
comparative dna reassociation kinetics of cranes. 20092775167
comparative dna reassociation kinetics of cranes. 20092775167
[coronarography using high-flow 5f catheters. percutaneous technic using the femoral and brachial routes].in order to validate 5f catheters for assessing ischemic heart disease either by the femoral and the right brachial approaches, we prospectively studied with these catheters 125 patients by means of left ventriculogram and coronary artery angiograms. twenty-five patients were studied with pigtail and amplatz catheters using the right brachial approach (group i) and 100 patients were studied by the femoral route with pigtail and judkins catheters (group ii). results were compared to those obtaine ...20092772365
nonunion of intercondylar eminence fracture of the unusual case of symptomatic nonunion of an intercondylar eminence fracture in an adult is presented. the nonunion was successfully treated using internal fixation and bone grafting.20093290508
epiretinal membranes and cystoid macular edema in gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina.a 26-year-old woman with gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina and hyperornithinemia lost central visual acuity because of cystoid macular edema associated with epiretinal membrane formation. dietary manipulation over a 5-month interval reduced the plasma ornithine levels 37% but did not halt the progression of the gyrate atrophy nor influence the cystoid edema or visual acuity.20092772421
[70 years nursing school innsbruck]. 20092694061
"i listen--i forget: i read--i remember". information booklets for patients. 20092621073
serum angiotensin-converting enzyme levels in sarcoid arthritis.the serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (sace) level is elevated in 75% of patients with sarcoidosis and often is associated with disease activity. in an attempt to correlate the sace level with sarcoid arthritis, we did a retrospective chart review of 116 patients with sarcoidosis. of the 24 patients who complained of arthritis, five were excluded from the study because they were receiving corticosteroids, sace levels were not determined, or another cause for their arthritis was found. the mean ...20103002290
densities and sizes of the main masticatory muscles in computed tomography compared with clinical findings related to temporomandibular joint (tmj) dysfunction.computed tomography (ct) has a good resolution capacity and is an excellent method for measuring tissue densities. the aim here was to compare the densities and sizes of the main masticatory muscles, the masseter, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid muscles, as obtained with ct, with clinical findings in patients with tmj dysfunction (25) and controls (29). the densities of the masseter muscles and the medial pterygoid muscles showed no statistical difference between the patients and controls ...20103008236
[treatment of chronic cardiac decompensation in patients 70 years of age and older]. 20102976342
tardive dyskinesia. 20102892565
[biochemical aspect in cardiac ischemia--ischemic changes and reperfusion injury]. 20102838873
communicating leveled clinical expectations to nursing students.nurse educators agree on the need for objectives in the classroom situation and frequently communicate them in a written form. written expectations for clinical, however, are rarely given to student nurses prior to their clinical experience. clinical expectations are understood by instructors, but communicating them to students result in mixed interpretations. the article describes the development of a written method of communicating clinical expectations to solve this problem. this method corre ...20103035139
refractive surgery. 20113120886
[cavity lining for composite restorations: critical estimate]. 20113166150
valproate-associated hepatotoxicity and its biochemical mechanisms.intake of the anticonvulsant drug valproic acid, or its sodium salt, has been associated with occasional instances of severe and sometimes fatal hepatotoxicity. probably at least 80 cases have occurred worldwide. the syndrome affects perhaps 1 in 10,000 persons taking the drug, and usually develops in the early weeks or months of therapy. most instances have involved children, usually those receiving more than 1 anticonvulsant. multiple cases have occurred in 2 families. the typical presentation ...20113131628
allopurinol kinetics in humans as a means to assess liver function: evaluation of an allopurinol loading test.a newly developed liver function test was performed on 18 apparently healthy individuals and 29 patients with liver disease. after intravenous injection of a low dose allopurinol (17.1 mumol/kg body mass), blood specimens were collected during 1 h. plasma analyses of allopurinol and its metabolite oxipurinol were performed and the data were processed by means of a computer-based biodynamic model. this modelling approach makes it possible to estimate parameters, containing information about liver ...20113217748
american clinical and climatological association. present members. 20113077569
intestinal obstruction during pregnancy and the puerperium at mpilo central hospital. 20113225798
