
a critical appraisal of the literature on the effects of computer-based clinical decision support systems on clinician performance and patient review the evaluations of computer-based clinical decision support systems (cdss's).20061482947
on talc, tremolite, and tergiversation. ter-gi-ver-sate: 2: to use subterfuges. 20072039750
[state of the valvular function of the cardia in patients with duodenal ulcer before and after vagotomy and methods of its correction].the authors studied the valvular function of the cardia in 714 patients who were kept under regular medical observation and in 138 patients who had been operated on for duodenal ulcer. changes were found in the cardia of 9.4% of patients who underwent regular medical examination and in 17% of these subjected to operation. the valvular function of the cardia was impaired after vagotomy in all cases. fundoesophagocrurorhaphy is the best method for correction of cardiac dysfunction.20082593570
palatal myoclonus associated with extremity tremor.palatal myoclonus associated with extremity movements such as myoclonus or tremor is uncommon and reports are rare. five patients with palatal myoclonus and a rest tremor are presented. in four patients, a slow rest tremor (3 hz or less) was present. the tremor persisted on sustained posture and finger-to-nose maneuvers and was usually not synchronous with the palatal movements. it was not associated with clinical manifestations of parkinson's disease and occurred in conjunction with brain-stem ...20082614493
quest. nt's educational supplement. 20082771684
on the kinetic depth effect.the problem of the kinetic depth effect is revisited. we study how many points in how many views are necessary and sufficient to recover structure. the constraints in the cases where the velocities of the image points are known, and the positions of the image points are known with the correspondence between them established, are different and they have to be studied separately. in the case of two projections of any number of points there are infinitely many solutions, but if we regularize the pr ...20082719982
alumina as stationary phase for ion chromatography and column-coupling techniques.columns packed with alumina were combined with common anion-exchange columns and applied to the ion chromatographic determination of sulphate in brines and biological fluids and for the trace determination of iodide in mineral waters and fruit juice samples. alumina was found to be a highly selective stationary phase for the preconcentration of sulphate from complex matrices. further, owing to its selectivity, which is different from that of r4n+-type anion-exchange materials, it is well suited ...20082600151
complications of cardiac catheterization and angiography in patients with valvular heart disease. va cooperative study on valvular heart disease.complications were surveyed prospectively in 2,029 catheterizations performed on 1,483 patients from the 13 centers participating in the va cooperative study on valvular heart disease. complications were reported in 6.9% of 1,559 preoperative procedures of which 2.6% were major and 0.2% fatal. clinical predictors of complications were hypertension and the precatheterization diagnosis of aortic stenosis. nevertheless, patients with aortic stenosis successfully tolerated left ventriculography, whi ...20092720763
renal lesions following viper bites--a study of 14 years. 20093759161
nonionic contrast agents and coagulation.the chemotoxicity of nonionic and ionic contrast media is discussed with reference to chemical structure. second-generation nonionic contrast media have the lowest chemotoxicity of any agents because of the uniform distribution of hydrophilic groups around the molecule, which mask the hydrophobic iodine atoms. previous investigations show that second-generation nonionic agents have the same qualitative hematologic effects as other contrast agents. the less marked quantitative hematologic effects ...20103058638
metastatic melanoma to the epididymis suspected on preoperative ultrasound. 20103095399
three years' experience with an ileal low pressure bladder the beginning of this century it was realised that peristalsis would cause incontinence if bowel was used for augmentation or substitution of the bladder. trans-section of the antimesenteric border and cross-folding of the intestinal segments (goodwin's cup-patch technique) is an efficient means of solving this problem and has been successfully used in the kock pouch. we anastomosed the ileal low pressure reservoir to the membranous urethra in 22 male patients following radical cystoprostatec ...20102920259
acute leukemia with extramedullary presentation and mixed myeloid and lymphoid expression. 20103153242
comparison of the gastrointestinal side effects of naproxen formulated as plain tablets, enteric-coated tablets, or enteric-coated granules in capsules.we studied the gastrointestinal side effects of three formulations of naproxen in 18 healthy male volunteers. in a latin-square design crossover study, the subjects received 500 mg naproxen twice daily for 7 days as plain tablets, enteric-coated tablets, or enteric-coated granules in capsules. the 51cr-edta absorption test was performed before and at the end of each drug period, to evaluate changes in the distal gut. the test dose was instilled distally in the duodenum to prevent lesions in the ...20102814364
[immunologic indices in patients with cancer of the breast following surgical treatment]. 20113210623
