
[nucleotide sequence of the b1-hordein gene of barley hordeum vulgare l].the gene encoding b1 hordein of hordeum vulgare (cv. donetsky 4) was cloned and entirely sequenced. it contains no introns and codes for of 293 amino acids long polypeptide with molecular weight 33418. our clone differs from the previously sequenced b1 hordein genes in some positions within the coding region (there are 4 nucleotide changes and a 12 bp deletion, as compared with the pb11 cdna clone, and 5 nucleotide changes, as compared with the pbhp184 genomic clone). these changes result in pol ...20082583483
management of shock associated with dengue haemorrhagic fever based on pathophysiological findings. 19781145233
coronary artery disease presenting with exercise induced complete heart block. a case report. 20123454398
[postoperative esophageal stenosis (role of the laryngologist)]. 2002153373
[rsponses of the primary afferents of the frog lateral semicircular canal to caloric stimuli following section of the eighth nerve].in curarized rana temporaria, after transection of the 8th nerve, responses of 75 primary afferents of the lsc nerve to short local caloric stimule (0.5--12 degrees c over the canal temperature) creating theexcitatory current of lsc endolymph, were studied. in 41 per cent of the units (group a) the maximal (peak) frequencies (pf) of responses were shown to be associated either by linear or semilograithmic relations with the peak temperature (pt). in 23 per cent of the units (group b), pfps revea ...20051087611
the role of estrogen, androgen and progestogen receptors in the management of carcinoma of the prostate.identification of specific 17-beta-estradiol, 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone and progesterone binding proteins in 10 patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the prostate is presented. a synthetic androgen radioligand (r1881) and a synthetic progesterone (r5020) were used. in all but 1 patient receptor protein assays were done before hormonal manipulation. based on the preliminary findings it seems probable that prostatic carcinoma might be categorized for endocrine therapy similar to the method ...2005545809
the role of estrogen, androgen and progestogen receptors in the management of carcinoma of the prostate.identification of specific 17-beta-estradiol, 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone and progesterone binding proteins in 10 patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the prostate is presented. a synthetic androgen radioligand (r1881) and a synthetic progesterone (r5020) were used. in all but 1 patient receptor protein assays were done before hormonal manipulation. based on the preliminary findings it seems probable that prostatic carcinoma might be categorized for endocrine therapy similar to the method ...2005545809
application of pvd tin coating to co-cr-mo based surgical implants.the requirements for successful joint arthroplasty are particularly exacting; a balanced combination of mechanical properties together with good biocompatibility are essential. co-cr based alloys have been used for many years on account of their relative inertness, good load bearing properties and excellent wear resistance. there is, however, concern that a slow accumulation of metal ions such as cobalt and chromium can lead to adverse clinical reactions; modern cementless fixation techniques ma ...20123427147
activities of the modified polyene n-d-ornithyl amphotericin methyl ester and the azoles ici 153066, bay n 7133, and bay l 9139 compared with those of amphotericin b and ketoconazole in the therapy of experimental blastomycosis.we studied the efficacy of new experimental antifungal drugs, which represent molecular modifications of present active agents, in a murine model of blastomycosis. ketoconazole, previously the best azole drug studied and which is protective when administered orally, was superior to a new oral imidazole, bay l 9139, and a new oral triazole, bay n 7133. a new oral triazole, ici 153066, was markedly more effective than ketoconazole and is the only oral drug studied which came close to producing com ...20143994350
think about your pension! 20133866716
the difference between duchenne and becker dystrophies. 20082648189
the difference between duchenne and becker dystrophies. 20082648189
[therapy monitoring of regional chemotherapy by magnetic resonance spectroscopy]. 20082474953
