
uvsf rfc1, the large subunit of replication factor c in aspergillus nidulans, is essential for dna replication, functions in uv repair and is upregulated in response to mms-induced dna damage.uvsf201 was the first highly uv-sensitive repair-defective mutation isolated in aspergillus nidulans. it showed epistasis only with postreplication repair mutations, but caused lethal interactions with many other repair-defective strains. unexpectedly, closest homology of uvsf was found to the large subunit of human dna replication factor rfc that is essential for dna replication. sequencing of the uvsf201 region identified changes at two close base pairs and the corresponding amino acids in the ...200818655840
functional analysis of the endoxylanase b (xynb) promoter from penicillium penicillium purpurogenum, the gene encoding endoxylanase b (xynb) is highly expressed by xylan and repressed by glucose at the transcriptional level. the promoter of this gene has a modular structure, with eight putative xlnr binding sites in tandem (xlnr module), and upstream from them, four putative crea binding sites (crea module). promoter fragments containing different modules were inserted into a plasmid, pan49-1, which contains a basal fungal promoter linked to a reporter gene (lacz) a ...200818661134
the design of oligonucleotide primers for the universal amplification of the n-acetylglucosaminidase gene (nag1) in chytridiomycetes with emphasis on the anaerobic neocallimastigales.the common feature of all chytridiomycetous fungi, aerobic as well as anaerobic, is an abundance of chitin in their cell wall. the genes coding for chitinases have therefore been widely used as phylogenetic markers in ascomycetes. as their utility for chytridiomycetes has not been determined we chose the gene encoding an enzyme involved in chitin degradation and energy metabolism, the beta-(1,4)-n-acetylglucosaminidase (nag1). primer pair nag-forward and nag-reverse was used to create pcr produc ...200818661293
prophylaxis against aspergillus is not perfect: problems and perils in stem cell transplantation.availability of newer, well tolerated anti-aspergillus drugs at a time of rising prevalence of invasive aspergillosis has sparked enthusiasm for chemoprophylaxis against aspergillus in allogeneic stem cell recipients. such a drug-oriented approach however is associated with problems. in the azole class, itraconazole has been shown to be effective, but hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal intolerability have made the drug less attractive. posaconazole, approved for prophylaxis in allogeneic stem c ...200918663660
requirement of laea for secondary metabolism and sclerotial production in aspergillus flavus.the nuclear regulator laea has been shown to govern production of multiple secondary metabolites in aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus fumigatus. herein we examine the role of this protein in aspergillus flavus. similarly as in other aspergilli, laea had a major effect on a. flavus secondary metabolism where deltalaea and over-expression laea (oe::laea) strains yielded opposite phenotypes resulting in decreased (increased) secondary metabolite production. the two mutant strains also exhibited ...200818667168
[evolution of meiosis of unicellulate and multicellular eucaryotes. aromorphosis at the cellular level].an attempt was undertaken to apply the concept elaborated for the evolution of multicellular organisms to that of unicellular eucaryotes. the latter's meiosis was formed on the basis of combination on three intracellular processes: 1) homologous dna recombination, 2) chromosome disjunction with the assistance of mitotic apparatus, and 3) formation of "linear" chromosome elements consisting of specific proteins. mechanism of homologous chromosome recombination was inherited from the archibacteria ...200818669302
norsolorinic acid inhibits proliferation of t24 human bladder cancer cells by arresting the cell cycle at the g0/g1 phase and inducing a fas/membrane-bound fas ligand-mediated apoptotic pathway.1. norsolorinic acid, isolated from aspergillus nidulans, has been shown to have antiproliferative activity in t24 human bladder cancer cells by arresting the cell cycle at the g(0)/g(1) phase and inducing apoptosis. the aim of the present study was to investigate the antiproliferative activity of norsolorinic acid in t24 human bladder cancer cells. 2. the effects of norsolorinic acid (1, 5, 10 and 20 micromol/l) on the proliferation of t24 cells and on the distribution of cells within different ...200818671724
dissecting individual steps of nitrogen transcription factor cooperation in the aspergillus nidulans nitrate cluster.summary: in the ascomycete fungus aspergillus nidulans, the transcriptional activation of nitrate assimilating genes (niia, niad) depends on the cooperativity between a general nitrogen status-sensing regulator (the gata factor area) and a pathway-specific activator (the zn-cluster regulator nira). because nitrate assimilation leads to intracellular ammonium formation, it is difficult to determine the individual contributions of nira and area in this complex activation/inactivation process. in a ...200818673441
dissecting colony development of neurospora crassa using mrna profiling and comparative genomics approaches.colony development, which includes hyphal extension, branching, anastomosis, and asexual sporulation, is a fundamental aspect of the life cycle of filamentous fungi; genetic mechanisms underlying these phenomena are poorly understood. we conducted transcriptional profiling during colony development of the model filamentous fungus neurospora crassa, using 70-mer oligonucleotide microarrays. relative mrna expression levels were determined for six sections of defined age excised from a 27-h-old n. ...200818676954
the aspergillus nidulans stress response transcription factor stza is ascomycete-specific and shows species-specific polymorphisms in the c-terminal region.orthologues of the aspergillus nidulans gene stza were identified and characterised in an additional 19 fungi. these orthologues were restricted to, and found within all the pezizomycotina subphyla of the ascomycota, for which data are available, but not the saccharomycotina or taphrinomycotina subphyla. intron analysis indicated that both intron loss and gain have occurred in this gene. the orthologous proteins demonstrate considerable size variation (between 663 and 897 amino acids); with almo ...200818678248
farnesol induces the transcriptional accumulation of the aspergillus nidulans apoptosis-inducing factor (aif)-like mitochondrial oxidoreductase.farnesol (foh) is a non-sterol isoprenoid produced by dephosphorylation of farnesyl pyrophosphate, a catabolite of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. these isoprenoids inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis. it has been shown previously that foh triggers morphological features characteristic of apoptosis in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. here, we investigate which pathways are influenced through foh by examining the transcriptional profile of a. nidulans exposed to this isop ...200818681941
regulation of apical dominance in aspergillus nidulans hyphae by reactive oxygen fungal hyphae, apical dominance refers to the suppression of secondary polarity axes in the general vicinity of a growing hyphal tip. the mechanisms underlying apical dominance remain largely undefined, although calcium signaling may play a role. here, we describe the localized accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ros) in the apical region of aspergillus nidulans hyphae. our analysis of atma (atm) and prpa (parp) mutants reveals a correlation between localized production of ros and enforc ...200818689883
