
matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry as an alternative to 16s rrna gene sequencing for identification of difficult-to-identify bacterial strains.conventional methods are sometimes insufficient to identify human bacterial pathogens, and alternative techniques, often molecular, are required. matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof ms) identified with a valid score 45.9% of 410 clinical isolates from 207 different difficult-to-identify species having required 16s rrna gene sequencing. maldi-tof ms might represent an alternative to 16s rrna gene sequencing.201021106794
kingella kingae: an emerging pathogen in young children.kingella kingae is being recognized increasingly as a common etiology of pediatric osteoarticular infections, bacteremia, and endocarditis, which reflects improved culture methods and use of nucleic acid-amplification techniques in clinical microbiology laboratories. k kingae colonizes the posterior pharynx of young children and is transmitted from child to child through close personal contact. day care attendance increases the risk for colonization and transmission, and clusters of k kingae inf ...201121321033
clinical features of candidiasis in patients with inherited interleukin 12 receptor β1 deficiency.interleukin 12rβ1 (il-12rβ1)-deficient patients are prone to clinical disease caused by mycobacteria, salmonella, and other intramacrophagic pathogens, probably because of impaired interleukin 12-dependent interferon γ production. about 25% of patients also display mucocutaneous candidiasis, probably owing to impaired interleukin 23-dependent interleukin 17 immunity. the clinical features and outcome of candidiasis in these patients have not been described before, to our knowledge. we report her ...201324186907
clinical features of candidiasis in patients with inherited interleukin 12 receptor β1 deficiency.interleukin 12rβ1 (il-12rβ1)-deficient patients are prone to clinical disease caused by mycobacteria, salmonella, and other intramacrophagic pathogens, probably because of impaired interleukin 12-dependent interferon γ production. about 25% of patients also display mucocutaneous candidiasis, probably owing to impaired interleukin 23-dependent interleukin 17 immunity. the clinical features and outcome of candidiasis in these patients have not been described before, to our knowledge. we report her ...201324186907
bacteria in the nose of young adults during wellness and rhinovirus colds: detection by culture and microarray methods in 100 nasal lavage specimens.patients  with  viral respiratory infections/viral rhinitis/common colds are often treated with antibiotic; however, there is little information on whether or how bacterial microbiota in the nose and nasopharynx might influence the course of viral illnesses.201323801660
Kingella kingae Infections in Children: An Update. 201122125036
differentiating osteoarticular infections caused by kingella kingae from those due to typical pathogens in young children.osteoarticular infections caused by kingella kingae are characterized by mild-to-moderate clinical and biologic inflammatory signs that are different from those caused by gram-positive cocci. a combined score was built to find the best model to predict k. kingae osteoarticular infections by using the following 4 variables: body temperature <38°c, serum c-reactive protein <55 mg/l, white blood cell count <14,000/mm, and band forms <150/mm.201121494171
gangliosides block aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin (ltxa)-mediated hemolysis.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an oral pathogen and etiologic agent of localized aggressive periodontitis. the bacterium is also a cardiovascular pathogen causing infective endocarditis. a. actinomycetemcomitans produces leukotoxin (ltxa), an important virulence factor that targets white blood cells (wbcs) and plays a role in immune evasion during disease. the functional receptor for ltxa on wbcs is leukocyte function antigen-1 (lfa-1), a ß-2 integrin that is modified with n-linked car ...201022069577
Direct Detection of Staphylococcus Osteoarticular Infections by Use of Xpert MRSA/SA SSTI Real-Time PCR.We evaluated the Xpert MRSA/SA SSTI real-time PCR assay (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA) directly on perioperative bone and joint samples. The sensitivity and specificity for detection of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococcus were, respectively, 100% and 98.3%, 100% and 100%, and 100% and 95.3%. The median total test turnaround time was 72 min for PCR versus 79 h for culture. U ...201121998420
Epidemiology of Invasive Kingella kingae Infections in Two Distinct Pediatric Populations Cohabiting in One Geographic Area.The annual incidence of invasive Kingella kingae younger than 4 years of age was significantly higher in westernized Jews than in indigent Bedouins living side-by-side in southern Israel (12.21/100,000 and 5.83/100,000, respectively, (P<0.05). One K. kingae clone was over-represented among isolates from Jewish children, suggesting that differences in bacterial pathogenicity may contribute to the morbidity excess detected in this population group.201122146739
[espondilodiskitis caused by kingella kingae in children: a case report].during the last years, spondilodiskitis due to kingella kingae has been a new target of interest, since it is the second agent that causes non tuberculous espondilodiskitis in children, after staphylococcus aureus. its clinical presentation is very inespecific, sometimes with fever, abdominal or lumbar disconfort, nocturnal pain, altered walking and sedestation. images, culture methods and pcr (polymerase chain reaction) can be helpful for diagnosis, although in an important percent of the cases ...201122052404
aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: virulence of its leukotoxin and association with aggressive periodontitis.periodontitis is an infection-induced inflammatory disease that causes loss of the tooth supporting tissues. much focus has been put on comparison of the microbial biofilm in the healthy periodontium with the diseased one. the information arising from such studies is limited due to difficulties to compare the microbial composition in these two completely different ecological niches. a few longitudinal studies have contributed with information that makes it possible to predict which individuals w ...201425494963
septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae: a case report. 201122737437
human immunodeficiency virus & cardiovascular risk.highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart) significantly changed the prevalence of the cardiovascular manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)/aids. in developed countries, a 30 per cent reduction in the prevalence of cardiomyopathy and pericardial effusion was observed, possibly related to a reduction of opportunistic infections and myocarditis. in developing countries, however, where the availability of haart is limited, and the pathogenic impact of nutritional factors is signifi ...201122310821
Predictive score to discriminate Kingella kingae from Staphylococcus aureus arthritis in France. 201122105423
the rebirth of culture in microbiology through the example of culturomics to study human gut microbiota.bacterial culture was the first method used to describe the human microbiota, but this method is considered outdated by many researchers. metagenomics studies have since been applied to clinical microbiology; however, a "dark matter" of prokaryotes, which corresponds to a hole in our knowledge and includes minority bacterial populations, is not elucidated by these studies. by replicating the natural environment, environmental microbiologists were the first to reduce the "great plate count anomal ...201525567229
a guide to utilization of the microbiology laboratory for diagnosis of infectious diseases: 2013 recommendations by the infectious diseases society of america (idsa) and the american society for microbiology (asm)(a).the critical role of the microbiology laboratory in infectious disease diagnosis calls for a close, positive working relationship between the physician and the microbiologists who provide enormous value to the health care team. this document, developed by both laboratory and clinical experts, provides information on which tests are valuable and in which contexts, and on tests that add little or no value for diagnostic decisions. sections are divided into anatomic systems, including bloodstream i ...201323845951
diagnostic criteria and problems in infective endocarditis. 200415145855
rapid universal identification of bacterial pathogens from clinical cultures by using a novel sloppy molecular beacon melting temperature signature technique.a real-time pcr assay with the ability to rapidly identify all pathogenic bacteria would have widespread medical utility. current real-time pcr technologies cannot accomplish this task due to severe limitations in multiplexing ability. to this end, we developed a new assay system which supports very high degrees of multiplexing. we developed a new class of mismatch-tolerant "sloppy" molecular beacons, modified them to provide an extended hybridization range, and developed a multiprobe, multimelt ...200919923485
rapid universal identification of bacterial pathogens from clinical cultures by using a novel sloppy molecular beacon melting temperature signature technique.a real-time pcr assay with the ability to rapidly identify all pathogenic bacteria would have widespread medical utility. current real-time pcr technologies cannot accomplish this task due to severe limitations in multiplexing ability. to this end, we developed a new assay system which supports very high degrees of multiplexing. we developed a new class of mismatch-tolerant "sloppy" molecular beacons, modified them to provide an extended hybridization range, and developed a multiprobe, multimelt ...200919923485
molecular mapping to species level of the tonsillar crypt microbiota associated with health and recurrent tonsillitis.the human palatine tonsils, which belong to the central antigen handling sites of the mucosal immune system, are frequently affected by acute and recurrent infections. this study compared the microbiota of the tonsillar crypts in children and adults affected by recurrent tonsillitis with that of healthy adults and children with tonsillar hyperplasia. an in-depth 16s rrna gene based pyrosequencing approach combined with a novel strategy that included phylogenetic analysis and detection of species ...201323437130
the influence of smoking on the peri-implant microbiome.smokers are at high risk for 2 bacterially driven oral diseases: peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to use a deep-sequencing approach to identify the effect of smoking on the peri-implant microbiome in states of health and disease. peri-implant biofilm samples were collected from 80 partially edentulous subjects with peri-implant health, peri-implant mucositis, and peri-implantitis. bacterial dna was isolated and 16s ribsomal rna gene li ...201526124222
impact of calcium signaling during infection of neisseria meningitidis to human brain microvascular endothelial cells.the pili and outer membrane proteins of neisseria meningitidis (meningococci) facilitate bacterial adhesion and invasion into host cells. in this context expression of meningococcal pilc1 protein has been reported to play a crucial role. intracellular calcium mobilization has been implicated as an important signaling event during internalization of several bacterial pathogens. here we employed time lapse calcium-imaging and demonstrated that pilc1 of meningococci triggered a significant increase ...201425464500
abiotrophia defectiva knee prosthesis infection: a case report.abstract:201121896178
rapid discrimination of haemophilus influenzae, h. parainfluenzae, and h. haemolyticus by fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) and two matrix-assisted laser-desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof-ms) platforms.due to considerable differences in pathogenicity, haemophilus influenzae, h. parainfluenzae and h. haemolyticus have to be reliably discriminated in routine diagnostics. retrospective analyses suggest frequent misidentifications of commensal h. haemolyticus as h. influenzae. in a multi-center approach, we assessed the suitability of fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) and matrix-assisted laser-desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass-spectrometry (maldi-tof-ms) for the identification of h ...201323646201
