
identification of 32 major histocompatibility complex class i alleles in african green monkeys.the african green monkey may be an ideal replacement for the rhesus monkey in biomedical research, but relatively little is known about the genetic background of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class i molecules. in analysis of 12 african green monkeys, 13 chae-a and 19 chae-b alleles were identified. among these alleles, 12 chae-a and 9 chae-b were new lineages. the full amino acid length deduced for chae-a genes is 365 amino acids, but for chae-b genes, the lengths are 365, 362, 361, an ...201424899078
in vitro antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of acetone leaf extracts of nine under-investigated fabaceae tree species leads to potentially useful extracts in animal health and productivity.the fabaceae family is the second largest family of medicinal plants, containing more than 490 species which are being used as traditional medicine. the aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant and antibacterial activity as well as the cytotoxicity of acetone leaf extracts of nine tree species from the fabaceae family that have not been investigated well previously for possible use in animal health and production.201424885143
micrornas involved in the lipid metabolism and their possible implications for atherosclerosis development and treatment.hyperlipidemia is a well-accepted risk factor in the development of atherosclerosis. micrornas (mirnas), a novel class of posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression, are involved in a variety of biological and pathological processes, including the regulation of the lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. as our knowledge of mirnas expands, a new class of "circulating mirnas" has recently been described. it includes mirnas which may be found in various bodily fluids packaged in microvesicles ...201424876669
in vitro immunosuppressive and cytotoxic activities of tripterygium wilfordii extract.tripterygium wilfordii hook. f. (tw) is a traditional herbal medicine which has been widely used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. however, adverse reactions of tw such as hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity have been frequently reported in clinic. with the aim to evaluate the potency and toxicity of tw, we collected eleven batches of tw from different localities across chinese mainland, and investigated the inhibition of their methanol extracts on the prolif ...201524845166
safety profile of dextran-spermine gene delivery vector in mouse lungs.a nano-sized polymer, dextran-spermine (d-spm), was shown to have the capacity to deliver gene to the lung of mouse via intranasal route. in this study, assessments on the safety profile of d-spm were performed to complement the gene expression results. african green monkey kidney fibroblast (cos-7) and human adenocarcinoma breast (mcf-7) cells transfected with d-spm/pdna showed massive reduction in the number of viable cells. as for in vivo study, elevated level of neutrophils was observed, des ...201424734548
cytotoxic diterpenes from roots of crossopetalum gaumeri, a celastraceae species from yucatan peninsula.four new diterpenes, crossogumerins a-d (1-4) along with six known ones (5-10) were isolated from the root bark of crossopetalum gaumeri, an endemic medicinal plant from the yucatan peninsula. their structures were elucidated on the basis of 1d and 2d nmr techniques, including hmqc, hmbc, and roesy experiments. compounds 1-5, 8-10 were evaluated for cytotoxicity against hela (carcinoma of the cervix) and hep-2 (lung carcinoma) human tumor cells lines and against normal vero cells (african green ...201424709561
cratoxylum formosum (jack) dyer ssp. pruniflorum (kurz) gogel. (hóng yá mù) extract induces apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma hepg2 cells through caspase-dependent pathways.cratoxylum formosum (jack) dyer ssp. pruniflorum (kurz) gogel. (hóng yá mù) (cf) has been used for treatment of fever, cough, and peptic ulcer. previously, a 50% ethanol-water extract from twigs of cf was shown highly selective in cytotoxicity against cancer cells. this study aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the apoptosis-inducing effect of cf.201424708784
in vitro antibacterial screening of six proline-based cyclic dipeptides in combination with β-lactam antibiotics against medically important bacteria.the in vitro synergistic antibacterial activity of six proline-based cyclic dipeptides [cyclo(d-pro-l-leu), cyclo(l-pro-l-met), cyclo(d-pro-l-phe), cyclo(l-pro-l-phe), cyclo(l-pro-l-tyr), and cyclo(l-pro-d-tyr)] in combination imipenem and ceftazidime was investigated in the present manuscript. the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) and minimum bactericidal concentration (mbc) of the cyclic dipeptides were compared with those of the standard antibiotics (imipenem and ceftazidime). the synerg ...201424622848
ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment increase brain levels of cyp2d in african green monkeys.cyp2d6 metabolizes many centrally acting drugs, neurotoxins and endogenous neurochemicals, and differences in brain levels of cyp2d have been associated with brain function and drug response. alcohol consumers and smokers have higher levels of cyp2d6 in brain, but not liver, suggesting ethanol and/or nicotine may induce human brain cyp2d6. we investigated the independent and combined effects of chronic ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment on cyp2d expression in african green monkey ...201424611668
cytotoxic and hiv-1 enzyme inhibitory activities of red sea marine organisms.cancer and hiv/aids are two of the greatest public health and humanitarian challenges facing the world today. infection with hiv not only weakens the immune system leading to aids and increasing the risk of opportunistic infections, but also increases the risk of several types of cancer. the enormous biodiversity of marine habitats is mirrored by the molecular diversity of secondary metabolites found in marine animals, plants and microbes which is why this work was designed to assess the anti-hi ...201424568567
characterization of ovarian aging and reproductive senescence in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).female vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) are used as an experimental model for chronic diseases relevant to women's health. however, reproductive senescence (menopause) has not yet been characterized for vervet monkeys. here we describe the histologic, hormonal, and menstrual markers of reproductive senescence in vervet monkeys from the wake forest vervet research colony. ovaries from monkeys (age, 0 to 27 y) were serially sectioned (5 μm), stained, and photographed. in every 100th s ...201424512962
cytotoxic effects of etephon and maleic hydrazide in vero, hep2, hepg2 cells.the toxicity of etephon and maleic hydrazide, used as plant growth regulators in agriculture, were reported as low in mammals in previous studies. however, in vitro cytotoxicity studies in mammalian cells are currently missing to understand their toxicity at molecular level. in the current study, the cytotoxicity of these compounds, were studied in vero (african green monkey kidney epithelium), hepg2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma), hep2 (human epidermoid cancer) cells by mtt ((3-(4,5-dimetilti ...201424495230