a single channel for nitrate uptake, nitrite export and nitrite uptake by escherichia coli naru and a role for nirc in nitrite export and uptake.two related polytopic membrane proteins of the major facilitator family, nark and naru, catalyse nitrate uptake, nitrite export and nitrite uptake across the escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane by an unknown mechanism. a 12-helix model of naru was constructed based upon six alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase fusions to nark and the predicted hydropathy for the nark family. fifteen residues conserved in the nark-naru protein family were substituted by site-directed mutagenesis, includi ...200918691156
proteins involved in microbody biogenesis and degradation in aspergillus nidulans.fungal microbodies (peroxisomes) are inducible organelles that proliferate in response to nutritional cues. proteins involved in peroxisome biogenesis/proliferation are designated peroxins and are encoded by pex genes. an autophagy-related process, termed pexophagy, is responsible for the selective removal of peroxisomes from the cell. several genes involved in pexophagy are also required for autophagy and are collectively known as atg genes. we have re-analysed the aspergillus nidulans genome f ...200918694841
recombinant bacterial hemoglobin alters metabolism of aspergillus niger.the filamentous fungus aspergillus niger is used extensively for the production of enzymes and organic acids. a major problem in industrial fermentations with this fungus is to ensure sufficient supply of oxygen required for respiratory metabolism of the fungus. in case of oxygen limitation, the fungus will produce various by-products like organic acids and polyols. in order to circumvent this problem we here study the effects of the expression of a bacterial hemoglobin protein on the metabolism ...200918694843
purification, characterization and crystallization of an extracellular alkaline protease from aspergillus nidulans ha-10.aspergillus nidulans is a highly potent fungus used in the production of alkaline protease. extracellular alkaline protease was purified from a. nidulans in a two-step procedure involving ammonium sulphate precipitation and sephadex g-100 column chromatography. the molecular mass of the enzyme was determined to be 42 kda by sds-page. the enzyme activity was also analyzed by zymogram with gelatin. the enzyme was more stable over a wide range of ph (6-10) and the temperatures up to 50 degrees c. i ...200818702069
annotation of stress-response proteins in the aspergilli.stress-response proteins of aspergillus nidulans, aspergillus clavatus, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus niger, aspergillus oryzae, aspergillus terreus and neosartorya fischeri (3908 in total) were annotated and grouped according to stress types ( all genomes harboured elements of the sska-hoga/saka stress signalling pathway. there are accumulating data pointing at the importance of sska-hoga/saka signalling in different types of stre ...200918703157
ctf1, a transcriptional activator of cutinase and lipase genes in fusarium oxysporum is dispensable for virulence.cutinolytic enzymes are secreted by fungal pathogens attacking the aerial parts of the plant, to facilitate penetration of the outermost cuticular barrier of the host. the role of cutinases in soil-borne root pathogens has not been studied thus far. here we report the characterization of the zinc finger transcription factor ctf1 from the vascular wilt fungus fusarium oxysporum, a functional orthologue of ctf1alpha that controls expression of cutinase genes and virulence in the pea stem pathogen ...200818705871
evolutionary history of the ancient cutinase family in five filamentous ascomycetes reveals differential gene duplications and losses and in magnaporthe grisea shows evidence of sub- and neo-functionalization.* the cuticle is the first barrier for fungi that parasitize plants systematically or opportunistically. here, the evolutionary history is reported of the multimembered cutinase families of the plant pathogenic ascomycetes magnaporthe grisea, fusarium graminearum and botrytis cinerea and the saprotrophic ascomycetes aspergillus nidulans and neurospora crassa. * molecular taxonomy of all fungal cutinases demonstrates a clear division into two ancient subfamilies. no evidence was found for lateral ...200818713314
specific interdomain synergy in the uapa transporter determines its unique specificity for uric acid among nat carriers.uapa, a uric acid-xanthine permease of aspergillus nidulans, has been used as a prototype to study structure-function relationships in the ubiquitous nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (nat) family. using novel genetic screens, rational mutational design, chimeric nat molecules, and extensive transport kinetic analyses, we show that dynamic synergy between three distinct domains, transmembrane segment (tms)1, the tms8-9 loop, and tms12, defines the function and specificity of uapa. the tms8-9 loop ...200818718842
elusive origins of the extra genes in aspergillus oryzae.the genome sequence of aspergillus oryzae revealed unexpectedly that this species has approximately 20% more genes than its congeneric species a. nidulans and a. fumigatus. where did these extra genes come from? here, we evaluate several possible causes of the elevated gene number. many gene families are expanded in a. oryzae relative to a. nidulans and a. fumigatus, but we find no evidence of ancient whole-genome duplication or other segmental duplications, either in a. oryzae or in the common ...200818725939
inducible rna interference of brlabeta in aspergillus inducible rna interference (rnai) construct composed of inverted repeating alca promoters flanking the developmental regulatory gene brlabeta was tested in aspergillus nidulans. on inducing medium, the rnai strains failed to sporulate and lacked brlaalpha and brlabeta expression. rnai was specific for brlabeta, but not brlaalpha, silencing, indicating brlaalpha regulation by brlabeta.200818757565
the asexual pathogen aspergillus fumigatus expresses functional determinants of aspergillus nidulans sexual development.the major fungal pathogen of humans, aspergillus fumigatus, lacks a defined sexual cycle, although the presence of genes encoding putative mating type idiomorphs and regulators of aspergillus sexual development heightens the potential for cryptic sexuality in this deuteromycete. to test the functionality of these genetic determinants, we transferred the alpha box-encoding mat1-1 idiomorph from an a. fumigatus isolate to the homothallic fertile species aspergillus nidulans. abundant formation of ...200818757566
gdp-mannose pyrophosphorylase is essential for cell wall integrity, morphogenesis and viability of aspergillus fumigatus.gdp-mannose pyrophosphorylase (gmpp) catalyses the synthesis of gdp-mannose, which is the precursor for the mannose residues in glycoconjugates, using mannose 1-phosphate and gtp as substrates. repression of gmpp in yeast leads to phenotypes including cell lysis, defective cell wall, and failure of polarized growth and cell separation. although several gmpps have been isolated and characterized in filamentous fungi, the physiological consequences of their actions are not clear. in this study, af ...200818757806
