
the immunobiology of avian systemic salmonellosis.avian systemic salmonellosis is primarily caused by salmonella enterica serovar gallinarum and serovar pullorum causing the diseases fowl typhoid and pullorum disease respectively. during infection interaction with the immune system occurs in three main phases. first is invasion via the gastrointestinal tract. infection with s. pullorum or s. gallinarum does not cause substantial inflammation, unlike s. typhimurium or s. enteritidis. through in vitro models it was found that s. gallinarum does n ...200919070366
capillary and microchip gel electrophoresis for simultaneous detection of salmonella pullorum and salmonella gallinarum by rfbs allele-specific pcr.we report the use of capillary gel electrophoresis (cge) based on a rfbs allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for the analysis and simultaneous detection of salmonella pullorum and salmonella gallinarum, which are the major bacterial pathogens in poultry. rfbs allele-specific pcr was used to concurrently amplify two specific 147- and 187-bp dna fragments for the simultaneous detection of s. pullorum and s. gallinarum at an annealing temperature of 54+/-1 degrees c and an mgcl(2) conce ...200719073049
prevalence of salmonella in vegetables from mexico.the present study is an overview of the role of vegetables as a transmission vehicle of salmonella in mexico. one hundred samples of each of 17 different vegetables were analyzed during a period of 18 months. salmonella was isolated from 98 samples. salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium was isolated from the highest percentage of samples with typeable salmonella isolates (23.9%), followed by s. enterica subsp. arizonae and salmonella choleraesuis each from 16.9%, salmonella gallinarum from 11. ...200919610340
identification of salmonella pullorum genomic sequences using suppression subtractive hybridization.pullorum disease affecting poultry is caused by salmonella enterica serovar pullorum and results in severe economic loss every year, especially in countries with a developing poultry industry. the pathogenesis of s. pullorum is not yet well defined, as the specific virulence factors still need to be identified. thus, to isolate specific dna fragments belonging to s. pullorum, this study used suppression subtractive hybridization. as such, the genome of the s. pullorum c79-13 strain was subtracte ...200919809245
studies in pullorum disease; the use of salmonella typhi 0901 in test antigens. 194720253143
salmonella pullorum recovered from a wild pheasant in minnesota. 194720264431
sodium sulfamerazine in drinking water for salmonella pullorum infection in chickens. 194720264434
studies in pullorum disease; examination of colonies from regular and variant form subcultures of salmonella pullorum. 194720269332
studies in pullorum disease; proteus antisera with special reference to the differentiation of regular and variant forms of salmonella pullorum. 194720273462
pullorum disease; diagnosis and immunization. 194620275970
streptomycin in the treatment of pullorum in baby chicks. 194720279633
studies in pullorum disease; infection in the male and experiments on transmission to the female. 194620283503
non-specific pullorum agglutination reactions; preliminary observations on fowl exhibiting non-specific reactions over an extended period. 194620283504
studies in pullorum disease; trial modifications of tube and stained whole blood antigens. 194720283507
form variation in salmonella pullorum and its relation to x strains. 194620289307
selection of suitable antigenic strains of s. pullorum by single colony isolation. 194720290825
the isolation of s. typhimurium from fowls which gave a positive agglutination test with s. pullorum antigen. 194720292282
studies in pullorum disease; antigenic differences in strains of salmonella pullorum. 194720295890
cultivation of the virus of infectious bronchitis of chickens in embryonated chicken eggs. 194720295891
studies in pullorum disease; disinfection of incubators with propylene and triethylene glycol. 194720295898
non-specific pullorum agglutination reactions; post mortem studies on fowl exhibiting non-specific reactions over an extended period. 194720295900
report of a relatively severe and protracted diarrhea presumedly due to salmonella pullorum from the ingestion of incompletely cooked eggs. 194720340619
