
vibrio parahaemolyticus enteritis outbreak following a wedding banquet in a rural village - kampong speu, cambodia, april 2012.foodborne outbreaks are common in cambodia, but only a few investigations documenting the etiology and source have been conducted. in april, we learnt of 49 acute diarrhoea cases in a village following a wedding banquet. we undertook an investigation to identify the pathogen, source and mode of transmission.201223908935
[effectiveness of expression of tdh gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus depends on two point mutations in promoter region].a molecular-biological study of the clinical strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus that contain genes of thermostable direct hemolysin tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh). using southern blot hybridization, it is shown that genomes of strains that carry determinants of both hemolysins (tdh(+)-trh+) represent a single copy, whereas in tdh2+rh+ strains, there are two copies (tdh1 and tdh2). all of the examined tdh+trh+ and some of the tdh+trh strains either did not express the tdh gene or did not ex ...201223516897
dimeric wh2 domains in vibrio vopf promote actin filament barbed-end uncapping and assisted elongation.proteins containing repeats of the wasp homology 2 (wh2) actin-binding module are multifunctional regulators of actin nucleation and assembly. the bacterial effector vopf in vibrio cholerae, like vopl in vibrio parahaemolyticus, is a unique homodimer of three wh2 motifs linked by a c-terminal dimerization domain. we show that only the first and third wh2 domains of vopf bind g-actin in a non-nucleating, sequestered conformation. moreover, dimeric wh2 domains in vopf give rise to unprecedented re ...201323912276
[primary transport of acute patients. optimal use of rescue resources exemplified by the canton of graubünden]. 20113927607
the new peptide hormones of the gut and their clinical significance. 199834965
inducibility of metallothionein biosynthesis in cultured normal and menkes kinky hair disease fibroblasts: effects of copper and cadmium.metallothionein biosynthesis is not induced by extracellular copper in menkes kinky hair disease (mkhd) or in normal cultured fibroblasts under the conditions of these experiments. in the presence of copper, mkhd fibroblasts also incorporated less cysteine than did normal fibroblasts. extracellular cadmium greatly enhanced the uptake of cysteine in both normal and mkhd cultures. by the technique of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it was demonstrated that metallothionein is induced by cadmium ...2004471576
[an aid to the improvement of living conditions for the metally retarded in permanent facilities]. 2004419781
[low-molecular weight nuclear rna's]. 2004395786
failure to consult specialist. 20051173090
[open study of clopirac in the treatment of non articular rheumatism (author's transl)]. 20051084347
morphometric analysis of the loss of chief and parietal cells after partial gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer.relative chief and parietal cell volume densities were estimated morphometrically in the remnant mucosa of 98 male patients ("series"), operated on for duodenal ulcer by the billroth ii, and in the body mucosa of 55 subjects, age and sex matched, from a random series of a finnish population ("controls"). the relative volumes of chief and parietal cells were significantly lower in the series than in the controls. the mean chief cell: parietal cell ratio was significantly higher in the series than ...2005549432
acute myocardial infarction after blunt chest trauma in young people: need for prompt intervention.we describe four cases of acute myocardial infarction in young patients, secondary to blunt chest trauma. one case was treated with intracoronary thrombolysis and angioplasty, two cases received systemic thrombolysis, and the last one did not have any reperfusion therapy. the coronary angiograms of the left anterior descending artery showed thrombosis in two cases, coronary dissection in one case, and no morphological lesions in the other. we encourage the early performance of angiographic studi ...20061764738
transcatheter management of pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis.hemorrhage from rupture of an arterial pseudoaneurysm is a potentially fatal complication of pancreatitis. seventeen patients underwent transcatheter embolization of 23 arteries for the treatment of 20 arterial pseudoaneurysms secondary to pancreatitis. their records were reviewed retrospectively to evaluate the clinical benefit of transcatheter therapy. at presentation, 15 of the 17 patients had gastrointestinal, intrasplenic, retroperitoneal, intraperitoneal, or postoperative wound bleeding. t ...20061797219
transcatheter management of pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis.hemorrhage from rupture of an arterial pseudoaneurysm is a potentially fatal complication of pancreatitis. seventeen patients underwent transcatheter embolization of 23 arteries for the treatment of 20 arterial pseudoaneurysms secondary to pancreatitis. their records were reviewed retrospectively to evaluate the clinical benefit of transcatheter therapy. at presentation, 15 of the 17 patients had gastrointestinal, intrasplenic, retroperitoneal, intraperitoneal, or postoperative wound bleeding. t ...20061797219
