
the molecular size of the herpes simplex virus type 1 genome. 19744361454
herpes simplex and herpes genitalis viruses in etiology of some human cancers.the results of complement fixation tests on 202 sera from people without cancer and from patients with cancer in 29 different areas of the body indicated that only those with nine varieties of advanced cancer (lip, mouth, oropharynx, nasopharynx, kidney, urinary bladder, prostate, cervix uteri, and vulva-all of 56 tested) gave positive specific reactions with nonvirion antigens induced by the dna herpes simplex (hsv 1) and herpes genitalis (hsv 2) viruses. none of 57 people without cancer (inclu ...19734361685
recombination between temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1. 19744362547
restriction of herpes simplex virus type 1 replication in oncornavirus-transformed cells. 19744363690
latent ganglionic infection with herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2: viral reactivation in vivo after neurectomy.inoculation of the cornea, lip, or footpad of mice with herpes simplex virus type 1 resulted in a latent infection of the local sensory ganglia. inoculation of the vagina and cervix with herpes simplex virus type 2, as well as type 1, also induced a latent ganglionic infection. with the use of sciatic nerve section as a stimulus, a reproducible model of viral reactivation in vivo was established.19744364361
ribonucleotides linked to dna of herpes simplex virus type 1.cells of a continuous cell line derived from rabbit embryo fibroblasts were infected with herpes simplex type 1 virus (hsv-1) and maintained in the presence of either [5-(3)h]uridine or [methyl-(3)h]thymidine or (32)po(4) (3-). nucleocapsids were isolated from the cytoplasmic fraction, partially purified, and treated with dnase and rnase. from the pelleted nucleocapsids, dna was extracted and purified by centrifugation in sucrose and cesium sulfate gradients. the acid-precipitable radioactivity ...19744364894
inactivation of herpes simplex virus by concanavalin a.the infectivity of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) was inactivated after treatment with either concanavalin a (cona) or periodate. phytohemagglutinin, wheat germ agglutinin, pokeweed mitogen, and neuraminidase failed to inactivate the virus. the effect of cona could be specifically inhibited or reversed by the addition of alpha-methyl-d-glucoside or alpha-methyl-d-mannoside. evidence was obtained that hsv-1 inactivated by cona could adsorb to host cells. viral aggregation was not a major mec ...19744364903
susceptibility of herpesviruses to cytosine arabinoside: standardization of susceptibility test procedure and relative resistance of herpes simplex type 2 strains.susceptibility testing of herpes simplex type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) viruses to cytosine arabinoside (ara-c) has been standardized under conditions of optimal reproducibility, susceptibility, and simplicity. standard conditions were defined as virus inoculum of 10(1.5) to 10(2.5) tcid(50), wi-38 strain of lung fibroblasts, 2-day incubation, and observation of virus cytopathic effect after staining by the may-greenwald-giemsa method. the variability of minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) ...19724364937
inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 2 replication by thymidine.replication of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) was impeded in kb cells which were blocked in their capacity to synthesize dna by 2 mm thymidine (tdr). the degree of inhibition was dependent upon the concentration of tdr. in marked contrast, hsv-1 is able to replicate under these conditions. the failure of hsv-2 to replicate is probably due to the inhibition of viral dna synthesis; there was a marked reduction in the rate of dna synthesis as well as the total amount of hsv-2 dna made in the p ...19744365718
a temperature-sensitive mutant of herpes simplex virus type 1 defective in the synthesis of the major capsid polypeptide. 19744367302
proteins specified by herpes simplex virus. xii. the virion polypeptides of type 1 strains.the polypeptides from purified virions of a herpes simplex 1 (human herpes-virus 1) strain, f1, which had been passaged a limited number of times in cell culture after isolation, formed 33 bands on electrophoretic separation in polyacrylamide gels cross-linked with n, n'-diallyltartardiamide in contrast to a maximum resolution of only 24 to 25 bands in gels cross-linked with n, n'-methylenebisacrylamide. this increase in the number of bands was due chiefly to an improved separation of glycosylat ...19744369085
synergy of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine and human interferon against herpes simplex virus, type 1. 19744371532
comparison of antibodies against different viruses in cerebrospinal fluid and serum samples from patients with multiple sclerosis.the occurrence of a local production in the central nervous system (cns) of antibodies against different selected viruses was analyzed by comparison of titers in serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples from groups of 50 patients with multiple sclerosis from finland, norway, and sweden. measles antibodies were determined in hemagglutination inhibition, hemolysis inhibition, and nucleocapsid complement fixation tests; mumps, parainfluenza virus type 1, and rubella virus antibodies were determined in ...19744372178
comparative pathology of cells transformed by herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. 19744372366
expression of the viral thymidine kinase gene in herpes simplex virus-transformed l these studies, the expression of thymidine kinase (tk) in normal and herpes simplex virus (hsv)-transformed l cells has been compared. in asynchronously dividing cultures of l cells, the tk activity rose and declined rapidly and coordinately with dna synthesis. when net cell increase stopped, tk activity was at a minimum. in contrast, tk activity of hsv-transformed cells remained at a minimum during rapid dna synthesis and gradually increased as the rate of dna synthesis decreased. when net c ...19744372394
temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1: isolation, complementation and partial characterization. 19734372782
electron microscopic studies of temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1. 19744372787
isolation and characterization of a large molecular-weight polypeptide of herpes simplex virus type 1. 19744372790
the "viruses of love" and cancer.a review of recent results of research into herpesvirus is presented and a tentative association with cervical cancer is proposed. 2 types of the virus have been identified, hsv-1 which causes fever blisters or lip sores and hsv-2 which causes genital lesions. the structure and composition of the virus is described. in addition, mechanisms of productive and nonproductive infection at the cellular level are reviewed. the pathogenesis of the hsv-1 and hsv-2 infections varies according to previ ...19744372887
