
expanded programme on immunization. neonatal tetanus survey. 20072223562
fetal macrosomia in potential diabetics with normal oral glucose tolerance: a case control study. 20072223691
fetal macrosomia in potential diabetics with normal oral glucose tolerance: a case control study. 20072223691
the silent brain infarct before and after carotid surgery.routine computed tomography was prospectively performed pre- and postoperatively in 114 consecutive patients undergoing a total of 131 procedures on the carotid artery. hemispheric cerebral infarction was found preoperatively in three of the 16 hemispheres corresponding to symptomatic lesions (19%), in 18 of 109 hemispheres corresponding to transient ischemic attacks (16.5%), and in one of four hemispheres corresponding to lesions responsible for a fixed cerebral vascular accident (25%). two sur ...20072223547
the silent brain infarct before and after carotid surgery.routine computed tomography was prospectively performed pre- and postoperatively in 114 consecutive patients undergoing a total of 131 procedures on the carotid artery. hemispheric cerebral infarction was found preoperatively in three of the 16 hemispheres corresponding to symptomatic lesions (19%), in 18 of 109 hemispheres corresponding to transient ischemic attacks (16.5%), and in one of four hemispheres corresponding to lesions responsible for a fixed cerebral vascular accident (25%). two sur ...20072223547
injury prevention. cost of injury--a report to congress, 1989. 20072223563
injury prevention. cost of injury--a report to congress, 1989. 20072223563
[comparative evaluation of clinical and economic effectiveness of preventive therapy of affective and schizoaffective psychoses].the authors provide the results of a comparative study into the action of different drug approaches to the prevention of relapses of affective and schizoaffective psychoses with the aid of multifactorial consideration of different clinical, economic and socioeconomic indicators characterizing the "benefits and losses" because of the use of carbamazepine and lithium carbonate. the comparative analysis has shown a high normothymic activity of carbamazepine and lithium carbonate in the patients exa ...20072176049
the dose rate effects on the in vitro radiolysis products of magnesium-guanosine-5'-monophosphate complexes in aqueous solutions.this study examined the effects on the radiolysis of magnesium-guanosine-5'-monophosphate complexes in deaerated aqueous solutions, investigated by fourier transform infrared (ft-ir) spectroscopy. it was found that when the system was irradiated with a dose rate of 500 rad/min (low dose rate), the oh radicals, h atoms and hydrated electrons (eaq-) produced from radiolysis of water reacted mainly by addition to the double bonds c4 = c5 and n7 = c8 of guanine. when the dose rate was 23,800 rad/min ...20072168727
an analysis of maximum mandibular movements, craniofacial relationships and temporomandibular joint awareness in children.this paper evaluates the relationship between maximum mandibular vertical opening and the following variables: chronological age, craniomandibular relationships, and temporomandibular joint awareness in children. the range of mandibular movement was evaluated in 189 children between the ages of 4 and 14 years, using the method of agerberg. measurements were found to be accurate and reliable only in the vertical plane. cephalometric tracings were made on 131 of the subjects. significant relations ...20072064068
lead use in california industry: its prevalence and health estimated 230,000 workers were reported to work in lead-using activities as a result of a 1986 statistical survey of employers in california. however, 68% of these workers worked in activities of relatively low hazard. this included 114,000 workers engaged in electronic soldering. over 1800 workers were reported to work in battery manufacture, a relatively high-hazard activity, but with consistent monitoring and protection. in contrast, over 4300 workers were involved in radiator repair activ ...20071951050
distinction of mesothelioma from carcinoma in pleural effusions. an immunocytochemical study on routinely processed cytoblock preparations.the study was designed to find out whether the commercially available antibodies bma 130 c, bma 120, v 9, kl 1, b 72.3 tag, hea 125 and ber-ep 4 would be of help in distinguishing carcinomas from a mesothelial process (mesothelioma/pleuritis) in pleural effusion specimens routinely processed by the cytoblock method. all of the 20 carcinomas included in the study but also 19 of the 20 mesotheliomas expressed cytokeratin (kl 1), whereas vimentin expression was found in 7 of the 20 carcinomas and 1 ...20071876528