"raynaud's disease" in migraineurs: one entity or two?two cases are reported of patients who were diagnosed as having both migraine and raynaud's disease. because they were able to achieve effective control of both headaches and extremity temperature after undergoing a comprehensive approach--utilizing medication, biofeedback, and psychotherapy--it is suggested that both conditions are manifestations of the same disorder. it is recommended that a first step in approaching concurrent diagnoses of this type involve combined treatment as is often used ...20061446993
[derivative spectroscopy and its use in sanitary hygiene control].an analytical method is developed for defining the residual quantities of rodenticide "brodifacoum" (talon) used in the control of harmful field rodents and especially for species microtus. the method is based on extracting the pesticide with chloroform and making use of spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet field in intervals 340-240 nm. the second derivative of the absorption is utilized as well as the band with maximum 288 nm and minimum 228 nm. the peak height in this interval is in proportio ...20072099444
regulation of alcohol consumption by the renin-angiotensin system: a review of recent findings and a possible mechanism of action.the renin-angiotensin system has traditionally been associated with the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance. in this review we summarize the data which ascribes a completely new function to this system, i.e., the regulation of alcohol consumption. in addition, we suggest a possible mechanism for this effect based on the concept of a satiety or stop process. the approach taken was to examine the effect on alcohol intake of a wide variety of drug, genetic, dietary, surgical and neurosurgic ...20071852316
discordant expression of tuberous sclerosis in monozygotic twins.a set of 20-year-old female japanese twins, most probably monozygotic, had clinical evidence of tuberous sclerosis (ts). they were discordant for symptoms. one of the twins exhibited facial red-brown papules (adenoma sebaceum), a dorsal shagreen patch, intracerebral calcifications, angiomyolipoma in the right kidney, and hypopigmented macules; the other had only a few hypopigmented macules. modification of ts gene expression by the effects of environmental (extrinsic) factors is suggested.20071885853
[clinical study of osteoporosis]. 20082614196
contempo '90. 20082329645
[single photon emission computed tomography by using n-isopropyl-p-[123i]-iodoamphetamine and 99mtc-hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime in a patient with herpes simplex encephalitis].single photon emission computed tomographies (spects) by using n-isopropyl-p-[123i-imp]-iodo-amphetamine (123i-imp) and 99mtc-hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime (99mtc-hm-pao) were serially performed in a 70 yrs. old male with herpes simplex encephalitis (hse), and the chronological changes of accumulations were studied. accumulations of both 123i-imp and 99mtc-hm-pao increased initially, and then decreased with the stage of hse being advanced. the sequential appearance of the lesion in hse with 12 ...20092786584
retrieval of fractured resectoscope tips. 20113690197
longitudinal and cross-sectional assessments of age changes in physical strength as related to sex, social class, and mental ability. 20114833758
letter: fusidic acid in psoriasis. 20144135663
[surgical treatment of primary chronic pancreatitis].surgical methods of treatment of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis must be chosen with special reference to the state of the duct and parenchyma of the pancreas. treatment of alcoholic patients should be performed with the participation of psychiatrists.20123424549
[clinico-morphological signs of different forms of destructive pancreatitis].clinicomorphological comparisons in 434 cases of destructive pancreatitis showed that macroscopic signs of destruction develop in the first 12 hours from the onset of the attack. the elaborated criteria make it possible to evaluate the main morphological components of destructive pancreatitis--pancreonecrosis proper, parapancreatitis, peritonitis, and "polyvisceritis" and to use therapeutic measures on an individual basis.20061779556
[the topographic anatomical basis for ventriculosinusal shunting in hydrocephalus in nursing and young infants].the peculiarities in the structure and topographic anatomical relations of the superior longitudinal, lateral, and sigmoid sinuses were studied on block preparations of the posterior cranial fossa of 14 children under 3 years of age who died from somatic diseases. it was shown that intrasinus inclusions preventing catheterization of the sinus (bands and septa) were absent at the junction of the first angle of the sigmoid sinus with its descending part. the authors recommend this area for shuntin ...20072168650
children and drugs. 20144239648
[biochemical effects of continuous and discontinuous muscular work (interval work)]. 20164720306
[biochemical effects of continuous and discontinuous muscular work (interval work)]. 20164720306