can early mri distinguish between kingella kingae and gram-positive cocci in osteoarticular infections in young children?background: k. kingae is a common causative organism in acute osteoarticular infections (oais) in children under 4 years of age. differentiation between k. kingae and gram-positive cocci (gpc) is of great interest therapeutically. objective: our aim was to identify early distinguishing mri features of oais. materials and methods: thirty-one children younger than 4 years of age with oai underwent mri at presentation. of these, 21 were caused by k. kingae and ten by gpc. bone and soft tissue react ...201121909715
neisseria meningitidis translation elongation factor p and its active-site arginine residue are essential for cell viability.translation elongation factor p (ef-p), a ubiquitous protein over the entire range of bacterial species, rescues ribosomal stalling at consecutive prolines in proteins. in escherichia coli and salmonella enterica, the post-translational β-lysyl modification of lys34 of ef-p is important for the ef-p activity. the β-lysyl ef-p modification pathway is conserved among only 26-28% of bacteria. recently, it was found that the shewanella oneidensis and pseudomonas aeruginosa ef-p proteins, containing ...201626840407
the hmw1c-like glycosyltransferases--an enzyme family with a sweet tooth for simple sugars. 201424722584
unconventional n-linked glycosylation promotes trimeric autotransporter function in kingella kingae and aggregatibacter aphrophilus.glycosylation is a widespread mechanism employed by both eukaryotes and bacteria to increase the functional diversity of their proteomes. the nontypeable haemophilus influenzae glycosyltransferase hmw1c mediates unconventional n-linked glycosylation of the adhesive protein hmw1, which is encoded in a two-partner secretion system gene cluster that also encodes hmw1c. in this system, hmw1 is modified in the cytoplasm by sequential transfer of hexose residues. in the present study, we examined king ...201526307167
development of two real-time multiplex pcr assays for the detection and quantification of eight key bacterial pathogens in lower respiratory tract infections.the frequent lack of a positive and timely microbiological diagnosis in patients with lower respiratory tract infection (lrti) is an important obstacle to antimicrobial stewardship. patients are typically prescribed broad-spectrum empirical antibiotics while microbiology results are awaited, but, because these are often slow, negative, or inconclusive, de-escalation to narrow-spectrum agents rarely occurs in clinical practice. the aim of this study was to develop and evaluate two multiplex real- ...201525980353
Kingella kingae endocarditis: A rare case of mitral valve perforation.Kingella kingae, a HACEK (Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Aggregatibacter aphrophilus, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens, Kingella kingae) organism, is a common resident of the upper airway in children; it has been associated with endocarditis in children with pre-existing heart conditions. This case report describes K. kingae endocarditis leading to valvular damage in a previously healthy 18-month-old child. Our patient developed a K. kingae bactere ...201121976892
a critical role for the ccca gene product, cytochrome c2, in diverting electrons from aerobic respiration to denitrification in neisseria gonorrhoeae.neisseria gonorrhoeae is a microaerophile that, when oxygen availability is limited, supplements aerobic respiration with a truncated denitrification pathway, nitrite reduction to nitrous oxide. we demonstrate that the ccca gene of neisseria gonorrhoeae strain f62 (accession number ng0292) is expressed, but the product, cytochrome c2, accumulates to only low levels. nevertheless, a ccca mutant reduced nitrite at about half the rate of the parent strain. we previously reported that cytochromes c4 ...201323543713
aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: virulence of its leukotoxin and association with aggressive periodontitis.periodontitis is an infection-induced inflammatory disease that causes loss of the tooth supporting tissues. much focus has been put on comparison of the microbial biofilm in the healthy periodontium with the diseased one. the information arising from such studies is limited due to difficulties to compare the microbial composition in these two completely different ecological niches. a few longitudinal studies have contributed with information that makes it possible to predict which individuals w ...201425494963
kingella kingae endocardial abscess and cerebral infarction in a previously well immunocompetent child.kingella kingae is an emerging paediatric pathogen that most commonly is associated with relatively benign osteoarticular disease in children. this report concerns a 1-year-old child with kingella kingae endocarditis and perivalvular abscess complicated by septic cerebral emboli and osteomyelitis leading to long-term neurological sequelae, highlighting the capacity of this organism to cause severe invasive disease in children.200922190987
type iv pilin proteins: versatile molecular modules.type iv pili (t4p) are multifunctional protein fibers produced on the surfaces of a wide variety of bacteria and archaea. the major subunit of t4p is the type iv pilin, and structurally related proteins are found as components of the type ii secretion (t2s) system, where they are called pseudopilins; of dna uptake/competence systems in both gram-negative and gram-positive species; and of flagella, pili, and sugar-binding systems in the archaea. this broad distribution of a single protein family ...201223204365
modulation of kingella kingae adherence to human epithelial cells by type iv pili, capsule, and a novel trimeric autotransporter.kingella kingae is an emerging bacterial pathogen that is being recognized increasingly as an important etiology of septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, and bacteremia, especially in young children. colonization of the posterior pharynx is a key step in the pathogenesis of k. kingae disease. previous work established that type iv pili are necessary for k. kingae adherence to the respiratory epithelium. in this study, we set out to identify additional factors that influence k. kingae interactions wit ...201223093386