incidental detection of impalpable testicular neoplasm by sonography. 20123510518
[hydrolase activity for n-substituted aminoacyl-trna during cell differentiation of normal and leukemic blood cells]. 20124790245
nifedipine and thallium-201 myocardial perfusion in progressive systemic sclerosis.heart disease in patients with progressive systemic sclerosis may be due in part to myocardial ischemia caused by a disturbance of the coronary microcirculation. to determine whether abnormalities of myocardial perfusion in this disorder are potentially reversible, we evaluated the effect of the coronary vasodilator nifedipine on myocardial perfusion assessed by thallium-201 scanning in 20 patients. thallium-201 single-photon-emission computerized tomography was performed under control condition ...20123486363
mouth opening after release of maxillomandibular fixation in fracture patients.three hundred eleven patients with mandibular fractures were studied prospectively to ascertain the influence of jaw immobilization on mouth opening. maxillomandibular fixation caused a significant reduction in mouth opening whereas open reduction did not. furthermore, there appeared to be a relationship between the duration of immobilization and the degree of reduction of mouth opening such that the shorter the duration of fixation, the less the reduction.20123471923
staging of leukemic progenitor cells in acute myeloid leukemia by phenotyping with myeloid monoclonal antibodies.we studied the immune phenotype of leukemic progenitor cells (aml-cfu-l) in 16 cases of acute myeloid leukemia (aml) using 12 myeloid monoclonal antibodies (mcabs) in a complement-mediated cytotoxicity assay. on the basis of their reactivities with normal day-14 (d14) and day-7 (d7) myeloid progenitor cells (cfu-gm), these mcabs could be classified into three groups: six mcabs reacted strongly with "early" antigens on d14-cfu-gm, two mcabs reacted only with "late" antigens on d7-cfu-gm, while fo ...20123464449
three-dimensional nursing: new partnerships between service and education. 20123346465
avma life insurance policies. 20123417524
[prof. aleksandr grigor'evich eletskiĭ (on the centenary of his birth)]. 20133887276
[prof. aleksandr grigor'evich eletskiĭ (on the centenary of his birth)]. 20133887276
effect of age, sex, and body surface area on echocardiographic left ventricular wall mass in normal subjects.m-mode echocardiography was used to estimate left ventricular wall mass in 136 older normal subjects (group i: 78 men and 58 women, ages 20 to 97 years) and 105 younger normal subjects (group ii: 52 male and 53 female subjects, ages 1 day to 23 years). echocardiographic left ventricular mass (in grams) was estimated from the following formula: left ventricular mass = 1.05 ([ left ventricular internal diastolic dimension + ventricular septal thickness (diastole) + posterior wall thickness (diasto ...20133804398
psychological staging of pediatric cancer patients and their families.advances in the treatment of childhood cancer have required a shift in our approach to the patient and family. previously parents were helped to cope with the inevitable decline of the child's health over a rather short period of time; the child was acutely ill and crisis-oriented intervention was utilized. today, the family unit can be helped to maintain normal life amidst intensive medical treatment; the child is acutely ill at times, but also chronically ill, and even well. crisis interventio ...20133719539
[brain death and somatic death]. 20133692429
sales incentives for marketers. 20133679134
[glomus tumor of the plantar aspect of the foot]. 20134312378
[spectral energy distributions of the /s/ sound in language development disordered children]. 20133710331
brotherly lumps. familial occurrence of chemodectoma. 20144295142
the extended-care facility and medicare. 20144239352
transient peripheral plasmacytosis. 20144209544
galvanic skin responses (gsr) and plethysmographic changes induced by chlorimipramine, imipramine and placebo. 20144209521
[apropos of a case of mixed palatal tumor in a child]. 20144239906
[methods of evaluating oral hygiene in children and juveniles]. 20144519465
[methods of evaluating oral hygiene in children and juveniles]. 20144519465
abdominal aspiration hysterotomy. 20144116801
visual aids and other hints for orthodontic co-operation. 20144105557
[an autopsy case of alzheimer's disease associated with various arterial changes (sup: a new method of silver impregnation for senile changes in celloidin sections--tsujiyama-anraku' method)]. 20144106073
[value of immunologic indices in the diagnosis of bronchopulmonary cancers and suppurative diseases of the lungs]. 20144139814
[glycosylated hemoglobins in normal pregnancy and pregnancy complicated by diabetes]. 20144094707
torsade de pointes: a maximal vulnerability arrhythmia. 20143966319
management of chronic pain.pain is an unpleasant, subjective experience which escapes objective measurements. it is the normal response to the disruption of healthy tissues, but its persistence beyond the period of healing should alert the practitioner to other unrecognized causes. on the other hand, learned pain is a condition resulting mainly from socio-emotional factors in the absence of progressive, invasive and, most of the time, demonstrable pathology. the key to success in the management of a painful condition is a ...20143969229
