
exposure-response relationship for a dichotomized response when the continuous underlying variable is not measured.radiological assessment of pneumoconiosis is an example of a dichotomized variable, namely one that is analysed as a binary response but in fact has an underlying continuum, which in this case is not measurable. estimates of exposure-response relationships vary greatly for different observers of a dichotomized response variable because of random error of measurement and differences in the threshold implicitly chosen by each observer for categorizing cases. we present a method of using the biseri ...20113175395
cardiac anomalies in williams-beuren syndrome.we have described some of the cardiological findings in 66 patients with williams-beuren syndrome and analysed the two dimensional cross sectional echocardiograms in 61 of them in comparison with normal controls. supravalvar aortic narrowing was shown in all patients examined echocardiographically and may be a useful diagnostic sign. we documented a 7.8% incidence of systemic hypertension, a 15% clinical and echocardiographic incidence of mitral valve prolapse, and a 11.6% incidence of bicuspid ...20113415298
prognostic factors for nasopharyngeal carcinoma analysed by cox model. 20113148399
cytologic features of well-differentiated sclerosing liposarcoma in aspirated samples.the histologic, cytologic and ultrastructural features of two cases of a rare variant of liposarcoma, the well-differentiated sclerosing type, are presented. these tumors are characterized by lipoblasts (in different stages of development), atypical fibroblasts, multinucleated floret cells, lipocytes and delicate, dispersed collagen. the differential diagnosis includes other types of liposarcoma and three benign lipomatous lesions: the pleomorphic lipoma, the atypical lipoma and the spindle cell ...20113201879
[mammography from the male viewpoint: " a nuisance, waste of personnel, inconclusive"?]. 20113200016
resting and exertional haemodynamic effects of buccal nitroglycerin: acute and chronic discontinuous treatment in post-myocardial infarction patients with heart failure.the resting and exertional haemodynamic effects of acute and chronic discontinuous (one tablet every 6 h) treatment with 5 mg of buccal nitroglycerin (bn) have been assessed in nine postinfarction heart failure patients. at rest, pulmonary artery (pap), pulmonary wedge (pwp), and right atrial pressures (rap) were reduced by 42%, 55% and 77%, respectively, after the first dose and by 26%, 32% and 45%, respectively, after the chronic (three weeks) treatment with bn. during exercise, at the same wo ...20113133210
field tests on four state-of-the-art blood chemistry analyzers in a mobile laboratory setting. 20113126442
[reduction of ventricular tachycardia by programmed electric stimulation. clinical implications].the mode of termination by programmed electrical stimulation of sustained ventricular tachycardia (vt) (more than 30 seconds) and induced by stimulation was investigated in 33 patients. in 27 patients (82%) programmed stimulation was possible because vt did not require an immediate electric shock or did not terminate spontaneously, but constant reduction of vt was obtained with one extrasystole in only 1 patient (3%), with two extrasystoles in 5 patients (15%) and by overdrive stimulation in 12 ...20113122686
levels of cognitive functioning: evaluation of interrater reliability.this study examined the reliability of the levels of cognitive functioning scale, an observational tool used to assess head-injured patients. twenty-two undergraduate and ten graduate students viewed videotapes of four patients at various levels and rated each using the scale. findings indicate a high percent agreement of subjects with each other for the four patient examples and with the correct level (p less than .001). these results suggest that this assessment tool may be useful in planning ...20113845962
pathomorphological analysis of proliferative cystitis and its associated tumors. 20113115710
early haemopoietic stem cells in the avian embryo.using 'yolk sac chimaeras', we have previously demonstrated that stem cells, destined to colonize haemopoietic organs other than the yolk sac, arise in the embryo proper. we have now investigated the emergence and potentialities of these cells in vivo and in vitro. the in vivo approach consisted of interspecies grafting between quail and chick embryos. the cell progeny from the grafts was detected by means of qh1, a monoclonal antibody specific for the quail haemangioblastic lineage. when grafte ...20113077941
failures to confirm the spatial-frequency hypothesis: fatal blow or healthy complication. 20123502907
[training dental technicians. 30. control baseplate]. 20123527777
a new nematode, yatinema japonicum gen. et sp. n. (heligmonellidae: nematoda), from voles, eothenomys smithi thomas and e. niigatae (anderson). 20123517440
[transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (tens) in obstetrics].labour pains have been influenced by tens (electrodes placed at th10 to l2) in 78 women (control group comprising 46 women) during delivery. no electrostimulation of the sacral segments was carried through. the two groups were comparable well because of similarities in their age, the babies' size at birth and equal conditions during delivery. the first tens effect observed was a marked reduction of duration of labour with no increase in pathological cardiotocographic findings. with tens applied, ...20123487901
