
phagocytic response to gram-negative bacteria in sensitized mice. 19724555126
[experimental liver cirrhosis caused by dysentery toxin]. 19724555184
in vitro susceptibility of gram-negative bacilli to carbenicillin. 19724555345
[new insights into the etiology of traveler's diarrhea]. 19724556382
enzymic formation of polyisoprenol phosphate sugars. 19724556477
[etiological structure of dysentery in prospective population centers in north tiumen]. 19724556691
interbacterial transfer of r factor in the human intestine: in-vivo acquisition of r-factor-mediated kanamycin resistance by a multiresistant strain of shigella sonnei. 19724556721
the pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. ii. enterotoxin-induced acute enteritis in the rabbit ileum. 19724556723
inhibition of the interaction between fimbrial haemagglutinins and erythrocytes by d-mannose and other carbohydrates. 19724556971
[study of 129 shigellas isolated in 5 years]. 19724556975
double infection, recombination, and segregation of two r factors r 100 and rts1, and their possible bearing on the genetic structure of r 100. 19724556980
clinical evaluation of co-trimoxazole and furazolidone in treatment of shigellosis in (trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole) was compared with furazolidone in the treatment of shigellosis in two groups of 33 and 30 patients respectively. those treated with co-trimoxazole recovered more quickly; none had shigellae in the faeces four days after the start of treatment, whereas in the group given furazolidone eight still had positive stool cultures seven days after treatment.the susceptibility of 104 shigella strains to seven antimicrobial agents was studied by plate dilutio ...19724557030
shigellosis in custodial institutions. ii. clinical, immunologic and bacteriologic response of institutionalized children to oral attenuated shigella vaccines. 19724557072
shigella sonnei outbreak on the island of maui. 19724557073
[passive hemagglutination tests with shigella flexneri and shigella sonnei antigens in the diagnosis of dysentery]. 19724557140
characterization of bacteriophage s13 sun15 single-strand and replicative-form deoxyribonucleic acid.the deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) of bacteriophage s13 was shown to be single-stranded by the criteria of reactivity with formaldehyde, dependence of optical density on ionic strength, broad temperature-absorbance profile, and lack of molar equivalence of the purine and pyrimidine bases. the dna has a molecular weight of 1.8 x 10(6) daltons, an s degrees (20) of 24.6 in ssc (0.15 m nacl plus 0.015 m sodium citrate), and a buoyant density of 1.726 g/cc in cscl. electron microscopy showed the molecu ...19724557206
[chemotaxis and movement]. 19724557704
evaluation of plating media and temperature parameters in the isolation of selected enteric pathogens. 19724558164
[efficacy of dysentery treatment in children depending on some clinical and immunologic indices of the reactivity of micro-organisms and some properties of the pathogen]. 19724558470
antibiotic-resistant coliforms in fresh and salt water. 19724558702
hemagglutinin and bactericidin response in children with urinary or enteric infections. 19724559029
[lysotypy of shigella sonnei: recent modifications of the system and its results in relation to the biotypes]. 19724559314
[mutation of host bacteria restricting phage induction]. 19724559523
ampicillin resistance in escherichia coli by phage infection. 19724559666
an epidemic-associated episome? 19724559853
the pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. i. enterotoxin production by shigella dysenteriae i.a strain of shigella dysenteriae 1, freshly isolated from a patient with dysentery in guatemala in august 1969, was found to elaborate an enterotoxin into the liquid of broth cultures. partial purification of the enterotoxin by ultrafiltration on graded polymeric membranes and sephadex gel filtration (pharmacia fine chemicals, inc., piscataway, n. j.) suggested an approximate molecular weight of 55,000-60,000. the partially purified toxin was heat-labile, pronase sensitive, and activated by alka ...19724560429
catalase test as an aid to the identification of enterobacteriaceae.although the catalase test has been used for many years for rapid differentiation of the genera of gram-positive organisms, little has been said about its use in the family enterobacteriaceae. it was further noted that a wide variety of methods exist for the execution of the catalase test, that there is no universally accepted strength specified for the hydrogen peroxide, and that no gradations for the vigor and speed of the reaction have been mentioned. under the conditions of the clinical labo ...19724560474
