
pili of vibrio cholerae non-o1.pili of vibrio cholerae non-o1 strain s7 were purified and characterized. the pili of s7 were morphologically, electrophoretically, and immunologically (as far as polyclonal antibody was used) indistinguishable from the 16-kilodalton pili of v. cholerae o1 strain 82p7. the purified pili and organisms had d-mannose- and l-fucose-resistant hemagglutinin. the hemagglutinating activity of the purified pili was inhibited by the fab fraction of antipilus antibody, but the hemagglutinating activity of ...19901971257
products of three accessory genes, pilb, pilc, and pild, are required for biogenesis of pseudomonas aeruginosa pili.the polar pili of pseudomonas aeruginosa are composed of monomers of the pilin structural subunits. the biogenesis of pili involves the synthesis of pilin precursor, cleavage of a six-amino-acid leader peptide, membrane translocation, and assembly of monomers into a filamentous structure extending from the bacterial surface. this report describes three novel genes necessary for the formation of pili. dna sequences adjacent to pila, the pilin structural gene, were cloned and mutagenized with tran ...19901971619
antibodies directed against the toxin-coregulated pilus isolated from vibrio cholerae provide protection in the infant mouse experimental cholera model.pathogenic strains of vibrio cholerae o1 elaborate a toxin-coregulated pilus, designated tcp, that is required for the bacteria to colonize the human intestine and cause disease. the possibility that antibodies directed against tcp might block colonization and thereby potentially prevent infection was investigated. the pilus was purified and polyclonal antiserum raised against it was shown to react preferentially with the 20.5-kda major pilin subunit, tcpa. this antiserum inhibited attachment of ...19901971653
regulation of the hydrolytic and transfer activities of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.the activity of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase was inhibited and stimulated by hippurate with and without acceptor molecules, respectively. substrate activation was observed when acceptor molecules was not present but the activation was disappeared by the addition of hippurate. when glutamine was absent the inhibition degree of hippurate at ph 8.0 was greater than at ph 7.0, whereas in the presence of both hippurate and glutamine the results were opposed. these show a possibility that glutaminase ...19901971703
vibrio cholerae o395 tcpa pilin gene sequence and comparison of predicted protein structural features to those of type 4 pilins.vibrio cholerae o1 expresses a pilus that is coordinately regulated with cholera toxin production and hence termed tcp, for toxin-coregulated pilus. insertion of tn5 is50l::phoa (tnphoa) into the major pilin subunit gene, tcpa, has previously been shown to render the strain avirulent as a result of its inability to colonize. one such insertion was isolated and used as a probe to screen for clones containing the intact tcpa gene. the dna sequence of tcpa was determined by using the intact gene an ...19901974887
experience with toxin bead elisa in cholera outbreak. 19901975354
thermal inactivation and thermodynamic parameters of the cholera phage "kappa". 19901975720
transposon-induced non-motile mutants of vibrio cholerae.non-motile mutants of vibrio cholerae were isolated after transposon insertion mutagenesis with either tn5 on a plasmid or tn10ptac mini-kan in bacteriophage lambda. the physical location and number of transposon insertions was determined. eighteen tn5 insertion mutants and 11 tn10ptac mini-kan insertion mutants had single unique insertion sites. the 18 tn5 insertions were contained within six different ecori fragments and the 11 tn10ptac mini-kan insertions were contained within eight different ...19901975833
periplasmic metabolism of glutamate and aspartate by intact bradyrhizobium japonicum studies on the uptake and metabolism of [14c]glutamate by bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteroids we found that, in the presence of unlabeled malate, succinate or alpha-ketoglutarate, substantial label was recovered in alpha-ketoglutarate in the reaction mixtures. as much as 30% of the total 14c supplied could be found in alpha-ketoglutarate in the reaction mixtures after 30 min and this occurred in the absence of detectable labeling of alpha-ketoglutarate in the cells. the labeling of alpha-keto ...19901976384
comparison of initial yields of dna-to-protein crosslinks and single-strand breaks induced in cultured human cells by far- and near-ultraviolet light, blue light and x-rays.the initial yields of dna-to-protein crosslinks (dpc) caused by ionizing and nonionizing radiations were compared, with emphasis upon values within the biological dose ranges (d0). induction of dpc in cold (0-0.5 degrees c) human p3 teratocarcinoma cells was measured by using alkaline elution techniques after exposure to monochromatic uvc (254 nm), uvb (313 nm), uva (365 and 405 nm), and blue light (434 nm). uvc and uvb light induced detectable numbers (about 100 dpc per cell per d0). monochroma ...19911986263
relationship between body and brain temperature in traumatically brain-injured rodents.recent work has shown that mild to moderate levels of hypothermia may profoundly reduce the histological and biochemical sequelae of cerebral ischemic injury. in the present study, the authors examined the effect of fluid-percussion injury on brain temperature in anesthetized rats and the effect of anesthesia on brain temperature in uninjured rats. the relationship between the brain, rectal, and temporalis muscle temperatures during normothermia, hypothermia, and hyperthermia was studied followi ...19911993914
practical field epidemiology to investigate a cholera outbreak in a mozambican refugee camp in malawi, 1988.of all populations affected by cholera, refugees are at particular risk of infection due to overcrowding and poor sanitation. between 15 march and 17 may 1988, 951 cases of cholera were registered at the cholera treatment centre in a mozambican refugee camp in malawi. the epidemic duration was 65 days. vibrio cholerae biotype e1 tor serotype inaba was isolated. to identify high-risk groups and potential risk of acquiring the disease, an epidemiologic investigation was conducted. the attack rate ...19911995929
freeze-substitution of gram-negative eubacteria: general cell morphology and envelope profiles.freeze-substitution was performed on strains of escherichia coli, pasteurella multocida, campylobacter fetus, vibrio cholerae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, pseudomonas putida, aeromonas salmonicida, proteus mirabilis, haemophilus pleuropneumoniae, caulobacter crescentus, and leptothrix discophora with a substitution medium composed of 2% osmium tetroxide and 2% uranyl acetate in anhydrous acetone. a thick periplasmic gel ranging from 10.6 to 14.3 nm in width was displayed in e. coli k-12, k30, and hi ...19911999383
