
invasive species threat: parasite phylogenetics reveals patterns and processes of host-switching between non-native and native captive freshwater of the major threats to biodiversity involves biological invasions with direct consequences on the stability of ecosystems. in this context, the role of parasites is not negligible as it may enhance the success of invaders. the red-eared slider, trachemys scripta elegans, has been globally considered among the worst invasive species. since its introduction through the pet trade, t. s. elegans is now widespread and represents a threat for indigenous species. because t. s. elegans coexists wit ...201121767431
in situ cardiac perfusion reveals interspecific variation of intraventricular flow separation in reptiles.the ventricles of non-crocodilian reptiles are incompletely divided and provide an opportunity for mixing of oxygen-poor blood and oxygen-rich blood (intracardiac shunting). however, both cardiac morphology and in vivo shunting patterns exhibit considerable interspecific variation within reptiles. in the present study, we develop an in situ double-perfused heart approach to characterise the propensity and capacity for shunting in five reptile species: the turtle trachemys scripta, the rock pytho ...201627207643
animal response to drastic changes in oxygen availability and physiological oxidative stress.oxygen is essential for most life forms, but it is also inherently toxic due to its biotransformation into reactive oxygen species (ros). in fact, the development of many animal and plant pathological conditions, as well as natural aging, is associated with excessive ros production and/or decreased antioxidant capacity. however, a number of animal species are able to tolerate, under natural conditions, situations posing a large potential for oxidative stress. situations range from anoxia in fish ...200212458182
baroreflex sensitivity in an amphibian, rana catesbeiana, and a reptilian, pseudemys scripta inverse relationship between heart rate and systematic arterial pressure is demonstrated in unanesthetized bullfrogs (rana catesbeiana) and red-eared turtles (pseudemys scripta elegans). drug-induced elevation of systemic blood pressure resulted in proportional decreases in heart rate and lengthening of the pulse interval. conversely, nitroglycerin-induced decreases in blood pressure produced compensatory increases in heart rate. this relationship in frogs is defined by y = 25.4x + 1684, and ...19806970247
respiratory control and co2 conductance: temperature effects in a turtle and a frog.the respiratory control systems of the predominantly lung-breathing turtle. pseudemys scripta, and the bimodal breathing frog, rana catesbeiana, are compared. at constant temperature, control is effected in both species primarily by pulmonary ventilation, and appears to be similar in basic organization to the mammalian system. the skin co2 exchange of the frog is largely passive and apparently under little adaptive control. co2 exchange at different temperature is analyzed by means of the conduc ...1978307794
anatomical distribution of estrogen target neurons in turtle brain.autoradiographic studies with [3h]estradiol-17 beta in red-eared turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans) show concentration and retention of radioactivity in nuclei of neurons in certain regions. accumulations of estrogen target neurons exist in the periventricular brain with relationships to ventral extensions of the forebrain ventricles, including parolfactory, amygdaloid, septal, preoptic, hypothalamic and thalamic areas, as well as the dorsal ventricular ridge, the piriform cortex, and midbrain-p ...19817317778
reptiles and amphibians as potential reservoir hosts of chikungunya virus.chikungunya virus is an emerging arbovirus of significant human-health concern. little is known about its sylvatic cycle, including whether ectothermic vertebrates are permissive to infection. in this study, individuals from ten species of reptiles and amphibians were inoculated with chikungunya virus and samples of blood were tested to characterize viremia and seroconversion. viremia was not detected in cane toads, house geckos, or american alligators, but most of the green iguanas, red-eared s ...029313469
model studies of intracellular acid-base temperature responses in ectotherms.measurements of intracellular ph (phi) in air-breathing ectotherms have only been made in the steady state; these phi indicate that protein charge state, measured as alpha imidazole (alphaim), the fractional dissociation of protein histidine imidazole groups, is preserved when ectotherm tissues change temperature in vivo, with related changes in phi and pco2. in partial answer to the question of how such tissues are able to avoid disrupting transients to functions sensitive to protein charge sta ...197610615
commentary on: "vascular distensibilities have minor effects on intracardiac shunt patterns in reptiles" by filogonio et al. (2017).the recent study by filogonio et al. (2017) suggested that net cardiac shunt patterns in two species of reptiles (trachemys scripta and crotalus durissus) were not significantly influenced by the vascular distensibilities of the systemic and pulmonary vasculatures. this is in contrast to a previously published study (hillman et al., 2014) in the toad (rhinella marina) in which net cardiac shunts were predicted primarily by the physical properties of vascular distensibility rather than physiologi ...201728546068
an eyecup slice preparation for intracellular recording in vertebrate retinas.this report describes a new preparation for intracellular recording from the vertebrate retina, the eyecup slice preparation. it consists of a small (2 x 5 mm) strip cut from the posterior wall of the eye and thereby keeps the sclera, pigment epithelium and neural retina in place. initial results are presented here for two vertebrates: the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, and the toad, bufo marinus. with conventional microscopy, the histological layers of the retina can be resolved, as well as ...19892755176
effects of deslorelin acetate on plasma testosterone concentrations in captive yellow-bellied sliders (trachemys scripta sp.).in europe, the yellow-bellied slider (trachemys scripta sp.) is a non-native species in competition with native freshwater turtles. research on contraception could be useful to control the captive population. identifying a method of contraception in chelonians would potentially help to control aggression in other chelonian species. the objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of a single 4.7-mg deslorelin acetate implant on plasma testosterone concentrations in yellow-bellied s ...201728956487
camallanus emydidius n. sp. (nematoda: camallanidae) in trachemys dorbigni (duméril & bibron, 1835) (testudines: emydidae) from southern brazil.this paper describes a new species of camallanus found in the freshwater turtle trachemys dorbigni. sixty hosts collected in southern brazil were examined. all hosts (100%) were parasitized by a new species of camallanus, which was described as camallanus emydidius n. sp. the new species differs from other camallanus species of freshwater turtles mainly because of the morphology of the right spicule, the number of male precloacal and postcloacal papillae, and the presence of "mucrons" in the fem ...201728580298
intracellular ph in cold-blooded vertebrates as a function of body temperature.intracellular ph (phi) was measured in vivo in tissue of frogs (rana catesbeiana) and turtles (pseudemys scripta) using the dmo technique. animals were permitted 3-8 days to come to a new steady-state body temperature (tb) which ranged 5-32 degrees c. least squares regression equation for phi data are: frog blood, 8.184-0.0206 tb; frog striated muscle, 7.275-0.0152 tb; turtle blood, 8.092-0.0207tb; turtle muscle, 7.421-0.0186 tb; turtle heart, 7.452-0.0122 tb; turtle liver, 7.753-0.0233 tb; turt ...197610614
