
the diencephalon of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). part i: thalamus and metathalamus.the diencephalon of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) is described and compared with that of other primates, particularly the macaque monkey (macaca mulatta). in the vervet monkey, the thalamus is divided into six nuclear groups: anterior, midline, medial, dorsolateral, ventrolateral and posterior. the anterior nuclear group shows a regressive nucleus anterodorsalis and a poorly defined demarcation between the nuclei anteromedialis and anteroventralis. there is a large interthalamic adh ...1976823649
the diencephalon of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). part ii: epithalamus, subthalamus and hypothalamus.the nuclear configuration and topography of the epithalamus, subthalamus and hypothalamus of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) are described and compared with those of other primates, particularly the macaque monkey. the epithalamus does not show any striking structural differences, except some architectonic differentiation in the lateral habenular nucleus. the subthalamus is a phylogenetically stable structure throughout the primate scale; it does not show any significant changes, exce ...1976823650
odontometric study of african monkey teeth.univariate analysis of the mesiodistal and buccolingual crown diameters of cercocebus albigena, cercopithecus aethiops and cercopithecus ascanius revealed a complex pattern of contrasts depending upon which tooth dimension was compared. by contrast, multivariate analysis discriminated between the dentitions of cercocebus albigena on the one hand and cercopithecus aethiops and cercopithecus ascanius on the other hand, but whether these differences reflected genetic or environmental factors requir ...1976823785
the influence of traumatic intrusion of primary teeth on their permanent successors. a radiographic and histologic study in monkeys.intrusion of maxillary central primary incisors was performed in 18 green vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) with the purpose of studying early and late histologic changes in odontogenesis of permanent tooth germs and the effect of treatment of primary tooth injury. immediate changes were studied in five monkeys where both maxillary central primary incisors were intruded. the monkeys were sacrificed 10-15 min after intrusion. the immediate changes in the permanent tooth germ consisted of co ...1976824213
the intercollicular area of the inferior study the somatosensory input to the inferior colliculus, lesions were made in the dorsal column nuclei of the hedgehog, tree shrew, slow loris, marmoset and african green monkey, and spinal cord of the hedgehog, tree shrew and slow loris. the degenerating fibers stained with silver impregnation methods. the dorsal column system projects primarily to an area lateral to the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus, whereas the spinotectal projection is primarily to the medial region in the h ...1976825188
malnutrition and susceptibility to infection with vibrio cholerae in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). 1. induction of protein, b-vitamin complex and calorie malnutrition.five groups of eight vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were fed regular monkey chow, low protein (lp), low b-vitamin complex (lbv), low protein - low b-vitamin complex (lb-lbv), or protein - low calorie (lp-lc) diet, respectively, for eight weeks. hematocrit values, hemoglobin, bun, total protein, albumin, riboflavin and body weight decreased, the ratio of dispensable/indispensable amino acids increased in all animals receiving a deficient diet. total globulin, igg and igm remained unchang ...1976826634
malnutrition and susceptibility to infection with vibrio cholerae in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). 2. response of vervet monkeys on protein, b-vitamin complex and calorie-deficient diets to infection.five groups of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were fed regular monkey chow, low protein (lp), low b-vitamin complex (lbv), lp-lbv, or low protein- low calorie (lp-lc) diets, respectively. after eight weeks the animals were infected with cholera vibrios. igg, iga and igm increased in the sera of all animals after the challenge but the avidity of the immunoglobulins was lower in vervets on lp diets. diarrhea and excretion of vibrios lasted longer in animals consuming less protein.1976828672
interpretative differences in cytogenetic analyses: preliminary results of a collaborative an effort to establish some of the parameters which influence differences in interpretation of chromosome aberrations, we initiated a collaborative study with 26 different laboratories located in the u.s., canada and europe. they include government, private industry, and academic institutions. three species were selected for study which vary in chromosome number and complexity of the karyotype. these were the chinese hamster, human, and african green monkey. each metaphase was preselected and ...1976829598
