
[crohn disease as prothrombotic state. application of new methods for the verification of hemostatic changes]. 20133832201
pathology of fatal rhabdomyosarcoma. report from intergroup rhabdomyosarcoma study (irs-i and irs-ii).patterns of tumor spread were studied by examining clinicopathologic and postmortem data on 274 tumor-related deaths from patients in irs-i and irs-ii. the activity of the primary lesion and presence or absence of distant metastases at death were related to the histologic subtype and anatomic site of origin, individually and/or in combination. the alveolar subtype had the highest proportion of distant metastases and the lowest occurrence of local progression alone from the primary site. more dis ...20133791156
[a case of metastasis from a colon carcinoma to an intracranial oligodendroglioma].the following case of a metastasis from a colon carcinoma to an intracranial oligodendroglioma is reported. radiologically, it was difficult to diagnose that the colon carcinoma had metastasized to an oligodendroglioma. a craniotomy was then performed. histologically, it was diagnosed that the tumor was a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma and oligodendroglioma. also, in conclusion, a comparison of japanese and foreign cases of metastasis from tumor to tumor is reviewed.20133694805
lamellar bodies in hyperkeratosis lenticularis ultrastructural study of lesional skin from 4 subjects with hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans (flegel's disease) demonstrated variable numbers of lamellar bodies of normal size and architecture within cells of the stratum granulosum and the upper stratum spinosum. their characteristic lamellate inclusions were frequently observed within the intercellular spaces. these observations suggest that the lamellar bodies are qualitatively normal in flegel's disease.20133624584
[a myasthenic episode following intake of large amounts of a beta blocker].a transient myasthenic syndrome confirmed by emg after taking large doses of beta blocking agent is reported. data on similar complications have not been found in the literature. theories trying to explain the myasthenic, myopathic effect of the beta-blocking agents are reviewed. in the opinion of the authors the quinidine-like membrane stabilising effect played a role in their case, although the possibility of the direct effect of the drug on the neurotransmitters cannot be excluded either.20133610012
effect of long-term administration of digoxin on exercise performance in chronic airflow obstruction.we have studied the effect of long-term digoxin on exercise performance in 15 patients with pulmonary heart disease due to severe chronic airflow obstruction (fev1/vc ratio 29 +/- 6%: mean +/- sd). digoxin (0.25 mg/day) was given for 8 weeks in a randomized, double-blind crossover, placebo-controlled trial. all patients were ambulatory and had clinical features of right ventricular dysfunction but no clinical evidence of left ventricular dysfunction. assessments included progressive and steady-s ...20144018179
[65th birthday of professor karl enigk]. 20154552430
a health care plan for east harlem--now. the baltimore experience: 80,000 ibm cards. 20154503791
is this legislation really necessary? 20165030687
[development of asphyxia in hematogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible in a newborn infant]. 2003283596
neonatal nurse practitioners--a view from perfidious albion? 20061586193
metastatic adenocarcinoma of the carpus: a case report.a patient is described who presented with a painful swelling of the dorsum of the hand which arose from the hamate and proved histologically to be a secondary from a previously resected gastric adenocarcinoma.20113171299
[organizing of schools of advanced learning in the polyclinics]. 20154482086
[active geriatrics. a visit to rotterdam]. 20164706650
imperforate anus in 700,000 consecutive liveborn infants.we have studied the incidence of imperforate anus (anorectal atresia and stenosis) occurring in almost 700,000 consecutive liveborn infants in british columbia (b.c.) from 1964-1982 using the records of a health surveillance registry which uses multiple sources of ascertainment. the estimated incidence rate was 1 in 2,524 live births (273 cases out of 689,118 consecutive liveborn infants). data pertaining to sex ratio, additional anomalies, recurrence, and mortality were also analyzed over the p ...20113146285