toxr regulates the production of lipoproteins and the expression of serum resistance in vibrio cholerae.the genes encoding three lipoproteins of vibrio cholerae were identified by a combination of dna sequence analysis and [3h]palmitate labeling of hybrid proteins encoded by tnphoa gene fusions. the expression of these three lipoproteins, taga, acfd, and tcpc, was controlled by toxr, the cholera toxin transcriptional activator. the involvement of other bacterial lipoproteins in conferring resistance to the bactericidal effects of complement prompted us to examine this possibility in v. cholerae. r ...19912000374
direct evidence that ganglioside is an integral component of the thyrotropin receptor.gangliosides were extracted from purified human and porcine thyrotropin (tsh) receptors (tsh-r) and were detected by probing with an 125i-labeled sialic acid-specific lectin, limax flavus agglutinin. gangliosides copurified with human and porcine tsh-r migrated between monosialoganglioside gm1 and disialoganglioside gd1a. ceramide glycanase digestion of the purified human tsh-r-associated glycolipid confirmed its ganglioside nature. it was resistant to vibrio cholerae sialidase, which digests al ...19912000404
immunogenicity of two formulations of oral cholera vaccines in thai volunteers.a formulation of oral vaccine consisting of vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharides (lps), cell-bound haemagglutinin (cha) and procholeragenoid (p), namely vaccine a, was compared with another formulation, vaccine b, prepared from killed whole vibrios plus procholeragenoid on their immunogenicity and reactogenicity in thai male volunteers. volunteers were randomly allocated into three groups. the first two groups received orally three doses of vaccines a and b, respectively at 14-day intervals. volu ...19912008802
purification and characterization of a secreted protease from the pathogenic marine bacterium vibrio anguillarum.vibrio anguillarum is a pathogenic marine bacterium which causes the disease vibriosis in salmonid fish, which is characterized by a fatal hemorrhagic septicemia accompanied by massive tissue destruction. in this paper, the purification of the major caseinolytic extracellular protease from v. anguillarum is presented. the purification steps include ammonium sulfate precipitation, deae-sepharose chromatography, sephacryl s-200 chromatography, and deae high-pressure liquid chromatography. the puri ...19912012804
synthetic peptides as the basis for vaccine design. 19912017193
identification of the genomic region determining serotype specificity of vibrio cholerae 01.a 2.1-kb genomic region responsible for ogawa serotype specificity of vibrio cholerae 01 was identified by cosmid cloning and recombinant plasmid experiments. the plasmid carrying this region derived from ogawa type vibrio cholerae nih 41 coded for a specific protein of 27 kd, and was found to convert serotype specificity from inaba to ogawa when co-introduced into the escherichia coli cells harboring a cloned 20-kilobase genomic dna fragment of inaba type vibrio cholerae 35a3.19912018510
production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to vibrio cholerae soluble haemagglutinin.monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against a protease of vibrio cholerae, the soluble haemagglutinin (sha), have been prepared and characterized with regard to their ability to inhibit different biological properties of sha and to protect against experimental v. cholerae infection. four fusion experiments yielded two specific immunoglobulin g1 mabs that reacted with sha produced by different v. cholerae o1 and non-o1 strains but that differed in their antigen-binding capacity. both mabs were capable o ...19912018638
preferential reactivity of autoantibodies in murine lupus nzb mice to neuraminidase-treated monosialogangliosides on b cells of mouse spleen.when analyzed by flow cytometry, reactivity of igm autoantibodies in sera from nzb mice to spleen b cells, but not to t cells, from balb/c mice was remarkably increased after treatment of the cells with vibrio cholerae neuraminidase. by tlc immunostaining with the antibodies, neither neutral nor acidic glycosphingolipids from both balb/c and nzb mouse spleens were found to be reactive, but after neuraminidase treatment of the tlc plate, prior to the immunostaining, three components became reacti ...19912018978
the protective activity of tea against infection by vibrio cholerae o1.extracts of black tea exhibited bactericidal activity against vibrio cholerae o1. the tea extract inhibited the haemolysin activity of v. cholerae o1, el tor and the morphological changes of chinese hamster ovary cells induced by cholera toxin. tea extract also reduced fluid accumulation induced by cholera toxin in sealed adult mice and by v. cholerae o1 in ligated intestinal loops of rabbits. these findings suggest that tea has protective activity against v. cholerae o1.19912019547
cholera. small risk of cholera transmission by food imports. 19912021526
synthesis in vibrio cholerae and secretion of hepatitis b virus antigens fused to escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin subunit b.a simple and effective electroporation method for the transformation of vibrio cholerae with nonmobilizable plasmids is described. expression plasmids directing the synthesis of fusion proteins with the subunit b of escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin b (lt-b) were transformed into nontoxinogenic v. cholerae vaccine strains. a protein consisting of two overlapping immunodominant antibody-binding sites of the hepatitis b virus (hbv) middle surface antigen fused to the c terminus of full-leng ...19912022336
characterization of genetic variation and 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine- resistance mutations of human immunodeficiency virus by the rnase a mismatch cleavage method.the rnase a mismatch cleavage method has been applied to the characterization of natural genetic variation of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) from different geographical areas. the approach provides a rapid and simple assay for the analysis of differences in closely related viral isolates and allows the establishment of phylogenetic relationships between epidemiologically distinct viruses. our results show a broad clustering of circulating viruses according to their geographical distribution. ...19912034672