lauryl sulphate haemoglobin: a non-hazardous substitute for hicn in haemoglobinometry.the haemiglobincyanide (hicn) method for measuring haemoglobin is used extensively worldwide; its advantage is the ready availability of a stable and internationally accepted reference standard/calibrator. however, its use may create a problem, especially in automated analysers, as the waste disposal of large volumes of reagent containing cyanide may constitute a potential toxic hazard. as an alternative, conversion of haemoglobin to a sulphate derivative by nontoxic sodium lauryl sulphate has b ...20071794230
intracerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, and subdural hematoma after acute myocardial infarction and thrombolytic therapy in the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction study. thrombolysis in myocardial infarction, phase ii, pilot and clinical the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction, phase ii pilot and clinical trial, 908 patients [326 (35.9%) in the pilot study and 582 (64.0%) in the randomized study] were treated with 150 mg recombinant tissue-type plasminogen (rt-pa) activator in combination with heparin and aspirin, and 3,016 patients [64 (2.1%) in the pilot study and 2,952 (97.9%) in the randomized study] were treated with 100 mg rt-pa in combination with heparin and aspirin. adverse neurological events occurred in 23 patien ...20071899364
inbreeding in saguenay-lac-st-jean (quebec, canada): a study of catholic church dispensations 1842-1971.saguenay-lac-st-jean (slsj) is a rather geographically isolated region of quebec which shows a high occurrence of hereditary disorders. it has been suggested that high inbreeding might explain this situation. we studied the inbreeding in the slsj region by 10-year periods from 1842 till 1971 using the catholic church dispensations. the values of the mean inbreeding coefficient were found to be low during the whole period, reaching a peak of 22.94 x 10(-4) during the period 1902-1911. the values ...20071797631
minimizing the risk of oral aluminium exposure in chronic renal failure. 20082680268
effect of neuroleptics on positive and negative symptoms and the deficit state.the concept of negative symptoms tries to operationalize a deficit syndrome observed in schizophrenia, but also in other disorders. the instruments for the measurement developed so far are unclear in their dimensional structure and validity. further methodological development is needed. a new scale for measuring negative symptoms was derived from the amdp-system and applied to results of drug trials with clozapine, fluperlapine, and haloperidol. the three drugs were equally effective on negative ...20082573105
maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase involved in c4 photosynthesis: nucleotide sequence analysis of the 5' flanking region of the clone the genomic dna fragment containing the putative promoter region of the gene for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase [ec] involved in c4 photosynthesis (c4-type pepc), maize genomic libraries were screened. on probing with a 384-bp fragment from the n-terminal coding region of the maize cdna for c4-type pepc, four ecori-fragments differing in the restriction map were cloned, reflecting the presence of a small gene family. southern blot analyses were carried out on the genomic dna a ...20082628434
[post-traumatic intracavernous aneurysms. 2 cases].the authors describe two cases of post-traumatic aneurysms of the intracavernous carotid artery. they analyze the difficulties they have encountered during direct approach. direct cure was impossible for the first patient because of the arterial wall dilaceration. in the second case, the aneurysm has been treated upon by stitching. a second operation with injection of biological glue into the cavernous sinus was required because of the secondary formation of a carotido-cavernous fistula in front ...20083374725
two distinct areas of unequal crossingover within the steroid 21-hydroxylase genes produce absence of cyp21b.we mapped crossover sites in chimeric, recombinant cyp21 genes from six patients with salt-losing congenital adrenal hyperplasia (cah). nucleotide sequences unique to the cyp21a pseudogene or to the active cyp21b gene were mapped using gene-specific restriction sites and oligonucleotide hybridizations. each chimeric cyp21 gene in the cyp21-deletion linked haplotypes contained sequences near the 5' end that were characteristic of cyp21a and only a single transition from sequences of cyp21a to tho ...20082613228
[arthroscopic surgery of the knee joint cartilage].the arthroscopic surgery of articular cartilage of the knee is beside conservative therapy and invasive surgical procedures an important enrichment in treatment of chondromalacia stage ii and iii. in the department of surgery of the municipal hospital of berlin-weissensee 3250 arthroscopic operations were performed between january 1983 and december 1988. in 227 patients chondromalacia stage ii and iii was found which had to be treated by arthroscopic surgery. four different operation methods wer ...20082386466