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography findings of a gallbladder filling defect caused by sludge.ultrasound of the abdomen has described intraluminal gallbladder masses or stones without acoustic shadowing which have been termed "sludge balls." this finding has not been previously reported via its x-ray appearance at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. this case reports this finding at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and emphasizes that it is in the spectrum between suprasaturated bile and choledocholithiasis.20123548329
[abnormal visuovestibular interaction in congenital jerky nystagmus]. 20123486553
the guanine and cytosine content of genomic dna and bacterial evolution.the genomic guanine and cytosine (g + c) content of eubacteria is related to their phylogeny. the g + c content of various parts of the genome (protein genes, stable rna genes, and spacers) reveals a positive linear correlation with the g + c content of their genomic dna. however, the plotted correlation slopes differ among various parts of the genome or among the first, second, and third positions of the codons depending on their functional importance. facts suggest that biased mutation pressur ...20123467347
radiology in the management of impacted teeth.radiographic examination is of principal importance in the diagnosis and management of impacted teeth. the examination has several purposes: verification, analysis of anatomy, inclinations, relation to adjacent structures etc., and assessment of complications. fundamental radiographic methods are projections at right angles, horizontally or vertically angulated views, and stereoscopy. a detailed interpretation in three dimensions is essential for proper diagnosis and prognosis as well as for pla ...20123473038
chronic and acute effects of solvents on central nervous system functions in floorlayers.floorlayers and age matched carpenters with long (greater than or equal to 20 years) and short (5-10 years) occupational experience were compared with respect to chronic and acute neuropsychiatric, neuropsychological, and general health effects as related to different types of solvent exposure. an increased prevalence of neuropsychiatric illness occurred among floorlayers with long occupational experience, possibly caused by high levels of exposure which were present until the 1970s. the disease ...20123484970
[fractures of the crowns of teeth and their treatment]. 20123482746
the 1985 new jersey physician manpower supply. 20123474560
oral acyclovir in the treatment of acute herpes zoster ophthalmicus.seventy-one nonimmunocompromised patients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus, presenting within seven days of onset of characteristic skin eruption, were enrolled in a prospective, longitudinal, randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial with oral acyclovir. in a previous interim report we noted more prompt resolution of dermatomal signs and symptoms with acyclovir treatment. there was also a reduction of viral shedding in acyclovir-treated patients coupled with a trend to greater rate of ...20123488532
advantages and limits of intravenous thrombolysis. 20123411614
the role of ungeremine in the growth-inhibiting and cytotoxic effects of lycorine: evidence and speculation. 20123406168
igg subclass antibodies in response to house dust mite immunotherapy.the data obtained so far indicate that house dust mite immunotherapy stimulates an igg antibody response that is predominantly of igg4 subclass. early in the course, however, a rise in igg1 antibodies can be detected, but as treatment goes on igg4 becomes more prominent. the association between the development of igg4 antibodies and objectively measured clinical improvements resulting from immunotherapy, strongly suggests that igg4 antibodies might exert a blocking effect on ige-mediated immedia ...20123481430
cellulitis associated with dermatophyte infection in the vein-donor-leg of a coronary artery bypass patient. 20123873016
nuclear morphometry as an important prognostic factor in stage i renal cell carcinoma.although 60% of stage i renal carcinoma patients die from tumor within 5 years postoperatively, a considerable percentage survive that period. nuclear grading can help to predict the outcome, but many of the patients are grade 2, and the prognosis of this subclass is uncertain. therefore, nuclear morphometry was carried out in 41 patients with stage i renal cell carcinoma. of these, 24 died within 5 years and 17 have survived that period. using a mean nuclear area of 32 micron 2 as the decision ...20123768843
recruit and retain. tailor-made training. 20123353263
gunshot wounds in children under 10 years of age. a new epidemic.before 1980 we had not treated any children with gunshot wounds who were younger than 10 years of age, but the number has increased dramatically each year since then. thirty-four children younger than 10 years of age were treated for gunshot wounds from 1980 to 1987. sociologic and epidemiologic data were assessed by a child-abuse team and police. other studies have concluded that gunshot wounds in young children were usually caused by unintentional injury, child abuse, or neglect. from our pres ...20123369400