an evolutionary conserved d-galacturonic acid metabolic pathway operates across filamentous fungi capable of pectin degradation.transcriptome analysis of aspergillus niger transfer cultures grown on galacturonic acid media identified a highly correlating cluster of four strongly induced hypothetical genes linked with a subset set of genes encoding pectin degrading enzymes. three of the encoded hypothetical proteins now designated gaaa to gaac are directly involved in further galacturonic acid catabolism. functional and biochemical analysis revealed that gaaa is a novel d-galacturonic acid reductase. two non-allelic asper ...200818768163
the level of sulfane sulfur in the fungus aspergillus nidulans wild type and mutant strains.the interdependence of the sulfane sulfur metabolism and sulfur amino acid metabolism was studied in the fungus aspergillus nidulans wild type strain and in mutants impaired in genes encoding enzymes involved in the synthesis of cysteine (a precursor of sulfane sulfur) or in regulatory genes of the sulfur metabolite repression system. it was found that a low concentration of cellular cysteine leads to elevation of two sulfane sulfurtransferases, rhodanase and cystathionine gamma-lyase, while the ...200918781374
invasive aspergillus nidulans infection in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease. 200818783555
genomics of industrial aspergilli and comparison with toxigenic relatives.aspergillus oryzae has been used in japanese fermentation industries for more than a thousand years. the species produces large amounts of various hydrolytic enzymes and has been successfully applied to modern biotechnology. the size of the a. oryzae genome (37.5 mb) is very close to that of a. flavus and a. niger, and 20-30% larger than that of either a. nidulans or a. fumigatus. a. oryzae and a. flavus have exactly the same number of aspartic proteinase genes, of which each orthologous pair sh ...200818798040
characterization and heterologous expression of an age-dependent fungal/bacterial type chitinase of aspergillus nidulans.under carbon starvation, aspergillus nidulans produced a fungal/bacterial type chitinase, chib. the chib gene was cloned and subcloned into pjc40 expression vector containing a 10xhis fusion tag, and the chib protein was expressed heterologously in escherichia coli. recombinant and native chib enzymes shared the same optimal ph ranges and showed similar substrate specificities with endo-acting cleavage patterns.200818800599
genotoxicity of achillea millefolium essential oil in diploid cells of aspergillus nidulans.the essential oil of achillea millefolium is commonly used in folk medicine for the treatment of several diseases and has been demonstrated previously to exert an in vitro antimicrobial activity against human pathogens. current study investigates the genotoxic activity of a. millefolium oil. the oil's major constituents are: chamazulene (42.15%), sabinene (19.72%), terpin-4-ol (5.22%), beta-caryophyllene (4.44%) and eucalyptol (3.10%), comprising 74.63% of the total. the oil's genotoxic evaluati ...200918803228
a survey of nonribosomal peptide synthetase (nrps) genes in aspergillus nidulans.the genome of aspergillus nidulans carries 27 genes encoding nonribosomal peptide synthetase (nrps) structures, although only five of these forming peptides and amino acid containing metabolites have been identified so far. this manuscript describes domain structures, substrate binding pockets and related genes and gene clusters and summarizes our current state of product prediction of fungal nrps systems.200918804170
fe(ii)/alpha-ketoglutarate hydroxylases involved in nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide, and chromatin metabolism.fe(ii)/alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent hydroxylases uniformly possess a double-stranded beta-helix fold with two conserved histidines and one carboxylate coordinating their mononuclear ferrous ions. oxidative decomposition of the alpha-keto acid is proposed to generate a ferryl-oxo intermediate capable of hydroxylating unactivated carbon atoms in a myriad of substrates. this perspective focuses on a subgroup of these enzymes that are involved in pyrimidine salvage, purine decomposition, nucleoside ...200818813363
in vitro evaluation of penicillium digitatum sacc strains sensitivity to various fungicides from jordan.this investigation is the first report in jordan, aimed for in vitro evaluation of six fungicides and their combinations, to control the post harvest green mold (penicillium digitatum) of citrus fruits. thirty one different concentrations (0.01-3000 microg ml(-1)) of each fungicide, in addition to 6 combined concentrations from each of 7 fungicide mixtures, were tested using agar well diffusion method against four fungal strains. regression analysis, one way anova and post hoc multiple compariso ...200818819638
purification and partial characterization of the xanthine-uric acid transporter (uapa) of aspergillus nidulans.uapa, the uric acid-xanthine permease from the filamentous ascomycete aspergillus nidulans, is one of the most thoroughly characterized purine/h(+) transporters in eukaryotes. detailed studies have addressed its regulation of expression, at both the transcriptional and post-translational levels, in response to physiological and developmental signals. an extensive kinetic profile towards a plethora of purines and mutational analyses have established models on how uapa recognizes the purine ring a ...200918824106
the cypome (cytochrome p450 complement) of aspergillus nidulans.the cytochromes p450 (cyps) are found in all biological kingdoms and genome sequencing projects continue to reveal an ever increasing number. the principle aim of this paper is to identify the complete cypome of aspergillus nidulans from the genome sequence version an.3 deposited at the broad institute, assign the appropriate cyp nomenclature and define function where possible. the completed analysis revealed a total of 111 cyp genes, 3 of which were previously unknown and 8 pseudogenes, represe ...200918824241
depletion of the mobb and cota complex in aspergillus nidulans causes defects in polarity maintenance that can be suppressed by the environment stress.polarized growth is a central feature in eukaryotes. establishment and maintenance of cell polarity are coordinated by signaling pathways. in this study, we have identified mobb is required for the regulation of cell polarity in aspergillus nidulans. depletion of mobb by alca (p) promoter repression or deletion of mobb abolished conidiation completely, and induced severe growth defects. mobb mutants showed abnormal nuclear segregation with increased number of nuclei in spores, but the formation ...200818832040
characterization of bzip-type transcription factor atfa with reference to stress responses of conidia of aspergillus nidulans.microorganisms growing in natural habitats are permanently confronted with a wide variety of external stresses. in fungi, including aspergillus nidulans, one of the general and ultimate strategies to survive in harsh habitats is the development of stress-tolerant conidia. in this study, we found that one of the basic-region leucine zipper transcription factors, named atfa, plays a crucial role in the acquisition of tolerance against oxidative and heat stress on conidia, but not on mycelia, altho ...200818838792