defining falciparum-malaria-attributable severe febrile illness in moderate-to-high transmission settings on the basis of plasma pfhrp2 malaria-endemic settings, asymptomatic parasitemia complicates the diagnosis of malaria. histidine-rich protein 2 (hrp2) is produced by plasmodium falciparum, and its plasma concentration reflects the total body parasite burden. we aimed to define the malaria-attributable fraction of severe febrile illness, using the distributions of plasma p. falciparum hrp2 (pfhrp2) concentrations from parasitemic children with different clinical presentations.201223136222
defining falciparum-malaria-attributable severe febrile illness in moderate-to-high transmission settings on the basis of plasma pfhrp2 malaria-endemic settings, asymptomatic parasitemia complicates the diagnosis of malaria. histidine-rich protein 2 (hrp2) is produced by plasmodium falciparum, and its plasma concentration reflects the total body parasite burden. we aimed to define the malaria-attributable fraction of severe febrile illness, using the distributions of plasma p. falciparum hrp2 (pfhrp2) concentrations from parasitemic children with different clinical presentations.201223136222
calcium binding properties of the kingella kingae pilc1 and pilc2 proteins have differential effects on type iv pilus-mediated adherence and twitching motility.kingella kingae is an emerging bacterial pathogen that is being recognized increasingly as an important etiology of septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, and bacteremia, especially in young children. the pathogenesis of k. kingae disease begins with bacterial adherence to respiratory epithelium, which is dependent on type iv pili and is influenced by two pilc-like proteins called pilc1 and pilc2. production of either pilc1 or pilc2 is necessary for k. kingae piliation and bacterial adherence. in this ...201323243304
calcium-enhanced twitching motility in xylella fastidiosa is linked to a single pily1 homolog.the plant-pathogenic bacterium xylella fastidiosa is restricted to the xylem vessel environment, where mineral nutrients are transported through the plant host; therefore, changes in the concentrations of these elements likely impact the growth and virulence of this bacterium. twitching motility, dependent on type iv pili (tfp), is required for movement against the transpiration stream that results in basipetal colonization. we previously demonstrated that calcium (ca) increases the motility of ...201425217013
culture with bactec peds plus/f bottle compared with conventional methods for detection of bacteria in synovial evaluation was undertaken to determine the utility of the bactec peds plus/f bottle and the bactec 9240 instrument (becton dickinson diagnostic instrument systems, sparks, md.) for the detection of clinically significant microorganisms in synovial fluid specimens. the peds plus/f bottle was used because in our laboratory the quantity of synovial fluid available for culture is frequently in the range of 0.5 to 3.0 ml. the culture results obtained with the peds plus/f bottle were compared to th ...200111724863
antibiofilm polysaccharides.bacterial extracellular polysaccharides have been shown to mediate many of the cell-to-cell and cell-to-surface interactions that are required for the formation, cohesion and stabilization of bacterial biofilms. however, recent studies have identified several bacterial polysaccharides that inhibit biofilm formation by a wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi both in vitro and in vivo. this review discusses the composition, modes of action and potential biological roles of antibiofilm polysaccharide ...201222730907
antibiofilm polysaccharides.bacterial extracellular polysaccharides have been shown to mediate many of the cell-to-cell and cell-to-surface interactions that are required for the formation, cohesion and stabilization of bacterial biofilms. however, recent studies have identified several bacterial polysaccharides that inhibit biofilm formation by a wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi both in vitro and in vivo. this review discusses the composition, modes of action and potential biological roles of antibiofilm polysaccharide ...201222730907
pattern recognition receptors in microbial keratitis.microbial keratitis is a significant cause of global visual impairment and blindness. corneal infection can be caused by a wide variety of pathogens, each of which exhibits a range of mechanisms by which the immune system is activated. the complexity of the immune response to corneal infection is only now beginning to be elucidated. crucial to the cornea's defences are the pattern-recognition receptors: toll-like and nod-like receptors and the subsequent activation of inflammatory pathways. thes ...201526160532
bench-to-bedside review: rapid molecular diagnostics for bloodstream infection--a new frontier?among critically ill patients, the diagnosis of bloodstream infection poses a major challenge. current standard bacterial identification based on blood culture platforms is intrinsically time-consuming and slow. the continuous evolvement of molecular techniques has the potential of providing a faster, more sensitive and direct identification of causative pathogens without prior need for cultivation. this may ultimately impact clinical decision-making and antimicrobial treatment. this review summ ...201222647543
streptococcus pyogenes associated post-traumatic brodie's abscess of cuboid: a case report and review of literature.brodie's abscess of cuboid bone is one of the rarest diagnosis in children which most often is hematogenous in origin. although streptococcus pyogenes has been uncommonly implicated as causative organism in other bones, it is not yet reported in the cuboid.201527299080
bacteriological assessment of the hospital environment in two referral hospitals in yaoundé-cameroon.many studies still show significant numbers of surgical patients contracting nosocomial infections each year globally with high morbidity and mortality. the aim of this study was to identify potential bacteria reservoirs that may be responsible for nosocomial infection in surgical services in the yaoundé university teaching hospital (yuth) and the central hospital yaoundé (chy).201526140067
