
[distribution of dental plaque accumulation on permanent tooth surfaces in primary school children]. 199991630
[skin diseases caused by cocci]. 20051214698
measurement of red blood cell antibodies in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.the enzyme-linked antiglobulin test (elat) was employed to measure the number of igg molecules per red blood cell (igg/rbc) in 11 patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (aiha). all patients with aiha had high levels of red cell-associated igg (110-3, 650 igg/rbc). the control group consisted of normal volunteers (n = 10) and patients with hereditary spherocytosis (n = 1), beta 0-thalassemia (n = 1), immunologic thrombocytopenic purpura (n = 3) and igg multiple myeloma (n = 4). all control ind ...20061797282
measurement of red blood cell antibodies in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.the enzyme-linked antiglobulin test (elat) was employed to measure the number of igg molecules per red blood cell (igg/rbc) in 11 patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (aiha). all patients with aiha had high levels of red cell-associated igg (110-3, 650 igg/rbc). the control group consisted of normal volunteers (n = 10) and patients with hereditary spherocytosis (n = 1), beta 0-thalassemia (n = 1), immunologic thrombocytopenic purpura (n = 3) and igg multiple myeloma (n = 4). all control ind ...20061797282
[laser coagulation of the cornea with a holmium:yag laser for correction of hyperopia].we present a new technique of hyperopic correction similar to radial thermokeratoplasty. a pulsed ho: yag laser was used that emitted radiation at 2.06 microns and was guided by a quartz fiber and a focusing hand piece. the penetration depth of this light in the cornea is about 400 microns. eight or 16 concentric point coagulations result in steepening in the central cornea. this refractive change is inverse related to the distance to the cornea center, and it increases linearly with increasing ...20071855726
[laser coagulation of the cornea with a holmium:yag laser for correction of hyperopia].we present a new technique of hyperopic correction similar to radial thermokeratoplasty. a pulsed ho: yag laser was used that emitted radiation at 2.06 microns and was guided by a quartz fiber and a focusing hand piece. the penetration depth of this light in the cornea is about 400 microns. eight or 16 concentric point coagulations result in steepening in the central cornea. this refractive change is inverse related to the distance to the cornea center, and it increases linearly with increasing ...20071855726
enhanced net mass transfer of hdl cholesteryl esters to apo b-containing lipoproteins in patients with peripheral vascular vitro net mass transfer of hdl cholesteryl ester to apolipoprotein (apo) b-containing lipoproteins (hdl-cet) was found to be nearly twofold higher in plasma from 35 male patients with peripheral vascular disease compared to the values of 27 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (p less than 0.001). differences in hdl-cet were predominantly observed between normolipidemic patients and controls, and were also demonstrable in pairs of patients and controls with similar hdl cholesterol, vldl + ld ...20082612001
modification of arachidonic metabolism by flavonoids.the pharmacological effects of many plants depend on their flavonoid constituents. this review is concerned with the influence of flavonoids on arachidonic metabolism as the possible mechanism of action of such natural products. special attention has been paid to structure-activity relationships since this knowledge may allow the synthesis of more potent and selective analogs with therapeutic applications.20113126368
[incision for the noble operation]. 20154670223
an historical survey of anthropometric instruments and techniques utilized in determinations of cranial dimensions and anatomic relationships in dentistry with special consideration of roentgenographic cephalometry. 20154524031
[dental caries and their complications]. 20154481668
unidentifiable utterances in children's speech. 20154465626
[prognostic indices of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the child. proposal for a prognostic classification and case contribution]. 1985271763
[heredity in eye diseases. ii. foundations of ophthalmological genetics (author's transl)]. 1998108459
group systems of serum proteins and erythrocyte enzymes in malignant lymphoma.four group systems of serum proteins (hp, gc, gm, km) and five group systems of erythrocyte enzymes (ap, pgm1, gpt, ak, esd) were determined in 63 patients with malignant lymphoma. statistical analysis of the distribution of the above mentioned systems in patients and polish population samples did not reveal any significant differences, which points to the lack of any correlation between the disease and the group systems under examination.199985572