synthesis of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) dna in isolated nuclei. i. conditions for isolation of nuclei capable of viral dna synthesis. 19744376132
synthesis of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) dna in isolated nuclei. ii. covalent linkage of rna to nascent viral dna. 19744376133
effect of cytosine arabinoside and two of its analogues on herpes simplex virus type 1 in cell cultures. 19744376281
morphological components of herpesvirus. i. intercapsomeric fibrils and the geometry of the capsid.highly purified equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) were observed by electron microscopy in various stages of disintegration. under the conditions used, envelopes of virions usually were fragmented, and virus capsids collapsed in situ into flattened sheets of capsomeres. a matrix of intercapsomeric fibrils was observed. evidence suggesting that the capsid hexamer has threefold structural symmetry is presented.19744376809
inhibition of cardiolipin synthesis following infection with herpes simplex virus.the results of this study show that the synthesis of the inner mitochondrial membrane phospholipid, cardiolipin, is markedly inhibited following infection of human embryonic lung or hamster embryo fibroblast cells with herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2. the synthesis of other phospholipids, i.e., phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidylinositol, is relatively unaffected.19744376810
interaction of herpes simplex virus type 1 with rous sarcoma virus-transformed rat cells [xc and r(b77) cell lines]. 19744377265
oral infection of newborn guinea pigs with herpes simplex virus type 1. 19714400435
idoxuridine in herpes simplex virus (type 1) encephalitis. experience with 29 cases in michigan, 1966 to 1971. 19734683753
association between psychopathic disorder and serum antibody to herpes simplex virus (type 1).the sera of a small of patients has been examined for herpes simplex virus antibody. three clinically-defined groups of patients were compared: (a) aggressive psychopaths, (b) psychiatric controls, and (c) general hospital patients. the first group had an unusually high average kinetic neutralization constant against type 1 herpes simplex virus.19715543996
regulated high-level expression of the herpes simplex type i thymidine kinase gene in escherichia coli.a plasmid-borne herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) thymidine kinase (tk) gene (tk) was expressed in escherichia coli by inserting a 203-bp lacl8/uv5 promoter-operator segment, in frame, 53 bp 5' to the native tk translational start codon. the hybrid gene created by this fusion encodes a polypeptide which has 25 additional amino acids on the amino terminus of the hsv-1 tk protein and phenotypically complements a tdk- mutation of e. coli. this fusion polypeptide has been characterized by maxicell ...19846085061
cell cultures of spotted souslik--preliminary characterization of their growth and sensitivity to viruses.cell cultures from the cutaneo-muscular tissue of fetuses (se), and from lungs (sl), kidneys (sk), testes (ste) of adult spotted sousliks were obtained. cells from lungs (sl) were viable at 4 degrees c three times longer than fibroblastic cells of human embryos (hef). at 37 degrees c the growth rate of sl, hef and l929 cells was similar. however, at 26 degrees c sl cells grew faster than hef or l929 cells and their population doubling time was shorter. the cultures of se, sl and sk cells were se ...19846085465
a negative regulatory sequence near the mouse beta-maj globin gene associated with a region of potential z-dna.the possible regulatory role of dna sequences situated 5' to the beta-maj globin gene was investigated by two types of assay. first, a long term transformation assay was used to measure the efficiency of transformation of tk- mouse (latk-) and hamster (bhktk-) fibroblast cells with dna molecules made by covalently linking mouse and human dna fragments to the herpes simplex virus (hsv-1) thymidine kinase (tk) gene in the plasmid ptk1. when the promoter regions from the mouse beta-maj globin or th ...19846086313
reactivation of murine latent hsv infection by epinephrine iontophoresis.iontophoresis of epinephrine into the cornea of previously infected mice was used in an attempt to induce reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection of the trigeminal ganglia. balb/c mice infected with hsv-1 strain mckrae following corneal scarification developed a latent infection of the trigeminal ganglia within 15 days. at 28 days postinfection, mice were subjected to a 3-day cycle of iontophoresis of epinephrine (0.01%) into the cornea. ocular shedding of hsv occurred in 16/ ...19846086546
acyclovir triphosphate is a suicide inactivator of the herpes simplex virus dna polymerase.the triphosphate form of 9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)-methyl]guanine (acyclovir), acvtp, inactivates the herpes simplex virus type 1 dna polymerase. acvtp does not innately inactivate resting polymerase, but becomes an inactivator only while being processed as an alternative substrate. pseudo first-order rates of inactivation were measured at varying concentrations of acvtp and fixed concentrations of the natural substrate, deoxyguanosine triphosphate. these studies indicated that a reversible enzyme-ac ...19846086640
visualization of herpes simplex virus type 1 attachment to target cells using staphylococcus aureus as a morphologic tag.staphylococcus aureus was used as a morphologic tag to allow light microscopic localization of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) binding and attachment to hep-2 target cells. the virus was bound to s. aureus through an anti-hsv-1 linkage. the complex was stable and the attached virus still infectious.19846086689
rapid detection of herpes simplex virus in clinical specimens by use of a capture biotin-streptavidin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent capture assay with biotin and streptavidin (capture b/sa elisa) was developed to detect herpes simplex virus (hsv) antigen. rabbit anti-hsv antibody (immunoglobulin g fraction) was coated on flat-bottom, irradiated, 96-well polystyrene microtiter plates and served to capture hsv antigen. clinical specimens from patients with genital herpes were added. biotin-linked rabbit anti-hsv immunoglobulin g was used as the second antibody. the antigen-antibody compl ...19846086705
