
the study of infectious intestinal disease in england: risk factors for cases of infectious intestinal disease with campylobacter jejuni infection.this is a case-control study aimed at identifying risk factors for intestinal infection with campylobacter jejuni. cases were defined as subjects with diarrhoea occurring in community cohorts or presenting to general practitioners (gps) with campylobacter jejuni in stools. controls were selected from gp lists or cohorts, matched by age, sex, and gp practice. travel abroad and consumption of chicken in a restaurant were statistically significantly associated with being a case. there was no statis ...200111693495
prevalence of campylobacter spp., escherichia coli, and salmonella serovars in retail chicken, turkey, pork, and beef from the greater washington, d.c., area.a total of 825 samples of retail raw meats (chicken, turkey, pork, and beef) were examined for the presence of escherichia coli and salmonella serovars, and 719 of these samples were also tested for campylobacter spp. the samples were randomly obtained from 59 stores of four supermarket chains during 107 sampling visits in the greater washington, d.c., area from june 1999 to july 2000. the majority (70.7%) of chicken samples (n = 184) were contaminated with campylobacter, and a large percentage ...200111722889
isolation and polymerase chain reaction-based detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from poultry in the philippines.the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and the conventional culture method of detecting thermophilic campylobacter species in duck and chicken samples from two locations in the province of laguna, philippines, were compared. three campylobacter jejuni and five c. coli strains were isolated from a total of 135 duck and chicken samples from both methods. the pcr technique, however, was found to be more sensitive, accurate and rapid than the conventional culture method. the specificity of two sets of ...200111759758
use of luminescent campylobacter jejuni atcc 33291 to assess eggshell colonization and penetration in fresh and retail eggs.a luminescent phenotype in campylobacter jejuni atcc 33291, generated by a transcriptional fusion between the c. jejuni flaa sigma28 promoter and the luxcdabe genes of xenorhabdus luminescens on plasmid pryluxcdabe, was used to examine colonization and penetration of fresh and retail eggs. c. jejuni colonized both fresh and retail eggs at 37, 40, and 42 degrees under microaerophilic conditions. fresh eggs were more heavily colonized than retail eggs. under aerobic conditions, fresh eggs were col ...200111770638
prevalence and comparison of genetic profiles of campylobacter strains isolated from poultry and sporadic cases of campylobacteriosis in humans.between july 1998 and june 1999, 93 lots of broiler chickens distributed on 57 farms were sampled in two abattoirs of the province of quebec (canada). a total of 2,325 samples of cecal material were analyzed to determine the prevalence of campylobacters. biotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) were done on 20% of the campylobacter isolates to study the distribution within poultry production. macrorestriction profiles were compared with profiles of 24 campylobacter strains isolated ...200211808809
antimicrobial effect of electrolyzed water for inactivating campylobacter jejuni during poultry washing.the effectiveness of electrolyzed (eo) water for killing campylobacter jejuni on poultry was evaluated. complete inactivation of c. jejuni in pure culture occurred within 10 s after exposure to eo or chlorinated water, both of which contained 50 mg/l of residual chlorine. a strong bactericidal activity was also observed on the diluted eo water (containing 25 mg/l of residual chlorine) and the mean population of c. jejuni was reduced to less than 10 cfu/ml (detected only by enrichment for 48 h) a ...200211843416
variation in numbers of bacteria on paired chicken carcass halves.bacterial counts from paired broiler carcass halves were examined for relationships between numbers and kinds of bacteria that might indicate fecal contamination. broiler carcasses removed from a commercial processing plant just before chilling were split aseptically along the midline, and each side was rinsed in 400 ml of phosphate buffered saline for 1 min with either mechanical or hand shaking. both halves of six carcasses were rinsed on four different days for a total of 24 carcasses sampled ...200211885892
ciprofloxacin resistance in campylobacter jejuni evolves rapidly in chickens treated with fluoroquinolones.fluoroquinolones are commonly used to treat gastroenteritis caused by campylobacter species. domestically acquired fluoroquinolone-resistant campylobacter infection has been documented recently in the united states. it has been proposed that the increase in resistance is due, in part, to the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry. in separate experiments, the effects of sarafloxacin and enrofloxacin treatment of campylobacter jejuni-infected chickens on the development of ciprofloxacin resistance we ...200211920303
identification of genetic differences between two campylobacter jejuni strains with different colonization potentials.the consumption of poultry meat contaminated with campylobacter jejuni is considered to be a risk factor for human campylobacteriosis. the development of targeted strategies to control campylobacters in broilers would benefit from knowledge of those bacterial factors important in colonization of the avian gut. during preliminary studies it was noted that c. jejuni nctc 11168 was a poorer colonizer of chickens than strain 81116. this poor colonization could not be fully restored by in vivo passag ...200211932464
[a case of guillain-barré syndrome after campylobacter jejuni enterocolitis: anti-ganglioside antibody levels with or without guillain-barré syndrome].a 38-year old man developed enterocolitis one day after he had ingested raw chicken. nine days later, his grip strength weakened. eleven days later, he was admitted to our hospital with weakness of four limbs, dysphagia and dysarthria. serum anti-campylobacter jejuni antibody and anti-ganglioside antibodies (gm1, gd1a, gd1b, galnac-gd1a) were positive, and motor action potentials were not evoked at all extremities. he was diagnosed as having guillain-barré syndrome. after receiving immune absorp ...200111968750
generation of campylobacter jejuni genetic diversity in vivo.molecular epidemiology studies suggest that horizontal genetic exchange is a major cause of pathogen biodiversity. we tested this concept for the bacterial enteropathogen campylobacter jejuni by seeking direct in vivo evidence for the exchange of genetic material among campylobacter strains. for this purpose, two antibiotic resistance markers were inserted into the hipo or htra gene of genetically distinct and naturally transformable c. jejuni strains. genetic exchange of the resistance markers ...200211972775
campylobacter isolation trends of cage versus floor broiler chickens: a one-year experiment was carried out over a 1-yr period with broiler chickens to assess the influence of cage and floor rearing environments on the isolation trends of campylobacter jejuni. the study used 36 7-wk-old broiler chickens that were raised in floor pens and naturally infected with or exposed to c. jejuni during the growout period. these broilers were then leg-banded and split into two groups with 18 per group. the groups were placed in wire cages or in a floor pen with unused litter in separ ...200212033411