clinical comparison between glibornuride (glutril) and tolbutamide in maturity-onset diabetes: a controlled double-blind trial. 2002134878
career-ladder breakthrough. now, an associate degree without attending college. 20154485178
fetal heart rate during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure.although maternal ingestion of antiepileptic drugs is strongly suspected of causing congenital defects, particularly oral clefts, the effect of epilepsy itself or a combined effect of drug intake and epilepsy have not been excluded as etiological factors. very little is known about fetal oxygenation during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure. we describe two cases in which fetal heart rate was recorded during a maternal epileptic seizure during labor. the first fetus became clearly asphyctic ...1998106102
the relationship between intracellular and extracellular potassium in normal and malnourished subjects as studied in leukocytes.leukocyte potassium has been measured in normal subjects and in malnourished children with and without edema both on admission and during recovery. in nonedematous malnourished children the potassium content was low (328 mmol/kg dry solids) and took 2-3 weeks of rehabilitation to return to normal (374 mmol/kg dry solids). leukocytes from edematous children had normal intracellular potassium values. however, 5 days on a maintenance diet reduced the intracellular potassium in the children with kwa ...199999717
captopril in a hyponatraemic hypertensive: need for caution in initiating therapy. 199985145
the use of acupuncture needles as sphenoidal electrodes in electroencephalography: a reappraisal. 2000110550
mesonephric duct remnants (gartner's duct).in a review of 820 hysterosalpingograms, unilateral opacification of the mesonephric duct (gartner's duct) was observed in five individuals. no associated anomalies of the genitourinary tract or definite evidence of pelvic inflammatory disease was found in any of these patients. the embryology of the genitourinary tract is discussed in some detail, and histologic studies of the uterine cervix are reviewed to explain the radiographic observations.200098997
beta thromboglobulin and glycosylated haemoglobin in diabetes correlation has been demonstrated between the elevated levels of plasma beta-thromboglobulin and glycosylated haemoglobin found in a group of 97 diabetic patients. the abnormality in diabetic platelets which is reflected by beta-thromboglobulin levels may not therefore be a direct result of poor metabolic control. the highest levels of beta-thromboglobulin were found in those patients with a raised blood urea. glycosylated haemoglobin levels correlated with prevailing blood glucose and with t ...200094458
long-term outpatient vasodilator therapy of congestive heart failure. consideration of agents at rest and during exercise.increased left ventricular filling pressure and reduced cardiac output are two major hemodynamic deficits in pump failure. in patients with chronic heart failure, consequences of these hemodynamic deficits and diminished cardiac reserve are manifested initially during stress and eventually at rest. the purpose of therapeutic interventions include reduction of ventricular filling pressure increase in cardiac output and improvement in cardiac reserve. to achieve these goals, the hemodynamic effect ...200199031
mechanism of action of beta-blockers in hypertension. 200114643
statistical analysis of epidemiological data from a chromium chemical manufacturing plant.a statistical analysis was performed on reported bronchogenic carcinoma incidence in a group of chromium chemical manufacturing workers over the period 1929 to 1977. the purpose was to determine if post-1950 process improvements corresponded to favorable trends in morbidity. because the paucity of data on the population at risk prevented meaningful calculations of smr's, a recently developed method called "probability window analysis" was used to evaluate for statistically valid changes in the " ...2003430272
myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells from normal bone marrow adhere to collagen type of the mechanisms by which normal hematopoietic progenitor cells remain localized within the bone marrow microenvironment is likely to involve adhesion of these cells to extracellular matrix (ecm) proteins. for example, there is evidence that uncommitted, hla-dr-negative progenitor cells and committed erythroid precursors (bfu-e) bind to fibronectin. however, fibronectin is not known to mediate binding of committed myeloid (granulocyte-macrophage) progenitors, raising the possibility that ot ...20041370640
a systems approach to vocational assessment. 2004522115
the high-fiber diet: its effect on the bowel. 20051196254
male transsexualism in england: sixteen cases with surgical intervention.the syndrome of transsexualism is now regarded as a dinstinct entity separate from transvestism and homosexuality (benjamin, 1966; green and money, 1969). it refers to those patients who since childhood have been convinced of their wrong sex assignment and who wish to attain the sexual characteristics of the opposite sex and to live as a member of that sex. the present report is an initial one referring to the first group of transsexual patients studied at a postgraduate teaching hospital by a m ...20051169047