species recognition of congeneric acanthocephalans in slider turtles by random-amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) markers.species recognition of acanthocephalans of the genus neoechinorhynchus (hamann, 1892) found in the freshwater turtle trachemys scripta (wied, 1838) has previously been based primarily on female body and egg morphology. observed morphological plasticity within and among species may lead to the misclassification of female specimens and leaves males of different species completely indistinguishable. here, random-amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) analysis was used to genetically characterize samples ...19989714226
comparative ultrastructural analysis of two tortoise bladders, testudo graeca and geochelone carbonaria.urinary bladders from the desert tortoises, testudo graeca and geochelone carbonaria were removed at specific times during the year and species in all bladders examined: (1) granular cells, (2) mitochondria-rich cells, and (3) basal cells. cells analogous to these three types have also been observed in amphibian bladders (from toad bufo marinus and bullfrog, rana catesbiana) and reptilian bladders (from pseudemys scripta and clemmys caspica). both tortoises have an incomplete layer of basal cell ...19761252017
interspecific variation and plasticity in hemoglobin nitrite reductase activity and its correlation with oxygen affinity in vertebrates.deoxygenated hemoglobin (hb) is a nitrite reductase that reduces naturally occurring nitrite to nitric oxide (no), supplying physiological relevant no under hypoxic conditions. the nitrite reductase activity is modulated by the allosteric equilibrium between the r and t structures of hb that also determines oxygen affinity. in the present study we investigated nitrite reductase activity and o2 affinity in hbs from ten different vertebrate species under identical conditions to disclose interspeci ...201728109837
shapes of differential pulse voltammograms and level of metallothionein at different animal species.metallothioneins play a key role in maintaining homeostasis of essential metalsand in protecting of cells against metal toxicity as well as oxidative damaging. exceptinghumans, blood levels of metallothionein have not yet been reported from any animalspecies. blood plasma samples of 9 animal species were analysed by the adsorptive transferstripping technique to obtain species specific voltammograms. quite distinct records wereobtained from the takin (budorcas taxicolor), while other interesting ...200728903235
morbidity and mortality of wild turtles at a north carolina wildlife clinic: a 10-year retrospective.the medical records from 1,847 wild turtle patients seen between 2005 and 2014 by the turtle rescue team at the north carolina state university college of veterinary medicine were analyzed. eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina; n = 947), yellow-bellied sliders (trachemys scripta scripta; n = 301), cooters ( pseudemys spp.; n = 235), common snapping turtles (chelydra serpentina; n = 165), and eastern painted turtles (chrysemys picta; n = 93) made up 94.3% of all patients. patient admi ...201728920820
tissue uptake, distribution and excretion of brevetoxin-3 after oral and intratracheal exposure in the freshwater turtle trachemys scripta and the diamondback terrapin malaclemys terrapin.harmful algal blooms (habs) occur nearly annually off the west coast of florida and can impact both humans and wildlife, resulting in morbidity and increased mortality of marine animals including sea turtles. the key organism in florida red tides is the dinoflagellate karenia brevis that produces a suite of potent neurotoxins referred to as the brevetoxins (pbtx). despite recent mortality events and rehabilitation efforts, still little is known about how the toxin directly impacts sea turtles, a ...201728363127
slow atp loss and the defense of ion homeostasis in the anoxic frog brain.for most vertebrates, cutting off the oxygen supply to the brain results in a rapid (within minutes) loss of atp, the failure of atp-dependent ion-transport process, subsequent anoxic depolarization of neuronal membrane potential and consequential neuronal death. the few species that survive brain anoxia for days or months, such as the freshwater turtle trachemys scripta, avoid anoxic depolarization and maintain brain atp levels through a coordinated downregulation of brain energy demand process ...200111707503
sex reversal in reptiles: reproductive oddity or powerful driver of evolutionary change?is sex a product of genes, the environment, or both? in this review, we describe the diversity of sex-determining mechanisms in reptiles, with a focus on systems that display gene-environment interactions. we summarise the field and laboratory-based evidence for the occurrence of environmental sex reversal in reptiles and ask whether this is a widespread evolutionary mechanism affecting the evolution of sex chromosomes and speciation in vertebrates. sex determination systems exist across a conti ...201627794577
pharmacokinetics of buprenorphine after single-dose subcutaneous administration in red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans).buprenorphine, a mu opioid receptor agonist, is expected to be a suitable analgesic drug for use in reptiles. however, to date, dosage recommendations have been based on anecdotal observations. the aim of this study was to provide baseline pharmacokinetic data in red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans) targeting a plasma level of 1 ng/ml reported effective for analgesia in humans. serial blood samples were taken after subcutaneous injection of buprenorphine, and plasma buprenorphine levels ...200819110701
environmental biodosimetry: a biologically relevant tool for ecological risk assessment and biomonitoring.biodosimetry, the estimation of received doses by determining the frequency of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations, is widely applied in humans acutely exposed as a result of accidents or for clinical purposes, but biodosimetric techniques have not been utilized in organisms chronically exposed to radionuclides in contaminated environments. the application of biodosimetry to environmental exposure scenarios could greatly improve the accuracy, and reduce the uncertainties, of ecological risk ...200312590073
plurality of viual mismatch potentials in a reptile.abstract studies with auditory stimuli have established in humans that a mismatch potential (mmp) is elicited whenever a deviant stimulus is substituted for a standard stimulus in a train of monotonous standard stimuli presented at rates > 0.25 hz. the mmp in humans is localized in the auditory cortex and is known as mismatch negativily, from its polarity in scalp recordings. it is hypothesized to reflect the operation of sensory memory and to be a necessary component of the auditory orienting r ...199323972152
an analysis of the proopiomelanocortin systems in the pituitary of the squamate reptile lacerta galloti.acid extracts of the pars intermedia of the squamate reptile lacerta galloti were screened for immunoreactive forms of proopiomelanocortin (pomc)-related end products following sephadex g-50 column chromatography. alpha-msh-sized end products were detected with a val-nh2, c-terminal-specific ria, and beta-endorphin-sized end products were detected with a separate c-terminal-directed ria. five peaks of alpha-msh-related immunoreactivity were isolated following fractionation by reversed-phase hplc ...19948194743