prevalence and numbers of salmonella and campylobacter spp. on raw, whole chickens in relation to sampling methods.salmonella and campylobacter continue to be major foodborne pathogens and raw poultry is considered to be an important source of these bacteria. in this study, the prevalence and numbers of salmonella and campylobacter spp. in relation to isolation/sampling methods were determined in 241 whole raw chickens purchased from retail outlets in england during the winters of 1998/1999 (101 chickens) and 1999/2000 (140 chickens). the packaging of the 140 chickens was also examined for the presence of th ...200212038572
survival of campylobacter jejuni in biofilms isolated from chicken houses.campylobacter jejuni is a thermophilic and microaerophilic enteric pathogen associated with poultry. biofilms may be a source of c. jejuni in poultry house water systems since they can protect constituent microorganisms from environmental stress. in this study, the viability of c. jejuni in biofilms of gram-positive chicken house isolates (p1, y1, and w1) and a pseudomonas sp. was determined using a cultural method (modified brucella agar) and direct viable count (dvc). two-day biofilms grown on ...200212117243
effectiveness of chemical sanitizers against campylobacter jejuni-containing biofilms.survival of campylobacter jejuni in mixed-culture biofilms was determined after treatment with chemical sanitizers including chlorine, quaternary ammonia, peracetic acid (paa), and a paa/peroctanoic acid mixture (paa/poa). biofilm-producing bacteria (gram-positive rods, y1 and w1) were isolated from chicken house nipple drinkers. a meat plant isolate (pseudomonas sp.) was also included as a biofilm producer. two-day-old biofilms grown on polyvinyl chloride (pvc) plastic coupons in r2a broth at 1 ...200212117244
rapid methods for detection and enumeration of campylobacter spp. in foods.campylobacter spp. are the most commonly reported bacterial cause of acute diarrheal disease in humans throughout the world. traditional cultural methods for the detection and quantitation of campylobacterspp. are slow and tedious; therefore, specific, sensitive, and rapid methods for campylobacters are needed to collect sufficient data for risk assessment and food safety policy development. we developed several rapid methods based on polymerase chain reaction (pcr), dna hybridization, hydrophob ...200212180699
prevalence of thermophilic campylobacter spp. in ready-to-eat foods and raw poultry in northern ireland.although there have been numerous studies investigating the prevalence of campylobacters in animals and raw meats, there are limited data on the persistence of these organisms in ready-to-eat (rte) foodstuffs. although poultry is now well established as a major reservoir of thermophilic campylobacters, it is widely assumed that hazard analysis critical control point (haccp) controls in commercial and industrial settings are effective in eliminating this hazard through thorough cooking of rte pro ...200212182488
quorum sensing and production of autoinducer-2 in campylobacter spp., escherichia coli o157:h7, and salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium in foods.autoinducer molecules are utilized by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria to regulate density-dependent gene expression by a mechanism known as quorum sensing. pcr and dna sequencing results showed that campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli possessed luxs, which is responsible for autoinducer-2 (ai-2) production. using a vibrio harveyi luminescence assay, the production of ai-2 was observed in milk, chicken broth, and brucella broth by c. coli, c. jejuni, salmonella enterica serovar t ...200212200329
identification of a new source of campylobacter contamination in poultry: transmission from breeder hens to broiler chickens.campylobacter jejuni, a foodborne pathogen closely associated with market poultry, is considered to be the most frequent agent of human gastroenteritis in the united states. the pathways involved in the contamination of poultry flocks, vertical transmission and/or horizontal transmission, are unclear. in this study, campylobacter isolates from two independent commercial broiler breeder flocks, as well as from their respective progeny, were characterized and compared by psti ribotype analysis and ...200212243515
effect of high-temperature inside-outside spray on survival of campylobacter jejuni attached to prechill chicken carcasses.prechill chicken carcasses, inoculated with campylobacter jejuni, were sprayed in an inside-outside birdwasher at 20, 55, or 60 c, with or without 50 ppm chlorine, in a poultry processing pilot plant. carcasses were sprayed for 12 s at 80 pounds per square inch (psi). next, carcasses were placed in a chiller filled with 50 ppm chlorinated ice water at 4 c for 50 min. most probable numbers of c. jejuni were determined based on chicken carcass wash water before and after the spray treatment. the s ...200212269619
evaluation of an immunochromatography strip assay for the detection of salmonella sp. from poultry.the present study was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of an immunochromatography-based diagnostic kit for salmonella. the analytical sensitivity of the test when using pure colonies of different salmonella species was in the range of 1 x 10(4) to 1 x 10(5) colony-forming units per milliliter. the strip detected 19 of 22 strains of salmonella spp. but failed to detect s. worthington, s. choleraesuis var. kunzendorf and s. johannesburg. the strip did not detect 27 different e ...200212296399
ciprofloxacin resistance in campylobacter jejuni: case-case analysis as a tool for elucidating risks at home and determine factors independently associated with the acquisition of a ciprofloxacin-resistant campylobacter jejuni infection.200212356802
class 1 integron-associated tobramycin-gentamicin resistance in campylobacter jejuni isolated from the broiler chicken house environment.using pcr, we screened 105 isolates of poultry-associated campylobacter jejuni for the presence of class 1 integrons. of those isolates, 21% (22 of 105) possessed the integrase gene, but only 5 isolates produced an amplicon in a 5'-3' conserved sequence pcr directed toward amplification of the resistance cassettes. dna sequencing demonstrated that all five isolates possessed the aminoglycoside resistance gene, aaca4.200212384387
identification of campylobacter jejuni isolates from cloacal and carcass swabs of chickens in thailand by a 5' nuclease fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction assay.a rapid 5' nuclease fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay for identifying campylobacter jejuni was applied to campylobacter isolates from chicken cloacal and carcass swabs collected from three chicken farms and a slaughterhouse in thailand. the primers and the probe were based on the sequence of the gyra gene in c jejuni. c. jejuni isolates were identified by fluorogenic pcr assay of bacterial cells directly from campylobacter-selective agar medium. this assay allowed the identificat ...200212430691