tumor necrosis factor alpha selectively sensitizes human immunodeficiency virus-infected cells to heat and radiation.we report here that infection of the human t-cell line hut-78 with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) increases its sensitivity to heat and radiation toxicity. a possible explanation for this result may be the reduced expression of manganous superoxide dismutase (mnsod) in hiv-infected cells compared to uninfected cells. tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) further sensitizes hiv-infected cells but not uninfected cells to heat and radiation. this is consistent with the ability of tnf-alpha to ...19912034677
enterotoxin-associated dna sequence homology between salmonella species and escherichia coli.multiple hindiii-restriction fragments of salmonella typhimurium and salmonella typhi chromosomal dna exhibited homology with the heat-labile enterotoxin (lt1) gene of escherichia coli as determined by southern blot analysis. a 9.4 kb hindiii restriction fragment identified in s. typhimurium and s. typhi chromosomal dna reacted with both elta and eltb gene probes. however, the homology of the 9.4 kb dna fragment from these salmonella species was greater with eltb than elta. in addition, a synthe ...19912037224
purification and characterization of a new heat-stable enterotoxin produced by vibrio cholerae non-o1 serogroup hakata.the possible production of a heat-stable enterotoxin (vc-h-st) by vibrio cholerae non-o1 serogroup hakata was investigated, and the purified vc-h-st was characterized. it has a unique amino acid sequence, lidcceiccnpacfgcln. this sequence is quite similar to that of the heat-stable enterotoxin (nag-st) produced by v. cholerae non-o1 except for one amino acid (leucine) residue excess at the n terminus. other characteristics, including biological activity, are compatible with those of nag-st.19912037379
field trial of oral cholera vaccines in bangladesh: serum vibriocidal and antitoxic antibodies as markers of the risk of cholera.the relationship of serum vibriocidal (vc) and igg anti-cholera toxin (ct) antibodies to the risk of cholera was evaluated during the first year of follow-up of recipients of three oral doses of b subunit (bs)-whole-cell vaccine, whole-cell vaccine, or escherichia coli k12 strain placebo in bangladesh. acute sera from 121 cholera patients were compared with sera from 2592 contemporaneous community controls. each doubling of vc titer was associated, on average, with a 22%-47% reduction of cholera ...19912037789
strain specific sensitivity to diethylnitrosamine-induced carcinogenesis is maintained in hepatocytes of c3h/hen in equilibrium with c57bl/6n chimeric mice.the c3h/hen (c3h) and c57bl/6n (c57) mouse strains are known, respectively, for their high and low susceptibility to both spontaneous and chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis. the present study was aimed at elucidating whether this difference is dependent on intrinsic features of the target hepatocytes or in the in vivo milieu and associated growth promoting factors to which the cells are exposed. c3h in equilibrium with c57 chimeric mice were produced and given injections of diethylnitrosami ...19912040001
human immunodeficiency virus infection in pregnancy.many aspects of hiv infection in pregnancy remain unclear. subsets at increased risk for perinatal transmission, adverse pregnancy outcome, and development of symptomatic hiv infection need to be identified. for instance, relative risks may be quite different in asymptomatic hiv infected patients with t4 lymphocyte counts greater than 200 cells per cubic millimeter compared to those with either symptoms of hiv infection or t4 cell counts less than 200 cells per cubic millimeter. at present, anti ...19912040117
experimental liver cysts induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene.liver cyst formation was studied serially in an experimental model in which rats were fed a diet containing 0.02% 2-acetylaminofluorene, a carcinogen, for 6 weeks, followed by a normal diet for 42 weeks. cysts appeared in the portal tracts at the 12th week, by which time the intrahepatic bile ducts had also proliferated and dilated. some of the dilated bile ducts were cavernous or multicystic and appeared to represent a transitional form between the bile duct dilation and cystic formation. after ...19912040399
production of monoclonal antibodies against a hemagglutinin/protease of vibrio cholerae non-01.two hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against a hemagglutinin/protease (ha/p) from vibrio cholerae non-01 were produced and characterized. the two mabs contained the kappa light chain and were igg1 type. they similarly neutralized ha/p protease activity derived from both v. cholerae non-01 and v. cholerae 01, whereas they were unable to neutralize the hemagglutinating activity of ha/p, suggesting that the epitopes for protease and hemagglutination activities are differe ...19912040430
abrogation of dominant glucose intolerance in sjl mice by a growth hormone transgene.glucose tolerance was studied in transgenic mice (sjl x c57bl/6) expressing human gh under the control of a housekeeping promoter. parental sjl mice were found to harbour a dominant allele, termed here glid, determining glucose intolerance in pure-bred animals and in f1 hybrids with glucose-tolerant c57bl/6 mice. blood glucose levels in transgenic sjl x c57bl/6 hybrid mice were well controlled following glucose challenge, whereas non-transgenic hybrids failed to control their glucose adequately. ...19912043241
detection of chlamydia trachomatis in first-void urine collected from men and women attending a venereal clinic.cervical, urethral and first-void urine (fvu) specimens from 196 men and 245 women attending a venereal outpatient clinic were studied by culture and a commercial enzyme immunoassay (eia) (chlamydiazyme). confirmatory chlamydial testing by a direct fluorescence assay (dfa) (microtrak) was performed on the sediments of the positive eia samples from culture-negative patients. chlamydia trachomatis was isolated from 11% of the men and 12% of the women. of the women, 67% were positive in both sampli ...19912043357
mind over muscle. 19912044511
sir frederick hobday memorial lecture. all wind and water: some progress in the study of equine gut motility. 19912044514
cardiac output during exercise in paraplegic subjects.the purpose of this study was to measure the cardiac output using the co2 rebreathing method during submaximal and maximal arm cranking exercise in six male paraplegic subjects with a high level of spinal cord injury (hp). they were compared with eight able bodied subjects (ab) who were not trained in arm exercise. maximal o2 consumption (vo2max) was lower in hp (1.11.min, sd 0.1; 17.5, sd 4) than in ab (2.5 l.min-1, sd 0.6; 36.7, sd 10.7). maximal cardiac output was si ...19912044535