continuous hemodiafiltration in children.continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration is a form of renal replacement therapy whereby small molecular weight solutes and water are removed from the blood via convection, alleviating fluid overload and, to a degree, azotemia. it has been used in many adults and several children. however, in patients with multisystem organ dysfunction and acute renal failure, continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration alone may not be sufficient for control of azotemia; intermittent hemodialysis or peritoneal dialys ...20082330246
the italian national research council and hospital 1983 the italian national research council funded a project specifically focused on hospital infection control. the main objectives were to describe the epidemiological pattern of hospital-acquired infections; to evaluate different control measures and preventive strategies. the general frame and research issues of the project are discussed in this paper. the main research areas of the project were: urinary tract infections; infections in surgery; intensive care units/high risk patients; micr ...20133607928
a vest for ambulatory patients receiving hyperalimentation.there have been no significant complications related to the use of this ambulatory hyperalimentation vest. the potential positive impact that increased use of this vest at home might have upon hospital stay and cost containment is obvious. it is further anticipated that, as advances are made in the technology of plastic bags, tubing, miniature pumps and microprocessors, ambulatory or home hyperalimentation delivery systems exemplified by this vest will achieve a much higher degree of sophisticat ...1998107602
large decompressive craniectomy in management of severe cerebral contusion. a review of 207 cases. 199991129
radiation biophysical studies with mammalian cells and a modulated carbon ion beam. 200097728
the ultrastructure of cell division in euglena gracilis.the ultrastructure of mitosis in euglena gracilis was investigated. at preprophase the nucleus migrates anteriorly and associates with the basal bodies. flagella and basal bodies replicate at preprophase. cells retain motility throughout division. the reservoir and the prophase nucleus elongate perpendicular to the incipient cleavage furrow. one basal body pair surrounded by a ribosome-free zone is found at each of the nuclear poles. the spindle forms within the intact nuclear envelope- polar fe ...200097303
diffuse melanosis and trichochromuria in malignant melanoma.a previous finding of pronounced excretion of trichochromes in a patient with metastasizing melanoma and diffuse melanosis prompted this study on trichochromes in another patient with these two features. the patient now reported also excreted large amounts of trichochromes. iit is suggested that diffuse melanosis in metastatic melanoma patients is due to deposition of trichochromes in the tissue.200193371
[fate of a lavsan strip used for stenosing the small intestine]. 2003142861
an enzyme histochemical study of non-hodgkin's lymphoma and allied disease.the enzyme activity for alpha-naphthyl-acetate esterase, naphthol-as-acetate esterase, naphthol-as-d-chloroacetate esterase, acid phosphatase, l(+)-tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, adenosine triphosphatase, and 5'-nucleotidase was examined on the neoplastic cells of giant follicular lymphoblastoma, the so-called reticulum cell sarcoma and sézary syndrome. the neoplastic cells of giant follicular lymphoblastoma showed distinct activity for adenosine triphosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase, and tho ...2003145325
expression of schwann cell and peripheral t-cell activation epitopes in hereditary motor and sensory evaluate possible immune-mediated mechanisms in hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (hmsn-i, charcot-marie-tooth syndrome), we examined class ii major histocompatibility complex antigen expression (mhc-ii, hla-dr) in schwann cells and peripheral lymphocyte t-cell (ta1, cd26) activation in five unrelated adults with hmsn-i. evidence of increased activation expression was found in both compartments but the pattern did not suggest a general state of hyperimmunity or appear related to clinica ...20041370667
[emergency medical service in greater copenhagen]. 2004545772
acute viral respiratory infections in children. 2004506792
[experience in the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction in intensive care units]. 2004452554
mental factors influencing recurrence of stress a recent follow-up of 51 women operated on for stress incontinence, there was an astonishingly high discrepancy between symptoms claimed by the patients and signs found by the physician. to examine the influence of certain mental factors on the recurrence of stress incontinence, the patients in the above-mentioned follow-up were tested with the eysenck personality inventory test and the sabbatsberg depression self-rating scale test. the women with symptoms but no objective signs of stress inc ...2004419964
