
a functional hepatitis b virus x protein produced in insect cells.we have constructed a recombinant baculovirus from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, called acx, that expresses the gene encoding the hepatitis b virus x protein in infected spodoptera frugiperda (sf21ae) insect cells. a 16.5-kda monomer and a 33-kda dimer of the x protein were detected in extracts from acx-infected cells on immunoblots using a polyclonal anti-x antibody. the biological activity of the insect cell-produced x protein was assayed by fusing acx-infected sf21ae cell ...19911660211
evaluation of infrequent dosing regimens with (s)-1-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonylmethoxy)propyl]-cytosine (s-hpmpc) on simian varicella infection in monkeys.(s)-1-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonylmethoxy)propyl]cytosine (s-hpmpc) was able to prevent simian varicella infection in african green monkeys inoculated intratracheally with virus. a dose of 50 mg/s-hpmpc/kg administered intravenously was shown to prevent the development of rash, reduce viremia and protect the monkeys from death. the 50 mg/kg dose was effective when treatments initiated on day 2 post-infection (p.i.) was given as ten daily doses of 5 mg/kg, as 10 mg/kg administered on five days on an ...19911663727
patterns of transient expression of the arenavirus nucleocapsid protein gene in transfected cells.the cloned genes for the nucleocapsid proteins n of junín and lcm (lymphocytic choriomeningitis) arenaviruses were inserted into the sv40-derived expression vector designated pkg4. when bhk-21 (baby hamster kidney fibroblasts) and cv-1 (african green monkey kidney fibroblasts) cell lines were transfected using these constructions, the transient expression yielded a polypeptide that could not be distinguished either by size nor by immunoreactivity from the n protein synthesized during the viral i ...19911668773
spleen morphometry in cercopithecus aethiops.the fast progress of experimental medicine causes an increased interest in the morphological aspects of body structure of the animals used in experiments. this is particularly true with regard to the primates because of numerous similarities between them and human as far as both body structure and the relation between the structural features of individual organs and certain external features of the body are concerned (2, 6, 7, 9).19901670021
specific cell surface requirements for the infection of cd4-positive cells by human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 and by simian immunodeficiency virus.human cd4 was expressed on a range of mammalian cell lines. cd4+ non-primate cells, derived from rat, hamster, mink, cat, and rabbit, bind recombinant gp120 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) but are resistant to hiv-1 infection. cd4 expression on various human, rhesus, and african green monkey cell lines confers differential susceptibilities for hiv-1, hiv-2, and simian immunodeficiency (siv) strains. for example, cd4+ te671 rhabdomyosarcoma cells are sensitive to hiv-1 and hiv-2 bu ...19911673040
mptp lesions and dopaminergic drugs alter eye blink rate in african green monkeys.eye blink rates were studied in african green monkeys following relatively specific destruction of substantia nigra and its dopamine projections with the neurotoxin, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp). monkeys treated with mptp had a significantly lower blink rate than controls over a period from two to five and a half months after treatment. furthermore, the degree of parkinsonism expressed in treated animals was inversely correlated with blink rate. pharmacologic studies furth ...19911678527
d1 and d2 dopamine receptors independently regulate spontaneous blink rate in the vervet monkey.previous studies have revealed the involvement of a dopaminergic link in the regulation of spontaneous eye blink rate in primates. based on the effect of dopamine d2 receptor-selective drugs and the anecdotal failure of the partial d1 agonist, skf 38393, to alter blink rate in monkeys, it was assumed that d1 dopamine receptors did not control blink rate. the recent availability of dihydrexidine, a full d1 agonist, prompted us to reevaluate the role of d1 and d2 receptors in the regulation of bli ...19911682479
fenfluramine effects on serotonergic measures in vervet monkeys.chronic fenfluramine treatment reduced whole blood serotonin and csf 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, but increased aggressive and locomotor behavior, in adult male vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). following a drug-free washout period to monitor the drug recovery course, we initiated a second period of fenfluramine treatment in the same animals. when whole blood serotonin concentrations were reduced by about 40% from predrug baseline levels, we examined 11 cortical and subcortical bra ...19911687165
antigenic comparison of yuli and vnukovo-32 virus strains in monkeys: specific protection by commercial antirabies preparations.a combined vaccination schedule using commercial antirabies immunoglobulin g and experimental vaccine from strains vnukovo-32 or yuli beginning 2 hr before intracerebral (i.c.) challenge with a high dose of yuli virus conferred no protection to cercopithecus aethiops monkeys. in monkeys inoculated into lip with a middle dose of yuli virus, administration of large amounts of antirabic igg (up to 5000 national units, nu/kg) had a clearcut effect. the disease in yuli virus-infected monkeys showed t ...19911688075
characterization of monoclonal antibodies that distinguish simian immunodeficiency virus isolates from each other and from human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2.two monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against p27 and one against p17 of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) from rhesus macaques were produced and characterized by reacting with disrupted, viral antigens on immunoblots. human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), hiv-2 and siv isolates from sooty mangabey, stump-tailed macaque, rhesus macaque and african green monkey (sivsm, sivstm, sivmac and sivagm) were used for comparative analysis. the p27 monoclonal antibodies he3 and fa2 reacted with sivmac ...19901689369
partial purification and characterization of the reverse transcriptase of the simian immunodeficiency virus tyo-7 isolated from an african green monkey.the reverse transcriptase (rt) was partially purified by a newly developed procedure from the simian immunodeficiency virus tyo-7 isolated from an african green monkey (sivagmtyo-7). the method comprised lysis of the virus with nonionic detergent followed by two centrifugations in isopycnic sucrose density gradients and one velocity sedimentation in a glycerol gradient. the enzyme exhibited a purity of 70-80% and showed an exceptional high specific activity of 135 nmol incorporation of dtmp per ...19901691922
evolutionary origin of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses.from what viruses the human immunodeficiency viruses (hivs) originated is an extremely controversial question. to address this question, we have analyzed nucleotide sequences of simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) and hivs by using the techniques for understanding molecular evolution. in particular, we compared the nucleotide sequences of whole genomes, gene region by gene region, between a given pair of viruses, including four types of sivs--isolated from mandrills (papio sphinx), african gr ...19901693430