microsaccades and vision. 20123352933
a programme for aids. 20123380709
perivascular iron deposition and other vascular damage in multiple sclerosis.evidence of damage to cerebral vein walls was sought in 70 cases of multiple sclerosis. seventy control cases were also examined. the multiple sclerosis cases showed venous intramural fibrinoid deposition (7%), recent haemorrhages (17%), old haemorrhages revealed by haemosiderin deposition (30%), thrombosis (6%) and thickened veins (19%). in all, 41% of all multiple sclerosis cases showed some evidence of vein damage. occasional control cases showed haemosiderin deposition in the brain but, unli ...20123346691
the clinical stimulus to research on parasitic disease: lessons from life. 20123318514
[biliary reconstruction by choledocho-jejunal anastomosis with a y-loop in hepatic transplantation. analysis of complications]. 20123324906
hollenback prize for 1987 (gunnar ryge). 20123295791
primate research and "psychological well-being".in mark crawford's news & comment article "superconductor funds flat" (4 mar., p. 1089), robert j. birgeneau was reported to have had his grant cut to $4.4 million. that national science foundation grant actually covers the massachusetts institute of technology's materials research laboratory and supports 40 faculty members. birgeneau's personal grant was reduced from $125,000 in 1987 to $122,000 for this year.20123353701
[additives and the vitamin content of foods]. 20124480152
femoral anteversion in children measured by ultrasound.the femoral anteversion was measured by ultrasound and biplanar radiography in 57 children, most of whom had clinical signs of increased anteversion. a modification of previously reported ultrasound techniques was introduced, as the transducer was tilted instead of being kept horizontally. four different modes of ultrasound examination were evaluated. the most appropriate technique involved only one ultrasound scan at the hip level. the correlation between the results of ultrasound and radiograp ...20123314318
when perceptual or motor sets are changed: effects of updating demands on structure and energy of p300. 20124091036
delayed fibrin polymerization due to removal of calcium ions. 20124986919
mri ct, and plain film appearance of anterior spina bifida.anterior spina bifida or butterfly vertebral body has a well known and characteristic appearance on plain film and ct. its appearance on magnetic resonance imaging also appears to be characteristic and should not be mistaken for more serious abnormalities.20123323756
problem patients in a psychiatric inpatient setting. an explorative study.a total of 26 psychiatric inpatients (5.8% of all admissions) in an intensive treatment unit were identified as problem patients by nursing personnel. reasons for such identification were behavioral pathology of the patient, difficulties of the staff in the relationship with the patient, and insufficient therapeutic progress, and the use of inappropriate therapeutic methods. compared with a control group, the problem patients were psychotics or personality disorders. they presented more behavior ...20123732342
[age-related characteristics of the enamel surface microrelief before and after exposure to acid]. 20123284013
[soldiers in white smocks]. 20133898571
[soldiers in white smocks]. 20133898571
child health status and risk factors. 20133882631
loss of substance of dental composite restorations. 20133861433
dental syndromes in medical genetics. 20133861432
the tongue. 2. developmental anomalies and coated tongue. 20133861431
sonography of the normal and abnormal intact lumbar spinal canal. 20133880985
sonography of the normal and abnormal intact lumbar spinal canal. 20133880985
[ventricular fibrillation in the initial phase of acute myocardial infarct].in order to determinate the incidence, predictivity and prognosis of ventricular fibrillation in the early phase of acute myocardial infarction a series of 301 patients with acute myocardial infarction consecutively assisted by the mobile coronary care unit of florence was analyzed. 151 patients (50.2%) received intensive care within 2 hours from the onset of the symptoms, 75 patients (24.9%) received intensive care between the second and sixth hour. 38 patients (12.6%) had at least one episode ...20134007366
[ventricular fibrillation in the initial phase of acute myocardial infarct].in order to determinate the incidence, predictivity and prognosis of ventricular fibrillation in the early phase of acute myocardial infarction a series of 301 patients with acute myocardial infarction consecutively assisted by the mobile coronary care unit of florence was analyzed. 151 patients (50.2%) received intensive care within 2 hours from the onset of the symptoms, 75 patients (24.9%) received intensive care between the second and sixth hour. 38 patients (12.6%) had at least one episode ...20134007366
