
preventing nervous system sports injuries.physical fitness and sports remain integral components of overall good health and a cornerstone of preventive medicine. when performed safely, under adequate supervision, and with appropriate protective gear, most of these activities are enjoyable, healthful and psychologically gratifying. when not performed safely by trained athletes, these same activities can be treacherous, injurious and permanently disabling. the goals of this article are to review and describe low-risk and high-risk sports ...20082648209
[humeroscapular periarthritis]. 20082620726
[humeroscapular periarthritis]. 20082620726
workplace homicides of texas males.a review of texas death certificates for 1975-84 identified 779 civilian males whose deaths were homicides that occurred in the workplace. injuries from firearms caused 81 per cent of the deaths. the overall rate of workplace homicide was 2.1/100,000 male workers/year. males employed in taxicab service had the highest rate of workplace homicide. 78.2/100,000 male workers/year. males employed in certain retail trade industries, law enforcement, and the private-security industry also had high rate ...20123631362
a technique for staining certain types of transparent particles, to facilitate size analysis by television scanning microscopy. 20144177925
[results of follow-up over 5 years of basedow's disease under medical management]. 20144187803
lesions in the cerebral hemispheres after blunt head injury. 20144123922
[responsiveness of lymphocytes to stimulation by pha and autologous blasts in acute lymphatic leukemias during remission (author's transl)].the paper deals with the question how far the lymphocytes of acute lymphatic leukemia patients in remission can be stimulated by pha and autologous blasts in the mlc-test. the lymphocyte stimulation by pha showed considerable variation dependent on the phase of therapy. a significant reduction of the responsiveness to pha stimulation was found during the prophylactic reinduction treatment with vincristin and prednisolon compared with the results during maintenance therapy. the examination of lym ...2002135240
subcrestal retention of endodontically treated roots: discussion and report of case. 2003296256
[regional blood lactate level in arterial occlusive diseases].fifty-seven patients with obliterating diseases of the lower limb arteries were examined. the concentration of lactate in the venous blood and the venous-arterial difference in the blood lactate level in the affected limb were found to be increased. a relationship between the marked character of these shifts and the severity of the ischemic syndrome was noted. the authors discuss the possibility of using the values of the lactate content in the regional blood as criteria for evaluating the effic ...20082292851
effects of sodium depletion on the caffeine-induced contraction of frog's skeletal muscle.effects of depletion of na ions from the environmental medium on the caffeine-induced contraction were investigated in both intact and skinned fibers prepared from the frog's fast twitch muscle. in intact muscle fibers, both the twitch and the contracture induced by 5 mm caffeine were enhanced by depleting the external na at 9-10 degrees c. in contrast, in the mechanically skinned muscle fiber, which was used to examine the capability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to take up ca ions from the sar ...20082395238
evaluation of infant feeding in acute gastroenteritis.sixty-eight bottle-fed babies under 9 months of age with mild acute gastroenteritis were observed to evaluate current feeding regimens following acute gastroenteritis in infancy. all babies were fed for 24 h with a glucose-electrolyte mixture (gem) and then randomly assigned to either a gradual reintroduction to their normal milk, i.e., slow regrade; immediate return to full-strength formula; or a rapid regrade to a hypoallergenic whey hydrolysate formula. all groups were well matched for age, s ...20092709254
the bland-white-garland syndrome. 20144276871
metastatic calcification detected through scanning with 99mtc-polyphosphate. 20154424278
disulfide-toxicity relationship of botulinal toxin types a, e, and f. 20164719441
invasive thymoma presenting as aortic dissection.we report the case of an invasive thymoma presenting as an aortic dissection in a 49-year-old woman with hypertension and a marfanoid appearance. the patient presented to the emergency department with "tearing" substernal chest pain. a chest radiograph revealed a right para-aortic bulge consistent with a dissecting aorta, but an aortogram was normal. other disease states, including various types of mediastinal masses, have been reported to mimic aortic dissection.20051952311
[in memory of sh. m. matevosian]. 2001139545
inhibition of 86rb+ and 22na+ efflux of ehrlich lettré tumor cells by ca2+. 2001135529