linear b-cell epitopes of the major core protein of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2.nine murine monoclonal antibodies directed to the major core protein p24 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) were obtained and then tested by using an epitope mapping system (pepscan) covering the whole p24hiv1 protein to characterize antigenic domains. four different linear epitopes were identified. monoclonal antibodies recognizing three of these epitopes also reacted to p26hiv2 in western blotting (immunoblotting). a monoclonal antibody specific for the fourth epitope, located at p ...19901696638
[development of an infection in monkeys as a result of their sequential natural and experimental exposure to the hepatitis a virus].the development of spontaneous outbreak of hepatitis a (ha) among african green monkeys kept under strict isolation conditions was studied. it was shown that in the case of introduction of hav the infection involved all the susceptible monkeys, running a course with and without any increase in the level of activity of serum alanine aminotransferase (alt) after inoculation of commercial gamma-globulin only the infection without the alt activity increase developed and some monkeys had no signs of ...19901697129
comparative studies on tat mutants of three primate lentiviruses.a frame-shift tat gene mutant of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), which showed no detectable trans-activation potential, was constructed in vitro. upon transfection, this clone directed the synthesis of virus mrnas, gag proteins and virion-associated reverse transcriptase (rt) at a low level as was observed with the tat mutants of hiv-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from african green monkey (sivagm). using these mutant viruses, trans-activation efficiency of viral gene ...19901700693
generation and characterization of infectious chimeric clones between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and simian immunodeficiency virus from an african green monkey.a series of chimeric clones of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from an african green monkey was constructed in vitro. in transient transfection experiments, all clones produced virion-associated reverse transcriptase, gag proteins, and env proteins. eight out of 10 chimeric viruses clearly grew in the human cd4+ cell line c8166. susceptibility of other cd4+ cell lines, mt-4, a3.01, and molt4 clone 8, to infection with these viruses was also demonstr ...19901700827
hiv-1 propagates in human neuroblastoma cells.a major question in the pathogenesis of aids encephalopathy and dementia is whether hiv-1 directly infects cells of the central nervous system (cns). the propagation of hiv was attempted in six cell lines: three related and three unrelated to the nervous system. hiv was able to propagate in two human neuroblastoma cell lines and a lymphocytic cell line control but did not result in infections of african green monkey kidney cells, human cervix carcinoma cells, and one human brain astrocytoma cell ...19911704060
in vitro hiv infection of primate lymphocytes.peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) obtained from four different primate species were tested for their respective ability to support the "in vitro" replication of the human immunodeficiency viruses, hiv-1, and hiv-2. pbmc of cebus apella, patas (erythrocebus patas), green (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) and rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were infected "in vitro" with either hiv-1 or hiv-2. cultures were assayed weekly for particle-associated reverse transcriptase activity. both viruses w ...19901706529
fidelity of reverse transcriptase of the simian immunodeficiency virus from african green monkey.the in vitro fidelity of highly purified recombinant reverse transcriptase from simian immunodeficiency virus of african green monkeys (sivagm) was determined. by using the phi x174am16 reversion assay an overall error rate of 1/19,000 was determined. this is 2.4-fold higher than the overall accuracy of purified recombinant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase, measured in parallel. the evaluation of error frequencies from nucleotide pool bias studies suggest an even higher accuracy for the sivagm-derive ...19911707165
cloning and expression of the complete sivagm pol region in e. coli. purification and partial characterization of the reverse transcriptase.the complete pol region of the simian immunodeficiency virus from african green monkeys was cloned and expressed in e. coli. the reverse transcriptase was purified to high specific activity and could be shown to contain both reverse transcriptase activity as well as an associated rnase h activity. as is observed with other reverse transcriptases the enzyme is composed of two subunits which cannot be separated by conventional techniques. when comparing the recombinant enzyme with the authentic en ...19901707622
evolutionary implications of primate endogenous retroviruses.endogenous dna sequences related to retroviruses are probably present in all primates. by using approaches based on the polymerase chain reaction, two separate studies have revealed the evolutionary history of some of these sequences. in the first study, a retrovirus-like reverse transcriptase (rt) sequence homologous to that of baboon endogenous virus (baev) has been identified in both old world monkeys and african apes, but not in humans or asian apes. this rt sequence is highly conserved at t ...19911708932
compatibility of rev gene activity in the four groups of primate lentiviruses.the compatibility of rev genes derived from various primate immunodeficiency viruses of all distinct subgroups identified was assessed in three experimental systems: complementation experiments between proviral rev and gag mutants, evaluation of the ability of the rev gene products to activate proviral reporters, and examination of the capacity of various viruses to augment marker gene expression in the infected reporter cell lines. in all systems, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) rev ...19911716025
neuropeptide y (npy)-immunoreactive neurons in the primate fascia dentata; occasional coexistence with calcium-binding proteins: a light and electron microscopic study.neuropeptide y (npy)-containing neurons are known to be highly vulnerable following sustained electrical stimulation in rats and in humans suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy. this has been related to a strong excitatory input. in contrast, there is evidence that neurons containing calcium-binding proteins exhibit a high resistance under experimental seizure and hypoxia conditions. the aim of this study was to determine the coexistence of npy and calcium-binding proteins in inhibitory neurons ...19911717521
estrogen induces ultrastructural changes in progesterone receptor-containing gaba neurons of the primate hypothalamus.estrogen affects gonadotrophin levels and sex behavior in monkeys. this action could be via inhibitory gaba-ergic neurons in the hypothalamus. we tested for direct estrogen actions on such neurons. seven days after ovariectomy (ovx) or ovx + estrogen treatment (10 mg estradiol valerate in 1 ml sesame oil s.c. on the day of ovx), light- and electron-microscopic double immunostaining procedures were used for simultaneous visualization of immunoreactivity for progesterone receptors (pr) and glutami ...19911723787
a stable flank of unstable lymphotropic papovavirus integration sites is associated with a cellular s1 nuclease-sensitive sequence.integration of viral dna sequences is associated with stable transformation by viruses of the polyomavirus genus. in lpv-he cells, a hamster embryonal cell line transformed by the african green monkey lymphotropic papovavirus (lpv), viral integration is unstable during tissue culture passage, leading to subclones with rearrangements of the original integration locus. three of four viral integrations that were molecularly cloned together with flanking cellular sequences are identical in one junct ...19921727612