effect of bioaugmentation and nitrogen supplementation on composting of paddy straw.a composting experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of a hyperlignocellulolytic fungal consortium and different nitrogen amendments on paddy straw composting in terms of changes in physicochemical and biological parameters. a fungal consortium comprising four lignocellulolytic mesophilic fungal cultures was used as inoculum for bioaugmentation of paddy straw in perforated pits. the comparative effect of farmyard manure (fym), soybean trash, poultry litter and urea on the composting proc ...200918839317
overexpression of a novel endogenous nadh kinase in aspergillus nidulans enhances growth.the complete genome sequence of the filamentous fungi aspergillus nidulans has paved the way for fundamental research on this industrially important species. to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a gene encoding for atp-dependent nadh kinase (atp:nadh 2'-phosphotransferase, ec has been identified. the enzyme has a predicted molecular weight of 49 kda. we characterised the role of this nadh kinase by genomic integration of the putative gene an8837.2 under a strong constit ...200918840540
mustard-gas mutation in aspergillus nidulans. 194818898339
the pathogenicity of aspergillus nidulans. 194818901060
identification of genes differentially expressed in a strain of the mold aspergillus nidulans carrying a loss-of-function mutation in the pala identify genes differentially expressed in a strain of the mold aspergillus nidulans carrying a loss-of-function mutation in pala, a gene in the ph-responsive signal transduction pathway, suppression subtractive hybridization was performed between rna isolated from the bia1 and bia1 pala1 strains grown under limiting inorganic phosphate at ph 5.0. we have identified several genes upregulated in the bia1 pala1 mutant strain that play important roles in mitotic fidelity, stress responses, enzym ...200818923548
characterization of the aspergillus niger prtt, a unique regulator of extracellular protease encoding genes.expression of several aspergillus niger genes encoding major secreted, but not vacuolar, protease genes including the major acid protease gene pepa, was shown to be affected in the previously isolated a. niger protease mutant, ab1.13 [mattern, i.e., van noort, j.m., van den berg, p., archer, d.a., roberts, i.n., hondel, c.a.m.j.j., 1992. isolation and characterization of mutants of aspergillus niger deficient in extracellular proteases. molecular & general genetics 2, 332-336]. complementation c ...200818930158
copy number suppressors of the aspergillus nidulans nima1 mitotic kinase display distinctive and highly dynamic cell cycle-regulated locations.the aspergillus nidulans nima kinase is essential for mitosis and is the founding member of the conserved nima-related kinase (nek) family of protein kinases. to gain insight into nima function, a copy number suppression screen has been completed that defines three proteins termed mcna, mcnb, and mcnc (multi-copy-number suppressor of nima1 a, b, and c). all display a distinctive and dynamic cell cycle-specific distribution. mcnc has weak similarity to saccharomyces cerevisiae def1 within a share ...200818931041
the fungal phytochrome fpha from aspergillus nidulans.the red light-sensing photoreceptor fpha from aspergillus nidulans is involved in the regulation of developmental processes in response to light. here we present extended biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of recombinant fpha using a synthetic gene with host-adapted codon usage. the recombinant photosensory domain fphan753 was shown to display all features of a bona fide phytochrome. it covalently binds biliverdin as chromophore and undergoes red/far-red light-inducible photoconversi ...200818931394
aspergillus nidulans udp-galactopyranose mutase, encoded by ugma plays key roles in colony growth, hyphal morphogenesis, and conidiation.growing resistance to current anti-fungal drugs is spurring investigation of new targets, including those in fungal wall metabolism. galactofuranose (galf) is found in the cell walls of many fungi including aspergillus fumigatus, which is currently the most prevalent opportunistic fungal pathogen in developed countries, and a. nidulans, a closely-related, tractable model system. udp-galactopyranose mutase (ugm) converts udp-galactopyranose into udp-galf prior to incorporation into the fungal wal ...200818935967
mapping the interaction sites of aspergillus nidulans phytochrome fpha with the global regulator vea and the white collar protein lreb.aspergillus nidulans senses red and blue-light and employs a phytochrome and a neurospora crassa white collar (wc) homologous system for light perception and transmits this information into developmental decisions. under light conditions it undergoes asexual development and in the dark it develops sexually. the phytochrome fpha consists of a light sensory domain and a signal output domain, consisting of a histidine kinase and a response regulator domain. previously it was shown that the phytochr ...200918936976
identification of the novel penicillin biosynthesis gene aatb of aspergillus nidulans and its putative evolutionary relationship to this fungal secondary metabolism gene cluster.the final step of penicillin biosynthesis in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans is catalysed by isopenicillin n acyltransferase encoded by the aata gene. because there is no bacterial homologue, its evolutionary origin remained obscure. as shown here,disruption of aata still enabled penicillin production. genome mining led to the discovery of the aatb gene(an6775.3) which has a similar structure and expression pattern as aata. disruption of aatb resulted in a reduced penicillin titre. s ...200818942174
agrobacterium-mediated transformation of fusarium oxysporum: an efficient tool for insertional mutagenesis and gene transfer.abstract agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (atmt) has long been used to transfer genes to a wide variety of plants and has also served as an efficient tool for insertional mutagenesis. in this paper, we report the construction of four novel binary vectors for fungal transformation and the optimization of an atmt protocol for insertional mutagenesis, which permits an efficient genetic manipulation of fusarium oxysporum and other phytopathogenic fungi to be achieved. employing the ...200118944391
ph regulation of sterigmatocystin and aflatoxin biosynthesis in aspergillus spp.abstract aflatoxin (af) and sterigmatocystin (st) are toxic secondary metabolites produced by the same biochemical pathway found in several aspergillus spp. the expression of the homologous st/af structural gene, stcu in a. nidulans and ver-1 in a. parasiticus, was affected by external ph of liquid growth media. both stcu and ver-1 mrnas appeared earlier and were expressed at higher levels in cultures grown in acidic media (ph 4 to 6) versus neutral (ph 7) and alkali (ph 8) media. transcript lev ...199718945083
analysis and prediction of gene splice sites in four aspergillus genomes.several aspergillus fungal genomic sequences have been published, with many more in progress. obviously, it is essential to have high-quality, consistently annotated sets of proteins from each of the genomes, in order to make meaningful comparisons. we have developed a dedicated, publicly available, splice site prediction program called netaspgene, for the genus aspergillus. gene sequences from aspergillus fumigatus, the most common mould pathogen, were used to build and test our model. compared ...200918948220