[children's bacteria caused dysentery]. 19724560514
[electron microscopic study of the interaction of shigellae with cell cultures. i. characteristics of the behavior of virulent strains in association with cells]. 19724560706
[experiences from the outbreaks of shigella sonnei dysentery in the fall of 1971]. 19724560858
non-specific resistance induced by palmitoylethanolamide. 19724561079
[mechanism of immunogenesis in vaccination with streptomycin-dependent mutants of salmonellae and shigellae. iv. toxicity and immune response to o-antigens of streptomycin-dependent shigella mutants]. 19724561084
[stimulation by saprophytes of antibody formation, immunogenesis and natural resistance to pathogenic enterobacteria]. 19724561085
enteric bacterial growth rates in river water.enteric bacteria, including stocked strains of pathogenic species and organisms naturally present in the stream, were capable of growth in a chemostat with autoclaved river water taken 750 m below a sewage outfall. maximal specific growth rates for all organisms occurred at 30 c, whereas culture generation times ranged between 33.3 and 116 hr. of the six laboratory strains of enteric species used, escherichia coli and enterobacter aerogenes grew at generation times of 34.5 and 33.3 hr, respectiv ...19724561100
an epidemiological study of strains of shigella sonnei from two related outbreaks.during the winter of 1967-8 sonne dysentery affected neighbouring north london primary schools. this was not simply due to cross-infection between the two schools, for two different, unusual strains of sh. sonnei were distinguished. one was a novel kanamycin-resistant colicine type 7 strain, and as far as we know this was the first school outbreak due to such a strain to be documented. the other strain was kanamycin-sensitive and of colicine type 0 with a rare specific requirement for aspartic a ...19724561140
review. antigen--rna interactions. 19724561186
[comparison of clinical characteristics of sonne dysentery and virulence of isolated cultures]. 19724561439
ampicillin-resistant shigella sonnei. 19724561560
antibiotic resistance in bacteria. 19724561870
[sensitivity of shigella sonnei and enteropathogenic colibacteria to antibiotics and colicins from escherichia coli]. 19724562028
[chemical characteristics of phage ddvii of shigella dysenteriae flexneri]. 19724562051
effect of neonatal folic acid deprivation on later growth and susceptibility to shigella infection in the guinea pig. 19724562267
host-controlled segregation of r factor. 19724562364
the kinetics of endotoxin production in cultures of shigella sonnei. 19724562365
factors affecting virulence of shigella flexneri: defective methionine synthesis in an escherichia coli-shigella escherichia coli-shigella flexneri hybrid of intermediate virulence was studied to determine whether its shorter survival in host cells might be due to a metabolic defect. investigation of its growth in minimal glucose medium showed that the hybrid, like its e. coli parent, had a longer lag phase and a slower growth rate than its virulent shigella parent. methionine was found to increase the growth rate of the hybrid. the shigella parent of the hybrid can synthesize methionine normally, but t ...19724562393
transfer among erwinia spp. and other enterobacteria of antibiotic resistance carried on r factors.antibiotic resistance carried on r factors was transferred by conjugation from escherichia coli b/r and shigella flexneri 1a to erwinia spp. tetracycline resistance (tetr) carried on r factor r100 drd-56 was transferred from e. coli b/r to strains of erwinia amylovora, e. aroideae, e. atroseptica, e. chrysanthemi, e. cytolytica, e. dissolvens, e. herbicola, e. nigrifluens, and e. nimipressuralis, but not to strains of erwinia carotovora, e. carnegieana, e. dieffenbachiae, e. oleraceae, and e. qu ...19724562410
three-tube method for screening stool cultures for salmonella and shigella.a three-tube method developed is described as a screening test for non-lactose-fermenting organisms isolated from stool cultures. to evaluate the method, 976 strains of gram-negative bacilli were tested. all strains of salmonella and shigella were correctly identified generically.19724562478
new bacteriophages for lysotyping sh. boydii strains. 19724562610
[salmonella-shigella-agar, a simple medium for isolation of pectobacterium carotovorum var. atrosepticum (van hall) dowson in comparison with other special substrates]. 19724562782
treatment of acute diarrhea in outpatients. double-blind study comparing ampicillin and placebo. 19724562790
a promoter site and polarity gradients in phage s13. 19724563038