effect of a mixture of cryoprotectants in attaining liquid nitrogen survival of callus cultures of a tropical plant. 2005544179
[brain stem auditory evoked potentials in the early period after a brain concussion].acoustic truncal evoked potentials (atep) were studied in 24 patients in the first 48 hours after concussion of the brain. the absolute peak latency of components 1, 3, and 5, the interpeak intervals 1-3, 3-5, and 1-5, and the interaural difference were determined. the results were compared with those of examination of a control group of 24 healthy individuals. individual and group appraisal failed to reveal any significant differences from normal values in none of the studied parameters in pati ...20072168645
corticosteroids in homeostasis. 20082683585
corticosteroids in homeostasis. 20082683585
[measurement of orthodontic appliance force using prototype sensors].in introductory remarks the most important biomechanical principles, which are relevant for the research, and conditions which must be satisfied presented in intraoral measuring of orthodontic forces were pointed out. first the aim of the research was defined, and then the investigation of mechanical properties of acrylics as a material for orthodontic appliances were carried out. the type of strain gauges, bonds and measuring system configurations, as well as measuring amplifiers and recording ...20082635572
arthritis disability, depression, and life satisfaction among black elderly people.this study examined the correlates of arthritis disorder in a sample of black elderly people in nashville, tennessee. more specifically, both the presence of arthritis and its severity were examined with regard to level of depression and life satisfaction, particularly in the areas of family life, social support, and leisure activities. data were collected through face-to-face interviews with 600 black elderly people residing in the community. the sample had more females (70 percent) than males ...20082276687
when newborns die: do we practice what we preach? 20092809785
implications of drug levels in body fluids: basic concepts.drug concentrations in biological fluids are affected by the dose, route of administration, pattern of drug use, and the dispositional kinetics (distribution, metabolism, and excretion) of the drug. as most drugs are distributed to the site of action by blood, drug concentration measurement in this body fluid provides the best information as to the potential effect on behavior such as driving impairment or on psychological high. due to wide individual variations in the pharmacokinetics and pharm ...20113127724
deficiency of eosinophil peroxidase detected by automated cytochemistry. 20113122494
annual summary 1984. reported morbidity and mortality in the united states. 20113092006
13c nmr studies of carboxylate inhibitor binding to cobalt(ii) carboxypeptidase a.both 13c nmr and electronic absorption spectral studies on cobalt(ii) carboxypeptidase a in the presence of acetate and phenylacetate provide evidence for two binding sites for each of these agents. the transverse relaxation rate t2-1 for the 13c-enriched carboxyl groups of the inhibitors is significantly increased when bound to the paramagnetic cobalt carboxypeptidase as compared to the diamagnetic zinc enzyme. the acetate concentration dependence of t2p-1 shows two inflections indicative of se ...20123346659
[neutralization of low molecular weight heparin kabi 2165 by protamine chloride].low molecular weight (lmw) heparin kabi 2165 possesses improved pharmacodynamic properties compared with conventional heparin. it is currently investigated in the prophylaxis of thromboembolism. the neutralization of kabi 2165 by protamine chloride was analysed after i.v. injection of both the agent and the antidot in healthy persons. the anticoagulant effects of the lmw heparin on the activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin, and thromboelastography are completely and immediately suppres ...20133807263
[clinical and myopathological findings in polymyositis].the present report analyzed a clinical and myopathological findings of 60 patients defined for the diagnosis of polymyositis. patients were classified in four groups according to the system walton and adams. forty five per cent were classified as group i, 28.3 per cent as group ii, 15.0 per cent as group iii and 11.7 per cent as group iv. seven patients were associated with a malignant neoplasm and all of them were over fifty. the primary growth was carcinoma of the lung in 2, of the prostate, o ...20133675929
[plastic operations on the tricuspid valve in the surgical treatment of acquired multivalvular heart diseases]. 20133623209
[symposium 2. endocrine function of the fetus. 4. pathway of estriol biosynthesis in the feto-placental system]. 20144249189
anti-rh globulin in massachusetts. 20144178642
[colonoscopic follow up of rectocolonic cancer surgeries. assessment of 64 examinations].a collation of 64 colonoscopic examinations performed on 41 patients operated on for cancer of the colon or rectum is reported. eleven patients (26.8 percent) had positive follow-up endoscopic findings. in 13 enumerated tumoral proliferations. 8 benign polyps and 5 malignant growths were found, one of the latter on the anastomosis, and the other 4 on the remaining colon. 80 percent of these tumoral growths and all malignant tumors were discovered in the two years following surgery. when colonic ...20144004135
