
[genetic analysis of mutations affecting the synthesis of somatic o-antigen of vibrio cholerae].the mutations oagm and oagr affecting the synthesis of somatic o-antigen have been localized on the chromosome of vibrio cholerae el jor and classic biotypes by conjugational crosses between different donor and recipient strains. the mutations are localized in the vicinity of the arg marker in both classic and el tor biotypes of vibrio cholerae.19852432416
immunochemical properties of the lipopolysaccharide o-antigen of vibrio cholerae o1 in relation to its chemical structure.d-glucuronic acid and d-glucosamine have an immunodominant role in the lipopolysaccharide (lps) o-antigen of both the ogawa and the inaba subtypes of vibrio cholerae o1. this was evident from the pronounced inhibitory effect on the lps precipitin reaction demonstrated by these monosaccharides and by oligosaccharides containing either of them which were isolated from lps hydrolysate. there was a considerable decrease in the antibody-combining capacity of chemically modified lps in which the carbo ...19862433386
[similarity of vibrio alginolyticus, v. cholerae and other vibrio species with respect to the structure of their flagellar apparatus and ribosomal 5s-rna].electron microscopic analysis of basal bodies of the flagella vibrio alginolyticus revealed a structure composed of four discs. the diameters of two discs localized in the cytoplasmic membrane appeared to be twice as little as those of the other two discs. in this respect the basal body of v. alginolyticus resembles that of v. cholerae. the 5s sequence of ribosomal rna from v. alginolyticus appeared to be similar to those of v. cholerae, v. harveyi and some other vibrios. comparison of 5s-rna se ...19872434145
[effect of kontrikal on the dynamics of proteolytic system indices in postischemic toxemia].it was shown in wistar male rats that the development of tourniquet shock was followed by an increase of proteolytic activity in the blood by 3 times, activity of aspartate aminotransferase (ast) by 3 times, that of alanine aminotransferase (alt) by 6 times, contents of urea and residual nitrogen by 2.5-3 times; level of alpha 1-protease inhibitor (alpha 1-pi) decreased by 4 times and that of alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2mg) by 2.5 times. at administration of contrykal (10,000 u/kg) proteolytic ...19872435573
the presence of the 30 nm filament structure of chromatins in intact chicken erythrocytes observed by 31p nmr.a 31p nmr spectrum of chicken erythrocyte chromatins in vivo was obtained. the spectrum was characterized by examining the spectra of isolated nuclei and nondigested chromatins under various conditions. the results have shown that most chromatins in chicken erythrocyte nuclei assume the 30 nm filament structure as a second step of condensation of dna in vivo.19872435577
sodium-channel inhibitors produced by enteropathogenic vibrio cholerae and aeromonas hydrophila. 19872436014
serological properties and processing in escherichia coli k12 of ompv fusion proteins of vibrio cholerae.fusion proteins comprising the amino-terminal 99 amino acids of the bacteriophage ms2 replicase and various portions of ompv a major outer membrane protein of vibrio cholerae were expressed in escherichia coli k12. these fusions were expressed under the control of the pl promoter of bacteriophage lambda, and expression was controlled using a cits repressor. fusions occurring within the secretory signal sequence of ompv gave rise to the production of mature ompv. the efficiency, however, decrease ...19862436027
studies on the vibrio cholerae mucinase complex. ii. specific neuraminidase activity measured histochemically in a goblet cell assay.the activity of neuraminidase prepared from the mucinase complex of vibrio cholerae was measured by a new, semi-quantitative goblet-cell assay. the counts of normal, alcianophilic, sialomucin-containing goblet cells (purple-stained) and neutral mucosubstance-containing goblet cells (magenta-stained) in serial sections of ileum were compared before and after neuraminidase treatment. the procedure provides a more natural assessment of the action of v. cholerae neuraminidase on the viscous intestin ...19872438408
isolation of novel human retrovirus-related sequences by hybridization to synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to the trna(pro) primer-binding site.synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to putative retroviral primer-binding sites were used as hybridization probes to detect novel retroviruslike sequences. an 8.1-kilobase element with structural features of a retroviral provirus was isolated from a human genomic library by this approach. nucleotide sequence analysis of its 600-base-pair long terminal repeats revealed characteristic motifs known as regulatory signals for rna polymerase ii transcription: ccaat, tata, and attaaa. in addition, ...19872438428
epiglycanin-immunoreactive glycoproteins in mouse fetal tissues and fetal cells in culture.fetal tissues from time-pregnant female a/j mice of 16- and 19-day pregnancies and from neonates 1 day after birth, as well as from fetal cells in culture, absorbed significant amounts of anti-epiglycanin antibody. detergent-solubilized glycoproteins, with epiglycanin activity, from fetal tissues and cells were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the protein bands electroblotted onto a nitrocellulose gel. after the antigens were labeled with rabbit anti-epiglycanin antiserum and ...19872438443
a mechanistic interpretation of the action of toxin ii from anemonia sulcata on the cardiac sodium channel.cardiac sodium channels, modified by anemonia sulcata toxin ii, have been analyzed by the patch-clamp method. the open state of the modified sodium channels proved to be prolonged highly significantly and reopening from a closed state denoted c*-state frequently occurred, interrupted by silent periods, denoted i*-state. activation from the c*-state was apparently not affected by toxin action, whereas activation from the i*-state was markedly prolonged. upon higher depolarizations toxin-induced s ...19872440476
no evidence on significant roles of the prostaglandin-thromboxane and kallikrein-kinin system in the antihypertensive effect of mk 421 in rats made hypertensive by norepinephrine or vasopressin.inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme by mk 421 (6 mg/kg/day ip) induced a significant increase in urinary kinin excretion in norepinephrine-infused rats (1.8 mg/kg/day ip), whereas it had no effect on urinary prostaglandin e2 excretion. in contrast, mk 421 did not induced any significant changes in urinary kinin and prostaglandin e2 excretion in vasopressin-infused rats (7.2 u/kg/day ip). the simultaneous administration of indomethacin (10 mg/kg/day sc), oky 046 (12 mg/kg/day sc) or aprot ...19872440625