reduced set of virulence genes allows high accuracy prediction of bacterial pathogenicity in humans.although there have been great advances in understanding bacterial pathogenesis, there is still a lack of integrative information about what makes a bacterium a human pathogen. the advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies has dramatically increased the amount of completed bacterial genomes, for both known human pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains; this information is now available to investigate genetic features that determine pathogenic phenotypes in bacteria. in this work we determi ...201222916122
characterization of the kingella kingae polysaccharide capsule and exopolysaccharide.recent evidence indicates that kingella kingae produces a polysaccharide capsule. in an effort to determine the composition and structure of this polysaccharide capsule, in the current study we purified capsular material from the surface of k. kingae strain 269-492 variant kk01 using acidic conditions to release the capsule and a series of steps to remove dna, rna, and protein. analysis of the resulting material by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry revealed n-acetyl galactosamine (galnac) ...201324098695
genetic and molecular basis of kingella kingae encapsulation.kingella kingae is a common cause of invasive disease in young children and was recently found to produce a polysaccharide capsule containing n-acetylgalactosamine (galnac) and β-3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (βkdo). given the role of capsules as important virulence factors and effective vaccine antigens, we set out to determine the genetic determinants of k. kingae encapsulation. using a transposon library and a screen for nonencapsulated mutants, we identified the previously identified ctra ...201627045037
kingella kingae: carriage, transmission, and disease.kingella kingae is a common etiology of pediatric bacteremia and the leading agent of osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in children aged 6 to 36 months. this gram-negative bacterium is carried asymptomatically in the oropharynx and disseminates by close interpersonal contact. the colonized epithelium is the source of bloodstream invasion and dissemination to distant sites, and certain clones show significant association with bacteremia, osteoarthritis, or endocarditis. kingella kingae produces ...201525567222
genome sequence of kingella kingae septic arthritis isolate pykk081.kingella kingae is a human oral bacterium that can cause infections of the skeletal system in children. the bacterium is also a cardiovascular pathogen causing infective endocarditis in children and adults. we report herein the draft genome sequence of septic arthritis k. kingae strain pykk081.201222582375
evaluation of a real-time pcr assay for simultaneous detection of kingella kingae and staphylococcus aureus from synovial fluid in suspected septic plating of synovial fluid (sf) on agar-based media often fails to identify pathogens in septic arthritis (sa). we developed a pcr assay for the simultaneous detection of kingella kingae and staphylococcus aureus from sf to evaluate molecular detection in sf and to estimate the incidence of k. kingae in sa in north america. the assay was based on detection of the cpn60 gene of k. kingae and the spa gene of s. aureus in multiplex real-time pcr. k. kingae was identified in 50% of patients be ...201424982837
accurate identification of fastidious gram-negative rods: integration of both conventional phenotypic methods and 16s rrna gene analysis.accurate identification of fastidious gram-negative rods (gnr) by conventional phenotypic characteristics is a challenge for diagnostic microbiology. the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of molecular methods, e.g., 16s rrna gene sequence analysis for identification of fastidious gnr in the clinical microbiology laboratory.201323855986
functional genes to assess nitrogen cycling and aromatic hydrocarbon degradation: primers and processing matter.targeting sequencing to genes involved in key environmental processes, i.e., ecofunctional genes, provides an opportunity to sample nature's gene guilds to greater depth and help link community structure to process-level outcomes. vastly different approaches have been implemented for sequence processing and, ultimately, for taxonomic placement of these gene reads. the overall quality of next generation sequence analysis of functional genes is dependent on multiple steps and assumptions of unknow ...201324062736
rtx proteins: a highly diverse family secreted by a common mechanism.repeats-in-toxin (rtx) exoproteins of gram-negative bacteria form a steadily growing family of proteins with diverse biological functions. their common feature is the unique mode of export across the bacterial envelope via the type i secretion system and the characteristic, typically nonapeptide, glycine- and aspartate-rich repeats binding ca(2+) ions. in this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on the organization of rtx loci and on the biological and biochemical activities of t ...201020528947
an assessment of the current diagnostic criteria for infective endocarditis.a firm diagnosis of infective endocarditis is difficult to establish. clinicians often face a decision-making dilemma about whether to treat a patient presenting with some features that suggest endocarditis. this article summarizes both the previous and the recently proposed criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis, and reviews the efficacy of the new criteria. the authors also discuss the experience at the toronto hospital, toronto, ontario, with this disease, paying specific attent ...199822346546
the red book is coming to town. 200318159465
indications and optimal timing for surgery in infective endocarditis. 200415145858