linkage disequilibrium, cystic fibrosis, and genetic counseling.strong linkage disequilibrium occurs between the cystic fibrosis (cf) locus and polymorphisms detected with the dna probes xv-2c and km-19. in a north american population, 86% of cf chromosomes occur with a haplotype which occurs on only 14% of normal chromosomes. an individual homozygous for the highest-risk haplotype has an 81-fold greater probability of carrying a cf allele than does an individual homozygous for the lowest-risk haplotype. the linkage-disequilibrium data can be used for prenat ...20102916578
study of the uv-induction of mutations in bacteria. 20144221844
physiology of the upper airways in allergic disease. 20143902190
dark recovery of erp in isolated octopus retina. 20154648395
response of solid tumor cells exposed to chemotherapeutic agents in vivo: cell survival after 2- and 24-hour exposure. 20144121931
acute intoxication as a cause of wild bird mortality in the netherlands from 1975-1989. 20071805755
age and the selectivity of visual information processing.two experiments were conducted to assess age differences in the selectivity of visual information processing. selectivity was measured by the amount of interference caused by nontarget letters when subjects detected a target letter in a visual display. in both experiments, young and elderly groups participated in search and nonsearch conditions; in the search condition targets appeared anywhere in the display, whereas in the nonsearch condition targets were confined to the center position of the ...20113267377
age and the selectivity of visual information processing.two experiments were conducted to assess age differences in the selectivity of visual information processing. selectivity was measured by the amount of interference caused by nontarget letters when subjects detected a target letter in a visual display. in both experiments, young and elderly groups participated in search and nonsearch conditions; in the search condition targets appeared anywhere in the display, whereas in the nonsearch condition targets were confined to the center position of the ...20113267377
mass spectra of biologically active indole, 1-methylindole, and benzo(b)thiopene derivatives. 20154824826
mass spectra of biologically active indole, 1-methylindole, and benzo(b)thiopene derivatives. 20154824826
adduct formation between the carcinogen n-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and synthetic polydeoxyribonucleotides.the chemical carcinogen n-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (na-aaf) was reacted with poly(dg-dc) - poly(dg-dc); poly dg - poly dc; poly(da-dt) - poly (da-dt); and poly da - poly dt under a variety of conditions. poly (dg-homo gc polymer and 10--20 more reactive the a + t polymers. lowering the ionic strength increased the extent of reaction, while ph change (8.9 vs. 5.5) had only a small effect. if ionic strength was adjusted so that the two guanine-containing polymers showed equal thermal stabilit ...200018291
panic attacks, buspirone, and serotonin function. 20082570299
what's primary in primary nursing? 1975415203
a helping hand for the nail nibbler. 1976274336
electrocardiographic axis deviation in navajo and apache has been our clinical impression that the range of the mean frontal-plane electrocardiographic qrs axis was greater than might have been anticipated in healthy navajo and apache indians. to determine whether this clinical impression was correct, electrocardiograms were obtained from 146 navajo, 144 apache, and 159 non-navajo non-apache schoolchildren with normal findings on cardiovascular examinations. a mean frontal-plane qrs axis between -1 degrees and -90 degrees was present in 19 percent ...1977421525
metabolism of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) in subjects infected with common cold viruses. 1978222262
[the "club of mainz". for a world-wide improvement of emergency and disaster medicine]. 1978414086
recertification: the other side of the coin. 1980291710
cholangiocarcinoma with portal vein obstruction. 1984214813
carbidopa inhibits the growth hormone- and prolactin-suppressive effect of l-dopa in acromegalic patients.the plasma gh, prl, tsh, and dopamine (da) responses to an infusion of l-dopa were examined in six acromegalic patients before and after pretreatment with carbidopa, a drug which inhibits the peripheral conversion of l-dopa to da. carbidopa neither modified baseline da nor induced changes in baseline gh, prl, or tsh levels. the drug instead markedly reduced the l-dopa-induced da rise, an effect which was concomitant to a striking reduction of the suppressive effect of l-dopa on plasma gh and a p ...1984263317