[heterogeneity of sperm immobilizing antibodies in sera of sterile women].among 126 sterile women, 8 patients indicated sperm immobilizing (si) antibodies in their sera, while 13 and 57 patients showed positive results in sperm agglutination (sa) test and indirect immunofluorescence (if) tests, respectively. these results suggest that the antisperm antibodies detected by different methods are not identical and seem to be raised to different epitopes of sperm antigens. si antibodies were absorbed not only with human spermatozoa, but also with human seminal plasma (hsp) ...19872440964
contradictory responses in induction of delayed type hypersensitivity in orally immunized mice.induction of delayed type hypersensitivity (dth) in mice fed with sheep red blood cells (srbc) and live vibrio cholerae (v. cholerae) both forcedly and ad lib was comparatively investigated. although suppression of dth to srbc or v. cholerae was induced in mice fed forcedly for 1 or 2 weeks, mice fed ad lib could produce the positive footpad reactions to antigens. furthermore, the suppression of dth in forcedly fed mice showed an antigenic specificity. these observations indicated that the induc ...19872442393
topological mapping of complement component c9 by recombinant dna techniques suggests a novel mechanism for its insertion into target membranes.cdna molecules coding for mouse and trout c9 have been isolated and the derived amino acid sequences compared with that of human c9. regions of high homology between the closely related species (mouse and human) correlate with putative domains in the protein structure supporting a model of c9 having five globular domains. comparison between the more distant species (trout and human) suggests regions of particular importance to c9 structure and function. in addition the three related sequences al ...19872443347
translation framing code and frame-monitoring mechanism as suggested by the analysis of mrna and 16 s rrna nucleotide sequences.protein coding sequences carry an additional message in the form of a universal three-base periodical pattern (g-non-g-n)n, which is expressed as a strong preference for guanines in the first positions of the codons in mrna and lack of guanines in the second positions. this periodicity appears immediately after the initiation codon and is maintained along the mrna as far as the termination triplet, where it disappears abruptly. known cases of ribosome slippage during translation (leaky frameshif ...19872443708
isolation and structural analysis of the escherichia coli trp leader paused transcription complex.transcription pausing is a key step in many prokaryotic transcription attenuation mechanisms. pausing is thought to occur when an rna hairpin forms near the 3' end of a growing transcript. we report here the isolation of the trp leader paused transcription complex containing a defined 92-nucleotide nascent transcript. digestion of isolated paused complexes with rnase t1 suggests that the trp leader rna hairpin designated 1:2 forms in the paused transcription complex. the transcription factor nus ...19872443722
[control of early pregnancies by vaginal sonography].151 patients with suspected early pregnancies between 5 to 10 weeks were examined by transvaginal section scanning. pregnancies could be verified as early as 16 days after conception while the first heart beat actions were seen after 21 to 22 days. in early pregnancies where heart actions could not be shown at first examination a second look was taken after the 6. week dated from conception. beta-hcg-units were found in a range of 59 to 55,000 mu/ml. 3 pregnancies in the 5th, 6th, respectively 7 ...19872444038
a physical map of the chromosomal region determining o-antigen biosynthesis in vibrio cholerae o1.we have previously described the cosmid cloning of the genes determining the biosynthesis of the inaba and ogawa o-antigens of the lipopolysaccharides of vibrio cholerae o1 (manning et al., 1986). by southern hybridization analysis of chromosomal and cosmid dna, and heteroduplex analysis between the clones we have been able to precisely define the region of contiguous chromosomal dna in the vicinity of the o-antigen-encoding region. these data and comparison of end points of clones and of deleti ...19872444496
analysis of human antibody response to cholera vaccination by epstein barr virus transformation and human-human hybridoma production.the response of epstein barr virus transformable b lymphocytes to v. cholerae serotypes inaba and ogawa was assessed at various periods of time after primary and secondary immunization. in both cases, 100% of cells laid down at 10(4)/well gave a very strong positive reaction with either serotype one week after immunization. further analysis indicated that general polyclonal activation by the bacterial lps was not a major feature since the reactivity with other bacterial antigens was weak. human ...19872444705
[in vitro preparation of enterotoxigenic species of vibrio cholerae 01 from nontoxigenic cultures of cholera and nag vibrios]. 19872444761
antigenic determinants of the cholera/coli family of enterotoxins.hybridoma-derived monoclonal antibodies were raised to enterotoxins of the cholera family and to chimeric b-subunit proteins in which individual amino acid residues of a heat-labile, cholera-related enterotoxin from an escherichia coli strain of porcine origin (p-lt) were substituted with corresponding residues from such an enterotoxin from an e. coli strain of human origin (h-lt). single amino acid substitutions were found to have profound effects on the physicochemical behavior of the proteins ...19872446368
[effect of dna and rna in foods on serum uric acid concentration in the human].nutritional experiments with formula diets show, that dna taken orally raises the serum uric acid concentration only half as much as does the same quantity of rna. in evaluating the suitability of foods used in the diet of patients with gout, however, food is only judged by its total purine-n content. in commercially available raw food the total purine content was determined enzymatically as uric acid. in the same samples the content of rna, dna, nucleotides, nucleosides and bases was determined ...19872446437
evolution and development of the outer acrosomal membrane (oam) and evidence that acrosin-inhibitors are proteins of the antiserum to the purified porcine outer acrosomal membrane (oam) was raised in rabbits and the igg fraction isolated by ammonium sulphate precipitation and ion exchange chromatography. the antibodies reacted exclusively with the acrosomal cap of the sperm head as revealed by indirect immunofluorescence. in addition they cross-reacted not only with the acrosomal part of the spermatozoa of all mammalian species tested (bull, horse, rabbit, rat, mouse, hamster, mole, antelope, monkey, man) but a ...19872446533