racism, the national health service, and the health of black people.racism has been and is central to an understanding of the health of black people in britain. black people have played and are playing a central role in the national health service (nhs). their role is, however, shaped by racism. their experiences as consumers of the nhs are also shaped by racism--in terms of their treatment for both physical and mental health problems. in addition, their specific health problems such as sickle cell anemia have not received the attention they deserve. the nhs has ...20113049409
[sister chromatid exchange and accidental exposure to phenyl-mercury acetate]. 20123504672
the opioid system in the restless legs and nocturnal myoclonus syndromes. 20123505737
loss of intercalated membrane particles by treatment with phorbols.because brief exposure to phorbol esters renders normal cells vulnerable to deformation and cytolysis by lymphocytes, it was postulated that these tumor promoters might cause a hitherto unrecognized physical alteration in membrane architecture. to investigate this possibility, four tissue culture cell lines (k-562 erythroleukemia cells, melanoma cells, n1121 adult fibroblasts, and normal fetal fibroblasts) and three blood cell types (lymphocytes, monocytes, and platelets) were subjected to freez ...20123462729
more predictions in personal computing. 20123434572
msms members have new group health option. 20123347170
probabilistic sensitivity analysis using monte carlo simulation. a practical approach.the data for medical decision analyses are often unreliable. traditional sensitivity analysis--varying one or more probability or utility estimates from baseline values to see if the optimal strategy changes--is cumbersome if more than two values are allowed to vary concurrently. this paper describes a practical method for probabilistic sensitivity analysis, in which uncertainties in all values are considered simultaneously. the uncertainty in each probability and utility is assumed to possess a ...20133831638
marketing your nursing product line: reaping the benefits.survival in today's cost-conscious, competitive health care scene depends on strategic business skills, marketing, and product line management. as a major contributor to the delivery of health care, nursing practice must now include an orientation toward business with definable products. the authors discuss their success in developing a product line that results in professional growth, improved nurse recruitment and retention, and a greater competitive edge in the health care arena.20133668673
clinical applications of yttrium filters for exposure reduction. 20133733390
brainstem auditory evoked responses alteration in twin neonates.the authors obtained baer recordings for 20 premature twins and 20 premature non-twins. the two groups were comparable as to conceptional age (36-37 weeks), gestational age, chronological age, birthweight, sex ratio and head size. the results showed a prolongation of the central conduction time (i-v interval) in the premature twins. this may be due to the intra-uterine growth retardation of twins.20133661913
computer system support. part ii. 20133846051
congenital lower nasolacrimal duct anomaly: a case report.a congenital anomaly of the nasolacrimal system not previously described is reported. the apposition of the distal end of the nasolacrimal duct was not with the nasal cavity as normally occurs prior to birth but to the external skin. as a result the child presented with difficulty with tear drainage and consequent infection--"neonatal conjunctivitis" followed by a facial abscess at the left lower border of the nose. recent embryological studies suggest that this anomaly is due to failure of comp ...20133964482
angiotensin blood levels in hypertensive and non-hypertensive diseases. 20144288058
angiotensin blood levels in hypertensive and non-hypertensive diseases. 20144288058
[skin cancer appearing 40 years after 2 facial wound caused by a casting splash]. 20144249281
[modern trends in morbidity and mortality and the present state of surgical and comprehensive treatment of carcinoma of the female breast]. 20144064083
[rabies in greenland]. 20143952837
aging enhances the insulin resistance in obesity through both receptor and postreceptor alterations.the association between aging and insulin resistance is well recognized. to clarify possible mechanisms, both the binding and the action of insulin were studied in abdominal sc fat cells from two groups of obese nondiabetic women matched for relative weight and fasting insulin levels. the age ranges of the two groups were 16-37 (mean, 28) and 47-77 (mean, 61) yr, respectively. insulin binding was significantly decreased in the elderly (approximately 40%; p less than 0.05), which scatchard analys ...20143941163
[status of endemic leprosy in senegal in 1983]. 20143895804
[x-ray study of compensatory mechanisms following gastric resection or resection of the small intestine]. 20154703280
healthcaremanship. 20154669991
the effect of bradilan on the levels of lipoproteins, cholesterol and liposoluble vitamins in the plasma. 20154525482
[the capillary electrode porarization by the positive and negative current (author's transl)]. 20154523942
[newly designed ultraviolet light monochromator]. 20154542243
[evaluation of the morbidity trend of tuberculosis in the future]. 20154409512
maytansine, a novel antileukemic ansa macrolide from maytenus ovatus. 20165062169
metabolism of the heart in health and disease. ii. 20164882561
portable transistor instrument for recording the galvanic skin response. 20164817134
parkinsonism, l-dopa, and intelligence. 20164754685
[public health in the russian federation during the 9th five-year plan]. 2002135354
