
lightness, embeddedness, and contrast. 20075054071
morphological characterization of the somatostatin-immunoreactive dendritic skin cells in urticaria pigmentosa patients by computerized image means of computerized image analysis, the somatostatin-immunoreactive epidermal and dermal dendritic cells of certain urticaria pigmentosa patients were characterized. the evidence obtained supported the concept that the epidermal cells correspond to the langerhans cells.20092860719
morphological characterization of the somatostatin-immunoreactive dendritic skin cells in urticaria pigmentosa patients by computerized image means of computerized image analysis, the somatostatin-immunoreactive epidermal and dermal dendritic cells of certain urticaria pigmentosa patients were characterized. the evidence obtained supported the concept that the epidermal cells correspond to the langerhans cells.20092860719
concentrations of thioridazine and thioridazine metabolites in erythrocytes.the concentrations of thioridazine and its main metabolites in erythrocytes from 61 thioridazine-treated patients were determined by gas-liquid chromatography. the mean and range of the erythrocyte concentrations, expressed as percentage of the corresponding plasma concentrations, were: thioridazine, 5.1% (2.0-10.6); side-chain sulfoxide, 5.6% (1.6-10.4); side-chain sulfone, 3.3% (1.1-6.8); ring sulfoxide 2.7% (0.8-4.9). the erythrocyte and plasma concentrations were significantly correlated. th ...20103088651
evaluation of a bacteriological screening method for drinking water control on board ships. 20113095683
respiratory responsiveness in male alcoholics after withdrawal.peripheral and central chemosensitivity were assessed in eight abstinent male alcoholic patients and in seven healthy normal male subjects. hypoxic rebreathing (15% o2, 7% co2) was used to stimulate the peripheral and central chemoreceptors together. hyperoxic rebreathing (93% o2, 7% co2) was used to examine the central chemoreceptor response independently of the peripheral chemoreceptors. minute ventilation was examined in relation to end-tidal paco2 under the two conditions. neither peripheral ...20123551663
methods for estimating numbers of motor units in biceps-brachialis muscles and losses of motor units with aging.this paper presents a new method, here applied to the biceps-brachialis muscles, for estimating motor unit numbers in healthy subjects. this method combines isometric contraction, intramuscular needle electrode recordings, and spike-triggered averaging techniques to measure the sizes of motor unit potentials as recorded in the innervation zone with surface electrodes. the number of motor units is then estimated by division of the maximum biceps-brachialis "m" potential recorded with the same sur ...20123374514
delirium secondary to metoclopramide hydrochloride. 20133624517
disseminated intravascular coagulation, antiphospholipid antibodies, and ischaemic necrosis of extremities.a middle aged woman presented with acute, severe, intravascular coagulation leading to ischaemic necrosis of the extremities. pulmonary involvement required artificial ventilation, and there was evidence of hepatic, pancreatic, and renal damage, which resolved without complication. these events may have been triggered by the ingestion of compound diuretic tablets. the finding of the 'lupus anticoagulant' and anticardiolipin antibodies, together with high titre antinuclear factor in the serum, an ...20133579392
production of colony-stimulating factor in mixed leucocyte cultures. 20144153023
clinicopathological correlation of iga nephropathy in children.22 patients with iga nephropathy aged 7-16 years, 15 of whom were found by mass urine screening of school children, were divided into three groups based on the degree of their proteinuria at admission: group a (n = 6) below 0.5 g/day of urine protein, group b (n = 7) between 0.6 and 3.0, and group c (n = 9) above 3.0 g/day of urine protein. the degree of proteinuria seemed to be related to the severity of pathological changes of the glomerular basement membrane; most severe in group c, moderate ...20144014324
[anesthesiologist in a unit for the treatment of burns]. 20164731788
very early presentation of pompe's disease and its cross-sectional echocardiographic features.pompe's disease was diagnosed in a 23-day-old female infant with congestive cardiac failure and hypotonia. the cross-sectional echocardiographic features of this case are described. the possible implications of this extremely early presentation are discussed.20123308716
[dentist's quality demands and the material standarization]. 20154510177
first year radiology residents: pgi vs. pgii. 1998107768