human-type a-b-o blood group antigens of ethiopian vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) in the wild.human type a-b-o blood group antigens were tested in a local population of ethiopian vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). one animal was of group ab, the others were a. this represents a lower rate of polymorphism at this locus than has been observed among south african populations of the same species.1977864678
[research on the rubella epidemic of 1973 in turin. virological data].during the outbreak of rubella in turin in 1973, 110 newborns, whose mother's pregnancy clash with the epidemic, were studied for the elimination of rubella virus. 708 samples were in total examined, through inoculation in primary cultures of african green monkey kidney (and study of the possible interference with echo-virus type 11), and partially in rk 13 and sirc continuous cell lines. no strain of rubella virus was isolated, and the authors conclude that the virus involved was particularly b ...1977871345
isolation and biological characterization of a measles virus-like agent from the brain of an autopsied case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe).isolation of a cytopathic agent causing formation of syncytial giant cells in co-cultivated vero cells from the brain of an autopsied case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe) is reported. the syncytia usually autolyzed from the center after growing to 1 to 2 mm in diameter and then detached from the culture vessels, and finally made macroscopically recognizable round plaques on the monolayer under liquid overlay. the agent was identified serologically as an agent related to measles vir ...1977875761
concanavalin a induced inhibition of cell migration in african green monkey kidney cell cultures.the effect of concanavalin a (con a) on the mobility of vero cells into cell free gaps is examined. the movement of cells into these wounds is inhibited by a 30 minute exposure of con a at a concentration of 12.5 ug/ml. the effects of con a on the mobility are dependent on the concentration of the lectin used for treatment as well as the total amount of time the cells are exposed to a given concentration. the con a inhibition is abrogated by alpha-methyl-mannose. the competitive effects of con a ...1977892581
persistent infection of cultured mammalian cells by japanese encephalitis virus.persistent infections were established by serial undiluted passage of flavivirus japanese encephalitis virus in a line of rabbit kidney cells (ma-111). the persistently infected cells resembled uninfected cells in most respects. low levels of infectious virions were released from a small percentage of cells, and a larger and more variable percentage was shown to possess viral antigen by fluorescent-antibody staining. released viruses were shown to interfere with replication of wild-type japanese ...1977916028
characterisation of an epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus.a high titre of epizootic haemorrhagic disease (ehd) virus was obtained from roller bottles of african green monkey kidney (vero) cells. cell associated ehd virus was purified by use of genetron-113 and sonication. purified viral particles were probably icosahedral with a diameter of 58 nm and contained capsomeres which appeared to be composed of five and six subunit structures. phenol extracted nucleic acid from purified ehd virus when treated with orcinol or diphenylamine gave colour reactions ...1976968187
virucidal effect of certain chemical contraceptives on type 2 herpesvirus.the virucidal effect of several chemical contraceptives was investigated and the findings are rrported. the supension of type 2 herpes simplex virus, containing 10(6) to 10(7) tissue culture infectious doses per 0.1 ml., was inactivated on exposure to five different chemical contraceptives. for quantitative estimates of virucidal effect, 10 per cent solutions of these chemical contraceptives were tested with an exposure time of 10 minutes at room temperature. the methods for determination of res ...1976984103
[the effect of human leukocyte interteron (hif) on experimental viral keratitis in monkeys (author's transl)].12 african green monkeys were inoculated in both eyes with herpes simplex virus typ 1 and 16 rhesus monkeys with vaccinia virus. the right eyes were treated with human leukocyte interferon (hif) while the left eyes served as controls and showed the typical keratitis, 7 out of 8 herpes eyes and all 9 vaccinia eyes which were treated prophylactically or simultaneiously with hif showed no signs of disease. when hif was given later in the course of the infection the keratitis was either little influ ...19751080375
