
phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis a virus in thailand.human hepatitis a virus (hav) is a major causative agent of acute hepatitis, and the isolates are categorised into four genotypes: i (gi), ii (gii), iii (giii), and vii (gvii). although viral hepatitis has been detected under a nationwide surveillance system in thailand, the genetic variation of hav has not yet been determined. in the present study, serum specimens were collected from acute hepatitis patients in thailand from 1998-2002. the igm-class antibody to hav was detected in 156 out of 39 ...200515543573
nucleotide correlation between hav isolates from human patients and environmental samples.hepatitis a disease is endemic in albania even though records from the medical authority show outbreaks involving only limited numbers of people. in the city of lac, 200 people became ill following an outbreak of hepatitis a started on november 2002. the age distribution of the cases shows a peak in the age group 5-9 (43.5%) followed by the age group 10-14 (28%) and the age group 1-4 (18%). no cases were recorded in the age group 0-1. drinking water and sewage samples were collected, using elect ...200515543594
20s proteasome differentially alters translation of different mrnas via the cleavage of eif4f and eif3.the molecular basis for coordinated regulation of protein synthesis and degradation is not understood. here we report that the 20s proteasome endoproteolytically cleaves the translation initiation factors eif4g, a subunit of eif4f, and eif3a, a subunit of eif3. the cleavage of eif4g or eif3a differentially affects the assembly of ribosomal preinitiation complexes on different cellular and viral mrnas in an in vitro system containing pure components. inhibition of proteolytic activity of the 20s ...200415546617
[enteric viruses and bacteriological parameters in molluscs].eighty-seven samples of shellfish were collected considering: type of mollusc, origin, growing area, monitoring or for human purpose. the bacteriological parameters were: fecal coliforms, escherichia coli, and salmonella; whereas the virological parameters included: hepatitis a and e virus, rotavirus, astrovirus and enterovirus. in total, 63.2% of samples had normal bacteria values, only one sample was salmonella positive. the percentage of positive samples for hepatitis a virus was 5.7%, rotavi ...200415554530
autoimmune hepatitis--sequel of a relapsing hepatitis a in a 75-year-old woman.acute hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is a global cause of acute hepatitis. however, chronic hav infection is unlikely. nevertheless, there is some evidence that acute infection with hav may trigger chronic active hepatitis which fulfils the criteria of autoimmune hepatitis (aih). whether aih following hav infection is virus specific remains unclear. despite evidence that inherited factors may play a role in the development of autoimmunity after viral infection, the pathomechanism remains uncl ...200415557764
genetic variability of hepatitis a virus isolates in rio de janeiro: implications for the vaccination of school children.the epidemiology of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is shifting from high to intermediate endemicity in brazil, resulting in increased numbers of susceptible individuals and a greater potential for the emergence of outbreaks. universal vaccination against hav has been recommended for children, but updated sero-epidemiological data are necessary to analyze the level of natural immunity and to identify candidates for preventive measures. in addition, more molecular studies are necessary to chara ...200415558184
hepatitis a seroprevalence and risk factors among day-care centres play a role in the epidemiology of hepatitis a virus (hav). up-to-date documentation on its seroprevalence and potential risk factors among day-care educators, who may be at risk for significant hav morbidity, is nevertheless lacking. the availability of a hepatitis a vaccine provides an additional opportunity for prevention in this population. to determine the seroprevalence of previous hav infection among day-care educators and to identify potential risk factors, we undertook ...200415559862
influence of tnf gene polymorphism in patients with acute and fulminant hepatitis.tumor necrosis factor (tnf) is involved in liver damage, especially in fulminant hepatitis (fh). our previous data showed that the serum level of tnf-alpha was markedly increased in fh. to investigate the mechanism of the overproduction of tnf in fh patients, polymorphism of the tnf gene was studied.200415565405
serological survey on hepatitis e virus infection in an endemic area: diagnosis potential of enzyme immunoassay for detection of igg antibody.hepatitis e is a major cause of acute icteric disease widespread in tropical and sub-tropical regions but rarely occurring in industrialized countries. recently solid-phase enzyme immunoassays with recombinant antigens have been introduced for diagnosis of this infection.199415566775
investigation of a hepatitis a outbreak in a primary school by sequential saliva outbreak of hepatitis a occurred in a primary school (children aged 4-11 years), starting in the autumn of 1990 and terminating some 5 months later after some spread into the local community.199515566799
clinical features and molecular characterization of hepatitis a virus outbreak in a child care center in a result of declining hepatitis a endemicity in thailand, an increasing number of children and adolescents have become susceptible to hepatitis a virus (hav) infection.200515572002
association of hepatitis a virus infection with allergic sensitization in a population with high prevalence of hepatitis a virus inverse association between allergic sensitization and markers of exposure to food-borne and orofecal infections (particularly hepatitis a virus, hav) has been reported. the prevalence of hav exposure and allergic sensitization vary widely in different areas, and vary along with age within a given area.200515575938