recent developments in experimental animal models of henipavirus infection.hendra (hev) and nipah (niv) viruses (genus henipavirus (hnv; family paramyxoviridae) are emerging zoonotic agents that can cause severe respiratory distress and acute encephalitis in humans. given the lack of effective therapeutics and vaccines for human use, these viruses are considered as public health concerns. several experimental animal models of hnv infection have been developed in recent years. here, we review the current status of four of the most promising experimental animal models (m ...201424488776
use of opda, an organophosphorus (op) hydrolase, prevents lethality in an african green monkey model of acute op poisoning.organophosphorus (op) pesticides are a diverse class of acetylcholinesterase (ache) inhibitors that are responsible for tremendous morbidity and mortality worldwide, killing approximately 300,000 people annually. enzymatic hydrolysis of ops is a potential therapy for acute poisoning. opda, an op hydrolase isolated from agrobacterium radiobacter, has been shown to decrease lethality in rodent models of op poisoning. this study investigated the effects of opda on ache activity, plasma concentratio ...201424447378
regulation of the apolipoprotein gene cluster by a long noncoding rna.apolipoprotein a1 (apoa1) is the major protein component of high-density lipoprotein (hdl) in plasma. we have identified an endogenously expressed long noncoding natural antisense transcript, apoa1-as, which acts as a negative transcriptional regulator of apoa1 both in vitro and in vivo. inhibition of apoa1-as in cultured cells resulted in the increased expression of apoa1 and two neighboring genes in the apo cluster. chromatin immunoprecipitation (chip) analyses of a ∼50 kb chromatin region fla ...201424388749
process analytical technology (pat) in insect and mammalian cell culture processes: dielectric spectroscopy and focused beam reflectance measurement (fbrm).modern bioprocesses demand for a careful definition of the critical process parameters (cpps) already during the early stages of process development in order to ensure high-quality products and satisfactory yields. in this context, online monitoring tools can be applied to recognize unfavorable changes of cpps during the production processes and to allow for early interventions in order to prevent losses of production batches due to quality issues. process analytical technologies such as the die ...201424297424
orchidectomy does not significantly affect spine synapse density in the ca3 hippocampal subfield in st. kitts vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).gonadal hormones induce significant changes in cognitive function, associated with alterations in the structure of the hippocampus. we have previously shown that androgens increase the number of spine synapses in the ca1 stratum radiatum of the monkey hippocampus. recent evidence, however, suggests that loss of testicular hormone production may have variable effects on neuroplasticity in different regions of the hippocampus. to test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of orchidectomy in the ...201424269983
assessing the pulsatility of luteinizing hormone in female vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).specific alterations in the pulsatility of luteinizing hormone (lh) are linked to obesity-related subfertility in ovulatory women. vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) are an old world nonhuman primate that develops obesity and has a menstrual cycle similar to humans. we evaluated follicular-phase lh pulses in 12 adult normal-weight female vervets. serum was collected every 10 min for 4 h by using a tether device in conscious, freely moving monkeys on menstrual cycle days 2 through 5. s ...201324210020
nonhuman transferrin receptor 1 is an efficient cell entry receptor for ocozocoautla de espinosa virus.ocozocoautla de espinosa virus (ocev) is a novel, uncultured arenavirus. we found that the ocev glycoprotein mediates entry into grivet and bat cells through transferrin receptor 1 (tfr1) binding but that ocev glycoprotein precursor (gpc)-pseudotyped retroviruses poorly entered 53 human cancer cell lines. interestingly, ocev and tacaribe virus could use bat, but not human, tfr1. replacing three human tfr1 amino acids with their bat ortholog counterparts transformed human tfr1 into an efficient o ...201324109228
cytotoxic effects of eryngium kotschyi and eryngium maritimum on hep2, hepg2, vero and u138 mg cell lines.eryngium maritimum l. and the endemic eryngium kotschyi boiss. of the apiaceae family are used for antiinflammatory, antivenom, antinociceptive and diuretic purposes in folk medicine in turkey.201324028780
a method for estimating the effective number of loci affecting a quantitative character.a likelihood method is introduced that jointly estimates the number of loci and the additive effect of alleles that account for the genetic variance of a normally distributed quantitative character in a randomly mating population. the method assumes that measurements of the character are available from one or both parents and an arbitrary number of full siblings. the method uses the fact, first recognized by karl pearson in 1904, that the variance of a character among offspring depends on both t ...201323973416
effects of a western-type diet on plasma lipids and other cardiometabolic risk factors in african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).our goal was to assess a nonhuman primate diet that mimicked the western-type diet of humans with regard to palatability and the diet's effects on plasma lipid concentrations and other cardiometabolic risk factors. we evaluated male (n = 8) and female (n = 11) african green monkeys (vervets; chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) that initially were fed a standard diet. each cohort then was divided into 2 groups, which received either standard chow or the western diet. food consumption and fecal quality ...201323849442
extracts from black carrot tissue culture as potent anticancer carrots contain anthocyanins possessing enhanced physiological activities. explants of young black carrot shoots were cultured in murashige and skoog (ms) medium for callus initiation and were transferred to new ms medium supplemented with four different combinations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and kinetin. subsequently, the lyophilized calli and black carrot harvested from fields were subjected to ultrasound extraction with ethanol at a ratio of 1:15 (w:v). obtained extracts were ap ...201323828497
[to a question on the impact of nanoparticles of metals present in the aquatic environment, on bacteria and continuous cell lines hep-2 and bgm].promising application of nanoparticles and nanomaterials is the creation of sanitary hygienic means of new generation used for disinfection of water and indoor surfaces of mass use, furniture, sanitary technical equipment by virtue of modifying traditional materials to bring them effective biocidal properties, and for the development of methods in vitro for assessment their toxicity in this paper the possibility of the use various forms of silver, copper and aluminum as disinfectant for bacteria ...201323805702
photo-bio-synthesis of irregular shaped functionalized gold nanoparticles using edible mushroom pleurotus florida and its anticancer evaluation.a green chemistry approach to the synthesis of gold nanoparticles using edible mushroom pleurotus florida (oyster mushroom) by photo-irradiation method has been attempted. the mixture containing the aqueous gold ions and the mushroom extract was exposed to sunlight; this resulted in the formation of biofunctionalized gold nanoparticles. these nanoparticles were characterized using various techniques like uv-visible spectroscopy; x-ray diffraction studies, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, field ...201323747539