effects of an endogenous ouabainlike compound on heart and endogenous ouabainlike compound (olc) has been purified from human plasma, and mass spectrometry has shown it to be indistinguishable from plant-derived ouabain. this human olc was tested for its effects on evoked tension in guinea pig left atria and aortic rings. the tissues were incubated at 37 degrees c in bicarbonate-buffered physiological salt solution gassed with 95% o2-5% co2. in atria stimulated electrically at 1 hz, 85 and 170 nm human olc increased peak active force to 177 +/- 15% a ...19912045174
cloning and nucleotide sequence of the vibrio cholerae hemagglutinin/protease (ha/protease) gene and construction of an ha/protease-negative strain.the structural gene hap for the extracellular hemagglutinin/protease (ha/protease) of vibrio cholerae was cloned and sequenced. the cloned dna fragment contained a 1,827-bp open reading frame potentially encoding a 609-amino-acid polypeptide. the deduced protein contains a putative signal sequence followed by a large propeptide. the extracellular ha/protease consists of 414 amino acids with a computed molecular weight of 46,700. in the absence of protease inhibitors, this is processed to the 32- ...19912045361
duodenal rapeseed oil infusion in early and midlactation cows. 1. intestinal apparent digestibility of fatty acids and lipids.rapeseed oil was infused continuously into the duodenum of lactating dairy cows. five separate trials were conducted with differences in amount of oil infused (1.0 to 1.5 kg/d), in lactation stage (early to late), and in basal diet (corn or grass silages). the effects of lecithin addition (9 g/d) also were studied. oil infusion did not affect the apparent digestibility of defatted organic matter. fatty acid, ether extract, and total lipid digestibilities in control cows were 62 to 82%, 72 to 76% ...19912045558
vibrio cholerae produces a second enterotoxin, which affects intestinal tight junctions.attenuated vibrio cholerae vaccine strains specifically mutated in genes encoding cholera toxin (ct) are still capable of causing mild to moderate diarrhea. culture supernatants of v. cholerae strains, both ct-positive and ct-negative, were examined in ussing chambers, and a toxin was found that increases the permeability of the small intestinal mucosa by affecting the structure of the intercellular tight junction, or zonula occludens. the activity of this toxin is reversible, heat-labile, sensi ...19912052603
regulatory cascade controls virulence in vibrio cholerae.expression of more than 17 virulence genes in vibrio cholerae is under the coordinate control of the toxr protein. toxr is a transmembrane protein that binds to and activates the promoter of the operon encoding cholera toxin. as yet, the ability of toxr to activate directly other genes in this regulon has not been demonstrated. we have cloned a gene called toxt from v. cholerae 569b; the toxt gene product, like toxr, can activate the ctx promoter in escherichia coli. in addition, expression of o ...19912052618
risk of transmission of cholera by foods. 19912054288
evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) analogues, the inhibitors for polyamine biosynthetic pathway.metabolic and antiproliferative effects of methylglyoxal bis(butylamidinohydrazone) (mgbb) and methylglyoxal bis(cyclopentylamidinohydrazone) (mgbcp), inhibitors for polyamine biosynthetic pathway, on escherichia coli, shigella sonnei, aeromonas sobria, aeromonas hydrophila and vibrio cholerae were investigated. mgbb at the concentration of 100 mumol/l depleted intracellular putrescine and spermidine concentrations of e. coli to 25 and 20% of the controls, respectively, while mgbcp depressed the ...19912055790
a method for studies of an el tor-associated antigen of vibrio cholerae o1.a method for studying the biotype el tor associated mannose-sensitive haemagglutinin (msha) of v. cholerae o1 has been developed. by using crude msha adsorbed to chicken erythrocytes as solid phase antigen in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), antisera against v. cholerae of the el tor biotype reacted in high titre with the msha-coated cells, whereas antisera against vibrios of the classical biotype did not bind significantly, i.e. in higher titre than pre-immune sera. the binding of ...19912060759
cholera and cholera-like diarrhoeal diseases: why the differences in severity?although vibrio cholera and several other enterotoxigenic bacteria such as the enterotoxigenic escherichia coli produce secretory diarrhoea by exactly the same mechanism, cholera is much more severe. it is proposed that this difference in severity may be because while the alkaline diarrhoeal fluid produced in these conditions is optimal for the growth of vibrio cholera, e. coli and other enterotoxigenic bacteria are inhibited.19912062265
rubinstein-taybi syndrome with de novo reciprocal translocation t(2;16)(p13.3;p13.3).we describe a girl with typical rubinstein-taybi syndrome with apparently balanced reciprocal translocation between chromosome 2 and 16. the patient has a condition characterized by mental retardation, typical facial manifestations, broad thumbs and first toes. cytogenetic studies of the patient showed a reciprocal translocation without visible deletion, karyotype: 46,xx, t(2;16)(p13.3;p13.3). her parents had normal chromosomes. these results suggest that the locus of the gene for the rubinstein ...19912063911
epidermal cytokines and their roles in cutaneous wound healing.cytokines are small proteins or glycoproteins which are synthesized and secreted by a variety of cell types. through binding to specific receptors on target cells, these hormone-like products regulate many normal cell activities, including growth and differentiation, migration and immune functions. within the epidermis, keratinocytes are the major source of cytokines along with melanocytes and langerhans cells. in response to a variety of injurious stimuli, including ultraviolet irradiation and ...19912064935
effects of vibrio cholerae recombinant strains on rabbit ileum in vivo. enterotoxin production and myoelectric activity.previous studies have identified the effects of vibrio cholerae and its enterotoxin, choleragen (ct a+b+), on the myoelectric activity of rabbit ileal loops in vivo. the response was defined as the migrating action potential complex, the single ring contraction that propels luminal contents aborad. in this study the same rabbit model is used to assess whether migrating action potential complex activity or fluid output is induced by recombinant strains of v. cholerae that produce no subunit of ch ...19912065905