the changing face of infective endocarditis.infective endocarditis (ie) is an evolving disease with a persistently high mortality and morbidity, even in the modern era of advanced diagnostic imaging, improved antimicrobial chemotherapy, and potentially curative surgery. despite these improvements in health care, the incidence of the disease has remained unchanged over the past two decades and may even be increasing. chronic rheumatic heart disease is now an uncommon antecedent, whereas degenerative valve disease of the elderly, mitral val ...200516216860
the changing face of infective endocarditis.infective endocarditis (ie) is an evolving disease with a persistently high mortality and morbidity, even in the modern era of advanced diagnostic imaging, improved antimicrobial chemotherapy, and potentially curative surgery. despite these improvements in health care, the incidence of the disease has remained unchanged over the past two decades and may even be increasing. chronic rheumatic heart disease is now an uncommon antecedent, whereas degenerative valve disease of the elderly, mitral val ...200516216860
epidemiology and antibiotic treatment of infective endocarditis: an update. 200617041124
infective endocarditis. 200616902214
pacemaker endocarditis due to haemophilus parainfluenza: case report and literature review.we report a case of pacemaker infective endocarditis in a 14 month old girl, caused by haemophilus parainfluenzae. there are no other cases in children reported in the literature. we discuss the issues surrounding the case and the evidence which influenced our management.200722368676
septic arthritis in iceland 1990-2002: increasing incidence due to iatrogenic assess the impact of increased number of diagnostic and therapeutic joint procedures on the incidence and type of septic arthritis (sa).200717901088
septic arthritis in iceland 1990-2002: increasing incidence due to iatrogenic assess the impact of increased number of diagnostic and therapeutic joint procedures on the incidence and type of septic arthritis (sa).200717901088
characterization of tem-1 β-lactamase producing kingella kingae clinical isolates.kingella kingae is a human pathogen that causes pediatric osteoarticular infections and infective endocarditis in children and adults. the bacterium is usually susceptible to β-lactam antibiotics, although β-lactam resistance has been reported in rare isolates. this study was conducted to identify β-lactam resistant strains and characterize the resistance mechanism. screening of a set of 90 k. kingae clinical isolates obtained from different geographic locations revealed high level resistance to ...201323796935
sigma factor rpon (σ54) regulates pile transcription in commensal neisseria elongata.human-adapted neisseria includes two pathogens, neisseria gonorrhoeae and neisseria meningitidis, and at least 13 species of commensals that colonize many of the same niches as the pathogens. the type iv pilus plays an important role in the biology of pathogenic neisseria. in these species, sigma factor rpod (σ(70)), integration host factor, and repressors regf and crga regulate transcription of pile, the gene encoding the pilus structural subunit. the type iv pilus is also a strictly conserved ...201323899162
pseudomonas aeruginosa pily1 binds integrin in an rgd- and calcium-dependent manner.pily1 is a type iv pilus (tfp)-associated protein from the opportunistic pathogen pseudomonas aeruginosa that shares functional similarity with related proteins in infectious neisseria and kingella species. previous data have shown that pily1 acts as a calcium-dependent pilus biogenesis factor necessary for twitching motility with a specific calcium binding site located at amino acids 850-859 in the 1,163 residue protein. in addition to motility, pily1 is also thought to play an important role i ...201122242136
culture negative endocarditis: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge!infective endocarditis remains a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. the authors report an older male who presented with a lower extremities rash and signs of cardiac failure. echocardiography showed vegetations attached to the bio-prosthetic aortic valve, however, with negative blood cultures. further investigation revealed positive bartonella serologies. the patient was diagnosed with bartonella endocarditis affecting the prosthetic valve and started on appropriate antibiotics. valvular surg ...201122674101
in brief: kanavel's signs and pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis. 201526022113
in brief: kanavel's signs and pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis. 201526022113
penicillinase-encoding gene blatem-1 may be plasmid borne or chromosomally located in kingella kingae species. 201525512412
a case of suppurative peritonitis by a commensal oral organism, kingella denitrificans, in an adult peritoneal dialysis patient. 201525700466
the epidemiology of pediatric bone and joint infections in cambodia, 2007-11.there are limited data on osteoarticular infections from resource-limited settings in asia. a retrospective study of patients presenting to the angkor hospital for children, cambodia, january 2007-july 2011, identified 81 cases (28% monoarticular septic arthritis, 51% single-limb osteomyelitis and 15% multisite infections). the incidence was 13.8/100 000 hospital attendances. the median age was 7.3 years, with a male/female ratio of 1.9:1; 35% presented within 5 days of symptom onset (median 7 d ...201222977206
childhood osteomyelitis: imaging characteristics.the purpose of this review is to illustrate the imaging findings of childhood osteomyelitis. the diagnosis of childhood osteomyelitis can be challenging. clinical presentation and laboratory results can differ and are relatively unreliable. to date, its role in the assessment of treatment efficacy is not yet clear.201222875760
a retrospective case-series of children with bone and joint infection from northern australia.our clinical workload as infectious diseases pediatricians in northern australia is dominated by complicated bone and joint infections in indigenous children. we reviewed the clinical presentation, microbiology, management, and outcomes of children presenting to royal darwin hospital with bone and joint infections between 2010 and 2013, and aimed to compare severity and incidence with other populations worldwide.a retrospective audit was performed on children aged 0 to 18 years who were admitted ...201626937926
