
effects of suramin on htlv-iii/lav infection presenting as kaposi's sarcoma or aids-related complex: clinical pharmacology and suppression of virus replication in vivo.suramin was given to ten outpatients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) presenting as kaposi's sarcoma (ks) or as an aids-related complex (arc). side-effects associated with the administration of 6.2 g of suramin over 5 weeks included fevers, rashes, urinary abnormalities, and transient rises in hepatic aminotransferases. peak serum levels of over 100 micrograms/ml were attained. there was evidence of htlv-iii infectivity and replication in lymphocytes from four patients before thera ...19852863631
hla-associated susceptibility to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in italian patients with human-immunodeficiency-virus investigate the contribution of genetic susceptibility to infection with human immunodeficiency virus, 50 subjects with lymphadenopathy syndrome (las) and 7 subjects with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and kaposi's sarcoma were typed for hla a, b, c, and dr antigens. the frequency of b35 was significantly higher in las patients who progressed to aids than in those who did not or in healthy controls. the association between dr5 and aids/kaposi's sarcoma was also confirmed in these p ...19862877328
viral cause of kaposi's sarcoma? 19872880103
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome after travelling in africa: an epidemiological study in seventeen caucasian patients.seventeen caucasian patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) contracted after long stays in africa are reported. central africa was concerned in all cases. men are particularly exposed to aids whatever their occupation. this study suggests that the risk of contracting aids in africa is high; the transmission of the virus was related to sexual contact, particularly with prostitutes, in africa in most of the cases. it suggests also that caucasians who travel in africa spread the vir ...19872881142
detection of hiv antigen and specific antibodies to hiv core and envelope proteins in sera of patients with hiv infection.the sera of well-characterized populations were examined for three markers of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection; hiv antigen (hiv ag), and antibodies to hiv envelope (gp41) and core (p24) proteins. of 563 serum samples tested, 251 were from hiv-infected patients diagnosed as having aids manifested by opportunistic infections (aids-oi), aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks), or aids-related complex (arc). one hundred seventy-six specimens tested were from asymptomatic high-risk in ...19872886162
epithelioid angiomatosis: a distinct vascular disorder in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or aids-related complex.unusual cutaneous vascular neoplasms distinct from kaposi's sarcoma were observed in five patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) or human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-1 infection. the cutaneous lesions were solitary or multiple papules and nodules. in some patients the lesions also affected internal organs. histologically the neoplasms were composed of proliferating blood vessels and cells with epithelioid features. immunoperoxidase studies of one lesion showed that the cell ...19872887942
isolation of human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) from a black south african with kaposi's sarcoma.serological evidence for htlv-i infection in the south african population has now been confirmed by the isolation of the virus from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of an adult tsonga male. the subject was an indigenous black man from the south-eastern transvaal who had suffered from kaposi's sarcoma for a decade and in whom serum antibodies against htlv-i were demonstrated. t-lymphocyte cell lines were established from his peripheral blood lymphocytes and shown to be productively infected with ...19882895964
retroviruses: new viral infections in man.human retroviruses, or rna viruses, including the 2 hiv agents associated with aids, and the 2 htlv agents causing leukemia, are described from the viewpoint of history, detection, serology, transformation mechanism, disease pathophysiology, genetic function, associated disease, and related viruses. both htlv and hiv infect the human t-lymphocytes, also known as cd4 or helper cells. both can now be grown in culture, and their genomes are well characterized. htlv, an acronym for human t-lympho ...19882899867
anti-retroviral effects of interferon-alpha in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.21 patients with aids and kaposi's sarcoma were enrolled in an open therapeutic trial to determine the in vivo anti-retroviral activity of recombinant interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha). 8 (38%) showed a complete or partial anti-tumour response. the mean pretreatment cd4 count for the responders was 399 cells/microliter vs 154 cells/microliter for the non-responders. all 5 of the patients with more than 400 cd4 cells/microliter pretreatment showed a significant reduction in tumour, whereas none of the ...19882903954
non-hodgkin's lymphoma in a population with or at risk for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: indications for intensive increased risk of malignancies, including kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma, is found in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). treatment of such patients may be complicated by their underlying immunodeficiency, especially when aggressive regimens are used. clinical presentation and treatment outcomes were assessed in 31 patients with non-hodgkin's lymphoma who had or were at risk for infection with hiv-1 at a single community institution.19892910097
granuloma annulare in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infections.we present four cases of granuloma annulare occurring in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. these patients had either an extensive localized form or generalized granuloma annulare. the patient with generalized granuloma annulare was clinically reminiscent of the previously described papular eruption seen in hiv-positive patients. in several patients with the localized form, kaposi's sarcoma was considered in the differential diagnosis. in all patients, however, the erupt ...19892915057
human immunodeficiency virus infection in the united kingdom: quarterly report 3.up to 31 march 1988, 1429 cases meeting the world health organization/centers for disease control (u.s.a.) definition of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) were reported in the u.k. of which 59 were in visitors and 1370 in u.k. residents. in the same period there were 8459 laboratory reports of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) antibody-positive tests. since 1985 the median interval of 2 months between diagnosis and report of aids has not changed. most patients with kaposi's sarcoma ...19892915132
intravenous recombinant tumor necrosis factor in the treatment of aids-related kaposi's sarcoma.tumor necrosis factor (tnf) has demonstrated antitumor activity against a variety of tumors and is particularly cytotoxic to capillary endothelial cells, which are the presumed cell of origin of kaposi's sarcoma. we evaluated the toxicity and clinical antitumor and antiretroviral effects of recombinant tnf administered at a once weekly dose of 100 micrograms/m2 intravenously for 8 weeks in five men with aids-related kaposi's sarcoma and without prior opportunistic infection. one patient was remo ...19892918461