cerebrospinal fluid-, blood-, and ascitis-catecholamines in hepatic cirrhosis.the consideration of the extensive innervation of liver parenchyma, together with data relating to the degradation of catecholamines in the liver and the importance of hepatic vascular process in hepatic cirrhosis, prompted us to investigate the behaviour of catecholamines in this condition. the following parameters were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (csf), blood and ascitis fluid: total catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline. during hepatic cirrhosis, total catecholamines level in blood ...1998106413
[stimulation with automatic radiofrequency scanning in the long term treatment of tachyarrythmias].a pacemaker is described which uses radiofrequency signals for synchronisation and pacing, and seeks automatically the phase of the cycle at which the tachycardia may be interrupted. the patient himself can activate the pacemaker. the programme of the external transmitter, which scans nearly all the r-r cycles of the tachycardia, may be pre-set to transmit one or two synchronised stimuli, with a progressive delay of 5 or 10 ms. if the tachycardia is interrupted the pacing stops automatically. th ...1998105682
acquired red cell pyruvate kinase deficiency in acute leukemias. 1998107074
radiation in multidisciplinary treatment of children with malignant ovarian tumors.thirteen girls with malignant ovarian tumors treated at memorial hospital from august 1971 through october 1975 with extensive surgery, multi-drug chemotherapy (t-2 protocol) and postoperative radiation were reviewed. the plan of radiation was to deliver 3,000 rads to the whole abdomen and boost the para-aortic and pelvic area with 1,500 rads in five to six weeks. in only two patients was the radiation conducted as planned. in others the treatment was either interrupted or discontinued due to co ...1998106952
[pancreatic carcinoma on endoscopic retrograde pancreatico-cholangiogram (author's transl)].the pancreaticographic appearances of carcinoma of the pancreas have been divided into two types: 1. canalicular carcinoma arising from the duct system. if arising from the main pancreatic duct, it occludes this, or causes displacement or deformity of its branches in the immediate neighbourhood. if arising from branches, it causes cystic ectasia of the minor ducts; these appear fragmented and deformed while there is stenosis and displacement of the main duct. simultaneous origin from the main an ...1998124684
genetic and molecular organization of the 5s locus and mutants in d. melanogaster.the topography of an entire redundant locus was analyzed by both genetic and molecular means. three mutants (min0, min1, min2) allelic to the 5s rrna genetic locus on chromosome 2 of d. melanogaster were isolated. flies exhibit a mutant phenotype when hemizygous for a min allele, but flies having two doses are wild-type. saturation hybridization experiments show that the alleles are gross defieciencies each deleting an equal amount of 5s dna. each of the three mutant min alleles produces a disti ...1999103626
primary care approaches to developmental disabilities.ninety-seven board certified pediatricians who spend at least 75% of their professional working hours involved in the delivery of primary care in new england were interviewed to explore their attitudes and current clinical approaches to developmental disabilities. the majority of the pediatricians relied exclusively on clinical judgment and general observations for assessing developmental problems in their offices. responsibility for preschool screening for potential learning problems and the as ...199991155
otoneurological approach to diagnosis and removal of acoustic neuroma. 199991118
sterilisation issues.exception is taken to the 2 bases for sterilization of mentally handicapped people as stated by the working group in current medical/ethical problems -- genetic and fitness for parenthood. although parents with certain forms of retardation have a greater genetic propensity to bear mentally retarded offspring, there are considerably more "normal" parents with as high or a greater propensity. 80-90% of mentally handicapped children are born to normal parents. the unfitness for parenthood rationale ...199991007
benzodiazepines and tardive dyskinesia. 199990985
retinol-binding protein in malnutrition. 199990984
deafness due to hypervitaminosis d. 200087663