in vitro analysis of allogeneic lymphocyte interaction. iv. dual recognition of b cell-associated mls locus and i-region determinants by a helper allogeneic effect factor (aef) generated across a minor h locus disparity.a helper allogeneic effect factor (aef) was produced across an incompatibility at the minor histocompatibility loci. this aef is genetically restricted in its activity since it helps b cells only of the stimulator haplotype and of haplotypes that share both an mls and i-region identity with the stimulator haplotype. the i-region genes involved here map to the i-a and/or i-c subregions. an anti-lym immunoadsorbent column but neither an anti-h-2 nor an anti-ia column absorbed aef helper activity. ...200087470
the production of hydroxyl radical by tallysomycin and copper(ii). 200087348
the nursing care and management of coronary artery grafts (revised). 200087189
[diagnostic value of determining hexokinase activity of leukocytes in ischemic heart disease]. 200192605
[gastroschisis and omphalocele. treatment and results]. 2003150087
comparison of colposcopy-directed biopsies and cold-knife conization. 20051196287
bronchodilator effects of terbutaline and theophylline alone and in combination in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease.thirteen patients with severe partially reversible chronic obstructive lung disease received long-term treatment with a sustained-release preparation of theophylline and a beta 2-agonist (terbutaline) alone and in combination. combination therapy induced significantly greater bronchodilation than treatment with terbutaline alone in the recommended dose. in 9 out of 13 patients the peak flows were higher during combination therapy than during theophylline treatment alone, but this did not reach s ...20062870630
bronchodilator effects of terbutaline and theophylline alone and in combination in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease.thirteen patients with severe partially reversible chronic obstructive lung disease received long-term treatment with a sustained-release preparation of theophylline and a beta 2-agonist (terbutaline) alone and in combination. combination therapy induced significantly greater bronchodilation than treatment with terbutaline alone in the recommended dose. in 9 out of 13 patients the peak flows were higher during combination therapy than during theophylline treatment alone, but this did not reach s ...20062870630
[changes in auriculoventricular conduction due to the effect of ethanol].transcoronary ablation of atrioventricular conduction by dehydrated alcohol was attempted in one patient with refractory ectopic atrial tachycardia. ethanol (1.5 ml) was delivered after selective catheterization of the atrioventricular nodal artery in a patient in whom the artery could be identified by cineangiography. the mean creatine kinase (mb fraction) at four hour to six hour after ablation was 40 u. no electrocardiographic qrs changes was seen. the procedure was successful. the patient is ...20061457004
skin cancer among atom bomb survivors. 20082566809
cystic neoplasms of the pancreas.eight patients with cystic neoplasms of the pancreas were seen at four northern california hospitals between the years 1978 and 1986. three of the tumors were benign and five were malignant. three females, whose average age was 61 years, had cystadenomas. three females and two males, whose average age was 48 years, had mucinous cystadenocarcinomas. clinical presentations were similar among all patients. abdominal pain was a prominent feature. anorexia, weight loss, nausea and vomiting with a pal ...20082446398
cardiac transplant recipients with preoperative pulmonary hypertension. evolution of pulmonary hemodynamics and surgical options.among 48 consecutive patients with pretransplant pulmonary vascular resistance (pvr) greater than 4 wood units, 38 patients underwent orthotopic heart replacement (oht), and the remaining 10 received a graft in a heterotopic position (hht). the oht recipients were smaller (63 vs. 73 kg, p less than 0.05) and received a larger donor heart (donor-recipient, 109% vs. 79%, p less than 0.001) with a shorter graft ischemic time (108 vs. 139 minutes, p less than 0.05) than hht recipients, reflecting pa ...20092805309
cardiac transplant recipients with preoperative pulmonary hypertension. evolution of pulmonary hemodynamics and surgical options.among 48 consecutive patients with pretransplant pulmonary vascular resistance (pvr) greater than 4 wood units, 38 patients underwent orthotopic heart replacement (oht), and the remaining 10 received a graft in a heterotopic position (hht). the oht recipients were smaller (63 vs. 73 kg, p less than 0.05) and received a larger donor heart (donor-recipient, 109% vs. 79%, p less than 0.001) with a shorter graft ischemic time (108 vs. 139 minutes, p less than 0.05) than hht recipients, reflecting pa ...20092805309
lead toxicity and iron deficiency in utah migrant children.we determined the frequency of presumptive iron deficiency and lead toxicity in 198 utah migrant children, ages 9-72 months, during the summer of 1985. there were no confirmed cases of lead toxicity. thirteen per cent of those tested and 30 per cent of the children ages 9-23 months were iron deficient. hematocrit determinations accurately predicted iron deficiency in only 35 per cent of the children confirmed to have this disorder via erythrocyte protoporphyrin screening.20092650572