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in a seronegative patient with visceral kaposi's sarcoma and hypogammaglobulinemia. 19892919620
kaposi's sarcoma in a 6-day-old infant with human immunodeficiency virus. 19892923454
kaposi's sarcoma of the parotid gland in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome complained of a dry mouth and bilateral swelling of the parotid glands. kaposi's sarcoma (ks) was found within the tissue of the parotid gland. although ks is a common manifestation of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, the presence of ks in the salivary glands is very rare. the human immunodeficiency virus i (hiv-i) genome was not identified in parotid glandular cells or in ks cells in this case, although the virus was detected in infiltrating ...19892927926
lympho-cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma in an african pediatric aids case.a case of disseminated kaposi's sarcoma with lymphoid and mucocutaneous involvement in an african infant with acquired immune deficiency syndrome is reported. the child died within 2 months after recognition.19892929857
the walter reed staging classification for htlv-iii/lav infection.patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) represent a minority of those who have been infected with human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii). the clinical presentation of patients with htlv-iii infections can range from asymptomatic through chronic generalized lymphadenopathy, to subclinical and clinical t-cell deficiency. the us army has recently adopted a staging classification for htlv-iii infection. the purpose of the walter reed (wr) staging classification is to provi ...19862934633
characterization of a distinct subgroup of high-risk persons with kaposi's sarcoma and good prognosis who present with normal t4 cell number and t4:t8 ratio and negative htlv-iii/lav serologic test results.three homosexual male patients with biopsy-proved kaposi's sarcoma were classified as having the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) by centers for disease control criteria when first seen in 1983 and 1984. these patients, however, differed from most patients with aids and kaposi's sarcoma in having normal cd4 cell numbers and normal cd4:cd8 ratio. furthermore, these immunologic parameters remained normal for eight to 24 months of follow-up, and the disease did not progress. results of re ...19862948385
[infection of the newborn infant by the human immunodeficiency virus].hiv infection of the newborn is now known to result mostly from mother-to-foetus transmission. the risk of transmission is at least 40 p. 100. however, the circumstances of passage are little known, and there is no maternal virological parameter capable of evaluating individual risks. the disease is more severe in children than in adults. rare are the children who remain asymptomatic for more than 15 months; one out of three of them develop severe acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and die withi ...19882965360
elevated soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels in serum of human immunodeficiency virus infected populations.soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sil-2r) levels in sera were quantitated in asymptomatic intravenous drug abusers (ivda) and in patients with lymphadenopathy or aids. the mean sil-2r level in serum of normal controls was 158 +/- 19 compared to 368 +/- 35 u/ml in serum of hiv-seronegative asymptomatic ivda. the mean sil-2r in serum of hiv-seropositive asymptomatic ivda was 609 +/- 85 u/ml and in patients with lymphadenopathy was 745 +/- 79 u/ml. in addition, aids patients with pneumocystis carinii ...19882966633
methionine-enkephalin as immunomodulator therapy in human immunodeficiency virus infections: clinical and immunological effects.enkephalins have been shown to enhance t cell-mediated immune responses and natural killer-cell activity in vitro. we have studied the effects of infusions of methionine-enkephalin on immune functions and clinical courses in seven patients with various stages of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). all patients were clinically stable at the time of entry into the study. each received 10 micrograms/kg of methionine-enkephalin in an intravenous infusion three times weekly for up to 1 ...19882967309
[respective frequency and radioclinical features of 150 lung diseases observed in 125 patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection].seventy out of 125 patients with hiv infection had diffuse alveolo-interstitial pneumonia usually caused by an opportunistic infection, notably pneumocystosis. nineteen patients had only localized lung opacities due either to usual or tuberculous bacterial infections or to kaposi's sarcoma. in 10 patients with pleural effusion or mediastinal adenopathy, the condition was due to kaposi's sarcoma (n = 4) or to mycobacteriosis (n = 3). an opportunistic or usual infection was demonstrated in 17 of t ...19882968565
cutaneous manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus in lusaka, zambia.of the 1124 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients studied, one or more cutaneous lesions were found in 113 (98.3%) of the 115 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and in 541 (53.6%) of 1009 patients with aids-related complex (arc). kaposi's sarcoma, multidermatomal, necrotic herpes zoster, and pruritic maculopapular rashes are common cutaneous manifestations of aids and its related complex (arc) in zambia. the maculopapular rash results from a lymphoplasmacytic ...19882971691
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc)-mediated destruction of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-coated cd4+ t lymphocytes by acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) effector cells.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) is defined in clinical terms by the development of kaposi's sarcoma and/or severe opportunistic infections in persons without predisposing conditions. a hallmark of the syndrome has been a decrease in the number of cd4+ t helper cells. the reduction in the frequency of the cd4+ lymphocytes has been postulated to be primarily the result of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) tropism and cytophathogenicity for the t-cell subset. yet only a small percent ...19882975670
apparent transmission of human t-cell leukemia virus type iii to a heterosexual woman with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a 24-year-old woman developed the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with lymphadenopathy, oral candidiasis, and kaposi's sarcoma. her only known risk factor for the syndrome was sexual contact with an asymptomatic haitian man. the woman had serologic evidence for infection with human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii, and this virus was recovered from the saliva of her sexual partner. epidemiologic and virologic studies of the cases of such patients provide further evidence of a primary pathog ...19852981497