exercise and forced submergence in the pond slider (trachemys scripta) and softshell turtle (apalone ferox): influence on bimodal gas exchange, diving behaviour and blood acid-base statusthe dynamics of bimodal respiration, diving behaviour and blood acid-base status in the softshell turtle trachemys scripta and the pond slider apalone ferox were investigated at rest and under conditions of stress induced by exercise and forced submergence. during periods of forced submergence, only a. ferox doubled its aquatic gas exchange rate. both a. ferox and t. scripta increased their aerial gas exchange profoundly following exercise and forced submergence, a pattern indicative of increase ...19999882639
putative aromatase inhibitor induces male sex determination in a female unisexual lizard and in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination.treatment of developing embryos of two diverse species of reptiles with fadrozole (a potent and specific nonsteroidal inhibitor of aromatase activity in mammals) resulted in the induction of male sex determination. in the first experiment, males were produced in an all-female parthenogenic species of lizard (cnemidophorus uniparens). in the second experiment, male sex determination was induced in a turtle (trachemys scripta) with temperature-dependent sex determination. the results support the h ...19948046299
basal ganglionic pathways to the tectum: studies in reptiles.relations between the basal ganglia and the tectum were investigated in two different orders of reptiles: turtles (chrysemys scripta) and crocodilians (caiman crocodilus). in both species, efferents from the paleostriatal complex, a telencephalic region considered comparable to the mammalian basal ganglia on the basis of topographic, histochemical, and hodological criteria, were found to project to a prominent pretectal cell group called the dorsal nucleus of the posterior commissure (ndcp). cel ...19807440783
patterns of hypothalamic regionalization in amphibians and reptiles: common traits revealed by a genoarchitectonic approach.most studies in mammals and birds have demonstrated common patterns of hypothalamic development highlighted by the combination of developmental regulatory genes (genoarchitecture), supporting the notion of the hypothalamus as a component of the secondary prosencephalon, topologically rostral to the diencephalon. in our comparative analysis we have summarized the data on the expression patterns of different transcription factors and neuroactive substances, used as anatomical markers, in the devel ...201525691860
conservation of chromosome 1 in turtles over 66 million years.fluorescence in situ hybridization of a whole chromosome 1-specific probe from the yellow-bellied slider turtle (trachemys scripta) to cells from four other species of turtle ranging from a desert tortoise to a loggerhead sea turtle resulted in specific and exclusive hybridization to chromosome 1 in all five species. previous observations of conservation in the giemsa banding pattern and chromosome morphology and number among turtles are thus extended to the dna sequence level, revealing a cytog ...200111306813
effect of temperature upon carbon dioxide stores in the snake coluber constrictor and the turtle chrysemys scripta.the effect of temperature upon respiratory exchange ratio (r) was measured in snakes (coluber constrictor) and turtles (chrysemys scripta). increasing body temperature produced a transient elevation of r, and lowering body temperature transiently depressed r. these thermal effects resulted from an 'excess' and a 'deficit' co2 elimination, respectively. steady-state blood co2 content (cco2) in c. constrictor decreased linearly with rising temperature. plasma bicarbonate concentration, calculated ...19882850333
trentool: a matlab open source toolbox to analyse information flow in time series data with transfer entropy.transfer entropy (te) is a measure for the detection of directed interactions. transfer entropy is an information theoretic implementation of wiener's principle of observational causality. it offers an approach to the detection of neuronal interactions that is free of an explicit model of the interactions. hence, it offers the power to analyze linear and nonlinear interactions alike. this allows for example the comprehensive analysis of directed interactions in neural networks at various levels ...201122098775
immunohistochemical localization of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the brain of gain insight into the evolution of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (trh) system in the brain of vertebrates we have conducted a comparative analysis of the distribution of trh immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in two reptiles, the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans and the lizard gekko gecko. double labeling for trh and tyrosine hydroxylase, the main catecholamine marker, was made to help the correct localization of the labeled structures and to evaluate the possible interaction of these ...200818674611
immunohistochemical localization of neuropeptide ff-like in the brain of the turtle: relation to catecholaminergic structures.a previous study in the lizard gekko gecko has revealed that neuropeptide ff (npff, a neuropeptide involved in nociception, cardiovascular regulation, and endocrine function) is widely distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord. although the distribution of npff immunoreactivity shares many features with that found in other vertebrates, it was noted that gekko shared more features with anamniotes in terms of number of cell groups, more elaborate networks of fibers, and lack of colocalizati ...200818331881
immunohistochemical localization of darpp-32 in the brain of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans: further assessment of its relationship with dopaminergic systems in reptiles.a previous study in the lizard gekko gecko has revealed that the distribution of darpp-32 (a phosphoprotein related to the dopamine d(1)-receptor) largely resembles the pattern observed in birds and mammals, at least as far as basal ganglia structures are concerned. on the other hand, several specific features of darpp-32 distribution in the gekkonid brain were noted that deserved further attention, e.g. cellular co-localization of darpp-32 and tyrosine hydroxylase (th) immunoreactivity in hypot ...200312663057
comparative analysis of vasotocin-like immunoreactivity in the brain of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans and the snake python regius.the distribution of vasotocin in the brains of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans and the snake python regius was studied with immunohistochemical methods. in both species, vasotocin-immunoreactive (vti) cells were found in the supraoptic nucleus, the paraventricular nucleus and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. no vti cell bodies were seen in the brainstem. vasotocinergic fibers were found in all major brain divisions. intrahypothalamic vti fibers were observed between the supraoptic a ...19902191754
new insights into the reptilian catecholaminergic systems as revealed by antibodies against the neurotransmitters and their synthetic enzymes.the catecholaminergic systems in the lizard gekko gecko and the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans have been studied with specific and sensitive antibodies against the neurotransmitters dopamine (da) and noradrenaline (na) and the biosynthetic enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (th), dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh) and phenylethanolamine-n-methyltransferase. our results demonstrate that: (1) the hypothalamic periventricular organ contains both da and na cerebrospinal fluid-contacting cells. these cells ...20131969276