campylobacter jejuni in black-headed gulls (larus ridibundus): prevalence, genotypes, and influence on c. jejuni epidemiology.campylobacteriosis is a zoonotic disease in which birds have been suggested to play an important role as a reservoir. we investigated the prevalence of campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni in black-headed gulls (larus ridibundus) in southern sweden with the aim of examining the nature of c. jejuni infection in this bird species. birds were sampled in four sampling series each year during 1999 (n = 419) and 2000 (n = 365). longitudinally sampled c. jejuni isolates from individual gulls were subject ...200212454158
rapid pcr using nested primers of the 16s rrna and the hippuricase (hip o) genes to detect campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in environmental samples.identification of sources campylobacter infection in the poultry houses is in general problematic due to the lack of reliable methods to detect campylobacteria in environmental samples. detection of campylobacteria in environmental samples by conventional culture methods is difficult and of limited sensitivity due to the use of selective media, the low number of bacteria in the samples and possibly also due to the presence of non-culturable or sub-lethally injured stages of the bacteria. the pre ...200212477440
interaction between probiotic lactic acid bacteria and canine enteric pathogens: a risk factor for intestinal enterococcus faecium colonization?selected probiotic lactic acid bacteria (lab) have been shown to elicit positive health effects particularly in humans. competitive exclusion of pathogens is one of the most important beneficial health claims of probiotic bacteria. the effect of probiotic lab on competitive exclusion of pathogens has been demonstrated in humans, chicken and pigs. in this study we evaluated the ability of certain lab strains (lactobacillus rhamnosus gg, bifidobacterium lactis bb12, lactobacillus pentosus uk1a, l. ...200312488075
in vivo selection of campylobacter isolates with high levels of fluoroquinolone resistance associated with gyra mutations and the function of the cmeabc efflux pump.enrofloxacin treatment of chickens infected with fluoroquinolone(fq)-sensitive campylobacter promoted the emergence of fq-resistant campylobacter mutants which propagated in the intestinal tract and recolonized the chickens. the recovered isolates were highly resistant to quinolone antibiotics but remained susceptible to non-fq antimicrobial agents. specific single-point mutations in the gyra gene and the function of the cmeabc efflux pump were linked to the acquired fq resistance. these results ...200312499221
comparative genotyping of campylobacter jejuni by amplified fragment length polymorphism, multilocus sequence typing, and short repeat sequencing: strain diversity, host range, and recombination.three molecular typing methods were used to study the relationships among 184 campylobacter strains isolated from humans, cattle, and chickens. all strains were genotyped by amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis, multilocus sequence typing (mlst), and sequence analysis of a genomic region with short tandem repeats designated clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (crisprs). mlst and aflp analysis yielded more than 100 different profiles and patterns, respectiv ...200312517820
colonisation phenotype and colonisation potential differences in campylobacter jejuni strains in chickens before and after passage in vivo.campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from chicken faeces and from humans suffering from gastroenteritis were used to determine the colonisation phenotypes and colonisation potential of these strains in chickens. five different colonisation types were observed ranging from immediate and sustained colonisation to completely non-colonising. phenotype one showed immediate colonisation with prolonged excretion of viable c. jejuni bacteria. phenotype two showed delayed colonisation with prolonged exc ...200312523984
reference isolates for the clonal complexes of campylobacter identify and make available through the national collection of type cultures (nctc) a set of reference isolates for the clonal complexes of campylobacter jejuni.200312535131
[some differences on biological characteristics of campylobacter jejuni].fecal samples from 195 diarrheic patients in different age, rectal and cloacal swabs from 656 normal and diarrheic animals and poultry, 108 visceral materials from the dead animals with diarrhoea were cultured for compylobacter jejuni. a total of 458 strains of campylobacters (445 strains of c. jejuni, 13 strains of c. coli) were isolated and identified, and some biological characteristics of these strains were observed. lior's biotyping scheme was used for biotyping 354 strains of campylobacter ...200012548753
campylobacter transmission in a peruvian shantytown: a longitudinal study using strain typing of campylobacter isolates from chickens and humans in household clusters.campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of pediatric diarrhea in developing countries-free-ranging chickens are presumed to be a common source. campylobacter strains from monthly surveillance and diarrhea cases were compared by means of restriction-fragment length polymorphism (rflp), rapid amplified polymorphic dna, and lior serotyping. rflp analysis of 156 human and 682 avian strains demonstrated identical strains in chickens and humans in 29 (70.7%) of 41 families, and 35%-39% of human isolates ...200312552450
barbecued chicken causing a multi-state outbreak of campylobacter jejuni enteritis.although the microbiological safety of food has improved, food-borne disease remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in europe.200312590328
occurrence and resistance to antibiotics of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in animals and meat in northeastern italy.a study was carried out in northeastern italy during 2000 and 2001 to investigate the occurrence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in animals, cattle, pigs, and broilers, and raw meat, beef, pork, and chicken. campylobacter spp. were detected in 53.9% of the cattle, 63.5% of the pigs, and 82.9% of the broilers examined. chicken meat was frequently contaminated (81.3%), while lower rates were found in pork meat (10.3%) and beef (1.3%). the resistance to antibiotics of the strains was ...200312593931
determination of ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid resistance in campylobacter jejuni with a fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction assay.a fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction assay for the gyra gene was used to determine the frequency of a thr-86 mutation in campylobacter jejuni isolates from food animals and humans in northern thailand and to investigate the correlation between this mutation and bacterial resistance to fluoroquinolones. eighty-four isolates of c. jejuni were used: 65 from healthy chickens on farms, 16 from chickens at the slaughterhouse, 1 from chicken meat at the market, and 1 from a healthy farm worker. the ...200312597495