monocytes-macrophages phagocytosis as a potential marker for disease resistance in generation 1 of dwarf chickens.monocytes-macrophages play an indispensable role in the immune system. the current study investigated the effect of selection for monocytes-macrophages phagocytosis on disease resistance in generation 1 (g1) of dwarf chickens. five hundred dwarf chickens of generation 0 (g0) were divided into high and low phagocytic index (pi) groups (hpig and lpig, respectively) based on their pi of monocytes-macrophages at 290 d of age. then, 2 x 2 mating combinations were conducted. sixty g0 chickens from ano ...201020709989
sulfamerazine in the treatment of pullorum disease. 194620988123
a survey of avian salmonellosis in great britain. 194620990781
an outbreak of gastroenteritis presumably caused by salmonella pullorum. 194620996928
studies on pullorum disease using various rapid antigens. 194620998646
studies in pullorum disease; bacteriological examination of tissues from fowls exposed to infection with salmonella pullorum. 194621000921
studies in pullorum disease; the effect of sulfamerazine on artificially and naturally infected chicks. 194621000922
studies in pullorum disease; transmission of infection to healthy birds by contact. 194521008177
pullorum disease; historical sketch. 194621009454
sulfamerazine as a prophylactic in pullorum disease in poults. 194621014215
studies in pullorum disease; the possible relationship of non-specific reactions to the sensitizing influence of ingested proteins. 194621020413
note on salmonella in poultry products. 194621024769
pullorum disease of turkeys. 194521028715
differential identification of salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar gallinarum biovars gallinarum and pullorum based on polymorphic regions of glgc and spec genes.salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar gallinarum biovars gallinarum and pullorum cause fowl typhoid and pullorum disease in avian species, respectively, and have been of considerable economic importance to the poultry industry in parts of the world. the definitive diagnosis of these diseases can be made only by isolation and identification of the causative agent. however, rapid identification of biovars gallinarum and pullorum is not easily feasible due to their common antigenic structure ...201021111918
[cloning and identification of ipaj gene in salmonella pullorum].cloning of ipaj gene from salmonella pullorum c79-13, and identification of expressed ipaj protein as an immunogen of the pathogen.201021268902
pullorum disease and fowl typhoid--new thoughts on old diseases: a review.fowl typhoid and pullorum disease are two distinct septicaemic diseases largely specific to avian species and caused by salmonella gallinarum and salmonella pullorum, respectively. they were first described more than one century ago. since their discovery, many efforts have been made to control and prevent their occurrence in commercial farming of birds. however, they remain a serious economic problem to livestock in countries where measures of control are not efficient or in those where the cli ...201121331943
lactobacillus reuteri atcc 55730 and l22 display probiotic potential in vitro and protect against salmonella-induced pullorum disease in a chick model of infection.lactobacillus reuteri atcc 55730 (l. reuteri atcc 55730) and l. reuteri l22 were studied for their probiotic potential. these two strains were able to produce an antimicrobial substance, termed reuterin, the maximum production of reuterin by these two strains was detected in the late logarithmic growth phase (16h in mrs and 20h in lb broths). these two strains could significantly reduce the growth of salmonella pullorum atcc 9120 in mrs broth, l. reuteri atcc 55730 with a reduction of 48.2±4.15% ...201121764090
Differential gene expression of antimicrobial peptides ß defensins in the gastrointestinal tract of Salmonella serovar Pullorum infected broiler chickens.Salmonella enterica serovar Pullorum causes substantial mortality in chicks as well as results in persistent infection and vertical transmission in layer birds. An effective innate immune response in the early stages of infection could reduce bacterial colonization and mortality in chicks and persistency of infection in later stages. ß Defensins (AvBDs) are now considered as one of the key components of innate immunity in avian species. In the present study, we quantified the mRNA expression lev ...201122170093
the production of hydroxyl radical by tallysomycin and copper(ii). 200087348
ptfe as a source guide in iridium-192 breast implants. 20144063695
essential fatty acid deficiency in infants induced by fat-free intravenous feeding. 20154626563
the mammalian red nucleus. 20164864540
post-traumatic epilepsy. 200198198
