
monensin inhibits the processing of herpes simplex virus glycoproteins, their transport to the cell surface, and the egress of virions from infected cells.hep-2 cells or vero cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 were exposed to the ionophore monensin, which is thought to block the transit of membrane vesicles from the golgi apparatus to the cell surface. we found that yields of extracellular virus were reduced to less than 0.5% of control values by 0.2 microm monensin under conditions that permitted accumulation of cell-associated infectious virus at about 20% of control values. viral protein synthesis was not inhibited by monensin, whe ...19826292453
detailed characterization of an apparently unspliced beta herpes simplex virus type 1 gene mapping in the interior of another.we precisely localized the coding region and determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1.2-kilobase beta herpes simplex virus type 1 mrna which underlies the 3' region of the 5.2-kilobase beta mrna mapping in hindiii fragment k. this mrna, which lacks readily detectable splices, has its own promoter by the criteria of identification of putative herpes simplex virus type 1 control sequences and in vitro transcription by a manley polymerase system.19826292456
endo-beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase h sensitivity of precursors to herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins gb and gc.the endoglycosidase endo-beta-n-acetylglucominidase h (endo h) was used to examine the nature of the oligosaccharides associated with the herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins ga, gb, and gc. immunoprecipitates from detergent extracts of infected cells, using monospecific antisera to gab and gc, were treated with endo h. the low-molecular-weight precursor to gc, pgc(105), was found to be sensitive to endo h. removal of the endo h-sensitive oligosaccharide chains from pgc(105) resulted in a p ...19826292487
herpes simplex virus glycoprotein ga/b: evidence that the infected vero cell products comap and arise by proteolysis.we recently reported (pereira et al., proc. natl. acad. sci. u.s.a. 78:5202-5206, 1981) that herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 glycoproteins, previously designated ga and gb, could not be differentiated by a bank of independently derived type-specific and type-common monoclonal antibodies. we also reported that from lysates of infected vero cells, all but one monoclonal antibody precipitated ga/b glycoproteins which had faster electrophoretic mobility than the corresponding infected hep-2 cell glycop ...19826292507
characterization of two conformational forms of the major dna-binding protein encoded by herpes simplex virus 1.we have resolved two electrophoretic species of the major dna-binding protein, infected cell polypeptide 8 (icp8), encoded by herpes simplex virus 1. in pulse-chase experiments, we observed the conversion of the icp8a form, the slower migrating species, to the faster migrating form, icp8b. thus, the two species appear to be related as precursor-product. the conversion was not due to proteolytic cleavage, because higher concentrations of reducing agents in the sample buffer shifted the faster mov ...19826292530
peripheral facial palsy and infections- findings and problems.eighty-four patients of the cologne university ent clinic with a diagnosis of idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (pep) were examined - both clinically and virologically. in addition, examinations were carried out on 33 further pfp-patients from different practising physicians (group b) where the clinical information, however, was much less detailed. in the ent clinical group (84 patients), there was a total of 12 recent virus infections (9 varicella zoster virus, 2 herpes simplex virus, 1 coxsac ...19826292678
expression of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein c from a dna fragment inserted into the thymidine kinase gene of this virus.previous reports have described mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 that fail to produce or accumulate one of the major glycoproteins, glycoprotein c (gc). this defect is not lethal in cell culture, has been associated with the syncytial plaque morphology of some mutants, and may result from mutations that map to a region on the genome noncontiguous with the structural gene for gc. to investigate the conditions required for, and consequences of, gc expression in a specific genetic background, ...19826292909
nucleotide sequences of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) affecting virus entry, cell fusion, and production of glycoprotein gb (vp7). 19826293179
induction of mutations within the host cell genome by partially inactivated herpes simplex virus type 1. 19826293182
comparison of the in vitro and in vivo anti-herpes activities of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylthymine and its 5' vitro and in vivo anti-herpes activities of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylthymine 5'-monophosphate (ara-tmp) were compared with those of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylthymine (ara-t). on a molar basis ara-tmp was almost as active as ara-t against six strains of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) as monitored by a cytopathogenicity-inhibition and a plaque reduction assay in human embryonic lung fibroblast cells. when tested against experimental encephalitis in mice inoculated intrace ...19826293376
synergistic activities of type i (alpha, beta) and type ii (gamma) murine interferons.type i (alpha, beta) and type ii (gamma) murine interferons are able to potentiate each other with respect to the inhibition of encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus and of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) multiplication in a murine cell line (dbt). examination of two double-stranded rna-dependent enzymes in dbt cells, the 2-5a synthetase and the 67,000 mw protein phosphokinase indicates that mixed interferon preparations act synergistically at least with respect to an increase in the activity of ...19826293377
lipofuscin in rabbit skin: its occurrence after ocular herpes simplex infection.systemic infection, induced by intraocular inoculation of type 1 herpes simplex virus (hsv 1) in young rabbits, is accompanied by the appearance of autofluorescent pigments precisely in the midportion of their fur follicles. histochemical and solubility reactions of the pigment led to its characterization as a lipofuscinlike pigment. follicle fluorescence correlated with the severity of clinical symptoms; it was present in 100% of the follicles of rabbits that died but was found in only 30% to 5 ...19836293403
comparison of restriction endonuclease profiles of dna from local herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) strains.comparisons of restriction endonuclease profiles of dna isolated from nine genital hsv-2 strains isolated from 1973 to 1981 were made using six restriction endonucleases (bgl ii, hind iii, xba 1, eco ri, bam hi and hpa i). the only variation detected in the dna profiles was found with eco ri and bam hi, and in each case all the isolates could be classified into two groups. the difference between the two eco ri groups could be accounted for by the absence of an eco ri cleavage site from the hsv d ...19826293436