molecular characterization of fluoroquinolone-resistant campylobacter spp. isolated from poultry.campylobacteriosis, an infectious disease caused by campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, is treated by fluoroquinolone antibiotics in clinical practices. however, use of these drugs in animal husbandry may select for fluoroquinolone-resistant campylobacters and, thereby, compromise the clinical treatment of infection. in this study, 21 fluoroquinolone-resistant campylobacters were isolated from poultry samples. morphological and biochemical characteristics indicated that 19 isolates were ...200312619802
a real-time pcr assay for the detection of campylobacter jejuni in foods after enrichment culture.a real-time pcr assay was developed for the quantitative detection of campylobacter jejuni in foods after enrichment culture. the specificity of the assay for c. jejuni was demonstrated with a diverse range of campylobacter species, related organisms, and unrelated genera. the assay had a linear range of quantification over six orders of magnitude, and the limit of detection was approximately 12 genome equivalents. the assay was used to detect c. jejuni in both naturally and artificially contami ...200312620820
rapid detection of escherichia coli o157:h7 inoculated in ground beef, chicken carcass, and lettuce samples with an immunomagnetic chemiluminescence fiber-optic biosensor.a biosensor was evaluated with regard to its usefulness in the rapid detection of escherichia coli o157:h7 inoculated in ground beef, chicken carcass, and romaine lettuce samples. the biosensor consisted of a chemiluminescence reaction cell, a fiber-optic light guide, and a luminometer linked to a personal computer in conjunction with immunomagnetic separation. the samples inoculated with e. coli o157:h7 were first centrifuged and suspended in buffered peptone water and then incubated with anti- ...200312636312
elucidation of potential transmission routes of campylobacter in new zealand.campylobacter is the most commonly reported notifiable disease in new zealand. the cost of campylobacter infections in the country during 1994 was estimated as dollar 61.7m although the true cost was probably higher. investigation of the main environmental reservoirs and routes of transmission to humans is necessary to formulate the most appropriate intervention strategies. this project investigated the reservoirs of campylobacter in a defined geographical area within new zealand and compared st ...200312639002
campylobacter colonization in poultry: sources of infection and modes of transmission.since its recognition as a human pathogen in the early 1970s, campylobacter jejuni has now emerged as the leading bacterial cause of food-borne gastroenteritis in developed countries. poultry, particularly chickens, account for the majority of human infections caused by campylobacter. reduction or elimination of this pathogen in the poultry reservoir is an essential step in minimizing the public health problem; however, farm-based intervention measures are still not available because of the lack ...200212665109
antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates from broiler chickens isolated at an irish poultry processing plant.the antibiotic susceptibility of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates from broiler chickens were determined in order to evaluate the level of antibiotic resistance of campylobacter species in the irish poultry industry.200312680938
reduction of campylobacter jejuni on poultry by low-temperature treatment.campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis in the united states, with epidemiologic studies identifying poultry as a leading vehicle in human infection. studies were conducted to determine rates of c. jejuni inactivation on poultry exposed to different cooling and freezing temperatures. a mixture of three strains of c. jejuni originally isolated from poultry was inoculated onto chicken wings at ca. 10(7) cfu/g. the results of the study revealed that the storage of ...200312696690
detection of campylobacter jejuni strains in the water lines of a commercial broiler house and their relationship to the strains that colonized the chickens.campylobacter jejuni is frequently present in the intestinal tract of commercial broiler chickens, and their drinking water has been proposed to be an initial source of bacteria for newly hatched chicks. we studied three sequential commercial broiler flocks raised in a house from which we had cultured c. jejuni from the nipple waters prior to placement of the first flock. campylobacter cells were detected by immunofluorescence in the biofilm of the drinking nipples during the weeks when the floc ...200312713164
a one-year study of campylobacter carriage by individual danish broiler chickens as the basis for selection of campylobacter spp. strains for a chicken infection model.from february 1999 to february 2000, 1,250 individual broiler chickens representing 125 broiler flocks originating from 62 broiler farms in denmark were screened for campylobacter carriage. every month, 10 flocks were tested for campylobacter carriage. the swabs were tested individually and as a pooled sample representing the flocks. campylobacter spp. carriage was detected from 512 (40.9%) broiler chickens originating from 63 (50.4%) positive flocks. campylobacter carriage by both individual ch ...200312729201
antimicrobial-resistant campylobacter species from retail raw meats.the antimicrobial susceptibilities of 378 campylobacter isolates were determined. resistance to tetracycline was the most common (82%), followed by resistance to doxycycline (77%), erythromycin (54%), nalidixic acid (41%), and ciprofloxacin (35%). campylobacter coli displayed significantly higher rates of resistance to ciprofloxacin and erythromycin than campylobacter jejuni, and campylobacter isolates from turkey meat showed a greater resistance than those from chicken meat.200312732579
phenotypic and genotypic differentiation of campylobacter spp. isolated from austrian broiler farms: a identification scheme based on restriction fragment length polymorphism of polymerase chain reaction products (pcr-rflp) was developed to differentiate isolates of the genera campylobacter, arcobacter and helicobacter. based on the 16s rrna gene of these genera, pcr amplified a 1216-bp fragment. the amplicons were digested with the restriction enzymes rsai and ecorv. additional differentiation was obtained using a pcr-assay based on the hippuricase gene. genotyping was performed on several re ...200312745378
pcr detection of seven virulence and toxin genes of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates from danish pigs and cattle and cytolethal distending toxin production of the study the prevalence of seven virulence and toxin genes, and cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) production of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli isolates from danish pigs and cattle.200312752808
new born chicks can serve as an experimental animal model for human campylobacteriosis.campylobacter enteritis is an emerging food borne zoonotic disease. improperly cooked chicken serve as a potential source for this infection. diarrheogenic potential of campylobacter jejuni is tested either by in-vivo rat ileal loop (ril) test or by molecular methods. this study reveals that 3-day-old chicks can serve as an animal model for toxigenic c. jejuni.200212776802