role of the nurse counsellor in managing patients with the hyperventilation syndrome.a hyperventilation clinic was established specifically to deal with patients referred from the accident and emergency department with the hyperventilation syndrome. this was run by a staff nurse, who counselled the patients and taught abdominal breathing techniques and relaxation. in 30 patients so managed, 63% said their symptoms were much better or had completely gone and in only 6% was there no improvement; 43% had previously had more than one attendance at the a&e department, but following t ...20123585888
liver disease, carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes. 19761445166
a vest for ambulatory patients receiving hyperalimentation.there have been no significant complications related to the use of this ambulatory hyperalimentation vest. the potential positive impact that increased use of this vest at home might have upon hospital stay and cost containment is obvious. it is further anticipated that, as advances are made in the technology of plastic bags, tubing, miniature pumps and microprocessors, ambulatory or home hyperalimentation delivery systems exemplified by this vest will achieve a much higher degree of sophisticat ...1998107602
effects of hydrolysed saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and yeast cell wall components on live performance, intestinal histo-morphology and humoral immune response of broilers.1. the effects of enzymatically hydrolysed whole saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast (hy) and the pellets of yeast cell wall (ycw) on production traits, the microbiology and histo-morphology of the small intestine, and humoral immune responses against newcastle disease virus (ndv), of ross 308 broilers were investigated. 2. the control group received a maize-soyabean meal based basal diet for 42 days. in the treated groups the basal diet was supplemented with 1 g/kg of hy and ycw. there were 8 repl ...201122221235
isolation and characterization of bacteriophages of salmonella enterica serovar this study, 2 bacteriophages of salmonella pullorum were isolated using an enrichment protocol and the double agar layer method. they were named pspu-95 and pspu-4-116, respectively, against clinical isolates of salmonella pullorum spu-95 and spu-116. the host ranges of the 2 bacteriophages were determined by performing spot tests with 20 bacteria strains. both bacteriophages had wide host ranges. bacteriophage pspu-95 had a lytic effect on 17 of the 20 isolates (85%), and pspu-4-116 produced ...201121934022
population dynamics of salmonella enterica serotypes in commercial egg and poultry production.fresh and processed poultry have been frequently implicated in cases of human salmonellosis. furthermore, increased consumption of meat and poultry has increased the potential for exposure to salmonella. while advances have been made in reducing the prevalence and frequency of salmonella contamination in processed poultry, there is mounting pressure on commercial growers to prevent and/or eliminate these human pathogens in preharvest production facilities. several factors contribute to salmonell ...201121571882
one-step pcr detection of salmonella pullorum/gallinarum using a novel target: the flagellar biosynthesis gene flhb.salmonella enterica serovar pullorum/gallinarum is an important infectious pathogen that has caused widespread problems for chicken industry. traditional salmonella serotyping is an expensive and time-consuming process. in this study, we developed a rapid one-step polymerase chain reaction (pcr) method to identify s. pullorum/gallinarum. the pcr-based assay focuses on flhb, which shows a deficient region only in s. pullorum/gallinarum, compared with that of other serovars. the specificity and se ...201627920764
identification of salmonella enterica serovar pullorum antigenic determinants expressed in vivo.salmonella enterica serovar pullorum affecting poultry causes pullorum disease and results in severe economic loss in the poultry industry. currently, it remains a major threat in countries with poor poultry surveillance and no efficient control measures. as s. pullorum could induce strong humoral immune responses, we applied an immunoscreening technique, the in vivo-induced antigen technology (iviat), to identify immunogenic bacterial proteins expressed or upregulated during s. pullorum infecti ...201323774596