effect of macrophages on interleukin-2 (il-2)- and il-4-induced murine lymphokine-activated killer activity.the enhancing effect of macrophages on interleukin-2 (il-2)- and il-4-induced murine lymphokine-activated killer (lak) activity was investigated in this study. peritoneal macrophages significantly enhanced lak activity generated from accessory cell-depleted splenic lymphocytes in both il-2 and il-4 cultures. this effect was dependent on the number of macrophages and was not replaced by a factor derived from macrophages or lymphocytes. macrophages enhanced il-2- and il-4-induced lak activity agai ...20072045201
[phenylketonuria: current status of the problem]. 20113064840
long-term follow-up and complications of infants with vulvovaginal embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.the long-term follow-up is presented of three infants with vulvovaginal rhabdomyosarcoma treated at 10, 11, and 15 months of age by radical surgery, pelvic radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. two patients developed colonic stricture requiring operative repair. one of these two patients also has urinary incontinence secondary to severe bladder contraction. pelvic radiation did not significantly affect stature. lateral transposition of the ovaries at the time of surgery preserved endocrine functi ...20123347430
[role of foci of chronic infection of orl organs in the pathogenesis of neurodermatitis]. 20133811584
nocturnal penile tumescence in depressed men.nocturnal penile tumescence recordings were performed in 10 men with major depression and 10 age-matched healthy control subjects to evaluate the possibility that clinical disturbances in sexual interest and activity often reported by depressed persons are associated with objective changes in sexual neurophysiology. depressed men had significantly reduced minutes of tumescence time, a finding that was not attributable to alterations in sleep efficiency or rem sleep time. three depressed men had ...20133799846
large colonic carcinoid--report of a case. 2004525687
[genetic aspects of peripheral alterations in a family with retinal detachment]. 2005552950
a randomized controlled trial of extra-amniotic ethinyloestradiol in ripening the cervix at term.a double-blind randomized controlled trial investigated the use of extra-amniotic ethinyloestradiol for ripening the unfavourable cervix at term. twenty-five primigravidae were treated with 150 mg ethinyloestradiol gel while 24 primigravidae were treated with gel alone. there was no statistical difference between the ethinyloestradiol and control groups in either mean change in bishop score or the induction-to-delivery interval.20092673340
[personal experiences with congenital cysts and fistulas of the neck]. 20051064065
binding modes of mammalian hepatic gal/galnac receptors.mammalian gal/galnac receptors show dramatic preference for three-branched oligosaccharide structures over two- or one-branched counterparts. the spatial arrangement of the gal residues is extremely important for optimal binding. the three terminal gal residues in the best triantennary ligand are about 15-30 a apart, and therefore the sugar-combining sites on the receptor may also have the same geometry. the results obtained with synthetic ligands containing gal or galnac are in agreement with t ...20082551610
[a case of an s-shaped kidney complicated by calculosis and hydronephrosis]. 20082585989
the 'holy plane' of rectal surgery. 20113184105
divalent cation-dependent atpase activities in ciliary membranes and other surface structures in paramecium tetraurelia: comparative in vitro studies.cilia membrane preparations from axenically grown paramecium contain atpase activities with distinct electrophoretic mobilities on triton-polyacrylamide gels [m.j. doughty and e.s. kaneshiro (1983) j. protozool. 30, 569-575]. such gel analyses also show additional atpase activity bands associated with ciliary axonemes (dyneins), cell pellicles, exocytotic trichocysts, and the external cell surface (ectoenzyme). in the present report, the in vitro properties of these activities in various cell fr ...20113157347
high-frequency ventilation experience: a rescue protocol for neonates with airleaks. 20092681914
sodium iron nafeedta as an iron fortification compound in central america. absorption studies.studies were performed in seven children and 98 adults to compare the proportion of iron absorbed when administered as ferric sulfate (fe2(so4)3), nafeedta, hemoglobin (hb), and ferrous ascorbate. studies in children (mostly iron deficient) showed that when the compounds were given with a milk-rice-sugar formula totalling 5 mg fe, iron from hemoglobin was absorbed best, followed by nafeedta and by fe2(so4)3 (mean percent absorption +/-sd = 34.5 +/- 1.5, 8.6 +/- 1.9 and 3.3 +/- 1.5, respectively) ...199996688
ultrastructural and monoamine histofluorescence study of the pineal gland in the female garden-dormouse (eliomys quercinus l.) under normal and experimental conditions during the period of hibernation. correlations with the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis. 2005549080
