
nightingale march 1985 set to celebrate 30-year anniversary. 201525627528
fetal growth and the ethnic origins of type 2 diabetes.birthweight is known to differ by ethnicity, with south asian, black african and caribbean, and hispanic ethnic groups having lower birthweight on average, when compared with people of white european ethnicity. birthweight is the most frequently used proxy of fetal growth, and represents the net effect of a host of genetic, physiological and pathophysiological factors. these same ethnic groups that have lower average birthweight also tend to have a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes in adultho ...201525567103
exploring the emotional intelligence of florence nightingale.emotional intelligence (ei) within nursing appears to be a growing interest as evidenced by the expanding number of literature reviews conducted on the subject. the inquiry for this historical research is to understand the work and characteristics of florence nightingale and ei.201727981101
factors affecting the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a questionnaire study.this descriptive and cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the factors affecting cancer patients' quality of life.201727981088
florence nightingale foundation honours scholars. 201625541869
bioelectrical impedance for detecting and monitoring lymphedema in patients with breast cancer. preliminary results of the florence nightingale breast study group.the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of bioimpedance spectroscopy for the follow-up of patients with lymphedema in turkey and its benefits in the diagnosis of stage 0, 1, and 2 lymphedema in patients who are under treatment for breast cancer. thirty-seven female patients with breast cancer who underwent surgical procedures in our breast health centre were followed up for lymphedema using bioimpedance, and clinical measurements were taken for a minimum period of 1 year at 3-month in ...201525526543
applying nightingale charts to evaluate the heterogeneity of biomedical waste in a evaluate the heterogeneity of biomedical waste (bw) using nightingale charts.201425517931
florence nightingale and the institution of kaiserswerth on the rhine. 201425508279
variable detours in long-distance migration across ecological barriers and their relation to habitat availability at ground.migration detours, the spatial deviation from the shortest route, are a widespread phenomenon in migratory species, especially if barriers must be crossed. moving longer distances causes additional efforts in energy and time, and to be adaptive, this should be counterbalanced by favorable condition en route. we compared migration patterns of nightingales that travelled along different flyways from their european breeding sites to the african nonbreeding sites. we tested for deviations from short ...201425505540
brazilian nursing history on the shoulders of giants.this study describes the route followed by nursing in brazil, through the foundation of nursing organizations and the emergence of nursing leaders and pioneers.201525475384
nightingale march 1975 set to celebrate 40th anniversary. 201425467358
florence nightingale and the institution of kaiserswerth on the rhine. 201425464648
emotion regulation and posttraumatic stress symptoms: a meta-analysis.emotion regulation (er) has been identified as a critical factor in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress symptoms (pts; bardeen, kumpula, & orcutt, 2013 [journal of anxiety disorders, 27, 188-196]; marx & sloan, 2005 [behaviour research and therapy, 43, 569-583]; nightingale & williams, 2000 [british journal of clinical psychology, 39, 243-254]). the current meta-analysis aimed to provide a thorough, quantitative examination of the associations between pts and several aspects ...201525421727
sculptures honour wartime surgery.the florence nightingale museum has marked the centenary of the first world war with a display of life-size sculptures of soldiers from different wars who had reconstructive surgery after experiencing appalling facial injuries.201425388690
sam nightingale. 201428845816
bbc rapped over nightingale portrayal. 201425294441
spin-orbit-free topological insulators without time-reversal symmetry.we explore the 32 crystallographic point groups and identify topological phases of matter with robust surface modes. for n=3,4, and 6 of the c_{nv} groups, we find the first-known 3d topological insulators without spin-orbit coupling, and with surface modes that are protected only by point groups; i.e., the relevant symmetries are purely crystalline and do not include time reversal. to describe these c_{nv} systems, we introduce the notions of (a) a halved mirror chirality, an integer invariant ...201425259991
inspiring senior nurses to lead the delivery of compassionate care.the enabling compassionate care in practice programme was an innovative development programme for bands 6 and 7 nurses working with older people in all settings. it was commissioned by the department of health from the florence nightingale foundation. a total of 117 nurses participated. they included experienced and newly appointed clinical leaders from medicine, surgery, acute specialties, community services, mental health, emergency departments, hospices and care homes. all participants report ...201425258239