regulation of autolysis in aspergillus terms of cell physiology, autolysis is the centerpiece of carbon-starving fungal cultures. in the filamentous fungus model organism aspergillus nidulans, the last step of carbon-starvation-triggered autolysis was the degradation of the cell wall of empty hyphae, and this process was independent of concomitantly progressing cell death at the level of regulation. autolysis-related proteinase and chitinase activities were induced via flug signaling, which initiates sporulation and inhibits veget ...200818975147
identification and characterization of the asperthecin gene cluster of aspergillus nidulans.the sequencing of aspergillus genomes has revealed that the products of a large number of secondary metabolism pathways have not yet been identified. this is probably because many secondary metabolite gene clusters are not expressed under normal laboratory culture conditions. it is, therefore, important to discover conditions or regulatory factors that can induce the expression of these genes. we report that the deletion of sumo, the gene that encodes the small ubiquitin-like protein sumo in a. ...200818978088
a novel highly acidic beta-mannanase from the acidophilic fungus bispora sp. mey-1: gene cloning and overexpression in pichia pastoris.using degenerate polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and thermal asymmetric interlaced pcr, a 1,347-bp full-length complementary dna fragment encompassing the gene man5a, which encodes a 429-amino acid beta-mannanase with a calculated mass of 46.8 kda, was cloned from acidophilic bispora sp. mey-1. the deduced amino acid sequence (catalytic domain) displayed highest identity (54.1%) with the emericella nidulans endo-beta-1,4-d-mannanase, a member of the glycoside hydrolase family 5. recombinant man5 ...200918998121
long-distance movement of aspergillus nidulans early endosomes on microtubule fungal hyphal cells, intracellular membrane trafficking is constrained by the relatively long intracellular distances and the mode of growth, exclusively by apical extension. endocytosis plays a key role in hyphal tip growth, which involves the coupling of secretory membrane delivery to the apical region with subapical compensatory endocytosis. however, the identity, dynamics and function of filamentous fungal endosomal compartments remain largely unexplored. aspergillus nidulans raba(rab5) l ...200919000168
functional analysis of c2h2 zinc finger transcription factor crza involved in calcium signaling in aspergillus nidulans.calcium signaling systems are widely employed in eukaryotes and are implicated in the regulation of diverse biological processes. calcineurin is an important signaling component, which mediates ion homeostasis and virulence in several fungi. based on intensive studies conducted on budding yeast, transcription factor crz1p is thought to be a target of calcineurin. to provide insight into calcium signaling, a crz1p homolog (crza) in a filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans was identified and its ...200819002465
aspergillus nidulans flbe is an upstream developmental activator of conidiation functionally associated with the putative transcription factor flbb.aspergillus nidulans switches from vegetative growth to conidiation when aerial hyphae make contact with the atmosphere, or are subjected to specific environmental stress. the activation of the central conidiation pathway led by the transcription factor brla is a critical milestone in this morphogenetic transition. a number of upstream developmental activators (udas), expressed in vegetative cells, are required for this process to occur in conjunction with cessation of vegetative growth. mutants ...200919007409
genetic regulation of aflatoxin biosynthesis: from gene to genome.aflatoxins are notorious toxic secondary metabolites known for their impacts on human and animal health, and their effects on the marketability of key grain and nut crops. understanding aflatoxin biosynthesis is the focus of a large and diverse research community. concerted efforts by this community have led not only to a well-characterized biosynthetic pathway, but also to the discovery of novel regulatory mechanisms. common to secondary metabolism is the clustering of biosynthetic genes and th ...200919010433
transcription regulation of the pbgp43 gene by nitrogen in the human pathogen paracoccidioides brasiliensis.we show indirect evidences for the possible involvement of nit2-like binding motifs in transcription modulation of the pbgp43 gene, which codes for an important antigen from the human fungal pathogen paracoccidioides brasiliensis. this investigation was motivated by the finding of 23 nit2-like sites within the proximal -2047 nucleotides of the pbgp43 5' intergenic region from the pb339 isolate. they compose four clusters, two of them identical. we found four nit2-containing probes that were posi ...200919013535
quality evaluation of co-composted wheat straw, poultry droppings and oil seed cakes.poultry droppings, neem cake, castor cake, jatropha cake and grass clippings were used separately as organic nitrogen additives to decrease the high c:n ratio of wheat straw. composting was carried out aerobically in presence of fungal consortium developed by including aspergillus awamori, aspergillus nidulans, trichoderma viride and phanerochaete chrysosporium. the degraded product was characterized to assess the technical viability of organic nitrogen supplements as well as fungal consortium i ...200919015937
the three fungal transmembrane nuclear pore complex proteins of aspergillus nidulans are dispensable in the presence of an intact an-nup84-120 aspergillus nidulans nuclear pore complexes (npcs) undergo partial mitotic disassembly such that 12 npc proteins (nups) form a core structure anchored across the nuclear envelope (ne). to investigate how the npc core is maintained, we affinity purified the major core an-nup84-120 complex and identified two new fungal nups, an-nup37 and an-elys, previously thought to be vertebrate specific. during mitosis the an-nup84-120 complex locates to the ne and spindle pole bodies but, unlike vertebrate ...200919019988
restoration of electron transport without proton pumping in mammalian mitochondria.we have restored the coq oxidative capacity of mouse mtdna-less cells (rho degrees cells) by transforming them with the alternative oxidase aox of emericella nidulans. cotransforming rho degrees cells with the nadh dehydrogenase of saccharomyces cerevisiae, ndi1 and aox recovered the nadh dh/coq reductase and the coq oxidase activities. coq oxidation by aox reduces the dependence of rho degrees cells on pyruvate and uridine. coexpression of aox and ndi1 further improves the recycling of nad(+). ...200819020091
antifungal activity of anidulafungin, a product of aspergillus nidulans, against aspergillus nidulans.anidulafungin is a semisynthetic product originating from aspergillus nidulans. the aim of this study was to determine whether this drug is active against a. nidulans strains. the minimum effective concentration (mec) of anidulafungin without and with 50% foetal calf serum was determined according to the clinical and laboratory standards microdilution method. all 13 a. nidulans strains were highly susceptible to anidulafungin, with a mec of 0.031mg/l. the presence of serum did not affect the in ...200919026523