modifications of the nuclear envelope of bhk cells after infection with herpes simplex virus type 1.numerous discrete lesions, which we have termed blebs, appeared in the nucleus of bhk cells 10 to 15 h after infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1). they were formed in the inner portion of the nuclear envelope by the apposition of two thickened lamellae overlying a vacuole. as demonstrated by electron microscopic studies, blebs were regular and associated with the peripheral lamina in the nucleus, averaging 3.5 blebs per micron2. they appeared to be associated with an enrichment of ...19826294235
identification and nucleotide sequences of two similar tandem direct repeats in epstein-barr virus dna.epstein-barr virus dna is known to have partially homologous segments, designated dl and dr, near the left and right ends of the long unique region (raab-traub et al., cell 22:257-267, 1980). dl and dr are each partially composed of tandem direct repeat sequences. dl contains 11 to 14 repeats of a 124-base-pair sequence designated ir2. dr contains approximately 30 direct repeats of a 103-base-pair sequence designated ir4. the dl and dr sequences have colinear partial homology for approximately 2 ...19826294332
isolation of herpes simplex virus type 1 in recurrent (mollaret's) meningitis. 19816294952
herpes simplex virus type 1 cell fusion occurs in the presence of ammonium chloride-inhibited glycoproteins. 19826294977
[the dna restriction enzyme analyses of herpes simplex virus type 1 isolates from cases of ocular herpes]. 19826295117
efficacy of (e)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine against different herpes simplex virus strains in cell culture and against experimental herpes encephalitis in mice.(e)-5-(2-bromovinyl-2'-deoxyuridine (brvudr) showed strong antiviral activity against different laboratory strains and clinical isolates of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) on primary rabbit testes (prt) cells with a 50% inhibition of plaque formation (id50) at 0.01-0.02 microm. one laboratory strain (hsv-1-s), however, was completely refractory even at concentrations as high as 100 microm. in contrast, the id50s for all herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) strains were about 10(2) - 10(3) tim ...19826295273
effects of nucleoside analogues on the expression of herpes simplex type 1-induced proteins.exposure of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1)-infected vero cells to the nucleoside analogues 5-iodo-5'-amino-2',5'-dideoxyuridine (aidurd), 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (idurd) or 5'-amino-2',5'-dideoxythymidine (5'-adthd) resulted in altered expression of hsv-1-induced proteins. infected cell proteins (icps) synthesized in the presence of the nucleoside analogues were compared by sodium dodecyl sulphate (sds) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to icps from non-drug-treated cells and it was found t ...19826295274
immunoglobulin class of antibody to herpes simplex virus in patients with oral enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure antibody of the igg, iga, and igm classes against herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) in human sera. patients with untreated oral cancer had higher levels of igm antibody to hsv-1 than did either patients with acute or recurrent herpetic infections or age-matched control subjects. levels of igm antibody to cytomegalovirus and total serum igm concentrations were similar in all groups. patients who had been treated successfully for oral canc ...19836295594
kinetics and genetics of herpes simplex virus-induced antibody formation in mice.the kinetics of antibody synthesis was investigated after intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, and footpad infection of various strains of mice with herpes simplex virus. immunoglobulin m antibodies appeared 5 days after and immunoglobulin g antibodies appeared 10 to 12 days after intraperitoneal infection with herpes simplex virus type 1. the major histocompatibility complex and the background genome of inbred mice were not found to have a systematical influence on antibody synthesis. female mice, ho ...19836295954
the relationship between incorporation of e-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine into herpes simplex virus type 1 dna with virus infectivity and dna integrity.e-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (brvdurd) produced a dose-dependent shift in the density of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) dna at concentrations which yielded potent inhibition of virus replication in cultured vero cells. although the density of cellular dna was not altered by these concentrations of brvdurd, incorporation of this analogue into cellular dna of hsv-1-infected cells has been previously observed in this laboratory. the degree of inhibition correlated with the amount of brvd ...19836296080
properties of purified enzymes induced by pathogenic drug-resistant mutants of herpes simplex virus. evidence for virus variants expressing normal dna polymerase and altered thymidine kinase.the dna polymerases and thymidine kinases induced by three drug-resistant mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 (s1, tr7, and b3) and their common parent strain, sc16, have been purified and their properties compared. no significant differences were seen in the affinities of the polymerases for ttp and dgtp, or for the triphosphates of 9-(2-hydroxyethyloxymethyl)guanine (acyclovir) or (e)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (bvdu) (drugs used in their isolation). in contrast all three mutants indu ...19836296119
virus-induced thymidine kinases as markers for typing herpes simplex viruses and for drug sensitivity assays.a rapid, reproducible and objective new method for typing herpes simplex viruses type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) based on the effects of virus-induced thymidine kinases on various antiviral drugs has been developed. when several laboratory strains and clinical isolates were typed by this method and compared to the results obtained by the immunofluorescence antibody typing method, agreement was found for all the viruses. the new technique has the added advantage of determining the sensitivity o ...19826296179
thymidine kinase deletion mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1.deletions in the cloned thymidine kinase (tk) gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1), strain 17 syn+, were produced by two methods. removal of a 506 base pair fragment from between the unique ssti and bg/ii restriction endonuclease sites of ptk1 (hsv-1 bamhi p cloned in pat153) and subsequent transformation of escherichia coli resulted in the isolation of 50 deleted plasmids. sequential digestion of ptk1 with bg/ii and nuclease bal 31 followed by ligation and recleavage with bg/ii resulted ...19826296278
low infectivity of hsv-1 dna caused by defective-interfering genomes.the infectivity of herpes simplex virus, type 1, strain ang progeny dna from standard virus infections and of progeny dna from infections involving defective-interfering virus particles (di dna) was compared in transfection assays. no difference in infectivity of virus dna isolated either from infected cells or from progeny virus was found for a given type of infection. however, the values for two types of infection differed markedly, with di progeny dna being less infectious by more than 2 log1 ...19826296280