plato, nightingale, and nursing: can you hear me now?a historical perspective on how the writings of plato influenced florence nightingale in the formation of nursing as a respected profession for women. comparing nightingale's life and legacy to platonic philosophy demonstrates how philosophy continues to speak to the profession of nursing practice as guardians of society in the 21st century.201525243354
learn it now, sing it later? field and laboratory studies on song repertoire acquisition and song use in many bird species, song changes with age. the mechanisms that account for such changes are only partially understood. common nightingales luscinia megarhynchos change the size and composition of their repertoire between their first and second breeding season. to inquire into mechanisms involved in such changes, we compared the singing of 1-year-old and older free-living nightingales. older males have more song types in common than have 1-year olds. certain song types frequently sung by older ...201425204724
ik brunel's crimean war hospital."those wonderful huts…" (florence nightingale). this is the story of the british civil hospital, erected in 1855 at renkioi on the south dardanelles coast of turkey. the spectacular hospital was a portable one designed by british engineer ik brunel. it was his only health-related project, and it was known as a civil hospital because its staff were all civilians, despite its patients being military.201425196954
topological indices for open and thermal systems via uhlmann's phase.two-dimensional topological phases are characterized by thouless-kohmoto-nightingale-den nijs integers, which classify bloch energy bands or groups of bloch bands. however, quantization does not survive thermal averaging or dephasing to mixed states. we show that using uhlmann's parallel transport for density matrices [rep. math. phys. 24, 229 (1986).201425170720
[phaleristics of sisters of charity].in 1912 international committee of the red cross and red crescent established a medal in honor of florence nightingale, still the most honorable award for nurses. in our country, there are no separate awards for nurses, they are awarded in the system of national awards, but medical authorities, major military medical institutions and public organizations have developed their own system of awarding the best nurses. reader offered some graphic images of existing award marks contained documents rev ...201425046939
stereotactic vacuum-assisted core biopsy results for non-palpable breast lesions.the increase in breast cancer awareness and widespread use of mammographic screening has led to an increased detection of (non-palpable) breast cancers that cannot be discovered through physical examination. one of the methods used in the diagnosis of these cancers is vacuum-assisted core biopsy, which prevents a considerable number of patients from undergoing surgical procedures. the aim of this study was to present the results of stereotactic vacuum-assisted core biopsy for suspicious breast l ...201425040970
karmanos cancer center clinical nurse specialist receives oakland university's nightingale award for clinical excellence. 201425039080
validating the 8 cpcssn case definitions for chronic disease surveillance in a primary care database of electronic health records.the canadian primary care sentinel surveillance network (cpcssn) is canada's first national chronic disease surveillance system based on electronic health record (ehr) data. the purpose of this study was to develop and validate case definitions and case-finding algorithms used to identify 8 common chronic conditions in primary care: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd), dementia, depression, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, parkinsonism, and epilepsy.201425024246
leading advocate for health care quality becomes patron of the florence nightingale foundation. 201425007470
find the evidence, make it work.florence nightingale foundation (fnf) chief executive elizabeth robb says that when she joined the organisation in 2010, the largest number of applications for its awards were concerned with scholarly activities - an aspect of its work the foundation needed to increase its capacity in.201425005420
eric nightingale campbell milne, mb, chb, ffr, dmrd, frcr. 201424956056
pride in nightingale legacy shines at westminster abbey.more than 2,000 people attended the annual florence nightingale commemoration service at westminster abbey, london, last month.201424870420
eric nightingale campbell milne, m.b., ch.b. 1929–2013. 201424860887
how did florence nightingale survive being a trauma coordinator? 201424828767
proud to carry the nightingale lamp. 201424823548
the use of network analysis to study complex animal communication systems: a study on nightingale song.the singing of song birds can form complex signal systems comprised of numerous subunits sung with distinct combinatorial properties that have been described as syntax-like. this complexity has inspired inquiries into similarities of bird song to human language; but the quantitative analysis and description of song sequences is a challenging task. in this study, we analysed song sequences of common nightingales (luscinia megarhynchos) by means of a network analysis. we translated long nocturnal ...201424807258
