
cytopathic effects in primary epithelial cultures derived from the human prostate.normal, benign, and malignant human prostatic tissue was cultivated in vitro. cytopathic effects in derived epithelial cells were examined. light microscopy revealed polykaryocyte formation, vacuolation, cytoplasmic bridges and processes, nuclear inclusions, increased acid phosphatase activity at the cell membrane of polykaryocytes as compared to mononuclear cells, and cell rounding and clumping. electron microscopy of the polykaryocytes showed nuclear membrane proliferation and protrusion, scar ...1976173669
synergistic antiviral effects of adenine arabinoside and humoral antibodies in experimental encephalitis due to herpesvirus hominis.the antiviral effects of humoral antibodies and adenine arabinoside on encephalitis due to herpesvirus hominis were studied in three-week-old mice. exogenously administered antibodies to h. hominis, of rabbit or human origin, significantly reduced morbidity and mortality rates from h. hominis encephalitis if enough antibodies were given during the early phase of infection. adenine arabinoside could also modulate the pathogenesis and reduce the mortality rate in mice with h. hominis encephalitis. ...1976173763
coital exanthema in stallions.equine coital exanthema can be produced experimentally in stallions by inoculation with an equine herpesvirus (strain 65/61) and be transmitted during coitus with an infected mare. serological responses to this infection include the production of complement-fixing and serum-neutralizing antibodies which reach maximum levels 14 to 21 days after infection. complement-fixing antibodies decline rapidly and are usually not detectable by 60 days after infection, whereas serum-neutralizing antibody act ...1975173847
experimental studies on equine herpesvirus type 1 infections.the ehv-1 viruses of fetal origin grew better and had a wider tissue culture host range than those isolated from horses with respiratory diseases. comparisons of a fetal isolate (f/304) and a respiratory disease isolate (r/nm-3) in partly immune horses showed that the f/304 virus infected horses more readily, grew better in the nasopharynx, was more likely to cause abortion, and was excreted to a greater extent into the environment.1975173849
attenuation of herpesvirus saimiri for marmosets after successive passage in cell culture at 39 degrees c.a variant of herpesvirus saimiri (hvs) stably attenuated for marmosets was isolated after serial passage of wild-type hvs in cell culture at 39 degrees c. marmosets previously inoculated with attenuated virus experienced a significant delay in the development of lymphoma when challenged with wild-type hvs.1975173864
in vitro evaluation of cell-mediated immunity to epstein-barr herpesvirus by cell migration inhibition tests.migration of peripheral leukocytes in samples from sensitized [epstein-barr virus (ebv) antibody-positive] humans was greatly inhibited when challenged by antigen prepared from ebv-producing p3hr-1 cells but not by antigen prepared from ebv-nonproducing raji cells, ebv-negative human fibroblasts, or epithelial cells. such inhibition was not observed when peripheral leuocytes from subjects or neonates not sensitized to ebv were challenged. similar results were obtained in a two-stage test when th ...1975173867
herpesvirus infection in the newborn. its treatment by exchange transfusion and adenosine arabinoside.a case is reported of herpesvirus infection in the newborn following maternal genital herpesvirus infection. the rationale for treating a newborn infant with signs of disseminated herpesvirus infection by exchange transfusion in addition to adenosine arabinoside is discussed. because of the lack of data concerning therapy for a disease with a 50 to 100% mortality rate, it is important to present material such as this in order to provide information about possible new therapeutic modalities.1976174038
herpesvirus hominis infection in pregnancy. 1975174127
the pathogenesis of simian varicella virus in cynomolgus monkeys.the mlm herpesvirus is infectious for cynomolgus monkeys. the disease in this species, possibly modulated by preinoculation antibody resembles human varicella. virus has been recovered from blood during the early incubation period, and from liver, lymph nodes, kidney, bladder and urine during the eruptive period of infection. the major target organs were skin and liver; specific pathological changes developed in both. appropriate antibody responses, including those to herpesvirus varicellae foll ...1975174129
enhancement and interference in chickens inoculated with marek's disease herpesvirus and oncornaviruses.enhancement of mortality rates and symptomatology was observed in isolator-held lsi-spf chickens concurrently inoculated with mdhv and avian oncornaviruses (rav-1, rav-2, rav-7, rav-50, or rev). interference with md antigen production also was demonstrated in extracts of the feather follicle epithelium from chickens inoculated with both mdhv and rav-1.1975174137
genital infection of female hamsters with herpesvirus hominis type 2 (hvh-2).intravaginal inoculation of female hamsters (40-65 g) with hvh-2 (6 x 105 pfu) results in an infection of 40-67% of the animals. the illness is characterized by vaginitis with discharge, paralysis, and finally death. washing the vagina with saline 30 min prior to virus inoculation enhances the infection so that 80-100% of the animals eventually die. virus can be isolated from the vagina within 1-2 days after inoculation. evidence of infection of the spinal cord is apparent by the third day where ...1975174142
prospects for herpesvirus vaccination--safety and efficacy considerations. 1975174154
an avian-related new herpesvirus infection in man--subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy (smon). 1975174155
