
x-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry studies of the salmonella zinc transporter zntb.the zntb zn(2+) efflux system is important for maintenance of zn(2+) homeostasis in enterobacteria. we report crystal structures of zntb cytoplasmic domains from salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (stzntb) in dimeric and physiologically relevant homopentameric forms at 2.3 å and 3.1 å resolutions, respectively. the funnel-like structure is similar to that of the homologous thermotoga maritima cora mg(2+) channel and a vibrio parahaemolyticus zntb (vpzntb) soluble domain structure. however, ...201121565704
multi-probe-fluorescence in situ hybridization for the rapid enumeration of viable vibrio parahaemolyticus.a one-step multi-probe fish method of detecting viable vibrio parahaemolyticus was developed. three candidate regions, corresponding to helix 440+441, helix 588, and helix 1241 in 16s rrna, were selected for detection, the thermodynamic parameters (δg(overall)) of the probes were optimized, and vp437, vp612 and vp1253, whose fluorescence were 1.7 to 11.3 times that of δg(overall)-unadjusted sequences, were designed. the addition of competitive oligonucleotides to reactions with vp612 and vp1253 ...200921566382
heterodisaccharide 4-o-(n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine is an effective chemotactic attractant for vibrio bacteria that produce chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase.aims:  to investigate the attractant effect of 4-o-(n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine (glcnac-glcn) in the chemotaxis of vibrio bacteria that produce carbohydrate esterase (ce) family 4 chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase (cod), an enzyme that catalyzes the production of glcnac-glcn from n,n'-diacetylchitobiose (glcnac)(2) . methods and results:  the chemotactic effect of disaccharides from chitin on several strains of vibrio bacteria was investigated using an agar gel lane-migration metho ...201121575022
occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus in the german bight over a seasonal cycle.bacteria of the genus vibrio are an important component of marine ecosystems worldwide. the genus harbors several human pathogens, for instance the species vibrio parahaemolyticus, a main cause for foodborne gastroenteritis in asia and the usa. pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus strains emerged also in europe, but little is known about the abundance, pathogenicity and ecology of v. parahaemolyticus especially in northern european waters. this study focuses on v. parahaemolyticus and its close relati ...201121598011
two types of calmodulin play different roles in pacific white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) defenses against vibrio parahaemolyticus and wssv infection.calmodulin (cam) plays an important role in calcium-dependent signal transduction pathways. in the present study, two alternative splicing isoforms of cam (named lvcam-a and lvcam-b) cdna were cloned from the pacific white shrimp, litopenaeus vannamei. lvcam-a was of 1101 bp, including a 5'-terminal untranslated region (utr) of 70 bp, a 3'-terminal utr of 581 bp and an open reading frame (orf) of 450 bp encoding a polypeptide of 149 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight (mw) of 17 kda a ...201121620975
gut cavp is an innate immune protein against bacterial challenge in amphioxus branchiostoma belcheri.the importance of calcium-binding proteins in immune response of vertebrates is determined, but whether they have the role in invertebrates is largely unknown. in the present study, phylogenetic analysis indicated that calcium vector protein (cavp), a protein unique to amphioxus, shared 68% similarity in amino acid sequence with human and mouse calmodulin (cam). cavp cdna was cloned into a bacterial vector pet-32a, and its his-tagged fusion protein was produced in eschherichia coli cells (bl21). ...201121624472
thermostable direct hemolysin downregulates human colon carcinoma cell proliferation with the involvement of e-cadherin, and β-catenin/tcf-4 signaling.colon cancers are the frequent causes of cancer mortality worldwide. recently bacterial toxins have received marked attention as promising approaches in the treatment of colon cancer. thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) secreted by vibrio parahaemolyticus causes influx of extracellular calcium with the subsequent rise in intracellular calcium level in intestinal epithelial cells and it is known that calcium has antiproliferative activity against colon cancer.201121625458
kanagawa-negative, tdh- and trh-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from fresh oysters marketed in fortaleza, brazil.between october 2008 and june 2009, 15 samples of 10 live oysters each (crassostrea rhizophorae) measuring 8.31-10.71 cm were purchased from a restaurant on the seashore of fortaleza, brazil. the vibrio count ranged from 75 (estimated) to 43,500 cfu/g. fourteen species were identified among the 56 isolated vibrio strains, with v. parahaemolyticus as the most prevalent. two of the 17 v. parahaemolyticus strains were urease-positive and tdh- and trh-positive on multiplex pcr, but neither produced ...201121626146
acquired type iii secretion system determines environmental fitness of epidemic vibrio parahaemolyticus in the interaction with bacterivorous protists.genome analyses of marine microbial communities have revealed the widespread occurrence of genomic islands (gis), many of which encode for protein secretion machineries described in the context of bacteria-eukaryote interactions. yet experimental support for the specific roles of such gis in aquatic community interactions remains scarce. here, we test for the contribution of type iii secretion systems (t3ss) to the environmental fitness of epidemic vibrio parahaemolyticus. comparisons of v. para ...201121629787
the use of multiple typing methods allows a more accurate molecular characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the italian adriatic sea.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a natural inhabitant of estuarine and marine environments and constitutes part of the autochthonous microflora but is also associated with human gastroenteritis, wound infections and septicemia. recently, a number of clinical cases of infection due to ingestion of seafood contaminated with v. parahaemolyticus have been reported in europe. moreover, v. parahaemolyticus potentially pandemic marine strains have been isolated from water and plankton. to identify the source ...201121631547
characterization of the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus o6 lipopolysaccharides.structural characterization studies have been carried out on the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype o6 lipopolysaccharides (lps). the carbohydrate backbone isolated from o6 lps by sequential derivatization, i.e., dephosphorylation, o-deacylation, pyridylamination, n-deacylation and n-acetylation, is a nonasaccharide consisting of 3 mol of d-glucosamine (glcn) (of which one is pyridylaminated), 2 mol of l-glycero-d-manno-heptose (hep), and 1 mol each of d-galactose (gal), d ...201121639862
