a 24-hr span. plasma acth, cortisol, aldosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (dhea-s) were determined by radioimmunoassay (ria); epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine in urine were det ...20103037559
[mechanisms of cutaneous accidents related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents]. 20102976215
combined thrombolytic therapy and coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction.from september, 1983, to august, 1984, combined thrombolytic therapy and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was used to treat 22 cases of acute myocardial infarction. initial coronary angiograms showed total obstruction in 13 and severe stenosis in 9. intracoronary infusion of urokinase reopened 7 of 13 totally occluded lesions but left a residual severe stenosis. coronary angioplasty opened all of the remaining totally obstructed lesions and decreased the stenosis in 14 of 16 stenos ...20102939702
[esophageal diseases in the elderly]. 20103152439
interactions of monomeric igg bearing covalently bound c3b with polymorphonuclear leucocytes.the interactions of monomeric igg, monomeric c3b, dimeric c3b, and c3b covalently bound to igg (c3b-igg) with neutrophils were examined. c3b-igg heterodimers exhibited an increased affinity of binding to neutrophils, relative to c3b, both at half normal ionic strength (five-fold enhancement) and at normal ionic strength (six-fold enhancement). binding of monomeric igg to neutrophils was barely detectable and did not permit direct measurements of affinity in our assay conditions. the increased af ...20102953672
i.v. sedation for conservative dentistry. a comparison of midazolam and diazepam.midazolam and the emulsion formulation of diazepam were compared in a cross-over study in 50 patients undergoing out-patient conservative dentistry, with particular regard to sedation and the quality of recovery. both agents proved effective, but sedation was achieved more rapidly with midazolam (p = 0.001) and was more effective (p less than 0.02). significantly greater anterograde amnesia for the dental procedure (p less than 0.001) and a more rapid return to normal activities (p less than 0.0 ...20102937434
dice: nonclinical causes of overtreatment. 20102916481
dissociation-reconstitution experiments with nbd-modified f1: support for the presence of two catalytic beta-subunits. 20102901754
circadian rhythms: benzodiazepines set the clock. 20102871494
[use of the long muscle of the neck for eliminating disorders of velopharyngeal function]. 20102800187
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in depression. 20103035885
tissue reaction to implant corrosion in 38 internal fixation devices.the corrosion characteristics, metallurgical properties, and clinical performance of 38 retrieved internal fixation devices were correlated with the tissue reaction to these devices. metallurgical parameters included thin and heavy inclusion content, rockwell hardness, and grain size. the excised fibrous tissue strip was directly overlying each plate at removal and sectioned between screw-hole sites. the material studied from the 38 plates consisted of 201 screw-hole junctions with associated ti ...20113368412
analysis of 585 burn patients hospitalized over a 6-year period. part ii: aetiological a population of 585 burn patients from a well-defined urban area, the contribution of a number of factors to the occurrence of the burn injury is examined. these are: place where burned; activity of the patient at the time; contribution of various appliances and materials; the influence of clothing on the extent of the injury. these findings should prove helpful in future efforts at burn prevention.20113768750
pelvic fused kidneys: magnetic resonance imaging and intravenous pyelogram correlation.this is a case presentation of pelvic fused kidneys as demonstrated by intravenous pyelogram and magnetic resonance imaging (mri). the authors wish to stress the importance of anatomical imaging with mri in the coronal plane. no reconstruction is required as with computerized tomography.20113246706
[rheumatoid arthritis treated with penicillamine and bronchiolitis obliterans]. 20113231931
[epidemiology of blindness in the bouche-du-rhône area. methodological approach]. 20113168117
withdrawal of barbiturate anticonvulsant drugs: prospective controlled study.a barbiturate (phenobarbital or primidone) was withdrawn over a period of 3 months from 25 institutionalized residents, all of whom had had three seizures or less in the past 6 months and were maintained on a nonsedating drug (phenytoin, carbamazepine, or valproic acid). results were compared with a matched comparison group maintained on both drugs. subjects withdrawn from primidone, but not those withdrawn from phenobarbital, had increased seizure frequency, probably due to withdrawal. after 14 ...20113147687
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