improving the health of the world.the hard work, dedication and professionalism of nurses will be marked worldwide on international nurses' day, with many events highlighting principles and values that go back to the days of florence nightingale.201424802435
florence nightingale and irish challenge statements made about 'careful nursing' as a 'distinctive system' of nursing established by the irish sisters of mercy, prior to florence nightingale, and which is said to have influenced her.201424702796
individual migration timing of common nightingales is tuned with vegetation and prey phenology at breeding sites.the timing of migration substantially influences individual fitness. to match peak requirements with peak resource availability, we hypothesized that individual migrants schedule spring migration in close relation to seasonal changes in environmental conditions along the route and particularly, at the breeding test this hypothesis, we investigated the timing of spring migration in male common nightingales luscinia megarhynchos, a small palearctic-african long-distance migrant, by ...201424650177
florence nightingale: her legacy to humankind. 201424624575
florence nightingale (1820-1910) and sir john forbes (1787-1861): neighbours in old burlington street, westminster.the year 2010 marks the centenary of the birth of florence nightingale and will, no doubt, be universally remembered. her life and nursing career have recently been fully described by bostridge. it is less well known that her neighbour from november 1856 was the distinguished scottish physician sir john forbes md edin frcp lond frs dcl oxon. although they never met, they exchanged copies of each other's books and shared a mutual respect.201524585600
changing landscape of nursing homes in singapore: challenges in the 21st century.the ageing population is posing new challenges to singapore's healthcare system. the rise of dual income and the decline of extended families, as well as an increase in age-related degenerative disorders due to increased longevity render it difficult for the family to remain the primary social safety net to care for our elderly in their own homes. consequently, nursing homes may become increasingly relevant for resource and expertise-challenged families to cope with the burden of caring for a fr ...201424557465
[two famous female nurses during the crimean war].during the crimean war outbroken in 1854, there were massive death tolls due to delayed treatment of the injuries and shortage of battlefield medical workers. nightingale, assigned by the government, and mary seacole, voluntarily went to the battlefield, to join the rescuing of the injured soldiers. these two nurses, with different family background and race, saved the lives of many injuries and patients. they were highly praised after the relevation by the media. the name of nightingale was rem ...201324524640
the nightingale study: rationale, study design and baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study on shift work and breast cancer risk among nurses.evidence for the carcinogenicity of shift work in humans is limited because of significant heterogeneity of the results, thus more in-depth research in needed. the nightingale study is a nationwide prospective cohort study on occupational exposures and risks of chronic diseases among female nurses and focuses on the potential association between shift work and risk of breast cancer. the study design, methods, and baseline characteristics of the cohort are described.201424475944
professional nurse coaching: advances in national and global healthcare transformation.nurse coaches are responding to the mandate of florence nightingale (1820-1910)-the foundational philosopher of modern nursing-to advocate, identify, and focus on factors that promote health, healthy people, and healthy communities that are recognized today as environmental and social determinants of health.(1) (,) (2) the institute of medicine report(3) and other health initiatives suggest the need for increased education and leadership from nurses to address the healthcare needs of our nation ...201324416681
florence nightingale and mary seacole: which is the forgotten hero of health care and why?this paper aims at correcting misinformation in circulation portraying mary seacole as a nurse, crimean war heroine, and health care pioneer, even, for some, a replacement for florence nightingale, who really was a health care pioneer as well as being the major founder of the modern profession of nursing.201424413931
nursing education's response to the 1995 institute of medicine report: nursing, health, and the environment.although environmental health has been central to nursing practice since the work of florence nightingale, the inclusion of environmental health concepts into nursing education has, for the most part, been confined to public health and occupational health nursing. the 1995 institute of medicine report, nursing, health, and the environment, clearly stated that environmental health was an important aspect of nursing practice, but nurses were not adequately educated to address such in their practic ...201624397834