temporal and spatial variability in culturable pathogenic vibrio spp. in lake pontchartrain, louisiana, usa, following hurricanes katrina and rita.we investigated the abundance, distribution, and virulence gene content of v. cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus in the waters of southern lake pontchartrain in louisiana, usa, on four occasions from october 2005 to september 2006, using selective cultivation and molecular assays. the three, targeted pathogenic vibrios were generally below detection in january 2006 when the water was cold (13° c), and highest in september 2006 when lake water was warmest (30° c). the maximum values for ...201121642406
comparative genomic analysis of vibrio parahaemolyticus: serotype conversion and virulence.abstract: background: vibrio parahaemolyticus is a common cause of foodborne disease. beginning in 1996, a more virulent strain having serotype o3:k6 caused major outbreaks in india and other parts of the world, resulting in the emergence of a pandemic. other serovariants of this strain emerged during its dissemination and together with the original o3:k6 were termed strains of the pandemic clone. two genomes, one of this virulent strain and one pre-pandemic strain have been sequenced. we sequen ...201121645368
evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid and simple detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in naturally contaminated seafood samples.we investigated the efficacy of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) assay for rapid screening of seafood samples naturally contaminated with vibrio parahaemolyticus. a total of 171 seafood samples enriched in alkaline peptone water (apw) were assessed by lamp assay and conventional culture methods, which consist of a combination of apw enrichment culture and plating onto chromagar vibrio and tcbs agars. compared with v. parahaemolyticus isolation using the conventional culture test, ...201121645826
detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in mediterranean mussels (mytilus galloprovincialis) in slovenia.the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish samples harvested along the slovenian coast. shellfish samples of mediterranean mussels (mytilus galloprovincialis) were collected along the slovenian coast at four locations (se─ìa, piran, strunjan and debeli rti─ì) between 2006 and 2008. samples were examined and analysed for the presence of v. parahaemolyticus by conventional and molecular methods. the presence of vibrio in the samples was examined b ...201121665569
design and validation of a novel multiplex real-time pcr assay for vibrio pathogen detection.three species--vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio vulnificus--account for the majority of vibrio infections in humans. rapid and accurate identification of vibrio species has been problematic because phenotypic characteristics are variable within species. additionally, biochemical identification and confirmation require 2 or more days to complete. rapid and sensitive molecular techniques for the detection of vibrio pathogens would be useful for the surveillance and management o ...201121669071
[development of the soft independent modelling of class analogies model to discrimination vibrio parahemolyticus by smartongue].to explore a new rapid detection method for detecting of food pathogens.201121796990
[characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus obtained from environment and cases of foodborne disease in shenzhen, during 2006 - 2008].to analyze the serological and genetic divergence in the vibrio parahaemolyticus from environment and cases of foodborne disease, and to compare these two groups in terms of virulence and other biological traits.201121796987
characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated in chile in 2005 and in 2007.vibrio (v.) parahaemolyticus has endemically established in chilean sea shores, causing outbreaks every year, with an important number of cases. in order to know the genetic relationship, genotype dominance and antibiotic resistance of isolates obtained from two outbreaks, this study characterized 110 strains isolated from environmental and clinical samples in years 2005 and 2007 in chile.201121795818
comparative analysis of histophilus somni ibpa with other fic enzymes reveals differences in substrate and nucleotide specificities.a new family of adenylyltransferases, defined by the presence of a fic domain, was recently discovered to catalyze the addition of adenosine mono-phosphate (amp) to rho gtpases (yarbrough et al., 2009, science, 323:269; worby et al., 2009, mol. cell, 34:93). this adenylylation event inactivates rho gtpases by preventing them from binding to their downstream effectors. we reported that the fic domain(s) of the protein ibpa from the pathogenic bacterium histophilus somni adenylylates mammalian rho ...201121795713
antioxidant and antibacterial activity of six edible wild plants (sonchus spp.) in china.the total phenolic and flavonoid, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of six sonchus wild vegetables (sonchus oleraceus l., sonchus arvensis l., sonchus asper (l.) hill., sonchus uliginosus m.b., sonchus brachyotus dc. and sonchus lingianus shih) in china were investigated. the results revealed that s. arvensis extract and s. oleraceus extract contained the highest amount of phenolic and flavonoid, respectively. among the methanol extracts of six sonchus species, s. arvensis extract exhibit ...201121793765
aeromonas hydrophila polar flagellum gene transcriptional hierarchy.aeromonas hydrophila polar flagellum class i gene transcription is s(70)-dependent, which is consistent with the fact that a. hydrophila polar flagellum is constitutively expressed. in contrast to other bacteria with dual flagella systems such as vibrio parahaemolyticus, the a. hydrophila lafk protein does not compensate for the lack of the polar flagella regulator flra (v. parahaemolyticus flak homologue). this is consistent with the fact that the a. hydrophila flra mutation abolishes polar fla ...201121784933
vibrio parahaemolyticus cell biology and pathogenicity determinants.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a significant cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. characterization of this pathogen has revealed a unique repertoire of virulence factors that allow for colonization of the human host and disease. the following describes the known pathogenicity determinants while establishing the need for continued research.201121782964
hemoglobin of the bloody clam tegillarca granosa (tg-hbi) is involved in the immune response against bacterial infection.hemoglobins (hb) are the major protein components of erythrocytes circulating in the red blood, but can serve additional functions besides the transport of oxygen. here, the cdna of the bloody clam (tegillarca granosa) hb dimer (designated tg-hbi) was cloned and was found to be 748 bp in length, consisting of an open reading frame of 441 bp encoding a polypeptide of 147 amino acids. the deduced amino acid sequence of tg-hbi shared 81.6% similarity with hbi from two species of the genus scapharca ...201121782953
antimicrobial and hemolytic activity of fish epidermal mucus cynoglossus arel and arius study the antimicrobial, hemolytic activity and immunomodulatory activity of fish epidermal mucus and their chemical constituents from cynoglossus arel (c. arel) and arius caelatus (a. caelatus). mucus plays an important role in the prevention of colonization by parasites, bacteria and fungi.201121771475
in vitro antibacterial effect of aqueous and ethanolic moringa leaf evaluate the antibacterial effect of aqueous and ethanolic moringa leaf extracts (moringa oleifera) on the growth of gram-positive and negative bacteria.201121771453