phase behavior of ganglioside-lecithin mixtures. relation to dispersion of gangliosides in membranes.ganglioside gm1 and mixed brain gangliosides were mixed with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl lecithin (sopc) and examined by differential scanning calorimetry as a function of ganglioside content and temperature. low mole fractions of ganglioside gm1 and of mixed brain gangliosides are shown to be miscible with sopc in the gel phase up to x = 0.3, with the possible exception of a small region of immiscibility for the mixed brain gangliosides system centered around x = 0.05. above x = 0.3, the low-temperatur ...1984263689
[neonatal heart rate variability]. 1985261135
transfection of genes for cell surface products involved in antigen presentation--applications to the understanding of autoimmunity. 19852129493
hypertension in the immediate postoperative period.sixty patients out of 1,844 recovery room admissions had significant postoperative arterial hypertension. nearly 60% of them had a history of hypertension. the postoperative hypertension usually began within 30 min from the end of operation and lasted about 2 hours. in 20% of the patients it lasted 3 hours or longer. complications attributable to hypertension were confined to this latter group. the principal factors possibly contributing to the pressure elevations were pain (35%), hypercarbia (1 ...1985238547
inhibition of transcription by dna binding proteins of sarcoma-180 ascites cells. 1985218884
team building in a psychiatric hospital. 1987203685
immunochemistry of the structural proteins of c-type tumor viruses [proceedings]. 1990208437
mechanism of quenching of fluorescein by anti-fluorescein igg antibodies. 1994303233
cell-number and cell size. 199890908
immunocytochemical characterization of the lymphocytes in nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the bowel.the immunoglobulin constituents of hypertrophied lymphoid nodules in the intestinal tracts of six patients with the variable immunodeficiency syndrome and one patient with selective iga deficiency were evaluated by the peroxidase-labeled antibody technique. the nodules were found to contain a dense population of igm-bearing lymphocytes and much intercellular igm. evidence that the cells were engaged in igm synthesis was the presence of the immunoglobulin in the perinuclear spaces and endoplasmic ...1998105208
gray scale sonography of cystadenoma of the pancreas: report of two cases. 1998108314
catheter cervical vertebral venography.cervical vertebral venography using catheterzation via the femoral vein was carried out in 78 cases. in disc disease the internal vertebral venous plexus (ivvp) are interrupted at single or multiple levels, and sometimes completely blocked. in ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament, the ivvp are separated bilaterally and interrupted at multiple levels due to centrally situated ossification and associated osteophytes. venography helps to determine the upper and lower limits of laminectom ...1998106325
the management of acute genitourinary infections. 1998124723
plasma arginine vasopressin in diabetic ketoacidosis.plasma arginine vasopressin (avp) was measured serially in 10 patients during the first 24 hours of treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. avp was elevated in all cases initially, ranging from 4.0--122.0 pmol/l, the basal level in healthy hydrated subjects being 1.57 +/- 0.59 pmol/l (+/- 1 sd). the levels fell progressively during the course of treatment. while there was no evidence that the massive increases in avp noted in this study were associated with water overload it remains to be determined ...1999103767
[treatment of acute diabetic ketoacidosis by administering small insulin doses into the serum]. 199999774
tetralogy of fallot in adults. 199991440
prostaglandin e, pessaries for induction of labour.vaginal pessaries containing 3 mg of prostaglandin e2 were used to induce labour in 200 patients with variable induction features. prostaglandin-induced labour was augmented where necessary by synthetic oxytocin. there was on failed induction. only 23% of patients with favourable induction features and 53% of patients with unfavourable features needed oxytocin. there were no adverse fetal or maternal effects. the prostaglandin e2 pessary was as effective in inducing labour as 350 microgram extra ...199985163
biochemical changes in the skin of mink with ehlers-danlos syndrome: increased collagen biosynthesis in the dermis of affected mink. 199921930
chido, rodgers and c4. in vivo and in vitro coating of red blood cells, grouping and antibody detection.c4 sucrose/low ionic strength (lis)-coated red blood cells (rbc) are excellent for the detection of the previously 'nebulous' antibodies, anti-chido and anti-rodgers, as well as for serum/plasma typing of these antigens by an inhibition technique. by enzyme treatment of such cells, it is confirmed that the ch and rg antigens reside on the c4d part of the c4 molecule. freshly taken rbc from normal individuals were examined with a sensitive auto-analyzer technique with anti-chido, anti-c4 and anti ...199991269