thermoresponsive cellulosic hydrogels with cell-releasing we report the preparation and characterization of thermoresponsive cellulosic hydrogels with cell-releasing behavior. hydroxypropyl cellulose (hpc) was modified with methacrylic anhydride (ma). the resultant macromonomer, hpc-ma, retains the characteristic thermoresponsive phase behavior of hpc, with an onset temperature of 36 °c and a lower critical solution temperature (lcst) of 37-38 °c, as determined by turbidity measurement. homogenous hpc-ma hydrogels were prepared by uv-cross-linking ...201323734910
expression patterns of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (kir) of nk-cell and t-cell subsets in old world monkeys.the expression of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (kir) on lymphocytes of rhesus macaques and other old world monkeys was unknown so far. we used our recently established monoclonal anti-rhesus macaque kir antibodies in multicolour flow cytometry for phenotypic characterization of kir protein expression on natural killer (nk) cells and t cell subsets of rhesus macaques, cynomolgus macaques, hamadryas baboons, and african green monkeys. similar to human kir, we found clonal expression p ...201323717676
stearidonic and γ-linolenic acids in echium oil improves glucose disposal in insulin resistant monkeys.echium oil (eo) contains stearidonic acid (18:4), a n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (pufas), and gamma-linolenic acids (18:3), a n-6 pufa that can be converted to long chain (lc)-pufas. we aimed to compare a safflower oil (so)-enriched diet to eo- and fish oil (fo)-enriched diets on circulating and tissue pufas levels and glycemic, inflammatory, and cardiovascular health biomarkers in insulin resistant african green monkeys. in a latin-square cross-over study, eight monkeys consumed matched diet ...201323664597
ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment induce brain levels of cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 in african green monkeys.cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 are enzymes responsible for the metabolism of many centrally acting drugs, toxins and endogenous compounds. human smokers and alcoholics have elevated levels of cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 in certain brain regions, which may contribute to altered drug efficacy, neurotoxicity and metabolic tolerance. the objective of this study was to determine the effects of ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment, alone and in combination, on brain cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 levels in monkeys. monkeys ...201323639433
development of amyloid burden in african green monkeys.the vervet is an old world monkey increasingly being used as a model for human diseases. in addition to plaques and tangles, an additional hallmark of alzheimer's disease is damage to neurons that synthesize noradrenaline (na). we characterized amyloid burden in the posterior temporal lobe of young and aged vervets, and compared that with changes in na levels and astrocyte activation. total amyloid beta (aβ)40 and aβ42 levels were increased in the aged group, as were numbers of amyloid plaques d ...201323601810
bisphenol a affects androgen receptor function via multiple mechanisms.bisphenol a (bpa), is a well-known endocrine disruptor compound (edc) that affects the normal development and function of the female and male reproductive system, however the mechanisms of action remain unclear. to investigate the molecular mechanisms of how bpa may affect ten different nuclear receptors, stable cell lines containing individual nuclear receptor ligand binding domain (lbd)-linked to the β-gal reporter were examined by a quantitative high throughput screening (qhts) format in the ...201323562765
serum biomarkers reveal long-term cardiac injury in isoproterenol-treated african green monkeys.the assessment of cardiac toxicity is a major challenge in both drug development and clinical trials, and numerous marketed pharmaceuticals have been removed from the market due to unpredicted cardiac effects. serum troponins are widely used indicators of cardiac injury; however, they are short-lived and have not been validated in preclinical animal models. in this study, we have used filter-aided sample preparation (fasp) and tandem mass tag (tmt) labeling to investigate serum protein alteratio ...201323473367
primate b-1 cells generate antigen-specific b cell responses to t cell-independent type 2 antigens.ab responses to t cell-independent type 2 (ti-2) ags, such as bacterial capsular polysaccharides, are critical for host defense. in mice, b-1b cells expressing a cd11b(+)fsc(hi)cd21(lo/-)cd19(hi) phenotype play a key role in producing abs against ti-2 ags. in primates, a distinct igm(+)cd27(+) "memory" b cell population is thought to generate ti-2 ab responses, and evidence for a b-1b-like cell population participating in these responses is lacking. in this article, we demonstrate that nonhuman ...201323455507
cellular uptake, intracellular trafficking, and antitumor efficacy of doxorubicin-loaded reduction-sensitive micelles.reduction-sensitive micelles were prepared from monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-s-s-hexadecyl (mpeg-s-s-c16), an amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol) derivative containing a disulfide bond. the micelles were then used for the intracellular delivery of the anticancer drug doxorubicin (dox) into tumor cells, and the cellular uptake mechanisms of the micelles were determined. to serve as a control, monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-c-c-hexadecyl (mpeg-c-c-c16) with an analogous structure but without ...201323452389
mouse cell line authentication.the scientific community has responded to the misidentification of human cell lines with validated methods to authenticate these cells; however, few assays are available for nonhuman cell line identification. we have developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay that targets nine tetranucleotide short tandem repeat (str) markers in the mouse genome. unique profiles were obtained from seventy-two mouse samples that were used to determine the allele distribution for each str marker. correl ...201423430347
application of ldh-release assay to cellular-level evaluation of the toxic potential of harmful algal species.lactate dehydrogenase (ldh)-release assay was applied to estimate the toxic potential of harmful algal species at the cellular level. african green monkey kidney (vero), yellowtail fin epithelia (mjf), and rainbow trout gill (rtgill-w1) cells were used as target cells. a live cell suspension of karenia mikimotoi (suo-1) induced the release of ldh from these cell lines, while the activity of another strain, fuk, was much lower. the cell-free culture supernatants and ruptured cell suspensions of b ...201323391929
cytosolic ca2+ shifts as early markers of cytotoxicity.the determination of the cytotoxic potential of new and so far unknown compounds as well as their metabolites is fundamental in risk assessment. a variety of strategic endpoints have been defined to describe toxin-cell interactions, leading to prediction of cell fate. they involve measurement of metabolic endpoints, bio-energetic parameters or morphological cell modifications. here, we evaluated alterations of the free cytosolic ca2+ homeostasis using the fluo-4 dye and compared results with the ...201323384168