malignant lymphoma presenting as kaposi's sarcoma in a homosexual man with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a homosexual man had kaposi's sarcoma of the skin and lymph nodes. after a brief response to interferon, the patient developed new skin lesions. massive bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract prompted endoscopy, which showed tumor involvement of the stomach, believed to be kaposi's sarcoma. at autopsy, a diffuse lymphoma was found involving the skin and gastrointestinal tract, forming collision tumors in regions that contained kaposi's sarcoma. lymphomatous tissue, but not uninvolved lymph node ...19852982306
cytomegalovirus meningoencephalitis in a homosexual man with kaposi's sarcoma: isolation of cmv from csf cells.a 36-year-old homosexual man developed a lymphocytic meningoencephalitis, lymphadenopathy, decreased helper/suppressor ratio in peripheral blood, and kaposi's sarcoma. after repetitive evaluations for bacterial and fungal agents were negative, viral cultures were positive for cytomegalovirus. virus was isolated only from csf cells obtained from a large volume of fresh csf. we present this case to document the association of cmv meningoencephalitis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), a ...19852984601
retrovirus-like particles in salivary glands, prostate and testes of aids patients.aids associated retrovirus-like particles were identified in the salivary gland, prostate and/or testicle of two aids patients. these findings further suggest that saliva and semen may transmit the infection to susceptible individuals.19852984694
simultaneous occurrence of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, cytomegalovirus infection, kaposi's sarcoma, and b-immunoblastic sarcoma in a homosexual man.the most common manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome include pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and/or kaposi's sarcoma. high-grade b-cell lymphomas have also been reported in homosexual men at risk for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. we herein present the case of a homosexual man, who presented simultaneously with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, acute cytomegalovirus infection, kaposi's sarcoma, and b-cell immunoblastic sarcoma. severe compromise of both the b- and t-cel ...19852987560
acquired immune deficiency syndrome. pathogenic mechanisms of ocular disease.a gross, light, and electron microscopic study of the eyes from 35 consecutive autopsy cases of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome revealed cotton-wool spots (71% of cases), retinal hemorrhage in areas without cytomegalovirus infection (40%), cytomegalovirus retinitis (34%) with associated retinal detachment, roth's spots (23%), retinal microaneurysms (20%), papilledema (14%), conjunctival kaposi's sarcoma (9%), cryptococcal chorioretinitis (6%), mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in retina ...19852987769
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). an update after 4 years].at the end of december 1984, 8246 aids cases had been reported in the united states, and 762 cases in europe. the main risk groups are homosexual and bisexual men (73%), heterosexual i.v. drug addicts (17%) and haitians (4%). aids is diagnosed in patients meeting the clinical criteria of the cdc surveillance definition (opportunistic infections and/or kaposi's sarcoma). the prevalence of htlv-iii antibodies in risk groups is high, its prognostic significance still controversial. laboratory metho ...19852988117
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids): an update.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) is a disease which is characterized by a profound defect in cell-mediated immunity leading to opportunistic infections and unusual neoplasms such as kaposi's sarcoma. it is caused by a retrovirus of the human t cell leukemia/lymphoma virus family and has been termed htlv-iii/lymphadenopathy-associated virus. the virus selectively infects the t4 helper/inducer subset of t cells, accounting for the profound defects in immunity noted in aids patients. a ...19852989186
viral infections and cell-mediated immunity in immunodeficient homosexual men with kaposi's sarcoma treated with human lymphoblastoid interferon.herpesviral infections and cellular immunity were studied in 19 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who were treated with human lymphoblastoid interferon for kaposi's sarcoma. before treatment, cytomegalovirus (cmv) and epstein-barr virus were isolated from 18 of 19 patients and 13 of 14 patients, respectively. serum levels of interferon were measurable in all cases. concanavalin a induced lymphocyte proliferation normally in 16 of 18 patients, but cmv induced proliferation in only ...19852989380
revision of the case definition of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome for national reporting--united states.the conference of state and territorial epidemiologists (cste) approved the following definitions regarding the case definition of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) at its annual meeting in june 1985. 1st, the case definition of aids used for national reporting will continue to include only the more severe manifestations of human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii) infection. 2nd, centers for disease control (cdc) will develop more inclusive definitions and classifications of htlv ...19852989677
the use of dna probes in studies of human cytomegalovirus.hybridization assays provide a sensitive and rapid means for studying the molecular biology of viral replication and for identifying viral nucleic acid in biological specimens. such assays are attractive because the detection of virus does not require intact virions or concomitant viral protein synthesis, both of which may be absent in a latently infected cell or in a virus-associated tumor. for molecular and clinical studies on human cytomegalovirus (hcmv), we have cloned and characterized subg ...19852992841
cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus ascending myelitis in a patient with acquired immune deficiency ascending myelitis was the presenting feature of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in a homosexual man who also had kaposi's sarcoma, pneumocystis pneumonia, and disseminated cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection. neuropathological studies showed profuse cytomegalic cells throughout the brain and spinal cord, but no inflammatory response. at postmortem examination, cmv and herpes simplex virus, type 2 (hsv-2), were recovered from multiple sites throughout the central nervous s ...19852994553
[kaposi sarcoma in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). i: clinical findings and laboratory diagnosis].in addition to the classical type of kaposi's sarcoma, a new, aggressive and prognostically ominous variant occurs since 1980: the aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma. this aggressive variant is associated with viral infection by the lymphotropic retrovirus htlv-iii, identical to lav. in the u.s.a. and in europe, this virus is transmitted mainly by homosexual contact, whereas in central africa the characteristic mode of transmission is heterosexual promiscuity. the authors present for the benefit o ...19852995739
prospective study of cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses to influenza and antibodies to human t lymphotropic virus-iii in homosexual men. selective loss of an influenza-specific, human leukocyte antigen-restricted cytotoxic t lymphocyte response in human t lymphotropic virus-iii positive individuals with symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.peripheral blood leukocytes (pbl) from 18 homosexual men who did not have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and from 9 heterosexual men were repetitively tested for their ability to generate hla self-restricted cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses to influenza virus (flu-self) over a 2-yr period. the sera of the same donors were tested for antibodies to human t lymphotropic virus-iii (htlv-iii). six of the homosexual and none of the heterosexual donors consistently generated weak cytotoxic t ...19852997287