[porperties of a strain of herpesvirus suis isolated in cases with various epizootologic and clinical courses of the disease].a varying epizootologic, clinical and morphologic picture was established in studying the course of the disease on six pig-breeding farms. the isolated strains showed differences in their virulence, cultural properties and physicochemical behaviour. two of them had lowered virulence, and one showed affinity to the respiratory organs which corresponded to the peculiarities and course of the disease. it is concluded that the interaction between the virulence of the strains and the herd immunity re ...1975174278
purification of herpesvirus saimiri and properties of the viral dna.conditions for growth, concentration, and purification of herpesvirus saimiri were determined. optimal yields of infectious herpesvirus saimiri (hvs) were obtained from infected owl monkey kidney (omk) cells grown at 32.5 degrees c in medium containing 10 per cent fetal calf serum. forth-five percent of the initial infectious hvs was recovered after an 18-fold concentration using 8 per cent polyethylene glycol 6000 in the presence of 0.5 m nacl. polyethylene glycol concentrated hvs was purified ...1975174525
herpesvirus hominis encephalitis and retinitis.a previously healthy 44-year-old man died three weeks after the simultaneous onset of encephalitis and retinitis. fundus changes were bilateral and included papillitis, rapidly progressive central retinal vein obstruction, and massive exudative retinal detachment. a 16-fold rise in herpesvirus hominis antibodies occured between the 10th and 20th days of illness. at autopsy, the brain showed changes characteristic of herpetic encephalitis, and cultures of the brain yielded herpesvirus hominis typ ...1976174536
correlation of tumor burden with in vitro lymphocyte reactivity and antibodies to herpesvirus tumor-associated antigens in head and neck squamous 94 patients with squamous carcinoma of the head and neck region, the clinical extent of tumor was correlated with in vitro lymphocyte reactivity (lr) to phytohemagglutinin (pha) and serum complement-fixing antibodies to herpes simplex virus (hsv)-induced tumor-associated antigen (taa). forty-six patients were tumor-bearing and 48 were considered cured. controls were 41 age-matched normals with histories of similar cigarette consumption. in 15 patients with stage i carcinomas of the larynx, am ...1976174796
[the photodynamic effect in herpes simplex: a review].photodynamic action is an extraordinarily potent physicochemical process which is dramatically lethal for herpesvirus and other organisms in vitro. recent studies in animal models and man indicate that the process is effective against in vivo skin infections as well. although a great deal is yet to be learned about the application of photodynamic action to clinical disease, current experience indicates that photodynamic action will find a permanent place in the physician's therapeutic armamentar ...1975175035
vidarabine therapy for severe herpesvirus infections. an unusual syndrome of chronic varicella and transient immunologic deficiency.six patients with severe herpesvirus infections were successfully treated with vidarabine. one patient had a previously undescribed syndrome of chronic cutaneous varicella infection of eight months' duration, associated with transient but complete duppression of lymphocyte response to conconavalin a. other diagnoses were severe varicella pneumonia, progressive cytomegalovirus pneumonia associated with acute lymphocytic leukemia, herpes simplex encephalitis, severe zoster associated with stage iv ...1976175176
editorial: treatment of herpesvirus infections. 1976175177
growth characteristics of bovine herpesvirus 1 (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis) in human diploid cell strain wi-38.ibr virus was found to replicate in wi-38 cells. at a high input multiplicity the virus yield was comparable to that obtained in bovine cells, but comparable degree of cpe took longer to achieve. at a low input multiplicity of ibr virus, such as may be encountered in virus contaminated bovine serum, virus yield was only about 1% of that in bovine cells, with 50% of the cells showing cpe, followed by cell regrowth. infectious virus was not recoverable from the regrown cells by 5 weeks after initi ...1976175382
[epidemiology in the study of the role of viruses in human cancers].an epidemiological approach is very useful in the study of the role of viruses in the development of human tumors, if properly integrated with the experimental approach and laboratory studies. certain epidemiological characteristics of human tumours favour a viral etiology, e.g. space and time clustering, vertical and horizontal transmission of a tumour risk, succession in space or in time of viral induced benign lesions and of malignant tumours. in the framework of the association between the e ...1975175869
editorial: herpesvirus and cancer of uterine cervix.frequent coitus with several partners or at a very young age carries the greatest risk of cancer of the uterine cervix. lowest risk is among celibate women and those who live in communities where marriage is stable and where premarital and extramarital coitus is infrequent. all evidence points to the venereal hypothesis of cervical cancer. herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) has been implicated. immunological defenses, oxygen tension, ph, and hormonal changes in the cervical tissues may also ...1976175880
evidence of respiratory tract infection induced by equine herpesvirus, type 2, in the horse.five horses were experimentally exposed to equine herpesvirus 2 strain lk. two young foals developed chronic pharyngitis (98 and 232 days, respectively). growth characteristics, cytopathic effects (cpe), inclusion body formation, ether sensitivity, and immunofluorescent analysis indicated that the virus recovered from infected animals was a herpesvirus serologically identical with, or at least antigenically related to ehv-2 strain lk. no significant complement-fixing (cf) or virus-neutralizing ( ...1975175904