sivagm infection in wild african green monkeys from south africa: epidemiology, natural history, and evolutionary considerations.pathogenesis studies of siv infection have not been performed to date in wild monkeys due to difficulty in collecting and storing samples on site and the lack of analytical reagents covering the extensive siv diversity. we performed a large scale study of molecular epidemiology and natural history of sivagm infection in 225 free-ranging agms from multiple locations in south africa. siv prevalence (established by sequencing pol, env, and gag) varied dramatically between infant/juvenile (7%) and a ...201323349627
preparation and characterization of an anti-inflammatory agent based on a zinc-layered hydroxide-salicylate nanohybrid and its effect on viability of vero-3 cells.a new organic-inorganic nanohybrid based on zinc-layered hydroxide intercalated with an anti-inflammatory agent was synthesized through direct reaction of salicylic acid at various concentrations with commercially available zinc oxide. the basal spacing of the pure phase nanohybrid was 15.73 å, with the salicylate anions arranged in a monolayer form and an angle of 57 degrees between the zinc-layered hydroxide interlayers. fourier transform infrared study further confirmed intercalation of salic ...201323345976
bioanalytical and instrumental analysis of estrogenic activities in drinking water sources from yangtze river delta.the estrogenic activities of source water from yangtze river, huaihe river, taihu lake and groundwater in yangtze river delta in the dry and wet season were determined by use of reporter gene assays based on african green monkey kidney (cv-1) cell lines. higher estrogenic activities were observed in the dry season, and the estrogenic potentials in water samples from taihu lake were greater than other river basins. none of the samples from groundwater showed estrogen receptor (er) agonist activit ...201323211323
phorbol esters isolated from jatropha meal induced apoptosis-mediated inhibition in proliferation of chang and vero cell lines.the direct feeding of jatropha meal containing phorbol esters (pes) indicated mild to severe toxicity symptoms in various organs of different animals. however, limited information is available on cellular and molecular mechanism of toxicity caused by pes present in jatropha meal. thus, the present study was conducted to determine the cytotoxic and mode of action of pes isolated from jatropha meal using human hepatocyte (chang) and african green monkey kidney (vero) cell lines. the results showed ...201223203036
in vitro assessment of thyroid hormone disrupting activities in drinking water sources along the yangtze river.the thyroid hormone disrupting activities of drinking water sources from the lower reaches of yangtze river were examined using a reporter gene assay based on african green monkey kidney fibroblast (cv-1) cells. none of the eleven tested samples showed thyroid receptor (tr) agonist activity. nine water samples exhibited tr antagonist activities with the equivalents referring to di-n-butyl phthalate (dnbp) (tr antagonist activity equivalents, atr-eq(50)s) ranging from 6.92 × 10(1) to 2.85 × 10(2) ...201323202652
long-term expression and safety of administration of aavrh.10hcln2 to the brain of rats and nonhuman primates for the treatment of late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (lincl), a fatal, lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the cln2 gene, results in a deficiency of tripeptidyl-peptidase i (tpp-i) activity in neurons. our prior studies showed that delivery of the human cln2 cdna directly to the cns, using an adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (aav2) vector, is safe in children with lincl. as a second-generation strategy, we have demonstrated that aavrh.10hcln2, a rhesus-derived aav vector, mediates wide d ...201223131032
design flexibility influencing the in vitro behavior of cationic sln as a nonviral gene vector.several advanced in vitro and in vivo studies have proved the broad potential of cationic solid lipid nanoparticles (sln) as nonviral vectors. however, a few data are available about the correlation between lipid component of the sln structure and in vitro performance in terms of cell tolerance and transfection efficiency on different cell lines. in this paper sln were prepared using stearic acid as main lipid component, stearylamine as cationic agent and protamine as transfection promoter and a ...201322982257
interaction between submicron cod crystals and renal epithelial cells.this study aims to investigate the adhesion characteristics between submicron calcium oxalate dihydrate (cod) with a size of 150 ± 50 nm and african green monkey kidney epithelial cells (vero cells) before and after damage, and to discuss the mechanism of kidney stone formation.201222973095
differential effects of nicotine treatment and ethanol self-administration on cyp2a6, cyp2b6 and nicotine pharmacokinetics in african green primates, nicotine is metabolically inactivated in the liver by cyp2a6 and possibly cyp2b6. changes in the levels of these two enzymes may affect nicotine pharmacokinetics and influence smoking behaviors. this study investigated the independent and combined effects of ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment (0.5 mg/kg b.i.d. s.c.) on hepatic cyp2a6 and cyp2b6 levels (mrna, protein, and enzymatic activity), in vitro nicotine metabolism, and in vivo nicotine pharmacokinetics in monke ...201222935730
inhibition on calcium oxalate crystallization and repair on injured renal epithelial cells of degraded soybean polysaccharide.this paper investigated the inhibitory effect of degraded soybean polysaccharide (dps) on the growth of calcium oxalate (caoxa) crystals. the results were compared with that of soybean polysaccharide without degradation (sps). the data showed that dps exhibited a much higher efficiency to inhibit caoxa growth and stabilize calcium oxalate dihydrate (cod) compared with sps. as dps concentration increased, the soluble ca(2+) ions significantly increased, the aggregation degree of calcium oxalate m ...201224751057
25(oh)d3 and cardiovascular risk factors in female nonhuman determine if interindividual differences in plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin d(3) (25(oh)d(3)) have pathophysiologic significance, we evaluated a cohort of female monkeys, seeking to identify associations with clinically relevant cardiovascular risk factors, including age, abdominal obesity (waist circumference), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl-c).201222876774
culture systems: embryo co-culture.during the 1970s, domestic animal biotechnology, i.e., embryo transfer in farm animals, was confronted with the problem of embryonic developmental arrest observed in vitro, especially during the cycle in which maternal to zygotic transition (mzt) cycle takes place. in farm animals, obtaining blastocysts is mandatory, as transfer at earlier stages results in expulsion of the embryo from the vagina. in humans, the first attempts to obtain blastocysts with classical culture media were disappointing ...201222829378
intron retention and te exonization events in zranb2.the zinc finger, ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 (zranb2), contains arginine/serine-rich (rs) domains that mediate its function in the regulation of alternative splicing. the zranb2 gene contains 2 line elements (l3b, plat_l3) between the 9th and 10th exons. we identified the exonization event of a line element (plat_l3). using genomic pcr, rt-pcr amplification, and sequencing of primate dna and rna samples, we analyzed the evolutionary features of zranb2 transcripts. the results indicat ...201222778693