[surveys on the contamination of marine fish with non-o1 vibrio cholerae and vibrio mimicus and food poisoning cases by these organisms].the present paper describes the relationship between the contamination with non-o1 vibrio cholerae and vibrio mimicus of marine fish, with special reference to the seasonal variation and the concentration of contamination, and the actual cases of domestic food poisoning by these organisms. a 10 year survey revealed that non-o1 vibrio cholerae (non-o1 v. cholerae) strains were frequently isolated from fish during the summer season with some variations from one year to another, and isolates from f ...19912066602
cholera--new york, 1991.through june 26, 1991, cholera has been reported from seven countries in the western hemisphere: brazil, chile, colombia, ecuador, mexico, peru, and the united states. in the united states, a total of 14 confirmed cases of epidemic-associated cholera have been reported among persons in florida (one) (1), georgia (one) (2), new jersey (eight) (1), and new york (four). this report summarizes information regarding the four cases reported in new york and describes a new laboratory procedure used to ...19912072887
[recurrent thromboembolism disclosing protein c deficiency. apropos of a case with familial investigation].every thromboembolic manifestation, especially in young subjects, calls for an aetiological study in which haemostasis is evaluated primarily with assays of physiological coagulation inhibitors: protein c, protein s and antithrombin iii. protein c deficiency is found in 6 to 7% of thromboembolic manifestations. we report the case of a 21-year old man who had phlebitis followed by pulmonary embolism without facilitating factors. protein c level was 50% of normal value (0.50 iu/ml). the patient re ...19902075365
a vasopressin and oxytocin containing nucleus in the pig hypothalamus that shows neuronal changes during puberty.a vasopressin and oxytocin containing nucleus is described for the first time in the pig hypothalamus. it is located near the third ventricle, just dorsal to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and consists of magnocellular neurons, similar to those of the supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus. morphometric analysis of neuronal number, size, density, and volume was performed at four different ages: 1 day, 7 weeks, 16 weeks, and 30 weeks postnatally. no sex difference in these parameters was ob ...19902077051
genetic analyses of rhizobium meliloti exopolysaccharides.we have recently obtained strong genetic evidence that the acidic calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide (eps i) of rhizobium meliloti rm1021 is required for nodule invasion and possibly for later events in nodule development. thirteen loci on the second megaplasmid have been identified that are required for, or affect, the synthesis of eps i. mutations in certain of these loci completely abolish the production of eps i and result in mutants that form empty fix- nodules. exoh mutants fail to succi ...19902078533
homocysteic acid as an endogenous excitatory amino acid. 19902080552
ovine white-liver disease (owld). treatment trials. 19902080781
dna damage and cell killing by nitrofurantoin in relation to its carcinogenic potential.nitrofurantoin inhibited growth and produced loss of viability of vibrio cholerae cells in a dose-dependent manner, the 10% (d10) and 37% (d37) survival doses being 18.0 and 5.5 micrograms/ml x hr. respectively. the drug also caused filamentation of the cells in a very significant manner. ultraviolet absorption data and thermal chromatography through hydroxyapatite column revealed that nitrofurantoin treatment of vibrio cholerae cells produced a maximum amount of 55% of dna reversibly bihelical ...19902081336
[chemical and serological studies of lipopolysaccharides isolated from o1 and non-o1 vibrio cholerae]. 19902082025
[relationship between the anti-hemolysin activity and the structure of catechins and theaflavins].we examined the corresponding isomers of catechins and theaflavins for anti-hemolysin activities against staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin and vibrio cholerae o1 hemolysin. catechins and theaflavins showed anti-hemolysin activities in a dose-dependent manner. among the catechins tested, (-)catechin gallate, (-)epicatechin gallate and (-)epigallocatechin gallate having galloyl groups in their molecules showed more potent anti-hemolysin activities against both toxins. on the other hand, free catec ...19902082027
detection and interpolation of outliers in biosignals.detection of outliers in recorded biosignals and their interpolation is described. the detection of outliers is based on the simple rule of 3 sigma. the subsequent interpolation is performed according to the method proposed by brubacher and wilson for autoregressive processes. the output of the suggested procedure can be treated by standard programs of statistical analysis as long as the influence of outliers is eliminated. the program in fortran iv developed in the institute of hygiene and epid ...19902082646
effect of alprazolam on pentylenetetrazol convulsions. 19902082648
randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the live oral cholera vaccine strain cvd 103-hgr in swiss adults.a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial was conducted in 50 healthy swiss adults to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the live oral attenuated cholera vaccine candidate strain vibrio cholerae cvd 103-hgr (classical, inaba). a single dose of 5 x 10(8) viable cvd 103-hgr organisms, administered in a buffered liquid formulation, was well tolerated as compared with individuals who received an equivalent amount of heat-killed escherichia coli k-12 placebo. eighty-eight percent of s ...19902087879
immunogenicity of liposome-associated oral cholera vaccine prepared from combined vibrio cholerae antigens.liposomes were prepared from bovine brain sphingomyelin and cholesterol. they were reinforced by incorporation of osmium tetroxide to prevent their immediate degradation inside the host. combined vibrio cholerae antigens (lipopolysaccharide, crude cell-bound hemagglutinin and procholeragenoid) were orally administered to experimental rats either as free or liposome-associated. a total of 70 experimental rats was utilized in experiments comparing the immune responses of rats to liposome-associate ...19902091663