experimental models for dna-rna viral interactions: a brief review.evidences that demonstrate or imply the occurrence of dna-rna viral interactions in man and animals are reviewed. the concurrent presence of two dissimilar oncogenic viruses influenced responses both in vivo and in vitro. cell-mediated immune responses to marek's disease herpesvirus were altered in specific-pathogen-free chickens inoculated as embryos with an avian leukosis virus. the possible roles of immunological factors in the pathogenesis and control of tumor development associated with dna ...1976175924
natural mechanisms of controlling lymphotropic herpesvirus infection (marek's disease) in the chicken.four categories of natural resistance phenomena against mareks disease in chickens, i.e., maternal antibody, age resistance, genetic resistance, and natural immunization, are described. in nature, these forms of resistance probably act in concert through comlex interrelationships. the mechanisms are not well understood but include humoral immunity (maternal antibody), cell-mediated immunity, and possibly other mechanisms. the possible role of newly discovered tumor-specific antigens in cell-medi ...1976175926
immune response of monkeys to lymphotrophic herpesvirus antigens.herpesvirus saimiri induces leukemia and/or malignant lymphoma when inoculated into different species of nonhuman primates including marmosets and owl monkeys. no malignant disease, however, has been recognized in the natural host for this virus, the squirrel monkey, although a high percentage of these monkeys are chronically infected with h. saimiri. furthermore, one species of marmosets, as well as capuchin and some owl monkeys, fail to develop lymphoma following experimental virus infection b ...1976175927
preventive vaccination against herpesvirus saimiri-induced this paper we discuss the use of herpesvirus saimiri as a model for the development of vaccines against herpesvirus-induced neoplasia in primates. attempts at protection against the oncogenicity of h. saimiri have centered on the inactivation of virus by heat and formalin, the production of temperature-sensitive h. saimiri mutants, and the attenuation of the virus. each of these approaches has provided information of use in the development of vaccines that may possibly be used in man.1976175928
vaccination of nonhuman primates with killed oncogenic herpesviruses.killed herpesvirus cancer vaccines were prepared by inactivation of oncogenic herpesviruses (herpesvirus saimiri and herpesvirus ateles) with heat and formaldehyde. the killed vaccines, which are not free of viral nucleic acid, were safe in 121 vaccinated monkeys of 4 different species. some of these monkeys have now been under observation for 2 years. the vaccines induced high titers of specific humoral antibodies in all vaccinated monkeys. the killed vaccines proved to be efficient against the ...1976175929
experimental infection of squirrel and marmoset monkeys with attenuated herpesvirus saimiri.herpesvirus saimiri (hvs) was propagated in vero cells for 3 passages at 39 degrees and cloned 3 times at 34 degrees. this virus was inoculated into cotton-topped marmoset and squirrel monkeys; all inoculated monkeys became infected as hvs was reisolated after their circulating lymphocytes were cultured with vero cells and measurable levels of antiviral antibodies developed that were measured by immunofluorescence and/or neutralization tests. none of the inoculated monkeys developed any signs of ...1976175930
implications of a vaccine for the prevention of epstein-barr virus infection: ethical and logistic considerations.reasons are given for considering that there is sufficiently substantial indirect and circumstantial evidence linking epstein-barr (eb) virus to african burkitt's lymphoma (bl) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma to call for a dynamic new approach to establish a causal role for the virus in these human cancers. it would seem that the only way to do this would be to develop a vaccine, vaccinate a population at risk in a high-tumor-incidence area, and subsequently follow the population for a consequentia ...1976175931
pilot studies with human interferon in herpesvirus saimiri-induced lymphoma in owl monkeys.the nature of herpesvirus saimiri-induced disease in owl monkeys is described with emphasis on those biological parameters useful in monitoring the disease. these parameters are lymphocyte response to general mitogens, lymphocyte-infective centers, and antibody to virus-associated early antigen. human interferon was used in treating owl monkeys with virus-induced leukemia. in 2 animals evidence was obtained that suggested a positive antileukemic effect.1976175932
human cervical cancer as a venereal disease.the operation of venereal factors in human cervical cancer is suggested by demographic and epidemiological data. recent evidence supporting the genital herpesvirus hypothesis is consistent with this notion. a controlled epidemiological investigation has been undertaken on the role of the male coital partner in cervical carcinogenesis. an answer is sought to the question, "is the risk of developing cervical cancer increased among the wives of men who at some other time were married to other women ...1976175940
herpesvirus type 2-related antigens and their relevance to humoral and cell-mediated immunity in patients with cervical cancer.the central theme of this communication is the interaction of herpes simplex virus type 2 with its host. in addition to the productive infection, we are confronted by latency and, as suggested by recent studies, by cancer. the possible mechanisms of latency and the role it may play as a precursor of carcinogenesis are discussed. if virus is to coexist with its host, a defined level of molecular interaction between host and viral gene products must exist. the association of ag-4 with active tumor ...1976175945
chemotherapy of herpesvirus infections.herpesviruses commonly produce lesions that come to the attention of physicians. many different chemicals are known to suppress the growth of herpesviruses in vitro, but only a few of these have found application in clinical practice. a critical assessment of the place of some of these forms of chemotherapy was briefly presented.1975175987