the isolation of bioactive flavonoids from jacaranda obtusifolia h. b. k. ssp. rhombifolia (g. f. w. meijer) gentry.the paper describes the bioassay-guided isolation, structure elucidation and anticancer evaluation of five flavonoids (-)-liquiritigenin (1), (-)-neoliquiritin (2), isoliquiritigenin (3), isoliquiritin (4) and formononetin (5) from the twigs of jacaranda obtusifolia h. b. k. ssp. rhombifolia (g. f. w. meijer) gentry. the structures were elucidated based on ¹h, ¹³c nmr, comprehensive 2d nmr, ms analyses and comparison with previously reported spectral data. compounds 1 and 3 were demonstrated to ...201222750816
withaferin a-related steroids from withania aristata exhibit potent antiproliferative activity by inducing apoptosis in human tumor cells.six new withanolides (1-6) along with eleven known ones (7-17) were isolated from the leaves of withania aristata. their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analysis, including 1d and 2d nmr techniques. semisynthesis of the minority metabolites 7 and 15 from compounds 6 and 9, respectively, as starting material, was performed. the isolated compounds as well as three derivatives (7a, 9a and 9b) of withaferin a were evaluated for cytotoxicity against hela (carcinoma of the cer ...201222705001
morphine produces immunosuppressive effects in nonhuman primates at the proteomic and cellular levels.morphine has long been known to have immunosuppressive properties in vivo, but the molecular and immunologic changes induced by it are incompletely understood. to explore how these changes interact with lentiviral infections in vivo, animals from two nonhuman primate species (african green monkeys and pigtailed macaques) were provided morphine and studied using a systems biology approach. biological specimens were obtained from multiple sources (e.g. lymph node, colon, cerebrospinal fluid, and p ...201222580588
genetic nanomedicine: gene delivery by targeted lipoplexes.cationic liposome-dna complexes (lipoplexes) are used for the delivery of plasmid dna to cultured cells and various tissues in vivo. in this chapter, we describe the preparation and evaluation of plain and targeted lipoplexes, using targeting ligands, including epidermal growth factor and transferrin. ligand-associated lipoplexes may be used to target dna or other nucleic acid drugs to specific cells, particularly cancer cells that overexpress the receptors for the ligands. we provide examples o ...201222568915
a non-human primate system for large-scale genetic studies of complex traits.non-human primates provide genetic model systems biologically intermediate between humans and other mammalian model organisms. populations of caribbean vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) are genetically homogeneous and large enough to permit well-powered genetic mapping studies of quantitative traits relevant to human health, including expression quantitative trait loci (eqtl). previous transcriptome-wide investigation in an extended vervet pedigree identified 29 heritable transcripts ...201222556363
[culture, isolation and identification of new bunyavirus in african green monkey kidney(vero) cells].to culture, isolate and identify new bunyavirus in vero cell line.201222490202
the agony of choice: how to find a suitable cpp for cargo delivery.successful and effective cellular delivery remains a main obstacles in the medical field. the use of cell-penetrating peptides (cpps) has become one of the most important tools for the internalisation of a wide range of molecules including pharmaceuticals. it is still difficult to choose one cpp for one biological application because there is no ubiquitous cpp meeting the diverse requirements. in our case, we are looking for a suitable cpp to deliver the pro-apoptotic kla peptide (klaklakklaklak ...201222447759
antiangiogenic activity of aganirsen in nonhuman primate and rodent models of retinal neovascular disease after topical administration.aganirsen, an antisense oligonucleotide inhibiting insulin receptor substrate (irs)-1 expression, has been shown to promote the regression of pathologic corneal neovascularization in patients. in this study, the authors aimed to demonstrate the antiangiogenic activity of aganirsen in animal models of retinal neovascularization.201222323484
cystathionine gamma-lyase expression is regulated by exogenous hydrogen peroxide in the mammalian cells.hydrogen sulfide (h2s), as an endogenous signaling molecule in mammals, shows a variety of biological effects. cystathionine gamma-lyase (cse)/h2s pathway has been implicated in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ros) in the mammalian cells. therefore, we first investigated the regulatory effects of exogenously applied hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) on cse expression in the mammalian cells. african green monkey kidney fibroblastlike cells (cos-7 cells) or human embryonic kidney 293 cells (hek 293 cel ...201223539901
evidence for the recognition of non-nucleotide antagonists within the transmembrane domains of the human p2y(1) mutagenesis was used to search for amino acid residues of the human p2y(1) receptor involved in the binding of the p2 receptor antagonists pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2,4-disulfonate (ppads), its analogue 6-(2'-chloro-phenylazo)-pyridoxal-α(5)-phosphate (mrs 2210), the suramin analogue 8-8'-[carbonylbis(imino-3,1-phenylene)]bis(1,3,5-naphthalene-trisulfonate) (nf023), and reactive blue 2. receptors containing single amino acid replacements at positions in transmembrane helic ...200223105165
kinetics of retroviral production from the amphotropic ψcrip murine producer cell line.rapidly expanding development and practice of gene therapy requires the availability of large quantities of high titer retroviral supernatants. one way to achieve high retroviral titers is through improved understanding of the kinetics of retroviral production and decay, and the subsequent development of improved cell culture methods. in the present study we investigated the effects of different operational modes on the retroviral production of the nih 3t3 fibroblast derived amphotropic murine r ...199622358929
studies of primate protein variation and evolution: microelectrophoretic detection.genetic variation at 16 protein and enzyme loci in ceropithecus aethiops and several other primate species has been surveyed, using cellulose acetate microelectrophoresis. resolution of several standard variant proteins is comparable to that achieved on starch gel or polyacrylamide gel. although both intraspecific and interspecific variation was observed for some loci, the data generally support the concept that extracellular proteins are more likely to be polymorphic within a species, while int ...19807470021
comparison of gastrointestinal parasite communities in vervet monkeys. 201728685946
antiviral activity and metal ion-binding properties of some 2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl we report on the results obtained from an antiviral screening, including herpes simplex virus, vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, coxsackie b4 virus or respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza-3 virus, reovirus-1 and punta toro virus, of three 2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl acylhydrazone compounds in three cell lines (i.e. human embryonic lung fibroblast cells, human cervix carcinoma cells, and african green monkey kidney cells). interesting antiviral ec50 values are obtained against ...201829209895