response by dr. alden n. haffner upon receipt of the koch memorial medal 1990. 20071852404
spontaneous intramural perforation of the esophagus: case report and review of the literature.a 47-year-old male suffered spontaneous intramural perforation of his esophagus following tracheostomy and nasogastric intubation. the reports of this unusual lesion in the literature are reviewed, and the characteristic radiographic and endoscopic features demonstrated.20092663466
reliability of road accident statistics. 20113112385
the pragmatic utilization of the p-k phenomenon. 20165039530
[i. from the diary of a young physician of the mission of brazil to france in the 1st world war]. 20164916215
oligoclonal igg and virus antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid in progressive myoclonus epilepsy. 2002117579
oligoclonal igg and virus antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid in progressive myoclonus epilepsy. 2002117579
axillary artery thrombosis from handball. 20061797214
axillary artery thrombosis from handball. 20061797214
[nursing--a woman's job!]. 20061489626
nasal mucosal temperature and the effect of acute infective rhinitis.nasal mucosal temperature was measured in 71 healthy subjects with an electronic thermometer. no correlation was found between the nasal mucosal temperature and age or sex. an increased mucosal temperature was found in patients with acute rhinitis, an effect which is supposed to assist in the defence system against microorganisms. when measuring nasal mucosal temperature over a 7-h period at the same time as nasal airway resistance, there was no correlation between these factors, indicating that ...20082612033
[the role of tracking in the perception of objects, moving toward each other in a narrow vertical slit line].it has been shown by means of calculation and device modeling that the observed subjective pressure of two objects moving toward one another behind a narrow vertical slit corresponds to the pressure of objects retinal projections, induced in its turn by a slowed down tracing. 180e turn of one of the moving objects is also explained by tracing.20092765575
effect of a high-fat meal on the bioavailability of a polymer-coated erythromycin particle tablet formulation.the effect of food on the relative bioavailability of an erythromycin particles-in-tablet formulation was studied in 27 healthy volunteers, using a four-way, crossover study design with the following treatments: one or two erythromycin capsules usp (eryc, parke-davis), or one polymer-coated erythromycin particles-in-tablet (pce, abbott) administered fasting or with a high-fat meal. under fasting conditions the erythromycin particles-in-tablet and erythromycin capsule formulations are bioequivale ...20092708552
antidesmosomal monoclonal antibody in the diagnosis of intracranial tumours.immunocytochemistry has been applied extensively to the diagnosis of intracranial tumours, but meningiomas still present a diagnostic problem. however, desmosomes have been shown by electron microscopy to be present in meningiomas, and this distinguishes them from gliomas. this paper describes a new monoclonal antibody, 11-5f, against desmosomal proteins 1 and 2 (desmoplakins) and assesses its usefulness in the diagnosis of meningiomas and other intracranial tumours. a total of 74 surgically rem ...20123323433
combination chemotherapy with dacarbazine and vindesine in the treatment of metastatic malignant melanoma. 20133719588
initial management of cutaneous malignant melanoma.appropriate initial surgical management of primary cutaneous malignant melanoma is important since no effective treatment exists once the tumour metastasizes. the author reviews methods of initial treatment, excisional biopsy with adequate margins being the most common. he also reports results from a questionnaire survey on the type of microstaging used at hospitals across canada. two thirds of the pathologists who responded to the questionnaire preferred to use both clark's and breslow's method ...20133719498
[polycarboxylate cements]. 20144211561
diabetes: underlying biochemical lesions. 20154915362
diabetes: underlying biochemical lesions. 20154915362
"hey, charlie, how long have you had your transplant"? 20154488946
long-term antiplatelet activity and safety of indobufen in patients with cardiovascular disease. italian multicenter study open collaborative study was performed to assess the long-term platelet inhibiting activity, tolerability and safety of indobufen, a new inhibitor of platelet aggregation. the drug was given orally to 151 patients with cardiovascular disease for a period ranging from 6 to 24 months (mean 12.5 months). extensive clinical examination, laboratory investigations and platelet function studies were carried out before the treatment and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months. indobu ...20123899952
post-translational processing of anglerfish islet somatostatin precursors.two distinct somatostatin precursors are synthesized in anglerfish (af) islets. in addition to a precursor which has somatostatin 14 (ss-14) as a c-terminal cleavage product, a precursor which contains at its c-terminus [tyr7, gly10] ss-14 as a potential cleavage product is also synthesized. however, even though an arg-lys pair is located immediately n-terminal to ala1 of the c-terminal tetradecapeptide, [tyr7, gly10]ss-14 was not found in significant amounts in extracts of af islets. instead, a ...20102863927
[use of triazine herbicides in the democratic republic of germany: toxicologic and hygienic problems]. 20133721217