helicobacter pylori and hepatitis a virus infections and the cardiovascular risk profile in patients with diabetes mellitus: results of a population-based study.the objective of this study was to investigate the associations of sero-positivity for helicobacter pylori (hp) and hepatitis a virus infection (hav) with prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (cvd) and cvd-risk markers in a large population-based sample of patients with diabetes mellitus (dm), who are at high risk of developing cvd.200415580057
immunogenicity, reactogenicity and adherence to a combined hepatitis a and b vaccine in illicit drug users.the use of illegal drugs is associated with an increase in infective risk for the hepatitis viruses, against which the vaccination of drug users (dus) is recommended unanimously. the aim of the study was to determine tolerability, adherence and immune response of a combined vaccine providing dual protection against hepatitis a virus (hav) and hepatitis b virus (hbv).200415585047
[hepatitis a virus infection in amerindian area in the east brazilian amazon].the hepatitis a virus infection represents an important problem of public health all over the world, being related to the socioeconomic and hygienic conditions of the population. in brazilian amazon, seroepidemiological studies in amerindians populations have been demonstrating high endemicity related to the infection. with the objective of evaluate the prevalence of the hepatitis virus a infection in xicrin village, in the municipality district of altamira-pará-brazil, whose investigation was u ...200415586897
clinical epidemiology of fulminant hepatitis in japan before the substantial introduction of liver transplantation: an analysis of 1309 cases in a 15-year national survey.background:: the low incidence of fulminant hepatitis (fh) makes it difficult to accurately assess its viral etiology and clinical characteristics. additionally, the therapeutic options for fh have markedly changed over the years because of the substantial introduction of living-donor liver transplantation. aim:: to analyze and summarize a large-scale national survey on fh in the pretransplantation era in japan. method:: an analysis of answers to an annual questionnaire sent to 313 centers for l ...200415588781
the hygiene hypothesis and asthma.reduced exposure to childhood infections may explain the increased prevalence of allergic diseases in industrialized countries (the hygiene hypothesis). this review will examine recent epidemiologic studies of the hygiene hypothesis and asthma.200515591883
feasibility of vaccination in preventing secondary cases of hepatitis a virus infection.although the secondary transmission of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is preventable through vaccination, it is not known whether the vaccination of household contacts is feasible. to this end, we conducted a prospective cohort study among the household contacts, 40 years of age or less, of all persons infected with primary hav infection (index cases) and admitted to eight hospitals in southern italy within 7 days of onset. household contacts were vaccinated, and serum samples were taken at v ...200515603892
[comparison of the chinese lj strain structural gene with hm175, mbb, la strains and the expression of hepatitis a virus antigen by lj/hm175 recombinant vaccinia virus].the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of a chinese hepatitis a virus long-jia (lj) strain were compared with that of hm175, mbb and la strains in structural genes (nt 630-3049). the most extensive nucleotide homology was identified between lj and mbb strains. the identity rates of nucleotide were 95.4%, 96.7% and 91.4%, respectively. variation rates of amino acid were 0.91%, 0.91% and 2.98%, respectively. a total of 23 amino acid differences located in whole capsid region between lj and la str ...199715617330
[diagnosis of hepatitis e virus infection in sporadic acute hepatitis].the solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (eia) was used for detecting anti-hev immunoglobulin g (igg) and m (igm) by using a recombinant chimeric antigen (orf3-2) from the open reading frame (orf) 2 and 3 of hepatitis e virus gene. these sera were collected from the patients with sporadic acute viral hepatitis. the positive rate for anti-hev igg was 15.22% (7) among 46 patients with acute hepatitis, 5 of the 7 igg positive sera were also positive (71.4%) for anti-hev igm. 91.8% (93) and 76.4% (78) wer ...199715619831
concentration and detection of hepatitis a virus and rotavirus in spring water samples by reverse transcription-pcr.every year, enteric viruses such as hepatitis a virus (hav), rotaviruses, and noroviruses are responsible for viral gastro-enteritis and hepatitis reported worldwide. these viruses are mostly transmitted via the faecal-oral route, from direct contact between people, or by ingestion of contaminated food and water. since only a few viral particles may cause disease, detection of low concentration of these viruses in food matrices is usually complex. the development of methods to concentrate viruse ...200515620398
declining hepatitis a seroprevalence: a global review and analysis.hepatitis a virus (hav) is spread by faecal-oral contact or ingestion of contaminated food or water. lifelong immunity is conferred by infection or vaccination, so anti-hav seroprevalence studies can be used to indicate which populations are susceptible to infection. seroprevalence rates are highly correlated with socioeconomic status and access to clean water and sanitation. increasing household income, education, water quality and quantity, sanitation, and hygiene leads to decreases in hav pre ...200415635957
[study of the effectiveness of the method of the nest polymerase chain reaction and the field of its use in hepatitis a diagnosis].to determine the causative agent of hepatitis a in the blood of patients, we developed the method of the nest polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with reverse transcription. for the comparative evaluation of the diagnostic efficacy of the nest pcr and the enzyme immunoassay (eia) serum samples and mononuclear blood cells obtained from 15 patients with diagnosed hepatitis a and from 33 patients having signs and carrying markers of other form of hepatitis were analyzed. on the whole, the method of pcr ...200415636150