rapid and sensitive detection of mycoplasma synoviae by an insulated isothermal polymerase chain reaction-based assay on a field-deployable device.mycoplasma synoviae (ms), causing respiratory diseases, arthritis, and eggshell apex abnormalities in avian species, is an important pathogen in the poultry industry. implementation of a biosecurity plan is important in ms infection management. working on a field-deployable pockit™ device, an insulated isothermal polymerase chain reaction (iipcr) assay has a potential for timely ms detection on the farm. the ms iipcr assay had limit of detection 95% of about 9 genome equivalents by testing seria ...201727389062
assessment of yeast cell wall as replacements for antibiotic growth promoters in broiler diets: effects on performance, intestinal histo-morphology and humoral immune responses.the study compared the effects of an antibiotic growth promoter (agp), yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) and yeast cell wall (ycw) on performance, microbiology and histo-morphology of the small intestine and humoral immune responses in ross 308 broilers. the treatments (eight replicates/treatment, n = 12/replicate) were negative control (nc, without agp), positive control (pc, supplemented with bacitracin methylene disalicylate, 400 mg/kg), y and ycw (supplemented with yeast and ycw, respectively ...201121535233
difference and variation of the sef14 operon gene clusters in salmonella pullorum.sef14 fimbriae are only found in some strains of serogroup-d salmonella such as s. enteritidis, suggesting that sef14 fimbriae may affect serovar-specific virulence traits. in this study, we found that prevalence of sefa, sefd and sefr genes in s. dublin and s. enteritidis was 100%. in 18 isolates of s. pullorum, the prevalence of sefa gene was 100%, while the prevalence of sefd and sefr genes was 38.9% (7/18), and 11 strains isolated after 1980s did not contain any gene sefd or sefr. interestin ...201020806242
testing for salmonella spp. in released parrots, wild parrots, and domestic fowl in lowland peru.wild animal populations face threats from pathogens from both intentionally released captive animals and domestic animals that accompany human settlements. from december 2004 through august 2005, we studied free living macaws and parrots in the tambopata national reserve in the peruvian amazon and semicaptive domestic fowl in human settlements adjacent to the reserve. in 1992-1993, large macaws (aras spp.) that were serologically positive for salmonella pullorum were released into this reserve, ...201020688677
[prokaryotic expression and application of spic protein of salmonella pullorum].to express the spic protein of salmonella pullorum and establish an indirect elisa method with spic protein as antigen.201525652851
isolation of salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis in blue-fronted amazon parrot (amazona aestiva).avian salmonellosis is a disease caused by bacteria of the genus salmonella that can cause three distinct diseases in birds: pullorum diseases, fowl typhoid, and paratyphoid infection. various wildlife species are susceptible to infections by salmonella, regardless of whether they live in captivity or freely in the wild. the present study verified the presence of salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis in three captive specimens of amazona aestiva. the study involved a total of 103 birds undergo ...201020408416
cloning, expression, and purification of a new antibacterial substance gene from larvae of musca domestica (diptera: muscidae).musca domestica l. (diptera: muscidae), the housefly, exhibits unique immune defenses and can produce antibacterial substances upon stimulation with bacteria. on the basis of the cdna library constructed using the suppression subtractive hybridization method, a 1188-bp antibacterial substance gene, which we named as566, was amplified by rapid amplification of cdna ends from m. domestica larva stimulated with salmonella pullorum (enterobacteriaceae: salmonella). in this study, the full-length as5 ...201425434038
cloning, expression, and purification of a new antimicrobial peptide gene from musca domestica larva.musca domestica (diptera: muscidae), the housefly, exhibits unique immune defences and can produce antimicrobial peptides upon stimulation with bacteria. based on the cdna library constructed using the suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh) method, a 198-bp antimicrobial peptide gene, which we named mdap-2, was amplified by rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) from m. domestica larvae stimulated with salmonella pullorum (enterobacteriaceae: salmonella). in the present study, the full-len ...201425020259