lymphoproliferative diseases of fowl: chromosome breaks caused in lymphocytes by jm-v herpesvirus.chromosome preparations were made of bone marrow cells and peripheral lymphocytes isolated from chicks that developed leukemia following infection with jm-v herpes-virus. karyotypic analysis revealed a high frequency of chromosome breaks and aneuploidy, as well as some pulverization of chromosomes. the number of chromosome breaks began to increase at 2-3 days post infection, and by 5 days post infection it reached 12.7% of bone marrow cells and 17.2% of peripheral lymphocytes. similarly, the num ...1976176408
effect of phosphonoacetate on marek's disease virus replication.phosphonoacetate (pa), but not any of its analogues tested, effectively inhibited avian herpesvirus replication and viral dna synthesis in cell cultures. at 100 mug/ml culture medium, pa completely inhibited the replication of marek's disease virus (mdv), herpesvirus of turkeys, and owl herpesvirus, but had no measurable effect on normal cell growth. pa also inhibited dna polymerases induced by these avian viruses. enzyme inhibition was 50% at a pa concentration of 0.2 mug/ml. at a concentration ...1976176410
herpesvirus proteins: induction of nucleoside phosphotransferase activity after herpes simplex virus infection.after herpes simplex virus infection of hamster kidney cells there is an induction of nucleoside phosphotransferase activity which can utilize amp as phosphate donor. the activity is immunologically specific for the infected cell and is induced concomitantly with the virus-coded pyrimidine deoxynucleoside kinase activity. phosphotransferase activity is not induced in cells lacking both thymidine and deoxycytidine kinase activity.1976176440
concatemeric forms of intracellular herpesvirus dna. 1976176785
equine herpesvirus in vivo: cyclic production of a dna density variant with repetitive sequences. 1976176793
cell-free synthesis of equine herpesvirus type 3 nucleocapsid polypeptides. 1976176794
electron microscopic study of the development of herpesvirus saimiri. 1976176797
the absence of one class of virus-induced protein in arginine-deprived cells infected with pig herpesvirus. 1976176814
[developmental stages of herpesvirus-equi-1 in nasal mucosa cells]. 1976176846
inhibition of herpesvirus deoxyribonucleic acid and protein synthesis by tilorone hydrochloride.tilorone hydrochloride at a concentration of 10 mug/ml very efficiently inhibited herpes simplex virus growth in bsc1 cells when the virus is infected at a low multiplicity of infection. the adsorption of the virus was not affected by the drug, and the penetration of the deoxyribonucleic acid of the input virus into the cytoplasm and nuclei proceeded normally when tilorone hydrochloride was present. however, newly synthesized viral deoxyribonucleic acid was not detectable under these conditions, ...1976176928
capsomeres of herpesvirus-equi-l in thin sections. 1976176974
letter: the isolation of a herpesvirus from pigeon and experimental infection in psittacine birds. 1975176985
a lymphoproliferative disease in japanese quail.a naturally occurring lymphoproliferative disease was found in 3 flocks of japanese quail in mexico. the tumorlike lesions were detected mainly in livers and spleens. histopathology revealed a pleomorphic lymphoproliferative infiltration with dark-staining large cells, lymphocytes of different sizes, and reticulumlike cells. marek's disease (md) herpesvirus was not isolated from 74 quail tested, nor were antibodies to md detected in 84 sera. antibodies to reticuloendotheliosis (3/24) and avain l ...1976176987
letter: herpesvirus and cervical cancer. 1976177150
serological detection of equid herpesvirus 1 infections of the respiratory investigation was made of 3 serological tests (virus neutralization, complement fixation and indirect immunofluorescence), which are applicable to epidemiological studies of infections by equid herpesvirus 1 (ehv-1). sera from gnotobiotic foals inoculated intranasally with various strains of ehv-1 were unable in some cases to neutralize heterologous strains and these results were not consistent with the existence of clearly-defined subtypes of ehv-1, as previously proposed. the cross-reaction ...1976177281
canine herpes-induced retinal dysplasia and associated ocular anomalies.thirty-eight newborn beagle puppies from eight litters of a specific pathogen-free colony maintained in isolation were inoculated with canine herpesvirus. pups were killed between one and 30 days after inoculation. histopathologic studies were carried out on the eyes and other tissues in conjunction with fluorescent antibody and viral isolation studies. evidence of ocular inflammation manifested by panuveitis with the presence of intranuclear inclusion bodies was usually seen by the fourth day a ...1976177383
herpesvirus proteins: dna polymerase and pyrimidine deoxynucleoside kinase activities in temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 2.eleven temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 2 strain hg52 were examined for ability to induce dna polymerase activity in bhk 21/c13 cells. all mutants induced dna polymerase at a permissive temperature, (31 degrees c) and all dna-positive mutants at a non-permissive temperature (38 degrees c). three dna-negative mutants induced no dna polymerase (ts 6, ts 9) or very little dna polymerase (ts 11), at a non-permissive temperature, while ts 1, also dna negative, induced a litt ...1976177730
purification of equine herpesvirus type 1.a method for the purification of enveloped infectious equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1) is presented. virus from cell culture fluids harvested at 48 h post infection was concentrated by sedimentation and partially purified by differential precipitation with ammonium sulphate. the final steps of purification consisted of two cycles of flotation of virus in pre-formed cscl density gradients. yields of infectious virus were about 30% (18 to 44%) of that present in starting material. as judged by el ...1976177732