bobcats (lynx rufus) are natural definitive host of besnoitia darlingi.bovine besnoitiosis, caused by besnoitia besnoiti, is an economically important disease of cattle in many countries but its transmission remains a mystery. wild felids are suspected to be its definitive hosts. the domestic cat (felis catus) is known experimental definitive host for besnoitia species of rodents. here, we report for besnoitia darlingi the first identification of a natural definitive host, the bobcat (lynx rufus). oocysts resembling toxoplasma gondii (unsporulated; 10.9±0.8×12.1±0. ...201729173547
aging african green monkeys manifest transcriptional, pathological, and cognitive hallmarks of human alzheimer's disease.while many preclinical models of alzheimer's disease (ad) have been reported, none fully recapitulate the disease. in an effort to identify an appropriate preclinical disease model, we characterized age-related changes in 2 higher order species, the african green monkey (agm) and the rhesus macaque. gene expression profiles in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the visual cortex showed age-related changes in agms that are strikingly reminiscent of ad, whereas aged rhesus were most similar to ...201729353102
obesity and obesogenic growth are both highly heritable and modified by diet in a nonhuman primate model, the african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).in humans, the ontogeny of obesity throughout the life course and the genetics underlying it has been historically difficult to study. we compared, in a non-human primate model, the lifelong growth trajectories of obese and non-obese adults to assess the heritability of and map potential genomic regions implicated in growth and obesity.201729211707
direct estimate of the spontaneous germ line mutation rate in african green, i provide the first direct estimate of the spontaneous mutation rate in an old world monkey, using a seven individual, three-generation pedigree of african green monkeys. eight de novo mutations were identified within ∼1.5 gbp of accessible genome, corresponding to an estimated point mutation rate of 0.94 × 10-8per site per generation, suggesting an effective population size of ∼12000 for the species. this estimation represents a significant improvement in our knowledge of the population g ...201729068052
peripheral blood biomarkers of disease outcome in a monkey model of rift valley fever encephalitis.rift valley fever (rvf) is an emerging arboviral disease of livestock and humans. although the disease is caused by a mosquito-borne virus, humans are infected through contact with, or inhalation of, virus-laden particles from contaminated animal carcasses. some individuals infected with rvf virus (rvfv) develop meningoencephalitis, resulting in morbidity and mortality. little is known about the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to neurologic sequelae, and thus, animal models that represent human ...201829118127
interaction of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus major envelope proteins gp5 and m with the cellular protein snapin.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (prrs) is characterized by abortions in pregnant sows and respiratory disease, particularly in young pigs. the causative agent is porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv), a member of the arterivirus family. gp5 and m are the major envelope proteins encoded by prrsv. to further characterize these two viral proteins, a yeast two-hybrid approach was utilized to identify interacting partners of prrsv gp5 and m proteins.201829577951
respiratory syncytial virus elicits enriched cd8+ t lymphocyte responses in lung compared with blood in african green monkeys.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a leading cause of serious lower respiratory tract disease in young children and older adults throughout the world. prevention of severe rsv disease through active immunization is optimal but no rsv vaccine has been licensed so far. immune mechanisms of protection against rsv infection in humans have not been fully established, thus a comprehensive characterization of virus-specific immune responses in a relevant animal model will be beneficial in defining co ...201729121080
predominant envelope variable loop 2-specific and gp120-specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity antibody responses in acutely siv-infected african green monkeys.the initial envelope (env)-specific antibody response in acutely hiv-1-infected individuals and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv)-infected rhesus monkeys (rms) is dominated by non-neutralizing antibodies targeting env gp41. in contrast, natural primate siv hosts, such as african green monkeys (agms), develop a predominant env gp120-specific antibody response to siv infection. however, the fine-epitope specificity and function of siv env-specific plasma igg, and their potential role on autologo ...201829523166
intranasal live influenza vaccine priming elicits localized b cell responses in mediastinal lymph nodes.pandemic live attenuated influenza vaccines (plaiv) prime subjects for a robust neutralizing antibody response upon subsequent administration of inactivated subunit vaccine (pisv). however, a difference was not detected in h5-specific memory b cells in the peripheral blood between plaiv-primed and unprimed subjects prior to pisv boost. to investigate the mechanism underlying plaiv priming, we vaccinated groups of 12 african green monkeys (agms) with h5n1 pisv or plaiv alone or h5n1 plaiv followe ...201829444938
havcr1 (cd365) and its mouse ortholog are functional hepatitis a virus (hav) cellular receptors that mediate hav infection.the hepatitis a virus (hav) cellular receptor 1 (havcr1), classified as cd365, was initially discovered as a hav cellular receptor using an expression cloning strategy. due to the lack of hav receptor-negative replication-competent cells, it was not possible to fully prove that havcr1 was a functional hav receptor. however, biochemistry, classical virology, and epidemiology studies further supported the functional role of havcr1 as a hav receptor. here, we show that an anti-havcr1 monoclonal ant ...201829437974
the choice of linker for conjugating r848 to inactivated influenza virus determines the stimulatory capacity for innate immune cells.inactivated influenza vaccines are not approved for use in infants less than 6 months of age due to poor immunogenicity in that population. while the live attenuated influenza vaccine has the potential to be more immunogenic, it is not an option for infants and other vulnerable populations, including the elderly and immunocompromised individuals due to safety concerns. in an effort to improve the immunogenicity of the inactivated vaccine for use in vulnerable populations, we have used an approac ...201829398273
siv coreceptor specificity in natural and non-natural host infection: implications for cell targeting and differential outcomes from infection.pathogenic hiv-1 infection of humans and sivmac infection of macaques are the result of zoonotic transfer of primate immunodeficiency viruses from their natural hosts into non-natural host species. natural host infections do not result in pathogenesis despite high levels of virus replication, and evidence suggests that differences in anatomical location and specific subsets of cd4+ t cells infected may underlie distinct outcomes from infection. the coreceptor ccr5 has long been considered the so ...201729173179