the aspergillus nidulans kinesin-3 unca motor moves vesicles along a subpopulation of microtubules.the extremely polarized growth form of filamentous fungi imposes a huge challenge on the cellular transport machinery, because proteins and lipids required for hyphal extension need to be continuously transported to the growing tip. recently, it was shown that endocytosis is also important for hyphal growth. here, we found that the aspergillus nidulans kinesin-3 motor protein unca transports vesicles and is required for fast hyphal extension. most surprisingly, unca-dependent vesicle movement oc ...200919037104
thematic issue: aspergillus genomics and beyond. preface. 200919041727
systems analysis unfolds the relationship between the phosphoketolase pathway and growth in aspergillus nidulans.aspergillus nidulans is an important model organism for studies on fundamental eukaryotic cell biology and on industrial processes due to its close relation to a. niger and a. oryzae. here we identified the gene coding for a novel metabolic pathway in a. nidulans, namely the phosphoketolase pathway, and investigated the role of an increased phosphoketolase activity.200819052639
proteomic analysis of aspergillus nidulans cultured under hypoxic conditions.the fungus aspergillus nidulans reduces nitrate to ammonium and simultaneously oxidizes ethanol to acetate to generate atp under hypoxic conditions in a mechanism called ammonia fermentation (takasaki, k. et al.. j. biol. chem. 2004, 279, 12414-12420). to elucidate the mechanism, the fungus was cultured under normoxic and hypoxic (ammonia fermenting) conditions, intracellular proteins were resolved by 2-de, and 332 protein spots were identified using maldi ms after tryptic digestion. alcohol and ...200919053082
roles of the aspergillus nidulans homologues of tup1 and ssn6 in chromatin structure and cell viability.for three different carbon catabolite repressible promoters, alca, alcr and the bidirectional promoter prnd-prnb, a deletion of rcoa, the aspergillus nidulans homologue of tup1, does not result in carbon catabolite derepression. surprisingly, it results in disruption of the chromatin default structure of alcr and prnd-prnb promoters. in these promoters, and at variance with the wild type, repression occurs in the absence of nucleosome positioning. for alcr, repression occurs together with a nucl ...200819054105
physiological involvement in ph signaling of vps24-mediated recruitment of aspergillus palb cysteine protease to escrt-iii.activation of the aspergillus nidulans transcription factor pacc, which mediates ambient ph regulation of gene expression and is recruited to escrt-iii by the vps32-interacting scaffold pala, involves its ambient ph-dependent c-terminal proteolysis. this reaction is almost certainly catalyzed by the palb calpain-like protease. here we show that palb associates with membranes and interacts specifically and directly with escrt-iii vps24. the palb n-terminal mit domain and the vps24 c-terminal mim ...200919056728
purine utilization by klebsiella oxytoca m5al: genes for ring-oxidizing and -opening enzymes.the enterobacterium klebsiella oxytoca uses a variety of inorganic and organic nitrogen sources, including purines, nitrogen-rich compounds that are widespread in the biosphere. we have identified a 23-gene cluster that encodes the enzymes for utilizing purines as the sole nitrogen source. growth and complementation tests with insertion mutants, combined with sequence comparisons, reveal functions for the products of these genes. here, we report our characterization of 12 genes, one encoding gua ...200919060149
overexpression of the chitosanase gene in fusarium solani via agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated overexpress the chitosanase gene (csn) in f. solani, a vector based on pcambia 1300 was constructed. the csn gene, which is under control of the aspergillus nidulans gpda promoter and a. nidulans trpc terminator, was introduced back into the f. solani genome by agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and the herbicide-resistance gene bar from streptomyces hygroscopicus was used as the selection marker. transformants which showed a significant increase in chitosanase production (app ...200919093150
occurrence and relevance of filamentous fungi in respiratory secretions of patients with cystic fibrosis--a review.the colonization of airways by filamentous fungi and the development of respiratory infections require some predisposing factors as encountered in patients with cystic fibrosis (cf). indeed, the defective mucociliary clearance which characterizes the disease is associated with local immunological disorders. in addition, the prolonged therapy with antibiotics and the use of corticosteroid treatments also facilitate fungal growth. an important fungal biota has been described in respiratory secreti ...200919107638
construction of a citrinin gene cluster expression system in heterologous aspergillus oryzae.filamentous fungi are considered an attractive resource for the discovery and production of bioactive compounds. to facilitate molecular breeding, biosynthetic genes must be rapidly identified. but, even after the chemical structure of a compound is identified, finding the corresponding biosynthetic genes in the fungal genome still remains a challenge. in an attempt to overcome this difficulty and to easily characterize each gene in a cluster, we constructed a heterologous expression system usin ...200819111642
effects of conidia of various aspergillus species on apoptosis of human pneumocytes and bronchial epithelial cells.aspergillus species can cause mycoses in human and animals. previously, we demonstrated that a. fumigatus conidia from a human isolate inhibited apoptosis in human pneumocytes and bronchial epithelial cells. in the current study, we studied the effects of a. fumigatus conidia non-human origin and a. flavus, a. nidulans, a. niger and a. oryzae conidia on human cells apoptosis. human pneumocytes or bronchial epithelial cells were simultaneously exposed to apoptotic inductors and aspergilli conidia ...200919117118
atazg1 and atazg2 comprise a novel family of purine transporters in plants, nucleobase biochemistry is highly compartmented relying upon a well-regulated and selective membrane transport system. in arabidopsis two proteins, atazg1 and atazg2, show substantial amino acid sequence similarity to the adenine-guanine-hypoxanthine transporter azga of aspergillus nidulans. analysis of single and double mutant lines harboring t-dna insertion alleles atazg1-1 and atazg2-1 reveal a marked resistance to growth in the presence of 8-azaadenine and 8-azaguanine but not to ...200919121308
response to hypoxia, reduction of electron acceptors, and subsequent survival by filamentous fungi.filamentous fungi usually inhabit normoxic environments by utilizing oxygen as a substrate for respiration and for the biosynthesis of some essential cellular components. this review examines the metabolic mechanisms used by filamentous fungi under oxygen-limited (hypoxic) conditions. denitrification is one mechanism through which fusarium oxysporum and other fungi reduce nitrate or nitrite to nitrous oxide, generating nitric oxide as a reaction intermediate. the involvement of cytochrome p450no ...200919129650
alternative processing of proproteins in aspergilli kexb gene disruptants under hyperosmotic conditions.disruption of the kexb gene encoding a subtilisin-like processing protease in aspergillus oryzae and aspergillus nidulans led to remarkable morphological defects, and these phenotypes were suppressed under hyperosmotic conditions. in this study, we investigated to determine whether non-kexb proteases might complement the in vivo function of kexb in the two aspergillus kexb disruptants. neither overexpression of opsa or opsb encoding a. oryzae aspartyl proteases homologous to yeast yapsins (yps1/ ...200919129662