the morphology of synovial lining of various structures in several species as observed with scanning electron concerning surface morphology of synovial lining of tendons, tendon sheaths, cruciate ligaments, infra-patellar fat pads and peripatellar synovial ridges in various species (rat, rabbit, dwarf goat, sheep, pig, dog, human) are reported on. supportive studies with transmission electron microscopy (tem) and light microscopy were performed. three principal morphological appearances of the synovium are evident. on structures with a dense fibrous architecture like tendons, tendon sheaths and cru ...19902094014
the mechanism of inhibition of s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase by fluorine-containing adenosine analogs.(z)-4',5'-didehydro-5'-deoxy-5'-fluoroadenosine (i), 5'-deoxy-5'-difluoroadenosine (ii), and 4',5'-didehydro-5'-deoxy-5'-fluoroarabinosyl-adenosine (iii) are inhibitors of rat liver s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase. compounds i and ii are time-dependent and irreversible inhibitors of the enzyme. both i and ii are oxidized by e.nad to produce e.nadh, and fluoride anion is formed in the inactivation reaction (0.7 to 1.0 mole fluoride/mole of enzyme subunit, and 1.7 moles fluoride/mole of enzyme ...19902094766
[aminoacyl-trna synthetases (codases) and their noncanonical functions].the aim of this review is to summarize the data obtained in the author's laboratory during the last decade. the main objects of these investigations were mammalian aminoacyl-trna synthetases, mainly bovine tryptophanyl-trna synthetase (ec the data are discussed and compared with those described in literature. in the course of these studies it turned out that some properties of mammalian aminoacyl-trna synthetases for instance, nuclear location of some of the synthetases, presence of ex ...19902094804
spinal cord repair: is tissue oxygenation an important variable?we have demonstrated the reliability and feasibility of making pto2 recordings from graft and host tissue in the injured spinal cord. the data suggest that the oxygen microenvironment of developing graft and host spinal tissue is clearly different from that found in normal spinal tissue or in transplants that have not survived or integrated well. these same constraints seem to apply to cavitation in developing grafts and poorly developed graft/host interfaces. the similarity between these findin ...19902096642
epidemiological profile of outbreaks of cholera in india during 1975-1989.cholera has been present in india since antiquity. six pandemics originated in indian subcontinent. the present seventh pandemic caused by el tor vibrio cholerae started from indonesia (sulawesi) in 1961 and entered india in 1964. by the end of 1965 it has replaced the age old classical v. cholerae. many of the states which never had cholera or were free from it for a long time got infected and became endemic foci of el tor infection. this article reviews the epidemiological features of importan ...19902098418
the occurrence of alpha (1----2) linked n-acetylperosamine--homopolymer in lipopolysaccharides of non-o1 vibrio cholerae possessing an antigenic factor in common with o1 v. cholerae.chemical analysis was carried out on lipopolysaccharides from vibrio cholerae bio-serogroup hakata 487-85. the o-specific chain of the phenol-soluble lipopolysaccharides was demonstrated by 13c-nmr spectroscopy and methylation analysis to contain a linear homopolymer of alpha(1----2) linked n-acetylperosamine (4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-d-mannopyranose), which was closely similar to but not identical to a linear alpha(1----2) linked n-3-deoxy-l-glycerotetronyl (s-2,4-dihydroxybutyryl) perosamine-ho ...19902098633
[the determination of the optimal inoculation dose of an oral cholera chemical bivalent vaccine in a controlled experiment].276 volunteers aged 19 years and over were placed under observation in the course of the trial of oral cholera vaccine in tablets, containing choleragen toxoid, o-antigens of serovars inaba and ogawa and a number of vibrio cholerae exoenzymes, for safety, reactogenic properties and immunological effectiveness. the vaccine was found to produce no reactions in a dose of 1-4 tablets; the administration of 3 tablets (300,000 binding units of the toxoid and 10,000 units of o-antigens, serovars inaba ...19902099071
[the effect of immune antibodies and the xanthine oxidase-xanthine enzymatic link on vibrio cholerae].as revealed in experiments on v. cholerae, highly diluted cholera antiserum enhanced the inhibitory action of the enzymatic link xanthine oxidase-xanthine-fe2+ on the multiplication of v. cholerae, while low dilutions of the antiserum weakened this action. normal rabbit serum produced no such effect. the antivibrionic effectiveness of the immune molecular cycle, viz. antiserum--the xanthine oxidase enzymatic link, was found to depend also on the concentration of xanthine. immune antibodies to ch ...19902099072
characterization of vibrio cholerae non-o1 hemagglutinin/protease. 19902101140
cloning and nucleotide sequence determination of a heat-stable enterotoxin gene from vibrio cholerae non-o1. 19902101148
management of acute diarrhoea.before 1970, laboratory staff could not only identify the causative organism of acute diarrhea in 20% of cases, but in 1990, they could identify it in 80% of cases. these organisms are either bacteria, virus, or parasites. the bacteria include enterotoxigenic bacteria (vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, clostridium perfringens, and staphylococcus aureus) and enteroinvasive bacteria (campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, and salmonella and shigella species). the leading cause of death ...19902101385
etiological agents of diarrhoea.two decades of research have established newer pathogens and techniques in establishing several organisms of diarrhoeal diseases as aetiological agents. it is now possible to detect an agent in 80% of the situation of diarrhoea in a standard laboratory. the brief review describes the list of pathogens, their diagnostic techniques with short description on clinical and epidemiological status.19902101388
effectiveness of oral rehydration salt solution (ors) in reduction of death during cholera extensive outbreak of acute gastroenteritis involving all age group of patients occurred during july-september, 1978 in the central district of manipur state. a total of 4469 cases occurred during the period. 45.7% of diarrhoea cases sampled and 47.6% of water samples collected from rivers were found to be positive for v.cholerae biotype eitor. case fatality rate in this epidemic was exceptionally low (0.8%) which was attributed to the early domiciliary use of oral rehydration salt solution ( ...19902101392
construction of an invertible dna segment for improved antigen expression by a hybrid salmonella vaccine strain. 19902101464
new attenuated derivatives of vibrio cholerae. 19902101479