the need for new antiviral agents.population density and immune status, vectors and virulence of infection, nutritional status, sanitation, genetic susceptibility and medical management of cases, are important factors influencing the incidence and/or severity of virus infections. thus, the prevalence and clinical importance of virus infections and the need for antiviral drugs differ from place to place and from time to time. national and world health statistics of notifications of disease give some index of the incidence of infe ...19853004326
kaposi's sarcoma and htlv-iii infection. virus-like particles in skin lesions: experimental biopsies from a subject affected by ks and aids were examined by means of em. samples were obtained both in correspondence of a typical nodule, and from an apparently normal area. the disease process had started at least 8 mo. before, and the patient showed a reduced number of okt4 cells, with an inversion of the normal t4/t8 ratio. besides that, high titre antibodies versus htlv-iii were present, whereas antibodies versus cmv and ebv were not demonstrable. light and electron microscopy dem ...19853004541
clinical investigations of lymphadenopathy, including lymph node biopsies, in 24 homosexual men with antibodies to the human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii).the findings of 27 lymph node biopsies performed on 24 homosexual patients with lymphadenopathy are presented. six had acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and 18 lymphadenopathy only, of whom one subsequently developed aids. all these patients had antibodies to the human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii) suggesting that htlv-iii is currently the commonest cause of lymphadenopathy in homosexual men. the histopathological findings of six of seven nodes from aids patients showed ...19863004630
hepatitis b virus (hbv) dna in leucocytes in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids).earlier reported findings of hepatitis b virus (hbv) dna in white blood cells of patients with hepatoma, and in a patient with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, led to the examination of hbv dna in a series of twenty three patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), including nine with opportunistic infections and fourteen with kaposi's sarcoma, by southern blot hybridization method, using 32p labelled hbv dna specific probe obtained by nick translation of hbv dna cloned into plasmid ...19853004832
early warning skin signs in aids and persistent generalized lymphadenopathy.distinctive patterns of skin disease other than kaposi's sarcoma have been in patients with aids, in others with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (pgl) and in a group at high risk of developing aids. we found a chronic acneiform folliculitis on the face, back, chest and buttocks, extensive cutaneous fungal infections and a striking neck and beard impetigo. these skin diseases were not present in asymptomatic male homosexual control subjects, 32% of whom were found to have antibodies to hum ...19863008802
quantitative estimation by a standardized enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i antibodies in adult t-cell leukemia and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.sera from patients with adult t-cell leukemia and asymptomatic carriers of human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) from widely separated areas of the world reacted strongly in a standardized quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay procedure with htlv-i viral antigen prepared from a strain isolated in the united states. there was a sharp differentiation of the values seen in the patients as compared with a normal population. of the 35 acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients wi ...19863009530
retroviruses in kaposi's sarcoma in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids).the ultrastructure of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) of the oral mucosa in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) was examined electron microscopically. the tumour consisted of pleomorphic vascular endothelial structures and spindle cell formations. the ks cells contained characteristically numerous multivesicular bodies, a large number of tubuloreticular structures and abundant weibel-palade bodies in their cytoplasm. virus particles, 100-120 nm in diameter, were observed budding from ...19863010628
primary lymphoma of the liver in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we describe a 78-year-old man with a diffuse large-cell lymphoma that was limited to the liver and was associated with micronodular cirrhosis and kaposi's sarcoma that involved abdominal lymph nodes and gastric mucosa. the serum of the patient reacted positively to a test for human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii antibodies. we discuss the clinical and autopsy findings for this unusual patient, the criteria for the diagnosis of primary lymphoma of the liver, and its occurrence in patients wit ...19863010899
further experience with kaposi's sarcoma in uganda.four ugandan patients (1 women, 3 men) with generalized kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were seen in the uganda cancer institute between october 1983 and december 1984. they presented with generalized lymphadenopathy, plaques/nodules on the body, general swelling of the head, oral and visceral involvement and respiratory distress. initial responses to adriamycin as a single or a combination chemotherapy of actinomycin d, vincristine, adriamycin and imidazole carboxamide appeared to be favourable but no su ...19863011052
neopterin in aids, other immunodeficiencies, and bacterial and viral increase in total urinary neopterin was observed in 12 of 13 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), seven of 13 patients with lymphadenopathy, one of six healthy homosexual males, seven of ten adult patients with staphylococcal pneumonia, 11 of 12 children with viral infections, four of seven children with bacterial infections, and 12 of 13 children with various immune defects. extremely high values of total urinary neopterin and monapterin were observed in severely ill pati ...19863012191
relationship of exposure to human t lymphotropic virus and t helper cells in homosexual men.the detection of serum antibodies (ab) against htlv-iii in individuals with aids and related symptoms (arc) has unambiguously defined the association of the virus infection to aids. this study was done to determine the extent of exposure to htlv-iii in homosexual men by measuring (ab) and relating it to the stage of disease and t cell subsets. we found ab in 89.5% of the 492 men with the median titers by stage of disease being 1600 for symptom-free, 6400 for arc or kaposi's sarcoma, and 4800 for ...19863013220