inactivation of the lipoxygenase zmlox3 increases susceptibility of maize to aspergillus spp.plant and fungal lipoxygenases (lox) catalyze the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, creating fatty-acid hydroperoxides (oxylipins). fungal oxylipins are required for normal fungal development and secondary metabolism, and plant host-derived oxylipins interfere with these processes in fungi, presumably by signal mimicry. the maize lox gene zmlox3 has been implicated previously in seed-aspergillus interactions, so we tested the interactions of a mutant maize line (lox3-4, in which zmlox3 i ...200919132874
the 2008 update of the aspergillus nidulans genome annotation: a community effort.the identification and annotation of protein-coding genes is one of the primary goals of whole-genome sequencing projects, and the accuracy of predicting the primary protein products of gene expression is vital to the interpretation of the available data and the design of downstream functional applications. nevertheless, the comprehensive annotation of eukaryotic genomes remains a considerable challenge. many genomes submitted to public databases, including those of major model organisms, contai ...200919146970
indole prenyltransferases from fungi: a new enzyme group with high potential for the production of prenylated indole derivatives.prenylated indole derivatives are hybrid natural products containing both aromatic and isoprenoid moieties and are widely spread in plants, fungi and bacteria. some of these complex natural products, e.g. the ergot alkaloids ergotamine and fumigaclavine c as well as the diketopiperazine derivative fumitremorgin c and its biosynthetic precursors tryprostatin a and b, show a wide range of biological and pharmacological activities. prenyl transfer reactions catalysed by prenyltransferases represent ...200919149573
contribution of peroxisomes to penicillin biosynthesis in aspergillus nidulans.peroxisomal localization of the third enzyme of the penicillin biosynthesis pathway of aspergillus nidulans, acyl-coenzyme a:ipn acyltransferase (iat), is mediated by its atypical peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (pts1). however, mislocalization of iat by deletion of either its pts1 or of genes encoding proteins involved in peroxisome formation or transport does not completely abolish penicillin biosynthesis. this is in contrast to the effects of iat mislocalization in penicillium chrysogenum.200919151327
identification of virulence genes in fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by large-scale transposon tagging.forward genetic screens are efficient tools for the dissection of complex biological processes, such as fungal pathogenicity. a transposon tagging system was developed in the vascular wilt fungus fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by inserting the novel modified impala element imp160::gfp upstream of the aspergillus nidulans niad gene, followed by transactivation with a constitutively expressed transposase. a collection of 2072 nia(+) revertants was obtained from reporter strain t12 and scree ...200919161356
the pot and plob vector systems: improving ease of transgene expression in botrytis cinerea.this paper outlines the construction of a novel vector system comprising interchangeable terminators, as well as a multiple cloning site (mcs), to facilitate the transformation of the fungal plant pathogen botrytis cinerea. previous molecular studies on b. cinerea have relied upon the plob1 based vector system (controlled by the aspergillus nidulans olic promoter and a region reported to be the b. cinerea tuba terminator). investigations, however, have revealed that, rather than the genuine b. c ...200819164879
disruption of the nadph-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase affects the morphology of two industrial strains of penicillium morphological aspects of penicillium chrysogenum were found during physiological characterisation of two nadph-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase mutant strains. a morphological characterisation of the previously constructed strains, together with the two beta-lactam producing industrial recipient strains, was conducted. the reference strains showed a compact structure with highly branched hyphal elements whereas the morphology of the deltagdha strains consisting of long elongated hyphal elem ...200919167440
studies of the production of fungal polyketides in aspergillus nidulans by using systems biology tools.many filamentous fungi produce polyketide molecules with great significance as human pharmaceuticals; these molecules include the cholesterol-lowering compound lovastatin, which was originally isolated from aspergillus terreus. the chemical diversity and potential uses of these compounds are virtually unlimited, and it is thus of great interest to develop a well-described microbial production platform for polyketides. using genetic engineering tools available for the model organism aspergillus n ...200919168657
agta, the dicarboxylic amino acid transporter of aspergillus nidulans, is concertedly down-regulated by exquisite sensitivity to nitrogen metabolite repression and ammonium-elicited endocytosis.we identified agta, a gene that encodes the specific dicarboxylic amino acid transporter of aspergillus nidulans. the deletion of the gene resulted in loss of utilization of aspartate as a nitrogen source and of aspartate uptake, while not completely abolishing glutamate utilization. kinetic constants showed that agta is a high-affinity dicarboxylic amino acid transporter and are in agreement with those determined for a cognate transporter activity identified previously. the gene is extremely se ...200919168757
the glutathione system of aspergillus nidulans involves a fungus-specific glutathione s-transferase.the tripeptide glutathione is involved in cellular defense mechanisms for xenobiotics and reactive oxygen species. this study investigated glutathione-dependent mechanisms in the model organism aspergillus nidulans. a recombinant dimeric protein of a. nidulans glutathione reductase (gr) contained fad and reduced oxidized glutathione (gssg) using nadph as an electron donor. a deletion strain of the gr gene (glra) accumulated less intracellular reduced glutathione (gsh), indicating that the fungal ...200919171936
comparative in vitro activities of posaconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole, and amphotericin b against aspergillus and rhizopus, and synergy testing for rhizopus.we compared the in vitro activities of posaconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole, and amphotericin b against clinical isolates of aspergillus spp. and rhizopus spp., and explored the in vitro interaction between posaconazole and amphotericin b against rhizopus spp. clinical strains of 82 aspergillus spp. (43 aspergillus fumigatus, 29 a. flavus, 7 a. niger, 2 a. terreus, 1 a. nidulans) and 11 rhizopus oryzae isolates were tested in accordance with clsi m38-a microdilution guidelines. in vitro acti ...200819180726