enzyme immunoassay of theophylline with the aba-100. 2004343950
[nurses and professional secret]. 20063645907
[nurses and professional secret]. 20063645907
proceedings of the 3rd north sea conference on periodontology. maastricht, the netherlands, 16-19 may 1990. 20061679767
[eye foreign bodies. patients should be sent to the eye clinic for treatment]. 20061636298
minority student nurses' perceptions of their educational program. 20061773054
study of acute intraoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage.acute intraoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage or effusion (aish) was studied in a prospective manner over the past three years. in a general cataract surgery population of 2,523 patient eyes, 15 (0.6%) experienced an aish. results of a specific surgical management technique are presented. surgical control of the aish consisted of immediate closure of the incision and application of pressure directly to the eye. this tamponades the effusion or hemorrhage, which allows coagulation and completion ...20061403754
hybridocytochemistry with non-radioactive probes as a tool for biomedical research and cytodiagnostics.the advent of dna and rna labelling techniques which allow non-autoradiographic detection of specific nucleic acid sequences has opened new possibilities for rapid diagnosis at the nucleic acid level. there are already practical applications. however, in order to fully compete with radioactive procedures an increase in sensitivity is still desired.20072435580
health care in the united states. our dynamic jigsaw puzzle. 20082405797
[surgical therapy of post-infarct aneurysm of the left ventricle. immediate and long-term results].between january 1982 and december 1986, 62 patients (59 male and 3 female) ranging in age from 37 to 69 years (mean 53) underwent resection of postinfarction left ventricular aneurysm. the indication for operation was angina in 23 cases (37%), congestive heart failure (chf) in 7 (11.2%), angina and chf in 29 (46.8%), rupture in 1; 2 patients were low symptomatic. ventricular arrhythmias were present in 6 (9.7%) cases and previous systemic embolism in 4 (6.4%). forty-seven (75.8%) patients had le ...20092812446
[surgical therapy of post-infarct aneurysm of the left ventricle. immediate and long-term results].between january 1982 and december 1986, 62 patients (59 male and 3 female) ranging in age from 37 to 69 years (mean 53) underwent resection of postinfarction left ventricular aneurysm. the indication for operation was angina in 23 cases (37%), congestive heart failure (chf) in 7 (11.2%), angina and chf in 29 (46.8%), rupture in 1; 2 patients were low symptomatic. ventricular arrhythmias were present in 6 (9.7%) cases and previous systemic embolism in 4 (6.4%). forty-seven (75.8%) patients had le ...20092812446
[pulmonary hydatidosis]. 20092799221
[results of screening for hearing disorders using the ewing test].late developments support that deaf children have an urgent need for rehabilitation and hence for early search for hearing defects. one of the modalities to achieve this goal is mass screening of populations. in belgium the long established well-baby-clinics provide a commodity for these programs. as most infants attend regularly these clinics, it was evident to perform here the testing procedure. the ewing-test was chosen as the tool for the screening. we started about 1980. in this discussion ...20093063060
breast volume measurement of 598 women using biostereometric analysis.a study of the volumes of the right and left breasts of 598 subjects was undertaken using biostereometric analysis. this measurement uses close-range stereophotogrammetry to characterize the shape of the breast, and is noncontact, noninvasive, accurate, and rapid with respect to the subject involvement time. using chi-square tests, volumes and volumetric differences between breast pairs were compared with handedness, perception of breast size by each subject, age, and menstrual status. no signif ...20092729845
rna polymerase ii allows unwinding and rewinding of the dna and thus maintains a constant length of the transcription bubble.ternary complexes of rna-dna-rna polymerase ii, originating from the in vivo transcriptionally active sv40 minichromosomes, can be detected and analyzed by a method previously developed (choder, m., bratosin, s., and aloni, y. (1984) embo j. 3, 2929-2936). using this method, we compared the electrophoretic mobilities of sv40 ternary complexes with those of sv40 rna-dna complexes obtained after the removal of the polymerases. independent of the in vitro elongation of the nascent rna, topoisomers ...20092843504