[biological profile of the 1st 4 hours of a thrombolytic treatment combining urokinase with lysyl-plasminogen].the authors study the biological variations which accompany an oral, thrombolytic treatment in which urokinase and lysyl-plasminogen are combined. fibrinogen, the products of degradation of fibrinogen or fibrin, plasminogen and rapid alpha 2 antiplasmin are studied as a function of time. two dimensional electrophoreses were carried out at precisely determined times. the combination of the two therapeutic agents causes the appearance of plasmin in the circulation, but it is neutralised by its rap ...20133832977
likelihood ratio vs a multivariate model. 20133813825
[patients without vocalizing function. on assistance of alaryngeal patients from the postoperative period to the time of social rehabilitation]. 20133845289
a fluid-phase routine method for the detection of insulin-anti-insulin complexes.a fast routine method has been devised to measure circulating insulin-anti-insulin complexes. the principle lies in the calculation of the difference between the insulin binding capacity of the free antibody and that of the total amount of insulin antibody. the ph of 1 aliquot of serum was lowered to 3 by adding glycine-hcl buffer. free insulin was removed by charcoal precipitation and the ph was again neutralized by the simple addition of naoh; the final dilution of serum was 1/5. radiolabelled ...20133816046
[the use of occupational law in solving problems at obstetric-gynecologic facilities]. 20133811411
malignant melanoma arising intradermally in a small congenital nevus of an adult.the occurrence of a malignant melanoma in a small congenital nevus is a rare event. a malignant melanoma arising intradermally in a small congenital nevus in an adult has not been previously reported. the clinical implications and known information about the prognosis of intradermal malignant melanomas are discussed.20133771902
[the lung in cardiopathies]. 20133836616
[outline of the university education on the air: a new type of education for the era of life-long education]. 20133846685
controversies in the actions of digitalis substances: are all digitalis derivatives alike? 20133905878
comparison of the effectiveness of two topical anesthetics and a placebo in reducing injection pain. 20133867659
[limitations of conventional mechanical ventilation in the treatment of acute respiratory failure]. 20133747112
low indoor temperatures and morbidity in the elderly.low ambient temperatures are particularly harmful to the elderly and in the winter in the uk temperatures in some dwellings may fall to 6 degrees c. the world health organization recommends a minimal indoor temperature of 18 degrees c and a 2-3 degrees c warmer minimal temperature for rooms occupied by sedentary elderly, young children and the handicapped. below 16 degrees c, resistance to respiratory infections may be diminished. both low and high relative humidities promote respiratory illness ...20133751747
[possibilities and limits of the study of tumor markers in the after-care of patients with ovarian cancer]. 20133770529
[clinical effects of hyperthermia in patients with carcinoma of the esophagus--a multi-institutional cooperative study]. 20133782986
[on an unusual case of adenocystic carcinoma of the breast]. 20134312699
[on an unusual case of adenocystic carcinoma of the breast]. 20134312699
vitamin and mineral usage in adult family practice patients. 20134056668
patient recall systems. 20133824240
on display. technical innovations and innovators, imaging-related services and educational literature at rsna '87. radiological society of north america. 20133659347
prognosis of alcoholic cirrhosis in the presence and absence of alcoholic hepatitis.liver biopsy specimens (178 percutaneous and 39 transjugular) were assessed from 217 consecutive patients with alcoholic liver disease, 77 noncirrhotics and 140 cirrhotics, whose cases were followed for 5 yr. cirrhotic patients were categorized into two groups, with and without "hepatitis" using a criteria to define "hepatitis" that included only degrees of inflammation, necrosis, and mallory bodies that had a prognostic weight in terms of mortality in 1 yr. this classification resulted in a sha ...20133781189
[sterilization of couples]. 20133639609
[hormone dependence and steroid receptors in adenocarcinomas of the endometrium].the degree of hormone-dependence of endometrial cancers may be evaluated by the presence and the rate of estradiol and mostly progesterone receptors in an endometrial fragment. the most differentiated tumors have a high receptor content, while anaplastic cancers are most of the time without them. they must be systematically determined regardless of other prognostic factors enabling to evaluate the prognosis and guide the treatment. it is presently facilitated by the method of immunochemical titr ...20133602807
the causes and consequences of chronic hepatic venous outflow obstruction.the causes of chronic hepatic venous outflow obstruction are membranous obstruction of the inferior vena cava (group 1), hepatic venous ostial obstruction (group 2) and partial hepatic venous ostial obstruction (group 3). at the h. f. verwoerd and kalafong hospitals, pretoria, 155 cases have been diagnosed, almost all in the first group. over 50% of the patients in this series had hepatocellular carcinoma; this association appears to be a constant finding world-wide. the most likely cause is a c ...20133603285