an inhibitor of tumor cell growth from normal horse serum.during our studies of cytostatic cytokines in the mixed leukocyte culture, we found that horse serum in the medium control contained a tumor cell growth-inhibitory factor. the fraction isolated by molecular sieving and ion exchange chromatography inhibited the growth and dna synthesis of the primary culture and passaged cell line of the canine transmissible venereal sarcoma, murine t (l5178y) and b (p3-x63-ag8.653) lymphoid tumor cells, murine mammary tumor cells (riii), bovine lymphoid tumor ce ...19921730565
role of apolipoprotein e on cholesteryl ester-enriched low density lipoprotein particles in coronary artery atherosclerosis of hypercholesterolemic nonhuman primates.significant differences among individuals occur in the lipoprotein response to atherogenic diets in cynomolgus and african green monkeys. the range of concentrations of total plasma cholesterol (tpc) was 100-600 mg/dl and of apolipoprotein (apo) e (quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) was 3-20 mg/dl in the animal groups of this study. the correlation between the concentrations of tpc and of apo e was r = 0.89 in these animals. to determine which lipoprotein classes contained the majo ...19921731856
monoamine oxidases of the brains and livers of macaque and cercopithecus monkeys.we assessed the two forms of monoamine oxidase (mao), mao-a and mao-b, in discrete regions of the brain and in cerebral micro- and macrovessels, choroid plexus, and liver of three species of monkeys: african green, rhesus, and cynomolgus. mao was determined by specific [3h]pargyline binding which is stoichiometric and irreversible and by measuring the rate of oxidation of several substrates. cerebral micro- and macrovessels had low mao content. regional brain mao did not vary by more than one-fo ...19921735467
fundamental frequency declination is not unique to human speech: evidence from nonhuman human speech, declination of the fundamental frequency (f0) of the voice spans coherent units of an utterance and, therefore, signals where units begin and end. a rapid final fall at the end of an utterance provides a further indication of an utterance's ending. the occurrence of declination is sufficiently widespread across languages that several investigators have suggested it as a language universal. language universals may be universal because they are part of a species-specific specializ ...19921737885
irreversible modification of measles virus rna in vitro by nuclear rna-unwinding activity in human neuroblastoma cells.the matrix (m) gene of a measles virus (mv) variant passaged in imr-32 human neuroblastoma cells displays numerous uridine-to-cytosine transitions called biased hypermutation. using an in vitro assay, we show that imr-32 cells contain high levels of an activity which unwinds and irreversibly alters the base pairing of double-stranded rna synthesized from the m gene of mv. this activity is found exclusively in the cellular nucleus and is present at a lower level in african green monkey kidney ver ...19921738207
structural features in tar rna of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses: a phylogenetic analysis.a comparative analysis of tar rna structures in human and simian immunodeficiency viruses reveals the conservation of certain structural features despite the divergence in sequence. both the tar elements of hiv-1 and siv-chimpanzee can be folded into relatively simple one-stem hairpin structures. chemical and rnaase probes were used to analyze the more complex structure of hiv-2 tar rna, which folds into a branched hairpin structure. a surprisingly similar rna conformation can be proposed for si ...19921738599
long-term vitreous replacement in primates with intravitreal vitreon or vitreon plus silicone.six african green monkeys (six eyes) underwent vitrectomy and vitreous replacement with vitreon (perfluorophenanthrene) or vitreon plus silicone. a seventh animal served as a control. vitreon alone and in combination remained optically clear and allowed fundus examination up to 162 days. no toxic effects to the retina were detectable. vitreon exhibited some degree of emulsification and formed some globules at 45 days postoperatively. interestingly, vitreon emulsification occurred at a later time ...19911792032
unmyelinated nerve fibers associated with meissner's corpuscle in the green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops l.).the ultrastructure and organization of free nerve fibers occurring in dermal papillae containing meissner's corpuscles were studied in the fingertips of the green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops l.). the course of the thin unmyelinated fibers leads in the vicinity of meissner's corpuscles in the connective tissue of its sheaths, between the epidermis and the peripheral fibroblast layer; they never come into contact with the nervous component of the receptor. consequently, neither a "pericorpuscul ...19911810515
effect of human growth hormone-releasing factor and a potent analog on antibody formation in african green monkeys.african green monkeys were injected (2 x daily subcutaneously for six months) with human grf(1-44)-nh2 (10 micrograms/kg bw) or a more potent analog, [desnh2tyr1,ala15]-hgrf(1-29)-nh2 (2 micrograms/kg bw) to determine the potential of each peptide to induce antibody formation. blood samples were taken every two weeks, diluted 1:100 and tested for ability to bind radioiodinated hgrf. one animal in the hgrf(1-44)-nh2 group [n = 6] produced low-titer grf antibodies by 6 weeks (19% binding) and cont ...19911816063
the d1 receptor antagonist, sch 23390, induces signs of parkinsonism in african green monkeys.systemic administration of the selective d1 antagonist, sch 23390, caused significant motor changes in healthy african green monkeys. the effects included the parkinsonian signs of motor freezing, incoordination, bradykinesia, poverty of movement, tremor and depressed blink rate. sch 23390 administered to mptp-treated monkeys increased existing parkinsonism. the results are of particular interest in light of recent data that demonstrate the effectiveness of dihydrexidine, a full d1 agonist, in a ...19911836030
isolation of a simian immunodeficiency virus related to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 from a west african pet sooty mangabey.two of 25 healthy pet sooty mangabey (sm) monkeys (cercocebus atys) living in west africa were seropositive by immunoblot when surveyed for antibody to simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques (sivmac). sivsmlib1 was isolated from one of the pet sooty mangabeys. nucleotide sequence data showed that this isolate is a member of the sivsm/human immunodeficiecy virus type 2 (hiv-2)/sivmac group of primate lentiviruses. furthermore, sequence comparisons revealed extensive genetic diversity among siv ...19911840620
correlation between amount of virus with altered nucleotide sequence and the monkey test for acceptability of oral poliovirus vaccine.production of live attenuated oral poliomyelitis vaccine (opv) requires rigorous neurovirulence safety testing of each vaccine lot, currently carried out in monkeys. it has been reported that a change from 472-u to 472-c in the type 3 opv rna is associated with an increased histologic lesion score produced upon intraspinal inoculation of the mutant virus in monkeys. we have developed a method, based on polymerase chain reaction, for measuring the relative abundance of these mutant sequences dire ...19911846038