campylobacter jejuni contamination on broiler carcasses of c. jejuni-negative flocks during processing in a japanese a slaughterhouse, we determined the campylobacter jejuni status of each broiler flock coming from different farms by culturing cecal contents of representative birds, and examined the prevalence of c. jejuni on carcasses during processing. then, c. jejuni isolates from the carcasses were typed with rapd pcr and compared with those from the cecal contents of a c. jejuni-positive flock. c. jejuni was not isolated from the carcasses of c. jejuni-negative flocks processed before the c. jejuni-pos ...200312781960
rapid detection of campylobacter coli, c. jejuni, and salmonella enterica on poultry carcasses by using pcr-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.contamination of retail poultry by campylobacter spp. and salmonella enterica is a significant source of human diarrheal disease. isolation and identification of these microorganisms require a series of biochemical and serological tests. in this study, campylobacter ceue and salmonella inva genes were used to design probes in pcr-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), as an alternative to conventional bacteriological methodology, for the rapid detection of campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter ...200312788755
rapid screening of chicken intestinal contents for campylobacter jejuni using coagglutination. 200312790236
critical role of multidrug efflux pump cmeabc in bile resistance and in vivo colonization of campylobacter jejuni.cmeabc functions as a multidrug efflux pump contributing to the resistance of campylobacter to a broad range of antimicrobials. in this study, we examined the role of cmeabc in bile resistance and its contribution to the adaptation of campylobacter jejuni in the intestinal tract of the chicken, a natural host and a major reservoir for campylobacter. inactivation of cmeabc drastically decreased the resistance of campylobacter to various bile salts. addition of choleate (2 mm) in culture medium im ...200312874300
survival of foodborne pathogens on stainless steel surfaces and cross-contamination to foods.the retention of bacteria on food contact surfaces increases the risk of cross-contamination of these microorganisms to food. the risk has been considered to be lowered when the surfaces are dry, partly because bacterial growth and survival would be reduced. however, some non-spore-forming bacteria might be able to withstand dry conditions on surfaces for an extensive period of time. in this study the survival of salmonella enteritidis, staphylococcus aureus and campylobacter jejuni on stainless ...200312878381
effects of diet formulations containing proteins from different sources on intestinal colonization by campylobacter jejuni in broiler chickens.the objective of this study was to compare the effects of 3 diet formulations containing different protein sources (animal, plant, and a combination of animal and plant) on the colonization of campylobacter jejuni in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens. a freshly isolated strain of c. jejuni (biotype iv, serotype hs o:21, o:29, hl untypable) from a broiler chicken was used to infect 3-day-old chicks that had been free of c. jejuni; 0.5 ml of an inoculum containing 10(8) colony-forming ...200312889727
effect of incubation temperature on isolation of campylobacter jejuni genotypes from foodstuffs enriched in preston broth.preston broth and agar incubated at either 37 or 42 degrees c have been widely used to isolate campylobacters from foodstuffs. the consequences of using either incubation temperature were investigated. retail packs of raw chicken (n = 24) and raw lamb liver (n = 30) were purchased. samples were incubated in preston broth at 37 and 42 degrees c and then streaked onto preston agar and incubated as before. two campylobacter isolates per treatment were characterized. poultry isolates were genotyped ...200312902254
reduction of experimental salmonella and campylobacter contamination of chicken skin by application of lytic bacteriophages.lytic bacteriophages, applied to chicken skin that had been experimentally contaminated with salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis or campylobacter jejuni at a multiplicity of infection (moi) of 1, increased in titer and reduced the pathogen numbers by less than 1 log(10) unit. phages applied at a moi of 100 to 1,000 rapidly reduced the recoverable bacterial numbers by up to 2 log(10) units over 48 h. when the level of salmonella contamination was low (< log(10) 2 per unit area of skin) and th ...200312902308
effect of fermented feed on the susceptibility for campylobacter jejuni colonisation in broiler chickens with and without concurrent inoculation of salmonella enteritidis.fermented liquid feed (flf) protects broiler chickens against colonisation with salmonella. while campylobacter causes more disease cases in humans than salmonella, the effect of flf on campylobacter was assessed. the fermented liquid feed is a moistened feed with a high number of lactobacilli, a high concentration of lactic acid, and a ph of 4. in three experiments campylobacter was orally applied to individually housed 9-day-old broiler chickens. a significant reduction of susceptibility, as d ...200312927709
rapid detection of campylobacter jejuni in chicken rinse water by melting-peak analysis of amplicons in real-time polymerase chain reaction.five dna extraction protocols for the detection of campylobacter spp. by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) were compared. a method involving triton x-100 produced template dna of sufficient quality to allow the detection of campylobacter jejuni at levels of 100 cfu/ml in pure culture. primers were designed on the basis of the cadf gene sequence. with a sybr green i real-time pcr assay, these primers amplified only sequences present in c. jejuni to produce a product with a melting temperature of 81 ...200312929818
development of a sensitive dna microarray suitable for rapid detection of campylobacter spp.campylobacter is the most common cause of human acute bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, widely distributed and isolated from human clinical samples as well as from many other different sources. to comply with the demands of consumers for food safety, there is a need for development of a rapid, sensitive and specific detection method for campylobacter. in this study, we present the development of a novel sensitive dna-microarray based detection method, evaluated on campylobacter and non-campyl ...200312944122
rapid selection of quinolone resistance in campylobacter jejuni but not in escherichia coli in individually housed determine the within-host population dynamics of campylobacter jejuni and escherichia coli in chickens during and after treatment with fluoroquinolones.200312951353