variation of estrogen and progesterone receptor status in breast a series of fifty breast cancer patients two estrogen and progesterone receptor assays were performed. in two simultaneous assays (tissue samples taken at the same time) disordant results in estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and double receptor status were detected in 12%, 12% and 21% of cases respectively. in sequential assays (tissue samples taken with an interval between the samples) this variation was more pronounced, 24%, 36% and 36% respectively. the variation in simultaneous ass ...20144015025
[left ventricular wall thickness in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: comparisons of measurements by magnetic resonance imaging, cineangiography, and echocardiography].to evaluate the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (mri) in measuring regional wall thickness of the left ventricle, 11 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hcm) were imaged. the measurements were compared with those obtained by two-dimensional echocardiography (2d-echo) and cineangiography. regional wall thickness was ascertained at six locations including the base, middle, and apex of the interventricular septum (ivs) and left ventricular posterior wall (lvpw) from the two selected ...20123267712
performance appraisal of online medline access compare the performance and cost of 11 online medline systems with medline at elhill.20061482922
[a case of posttraumatic cerebral air embolism].we report a case of cerebral air embolism that occurred after chest trauma. the diagnosis was confirmed by ct and skull roentgenogram which demonstrated air bubbles in intracranial arteries. it is well recognized that cerebral air embolism is caused by various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and trauma. but it may often be overlooked because it is diagnosed clinically and there are no characteristic symptoms nor signs. although various ways of treatment have been reported, prevention and ...20082586716
effect of replacing glucose with lipid on the energy metabolism of newborn infants.1. indirect calorimetry and primed constant infusion of [u-13c]glucose were combined in 28 appropriate-for-gestational age newborn, parenterally fed infants, in order to measure glucose utilization and glucose oxidation and to estimate lipogenesis from glucose. 2. the infants were randomly allocated to either a group receiving glucose as the non-protein energy source or a group having one-quarter of the glucose energy replaced by intravenous fat. the energy intake (370 kj day-1 kg-1) and protein ...20082736877
effect of replacing glucose with lipid on the energy metabolism of newborn infants.1. indirect calorimetry and primed constant infusion of [u-13c]glucose were combined in 28 appropriate-for-gestational age newborn, parenterally fed infants, in order to measure glucose utilization and glucose oxidation and to estimate lipogenesis from glucose. 2. the infants were randomly allocated to either a group receiving glucose as the non-protein energy source or a group having one-quarter of the glucose energy replaced by intravenous fat. the energy intake (370 kj day-1 kg-1) and protein ...20082736877
letter: comments on scabies. 20094852728
activation of a cytosolic serine protein kinase by epidermal growth factor.exposure of a-431 cells to epidermal growth factor (egf) results in a rapid enhancement (approximately 10-fold) of cytosolic serine protein kinase activity. the increase in serine kinase activity may be detected using a number of peptide and protein substrates. enhancement of kinase activity occurs within 1 min of exposure of the cells to egf and reaches a maximum in 5 min. similar results were obtained with a variety of cell lines. we have partially purified the egf-activated kinase from a-431 ...20102974035
fine needle aspiration cytology of recurrent ectopic meningioma.fine needle aspiration was performed on a recurrent extracranial meningioma in the left pterygomaxillary and temporal fossas in a 39-year-old woman. cytologic and electron microscopic study of the aspirate and comparison to the previously resected specimen proved the recurrent nature of the lesion. the cytologic and ultrastructural findings in meningiomas are discussed with special consideration of the differential diagnosis in extracranial sites.20102916374
[sarcoidosis, today]. 20113079440
the wearing of spectacles in different social and educational groups in a sample of the population of central finland.on the basis of information gathered from a questionnaire study of 6875 people aged from 7 to 46 years and living in central finland, it was seen that the wearing of spectacles has much increased during the last five decades. it is calculated that the wearing of spectacles is still on the increase in the population. more females than males wore spectacles in all the age groups studied. the higher the education the more common was the wearing of spectacles. poor distant vision was the main reason ...20123497441
blood glucose control and diabetic complications.two hypotheses have been advanced to explain the appearance of microvascular complications in diabetic patients with glycemic control. the genetic hypothesis suggests that the development of diabetic complications is genetically determined and independent of diabetic control, whereas the metabolic hypothesis suggests that long-term hyperglycemia causes the subsequent development of small-blood-vessel complications. we review data that either support or reject these hypotheses and suggest a third ...20123524339
patient-controlled analgesia. 20123352117
[experiences with patis, the patient information system]. 20133840304