[therapy of ulcer recurrence after vagotomy of oxyntic cells with sucralfate].several methods of treatment have been proposed for the recurrences of peptic ulcers after surgery; they consist of different forms of re-operation, medical treatment (h2 receptors antagonists, cytoprotectors, etc...). first, it is convenient to establish the cause of the recurrence and to rule out the presence of hypersecretory conditions, as inadequate previous surgery or a non identified gastrinoma. because of the enhancing effect of the cytoprotective drugs on the defense mechanisms of the m ...20082346677
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced calcium mobilization is localized in xenopus oocytes.injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (ins(1,4,5)p3) into the animal pole of xenopus oocytes induced membrane depolarization due to the internal mobilization of calcium, which activates a chloride conductance. repetitive injections of ins(1,4,5)p3 results in desensitization probably as a result of depletion of the internal store of calcium. desensitization was restricted to the region surrounding the site of injection. injection of ins(1,4,5)p3 at one position induced desensitization, which ...20082575752
mucilaginous plants and their uses in medicine.throughout the world but especially in the tropical and subtropical zones, there are succulent and non-succulent plants which harbor readily releasable mucilage in their tissues, on the surface of their seeds or in their bark. this mucilage may have diverse practical uses. among these, it functions as a healing agent, casually or in the practice of traditional-folk or conventional medicine. the mucilage of some of these plants is well known to science and has been studied by pharmacologists and ...20082214811
[re-evaluation of the improved double eyelid surgery using the suture and ligation method]. 20082397442
unexpected sex-ratios in families of language/learning-impaired children.there is a well-documented propensity of males affected with developmental language/learning impairment. results from this study demonstrate, unexpectedly, that this sex-ratio difference of males to females with developmental language/learning disorders was found to occur significantly only in families with a language/learning-impaired mother. in addition, a remarkably aberrant offspring sex-ratio was found in families of language/learning-impaired children who had an affected mother, but not fa ...20092771037
[the results of an investigation of the various factors influencing the late patency ratio of coronary bypass grafting].the purpose of this communication was to find out the factors influencing the late patency ratio of coronary artery bypass grafts of 42 patients in our institution. the following results were obtained: 1. the size of the measured diameters of coronary arteries and the graft flow rates were correlated well to the late patency ratio (p less than 0.05). 2. the regular physical exercise trainings were significantly important to keep patent grafts (p less than 0.01). 3. in blood serum studies, serum ...20092786538
a photographic study of enamel defects among south australian school children.colour photographs were taken of the anterior teeth of 1757 consenting 8-9 year old primary school children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas of south australia. children with a lifelong exposure to fluoridated water were significantly more likely to have blemished permanent incisor teeth than the children who had never resided in a fluoridated area. children who resided in a non-fluoridated area but had taken fluoride supplements at some stage in their first five years had a prevalence o ...20092818303
the american society for clinical nutrition as an academic society. 20092756907
wound hematoma: prophylaxis with topical thrombin.we studied 123 patients having elective exploratory laparotomy through a midline vertical incision for gynecologic disease; patients were randomized to receive wound irrigation with either saline or topical thrombin before closure of the incision. seven patients were not evaluable. no patient received low-dose heparin therapy perioperatively. no patient in either group had a clinically significant wound hematoma or disruption. minor wound hematomas were more common in the saline group, a finding ...20092717986
changing the school system. 20092738019
[round table on the current status of vascular surgery]. 20092729653
recurrent anorexia nervosa in a hypercholesterolemic woman treated with exercise and diet modification. 20092725596
microvascular angina and panic disorder.recent cardiac studies have suggested that patients with chest pain and angiographically normal coronaries have "microvascular angina" (mva). in contrast, prior psychiatric studies have shown that some of these patients have panic disorder (pd). we compared the clinical and psychologic characteristics of fifteen patients with mva and fifteen patients with panic disorder (pd), and examined response to lactate infusion in a subgroup of mva patients. although 40 percent of mva patients met criteria ...20092698394