interviewing the sexually abused child. 20143919238
evaluation of interferon treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. 20143885665
t-lymphocyte subset phenotypes: a multisite evaluation of normal subjects and patients with aids.the present study was undertaken to determine normal ranges for blood lymphocytes labeled with the monoclonal antibodies okt3, okt11, okt4, and okt8 and for the okt4/okt8 ratio. in addition, 26 patients with aids, 51 aids suspects, and 44 patients with infections were studied. the results of these determinations from six different study sites indicate that there is excellent intersite agreement in normal values obtained. these normal ranges may be used in clinical laboratory reporting. data from ...20143930126
[kinetics of hemoglobin. i. 2,3 dpg]. 20154677097
cytological studies on exfoliated cells in serous effusions. 20154996414
cholinesterase localization in the developing foregut of the toad (bufo melanostictus). 20154653285
the peripheral blood standard values in newborns in bandung. 20154639612
[advances in nephrology. goodpasture's syndrome]. 20154566056
testosterone propionate in cirrhosis of the liver. 20154586635
[sudden death in alveolar proteinosis]. 20154493287
the senile tremor patient. 20154524036
[a new method to quantify the degree of peripheral nerve injuries (author's transl)]. 20154490483
[the effect of hemimandibulectomy on the remaining temporomandibular joint]. 20154510157
[functions and activities of the nurse]. 20154493476
lethality in mice of double-stranded ribonucleic acid from virus-like particles of penicillium stoloniferum. 20154460287
[the continuing education of dental assistants]. 20154514277
minimally distinct border as a preferred psychophysical criterion in visual heterochromatic photometry. 20165087389
contact dermatitis from cellulose ester plastics. 20165030237
[therapeutic application of the preparation d 1 s in cardio-vascular neurosis]. 20165018516
can we avoid a 100 billion dollars misunderstanding? 20164992557
guidelines to research. 20164924037
resonance energy transfer in pepsin conjugates. 20164897805
bibliography on medical education. citations obtained through the national library of medicine's medlars program. 20164866023
hypersomatotropism and acanthosis nigricans in two brothers. 20164843205
immigration composition and population policy. 20164841571
pathologic quiz case 1. 20164809945
bobaths' facilitation training and seguin's physiological method related to escape-avoidance conditioning. 20164808072
metastatic urethral obstruction. 20164751838
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (m-csf) enhances the capacity of murine macrophages to secrete oxygen reduction products.the capacity of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (m-csf) to enhance respiratory burst activity in peritoneal macrophages was measured. macrophages incubated for 48 hr or more with concentrated l cell-conditioned medium as a source of m-csf released two to three times as much o2- in response to pma as did unexposed macrophages. stimulation was noted at concentrations of colony-stimulating activity from 0.1 to 2000 u/ml and was maximal at 10 to 100 u/ml. purified, endotoxin-free csf enhanced s ...20102991376
a preliminary assessment of possible mutagenicity of betel nut and ingredients of the betel quid when administered alone or in combinations to larvae of drosophila melanogaster.the "carcinogenic" betel nut and constituents of betel quid were tested for possible mutagenicity in drosophila. the test compounds were administered either alone or in combinations by larval feeding. the data on sex-chromosome loss, sex-linked recessive lethals and autosomal translocations suggest lack of mutagenicity.1998108597
[skeletal maturation and its relation to clinical orthodontics]. 199996392
biliary duct ultrasound. 200099016
colitis cystica profunda. 200099009
drug-induced lung disease.since there are no diagnostic studies to confirm the presence of a drug-induced lung reaction the physician will make a correct diagnosis only if he is aware of the drugs which have been identified to cause pulmonary reactions and their specific manifestations. failure to recognize a drug-induced lung disease can lead to significant morbidity and in some cases mortality. the major drug-induced lung diseases are reviewed, the drugs being presented in the context of their clinical use and the reac ...2000102005
[combination radio and chemotherapy in plasmocytoma. roentgen diagnostic and protein chemistry development prognosis]. 200195496
tumor-specific immunity induced by somatic hybrids. ii. elicitation of enhanced immunity against the parent plasmacytoma.hybrid cells derived from fusion of a balb/c plasmacytoma (tepc-15) and l cells (c3h origin) were used to stimulate tumor-specific immunity against the parental plasmacytoma cells. live hybrid cells induced tumor-specific immunity against tepc-15 more effectively than mitomycin-treated hybrid or tepc-15 tumor cells. adoptive transfer of immunity with spleen cells of mice immunized with hybrid cells was also more effective than that with mitomycin-treated tumor cells. the immunity induced by the ...200188483