multiple testing for the detection of b virus antibody in specially handled rhesus monkeys after capture from virgin trapping grounds.eight groups of rhesus monkeys totaling over 1,000 animals were captured in the virgin trapping grounds of jammu and kashmir, india. individual caging and special handling technics were utilized to prevent cross-contamination during capture, holding, and subsequent shipment to quarantine facilities in the united states. immediately following the arrival of the monkeys, 5 consecutive blood samples were obtained at approximately 2-wk intervals, and the sera were rested for neutralizing antibody ag ...1976177807
viral infections that affect the fetus.several viral infections besides rubella are known to cause fetal anomalies and disease. cytomegalovirus, for example, may adversely affect the fetus in a number of ways. either herpesvirus or hepatitis b virus is transmissible from mother to offspring. viruses whose potential for fetal harm is less clear are those of varicella, mumps, and influenza.1976177962
abortion associated with mixed leptospira/equid herpesvirus 1 infection. 1976178087
practical aspects of equine virus abortion in the united kingdom.the current knowledge of the clinical signs, epidemiology and pathogenesis of abortion due to the equid herpesvirus (ehv 1) is reviewed. the relationship between the respiratory and abortigenic forms of the disease is discussed as well as the low incidence of virus abortion in the uk compared to some other parts of the world. some practical aspects of the disease as they affect stud management are considered including methods of diagnosis, prophylaxis and the necessary action to be taken to prev ...1976178088
synthesis of proteins in cells infected with herpesvirus. xi. sulfated, structural glycoproteins. 1976178100
evidence for suppressor cell activity associated with induction of herpesvirus saimiri-induced lymphoma.peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) from herpesvirus saimiri (hvs) infected owl monkeys lose their ability to respond to pha during the development of lymphoma. in this study, five hvs-infected owl monkeys were examined for their ability to respond to pha and to confer this loss of pha reactivity to normal lymphocytes. four of the monkeys developed hvs-induced disease and lost their ability to respond to pha. although less affected, reduced responses were also found with pwm. the animals which de ...1975178474
use of biological characteristics to type herpesvirus hominis types 1 and 2 in diagnostic laboratories.fifty clinical isolates of herpesvirus hominis were typed by pock size on chicken embryo chorioallantoic membranes, sensitivity to heparin, and plaque formation on chicken embryo cell cultures. of 19 isolates that were typed serologically, there was 100% concordance with respect to plaque formation. pock size was incorrect in one instance and indeterminate in another. heparin sensitivity was incorrect for one. of 31 strains that were only biologically characterized, there were four for which hep ...1976178688
preliminary biochemical characterization of the factors(s) responsible for herpesvirus-induced exogenous fusion.cell-free extracts prepared from herpes simplex virus-infected bhk-21 cells rapidly induced exogenous fusion when incubated with indicator monolayers of uninfected bhk-21 cells. fusion was first observed at 1 h, and peak activity was reached by 4 h. divalent cations were required for activity. inhibition of indicator cell macromolecular synthesis, with metabolic inhibitors, failed to prevent formation of cell-free extract-induced polykaryocytes. removal of virus particles from the cell-free extr ...1976178914
disseminated herpesvirus infection. association with primary genital herpes in pregnancy.a patient with primary herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 2 genital infection had dissemination in the 37th week of her first pregnancy. this was manifested by severe hepatitis, pancreatitis, and genital lesions. temporary improvement followed the delivery of a healthy infant by cesarean section. encephalitis became evident on the third postpartum day, and recovery was complicated by profound bradycardia, possibly due to viral myocarditis. vidarabine was administered for seven days, and the patient ...1976178938
herpesvirus type 2: isolation from seminal vesicle and testes.reproductive tissues from 10 recent male cadavers were examined. herpesvirus type 2 was isolated from testes, seminal vesicle, or both in 4 cases. this is the first report of the isolation of herpesvirus type 2 from human seminal vesicular tissue. the data support previous evidence that herpesvirus type 2 can be isolated from the reproductive tissues of males without active or prior infection and suggest that these tissues may serve as a reservoir for transmission of this virus. the study also d ...1976179178
herpesvirus in bladder cancer.a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder in which herpesvirus virions could be identified by electron microscopy is presented. the value of cytology in the recognition of the typical intranuclear inclusions which led to the initiation of further studies is emphasized. recent evidence concerning the relationship between herpesviruses and human cancer is briefly reviewed. although previous reports have emphasized the association of hsv and uterine cervical carcinoma, other combinat ...1976179255
an experimental model for disseminated herpesvirus infection of the neonate.pregnant mice at 10 days of gestation were more susceptible to vaginal inoculation with herpesvirus, type 2, than were nonpregnant mice. this mouse model system also was used to compare delivery through a birth canal contaminated with herpesvirus, type 2, to delivery after maternal paranteral inoculation by the same virus. approximately 26 per cent of newborn mice either died or had evidence of disseminated herpesvirus infections after delivering through a vagina inoculated with herpesvirus, whe ...1976179321