a precision alignment frame for endosseous post dental implants.the advantages of the precision alignment frame are that it (1) accurately positions and aligns the initial pilot drill at implant surgery, (2) has no adverse effects on the diagnostic cast, (3) eliminates the need for an incision or raising a flap when locating a submerged implant root for transmucosal connection, (4) consistently and accurately records the relation of the implant root to the radiograph, (5) permits long-term evaluation of the implant after restoration, (6) has components that ...20103058942
a precision alignment frame for endosseous post dental implants.the advantages of the precision alignment frame are that it (1) accurately positions and aligns the initial pilot drill at implant surgery, (2) has no adverse effects on the diagnostic cast, (3) eliminates the need for an incision or raising a flap when locating a submerged implant root for transmucosal connection, (4) consistently and accurately records the relation of the implant root to the radiograph, (5) permits long-term evaluation of the implant after restoration, (6) has components that ...20103058942
[simplified technic for laparoscopy in cases of cryptorchism]. 20102873655
massive bladder hemorrhage. 20103080196
validity of ear oximetry in clinical exercise testing.because of suspicion that the ear oximeter might measure the oxyhemoglobin saturation of arterial blood inaccurately during heavy exercise, we made concurrent ear oximetric and blood measurements on 14 consecutive patients with arterial catheters during clinical exercise tests. after correcting for carboxyhemoglobin, the estimated and measured values for the oxyhemoglobin saturation of the blood agreed well, as did resting ear and blood values; however, during heavy exercise, ear oximetric value ...20123816311
third generation cephalosporin antibiotics in surgical practice.the new third generation cephalosporins have a significantly greater spectrum of action against gram-negative bacteria likely to be encountered in surgical infections. this expanded spectrum may permit these drugs to be used in place of combination therapy in patients with polymicrobial infections; however, current evidence does not indicate superior results with these agents over earlier generation choices for surgical prophylaxis. the toxicity profile of these drugs warrants close monitoring f ...20123511763
[tight mitral stenosis caused by calcifications of the ring extending to the valves].three years after valve replacement for monckeberg type aortic stenosis, a tight and poorly tolerated tight mitral stenosis is observed, secondary to massive calcifications of the ring extending to the valves. the diagnosis is made with doppler sonography and hemodynamic examination. excision of the calcifications is particularly difficult. an early death occurs. calcifications of the mitral ring extending to the valves, either isolated or mainly associated with a calcified aortic stenosis, may ...20123408200
myocardial lymphocytes. fact, fancy, or myocarditis?the diagnosis of active lymphocytic myocarditis by the use of the endomyocardial bioptome is at present a hotly debated topic. however, the question of whether lymphocytes reside in the myocardium of individuals without systemic or cardiac disease has rarely been addressed, but is obviously of critical importance in helping to resolve this issue. therefore, we examined endomyocardial biopsies obtained from 86 young heart disease-free cardiac transplant donors at the time of transplantation. foci ...20123331950
jean saucier--1899-1968. 20124936406
radiology notes. case 1. eosinophilic granuloma of the spine. 20133871906
[contribution on the conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in growing children as a preparation for surgical measures with special reference to occupational therapeutic methods]. 20144227937
genetics of schizophrenia. 20144162363
the feasibility of an assistant to the physician. 20144152241
skin prolyl hydroxylase in patients with obstructive jaundice. 20144138073
[pulmonary hematoma due to a closed thoracic trauma]. 20154642947
sq 65,396: a non-sedative anxiolytic? 20154375017
induced hypertension in the treatment of severe foot ischemia. 20154358005
[a case of systemic lupus erythematosus with hypo-gammaglobulinemia]. 20165101795
tromsø: lessons from a new curriculum. 20102863501
[late diagnosis of a nasal foreign body]. 2002135308