rapid culture confirmation of herpes simplex virus by a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme immunoassay.rapid confirmation of herpes simplex virus (hsv) is essential in many clinical settings. viral isolation in cell culture is the standard method for diagnosing hsv infection, with confirmation by specific immunological staining. the performance of the rapid absorbent matrix pad (ramp) hsv culture confirmation test was evaluated with specimens obtained from 71 patients with suspected hsv infection and inoculated into african green monkey kidney cell lines. forty-one culture-positive specimens were ...19911848869
simian varicella virus dna in dorsal root ganglia.clinical, pathological, immunological, and virological evidence suggests that simian varicella virus (svv) infection of primates is the counterpart of varicella-zoster virus infection of humans. to determine whether these two viruses share similarities in their properties during latency, we analyzed ganglia and brain of an african green monkey experimentally infected with svv for the presence of viral nucleic acid using the polymerase chain reaction technique. we detected svv dna in dorsal root ...19911849275
induction of heat-labile sites in dna of mammalian cells by the antitumor alkylating drug is a very potent antitumor antibiotic capable of covalent and noncovalent binding to the minor groove of naked dna. upon thermal treatment, covalent adducts formed between cc-1065 and dna generate strand breaks [reynolds, r. l., molineux, i. j., kaplan, d.j., swenson, d.h., & hurley, l.h. (1985) biochemistry 24, 6228-6237]. we have shown that this molecular damage can be detected following cc-1065 treatment of mammalian whole cells. using alkaline sucrose gradient analysis, we observe th ...19911849736
functional similarities between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and simian virus 40 kappa b search for broadly active enhancer elements within the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) long terminal repeat, we have used a proto-enhancer amplification assay. in this assay, the enhancer region of simian virus 40 (sv40) is replaced by heterologous regulatory sequences. upon passage in african green monkey kidney cells. sv40 growth revertants can arise by amplification (usually duplication) of active protoenhancers within the heterologous sequences. most of the hiv-1 u3 regulatory ...19911850006
rgd-dependent entry of coxsackievirus a9 into host cells and its bypass after cleavage of vp1 protein by intestinal proteases.the recently reported nucleotide sequence of coxsackievirus a9 (cav-9) showed that unlike other enteroviruses, cav-9 has an insertion of about 17 amino acids at the c-terminal end of vp1 (k. h. chang, p. auvinen, t. hyypiä, and g. stanway, j. gen. virol. 70:3269-3280, 1989). this sequence includes the rgd (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) motif which is known to be important in certain protein-protein interactions. we studied the inhibitory effect of rgd-containing peptides in the attachment of c ...19911870199
comparative pharmacokinetics of alprazolam and lorazepam in humans and in african green monkeys.the comparative pharmacokinetics of alprazolam and lorazepam were evaluated in african green monkeys and in healthy male human volunteers. six monkeys received a single 250 micrograms/kg oral dose of alprazolam and of lorazepam on two separate occasions. mean kinetic values for the two drugs, respectively, were: elimination half-life, 5.7 and 1.7 h; oral clearance, 5.5 and 40.2 ml/min/kg. healthy male volunteers (n = 22) received a single 1 mg oral dose of alprazolam; another group (n = 24) rece ...19911881994
[the isolation and characteristics of continuous virus-producing lymphoid suspension cultures of african green monkey cells].five continuous lymphoid suspension cell cultures were established by cultivation of lymphocytes from african green monkeys. the immunological typing revealed the mixed pattern of cultures consisting of b and t cell types. two types of viruses: herpesvirus and retrovirus c-type were demonstrated by electron microscopy. indirect immunofluorescence and molecular hybridization studies showed one of the viruses to be an ebv-related herpesvirus of green monkeys designated hvgm and the other to belong ...19911882520
grafting of fetal substantia nigra to striatum reverses behavioral deficits induced by mptp in primates: a comparison with other types of grafts as controls.fetal substantia nigra (sn) cells were transplanted into the caudate nucleus (cn) of four vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) that had been treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp). mptp treatment appears to produce a syndrome similar to that observed in patients with idiopathic parkinson's disease. normal and parkinsonian behaviors were quantitated by trained observers 5 days/week. twenty-eight behaviors based on previous factor analyses were individually sco ...19911893983
development of vivo of genetic variability of simian immunodeficiency virus.rapid development of genetic variability may contribute to the pathogenicity of lentiviruses as it may allow escape from immune surveillance and/or from suppression of virus replication. although apathogenic in african green monkeys, simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from african green monkeys is shown to display extensive genetic variability and defectiveness in the v1- and v2-like variable domains of the external envelope protein comparable to that known for human immunodeficiency virus. ...19911896460
a functional role for nucleosomes in the repression of a yeast promoter.induction of the pho5 gene in s. cerevisiae was previously shown to be accompanied by the removal of four positioned nucleosomes from the promoter. in order to assess the role of nucleosomes in the cascade of gene activation, dna corresponding to one of these nucleosomes was excised. in its place two foreign dna segments of the same length were inserted: a fragment from the african green monkey alpha-satellite dna which is known to associate with histones in a highly specific fashion to give a u ...19911899374
highly conserved segments in mammalian chromosomes.mammalian chromosomes from seven species for which gene maps exist were studied by high-resolution techniques to identify areas of conserved chromosome banding homology. high-resolution comparisons of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, african green monkey, cat, and mouse chromosomes revealed regions of apparently conserved chromosomal banding, which may indicate the likely positions of conserved linkage in the phylogeny of mammals. this analysis indicates that many regions of subbanding hom ...19911901578
age and dietary polyunsaturated fat alter high density lipoprotein subfraction cholesterol concentrations in a pediatric population of african green monkeys.african green monkeys were raised from birth to 60 months of age on diets containing cholesterol (0.8 mg/kcal) and enriched in polyunsaturated (polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio [p:s] = 2.5) or saturated (p:s = 0.3) fat. lipoproteins were isolated from plasma of a group of animals (n = 123) and were separated by gel filtration chromatography at 9, 14, 26, 38, and 50 months of age, which covered a period through adolescence into young adulthood. total plasma cholesterol (tpc) concentrations ...19911903063
response to maintenance of tourniquet inflation in a primate model.several theories have been proposed, but the etiology and pathway of neural transmission for the sensation of tourniquet pain remain unknown. this study was designed to observe the circulatory response and to measure the stress response markers associated with maintenance of tourniquet inflation in an anesthetized primate model. eight african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were anesthetized, and heart rate (hr) and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (sbp and dbp) were measured every f ...19911911494