[construction of the plant expression vector with hepatitis a capsid protein fusion gene and genetic transformation of citrus. sinensis osbeck].the use of edible plants for the production and delivery of vaccine proteins could provide an economical alternative to fermentation systems. the construction of the plant expression vector pbi121-a was reported, which contained a fusion gene encoding hepatitis a capsid proteins. the gene was located between the left and right ti border sequences under the control of camv35s promoter. the vector was identified via pcr and restriction enzyme analysis and was introduced into agrobacterium tumerifa ...200415640033
high-pressure inactivation of hepatitis a virus within oysters.previous results demonstrated that hepatitis a virus (hav) could be inactivated by high hydrostatic pressure (hhp) (d. h. kingsley, d. hoover, e. papafragkou, and g. p. richards, j. food prot. 65:1605-1609, 2002); however, direct evaluation of hav inactivation within contaminated oysters was not performed. in this study, we report confirmation that hav within contaminated shellfish is inactivated by hhp. shellfish were initially contaminated with hav by using a flowthrough system. pfu reductions ...200515640207
[preliminary study on rt-pcr-elisa method for virus titer testing of live attenuated hepatitis a vaccine].to evaluate the rt-pcr-elisa method applied for testing live attenuated hepatitis a vaccine titer.200415640863
detection of enteric viruses and bacterial indicators in german environmental waters.a german mining lake and the supplying surface waters, which are located downstream of a sewage plant, were examined regarding their microbiological and virological quality. between october 2002 and september 2003, specific pcr methods were used to determine the occurrence of enteric viruses in 123 water specimens drawn at different sites downstream of the waste water treatment plant and in 9 samples from the sewage plant influent. detection rates in sewage plant effluents and surface water samp ...200515645371
a novel rt-multiplex pcr for enteroviruses, hepatitis a and e viruses and influenza a virus among infants and children with diarrhea in vietnam.a novel reverse transcription-multiplex polymerase chain reaction (rt-multiplex pcr) assay that can detect enteroviruses, hepatitis a and e viruses and influenza a virus from various hosts (avian species, human, swine and horse) was developed. the identification of that group of viruses was performed with the mixture of four pairs of published specific primers (f1 and r1, p3 and p4, 2s and 2as, mmu42 and mmu43) for amplifying viral genomes and specifically generated four different amplicon sizes ...200515645373
[actual knoweledge of viral hepatitis]. 197915648330
[genomic sequence of hepatitis a virus l-a-1 vaccine strain].to study the genome sequence of hepatitis a virus l-a-1 strain which has been applied for live attenuated vaccine production in china, to compare with other hav strains, to understand some characteristics of l-a-1 strain, and to find the mechanism of attenuation and cell adaptation.200415650790
molecular epidemiology of hepatitis a in noord-brabant, the netherlands.previous studies on the molecular epidemiology of hepatitis a virus (hav) in amsterdam, the netherlands, show that subgenotype 1a is mainly seen among homosexual men practising anonymous oral-anal sex in saunas and darkrooms, while subgenotype 1b is usually detected among children originating from morocco, and subgenotype 3a is mostly found among travellers to pakistan.200515653415
seroepidemiology of hepatitis a in patients with chronic liver disease.hepatitis a virus (hav) rarely causes fulminant hepatic failure in the general population. yet it is a cause of significant morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic liver disease (cld), in whom routine hav vaccination is recommended. however, studies of hav seroprevalence and exposure predictors in populations with cld are scarce. we have studied a cohort of 473 patients with various causes of cld between july 2000 and june 2002. patients were stratified on the basis of age, gender, ethn ...200515655056
comparison of bacteriophage and enteric virus removal in pilot scale activated sludge plants.the aim of this experimental study was to determine comparatively the removal of two types of bacteriophages, a somatic coliphage and an f-specific rna phage and of three types of enteric viruses, hepatitis a virus (hav), poliovirus and rotavirus during sewage treatment by activated sludge using laboratory pilot plants.200515659206
changes in seroprevalence of hepatitis a in children and adolescents in manisa, turkey.hepatitis a virus (hav), being an enteric transmitting virus wide world, occurs mostly in children of developing countries. however, the virus has recently been seen in adolescents and young adults worldwide. the aim of the present study was to evaluate the seroprevalence of the hav infection in children and adolescents in manisa, turkey, and to verify whether the increased incidence of hav infection in other parts of the world and turkey generally is also true for the area of manisa.200415660865
environmental risk factors for hepatitis a infection in the zenica-doboj canton, bosnia and the zenica-doboj canton, 1106 hepatitis a virus (hav) infections were reported during 2000 (an incidence rate of 252/100 000 population), with 996 (90.1%) cases occurring in nine community-wide outbreaks. analysis of water supplies showed that 398 (19.1%) samples contained coliforms, including 202 (50.8%) that were contaminated with thermotolerant escherichia coli. sewage sanitation systems were absent or substandard in 53 910 (81.8%) rural households. the group most affected during outbreaks ...200515679489