rapid differentiation of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 by cytopathic effect in bs-c-1 cells.conditions are defined under which herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 2 produces a characteristic cytopathic effect (c.p.e.) in african green monkey kidney (bs-c-1) cells. the bs-c-1 microplate c.p.e. test was simultaneously evaluated against immunological and biological marker procedures on 359 hsv strains. a bs-c-1 cell suspension was added to serial dilutions of hsv strains in falcon micro test ii plates and incubated at 36.5 degrees c in a 4% co2 atmosphere. when the infected cultures were exam ...19846086814
expression of immediate-early genes in herpes simplex virus type 1-infected xc cells: lack of icp22 (68k) polypeptide.the expression of immediate-early (ie) genes of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1, mp strain) in non-permissive rat xc cells was analysed and compared with the expression of ie genes in permissive hep-2 cells by the following three methods: analysis of virus polypeptide synthesis in infected cells, northern blot hybridization between poly(a) nuclear or cytoplasmic rna and in vitro labelled virus dna or plasmid-cloned fragments corresponding to ie genes, and ability of poly(a) cytoplasmic rnas t ...19846086819
the interaction of a topoisomerase-like enzyme from herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cells with non-viral circular enzyme activity from herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1)-infected baby hamster kidney cells has been identified which generates large networks of pbr322 dna from a monomeric dna substrate. extracts derived from cells infected at the non-permissive temperature, with the early regulatory mutants of hsv-1, tsk and tsb2, did not contain activity, suggesting that the enzyme is virus-induced and may be virus-specific. the enzyme is similar to the dna topoisomerases in that network formation was dep ...19846086820
evidence for translational regulation of herpes simplex virus type 1 gd expression.we compared the rates of synthesis of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins c and d and quantitated the accumulation of translatable mrna for each glycoprotein at various times after infection. the rate of synthesis of gd increased sharply early in the infection, peaked by 4 to 6 h after infection, and declined late in the infection. in contrast, the rate of synthesis of gc increased steadily until at least 15 h after infection. the levels of mrna for both of these glycoproteins, as detected ...19846086951
antibodies to a synthetic oligopeptide that react with herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 glycoprotein c.nucleotide sequence and mrna localization studies have allowed the prediction of the amino acid sequence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) glycoprotein c (gc). we immunized a rabbit with a conjugate of bovine serum albumin and a synthetic peptide having the same sequence as that deduced for amino acids 128 through 139 of hsv-1 gc. a very similar amino acid sequence has been predicted to exist in the related product, herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) gc, which was formerly designated gf. p ...19846086954
role of suppressor t cells in herpes simplex virus-induced immune deviation.herpes simplex virus type 1 inoculated into the anterior chamber of the mouse eye induces suppression of anti-herpes simplex virus t-cell-mediated delayed hypersensitivity. this suppression is virus-specific, and mediated by splenic t lymphocytes, and it can be adoptively transferred to naive recipients.19846086965
reliable identification of herpes simplex viruses by dna restriction endonuclease analysis with ecori.a simple procedure that permits the rapid identification of clinical isolates of herpes simplex virus (hsv, type 1 or type 2) on the basis of stable and type-specific differences in the ecori restriction endonuclease patterns of the hsv-1 and hsv-2 genomes was tested for reliability. complete concordance was first obtained for 298 hsv isolates typed by standard laboratory procedures and by analysis of the dna profiles. two other hsv isolates showing intermediate biologic, immunologic, and/or bio ...19846087480
metabolism of arabinosyladenine in herpes simplex virus-infected and uninfected cells. correlation with inhibition of dna synthesis and role in antiviral selectivity.the metabolism of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine (ara-a, vidarabine) and its effects on dna synthesis were compared in uninfected and herpes simplex virus type-1 (hsv-1)-infected kb cells. in the absence of an inhibitor of adenosine deaminase, ara-a was deaminated to 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosylhypoxanthine and phosphorylated to ara-a-5'-mono-, di- and triphosphates in both types of cells. when an inhibitor of adenosine deaminase (coformycin) was added to cell cultures, nucleotides were the only ...19846087827
the alpha promoter regulator-ovalbumin chimeric gene resident in human cells is regulated like the authentic alpha 4 gene after infection with herpes simplex virus 1 mutants in alpha 4 gene.human tk- 143 cells were converted to tk+ phenotype with a plasmid containing the native herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1), thymidine kinase, a beta gene, and a chimeric ovalbumin gene consisting of the coding sequences of the ovalbumin gene linked to the promoter-regulatory region of the hsv-1 alpha 4 gene. comparison of the synthesis of ovalbumin and the alpha 4 gene product in the converted cells infected with ts mutants in alpha 4 gene and incubated at the permissive (33 degrees c) and nonpermi ...19836088053
identification of a herpes simplex virus type 1 polypeptide which is a component of the virus-induced ribonucleotide reductase.we have characterized a temperature-sensitive mutant of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1), 17tsvp1207, that induces a thermolabile ribonucleotide reductase activity. this mutant was derived from the multiple mutant tsg. fine-structure mapping studies showed that the defect in 17tsvp1207 lies within an 800 bp sequence between genome map coordinates 0.580 and 0.585 in the gene encoding a polypeptide of 140 000 mol. wt. (vmw136, icp6). since the mutation in this polypeptide produced a temperature ...19846088678
identification of two herpes simplex virus type 1-induced proteins (21k and 22k) which interact specifically with the a sequence of herpes simplex virus dna.we have used a dna competition binding assay to search for herpes simplex virus (hsv) proteins which are able to bind to specific sequences of the genome of hsv. cloned dnas from different regions of the virus genome were tested. two late polypeptides, one major of apparent molecular weight 21 000 and one minor of 22 000, were preferentially bound by a variety of fragments containing the hsv-1 400 bp a sequence (a direct repeat present at the ends of the molecule and in inverted orientation betw ...19846088679