[association of an ossicle malformation and a congenital preauricular fistula]. 2003142810
fallacies of medially wedged heel for valgus foot. 2004521647
[physiological and hygienic characteristics of the working conditions in laying and insulating operations in the electrical engineering industry]. 20051176014
psychiatric morbidity in a sample of a london coroner's open hundred and thirty-four deaths recorded as open verdicts in the inner west london coroner's district during 1969 and 1970 have been surveyed for evidence of mental illness. for 110 (82 per cent) of these deaths the probable verdicts were suicide or accident and they were reclassified as undetermined deaths. of these deaths 73 per cent were diagnosed as mentally ill, 54 per cent were receiving medical treatment for psychological symptoms before death, 42 per cent had a history of psychiatric ...20051182365
phloroglucinol derivatives of eleven dryopteris species from japan. 20051197418
mosquito breeding in water meter chambers. 20102863184
[echographic and radiographic aspects of a case of burkitt's lymphoma]. 20113060909
acute suppression of plasma vasopressin and thirst after drinking in hypernatremic humans.drinking rapidly abolishes thirst and vasopressin secretion in dehydrated humans before major changes in plasma osmolality are observed. we studied the effects of drinking on plasma vasopressin and thirst in seven healthy volunteers rendered hypernatremic by the infusion of hypertonic (855 mmol/l) sodium chloride solution. thirst was measured on a visual analogue scale (0-10 cm). infusion of hypertonic saline caused linear increases in plasma osmolality (289 +/- 1 to 306 +/- 1 mosmol/kg, mean +/ ...20133591984
[successful fibrinolytic treatment with urokinase six weeks after leg and pelvic vein thrombosis (author's transl)]. 20144448142
pole cells of drosophila melanogaster in culture. normal metabolism, ultrastructure, and functional capabilities. 1998108161
fluoroscopically guided thin needle aspiration biopsy of the abdomen and retroperitoneum.the results of 49 transabdominal and translumbar thin needle percutaneous aspiration biopsies in patients suspected of having malignant disease are reported. a correct diagnosis was obtained in 40 cases. placement of the chiba needle was accomplished by fluoroscopically controlled biplane radiography during constrast examinations. no complications were encountered. the technique allows cytologic diagnosis of malignancy without high risk exploratory surgery, prolonged hospitalization, or delay of ...200197993
[retrospective epidemiologic analysis of the occurrence of measles in slovakia].the authors give a detailed account of the reported measles morbidity in slovakia during the past 50 years (almost half a million notified cases). before vaccination on a mass scale was introduced, some 1% of the notified cases died. the most frequent cause of death was pneumonia, followed by encephalitis. since 1977 there was not a single death from measles. before vaccination was introduced preschool children were affected most badly by the morbidity. after introduction of vaccination on a mas ...20071828717
the determination of cellulase activity by viscometry. 20154391058
a comparison of wisc and wisc-r subtest scatter. 2004438638
a syndrome of acute zinc loss. cerebellar dysfunction, mental changes, anorexia, and taste and smell dysfunction.oral administration of the amino acid histidine to six patients with progressive systemic sclerosis produced anorexia, taste ans smell dysfunction, changes in mentation, and cerebellar dysfunction in each patient; these changes were associated with significant decreases in serum zinc concentration and significant increases in urinary zinc excretion. administration of zinc ion, even with continued histidine administration, returned each of the signs and symptoms to or toward normal within 8 to 24 ...20051180744
[lipid and mineral metabolism and morbidity with temporary loss of work capacity in miners].examination is performed on 87 miners from mine for copper production subject to intensive local vibrations with average rate of increase (k) of the norms for the individual octave frequencies 2.4 times for 3 h exposure of the working shift, as well as to intensive noise--113-115 db/a equivalent level, general dust--23 mg/m3, fine dust--3.5 mg/m3 and fine quartz--0.43 mg/m3. there are data for vibration effect--changes in the cold test, vibration sensoriness, ultra sound sonometry, in all miners ...20051364539