lead toxicity and iron deficiency in utah migrant children.we determined the frequency of presumptive iron deficiency and lead toxicity in 198 utah migrant children, ages 9-72 months, during the summer of 1985. there were no confirmed cases of lead toxicity. thirteen per cent of those tested and 30 per cent of the children ages 9-23 months were iron deficient. hematocrit determinations accurately predicted iron deficiency in only 35 per cent of the children confirmed to have this disorder via erythrocyte protoporphyrin screening.20092650572
[use of prostacyclin in patients with ischemic stroke. a double-blind method ii].thirty patients with acute ischaemic stroke were allocated randomly into a group treated with prostacyclin and a group receiving placebo. the treatment was started 24 to 72 hours after the onset of stroke. prostacyclin sodium (wellcome, u.k. or chinoin, hpr) or its solvent (glycine buffer) were administered intravenously once daily during 2 weeks in 6-hour infusions. prostacyclin was infused at rates of 2.5-5.0 ng/kg/min. statistically significant improvement appeared from the second day on in t ...20103067105
[use of prostacyclin in patients with ischemic stroke. a double-blind method ii].thirty patients with acute ischaemic stroke were allocated randomly into a group treated with prostacyclin and a group receiving placebo. the treatment was started 24 to 72 hours after the onset of stroke. prostacyclin sodium (wellcome, u.k. or chinoin, hpr) or its solvent (glycine buffer) were administered intravenously once daily during 2 weeks in 6-hour infusions. prostacyclin was infused at rates of 2.5-5.0 ng/kg/min. statistically significant improvement appeared from the second day on in t ...20103067105
anti-idiotypic antibodies: a new generation of vaccines against infectious agents.anti-idiotypic antibodies have been suggested recently as candidates for potential vaccines against numerous infectious organisms. these antibody-based vaccines might represent a new generation of vaccines for inducing protective immunity in susceptible hosts.20103153167
regulation of autoimmune disease physiological and important question is how the immune system can control the behavior of autoimmune effector lymphocytes. my colleagues and i have investigated this question in four models. three models of organ specific autoimmune diseases were studied using the specific autoimmune lines or clones of t lymphocytes functionally involved in the disease process. the fourth model was an anti-idiotypic network triggered spontaneously by autoantibodies. this article reviews the evidence indicating that healthy ind ...20102948901
[academic dissertations of military pharmacists on the history of pharmacy]. 20113067684
measures of precision for means: se or sd? 20113717411
analysis of leukemic blast growth factor (lbgf) and autocrine secretion of csf by leukemic blasts. 20123502308
a long term follow up of resection interposition arthroplasty of the knee using chromicized fascia lata.we have reviewed the results of 25 patients who had a resection interposition arthroplasty of the knee using chromicized fascia lata, with a mean follow-up of 22 years. no patient had severe pain although 10 had occasional pain after heavy labour. thirteen knees had 60 degrees of movement or more but 12 had 45 degrees or less. the radiographs all showed adaptive remodelling of the resected bone ends. this procedure successfully restored function in the majority of cases with absence of pain over ...20123372105
redressing the balance. 20123292931
antimicrobial activities of some flavonoid compounds.6 flavonoid compounds, namely kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, rutin, naringin, and formononetin were separated from different plant materials. they were identified using column and paper chromatography techniques, and physicochemical methods were applied to determine their structure. isolated flavonoids were tested for their antimicrobial property against different bacterial and fungal strains as test organisms.20133811648
consecutive lymphoma with monoclonal gammopathy in a married couple.mixed cellularity hodgkin's disease and diffuse non-hodgkin's lymphoma, mixed cell type, occurred consecutively in a husband and wife. both patients demonstrated monoclonal igm gammopathies. the unusual nature and possible significance of these findings are discussed.20133942960
serum carotene levels in female long-distance runners.hypercarotenemia has been associated with anorexia nervosa and hypothalamic amenorrhea. with the emergence of a spectrum of menstrual dysfunction, including anovulation in women runners, the hypothesis of hypothalamic amenorrhea in these patients has been formulated. other authors have proposed exercise-associated amenorrhea to be distinct from hypothalamic amenorrhea based on endocrine profiles. using carotene as an index test of hypothalamic amenorrhea, we have studied female long-distance run ...20133965316
without understanding. 20133662949
able elderly in the family context: changes, chances, and challenges. 20133623133
[para-articular calcinosis of soft tissues in dialyzed patients]. 20133581241