antibodies to the insulin receptor as tools in the study of receptor structure and function. 19872446553
definition of myasthenogenic sites of the human acetylcholine receptor using synthetic peptides.experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (eamg) and antibodies that modulate achrs from cultured human muscle are induced by a disulfide-looped peptide comprising the human acetylcholine receptor (achr) alpha-subunit residues 125-147 (h alpha 125-147). to delineate the essential antigenic requirements for induction of eamg by this peptide, a series of peptides was synthesized: (a) a nonlooped analog (cys 128 replaced by ser) stimulated modulating autoantibodies, induced eamg, and bound antibodi ...19872446556
distributions of certain neuropeptides in the primate thalamus.the distributions of fibers and terminals immunoreactive for somatostatin (srif), neuropeptide y (npy), substance p (sp) and cholecystokinin octapeptide (cck), were studied in the diencephalon of cynomolgus monkeys. immunoreactivity for all 4 peptides is found in extrinsic afferent fibers innervating the dorsal thalamus, ventral thalamus and epithalamus. the distributions of such fibers are more extensive than previously described and include many relay nuclei in their zones of terminations. sp ...19872446708
calcium channels and excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac cells. ii. a pharmacological study of the biphasic contraction in guinea-pig papillary muscle.biphasic contractions were obtained in guinea-pig papillary muscle by inducing partial depolarization in k+-rich solution (17 mm) in the presence of 0.3 microm isoproterenol. mn2+ ions inhibited the two components of contraction in a similar way. nifedipine and particularly cd2+ ions specifically inhibited the second component of contraction. isoproterenol and bay k 8644 markedly increased the amplitude of the second component (p2) of contraction. nevertheless, a moderate positive inotropic effe ...19872446724
effect of endogenous and exogenous interferons on the differentiation of human monocyte cell line u937.the effect of interferons (ifns) on the differentiation of hematopoietic cells was examined with the human monocyte cell line u937. the differentiation of u937 was induced by hydroxyvitamin d3 and was evaluated through the study of specific markers. the induction of the u937 differentiation was associated with a production of ifn and with a marked increase in (2'5') oligoadenylate synthetase. addition of anti-ifn-alpha/beta antibodies inhibited the enhancement of (2'5') oligoadenylate synthetase ...19882446743
immunosuppressive effect of fk506 on collagen-induced arthritis in rats.fk506, a new immunosuppressive agent, was given intramuscularly to rats for 12 days, starting on the day of type ii collagen immunization. fk506 in doses of 0.32 mg/kg or more suppressed arthritis and also suppressed humoral and skin test response to type ii collagen. fk506 suppressed arthritis only when given during the afferent limbs of immune response (0-4 days), whereas the drug was only marginally effective when treatment was started during the efferent limbs of immune response (7-11 days). ...19882446810
antiviral chemotherapy and prophylaxis of viral respiratory disease.respiratory viruses continue to be major causes of morbidity and mortality. currently available chemotherapy is limited to oral amantadine for uncomplicated influenza a and aerosolized ribavirin for respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infections. amantadine is also efficacious for chemoprophylaxis of influenza a virus infections. rimantadine has similar clinical efficacy and is better tolerated than amantadine. aerosolized ribavirin may be useful in the treatment of serious respiratory illness cau ...19872446820
effects of substance p, neurokinin a and calcitonin gene-related peptide in human skin and their involvement in sensory nerve-mediated responses.the effects evoked by intradermal injections of substance p (sp), neurokinin a (nka) or calcitonin gene-related peptide (cgrp) were studied in 51 non-atopic subjects. sp and nka produced flare and weal, and cgrp produced an indurated erythema. the reactions to sp were strong, the flare being maximal 3-5 min after injection and the weal after 10-15 min. nka evoked a much weaker flare and a slightly weaker weal than did sp. cgrp produced a prominent long-lasting, indurated erythema with pseudopod ...19872446892
determinants of immunogenicity and mechanisms of protection by virulent and mutant vibrio cholerae o1 in rabbits.the colonizing capacities of 16 vibrio cholerae strains, including nine genetically and/or phenotypically defined parent-mutant pairs, were determined in unobstructed adult rabbit small bowel. there were marked interstrain differences in colonizing capacity, which was enhanced by bacterial motility and the production of cholera holotoxin but was unrelated to production of cholera toxin b-subunit or hemolysin or to bacterial serotype or biotype. the role of colonizing capacity and other bacterial ...19882447017
lectin binding to human endometrial hyperplasias and adenocarcinoma.arias-stella change, cystic glandular hyperplasia, adenomatous hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia, and adenocarcinoma of the human endometrium were stained with different fluorescein-conjugated lectins. the lectins used were concanavalin a, triticum vulgaris, arachis hypogaea, glycine maximum, dolichos biflorus, ulex europaeus, and ricinus communis. the results showed that the lectin staining of arias-stella change differed from the other conditions and resembled more closely the staining propert ...19872447025
chinese hamster ovary cell lysosomes rapidly exchange contents.we have used cell fusion to address the question of whether macromolecules are rapidly exchanged between lysosomes. donor cell lysosomes were labeled by the long-term internalization of the fluid-phase pinocytic markers, invertase (sucrase), lucifer yellow, fitc-conjugated dextran, or texas red-conjugated dextran. recipient cells contained lysosomes swollen by long-term internalization of dilute sucrose or marked by an overnight fitc-dextran uptake. cells were incubated for 1 or 2 h in marker-fr ...19872447096
a protein preparation from mycobacterium kansasii culture filtrate has biological activity similar to that of hcg and cholera toxin in human cell lines.a protein preparation, from culture filtrates from a strain of mycobacterium kansasii (mk precipitate), which cross reacts with antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) beta subunit and antibodies to cholera toxin beta subunit, has been isolated. a tissue culture assay was used to detect the ability of this preparation to affect the antiviral activity of interferons and to visualize changes in cell shape and cell-cell contact caused by this preparation. a cholera toxin containing precipi ...19872447470