purification of zymogen granules from monkey parotid glands.a method giving highly purified zymogen granules from macaca irus and cercopithecus aethiops parotid glands in reported. a 0.3 m sucrose medium for homogenization was supplemented with 10 mm tris/hcl, ph 7.3, and 0.1 mm lauric acid to stabilize the fragile monkey zymogen granules. nuclei and cell debris were sedimented at 150 times g. a "crude" zymogen granule fraction was trapped in the 1.0 m sucrose layer of a discontinuous sucrose gradient at 1000 times g. equilibrium centrifugation in a cont ...19751155105
temperature sensitive cells in the study of carcinogenic transformation.two temperature sensitive variants (ts13 and ts14) of an african green monkey tetraploid kidney cell line (epithelial), carrying temperature sensitive lesions in thymidine metabolism, were transformed by methylnitrosourea (mnu) at the permissive temperature of 33 degrees c, nor was there any transformation in the wild type parental cell line of bsc-1 at these temperatures under similar conditions. a comparative study of the cell cycle and metabolic efficiency in the 3 cell lines was performed in ...19751156519
variations in the cell-free translating apparatus of cultured animal cells as a function of time during cell growth.vero m3 cells, a line derived from the kidney of an african green monkey, display certain alterations in their protein synthetic apparatus as a function of time during a growth cycle. (growth cycle here refers to exponential growth of unsynchronized cells in culture and their subsequent passage into the stationary phase.) the capacity of cytoplasmic extracts of these cells to promote endogeneous mrna-mediated polypeptide synthesis or poly u-mediated polyphenylalanine synthesis declines from the ...19751176540
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe): isolation of a defective variant of measles virus from brain obtained at autopsy.a cytopathic agent causing formation of syncytial giant cells was isolated by co-cultivation of human embryonic lung cells with brain cells obtained at autopsy from a patient with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. measles specific intracellular immunofluorescence was detected in syncytial giant cells developed by the agent. paramyxovirus-like nucleocapsids were observed by electron microscopy in nuclei of the syncytial giant cells. measles specific immunofluorescence was also detected on the ...19751180868
cell-mediated immunity to respiratory syncytial virus induced by inactivated vaccine or by infection.transformation and increased mitotic activity in donor lymphocytes exposed to specific antigens is considered by many to be a manifestation of cell-mediated immunity. in attempts to understand the apparent "sensitization" of individuals to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) as a result of receiving inactivated rsv vaccine, in vitro lymphocyte transformation studies were carried out on infants who had received inactivated rsv vaccine and on infants who had received a similarly prepared inactivated ...19761246465
nuclease s1 cleavage and the primary structure of mitochondrial dna.the single-strand-specific nuclease s1 from aspergillus oryzae rapidly converts superhelical mitochondrial dna (african green monkey cells, vero atcc; ccl 81) into nicked circular dna. these nicked mitochondrial dna molecules contain two nicks, one in each strand. the phosphodiester backbones are cleaved during this reaction at or near sites that are alkali-labile. in a second slow reaction the circular mitochondrial dna is converted into a linear duplex dna. permutation tests indicate that this ...19761261542
leucine 2,3-aminomutase, an enzyme of leucine catabolism.the initial step in the fermentation of leucine to acetate, isobutyrate, and ammonia by clostridium sporogenes is the b12 coenzyme-dependent conversion of alpha-leucine to beta-leucine (3-amino-4-methylpentanoate). the amino group migration reaction, catalyzed by leucine 2,3-aminomutase, is reversible and is inhibited by intrinsic factor. the enzyme activity has been found in several clostridia, in rat, sheep, rhesus, and african green monkey livers, and in human leukocytes.19761270414
transmission studies with simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques; persistent infection of baboons.the host range of sivmac was investigated in three monkey species. blood-borne and cell-adapted virus inocula obtained from a rhesus macaque infected with sivmac251 were compared. african green monkeys were not susceptible to infection, whereas baboons and rhesus macaques became persistently infected and showed similar patterns of seroconversion. however, in contrast to the macaques, no clinical or histopathological evidence of disease was seen in the baboons 2 years after virus inoculation. thu ...19921293067