effect of campylobacter-specific maternal antibodies on campylobacter jejuni colonization in young chickens.using laboratory challenge experiments, we examined whether campylobacter-specific maternal antibody (mab) plays a protective role in young chickens, which are usually free of campylobacter under natural production conditions. kinetics of c. jejuni colonization were compared by infecting 3-day-old broiler chicks, which were naturally positive for campylobacter-specific mab, and 21-day-old broilers, which were negative for campylobacter-specific mab. the onset of colonization occurred much sooner ...200312957925
identification of campylobacteria isolated from danish broilers by phenotypic tests and species-specific pcr validate a phenotypic campylobacter species identification method employed to identify campylobacters in broilers by comparison with campylobacterial species identification using various species-specific pcr analyses.200312969276
disinfectant susceptibility testing of avian and swine campylobacter isolates by a filtration method.the susceptibility testing of disinfectants against campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains from broilers and pigs was investigated. the filtration method european standard en 1040 was adapted to campylobacter cultures and validated with reference strains. two disinfectants were tested: 1% benzalkonium chloride active matter, as quaternary ammonium compound, and 0.63% sodium hypochlorite as chlorine-releasing agent. both disinfectants were effective against the 34 campylobacter strai ...200314516706
application of real-time pcr for quantitative detection of campylobacter jejuni in poultry, milk and environmental water.campylobacter jejuni is a leading human food-borne pathogen. the rapid and sensitive detection of c. jejuni is necessary for the maintenance of a safe food/water supply. in this article, we present a real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay for quantitative detection of c. jejuni in naturally contaminated poultry, milk and environmental samples without an enrichment step. the whole assay can be completed in 60 min with a detection limit of approximately 1 cfu. the standard curve correlati ...200314522462
ribotyping characterisation of campylobacter isolates randomly collected from different sources in this study the potential for using the automated psti ribotyping as a primary library typing method to survey campylobacter and for identification of two thermophilic campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli species was evaluated. a total of 158 isolates randomly collected in italy from different sources were analyzed. a large percentage of chicken (28%), turkey (27%) and turkey meat (25%) isolates shared their ribotyping profiles (ribotypes) with those of humans, whereas the swine isolate ...200314522511
application of host-specific bacteriophages to the surface of chicken skin leads to a reduction in recovery of campylobacter jejuni.retail poultry products are widely purported as the major infection vehicle for human campylobacteriosis. numerous intervention strategies have sought to reduce campylobacter contamination on broiler carcasses in the abattoir. this study reports the efficacy of bacteriophage in reducing the number of recoverable campylobacter jejuni cells on artificially contaminated chicken skin.200314532096
comparison of campylobacter isolates from poultry and humans: association between in vitro virulence properties, biotypes, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis clusters.the in vitro virulence properties of 197 temporally and geographically related campylobacter isolates from chicken broilers and humans were compared. comparisons of the virulence properties associated with genotypes and biotypes were made. all isolates adhered to, and 63% invaded, int-407 cells, whereas 13% were cytotoxic for cho cells. cho cell-cytotoxic extracts were also cytotoxic for int-407 cells, but the sensitivity for vero cells was variable. the proportion of isolates demonstrating a hi ...200314532099
temporal and geographical distribution and overlap of penner heat-stable serotypes and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotypes of campylobacter jejuni isolates collected from humans and chickens in finland during a seasonal peak.the association of penner heat-stable serotypes and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotypes of 208 human and 30 chicken campylobacter jejuni isolates was studied. overall, 46% of the human strains had overlapping sero- and genotype combinations with chicken strains. the percentage was reduced to 31% for strains that were considered temporally related. this suggests common environmental sources.200314532246
failure of viable nonculturable campylobacter jejuni to colonize the cecum of newly hatched leghorn chicks.campylobacter jejuni cells entered the viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state upon suspension in sterile water. cell viability was determined with tetrazolium violet. vbnc cells suspended in water for 7, 10, or 14 days were given, by gavage, to day-of-hatch leghorn chickens. the ceca of control and challenged birds were examined for the presence of campylobacteria by conventional microbiological methods at 1 wk and 2 wk after challenge inoculation and by polymerase chain reaction methods at 1 wk ...200314562908
comparison of monte carlo and fuzzy math simulation methods for quantitative microbial risk assessment.the objective of food safety risk assessment is to quantify levels of risk for consumers as well as to design improved processing, distribution, and preparation systems that reduce exposure to acceptable limits. monte carlo simulation tools have been used to deal with the inherent variability in food systems, but these tools require substantial data for estimates of probability distributions. the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of fuzzy values to represent uncertainty. fuzzy math ...200314572230
effect of temperature on viability of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli on raw chicken or pork determine growth and survival of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli on chicken and pork, campylobacter spp. (10(4) cfu/cm2) were inoculated on pieces of raw, irradiated chicken or pork skin and exposed to temperatures ranging from -20 to 42 degrees c under either microaerobic or aerobic conditions. viable counts over 48 h declined 2 to 3 log cfu/cm2 at -20 degrees c and 1 to 2 log cfu/cm2 at 25 degrees c regardless of skin type, species of campylobacter, or level of oxygen. at 4 degr ...200314627278
novel employment of lactate dehydrogenase release from porcine aortic endothelial cells (paec) as a quantitative marker of cytotoxic activity in thermophilic campylobacter spp. from human faecal isolates, poultry and environmental sources.the aim of this study was to employ a novel cytotoxicity assay based on primary porcine aortic endothelial cells in combination with a lactate dehydrogenase release assay to quantitatively determine differences in cytotoxin production between campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, c. lari and urease-positive thermophilic campylobacters (uptc), isolated from human faeces, animals and environmental sources. campylobacter isolates totalling 34 and comprising of c. jejuni (n = 24) c. coli (n = 5) and uptc ( ...200314628998