an 18-month survey of infertility treatment by in vitro fertilization, gamete and zygote intrafallopian transfer, and replacement of frozen-thawed 18-month survey of infertility treatment by in vitro fertilization (ivf) and related procedures at the centre for reproductive medicine of the vrije universiteit brussel is described. during this period, 1326 treatment cycles were started in patients with long-standing infertility and 1135 oocyte retrievals were performed in 771 different patients. ivf and embryo transfer (et) after laparoscopic (n = 793) or ultrasonically guided (n = 342) ovum pickup, gamete intrafallopian transfer (gift; n ...20092708873
[occupational diseases and their reporting]. 20092734931
[the place of provisional tissues in the histologic classification, used for pedagogical purposes]. 20092730350
[spontaneous dissection of the cervical internal carotid artery disclosed by migraine attack]. 20092660657
responses to ragweed-pollen nasal challenge before and after evaluate whether immunotherapy reduces mediator release after nasal challenge, we followed previously untreated patients with ragweed hay fever through 2 years (three seasons) of treatment. eleven adult patients started immunotherapy after a season of symptom diaries and graded pretreatment challenges with 0.03, 0.3, 3.3, and 16.5 mg of ragweed pollen. repeat challenges were performed when the treatment dosage reached 0.6, 12.4, and 24.8 micrograms of amb a i (antigen e) equivalents per injec ...20092668381
no association between post-transplant erythrocytosis, thromboembolic events, and cyclosporine therapy. 20092652691
[prognostication of the development of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the hip joint in dysplasia].examined were 184 children with dysplasia of the both hip joints and initial forms of a degenerative-dystrophic lesion. the roentgenologic signs of dysplasia of the hip joint, indicating the possible development of the degenerative-dystrophic lesion were established.20092632942
[opioid peptides and their possible physiological significance]. 20092839888
lowering effect of pantethine on plasma beta-thromboglobulin and lipids in diabetes mellitus.pantethine in a dosage of 600 mg for the first 3 months, and in a dosage of 1200 mg for the second 6 months was given to 16 diabetics in whom plasma beta-thromboglobulin was raised (greater than 50 ng/ml). plasma beta-tg levels decreased significantly with pantethine treatment for 9 months. plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, apo e and apo cii levels decreased significantly after 9 months. plasma ldl-c and atherogenic index (ldl-c/hdl-c ratio or apo b/apo ai ratio) tended to decrease with tr ...20102963604
antiprotease capacity in acute pancreatitis.serial measurements of circulating antiproteases were carried out on 42 consecutive patients admitted with acute pancreatitis. in the 7 days following admission the serum levels of alpha 1 antitrypsin (alpha 1 at), alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (alpha 1 act) and the trypsin inhibitory capacity (tic) increased by more than 300 per cent. the serum concentration of alpha 2 macroglobulin (alpha 2 m) alone showed a decline which was most profound in those patients with severe acute pancreatitis. initial e ...20103768647
[risks in the development of hypertension]. 20103073295
fine-needle aspiration of inguinal lymph nodes in gynecologic practice.palpable inguinal lymph nodes are a common finding in gynecologic patients. assessment of such nodes is especially important in the clinical staging of pelvic cancers. to determine the accuracy, safety, and usefulness of fine-needle aspiration in this setting, we retrospectively reviewed pathologic and clinical data from 62 consecutive aspirates of inguinal lymph nodes in 48 gynecologic patients, of whom 42 had cancer. aspirates from 37 patients yielded diagnostic material. aspirated tumor cells ...20102911432
comparison of airway pathologic lesions after high-frequency jet or conventional ventilation.high-frequency jet ventilation in neonates has been associated with airway damage ranging from focal necrosis to complete airway obstruction with mucus and severe necrotizing tracheobronchitis. however, studies have lacked consistent criteria for assessment, and jet ventilation systems have varied widely. we compared autopsy and histopathologic findings in six neonates who died after prolonged jet ventilatory support with findings in six matched controls who died after receiving conventional ven ...20102916497