immunity to equine herpesvirus type 1 (rhinopneumonitis): in vitro lymphocyte response.twenty-two ponies were examined for serum-neutralizing (sn) antibody to equine herpesvirus type 1 and for in vitro lymphocyte transformation in the presence of viral antigen. six ponies had undetectable levels of neutralizing antibody (titer less than 1:2) and had lymphocytes which did not respond in culture with viral antigen (stimulation index less than 2.0). four ponies which had sn antibody to equine herpesvirus type 1 did not manifest lymphocyte transformation in vitro. the 12 remaining ser ...1976179451
[electrophoretic profile of thermostable and thermoresistant herpesvirus proteins]. 1975179479
[study of the serum neutralization kinetics of some strains of bovid herpesvirus 2]. 1975179480
clinical, virological, and pathological features of herpesvirus sa8 infection in conventional and gnotobiotic infant baboons (papio cynocephalus).the pathogenicity of a strain of simian herpesvirus sa8 in one month old conventional and gnotobiotic baboons was investigated. intratracheal inoculation resulted in a mortality rate of 1/5 in the conventional and 1/4 in the gnotobiotic group. disease became apparent after 3 days and was characterized by respiratory distress, reduced formula intake, weight loss and fever in both groups. isolation of herpesvirus from the respiratory tract, lymphoid organs, kidneys, adrenals, and cns was more freq ...1976179497
herpes simplex virus-specific antigens in exfoliated cervical cells from women with and without cervical the indirect immunofluorescence technique the presence of herpes simplex virus-specific antigens was investigated in cervical cells of 530 women with normal cervical epithelium, 175 with bland disorders, 52 with dysplasias, and 38 with invasive cervical carcinomas of the uterine cervix. antigens were present in 9% of samples from women with normal cervical epithelium; they were present in 41% of the samples from women with bland disorders, 61% of those from dysplasia patients, and 94% of thos ...1976179696
the role of antibody dependent cytotoxicity in recovery from herpesvirus infections. 1976179716
marek's disease in chickens: development of viral antigen in feather follicles and of circulating antibodies.the infection of young chickens with marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) leads to the early appearance of viral antigen in the bursa fabricii, in the kidney tubular epithelium, and particularly in the epithelial cells of growing feather follicles (calnek and hitchner, 1969; purchase, 1970). viral antigen may persist in feather follicles over several months, whereas in neural lesions or in lymphoid tumors induced by mdhv viral antigen is either lacking or present only in a few cells (calnek and hi ...1976179946
presence of herpesvirus-associated antigens on the surfaces of transformed, tumor, and metastatic cells and enhanced antigenicity of transformed cells using 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine.using a direct immunofluorescence technique, herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1)-transformed cells and cell lines subsequently derived from tumors and metastases were examined for the presence of hsv-1-associated surface antigens. fluorescein-labeled immunoglobulins derived from antisera were used and included anti-hsv-1 (from hamsters), sera from tumor-bearing hamsters, and antibodies prepared in rabbits against cell material shed early into the medium after infection of rabbit kidney cells wit ...1975179965
evaluation of 6-azauridine and 5-iododeoxyuridine in the treatment of experimental viral infections.the potential antiviral activity of 6-azauridine and 5-iododeoxyuridine was evaluated in a coordinated study at five institutions. experimental models in five species, the mouse, rabbit, swine, cat, and ferret, were established with use of 10 viruses: herpesvirus hominis types 1 and 2, murine cytomegalovirus, vaccinia virus, shope fibroma virus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus, swine influenza virus, feline viral rhinotracheitis virus, feline panleukopenia virus, and ferret distemper virus. ...1976180189
treatment of infections due to herpesvirus in humans: a critical review of the state of the art.results of experimental trials with antiviral agents in humans have varied from encouraging to controversial to negative, usually as a result of the difficulty in defining the true therapeutic index (ratio of efficacy to toxicity) of toxic drugs for the treatment of diseases that are potentially severely debilitating or lethal. reasons for current difficulties relate mainly to inadequacies of preclinical studies and the lack of appropriate controls. the inadequacies include poor definition of th ...1976180191
genital herpetic infection in men and women: clinical course and effect of topical application of adenine arabinoside.sixty-three episodes of genital herpetic infection in 55 men and 45 episodes in 42 women were randomly assigned to topical treatment with 3% adenine arabinoside, topical treatment with placebo ointment, or no therapy. in addition, 10 episodes in women who were not randomly assigned to therapy were evaluated and followed. clinical evaluation and viral cultures were done on day 3, day 8, and weekly thereafter until the lesions had healed. the natural clinical course of genital herpetic infection w ...1976180196
effective antiviral prophylaxis and therapy by systemic application of human interferon in immunosuppressed monkeys.rhesus monkeys treated with antilymphocytic globulin were infected with vaccinia virus or with medical lake macaque herpesvirus. at the sites of inoculation of vaccinia virus, animals not treated with interferon developed typical pustulous reactions and then smaller secondary lesions. human leukocyte interferon (5 x 10(5) international units per day) injected intramuscularly, either from one day before to three days after infection or for seven days beginning on the first day of primary reaction ...1976180202