complete genome sequence of the african green monkey simian foamy virus serotype 3 strain fv2014 (sfvcae_fv2014).the full-length sequence of simian foamy virus serotype 3 (sfv-3) strain fv2014, an african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) isolate, was obtained using high-throughput sequencing. sfvcae_fv2014 consisted of 13,127 bp and had a genomic organization similar to those of other sfvs but was distinct from sfv strain lk3, isolated from the same monkey species.201829348335
differential susceptibility & replication potential of vero e6, bhk-21, rd, a-549, c6/36 cells & aedes aegypti mosquitoes to three strains of chikungunya virus.chikungunya virus (chikv), a mosquito-borne arthritogenic virus causes infections ranging from febrile illness to debilitating polyarthralgia in humans. re-emergence of the virus has affected millions of people in africa and asia since 2004. during the outbreak, a new lineage of the virus has evolved as an adaptation for enhanced replication and transmission by aedes albopictus mosquito. a study was designed to compare the susceptibility of four vertebrate cell lines, namely vero e6 (african gre ...201931496530
adventitious virus detection in cells by high-throughput sequencing of newly synthesized rnas: unambiguous differentiation of cell infection from carryover of viral nucleic acids.the use of high-throughput sequencing (hts) to identify viruses in biologicals differs from current molecular approaches, since its use enables an unbiased approach to detection without the need to design specific primers to preamplify target sequences. its broad range of detection and analytical sensitivity make it an important tool to ensure that biologicals are free from adventitious viruses. similar to other molecular methods, however, identification of viral sequences in cells by hts does n ...201931167947
serological evidence of zika virus infection in non-human primates in zambia.zika virus (zikv) circulation occurs between non-human primates (nhps) in a sylvatic transmission cycle. to investigate evidence of flavivirus infection in nhps in zambia, we performed a plaque reduction neutralization test (prnt) to quantify neutralizing antibodies. prnt revealed that sera from nhps (african green monkeys and baboons) exhibited neutralizing activity against zikv (34.4%; 33/96), whereas a prnt for yellow fever virus using nhp sera showed no neutralization activity. zikv genomic ...201931154511
immunogenicity in african green monkeys of m protein mutant vesicular stomatitis virus vectors and contribution of vector-encoded flagellin.recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv) is a promising platform for vaccine development. m51r vsv, an attenuated, m protein mutant strain, is an effective inducer of type i interferon and dendritic cell (dc) maturation, which are desirable properties to exploit for vaccine design. we have previously evaluated m51r vsv (m51r) and m51r vsv that produces flagellin (m51r-f) as vaccine vectors using murine models, and found that flagellin enhanced dc activation and vsv-specific antibody producti ...201829562688
population genetic structure and evolutionary history of bale monkeys (chlorocebus djamdjamensis) in the southern ethiopian highlands.species with a restricted geographic distribution, and highly specialized habitat and dietary requirements, are particularly vulnerable to extinction. the bale monkey (chlorocebus djamdjamensis) is a little-known arboreal, bamboo-specialist primate endemic to the southern ethiopian highlands. while most bale monkeys inhabit montane forests dominated by bamboo, some occupy forest fragments where bamboo is much less abundant. we used mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequences to analyse the genetic struc ...201829986642
past and current advances in marburg virus disease: a review.marburg virus (marv), along with the ebola virus, belongs to the family of filovirus and is cause of a lethal and severely affecting hemorrhagic fever. the marburgvirus genus includes two viruses: marv and ravn. marv has been recognized as one of utmost importance by the world health organization (who). the case fatality rate of the virus ranges from 24.0 to 88.0% which demonstrates its lethal nature and the need for its widespread information. the first case of the marburgvirus disease (mard) w ...202032920568
lymph node cellular and viral dynamics in natural hosts and impact for hiv cure strategies.combined antiretroviral therapies (carts) efficiently control hiv replication leading to undetectable viremia and drastic increases in lifespan of people living with hiv. however, cart does not cure hiv infection as virus persists in cellular and anatomical reservoirs, from which the virus generally rebounds soon after cart cessation. one major anatomical reservoir are lymph node (ln) follicles, where hiv persists through replication in follicular helper t cells and is also trapped by follicular ...201829725327
loss of cxcr6 coreceptor usage characterizes pathogenic lentiviruses.pandemic hiv-1 originated from the cross-species transmission of sivcpz, which infects chimpanzees, while sivcpz itself emerged following the cross-species transmission and recombination of monkey sivs, with env contributed by the sivgsn/mus/mon lineage that infects greater spot-nosed, mustached and mona monkeys. sivcpz and hiv-1 are pathogenic in their respective hosts, while the phenotype of their sivgsn/mus/mon ancestors is unknown. however, two well-studied siv infected natural hosts, sooty ...201829659623
acute respiratory distress in aged, sars-cov-2 infected african green monkeys but not rhesus macaques.sars-cov-2 induces a wide range of disease severity ranging from asymptomatic infection, to a life-threating illness, particularly in the elderly and persons with comorbid conditions. among those persons with serious covid-19 disease, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards) is a common and often fatal presentation. animal models of sars-cov-2 infection that manifest severe disease are needed to investigate the pathogenesis of covid-19 induced ards and evaluate therapeutic strategies. here we ...202033171111
synthesis of novel cyanine dyes as antitumor this study, some novel cyanine dyes, 1, 3, and 5-15, were synthesized by a one-pot step reaction of pyridinium salts 2 and/or 4 with benzenaminium salt 1. n-{[1-chloro-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-2-yl)methylene]benzenaminium} chloride 1 was obtained by the reaction of α-tetralone with vilsmeier-haack reagent, followed by a mixture of an equimolar ratio of anilin/ethanol (1:1). all new cyanine dyes were evaluated in vitro for their anticancer activity against two cell lines, that is, hepg2 (human he ...202033169870
evaluation of host systems for efficient isolation and propagation of duck tembusu virus.several phylogenetic clusters of duck tembusu virus (dtmuv) that caused outbreaks in ducks in asia have been identified since its emergence in 2010, highlighting the need for an efficient host system that can support isolation of all circulating phylogenetic clusters of dtmuv. in this study, various host systems including different avian embryonated eggs (duck and chicken) and cell cultures (primary duck embryo fibroblast (def), primary chicken embryo fibroblast (cef), baby hamster kidney (bhk-2 ...202033146547