renal damage in mice after sequential cisplatin and irradiation: the influence of prior irradiation on platinum elimination.doses of 4-6 mg kg-1 c-ddp given 6 months before renal irradiation caused only a modest increase in functional radiation damage (def 1.1). these effects could be explained by additive toxicities and the damage was much less than when c-ddp was given 3-6 months after irradiation. pharmacokinetic studies did not demonstrate any decrease in the rate of platinum elimination after previous low-dose renal irradiation.20071924867
the mental health of nuclear submariners in the united states navy. 1998107489
combination of behavioral smoking cessation with transdermal nicotine substitution.effects of a transdermal nicotine substitution on psychological smoking cessation were investigated in a double-blind prospective study. 131 smokers were randomly assigned to three treatment conditions: all smokers underwent nine weeks of self-controlled smoking cessation. during six weeks one group was additionally treated with nicotine patches continuously releasing nicotine through the skin into the blood circuit. the second group received placebo patches; while the third group was treated wi ...20092728961
hypomagnesemia in digitalized patients. 20103954538
[ultrasonic capsulotomy]. 20113241728
ibuprofen in bronchial asthma. 20113246509
haemolytic-uraemic syndrome after treatment with metronidazole.this paper describes the clinical features of six children who developed the haemolytic-uraemic syndrome after treatment with metronidazole. these children were older and were more likely to have undergone recent bowel surgery than are other children with this condition. while the involvement of metronidazole in the aetiology of the haemolytic-uraemic syndrome is not established firmly, the action of this drug in sensitizing tissues to oxidation injury and the reported evidence of oxidation chan ...20113173180
multiple pregnancies among adolescents: incidence and correlates.the study of adolescent fertility traditionally has focused on understanding and predicting the occurrence of an initial adolescent pregnancy. the complex problem of multiple pregnancies among teenagers is explored. current knowledge regarding the incidence and correlates of repeated pregnancy is summarized and reviewed. intervention strategies and directions for further research are suggested.20113265925
[respiratory problems in patients with muscular dystrophy]. 20113285556
[studies on the blood constituents of the neonates delivered by the induced delivery of the defense medical college method].for the assessment of the influence of the defense medical college planned delivery method upon neonates, the measurement of the blood constituents of the umbilical cord was conducted. statistically speaking, no marked differences were seen between the neonates delivered by the defense medical college method and neonates delivered naturally. the blood constituents investigated were: blood cells, activity of various enzymes, other blood constituents and electrolytes.20123457089
the epidemiology of alcohol consumption and hypertension; with special reference to stroke. 20123321196
[sleep in children]. 20134321695
[clinico-roentgenologic evaluation of the efficacy of extra-intracranial microvascular anastomoses in patients with stenoses in the internal carotid artery system].the authors analyse the results of clinical and x-ray examination of 20 patients with stenosing lesions in the system of the internal carotid artery after operations for establishing extra-intracranial microvascular anastomoses (eicma). marked stable neurological symptomatology was encountered before the operation in arterial stenosis of a high degree (more than 50%) and the presence of brain infarctions. in functioning eicma, evolution of stenoses in the system of the internal carotid arteries ...20133962547
gas chromatographic determination of chlorproethazine in plasma. 20133667792
method for detecting sulfones in urine. 20133655470
temporal lobe epilepsy with schizophrenia.i have reported a case of coexisting schizophrenia and complex partial seizures to augment earlier reports of schizophrenia and psychomotor seizures masquerading as one another. i have attempted to clarify the differential diagnosis and reinforce the need to do thorough studies in such cases.20133616704
relation between gm(f) and the structure of the gamma-globulin molecule. 20144160245
the response of chelonian muscle spindles to mechanical stimulation. 20154549902
[hypothalamic monoamine nerve fiber and sexual mechanism control]. 20154601360
[myocardial lesions in progressive muscular dystrophy]. 20154467460
participation of monocytes in transient glomerular hypercellularity in poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. 20154350411
nursing education: "the clarnnda plan". 20154322725
rupture of the right hemidiaphragm due to blunt trauma. 20164951175