ca dependence of na influx during treatment of rabbit aorta with ne and high k solutions.cellular influx of 24na was measured in isolated rabbit aorta during stimulation with 10 microm norepinephrine (ne) or depolarization with 80 mm k solution, using a pulse-labeling, cold-wash technique. ne caused a two- to threefold increase in na influx; a smaller but significant increase was also observed in depolarized tissues. basal and ne-induced fluxes at 1 min were significantly increased by a 20-min preincubation in a ca-free solution containing 2 mm egta; elevation of [mg] in this soluti ...19882447797
different types of monoclonal antibodies to ogawa-specific and group-specific antigens of vibrio cholerae o1.nine monoclonal antibodies to ogawa-specific antigenic determinants of vibrio cholerae o1 and seven monoclonal antibodies to the ogawa-inaba common antigenic determinants were obtained. specificities and reactivities were examined by slide or microdilution agglutination methods, along with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and immunoblotting analysis. in both the ogawa-specific and ogawa-inaba common groups, it was revealed that there were two types of antibodies. one type showed strong aggluti ...19872448333
studies on the vibrio cholerae mucinase complex. iii. neutralisation of the neuraminidase activity by specific anti-neuraminidase igg.a partially-purified neuraminidase from the mucinase complex of vibrio cholerae was used to prepare a specific anti-neuraminidase antiserum in rabbits. when the neutralising potency of this serum against v. cholerae neuraminidase was assessed in conventional tests, the enzymic activity, as measured by thiobarbituric acid, methoxyphenol-neuraminate and goblet-cell assays, apparently increased. these results are attributable to the presence of a sialylated glycoprotein substrate and small amounts ...19882448460
purification and partial characterization of fimbriae of vibrio cholerae o1.fimbriae of vibrio cholerae o1 were purified from a strain of the classical biotype, inaba serotype (bgd 17), and a strain of the el tor biotype, ogawa serotype (k23), grown on tcg agar medium by the following procedure; homogenization of the cell suspension to detach fimbriae, ultracentrifugation to remove remaining cells and their debris, concentration of the supernatant containing fimbriae with ultrafiltration, and 20 to 40% sucrose linear gradient centrifugation of the concentrated material. ...19872448968
demonstration of lipopolysaccharide on sheathed flagella of vibrio cholerae o:1 by protein a-gold immunoelectron microscopy.monoclonal antibodies with group and type specificity for lipopolysaccharide antigens were used in combination with protein a-colloidal gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy to demonstrate the presence of lipopolysaccharide antigens on both the sheathed flagellum and the cell surface of inaba and ogawa strains of vibrio cholerae o:1. labeling was associated with the sheath of the flagellum rather than the core, and flagellar cores were not labeled. flagellum and cell shared a common ...19882450866
influenza a virus potentiates basophil histamine release caused by endotoxin-induced complement activation. examination of normal individuals and patients with intrinsic asthma.histamine release from human basophil leukocytes was triggered by complement activation by means of endotoxins isolated from e. coli and salmonella bacteria. influenza a virus was found to enhance the mediator release, and the effect was caused by synergism, since virus itself did not release histamine. the potentiating effect was similar in cells from normal individuals and from patients with intrinsic asthma. the involvement of viral neuraminidase was examined by a potent neuraminidase inhibit ...19882452582
recombinant gibbon interleukin-3 acts synergistically with recombinant human g-csf and gm-csf in vitro.recombinant gibbon interleukin-3 (il-3) is a multilineage hematopoietic colony-stimulating factor (csf) that recently was cloned and found to be highly homologous with human il-3. gibbon il-3, as well as human granulocyte-csf (g-csf) and human granulocyte-macrophage csf (gm-csf), stimulated normal human bone marrow cells to form myeloid colonies in soft agar in a sigmoidal dose-response manner. when il-3 was added to increasing concentrations of g-csf or gm-csf, synergistic colony formation occu ...19882453230
nucleotide sequences and comparison of the hemolysin determinants of vibrio cholerae el tor rv79(hly+) and rv79(hly-) and classical 569b(hly-).we determined the nucleotide sequences of the hemolysin structural gene, hlya, of vibrio cholerae el tor biotype strains rv79(hly+) and rv79(hly-) and the hly determinant of the nonhemolytic classical biotype strain 569b(hly-). the sequences of the hlya gene from el tor strains rv79(hly+) and rv79(hly-) have an identical 2,223-base open reading frame which is predicted to encode an 81,977-dalton precursor form of hemolysin. this value is in excellent agreement with the 84,000-mr hemolysin descri ...19882453464
[characteristics of the formation of hydrogen sulfide by cholera vibrios]. 19882453707
vibrio fluvialis: a new serogroup (19) possessing the inaba factor antigen of vibrio cholerae o1.a serogroup of vibrio fluvialis possessing the c (inaba) antigen but not the b (ogawa) nor a antigen of v. cholerae o1 is described. the o-antigen of this serogroup was identical with that of bioserogroup 1875-variant of a marine vibrio species. as the o-antigen of this serogroup was not agglutinated by any of o-antisera for the 18 serogroups of v. fluvialis already recognized, it was designated o-serogroup 19 of this species.19872455085
virus enhances histamine release from human basophils.histamine release from human basophil leukocytes was triggered by staph. aureus or by complement activation caused by endotoxins isolated from e. coli or salmonella bacteria. influenza a virus was found to enhance the mediator release and the effect was caused by synergism, since the virus itself did not release histamine. the potentiating effect of the virus was abolished by a potent neuraminidase inhibitor. furthermore, a purified neuraminidase preparation obtained from vibrio cholerae caused ...19882455978
transfer of antibiotic resistances from bacillus spp. to staphylococcus aureus and vibrio cholerae. 19882456988
adjuvant effect of deae-dextran on cholera vaccines.investigations into the effectiveness of deae-dextran as an adjuvant of whole cell cholera vaccines (vibrio cholerae inaba and ogawa serotypes) were conducted using two methods: (a) the active mouse protection test, (b) the determination of antibody production in the sera of immunized mice by measuring the level of vibriocidal antibodies, and by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). in all tests, the deae-dextran-adjuvanted vaccine showed an antigenicity substantially superior to that ac ...19882458658