[studies on the pituitary acth secretory capacity in children using 11-beta-hydroxylase inhibitor (metopirone). 2. diagnostic value in pituitary dwarfism in children]. 20144290631
[studies on the pituitary acth secretory capacity in children using 11-beta-hydroxylase inhibitor (metopirone). 2. diagnostic value in pituitary dwarfism in children]. 20144290631
[proceedings: traumatic origin or a secondary calcaneus]. 20144155560
andrew's liver salt as an effervescent in upper gastrointestinal radiography.double-contrast radiography is widely used for examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract. however, it is not practiced routinely in many developing areas, partly because of high cost of the effervescent agents. in a series of 300 upper gastrointestinal tract investigations, andrew's liver salt has proven to be an effective effervescent, releasing adequate gas in more than 80% of the examinations. it disintegrates rapidly with minimal bubble formation and no artifacts. it has high patient a ...20144054498
[criteria for the use of chloramphenicol in breeding farms in italy]. 20144015000
[threshold status in adolescence]. 20143993103
noninvasively diagnosed peripheral arterial disease as a predictor of mortality: results from a prospective study.intermittent claudication has been reported in previous studies to approximately double the risk of subsequent mortality. however, a history of claudication is often present in the absence of significant peripheral arterial disease (pad) and absent in the presence of pad. for this reason we evaluated the association between large-vessel and small-vessel pad, measured by highly reliable and valid noninvasive tests, and mortality in 567 older subjects from a defined population followed-up for an a ...20144028377
evaluation of serum thyroxine by radioimmunoassay. 20154701828
[paraproctitis invading the peritoneal cavity]. 20154645390
selenium. 20164918952
mary--a paranoid schizophrenic. 20164844741
[drug therapy in hypertension]. 20164766384
[conservative treatment of patients with small cell lung cancer]. 1983184622
the use of visual feedback to control vocal intensity and nasalization.a device which provides visual feedback of vocal intensity, nasalization, or a ratio of nasalization to vocal intensity, is described. the device was used in several experiments in which control of vocal intensity was a necessary component. normal and hypernasal speakers were able to control their vocal intensities successfully when using the visual display. the display also was used in an experiment designed to determine how well normal speakers can manipulate their nasalization without visual ...199989126
[being a fan of delegated matters (aleksandr vasil'evich borisovskiÄ­)]. 20113064403
biomedical librarians in a patient care setting at the university of missouri-kansas city school of medicine.the biomedical librarian has been placed in a patient care setting working in the specific environment of a six-year medical school guided by the docent team concept (docent is defined as a clinician-scholar). within this framework the specifically qualified clinical medical librarians function within the docent unit. three dissemination techniques or systems-latch, current references, and latest topics-are discussed. note is made of the clinical medical librarian's role in teaching, demand sear ...20154462680
self-evaluation by first-year medical students in a clinical science programme. 20164771337
release and uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-h-t) by a single 5-ht containing neurone [proceedings]. 1983185364
[perception of patients in intensive care units. problems perceived and expectations in relation to nursing care]. 199994171
analysis of the yolk proteins in drosophila melanogaster. translation in a cell free system and peptide analysis. 1999103753
[palliative chemotherapy with 5 fu and cpm in cancer of the prostate with bone metastases resistant to oestrogens. a clinical trial (author's transl)].the efficacy of an association of cyclophosphamide (cpm) and 5-fluorouracil was studied in 15 patients with prostate cancer not responding to oestrogen therapy, and more particularly its effect on pain due to bone metastases. no objective improvement was noted with this association, but there was a definitite reduction in bone metastases pain in 5 of the patients, with an average remission time of 4 months. half of the patients had nausea and vomiting, but in spite of this digestive intolerance ...199994108
the mesencephalic exterolateral posterior nucleus of the mormyrid fish bryenomyrus niger: efferent connections studied by the hrp method. 199991414
reduced plasma viscosity among joggers compared with non-joggers. 200092344
use of the fluorochrome 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole in genetic and developmental studies of chloroplast dna.use of the dna-specific fluorochrome 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (dapi) makes it possible to examine in situ the structure of chloroplast dna (chdna) with the fluorescence microscope. this simplifies the study of genetic and developmental changes in chloroplast dna. three examples are presented. (a) wild-type euglena gracilis b contains several chloroplast dna nucleoids per chloroplast. a yellow mutant lacking functional chloroplasts is similar, but such nucleoids are absent in an aplastidic mu ...200090051