regulation of tolerance in the respiratory tract: tim-1, hygiene, and the this chapter we will discuss the regulation of immune responses in the respiratory mucosal system, rather than in the gastrointestinal mucosal system. however, because the lung and gastrointestinal tracts derive developmentally from a common endoderm, immune mechanisms in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts are likely to be very similar. therefore, concepts that are learned about the respiratory tract are likely to benefit the understanding of tolerance in the gastrointestinal tract. ...200415681748
simultaneous vaccination against hepatitis a and b: results of an open, randomized study from the occupational health point of view.the primary objective of the study was to evaluate the immunogenicity of a combined hepatitis a and hepatitis b vaccine compared to the effect of the administration of two monovalent hepatitis a and b vaccines by quantitative measurements of the anti-hbs antibody levels at month 2 of the vaccination course. secondary objectives were to assess immunogenicity of the vaccines investigated at other time points in the vaccination course (months 1, 6 and 7), including the comparison of quantitative me ...200415683159
household-based costs and benefits of vaccinating healthy children in daycare against influenza virus: results from a pilot study.vaccinating children against influenza virus may reduce infections in immunised children and household contacts, thereby reducing the household-based cost associated with respiratory illnesses.200515693728
do high levels of viral replication contribute to fulminant hepatitis a? 200515698418
growth of hepatitis a virus in a mouse liver cell line.hepatitis a virus (hav) has been adapted to grow efficiently in primate and some nonprimate cell lines but not in cells of murine origin. to understand the inability of the virus to grow in mouse cells, we studied the replication of hav in immortalized and nontransformed mmh-d3 mouse liver cells, which require growth factors and collagen to maintain their phenotype. hav grew in mmh-d3 cells transfected with virion rna but not in those infected with viral particles, indicating a cell entry block ...200515709014
hepatitis a molecular epidemiology in the united states, 1996-1997: sources of infection and implications of vaccination policy.the genetic relatedness of hepatitis a virus (hav) isolates was determined to identify possible infection sources for case patients in the sentinel counties study of acute viral hepatitis.200515717272
a method for quantitative determination of deuterium content in biological material.a method was developed for quantitative determination of deuterium incorporated into live organisms or biological macromolecules. the deuterated biological material was mixed with a bovine serum albumin (bsa) supporter to make a homogeneous sample for which the deltad value (vs. vsmow) was analyzed using a dual-inlet gas isotope mass spectrometer. the method is described in detail, and the equation for calculation of deuterium content is presented, i.e., cbiod=1/500 x k x rvsmow x cbsah x 10(6) ...200515723442
viral hepatitis in the arctic.summarize research on viral hepatitis in indigenous populations in the arctic.200415736621
[detection of hepatitis a virus in environmental samples by coupled reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction].a direct reverse transcription coupled with polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) was used to detect hav-seeded sea water, coastal sediment and arca subcrenata, hav strain treated by different kind of disinfection, and naturally occurring hav in arca subcrenata. the results showed that hav could be detected in hav-seeded sea water, coastal sediment and arca subcrenata. hav could also be detected in hav strain disinfected by phenol, suggesting that inactive hav could also show positive pcr. only arc ...199715747458
detection of human picornaviruses by multiplex reverse transcription-pcr and liquid hybridization.a qualitative multiplex reverse transcription (rt)-pcr and liquid hybridization assay for the detection of human enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, parechoviruses, and aichi virus was developed. furthermore, a separate assay for the recognition of hepatitis a virus was established to complement the test pattern so that all human picornaviruses were covered. the amplicons, which represented the 5' untranslated regions of the viral rna genomes, were identified in liquid hybridization reactions with genu ...200515750090
interchangeability and tolerability of a virosomal and an aluminum-adsorbed hepatitis a vaccine.the interchangeability of virosomal (epaxal) and aluminum-adsorbed (havrix 1440) hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccines was studied in 111 healthy adults who were vaccinated in a randomized, single-blind, crossover clinical trial. anti-hav antibody titers were measured at days 0 (first dose), 14, and 28, and months 3, 6, 12 (second dose), 13, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72. most subjects (>95%) had sero-converted 14 days after the first dose of either vaccine. the second dose with either vaccine induced a high ...200515752828
hepatitis a vaccines: the growing case for universal immunisation of children.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection results in a debilitating, multi-week illness in older children and adults that can be avoided with pre-exposure immunisation. inactivated hav vaccines are safe, highly effective and induce long-lasting protection. immunisation has typically been recommended only for groups at highest risk of infection or complications, with variable success. this paper reviews the outcomes of several new programmes of universal hav immunisation of children and/or adolescents. t ...200515757414
spontaneous renal laceration as the presenting feature of polyarteritis nodosa in a patient with familial mediterranean fever after hepatitis a infection.we report a life-threatening spontaneous renal laceration with no history of bleeding diathesis or any trauma in a patient with fmf after acute hepatitis a virus (hav) infection. right nephrectomy was inevitable and histological investigation of the removed right kidney revealed a polyarterits nodosa (pan). this case underlines the possibility that simultaneous pan and immunsupressive treatment besides colchicine should be considered for patients with fmf. also, patients with fmf who are not imm ...200515765217