distinct domains of recombinant human ifn-gamma responsible for anti-viral effector function.a panel of 21 independently isolated neutralizing mab directed against the human rifn-gamma (rhuifn-gamma) was used to characterize those epitopes that are involved in the antiviral function of the rhuifn-gamma. a sandwich competition assay was developed to determine the cross-reactivities between the mab. the 125i-labeled mab were allowed to compete with varying amounts of unlabeled mab for binding to rhuifn-gamma under ag-limiting conditions, and the 50% inhibition endpoints were determined fo ...19882459212
frequency analysis of simian virus 40-specific cytotoxic t lymphocyte precursors in the high responder c57bl/6 mouse strain.studies in this laboratory have shown that long term simian virus 40 (sv40)-specific cytolytic t lymphocyte (ctl) cultures established from the spleens of high responder c57bl/6 (b6; h-2b) mice exhibit a preference for the selection of h-2db-restricted ctl clones. in this study, we have investigated the basis for this selection. limiting dilution cultures were established using responder cells from the popliteal lymph nodes and the spleens of b6 mice immunized subcutaneously in the hind footpads ...19882459302
[auxotrophic mutants of cholera and nonagglutinating vibrios and a method of their determination]. 19882459483
[a minimal synthetic medium for determining cystine desulfohydrolase in vibrio cholerae]. 19882461482
[the population composition of cultures of vibrio cholerae strain 569 b pakistan in relation to the manufacture of a cholera vaccine (choleragen-anatoxin+o-antigen)].the study of different subcultures of v. cholerae strain 569 b pakistan, used as the source of choleragen in the production of cholera vaccine, has been made. the composition of the population formed by this strain has been found to be heterogeneous with respect to toxin formation. the control of changes occurring in the production culture by analyzing its population composition has been proposed.19882461623
[environmental phages active in relation to vibrios of the non-01 group]. 19882462125
immunoglobulins in bile and serum of the rabbit associated with protection after vibrio cholerae infection and vaccination.previous studies have shown that cholera, as well as protective immunity against infection with vibrio cholerae, can be induced in the rabbit. this protection is long-lasting (up to 30 months) and is characterized on challenge by rapid, symptom-free disappearance of v. cholerae from the intestine; we therefore believe this to be vibriocidal protection. in this study, we analysed the humoral and secretory immune response against various subcellular v. cholerae components in vibriocidally protecte ...19872462153
the development of a bivalent vaccine against diarrhoeal disease.the live oral typhoid vaccine salmonella typhi ty2la has been successfully used as an effective public health tool for the control of typhoid fever. this paper reviews the progress of one vaccine development programme, which uses this organism as a carrier of the o-antigens of vibrio cholerae. it is already known that antibodies directed against the o-antigens have been previously demonstrated in animals to be protective against subsequent challenge with virulent organisms. this paper reports th ...19882464195
infection and immunity to vibrio cholerae, salmonella typhimurium and escherichia coli in a rabbit model.cholera disease can be induced in the rabbit by duodenal inoculation (di) of vibrio cholerae organisms after ligation of the cecum (c) (dic model). when ligation of the cecum is omitted, no disease symptoms develop. in contrast, the animals are primed which becomes apparent as vibriocidal protection upon challenge with v. cholerae in the dic model. this protection coincides with high anti-o antigen iga levels in the bile. the o antigen was shown to be the protective antigen and it must be presen ...19882464884
comparison of hemolysins of vibrio cholerae non-o1 and vibrio hollisae with thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.hemolysin (vh-rtdh) produced by vibrio hollisae and hemolysin (nag-rtdh) produced by vibrio cholerae non-o1 were characterized and compared with hemolysin (vp-tdh) produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus. these three hemolysins are each composed of two subunits and have similar, but not identical, molecular weights. the amino acid compositions of vp-tdh and nag-rtdh are similar, but are different from that of vh-rtdh. the three hemolysins showed similar lethal toxicities to mice. the effects of temp ...19882466545
[molecular biology of keratins and their significance in the clinical diagnosis of tumors].keratins are the most heterogenic class of intermediary filament molecules and form tonofilaments in all types of epithelial cells. at least 19 different human keratins have been demonstrated. on the basis of biochemical and immunological criteria, these may be subdivided into two subtypes (type i and type ii). recent molecular biological investigations have provided considerable insight into the construction of the keratin molecule and the tonofilament structure and the corresponding gene struc ...19892467415
simple, rapid method for direct isolation of nucleic acids from aquatic isolation of nucleic acids from the environment may be useful in several respects, including the estimation of total biomass, detection of specific organisms and genes, estimations of species diversity, and cloning applications. we have developed a method that facilitates the concentration of microorganisms from aquatic samples and the extraction of their nucleic acids. natural water samples of 350 to greater than 1,000 ml are concentrated on a single cylindrical filter membrane (type svg ...19892467621
[use of gnotobiotic animals for the study of the pathogenesis of cholera intoxication].germ-free suckling rabbits and minipigs can be recommended as models suitable for the study of different aspects of the pathogenesis of cholera intoxication. in minipigs, individual representatives of intestinal autochthonous microflora produce different effect on the sensitivity of the animals to the toxigenic and choleragenic action of vibrio cholerae antigen introduced by oral administration, that should also be taken into consideration in the determination of residual toxicity during the tri ...19882469271