retroperitoneal ganglioneuroblastoma. report of a case diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology and electron microscopy.fine needle aspiration performed on a large retroperitoneal mass in a 12-year-old boy showed neuroblasts in different stages of maturation intermingled with ganglion cells, leading to a cytologic diagnosis of ganglioneuroblastoma. this diagnosis was supported by electron microscopic study of the aspirate, which showed features of neuroblastic differentiation, and by histologic study of the resected tumor.20102916373
antihypertensive therapy with once-daily administration of terazosin, a new alpha 1-adrenergic-receptor blocker.the antihypertensive activity of terazosin, an investigational alpha 1-adrenergic-receptor blocker, and its effect on blood lipids were compared with placebo in a double-blind study. after a 3-week placebo baseline period, patients were randomized to receive terazosin (n = 22) or placebo (n = 16). the dose of terazosin was titrated over 2 weeks to a maintenance dosage of 10 mg once daily for 4 weeks. antihypertensive efficacy was assessed: (1) at the end of the 24-hour dosing interval by compari ...20102866492
[regulation of gamma-glutamyltransferase activity and synthesis in animal tissues]. 20102876560
reduction of pituitary size by the somatostatin analogue sms 201-995 in a patient with an islet cell tumour secreting growth hormone releasing factor.acromegaly is rarely caused by the ectopic secretion of growth hormone releasing factor (grf) from peripheral neuroendocrine tumours. we evaluated the ability of a recently developed somatostatin analogue (sms 201-995, sandoz) to reduce hormone levels and pituitary size in a young woman with acromegaly and zollinger-ellison syndrome secondary to a metastatic pancreatic islet cell tumour secreting grf and gastrin. gastrin, grf, and growth hormone (gh) levels declined dramatically following the in ...20102876570
[arterial hypertension in the aged]. 20102876472
therapeutic approach to the vasculitic syndromes. 20102876378
relationship between anxiety and depression. 20102929781
[primary malignant tumors of the liver in childhood: ten-year experience at the national taiwan university hospital]. 20102840483
primary signet-ring cell carcinoma of urinary bladder.a case of primary signet-ring cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder is described clinically and pathologically. in this rare neoplasm the characteristic cells contain large amounts of cytoplasmic mucin which compresses the nucleus to one side. this tumor demonstrates nicely the ability of bladder epithelium to undergo metaplasia. most previously described cases have pursued a relentlessly progressive and fatal course despite varied forms of therapy.20102834858
a possible pain control system in a non-mammalian vertebrate (a lizard, gekko gecko).in a lizard (gekko gecko) the anterograde tracer pha-l was microiontophoretically applied to the predominantly serotonergic nucleus raphes inferior. extensive spinal projections from the rostral magnocellular part of this nucleus were demonstrated to the superficial layers of the dorsal horn and to the intermediate zone, more sparsely to the ventral horn. but, in addition, retrogradely labeled neurons were found in and just below a periventricular cell group in tegmentum mesencephali, i.e. the l ...20102831478
shoulder pain. 20113246894
[post-clavicular approach of brachial plexus block: anatomy study and clinical application]. 20113229233
ultrastructure of the sperm and spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis of dina lineata (hirudinea, erpobdellidae).the mature sperm of dina lineata is of the modified type. the sperm are 48 micron long and 0.3 micron wide. the sperm are filiform and helicoidal cells with a distinct head, a midpiece, and a tail. there are two distinct regions in the head: the acrosome and the posterior acrosome, each with its own characteristic morphology. the midpiece is the mitochondrial region and has a single mitochondrion. two distinct portions can be observed in the tail: the axonematic region and the terminal piece. in ...20113209181
[esophagectomy via a right-sided thoracic approach. role of the circulating nurse]. 20113206015
a rapid method of grading cataract in epidemiological studies and eye surveys.a rapid method of grading clinically important central lens opacities has been developed for use in eye surveys and in epidemiological studies of cataract and has been field-tested in a specifically designed observer agreement study in a survey of a rural community in central india. the grading method is based on simple measurement of the area of lens opacity that obscures the red reflex relative to the area of clear red reflex, as visualised through the undilated normal pupil. good to almost pe ...20113207653
[a combination of an accessory large intestine and teratoid cysts of the intrapelvic tissue]. 20113210612
helping the deaf in kenya. 20113187393