antiplatelet activity of the long-acting thromboxane receptor antagonist bms 180,291 in monkeys.the effects of the novel txa2/prostaglandin endoperoxide (tp) receptor antagonist bms 180,291 on platelet reactivity was determined ex vivo in conscious african green monkeys. platelet aggregation responses to u-46,619 were decreased 50% and 100% at 23 to 24 hrs after bms 180,291 oral doses of 1 and 3 mg/kg, respectively. in addition to inhibiting aggregation, a 3 mg/kg oral dose of bms 180,291 also produced an 11 +/- 3-fold shift to the right in the u-46,619 concentration-response relationship ...19921301074
cellular responses of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) experimentally infected with leishmania major. 19921307757
genomic organization and expression of simian foamy virus type 3 (sfv-3).the complete nucleotide sequence of simian foamy virus type 3 (sfv-3) strain lk-3, isolated from an african green monkey, was determined. in addition to translation frames representing the gag, pol, and env genes, two open reading frames are located in the region between the env gene and the 3' long terminal repeat (ltr). both sfv-3 and sfv-1 encode two open reading frames between env and the 3' ltr, whereas hfv encodes three open reading frames in this region. northern blot analysis of cell cul ...19921310187
immunodeficiency and lymphoproliferative disease in an african green monkey dually infected with siv and stlv-i. 19921310605
detection of simian t-lymphotropic virus type i using the polymerase chain develop the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for the detection of simian t-lymphotropic virus type i (stlv-i) infection, cell lines or peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from 2 non-human primate species [african green monkeys (agm), cercopithecus aethiops; baboon, papio cynocephalus] were evaluated for their stlv-i status using oligonucleotide primer pairs and probes specific for the tax and pol gene regions of the closely related human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i). these pcr re ...19921312066
production of high efficiency of plating hepatitis a virus in primary african green monkey kidney cells.high-titered hepatitis a virus, strain hm-175, was produced in primary african green monkey kidney cells (5.5 x 10(10) tissue culture id50/850 cm2 roller bottle). the virus preparation had an efficiency of plating of 15 particles per infectious unit. single-cycle growth kinetics of the adapted virus indicated that after an eclipse period of 2 days, maximal yields were attained 6 days after infection.19921312726
oral bioavailability and anti-simian varicella virus efficacy of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl-e-5-(2-bromovinyl)uracil (bv-arau) in (1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl-e-5-[2-bromovinyl]uracil) has potent antiviral activity against varicella zoster virus in cell culture and is undergoing clinical evaluation. in the present study, pharmacokinetic parameters and the efficacy of bv-arau against infection with simian varicella virus (svv) were evaluated in african green monkeys. pharmacokinetic parameters were determined by analysis of the bv-arau content of sera obtained after oral and intravenous administration to normal monkey ...19921313071
prevalence and distribution of latent simian varicella virus dna in monkey ganglia.we used polymerase chain reaction to analyze the prevalence and distribution of latent simian varicella virus (svv) in ganglionic and nonganglionic tissues from nine african green monkeys experimentally infected with svv. primers specific for three different regions of the svv genome were used for amplification. svv dna sequences were detected in trigeminal ganglia from seven of nine monkeys and in thoracic ganglia from seven of nine monkeys. analysis of dna from nonneuronal tissues of three mon ...19921314451
coronavirus infects and causes demyelination in primate central nervous system.two species of primates, owl and african green monkeys, were inoculated intracerebrally with either the neurotropic mouse hepatitis virus jhm or the putative multiple sclerosis brain coronavirus isolate sd. these viruses caused an acute to subacute panencephalitis and/or demyelination in the infected animals. the course of pathogenesis and sites of detected viral rna and antigen was dependent both on animal species and virus strain but the results clearly showed that these viruses replicated and ...19921314455
lytic infection of primary rhesus kidney cells by simian virus an attempt to analyze the persistent infection of rhesus monkey cells with simian virus 40 (sv40) in vitro, as described previously (reviewed in l. c. norkin, microbiol. rev. 46, 384-425, 1982), we infected primary rhesus cell cultures (prk), derived from a sv40-free monkey colony with sv40. surprisingly, sv40 infected prk cell cultures released as much infectious virus as cultures of the permissive african green monkey kidney cell line tc7. infected prk cells exhibited typical symptoms of a ...19921318609