a comparison of multiple-test systems for the presumptive identification of enterobacteriaceae. 19724563216
[production of sera against a thermolabile antigen of shigella sonnei and their immunoelectrophoretic examinations]. 19724563421
[assessment of shigellae virulence]. 19724563422
behavior of coliphage lambda in shigella flexneri 2a.the insensitivity of wild-type shigella flexneri 2a to coliphage lambda is a consequence of its native genetic defect in the mala gene cluster. the "smooth" s. flexneri 2a lipopolysaccharide layer affects the efficient adsorption of lambda. derivatives, capable of serving as functional hosts for lambda, were obtained by repairing the mala lesion, enabling the expression of the malb-lambdarcp region of s. flexneri. introduction of a mutation into s. flexneri causing a "rough" lipopolysaccharide c ...19724563593
[quantitative study of the relation between nucleoid division and the growth of an enterobacterial population]. 19724563612
[effect of nitrofuran preparations on antibiotic-resistant pathogens]. 19724563631
the toxic effect of 4-chloro-2-cyclopentylphenyl -d-galactopyranoside in lactose broth on the growth of shigella in mixed culture with escherichia coli. 19724563856
importance of facilitated diffusion for effective utilization of glycerol by escherichia coli.wild-type escherichia coli possesses an inducible permeation system which catalyzes facilitated diffusion of glycerol into the cell. a spectrophotometric method can be used to assess the presence of this mechanism. the structural gene for the facilitator (glpf) and the structural gene for glycerol kinase (glpk) apparently belong to a single operon. the glpf(+) allele permits effective glycerol utilization by the cells, and, at millimolar concentrations of glycerol, cells carrying the glpf(+) all ...19724563976
[detection of shigella-type bacilli in water. i. comparison of the sf, gn, ss and xld media]. 19724564018
[chemical composition of shigella sonnei cell walls]. 19724564131
immunogenicity of the common enterobacterial antigen produced by smooth and rough strains.enterobacteriaceae share a common antigen (ca). this antigen exists as a powerful immunogen, when produced by escherichia coli o14, and as a minimally effective immunogen, when present in cultures of most other smooth strains. the present study was directed toward the assessment of immunogenicity of this antigen produced by various rough mutants and their parent strains as well as that of viable and nonviable bacterial suspensions. rabbits were immunized intravenously, and the passive hemaggluti ...19724564286
[mass infections caused by shigella flexneri type 3a in the city hospital in lodź]. 19724564325
suppression of the intracellular growth of shigella flexneri in cell cultures by interferon preparations and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid.a strain of shigella flexneri type 2a was found to multiply intracellularly in cultures of the diploid human cell strain fs-1 and in secondary rabbit kidney cells. when inoculated cultures were stained and observed under the light microscope, it appeared that the cytoplasm of infected cells became gradually filled with bacteria. various preparations of human and rabbit interferon were found to suppress the intracellular bacterial growth in homologous cells. polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly ...19724564562
[studies on the antigenic structure of shigella. vii. binding of n-acetyl-glucosamine in o-specific side chains of lipopolysaccharides in shigella flexneri 1b and variant y]. 19724564837
polynucleotide sequence relatedness among three groups of pathogenic escherichia coli strains.escherichia coli strains that cause dysentery-like disease, parenteral infection, and infantile diarrhea form specific groups based on mobility of o and k antigens in immunoelectrophoresis. members from each of these groups were assayed for gross nucleotide sequence relatedness. the method used was interspecific deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) reassociation reactions carried out free in solution. reassociated dna was separated from unreacted dna by passage through hydroxyapatite. dna relatedness bet ...19724564889
susceptibility of rabbits immunized with mycobacterium bovis (bcg) or mycobacterium phlei to shigella keratoconjunctivitis.vaccination of rabbits with mycobacteria increased their resistance to eye infection with shigella flexneri. however, the severity of keratoconjunctivitis was not reduced in the vaccinated animals.19724565052
the use of passive haemagglutination reaction in epidemiological practice in dysentery. 19724565089