characterization of brevetoxin (pbtx-3) exposure in neurons of the anoxia-tolerant freshwater turtle (trachemys scripta).harmful algal blooms are increasing in frequency and extent worldwide and occur nearly annually off the west coast of florida where they affect both humans and wildlife. the dinoflagellate karenia brevis is a key organism in florida red tides that produces a suite of potent neurotoxins collectively referred to as the brevetoxins (pbtx). brevetoxins bind to and open voltage gated sodium channels (vgsc), increasing cell permeability in excitable cells and depolarizing nerve and muscle tissue. expo ...201627697698
highly pathogenic salmonella pomona was first isolated from the exotic red-eared slider (trachemys scripta elegans) in the wild in china: implications for public health.salmonella pomona, a highly pathogenic serotype, can cause severe human salmonellosis, especially in children. turtles and other reptiles are reservoirs for s. pomona, and these cold-blooded animals remain a source of human salmonella infections. since the 1980s, this serotype has become a significant public health concern because of the increasing number of cases of s. pomona infection in humans. to date, outbreaks of salmonella pomona infection in humans have mainly occurred in the united stat ...201424012893
chromosome translocations in t. scripta: the dose-rate effect and in vivo lymphocyte radiation response.using a whole-chromosome fish painting probe we previously developed for chromosome 1 of the yellow-bellied slider turtle (trachemys scripta), we investigated the dose-rate effect for radiation-induced symmetrical translocations in t. scripta fibroblasts and lymphocytes. the dose rate below which no reduction in effect per unit dose is observed with further dose protraction was approximately 23 cgy h(-1). we estimated the whole-genome spontaneous background level of complete, apparently simple s ...200111121217
[tropical turtles chromosomes: kinosternon leucostomum, trachemys scripta and staurotypus triporcatus (testudines: kinosternidae/emydidae)].mexico is a biodiverse country in several taxa as reptiles, that include several species of freshwater and marine turtles. eventhough most of this group species are under protection, tabasco state has nine native freshwater turtles, like kinosternon leucostomum, trachemys scripta and staurotypus triporcatus that are very important in traditional dishes. this has resulted in a critical level of their populations, together with little biological knowledge for their conservation. therefore, this st ...201425102649
comparative analysis of fmrfamide-like immunoreactivity in caiman (caiman crocodilus) and turtle (trachemys scripta elegans) brains.the distribution of fmrfamide (fmrfa)-like peptides in caiman (caiman crocodilus) and turtle (trachemys scripta elegans) brains was studied by immunohistochemistry. in both species, distinct groups of fmrfa-like immunoreactive (ir) perikarya were present in the medial septal nucleus, accumbens nucleus, nucleus of the diagonal band of broca, suprachiasmatic area, lateral hypothalamic area, and periventricular hypothalamic nucleus. a few fmrfa-ir neurons in the hypothalamic area were located in th ...199910639745
sensory transduction and neuronal transmission as related to ultrastructure and encoding of information in different labyrinthine receptor systems of vertebrates.mechano-electric transduction and neuronal transmission were studied in sensory systems ascending from and descending to single receptor cells of the labyrinth organs in submammalian vertebrates. the animals were young crocodiles (caiman crocodilus), geckos (gekko gecko, tarentola mauritanica), and turtles (pseudemys scripta elegans, chinemys reevesii). intracellular receptor potentials from the apical region of the hair cell (or from the ciliary surface) were recorded in the ampullar, macular, ...19826289788
feeding status and basking requirements of freshwater turtles in an invasion context.thermoregulatory behavior and feeding status are strongly related in ectotherms. a trade-off between maintenance of energy balance and digestion efficiency has been recently proposed to affect thermoregulation in these animals. on the other hand, competition for basking sites has been described between iberian turtles and the introduced red-eared slider (trachemys scripta elegans). t. scripta negatively interferes with basking behavior of native turtles and benefits from a greater capacity to re ...201222226990
fasting and postprandial serum bile acid concentrations in 10 healthy female red-eared terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans).the fasting and postprandial serum concentrations of bile acids and other blood constituents were measured in a group of 10 clinically healthy, female, six-year-old captive red-eared terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans). the terrapins were housed in a temperate room and maintained in four aquaria in which the water temperature ranged from 24 to 27 degrees c and the temperature above the basking site ranged from 27 to 30 degrees c. the serum concentrations of bile acids were measured four times ...200818953075
a new slider turtle (testudines: emydidae: deirochelyinae:trachemys) from the late hemphillian (late miocene/early pliocene) of eastern tennessee and the evolution of the deirochelyines.trachemys(testudines: emydidae) represents one of the most well-known turtle genera today. the evolution oftrachemys, while being heavily documented with fossil representatives, is not well understood. numerous fossils from the late hemphillian gray fossil site (gfs) in northeastern tennessee help to elucidate its evolution. the fossiltrachemysat the gfs represent a new species. the new taxon,trachemys haugrudi, is described, and currently represents the most thoroughly described fossil emydid s ...201829456887
normal echoanatomy of the red-eared slider terrapin (trachemys scripta elegans).thirty red-eared slider terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans) were examined by ultrasound to establish the normal ultrasonographic appearance of their coelomic structures. they were not sedated, and owing to their small size they were examined through the inguinal window of the carapace. high resolution transducers (7.5 and 11 mhz) enhanced the ultrasonographic imaging of the bowel, urinary bladder, liver, gall bladder, heart, kidney and gonads, but the pancreas, adrenal glands, thyroid glands a ...200415508841
hindlimb muscle function in turtles: is novel skeletal design correlated with novel muscle function?variations in musculoskeletal lever systems have formed an important foundation for predictions about the diversity of muscle function and organismal performance. changes in the structure of lever systems may be coupled with changes in muscle use and give rise to novel muscle functions. the two extant turtle lineages, cryptodires and pleurodires, exhibit differences in hindlimb structure. cryptodires possess the ancestral musculoskeletal morphology, with most hip muscles originating on the pelvi ...201728476892
immunohistochemical localization of orexins (hypocretins) in the brain of reptiles and its relation to monoaminergic systems.with the aim of gaining more insight into the evolution of the orexinergic systems in the brain of vertebrates we have conducted a comparative analysis of the distribution of orexin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in two reptiles, the lizard gekko gecko and the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. in both species most immunoreactive neurons were found in the periventricular hypothalamic nucleus and in the infundibular hypothalamus. only in the gecko, orexinergic cell bodies were present in th ...201019665547