pathogenesis of zosteriform spread of herpes simplex virus in the mouse.zosteriform spread of herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection occurs after primary inoculation of the skin of both outbred and inbred mice. with hsv type 1 strain sc16 few outbred animals died if they were inoculated when 8 weeks old whereas up to 50% of animals died if inoculated when 4 weeks old. however, at either age, zosteriform spread of infection occurred in almost all animals as it did when 4-week-old outbred animals were inoculated with the avirulent strain kos. thus, control of zosterifor ...19846088680
monoclonal antibodies to herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase.purified herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase has been used to immunize mice for the production of monoclonal antibodies to the enzyme. monoclonal antibodies were successfully produced against both herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 enzymes. these antibodies should prove useful for detecting the enzyme under a variety of experimental conditions. we also demonstrate that the antibodies can provide an alternative method for obtaining large amounts of purified thymidine kinase.19846088685
molecular basis of the glycoprotein-c-negative phenotype of herpes simplex virus type 1 macroplaque strain.the basis for the inability of the macroplaque (mp) strain of herpes simplex virus type 1 to express mature glycoprotein c (gc) was examined. rna transfer (northern) blot analysis with hybridization probes from the region of the herpes simplex virus type 1 dna known to encode the gc gene indicated that gc mrna was produced in mp-infected hela cells at levels relative to other mrnas comparable with that seen in kos-infected cells. comparative nucleotide sequence analysis of the gc gene from the m ...19846088783
monoclonal antibodies suppress replication of herpes simplex virus type 1 in trigeminal ganglia.the effect of monoclonal antibodies on the growth of herpes simplex virus type 1 in trigeminal ganglia was investigated. four-week-old mice were infected on an abrased cornea with herpes simplex virus type 1. forty-eight hours after infection, trigeminal ganglia ipsilateral with infected eyes were removed and placed in culture. incubation of infected ganglia in the presence of a pool of nonneutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific for glycoproteins of gb and ge suppressed virus growth by great ...19846088790
processing of n-linked oligosaccharides from precursor- to mature-form herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein gc.immature and mature forms of glycoprotein gc were purified by immunoadsorbent from herpes simplex virus type 1-infected bhk cells labeled with [3h]mannose for a 20-min pulse or for 11 h followed by a 3-h chase. the nature of n-asparagine-linked oligosaccharides carried by the immature form, pgc (molecular weight = 92,000), and the mature gc (molecular weight = 120,000) has been investigated. all pronase-digested glycopeptides of pgc were susceptible to endo-beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase h treatme ...19846088806
trans activation of plasmid-borne promoters by adenovirus and several herpes group viruses.this paper describes experiments to test the ability of a number of viruses of the herpes group, and also adenovirus-2 and sv40, to activate transcription from the herpes simplex virus-1 glycoprotein d and the rabbit beta-globin promoters. plasmids containing these genes were transfected into hela cells which were then infected with various viruses. transcriptional activation in trans of the plasmid-borne promoters was monitored by quantitative s1 nuclease analysis of total cytoplasmic rna isola ...19846089105
identification of dna sequence responsible for 5-bromodeoxyuridine-induced gene amplification.bromodeoxyuridine (brdurd) treatment of the prolactin nonproducing subclone of gh cells (rat pituitary tumor cells) induces amplification of a 20-kilobase dna fragment including all of the prolactin gene coding sequences. this amplified dna segment, which is flanked by two unamplified regions, thus designates a unit of brdurd-induced amplified sequence. cloned dna segments, 10.3 kilobases long, from the 5' end of the rat prolactin gene of brdurd-responsive and -nonresponsive cells, were ligated ...19846089335
nucleotide sequence of a region of the herpes simplex virus type 1 gb glycoprotein gene: mutations affecting rate of virus entry and cell fusion.the tsb5 isolate of herpes simplex virus type i (hsv-1) enters host cells more rapidly than does kos, an independent isolate of hsv-1, and this rate-of-entry determinant is located between prototypic map coordinates 0.350 and 0.360 (1). the nucleotide sequence of strain tsb5 has now been determined between prototypic map coordinates 0.347 and 0.360. comparison of the tsb5 sequence to the homologous kos sequence revealed that the rate-of-entry difference between these two hsv-1 strains may be due ...19846089415
herpes simplex encephalitis.this is an acute necrotizing encephalitis with a high mortality rate. it is thought to occur by the reactivation of herpes simplex virus type 1 from latently infected trigeminal ganglia, with subsequent centripetal spread and fulminant growth in tissue of the central nervous system. prompt diagnosis and antiviral therapy are required because of the rapidly progressive nature and severe consequences of this disease. the physician must understand the pathophysiology to fully appreciate the need fo ...19846089538
effects of topical applications of phosphonoacetate on colonization of mouse trigeminal ganglia with herpes simplex virus type 1.the effects of topical application of phosphonoacetic acid on the colonization of mouse trigeminal ganglia by herpes simplex virus type 1 were examined. the results showed that the extent of colonization of ganglia by virus is related to the time elapsed between virus inoculation and application of this agent. in most cases, treatment started up to 12 h after inoculation prevented invasion of ganglia by virus. when started up to 24 h after inoculation, treatment reduced and stabilized the amount ...19846089655
in vitro and in vivo antiviral activity of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl-e-5-(2-bromovinyl)uracil (bv-arau) and related and related compounds such as cv-arau, iv-arau and bv-araump showed marked activity against herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) in human embryonic lung fibroblast cells. bv-arau, cv-arau and bv-araump were also effective in mice infected intracerebrally with hsv-1. especially, when mice were infected with a low dose of virus, both intravenous and oral treatment with bv-arau proved capable of increasing the mean survival time and decreasing the final mortality of the infected mice. the in ...19846089657