retention of leptospiral agglutinins and long-term response to administration of monoclonal antibodies in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) on a study of 21 wild-caught barbadian vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus), naturally-acquired leptospiral agglutinins were found to persist for over five years. groups of seropositive as well as seronegative vervets were given a placebo, or full-strength monoclonal antibodies mca f12c3 (icterohaemorrhagiae copenhageni), or diluted f12c3 mcas. they were challenged 24 hours later with a suspension of highly virulent leptospires (copenhageni) administered intraperitoneally. immunoprote ...19911915792
dietary fish oil effects on biliary lipid secretion and cholesterol gallstone formation in the african green monkey.we studied two groups of adult male african green monkeys to assess the effects of dietary fish oil on biliary lipid secretion and cholesterol gallstone formation. one group was fed 0.8 mg cholesterol/kcal and 42% of calories as fat with half of the fat calories derived from lard; the other group was fed a similar diet except for the isocaloric substitution of menhaden oil for lard. after 2 1/2 to 3 yr, necropsies were performed and the presence of gallstones was determined. gallbladder bile spe ...19911916670
transcriptional regulation of the apolipoprotein a-i gene. species-specific expression correlates with rates of gene transcription.previous studies have shown that the abundance of apoa-i mrna in liver and intestine correlates with a 2-3-fold species-specific difference in the plasma concentration of high density lipoprotein and apoa-i. in order to determine the role of gene transcription in regulating the tissue, steady state apoa-i mrna abundance nuclear run-on assays were conducted using nuclei from two species of nonhuman primates. the transcriptional activity expressed as the ratio of apoa-i signal intensity to that fo ...19911917942
effect of bis(beta-chloroethyl)sulfide (bces) on base mismatch repair of dna in monkey kidney cells.sulfur mustard, bis(beta-chloroethyl)sulfide (bces), a bifunctional alkylating agent, is a vesicant whose mode of action involves interference with the integrity of cellular dna. alkylation of dna is responsible for some of the biological effects of bces in tissue. another possible mechanism by which bces could exert its toxic effect is interference with high fidelity repair of damaged dna. this study evaluated the possible effects of bces on the repair of specific errors, i.e., mismatched bases ...19911957309
[comparative analysis of genomes of oncogenic b-lymphotropic herpesviruses reproducing in cell lines obtained from different monkey species].the aim of this work was to study genomes of b-lymphotropic oncogenic herpesviruses of macaca arctoides (hvma), papio hamadryas (hvp) and cercopithecus aethiops (hvgm). blot-hybridization detected inter- and intraspecific genome heterogeneity of investigated viruses in restriction sites ecor1, pst1 and hind111. virus-specific sequences in two-cell lines obtained from hvma-induced rabbit tumours can prove hvma a role in malignant tumour induction in rabbits.19901964615
productive infection of both cd4+ and cd4- human cell lines with hiv-1, hiv-2 and sivagm.human monolayer cells of various origins were shown to be susceptible to infection by hiv-1, hiv-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus obtained from african green monkeys (sivagm). immunoperoxidase staining revealed infection of 2-7% of the monolayer cells, although in order to achieve infection approximately 50-fold more virus was necessary than with cd4(+)-permissive lymphoma cells. no cd4-receptor antigen expression by fibroblastoid cells was detectable by immunofluorescence using several monoc ...19901974766
molecular clones of sivsm and sivagm: experimental infection of macaques and african green monkeys.we have investigated the ability of biologically-active proviral molecular clones of sivsm and sivagm to infect rhesus macaques, pig-tail macaques, and african green monkeys. two clones of sivsm were individually inoculated into four rhesus and four pig-tail macaques. all eight macaques became infected, and two have experienced a significant decline in absolute numbers of circulating cd4+ cells. none of three african green monkeys were infected by an sivsm molecular clone. however, one of four a ...19901977919
tissue-specific enhancer of the human multidrug-resistance (mdr1) gene.identification of cis-regulatory sequences is a first step in analyzing the regulation of the human multidrug-resistant 1 (mdr1) gene which encodes the 170-kilodalton membrane p-glycoprotein in normal tissues and tumor cells. we have studied several overlapping genomic clones containing the 5'-flanking region of the gene. these clones span about 30 kilobases (kb) of contiguous dna containing 10 kb of the gene and 20 kb of the 5'-flanking sequence. the nucleotide sequence of the first exon and th ...19901978833
enhanced in vitro uptake and retention of 3h-tetraphenylphosphonium by nervous system tumor cells.photodynamic therapy is a promising treatment for human brain tumors because of the selective retention of certain compounds by tumor cells. certain lipophilic cationic compounds, such as tetraphenylphosphonium (tpp), are selectively taken up by a variety of carcinomas. although preferential retention of tpp has been demonstrated for the breast carcinoma cell line mcf-7, this compound had not been tested previously on cells derived from nervous system tumors. in the present study, tritiated-tpp ...19911984490
resolution of the african hominoid trichotomy by use of a mitochondrial gene sequence.mitochondrial dna sequences encoding the cytochrome oxidase subunit ii gene have been determined for five primate species, siamang (hylobates syndactylus), lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla), pygmy chimpanzee (pan paniscus), crab-eating macaque (macaca fascicularis), and green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops), and compared with published sequences of other primate and nonprimate species. comparisons of cytochrome oxidase subunit ii gene sequences provide clear-cut evidence from the mitochondrial g ...19911996358
alui and haeiii restriction enzyme banding patterns of macaca fuscata and cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus chromosomes.alui and haeiii restriction endonuclease banding patterns were analyzed in macaca fuscata and cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus chromosomes. alui produced c-negative bands in both species of monkeys, while haeiii induced the appearance of c-negative bands on macaca chromosomes and of simultaneous g + c bands on cercopithecus metaphases.19912004559
a biomechanical analysis of craniofacial form and bite vivo measurements of bite force and bone strain obtained in growing african green monkeys were used to study skull biology and geometry. strain values and distributional patterns seen in association with forceful jaw elevation were inconsistent with most conventional explanations that link upper facial morphology with masticatory function and use beam models of craniofacial architecture. the results mandate careful use of concepts about skeletal geometry based on static analysis that have not ...19912008889
plasma hdl cholesterol concentrations are correlated to bile cholesterol saturation index in the african green an attempt to determine if plasma lipoprotein concentrations correlate with the bile cholesterol saturation index in the african green monkey, we have studied a group of adult male animals available from a long-term study investigating the effects of dietary fat and cholesterol on cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis. the animals were fed diets containing 0.8 mg cholesterol/kcal or 0.03 mg cholesterol/kcal for five years. within each dietary cholesterol group, animals received 42% of di ...19912012107