detection and survival of campylobacter in chicken eggs.campylobacter jejuni, a food-borne human pathogen, is widespread in poultry; however, the sources of infection and modes of transmission of this organism on chicken farms are not well understood. the objective of this study was to determine if vertical transmission of c. jejuni occurs via eggs.200314633036
antimicrobial resistance in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains isolated in 1991 and 2001-2002 from poultry and humans in berlin, germany.the susceptibilities of 430 campylobacter jejuni strains and 79 c. coli strains to six antimicrobial agents were tested and analyzed. the two sets of strains originated from retail market chicken and turkey samples and from humans, respectively, in berlin, germany. two groups of isolates, one dating from 1991 and the other dating from 2001-2002, were tested. of the campylobacter sp. isolates recovered from humans in 2001-2002, 45.1% were resistant to ciprofloxacin, 37.8% were resistant to tetrac ...200314638490
comparison of three methods for epidemiological typing of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli.a total of 168 campylobacter strains (154 c. jejuni and 14 c. coli) isolated from human clinical samples and chicken meat were typed using penner serotyping, randomly amplified polymorphic dna (rapd), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) with four restriction enzymes (sac ii, sal i, sma i, kpn i). the 168 strains were found to represent 13 different penner-types and 72 different rapd-types. however, the discriminatory potential of pfge was dependent on the restriction enzymes used. the 16 ...200314669910
direct microscopic observation and viability determination of campylobacter jejuni on chicken skin.a method was developed to determine the survival of campylobacter jejuni at specific sites on chicken skin, and this method was used to observe the survival of c. jejuni at various locations on the skin during storage. this method uses confocal scanning laser microscopy to visualize c. jejuni transformed with p(c)gfp plasmid (gfp-campylobacter) and stained with 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (ctc). the green fluorescence of dead c. jejuni cells and the red fluorescent ctc-formazan in v ...200314672217
antagonistic activities of several bacteria on in vitro growth of 10 strains of campylobacter jejuni/coli.chicken meat contaminated with campylobacter jejuni can be the source of human enteritis. to decrease the risk of human infection, campylobacter should be controlled at farm levels. orally given probiotic bacteria could prevent colonisation of chicken with pathogenic bacteria like campylobacter. the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different bacteria on campylobacter growth. our results demonstrated that bacteria isolated from conventional chicken had potential inhibitory activ ...200414672829
chicken juice, a food-based model system suitable to study survival of campylobacter jejuni.the purpose of this study was to develop a food-based model system that resembles the environment that campylobacter jejuni experiences on raw poultry products and use this model system to investigate growth and survival of the bacterium.200414687218
l-serine catabolism via an oxygen-labile l-serine dehydratase is essential for colonization of the avian gut by campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter jejuni is a microaerophilic, asaccharolytic bacterium. the identity of the carbon and energy sources used by c. jejuni in vivo is unknown, but the genome sequence of strain nctc11168 indicates the presence of genes for catabolism of a limited range of amino acids, including serine. specific omission of l-serine from a defined medium containing a mixture of amino acids led to a dramatic decrease in cell yields. as c. jejuni does not have a biosynthetic serine requirement, this suppo ...200414688104
the genome-sequenced variant of campylobacter jejuni nctc 11168 and the original clonal clinical isolate differ markedly in colonization, gene expression, and virulence-associated phenotypes.the genome sequence of the enteric bacterial pathogen campylobacter jejuni nctc 11168 (11168-gs) was published in 2000, providing a valuable resource for the identification of c. jejuni-specific colonization and virulence factors. surprisingly, the 11168-gs clone was subsequently found to colonize 1-day-old chicks following oral challenge very poorly compared to other strains. in contrast, we have found that the original clinical isolate from which 11168-gs was derived, 11168-o, is an excellent ...200414702320
detection of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium by using a rapid, array-based immunosensor.the multianalyte array biosensor (maab) is a rapid analysis instrument capable of detecting multiple analytes simultaneously. rapid (15-min), single-analyte sandwich immunoassays were developed for the detection of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium, with a detection limit of 8 x 10(4) cfu/ml; the limit of detection was improved 10-fold by lengthening the assay protocol to 1 h. s. enterica serovar typhimurium was also detected in the following spiked foodstuffs, with minimal sample preparat ...200414711637
development of predictive models for the survival of campylobacter jejuni (atcc 43051) on cooked chicken breast patties and in broth as a function of temperature.the objective of this study was to model the kinetics of the survival of campylobacter jejuni on cooked chicken breast patties and in broth as a function of temperature. both patties and broth were inoculated with 10(6) stationary-phase cells of a single strain of c. jejuni (atcc 43051) and incubated at constant temperatures from 4 to 30 degrees c in 2 degrees c increments under aerobic conditions. in most cases, a three-phase linear model fit the primary survival curves well (r2 = 0.97 to 0.99) ...200414717353
fluoroquinolone susceptibility of campylobacter strains, assess fluoroquinolone susceptibility of campylobacter strains in senegal, skin samples were collected from 250 chicken carcasses from january 2001 to october 2002. among 205 isolated campylobacter strains, 59% and 41% were identified as campylobacter jejuni and c. coli, respectively; the overall ciprofloxacin-resistance rate was 34%.200314718098
detection of campylobacter and shigella species in food samples using an array biosensor.campylobacter and shigella bacteria are common causes of food- and water-borne illness worldwide. there is a current need in food, medical, environmental, and military markets for a rapid and user-friendly method of detecting such pathogens. the array biosensor developed at the nrl encompasses these qualities. in this study, 25-min, sandwich immunoassays were developed for the detection of campylobacter and shigella species in both buffer and a variety of food and beverage samples. the limit of ...200414719894
frequency of campylobacter jejuni in diarrhoea/dysentery in children in rawalpindi and determine the frequency of campylobacter jejuni infection in children suffering from diarrhoea/dysentery in the department of microbiology, army medical college and military hospital, rawalpindi, from 29 august 2002 to 29 november 2002.200314738256