nursing in the sardinian-piedmontese army during the crimean war.contemporary history considers the crimean war one of the most important european military campaign between the napoleonic wars and world war i. for the history of nursing this is an historical landmark, where, thanks to florence nightingale, the professional nursing was born. at the moment, the organization of health care and nursing of the sardinian piedmontese army has not been the subject of extensive study. this report is meant to start the analysis of their commitment. through analysis of ...201424388158
florence nightingale: nurse, writer, and consummate politician. 201424379318
lost in transition: child to adult cancer services for young people.cancer nursing care across the uk has dramatically improved for children and young people with cancer over the past 20 years (department of health, 2007). around 70% of young people diagnosed with cancer survive into adulthood, albeit with long-term health complications (scottish government, 2012). this raises the contemporary concern of how best to transition these patients to an adult-focused care regime (national cancer survivorship initiative, 2012). with support from a florence nightingale ...201624335869
quiet at night: implementing a nightingale principle. 201324284585
the arduous and challenging journey of improving patient safety and quality of care.the 20th century has seen dramatic improvements in quality, efficiency, and productivity of the industrial, manufacturing, and selected service sectors through the redesign of the management and production processes. moreover, the health care sector, plagued by overuse, underuse, and misuse of care remained a laggard in adopting needed changes to improve quality, effectiveness, and delivery. the change agent may have been the 2001 report by the institute of medicine, which shocked the collective ...201324267627
florence nightingale and mary seacole on nursing and health care.the purpose of this article is to correct inaccurate information about both mary seacole and florence nightingale, material that promotes seacole as a pioneer nurse and heroine, while either ignoring nightingale or trivializing her contribution.201424224570
[the role and future task of the occupational health nurse].the industrial safety and health act was enacted focusing on occupational disease prevention in 1972. it has been revised over the years to include consideration of work associated diseases, and the participation and cooperation of employer and employees. from now, positive participation of employer-and-employees in occupational health activity becomes important in order to achieve the expanded purpose of the law. it is necessary to empower all workers to be able to perform occupational health a ...201324107335
building the nightingale initiative for global health--nigh: can we engage and empower the public voices of nurses worldwide?the nightingale initiative for global health (nigh) is a major grassroots-to-global movement of "daring, caring and sharing" of nursing and others around the world inspired by the outstanding legacy of florence nightingale. the nightingale initiative envisions and emulates what nightingale might have accomplished if she lived in the digital age and with international agencies such as the united nations and world health organization. it challenges nurses everywhere to think and act both locally a ...201324085676
evaluating the impact of scholarships.the florence nightingale foundation offers scholarships in travel, research and leadership for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. an evaluation revealed scholars considered the programmes of great value, allowing them the opportunity to develop personally and professionally.201624079095
2013 nightingale luminary awards. 201324049987
nightingale, seacole and cavell to be included on curriculum. 201324044811
nightingale regional air ambulance. 201324001911
draft curriculum finds room for two nurse icons, but omits nightingale. 201623987846
leadership lessons in global nursing and health from the nightingale letter collection at the university of alabama at birmingham.this article analyzes the components of florence nightingale's visionary leadership for global health and nursing within the historical context of great britain's colonization of india. the descriptive study used the qualitative approach of narrative analysis to analyze selected letters in the nightingale letter collection at the university of alabama at birmingham that nightingale wrote to or about dr. thomas gillham hewlett, a physician and health officer in bombay, india. the authors sought t ...201423926214