recombinant attenuated vibrio cholerae strains used as live oral vaccines.although great strides have been made in the development of recombinant attenuated vibrio cholerae vaccine strains, the task has not been as simple as once imagined. the initial vaccine candidates proved to be unexpectedly reactogenic but further derivatives, such as cvd103-hgr, are well-tolerated, immunogenic and protective after a single dose. in addition, this strain carries a selectable marker to distinguish it from wild strains and has been evaluated in a practical, lyophilized formulation ...19902101480
delivery of the cholera toxin b subunit by using a recombinant yersinia enterocolitica strain as a live oral carrier.the gene ctxb encoding the cholera toxin b subunit was subcloned to design its production by yersinia enterocolitica. it was joined in two ways to yoph, a gene of the virulence plasmid pyv specific to this genus. this gene encodes one of the major yop proteins (yoph) secreted by bacteria incubated at 37 degrees c in a ca(2+)-deprived medium. in a first construction, an operon fusion was obtained between ctxb and yoph so that ct-b and a truncated yoph protein were produced. the recombinant ct-b f ...19902101483
a study of v. cholerae strains isolated in bombay.of 935 faecal samples studied over a period of one year, v. cholerae 01 was isolated from 102 samples (10.9%). all the strains were found to be e1 tor ogawa. the strains belonging to the phage types 2 and 4 were encountered in our study, type 2 being the highest (76.5%). the sensitivity pattern of all strains to the commonly used antibiotics was determined. strains sensitive to gentamicin (92.2%), nalidixic acid (85.3%), kanamycin (83.3%), cotrimoxazole (80.4%) and chloramphenicol (75.5%) were o ...19902102910
neuroblastoma differentiation involves the expression of two isoforms of the alpha-subunit of go.the regulation of gtp-binding proteins (g proteins) was examined during the course of differentiation of neuroblastoma n1e-115 cells. n1e-115 cell membranes possess three bordetella pertussis toxin (ptx) substrates assigned to alpha-subunits (g alpha) of go (a g protein of unknown function) and "gi (a g protein inhibitory to adenylate cyclase)-like" proteins and one substrate of vibrio cholerae toxin corresponding to an alpha-subunit of gs (a g protein stimulatory to adenylate cyclase). in undif ...19902107277
long-term persistence of toxigenic vibrio cholerae 01 in the mucilaginous sheath of a blue-green alga, anabaena variabilis.cholera epidemics occur twice a year in the endemic area of bangladesh. vibrio cholerae 01 can be isolated from the environment only during the epidemics and the question of possible interepidemic environmental reservoirs of v. cholerae remains open. the present laboratory-based studies investigate the role of an aquatic alga, anabaena variabilis, as a possible reservoir. persistence of v. cholerae inside the mucilaginous sheath of a. variabilis was observed by phase-contrast and fluorescent mic ...19902109096
closely related glycosylation patterns of recombinant human il-2 expressed in a cho cell line and natural il-2.we report here the study of the glycosylation pattern of human recombinant (r) il2 expressed in a chinese hamster ovary (cho) cell line. the human ril2 secreted by this high-producing recombinant cho cell line was metabolically radiolabelled with [35s]-methionine, or with [3h]-glucosamine and [3h]-galactose, purified to homogeneity, and then characterized. the electrophoretic analysis of the [35s]-methionine-labelled proteins present in the culture medium of the cho cell line showed that the ril ...19902109157
a single pre-b cell can give rise to antigen-specific b cells that utilize distinct immunoglobulin gene rearrangements.a group of hybridomas that express antibodies with related specificities for the influenza virus hemagglutinin (ha), that represent b cells that were the clonal progeny of a single pre-b cell, and that utilized distinct l chain gene rearrangements have been characterized. the clonal relationship was established by the sharing of h chain gene rearrangements at both the productive and the nonproductive alleles. among these hybridomas, one group had rearranged only one of its kappa alleles, having ...19902117635
a single pre-b cell can give rise to antigen-specific b cells that utilize distinct immunoglobulin gene rearrangements.a group of hybridomas that express antibodies with related specificities for the influenza virus hemagglutinin (ha), that represent b cells that were the clonal progeny of a single pre-b cell, and that utilized distinct l chain gene rearrangements have been characterized. the clonal relationship was established by the sharing of h chain gene rearrangements at both the productive and the nonproductive alleles. among these hybridomas, one group had rearranged only one of its kappa alleles, having ...19902117635
properties of a hemolysin related to the thermostable direct hemolysin produced by a kanagawa phenomenon negative, clinical isolate of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a hemolytic toxin (vp-trh) produced by a kanagawa phenomenon negative, clinical isolate of vibrio parahaemolyticus was further characterized. the purified vp-trh showed various biological activities, such as fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops, increase of rabbit skin vascular permeability, and cardiotoxicity on cultured myocardial cells, all of which are essentially similar to the activities found with thermostable direct hemolysin (vp-tdh), a pathogenic toxin produced by kanagawa phenomen ...19902118824
polarized secretion of diamine oxidase by intestinal epithelial cells and its stimulation by heparin.the caco-2 cells have been used as a model system to study the pathways of diamine oxidase secretion by the intestinal epithelium. when grown in transwell filter chamber devices, the polarized cell monolayers released the enzyme preferentially into the basal chamber. heparin (1-10 usp u/ml) rapidly induced a marked stimulation of enzyme secretion only when in contact with the basolateral cell membrane, where high affinity binding sites for [3h]heparin were also exclusively located. among the oth ...19902121582
comparison of the vibrio cholerae hemagglutinin/protease and the pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase.the soluble hemagglutinin/protease (ha/protease) produced by vibrio cholerae and the elastase of pseudomonas aeruginosa are both zinc/calcium-dependent proteases. in the present study the two enzymes are compared immunologically and functionally. the n-terminal amino acid sequences of the proteins had 65% identity within the first 20 amino acids. polyclonal antisera against each purified protein recognized the enzyme of the other species in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, checkerboard immunob ...19902123831