fractured odontoid with fractured superior articular process of the axis. report of three cases.we report three patients in whom a fractured odontoid process was associated with a fracture of the superior articular process of the second cervical vertebra. although there were no signs of neurological disorder, damage to the c1-c2 joint in all three patients made fusion necessary. forced lateral flexion is suggested as the possible mechanism of injury.20143957998
[herman's syndrome (pyramido-extrapyramidal syndrome with livedo racemosa)]. 20154700962
software printout. 20154542580
continuing education units and academic credit. 20154498684
ly-4, a new locus determining a lymphocyte cell-surface alloantigen in mice.a new locus is described that determines an alloantigen on the surface of lymphocytes. it differs from loci previously described in that the corresponding antibody, at least in most antisera, reacts almost exclusively with node lymphocytes, and weakly or not at all with thymuslymphocytes. positive strains include c57bl/6, c57bl/10, c57l, c57br/cd, and rf; negative strains include balb/c, c3h, and sjl. the symbol ly-4 is assigned, with the c57bl/6 allele being ly-4(b), and the balb/c allele ly-4( ...20154515607
[radiological diagnosis of small intestine tumors]. 20154460939
degradation products and the role of coagulation in "persistent" glomerulonephritis. 20164931741
hospital indicators. 20164820306
[immunological in vitro tests in the assessment of specific cellular reactivity in tuberculosis]. 20051079782
[continuous measuring of intracranial pressure (icp) via epidural pressure transducer (author's transl)].continuous epidural monitoring of icp was performed on 20 patients during a 6 day's period with the model 77450 of philips. a significant decrease of intracerebral pressure after application of sorbitol and dexamethasone could be demonstrated. comparing the very low rate of complications with the resulting advantages, the described method can be recommended for controlled treatment of elevated icp.1998107014
frontiers of quantitative cytochemistry: a review of recent developments and potentials.this article attempts to describe the current state of quantitative cytochemical methods and to point out areas where, in the author's opinion, the greatest progress is either being made or can be expected. nearly 300 references to the current literature are cited.200094776
long term survival following firearm injury to the head. 2000110996
hla antigens in a psoriatic family: comparative studies with mlc, htc, plt and serological hla-dr determinations.hla genotypes were characterized in a large family of 48 individuals in three generations. in this family, carriers of the proband's disease-predisposing haplotype commonly expressed clinical signs of illness, manifested as psoriasis and/or arthritic lesions. from these data, and from other family studies, presented previously, we have concluded that cutaneous and/or joint lesions may be signs of disease in carriers of the predisposing hla haplotype. we have investigated hla-a, b, c and d/dr ant ...200094702
toward the future in educational systems. 200092186
results of cytostatic therapy of metastasizing testicular tumors. 2000111320
on the occurrence and prognosis of aphasia in patients with cerebral infarction.of 338 consecutive patients with cerebral infarction, aphasia in the acute phase was found in 96. of these, 18 had totally recovered from aphasic speech disturbances when leaving the hospital. the patients were examined 2-8, in average 6 years after the onset of the illness. 39% of them had died, 27% still suffered from aphasic speech disturbances, while 32% were recovered from aphasia. in addition, disturbances in writing, reading, and/or calculation were observed in more than the half of the s ...200195489
[current status of kidney transplantation and results]. 20012860545
sodium transport ouabain binding, and (na+/k+)-atpase activity in down's syndrome platelets. 2003149949
[experience of a handicapped person. 4. interview of patients at a special facility]. 2003142852
simultaneous comparison of sodium fluxes in different regions of vascularly perfused intestine of rana ridibunda [proceedings]. 2004529061
[obstruction of a naso-tracheal tube by an avulsed nasal concha].avulsion of a nasal concha by a nasotracheal tube obstructed the tube in a valvelike manner. the result was increased intrapulmonary pressure, hemodynamic instability, alveolar rupture, pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum without pneumothorax. the case was successfully managed by removal of the nasotracheal tube and immediate oral reintubation.20052799996
xeromammography at a community hospital. a year's experience. 20051183210