esophagogastrectomy for carcinoma of the middle third of the esophagus.elective esophagogastrectomy and reconstruction by esophagogastrostomy were performed on 55 patients with malignant tumors of the midesophagus, despite invasion of contiguous structures in 60% and regional lymph node involvement in 75%. the operations were invariably palliative. two patients died within thirty days of operation. dysphagia was relieved and oral alimentation resumed in the other 53. twenty-nine patients who had experienced painful swallowing and 16 who had vomiting obtained relief ...200092220
loin pain/haematuria syndrome. 200086752
[a life with psychiatric patients. 8. a patient who wanted to see the blue sky]. 200097451
detection of specific rnas or specific fragments of dna by fractionation in gels and transfer to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper. 200094421
steroids in asthma. 200091910
severe skin pain after puva treatment.severe skin pain lasting one or two months occurred in 8 of 210 patients treated with puva. the pain started 4--8 weeks after the initial dose, mostly about one week after discontinuation of the treatment. it was a prickling, burning pain, usually coming in bouts and confined to limited areas "deep under the skin". in some respects the pain was related to itching, but the patients could easily distinguish between the two sensations. a variety of drugs was tried, but none had any noteworthy effec ...200193376
training of doctors in developing countries.developing areas like bangladesh continue to suffer from the discriminatory provision of health care. health care is controlled by urban elites to the detriment of the poor urban masses as well as the rural population as a whole. that is to say, health care in most developing countries is urban oriented and class structured. it is not so much a question of improving efficiency as of restructuring power relationships, of which health care is but one part. in bangladesh at the end of 1971, approxi ...200190840
peripheral neuropathy in a spray-painter. 200190835
complications associated with aphakic contact lenses.complications associated with rigid contact lenses are more frequent in aphakia. the limited dexterity of older patients not only may prove an insurmountable barrier to the mastery of daily contact lens insertion and removal, but also may produce significant direct eye trauma, its seriousness determined by the integrity of the cataract wound. since prolonged wear of aphakic contact lenses is the rule rather than the exception, the risk of irreversible corneal changes such as vascularization and ...200193260
[changes in physicochemical parameters and coagulation factors in hemodilution with dextran of molecular weight 60,000].in 18 subjects undergoing aorto-bifemoral by-pass, pre-operative isovalaemic hemodilution was carried out (using a dextran of molecular weight 60,000) at the same time as venous section of a mean value of 1087 ml reducing the hematocrit to 0.30. the following were studied before, immediately after and 24 hours after hemodilution: blood viscosity (at variable shearing rates), oncotic pressure, sedimentation rate, clotting factors, plasma electrolytes. these results showed that at the end of hemod ...200195471
the lorica of dinobryon. 200190737
alpha1-fetoprotein measurement in blood spotted on paper: discriminating test for hereditary tyrosinemia in neonatal mass screening.we describe an electroimmunodiffusion technique for measuring alpha1-fetoprotein in blood spotted on chromatography paper. the system is being used as a complementary test in a neonatal mass-screening program for detection of inborn metabolic diseases in the province of quebec. in a series of 102 cases of neonatal hypertyrosinemia, the test has proven to be highly discriminative for hereditary tyrosinemia. it has permitted early detection of eight cases of this disease, including two that would ...200158743
[medical management of tachycardias (author's transl)].guidelines for a step-wise plan of treatment of tachycardias have been compiled based on clinical empirical experience and with the aid of surface electrocardiograms, intracardial electrograms and stimulation techniques. the plan is primarily with the aid of surface electrocardiograms, intracardial electrograms and stimulation techniques. the plan is primarily oriented with respect to the antiarrhythmic efficacy, the adverse reactions and the practicability of the respective agents. any type of ...200193075
[psychological diagnosis problems in children between 0 and 3 years of age]. 200195256
[biochemical and coagulation-physiology examinations before and after amniocentesis in early pregnancy].in 46 women the alpha1-fetoprotein content, the soluble fibrin monomer complexes (lfmk), and the coagulation status were determined in the maternal serum at the beginning of the second trimester before and after amniocentesis. increases of afp by more than 100% of the original level pointed to fetomaternal microtransfusion, the quantity of which was calculated by means of a formula. overall coagulation tests did not show any change after the puncture. a moderate lfmk increase was seen (p less th ...200190435