[purification and various properties of vibrio cholerae non-01 cytolysin].a new method for isolation and purification of vibrio cholerae non-01 cytolysin has been elaborated. it includes the steps of concentration by ammonium sulphate, ion exchange chromatography on de-52-cellulose, gel filtration via ultragel asa-44 and chromatography on mono q. cytolysin is shown to be a 60 kd and pi 6.2 protein. it is not inactivated by thiol-restoring agents and induces the production of precipitating antibodies. in contrast to choleragen the protein cytolytically affects erythroc ...19902123963
expression of toxr, the transcriptional activator of the virulence factors in vibrio cholerae, is modulated by the heat shock response.the toxr gene of vibrio cholerae encodes a transmembrane, dna-binding protein that positively controls transcription of the genes for cholera toxin, tcp pili, and other proteins important in cholera pathogenesis. nucleotide sequence analysis of the toxr upstream region has revealed that the heat shock gene htpg, encoding the bacterial homologue of the eukaryotic hsp90 protein, was located immediately upstream and was divergently transcribed from toxr. using lacz transcriptional fusions, we have ...19902124707
telomere and centromere dna are associated with the cores of meiotic prophase chromosomes.mouse (mus musculus) whole-mount, surface-spread, meiotic prophase chromosomes have an axial core structure, the synaptonemal complex, sc, from which extend chromatin loops. this arrangement permits a novel approach to the analysis of chromosome structure. using in situ hybridization, the types of dna sequences preferentially associated with the sc and the types located primarily in the chromatin loops can be determined. with biotinylated probes, detected by avidin conjugated to fitc, we present ...19902129288
[presence of salmonella in the northwest shore of the l'albufera de valencia].for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of pollution reaching the large salt lagoon in valencia from its northwest side, 19 river-beds flowing into it have been studied. for each sample, the presence of markers indicating fecal pollution and the presence or absence of pathogens; salmonella, vibrio cholerae and shigella have been evaluated. for each river-bed, a fecal pollution index has been calculated, this index revealing a positive correlation (p = 0.03) with the isolating of salmonella. s ...19902131632
1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol and the genesis of hypocalcaemia in magnesium-deficient chicks.the role of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25 dhcc) in the genesis of hypocalcaemia of magnesium (mg) deficiency was studied in chicks fed control or mg-deficient diets with varying calcium (ca) content. in one study, ca and mg deficiencies were induced simultaneously whereas in a second study, exposure to low dietary ca followed induction of mg deficiency. in both studies, mg-deficient chicks fed adequate dietary ca were hypocalcaemic yet had normal circulating 1,25 dhcc, whereas mg-deficient ...19902132748
kinetic analysis of 3-quinuclidinyl 4-[125i]iodobenzilate transport and specific binding to muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in rat brain in vivo: implications for human studies.radioiodinated r- and s-quinuclidinyl derivatives of rs-benzilate (r- and s-125iqnb) have been synthesized for quantitative evaluation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor binding in vivo. two sets of experiments were performed in rats. the first involved determining the metabolite-corrected blood concentration and tissue distribution of tracer r-iqnb (active enantiomer) and s-iqnb (inactive enantiomer) in brain 1 min to 26 h after intravenous injection. the second involved the measurement of br ...19902134838
surfaces of murine lymphocyte subsets differ in sialylation states and antigen distribution of a major n-linked penultimate saccharide structure.rat liver beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase and vibrio cholerae sialidase were used with cytidine-5'-monophospho-n-acetyl-[3h]neuraminic acid (cmp-[3h]neuac) to specifically probe the distribution and sialylation state of gal beta 1-4glcnac residues on n-linked saccharides on the surfaces of murine lymphocytes. the relative extent of exogenous sialyltransferase-mediated sialylation (per cellular protein) was thymocytes greater than t-cells greater than t-cell lymphoma (el-4) greater t ...19902137033
ca2(+)-dependent membrane-binding proteins in normal erythrocytes and erythrocytes from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia.cytosolic and membrane fractions of human erythrocytes were probed with antisera raised against several members of the annexin family of ca2(+)-dependent phospholipid/membrane-binding proteins. one of the antisera, that against the 67 kd calcimedin, identified erythrocyte polypeptides of molecular weights 48 and 67 kd, which were found in the cytoplasm when normal erythrocytes were lysed in the presence of egta but on the membrane when lysis buffers contained ca2+. in contrast, membranes of eryt ...19902138037
serious adverse drug reactions to pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine, pyrimethamine-dapsone and to amodiaquine in britain.all reports of adverse reactions with pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine (fansidar), pyrimethamine-dapsone (maloprim), and amodiaquine spontaneously reported through the uk national post-marketing system were reviewed. retrospective reporting rates of serious reactions associated with these drugs were analysed using prescription data from the department of health, derived from the prescription pricing authority, and relevant pharmaceutical companies. whilst interpretation of these data requires caution, ...19902138674
the glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-linked fc gamma riiipmn mediates transmembrane signaling events distinct from fc gamma investigate the ability of fcgammariii(pmn), the gpi-anchored isoform of fcgammariii (cd16) in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn), to mediate transmembrane signaling events, we measured changes in membrane potential with dioc(5) and in intracellular calcium with indo-1. fcgammar were ligated by anti-fcgammariii mab 3g8 (igg and fab), anti-fcgammarii mab iv.3 (igg and fab), and human igg aggregates. cell bound mabs were also crosslinked by goat f(ab')(2) anti-mouse igg. 3g8 igg elicited a rapi ...19902139101
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