strong migratory connectivity and seasonally shifting isotopic niches in geographically separated populations of a long-distance migrating songbird.whether migratory animals use similar resources during continental-scale movements that characterize their annual cycles is highly relevant to both individual performances and population dynamics. direct knowledge of the locations and resources used by migrants during non-breeding is generally scarce. our goal was to estimate migratory connectivity of a small palaearctic long-distance migrant, the common nightingale luscinia megarhynchos, and to compare resources used in non-breeding areas with ...201323839267
nightingale's environmental theory.this author extracts the environmental theory from florence nightingale's writings and recorded experiences. as nightingale's experiences broadened to other cultures and circumstances, she generated an ever-widening commitment to redress unjust social policies imperiling human health. she mobilized collaborators, shaped public awareness, and championed the cause of those suffering as a result of unjust policies. nightingale challenged nurses to create environments where population health is a re ...201323818466
community suffering. 201323818465
what would florence nightingale say? 201623752630
interventional patient hygiene: discussion of the issues and a proposed model for implementation of the nursing care basics.more than 140 years ago, florence nightingale wrote "it may seem a strange principal to enunciate as the very first requirement in a hospital that it should do the sick no harm." data suggests that 63% of all preventable errors are related to clinical problems that are within nursing's independent scope of practice. many of these fall in the category of "interventional hygiene" activities and include prevention of skin injury, post-operative respiratory complications and failure to rescue. as nu ...201323746440
long-range order in canary song.bird songs range in form from the simple notes of a chipping sparrow to the rich performance of the nightingale. non-adjacent correlations can be found in the syntax of some birdsongs, indicating that the choice of what to sing next is determined not only by the current syllable, but also by previous syllables sung. here we examine the song of the domesticated canary, a complex singer whose song consists of syllables, grouped into phrases that are arranged in flexible sequences. phrases are defi ...201323658509
nurse endoscopists: the unsung florence nightingales. 201323616130
florence nightingale: a pioneer of self-reflection. 201323598626
edith cavell: 'the poor man's nightingale'? 201323574911
the timeless wisdom of florence nightingale. 201323505851
dsm-5: historical perspectives.the first major attempts to categorize psychiatric disorders in the united states occurred in the mid-1800s, when census data were collected that included "insanity" and "idiocy" of household members. in europe, florence nightingale promoted the use of non-fatal disease classification for morbidity and treatment in 1860. by the late 1800s, kraepelin categorized disorders, and his sixth edition of the compendium der psychiatrie was widely adopted by both europeans and americans. in 1952, the amer ...201323451736
role models face class expulsion.there are plans to drop mary seacole and florence nightingale from the curriculum taught in schools, according to leaked reports. here, nurse leaders protest that this would rob young people of valuable role models and undermine the image of the profession. it is also suggested that a person's contribution to society is more important than their personality.201623427681
nursing empire: travel letters from africa and the caribbean.this essay analyses colonial nurses' travel letters, written from west africa and the caribbean between the turn of the century and 1920, in order to better understand the role of nurses in forming satellite versions of home. though their primary function was to 'nurse empire' by helping to repair and maintain the bodies needed for imperial labour, nurses also contributed to written discourses supporting britain's economic interests and political goals. through careful consideration of primary a ...201324764748
evaluation of reproductive health and sexual behaviors of university students: case study from istanbul.young people are affected to a higher extent by early and unprotected sexual relations in turkey. they do not have healthy sexual attitudes, are ignorant about reproductive health and engage in risky practices and behavior. it is therefore necessary to provide effective and confidential reproductive health services to young people.201223343232
florence nightingale--never more relevant than today. 201323311910
'a model for the country': letters from florence nightingale to the architect, thomas worthington, on hospitals and other matters 1865-1868.between 1865 and 1868 the manchester architect, thomas worthington and florence nightingale corresponded about hospital design. worthington was involved in building hospitals for two poor law unions in manchester. the designs of both hospitals were based on the 'pavilion' principle of which nightingale became a vocal national champion. through five letters written by nightingale to worthington, the paper explores nightingale's views focussing on her admiration for the designs, and examines the i ...201323250286