nonhuman primate model for regional wave travel and reflections along aortas.arterial pulse transmission and wave reflections were studied in five mature anesthetized baboons (papio anubis) using multisensor micromanometry. simultaneous pressures were recorded from the left ventricle and every 10 cm along the aorta and its terminal branches, and flow velocity was measured in the aortic root. aortic input impedance and regional foot-to-foot and apparent phase velocities were calculated. aortography provided dimensional data for local reflection coefficients. regional foot ...20133618804
a specular reflection arising from the ventricular wall: a potential pitfall in the diagnosis of germinal matrix hemorrhage.reflection artifacts may complicate the diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhage in preterm neonates. a linear focus of bright echoes in the region of the germinal matrix at or anterior to the caudothalamic grooves, often seen on parasagittal scans, may be mistaken for a germinal matrix hemorrhage but is actually a reflection of the ultrasound beam at the wall of the lateral ventricle. cranial sonograms of 100 preterm infants were retrospectively analyzed and categorized with regard to presence and ...20133884829
optimization of ultrasonic transducers.the so-called klm-model for ultrasonic transducers is employed to optimize transducer design. some new performance characteristics are defined which change monotonically with design parameters. these characteristics are based on the area of the envelope of the echo waveform produced by the transducer and of the corresponding amplitude spectrum. the efficiency of the transducer is defined by the round trip energy factor. the performance characteristics are used in a composite performance measure, ...20133881869
the midwifery examination system--a matter for concern. 20133634171
[ambulatory mass screening for preventing and improving the outcome of acute pneumonia in military personnel]. 20133576995
trends in teenage childbearing 1970-83. 20133576441
metastatic disease of the spine. 20133745256
physiologic regulation and pathologic disorders of fibrinolysis.physiologic fibrinolysis is a reparative process that occurs in response to hemostatic plug or thrombus formation. the final enzymatic step, fibrin proteolysis, results from a coordinated interaction of enzymes and inhibitors, which produces effective action at the site of the disease and spares the proteins of the blood or uninvolved parts of the vascular system. the agent of fibrinolysis, the enzyme plasmin, is derived from its zymogen (plasminogen) through limited proteolysis effected by plas ...20133546075
the presidents. gerald desmond timmons 1962-1963. 20133549832
late corneal grafting in congenitally opaque corneas. 20133894096
the structure, function and evolution of cytochromes. 20133881803
combined active and passive immunotherapy in honeybee-sting allergy.five honeybee sting-allergic patients in whom bee venom immunotherapy (vit) had previously been stopped because of repeated allergic side effects (se) were resubmitted to bee vit after pretreatment with beekeeper gammaglobulin. the tolerated bee venom dose was increased five to 800 times after this passive immunotherapy, and the maintenance dose of 100 micrograms of honeybee venom (bv) was reached in all patients after 6 to 15 days of a rush hyposensitization. the igg response to bv was not supp ...20133722631
the relationship of movement and time to older adults' functional health.the relationship of movement (measured by walking cadence) and time (measured by perceived duration) to functional health was investigated in a sample of community-based, white, older women (n = 114). significant relationships were found between health and movement, and between movement and time. speed, inherent in both movement and time, may be an important qualitative dimension of functional health. walking cadence shows the most promise for use as an inexpensive, noninvasive, easy-to-use clin ...20133636945
[surgical treatment of angina pectoris caused by atherosclerosis. methods of examination. indications. results]. 20144542886
[surgical treatment of angina pectoris caused by atherosclerosis. methods of examination. indications. results]. 20144542886
[postoperative evolution of the electrocardiographic changes in aortic and mitral valve defects treated with valve substitution]. 20144249165
treatment of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis of children (candida granuloma) with clotrimazole. 20144337938
treatment of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis of children (candida granuloma) with clotrimazole. 20144337938
[changes in the physical development on school-children in the kirghizian ssr]. 20144223665
extracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis so-called malignant glomerulonephritis. 20144219685
[hereditary chondrodysplasias]. 20144240528
the fluorescent antibody test in the diagnosis of dracunculus infection. 20144239744
[surgical treatment of some cases of rhinophyma]. 20144223092
Displaying items 4001 - 4100 of 4852