immunopotentiation and antiviral chemotherapy in a suckling rat model of herpesvirus encephalitis.encephalitis was induced in 10-day-old wistar rats by intraperitoneal injection of approximately 100 50% tissue culture infective doses of herpes simplex virus type 2. treatment regimens included immunopotentiation with levamisole and combined therapy with levamisole and an antiviral agent, adenine arabinoside. rats treated with levamisole alone had significantly higher rates of survival than placebo-treated controls 14 days after injection of virus. combination therapy with levamisole and adeni ...1976180203
control of protein synthesis in herpesvirus-infected cells: analysis of the polypeptides induced by wild type and sixteen temperature-sensitive mutants of hsv strain 17.the polypeptides induced in cells infected with a glasgow isolate of hsv-i (17 syn+) have been characterized by sds polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. study of the kinetics of synthesis in three cell lines has detected a total of 52 polypeptides, 33 of which can be identified in polypeptide profiles of purified virions. these include six low mol. wt. polypeptides that have not been previously reported. several polypeptides were labelled with glucosamine in infected bhk cells. the different poly ...1976180249
efficacy of turkey herpesvirus vaccine when administered simultaneously with fowl pox vaccine.the efficacy of the turkey herpesvirus (hvt) vaccine in protecting chickens challenged with virulent marek's disease (md) virus was unaffected by the presence of either the chick embryo fowl pox vaccine or fowl pox vaccine derived from cell culture. conversely the hvt vaccine did not affect the efficacy of the fowl pox vaccine in chickens challenged with pathogenic fowl pox virus. a combination of spectinomycin dihydrochloride pentahydrate and lincomycin hydrochloride monohydrate as well as spec ...1975180502
vaccination of chickens against marek's disease with the turkey herpesvirus vaccine using a pneumatic vaccinator.a pneumatic vaccinator has been successfully used to administer cell-associated turkey herpesvirus (hvt) vaccine without a loss in titer due to the pressure required to administer the vaccine. laboratory studies have also shown that chickens vaccinated with graded doses of the hvt vaccine using doses as low as 41 pfu offered protection against marek's disease (md) when compared to the unvaccinated controls. the pneumatic vaccinator has also been successful in administering a combination of hvt v ...1976180512
meningoencephalomyelitis in horses associated with equine herpesvirus 1 infection.during an outbreak of abortion caused by equine herpesvirus 1, a neurologic disease characterized clinically by dullness and ataxia occurred in several mares. equine herpesvirus 1 was isolated from brain and lung of two severely affected mares. histologically, both mares had disseminated meningoencephalomyelitis characterized by necrotizing arteritis, focal malacia in grey and white matter of brain and spinal cord, and accumulation of lymphocytes and neutrophils in paravertebral ganglia. eosinop ...1976180650
fate of parental herpesvirus dna. 1976180660
the use of human foreskin cell cultures for isolation of herpesvirus group in the diagnostic laboratory.cell cultures originated from human foreskin (hfs) tissues were used for isolation of viruses from diagnostic specimens. the foreskins were collected in hank's balanced salt solution and then processed on the same day by dispersion in trypsin. a week after the trypsin treatment of the tissues, the first cell cultures were ready to use. continuous subcultures in vitro of the cells gave rise to a colony of cells that multiplied freely in vitro and supported the growth of viruses from the herpes gr ...1976180793
isolation and characterisation of bovine herpesvirus mammillitis virus and its pathogenicity for cattle.ten viruses isolated from swabs and vesicular fluid collected from the teats of dairy cattle on 4 properties in northern victoria were identified as bovine herpes mammillitis (bhm) viruses by their physico-chemical and morphological properties and serological relationship to each other and a scottish strain of bhm virus. the viruses, isolated in bovine kidney and testicular cell cultures, produced cytopathic effects characterised by very large syncytia and eosinophilic intranuclear inculsion bod ...1976180955
in vitro biological differences between the pathogenic and the apathogenic marek's disease herpesvirus.when three pathogenic and four apathogenic isolants of marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) were compared, the pathogenic isolants differed from the apathogenic isolants in their in vitro growth and sensitivity to plaque inhibition by dextran sulfate. plaques by the pathogenic mdhv isolants were distinctively different in their morphology from those by the apathogenic isolants, the plaque difference being most pronounced in chick embryo fibroblase (cef) and duck embryo fibroblast (def) cell cultur ...1976180957
a possible association between plaque type and pathogenicity of marek's disease herpesvirus.eighteen isolants of marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) were examined for their plaque types in chicken embryo fibroblast cell cultures and their pathogenicity to an experimental line of white leghorns highly susceptible to md. seven isolants (id-1, ga, wsu-gf, and 4 field isolants) induced morphologically similar small-cell plaques (sc plaques) consisting of small round refractile cells, whereas 11 isolants (hn and 10 isolants from zoo birds) all induced large-cell plaques (lc plaques) containi ...1976180958
reticuloendotheliosis group virus pathogenic to chicken isolated from material infected with turkey herpesvirus (hvt). 1976180962
ethio-pathogenetic therapy of herpesvirus eye infection. 1975181105
lymphocyte transformation and interferon production in human mononuclear cell microcultures for assay of cellular immunity to herpes simplex virus.interferon production and transformation in response to herpes simplex virus antigen were studied in microcultures of human mononuclear cells. mononuclear cells consisting of monocytes and both t and b lymphocytes were purified by ficoll-hypaque gradients. lymphocytes, predominantly t with 5% b, were obtained by passage of buffy-coat cells through nylon fiber columns. for some experiments, autochthonous macrophages and column-purified lymphocytes were stimulated with herpesvirus antigen. the eff ...1976181328