[pharmacokinetics of cefmenoxime in renal-failure patients undergoing continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration].we investigated the pharmacokinetics of cefmenoxime (cmx) administrated to renal-failure patients undergoing continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration (cavh). cavh was carried out with a filter (0.5 m2) employing a pan-50p (hollow fiber type) made of polyacrylonitrile membrane, with a blood flow rate of 100 ml/min and a filtration rate of 1,200 ml/hr. at 5 and 300 minutes after the cmx administration, the concentrations of cmx in the serum were 126.8 mg/l and 31.5 mg/l, respectively. the t1/2 beta ...20113165473
cleavage lines of the oral mucosa in japanese cadavers.cleavage lines were experimentally reproduced in the oral mucosa of japanese cadavers. they were investigated macroscopically and histologically. the reproduced cleavage lines showed little directional variation by sex or age. from the histological findings, the mucosal cleavage lines were interpreted to represent cleavage split along the direction of connective tissue fibres in the lamina propria.20113165386
an investigation into the relative sealing ability of five commercially used temporary restorative materials. 20113165335
records involving riders of powered two-wheeled vehicles. 20113131520
industry weighs merits of long-term care bills. 20113133303
caloric requirements in total parenteral nutrition.resting energy expenditure (ree) was measured in 100 consecutive total parenteral nutrition (tpn) patients. only forty-eight percent of the measured rees were within 90-110% of the predicted harris-benedict values. a literature review revealed 191 published guidelines for non-protein caloric requirements of hospitalized tpn patients. these guidelines were appropriately matched and applied to the 100 individual tpn patients. the relationship between the recommended caloric supply and measured cal ...20113110244
saliva lithium monitoring in prepubertal children. 20113108230
neuropathic arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and intrauterine ischemia of anterior horn cells: a hypothesis.three patients with multiple articular deformities due to arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (amc) are presented. all had severe thalamic and tegmental degenerations with glial scars and shrunken ferruginated neurons; one had also unilateral porencephaly and polymicrogyri. the character and the pattern of the lesions were highly suggestive of in-utero hypotensive/ischemic insult. marked attenuations of anterior spinal roots were mostly seen in the lumbosacral and cervical enlargements, where ant ...20113224470
quality assurance in ambulatory health care. 20113126476
a triple amputation. 20113126419
radiation therapy with and without chemotherapy in the treatment of localized unresectable pancreatic carcinoma. a retrospective analysis. 20113611960
criteria for an increased specificity of mri interpretation in elderly subjects with suspected multiple sclerosis.we reviewed the mris of 49 asymptomatic volunteers (age range, 31 to 77 years) and of 50 ms patients (age range, 14 to 63) for areas of increased signal (ais) and features discriminating ms lesions from lesions seen with normal aging. we obtained optimal specificity of mri interpretation (100%) if we required at least two of the following three ais features--size greater than or equal to 6 mm, abutting ventricular bodies, infratentorial location--for a positive mri diagnosis of ms. applying thes ...20113057397
membrane phospholipids alter nutrient transport and drug toxicity in tumorigenic fibroblasts.the phospholipid polar head group composition of lm cell plasma membranes was nutritionally altered by choline analogue supplementation. phosphatidylcholine (pc), normally 60% of total phospholipid, was depleted by 60 to 90% in membranes from cells cultured with n, n'-dimethylethanolamine (dme), n-monomethylethanolamine (me), and ethanolamine (e). enrichment of lm cell membranes with choline analogues, such as dme-, me-, and e-containing phospholipids, decreased the transport of [3h]thymidine, [ ...20113032553
emphasis on preventive perinatology: a suitable alternative for developing countries.the potential efficacy of preventive interventions in latin america to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality is reviewed. the most important perinatal risk factors associated with pregnancy and delivery are young age of the mother, low socioeconomic status, low education, malnutrition, lack of prenatal care, pregnancy-induced-hypertension, perinatal infections, alcohol, smoking, and iatrogenic causes. adequate data are lacking to determine the magnitude of these factors in latin america. iatr ...20113065947