atrial natriuretic peptide, bradykinin, and angiotensin ii-like immunoreactivity in the harderian gland of the terrapin pseudemys scripta: response to osmotic stress.the harderian gland of the terrapin pseudemys scripta has four types of acinar cells. type iv cells are very similar to the salt secreting cells of the salt secretory glands of various marine vertebrates. the presence and localization of the ile5-angiotensin ii, atrial natriuretic peptide, and bradykinin has been investigated by immunohistochemical methods. immunoreactivity is confined to the type iv cells. changes in the environmental salinity resulted in different patterns in the immunoreactiv ...19968986047
effects of prolactin and cortisol on the harderian gland of the terrapin, pseudemys scripta, adapted to different salinities.the harderian gland (hg) of the terrapin, pseudemys scripta, plays a prominent role in osmoregulation owing to the presence of "salt secreting cells" among the acinar cells of its glandular epithelium. osmotic stress provokes different responses according to salinity. seawater adaptation activates a major structural reorganization. the most striking change is shown by the type i glandular cells and "salt secreting cells." the latter increase in number and change from a unicellular form to multic ...19968808397
the orbital glands of the terrapin pseudemys scripta in response to osmotic stress: a light and electron microscope study.the histochemical and ultrastructural features of both orbital glands--the anterior lacrimal and harderian glands--were compared in the terrapin pseudemys scripta following adaptation either to distilled water or to seawater. seawater adaptation activated the harderian gland and caused a major structural reorganisation. type i cells increased in number, whereas type ii cells became smaller and less numerous. the most striking change was shown by the type iv cells which display the features of a ...19938270473
the effects of temperature and ph on the contractile properties of skinned muscle fibres from the terrapin, pseudemys scripta elegans.fibre types in the iliofibularis muscle of the freshwater terrapin pseudemys scripta elegans have been characterized on the basis of their histochemical characteristics, nerve endings and contractile properties. three types of focally innervated fibres are present, corresponding to the fast glycolytic (fg), fast oxidative glycolytic (fog) and slow oxidative (so) fibre types of other vertebrates. single fibres or small bundles of fibres representing each histochemical type were identified on the ...19872951477
studies on the excitability of the central program generator in the spinal cord of the terrapin pseudemys scripta elegans.we present observations on the multicyclic scratch reflex in spinal terrapins as produced by electrical stimuli applied to the shell at the specific regions at which a mechanical stimulus produces the reflex. emgs and hip and knee movements are recorded. the responses to the electrical stimuli are similar to the responses to mechanical stimuli. there is a three phase emg pattern (stein and grossman, 1980), to which the movement pattern is related (bakker and crowe, 1982). a response may consist ...19852863079
the mechanism of spinal control of reflex hind limb movements in the terrapin pseudemys scripta elegans [proceedings]. 1979490344
distribution of dopamine in the forebrain and midbrain of the red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, reinvestigated using antibodies against dopamine.the distribution of dopamine (da) immunoreactivity in the forebrain and midbrain of the red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, was studied using recently developed antibodies against da. da-containing cells were found around the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb but not in the telencephalon proper. in the diencephalon da cells were observed in the preoptic region, several parts of the periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, the periventricular organ, the ependymal wall of the infundibular rece ...19873664261
amphibious auditory evoked potentials in four north american testudines genera spanning the aquatic-terrestrial spectrum.animals exhibit unique hearing adaptations in relation to the habitat media in which they reside. this study was a comparative analysis of auditory specialization in relation to habitat medium in testudines, a taxon that includes both highly aquatic and fully terrestrial members. evoked potential audiograms were collected in four species groups representing diversity along the aquatic-terrestrial spectrum: terrestrial and fossorial gopherus polyphemus, terrestrial terrapene carolina carolina, an ...201526194768
spatial and temporal use of floodplain habitats by lentic and lotic species of aquatic turtles.we investigated the use of aquatic and terrestrial floodplain habitats by lentic and lotic turtles inhabiting the missouri river, a contemporary, regulated large river. specifically, we tested whether habitats were used differentially by turtle species, sexes, and life stages over biologically determined spatial and temporal scales. we monitored female and male false map turtles (graptemys pseudogeographica) and slider turtles (trachemys scripta) for 14 months, using radiotelemetry. in addition, ...200028307951
plasma protein electrophoresis of trachemys scripta and iguana iguana.protein electrophoresis is widely applied in veterinary medicine, but is not used often in reptiles, in part because of lack of reference values.201020059755
the connections and laminar organization ofthe optic tectum in a reptile (lguana iguana).the goals of this study were: (1) to describe the total pattern of projections from the optic tectum of iguana iguana and pseudemys scripta; and (2) to describe the contributions of particular lamina of the iguana's optic tectum to this total pattern. lesions were made in the optic tectum of the iguana which damaged either all or only certain tectal laminae and, for comparison with the iguana, lesions in the turtle's optic tectum were made which involved all laminae. the anterograde degeneration ...19751176645
uv-sensitive input to horizontal cells in the turtle retina.microspectrophotometry, electroretinography and behavioural studies have indicated that ultraviolet (uv) light contributes to functional vision in various vertebrate species. based on behavioural evidence, this was also suggested for turtle vision. in order to reveal the interactions underlying detection of uv light in the distal retina, we recorded intracellularly the photoresponses of cones and horizontal cells in retinas of pseudemys scripta elegans and mauremys caspica and calculated the act ...19989751127
alfaxalone as an induction agent for anaesthesia in terrapins and tortoises.the aim of this study was to evaluate short-term intravenous anaesthesia with alfaxalone in chelonians. in the first part of the study, alfaxalone at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg was administered intravenously to 10 adult female red-eared terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans) following 24 hours of fasting. the induction time, tracheal tube insertion time, surgical plane of anaesthesia interval, and full recovery time were recorded. the head, neck and leg withdrawal reflex was lost within 21.09±8.07 se ...201424989034