[laser therapy of external genital lesions]. 20061563686
organ donation in intensive care--a look at the ethical issues.this paper is based on consideration of the ethical issues surrounding organ donation. this emotive subject has far-reaching implications concerning both donation and transplantation but the purpose in this paper is to deal specifically with issues related to cadaveric organ donation and how they concern nurses in an intensive care unit (icu). a brief, general description of both ethics and organ donation is followed by a discussion of the issues surrounding the donor himself, including the diag ...20061483023
lessons from a nursing home. 20113103447
phenolsulfonphthalein interferes with measurement of urinary protein in the du pont analyzer. 20123390935
[significance of internalization and externalization in normal development]. 20133685240
multicentric reticulohistiocytosis with extensive bone and joint destruction. 20154518826
heterogeneity of phenotypic expression in a family with swiss-type agammaglobulinemia: observations on the acquisition of agammaglobulinemia. 20164930796
[monoclonal antibodies to individual antigens of the nervous system of the snail, helix pomatia].seven positive hybridoma clones were chosen by immunoenzyme analysis amons 103 clones obtained by hybridization of nso plasmocytoma cells and splenocytes from balb/c mice, immunized with snail's nervous system antigens. specific binding of mabs with neuron cytoplasmic antigens was indicated on cryostat sections of visceral, pedal and cerebral ganglia. the mabs obtained could be used for the study of physiological role of antigens identified.20082268718
[modern treatment of hydatidiform mole].authors describe their experiences in forty seven cases of molar pregnancy. modern techniques (hcg beta-subunit radioimmunoassay, computerized tomography, pelvic angiography, ultrasonography, prophylactic chemotherapy) are described with regard to diagnosis and treatment of hydatidiform mole. the advantages of trophoblastic disease centers are emphasized.20133811666
[long-term results of synchronized radiotherapy in inoperable orofacial squamous cell carcinoma]. 200195490
dental offices as a source of controlled substances. 200195243
[a case report of laryngeal tuberculosis with pseudotumoral appearance]. 2003142806
colony-stimulating factor and drug-induced agranulocytosis. 20082655524
colony-stimulating factor and drug-induced agranulocytosis. 20082655524
surgical aspects of drug smuggling. 20113133033
management of civilian gunshot fractures of the hundred thirty-two gunshot fractures of the extremities in 126 patients were studied retrospectively and followed until clinical union from january 1980 to january 1985. civilian handgun missile velocities have increased; should the trend continue, treatment protocols will need to be modified. all uncomplicated low-velocity gunshot fractures, less than 615 m/second, (2000 feet/second), can be managed conservatively, with superficial debridement, surgical cleansing, immobilization, and antibi ...20123335099
altered sensitivity of the gallbladder to cholecystokinin octapeptide in irritable bowel syndrome.we compared responses of the gallbladder to graded intravenous infusions of cholecystokinin octapeptide (cck-op) in normal controls (n = 8) and patients with irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) with predominant constipation (n = 8) or diarrhea (n = 8). the doses of cck-op ranged from subphysiological (negligible contraction of the gallbladder) to supraphysiological (90% contraction of gallbladder and abdominal side effects) amounts. all gallbladders contracted progressively in response to cck-op, and ...20123318495
a versatile programmable pattern generator.a versatile visual pattern generator is described that can be programmed by a microcomputer and is developed as a part of a portable visual evoked potential analysis system. the hardware is contained on one printed circuit board (3" x 10", 7.5 x 25.5 cm) residing in an interface connector of a microcomputer (apple ii). the generator produces signals for commercial 50 hz video monitors; a calibration procedure based on a photocell measurement corrects for the non-linear voltage intensity characte ...20133617543
the role of the ileum in food intake regulation. 20133554018
nursing ethics: the admirable professional standards of nurses. a survey report. 20154496571
a new look at cavity preparation. 2003298770
central properties of alpha-allophanyl-alpha-allyl-gamma-valerolactone (valofan) [proceedings]. 2004526756
a flow calorimeter for assay of hormone- and metabolite-induced changes in steady-state heat production by tissue. 2005543542
[nephrotic syndrome]. 20082293261