production of feline immunodeficiency virus in feline and non-feline non-lymphoid cell lines by transfection of an infectious molecular infectious molecular clone of the tm1 strain of feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) was transfected into each of one feline (crfk), two simian (cos and vero) and two human (sw480 and hela) non-lymphoid cell lines, and virus production was assayed on feline t lymphoblastoid mya-1 cells by monitoring reverse transcriptase activity. infectious virus was produced in crfk, vero and hela cells, but not in cos and sw480 cells. when the basal promoter activity of the fiv long terminal repeat (ltr) wa ...19921318947
experimental infection of cynomolgus and african green monkeys with human herpesvirus 6.cynomolgus and african green monkeys were inoculated with human herpesvirus 6 (hhv-6). an antibody response was first observed 10 days and 5 days after inoculation of cynomolgus monkeys and african green monkeys, respectively, and was detectable for the duration of the experiment (33 days). hhv-6 dna was first detected by the polymerase chain reaction in mononuclear cells of one cynomolgus monkey and one african green monkey 10 days after virus inoculation, and in a total of three of four cynomo ...19921321207
herpes simplex virus type 1 infection of mouse astrocytes treated with basic fibroblast growth factor.we explored a possible role for the basic fibroblast growth factor (fgf) receptor during herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) infection of primary mouse astrocytes, glial cells of the central nervous system known to express fgf receptors. plaque reduction experiments showed that treatment of astrocyte monolayers with human recombinant basic fgf failed to inhibit hsv-1 infectivity, although treatment with either heparin or poly-l-lysine reduced it by approximately 100%. identical results were obta ...19921321218
psyllium husk. i: effect on plasma lipoproteins, cholesterol metabolism, and atherosclerosis in african green monkeys.psyllium's effects on plasma and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, cholesterol metabolism, and diet-induced atherosclerosis were studied in adult male african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). animals were fed for 3.5 y one of three experimental diets: low-cholesterol cellulose (lcc), high-cholesterol cellulose (hcc), or high-cholesterol psyllium (hcp). the lcc and hcp groups had significantly (p less than 0.05) lower plasma cholesterol concentrations (39% lower) at 1 mo than did the ...19921322032
psyllium husk. ii: effect on the metabolism of apolipoprotein b in african green monkeys.dietary psyllium's ability to reduce low-density-lipoprotein (ldl) cholesterol is presumably mediated by increased ldl catabolism and/or reduced ldl synthesis. to distinguish between these possibilities, apolipoprotein b (apo b) metabolism was studied in adult male african green monkeys consuming one of three semipurified diets: low-cholesterol cellulose (lcc), high-cholesterol cellulose (hcc), or high-cholesterol psyllium (hcp). 131i-labeled ldl and 125i-labeled vldl were injected simultaneousl ...19921322033
preparation and in vitro antiviral activity of liposomes of lipophilic esters of acyclovir.the long chain acyclovir such as the acyclovir laurate and acyclovir palmitate were prepared directly from acyclovir by application of the usual esterification methods with appropriate acyl chlorides. the lipophilic prodrugs were found to be retained easier by liposomes whereas acyclovir escaped readily from liposomes. when assayed in african green monkey cell cultures against herpes simplex virus type i strain, the acyclovir palmitate liposomes proved to be more active compared with the parent ...19921326852
a second gene for the african green monkey poliovirus receptor that has no putative n-glycosylation site in the functional n-terminal immunoglobulin-like domain.using cdna of the human poliovirus receptor (pvr) as a probe, two types of cdna clones of the monkey homologs were isolated from a cdna library prepared from an african green monkey kidney cell line. either type of cdna clone rendered mouse l cells permissive for poliovirus infection. homologies of the amino acid sequences deduced from these cdna sequences with that of human pvr were 90.2 and 86.4%, respectively. these two monkey pvrs were found to be encoded in two different loci of the genome. ...19921331508
[virus persistence in hepatitis a in monkeys].a long-term complex observation of 16 cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis) and 8 african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) with spontaneous and experimental hepatitis a revealed two forms of the illness: acute and chronic. some monkeys developed undulating chronic course of the disease consisting of 2-6 waves. others developed relapses (1 to 3) which occurred within 2-4 or 6-11.5 months of the infection. the morphological changes in the liver persisted for 7-28 months. alaninaminotransf ...19921332264