inversion of the two segments of the herpes simplex virus genome in intertypic recombinants.we have analysed by restriction site mapping the structures of the termini and l-s joint in several hsv-1/hsv-2 intertypic recombinants, including bx1(28-1), the virion dna of which has a marked overabundance of one orientation of the l segment, and subclones of bx1(28-1). all recombinants with both orientations of l present in equal amounts contain trl and irl regions derived at least in part from the same parent (hsv-1 or hsv-2) as a result of previously undetected crossovers in these regions. ...19836296294
either orientation of the l segment of the herpes simplex virus genome may participate in the production of viable intertypic recombinants.we have analysed the genome structures of 90 recombinant viruses produced by co-infection of baby hamster kidney cells with the dna of a herpes simplex virus type 1 temperature-sensitive mutant (tsd) and specific dna fragments of wild-type herpes simplex virus type 2 at non-permissive temperature. crossovers were located predominantly in regions of greatest intertypic homology, and we conclude that primary recombination occurred with the l segment of the genome in either orientation.19836296303
transcription of herpes simplex virus genes in vivo: overlap of a late promoter with the 3' end of the early thymidine kinase gene.we identified in herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cells six cytoplasmic transcripts which were complementary to bamhi restriction endonuclease fragment q. two transcripts appeared in major amounts compared with the other four. one major transcript of about 1.4 kilobases was the mrna for the viral thymidine kinase, was synthesized at intermediate times, and was classified as a beta transcript. the other major transcript was synthesized at late times and was classified as a gamma transcript. t ...19836296424
herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 induce shutoff of host protein synthesis by different mechanisms in friend erythroleukemia cells.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and hsv-2 disrupt host protein synthesis after viral infection. we have treated both viral types with agents which prevent transcription of the viral genome and used these treated viruses to infect induced friend erythroleukemia cells. by measuring the changes in globin synthesis after infection, we have determined whether expression of the viral genome precedes the shutoff of host protein synthesis or whether the inhibitor molecule enters the cells as part of ...19836296433
genetic analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants which define the genes for the major herpes simplex virus type 2 dna-binding protein and a new late function.eleven temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) exhibit overlapping patterns of complementation that define four functional groups. recombination tests confirmed the assignment of mutants to complementation groups 1 through 4 and permitted the four groups to be ordered in an unambiguous linear array. combined recombination and marker rescue tests (a. e. spang, p. j. godowski, and d. m. knipe, j. virol. 45:332-342, 1983) indicate that the mutations lie in a tight clust ...19836296441
genetic analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants which define the gene for the major herpes simplex virus type 1 dna-binding protein.we have assigned eight temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 to complementation group 1-1. members of this group fail to complement mutants in herpes simplex virus type 2 complementation group 2-2. the mutation of one member of group 1-1, tsha1 of strain mp, has been shown to map in or near the sequence which encodes the major herpes simplex virus type 1 dna-binding protein (conley et al., j. virol. 37:191-206, 1981). the mutations of five other members of group 1-1 map in ...19836296442
dna-mediated gene transfer in friend leukemia cells by cotransfection of simian virus 40 dna with herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase dna.thymidine kinase-negative friend leukemia cells were cotransfected with simian virus 40 (sv40) dna and thymidine kinase gene dna of herpes simplex virus type 1. the transfected thymidine kinase-positive cells were selected in hat medium, and sv40 t-antigen expression was observed over many months in cells cultured under selective conditions, and after adaptation to normal growth medium under nonselective conditions. it was shown by southern blot hybridization that sv40 dna was integrated in mult ...19836296444
molecular genetics of herpes simplex virus. viii. further characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutant defective in release of viral dna and in other stages of the viral reproductive cycle.previous studies have shown that cells infected with the herpes simplex virus 1(hfem) mutant tsb7 and maintained at the nonpermissive temperature fail to accumulate viral polypeptides. analyses of intertypic recombinants generated by marker rescue of tsb7 with herpes simplex virus 2 dna fragments localized the mutation between 0.46 and 0.52 map units on the viral genome (knipe et al., j. virol. 38:539-547, 1981). in this paper we report that the mutation in tsb7 affects several aspects of the re ...19836296445
enhancement of lewis lung carcinoma by the concomitant infection of the host with herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2.infection with herpes simplex virus (hsv) enhances the growth of lewis lung tumor (llt). infection with hsv-1 enhances as efficiently as hsv-2. a significant acceleration of primary tumor formation was obtained. in mice, lung metastases were increased in number and size above the controls. enhancement occurred only with high doses of infectious virus and was also obtained only when the virus infection was at a site close to that of the tumor implantation. this finding, in addition to the lack of ...19836296746
tromantadine: inhibitor of early and late events in herpes simplex virus replication.unlike amantadine (1-adamantanamine), tromantadine (n-1-adamantyl-n-[2-(dimethyl amino)ethoxy]acetamide hydrochloride) inhibits herpes simplex virus type 1 (kos strain)-induced cytopathic effect and virus replication with limited toxicity to the cells. vero and hep-2 cells tolerated up to 2 mg of tromantadine per 2 x 10(6) cells for 24-, 48-, or 96-h incubation periods with little change in cell morphology. treatment of the cells with 10 to 50 micrograms of tromantadine reduced herpes simplex vi ...19826297383
selectivity of antitemplates as inhibitors of deoxyribonucleic acid polymerases.dna polymerase alpha from calf thymus was relatively insensitive to the action of partially thiolated polycytidylic acid (mpc) which had been shown previously to be a potent inhibitor of the corresponding enzyme from regenerating rat liver, competitive with the activated dna template. in contrast, partially thiolated polyuridylic acid (mpu) strongly inhibited the calf thymus enzyme as well, but showed non-competitive kinetics with respect to the activated dna template. the much more potent inhib ...19826297506