epidemiology of htlv-i in gabon (western equatorial africa).in 1986 a survey to determine the distribution of htlv-i infection was conducted in gabon in a representative sample of adults and children. five samples were taken in adults and 2 samples in children living in urban and rural areas. samples were taken by the cluster sampling technique, i.e., clusters of randomly selected households. sera were tested for igg antibodies to htlv-i by elisa. elisa-positive sera were retested by western blot. the study comprised 1,874 adults and 684 children, all ap ...20113182104
william osler medal essay. the education, naval service, and early career of william smellie. 20123516279
[pathogenesis of negative washout rate in stress thallium emission computed tomography of coronary artery disease--correlation with cine coronary angiographic findings]. 20123486404
problems in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis--protein loss. 20123723863
problems in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis--protein loss. 20123723863
[geriatric pharmacology]. 20123475806
un fleur du mal--gyromitrin poisoning. 20123467205
subcutaneous nonparenchymal hemangioma of the breast. 20123478625
[nomenclature of the horse's hoof--capsula ungulae]. 20123435406
blood culture updated. 20123542814
brain thelohanellosis due to thelohanellus oculileucisci (myxozoa: myxosporea) in gobio gobio.the first case of a thelohanellus infection in the brain of gudgeons (gobio gobio) is described. the infection was found on three localities in southern bohemia, czechoslovakia. the spores measured 13.2-14.4 x 6.3-7.1 micron. the reasons are discussed for which the species was identified as t. oculileucisci trojan, 1909.20123428769
[peptidergic and monoaminergic innervation of the gonads in the holothurian cucumaria japonica].in the holothurian gonad structure of the peptidergic and monoaminergic systems has been described. axons of their cells form tissue and hemal terminals. epithelial cells and smooth myocytes of the gonadal wall get direct innervation, having contacts with the axonal terminals that are separated by the cleft 50-75 nm in the diameter. it is possible that neuropeptides and biogenic monoamines are transported to the germ and follicular cells of the germinative gonadal zone via hemolymph of the hemal ...20123415487
staff turnover as a function of performance in a public residential facility.the relationship between employee turnover and performance was measured for 144 leavers and 144 stayers across 32 positions in a large institution for mentally retarded people. performance ratings for employees leaving the organization were significantly lower than for those who stayed. these performance differences occurred most significantly with involuntary dismissals and among direct-care technicians who comprise a major part of the institution's work force. the overall results suggest that ...20123434588
treatment of the borderline patient, relationship management.the author suggests that not the borderline syndrome itself but many of the worst behaviours of borderline patients are essentially iatrogenic. to do no harm should be the primary goal of any therapist encountering a patient exhibiting borderline features. management of the patient-therapist relationship is paramount and may be in itself the most effective and safe treatment for both crisis situations and longer therapy. a conceptual model borrowing from and bridging self psychology and interper ...20123409153
staff salaries and benefits: national and regional survey. 20123478249
[oral surgery in children's dentistry]. 20123478241
[long-term results of acute dental trauma]. 20123478237
moonlighting. 20123393472
fracture healing perspectives. 20123595004
two cell surface proteins bind the sponge microciona prolifera aggregation factor.two extracellular matrix cell surface proteins which bind the proteoglycan-like aggregation factor from the marine sponge microciona prolifera (maf) and which may function as physiological receptors for maf were identified and characterized for the first time. by probing nitrocellulose blots of nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate gels containing whole sponge cell protein with iodinated maf, a 210- and a 68-kda protein, which have native molecular masses of approximately 200-400 and 70 kda, were i ...20123372540
obese binge eaters: affect, cognitions, and response to behavioural weight control. 20123397436
pseudophakic cystoid macular edema: a revised comparison of the incidence with intracapsular and extracapsular cataract extraction.a previous study by one of the authors found no significant difference in the incidence of cystoid macular edema with an intracapsular cataract extraction and the implantation of an iris-supported posterior chamber optic lens, compared with the incidence of cystoid macular edema with an extracapsular extraction and the implantation of a shearing lens. to test the validity of that conclusion, the charts of 686 patients operated on by one of the authors were reviewed. it was determined that the in ...20123347455
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