phylogenetic multiplicity of r factors as revealed by superinfection compatibility. 19724565294
shigella, indigenous flora interactions in mice. 19724565357
interactions among intestinal microorganisms. 19724565358
importation of shiga bacillus dysentery into california. clinical and public health significance.concurrent with the regional epidemic of classic shiga dysentery in central america during 1969 and 1970, a pronounced increase in the isolation of shigella dysenteriae type 1 was noted in california. a retrospective study of 20 cases diagnosed in california in 1969 and 1970 revealed that 18 of the patients had traveled to central america or mexico during or immediately before the onset of symptoms. sixteen were known to have been admitted to hospital; there was one death. despite the concern th ...19724565395
formation of polyisoprenol phosphate glucose in shigella flexneri.lipid-linked glucose is formed from uridine diphosphate-glucose and ficaprenol phosphate only in strains of shigella flexneri with glucosylated o antigen.19724565545
pseudomonas putrefaciens isolates from clinical specimens.a total of 109 cultures of pseudomonas putrefaciens isolated from clinical specimens were studied. the cultures were separated into two groups. the majority of the group 1 isolates, comprising 31 cultures, were characterized by (i) growth in plain nutrient broth, but no growth in broth supplemented with nacl at concentrations of 7% and above, (ii) no growth on salmonella-shigella (ss) agar, and (iii) production of acid from the carbohydrates, sucrose, maltose, arabinose, and dextrin. most group ...19724565638
transferable multiple drug resistance of shigella strains isolated in sweden. 19724565771
[shigella sonnei isolation from sour-cream butter]. 19724565779
[morphological study of dysentery infection in starving guinea pigs, infected with strains isolated from monkeys]. 19724566176
shigella vaginitis. clinical notes on two childhood cases. 19734566606
[suppression of invasion by virulent strains of sh. flexneri by avirulent strains]. 19724566837
[study of a population of microorganisms--carriers of r-factors in humans and animals]. 19724566838
in-vitro studies on the bactericidal properties of natural and synthetic gastric juices. 19724566876
the application of resistogram typing to the epidemiology of sonne dysentery. 19724566883
[phosphatides of shigella flexneri transformed by the method of repeated passages in developing chick embryos]. 19724566904
[treatment with antidysenteric shigella flexneri vaccine]. 19724567004
[etiopathogenesis of the diarrhea syndrome in children of preschool age]. 19724567247
alteration of shigella pathogenicity by other bacteria. 19724567439
bicyclomycin, a new antibiotic. 3. in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity. 19724567453
pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. 3. effects of shigella enterotoxin in cell culture. 19734567506
[sensitivity of shigella boydii to antibiotics]. 19734568057
pyrogen fever and prostaglandin-like activity in cerebrospinal fluid.1. in the unanaesthetized cat, rectal temperature was recorded and c.s.f. was collected from a collison cannula implanted into the third ventricle with its opening lying in close proximity to the anterior hypothalamus. samples of c.s.f. were collected from the same cat, during normal temperature, during fever produced by shigella dysenteriae injected into the third ventricle and during the fall in temperature which occurred when the antipyretic paracetamol was injected intraperitoneally during t ...19734568386
[antigen structure of shigellae. chemical basis of shigella flexneri antigens]. 19724568556
the problem of r-factor mediated multiple antibiotic resistance in arizona. 19734568658
bacterial flora of the stools of gastroenteritis cases among filipino adults. 19724569024
sensitivity tests of enterobacteriaceae in diarrhoeal diseases in djakarta. 19724569025
glucose repression of the synthesis of some colicins. 19734569085
[genetics of shigella flexneri]. 19724569133
[recombination variability of shigella flexneri bacilli]. 19724569134
studies on bacteriophage distribution. ii. isolation and host rage based classification of phages active on three species of enterobacteriaceae. 19724569213
application of experimental keratoconjunctivitis shigellosa in chemotherapeutic evaluation of rifampicin to bacillary dysentery. 19724569214
[quantitative analysis of the process of interaction of erythrocytes and bacterial antigens. 8. limitations of the hemosensitization process and choice of the regime for preparing erythrocytic diagnostic preparations]. 19724569265
Displaying items 3601 - 3700 of 13650