epidemiology of hepatitis a and e virus infection in brazil.this review has the objective to discuss the epidemiological aspects of the enterically transmitted hepatitis a and e in brazil. the prevalence of hepatitis a varies greatly in different brazilian regions, from 56% in south and southeast to 93% in north region (manaus, amazon). such differences are also found in different socioeconomic levels among age groups. a significantly higher prevalence was seen in the low socioeconomic group between 1-30 years. this difference is most striking in the fir ...200515771857
the rate of serious bacterial infections among hiv-infected children with immune reconstitution who have discontinued opportunistic infection prophylaxis.receipt of highly active antiretroviral therapy is associated with a decrease in the incidence of opportunistic infections (ois) among hiv-infected adults. the goal of pediatric aids clinical trials group protocol 1008 was to evaluate prospectively the incidence of serious bacterial infections (sbis) and other ois after discontinuation of oi and/or pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (pcp) prophylaxis among hiv-infected pediatric subjects who experienced immune reconstitution while receiving stable ...200515772172
hepatitis a infection and vaccination among danish blood donors.when testing 466 danish blood donors, of whom 60 reported to be vaccinated against hepatitis a, 55 (11.8%, 95% ci: 9.0-15.1) had detectable levels of anti-hepatitis a virus igg (> 10 m iu/ml). among unvaccinated donors, the prevalence rate was 23/376 (6.1%, 95% ci: 3.9-9.0) with age above 50 y and use of private water supply being independently associated with seropositivity.200515773034
prevalence of hepatitis a virus antibodies in patients with chronic liver disease in shiraz, iran. 200515778532
prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis e virus in residents of a district in havana, cuba.a seroepidemiological study of hepatitis e virus (hev) infection was conducted in a district of havana, where hepatitis a virus (hav) is considered endemic. the levels of anti-hev antibodies were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) based on the recombinant protein gst-orf2.1. anti-hev antibodies were detected in 11 of 209 (5.3%) of serum samples, compared to 71.3% for anti-hav antibodies. no risk factors reported previously for hev infection showed a significant association wi ...200515779049
[prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis a infection in an hiv-infected french population].there are common risk factors between hepatitis a virus (hav) and human immuno deficiency virus (hiv) infections.200515780896
tim-4 is the ligand for tim-1, and the tim-1-tim-4 interaction regulates t cell proliferation.the newly identified tim family of proteins is associated with regulation of t helper type 1 (t(h)1) and t(h)2 immune responses. tim-1 is genetically linked to asthma and is a receptor for hepatitis a virus, but the endogenous ligand of tim-1 is not known. here we show that tim-4, which is expressed by antigen-presenting cells, is the ligand for tim-1. in vivo administration of either soluble tim-1-immunoglobulin (tim-1-ig) fusion protein or tim-4-ig fusion protein resulted in hyperproliferation ...200515793576
nested multiplex pcr assay for detection of human enteric viruses in shellfish and sewage.environmental samples and contaminated shellfish present frequently low concentrations of more than one viral species. for this reason, a nested multiplex rt-pcr was developed for the detection of adenoviruses, enteroviruses and hepatitis a viruses in different environmental samples such as urban sewage and shellfish. this assay will save time and cost for detection of these enteric viruses with a smaller sample volume, which otherwise can be a limiting factor in routine analysis. the limit of d ...200515794979
tim-1, hepatitis a virus and the hygiene theory of atopy: association of tim-1 with atopy. 200515805850
[epidemiologic aspects of viral hepatitis a and vaccination].epidemiological problems connected with hepatitis a in twentieth century and in the first years of twenty-first were mentioned with special attention of self-limiting of cases in the periods of very high, high, medium, low and very low endemicity. decreasing of percentage of immunised persons was observed especially among children and young persons. it may be a cause in future of increasing of numbers of cases of hepatitis a even epidemics. therefore vaccination against hepatitis a some people i ...200415807158
[combined vaccine against hepatitis a and b].among the infectious virus hepatitis diseases, types a and b can be successfully prevented with vaccinations. who recommend effective control of hepatitis a through immunisation, especially among populations with indirect or high endemicity. since 1991 who has been recommending vaccinations against hepatitis b. it is planned to introduce it in all countries by the year 2007. vaccinations against hepatitis a & b are recommended for people travelling to the regions endemic for these infections or ...200415807160
[vaccination for hiv positive travelers].people with hiv+ travelling around the world comprise a unique group regarding immunological disorders which can be intensified due to, e.g. climatic and time zones. increased exposure of vulnerable tourists to various biological factors (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites) is hazardous to their health. travellers are advised to active prophylaxis as far as endemic diseases of particular globe regions are concerned. limitations in vaccine use in hiv+ travellers are due to the kind of biolog ...200415807165