analysis of two potential shuttle vectors containing herpes simplex virus defective dna.two potential shuttle vectors which contained the identical herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) defective particle dna (ddna), but prokaryotic dna of different origins, were examined for their stability when propagated in eukaryotic cells, and for their efficiency as shuttle vectors. each chimeric molecule contained a 9.5 kilobase-pair (kb) ecori fragment (hsv12-7) representing a single unit of a class i hsv-1 ddna. this ddna was cloned into the bacteriophage lambda (lambda) vector lambda gtwes ...19846090565
characterization of herpes simplex virus 1 alpha proteins 0, 4, and 27 with monoclonal antibodies.analyses of the reactivity and patterns of synthesis of infected cell polypeptides (icps) specified by herpes simplex virus (hsv) 1 and 2 and by hsv-1 x hsv-2 recombinants indicated that monoclonal antibody h1183 reacted with hsv-1 alpha icp0, whereas monoclonal antibody h1113 reacted with both hsv-1 and hsv-2 alpha icp27. h1083 and h1113 and a monoclonal antibody to icp4 (h640) similar to one previously described (d. k. braun et al., j. virol. 46:103-112.) were then used to study the properties ...19846090689
extensive homology between the herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein f gene and the herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein c gene.the region of the herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) genome which maps colinearly with the hsv-1 glycoprotein c (gc) gene has been cloned, and the dna sequence of a 2.29-kilobase region has been determined. contained within this sequence is a major open reading frame of 479 amino acids. the carboxyterminal three-fourths of the derived hsv-2 protein sequence showed a high degree of sequence homology to the hsv-1 gc amino acid sequence reported by frink et al. (j. virol. 45:634-647, 1983). the am ...19846090692
pppa2'p5a' blocks vesicular stomatitis virus replication in intact cells.pppa2'p5'a blocked the production of infectious vesicular stomatitis virus in hela cells. when this compound was present from the beginning of infection, a selective inhibitory effect was observed in viral protein synthesis. thus, cellular translation was not affected even after 10 h of incubation with this compound, and the bulk of viral proteins was not synthesized. however, this effect was not observed with atp, gtp, or the core a2'p5'a. the step blocked by pppa2'p5'a is located early during ...19846090695
binding to cells of virosomes containing herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins and evidence for fusion.envelope proteins and lipids were extracted from purified herpes simplex virus type 1 virions with octyl glucoside and mixed with phosphatidylcholine for preparation of virosomes by removal of the detergent. greater than 85% of the extracted envelope proteins, including all the glycoproteins and the nonglycosylated protein designated vp16, were associated with virosomes, which ranged in density from ca. 1.07 to 1.13 g/cm3. all the glycoproteins except gc were as susceptible to degradation by add ...19846090699
detection of multiple strains of latent herpes simplex virus type 1 within individual human hundred and fifteen isolates of herpes simplex virus were recovered from parallel explant cultures of trigeminal and vagus ganglia and trigeminal nerve roots derived from 20 unselected human cadavers. restriction enzyme patterns of strains recovered from 18 of 20 individuals could be differentiated from individual to individual, although all isolates from a single host were identical. isolates from two individuals differed among themselves in the number and location of certain restriction en ...19846090708
a plasmid vehicle suitable for the molecular cloning and characterization of mammalian promoters.we have constructed a plasmid, ppsg4, that carries only the coding sequences for polyomavirus (py) small, middle and truncated large t-antigens. a unique hindiii site allows the introduction of foreign promoters directly in front of viral coding sequences. the simian virus 40 (sv40) early and late, adenovirus-2 (ad-2) major late and herpes simplex virus-1 (hsv-1) thymidine kinase (tk) promoters all confer on ppsg4 the ability to transform rat embryonic fibroblasts with high efficiency. sequentia ...19846091061
yeast gene cdc8 encodes thymidylate kinase and is complemented by herpes thymidine kinase gene tk.the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene tk complements the defect in five temperature-sensitive mutants and in vitro constructed insertion and deletion mutants of the cdc8 gene of saccharomyces cerevisiae. the herpes thymidine kinase enzyme acts as both a thymidine kinase and a thymidylate kinase (dtmp kinase). the latter activity is responsible for the cdc8 complementation since all thermosensitive cdc8 mutants are deficient in dtmp kinase activity at all temperatures. however, an ...19846091111
expression of hepatitis b virus s gene by herpes simplex virus type 1 vectors carrying alpha- and beta-regulated gene chimeras.the domain of the hepatitis b virus (hbv) s gene specifying the hbv surface antigen (hbsag) and comprising 25 base pairs of the 5'-transcribed noncoding region, the structural gene sequences, and the 3'-noncoding gene sequences including the polyadenylylation site was fused to the promoter-regulatory regions of the beta-thymidine kinase and of the alpha 4 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1). the chimeric constructs were then inserted into the hsv-1 genome and specifically into the thymid ...19846091116
deoxyribonucleoprotein complexes and dna synthesis of herpes simplex virus type 1.two temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 in complementation group 1-1 were analyzed to determine if the major dna-binding protein they produced was thermolabile. cells infected with these mutants were analyzed for deoxyribonucleoprotein complexes containing the dna-binding protein. these complexes were found in cells infected at the permissive temperature but not at the nonpermissive temperature. in temperature shift-up experiments with mutant virus infected cells, the le ...19846091330
genome locations of temperature-sensitive mutants in glycoprotein gb of herpes simplex virus type 1.a plasmid containing a herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) insert from strain kos, prototypic coordinates 0.345 to 0.368 (3.45 kilobases) was mutagenized in vitro, and potential mutations were introduced into intact viral dna by cotransfection. functions normally associated with the glycoprotein gb are in the 1-9 complementation group, and the above coordinates include those that specify the gb glycoprotein gene. following cotransfection, individual plaques were screened for temperature sensitiv ...19846091335