probing the role of substrate conformation in phospholipase a2 action on aggregated phospholipids using constrained phosphatidylcholine analogues.phospholipase a2s hydrolyze aggregated phospholipid substrates much more rapidly than dispersed monomeric ones. whether this is a consequence of interface-associated conformational changes of the enzyme or of the substrate, or of both, remains a key question in lipid enzymology. this problem is addressed herein using a rationally designed probe of substrate conformation. (1,3/2)-1-o-(phosphorylcholine)-2,3-o-dihexanoylcyclopentane-1,2,3 -triol is a novel short chain phosphatidylcholine analogue ...20123417646
immunodeficiency syndromes and the gut.the gastrointestinal tract in immunodeficiency disorders is involved with diseases similar to those seen in the immune competent. however, in some immune deficient states the incidence of gastrointestinal disease is high whereas in others it is no different than in the general population. this review clarifies the unique and specific abnormalities seen in immune deficient states and stresses the newest recognised abnormalities. it highlights the fact that the most frequent and severe abnormaliti ...20143911369
blood chemistry and lipid profiles of elite distance summary, we conclude that the analysis of the blood profiles of elite runners offers no explanation for their superior fitness of physical ability when compared to the good runners. selected enzymes related to cellular or tissue damage may be elevated in distance runners and could be classified as abnormal on routine clinical evaluation if unaware of their physical lifestyles. it is also important to note that certain blood profile parameters, especially the hematocrit, could be classified as ...2003201207
polycyclic aromatic compounds (pac) in leaf lettuce.twenty-three samples of leaf lettuce (lactuca sativa var. crispa) cultivated in private gardens in southern finland were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pah) and derivatives. the total pah concentrations varied from 4.8 to 94 micrograms/kg fresh weight. nitro derivatives of pah were detected in only five samples. one lettuce sample was also analyzed for pah oxy-derivatives. 9h-fluoren-9-one (1.3 microgram/kg) and 6 h-benzo[cd]pyren-6-one (0.3 microgram/kg) were found. the profiles ...20133765856
[functional disorders of the biliary tracts]. 20154553777
[growth and development of children with cerebral palsy and related nursing action. 4. practice of assistance for the child. 1]. 200097455
antilymphocytic serum. (a brief review of current concepts). 200195021
comparison of capacitive and inductive bone stimulation devices. analysis of sinusoidal electromagnetic fields. 2005549501
[the excretory apparatus and diabetes]. 2005545627
[initial attitudes to orthodontic treatment--the results of a practical and clinical questionnaire study (i)].312 patients from one clinic and nine offices, between eight and 15 years of age treated with bionators, their parents and a control group were questioned on various aspects of their treatment. findings regarding opinions about dentofacial appearance, initial motives and expectations are presented. aesthetic motives proved preponderant by seeking treatment though the children's ability to verbally differentiate aesthetic concepts was poor. above all, they expected visible treatment progress, abs ...20072227739
[initial attitudes to orthodontic treatment--the results of a practical and clinical questionnaire study (i)].312 patients from one clinic and nine offices, between eight and 15 years of age treated with bionators, their parents and a control group were questioned on various aspects of their treatment. findings regarding opinions about dentofacial appearance, initial motives and expectations are presented. aesthetic motives proved preponderant by seeking treatment though the children's ability to verbally differentiate aesthetic concepts was poor. above all, they expected visible treatment progress, abs ...20072227739
health care entrepreneur's key to success: break the mold. 20092921025
risk of upper respiratory tract infection and malaria prophylaxis. 20113133070
is institute of medicine the agency to lead science's attack on aids? 20123625974
[analysis of hba1 is necessary in the routine check-up of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus]. 20133807486
agglutination of labeled rbc. 20154623528
[pars planitis and multiple sclerosis]. 20133815685
professional conduct review process: protecting you. 20133635232
openness to experience, identity flexibility, and life change in adults.the personality trait of openness to experience was used to predict identity flexibility, the tendency of adults to evaluate alternative identity commitments in the area of family and work. openness to experience was also used as an independent variable to predict the occurrence of actual life change 12 months after identity flexibility was ascertained. a sample of 57 adults (34 women and 23 men) ranging in age from 24 to 61 (m = 41 years) was tested twice over the 12-month period. age and openn ...20133701571
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