suppression of hepatitis a virus genome translation and replication by sirnas targeting the internal ribosomal entry site.small interfering rnas (sirnas) targeting the coding region of hepatitis a virus (hav) were shown to specifically inhibit viral genome replication. compared to the coding region, the hav internal ribosomal entry site (ires) in the 5' non-coding region is highly sequence-conserved and folds into stable secondary structures. here, we report efficient and sustained rna interference mediated by both rnase iii-prepared sirna (esirna) and vector-derived short hairpin rnas (shrnas) that are targeted to ...200515823573
the effects of socioeconomic development on worldwide hepatitis a virus seroprevalence patterns.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection confers long-term immunity, so mathematical analysis of age-specific seroprevalence in populations can reveal changes in the infection rate over time. hav transmission is related to access to clean drinking water, personal hygiene and public sanitation.200515831565
replication and in vivo repair of the hepatitis a virus genome lacking the poly(a) tail.the precise role of the poly(a) tail at the 3' end of the picornavirus rna genome and the cellular factors that control its homeostasis are unknown. to assess the importance of the poly(a) tail for virus replication, the genome of the slowly replicating hepatitis a virus (hav) with and without a poly(a) tail was studied after transfection into cells maintained under various conditions. a tailless hav genome had a shorter half-life than a poly(a)-containing genome and was unable to replicate in q ...200515831948
rapid investigation of hepatitis a virus outbreak by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis.investigation of hepatitis a virus (hav) outbreaks often implies nucleotide sequence analysis. as an alternative method for the identification of related strains, single strand conformation polymorphism method (sscp) was compared to sequence analysis. twenty-three strains from sporadic and outbreak cases were studied retrospectively. sscp, sequence identity and phylogenetic analyses were conducted on a 267 bp fragment of the vp1-2a variable region. the results of sscp pattern comparison and sequ ...200515834883
determinants of acquiring hepatitis a virus disease in a large italian region in endemic and epidemic periods.viral hepatitis a is endemic in puglia region (southeast italy). over the last 13 years, annual incidence rates have ranged from 4 to 138 per 100,000 inhabitants and periodical regional epidemics have been described. between 1 january 1996 and 31 december 1997 over 11,000 cases of hepatitis a were reported accounting for an annual incidence rate over 130/100,000. to identify exposures during the epidemics, a case-control study was performed in two different rounds and since 1997, an enhanced sur ...200515850473
amantadine inhibits hepatitis a virus internal ribosomal entry site-mediated translation in human hepatoma cells.the effect of six drugs (amantadine, glycyrrhizin, ribavirin, ursodeoxycholic acid, alcohol, and ifn) on hav rna translation from the hav internal ribosomal entry site (ires) was investigated using a bicistronic reporter construct containing hav ires as intragenic spacer. huh-7 cells and derivatives were transfected with in vitro transcripts, and the reporter gene activity was determined. ifn suppressed both cap-dependent and hav ires-dependent translation, while amantadine specifically inhibite ...200515850805
zinc-sensitive genes as potential new target genes of the metal transcription factor-1 (mtf-1).zinc is an essential trace element that serves as a structural constituent of a large number of transcription factors, which explains its pivotal role in the control of gene expression. previous studies investigating the effect of zinc deficiency and zinc supplementation on gene expression in the human adenocarcinoma cell line ht-29 led to the identification of a considerable number of genes responding to alterations in cellular zinc status with changes in steady state mrna levels. for 9 of 20 g ...200515864330
genetic variants of the t-cell immunoglobulin mucin 1 but not the t-cell immunoglobulin mucin 3 gene are associated with asthma in an african american population.the t-cell immunoglobulin mucin ( tim ) proteins and their genetic variants have been suggested to play a role in regulating allergic diseases.200515867855
does genotype of hepatitis a virus relate to clinical characteristics of hepatitis a? 200515869903
[effects of cytokines on the immunogenic properties of hepatitis a vaccine].cytokines were found, in experiments with guinea pigs, to have a stimulating action on the immunogenic potency of hepatitis a vaccine (hep-a-in-vac). the most pronounced effects were produced by rhil-1b, rhtnf-alpha, thymosin-a1, the "neothym" hybrid protein and immunophan. injections of cytokines as of adjuvants stimulated the formation of antibodies titers that exceeded 2-10-fold those observed in control animals immunized by hep-a-in-vac alone. immunization of guinea pigs made alongside with ...200515881393
association of helicobacter pylori infection and giardiasis: results from a study of surrogate markers for fecal exposure among investigate whether helicobacter pylori (h pylori) infection is associated with hepatitis a virus (hav) infection, presence of enteroparasites, and other surrogates of fecal exposure.200515884117
prevalence of hepatitis a, b, c and human immunodeficiency virus seropositivity among patients with acute icteric hepatitis at the kenyatta national hospital, determine the prevalence of hepatitis a, b, c and hiv seropositivity among patients with acute icteric hepatitis.200415884283
positive test results for acute hepatitis a virus infection among persons with no recent history of acute hepatitis--united states, 2002-2004.hepatitis a is a nationally reportable condition, and the surveillance case definition includes both clinical criteria and serologic confirmation. state health departments and cdc have investigated persons with positive serologic tests for acute hepatitis a virus (hav) infection (i.e., igm anti-hav) whose illness was not consistent with the clinical criteria of the hepatitis a case definition. test results indicating acute hav infection among persons who do not have clinical or epidemiologic fea ...200515889006