influenza a virus enhances allergic histamine release. effect of neuraminidase.histamine release was examined in leukocyte suspensions from patients allergic to house dust mite, grass pollen, birch pollen or cat dander. influenza a virus was found to enhance the antigen-induced mediator release, but did not cause release of histamine from the cells per se. also histamine release induced by anti-ige in cell suspensions from normal individuals was enhanced by virus. the potentiating effect of influenza a virus might be due to neuraminidase on the surface of virus, since a si ...19892470267
influenza a virus enhances staphylococcus aureus-induced basophil histamine release in normal individuals and patients with intrinsic asthma.influenza a virus was found to enhance staphylococcus aureus-induced histamine release in human leukocyte suspensions, but did not per se release histamine. this potentiating effect was found to be similar in cells from normal individuals and from patients with intrinsic asthma. the enhancement of mediator release could be due to viral neuraminidase on the surface of the virus, since a similar potentiating effect was caused by a purified neuraminidase preparation obtained from vibrio cholerae, a ...19892470268
gene-specific labeling of chromatin for electron restriction enzyme digested xenopus laevis erythrocyte chromatin, the 5s oocyte genes were specifically labeled with colloidal gold so they could be identified in an electron microscopic study. nuclei were digested first with hindiii restriction endonuclease followed by t7 exonuclease to leave single-stranded 3' tails on the fragments. a biotinylated 15-mer oligonucleotide complementary to the tail on the 3' end of the 5s gene was annealed to the chromatin, and streptavidin complexed colloida ...19892474479
cd2 expression and function in lepromatous leprosy.leprosy is a spectral disease in which clinical presentation is thought to be related to the host immune response. previous investigations have suggested that selective unresponsiveness to mycobacterium leprae in patients with lepromatous leprosy is due to the presence of m. leprae-specific t-suppressor cells. however, it has recently been suggested that cd2 modulation was the mechanism for the observed impaired immune response in lepromatous patients. therefore, we studied the expression of cd2 ...19892474503
[enzyme activity of induced auxotrophic mutants of el tor vibrio cholerae].vibrio cholerae induced auxotrophic variants nonfermenting several carbohydrates simultaneously have been obtained for the first time. eltor vibrio clones have been selected, referred to heuberg's groups v and vi by their enzymic activities. the findings of the present study evidence that, when isolating eltor vibrio strains negative towards differential carbohydrates, in case of a positive agglutination test, the incubation period should be prolonged to 3 days. the principal differential diagno ...19892474711
[a method of fixation and disinfection of microbial cells on magnetic sorbents].the 96% ethanol has been found fairly effective for the fixation and disinfection of yersinia pestis, vibrio cholerae, pseudomonas mallei, and pseudomonas pseudomallei after their contact with magnetic polyacrylamide sorbents containing specific immunoglobulins for ligands. such step is recommended for the quantitative immunofluorescence test employed for rapid analysis, diagnosis, and identification of the above microorganisms.19892474712
cytochemical analysis of dna organization during encapsidation in herpes simplex virus.the organization of intranuclear herpes simplex virus dna in rabbit fibroblast cells infected for 7 hr with hsv type 1 was examined before and during encapsidation by electron microscopic cytochemistry. most non-encapsidated viral deoxyribonucleoprotein fibers exhibited a non-nucleosomal configuration. empty capsids within the virus-specific regions of infected nuclei were wrapped with portions of the viral genome which adhered tightly to their surfaces even under conditions that loosened and sp ...19892475542
properties of acetylcholine-receptor activation in human duchenne muscular dystrophy human myotubes cultured from biopsies of normal subjects and dystrophic patients we investigated, with the patch-clamp technique, the activation properties of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (achor) in the presence of acetylcholine and suberyldicholine. the single-channel conductance and the lifetime of the openings were not found to differ. in contrast, the average frequency of openings was about four times higher in duchenne muscular dystrophy (dmd) myotubes in the presence of equal am ...19892475875
exocrine pancreatic response to isoproterenol in the rabbit under secretin and cck stimulation.the effect of isoproterenol (0.3 micrograms/kg/min) on exocrine pancreatic secretion stimulated by secretin (1. c.u./kg/h) and the octapeptide of cholecystokinin (op-cck 0.15 ivy dog units/kg/h) was studied in anaesthetized rabbits. pancreatic blood flow remained unaffected by the action of isoproterenol; however, the administration of the beta-adrenergic agonist over an infusion of secretion an op-cck led to an increase in pancreatic juice flow (approximately 146% for secretin and 125% for op-c ...19892475982
the three-dimensional structure of the zona pellucida in growing and atretic ovarian follicles of the mouse. scanning and transmission electron-microscopic observations using ruthenium red and detergents.the present study provides further details on the fine-structural three-dimensional architecture of the zona pellucida (zp) in growing and atretic follicles of mice by use of ruthenium red in combination with the detergents triton x100 and saponin. these detergents were used for extraction of the "soluble" fraction of the zonal proteins in an attempt to expose the "structural" zonal glycoproteins, which in turn can be viewed as minute three-dimensional networks upon transmission- and scanning el ...19892476232
influence of dietary hexachlorocyclohexane isomers on lipid metabolism in albino rats.dietary intake of beta- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta- and gamma-hch) by albino rats for two weeks (at 800 ppm level) resulted in impairment of lipid metabolism, viz. hyperlipemia and fatty metamorphosis of liver. liver fat content was increased by both beta- and gamma-hch. significant increases were observed in triglyceride and phospholipid fractions of blood in these experimental animals. the incorporation of [14c]acetate and palmitate into liver and blood lipids was higher in hch pret ...19892476378
[effect of interferon on the absorption of staphylococci by the macrophages of mouse peritoneal exudate]. 19852477669
neovascularization of surface demineralized dentin.uneventful healing of the wound site created by periodontal reconstructive surgery is crucial for the long term survival of the dentition. wound healing has been shown to be initiated and mediated by matrix components and polypeptide growth factors. neovascularization (or angiogenesis) is one of the most important events in the healing process of a wound site. any increase in the degree and/or rate of neovascularization could result in more rapid or complete healing. previously, we have shown th ...19892481025