direct real-time pcr quantification of campylobacter jejuni in chicken fecal and cecal samples by integrated cell concentration and dna purification.campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of diarrheal disease and food-borne gastroenteritis. the main reservoir of c. jejuni in poultry is the cecum, with an estimated content of 6 to 8 log10 cfu/g. if a flock is infected with c. jejuni, the majority of the birds in that flock will harbor the bacterium. diagnostics at the flock level could thus be an important control point. the aim of the work presented here was to develop a complete quantitative pcr-based detection assay for c. jejuni obtained d ...200414766556
genetic characterization and antibiotic resistance of campylobacter jejuni isolated from meats, water, and humans in sweden.the incidence of campylobacter jejuni has increased during the last decade, and today it is the leading cause of bacterial enteritis in most developed countries. still, there is a lack of knowledge about infection routes and to what extent identified sources are responsible for spreading the bacterium to humans. the major objective of this work was to explore the genetic similarity between c. jejuni isolated from different sources. c. jejuni isolated from patients (n = 95), five types of meat (n ...200414766839
the flgs/flgr two-component signal transduction system regulates the fla regulon in campylobacter jejuni.the human pathogen campylobacter jejuni is a highly motile organism that carries a flagellum on each pole. the flagellar motility is regarded as an important trait in c. jejuni colonization of the intestinal tract, however, the knowledge of the regulation of this important colonization factor is rudimentary. we demonstrate by phosphorylation assays that the sensor flgs and the response regulator flgr form a two-component system that is on the top of the campylobacter flagellum hierarchy. phospho ...200414960570
distribution and characterization of campylobacter spp. from russian poultry.the distribution of campylobacter spp. on 13 poultry farms (broiler chicken, quail, pheasant, peacock, and turkey) from eight regions (vladimir, vologda, voronezh, kaluga, liptsk, moscow, orenburg, and orel) in russia was surveyed. intestinal materials were plated onto campylobacter-selective medium and plates were incubated microaerobically at 42 degrees c for 24 or 48 h. identification was based on colonial morphology, microscopic examination, and biochemical tests; latex agglutination assays ...200414968953
consumption of foods by young children with diagnosed campylobacter infection - a pilot case-control determine whether parentally reported habitual intake of specific foods differed between children with diagnosed campylobacter jejuni infection and children of a comparison group without diagnosed infection.200414972076
genetic relatedness among campylobacter jejuni serotyped isolates of diverse origin as determined by numerical analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) use amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis to evaluate the genetic relatedness among 254 campylobacter jejuni reference and field strains of diverse origin representing all defined 'penner' serotypes for this species.200415012818
resistotyping of campylobacter jejuni.the principal objective of typing in epidemiology is to trace a strain as it passes from one individual to another. resistotyping is a phenotypic method that consists of testing bacterial strains against a set of arbitrarily chosen chemical agents, whereby, a resistance pattern that is characteristic of a strain is generated and, is believed to describe the isolates for epidemiological purposes. this simple typing system is described for campylobacter isolated in lagos, nigeria. resistotyping wa ...200315045011
influence of bird strain on competitive exclusion of campylobacter jejuni in young chicks.1. newly hatched chicks of either layer or broiler strain were treated orally at regular intervals with either homologous or heterologous gut-flora preparations from young donor birds, in an attempt to prevent subsequent colonisation with campylobacter jejuni by 'competitive exclusion' (ce). 2. donors of 3 to 10 d of age were chosen to correspond with the period in which intensively reared poultry are least likely to become colonised with campylobacter. 3. in two separate trials, material from d ...200415115200
inactivation of campylobacter jejuni by high hydrostatic investigate the response of campylobacter jejuni atcc 35919 and 35921 to high pressure processing (hpp) while suspended in microbiological media and various food systems.200415130147
fluoroquinolone-resistant campylobacter in animal reservoirs: dynamics of development, resistance mechanisms and ecological fitness.thermophilic campylobacter species, including campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, are responsible for foodborne campylobacteriosis in humans and are increasingly resistant to fluoroquinolone (fq) antimicrobials. the therapeutic use of fq antimicrobial agents in food animal production, particularly in poultry, has become a concern for public health, because the practice may promote the emergence of fq-resistant campylobacter that can be transmitted to humans through the food chain. recen ...200315134291
correlation between invasion of caco-2 eukaryotic cells and colonization ability in the chick gut in campylobacter an in vitro cell culture model using caco-2 cells the adhesion and invasion properties of 11 campylobacter (c.) jejuni isolates of different origin were studied. additionally, we investigated the colonization ability of the strains in a chick model. virtually, all c. jejuni showed cell adherence in the in vitro assay, but there were large differences in the invasion frequencies among the campylobacter isolates. the colonization ability in the chick gut also differed markedly and enabled the f ...200415172689
the campylobacter jejuni general glycosylation system is important for attachment to human epithelial cells and in the colonization of has recently been shown that the enteropathogen campylobacter jejuni has an n-linked general protein glycosylation pathway (pgl) that modifies many of the organism's proteins. to determine the role of the n-linked general glycosylation in c jejuni, the authors studied the pglh gene, which shows high similarity to a family of sugar transferases. pglh mutants were constructed in strains 81116 and 11168h. both mutants were shown to be deficient in their ability to glycosylate a number of c. jeju ...200415184581
evidence for natural horizontal transfer of teto gene between campylobacter jejuni strains in chickens.the transfer of teto gene conferring resistance to tetracycline was studied between campylobacter jejuni strains, in the digestive tract of chickens.200415186450
in vitro inhibitory activity of chinese leek extract against campylobacter species.three aqueous extracts of dietary materials of chinese leek (leek flower stem, soft leek and green leek) and two other reference extracts of allium plants were used to investigate the antibacterial effects against campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. all the tested strains of campylobacter species were isolated from chickens. the minimum concentration of aqueous leek extracts (ales) required to inhibit the bacterial growth was 2.0 mg/ml. among the plant extracts tested, ales shared the l ...200415193803
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