generalized neonatal herpes virus infection (cytomegalovirus or herpes virus type 1). comparative examination of loci attacked by two viruses.two autopsy cases, a 5-minute-old male infant with congenital cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection and a 10-day-old female infant with herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) infection, were presented. cmv antibody titer detectable by immunofluorescence (if) technique was significantly high in the sera of both infant and mother in the cmv case. in another hsv-1 case, we have succeeded in hsv-1 isolation from autopsy liver and subsequent serological identification of the isolated virus, including a detect ...19846091402
antiviral action of 5-amino-2-(2-dimethyl-aminoethyl)benzo-[de]-isoquinolin-1,3-dion e.a newly synthesized imide derivative of 3-nitro-1,8-naphthalic acid, 5-amino-2-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)benzo-[de]-isoquinolin-1,3-dione (designated m-fa-142), was tested on chick embryo cells against herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and vaccinia virus (vv), and on vero cells against african swine fever virus (asfv). at a concentration of 4 micrograms/ml the drug inhibited vv replication by about one order of magnitude, and that of hsv-1 by about three orders of magnitude. a minor effect was sho ...19846091540
more rapid isolation of herpes simplex virus in a continuous line of mink lung cells than in vero or human fibroblast cells.herpes simplex virus (hsv) was isolated from clinical specimens more rapidly in mink lung (ml) cells, a continuous cell line available from a commercial supplier, than in vero cells or human fibroblast (hf) cells. stock strains of hsv type 1 (hsv-1) and hsv-2 titered higher in ml cells than in vero or hf cells. ml cells were equivalent to rabbit kidney (rk) cells in the isolation of hsv in clinical specimens, but titers of stock hsv strains were lower. ml cells could be employed to type strains ...19846091988
co-cultivation versus blot hybridization for the detection of trigeminal ganglionic latency following corneal inoculation with hsv-1 strains of varying tk expression and pathogenicity.the sensitivity of two methods for the detection of latent trigeminal ganglionic (tg) infections were compared: (1) co-cultivation which detects infectious virions, and (2) blot hybridization which detects hsv-1 dna sequences. adult new zealand rabbits were inoculated following corneal scarification with three strains of hsv-1 which differed in their thymidine kinase expression, and in their ability to invade the cns and establish latency. when a large volume load of latent tg virus was expected ...19846092001
lipopolysaccharide-induced suppressor cells for delayed-type hypersensitivity to herpes simplex virus: nature of suppressor cell and effect on pathogenesis of herpes simplex.treatment of mice with lps at the time of priming with herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv1) causes the preferential activation of virus-specific t suppressor (ts) cells. these ts cells can transfer suppression to the efferent limb of a dth response. priming under these conditions is associated with enhanced cell-recruitment to the inoculation site, but had no effect on virus clearance. the induction of suppression was abrogated by pretreatment of mice with cyclophosphamide or indomethacin. lps had ...19846092271
the antiviral spectrum of (e)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine.the antiviral activity spectrum of (e)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (bvdu) is not restricted to herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and varicella-zoster virus (vzv) but also encompasses several other herpesviruses such as suid herpesvirus type 1 (shv-1), bovid herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1), simian varicella virus (svv), herpesvirus saimiri, herpesvirus platyrrhinae, and the baculovirus trichoplusia ni multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus. other herpesviruses such as herpes simplex virus type 2, ...19846092320
novel interaction of aphidicolin with herpes simplex virus dna polymerase and polymerase-associated exonuclease.dna polymerases induced by herpes simplex virus (hsv)-1 (kos) and by three phosphonoformic acid-resistant strains were purified and the interaction of these enzymes with aphidicolin was examined. incorporation of datp, dctp, and dttp into activated dna by parental enzyme was inhibited competitively by aphidicolin whereas dgtp incorporation was inhibited noncompetitively. phosphonoformic acid-resistant enzymes were altered in km and ki values for substrate and inhibitor, and two were inhibited by ...19846092371
inhibition by indomethacin of in vitro reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus type 1 in murine trigeminal ganglia.infectious virus could no longer be detected in the trigeminal ganglia removed from mice 25 days after infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) by the lip route. when the ganglia were cultured in vitro for 1 or 2 days, infectious hsv-1 was again detected in the ganglia, indicating the reactivation of latent hsv-1. the effect of indomethacin on this reactivation was examined. when the ganglia were cultivated in the presence of 5 x 10(-4) m-indomethacin, the appearance of infectious viru ...19846092519
herpes simplex virus cloned dna fragments induce coumermycin a1 resistance in escherichia coli.we have taken a new approach to identify and fine map previously undescribed herpes simplex virus (hsv) functions. in experiments described in this report the antibiotic coumermycin a1 was used to select two hsv type 1 bamhi fragments cloned in pbr322 that confer partial resistance to drug-susceptible escherichia coli. the genes encoding these hsv functions have been designated cour-1 and cour-2 and have been fine mapped to the hsv sequences. hsv-cour1 is located at the left end of bamhi-f near ...19846092666
expression of recombinant genes containing herpes simplex virus delayed-early and immediate-early regulatory regions and trans activation by herpesvirus infection.the promoter-regulatory regions from the herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) gene for the immediate-early, 175,000-molecular-weight (175k) protein and the hsv-2 delayed-early gene for a 38k protein were linked to the readily assayable bacterial gene for the enzyme chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat). unexpectedly, in measurements of the constitutive expression of the recombinant genes 40 to 50 h after transfection of vero cells, enzyme levels expressed from the delayed-early 38k-promoter-cat ...19846092673
herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein c-negative mutants exhibit multiple phenotypes, including secretion of truncated glycoproteins.a virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibody specific for glycoprotein c (gc) of herpes simplex virus type 1 strain kos was used to select a number of neutralization-resistant mutants. a total of 103 of these mutants also were resistant to neutralization by a pool of gc-specific antibodies and thus were operationally defined as gc-. analysis of mutant-infected cell mrna showed that a 2.7-kilobase mrna, comparable in size to the wild-type gc mrna, was produced by nearly all mutants. however, six muta ...19846092678
transduction of the chinese hamster ovary aprt gene by herpes simplex virus.the chinese hamster ovary adenine phosphoribosyl transferase gene (aprt) was reengineered to be flanked by sequences from the thymidine kinase (tk) gene of herpes simplex virus. this construct was cotransfected with dna from herpes simplex virus type 1, and after 3 days, virus was harvested and tk- plaques were selected after the virus was plated on tk- cells in the presence of bromodeoxycytosine. recombinant viruses were identified by dot-blot hybridization, and the arrangement of aprt and tk s ...19846092682
herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 homology in the region between 0.58 and 0.68 map units.the homology between herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2, respectively) dna between 0.58 and 0.674 map units was compared by southern and dot blot analysis with dna of one type of virus as a hybridization probe against the other type. regions of high homology were interspersed with regions of detectably lower homology. however, only one region (between 0.647 and 0.653 map units) contained few or no homologous sequences. in situ rna blot hybridization demonstrated that the mrn ...19846092683
evidence for post-translational glycosylation of a nonglycosylated precursor protein of herpes simplex virus type 1.incubation of herpes simplex virus type 1-infected vero and hep-2 cells at a reduced temperature (34 degrees c) enhanced the detection of the nonglycosylated precursors (pgb97 and pgc75) to the gb and gc glycoproteins in the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions. relative to the fully glycosylated and high-mannose forms detected, the nonglycosylated precursors were the predominant components associated with the nuclear fraction of infected cells. furthermore, addition of protease inhibitors to the f ...19846092685
a tandemly reiterated dna sequence in the long repeat region of herpes simplex virus type 1 found in close proximity to immediate-early mrna 1.the 3' end of immediate-early mrna 1 was mapped precisely within the irl/trl genome regions, and the dna sequences around the 3' end were determined. an aataaa polyadenylation signal was present 17 base pairs upstream of the 3' end, and eight tandemly repeated copies of a 16-base-pair sequence (gggggtgcgtgggagt) plus one further closely related copy were located 20 base pairs downstream. other tandem reiterations present in the herpes simplex virus genome are described and their properties are c ...19846092697
interaction with nucleic acids and stimulation of the viral dna polymerase by the herpes simplex virus type 1 major dna-binding protein.the interaction of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) major dna-binding protein, infected-cell polypeptide 8 (icp8), with nucleic acids has been examined by a filter-binding assay and electron microscopy. filter-binding assays done over a broad ph range indicated that the optimum ph for the protein-dna interaction is approximately 7.6. heat inactivation studies showed that icp8 is stable at temperatures up to 40 degrees c with a rapid loss of binding activity on incubation at 45 degrees c a ...19846092704
temperature-sensitive mutants in herpes simplex virus type 1 icp4 permissive for early gene expression.a large number of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) in the gene encoding the immediate-early transcriptional regulatory protein, icp4, have been isolated and characterized with respect to expression of the immediate-early, early, and late viral gene products. the hallmark of these mutants is the overproduction of immediate-early gene products and the underproduction of early and late gene products. the present study involves the preliminary genetic and mol ...19846092709
biochemical characterization of peptides from herpes simplex virus glycoprotein gc: loss of cnbr fragments from the carboxy terminus of truncated, secreted gc molecules.a biochemical characterization of peptides from herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein gc was carried out. we utilized simple micromethods, based on immunological isolation of biosynthetically radiolabeled gc, to obtain gc in pure form for biochemical study. cnbr fragments of gc were prepared, isolated, and characterized. these cnbr fragments were resolved into six peaks by chromatography on sephacryl s-200 in 6 m guanidine hydrochloride. only three of the cnbr fragments contained carbohydrate ...19846092712
ribonucleotide reductase of herpes simplex virus type 2 resembles that of herpes simplex virus type 1.the ribonucleotide reductase (ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase; ec induced by herpes simplex virus type 2 infection of serum-starved bhk-21 cells was purified to provide a preparation practically free of both eucaryotic ribonucleotide reductase and contaminating enzymes that could significantly deplete the substrates. certain key properties of the herpes simplex virus type 2 ribonucleotide reductase were examined to define the extent to which it resembled the herpes simplex virus t ...19846092726
bk virus-plasmid expression vector that persists episomally in human cells and shuttles into escherichia coli.we describe a novel expression vector, pbk tk-1, that persists episomally in human cells that can be shuttled into bacteria. this vector includes sequences from bk virus (bkv), the thymidine kinase (tk) gene of herpes simplex virus type 1, and plasmid pml-1. tk+-transformed hela and 143 b cells contained predominantly full-length episomes. there were typically 20 to 40 (hela) and 75 to 120 143 b vector copies per cell, although some 143 b transformants contained hundreds. low-molecular-weight dn ...19846092918
transfer of herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase synthesized in bacteria by a high-expression plasmid to tissue culture cells by protoplast fusion.the introduction of a protein into living tissue culture cells may permit the in vivo study of functions of the protein. we have previously described a high-efficiency-expression plasmid, phetk2, containing the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (tk) gene which, upon temperature induction, causes tk to be synthesized as greater than 4% of the bacterial protein. in this report we show that enzymatically active tk was transferred to mouse ltk- cells by polyethylene glycol-mediated fusion ...19846092926