[cytogenetic and cytological approaches to detection of gamete abnormalities (review of the literature)]. 19892481072
[changes in cerebral level of monoamines by japanese encephalitis virus infection].the changes in monoamine levels of different brain regions following japanese encephalitis virus (jev) intraperitoneal inoculation were examined in experimentally jev-infected mice. in addition, virus distribution was studied using infectivity assay and immuno-histochemistry of viral antigen. 1) the level of monoamines in brain tissues was not affected by 48 hours after viral inoculation, but marked effects were elicited at 96 hours after the inoculation. the cerebral concentration of 5-hydroxyi ...19892481370
separation of branched sialylated oligosaccharides using high-ph anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection.ten characterized sialylated oligosaccharides from bovine fetuin (b. bendiak, m. harris-brandts, s. w. michnick, j. p. carver, and d. a. cumming, biochemistry, in press; and d. a. cumming, c. g. hellerqvist, m. harris-brandts, s. w. michnick, j. p. carver, and b. bendiak, biochemistry, in press) were chromatographed using high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. at near neutral ph values, oligosaccharides were separated according to their number of forma ...19892481411
relationship between structure and antigenicity of o1 vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharides.the relationship between the release of fructose from o1 vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharides (lps) by dilute acetic acid hydrolysis and the decrease in their antigenicity was examined. decrease in the antigenicity of lps was not parallel with the release of fructose, and occurred very much later than the latter. periodate oxidation of lps resulted in the total elimination of the fructose and glucose, and two-thirds of the heptose constituents, but no difference in the antigenicity of lps was obs ...19892482336
variation in epitopes of the b subunit of el tor and classical biotype vibrio cholerae o1 cholera toxin.variation in epitopes of the b subunit of cholera toxin (ct-b) produced by strains of el tor and classical biotype vibrio cholerae o1 was examined using monoclonal antibodies prepared to v. cholerae 569b ct. ct-b epitopes were markedly conserved for v. cholerae classical biotypes. in contrast, epitope variation was observed for el tor biotypes, which produced both a classical-like ct-b and a unique ct-b lacking at least one epitope common to 569b ct-b. the missing epitope was located outside the ...19892482860
occurrence and characteristics of agglutination of vibrio cholerae by serum from the eastern oyster, crassostrea virginica.cell-free hemolymph (serum) of the eastern oyster, crassostrea virginica, agglutinated vibrio cholerae, including all o1 serovars and biovars. seventy-nine other strains of bacteria, including 14 genera and 26 species, were not agglutinated. the a, b, and c factors of o1 antigen were not involved in agglutination. bacterial agglutinating (ba) activity was demonstrated for oysters inhabiting different environments of the u.s. atlantic and gulf coasts. oyster serum ba titers showed high individual ...19892483041
[current problems in the microbiological control of food].the paper deals with a number of aspects of current interest and significance on the subject of the microbiological testing of food with particular reference to the role of research institutes. the main objectives of microbiological testing of food are essentially two: (i) to establish the absence of a human health hazard due to microbial contamination of food (food safety); and (ii) to define the quality standard of food (food quality). as far as the first of these objectives is concerned, the ...19892483651
[the fate of pathogens in waste-waters].a large variety of pathogenic organisms capable of transmission by the faecal-oral route may be found in wastewaters. among the bacteria salmonella, shigella, vibrio cholerae, yersinia and campylobacter are the important agents of concern. also the human enteric viruses (poliovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, hepatitis a virus, rotavirus) have been shown to be present in domestic waste and may not be completely removed by conventional sewage treatment processes, including chlorination. discharge ...19892484470
a bacteriological study of cholera in gulbarga district. 19892486988
immunocytochemical study of localization and traffic of thyroid peroxidase/microsomal antigen.we studied the distribution of binding sites for anti-peroxidase monoclonal antibody and anti-microsomal antibodies on isolated human thyroid follicles and a human thyroid cell line. both open follicles and cells were incubated first with antibodies at +4 degrees c, then with colloidal gold labelled protein a. the topography of the binding sites for monoclonal anti-peroxidase antibody corresponded closely to the expected cell surface distribution of endogenous thyroid peroxidase since labelling ...19892491623
toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 infection acquired in colorado. 19892491910
recombinant system for overexpression of cholera toxin b subunit in vibrio cholerae as a basis for vaccine development.we have constructed an overexpression system in which the gene encoding the b subunit of cholera toxin (ctb) was placed under the control of the strong tacp promoter in a wide host range plasmid. recombinant nontoxigenic classical and e1 tor vibrio cholerae strains of different serotypes harboring this plasmid excreted 10- to 100-fold higher amounts of ctb than any other wild-type or recombinant strain tested and may therefore be useful killed oral vaccine strains. the manipulations to place the ...19892492108
immunobiological relationships among new cholera toxins produced by ct gene-negative strains of vibrio cholerae o1.the enterotoxic activities of partially purified new cholera toxins (nct) prepared from the ct gene-negative strains of vibrio cholerae serotype o1 isolated from cases of diarrhoea in man and from diverse environmental sources were assayed in the rabbit ileal-loop model and the toxin unit was calculated in micrograms of protein content. the secretory activities of one unit of homologous and heterologous enterotoxins were completely neutralised by 2.5 units of crude antiserum raised against one n ...19892492345
lack of effect by prostaglandin f2 alpha and verapamil on calcium uptake by isolated corpora lutea from pseudopregnant rats. 19892492809