characterization of a novel peptide from pathogenic leptospira and its cytotoxic effect.leptospirosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by pathogenic leptospira species. virulence proteins have been shown to be key determinants of the pathogenesis of pathogenic leptospira. a specific peptide at a mass-to-charge ratio of 7000 da was identified in leptospira whole cells using matrix-assisted laser/desorption ionization time-of-flight (maldi-tof) mass spectrometry. this peptide was specifically present in pathogenic leptospira and in clinical isolates. we report here the charact ...202033142957
no evidence for sylvatic cycles of chikungunya, dengue and zika viruses in african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) on st. kitts, west indies.dengue, chikungunya and zika viruses (denv, chikv and zikv) are transmitted in sylvatic transmission cycles between non-human primates and forest (sylvan) mosquitoes in africa and asia. it remains unclear if sylvatic cycles exist or could establish themselves elsewhere and contribute to the epidemiology of these diseases. the caribbean island of st. kitts has a large african green monkey (agm) (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) population and is therefore ideally suited to investigate sylvatic cycle ...202033126907
a parainfluenza virus vector expressing the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) prefusion f protein is more effective than rsv for boosting a primary immunization with pediatric vaccines for intranasal administration are being developed for human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), an important worldwide pediatric respiratory pathogen that lacks a licensed vaccine or suitable antiviral drug. we evaluated a prime-boost strategy in which primary immunization with rsv was boosted by secondary immunization with rsv or with a chimeric bovine/human parainfluenza virus type 3 (rb/hpiv3) vector expressing the rsv fusion f protein. the vector-expressed f ...202033115876
phytochemical screening, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, cytotoxic, and anti-quorum-sensing properties of teucrium polium l. aerial parts methanolic extract.the chemical profile of teucrium polium l. (t. polium) methanolic extract was tested using liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry (hr-lcms). disc diffusion and microdilution assays were used for the antimicrobial activities. coxsackievirus b-3 (cvb3) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) were used for the antiviral activities. chromobacterium violaceum (atcc 12472 and cv026) and pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 were used as starter strains for the anti-quorum sensing t ...202033114026
the protein translocation defect of mct8l291r is rescued by sodium phenylbutyrate.the monocarboxylate transporter 8 (mct8; slc16a2) is a specific transporter for thyroid hormones. mct8 deficiency, formerly known as the allan-herndon-dudley syndrome, is a rare genetic disease that leads to neurological impairments and muscle weakness. current experimental treatment options rely on thyromimetic agonists that do not depend on mct8 for cellular uptake. another approach comes from studies with the chemical chaperone sodium phenylbutyrate (napb), which was able to stabilize mct8 mu ...202033088796
the influence of tobacco smoke/nicotine on cyp2a expression in human and african green monkey lungs.cyp2a enzymes metabolically inactivate nicotine and activate tobacco-derived procarcinogens [e.g., 4-[methylnitrosamino]-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone]. smoking decreases nicotine clearance, and chronic nicotine reduces hepatic cyp2a activity. however, little is known about the impact of smoking or nicotine on the expression of cyp2a in the lung. we investigated 1) the levels of human lung cyp2a mrna in smokers versus nonsmokers and 2) the impact of daily nicotine treatment on lung cyp2a protein leve ...202033055223
cytotoxic effect of aminoglycoside antibiotics on the mammalian cell lines.aminoglycoside antibiotics have been used for treating serious but also routine infections in veterinary and human medicine for many years. the basic aim of this work is to evaluate the cytotoxicity of dihydrostreptomycin and neomycin in vitro on three cell cultures - bhk-21 (syrian golden hamster kidney fibroblast), vero (african green monkey kidney fibroblast) and fea (feline embryonic fibroblast) cells. the morphological changes were examined by giemsa staining. cells were dried and visualize ...202033040680
non-human primate determinants of natural killer cells in tissues at steady-state and during simian immunodeficiency virus infection.natural killer (nk) cells play essential roles in immunity to viruses and tumors. their function is genetically determined but also modulated by environmental factors. the distribution and functional regulation of these cells vary depending on the tissue. nk cell behavior in lymphoid tissues is so far understudied. non-human primate (nhp) models are essential for the development of therapies and vaccines against human diseases, and access to nhp tissues allows insights into spatial regulations o ...202033013901
diversity of medium and large mammals in the loka abaya national park, southern ethiopia.we evaluated the richness, diversity, and composition of the medium and large mammal community in the loka abaya national park (lanp), southern ethiopia, and how these parameters differ among four habitat types: wooded grassland, riverine forest, hilly scrubland and wetland, and between seasons. we recorded a total of 2,573 individual animals of 28 medium and large mammal species in the park. this included three globally threatened species: the endangered african wild dog (lycaon pictus), the vu ...202033005352
potential for virus endogenization in humans through testicular germ cell infection: the case of hiv.viruses have colonized the germ line of our ancestors at several occasions during evolution, leading to the integration in the human genome of viral sequences from over 30 retroviral groups and a few non-retroviruses. among the recently emerged viruses infecting humans, several target the testis (eg hiv, zika and ebola viruses). here we aimed to investigate whether human testicular germ cells (tgcs) can support integration by hiv, a contemporary retrovirus that started to spread in the human pop ...202032999017
identification of schistosoma mansoni infection in a nonhuman primate from st. kitts more than 50 years after interruption of human transmission.transmission of schistosoma mansoni was interrupted on st. kitts, a caribbean island, in the 1950s. with no reported cases since that time and most biomphalaria spp. snail populations eliminated based on surveys in the 1970s, s. mansoni has been considered eliminated on st. kitts. in 2019, s. mansoni eggs were found in an african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) that originated from st. kitts. nonhuman primate (nhp) infections have been considered incidental to human infections, with ...202032996451
aberrant expression of cell cycle regulator 14-3-3-σ and e-cadherin in a metastatic cholangiocarcinoma in a vervet monkey (chlorocebus pygerythrus).we present a unique case of metastatic cholangiocarcinoma with concurrent abdominal cestodiasis in an african green monkey (chlorocebus pygerythrus) that presented with respiratory insufficiency and abdominal discomfort. there were multiple white-grey masses in the liver and colonic serosa alongside intra-abdominal parasitic cysts. histopathologically, the liver masses were composed of poorly-differentiated epithelial cells that formed densely cellular solid areas and trabeculae. the neoplastic ...202032958143
Displaying items 2901 - 3000 of 3231