immunocytochemical localization of serotonin in the reptilian lung.the distribution of serotonin-immunoreactive cells in the lung of 4 species of reptiles was investigated. serotonin-containing cells were found forming groups in the interconnecting septa in all 4 species studied, and also as solitary cells in testudo graeca and mauremys caspica. serotonin-containing cells were also localized in the intramural ganglia of pseudemys scripta elegans and testudo graeca. the present study confirms that serotonin is widely distributed in the lung of vertebrates.19873301000
ultrastructure of the nephron of freshwater turtles, pseudemys scripta elegans and mauremys caspica.the nephrons of the freshwater turtles pseudemys scripta elegans and mauremys caspica consist of renal corpuscle, neck segment, proximal tubule, intermediate segment, distal tubule and collecting duct. the renal corpuscle has large and scarce capillaries with clear and dark fenestrated endothelial cells containing some rod-shaped bodies, a thin filtration barrier and a well-developed mesangium, the cells of which show secretory, phagocytic and contractile features, and in m. caspica a cilium. th ...19873581151
effects of body temperature on righting performance of native and invasive freshwater turtles: consequences for competition.righting behavior of aquatic turtles might be subject to coadaptation pressures between preferred basking temperature and locomotion, given that it is mainly performed on land and may critically determine the survival of turtles. we analyzed the effect of body temperature (t(b)) on righting performance of two species of freshwater turtles, the endangered native spanish terrapin (mauremys leprosa), and the red-eared slider (trachemys scripta elegans), an introduced invasive species that is displa ...201223058848
production of monoclonal antibodies against chinemys reevesii turtle vitellogenin and their usage for comparison of biochemical and immunological characters of vitellogenins and yolk proteins of freshwater turtles.four hybridoma clones (acv-1, -3, -4, and -5) were established for chinemys reevesii (reeves' turtle) vitellogenin (vtg) as a precursor protein of egg yolk and a biomarker of environmental pollution. binding-inhibition experiments indicated that the epitopes of four mabs were distinct. no binding of acv-4 to c. reevesii vtg in the western blot suggests that the epitope of acv-4 would be dependent on the three-dimensional structure. acv-1, -3, and -5 bound to c. reevesii vtg in the western blot. ...200516122960
two-dimensional and doppler echocardiographic findings in healthy non-sedated red-eared slider terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans).echocardiographic evaluation was performed in six healthy young adult non-sedated terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans). the best imaging quality was obtained through the right cervical window. base-apex inflow and outflow views were recorded, ventricular size, ventricular wall thickness and ventricular outflow tract were measured, and fractional shortening was calculated. pulsed-wave doppler interrogation enabled the diastolic biphasic atrio-ventricular flow and the systolic ventricular outflow ...201121866435
comparative analyses of serum vitellogenin levels in male and female reeves' pond turtles (chinemys reevesii) by an immunological assay.a quantitative immunological method was developed for measuring serum vitellogenin levels of reeves' pond turtles (chinemys reevesii) to investigate the effects of endocrine disruptors on the freshwater ecosystem. vitellogenin was induced by injecting estradiol-17beta into c. reevesii turtles (adult females, juvenile females, and males) and was purified from the turtle serum by edta-mgcl2 precipitation followed by gel filtration. using a polyclonal antibody raised against c. reevesii vitellogeni ...200414513265
oxidative stress induced by glyphosate-based herbicide on freshwater turtles.freshwater ecosystems face very strong anthropogenic pressures, among which overexploitation, habitat degradation, flow modification, species invasion, and water pollution lead to growing threats on biodiversity. urbanization through wastewater treatment, industry through the release of inorganic and organic chemicals, and agriculture through the use of pesticides and herbicides are the main factors involved in water pollution. in france, more precisely in the pyrénées-orientales department, the ...201728833383
the high resolution melting analysis (hrm) as a molecular tool for monitoring parasites of the an interconnected world, the international pet trade on wild animals is becoming increasingly important. as a consequence, non-native parasite species are introduced, which affect the health of wildlife and contribute to the loss of biodiversity. because the investigation of parasite diversity within vulnerable host species implies the molecular identification of large samples of parasite eggs, the sequencing of dna barcodes is time-consuming and costly. thereby, the objectives of our study w ...201727938420
the orbital glands of the chelonians pseudemys scripta and testudo graeca: comparative histological, histochemical and ultrastructural investigations.the orbital glands of the chelonians pseudemys scripta and testudo graeca were investigated at the histological, histochemical and ultrastructural levels. four acinar cell types were seen in the harderian gland of p. scripta on the basis of histochemical reactions and ultrastructure. secretory granules were of 2 types, one showing moderate electron density with an electronlucent core, the other being smaller and more osmiophilic with an electron-dense core. in the harderian gland of t. graeca on ...19921452463
a microscopic study of the tracheal epithelium of testudo graeca and pseudemys scripta elegans.the tracheal epithelium of testudo graeca and pseudemys scripta elegans was studied by means of light and electron microscopy, histochemistry and immunocytochemistry. three cell types were detected by conventional light microscopy: mucous, ciliated and basal. the grimelius silver argyrophil technique was positive in a population of tracheal cells. by immunocytochemistry, serotonin-containing cells were identified. the mucous cells of testudo graeca contained sialomucins and sulphomucins; however ...19873429317
influence of intermittent breathing on ventricular depolarization patterns in chelonian reptiles.1. alterations between two quite distinct patterns of epicardial depolarization are associated with the normal occurrence of intermittent lung ventilation in both lightly anaesthetized and unrestrained, conscious turtles (pseudemys scripta) and tortoises (testudo graeca). 2. during apnoea depolarization sweeps from the left to the right over the ventricular surface at a conduction velocity of 0.15 m/sec. with the onset of lung ventilation the direction of depolarization propagation over the vent ...1978671311
properties of blood oxygen transport in the turtle pseudemys scripta and the tortoise testudo graeca: effects of temperature, co2 and of oxygen-haemoglobin binding have been investigated in the aquatic turtle psuedemys scripta and the terrestrial tortoise testudo graeca. haematocrit (30-35%) and haemoglobin concentration (12-14 g/100 ml blood) were similar in both species. p50 at physiological levels of pco2 (20-25 mm hg) was 21 mm hg in pseudemys, compared with 23 mm hg in testudo. the bohr shift of the blood of both the turtle and the tortoise was almost identical at -0.28. the heat of oxygenation, deltah, reflect ...197721433
a quantitative analysis of ventilation tachycardia and its control in two chelonians, pseudemys scripta and testudo graeca.1. in both the turtle, pseudemys scripta, and the tortoise, testudo graeca, lung ventilation is closely accompanied by a tachycardia of predictable magnitude and duration. 2. efferent vagal activity progressively decreases as heart rate increases with the onset of lung ventilation. atropine decreases heart rate during apnoea to those levels observed during prolonged breathing series when the development, duration or magnitude of ventilation tachycardia. it is thus concluded that heart rate chang ...19751202129