analysis of all protein phosphatase genes in aspergillus nidulans identifies a new mitotic regulator, fcp1.reversible protein phosphorylation is an important regulatory mechanism of cell cycle control in which protein phosphatases counteract the activities of protein kinases. in aspergillus nidulans, 28 protein phosphatase catalytic subunit genes were identified. systematic deletion analysis identified four essential phosphatases and four required for normal growth. conditional alleles of these were generated using the alca promoter. the deleted phosphatase strain collection and regulatable versions ...200919181872
rapid screening and isolation of a fungus for sitosterol to androstenedione biotransformation.androstenedione (ad) is a steroid intermediate used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of several important anabolic drugs. an important route for producing ad is by the microbial transformation of sterols. microbes capable of efficiently transforming sterols to ad are few and newer strains need to be isolated. conventional procedures for screening and isolation are time consuming. a new procedure was used for screening and isolation of fungal microorganisms capable of biotransfor ...200919189060
a gene cluster containing two fungal polyketide synthases encodes the biosynthetic pathway for a polyketide, asperfuranone, in aspergillus nidulans.the genome sequencing of aspergillus species including a. nidulans reveals that the products of many of the secondary metabolism pathways in these fungi have not been elucidated. our examination of the 27 polyketide synthases (pks) in a. nidulans revealed that one highly reduced pks (hr-pks, an1034.3) and one nonreduced pks (nr-pks, an1036.3) are located next to each other in the genome. since no known a. nidulans secondary metabolites could be produced by two pks enzymes, we hypothesized that t ...200919199437
inducer-dependent nuclear localization of a zn(ii)(2)cys(6) transcriptional activator, amyr, in aspergillus nidulans.amyr is a zn(ii)(2)cys(6) transcriptional activator that regulates expression of the amylolytic genes in aspergillus species. subcellular localization studies of gfp-fused amyr in a. nidulans revealed that the fusion protein preferentially localized to the nucleus in response to isomaltose, the physiological inducer of the amylolytic genes. the c-terminal domains of amyr, designated mh3 (residues 419-496) and mh4 (residues 516-542), were essential for sensing the inducing stimulus and regulating ...200919202286
mutations in genes encoding sorting nexins alter production of intracellular and extracellular proteases in aspergillus nidulans.xprg, a putative p53-like transcriptional activator, regulates production of extracellular proteases in response to nutrient limitation and may also have a role in programmed cell death. to identify genes that may be involved in the xprg regulatory pathway, xprg2 revertants were isolated and shown to carry mutations in genes which we have named soga-c (suppressors of xprg). the translocation breakpoint in the soga1 mutant was localized to a homolog of saccharomyces cerevisiae vps5 and mapping da ...200919204378
comparative evolutionary histories of the fungal chitinase gene family reveal non-random size expansions and contractions due to adaptive natural selection.gene duplication and loss play an important role in the evolution of novel functions and for shaping an organism's gene content. recently, it was suggested that stress-related genes frequently are exposed to duplications and losses, while growth-related genes show selection against change in copy number. the fungal chitinase gene family constitutes an interesting case study of gene duplication and loss, as their biological roles include growth and development as well as more stress-responsive fu ...200819204807
the protein kinase imeb is required for light-mediated inhibition of sexual development and for mycotoxin production in aspergillus nidulans.spore formation is a common process in the developmental cycle of fungi. in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, ime2 is a key protein kinase for the meiotic cell cycle, which precedes ascospore formation. here, we analysed the ime2-related imeb gene of the filamentous ascomycete aspergillus nidulans. imeb deletion strains are retarded in growth and overproduce fertile sexual fruiting bodies in the presence of light, which normally represses sexual development. imeb mutants also display abnormal ...200919210625
nucleolar separation from chromosomes during aspergillus nidulans mitosis can occur without spindle the nucleolus is segregated during mitosis is poorly understood and occurs by very different mechanisms during closed and open mitosis. here we report a new mechanism of nucleolar segregation involving removal of the nucleolar-organizing regions (nors) from nucleoli during aspergillus nidulans mitosis. this involves a double nuclear envelope (ne) restriction which generates three ne-associated structures, two daughter nuclei (containing the nors), and the nucleolus. therefore, a remnant nucl ...200919211837
phenotypes of mutations in the 5'-utr of a limiting transcription factor in aspergillus nidulans can be accounted for by translational inhibition and leaky scanning.the uay gene encodes the transcriptional activator of purine catabolism genes in aspergillus nidulans. uay12 results in strongly defective growth on purines as nitrogen sources and in strongly diminished transcription of uay-regulated genes. this mutation introduces an atg codon 64 bp upstream of the uay atg, generating a 68-codon open reading frame (uorfa), overlapping with the uay orf. uay12 revertants fall into three categories: i. the majority eliminate the aberrant atg. the growth and trans ...200919221200
mlp1 acts as a mitotic scaffold to spatially regulate spindle assembly checkpoint proteins in aspergillus nidulans.during open mitosis several nuclear pore complex (npc) proteins have mitotic specific localizations and functions. we find that the aspergillus nidulans mlp1 npc protein has previously unrealized mitotic roles involving spatial regulation of spindle assembly checkpoint (sac) proteins. in interphase, an-mlp1 tethers the an-mad1 and an-mad2 sac proteins to npcs. during a normal mitosis, an-mlp1, an-mad1, and an-mad2 localize similarly on, and around, kinetochores until telophase when they transien ...200919225157
assessment of the core cryparin promoter from cryphonectria parasitica for heterologous expression in filamentous fungi.cryparin is an abundant cell-wall-associated hydrophobin of cryphonectria parasitica. although cryparin is encoded as a single copy gene, it is the most abundant protein produced by this fungus when grown in liquid culture. studies to characterize the transcriptional regulatory element(s) found that the fragment between nt -188 and the start codon was the minimal but sufficient promoter element for expression of the cryparin gene. to explore the possibility of using this small fragment as a mini ...200919238380
class iic alpha-mannosidase afams1 is required for morphogenesis and cellular function in aspergillus fumigatus.the mammalian er/cytosolic alpha-mannosidase (man2c1p), yeast vacuolar alpha-mannosidase (ams1p) and the aspergillus nidulans alpha-mannosidase are members of class iic subgroup, which is involved in oligosaccharide catabolism and n-glycan processing. unlike their mammalian counterparts, the yeast ams1p and a. nidulans class iic alpha-mannosidase are not essential for morphogenesis and cellular function. in this study, the afams1, a gene encoding a member of class iic alpha-mannosidases, was ide ...200919240271
Displaying items 3801 - 3900 of 5149