
letter: medical writing. 20154406071
[regulations for nurses' legal responsibility]. 20154484010
[insulin receptors and mechanism of the action of insulin in the body]. 20154374697
[hypocalcemic pseudo-deficient vitamin resistant rickets]. 20154350439
massive ascites due to pancreatic stones. 20154502769
radiation hepatitis in children. 20154321600
[long term results of transtemporal neurectomy of the vestibular nerve in menière's disease (author's transl)]. 20154420512
spin concentration per living cell of normal liver, regenerating liver, and hepatomas. 20154363447
a group therapy experience with regressed patients. 20154311705
[examinations on the influence of arterial blood pressure on the course of glaucoma simplex]. 20165095602
[successfully treated case of traumatic ventricular septal perforation caused by stabbing]. 20165090175
contrast laryngography in diagnosis. 20165067765
[late results of surgery on the thyroid gland]. 20165068155
simultaneous dispersion and decay of radioactive wastes. 20165014874
are you receiving me? 20165014404
[chromatoclastic and mitoclastic activity of some fractions of tars of cigarette smoke]. 20164987574
rejection of the generic name dendrocystis rees, 1962, and its replacement by arborocystis nov.nom. protozoa: gregarinomorpha. 20164960245
[transduodenal papillotomy and sphincterotomy in biliary surgery: general review of 132 cases]. 20164913238
[death of dr. guillermo mann fischer]. 20164877508
subacute sclerosing encephalitis. 20164862504
[letter: homologous insemination of poole sperma]. 20164849080
[our equipment for cortical audiometry]. 20164837373
letter: how to stamp out creativity. 20164820304
environmental lead pollution. 20164821235
letter: on lid loading in the management of lagophthalmos. 20164843124
letter: beyond cost estimating, another ball game. 20164820302
proceedings: factors influencing the outcome of chemotherapy of brain tumors. 20164764938
some genetic traits in solomon island populations. 3. relative toe length. 20164750669
[aging of the patients with old cranial injuries. (catamnestic study of 88 patients hospitalized in psychiatric environment)]. 20164725280
we broke the communication barrier. 20165076704
pseudomyopia as a presenting sign in ocular myasthenia gravis. 20164706420
[vectorcardiographic aspects of complete right bundle branch block following ventriculotomy (author's transl)]. 2003148862
[hemodialysis and nursing. 2. indication for hemodialysis]. 1998105196
prophylactic antibiotics in surgery. practices within surgical services of the veterans administration.a survey of prophylactic antibiotic-prescribing habits among chiefs of surgical services of the veterans administration yielded a 99% response. these responses have been compared with guidelines set by an expert committee on antimicrobial use for the va central office. assuming that 100% concordance with the standards of the committee is a desired state, the average hospital is approximately one third away from this goal (average score, 62.4%). the majority of errors were those of overuse rather ...1998105162
hexacarbon neuropathy. 199991030
peptides with a dual function: central neuroregulators and gut hormones. 200195416
hepatitis b antigen in a dialysis unit: five years experience. 2005545706
animal rights/liberation philosophy. 20061563603
diaphragmatic movement using ultrasound during spontaneous and mechanical ventilation: effect of tidal volume.using ultrasound (us) the effect of various tidal volumes on the movement of ventral, dome and dorsal parts of the right hemidiaphragm was studied, both during spontaneous and mechanical ventilation. six healthy non-medicated volunteers who were in the supine position breathed spontaneously shallowly (tidal volume (vt) being 400 ml) (sb), and deeply (vt 1000 ml) (sb-deep). in addition, they were mechanically ventilated with intermittent positive pressure ventilation at three different vt's: 500 ...20061449048
[poisoning by geromitra esculenta].gyromitra esculenta (persoon ex fries) mushrooms have been responsible for severe intoxications and even deaths. clinical data are characterized primarily by vomiting and diarrhoea, and, afterwhile, by jaundice, convulsions and coma. the species of concern are mainly g. esculenta, g. fastigiata and g. gigas; nevertheless, recent advances in chromatography, biochemistry and toxicology have established that other species within the ascomycetes may prove also toxic. the toxins, i.e. gyromitrin (n-m ...20092681713
weakness in patients with hemiparesis.clinical and experimental results are reviewed concerning muscle weakness in patients with hemiparesis after a stroke. the discussion includes the important role that alterations in the physiology of motor units, notably changes in firing rates and muscle fiber atrophy, play in the manifestation of muscle weakness. this role is compared with the lesser role that spasticity (defined as hyperactive stretch reflexes) of the antagonist muscle group appears to play in determining the weakness of agon ...20092655457
[dorsal patellar defect].a case report of a dorsal defect of patella is presented and discussed in comparison with the osteochondrosis dissecans of the patella.20133811493
[can beta-receptor blockers trigger coronary spasm?].beta-blockers are frequently administered in therapy of arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease. they mostly lead to an asymptomatic increase of peripheral and coronary resistance. three patients in whom there were indications of a deterioration of myocardial blood flow under beta-blockade were observed within a few weeks. after discontinuation of the beta-blockers and instituting a therapy with calcium antagonists, both a reduction of ischemia in the exercise ecg and a reduction of sym ...20133829948