[questions to television from psychopathology].progress is expected in psychopathological diagnosis by using audiovisual procedures. nowadays, a valid psychopathology concept should be broadly planned and the important method of description as well as understanding procedures should be considered. for such a model of psychopathology it seems appropriate to investigate the different psychopathological phenomenons as expression of a disturbed communication ability. concerning this outlook, new strategies are to be developed or procedures of ot ...200190381
visual aids in nutrition education. a guide to their preparation and use. 200195011
differential inhibition of prostacyclin production and platelet aggregation by aspirin. 200192623
[volvulus of the afferent loop after billroth ii operation (author's transl)].a case report is given of a patient, who had a volvulus of the afferent loop after billroth ii operation; on relaparotomy it was found, that this loop had slipped cranially through the mesocolic slit, twisted, and become gangreneous, due to bad adjustement of the slit. increased levels of serum amylase initially had given rise to the suspicion, that the deteriorating condition of the patient was due to pancreatitis. the patient recovered fully after resection had been done and an y-roux-anastomo ...200194934
[laparoscopy of adhesions. diagnostic use]. 2002134429
a child of 3 years who developed an encephalitic reaction to mmr (mumps, measles, rubella) immunisation at age 15 months. 20022373602
[valve of the study of the mechanism of discoveries. apropos of some medical discoveries, including ménière's disease and perforation of the tympanum by astley-cooper]. 2002123949
carbamazepine serum levels in children with epilepsy: a micro immuno-assay part 1 of this study, 26 children with seizures were given 20 mg/kg/day carbamazepine and five developed side-effects. with this initial dose, equilibrium was reached in the serum within four to six days in 25 of the 26 children. the sudden withdrawal of other anticonvulsants did not usually affect the rise of carbamazepine in serum, unless given in high doses. in part 2 of the study it was shown that satisfactory levels were obtained in the serum of 38 children given carbamazepine either twi ...2002118072
a symposium on the chronic pain syndrome in problem low back cases. psychiatric evaluation and feasibility of psychiatric therapy. 2002127024
[overview of the general oncology infrastructure. results of an survey]. 2003262695
interaction of butylated hydroxytoluene (bht) with phospholipid bilayer membranes: effect on 22na permeability and membrane fluidity. 2003201255
urinary excretion of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate and guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate in normal children and those with cystic fibrosis.the urinary excretion of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic amp) and guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic gmp) was examined in 98 normal children and 46 children with cystic fibrosis between the ages of 9 months and 18 yr. diurnal variations in cyclic amp and cyclic gmp excretion were observed in subjects from either group, and peak levels of cyclic nucleotide excretion were generally observed during the period of 0700 to 2100 h. excretion rates (mumol/day) of cyclic amp and cyclic gmp incre ...2003165210
studies of dynein from tetrahymena cilia using agarose polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.described in this report is an application of agarose-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which separates protein components of crude dynein fraction (fraction i by gibbons) derived from tetrahymena cilia. by this method, the fraction was separated into three protein components (designated as bands i, ii and iii) on the gel. when the gel was actively stained for dynein atpase, a single band appeared, which coincided with the position of band i. a purified dynein prepared by controlled pore glass ...2003156562
[functional behavior patterns of the pylorus in duodeno-gastric reflux].there are relations between function of the pylorus and the appearance of duodeno-gastric reflux. however, much speaks for the fact that the pylorus alone is not able to prevent duodeno-gastric reflux. in the problem of the causes of reflux also the motoric behaviour of the upper duodenum must be taken into consideration.2004539011