endolymphatic stromal myosis: report of a case. 20133694160
acid phosphatase in spleen tissue-culture in gaucher's disease. 20144173779
[the so-called nasal glioma].a case of nasal "glioma" is presented. this tumor consists of congenital heterotopic glial tissue and represents an abnormal protrusion of brain substance (exencephalia).20144019191
[several general regularities in the clinical picture of borderline conditions in children and adolescents]. 20154660431
ultrasonic diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysms. 20164846789
[differential diagnosis of "acute appendicitis" (torsion of an epiploic appendix)]. 20165054687
iron losses in sweat.the losses of iron in whole body cell-free sweat were determined in eleven healthy men. a new experimental design was used with a very careful cleaning procedure of the skin and repeated consecutive sampling periods of sweat in a sauna. the purpose was to achieve a steady state of sweat iron losses with minimal influence from iron originating from desquamated cells and iron contaminating the skin. a steady state was reached in the third sauna period (second sweat sampling period). iron loss was ...20143953482
[urgency in the repair of retinal detachment (author's transl)]. 20154437016
electrical cardioversion after amiodarone administration.the possible effect of amiodarone administration on the effectiveness and complications of electrical cardioversion of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias has not been properly assessed. to investigate the effects of amiodarone on cardioversion, we performed 130 electrical cardioversion procedures in 116 patients who were receiving long-term amiodarone therapy (group i) and 44 cardioversion procedures in 43 patients who were receiving intravenous infusions of amiodarone (group ii). all patients in ...20061595532
alpha-fetoprotein.the past year has seen major challenges to existing maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein testing protocols for both neural tube defects and chromosomal anomalies. these challenges are reviewed along with the physiology of alpha-fetoprotein; the use of amniocentesis, ultrasonography, and additional serum markers in women with elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels; and epidemiologic implications of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening.20071717020
alpha-fetoprotein.the past year has seen major challenges to existing maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein testing protocols for both neural tube defects and chromosomal anomalies. these challenges are reviewed along with the physiology of alpha-fetoprotein; the use of amniocentesis, ultrasonography, and additional serum markers in women with elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels; and epidemiologic implications of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening.20071717020
99mtc dimercaptosuccinic acid (dmsa) scan as first investigation of urinary tract infection.a total of 115 children under 5 years who presented with a first symptomatic urinary tract infection and who had a 99mtc dimercaptosuccinic acid (dmsa) scan were studied to assess its value and compare the findings with those of other imaging techniques. renal cortical defects were detected in 65 kidneys by dmsa scan, intravenous urogram, and ultrasound scan combined; 62 (95%) being seen on dmsa scan. the finding of reflux on micturating cystourethrography showed a highly significant correlation ...20102849382
isotachophoresis of csf proteins in gel tubes especially gammaglobulins. an analytical and preparative technique for high-separation of csf isotachophoretic method using polyacrylamide gel (pag-itp) in a simple disc electrophoretic equipment with plastic tubes containing the gels, was elaborated and especially designed for studying the gammaglobulins in csf and serum from control subjects and patients with neurological disorders, especially known or probable ms. the device and the itp system used, including leading and terminating electrolytes and spacer substances, dividing the gammaglobulins in a reproducible way, are described ...200192548
the need to reform indigent care. 20082577825
tick-bite fever in pregnancy. a case report.despite the frequency of tick-bite fever in southern africa and its doubtless occurrence in pregnancy, this report documents the first case in a pregnant woman. consequently, the natural history of tick-bite fever in pregnancy and concomitant placental involvement must be regarded as conjectural. accordingly a register has been opened by the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, university of the witwatersrand, for recording similar cases. at this stage of our knowledge, erythromycin 500 mg ...20133603318
effects of overfeeding on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in lean young adults. 20165047918
[development of strains of molossinum mice and their application--development of congenic strains and their application]. 2004428444
[the prospects and problems of drug-induced anesthesia].the problem of pain has a major medico-social significance and necessitates detailed investigation both from the position of etiology and pathogenesis and new therapy methods. among many methods of pain control drug-induced anesthesia is of great importance. the multiplicity of pain requires optimal use of analgetics and their combination with other agents strictly in coordination with individual needs of the patient. special anesthesia systems are to be designed for this purpose.20061360730
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