increased insulin sensitivity and cellular insulin binding in obese diabetics following treatment with glibenclamide.the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of glibenclamide on the insulin receptors, the insulin sensitivity and the insulin secretion in obese non-ketotic diabetics. two groups of 9 obese diabetics were studied before and after 10 days' treatment with a 1200 kcal's diet and a 1200 kcal's diet + 10 mg/day of glibenclamide, respectively. in the group treated with diet alone we found no significant alteration of the insulin secretion pattern (p greater than 0.1). however, the insulin ...1998106617
[effect of phosphoinositides on the structure and permeability of bilayer phospholipid vesicles]. 200092396
[effectiveness of the comprehensive treatment by rhonidase electrophoresis and tbilisi sulfide baths of elderly patients suffering from osteoarthrosis deformans]. 2003154769
successful excision of left ventricular aneurysm with concomitant right aorto-coronary saphenous vein bypass. 20051087628
laparoscopic co2 laser uterine nerve ablation for treatment of drug resistant primary dysmenorrhea.twenty women with drug-resistant primary dysmenorrhea were subjected to laparoscopic co2 laser uterine nerve ablation. menstrual pain assessed by a linear analog pain score showed a reduction of 33%, decreasing from 7.5 +/- 0.5 preoperatively to 5.0 +/- 1.7 postoperatively. the procedure was free of major complications and should be considered as a second-line therapeutic option in women who have failed medical treatment using nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents or ocs.20061386032
ganglion cells in the turtle retina contain the neuropeptide lant-6.this study investigated the presence of the neurotensin-related hexapeptide, lant-6, in retinal ganglion cells and their central projections in the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. immunocytochemical techniques demonstrated that many of the cells in the ganglion cell layer of the turtle retina could be labeled with an antiserum specific for lant-6. radioimmunoassay and chromatographic analysis confirmed the presence of lant-6-related peptides in retina, as well as brain. several molecular forms ...20113339403
interaction of fibronectin-coated beads with attached and spread fibroblasts. binding, phagocytosis, and cytoskeletal reorganization.after 15 min incubations, binding of 0.8-, 6-, and 16-microns fibronectin-coated latex beads occurred primarily at the margins of chick embryo fibroblasts that previously were attached and spread on fibronectin-coated glass coverslips. extensive phagocytosis of the smallest beads and some phagocytosis of the larger beads occurred within 2 h. following binding of the 16-micron beads, there were no changes in overall cell shape or in the distribution of several cytoskeletal proteins. there was, ho ...20113080317
the new journalism. 20123468402
report on medical licensure. council on medical education. 20123279237
local anaesthetics. iv--synthesis and activity of 2-(n-substituted or n,n-disubstituted aminoacetamido)-4- or -4,5-substituted thiazoles.synthesis is described of eleven new 2-(n-substituted or n,n-disubstituted aminoacetamido)-4- or -4,5-substituted thiazoles (i). their hydrochlorides were screened for local anaesthetic activity on frogs by the sciatic plexus method and the activity compared with that of procaine.20133792539
health and adjustment problems of children according to their teachers. 20144229197
typology of male-to-female transsexualism.this study tested a prediction derived from the hypothesis that asexual and bisexual transsexualism are actually subtypes of heterosexual transsexualism. two questionnaire scales measuring erotic attraction to males and females were administered to 163 male-to-female transsexuals. a cluster analysis of their scores divided the subjects into four groups: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual. fisher exact tests were used to compare the frequency with which subjects in the four clusters ...20144004548
[effects of cooking on the content of some vitamins in various species of frozen fish]. 20154480150
studies of regional cerebral blood flow. 2004387615
[diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of stomach cancer].an analysis of 1,108 histories of outpatients with a follow-up of 10 years and longer (up to 40 years) was carried out in orekhovo-zuyevo (population--132,301). 554 patients had stomach cancer diagnosed in 1973-1978 while the other 554 selected at random were in control. the results are discussed in detail.20102938332
ossicular reconstruction: a comparison of reported results.the world literature was reviewed to determine which materials in ossicular reconstruction provided good long-term results. several key publications were selected to illustrate particular points. attention was paid to numbers of cases reported, reconstruction used, length of follow-up, and influence of middle ear disease. the review concentrated on three materials: bone, plastipore, and bioglass. results suggest that bone-to-bone ossicular reconstruction by experienced otologists can provide goo ...20123318484
[recrystallization and reaction of urates in gout tophus after fixation with glutaraldehyde].uric acid and urates usually dissolve in the instance of routine fixation of material with formol. bioptic confirmation of diagnosis is therefore usually very difficult if a murexide reaction test cannot be carried out concurrently. after fixation in glutaraldehyde for electron optic aims the crystals remain present in microscopic paraffin preparations for a long period of time and undergo even recrystallization which largely facilitates the microscopic diagnosis. it is assumed that a compound o ...199898928