microbiologic assays and neurological toxicity during use of adenine arabinoside in humans.patients with herpesvirus infections were given intravenous injections of 10-20 mg of adenine arabinoside (ara-a)/kg per day. when given the higher dosage, some patients with chronic hematologic conditions showed mild to moderate additional depressions in the level of hemoglobin. the number of neutrophils and platelets did not decrease, even when numbers were low at the onset of treatment with ara-a. two patients with hodgkin's disease who received 20 mg of ara-a/kg per day developed a transient ...1976181499
analysis of herpesvirus dna substructure by means of restriction endonucleases.the mol. wt. and molar ratios of the hind iii and hpa i fragments of hsv-1 dna and the eco ri fragments of hsv-2 dna have been determined. results obtained suggest that dna isolated from both hsv-1 and hsv-2 consists of molecules with four different sequence arrangements which are present in similar amounts. our explanation of the cleavage patterns of these four genome arrangements with the different restriction enzymes is presented. some of the possible implications of these four genome arrange ...1976181534
structure of herpesvirus saimiri genomes: arrangement of heavy and light sequences in the m genome.herpesvirus saimiri contains two species of dna molecules. (i) the m genome is composed of 70% light (l) dna (36% cytosine plus guanine; density in cscl, 1.695 g/ml), which consists of unique sequences, and 30% heavy (h) dna (71% cytosine plus guanine; density, 1.729 g/ml). (ii) the h genome contains heavy sequences exclusively. h sequences in m and h genomes cross-hybridize completely and are cleaved identically by restriction endonuclease r-sma i into four classes of fragments with molecular w ...1976181593
recurrent conjugal neuralgia caused by herpesvirus hominis type 2.leg neuralgia is usually caused by nerve root irritation, and is seldom considered of viral origin. two married couples had recurrent leg pain in a dermatome distribution. in each episode, after one to three days of neuralgia, herpetic vesicles appear on or near the genitalia. herpesvirus hominis (hvh) was isolated from vesicles or cervix in three patients and was serologically identified as herpesvirus honinis type 2. prolonged follow-up has not shown progression of the syndrome or any permanen ...1976181606
viruslike particles in granulomatous angiitis of the central nervous system.neuropathologic examination of the brain of a 67-year-old woman with a 5-month history of progressive multiple neurologic deficits showed granulomatous angiitis of the small parenchymal and leptomeningeal blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord. electron microscopy of formalin-fixed brain disclosed intranuclear viruslike particles resembling herpesvirus. although definitive proof cannot be established without further virologic tests, this previously unreported finding suggests that some cases ...1976181693
herpesvirus infections in renal allograft recipients.17 of 37 immunosuppressed renal allograft recipients developed clinical and/or serological evidence of herpes simplex virus infections, 7 of 83 developed a zoster rash, 85 of loo had evidence of cytomegalovirus infection and in 3 of 30 an active epstein-barr virus was seen.1975181840
serological study of an outbreak of paresis due to equid herpesvirus 1 (ehv-1).six cases of paresis occurred in a swedish stud with 48 mares and a stallion. complement-fixation tests revealed a recent infection with ehv-1 in most horses of the stud. serumneutralisation tests showed rapid antibody-titre increases during the course of the disease. this type of antibody response was interpreted as induced by reinfection or, possibly, recurrent infection. two diseased mares were sacrificed. no virus could be isolated from their central nervous system (cns), liver or spleen, bu ...1976181891
[experimental infection with bovid herpesvirus 2].an experimental infection with strain kos/haskovo of the bovid herpesvirus 2, isolated in bulgaria, was induced in susceptible heifers through intradermal, intranasal, and intravenous application. regardless of the route of infection clinically the disease manifested itself as an eczema of an urticarial type, accompanied by a febrile reaction, leukopenia, erythropenia, and oligochromemia. highest titers of virus-neutralizing antibodies were established on the 30th day following infection in the ...1976181896
[herpes virus isolated from pigeons (author's transl)].a virus has been isolated from pigeons with the clinical symptoms of "infectious coryza". the virus produces numerous pocks on the chorio-allantoic membranes; livers from infected embryos have areas of necrosis. microscopic examinations reveals basophilic and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions. the virus produces a cytopathic effect of rounded refractile cells after 24 h with rapidly spreads throughout the monolayer. the virus is sensitive to chloroform. electron microscopy of negatively stain ...1975182059
antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2: a comparative study using indirect haemagglutination in carcinoma of the cervix and in other malignant conditions.the authors used a technique of indirect haemagglutination to compare levels of antibody to herpesvirus simplex types 1 and 2 in groups of patients with carcinoma of the cervix, together with other malignant conditions and in comparison to controls. a significant difference in the mean titre of antibody to type 2 virus is revealed between the carcinoma group and the b controls. the significance of the antibody assays is assessed by a study of the specificity of the antibodies found and by an ass ...1975182291
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