evaluation of unbiased next-generation sequencing of rna (rna-seq) as a diagnostic method in influenza virus-positive respiratory samples.unbiased nontargeted metagenomic rna sequencing (umers) has the advantage to detect known as well as unknown pathogens and, thus, can significantly improve the detection of viral, bacterial, parasitic, and fungal sequences in public health settings. in particular, conventional diagnostic methods successfully identify the putative pathogenic agent in only 30% to 40% of respiratory specimens from patients with acute respiratory illness. here, we applied umers to 24 diagnostic respiratory specimens ...201525972420
clinical characteristics and thrombolytic outcomes of infective endocarditis-associated stroke.our aim was to describe the clinical features of infective endocarditis (ie) in the acute stroke setting and outcomes following thrombolytic therapy.201223983869
'bobo-newton syndrome': an unwanted gift from man's best friend.capnocytophaga canimorsus is a facultative gram-negative bacillus that is typically a constituent of the oral flora of dogs and cats. it was first isolated by bobo and newton in 1976 from a man presenting with meningitis following a dog bite. transmission to humans follows various animal-related injuries, which may be gross or subtle. c canimorsus can cause a spectrum of syndromes ranging from skin and soft tissue infection to invasive disease such as meningitis or endocarditis. the present arti ...201324489563
outbreaks of kingella kingae infections in daycare facilities.during the past decade, transmission of the bacterium kingella kingae has caused clusters of serious infections, including osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, bacteremia, endocarditis, and meningitis, among children in daycare centers in the united states, france, and israel. these events have been characterized by high attack rates of disease and prevalence of the invasive strain among asymptomatic classmates of the respective index patients, suggesting that the causative organisms benefitted from ...201424750782
dual priming oligonucleotides for broad-range amplification of the bacterial 16s rrna gene directly from human clinical specimens.broad-range amplification and sequencing of the bacterial 16s rrna gene directly from clinical specimens are offered as a diagnostic service in many laboratories. one major pitfall is primer cross-reactivity with human dna which will result in mixed chromatograms. mixed chromatograms will complicate subsequent sequence analysis and impede identification. in sybr green real-time pcr assays, it can also affect crossing threshold values and consequently the status of a specimen as positive or negat ...201222278843
infective endocarditis by aggregatibacter paraphrophilus: case report and literature review.aggregatibacter paraphrophilus (former name, haemophilus paraphrophilus) is a normal inhabitant of the naso- and oropharynx and has been rarely reported as a cause of human infections. a case of infective endocarditis by this organism is being reported and literature of endocarditis cases caused by aggregatibacter paraphrophilus is being reviewed.201324392406
reply to the letter to the editor: another look: is there a flaw to current hip septic arthritis diagnostic algorithms? 201324146359
mutation of the conserved calcium-binding motif in neisseria gonorrhoeae pilc1 impacts adhesion but not piliation.neisseria gonorrhoeae pilc1 is a member of the pilc family of type iv pilus-associated adhesins found in neisseria species and other type iv pilus-producing genera. previously, a calcium-binding domain was described in the c-terminal domains of pily1 of pseudomonas aeruginosa and in pilc1 and pilc2 of kingella kingae. genetic analysis of n. gonorrhoeae revealed a similar calcium-binding motif in pilc1. to evaluate the potential significance of this calcium-binding region in n. gonorrhoeae, we pr ...201324002068
procession to pediatric bacteremia and sepsis: covert operations and failures in diplomacy.despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, bacterial sepsis remains a major cause of pediatric morbidity and mortality, particularly among neonates, the critically ill, and the growing immunocompromised patient population. sepsis is the end point of a complex and dynamic series of events in which both host and microbial factors drive high morbidity and potentially lethal physiologic alterations. in this article we provide a succinct overview of the events that lead to pediatric bloodstream inf ...201020566606
classification, identification, and clinical significance of haemophilus and aggregatibacter species with host specificity for humans.the aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive update on the current classification and identification of haemophilus and aggregatibacter species with exclusive or predominant host specificity for humans. haemophilus influenzae and some of the other haemophilus species are commonly encountered in the clinical microbiology laboratory and demonstrate a wide range of pathogenicity, from life-threatening invasive disease to respiratory infections to a nonpathogenic, commensal lifestyle. new sp ...201424696434
structural analysis of haemoglobin binding by hpua from the neisseriaceae family.the neisseriaceae family of bacteria causes a range of diseases including meningitis, septicaemia, gonorrhoea and endocarditis, and extracts haem from haemoglobin as an important iron source within the iron-limited environment of its human host. herein we report crystal structures of apo- and haemoglobin-bound hpua, an essential component of this haem import system. the interface involves long loops on the bacterial receptor that present hydrophobic side chains for packing against the surface of ...201526671256
evaluation of the bruker maldi biotyper for identification of fastidious gram-negative rods.matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof ms) has entered clinical laboratories, facilitating identification of bacteria. here, we evaluated the maldi biotyper (bruker daltonics) for the identification of fastidious gram-negative rods (gnr). three sample preparation methods, direct colony transfer, direct transfer plus on-target formic acid preparation, and ethanol-formic acid extraction, were analyzed for 151 clinical isolates. direct colony transfe ...201626659214