the effect of native and sonicated double-stranded polyribonucleotides on the course of spontaneous autoimmune disease in nzb and nzb/swiss f1 mice.the administration of sonicated fractions of f2 phage polyribonucleotides caused an increased weight loss and deterioration of the clinical state in female nzb mice. discontinuance of the treatment resulted in an improvement of both the clinical state and the genetically determined autoimmune disorders of these mice. some potential explanations of this effect are discussed.200094768
[the 38th congress of the japan neurosurgical society. abstracts]. 200094653
debugging the system. 200088713
current trends and prospects in surgical adjuvant concepts and treatments currently available for adjuvant studies are illustrated by a review of ongoing studies sponsored by the national cancer institute. more thorough information is needed on immunotherapeutic agents to allow more rationale in the use of these agents. solid bases to properly select drugs or drug combinations for adjuvant purposes are being established. however, dose-schedule and duration of treatment are still to be defined. strategies directed at prolonging the benefit o ...2003282827
[dynamic characteristics of the physical development of preschool children]. 2003152462
a rational approach to the treatment of patellofemoral pain.chondromalacia of the patella should be considered a separate entity and not the necessary precursor of osteoarthrosis. it is rarely associated with significant discomfort. isolated softening, fibrillation of the central medial facet, and a diagnosis of chondromalacia of the patella should be limited, in our view, to isolated fibrillation occurring in the central medial facet and is probably asymptomatic. symptomatic patellar pain can be treated by realignment if the patella is malaligned, by la ...2004535212
intrathecal baclofen for severe spinal spasticity.we studied the effect of the intrathecal infusion of baclofen, an agonist of gamma-aminobutyric acid, on abnormal muscle tone and spasms associated with spinal spasticity, in a randomized double-blind crossover study. twenty patients with spinal spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis or spinal-cord injury who had had no response to treatment with oral baclofen received an intrathecal infusion of baclofen or saline for three days. the infusions were administered by means of a programmable pump i ...20092657424
[liver metastases in computerized tomography--an analytic image assessment]. 20123448621
[quantitative measurement of bone mineral content of the radius in normal individuals using the gamma-ray absorption method]. 20123383706
[let us restore historical justice]. 20123312913
unraveling the facts about homosexuality. 20123460122
[treatment of echinococcosis (e. granulosus) with albendazole].albendazole, given as a 28 day course of 800 mg/day at 15 days intervals can be effective in the treatment of liver and lung hydatic cysts in adults of average weight. on average, six courses are required to obtain a satisfactory result (negative serological results, decrease in volume of scanner images). the treatment must be monitored and should only be prescribed in case of surgical contraindication or refusal by the patient to undergo surgery.20133836758
seventy-five years of radiological physics. 20154585010
trophoblastic origin of the x cell and the placental site giant cell. 20154568239
[retinal circulation times in obstruction of retinal vein (author's transl)]. 20154471891
[pulmonary findings in collagen diseases with special reference to thoracic radiography]. 20154397695
patient care evaluation in an iowa hospital. 20154811658
studies on sea urchin oocytes. ii. synthesis of rna during oogenesis. 20165025407
[surgical treatment of cancer of the lung]. 2003219397
participation of health workers, school teachers and pupils in the control of rheumatic fever: evaluation of a training a rural community block of north india we initiated a programme for control of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (rf/rhd). this included a training campaign for all 74 health workers, 773 school teachers and 12,500 older pupils (class v to x) to enable them to suspect and refer cases of rf/rhd and counsel them about secondary prophylaxis. training material was used by project staff, medical officers and teachers to convey that this serious disease with onset between 5 and 15 years c ...20061428137
mammography quality assurance. 20071950889
a reticuloendothelial system-activating arabinoxylan from the bark of cinnamomum cassia.a neutral polysaccharide, named cinnaman ax, was isolated from the dried bark of cinnamomum cassia blume. it was homogeneous on electrophoresis and gel chromatography. it is composed of l-arabinose: d-xylose in the molar ratio of 4:3, and its molecular weight was estimated to be about 1.0 x 10(6). methylation analysis, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance and controlled smith degradation studies enabled elucidation of its structural features. it showed remarkable reticuloendothelial system-poten ...20082632069
a reticuloendothelial system-activating arabinoxylan from the bark of cinnamomum cassia.a neutral polysaccharide, named cinnaman ax, was isolated from the dried bark of cinnamomum cassia blume. it was homogeneous on electrophoresis and gel chromatography. it is composed of l-arabinose: d-xylose in the molar ratio of 4:3, and its molecular weight was estimated to be about 1.0 x 10(6). methylation analysis, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance and controlled smith degradation studies enabled elucidation of its structural features. it showed remarkable reticuloendothelial system-poten ...20082632069