serologic, parasitic, and bacteriologic assessment of captive cracids (aves: galliformes: cracidae) in brazil.captive cracids (aves: galliformes: cracidae), including endangered species, were studied (n = 130) for the assessment of health status, including aburria jacutinga (black-fronted piping-guan, n = 42), crax blumenbachii (red-knobbed curassow, n = 54), craxfasciolata (bare-faced curassow, n = 28), and penelope obscura (dusky-legged guan, n = 6). the exposure to mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg), mycoplasma synoviae (ms), salmonella pullorum (sp), salmonella gallinarum (sg), avian paramyxovirus-1 (apm ...201323505700
effects of methyltestosterone on immunity against salmonella pullorum in dwarf chicks.this study was conducted to determine effects of methyltestosterone on innate immunity and adaptive immunity against salmonella pullorum in dwarf chicks. in vivo experiment, comparisons of pathological sections, viable counts of bacteria, specific antibody levels, and subsets of t lymphocytes were set forth between chicks with or without 10(-7) m methyltestosterone treatment (2 d of age through 21 d of age) and challenged with 5 x 10(8) virulent salmonella pullorum (7 d of age), and in vitro exp ...200919903952
an efficient multiplex pcr-based assay as a novel tool for accurate inter-serovar discrimination of salmonella enteritidis, s. pullorum/gallinarum and s. dublin.salmonella enterica serovars enteritidis, pullorum/gallinarum, and dublin are infectious pathogens causing serious problems for pig, chicken, and cattle production, respectively. traditional serotyping for salmonella is costly and labor-intensive. here, we established a rapid multiplex pcr method to simultaneously identify three prevalent salmonella serovars enteritidis, pullorum/gallinarum, and dublin individually for the first time. the multiplex pcr-based assay focuses on three genes tcps, ly ...201728360901
search for salmonella spp. in ostrich productive chain of brazilian southeast region.we analyzed ostriches from an equipped farm located in the brazilian southeast region for the presence of salmonella spp. this bacterium was investigated in 80 samples of ostrich droppings, 90 eggs, 30 samples of feed and 30 samples of droppings from rodents. additionally, at slaughter-house this bacterium was investigated in droppings, caecal content, spleen, liver and carcasses from 90 slaughtered ostriches from the studied farm. also, blood serum of those animals were harvested and submitted ...200919390983
relative transport behavior of escherichia coli o157:h7 and salmonella enterica serovar pullorum in packed bed column systems: influence of solution chemistry and cell concentration.the influence of solution chemistry and cell concentration on bacterial transport has been examined using salmonella pullorum sa1685 and escherichia coli o157:h7. a column was employed to determine the transport behavior and deposition kinetics with aquifer sand over a range of ionic strengths and cell concentrations. o157:h7 was found to be more adhesive than sa1685, with calculated deposition rate coefficients higher than those of sa1685. comprehensive cell surface characterization techniques ...200919368180
experimental salmonella enterica serovar pullorum infection in two commercial varieties of laying experiment was carried out to investigate the biology of salmonella pullorum in two varieties of laying hens, from 5 days of age up to 9 months. one variety was resistant to systemic salmonellosis (light layers producing white eggs) and the other was considered susceptible (brown layers producing brown eggs). the brown birds were more affected by the infection, showing signs of clinical disease in the first month of life. later, these signs disappeared, but postmortem examination revealed per ...200119184886
diseases of backyard turkeys in the mexican tropics.with the purpose of identifying the causes of disease and death in backyard turkeys, 768 interviews with growers were carried out in communities of the coastal region of oaxaca, mexico. later, a clinical sanitary evaluation was performed on five randomly selected turkeys of different age and sex. the laboratory tests included: necropsy for clinical diagnosis of diseases and for a histopathological examination of tissues with macroscopic lesions to identify microscopic lesions; hemagglutination i ...200819120252
construction and characterization of a cigr deletion mutant of salmonella enterica serovar pullorum.salmonella enterica serovar pullorum (s. pullorum) is the causative agent of pullorum disease (pd) and results in severe economic losses to the poultry industry. as a salmonella type iii secretion system 2 (t3ss2) effector and predicted membrane protein, cigr is encoded by the cigr gene within salmonella pathogenicity island 3 (spi3). in order to research the influence of the cigr gene on s. pullorum, a cigr mutant of s. pullorum s06004 was constructed by the lambda red recombination system, and ...201627163262