[evaluation of blood-liquor barrier by protein gradients in congenital hydrocephalus in infancy]. 199988669
ectopic pregnancy in southern iran: a statistical review of 96 cases.a review is presented of 96 cases of ectopic pregnacy over a 7-year period. it is noted that in recent years the incidence of this problem has increased. inadequately diagnosed and treated pelvic inflammatory disease has been found to be the main predisposing factor (40%). the rate of extra-uterine gestation was 1:336 deliveries. in this study, previous fertility was high, and primigravidae constituted only 10.4% of the total. the effect of previous pelvic operations and pelvic infection is disc ...199915916
histochemical study of orcein-positive hepatocellular material in paraffin sections of liver biopsy samples in the course of various liver diseases.a histochemical study was carried out on orcein-positive hepatocellular material in 111 cases, 27 of which were stained positively by orcein. orcein-positive material was very frequently found in protracted viral hepatitis and in chronic active hepatitis, as well as in other liver diseases with or without cholestasis; it was absent in liver cirrhosis. in all the cases considered the orcein-positive material was mainly formed of proteins, rich in amino acids with sulfhydryl and disulphide radical ...199991188
[economic crisis in public health in the capitalist countries]. 200097790
[therapy of cronh's disease in the acute stage, using ornidazole (tiberal). preliminary results].9 patients with acute exacerbations of crohn's disease were treated over 2.5 months or longer with ornidazole (nitroimidazole). while 3 patients showed no response at all to 5 cycles of ornidazole treatment, 6 patients improved markedly within 2-3 months. in all but 1 patient, the improvement lasted during long-term therapy (average 9 months). therapy was discontinued in 5 of these patients after 2.5-14 months; 2 patients had severe recurrences within 2-10 weeks, while 3 patients remained well d ...200097778
hypertensive complications in patients with aldosterone-producing adenomas. 200087647
early detection of cancer of oesophagus along caspian littoral. report of a pilot project.a simple mass-screening procedure for the early detection by brush cytology of oesophageal cancer in 280 adults in high-incidence villages of the caspian littoral is described. the presence of atypical cells in 7%, and the discovery of frank carcinoma in 3 symptom-free people encourages continuation of the project.200087555
[treatment of pain with psychotropic drugs (author's transl)].30 patients suffering from therapy-resistant chronic pain were divided into three groups according to drive and mood: i. psychomotor inhibition combined with depressive mood, ii. agitation and depressive mood, iii. agitation combined normal mood. the psychopharmacological treatment of pain showed sufficient results, when the drugs were directed to the target symptoms "agitation", "lack of drive", and "depression". the differentiated administration of activating or sedative antidepressants and ne ...200027829
clinical trial of topical disodium chromoglycate in vernal keratoconjunctivitis.the clinical picture of spring catarrh was studied in 96 cases. the duration of the disease was found to be 3.5 +/- 2.6 years. it exists all the year round with a higher frequency between april and august. male children were affected about three times more frequently than females. the effect of dscg was studied in 20 cases. it had a significant therapeutic effect. we advise a combined dscg and corticosteroid treatment in the period of exacerbation.2000101923
lack of uniformity in colour matching.1. the fraction of red in a red--green mixture matched to yellow increased as the intensities of the match constituents were increased sufficiently to bleach appreciable chlorolabe and erythrolabe. 2. all changes in matching found for a given normal trichromat, (i) with increase in the intensities of the matching components, (ii) as a function of time after the onset of very intense components, (iii) with change in the pupil region through which light enters the eye, and (iv) with change in the ...2000313984
[arrhythmias in direct fetal electrocardiography]. 200092107
genital herpes zoster: a case resembling primary herpes progenitalis with distal urethral involvement. 2000101907
[t-lymphocytes in protein-calorie malnutrition in infants]. 2000101962