perceived distributions of the characteristics of in-group and out-group members: empirical evidence and a computer simulation.this research studied 2 properties of perceived distributions of the characteristics of social category members: the probability of differentiating (making distinctions) among category members and the perceived variability (variance) of category members. the results of 4 experiments supported the hypothesis that greater familiarity with a social group leads to greater perceived differentiation and variability regarding that group. in-group members formed more differentiated and variable distribu ...20092760805
high progesterone/estradiol ratio in follicular fluid at oocyte aspiration for in vitro fertilization as a predictor of possible pregnancy.eighteen women undergoing in vitro fertilization (ivf) procedures were studied. all had optimal (900 to 1600 pg/ml) peak serum estradiol (e2) response to the same stimulation regimen with clomiphene citrate and menotropins; fertilization rate was above 64%; and two to four embryos in two to eight cell stages were replaced in each patient. all were considered to have optimal chances for conception. the authors compared progesterone (p), e2, and p/e2 ratio in serum and follicular fluid (ff) at the ...20113131157
effects of aggregation on methamphetamine toxicity in mice.methamphetamine (ma) toxicity in aggregated mice was studied by varying the number of mice and the proportion of ma treated mice kept in the same confined space. the lethality was measured 24 h after intraperitoneal injections of ma at doses ranging from 10 to 100 mg/kg. ma lethality, over a wide dose range (15 to 50 mg/kg), was higher in aggregated mice than in those maintained in isolation. the greater the proportion of ma-treated mice in aggregation was, the higher the ma lethality was. in ag ...20133739749
maximum treadmill exercise test in patients with abnormal control electrocardiograms. 20144817708
maximum treadmill exercise test in patients with abnormal control electrocardiograms. 20144817708
systemic anaphylactic reaction following lidocaine administration. 20144076744
[abo incompatibility and abortion]. 20154967551
[clinical evaluation of chlorimipramine in depressive states. preliminary report]. 20165091034
editorial: the delaney amendment. 20164803327
biological markers of suicide risk and adolescent suicide. 20102905935
correcting for selection bias in estimation of within-individual variance.consider a variable whose expected value distributes among individuals in a population, and which also has an important component of within-individual variance. in a screening study that involves repeated observations only for those individuals whose initial observation exceeds an arbitrary cutoff point, the usual estimator of within-individual variance is biased. assuming normality and independence, this note gives the derivation of the expected value of the estimator and uses it to obtain an u ...20113358021
correcting for selection bias in estimation of within-individual variance.consider a variable whose expected value distributes among individuals in a population, and which also has an important component of within-individual variance. in a screening study that involves repeated observations only for those individuals whose initial observation exceeds an arbitrary cutoff point, the usual estimator of within-individual variance is biased. assuming normality and independence, this note gives the derivation of the expected value of the estimator and uses it to obtain an u ...20113358021
[value of systematic toxicological analysis in the management of drug addicts].this study was carried out between march and december 1985, on 50 drug addicts, including 45 heroin users, hospitalized for detoxication. we compared the clinical informations obtained at the time of admission with the toxicological informations obtained from blood and urinary samples. if the drugs said to have been used over the last 48 hours are always found, in 52% of these cases some other drugs are found too. the reasons of this difference between clinical and toxicological informations are ...20133665817
[pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy]. 20143992718
the role of magnesium in protein-energy malnutrition.the present study was aiming to explore further the variations in the levels of mg in both serum and csf of pem children, hoping a better understanding revealed decreased values of both blood serum and csf levels of mg in pem children which denote some abnormalities in brain metabolism. such abnormalities add further support for assumption of the link between dietary insufficiency and subnormal mental performance in pem.199898923
[guideline for land (provincial) laws on public health and their incorporation into current land legislation (author's transl)]. 2002150564
preventing nervous system sports injuries.physical fitness and sports remain integral components of overall good health and a cornerstone of preventive medicine. when performed safely, under adequate supervision, and with appropriate protective gear, most of these activities are enjoyable, healthful and psychologically gratifying. when not performed safely by trained athletes, these same activities can be treacherous, injurious and permanently disabling. the goals of this article are to review and describe low-risk and high-risk sports ...20082648209
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