proteomic identification of the related immune-enhancing proteins in shrimp litopenaeus vannamei stimulated with vitamin c and chinese herbs.recently, strong interest has been focused on immunostimulants to reducing the diseases in shrimp aquaculture. however, information regarding to the related immune-enhancing proteins in shrimps is not available yet. in this study, vitamin c (vc), chinese herbs (ch), and the mixture of vitamin c and chinese herbs (mix) were tested for their enhancement on shrimp's immune activity. compared with those in the control group, values of phenoloxidase (po), superoxide dismutase (sod) and antibacterial ...201121767650
a new leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2 from marine fish grouper, epinephelus coioides: molecular cloning and expression analysis.leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2 (lect2) is a multifunctional protein involved in cell growth, differentiation and autoimmunity. in this study, a new leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2 (eclect2) gene was cloned from grouper, epinephelus coioides, by rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) pcr. the full-length cdna sequence of eclect2 was 595 bp in size, containing a 5'-untranslated region (utr) of 44 bp and a 3'-utr of 83 bp. the deduced protein sequence of the open reading frame (465 bp) sh ...201121763428
antibacterial polyketides from the jellyfish-derived fungus paecilomyces variotii.four new polyketides (1-4) were isolated from the fungus paecilomyces variotii, which was derived from the jellyfish nemopilema nomurai. the planar structures and relative configurations of these polyketides were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analyses, including 2d nmr experiments. the compounds showed inhibitory activity against pathogenic bacteria including methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 3089 and multi-drug-resistant vibrio parahemolyticus 7001 with mic values in the ra ...201121744790
development of a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) test for the detection of virulent forms of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium and some strains cause gastroenteritis in humans. clinical isolates are thought to possess virulence factors that are absent from the majority of environmental isolates. use of randomly amplified polymorphic dna (rapd)-pcr produced a unique 600-ábp amplicon (band y) in the majority of clinical isolates and rarely in environmental isolates tested. the dna from band y was cloned and sequenced and found to code for an outer membrane protein (omp). two p ...201121725864
antibiotic prescription for adults with acute diarrhea at king chulalongkorn memorial hospital, thailand, acute diarrhea is one of the most common problems among ambulatory patients at the outpatient department (opd). overuse of antibiotics is associated with increased rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, unnecessary increased cost of treatment, and significant incidence of adverse effects. in thailand, how frequently antibiotic is prescribed in adult patients with acute diarrhea is not known.201121675442
pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and pcr characterization of environmental vibrio parahaemolyticus strains of different origins.the present study used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) characterization to examine the intraspecies variability and genetic relationships among environmental isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus from different european countries. this is first study performed on environmental v. parahaemolyticus that included more than one european country.201121742917
outer membrane adhesion factor multivalent adhesion molecule 7 initiates host cell binding during infection by gram-negative pathogens.the initial binding of bacteria to host cells is crucial to the delivery of virulence factors and thus is a key determinant of the pathogen's success. we report a multivalent adhesion molecule (mam) that enables a wide range of gram-negative pathogens to establish high-affinity binding to host cells during the early stages of infection. mam7 binds to the host by engaging in both protein-protein (with fibronectin) and protein-lipid (with phosphatidic acid) interactions with the host cell membrane ...201121709226
application of the new logistic model to microbial growth prediction in food.recently a microbial growth model, the new logistic model, which could precisely describe and predict microbial growth at various patterns of temperature, was developed by the author (biocontrol science, 15, 75-80, 2010). the author shows several software programs developed with the model in this review. first, a program that analyzes microbial growth data and generates growth curves fitted to the model was developed. second, a growth prediction program for escherichia coli, staphylococcal aureu ...201121719989
application of photostable quantum dots for indirect immunofluorescent detection of specific bacterial serotypes on small marine indirect immunofluorescence approach was developed using semiconductor quantum dot nanocrystals to label and detect a specific bacterial serotype of the bacterial human pathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus, attached to small marine animals (i.e.-ábenthic harpacticoid copepods), which are suspected pathogen carriers. this photostable labeling method using nanotechnology will potentially allow specific serotypes of other bacterial pathogens to be detected with high sensitivity in a range of systems ...200821825777
aeromonas hydrophila moty is essential for polar flagellum function, requires coordinate expression of motx and pom the analysis of aeromonas hydrophila atcc7966t genome we identified a. hydrophila ah-3 moty. a. hydrophila moty, like motx, is essential for the polar flagellum function energized by an electrochemical potential of na+ as coupling ion, but is not involved in lateral flagella function energized by proton motive force. thus, a. hydrophila polar flagellum stator is a complex integrated by two essential proteins: motx and moty, which interact with one of two redundant pairs of proteins: pomab and ...201121737499
occurrence and potential pathogenesis of vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus on the south coast of sweden.during the summer of 2006, several wound infections - of which three were fatal - caused by vibrio cholerae were reported from patients who had been exposed to water from the baltic sea. before these reports, we initiated a sampling project investigating the occurrence of potential human pathogenic v. cholerae, vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus in the sound between sweden and denmark. the blue mussel (mytilus edulis) was used as an indicator to follow the occurrence of vibrios over t ...201121692819
quorum sensing and silencing in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the quorum regulatory cascade is poorly characterized in vibrio parahaemolyticus, in part because swarming and virulence factors-the hallmarks of the organism-are repressed by this scheme of gene control, and quorum sensing seems to be silenced in many isolates. in these studies, we examine a swarming-proficient, virulent strain and identify an altered-function allele of the quorum regulator luxo that is demonstrated to produce a constitutively active mimic of luxoôê+p. we find that luxo* affect ...201121705592