evidence for passive electrotonic interactions in red rods of toad retina. 200199667
analogue analyser for on-line eye movement detection.a system of single movement detection is obtained by discriminating the velocities and orientations of eye ball displacements. the orthogonal components of eye velocity (vx and vy) are generated from the horizontal (x) and the vertical (y) components of the movements by means of two derivative circuits and the velocity modulus (v) is generated through a vector operator from vx and vy. the onset and end of individual movements are detected on the basis of a preselected v, vx or vy threshold and, ...200188325
an improved immunoelectrophoretic methodology for the evaluation of protein caloric improved technique of two dimensional immunoelectrophoresis of serum proteins on gelatinized cellulose acetate for routine evaluation of protein nutritional state is described. the method, which allows the estimation of more than 30 protein fractions, proves extremely useful in monitoring the effectiveness of total parenteral nutrition and protein metabolic conditions. sera samples from healthy subjects and cachectical neoplastic patients have been examined and preliminary results are reporte ...200192995
clinical experience and expectations with helium and heavy ion irradiation. 200196046
[evolution of the free thyroxine index during pregnancy]. 200195054
severe handicap in the newborn: treatment, non-treatment, or assisted death. 200192640
[general characteristics of the incidence of urolithiasis in chuvash assr]. 2002135390
[protective and reparative effect of deoxyribonucleic acid instilled in the cornea]. 2002135294
[congenital entropion of the eyelids (2 clinical cases)]. 2002135290
[histochemical studies on the angle of the anterior chamber in glaucoma. part i. primary open-angle glaucoma (author's transl)]. 2002130793
[lesion of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve caused by fracture of the hook of the hamate].we present a case of lesion of the deep branch of ulnar nerve at the wrist caused by fracture of the hook of the hamate. according to wu's classification (1985) based on clinical and electromyographic findings and the clinicoanatomic correlations, our case corresponds to type iv of this classification with a pure motor ulnar neuropathy with sparing of hypothenar muscles. improvement was observed after surgery.20022290409
differences in length of hospital stay for medicaid and blue cross patients and the effect of intensity of services. 2002113844
long-term treatment with beta-blockers after myocardial infarction.162 patients discharged from hospital after mycardial infarction were randomly allocated to two groups, one received alprenolol 400 mg daily and the other served as the control. the period of follow-up was two years and all other treatment given was standardized. the two groups did not differ with respect to risk factors for myocardial infarction, the course of the acute infarct or treatment during follow-up. after two years one patient in the group treated with alprenolol had died suddenly as c ...2002134897
multiple forms of phosphofructokinase in animals from the phylum chordata. 2002134863
removal of an extrauterine iud by combined laparoscopy and colpotomy. 2002139572
[study of left ventricular function with quantitative angiocardiographic methods]. 2003161533
huntington's disease--growth of fibroblast cultures in lipid-deficient medium: a preliminary report.when skin fibroblast cultures derived from subjects with huntington's disease (hd) were grown in medium supplemented with lipid-deficient serum (lds), growth rates were less than those of control cultures. the mean percentage increase in generation times for nine control cultures incurred by using lds rather than fetal calf serum (fcs) was 8.0%. four cultures from 2 patients with hd failed to grow in lds but grew well in medium supplemented with fcs. in nine other cultures derived from 7 patient ...2003152597
'chronotopic' organization of goldfish optic pathway [proceedings]. 2004529075
[determination of the toxicity of biologically active substances by cell pretreatment]. 2004525459
the action of potato inhibitors on activation of zymogen forms of digestive system proteases.the potato inhibitors of proteases inhibit the activation of trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, proelastase, procarboxypeptidase a and b induced by trypsin. these inhibitors do not inhibit the activation of trypsinogen induced by enterokinase. potato inhibitors have no influence on pepsinogen autoactivation and on pepsin activity.2004525219