electrophoretic identification of larvae and adults of anisakis (ascaridida:anisakidae).the relationships between larvae and adults of anisakis from the mediterranean sea and north-east atlantic ocean were analysed by multilocus electrophoresis. the correspondence of type i larvae with the a. simplex complex, including the sibling species a. simplex a and b, and of type ii larvae with a. physeteris is confirmed. 19 of the 22 loci studied discriminated between the two larval types. biochemical keys are given for the electrophoretic identification of a. simplex a, a. simplex b and a. ...20133794297
rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for metformin in plasma and urine using ion-pair extraction techniques. 20133734008
impact of a large-scale narcotics treatment program: a six month experience. 20154713704
lipid disorders in diabetes mellitus. 20154626314
[epidemiology of brucellosis in dnepropetrovsk district in the process of its complete eradication]. 20164870398
[internal tooth resorption]. 20072206646
central nervous system trauma.traumatic injury to the central nervous system causes immediate damage and sets in motion a complex series of pathophysiologic events that result in further neuronal injury. this secondary damage seems to be related to changes in blood flow and pressure on a systemic, regional, and microvascular level. currently, there is evidence that these changes are, in part, mediated by endogenous opioids and arachidonic acid metabolites, namely thromboxane a2. medical management is generally designed to in ...20123497697
acute toxicity of mevinphos to gerbils. 20051273839
[effect of chronic irradiation in low doses on age-related changes in the radiation-resistance of white mice]. 20051188055
better right than quick? 20061538635
[x-ray computed tomography in venous pathology].after presenting the tomodensitometric semiology of venous thromboses in various territories, the authors define its indications. it is essentially in deep territories, head, chest and abdomen that the ct-scan is used to study and diagnose unrecognized thromboses as well as determine the venous repercussion of various neighboring ailments. the respective place of the ct-scan, ultrasonography and various phlebographies is analyzed.20113043474
regional morbidity. 20164772208
[chemodectoma of the tongue: differential diagnostic and histogenetic criteria]. 20144325964
serum-cholesterol-binding reserve in patients with the nephrotic syndrome.hyperlipidemia and premature atherosclerosis are known metabolic complications in patients with the nephrotic syndrome. in this study, we have measured serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and serum-cholesterol-binding reserve (scbr) in 22 patients (14 men, 8 women) with the nephrotic syndrome and in 21 hyperlipidemic men who served as control subjects. serum cholesterol levels were higher (p less than 0.005) in patients when compared to those of controls while triglyceride levels did not ...2004492425
proceedings: slow recovery of the inactivation of sodium conductance in myxicola giant axons. 20051151857
restoring teeth with large complex amalgams rather than castings. 20051065128
ventriculopleural shunting used as a temporary diversion.due to the limited absorptive capacity of the pleural cavity, infants and young children are not generally ideal candidates for ventriculopleural shunts. we report using chest cavities as alternate for temporary diversion of csf in a young child. venous access to the cervical region could not be utilized because of scarring from previous procedures, while peritoneal access was contraindicated due to repeated pseudocyst formation. pleural effusions were removed by thoracentesis when necessary, an ...20061595400
safer shunt insertion during carotid endarterectomy.the use of shunts during carotid surgery may decrease the risk of perioperative stroke by allowing continued perfusion during the procedure. however, there are risks inherent with shunt usage that occur mainly during insertion. a brief clinical study illustrates the risk of shunt-induced emboli and a technique is described for safer shunt insertion.20144009845
transanal technique in low rectal anastomosis. 20154565861
radiographic changes of the skull in sickle cell anemia.skull radiographs of 194 patients from 4 months to 55 years old with sickle cell anemia revealed porous decreased bone density in 25%, widening of diploë associated with a relative decrease in the width of the outer table in 22%, and vertical "hair-on-end" striations in 5%. the youngest patient with vertical striations was 5 years old and the oldest was 39. serial examinations in 60 patients revealed no decrease of the skull width nor disappearance of the striations with age.1998106639
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