a novel genotyping scheme for vibrio parahaemolyticus with combined use of large variably-presented gene clusters (lvpcs) and variable-number tandem repeats (vntrs).a total of 18 variably-presented gene clusters (lvpcs) and nine previously characterized variable-number tandem repeats (vntrs), and all known virulence markers were screened for their frequency and/or copy number in 251 global strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus using pcr and gel or capillary electrophoresis. a two-step genotyping approach combining the use of lvpcs and vntrs was established accordingly. the frequency profiles of lvpcs and virulence markers were primarily used to group the strai ...201121742395
Conserved Tyrosine in the First Transmembrane Segment of Solute:Sodium Symporters Is Involved in Na+-coupled Substrate Co-transport.Solute:sodium symporters (SSSs) transport vital molecules across the plasma membrane of all living organisms. vSGLT, the Na(+)/galactose transporter of Vibrio parahemeolyticus, is the only SSS for which high resolution structural information is available, revealing a LeuT-like fold and a Na(+)-binding site analogous to the Na2 site of LeuT. Whereas the core transmembrane segments (TMs) of SSSs share high structural similarity with other transporters of LeuT-like fold, TM1 does not correspond to ...201121705334
Vibrio virulence genes in fishes collected from estuarine waters in Italy.Aims:ÔÇé The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Vibrio vulnificus and potentially pathogenic strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in mullets collected from estuarine environment in Italy. Methods and Results:ÔÇé Two hundred and ninety-five mullets were analysed by culture using the selective medium thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose agar, during a monitoring period of 2ÔÇâyears (2008-2009). Presumptive Vibrio colonies were initially identified by using biochemical tests, and s ...201121740448
biological characterization of two marine bdellovibrio-and-like organisms isolated from daya bay of shenzhen, china and their application in the elimination of vibrio parahaemolyticus in oyster.bdellovibrio-and-like organisms (balos) are a group of highly motile delta-proteobacteria that prey on other gram-negative bacteria. however, nothing is known of the application potential of marine balos in safeguarding seafood safety. here, biological characterization of two marine balos strains and their application in the elimination of vibrio parahaemolyticus in oyster (crassostrea ariakensis) at the laboratory scale were investigated. balos strains bdh12 and bdhsh06 were isolated from sedim ...201121899909
occurrence of potentially pathogenic vibrios and related environmental factors in songkhla lake, thailand.vibrios are halophilic bacteria that are ubiquitous in marine environments. their occurrence in tropical lakes has rarely been investigated. in this study, the predominance and diversity of vibrio spp. was investigated over a 12-month period in a coastal lagoon, songkhla lake, in southern thailand. water samples were collected at 2 stations in the estuary near yor island in songkhla lake. the predominant vibrios were detected by a culture-based method, using thiosulfate-citrate-bile salt-sucrose ...201122014235
Molecular cloning and expression profiles of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in mud crab Scylla paramamosain.The importance of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene family is demonstrated by many studies in recent years. However, it keeps unknown of nitric oxide (NO) system and NOS gene family in mud crab Scylla paramamosain, an important cultured commercial crustacean in China and Pacific area. In this report, the cDNA of NOS contained full-length ORF was cloned from mud crab, S.paramamosain. It was of 4424 bp, including a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 239 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 540 bp, wh ...201122200639
Detection and characterization of pathogenic vibrios in shellfish by a Ligation Detection Reaction-Universal Array approach.Vibrios are a group of major foodborne pathogens widely distributed in marine environment. Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus are the pathogenic species of Vibrio that pose the greatest threat to human health. However, other vibrios, e.g. Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio mimicus and Grimontia hollisae, apparently less relevant in the group of foodborne pathogens, have been sporadically found in outbreaks. For seafood safety and economic purposes, a rapid and powerful met ...201122177227
Multiplex PCR and a chromogenic DNA macroarray for the detection of Listeria monocytogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Enterobacter sakazakii, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens in milk and meat samples.Food products, such as milk and meat products including cheese, milk powder, fermented milk, sausage, etc. are susceptible to the contamination by pathogenic and deteriorative bacteria. These bacteria include Listeria monocytogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter sakazakii, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Pseudomonas fluorescens, etc. Traditional methods for the detection of these microorganisms are laborious and time consuming ...201222101309
Bacteriophages with potential for inactivation of fish pathogenic bacteria: survival, host specificity and effect on bacterial community structure.Phage therapy may represent a viable alternative to antibiotics to inactivate fish pathogenic bacteria. Its use, however, requires the awareness of novel kinetics phenomena not applied to conventional drug treatments. The main objective of this work was to isolate bacteriophages with potential to inactivate fish pathogenic bacteria, without major effects on the structure of natural bacterial communities of aquaculture waters. The survival was determined in marine water, through quantification by ...201122163184
purification and characterization of enterocin mc13 produced by a potential aquaculture probiont enterococcus faecium mc13 isolated from the gut of mugil cephalus.a bacteriocin producer strain mc13 was isolated from the gut of mugil cephalus (grey mullet) and identified as enterococcus faecium. the bacteriocin of e. faecium mc13 was purified to homogeneity, as confirmed by tricine sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) analysis showed a single active fraction eluted at 26 min, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (maldi-tof) mass spectro ...201122112158
Oleic acid produced by a marine Vibrio spp. acts as an anti-Vibrio parahaemolyticus agent.It is known that some strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus are responsible for gastroenteric diseases caused by the ingestion of marine organisms contaminated with these bacterial strains. Organic products that show inhibitory activity on the growth of the pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus were extracted from a Vibrio native in the north of Chile. The inhibitory organic products were isolated by reverse phase chromatography and permeation by Sephadex LH20, and were characterized by spectroscopic and ...201122073014
Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of major foodborne pathogens in imported seafood.Seafood is a leading commodity implicated in foodborne disease outbreaks in the United States. Seafood importation rose dramatically in the past 3 decades and now contributes to more than 80% of the total U.S. seafood supply. However, limited data are available on the microbiological safety of imported seafood. In this study, we obtained a total of 171 salmon, shrimp, and tilapia samples imported from 12 countries in three retail stores in Baton Rouge, LA. The total microbial population and the ...201121902913
Mechanism of actin filament nucleation by Vibrio VopL and implications for tandem W domain nucleation.Pathogen proteins targeting the actin cytoskeleton often serve as model systems to understand their more complex eukaryotic analogs. We show that the strong actin filament nucleation activity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus VopL depends on its three W domains and on its dimerization through a unique VopL C-terminal domain (VCD). The VCD shows a previously unknown all-helical fold and interacts with the pointed end of the actin nucleus, contributing to the nucleation activity directly and through dupl ...201121873985
Characterization of anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant properties and chemical compositions of Peperomia pellucida leaf extract.Peperomia pellucida leaf extract was characterized for its anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant activities, and chemical compositions. Anticancer activity of P. pellucida leaf extract was determined through Colorimetric MTT (tetrazolium) assay against human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cell line and the antimicrobial property of the plant extract was revealed by using two-fold broth micro-dilution method against 10 bacterial isolates. Antioxidant activity of the plant extract was then charact ...201122071643
Sixty Years from the Discovery of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Some Recollections.Vibrio parahaemolyticus was discovered by Tsunesaburo Fujino after a shirasu food poisoning outbreak in 1950, but at that time the isolate was named Pasteurella parahaemolytica, not Vibrio. Although the isolate resembled Vibrio, some properties did not correspond with those of Vibrio. For example, the curved cell form of the cell was one of the important taxonomical indicators of the genus, but the isolate was straight in form. After 5 years, Iwao Takikawa isolated a similar bacterium from a foo ...201122190435
a new twist in actin filament nucleation. 201121894217
High salinity relay as a postharvest processing strategy to reduce vibrio vulnificus levels in Chesapeake Bay oysters (Crassostrea virginica).In 2009 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its intention to implement postharvest processing (PHP) methods to eliminate Vibrio vulnificus from oysters intended for the raw, half-shell market that are harvested from the Gulf of Mexico during warmer months. FDA-approved PHP methods can be expensive and may be associated with unfavorable responses from some consumers. A relatively unexplored PHP method that uses relaying to high salinity waters could be an alternative strategy, ...201122054191
The structural pathway for water permeation through sodium-glucose cotransporters.Although water permeation across cell membranes occurs through several types of membrane proteins, the only permeation mechanism resolved at atomic scale is that through aquaporins. Crystallization of the Vibrio parahaemolyticus sodium-galactose transporter (vSGLT) allows investigation of putative water permeation pathways through both vSGLT and the homologous human Na-glucose cotransporter (hSGLT1) using computational methods. Grand canonical Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations were ...201122004742
cloning and characterisation of the sptoll gene from green mud crab, scylla paramamosain.toll/toll-like receptors (tlrs), one of the most important pattern recognition receptors (prrs), play a crucial role in innate immune responses in both invertebrates and vertebrates. in this study, we cloned and characterised a toll gene from scylla paramamosain (sptoll). bioinformatic analysis predicted that sptoll contained one open reading frame of 3018bp and encoded a single-pass transmembrane domain protein of 1005 amino acids. further, sptoll could be clustered into one branch along with o ...201121945833
Identification of the Vibrio parahaemolyticus type III secretion system 2-associated chaperone VocC for the T3SS2-specific effector VopC.The enteropathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus possesses two sets of type III secretion systems, T3SS1 and T3SS2. Effector proteins secreted by these T3SSs are delivered into host cells, leading to cell death or diarrhea. However, it is not known how specific effectors are secreted through a specific T3SS when both T3SSs are expressed within bacteria. One molecule thought to determine secretion specificity is a T3SS-associated chaperone; however, no T3SS2-specific chaperone has been identified. Ther ...201122092817
Production and characterization of a novel monoclonal antibody against Vibrio parahaemolyticus F(0)F(1) ATP synthase's delta subunit and its application for rapid identification of the pathogen.We raised monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Vibrio parahaemolyticus cell extracts. One of the MAbs, designated MAb-VP34, reacted in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) with 140 V. parahaemolyticus strains, regardless of serotype or origin. MAb-VP34 did not detectably react with 96 strains belonging to 27 other Vibrio species (except for Vibrio natriegens) or with 29 non-Vibrio species. These results show that MAb-VP34 is highly specific for V. parahaemolyticus. Western blotting and ma ...201222056232
application of groel gene for the species-specific detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus by pcr.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a significant cause of human gastrointestinal disorders and is transmitted through ingestion of raw or undercooked contaminated seafood. we used the groel gene for the species-specific detection of v. parahaemolyticus from artificially inoculated shellfish, fish and seawater.201222053713
assessment of polyaromatic hydrocarbon degradation by potentially pathogenic environmental vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from coastal louisiana, usa.a presumed vibrio parahaemolyticus isolate from chesapeake bay, maryland, usa was previously reported to grow on phenanthrene, a polyaromatic hydrocarbon (pah) found in crude oil. following the deepwater horizon oil spill in the gulf of mexico, concerns were raised that pah-degrading v. parahaemolyticus could increase in abundance, leading to elevated risks of disease derived from shellfish consumption. to assess this possibility, we examined responses to naphthalene and phenanthrene of 17 coast ...201222063191
ecological determinants of the occurrence and dynamics of vibrio parahaemolyticus in offshore areas.the life cycle of vibrio parahaemolyticus has been conventionally associated with estuarine areas characterized by moderate salinity and warm seawater temperatures. recent evidence suggests that the distribution and population dynamics of v. parahaemolyticus may be shaped by the existence of an oceanic transport of communities of this organism mediated by zooplankton. to evaluate this possibility, the presence of v. parahaemolyticus in the water column of offshore areas of galicia was investigat ...201122094349