gut microflora of vervet and samango monkeys in relation to diet.the microflora in the gastrointestinal tracts of wild vervet and samango monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops and c. mitis, respectively) were studied, using fermentation acid analysis, electron microscopy, and culturing methods. the diets of the two species of monkey differ considerably, with that of the samango including a greater proportion of cellulose-rich leaf material, and this is reflected in the microflora. volatile fatty acid measurements along the gut of both species showed that these end ...19912014992
identification of novel single-stranded d(tc)n binding proteins in several mammalian species.a group of single-stranded d(tc)n specific binding proteins has been detected in the nuclear extracts of several mammalian species that included mouse, human, african green monkey, chimpanzee, and chinese muntjac. southwestern analysis of 500 mm kci nuclear extracts has shown that these proteins cluster in a similar size range, 55.5 to 57 kd. an additional 54 kd band was present for the three primate species examined. the single-stranded d(tc)n binding activity was confirmed with bandshift assay ...19912017376
discriminant analysis of transmission of elevated blood pressure in first generation offspring of african green monkeys.a linear discriminant analysis was applied to blood pressure data of 162 first generation colony-born offspring of normotensive (c), hypertensive (h), or borderline hypertensive (b) african green monkeys who were being selectively bred in an attempt to establish a strain of spontaneously hypertensive monkeys. the offspring were classified according to their parents' blood pressures as cc, hh, or mixed (e.g. hc). blood pressures were measured by indirect methods from unanesthetized offspring aged ...19912022071
a highly divergent proviral dna clone of siv from a distinct species of african green monkey.simian immunodeficiency viruses from african green monkeys (sivagm) are the most genetically heterogeneous type of non-human primate lentivirus. to further examine the extent of genetic divergence within the sivagm type, we generated and sequenced a biologically active proviral dna clone representing a lentivirus isolated from a distinct african green monkey species (grivet). overall, this clone (gri-1/lambda ii) was highly divergent from previously characterized sivagm clones. specifically, the ...19912024476
extended incubation times improve corneal endothelial cell transplantation investigate the ability of extended incubation times to improve the success of endothelial cell transplantation, eight human donor corneas were denuded of their native endothelium, seeded twice during a 1-hr interval with a suspension of cultured infant human corneal endothelial cells, and then incubated for 144 hr under standard conditions. subsequently the corneas were transplanted into african green monkeys using routine penetrating keratoplasty techniques. rotational autografts and cornea ...19912032804
species-specific diversity among simian immunodeficiency viruses from african green monkeys.the prevalence, natural history, and genetic characteristics of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infections in most feral african monkey species are presently unknown, yet this information is essential to elucidate their origin and relationship to other simian and human immunodeficiency viruses. in this study, a combination of classical and molecular approaches were used to identify and characterize siv isolates from west african green monkeys (cercopithecus sabaeus) (sivagm isolates). four s ...19912033656
structural comparison of the external glycoproteins of human and simian immunodeficiency virus.the structural variability of the external glycoproteins of primate immunodeficiency viruses, has, so far, been investigated exclusively by sequence comparison of the respective proviral genomes. we have examined the structural relationship amount the external glycoproteins from three specific human immunodeficiency viruses (hif-1, hiv-2), three specific simian immunodeficiency viruses from macaques (sivmac) and three specific siv from african green monkeys (sivagm) by peptide mapping. differenc ...19912040588
naturally acquired and experimental leprosy in nonhuman primates.naturally-acquired leprosy has been observed in chimpanzees and sooty mangabey monkeys. experimental multibacillary leprosy was established in 24 of 36 mangabey monkeys, 7 of 34 rhesus monkeys, and 15 of 19 african green monkeys following intravenous and intradermal inoculation of mycobacterium leprae. the experimental disease strongly resembles leprosy in humans clinically, histopathologically, and immunologically. thus, in addition to nine-banded armadillos in louisiana and texas, chimpanzees ...19912042709
effects on plasma lipoproteins of monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet of african green by other investigators has shown that an increase in dietary content of monounsaturated fatty acids can result in a decreased plasma low density lipoprotein (ldl) cholesterol concentration. this observation, combined with the epidemiologic evidence that monounsaturated fat-rich diets are associated with decreased rates of death from coronary heart disease, suggests that inclusion of increased amounts of mono-unsaturated fat in the diet may be beneficial. the present study was carried out in ...19902079610
[growth of coxiella burnetii in selected cell cultures].usefulness of monolayer cell cultures for c. burnetii multiplication was evaluated. continuous vero cell line and primary cell (cultures cell culture of monkey kidney cercopithecus aethiops, cell culture of chicken fibroblasts, diploid cell line of human embryo) was inoculated for this purpose. two coxiella burnetii strains suspensions were used as inoculum of standard henzerling strain and zamość strain isolated from an area of poland. primary cell lines were characterized by considerable degre ...19902087134
human immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotein/cd4-mediated fusion of nonprimate cells with human cells.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infects human cells by binding to surface cd4 molecules and directly fusing with the cell membrane. although mouse cells expressing human cd4 bind hiv, they do not become infected, apparently because of a block in membrane fusion. to study this problem, we constructed a recombinant vaccinia virus that can infect and promote transient expression of full-length cd4 in mammalian cells. this virus, together with another vaccinia recombinant encoding biologically ac ...19902109100
enterically-transmitted non-a, non-b hepatitis.more than 50% of acute viral hepatitis occurring in some developing countries appears to be unrelated to infection by hav or hbv and accumulating evidence suggests that a high proportion of this non-a, non-b hepatitis (nanb) is enterically transmitted. epidemics or outbreaks of enterically-transmitted nanb (et-nanb) have been documented in the soviet union, nepal, burma, pakistan, india, borneo, somalia, sudan, ivory coast, algeria, and mexico. these outbreaks primarily affect young to middle-ag ...19902116213
persistent infection of rhesus macaques with a molecular clone of human immunodeficiency virus type 2: evidence of minimal genetic drift and low pathogenetic an attempt to generate a suitable animal model to study the infectivity and possible pathogenicity of human immunodeficiency viruses, we intravenously inoculated juvenile rhesus macaques and african green monkeys with a molecularly cloned virus, human immunodeficiency virus type 2 hiv-2sbl/isy, as well as with the uncloned hiv-2nih-z virus. infection was monitored by virus recovery from the peripheral blood cells and by seroconversion against hiv-2 antigens measured by western immunoblot, rad ...19902117071