[anton von tröltsch (1829--1890)]. 1971377190
[patient's self-sufficiency and that of the nurse]. 1971247044
gluten free/gluten-load trial. 20133779286
immunogenicity and protective efficacy of salmonella enterica serovar pullorum pathogenicity island 2 mutant as a live attenuated vaccine candidate.salmonella enterica serovar pullorum (s. pullorum) causes pullorum disease (pd), a severe systemic disease of poultry and results in considerable economic losses in developing countries. in order to develop a safe and immunogenic vaccine, the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of s06004δspi2, a salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (spi2) deleted mutant of s. pullorum was evaluated in 2-day old chickens.201526205518
evaluation of the salmonella enterica serovar pullorum pathogenicity island 2 mutant as a candidate live attenuated oral vaccine.salmonella enterica serovar pullorum (s. pullorum) is a highly adapted pathogen that causes pullorum disease (pd), an important systemic disease of poultry that causes severe economic losses in developing countries. in the interests of developing a safe and immunogenic oral vaccine, the efficacy of a salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (spi2)-deleted mutant of s. pullorum (s06004δspi2) was evaluated in chickens. s06004δspi2 was severely less virulent than the parental wild-type strain s06004 as de ...201525924763
professional liability insurance: nurses take note. 20133644580
draft genome sequence of salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar gallinarum biovar pullorum strain fcav198, a brazilian chicken pathogen.salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar gallinarum biovar pullorum is a bird-restricted pathogen which causes pullorum disease. the strain fcav198 was isolated from a pool of chicken ovaries in brazil, and its genome may be helpful for studies involving molecular mechanisms related to pathogenesis and other related applications.201424558231
[a lumbosacral radicular syndrome as a manifestation of malignant tumor metastases to the spine]. 20123363949
polymerase chain reaction assay based on rata gene allows differentiation between salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar gallinarum biovars gallinarum and pullorum.salmonella pullorum and salmonella gallinarum are classified as biovars of salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar gallinarum. these salmonellae are the causative agents of pullorum disease and fowl typhoid, respectively, and are widely distributed throughout the world. although many developed countries have eradicated these diseases from commercial poultry, they are still the cause of significant economic loss in developing countries. when serovar gallinarum is isolated, it is difficult to ...201323512922
differential identification of salmonella enterica serovar gallinarum biovars gallinarum and pullorum and the biovar gallinarum live vaccine strain 9r.salmonella enterica serovar gallinarum biovar gallinarum causes fowl typhoid in chickens and has been of economic importance to the chicken industry in many countries. the biovar gallinarum live vaccine strain 9r (sg 9r) has been used to control fowl typhoid in many areas where the disease is endemic. therefore, a definitive diagnosis of this disease may require differentiation of wild-type field isolates of biovar gallinarum from the live vaccine strain sg 9r. here, we report the development of ...201222728122
early immune dynamics following infection with salmonella enterica serovars enteritidis, infantis, pullorum and gallinarum: cytokine and chemokine gene expression profile and cellular changes of chicken cecal tonsils.salmonella enterica subspecies enterica infection remains a serious problem in a wide range of animals and in man. poultry-derived food is the main source of human infection with the non-host-adapted serovars while fowl typhoid and pullorum disease are important diseases of poultry. we have assessed cecal colonization and immune responses of newly hatched and older chickens to salmonella serotypes enteritidis, infantis, gallinarum and pullorum. s. enteritidis and s. infantis colonized the ceca m ...201222512820