it is time we took a firm stand in the battle for safe staff levels.nursing standard and the florence nightingale foundation invited experts to come together to discuss how evidence about nurse staffing can be used to fight workforce cuts. they agreed a statement spelling out the principles of safe staffing. this will be promoted through the care campaign run jointly by nursing standard and the patients association. the campaign aims to improve fundamental nursing care.201623248946
theoretical foundations of nursing practice in poland.this authors of this column explore the use of nursing theory in poland. a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest study was conducted to explore what, if any nursing theories were used by nurses in poland, and if an education program on nursing theory increased the use of nursing theory. the study found that while there were discrepancies between the nurses' theoretical knowledge base and their use of these theories in practice, there is evidence of the use of the ideas and theory of nightingale, o ...201323247354
embedding a culture of evidence-based practice.evidence-based practice (ebp) can improve patient outcomes, cost effectiveness and staff satisfaction, and nursing care should be based on the best available evidence. however, this does not happen consistently. a study tour to the us, funded by the florence nightingale foundation, was undertaken to identify methods of embedding effective ebp in nursing culture. this article presents the findings specifically related to leadership and discusses implications for practice.201223189530
the nightingale prize for best mbec paper in 2011. 201223184171
florence nightingale: light to illuminate the world from the woman with the lantern.the ottoman-russian war of 1853 to 1855 was significant not only as a war, but also in response to a reflex from the west brought with itself novel approaches related to care of patients under severe health conditions. florence nightingale and her associates assigned at that time to care for soldiers in istanbul who were severely ailing as a result of battle conditions were instrumental in the emergence of a hitherto unknown profession. this article examines the progress of events in the london- ...201323159649
quantitative vibration perception threshold in assessing diabetic neuropathy: is the cut-off value lower for indian subjects? [q-vadis study].the aim was to compute a normative data of vpt [vibration perception threshold], compare results of vpt among type 2 diabetes patients with and without neuropathy, validate vpt taking nds [neuropathy disability scores] as gold standard and suggest a cut off value for the indian population.201223153975
conceived to have a community feel.last month over 100 service users moved into a new purpose-designed and built modern mental healthcare centre, the redwoods centre, near the 'old' shelton hospital on the outskirts of shrewsbury, a new 46 million sterling pounds facility for adults with acute mental healthcare needs and organic (brain impairment) mental health conditions. it has been designed and built under procure21 by bam construction. hej editor, jonathan baillie, visited the new facility, plans for which were first mooted i ...201223140014
buzzwords in females' ears? the use of buzz songs in the communication of nightingales (luscinia megarhynchos).differences in individual male birds' singing may serve as honest indicators of male quality in male-male competition and female mate choice. this has been shown e.g. for overall song output and repertoire size in many bird species. more recently, differences in structural song characteristics such as the performance of physically challenging song components were analysed in this regard. here we show that buzz elements in the song of nightingales (luscinia megarhynchos) hold the potential to ser ...201223028759
trauma nursing development in england: insight from south africa.national data found that patients with major trauma receive inadequate care. the effectiveness of regional trauma networks in improving mortality and outcomes for patients presenting with major trauma has been recognised and being established. in parallel, it is recognised that trauma training for nurses must be further developed. an observational study tour to south africa trauma units, to document trauma practice was sponsored by the florence nightingale foundation and general nursing council ...201323006532
a comparison of men and women's experiences of chemotherapy-induced alopecia.the effect of alopecia on men and women has not been fully documented in the literature, especially for turkish cancer patients. the aim of this study was to determine the incidence of chemotherapy-related alopecia and how it affects the body image and quality of life of turkish male and female cancer patients, in order to identify variables that may be important in the perception of this problem.201322901547
ancestral polymorphism at the major histocompatibility complex (mhciiß) in the nesospiza bunting species complex and its sister species (rowettia goughensis).the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) is an important component of the vertebrate immune system and is frequently used to characterise adaptive variation in wild populations due to its co-evolution with pathogens. passerine birds have an exceptionally diverse mhc with multiple gene copies and large numbers of alleles compared to other avian taxa. the nesospiza bunting species complex (two species on nightingale island; one species with three sub-species on inaccessible island) represents a ...201222894748