homology between mammalian cell dna sequences and human herpesvirus genomes detected by a hybridization procedure with high-complexity probe.mouse and human dna used as in vitro-labeled "high-complexity" probes revealed hybridization between specific herpesvirus dna fragments on southern transfers and repetitive sequences present at 10(3) to 10(5) copies per mammalian cell genome. several different sites of major cell-virus sequence homology have been detected in both the herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 genomes, and these are located predominantly within the l and s inverted repeat regions and near the center of the l unique r ...19826297753
homology between murine and human cellular dna sequences and the terminal repetition of the s component of herpes simplex virus type 1 dna.dna from trigeminal ganglia of mice latently infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 was cloned in bacteriophage lambda charon 27. three recombinant clones that cross-hybridize to each other and hybridize to the s-segment terminal repeat region of the herpesvirus genome were obtained. the region of homology maps within a 1.1 kb sma l fragment approximately 400 bp from the s-segment terminal repeat terminus, outside the domain of the a sequences. the insert dnas in these clones, as well as the ...19826297755
herpes simplex virus recovery in neural tissues after ocular hsv shedding induced by epinephrine iontophoresis to the rabbit cornea.ocular hsv-1 shedding from latently infected rabbits was induced by iontophoresis of 0.01% epinephrine into the eye. anodal iontophoresis of epinephrine was performed at 0.8 mamps for 8 min once a day for 3 consecutive days. shedding was determined by the presence of hsv-1 in the preocular tear film obtained via eye swabs. bilateral epinephrine iontophoresis performed on selected days during 220-280 days after inoculation resulted in hsv-1 shedding in 75% of the eyes (30/40) and 100% of the rabb ...19836298139
regulation of herpes simplex virus gene transcription in vitro.we used partially purified rna polymerase ii from uninfected (pol ii) and from herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) infected hep-2 cells (pol ii-h) to transcribe hsv-1 dna in vitro. gel electrophoretic analysis of the products produced from native hsv-1 dna yielded weight average chain lengths of 4.0 and 3.5 kb for the pol ii and pol ii-h products, respectively. blot hybridization analyses of the hsv dna transcripts showed that both enzymes transcribed rna from essentially all regions of the geno ...19826298254
ribonucleotide reductase induced by herpes simplex virus has a virus-specified constituent.ribonucleotide reductase, an enzyme found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that synthesize dna, is induced by herpes simplex virus (hsv). in this study the effect of anti-hsv antiserum on the induced ribonucleotide reductase has been examined and the ability of different temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of hsv-1 to induce the enzyme has been investigated. the hsv-1-induced ribonucleotide reductase was inhibited by antiserum raised against infected cell lysates but not by preimmune serum ...19836298343
characterization of abnormal thymidine kinases induced by drug-resistant strains of herpes simplex virus type 1.two tk+ acyclovir-resistant variants of herpes simplex virus (hsv) (s1 and tr7) and one tk+ bvdu-resistant variant (b3) induce abnormal thymidine kinases with impaired ability to phosphorylate the drugs used in their isolation. these enzymes have been purified and their properties compared with those of the wild-type (wt) parent, sc16. the enzyme induced by s1 differed markedly from the other three in both its responses to salt and to ph. b3 tk recognized the enzyme's natural substrates, thymidi ...19836298344
induction of a latent herpes simplex virus from a rat tumour initiated by herpes simplex virus-transformed cells.a rat tumour induced by cells transformed with the sheared dna of herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 1 hfem alpha (re2a) was injected with the intertypic virus hsv-2 hg52 ts 1. separate plaques, isolated from cocultivation of excised tumour tissue with susceptible cells, yielded virus the dna of which had the restriction enzyme profile either of the injected hsv-2 virus or that of the hsv-1 virus, originally used to transform the cells. no evidence of in vivo recombination was detected. in hooded l ...19836298356
inapparent genital herpes simplex virus infection in college women.during a six-month period, 600 gynecological samples were collected from 585 women with typical herpes lesions, women with non-herpes symptoms (ie, vaginitis, moniliasis, trichomoniasis, etc), and normal women seen at the student health center gynecological clinic and processed for herpes simplex virus (hsv) isolation. from these specimens, 29 samples from 25 of the 585 women (4.3%) were positive for hsv. when these isolates were typed using plaque diameter in chick cells, heat stability of vira ...19826298359
synthesis of esters of phosphonoformic acid and their antiherpes activity.aliphatic and aromatic mono-, di-, and triesters of phosphonoformic acid (foscarnet) were synthesized. the triesters were prepared by the michaelis-arbuzov reaction and were hydrolyzed to di- and monoesters. the compounds were tested for antiviral activity on isolated herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) dna polymerase, in a hsv-1 plaque reduction assay, and on a cutaneous hsv-1 infection in guinea pigs. none of the esters inhibited the activity of isolated hsv-1 polymerases. monoesters with a fr ...19836298425
application of denatured, electrophoretically separated, and immobilized lysates of herpes simplex virus-infected cells for detection of monoclonal antibodies and for studies of the properties of viral proteins.we report the use of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1)- and hsv-2-infected cell polypeptides (icps) separated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels and transferred to nitrocellulose to (i) detect monoclonal antibodies to viral polypeptides and to (ii) study the properties of the proteins with the monoclonal antibodies. our results were as follows. (i) when the antigens were electrophoretically separated in denaturing gels and then immobilized on nitrocellulose strips, we detected a greater ...19836298448
glycosylation of herpes simplex virus type 1 gc in the presence of tunicamycin.the presence of o-glycosidic linkages on herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) glycoproteins was indicated by the synthesis and glycosylation of hsv-1 glycoproteins in the presence of tunicamycin. monospecific antiserum to hsv-1 gc immunoprecipitated a 92,000-molecular-weight protein synthesized in the presence of tunicamycin and isotopically labeled with glucosamine or galactose. anti-gab did not immunoprecipitate a carbohydrate-labeled hsv-1 protein synthesized in the presence of tunicamycin. th ...19836298464
genetic variability of herpes simplex virus: development of a pathogenic variant during passaging of a nonpathogenic herpes simplex virus type 1 virus strain in mouse brain.herpes simplex virus type 1 ang (hsv-1 ang) is originally nonpathogenic for inbred mice upon intraperitoneal intravenous, or intravaginal inoculation. in contrast, mice died of encephalitis within 4 to 5 days after intracerebral inoculation with this strain. hsv-1 ang was serially passaged in mouse brains. in two independent series, peripherally pathogenic virus variants had developed and accumulated in the virus progeny after 12 to 15 intracerebral passages. in mixed infections both nonpathogen ...19836298472