herpes zoster: a possible early clinical sign for development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in high-risk individuals.zoster is uncommon before the age of 50 years in immunologically normal individuals, but it occurs with increased frequency in people who are immunosuppressed. a retrospective review of 300 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome associated with kaposi's sarcoma, revealed that 8% had prior zoster, a rate that is sevenfold greater than historic controls of the same age. we prospectively examined forty-eight patients, with no known immunodeficiency or signs of aids or aids related complex ...19863013955
relationship of mitogen reactivity to type d retrovirus infection in celebes black macaques (macaca nigra).the celebes black macaque (macaca nigra) colony at the oregon regional primate research center has a high incidence of an immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by recurrent diarrhea and the development of retroperitoneal fibromatosis (rf). we have examined the relationship of type d viral infection to the immunodeficiency syndrome by surveying the colony for viral infection and for mitogen reactivity. type d virus-positive monkeys (28% of the colony) have a higher prevalence of diarrhea, splen ...19863014209
kaposi's sarcoma and htlv-iii: a study in nigerian adult males.sera from 37 adult nigerian men with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), 30 contemporaneous controls bearing primary cell carcinoma of the liver (pcl), and 150 healthy non-tumour-bearing negative controls were tested for antibody to human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy associated virus (htlv-iii/lav) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa). certain immunocellular functions were also measured: the chemotactic locomotion of peripheral blood monocytes towards casein, delayed-type cutan ...19863021963
aids in africa: an epidemiologic paradigm.cases of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) have been reported in countries throughout the world. initial surveillance studies in central africa suggest an annual incidence of aids of 550 to 1000 cases per million adults. the male to female ratio of cases is 1:1, with age- and sex-specific rates greater in females less than 30 years of age and greater in males over age 40. clinically, aids in africans is often characterized by a diarrhea-wasting syndrome, opportunistic infections, su ...19863022379
presence of chromosomal abnormalities and lack of aids retrovirus dna sequences in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.the frequent occurrence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in association with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) could be due to the fact that the etiological agent of this tumor is the same retrovirus causing aids, to another oncogenic virus frequently found in aids patients, or to the unmasking of the tumorigenic potential of ks cells by immunosuppression. we have therefore investigated the presence of dna sequences homologous to the aids retrovirus, cytomegalovirus (cmv), and hepatitis b v ...19863022918
predictors of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome developing in a cohort of seropositive homosexual a cohort of 1835 homosexual men who were seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) on entry into a prospective study, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) developed in 59 during a median follow-up of 15 months. we matched 5 seropositive controls to each case according to study center and date of enrollment and performed a case-control analysis to determine factors predictive of aids. in a multivariate analysis, a decreased number of t helper lymphocytes, an increased number ...19873024007
herpes simplex virus type-1 can reactivate transcription of latent human immunodeficiency virus.the human immunodeficiency virus, hiv (formerly t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii, htlv-iii or lymphadenopathy-associated virus, lav) is the primary cause of aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). patients with aids have profound immunosuppression as a result of almost complete absence of the okt4+ cell population and are predisposed to a number of opportunistic infections as well as to certain malignant diseases such as kaposi's sarcoma and b-cell tumours. the majority of the opportunisti ...19873025748
kaposi's sarcoma and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. postmortem findings in twenty-four cases.autopsy results on twenty-four patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and kaposi's sarcoma were reviewed. at postmortem, 29% of patients had evidence of visceral kaposi's sarcoma without skin lesions. the most common sites for visceral involvement with kaposi's sarcoma were as follows: lung (37%), gastrointestinal tract (50%), and lymph nodes (50%). at the time of death, only 25% of patients had evidence of cutaneous disease alone. the patients survived up to 36 months after the ...19873029191
kaposi's sarcoma. then and now. nodular lesion of palate as the only manifestation of the disease in a 70 year old heterosexual woman.kaposi's sarcoma is a transmissible disease, possibly associated with a virus, characterized by multiple pigmented lesions. its epidemiology has dramatically changed in the last 4-5 years and has been the focus of considerable attention and controversy.19883043640
kaposi's sarcoma: the most common tumor after renal transplantation in saudi arabia.between september 1975 and november 1986, 263 renal transplant recipients at the king faisal specialist hospital and research center were followed; 82 procedures were done by the authors using live related donors. among the 263 patients, 14 cases of kaposi's sarcoma were identified, an incidence of 5.3 percent compared with an incidence of 0.4 percent in renal transplant recipients from western countries. in addition, two more patients had other types of tumors. thus, kaposi's sarcoma represents ...19883044069
acquired immune deficiency syndrome in children. current problems and therapeutic considerations.acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in children has until recently been under-reported, since the initial centers for disease control definition of aids was restrictive. the case definition has now been revised. most children with aids acquired their infection perinatally and have a parent with established aids-related complex or aids or belong to a high-risk group. prior to march 1985, children also acquired human immunodeficiency virus from a contaminated blood product transfusion or fr ...19883044085
aids in india: a report of three cases with review of literatures.sera from 3500 individuals including patients of non-hodgkin's lymphoma, patients with sexually transmitted diseases, leprosy, jail inmates, healthy laboratory workers and patients on hemodialysis were screened for antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) as a sero surveillance exercise of one of the centers set up by the india council of medical research at the postgraduate institute of medical education & research, candigarh. three individuals were found to be strongly positive by ...19883048289
endoscopic procedures in the aids patient: risks, precautions, indications, and obligations.gastroenterologists are frequently asked to perform endoscopy on patients with aids. a survey of university-based endoscopy units in the united states indicates that at the majority of these centers, endoscopic personnel are concerned about the risk of contracting aids and that these concerns have altered endoscopic practices. the actual risks are difficult to determine, but appear to be very low. nevertheless, a variety of precautions are warranted to decrease the risk of transmitting aids viru ...19883049358