atrophic gastritis in a hermann's tortoise (testudo hermanni) and two red-eared turtles (chrysemys scripta elegans).atrophic gastritis, with concomitant pseudopyloric metaplasia, occurred in a tortoise and 2 turtles. mild gastritis, with some atrophy of gastric glands and minor loss or oxynticopeptic cells which were replaced by mucous cells, was observed in the hermann 's tortoise (testudo hermanni). chronic atrophic gastritis, characterized by inflammation and atrophy of glandular elements, with changes resembling pseudopyloric metaplasia, was seen in 2 red-eared turtles (chrysemys scripta elegans). the 3 a ...19817340590
cells of origin of pathways descending to the spinal cord in some quadrupedal reptiles.the cells of origin of pathways descending to the spinal cord have been determined in several quadrupedal reptiles, viz., the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans and testudo hermanni and the lizards tupinambis nigropunctatus and varanus exanthematicus, following a technique introduced by kuypers and maisky ('75). this technique was very effective in producing retrograde transport of hrp to a great many neurons in the hypothalamus and in the brain stem. projections from the hypothalamus (the nucleus ...19807419757
metabolic adaptations supporting anoxia tolerance in reptiles: recent advances.animal survival during severe hypoxia and/or anoxia is enhanced by a variety of biochemical adaptations including adaptations of fermentative pathways of energy production and, most importantly, the ability to sharply reduce metabolic rate by 5-20 fold and enter a hypometabolic state. the biochemical regulation of metabolic arrest is proving to have common molecular principles that extend across phylogenetic lines and that are conserved in different types of arrested states (not only anaerobiosi ...19968936040
mercury concentrations in tissues of colombian slider turtles, trachemys callirostris, from northern colombia.this study determined the total mercury (thg) concentrations in pectoral muscle, blood and carapace tissue in turtles collected from magangué and lorica, colombia. thg concentrations in μg/g (wet weight) were 0.39 ± 0.16 in muscle, 0.15 ± 0.08 in carapace and 0.07 ± 0.03 in blood for turtles from the magdalena river and 0.25 ± 0.18 in muscle, 0.14 ± 0.09 in carapace and 0.06 ± 0.04 in blood for turtles from the sinú river. twenty-nine and ten percent of turtle muscle samples from magangué and lo ...201424458244
mitochondrial responses to anoxia exposure in red eared sliders (trachemys scripta).when deprived oxygen, mitochondria from most vertebrates transform from the main site of atp production to the dominant site of cellular atp use due to the reverse functioning of the f1fo-atpase (complex v). the anoxia-tolerant freshwater turtle trachemys scripta however, has previously been shown to inhibit complex v activity in heart and brain in response to anoxia exposure, but the regulatory mechanism is unknown. to gain insight into the putative regulatory mechanisms underlying the anoxia-i ...201829402754
dynamic regulation of six histone h3 lysine (k) methyltransferases in response to prolonged anoxia exposure in a freshwater turtle.the importance of histone lysine methylation is well established in health, disease, early development, aging, and cancer related-research. however, the potential role of epigenetics in regulating gene expression in response to extended periods of oxygen deprivation (anoxia) in a natural anoxia-tolerant model system is underexplored. red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans) can tolerate and survive three months of absolute anoxia and recover without incurring detrimental cellular damage, ma ...201829382574
relationships between parasitic infection and natural antibodies, age, and sex in a long-lived vertebrate.reptilian immune systems are believed to rely more heavily on the innate response than the adaptive response. past research on reptilian immune systems has indicated that natural antibodies (nabs) play an important role in fighting antigens as the first responder and initiating the innate immune response. however, there is a gap in research on nabs in reptiles as there is little data on how they may influence parasite prevalence in reptiles. furthermore, no studies have examined nabs at mucosal ...201729356439
short heatwaves during fluctuating incubation regimes produce females under temperature-dependent sex determination with implications for sex ratios in nature.patterns of temperature fluctuations in nature affect numerous biological processes, yet, empirical studies often utilize constant temperature treatments. this can limit our understanding of how thermally sensitive species respond to ecologically relevant temperatures. research on turtles with temperature-dependent sex determination (tsd) provides good examples of this, since nest temperatures from many populations rarely exceed those necessary to produce females under constant laboratory condit ...201829311550
a case report of intrarenal epidermoid cysts in a yellow-bellied slider (trachemys scripta scripta).a 7-year-old yellow-bellied slider exhibited anorexia, decreased activity, generalised wasting of skeletal muscles and oedema. haematology examination revealed increased phosphorus and decreased calcium levels. during necropsy performed after spontaneous death, a focal nodular lesion containing tan amorphous material was found in the left kidney. histopathology examination revealed multiple cystic lesions lined by a multilayered squamous, occasionally cuboidal, and containing keratin. epithelial ...201729306149
experimentally induced selenosis in yellow-bellied slider turtles ( trachemys scripta scripta).selenosis, or selenium toxicosis, occurs in wildlife and livestock, usually because of excessive intake of selenium via selenium-containing plants. although it is known that wild slider turtles can accumulate large amounts of selenium, little is known about how selenium exposure may affect these reptiles. in this study, the authors report histopathologic changes in yellow-bellied sliders ( trachemys scripta scripta) caused by experimental exposure to selenomethionine. microscopic changes in kidn ...201729291674
melanin deposition ruled out as cause of color changes in the red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans).animal coloration primarily depends on the presence of pigments and the mixing ratio of eumelanin and pheomelanin. the color of red-eared slider's carapace varies with age, from an olive green to a yellow green, and then to a yellow brown in juveniles, generally. the purpose of the present study was to investigate whether this color change is related to the difference in melanin expression. melanin deposition levels were examined in the carapace, skin, eye and muscle of the three color-types usi ...201829269034
translational regulation in the anoxic turtle, trachemys scripta elegans.the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta elegans), has developed remarkable adaptive mechanisms for coping with decreased oxygen availability during winter when lakes and ponds become covered with ice. strategies for enduring anoxia tolerance include an increase in fermentable fuel reserves to support anaerobic glycolysis, the buffering of end products to minimize acidosis, altered expression in crucial survival genes, and strong metabolic rate suppression to minimize atp-expensive metabol ...201729243067
olfactory and visual learning in the red-eared terrapin, pseudemys scripta elegans (wied.). 196214042403