immune dynamics following infection of avian macrophages and epithelial cells with typhoidal and non-typhoidal salmonella enterica serovars; bacterial invasion and persistence, nitric oxide and oxygen production, differential host gene expression, nf-κb signalling and cell cytotoxicity.poultry-derived food is a common source of infection of human with the non-host-adapted salmonellae while fowl typhoid and pullorum disease are serious diseases in poultry. development of novel immune-based control strategies against salmonella infection necessitates a better understanding of the host-pathogen interactions at the cellular level. intestinal epithelial cells are the first line of defence against enteric infections and the role of macrophages is crucial in salmonella infection and ...201222475571
murine strain differences in taste responsivity and organization of the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract.taste responsivity and organization of fungiform papillae, geniculate ganglion neurons and gustatory recipient zones of the nucleus of the solitary tract (nst) were examined in c57bl/6ncrlbr (c57) mice, balb/c6ncrlbr (balb/c) mice and cb6f1/crlbr (cb6) mice, an f1 hybrid cross between balb/c and c57 mice. results from behavioral studies confirm that c57 and cb6 mice exhibit higher preferences to sucrose and lower preferences to nacl, as compared to balb/c mice. no strain differences were confirm ...20072322858
ultrastructural histochemistry of the dento-epithelial junction. 3. chloramine t-silver methenamine. 200086608
retrospective investigation of cataract management in avian species in a zoologic collection.a review of avian cataracts at the wildlife conservation society's bronx zoo between 1992 and 2011 was conducted. ninety cataracts in 54 birds from 42 species were identified. cataracts were found primarily during examination for ocular abnormalities (29/54, 53.7%) or opportunistically (13/54, 24.1%) and were most commonly diagnosed as mature (22/90, 24.4%). systemic medical conditions diagnosed in these birds included west nile virus (4/54, 7.4%), head trauma (3/54, 5.6%), plumbism and salmonel ...201526667543
[acute and subacute acral ischemia syndromes (author's transl)].acute and subacute acral ischemia syndromes must be carefully distinguished from chronic intermittent acral disturbances of circulation because of the differences in the genesis, in the clinical picture and in the treatment. vasoconstriction caused by cold or emotion and which disappears on warming is the principal feature of the chronic intermittent syndromes. prestasis and stasis are the basis of the ischemia of acute and subacute syndromes, which cannot be relieved by warmth. vasodilation mea ...1998108564
[the excretory apparatus and diabetes]. 2005545627
expression patterns of nlrc5 and key genes in the stat1 pathway following infection with salmonella pullorum.nlrc5, a protein belonging to the nod-like receptor protein family (nlrs), is highly expressed in immune tissues and cells. nlrc5 plays an important role in the immune response of humans, where its regulatory mechanism has been elucidated. however, the function and regulation of nlrc5 in chickens remains unclear. in this study, temporal expression characteristics of nlrc5 and associated genes in the stat1 pathway in chickens following infection with salmonella pullorum were investigated using qu ...201727771450
hemolysis induced by cefazolin and cephalothin in a patient with penicillin sensitivity.a patient with penicillin sensitivity, who had never received a cephalosporin antibiotic previously, developed anemia and spherocytosis following the administration of cefazolin. hemolysis abated when the drug was discontinued on the fourth day, and recurred on day six when cephalothin therapy was begun. igg and complement components were present on the patient's erythrocytes, and igg antibodies in her serum reacted with normal red blood cells which had been coated with benzylpenicillin, cefazol ...199996555
[hygienic standardization of octylic stabilizors pvc in water bodies]. 19751213373
[collective dosage equivalent in the polish population accumulated because of diagnostic radiography]. 2004514894
[vascular complications in pelvic injuries in children].vascular injuries due to pelvic trauma are unusual in children. they resulted from important pelvic injuries with section of external iliac vessels, or of a contusion with thrombosis. these lesions required an angiography witch indications are = four or more units of blood transfusion within 24 hours, or a half blood mass in one hour. truncal vessel lesions are associated with important pelvic fractures and associated lesions, requiring a surgical treatment. they are revealed by an important ble ...20113228930