interaction of alcohol and reward in an achievement situation.effects of psychological stress on acute alcohol intoxication following intake of 2 ml whisky/kg body weight were examined in 12 healthy subjects. each subject performed a 45-min psychomotor task under four conditions, two of which increased achievement stress by promising the subject a monetary reward for rapid and accurate performance. the conditions were (a) task only, (b) task + reward, (c) task + alcohol, and (d) task + reward + alcohol. in condition (b) reward improved performance and heig ...2000111286
perinatal mortality. 200193220
haploid cell cultures of drosophila melanogaster. 200198714
family life cycle resource center in the elementary school. 200198495
gas pocket causing pacemaker malfunction.pacemaker malfunction was attributed to the increase in impedance to current flow caused by a pocket of air separating the anodal contact plate of a unipolar generator from the overlying skin. lack of capture was noted 20 hours after implantation. the malfunction was permanently corrected by bedside aspiration of the gas with a sterile syringe.200195278
[disopyramide in the treatment of ventricular extrasystole in chronic chagas' disease]. 200195160
morphological variation in oat-cell carcinoma of the bronchus. 200187879
dangers and interactions between drugs used in conjunction with anaesthesia. 2003262470
self-assessment removes pressures of examination. 2003153860
[actual points and error possibilities in diagnosis of vitamin b12 deficiency]. 2004446314
[treatment of trochanteric fractures by means of intramedullary nailing from the distal metaphysis]. 2004421608
the chemical use, abuse, and dependence scale (cuad). rationale, reliability, and validity.this article describes the rationale for the development of the chemical use, abuse, and dependence scale (cuad). the instrument is in a semistructured interview format; it derives both substance use severity scores and dsm-iii-r substance use disorder diagnoses and can be administered in a short period with minimal training. the reliability and validity of the cuad are reported and appear satisfactory. the cuad is recommended for use as a detection, diagnostic, and treatment selection index in ...20051317464
the impact of laboratory error on the normal range: a bayesian model.interpretation of clinical laboratory results, aside from clinical considerations, is based on the probability of the result being within a given normal range. this probability is influenced by the degree of error inherent in the analytical method. it would be advantageous to assign a more definite probability to the result of the measurement by combining the error distribution of the result around the true value and the distribution of the healthy population that serves as a reference. bayesian ...20051112041
projections from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus and mesencephalic tectum in a reptile (tupinambis nigropunctatus): a comparison of anterograde transport and anterograde degeneration. 20051111840
benserazide induces migraine attacks. irrelevance of concomitant hyperprolactinemia.migrainous women underwent acute administration of sulpiride (25 mg i.v.) and benserazide (125 mg per os), both drugs increasing prolactin secretion. a similar increase in prolactin levels was found following the administration of the two drugs. a typical migraine attack was observed only in the 4 women given benserazide. these data, though being preliminary, stress the scarce or irrelevant role of prolactin in the pathogenesis of the migraine attack.2005554794
risk assessment in geographical occupational health. 2005546685
the use of potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser for laparoscopic removal of ovarian endometrioma.from january 1989 through january 1990, 31 patients thought to have ovarian endometrioma at ultrasonography were treated by operative laparoscopy and potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the endometriomas ranged from 2 to 9.2 cm in diameter by preoperative transvaginal ultrasonography. the operative procedure used was a three-puncture technique with a 600 micron fiber attached to a potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the power setting was 10 w with a continuous pulse. in all cases endometriomas wer ...20061828651
the use of potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser for laparoscopic removal of ovarian endometrioma.from january 1989 through january 1990, 31 patients thought to have ovarian endometrioma at ultrasonography were treated by operative laparoscopy and potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the endometriomas ranged from 2 to 9.2 cm in diameter by preoperative transvaginal ultrasonography. the operative procedure used was a three-puncture technique with a 600 micron fiber attached to a potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the power setting was 10 w with a continuous pulse. in all cases endometriomas wer ...20061828651