enhanced survival of ultraviolet-irradiated herpes simplex virus in cells exposed to antiviral agents.enhanced survival of uv-irradiated hsv-1 is demonstrated in monkey cells exposed to inhibitors of viral dna synthesis. phosphonoacetic acid (paa), adenine arabinoside (ara-a), and cytosine arabinoside (ara-c) pretreatment of infected cells is associated with concentration-dependent reactivation of uv-hsv-1. at concentrations that result in enhanced virus survival, inhibition of cell dna synthesis is observed by either ara-a or ara-c, but not by paa. pretreatment of uninfected cells with acyclogu ...19836298618
an immunologically active chimaeric protein containing herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein d.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) cause both persistent and latent infections, including recurrent cutaneous disease, lethal neonatal disease, central nervous system disease and other clinical syndromes. modified live vaccines or conventionally prepared subunit vaccines have generally been unsuccessful in the treatment of hsv-1 and hsv-2 infections from the standpoints of safety and efficacy. it has been established that hsv-1 and hsv-2 infectivity may be neutralized in vitr ...19836298636
characterization of the herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein d mrna and expression of this protein in xenopus oocytes.we have identified and characterized a 3.0 kilobase (kb) mrna containing coding sequences of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) glycoprotein d (gd) gene. the synthesis of this 3.0 kb mrna was unaffected by the presence of cytosine arabinoside, but was made in greatly reduced amounts in cells infected with hsv-1 in the presence of cycloheximide: it was, therefore, classified as an early mrna. by nuclease protection experiments, it was found that the 3.0 kb mrna is unspliced and, further, tha ...19836298745
synthesis of some 5'-amino-2',5'-dideoxy-5-iodouridine derivatives and their antiviral properties against herpes simplex an attempt to improve the antiviral efficacy of 5'-amino-2',5'-dideoxy-5-iodouridine (aidu) the n-acetyl and n,3'-o-diacetyl derivatives were prepared. n-acetylation of aidu increased its ability to inhibit the phosphorylation of thymidine by the deoxypyrimidine kinase of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv1) while diacetylation had the converse effect. the affinity of the corresponding compounds containing uracil or thymine for virus deoxypyrimidine kinase was also determined. a range of n-acyl ...19826299187
cell-mediated immunity in mice with primary, secondary and latent herpes simplex virus infection.cell mediated immunity was studied by a cytopathic effect inhibition assay in mice infected in the ear with herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv 1). activity appeared rapidly, reaching a high level 6 days after primary infection. it had fallen 10 days after infection and was undetectable during latency, 3-5 weeks after infection. the activity reappeared even more rapidly and strongly after reinoculation with the virus, but stimuli designed to induce recurrent disease did not induce clinical disease ...19826299234
effect of acyclovir and presence of cellular and viral thymidine kinase activity in herpes simplex virus infected cells. brief report.herpes simplex type 1 (hsv-1) infected human lung fibroblasts show a higher viral thymidine kinase activity than infected african green monkey kidney cells. this may partly account for the higher antiviral activity of acyclovir in the former cells.19826299236
deoxythymidine kinases in varicella-zoster virus infected and biochemically transformed cells.deoxythymidine kinase (tk) activity induced in varicella-zoster virus (vzv)-infected human embryonic fibroblast (hef) cells was immunologically distinguishable from that in non infected hef cells and also from that in herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) infected hef cells. the tks in vzv-biochemically transformed cells were immunologically the same as that induced in vzv-infected human cells and immunologically different from that in ltk- cells or in hsv-biochemically transformed cells. one peak ...19826299267
o-linked oligosaccharides are acquired by herpes simplex virus glycoproteins in the golgi apparatus.the o-linked oligosaccharides on mature forms of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv1) glycoproteins were characterized, and were found to account largely for the lower electrophoretic mobilities of these forms relative to the mobilities of immature forms. other posttranslational modifications of hsv1 glycoproteins (designated gb, gc, gd and ge) were related temporally to the discrete shifts in electrophoretic mobilities that signal acquisition of the o-linked oligosaccharides. fatty acid acylation ...19836299584
use of monoclonal antibodies to hsv-1 and hsv-2 for serological analysis of the viral glycoproteins.herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2) specify four major glycoproteins designated ga/gb, gc, gd and ge. type-specific and cross-reacting monoclonal antibodies to the viral glycoproteins have been used to probe their antigenic determinants. our studies show the following: (i) type-specific monoclonal antibodies are suitable reagents for serotyping isolates. discriminating monoclonal antibodies distinguish antigenic variants among the strains of each serotype. (ii) glycoproteins ga ...19826299824
development of sensitive and enzyme-linked immunoassays for herpesvirus antigens and some applications.sensitive enzyme-linked immunoassays for herpes simplex virus (hsv), cytomegalovirus (cmv) and varicella-zoster virus (vzv) were developed. both a sandwich technique, using antiviral antibodies from two species to detect the antigen, and an inhibition assay where the sample antigen was incubated with one antiserum, could be used. around 4-50 ng of viral antigens (measured as protein content) could be detected. the elisa inhibition technique using type-specific antisera could differentiate betwee ...19826299833
application of molecular genetics to the design of live herpes simplex virus principle, several avenues for attenuation of herpes simplex viruses (hsv) are now available. these include intermixing of hsv-1 and hsv-2 genes by recombination, altering the regulation of gene expression and the deletion of viral genes not required for replication of the virus in permissive cells in culture. results of analyses of hsv-1 x hsv-2 recombinants and of mutants containing a deletion in a gene expressed early in infection showed a loss of virulence when infected by intracerebral r ...19826299836
subviral herpes simplex experimental split herpes simplex type 1 (hsv-1) vaccine, virtually free of virus dna, was prepared from a nonidet p-40--extract of hsv-1 infected human diploid cells. for determining the contents of neutralizing antigens in these preparations a chromium release inhibition test (crit) was developed. the vaccine was gradually shown to be capable of inducing neutralization antibody formation in various animals and conferring protection against intraperitoneal challenge with either type 1 or typ ...19826299840
herpes simplex virus subunit vaccine: characterization of the virus strain used and testing of the vaccine.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) used for vaccine production was isolated from a nasal recurrent infection and propagated over a limited number of passages in human diploid cells only. it was designated as hsv-1 bw3 and has been characterized by neutralizing antibodies as a typical hsv type 1 strain. in vitro transformation studies performed with this isolate in mouse or hamster cells revealed only very low, if any, transforming capacity. a preparation of hsv-1 bw3 which can be used as seed l ...19826299841