quantitative succinate-dehydrogenase histochemistry. iii. variations in histochemical succinatedehydrogenase activity in different cross-sections of the same muscle fibre.the variation in histochemical sdh-activity at different levels in the same muscle fibre was determined in muscle fibre cross-sections both by visual classification and quantitative determination of the formazan-deposits. this work resulted in a confirmation of the earlier micro-biochemical studies of spamer and pette (1977, 1979) and lowrey et al. (1978) that the activity of enzymes of the citric acid cycle is not homogeneously distributed in a muscle fibre over its entire length. in addition i ...200193101
lifestyle adjustments in elderly patients after burn injury.although survival of older burn victims has improved significantly in recent years, controversy remains over the care that should be given to this group and the functional recovery of survivors. to assess the impact of burn injury on lifestyle in the elderly, we conducted a mail-in survey among surviving patients ages 45 years or older who were treated in our burn center from 1978 to the middle of 1987. the survey asked questions about living arrangements, personal care, family relations, social ...20011572857
[turakulov ialkin khalmatovich (on his 60th birthday)]. 2002139606
[laparoscopy in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal non-organ tumors]. 2002135356
[desmoid tumor of the abdominal wall in a young child]. 2002126412
[details of a denounced physician (e.n.t.) suspected of bodily injury, and the following expert judgement (author's transl)].an otologist was denounced and the patient's case history was confiscated because after tonsillectomy an absecess and a thrombosis of the vena jugularis interna had developed. the procedure and the medical aspect how at first being judged by the lawyer and the public prosecutor are described. on the base of the given medical opinion the court quashed proceedings. because of the growing number of denouncements this casuistic paper ends with four guiding principles to protect against unjustified m ...2002135139
rna biosynthesis in the chick embryo during development and its relation to collagen synthesis.a study of rna synthesis in the legs and wings of chick embryos suggests synthesis of specific rna's as a function of development. an increase in rna at day 10 was followed by an increase in collagen synthesis. that rna had a sedimentation coefficient of 23s and several of the characteristics of mrna. thus it appeared to contain a poly a sequence since it was retained on poly u coated-filters, it was not methylated, and its synthesis was not inhibited by low doses of actinomycin d. that rna was ...2002134868
[the presence of acervuli in the pineal gland of prematurely born and full-term newborn (author's transl)]. 2003262724
the preservation of bacteria and fungi on anhydrous silica gel: an assessment of survival over four years. 2003165168
monitor, don't adjust phenytoin dosage. 2004517422
[models of cerebral organization]. 20051230914
diphtheria toxin entry: protein translocation in the reverse direction. 20053072713
histological analysis of forelimb regeneration in the california newt taricha granulosa.the regenerative ability of the forelimbs of the california rough-skinned newt, taricha granulosa was determined and compared to the same ability of the adult mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. forelimbs were amputated distally at the wrist and limbs removed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks post-amputation were examined by histological analysis. since vitamin a and its derivatives cause extreme changes in pattern formation in the regenerating amphibian limb, we decided to study the ability of ret ...20051525332
histological analysis of forelimb regeneration in the california newt taricha granulosa.the regenerative ability of the forelimbs of the california rough-skinned newt, taricha granulosa was determined and compared to the same ability of the adult mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. forelimbs were amputated distally at the wrist and limbs removed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks post-amputation were examined by histological analysis. since vitamin a and its derivatives cause extreme changes in pattern formation in the regenerating amphibian limb, we decided to study the ability of ret ...20051525332
diary from a week in practice. 20061595508
radiotherapy of malignant melanoma of the uvea with i-125 seeds.nineteen patients with malignant uveal melanomas were treated with i-125 applicators. there were 10 males and 9 females with a median age of 61 years (range 42-76). the tumour was located in the choroid in 12 eyes and in the choroid and ciliary body in 7 eyes. the size of the tumours was 7-18 mm in maximal basal diameter (median 12), 5-16 mm in minimal basal diameter (median 10), and 5.5-15 mm in thickness (median 8.5). the volume of the tumours was 123-1890 mm3 (median 540). all tumours were cl ...20061488887
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