odynophagia/dysphagia in aids.odynophagia and dysphagia are common symptoms of treatable disorders of the esophagus in patients with aids. esophageal candidiasis is the most frequent cause of these symptoms. in patients with aids or aids-related complex, thrush in combination with odynophagia or dysphagia almost certainly indicates the presence of esophageal candidiasis. other causes of swallowing disorders in aids include opportunistic infection of the esophagus with herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, or, rarely, crypto ...19883049365
computerized tomographic diagnostic aspects of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.the involvement of the cns in patients with aids is frequent such that 80 percent of patients have evidence of cns disease at autopsy. the clinical manifestations are quite varied. these disorders may be divided into two groups: (1) direct effect of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) on the nervous system, for example, aseptic meningitis, subacute encephalitis, granulomatous angitis; (2) indirect effects of hiv on the nervous system which are due to immunodysfunction. in the later group, cns ...19883052794
impaired neutrophil function in patients with aids or aids-related complex: a comprehensive evaluation.we measured the neutrophil function of 6 patients with aids and kaposi's sarcoma (ks); 22 patients with aids-related complex (arc); and 28 healthy, heterosexual controls. neutrophils from patients with arc showed significantly less chemotaxis (p less than or equal to .025) than did those from patients with aids and ks or from controls. serum from patients with aids and ks or with arc significantly (p less than or equal to .05) inhibited chemotaxis of neutrophils from controls; heat treatment of ...19883058816
neuropathology of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.the nervous system is involved in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) by infections and infestations, by neoplasms, and by several diseases of uncertain pathogenesis. the most common pathological abnormalities are the changes associated with the hiv agent itself, the 'hiv subacute encephalitis'; the most specific change is demyelination with multinucleate giant cells. cytomegalovirus (cmv) is the most common secondary virus, but progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (pml) is more ...19883059209
kaposi's sarcoma of the oral cavity: a study of 134 patients with a review of the pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical aspects, and treatment.since our first description and profile of patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in 1984, the relative rate of ks in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome has dropped from 34% to 20%. however, the absolute number is increasing. the pathogenesis of ks is still obscure, and its interaction with the human immunodeficiency virus infection remains unclear. cause of death is usually opportunistic infections in both endemic and epidemic ks. the most common intraoral site is the palate, whi ...19883059252
[pulmonary manifestations of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome].after reviewing the immunological anomalies provoked by the human immuno-deficiency virus (hiv) as well as their implications in pulmonary pathology, the authors enumerate the diagnostic and therapeutic methods currently available in the treatment of patients suffering from aids and pulmonary diseases. the clinical features as well as the chest radiograph--an essential first line tool--may lead to atypical features. respiratory function tests and scintigraphy to gallium may be a useful additiona ...19883064202
aids-related lymphadenopathies.lymphoid proliferations in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome reflect the profound immunologic imbalances induced by the lymphotropic human immunodeficiency virus, and comprise a range of lymphoproliferative disorders from benign lymphadenopathy to malignant lymphoma. persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (pgl) is associated with a frequently debilitating complex of clinical symptoms and waxing and waning lymphadenopathy. biopsies of lymph nodes, bone marrow, and other involved tissues show ...19883064217
bone marrow findings in immunodeficiency syndromes.we have summarized the findings in selected congenital and acquired immunodeficiency disorders that frequently display blood and bone marrow abnormalities. many other immunodeficiency syndromes were not discussed, as bone marrow abnormalities are infrequently seen in them. examination of the bone marrow is not usually critical for diagnosing most immunodeficiency disorders. however, it may be diagnostic in the evaluation of fever of unknown origin, to rule out other causes of peripheral cytopeni ...19883065323
malignancies in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.malignancies frequently arise in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), including those patients classified as having the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). currently, kaposi's sarcoma and certain types of lymphoma are considered to develop as a result of hiv infection, and other cancers have also been reported in these patients. for the most part, ultrastructural study of hiv-associated malignancies has been limited to kaposi's sarcoma; the ultrastructural features o ...19883073194
update: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome--united states.between june 1, 1981, and january 13, 1986, the centers for disease control (cdc) were notified of 16,458 (16,227 adults and 321 children) cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in the us. of these, 8361 (51% of adults and 59% of the children) have died, including 71% of those diagnosed before july 1984. 90% of adults aids cases were 20-49 years old, and 93% were men. significant changes have occurred over time in the distribution of specific diseases reported. pneumocystis carin ...19863079867
therapy of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.epidemic kaposi's sarcoma, a neoplasm associated with aids, is rapidly becoming common in the united states and europe. the pathogenesis of this form of kaposi's sarcoma has not yet been fully understood, but epidemiological clues point to the possibility that an infectious agent (in addition to the aids virus htlv-iii) or an environmental toxin may be involved. the natural history and clinical course of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma is variable. the life expectancy of an aids patient with kaposi's ...19863090689
upper gastrointestinal kaposi's sarcoma in patients positive for hiv antibody without cutaneous disease.six patients with antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and with persistent gastrointestinal symptoms of hiv infection but without cutaneous lesions of kaposi's sarcoma underwent endoscopy. four also underwent barium meal examination. in all six cases small lesions were seen in the stomach at endoscopy, and histological examination of biopsy specimens taken from the lesions confirmed the diagnosis of kaposi's sarcoma. the barium meal examinations were reported as normal in three p ...19883122968