vaginal epithelial changes associated with in utero des determine the true prevalence of vaginal epithelial changes in des-exposed offspring, the national cancer institute funded the desad project, a study designed to follow up these women for 4 years and to determine the prevalence of cancer and various other abnormalities in des-exposed women. 3339 women have constituted the project study cohort as of 12/31/76. each woman in the desad project undergoes breast, pelvic and colposcopic examinations, as well as vaginal and cervical cytology. details ...2004523034
congressman normal mineta: keeping tabs on the clean water act. interview by donald feliciano. 2004522208
the problem with vitamin b12 testing. 2004522179
vascular disorders in cerebral reversible ischaemic attacks: a diagnostic study with doppler flow imaging and spectral analysis. 20043320286
[serum 5'-nucleotidase activity in patients with liver neoplasms]. 2004514895
an analysis of nonconfirmation rates. experiences of a surgical second opinion program.a review was conducted of the first 12 months' experience with a voluntary second opinion surgery consultation program. the program covers approximately 950,000 persons: employees of the city of new york, retirees, and their dependents. on a simple yes or no basis, the program's surgical nonconfirmation rate was 25%. more detailed analysis of consultants' narrative suggestions for patient care showed that a firm rejection of surgical intervention occurred in only 8% of the cases reviewed. noncon ...2004490854
blocking factors in sera of breast cancer patients. 2004427725
emotional distress in morning-after pill patients.the self-administered scl-90 test was utilized to collect emotional distress data on 120 female patients requesting morning-after pill pregnancy interception. scl prescores were significant in anxiety, guilt and depression factors. the 2-week post-treatment results showed a significant decrease in these factors. this test provides reliable measurement of emotional distress factors in gynecologic gyn patients. the results must be considered supportive for the use of des interceptive therapy in sp ...2004419959
the fine structure of subcortical neurofibrillary tangles in progressive supranuclear palsy.the fine structure of subcortical neurofibrillary tangles was investigated in pallidum, substantia nigra, periaqueductal gray, pontine reticular gray, and dentate nucleus of 5 autopsy cases of progressive supranuclear palsy. only tangles due to straight 150 a wide filaments have been detected. these findings, obtained from a large series of cases and areas examined, confirm previous observations on the fine structure of neurofibrillary tangles in progressive supranuclear palsy and suggest that t ...2004419938
agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia among ramathibodi hospital patients.a one-year prospective prevalence study on aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis was performed in ramathibodi medical school. a total of 91,581 complete blood counts were screened for potential cases of aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis according to defined criteria. nineteen cases of aplastic anemia and five cases of agranulocytosis were found. the prevalence of the two conditions was discussed.20041304020
sodium bromide and sodium valproate: effective suppressants of ethanol withdrawal reactions in mice.mice were made physically dependent on ethanol by a 3-day alcohol inhalation regimen, using pyrazole to stabilize blood ethanol concentrations. after withdrawal, convulsions elicited by handling were scored repeatedly for 30 hr as a measure of central nervous system hyperexcitability. administration of sodium bromide, 0.2 to 2.0 g/kg i.p., suppressed the convulsions in a dose-related fashion. bromide was effective at subsedative doses. however, bromide increased the postwithdrawal mortality. bro ...2004368313
radical treatment of alveolar abscess. 2004368280
[aleksandr nikolaevich studitskii (on his 70th birthday)]. 2004356825
epidermal growth factor inhibits transiently the progression from g2-phase to mitosis: a receptor-mediated phenomenon in various immediate effect of epidermal growth factor (egf) on the cell cycle is described. egf, when given to replicating cells such as hela, a431, and d her 14, very rapidly inhibits the transition from g2 phase to mitosis (m) in a transient fashion. the influence of egf (10(-10) to 10(-7) m concentrations) on the g2-m transition of individual cells has been analyzed by time-lapse photography in cell lines carrying intact, mutated, or no egf receptor. the g2-m transition of cells devoid of egf recept ...20052253234
letter: vaginal candidosis. 20051276796
Displaying items 4201 - 4300 of 6009