bis-(3'-5')-cyclic dimeric gmp-linked quorum sensing controls swarming in vibrio parahaemolyticus.movement over and colonization of surfaces are important survival strategies for bacteria, and many find it advantageous to perform these activities as a group, using quorum sensing to sample population size and synchronize behavior. it is puzzling however, that swarming-proficient and virulent strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus are silenced for the vibrio archetypal pathway of quorum sensing. here we describe the s-signal, a pheromone that can be communicated between cells in coculture to regul ...201122006340
the vibrio parahaemolyticus pvua1 gene (formerly termed psua) encodes a second ferric vibrioferrin receptor that requires tonb2.we previously reported that the vibrio parahaemolyticus pvsabcde and psua-pvuabcde operons are involved in the biosynthesis and transport of its own siderophore, vibrioferrin (vf). of these, psua and pvua encode tonb-dependent outer-membrane proteins (omps). although pvua was characterized as the ferric vibrioferrin receptor gene, the role of the psua product remains unknown. in this study, a growth assay of isogenic psua, pvua, and psua-pvua double-deletion mutants followed by complementation o ...201122092766
c-di-gmp-mediated decisions in the surface-grown vibrio parahaemolyticus: a different kind of motile-to-sessile transition.cyclic dimeric gmp (c-di-gmp) is a ubiquitous bacterial second messenger discovered over a quarter of century ago by moshe benziman and his colleagues at the hebrew university of jerusalem (15, 16).…201122194446
estimating the burden of acute gastroenteritis and foodborne illness caused by campylobacter, salmonella, and vibrio parahaemolyticus by using population-based telephone survey data, miyagi prefecture, japan, 2005 to 2006.most cases of acute gastroenteritis and foodborne disease are not ascertained by public health surveillance because the ill person does not always seek medical care and submit a stool sample for testing, and the laboratory does not always test for or identify the causative organism. we estimated the total burden of acute gastroenteritis in miyagi prefecture, japan, using data from two 2-week cross-sectional, population-based telephone surveys conducted in 2006 and 2007. to estimate the number o ...201122004803
structural analysis of the essential resuscitation promoting factor yeaz suggests a mechanism of nucleotide regulation through dimer reorganization.the yeaz gene product forms part of the conserved network yjee/yeaz/ygjd essential for the survival of many gram-negative eubacteria. among other as yet unidentified roles, yeaz functions as a resuscitation promoting factor required for survival and resuscitation of cells in a viable but non-culturable (vbnc) state.201121858042
[preparation and identification of ompw monoclonal antibodies].to prepare and characterize the mouse monoclonal antibodies against vibrio parahaemolyticus ompw.201121906472
development and evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid and sensitive detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) assays targeting the rpod and toxr genes were developed to detect vibrio parahaemolyticus. all 78 tested v. parahaemolyticus strains yielded positive results within 40 min, while negative results were obtained for 69 strains of other organisms even at 60 min. for v. parahaemolyticus atcc 17802 in pure culture, the detection limits of lamp assays targeting rpod and toxr were 3.7 and 450 cfu per test, respectively. due to the higher sensitivity of rpod ...201121902914
Phenoloxidase in the scallop Chlamys farreri: Purification and antibacterial activity of its reaction products generated in vitro.Phenoloxidase (PO) was purified from hemocytes of the scallop Chlamys farreri using native-PAGE and gel permeation column chromatography, and then substrate specificity and antibacterial activity generated from reaction products of purified PO were analyzed. The results showed purified PO had a molecular mass of 576 kDa in native-PAGE and 53 kDa in denatured PAGE, and could catalyze the substrates L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), dopamine, catechol and hydroquinone suggesting it is a type ...201222119576
[etiological surveillance and analysis of infectious diarrhea in beijing in year 2010].to explore the pathogenic form, epidemic features and serotype distribution of the pathogenic bacteria causing infectious diarrhea in beijing.201122177306
cloning and heterologous expression of the vibrioferrin biosynthetic gene cluster from a marine metagenomic library.a biosynthetic gene cluster of siderophore consisting of five open reading frames (orfs) was cloned by functional screening of a metagenomic library constructed from tidal-flat sediment. expression of the cloned biosynthetic genes in escherichia coli led to the production of vibrioferrin, a siderophore originally reported for the marine bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus. to the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of heterologous production of a siderophore by biosynthetic genes clon ...201122146715
Characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from oysters and mussels in São Paulo, Brazil.Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium, responsible for gastroenteritis in humans. Most of the clinical isolates produce thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) encoded by tdh and trh genes respectively. In this study, twenty-three V. parahaemolyticus, previously isolated from oysters and mussels were analyzed by PCR using specific primers for the 16S rRNA and virulence genes (tdh, trh and tlh) and for resistance to different classes of antibiotics and PFGE. Ni ...201121915463
cell death mediated by vibrio parahaemolyticus type iii secretion system 1 is dependent on erk1/2 mapk, but independent of caspases.vibrio parahaemolyticus, which causes gastroenteritis, wound infection, and septicemia, has two sets of type iii secretion systems (ttss), ttss1 and ttss2. a ttss1- deficient vcrd1 mutant of v. parahaemolyticus showed an attenuated cytotoxicity against hep-2 cells, and a significant reduction in mouse lethality, which were both restored by complementation with the intact vcrd1 gene. v. parahaemolyticus also triggered phosphorylation of mitogenactivated protein kinases (mapks) including p38 and e ...201121952366
environmental vibrio parahaemolyticus dna signatures validation.insignia is a novel dna computational system which uses highly efficient algorithms to compare bacterial genomes and to identify specific dna signatures to distinguish a target bacterium, or group of bacteria, from all other known bacterial species. it is currently being validated using different bacterial groups, including vibrio spp. in this study, the genomic analysis by insignia was conducted on vibrio parahaemolyticus, a halophilic gram-negative bacteria which constitutes a leading cause of ...201121940129
VopV, an F-actin-binding type III secretion effector, is required for Vibrio parahaemolyticus-induced enterotoxicity.Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a Gram-negative halophilic bacterium that causes acute gastroenteritis in humans, is characterized by two type III secretion systems (T3SS), namely T3SS1 and T3SS2. T3SS2 is indispensable for enterotoxicity but the effector(s) involved are unknown. Here, we identify VopV as a critical effector that is required to mediate V. parahaemolyticus T3SS2-dependent enterotoxicity. VopV was found to possess multiple F-actin-binding domains and the enterotoxicity caused by VopV cor ...201122018240
vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from southeastern chinese coast are genetically diverse with circulation of clonal complex 3 strains since 2002.multilocus sequence typing (mlst) was used to examine the clonal relationship and genetic diversity of 71 vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical and seafood-related sources in southeastern chinese coast between 2002 and 2009. the tested isolates fell into 61 sequence types (sts). of 17 clinical isolates, 7 belonged to st3 of the pandemic clonal complex 3, with 3 strains isolated in 2002. although there was no apparent clonal relationship found between clinical strains and those from seaf ...201121883006
The Na+/L-proline transporter PutP.The Na+/L-proline transporter PutP is a member of the Na+/solute symporter family (TC 2A.21, SLC5), which contains several hundred proteins of pro- and eukaryotic origin. Within the family, the capability of L-proline uptake is restricted to proteins of prokaryotes. PutP contributes to the use of L-proline as a nutrient. In addition, the transporter may supply cells with compatible solute during adaptation to osmotic stress. Based on these and other functions, PutP is of significance for various ...201222201772
The unique role of siderophore in marine-derived Aureobasidium pullulans HN6.2.The L: -ornithine-N (5)-monooxygenase structural gene (SidA gene, accession number: FJ769160) was isolated from both the genomic DNA and cDNA of the marine yeast Aureobasidium pullulans HN6.2 by inverse PCR and RT-PCR. An open reading frame of 1,461 bp encoding a 486 amino acid protein (isoelectric point: 7.79) with calculated molecular weight of 55.4 kDa was characterized. The promoter of the gene (intronless) was located from -1 to -824 and had three HGATAR boxes which wer ...201121989767
Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella spp. in Seafood Products Using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction.Although several etiological agents can be transmitted through seafood consumption, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella spp. are considered among the most important pathogens in terms of public health and disease. In this study, multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), as a rapid and cost-effective method, was used to determine the prevalence of these pathogens in 245 samples of raw/fresh, frozen, and ready-to-eat (RTE) seafood products market ...201122044288
Lactobacillus plantarum AS1 binds to cultured human intestinal cell line HT-29 and inhibits cell attachment by enterovirulent bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus.Lactobacillus plantarum AS1 was incubated with HT-29 adenocarcinoma cell line to assess its adhesion potency and examined for its inhibitory effect on the cell attachment by an enterovirulent bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus.201121848906
mechanism of actin filament nucleation by the bacterial effector vopl.vibrio parahaemolyticus protein l (vopl) is an actin nucleation factor that induces stress fibers when injected into eukaryotic host cells. vopl contains three n-terminal wiskott-aldrich homology 2 (wh2) motifs and a unique vopl c-terminal domain (vcd). we describe crystallographic and biochemical analyses of filament nucleation by vopl. the wh2 element of vopl does not nucleate on its own and requires the vcd for activity. the vcd forms a u-shaped dimer in the crystal, stabilized by a terminal ...201121873984
cdna cloning, characterization and expression analysis of a novel antimicrobial peptide gene penaeidin-3 (fi-pen3) from the haemocytes of indian white shrimp fenneropenaeus indicus.a new member of antimicrobial peptide genes of the penaeidin family, penaeidin 3, was cloned from the haemocytes of indian white shrimp fenneropeneaus indicus (f. indicus), by reverse transcription pcr (rt-pcr) and rapid amplification of cdna end (race-pcr) methods. the complete nucleotide sequence of cdna clone of indian white shrimp f. indicus penaeidin 3 (fi-pen3) was 243bp long and has an open reading frame which encodes 80 amino acid peptide. the homology analysis of fi-pen3 sequence with o ...201121885268
predictive models for the effect of storage temperature on vibrio parahaemolyticus viability and counts of total viable bacteria in pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas).vibrio parahaemolyticus is an indigenous bacterium of marine environments. it accumulates in oysters and may reach levels that cause human illness when postharvest temperatures are not properly controlled and oysters are consumed raw or undercooked. predictive models were produced by injecting pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas) with a cocktail of v. parahaemolyticus strains, measuring viability rates at storage temperatures from 3.6 to 30.4°c, and fitting the data to a model to obtain parameter ...201122003032
[analysis of main risk factors causing foodborne diseases in food catering business].to study main risk factors that cause foodborne diseases in food catering business.201121914339
Use of a DNA microarray for detection and identification of bacterial pathogens associated with fishery products.We established a microarray for the simultaneous detection and identification of diverse putative pathogens often associated with fishery products by targeting specific genes of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, and Yersinia enterocolitica and the 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris. The microarray contained 26 sp ...201121965411
Isolation and characterization of aerobic culturable arsenic-resistant bacteria from surfacewater and groundwater of Rautahat District, Nepal.Arsenic (As) contamination of groundwater is a serious Environmental Health Management issue of drinking water sources especially in Terai region of Nepal. Many studies have reported that due to natural abundance of arsenic in the environment, various bacteria have developed different resistance mechanisms for arsenic compound. In this study, the culturable arsenic-resistant bacteria indigenous to surfacewater as well as groundwater from Rautahat District of Nepal were randomly isolated by stand ...201121868146
In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of Asparagopsis taxiformis from the Straits of Messina against pathogens relevant in aquaculture.Ethanol extracts of Asparagopsis taxiformis collected from the Straits of Messina (Italy) were screened for antibacterial activity against pathogenic shellfish and fish bacteria previously isolated from local marine and brackish environments. Genetic labelling by DNA barcoding allowed us to identify the algal population as a biogeographical strain conspecific to A. taxiformis. The extract obtained in May showed the broadest antibacterial activity against all tested pathogenic bacteria, especiall ...201222078751