evidence for natural selection in the havcr1 gene: high degree of amino-acid variability in the mucin domain of human havcr1 protein.the family of genes encoding t-cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain containing proteins (tim), which are cell-surface molecules expressed in cd4(+) t helper cells, has important roles in the immune system. here, we report three unusual patterns of genetic variation in the human hepatitis a virus cellular receptor 1 gene (havcr1) that are similar to patterns observed in major histocompatibility complex loci. first, levels of polymorphism in exon 4 of havcr1 were exceptionally high in humans (nucl ...200515889130
cost-analysis of different management policies for patients with mild hepatitis a virus infection in kazakhstan.for patients with mild hepatitis a virus (hav) infection, this study compared estimates of total costs associated with managing cases under a policy of mandatory hospitalization in the republic of kazakhstan and estimates of total costs associated with managing cases in outpatient settings. costs were estimated both from the perspective of the ministry of health and from a broader societal perspective.200515890070
application of microbial risk assessment to the development of standards for enteric pathogens in water used to irrigate fresh produce.microbial contamination of the surfaces of cantaloupe, iceberg lettuce, and bell peppers via contact with irrigation water was investigated to aid in the development of irrigation water quality standards for enteric bacteria and viruses. furrow and subsurface drip irrigation methods were evaluated with the use of nonpathogenic surrogates, coliphage prd1, and escherichia coli atcc 25922. the concentrations of hepatitis a virus (hav) and salmonella in irrigation water necessary to achieve a 1:10,0 ...200515895721
detection and quantification of hepatitis a virus in seawater via real-time rt-pcr.a real-time rt-pcr method utilizing sybr green chemistry was developed to detect and enumerate hepatitis a virus (hav) in ocean water. ocean water samples were taken at the tijuana river mouth (tijuana, mexico) and imperial beach pier (1.4 km north of the tijuana river mouth in san diego, california) following four separate rain events. a total of eight samples were collected, one from each location, each consisting of 4 l of ocean water. using conventional rt-pcr and primers based on the conser ...200515896854
identification of gastroenteric viruses by electron microscopy using higher order spectral features.many paediatric illnesses are caused by viral agents, for example, acute gastroenteritis. electron microscopy can provide images of viral particles and can be used to identify the agents.200515908267
should one vaccinate patients with chronic liver disease for hepatitis a virus in india?hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccination is recommended worldwide for patients with chronic liver disease to prevent decompensation due to superinfection with hav. india being endemic for hav, the prevalence of pre-existing antibodies against hav due to subclinical exposure to the virus in childhood among patients with chronic liver disease may be high and, therefore, vaccination may not be needed. however, little data are available on the prevalence of hav antibody among patients with chronic liver ...200415909855
[haemophilus influenzae].a resurgence in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (std) has occurred in germany over the past ten years. along with the classical std such as syphilis and gonorrhea, new and as yet atypical organisms such as shigella or hepatitis a virus play a role in high-risk patients. we report a case of urethritis caused by h. influenzae biotype ii in an hiv-positive patient. the prevalence of h. influenzae as a relevant pathogen causing urinary tract infections is underestimated because of a l ...200615912399
is vaccination against hepatitis a virus required in patients with cirrhosis of the liver?hepatitis a virus (hav) superinfection can cause decompensation in patients with chronic liver disease. the risk of hav superinfection depends on the endemicity of hav in that particular population. recommendations of vaccination against hav in patients with cirrhosis of the liver in india are lacking. our aim was to assess the seroprevalence of anti-hav antibodies in our population of patients with cirrhosis of the liver. in a retrospective analysis, the serum of 55 patients with cirrhosis of t ...200415912973
hepatitis a viral genotypes and clinical relevance: clinical and molecular characterization of hepatitis a virus isolates from northern india.viral hepatitis caused by hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is a worldwide disease; in most cases, it causes an acute self-limited illness. the nucleotide sequence analysis of hav has classified the virus in seven different genotypes, which include human (i-iii and vii) and simian (iv-vi) groups. most human strains belong to the genotype i, which has been divided into sub-genotypes ia and ib. the present study has been carried out to determine the prevalence of hav genotypes from northern india ...200515914081
prevalence of hepatitis a virus infection in children with biliary atresia.this study aimed at identifying the prevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection in children with biliary atresia (ba). blood samples were collected from children with ba whom had undergone portoenterostomy and attended the pediatric liver clinic, king chulalongkorn memorial hospital between may 2002 and may 2003. seventy-seven patients, 45 females and 32 males, ages ranging from 0.2-19 years (mean +/- sd = 5.9 +/- 4.6 years) were enrolled in the study. the hav seropositivity rate of patients ...200415916098
consequence or coincidence? the occurrence, pathogenesis and significance of autoimmune manifestations after viral vaccines.viruses and virus-induced lymphokines may have an important role in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity (schattner a. clin immunol immunopathol; 1994). the occurrence and significance of autoimmune manifestations after the administration of viral vaccines remain controversial.200515917108