reinnervation of autotransplanted teeth. a histological investigation in monkeys.the reinnervation of 8 autotransplanted teeth in 4 green vervet monkeys (ceropithecus aethiops) was examined. the lateral maxillary incisors of each animal were extracted and transplanted to the contralateral side. the root formation was incomplete with an open apical foramen. the monkeys were killed 1, 2 or 4 months after transplantation and examined histologically by a s-100 monoclonal antibody staining. a few single nerve fibres could be seen 1 month after transplantation. after 2 months, sev ...19902120368
[peripheral nerve lesions of experimental leprosy in monkeys. vii. intrafascicular-edema and small blood vessels].histopathological findings of intrafascicular-edema found in n. ulnaris running at forearm, palmside of hand and fingers of rhesus monkey 8664 and african green monkey 8175 were studied by semithin section method. these two monkeys were inoculated with leprosy bacilli from lepromata of mangabey monkey a022. the mangabey monkey a022 had been experimental leprosy after inoculum of the leprosy bacilli from lepromata of the mangabey monkey a015-natural infection. period between date of inoculum and ...19902133034
characterization of a primate model of hypertension. the response of hypertensive and normotensive male vervets (cercopithecus aethiops) to cold pressor stress, captopril administration, and acute bolus of atrial natriuretic feral populations of african green monkeys or vervets (cercopithecus aethiops), between 5 and 15% of adults have spontaneously elevated blood pressure (bp). we report here the initial biological and pharmacological characterization of this potential animal model of hypertension. captive male monkeys with elevated systolic pressures show a modest pressure increase in response to stressors such as capture, phlebotomy and cold challenge. acute captopril administration lowers bp in monkeys with h ...19902137342
isolation of mycoplasma moatsii from the intestine of wild norway rats (rattus norvegicus).the intestinal tracts of twenty inbred spf rats (lew, bn, wky, da) and six wild norway rats (rattus norvegicus berkenhout 1769) were investigated for mycoplasmas. cultivation was in three different media. mycoplasmas were not isolated from the intestine of the inbred spf rats but were found in the epithelia and contents of caecum, colon and jejunum as well as in fecal samples of all of the wild norway rats investigated. the mycoplasmas isolated all belonged to the same species, and were identifi ...19902139992
protamine-induced pulmonary hypertension in heparinized monkeys and pigs is inhibited by the thromboxane receptor antagonist sq 30,741.when protamine reverses heparin anticoagulation a small fraction of patients develops pulmonary hypertension. this response is variably expressed in other species and thromboxane may be one of its mediators. we have compared the pulmonary vascular responses of pigs and monkeys to protamine (3 mg/kg, i.v.) administered 15 min after heparin (300 u/kg, i.v.). the role of thromboxane a2/prostaglandin h2 (txa2/pgh2)-receptor activation in this response was investigated with the selective txa2/pgh2-re ...19902144979
serological survey for two simian retroviruses in macaques and african green monkeys.colonies of nonhuman primates at the bowman gray school of medicine (bgsm) were tested for antibodies to two retroviruses associated with immunodeficiency by indirect immunofluorescence (ifa) and western blot. a total of 471 cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis), 144 rhesus monkeys (m. mulatta) and 67 stumptail monkey m. arctoides) were tested for srv-1, and 152 african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were tested for siv. of the macaques tested, 170 (36%) cynomolgus, 5 (3%) rhesus and ...19902153854
t-cell lymphosarcoma in a female african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).a female african green monkey developed a generalized lymphosarcoma spontaneously that clinically and pathologically resembled malignant lymphoma in human beings infected with human t-lymphotropic virus type i. the monkey was serologically positive for simian t-lymphotropic virus. immunocytochemical analysis of routinely fixed and paraffin embedded tumor tissue demonstrated neoplastic cells that stained positive with antihuman monoclonal uchl1 which recognized a t-cell-restricted isotype of leuk ...19902153857
simian t cell leukemia virus type-1-specific killer t cells in naturally infected african green monkey carriers.studies were made on the cellular immunity of 13 african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) naturally infected with simian t cell leukemia virus type 1 (stlv-1), closely related to human t cell leukemia virus type 1. they were classified into 3 groups: 1) progressed carrier, 2) carrier, and 3) normal control. this grouping was made according to their hematologic features, i.e., number of peripheral white blood cells, existence of blastoid cells, presence of stlv-1 ag on pbl and anti-stlv-1 a ...19902155962
expression of hsv-1 glycoproteins in tunicamycin-treated monkey kidney cells.the role of glycosylation in transport and expression of hsv-1 glycoproteins on the surface of hsv-1-infected african green monkey kidney cells was investigated by using tunicamycin (tm). a concentration of 0.05 microgram/ml of tm inhibited the replication of hsv-1 by greater than 99%. immunoblot analysis of tm-treated and virus-infected cells indicated that 0.05 microgram/ml of tm blocked the addition of n-linked oligosaccharides into glycoproteins b, c and d. an immunofluorescence assay of tm- ...19902157426
complete nucleotide sequence of a simian immunodeficiency virus from african green monkeys: a novel type of intragroup divergence.we have determined the entire nucleotide sequence of a full-length molecular clone, termed sivagm3, which is infectious in vitro and in vivo. the genomic organization was found to be similar to other immunodeficiency viruses of human and simian origin. comparison of sivagm3 with sivagmtyo-1, the only other completely sequenced molecular sivagm clone, revealed a novel type of intragroup divergence, which is characterized by (1) an unusually high degree of variability in pol in relation to gag and ...19902158689
acute hypotensive responses to peptide inhibitors of renin in conscious monkeys: an effect on blood pressure independent of plasma renin order to investigate the hypotensive mechanisms of action of peptide renin inhibitors, blood pressure responses to five renin inhibitors were compared with those to the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, enalaprilat, in conscious african green and rhesus monkeys. (3s-4s)-4-amino-5-cyclohexyl-3-hydroxy pentanoic acid (achpa)-containing renin inhibitory peptide (acrip) and enalaprilat both decreased blood pressure in euvolemic and volume-depleted african green monkeys. however, while a ma ...19902159506
experimental infection of african green monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys with a sivagm strain isolated from a healthy african green infection occurred in all african green monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys experimentally inoculated with sivagm [tyo-1], as demonstrated by the appearance of an antibody to sivagm [tyo-1] and the isolation of the virus. no monkey exhibited overt clinical disorders throughout the experimental period of 42 weeks. thus, sivagm was not pathogenic to its original host or to macaques. this system is proposed as a model for hiv infection manifesting no overt disease.19902160015