generalised angiosarcoma of the heart.a primary angiosarcoma, which formed multiple ventricular pericardial and myocardial nodules without atrial involvement, occurred in the heart of an 80-year old caucasian female and caused death within three weeks of the onset of symptoms. there were neither cutaneous lesions to suggest kaposi's sarcoma nor serological evidence of infection by human t-cell leukemia virus and the rapidly fatal course of the patient's illness was similar to that of the typical atrial cardiac angiosarcoma. the dist ...19883131959
t4+ cell production of interferon gamma and the clinical spectrum of patients at risk for and with acquired immunodeficiency fully characterize the relationship between the clinical manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus infection and t4+ cell defects, we determined t4+ cell number and interferon gamma (ifn-gamma) production in 238 patients. for asymptomatic homosexuals, patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-related complex (arc), and patients with fully established aids, clinical status correlated linearly with both t4+ cell number and t4+ cell-derived (antigen-stimulated) ifn-gamma secre ...19883132901
cultured, aids-related kaposi's sarcoma cells express endothelial cell markers and are weakly malignant in vitro.up to 30% of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) suffer from kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks). the histogenesis and neoplastic nature of this tumor is still controversial. we have established cell cultures of ks biopsies from 7 patients with aids. all donors were seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus i (hiv-i), cytomegalovirus (cmv) and hepatitis b virus (hbv). the tumors were histologically shown to be ks. cell cultures derived from these tumors all expressed the endot ...19883141299
[hepatic involvement in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. study of 20 cases].liver biopsies were systematically performed in 20 patients with evidence of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (18 with opportunistic infections, 9 with kaposi's sarcoma). hepatitis, related to hepatitis-b virus in 3 cases and to cytomegalovirus in 3 cases, was present in 6 of them. all patients had at least one of the three following lesions: non-specific portal inflammatory infiltration (6 cases), granulomatous lesions (12 cases), vascular abnormalities (12 cases). among hepatic granulomat ...19853158990
antibody to the aids virus in kaposi's sarcoma in nigeria.the present study has investigated whether kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in nigeria is associated with infection with the aids virus variously called human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii), lymphadenopathy/aids virus (lav), and aids-associated retrovirus (arv). serum samples from 40 ks patients, 30 patients with malignant melanoma of the foot (contemporaneous controls), and 50 normal nontumour-bearing controls were tested for anti-aids virus antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (el ...19883162540
cystic parotid lesions in patients at risk for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.twenty-three patients at risk for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome presented with cystic lesions of the parotid gland. fourteen patients had unilateral parotid cysts and nine had bilateral enlargement. ten patients were positive for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), three were negative for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus, and ten refused testing. fine-needle aspiration cytology and computed tomography were helpful in making the diagnosis of benign lymphoe ...19883166761
phenotypical and functional analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocytes in patients with hiv infection.the lungs of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) are frequently affected by opportunistic and nonopportunistic infections and pulmonary localizations of kaposi's sarcoma. the aim of this study was to verify whether, in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infections, immunologic pulmonary abnormalities set the stage for the lung complications. for this purpose, a phenotypic and functional characterization of lymphocytes recovered from the bronchoalveolar lavage (b ...19883202512
biopsy pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in human immunodeficiency virus-associated disease: a 5 year experience in zürich.patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated disease are subject to a wide variety of unusual opportunistic infections and to the development of malignant tumours. these complications frequently manifest themselves within the gastrointestinal tract and endoscopic biopsies may contribute to their diagnosis. the results of 63 such biopsies from 28 patients are reviewed in this study. the diagnoses made included: upper gastrointestinal tract candidiasis (n = 6); cytomegalovirus infec ...19883215634
hla antigen frequencies in hiv-1 seropositive disease-free individuals and patients with aids.hla-a, -b, -c, -dr, and -dq antigen phenotypes were determined in 266 caucasian homosexual men, 90 of whom were hiv-1 seronegative, 94 hiv-1 seropositive aids-free, and 82 with a diagnosis of aids [36 with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), 34 with opportunistic infection (oi), and 12 with ks and oi]. no significant differences in hla-a or -b antigen frequencies were found in any comparisons of these groups. however, in comparisons of seropositive aids-free men with the aids groups, hla-cw7 was increased in ...19883216293
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in tropical regions: african foci].most aids victims in africa south of the sahara are heterosexuals with multiple partners. the risk of infection appears to be somewhat greater among women. seroprevalence is believed to be under 1% in rural zones but is about 7% in the large cities and is increasing rapidly along transportation routes. condom use is the only measure capable of slowing the spread of aids in africa at present, but condoms are not widely used. aids in central africa is distinguished also by its clinical manifes ...19883221779
[human immunodeficiency virus infections (hiv-1 and hiv-2) in dakar. epidemiologic and clinical aspects].the authors report on the results of an investigation carried out on 109 hiv seropositives ascertained by the dakar central hospital between february 20, 1987 and may 31, 1988. these seropositives affected 44 patients with aids (0.78% of admitted patients) and 65 seropositive people of which 43 blood donors (1.35% of donors). both viruses are present in about equal number: 50 hiv1 seropositives, 44 hiv2 seropositives, and 15 composite seropositives. sex-ratio is 3,9 in favour of males; this figu ...19883221781
[human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection in mali].this review summarises epidemiological and clinical data of hiv infection who was recognized in mali since 1985. the most important rate of seropositivity for hiv is observed in the prostitutes group (40%). the estimated seroprevalence for adult population is between 1% and 5%. 46 cases for aids are reported in both sexes. the mean age is 35 years. main signs are weight loss (91%), fever (80%), diarrhea (70%) and lymphadenopathy (50%). three among the five cases of kaposi's sarcoma are aggressiv ...19883221782