intertypic superinfection of herpes simplex virus in vivo leads to reisolation of latent viruses with newly acquired lymphotropic properties.the susceptibility of juvenile tupaias to several strains of temperature-sensitive mutants of hsv-1 and 2 was tested. it was found that in all cases the animal survived an infection of 1 x 10(7) pfu of temperature-sensitive mutants which were administered intravenously. in contrast, an infection dose of 1 x 10(3) pfu of wild-type hsv-2 and 1 x 10(2) pfu or hsv-1 was fatal for juvenile tupaias. those animals which had initially been infected with the ts-mutants of hsv-1 and/or 2 were protected ag ...19826299861
a prospective study of the relationship between genital herpes and carcinoma of the uterine cervix. i. seroepidemiology of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in women with a previous history of clinically diagnosed genital herpes.the development of a simple, sensitive and reliable enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the exact titration of herpes simplex virus type 1 -- and type 2 -- specific antibodies in human serum has made it possible to perform large serological hsv type-specific diagnosis of clinical cases of post and present genital hsv infections. the distribution of hsv type-specific igg antibody in 473 sera from women with a first episode of symptomatic genital herpes (group a), 602 sera from women wit ...19826299863
tumor-dependent resistance of rat peritoneal macrophages to herpes simplex their position at sites of initial infection and their wide distribution in major organs of the body, macrophages may be decisive in determining the susceptibility or resistance of the host to virus infection. macrophage restriction of virus replication has been shown to be closely related to virus strains or virus types and to the age of the infected host. we report the effects of the development of a solid tumor in rats on intrinsic in vitro macrophage activity against herpes simplex virus ...19836299945
frequency of cytotoxic t lymphocyte precursors to herpes simplex virus type 1 as determined by limiting dilution analysis.the conditions for establishing a limiting dilution assay to measure cytotoxic t lymphocyte precursors (ctl-p) against herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) were determined. analysis by poisson statistics demonstrated that the estimated frequency of hsv-1-reactive cells in the spleens of normal mice was less than 1/250,000. in contrast, mice immunized previously with infectious hsv-1 demonstrated a ctl-p frequency between 1/3,500 and 1/15,670. the generation of a maximum cytotoxic t lymphocyte res ...19836299949
latency of herpes simplex virus in ocular tissue of 5 to 7 months after corneal inoculation of herpes simplex virus type 1 in mice, explants of ocular tissue yielded virus. immunoperoxidase study of explants undergoing reactivation revealed herpes simplex virus antigens in retinal tissue. these results indicate that herpes simplex virus can establish and maintain latency in ocular tissue, most probably in the retina.19836299954
comparative neurovirulence of herpes simplex virus type 1 strains after peripheral or intracerebral inoculation of balb/c mice.twenty-three strains of herpes simplex virus type 1 were compared for their pathogenicity in 4-week-old balb/c mice after peripheral (footpad) or intracerebral inoculation. among those strains examined were (i) six clinical isolates of brain or cerebrospinal fluid origin, (ii) seven clinical isolates of oral or genital origin, (iii) five prototype laboratory strains that have been passaged numerous times in culture, and (iv) five syncytial variants capable of producing cell fusion in culture. ba ...19836299955
a comparative analysis of restriction enzyme digests of the dna of herpes simplex virus isolated from genital and facial lesions.the restriction endonuclease (re) cleavage patterns of the dna of herpes simplex virus (hsv) genital isolates from two geographically distinct groups and from one group of facial isolates were examined. eleven of 21 genital isolates from females, 1 of 27 genital isolates from males and all 17 of the facial isolates were hsv type 1 (hsv-1). the groups of isolates of the same serotype could not be distinguished by significant differences in the frequency of variable restriction endonuclease sites ...19836300289
herpes simplex virus type 1-induced interferon production and activation of natural killer cells in mice.cultures of peritoneal exudate cells (pec) of non-immune c57bl/6 mice reacted to infectious herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv), but not to non-infectious virions by producing interferon. similarly, when the virus preparations were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) and interferon was determined in the wash-out fluid, interferon could only be detected after injection of infectious hsv. all interferons were mixtures of interferon-alpha and -beta. the cell that produced interferon was not sensitive t ...19836300294
processing of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins: two-dimensional gel analysis using monoclonal antibodies.the number of discrete species of glycoprotein induced by herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1, strain 17 syn+) and their processing has been examined by a combination of immunoprecipitation with monoclonal antibodies and analysis of immune precipitates by two-dimensional (2d) gel electrophoresis. seventeen different monoclonal antibodies directed against glycoproteins a/b, c, d and e were used. polypeptides intermediate in the synthesis of ga/b, c and d were visualized and two early intermediates ...19836300307
synthesis and biological activity of 5-(trifluoromethyl)- and 5-(pentafluoroethyl)pyrimidine nucleoside analogues.various 5-substituted perfluoroalkylpyrimidine nucleoside analogues have been synthesized, and their biological activity against l1210, s-180, vero cells, and herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) was evaluated. the 5-trifluoromethyl derivatives, 7 and 9, showed significant antiviral activity against hsv-1 with ed50 values of 7 and 5 microm, respectively. in addition, the unblocked nucleoside 9 was found to be about 64-fold less toxic to the host vero cells and gave a favorable therapeutic index o ...19836300402
synthesis and antiviral activity of water-soluble esters of acyclovir [9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]guanine].several water-soluble ester derivatives of acyclovir [9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]guanine], i.e., the 2'-o-glycyl-, 2'-o-alpha-alanyl-, 2'-o-beta-alanyl- and 2'-o-3-carboxypropionyl esters, were synthesized and evaluated for their antiviral activity in cell culture. the compounds were all prepared directly from acyclovir by application of the usual esterification methods with the appropriate acyl precursors and isolated as their hydrochloride or sodium salts. when assayed in primary rabbit kidney ...19836300403