the growth of simian virus 40 (sv40) host range/adenovirus helper function mutants in an african green monkey cell line that constitutively expresses the sv40 agnoprotein.the simian virus 40 t-antigen carboxy-terminal mutants, dla2459 and dla2475, are cell line and temperature dependent for growth and plaque formation in monkey kidney cells. although these mutants did form plaques on bsc-1 cells at 37 degrees c, they were about fivefold less efficient for plaque formation than wild-type simian virus 40. these mutants did not grow in cv-1 cells and did not synthesize agnoprotein in those cells. cv-1 cells which constitutively express the agnoprotein were permissiv ...19902161954
prostaglandins mediate the ocular hypotensive action of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor mk-422 (enalaprilat) in african green (enalaprilat) (0.0005-0.5%) significantly reduced intraocular pressure (iop) in african green monkeys. studies utilizing unilateral instillation of mk-422 and its inactive r-isomer indicated a local site of action within the eye which is dependent upon inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme, also known as kininase ii. tonography showed a small increase (21%) in conventional aqueous humor outflow facility which did not entirely account for the iop lowering effect of mk-422. pretreatme ...19902163428
occurrence of nonspecific reactions among stool specimens tested by the abbott testpack rotavirus enzyme immunoassay.sixty-five stool specimens obtained from children suffering from gastroenteritis were tested for the presence of antigen to rotavirus by the abbott testpack rotavirus (testpack) enzyme immunoassay kit. the kallestad pathfinder enzyme immunoassay, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immune electron microscopy, and virus isolation were utilized as reference assays. fifty-four specimens were in accord by testpack and kallestad pathfinder. among 11 discordant specimens positive with testpack but neg ...19902166074
inhibition of simian varicella virus infection of monkeys by 1-(2-deoxy-2- fluoro-1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl)-5-ethyluracil (feau) and synergistic effects of combination with human recombinant interferon-beta.1-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl)-5-ethyluracil (feau) has been shown to be a highly effective inhibitor of simian varicella virus infection in african green monkeys. administration of feau by either intravenous injection or gavage at doses as low as 1 mg/kg/day prevented the development of rash and reduced viremia. the effective dose could be further reduced to 0.2 mg/kg/day when administered in combination with a sub-effective dose of human recombinant interferon-beta. no evidence ...19902166466
a comparison of bkv, jcv, and sv 40 transcriptional enhancers in primate cells. application of the two-phase partition assay for chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (cat).the activities of the transcriptional enhancers of the prototype human polyomaviruses, bkv (dun) and jcv (mad-1), were compared with that of the rhesus virus sv 40 in old world african green monkey kidney cells (cv-1) and in new world owl monkey kidney cells (omk). enhancer activities were tested in cat-expression plasmids. cat activity in transfected cell extracts were measured by the novel two-phase partition assay. the activities of the bkv and jcv enhancers were 45% and 20% that of sv 40, re ...19902171455
[a karyotype study of the cells of the african green monkey kidney cell line 4647 cultured long term in media with different sera].the karyological analysis of the cell line 4647 used for production of a killed vaccine to hepatitis a virus was run in the 98th, 107th, 117th and 127th passages by the routine and c, g, and ag methods of differential chromosome staining. a considerable balancing of the chromosome composition at 107-127 passage levels is shown. the cells of line 4647 present a significant heterogeneity, as to the number of chromosomes, and do not belong to any distinct modal class. the modal number of chromosome ...19902175469
the mechanism of the antiherpetic activity of zinc sulphate.the molecular mechanism of the effects of zinc ions against herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection was investigated. zinc sulphate (100 microm) in the culture medium of an hsv-infected african green monkey kidney cell line did not block viral dna synthesis and, at this concentration, only moderate cytotoxic effects were observed in uninfected cells. nevertheless, virus yields were reduced to less than 1% of the control. thus the long standing hypothesis that zinc might block multiplication of hsv ...19902177090
[herpes simplex type i virus observed in the superior cervical ganglion from human cadavers and autopsy materials].herpes simplex type i (hsv i) causes some infections such as herpes labialis, encephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis and also some cranial nerve syndromes such as acute vestibular neuritis, migraine and meniere's disease in human. we used 4 fixated and 16 fresh cadavers to isolate hsv i virus from the superior cervical ganglia. the ganglia materials are inoculated to prk (primary rabbit kidney), vero (african green monkey kidney) and bhk 21 (baby hamster kidney) cell lines in order to isolate the vi ...19902178213
complementation of the rev gene mutation among human and simian lentiviruses.the functional exchangeability of the rev gene was assessed in transient transfection experiments by using in vitro-constructed rev and gag mutants of the following three primate lentiviruses: human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), hiv-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus from the african green monkey (siv agm). cotransfection into sw480 cells of the rev and gag mutants derived from the dna of each infectious virus resulted in the generation of progeny particles as determined by reverse tr ...19902182909
human immunodeficiency virus-like, nonreplicating, gag-env particles assemble in a recombinant vaccinia virus expression system.we report the assembly of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-like particles in african green monkey kidney cells coinfected with two recombinant vaccinia viruses, one carrying the hiv-1 gag and protease genes and the other the env gene. biochemical analysis of particles sedimented from culture supernatants of doubly infected cells revealed that they were composed of gag proteins, primarily p24, as well as the env proteins gp120 and gp41. thin-section immunoelectron microscopy showed that these p ...19902186175
genetic organization of a chimpanzee lentivirus related to hiv-1.simian immunodeficiency viruses have been isolated from four species of monkey, the 'captive' macaque and mangabey and the 'feral' african green monkey and mandrill. while none of these viruses is a replica of hiv-1, the macaque and mangabey viruses represent correct genetic models for hiv-2, possessing exactly the same complement of genes. recently a lentivirus has been identified in two wild chimpanzees (pan troglodytes troglodytes) in gabon, west equatorial africa, and isolated from one of th ...19902188136
primary sequence and heterologous expression of nuclear pore glycoprotein p62.the major nuclear pore protein p62 is modified by o-linked n-acetylglucosamine and functions in nuclear transport. we have cloned, sequenced, and expressed the full-length rat p62 cdna. the rat p62 mrna is 2,941 nucleotides long and encodes a protein of 525 amino acids containing 30% serine and threonine residues. the amino acid sequence near the amino-terminus contains unique tetrapeptide repeats while the carboxy-terminus consists of a series of predicted alpha-helical regions with hydrophobic ...19902190987
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 3231