pcr screening for candidate etiological agents of canine hepatitis.hepatitis, either acute or chronic, is a relatively common hepatic disease in dogs. several forms of canine hepatitis can occur, some with a defined cause, most cases have an unknown etiology. the similarities between canine hepatitis and human viral hepatitis suggest that canine hepatitis may have a viral etiology too.200515917133
[hepatitis a virus prevalence: portuguese first results of low endemicity].the prevalence of the hepatitis a virus in a population determines the degree of morbidity associated with this illness, that is, the higher the morbidity, the lower the prevalence. this study aims to obtain the prevalence of total antibody to the hepatitis a virus in children, 5 and 8 years of age, and in adolescents, 14 years of age. the study was based on two samples: the serum of 64 healthy five-year-olds and 76 healthy eight-year-olds living in the proximity of the são marcos hospital in br ...200415929850
development and evaluation of a broadly reactive taqman assay for rapid detection of hepatitis a virus.primers and a taqman probe for the 5'-untranslated region (utr) of the hepatitis a virus (hav) genome were designed and evaluated. the assay detected 0.5 infectious units of hav and 40 copies of a synthetic transcript and provides an important screening tool for rapid quantitative hav detection in clinical or environmental samples.200515933042
nationwide canadian study of hepatitis a antibody prevalence among children eight to thirteen years old.hepatitis a vaccines provide consistent, long-lasting protection and have been available for almost 10 years in canada, but their use remains limited. it is difficult to assess their optimal utilization given that our knowledge of hepatitis a epidemiology in canada is fragmentary. unlike the united states, no nationwide study of hepatitis a prevalence has ever been done in canada. consequently we do not know the incidence of infection in children and what would be the most appropriate age for he ...200515933561
travel-related hepatitis a detected by hepatitis a virus rna donor screening. 200515935006
routine testing for igg antibodies against hepatitis a virus in israel.viral hepatitis is highly endemic in israel, with the hepatitis a virus (hav) responsible for most cases. improved socioeconomic factors, as well as the universal vaccination of infants (introduced in 1999) has resulted in a decline in infection rates in israel. this study examines the benefits of routine testing for anti-hav igg in high-risk population.200515935104
universal fresh-frozen plasma (uniplas): an exploratory study in adult patients undergoing elective liver resection.the compatibility of an abo blood group independently applicable plasma, uniplas, was explored in liver resection because patients undergoing liver resection frequently require the transfusion of plasma to compensate for blood loss and/or clotting factors.200515938736
a world health organization international standard for hepatitis a virus rna nucleic acid amplification technology assays.sixteen laboratories from 10 different countries participated in an international collaborative study to evaluate candidate materials as the first world health organization (who) international standard for hepatitis a virus (hav) rna nucleic acid amplification technology (nat) assays.200515938741
[the clinical features of hepatitis associated aplastic anemia].to analyse the proportion of hepatitis associated aplastic anemia (haaa) in severe aplastic anemia (saa) and its clinical features of haaa.200515949270
[the prevalence of hepatitis a antibodies in hiv exposed and/or infected children and adolescents]. 200515951900
[the prevalence of hepatitis a antibodies in hiv exposed and/or infected children and adolescents].to evaluate the prevalence of hepatitis a virus antibodies in hiv-exposed and/or hiv-infected children and adolescents.200515951904
[hepatitis a vaccine]. 200515954421
immunogenicity of two paediatric doses of monovalent hepatitis b or combined hepatitis a and b vaccine in 8-10-year-old children.hepatitis a and b vaccines are highly immunogenic in three-dose schedules. to obtain an equivalent result in children with two paediatric doses would be of significant benefit. the purpose of this study was to measure the immunogenicity of a two-dose schedule in children with two licensed recombinant hbsag containing vaccines given at paediatric doses, one of them combined with hepatitis a. seven-hundred and four healthy school children aged 8-10 years were recruited in an open label study to re ...200415963363
cost-effectiveness of universal childhood hepatitis a vaccination in chile.hepatitis a is an important public health problem in chile. childhood vaccination has reduced hepatitis a rates in several countries, prompting this evaluation of its cost-effectiveness in chile. using a markov model, we project mass vaccination would reduce hepatitis a cases among birth cohort members and their personal contacts >80%. vaccination costs of us dollars 5.3-6.4 million would be offset by us dollars 9.2-9.4 million reductions in disease costs. further, approximately 70 fatal infecti ...200515964479
prolonged acute hepatitis a mimicking autoimmune hepatitis.we report a case with a prolonged course of hepatitis a, with alanine aminotransferase (alt) higher than 500 iu/l for more than 2 mo.200515968741
purification and characterization of recombinant human anti-hav monoclonal order to obviate the drawbacks of plasma immunoglobulins, the whole molecular recombinant human anti-hav (hepatitis a virus) monoclonal antibody (anti-hav igg) produced and secreted by rcho cells was purified and its physicochemical properties were extensively characterized. the rcho cells were cultured in serum-free medium and the supernatants were collected. the recombinant human igg molecules were sequentially purified by ultrafiltration, rprotein a sepharose fast flow affinity chromatogra ...200415969118
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