inhibition of synthesis of herpesvirus (hsv-1) glycoproteins and endogenous fusion by beta-hydroxynorvaline in bhk-21 cells.treatment of hsv-infected bhk-21 cells with 5-10 mm of beta-hydroxynorvaline (hnv), an analog of threonine which blocked attachment of oligosaccharides at the asn-x-thr sites, markedly inhibited the synthesis of all viral glycoproteins as well as the major capsid protein. however, the synthesis of host-specific dolichol-linked oligosaccharides was not significantly affected by hnv. treatment of cells with 10 mm reduced the yield of virus greater than 95% and completely blocked endogenous fusion. ...19846093356
characterisation of a herpes simplex virus type 1 mutant which has a temperature-sensitive defect in penetration of cells and assembly of capsids.a herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) mutant, ts1204, which has a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutation located within genome map coordinates 0.318 to 0.324, close to but outside the coding sequences of the glycoprotein gb gene, has been characterised. although this mutant adsorbed to the cell surface at the nonpermissive temperature (npt), it failed to penetrate the cell membrane. as a consequence of this defect, high multiplicities of infection of ts1204 blocked subsequent infection of cells by ...19846093367
inhibition of multiplication of herpes simplex virus type 1 by ammonium chloride and chloroquine.multiplication of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) strain hf in vero cells was inhibited by ammonium chloride and chloroquine. a series of one-step growth experiments showed that the maturation of intracellular virus was prevented immediately after the addition of weak bases in the late stage of infection, indicating that the site of inhibition by weak bases is some step in the maturation process of hsv-1.19846093369
in vitro and in vivo transcription initiation sites on the tk-encoding bamhi q fragment of hsv-1 dna.the sites of in vitro transcription initiation on the bamhi q fragment of herpes simplex virus dna have been compared with the sites of 5' ends of rnas made in vivo after virus infection. s1-nuclease protection analysis of these rnas shows that there are in vivo counterparts for each of the five previously identified in vitro transcripts. the whole-cell-extract rna polymerase ii transcription system faithfully initiates rnas predominantly at bona fide in vivo start sites and gives few, if any, f ...19846093373
antiviral properties of psoralen derivatives: a biological and physico-chemical investigation.two isomeric psoralen derivatives (i and ii in fig. 1) bearing charged side chains, have been tested for activity against herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) in the absence of u.v. irradiation. striking differences have been observed both in antiviral and cytotoxic activity for the examined compounds, i being appreciably more effective. metabolic and biochemical studies, as well as physico-chemical measurements indicate dna as the major target. the different biological behaviour can be fully exp ...19846093813
humoral immune responses to adenoviruses, herpes virus type 1, and candida albicans in sera of dental patients with oral neoplastic and periodontal diseases.levels of immunoglobulin class-specific antibodies as determined by solid phase radioimmunoassays to herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1), human adenovirus types 5, 21, and 31 and to candida albicans in sera from untreated healthy dental patients were not significantly different from levels of these antibodies in sera from untreated dental patients with benign oral tumors, oral carcinoma, or periodontal disease. these results show that higher levels of immunoglobulin class-specific antibodies to ...19846094634
infection of murine hepatocyte cultures by herpes simplex virus (hsv) 1 and 2.a study was undertaken of the interaction between liver cells and herpes simplex virus (hsv) in vitro. hepatocytes were obtained from hsv-resistant (c57/b16) and from hsv-susceptible (balb/c, a/j, c3h) mouse strains and cultured according to standard methods. each culture was infected with several strains of hsv-type 1 or of hsv-type 2, respectively. the multiplicity of infection was 5. the cytopathic effect was evaluated by light- and electron-microscopy. the number of infectious particles was ...19846094943
herpes simplex virus latency in immunosuppressed determine the role of antibodies in establishing herpes simplex virus (hsv) latency, immunosuppressed swiss mice were experimentally infected in the right hind footpad with a hsv-1 x hsv-2 recombinant (c6d) with low virulence. immunosuppression was induced by repeated intraperitoneal inoculations of cyclophosphamide (cy) and the production of antibodies to c6d in immunosuppressed animals was monitored by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). within 21 days after inoculation, c6d was able ...19846094985
detection of antibodies of the igg and igm classes to herpes simplex virus type 1 in cerebrospinal fluid and serum from four patients with herpes encephalitis.antibodies of igg and igm classes to herpes simplex virus type 1 were detected, using the elisa technique, in the cerebro-spinal fluid (csf) and in the serum of four patients with encephalitis. all csf and sera were positive for igg antibodies; two csf samples, which were collected quite early, were also positive for antibodies of igm classes.19846094987
construction of a retrovirus capable of transducing and expressing genes in multipotential embryonic cells.retroviral gene expression is inhibited in embryonal carcinoma (ec) cells. we have constructed a recombinant retroviral vector that is capable of expressing the neomycin-resistance (neo) gene in ec cells. the critical modification that permits expression of the neo gene is the insertion of a composite simian virus 40 early gene-herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene (svtk) promoter 3' to the viral first intron and 5' to the neo gene. when the svtk promoter is deleted, the recombinant ...19846095270
effects of 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine, a new antiherpesvirus compound, on synthesis of macromolecules in herpes simplex virus-infected cells.we examined the effect of 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (dhpg) on viral dna, rna, protein, and enzyme synthesis in hela cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2. dhpg inhibited virus dna synthesis in a dose-dependent fashion. this inhibition was not due to the lack of deoxynucleoside triphosphates which are required for dna synthesis. this compound has no apparent effect on early and late viral rna synthesis, viral protein synthesis, or viral thymidine kinase, dna po ...19846095751
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