Reactive oxygen system plays an important role in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei defense against Vibrio parahaemolyticus and WSSV infection.The present study investigated the in vivo hemocytic and hepatopancreatic response to Vibrio parahaemolyticus and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) injection in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. The proliferation of bacteria and virus in shrimp, animal mortality, total hemocyte counts (THCs), phenoloxidase (PO) activity, respiratory burst, and gene expression of immune factors associated with immune recognition (lectin), prophenoloxidase (proPO) activation, and the anti-microorganism (lysozyme) and ac ...201121991661
The Scr network in Vibrio parahaemolyticus: output targets and transcriptional regulation by a c-di-GMP responsive circuit.The Vibrio parahaemolyticus Scr system modulates decisions pertinent to surface colonization by affecting the cellular level of c-di-GMP. Here we explore the scope and mechanism of this regulation. Transcriptome comparison of ?scrABC and wild-type strains revealed expression differences with respect to ~100 genes. Elevated c-di-GMP repressed genes in the surface sensing regulon including those encoding the lateral flagellar and type three secretion systems and N-acetylglucosamine-binding protein ...201122194449
changes in caenorhabditis elegans exposed to vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus, which owes its origin to the marine environment, is considered as one of the most common causes of infectious diarrhea worldwide. the present study investigated the pathogenicity of v. parahaemolyticus against the model organism, caenorhabditis elegans. infection in the host was localized with gfp-tagged v. parahaemolyticus using confocal laser scanning microscopy. the times required for causing infection, bacterial load in intestine, chemotactic response, and alteration ...201122031026
functional characterization of the interaction between bacterial adhesin multivalent adhesion molecule 7 (mam7) protein and its host cell ligands.the ability of a pathogen to rapidly form a stable interaction with the host cell surface is key to its success. bacterial pathogens use a repertoire of virulence factors, but their efficient use relies on close contact between the host and the pathogen. we have recently identified a constitutively expressed mam7 (multivalent adhesion molecule 7), which is widely distributed in gram-negative pathogens and enables them to establish initial contact with the host cell. here, we describe the dissect ...201121937438
Vibrio jasicida sp. nov., a member of the Harveyi clade, from marine animals (packhorse lobster, abalone, and Atlantic salmon).Six isolates of a facultatively anaerobic bacterium were recovered in culture from marine invertebrates and vertebrates, including packhorse lobster (Jasus verreauxi), abalone (Haliotis sp.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) between 1994 and 2002. The bacteria are Gram-negative, rod shaped and motile by means of more than one polar flagellum, oxidase-positive, catalase-positive and able to grow between 0.5-8.0% NaCl (optimum 3.0-6.0%) and at temperatures of 10-37 °C (optimum 25-30 °C). On the ba ...201121984666
comparison of molecular detection methods for vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus.pathogenic vibrios are a global concern for seafood safety and many molecular methods have been developed for their detection. this study compares several molecular methods for detection of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus, in mpn enrichments from oysters and fish intestine samples. this study employed the dupont qualicon bax(®) system real-time pcr assay for detection of v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus. multiplex real-time pcr detection of total (tlh+), t ...201222265290
culture-independent real-time pcr reveals extensive polymicrobial infections in hospitalized diarrhoea cases in kolkata, india.clin microbiol infect abstract: culture-independent identification of diarrhoeal aetiological agents was performed using dna harvested from diarrhoeal stool specimens with sybr-green-based real-time pcr targeting vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, campylobacter spp., shigella spp. and three different pathotypes of diarrhoeagenic escherichia coli. conventional culture-dependent methods detected bacterial enteropathogens in 68 of 122 diarrhoeal stool specimens. of 68 specimens, 59 (86.8%) h ...201122268636
determination of microbial quality and plasmid-mediated multidrug resistant bacteria in fountain drinking water sources in turkey.the bacterial contamination as the total aerobic bacteria, coliform and fecal coliform numbers were determined and analyzed for temperature, ph, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in seasonally collected water samples from fifteen different stations placed in adana-tufanbeyli road line during march 2008 - january 2009. in addition, antibiotic resistance profiles of isolates were examined against frequently used antibiotics, and analyzed plasmid dnaof multiple antibiotic resistant (mar) isolates. ...201223741812
distribution of enteric bacteria in the sediments of parangipettai and cuddalore coast of india.distribution of major groups of enteric bacteria viz., escherichia coli, shigella spp., salmonella spp., vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio cholerae was studied in the sediment samples collected from different depths of 5, 15, 25 and 35 m in parangipettai and cuddalore coast during march, 2009 to february, 2010. among the bacterial population in parangipettai, v parahaemolyticus was found to be maximum with an occurrence of 55% followed by shigella spp. (15%), v cholerae (12%), salmonella spp. ( ...201223359995
screening antimicrobial activity of various extracts of urtica dioica.urtica dioica or stinging nettle is traditionally used as an herbal medicine in western asia. the current study represents the investigation of antimicrobial activity of u. dioica from nine crude extracts that were prepared using different organic solvents, obtained from two extraction methods: the soxhlet extractor (method i), which included the use of four solvents with ethyl acetate and hexane, or the sequential partitions (method ii) with a five solvent system (butanol). the antibacterial an ...201223342511
effect of temperature on growth of vibrio paraphemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in flounder, salmon sashimi and oyster meat.vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus are the major pathogenic vibrio species which contaminate ready-to-eat seafood. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the risk of human illness resulting from consumption of ready-to-eat seafood such as sashimi and raw oyster meat due to the presence of v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus. we compared the growth kinetics of v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus strains in broth and ready-to-eat seafood, including flounder and salmon sashimi, as ...201223330227
apha is required for biofilm formation, motility, and virulence in pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus.apha is a small padr-family dna-binding regulator in vibrios. apha has been shown to be involved in transcriptional auto-repression, intestinal colonization and lethality in mice, biofilm formation, and quorum sensing in vibrio cholerae. the apha protein of vibrio parahaemolyticus has 85% identity to that of v. cholerae with the same number of amino acids. in this work, the apha null mutant was constructed from a wild-type pandemic strain of v. parahaemolyticus for characterization of the phenot ...201223290231
Displaying items 3101 - 3200 of 6009