after-effects of small adapting fields.1. sensitivity to a small test probe in the centre of a small, steady background is less than when the background is large (sensitization). when an equiluminous steady annulus is added to the region surrounding a small background, rod threshold takes several minutes to stabilize at its new, lower level. the after-effects of the small background follow a time course characteristic of cortical adaptation. 2. the sensitivity loss and time course of recovery after intense bleaching lights in the con ...2004529077
hemophilia--a challenge for the nurse anesthetist. 2004525232
neonatal nutrition in iowa. 2004528795
[state of the market for specialized child nutrition products and its prospects].the relatioship has been analyzed for the first time between research into the development of new specialized foods for infants, its manufacture and trade and demand for it. moreover, ways of improving specialized nutrition for infant population at the present time and in future (as per prognosis up to 1990) have been outlined.2004516612
organ doses from cardiac and carotid digital subtraction angiography.estimates of mean organ doses from cardiac and carotid digital subtraction angiography (dsa) are obtained from measurements done using a rando-alderson tissue-equivalent phantom. thermoluminescent dosemeter chips and discs were calibrated and used for all measurements in the primary and scattered radiation fields. skin doses as well as mean doses received by the thyroid, lung, lens of the eye, breast, uterus and the ovaries were measured. a 30 degree right anterior oblique (rao) cardiac dsa stud ...20042790424
a method for monitoring the treatment of schizophrenics in the community.a trial was carried out over twelve months of a method for monitoring the care of a large number of schizophrenic patients in the community. the method has been demonstrated to be practical in use, economical of resources and potentially relevant to a number of chronic disorders.2004444792
acinic cell carcinoma of intraoral minor salivary gland origin.a case of acinic cell carcinoma involving minor salivary gland tissue is reported. this is an exceptional occurrence. the response to radiotherapy is described and it is suggested that this form of treatment should be considered in these cases.2004438627
surgical removal of a left atrial myxoma during pregnancy.successful removal of a left atrial myxoma in a pregnant woman has not been previously reported. the patient postoperatively had an uncomplicated pregnancy, delivering at term a normal, healthy baby.2004421587
how can teachers learn to respond effectively to their students? 2004470754
hyperthecosis syndrome. clinical, endocrinologic and histologic findings.five patients were found to have hyperthecosis ovarii as evidenced by the presence of large lipid containing thecal cells in the ovarian stroma. the clinical picture was similar in all of them, featuring mild virilization, obesity and oligomenorrhea, with refractoriness to clomid therapy. plasma fsh levels were low normal, while lh levels were slightly elevated. urinary 17-ketosteroids levels were elevated, and plasma testosterone concentrations were upper normal. the response to dexamethasone s ...2004419961
plasma and urine levels produced by an oral dose of ampicillin 0.5 g administered to women taking oral contraceptives.earlier studies have shown that ampicillin produces 50% lower-and therefore very likely less adequate-plasma levels in pregnant than in nonpregnant women. the present investigation compares levels of ampicillin in plasma and urine produced by a single oral dose administered to 10 healthy women taking oral contraceptives on the 21st and on the 28th day of the menstruation cycle. plasma levels of ampicillin were lower on the 21st day than on the 28th, i.e. a difference in the same direction as bet ...2004419960
christopher george attenborough 1922-1979. 2004387802
[achievements in gastric surgery in ukraine during 60 years of the soviet rule]. 2004342803
getting your point across. communication wins over patients. 20051291279
[testicular cavernous lymphangioma in a 13-year-old boy]. 20051273002
single daily dose corticosteroid treatment.thirteen patients with rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis who had not previously received corticosteroids were treated with prednisolone in a single-dose each morning. insulin-hypoglycaemia tests were performed before starting steroids in each patient, and again at the conclusion of the study in twelve of the thirteen (duration of steroid treatment 8-40 m). there was no difference in the mean basal or peak levels of corticosteroids, or the mean peak of growth hormone (gh) in the tests done before ...20051275584