the integer quantum hall effect of a square lattice with an array of point defects.the electronic properties of a square lattice under an applied perpendicular magnetic field in the presence of impurities or vacancies are investigated by the tight-binding method including up to second nearest neighbor interactions. these imperfections result in new gaps and bands in the hofstadter butterfly even when the second order interactions break the bipartite symmetry. in addition, the whole spectrum of the hall conduction is obtained by the kubo formula for the corresponding cases. the ...201222850432
nightingale legacy keeps on giving. 201622808605
time to be proud of our nurses' day this year is moving beyond hospitals and healthcare settings to reach children in schools and people in the wider community. florence nightingale foundation director elizabeth robb explains how the celebrations are an opportunity to show what nurses do, promote nursing as a career choice and get across public health messages.201622808597
'notes on nursing: what it is and what it is not'. (1860): by florence nightingale. 201222766202
the challenge of achieving interprofessional collaboration: should we blame nightingale?the goal of implementing true interprofessional collaboration within the health care system seems to be elusive. the historical role of medicine as primary clinical leader and decision maker is particularly entrenched in the western health care system. florence nightingale, the acknowledged founder of modern, western nursing, is often blamed for the subservient role of nursing and other female-dominated health and social care professions. is it fair to lay the blame on nightingale? this paper se ...201222734936
[personality and work of florence nightingale--creator of modern nursing and public health pioneer].through her "calling to service", florence nightingale worked as a nurse, manager, researcher, reformer, writer and teacher. the aim of this study is to present florence nightingale in all these roles, pointing out all complexity and multidimensionality of nursing profession.201622730715
memory-dependent adjustment of vocal response latencies in a territorial songbird.vocal interactions in songbirds can be used as a model system to investigate the interplay of intrinsic singing programmes (e.g. influences from vocal memories) and external variables (e.g. social factors). when characterizing vocal interactions between territorial rivals two aspects are important: (1) the timing of songs in relation to the conspecific's singing and (2) the use of a song pattern that matches the rival's song. responses in both domains can be used to address a territorial rival. ...201322677884
paying tribute to florence nightingale and mary seacole.lynn mcdonald (letters may 16) says the grounds of st thomas' hospital in london are the wrong place for the proposed memorial statue to mary seacole, pointing out that the hospital is more associated with florence nightingale and her work.201228072133
voices.i recently attended the florence nightingale commemoration service at london's westminster abbey. it was the first time i had been, and it proved to be an uplifting occasion.201228072193
exploring compassion: implications for contemporary nursing. part 1.the origin of compassion is firmly rooted in religious ideologies. in 19th century great britain, christianity was the prominent religion and scripture advocated that followers should always be compassionate in their deeds and actions. florence nightingale was a christian and translated her ideals into the characterization of the professional nurse. the image of the ministering angel, performing the work of god, was perpetuated for some time. however, as the profession of nursing advanced to dev ...201622584655
nightingale's emphasis on patient observation provides valuable lessons.sue norman, chair of the florence nightingale museum's board of trustees, says miss nightingale's nursing philosophy is 'as relevant today as when she devised it more than 150 years ago' (careers may 9).201228091314
the power to lead.florence nightingale, who died more than 100 years ago, set a shining example of what good leadership can achieve.201228091287
a&e project was 'like completing a jigsaw'.'one of the most complex multi-phase construction projects i have ever worked on', is how main contractor mansell's neil rowlands, project manager on a 17 million sterling pounds project to re-build and extend the accident & emergency department and fracture clinic at essex's busy basildon university hospital, describes the now almost completed procure21 scheme. hej editor, jonathan baillie recently visited the impressive new facility, to find out more from mansell, the trust, and architects, ni ...201222574465
moving boundaries--the nightingale twins and transplantation science. 201222533575
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