rating of the lesions in senile dementia of the alzheimer type: concordance between laboratories. a european multicenter study under the auspices of eurage.the study reported was intended to compare the impressions and analyses of investigators from 11 different laboratories on 2 slides, each from 6 cases with varying quantities of neuropathological change of the type found in alzheimer's disease and normal ageing. the material came from 6 selected female patients over 75 years of age all of whom had been examined in detail and assessed by the blessed test score. two were severely demented, 2 mildly demented and 2 were considered to be normal. unst ...20061698217
ion channel selectivity, permeation, and block. 20061382215
effect of postdischarge surveillance on rates of infectious complications after cesarean section.decreases in length of stay for surgical procedures and increased outpatient surgery affect accuracy of surgical wound infection rates. to assess accuracy of rates for infectious complications after delivery by cesarean section, we implemented postdischarge surveillance at our hospital (4800 annual deliveries). physician questionnaires were used. response rate was greater than 90%. during the 5 months before postdischarge surveillance the overall infection rate was 1.6%; afterward the rate incre ...20061326238
evolution of dialytic therapy. 20082680258
becker's melanosis and associated abnormalities. 20092798263
becker's melanosis and associated abnormalities. 20092798263
meningococcal meningitis.meningococci continue to cause outbreaks of disease throughout the world. the uk is currently experiencing an upsurge due to organisms of groups b and c. there is substantial under-reporting of meningococcal disease, only meningitis currently being notifiable. all significant meningococcal strains should be typed by a reference laboratory. new approaches to vaccine development permit cautious optimism for the future.20093325120
the effect of dentinal pretreatment on microleakage in class v composite resin restorations with two dentinal adhesive systems. 20092700814
the absolute and relative bioavailability of dipyridamole from different preparations and the in vitro-in vivo comparison.the in vitro liberation and the bioavailability (bv) of dipyridamole (d) in three different brands (a, b, c) were determined in a three way cross-over study on 12 healthy subjects. also, the pharmacokinetics of d given intravenously was investigated. the in vitro liberation of b is only to be achieved by repeated touching. the tmax for the preparations, expressed as mean +/- s mean amounts as follows: a: 0.8 +/- 0.06; b: 1.1 +/- 0.1; c: 0.8 +/- 0.09 hours and is in the case of b significantly di ...20093733279
evaluation of eight and a half years of neonatal screening for haemoglobinopathies in birmingham.a pilot neonatal screening programme for haemoglobinopathies linked with screening for phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism was reviewed. during 1978 to december 1986 137,000 neonates were tested. there were improvements in the detection rate and accuracy of diagnosis for homozygotes and mixed heterozygotes, mainly associated with the introduction of citrate agarose gel electrophoresis as a follow up procedure on all specimens showing any abnormality on the initial cellulose acetate ele ...20103135019
electromagnetic articulography: use of alternating magnetic fields for tracking movements of multiple points inside and outside the vocal tract.the purpose of this paper is to present a new electromagnetic device which uses alternating magnetic fields for tracking movements of multiple points inside and outside the vocal tract. it is biologically safe, noninvasive, it does not interfere with speech movements, allows for multiple recording in the same subject, and for easy collection of large amounts of data. it is especially suitable for evaluation of patients with speech motor impairments.20103580838
toxic radiation exposure and the epidemiology of violent death: confronting obstacles to productive inquiry. 20113237939
oesophageal pain exacerbated by propranolol. 20113113570
necrotizing lymphadenitis (kikuchi's disease). report of four cases of an unusual pseudolymphomatous lesion and immunologic marker studies.the clinical and histologic features of four cases of necrotizing lymphadenitis (kikuchi's disease), an unusual pseudolymphomatous lesion, are presented. three patients were female and one was male. all were under 40 years of age. cervical and juxtaparotid lymph nodes were affected. immunological staining in two cases demonstrated a population of t cells and monocytes in the necrotic areas. necrotizing lymphadenitis is a peculiar reactive condition with a predilection for cervical lymph nodes in ...20123499129
passive smoking. 20123466081
[aerobic capacity estimated from heart rate under submaximal load: an indicator of complaints, personality, personal activity and social status].in 34 young females (mean: 21 years, range 18-30), working with vdts, maximum aerobic capacity (mac) was estimated by use of a cycle ergometer and astrand's nomogram. mac correlated with musculoskeletal complaints (-.29, p less than .05), eye complaints (-.36, p less than .05), personal activity (.38, p less than .05), personality dimensions: "imperturbability" (.41, p less than .01), "wellbeing" (.31, p less than .05), "traditionalism" (-.45, p less than .01) and "psychophysic constitution" (al ...20133811609
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