a review of experimental studies of iodine deficiency during fetal development.iodine deficiency is now recognized as a major international public health problem. it is estimated that 800 million people may be at risk of the effects of iodine deficiency. in humans, the effects occur at all stages of development: the fetus, the neonate, the child and adult. the effects are now denoted by the term iodine deficiency disorders (idd). they include miscarriages, stillbirths, congenital anomalies, as well as the more familiar goiter, cretinism, impaired brain function, and hypoth ...19892493080
experimental transmission of crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever virus by hyalomma truncatum koch.larval hyalomma truncatum ticks were infected with crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever (cchf) virus by allowing them to engorge on viremic newborn mice. the overall tick infection rate was 4.4% (24/542). virus was detected in specimens for greater than or equal to 160 days postinfection. transstadial transmission to the adult tick stage was observed and horizontal transmission to a mammalian host was demonstrated. horizontal transmission of cchf virus to uninfected adult ticks occurred while feeding ...19892493203
monitoring of intestinal transplant rejection.our results show that maltase, sucrase, and lactase activity are present at a normal level in nonrejecting small bowel transplants after an initial postoperative decline. this confirms that the disaccharide absorbing capacity of these grafts is intact. in allogeneic bowel, however, the levels of maltase and sucrase decline as histologic rejection occurs. these results suggest that serial maltase, sucrase, and possibly lactase levels in allogeneic intestinal transplants may serve as a useful adju ...19892493205
in vitro susceptibility of feline herpesvirus-1 to vidarabine, idoxuridine, trifluridine, acyclovir, or vitro activities of 9-[( 2-hydroxyethoxy] methyl) guanine (acyclovir), (e)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'deoxyuridine, 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine (vidarabine), 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (idoxuridine), and 5-trifluoromethyl-2'-deoxyuridine (trifluridine) were studied against 6 strains of feline herpesvirus-1. a significant difference was not detected among viral strains in their susceptibility to these compounds (p = 0.442). the relative potency of these compounds was trifluridine much greater than id ...19892493210
structural studies of the asparagine-linked sugar chains of two immunoglobulin m's purified from a patient with waldenström's macroglobulinemia.the structures of the sugar chains present in two human monoclonal igm molecules purified from the serum of a patient with waldenström's macroglobulinemia have been determined. the asparagine-linked sugar chains were liberated as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis and labeled by reduction with nab3h4 after n-acetylation. their structures were studied by serial lectin column chromatography and sequential exoglycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis. these two igm's were shown ...19892493215
analysis of amikacin-resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa developing in patients receiving amikacin.during a 36-month period, 28 patients treated for infections due to amikacin-susceptible pseudomonas aeruginosa subsequently developed infections or colonization with amikacin-resistant p aeruginosa at the same site. eleven amikacin-susceptible/-resistant pairs of isolates were analyzed for aminoglycoside-inactivating enzymes, plasmid profiles, cellular proteins, outer membrane proteins (omps), lipopolysaccharide (lps) profiles, and amikacin uptake. while clearly distinct from isolates of other ...19892493230
inhibition of ca2+-induced cytosolic enzyme efflux from skeletal muscle by vitamin e and related compounds.1. efflux of an intracellular enzyme (creatine kinase) from normal rat skeletal muscles was induced by treatment with the ca2+ ionophore a23187. addition of alpha-tocopherol (230 microm) to the incubation medium was found to significantly diminish this efflux, and this effect was mimicked by alpha-tocopherol acetate, phytol and isophytol, but not by trolox c (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid). 2. analysis of muscle cation content has shown that these protective effects of a ...19892493242
purification of high and low molecular weight plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 from fibrosarcoma cell-line ht 1080 conditioned medium.functionally active (high-mr) and inactive (low-mr) plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (pai) have been purified from fibrosarcoma cell-line ht 1080 conditioned medium, containing 1% fetal calf serum. the two forms were first purified by affinity chromatography on heparin-sepharose and then separated from each other by gel filtration on sephadex g-150. the final purification was achieved by affinity chromatography on insolubilized monoclonal antibodies towards human pai. alternatively, the low-mr ...19892493266
[soy lipoxygenase as the object for the primary testing of potential inhibitors of leukotriene biosynthesis].the comparative study of the ability of three compounds (indomethacin, agent bw 755 c and arachidonate hydroxamic acid) to inhibit the activity of preparations of soya bean lipoxygenase and to block leukotriene c4 biosynthesis in human leukocytes recorded by reversed phase liquid chromatography was performed. it was shown that irrespectively of purification degree soya bean lipoxygenase is a sufficiently adequate object for primary testing of inhibitors of biosynthesis of leukotrienes with the g ...19892501105
"new" food-borne pathogens of public health significance.recent work by epidemiologists and microbiologists has uncovered several hitherto unrecognized food-borne bacterial pathogens of public health significance. one of these, listeria monocytogenes, has attracted considerable attention because of two major cheese-related outbreaks of listeriosis that were characterized by cases of meningitis, abortion, and perinatal septicemia. thus far, l. monocytogenes has been responsible for well over 300 reported cases of food-borne listeriosis, including about ...19892501376
effects of salinity on the survival of non-o1 vibrio cholerae under environments of low temperature.under low temperature conditions, the effects of survival and growth of non-o1 vibrio cholerae were studied in laboratory microcosms. as the environmental factors, various concentrations of nacl solution and that of mono- and bivalent cation added nutrient of polypeptone were used under several temperatures. the results of these experiments suggested an extended survival of non-o1 v. cholerae at low temperature. when a range of nacl concentration in microcosms water was between 0.4% and 2.0% wit ...19892501431
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