partial characterization of a new adenovirus lineage discovered in testudinoid the usa and in hungary, almost simultaneously, adenoviruses of a putative novel lineage were detected by pcr and sequencing in turtles belonging to four different species (including two subspecies) of the superfamily testudinoidea. in the usa, partial sequence of the adenoviral dna-dependent dna polymerase was obtained from samples of a captive pancake tortoise (malacochersus tornieri), four eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina) and two red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans ...201323567817
feeding kinematics of freshwater turtles: what advantage do invasive species possess?the red-eared slider (trachemys scripta) is an invasive turtle species that is displacing the populations of native freshwater turtles in many countries. however, the mechanism that makes red-eared sliders superior competitors has been less well studied. in this study, we compare the feeding kinematics of the red-eared slider with those of reeves' pond turtle (mauremys reevesii), a turtle native to east asia, and offer an explanation as to why red-eared sliders are superior in food competition. ...201425156933
metabolism of pyrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in freshwater turtles.reptile population decrease is an alarming trend all around the world. yet little is known about the role of xenobiotics in this decrease. in this study, we investigated the metabolism of pyrene in three freshwater turtle species (red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans), chinese pond turtles (mauremys reevesii) and chinese softshell turtles (pelodiscus sinensis). compared to other vertebrates, all turtles showed an unique metabolite distribution, pyrene-1-sulfate being the main metabolite. ...201323631161
the bioconcentration factor of perfluorooctane sulfonate is significantly larger than that of perfluorooctanoate in wild turtles (trachemys scripta elegans and chinemys reevesii): an ai river ecological study in japan.turtles rank high in the river food chain, and are suitable for predicting the bioconcentrations of chemicals through the food chain. trachemys scripta elegans (n=46) and chinemys reevesii (n=51) were captured in a river in japan, from september to october 2003 and april to june 2004. surface water samples were collected simultaneously from the same sites at which the turtles were caught. serum perfluorooctane sulfonate (pfos) ranged from 2.4 to 486 microg/l, while water pfos levels ranged from ...200616040121
vitellogenin detection in caiman latirostris (crocodylia: alligatoridae): a tool to assess environmental estrogen exposure in wildlife.environmental pollution with endocrine disrupting compounds (edcs) has adverse effects on the ecosystem's health. caiman latirostris are widely distributed in south american aquatic ecosystems. caimans have physiological and ecological characteristics that make them particularly vulnerable to edcs exposure and suitable candidate as a sentinel species. vitellogenin (vtg) is a yolk pre-cursor protein synthesized by the liver of non-mammalian vertebrates and induced in response to estrogen. purifie ...200616292562
coelioscopic orchiectomy can be effectively and safely accomplished in chelonians.coelioscopic orchiectomy was performed in 27 male turtles (25 juvenile to adult red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans), one adult eastern painted turtle (chrysems picta picta), and one juvenile male yellow-spotted amazon river turtle (podocnemis unifilis)). orchiectomy was conducted under coelioscopic visualisation using ligation and transection of the mesorchium, or transection of the mesorchium with monopolar radiosurgical scissors. in 22 cases, bilateral orchiectomy was performed throu ...201323559425
surfactant regulates pulmonary fluid balance in reptiles.reptilian lungs are potentially susceptible to fluid disturbances because they have very high pulmonary fluid filtration rates. in mammals, pulmonary surfactant protects the lung from developing alveolar edema. reptiles also have an order of magnitude more surfactant per square centimeter of respiratory surface area compared with mammals. we investigated the role of reptilian surfactant 1) in the entry of vascularly derived fluid into the alveolar space of the isolated perfused lizard (pogona vi ...19979435656
magnetic resonance imaging measurements of organs within the coelomic cavity of red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans), yellow-bellied sliders (trachemys scripta scripta), coastal plain cooters (pseudemys concinna floridana), and hieroglyphic river cooters (pseudemys concinna hieroglyphica).objective to determine anatomic reference points for 4 turtle species and to evaluate data on relative anatomic dimensions, signal intensities (sis), and position of selected organs within the coelomic cavity by use of mri. animals 3 turtle cadavers (1 red-eared slider [trachemys scripta elegans], 1 yellow-bellied slider [trachemys scripta scripta], and 1 coastal plain cooter [pseudemys concinna floridana]) and 63 live adult turtles (30 red-eared sliders, 20 yellow-bellied sliders, 5 coastal pla ...201729182385
shell disease in river cooters (pseudemys concinna) and yellow-bellied turtles (trachemys scripta) in a georgia (usa) lake.a disfiguring shell disease was detected in river cooters (pseudemys concinna) and yellow-bellied turtles (trachemys scripta) from lake blackshear, georgia (usa). the turtles used were part of a mark-recapture study conducted from september 1991 to june 1993. histologic changes on four turtles included acute segmental necrosis of the epidermis, followed by ulceration, necrosis of the underlying dermis and dermal bone, and exaggerated remodeling of bone. additional findings included visceral infl ...19979027694
prevalence and histopathology of shell disease in turtles from lake blackshear, georgia.turtles in lake blackshear, crisp county, georgia (usa) were evaluated for shell disease during intensive trapping efforts on 8 and 9 may 1990. the disease was most prevalent in pseudemys concinna (74%) and trachemys scripta (35%). the degree of necrosis on the carapace was significantly positively correlated with the degree of necrosis on the plastron in t. scripta (rs = 0.50), but not in p. concinna (rs = 0.06). female t. scripta with lesions were significantly larger than females without lesi ...19968722263
long-term retention of visual tasks by two species of emydid turtles, pseudemys nelsoni and trachemys scripta.long-lived species are expected to have long-term memory capabilities. in this study we tested nine florida red-bellied cooters (pseudemys nelsoni) on their retention for both a procedural food acquisition task and visual discrimination task learned in a previous experiment. the turtles were tested and retrained after two months, after another 7.5 months, and finally after 36 months of no interaction with the test apparatus during the intervening periods. turtles retained memory for the choice t ...201222582817
stable isotopes of c and n reveal habitat dependent dietary overlap between native and introduced turtles pseudemys rubriventris and trachemys scripta.habitat degradation and species introductions are two of the leading causes of species declines on a global scale. invasive species negatively impact native species through predation and competition for limited resources. the impacts of invasive species may be increased in habitats where habitat degradation is higher due to reductions of prey abundance and distribution. using stable isotope analyses and extensive measurements of resource availability we determined how resource availability impac ...201323675437
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 1074