kingella kingae expresses four structurally distinct polysaccharide capsules that differ in their correlation with invasive disease.kingella kingae is an encapsulated gram-negative organism that is a common cause of osteoarticular infections in young children. in earlier work, we identified a glycosyltransferase gene called csaa that is necessary for synthesis of the [3)-β-galpnac-(1→5)-β-kdop-(2→] polysaccharide capsule (type a) in k. kingae strain 269-492. in the current study, we analyzed a large collection of invasive and carrier isolates from israel and found that csaa was present in only 47% of the isolates. further ex ...201627760194
kingella kingae infections in children.improvements in culture techniques and molecular detection methods have led to findings indicating that, particularly in infants and young children, kingella kingae is a significantly more important pathogen than previously thought. however, despite this, the pediatric community is still largely unaware of the existence of this organism. the aim of this review is therefore to summarise current knowledge of the epidemiology, transmission, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of k. kinga ...201526148872
reassessment of the role of rapid antigen detection tests in diagnosis of invasive group a streptococcal infections.rapid antigen detection tests (radts) for group a streptococci (gas) are widely used for diagnosing acute pharyngitis, which has led to a considerable reduction in antibiotic prescriptions over the past decade. beyond this intended use, their reassessment on invasive samples may be relevant in the management of life-threatening gas infections. to this end, we evaluated the performances of three radts, culture, gas pcr, and 16s rrna gene pcr assays, and compared them with a composite gold standar ...201626818671
susceptibility pattern of microorganisms isolated by percutaneous needle biopsy in nonbacteremic pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis.pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis (vo) is diagnosed according to several lines of evidence: clinical, biological, radiological, and histological. definitive diagnosis requires the isolation of a causative pathogen or histological confirmation. the aim of our study was to describe the microorganisms isolated by percutaneous needle biopsy (pnb) and to analyze their susceptibility patterns, in order to assess the possibility of empirical combination therapy for the treatment of nonbacteremic patient ...201526438497
kingella kingae keratitis.we present the first two cases of kingella kingae keratitis in adults. this species is a rare isolate from ophthalmic samples for which final identification was obtained with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. one of the patients recovered uneventfully with topical therapy. results from the second patient cannot be confirmed as he was lost to follow-up.201323447636
peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis due to kingella denitrificans: the first case report. 201425520495
genome analysis of kingella kingae strain kwg1 reveals how a β-lactamase gene inserted in the chromosome of this species.we describe the genome of a penicillinase-producing kingella kingae strain (kwg1), the first to be isolated in continental europe, whose bla(tem-1) gene was, for the first time in this species, found to be chromosomally inserted. the bla(tem) gene is located in an integrative and conjugative element (ice) inserted in met-trna and comprising genes that encode resistance to sulfonamides, streptomycin, and tetracycline. this ice is homologous to resistance-conferring plasmids of k. kingae and other ...201526574009
genome analysis of kingella kingae strain kwg1 reveals how a β-lactamase gene inserted in the chromosome of this species.we describe the genome of a penicillinase-producing kingella kingae strain (kwg1), the first to be isolated in continental europe, whose bla(tem-1) gene was, for the first time in this species, found to be chromosomally inserted. the bla(tem) gene is located in an integrative and conjugative element (ice) inserted in met-trna and comprising genes that encode resistance to sulfonamides, streptomycin, and tetracycline. this ice is homologous to resistance-conferring plasmids of k. kingae and other ...201526574009
cardiac device-related endocarditis: epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment - a review.cardiac device-related endocarditis (cde) is a phenomenon for which incidence is on the rise; it presents difficult management problems to the clinician. on one hand, there is the patient who needs the implanted device, and the potential morbidity and mortality associated with its removal. on the other hand, there is the problem of a persistent infection - usually acquired during insertion of an electrical device - that is resistant to many antibiotics, has a high recurrence rate, and necessitat ...200922477546
aortic homograft endocarditis caused by cardiobacterium hominis and complicated by agranulocytosis due to ceftriaxone.the present report describes a very rare case of an aortic homograft valve endocarditis caused by cardiobacterium hominis. the case was complicated by an agranulocytosis after 3 weeks of antibiotic treatment induced by ceftriaxone. alternative oral treatment with ciprofloxacin and rifampicin was successful, no surgical intervention was needed and homograft function could be preserved.201022797477
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans endocarditis in a 1.5 year old toddler.the authors report a 1.5-year-old girl who developed actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (aa) endocarditis involving the pulmonic valve. she had a congenital cardiac abnormality, but no history of dental manipulation. the case illustrates an uncomplicated course with three unique features; the youngest reported infant with endocarditis caused by aa with vegetation on the pulmonic valve. she underwent a benign course with complete recovery. the authors report a 1.5-year-old girl who developed aa ...201022767569
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 563