[legal abortion. review after introduction of outpatient abortions].the results of 618 legal abortions performed on 602 14-49 year old women are reported. 53.3% of the cases were 9-10 weeks advanced into the pregnancy, 30.8% 11-12 weeks, and 2.9% over 12. the average waiting period between the 1st visit to the physician and the abortion was 14 days. 14 abortions were performed, 1 by sectio parva and 13 by instillation of nacl 20% and evacuation of the uterus, with no complications. 604 abortions were performed by aspiration evacuation, 7 of which were followed b ...20051251516
[drug pulverizer with a spatula]. 20051231142
[instrument for trephine puncture of the frontal sinus]. 20051231141
editorial: amyloidosis and ankylosing spondylitis. 20051184567
letter: separation of creatine kinase isoenzymes by high-pressure liquid chromatography. 20051112062
conductance of the sodium channel in myelinated nerve fibres with modified sodium inactivation.1. na current fluctuations in nodes of ranvier were measured under voltage clamp conditions as described in the preceding paper (conti, hille, neumcke, nonner & stämpfli, 1976) and analysed in terms of power spectral density calculated for frequencies between 30 hz and 5 khz. 2. external (10(-5) g/ml.) leiurus scorpion venom or anemonia toxin ii (3 x 10(-5) g/ml.) or internal 20 mm iodate were applied in order to remove or slow down inactivation in part of the na channels. the treatment increase ...20051087644
measurement of the conductance of the sodium channel from current fluctuations at the node of ranvier.single myelinated nerve fibres of rana esculenta were investigated under voltage clamp conditions at 13 degrees c. fluctuations of steady-state membrane current were measured during the last 152 msec of 190-225 msec pulses depolarizing the membrane by 8-48 mv. noise power spectral densities were calculated in the frequency range of 6-6-6757 hz. 2. external application of 150 nm tetrodotoxin (ttx) and/or 10 mm tetraethylammonium (tea) ion reduced the current fluctuations. the difference of curren ...20051087643
correlation of platelet survival time with occlusion of saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass grafts.platelet survival time is frequently shortened in patients with coronary artery disease, and it is one of several factors that might contribute to graft occlusion after saphenous vein coronary artery bypass (cab). in 35 patients with cab, average platelet survival (autologous labeling with 51chromium) was shortened in 20 with one or more saphenous vein grafts occluded and normal in 15 with all grafts open. of 15 with all grafts open, individual levels of platelet survival were normal in 10 while ...20051082802
[follow-up of 131i-therapy of hyperthyroidism (author's transl)]. 20051064000
[an unusual case of entero-vesical fistula caused by a foreign body].the authors describe a rare case of sigmoidovesical fistula due to a foreign body and giving trouble 30 years after the causative surgical procedure, namely an oopheroctomy. the cause of the fistula was apparently some suture material that had not been reabsorbed. surgical excision of the fistula produced a complete recovery.2005546533
a simple centrifuge column for desalting protein solutions. 2005543535
[lipid metabolism disorders: diagnosis and treatment. 4: drug therapy and dietary recommendations. national cholesterin-initiative]. 20061855762
[lipid metabolism disorders: diagnosis and treatment. 4: drug therapy and dietary recommendations. national cholesterin-initiative]. 20061855762
acute and chronic effects of parathion and 2,4 d on the oxygen consumption of chasmagnathus granulata (decapoda, brachyura).the effect of two pesticides widely used in argentina on the oxygen consumption of the estuarine crab chasmagnathus granulata was studied. constant pressure respirometers were employed to estimate the rate of oxygen consumption per weight unit of animals treated previously with each pesticide, both acute (96 h) and chronically (15 and 30 days). crabs exposed to parathion -an organophosphorate insecticide that causes the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase- show an increase of oxygen consumption a ...20061797200
acute and chronic effects of parathion and 2,4 d on the oxygen consumption of chasmagnathus granulata (decapoda, brachyura).the effect of two pesticides widely used in argentina on the oxygen consumption of the estuarine crab chasmagnathus granulata was studied. constant pressure respirometers were employed to estimate the rate of oxygen consumption per weight unit of animals treated previously with each pesticide, both acute (96 h) and chronically (15 and 30 days). crabs exposed to parathion -an organophosphorate insecticide that causes the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase- show an increase of oxygen consumption a ...20061797200