pathogenetic role of hiv infection in kaposi's sarcoma of equatorial east africa.thirty residents of north-central tanzania with various forms of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were evaluated. the absolute number of peripheral blood okt4 lymphocytes in patients and tanzanian control subjects tended to be low (in comparison with healthy young american adults), and many had inverted t4/t8 ratios. plasma polyclonal beta- and gamma-globulin concentrations were increased in many patients with ks and in control patients in tanzania with chronic dermatopathies, but not in african hospital e ...19883257865
cutaneous and plasma values of von willebrand factor in aids: a marker of endothelial stimulation?patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) represent a model in which endothelial proliferation and/or damage are of concern. we studied von willebrand factor (vwf) plasma values as a presumed marker of endothelial proliferation in patients with the lymphadenopathy syndrome (las) (n = 45), aids-related kaposi's sarcoma (ks) (n = 23), and aids opportunistic infections (n = 9), in comparison with normal controls (n = 19) and classical ks (n = 12). vwf was increased in aids patient ...19883258899
hiv target cells: effect of their infection by hiv on the pathogenesis of aids.pathogenesis of hiv infection and expression of retroviral proteins are gradually being elucidated. antibody to hiv is a marker of past or present viral infection. the virus can be isolated from cultured lymphocytes of seropositive but not seronegative patients. sero-epidemiological studies show that the majority of infected patients are asymptomatic carriers without biological sign of immune depression. some then show immune abnormalities such as a decrease of cd4 cells in the blood; some patie ...19883260982
kaposi's sarcoma cells: long-term culture with growth factor from retrovirus-infected cd4+ t cells.studies of the biology and pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) have been hampered by the inability to maintain long-term cultures of ks cells in vitro. in this study aids-ks-derived cells with characteristic spindle-like morphology were cultured with a growth factor (or factors) released by cd4+ t lymphocytes infected with human t-lymphotropic virus type i or ii (htlv-i or htlv-ii) or with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 or 2 (hiv-1 or hiv-2). medium conditioned by htlv-ii-infected, transf ...19883262925
urinary neopterin and immunological features in patients with kaposi's sarcoma.we studied neopterin excretion levels and immunological features of 20 patients affected by kaposi's sarcoma (ks), compared to 30 normal controls. eighteen patients had the classic form of kaposi's sarcoma (cks), while two patients were anti-human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) seropositive and affected by the epidemic form associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). in cks patients, a trend of an increase of neopterin levels with more advanced stages appeared from our data wher ...19883263274
approaches to an understanding of pathogenetic mechanisms in aids.aids, presumably caused by the human retrovirus, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), is a disease with multiple pathologies, most of which are the consequence of a profound immunodeficiency. the first two sections of this review focus primarily on the normal development and function of the cells of the immune system and the known abnormalities that occur in this system in aids patients. very little is known of the pathogenesis, in humans, of the four major clinical manifestations of aids--immuno ...19883287566
non-hodgkin's lymphomas and other malignancies in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.approximately 95% of neoplasms in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) patients are either kaposi's sarcoma or non-hodgkin's malignant lymphoma. kaposi's sarcoma is by far the most prevalent malignancy found, although a marked increase in the incidence of predominantly high-grade b cell malignant lymphomas has also been reported. there is evidence suggesting a correlation between epstein-barr virus (ebv) and the high incidence of lymphomas, and the most plausible explanation for this is th ...19873299717
pathophysiology and epidemiology of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.the epidemic form of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) that occurs in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) produces lesions that, histopathologically, are indistinguishable from those of classical ks or of the endemic form of the disease seen in children and adults in certain areas of africa. there are, however, important differences in the pathogenesis of the disease in the different groups affected by the neoplasm. compared with classical ks in people of eastern european and medite ...19873299718
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), also called the human t-lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy-associated virus [htlv-iii/lav], has affected over 23,000 people; more than half of those with the disease have died. the actual case fatality rate approaches 100%. aids affects all groups and classes of people, although some are at special risk. distribution of the disease is worldwide. the illness' effects on the body are widesprea ...19873303395
an autopsy-proved case of aids in taiwan.the first case of aids positively identified in a non-foreigner in taiwan was a 25-year-old unmarried male who had practiced homosexuality for ten years. the patient began to have abdominal pain accompanied with loose stools and weight loss in june 1985, followed by fever, cough, headache, dizziness, and loss of memory. facial hyperpigmentation and extensive oroesophageal candidiasis were noted. laboratory studies showed severe lymphopenia with a reversed t-helper to t-suppressor ratio, cutaneou ...19873304320
human immunodeficiency virus-associated kaposi's sarcoma in a pediatric renal transplant 11-year-old boy developed kaposi's sarcoma and progressive t lymphocyte deficiency 5 years after cadaveric kidney transplantation for end-stage renal disease. he had received 17 individual red blood cell transfusions prior to and during transplantation in 1980. human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) was cultured from blood in cerebrospinal fluid and hiv antibodies were detected with enzyme immunoassay and immunoblot techniques. the recipient of the donor's other kidney was well and hiv antibody-n ...19873306430
oral mucosal manifestations of aids?oral lesions of opportunistic infections and neoplasms are associated with immunosuppression caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). these include oral candidiasis, viral lesions such as warts, herpes simplex, herpes zoster and hairy leukoplakia, as well as kaposi's sarcoma and an aggressive form of periodontal disease. many of these can occur as the first clinical signs of hiv infection. thus, careful oral examination is an important part of the clinical evaluation.19873315352
evidence for a euro-american origin of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).recent reports of the nonspecificity of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) test in african populations, significant genomic differences between simian t-cell lymphotropic virus and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), and the early appearance of clinical acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in the us and europe are powerful arguments against the assumption that aids originated in africa. the authors postulate that hiv infection has been endemic in the euro-american population at ...19873316673
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