detailed analysis of the portion of the herpes simplex virus type 1 genome encoding glycoprotein c.we previously showed that the right third of hindiii fragment l (0.59 to 0.65) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) encodes a family of mrnas some members of which appear to be related by splicing. in the experiments described in this communication, we determined the nucleotide sequence of the dna encoding this mrna family and precisely located the mrnas associated with this dna sequence. the major mrna species is unspliced and encoded by a 2.520-nucleotide region. just upstream of the 5' end ...19836300426
identification and characterization of a herpes simplex virus gene product required for encapsidation of virus dna.a mutant of herpes simplex virus type 1, 17tsvp1201, has a temperature-sensitive processing defect in a late virus polypeptide. immunoprecipitation studies with monoclonal antibodies showed that the aberrant polypeptide in mutant virus-infected cells was the nucleocapsid polypeptide known as p40. since a revertant, ts(+) for growth, processed the polypeptide normally under conditions restrictive for the mutant, the processing event must be essential for virus replication. electron microscopic an ...19836300447
use of monoclonal antibodies against two 75,000-molecular-weight glycoproteins specified by herpes simplex virus type 2 in glycoprotein identification and gene mapping.we produced two monoclonal antibodies that precipitate different glycoproteins of similar apparent molecular weight (70,000 to 80,000) from extracts of cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 2. evidence is presented that one of these glycoproteins is the previously characterized glycoprotein ge, whereas the other maps to a region of the herpes simplex virus type 2 genome collinear with the region in herpes simplex virus type 1 dna that encodes gc.19836300459
analysis in cos-1 cells of processing and polyadenylation signals by using derivatives of the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene.bal31 nuclease was used to resect the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (tk) gene from its 3' end, and a plasmid, ptk206, was isolated that lacked the processing and polyadenylation signals normally found at the 3' end of the gene. the wild-type gene, ptk2, and ptk206 were each transferred to psv010, a plasmid containing the simian virus 40 (sv40) origin of dna replication, allowing replication and analysis of the patterns of transcription in cos-1 cells. fragments of dna containing p ...19836300661
the study of dna-repair defects using [125i]iododeoxycytidine incorporation as an assay for the growth of herpes simplex virus.[125i]iododeoxycytidine incorporation was used to measure herpes virus (hsv-1) dna synthesis following specific dna damage. xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts were less able to replicate uv-irradiated viral dna than were normal fibroblasts, indicating the necessity for excision repair for the survival of uv-irradiated virus. because of its rapidity and ease of quantitation, this assay had advantages over standard viral mediated assays of dna excision repair. it was possible to monitor viral repli ...19836300669
detection of hsv-1 genome in central nervous system of latently infected mice.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) can establish latent infections in peripheral nerve ganglia and the central nervous system (cns) of experimentally infected mice. latent infections of peripheral nervous tissue are characterized by the ability to recover infectious virus from explant cultures of most of the latently infected ganglia. in contrast, infectious virus is infrequently recovered from the cns of latently infected mice following explant culture, although viral dna can be detected in cn ...19836300686
molecular mimicry in virus infection: crossreaction of measles virus phosphoprotein or of herpes simplex virus protein with human intermediate filaments.using monoclonal antibodies, we demonstrate that the phosphoprotein of measles virus and a protein of herpes simplex virus type 1 crossreact with an intermediate filament protein of human cells. this intermediate filament protein, probably vimentin, has a molecular weight of 52,000, whereas the molecular weights of the measles viral phosphoprotein and the herpes virus protein are 70,000 and 146,000, respectively. crossreactivity was shown by immunofluorescent staining of infected and uninfected ...19836300911
the effect of ammonium chloride and tunicamycin on the glycoprotein content and infectivity of herpes simplex virus type 1.infectious virions of mp, a syncytial strain of herpes simplex virus type 1, are formed in the presence of 50 mm nh4cl. underglycosylated virion glycoproteins are synthesized in infected cells and are incorporated into virions in the presence of the same concentration of nh4cl. we conclude that fully glycosylated glycoproteins are not required for viral infectivity. virus particles, deficient in glycosylated glycoproteins, are assembled in the presence of tunicamycin but they are not infectious. ...19836301148
effect of acyclovir on viral protein synthesis in cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1.the effect of the antiviral agent 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine (acyclovir) on herpes simplex virus type 1 protein synthesis during virus replication was examined. treatment of infected cells with acyclovir markedly affected the amounts of the four major glycosylated and certain non-glycosylated viral polypeptides synthesized; other viral polypeptides were made in normal amounts. the reduced amount of late protein synthesis was most likely due to the inhibition of progeny viral dna synthesis ...19836301368
restriction of multiplication of herpes simplex virus type 1 in a myoepithelial cell line derived from human minor salivary gland. 19836301408
characterization of oligosaccharides of highly purified glycoprotein gc of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1). 19826301426
replication of non-respiratory viruses in tracheal organ cultures.employing hoorn's technique, tracheal explant cultures were set from adult hamsters, rabbits and human foetuses. to determine the susceptibility of these cultures they were infected with nine different mainly non-respiratory viruses. assay of virus was carried out in susceptible cell lines. the results of these studies indicated that herpes simplex type i (hsv-1) and vaccinia viruses multiplied in these cultures and caused ciliostasis. herpes simplex type 2 (hsv-2) although multiplying in all, p ...19836301520
herpesvirus.herpesvirus (hsv) infection of the genital tract is a sexually transmitted disease that is increasing at an epidemic rate. 2 types of virus, type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) have been identified, of which hsv-2 is the major cause of genital and neonatal infection. type 2 herpes infections may be the 2nd most common venereal disease in the us. more than 60% of the adult us population has antibodies to hsv, and socioeconomic factors have been found to influence the incidence of hsv infection. ...19836301717
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection and typing of herpes simplex enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for herpes simplex virus was tested using commercially available peroxidase-conjugated and unconjugated rabbit antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (dako immunoglobulins a/s, copenhagen, denmark). one hundred and thirty-seven clinical specimens from vesicles and superficial cutaneous lesions were tested and the results compared with virus isolation. in addition 210 herpes simplex virus isolates were typed. forty-four specimens yielded herpes s ...19836301810
herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene expression in escherichia coli.the hsv-1 thymidine kinase (tk) gene of herpes simplex virus was inserted into plasmids pbr322, pmob45 and pha10. the recombinant hybrid plasmids were used to transfect a tdk- mutant of escherichia coli (ky895) and the synthesis of the viral tk in the bacterial host was studied. recombinant plasmids containing the entire bamhi-bamhi dna fragment carrying the viral tk gene and the upstream sequences containing its promoter were able to produce the thymidine kinase, but removal of the bamhi-bglii ...19836301950
restricted replication of herpes simplex virus in spinal ganglia of resistant mice is accompanied by an early infiltration of immunoglobulin g-bearing an attempt to define the nature of the difference in the susceptibility of c57bl/6 (resistant) and a/j (susceptible) mice to herpes simplex virus type 1, we initiated a study of virus progression through the nervous system. after inoculation of virus in a rear footpad, c57bl/6 mice were found to be more than 500-fold more resistant, but resistance did not extend to pseudorabies virus. in additional investigations, it was found that the virus was selectively restricted at the level of spinal g ...19836302004
hsv-1 thymidine kinase promotes virulence and latency in the mouse.the relationship between thymidine kinase (tk) activity and virulence was studied in the mouse using three hsv-1 strains: (1) nih tk+ (100% activity), (2) nih tk+/- (25% tk activity), and (3) nih tk- (0% tk activity). following corneal inoculation, keratitis, virus titers (eye, trigeminal ganglia brain), survival, and latency were determined for each strain. the most virulent strain, nih tk+ (30% survival) produced the worst keratitis, highest cns titers, and established latency in 78% of surviv ...19836302029
comparison of biological, biochemical, immunological, and immunochemical techniques for typing herpes simplex virus this study, 102 herpes simplex virus isolates were typed by cell culture selection (chicken embryo cells and guinea pig embryo cells [ce/gpe]), (e)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (bvdu) sensitivity, plaque reduction neutralization, and indirect immunofluorescence staining techniques. the percentages of agreement between the typing methods were as follows: bvdu sensitivity versus ce/gpe, 99% (99/102); ce/gpe and bvdu sensitivity versus neutralization, 32% (33/102); ce/gpe and bvdu sensitivit ...19836302130
intracerebral inoculation of newborn and adult mice with thymidine kinase-deficient mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1. 19836302179
organization of the herpes simplex virus type 1 transcription unit encoding two early proteins with molecular weights of 140000 and 40000.the 5' ends of two early herpes simplex virus type 1 mrnas have been identified by nuclease s1 and exonuclease vii analysis using cloned virus dna probes. these mrnas (5.0 kb and 1.2 kb), located within the genome region between map coordinates 0.56 and 0.60, are unspliced and share a 3' terminus. genomic dna at the 5' ends has been sequenced and the 5' termini have been located on the virus dna sequence. the dna sequence has revealed signals involved in the initiation of transcription of both m ...19836302217
characterization of the herpes simplex virion-associated factor responsible for the induction of alpha genes.herpes simplex virus (hsv) genes form three groups, alpha, beta, and gamma, whose synthesis is coordinately regulated and sequentially ordered in a cascade fashion. earlier studies by post et al. (cell 24:555-565, 1981) have shown that chimeric genes constructed by fusion of 5' noncoding leader and upstream sequences of alpha genes to the 5' noncoding leader and structural sequences of the viral thymidine kinase (tk), a beta gene, are regulated as alpha genes upon recombination into the viral ge ...19836302308
processing of herpes simplex virus proteins and evidence that translation of thymidine kinase mrna is initiated at three separate aug codons.the role which post-translational modification plays in the genesis of herpes simplex virus-induced polypeptides was investigated. two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to identify those polypeptides (i) synthesized in vitro, (ii) labeled in vivo during a pulse, and (iii) labeled after a chase. excluding glycoproteins, we detected 36 precursor or short-lived polypeptides, 8 polypeptides which were generated by post-translational modification, 46 polypeptides which were apparently not modi ...19836302312
herpes simplex virus mutants defective in the virion-associated shutoff of host polypeptide synthesis and exhibiting abnormal synthesis of alpha (immediate early) viral polypeptides.six mutants isolated from herpes simplex virus type 1 were judged to be defective with respect to the virion-associated function acting to rapidly shut off host polypeptide synthesis in herpes simplex virus-infected cells. the mutants were capable of proper entry into the cells, but, unlike the parent wild-type virus, they failed to shut off host polypeptide syntehsis in the presence of actinomycin d. they were consequently designated as virion-associated host shutoff (vhs) mutants. in the prese ...19836302315
physical mapping of the mutation in an antigenic variant of herpes simplex virus type 1 by use of an immunoreactive plaque assay.two mutations affecting herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein b were mapped by marker rescue using cloned sequences of wild-type herpes simplex virus type 1 strain kos dna. one mutant, tsb5, is a temperature-sensitive mutant which does not express mature, functional glycoprotein b at the nonpermissive temperature. the other mutant, marb1.1, expresses an antigenic variant of glycoprotein b and was selected for resistance to neutralization by a monoclonal antibody. the mutation in tsb5 mapped t ...19836302327
transfer of a mutant viral thymidine kinase gene results in temperature-sensitive mouse cells.temperature-sensitive cell lines were obtained by dna-mediated transfer of the thymidine kinase (tk) gene from a mutant, ts1117, of herpes simplex virus type 1. the cells died at 39 degrees c in selective medium which contained low levels (1 microgram/ml) of thymidine. in this lethal condition, no revertants were detected among 10(8) cells. it was shown by in vitro analysis of the tk activity that the temperature-sensitive cell line contains an enzyme whose activity is temperature sensitive and ...19836302477
characterization of a viable, noninverting herpes simplex virus 1 genome derived by insertion and deletion of sequences at the junction of components l and s.earlier studies have shown that the dna of herpes simplex virus 1 consists of two covalently linked components, l and s, each flanked by inverted repeats. the two components can invert, and viral dna extracted from infected cells or virions consists of equimolar concentrations of four populations differing solely in the orientation of l and s components relative to each other. this paper describes a recombinant virus (1358) generated by an insertion of a chimeric thymidine kinase gene within the ...19836302700
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