common infections in the elderly.symptoms of infection in the elderly may be absent, vague or atypical. infection should be suspected when an elderly patient presents with a decline in well-being or with non-specific symptoms such as falls, dizziness, confusion, anorexia or weakness. common infections include bacterial pneumonia, urinary tract infection, intra-abdominal infections, gram-negative bacteremia and infection of decubitus ulcers. antibiotic therapy is not recommended for asymptomatic bacteriuria or locally infected d ...20061595517
[treatment of cryoglobulinemia]. 20061578700
[advances in fetal medicine]. 20061563637
serum autoantibodies in patients with alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia and in nondemented control this study we sought to evaluate the clinical significance of serum autoantibodies to dementing processes.20061636181
hepatitis update. the delta virus. 20061539959
psychological effects during reduced training volume and intensity in distance runners.improved mood state has ben linked with reduced training (rt). however, rt has been measured only as a reduction in training volume, either maintaining or not considering the intensity of training employed. to investigate the effects of a 4-week reduction in both training volume and intensity on running performance and mood state, 10 well-trained adult male runners trained for 4 weeks at baseline training distance and pace (bt), followed by 4 weeks training reduced in volume by 66%, with intensi ...20061428383
current treatment of ulcerative colitis.ulcerative colitis is a chronic relapsing disease which may become manifest either early or late in life. this article examines current drug treatment strategies and considers possible therapeutic options for the future.20061393216
health checks on patients 75 years and over in nottinghamshire after the new gp investigate annual health checks for patients of 75 years and over required by the 1990 contract for general practitioners.20061393076
urinary kallikrein excretion in non-insulin-dependent diabetes investigate the status of urinary kallikrein excretion (uke) in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (niddm), we measured uke in 31 niddm patients. they ranged in age from 40 to 70 years (mean, 54.3 +/- 7.8 years), comprising 18 males and 13 females. their creatinine clearance (ccr) was 91.6 +/- 5.5 ml/min, and the daily excretion rate of protein was 1.15 +/- 0.72 g/24 hours. twenty-five normal persons, aged from 37 to 63 years (mean, 51.7 +/- 8.2 years), comprising 14 males ...20061360304
[evaluation of the effect of proton pump inhibitors on stomal ulcer].four reports on proton pump inhibitors related to the clinical effects on stomal ulcer were reviewed. two reports were on omeprazole and the other two on lansoprazole, carried out in the pre-marketing stage. they are compared with two reports on h2-receptor antagonists (famotidine and ranitidine), which were also done in the pre-marketing stage. it appears that the proton pump inhibitors bring more rapid ulcer healing than h2-receptor antagonists without severe side effects, and there seems to b ...20061347326
[variations in frequency of cesarean sections in denmark].an investigation is presented on the basis of the medical register of births concerning all primiparae who were delivered of a liveborn singleton infant in 1982 and 1986. on the basis of the section on complications in the notification of the births, we have made a subdivision into four "approximate indications". we find a variation in frequencies of caesarean section from 9.7% (1982) to 17.1% (1986) between the various counties and an increase during the period investigated of 19%. 50% of the i ...20072238194
[variations in frequency of cesarean sections in denmark].an investigation is presented on the basis of the medical register of births concerning all primiparae who were delivered of a liveborn singleton infant in 1982 and 1986. on the basis of the section on complications in the notification of the births, we have made a subdivision into four "approximate indications". we find a variation in frequencies of caesarean section from 9.7% (1982) to 17.1% (1986) between the various counties and an increase during the period investigated of 19%. 50% of the i ...20072238194
expanded programme on immunization. neonatal tetanus survey. 20072223562
Displaying items 3701 - 3800 of 6009