altered images. 20113143092
[prevention of reactions to meterological conditions in patients with cardiovascular diseases]. 20144255383
serosurvey for selected infectious agents in two sympatric species of cormorants (phalacrocorax atriceps and phalacrocorax magellanicus) from coastal patagonia, argentina.we conducted a serologic survey for selected infectious agents on two sympatric cormorants, the imperial cormorant (phalacrocorax atriceps) and the rock shag (phalacrocorax magellanicus). blood was collected from 267 imperial cormorants and 106 rock shags at 17 colonies along the patagonia atlantic shore during nine breeding seasons (1994, 1999-2001-2005-2008-2010). antibodies to four pathogens were common to both species and frequently observed: avian paramyxovirus type 1 (56% of imperial cormo ...201323778597
construction of recombinant pichia pastoris carrying a constitutive avbd9 gene and analysis of its activity.avian beta-defensin 9 (avbd9) is a small cationic peptide consisting of 41 amino acids that plays a crucial rule in innate immunity and acquired immunity in chickens. owing to its wide antibacterial spectrum, lack of a residue, and failure to induce bacterial drug resistance, avbd9 is expected to become a substitute for conventional antibiotics in the livestock and poultry industries. using the preferred codon of pichia pastoris, the mature avbd9 peptide was designed and synthesized, based on th ...201526370794
evaluation of risedronate as an antibiofilm agent.escherichia coli cra null mutants have been reported in the literature to be impaired in biofilm formation. to develop e. coli biofilm-inhibiting agents for prevention and control of adherent behaviour, analogues of a natural cra ligand, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, were identified based on two-dimensional similarity to the natural ligand. of the analogues identified, those belonging to the bisphosphonate class of drug molecules were selected for study, as these are approved for clinical use in hu ...201626497196
effect of dietary supplementation of bacteriophage on performance, egg quality and caecal bacterial populations in laying hens.1. bacteriophages (bp) have gained increasing attention as a treatment of bacterial infection for animals. however, the data pertaining to dietary application of bp for laying hens have been limited. 2. this study aimed to investigate the effect of dietary bp on laying performance, egg quality and caecal bacterial populations in laying hens. 3. the dietary bp used in this experiment was a mixture of individual bp targeting salmonella gallinarum, salmonella pullorum, salmonella typhimurium, salmo ...201525471539
health assessment of captive tinamids (aves, tinamiformes) in brazil.ninety-five (95) captive tinamids (aves, tinamiformes) of species crypturellus obsoletus (brown tinamou), crypturellus parvirostris (small-billed tinamou), crypturellus tataupa (tataupa tinamou), crypturellus undulatus (undulated tinamou), rhynchotus rufescens (red-winged tinamou), and tinamus solitarius (solitary tinamou) were evaluated for diseases of mandatory control in the brazilian poultry health program (pnsa). antibodies were detected by serum agglutination test (sat) in 4 birds for myco ...201223082518
identification of the crucial genes in the elimination and survival process of salmonella enterica ser. pullorum in the chicken spleen.salmonella enterica ser. pullorum is one of the most easily re-infecting pathogens in poultry production because of its mechanism of escaping from immune elimination. we used the transcriptome method to investigate the variation in gene expression in chicken spleen resulting from the interaction between hosts and s. pullorum in the survival process. the expression of various genes related to the maturation and activation of b cells was activated before s. pullorum was eliminated, which might hel ...201728176342
salmonella enterica serovar gallinarum: addressing fundamental questions in bacteriology sixty years on from the 9r vaccine.sixty years on from smith's seminal work on fowl typhoid vaccines, there is renewed interest in experimental avian salmonellosis and in particular the use of salmonella enterica serovar gallinarum as a tool to understand key features of bacterial evolution and host adaptation. in this short review we outline some of the recent advances in avian salmonellosis research that have coupled both the power of whole genome analysis and new tools to understand the host response to existing experimental i ...201727791403
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