medical screening for occupational disease risk is not a control measure. 20061796975
medical screening for occupational disease risk is not a control measure. 20061796975
optimizing staff scheduling by monte-carlo is a computer program which generates the staff schedule. an accounting framework is combined with an optimization technique that searches for a schedule in which all accounts are simultaneously in balance. the search is accomplished using a monte-carlo process which shuffles staff within the schedule. the shuffling is biased according to each staffer's account balance: the staffer who owes the most is most likely to be scheduled.20061482957
angiokeratoma of the clitoris: a subtype of angiokeratoma vulvae.a 24-year-old married woman had an angiokeratoma of the vulva measuring 3 x 3 x 4 mm localized at the clitoris. the nodule was noticed when she was pregnant with her first child. this tumor grew with occasional tenderness and bleeding during pregnancy, but its size did not change after delivery. the growth of this tumor might be attributable to an increase in venous pressure or serum progesterone levels; therefore this disorder might be classified as a subtype of angiokeratoma of the vulva. this ...20061479114
[membranous glomerulonephritis. experience at the instituto nacional de la nutrición salvador zubirán].the purpose of this retrospective study was to study the incidence of idiopathic and secondary forms of membranous nephropathy in our institution, its clinical course and progression to chronic renal failure, and the risk factors associated with it. two hundred fourteen (16%) of the 1,287 renal biopsies obtained between 1962 and 1988 were primary glomerular diseases and 28 of this 214 (13%) were idiopathic membranous nephropathy. on the other hand 59 of 1,287 biopsies were membranous nephropathy ...20072267443
illumination and errors in dispensing.the relationship between the level of illumination and the prescription-dispensing error rate in a high-volume army outpatient pharmacy was investigated. the prescription error rate was determined by direct, undisguised observation and retrospective prescription review under three levels of illumination (45, 102, and 146 foot-candles) during 21 consecutive weekdays. illumination was controlled in the prescription-checking area of the pharmacy by using additional fluorescent lamps and filters. th ...20071781468
criteria that discriminate between native proteins and incorrectly folded models.various theoretical concepts, such as free energy potentials, electrostatic interaction potentials, atomic packing, solvent-exposed surface, and surface charge distribution, were tested for their ability to discriminate between native proteins and misfolded protein models. misfolded models were constructed by introducing incorrect side chains onto polypeptide backbones: side chains of the alpha-helical hemerythrin were modeled on the beta-sheeted backbone of immunoglobulin vl domain, whereas tho ...20083186690
[diabetes in the works of a piedmontese physician--g. f. arma da chivasso--of the 16th century]. 20082519496
paraproteins and primary lymphoma in sjl mice. ii. primary lymphomas do not produce paraprotein.the incidences of ig paraprotein (pp) and reticulum cell sarcomas (lymphomas) were studied in a group of 75 sjl mice, 9-11 months of age. pp and lymphoma were observed in 52% of the mice. pp alone was observed in an additional 27% and lymphoma alone in an additional 11% of mice. in attempts to establish a causal relationship between lymphomas and pp, three approaches were used: (a) serum pp levels were followed during lymphoma growth in primary lymphoma bearing mice and found to decrease rather ...20082383902
characterization of a hot-melt fluid bed coating process for fine granules.the equipment modifications and process changes necessary to perform hot-melt particle coating in a fluid bed granulator are reviewed. a specific case is presented in which partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil is coated onto fine granules (mean particle size, 77 microns; range, 10-150 microns; one standard deviation is 10 microns) composed of a hydrophobic drug and sucrose. the major variables were product bed temperature, temperature of the wax, spray rate, and atomization air pressure. the pr ...20082293209
antihypertensive therapy: newer concepts and agents.major advances have taken place in recent years with respect to our understanding of hypertensive diseases, the mechanisms of action of other therapeutic agents, and the introduction of new classes of drugs. standard therapy today uses the basic of employing nonpharmacological modalities. thereafter a stepped-care program with pharmacological entities has been advocated using diuretic, antiadrenergic, and vasodilating agents. however, new modes of action have been introduced therapeutically duri ...20092866842
lorazepam as an adjunct in the treatment of auditory hallucinations in a schizophrenic patient. 20092794102
[nursing of a pessimistic patient facing a poor postoperative prognosis]. 20092761308
Displaying items 3401 - 3500 of 6009