effect of (s)-1-[(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonyl methoxy) propyl] cytosine on the replication and morphogenesis of herpes simplex virus type 1.treatment of african green monkey kidney cells with 1 microgram/ml of (s)-1-[(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonyl methoxy) propyl] cytosine (hpmpc) inhibited the release of infectious herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) by more than 90%. electron microscopic observations of hpmpc-treated monkey kidney cells demonstrated few intracellular or extracellular viral particles. the viral particles seen were without dense cores. in addition, hpmpc blocked cell fusion induced by hsv-1 in monkey kidney cells. immunobl ...19921332603
glutathione inhibits replication and expression of viral proteins in cultured cells infected with sendai virus.addition of reduced glutathione inhibited the production of sendai virus in african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells. this result could be accounted for by a direct action of gsh on viral replication. the inhibitory action was associated to an increase of the gsh intracellular level, while the host cell metabolism was unaffected. the antiviral effect was related to decrease and inactivation of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (hn) virus glycoprotein.19921332709
[spontaneous and experimental hepatitis a in papio hamadryas].data on high susceptibility of papio hamadryas to hav are presented. for the first time, p. hamadryas were shown to be able to respond to both natural and experimental infection developing the features typical of hepatitis a: increased aminotransferase activity, virus shedding in feces, production of anti-hav igg and igm, histological liver lesions. an infection lingering for 3-4 months was observed, as well as a case of chronic experimental hepatitis a with relapse in 7 months of the disease. v ...19921335190
computer analysis of the amino acid sequences in gp41 of apathogenic african green monkey (agm) virus, less pathogenic hiv-2 and highly pathogenic siv and hiv-1 lentiviruses.the bestfit computer program was used to compare the amino acid sequence of the gp160 envelope glycoprotein of an apathogenic agm and the pathogenic sivagm monkey lentiviruses. it was found that the gp120 envelope glycoproteins of these viruses resembled each other in their functional domains. however, an insert of 40 amino acids was found in the gp41 envelope glycoproteins of the pathogenic sivagm virus in the amino acid sequence between the membrane anchoring sequence and the carboxyterminus. ...19921335629
a complementary dna for human choline acetyltransferase induces two forms of enzyme with different molecular weights in cultured cells.complementary dna (cdna) clones containing the entire coding region of human choline acetyltransferase (chat) were isolated from cdna libraries prepared from the autopsied spinal cord. in the human cdna, the atg codon assigned to the putative initiation codon for pig, rat and mouse chat cdnas was replaced by acg. the human cdna contained an in-frame atg codon 324 nucleotides upstream of the acg codon. therefore, human chat cdna should code for a 748 amino acid polypeptide of 82.6 kda. this deduc ...19921337937
catalytic and immunologic similarities between monkey and human liver cytochrome p-450db1 (human cytochrome p-450 2d6).in vivo pharmacogenetic studies have suggested that the monkey may be an animal model for the human polymorphism of cytochrome p-450 2d6 (also called cytochrome p-450db1). in the present study, the catalytic, immunologic, and electrophoretic properties of cytochrome p-450db1 in liver microsomes from african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were examined and compared with p-450db1 in human liver microsomes. using sparteine as the substrate, the activity of microsomal p-450db1 from the two s ...19921346982
transmitter content and afferent connections of estrogen-sensitive progestin receptor-containing neurons in the primate hypothalamus.progestin receptor-containing cells in the hypothalamus of the adult female green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) were examined by double-label immunocytochemical methods to determine their anatomical location, neurotransmitter content and afferent connections. animals were ovariectomized and administered either estradiol valerate or the oil injection vehicle, and were sacrificed after 10 days of treatment. using a monoclonal antibody raised against rabbit uterine progestin receptor (pr), the di ...19921352861
cloning and expression of a human atp-citrate lyase cdna.a full-length cdna clone of 4.3 kb encoding the human atp-citrate lyase enzyme has been isolated by screening a human cdna library with the recently isolated rat atp-citrate lyase cdna clone [elshourbagy et al. (1990) j. biol. chem. 265, 1430]. nucleic-acid sequence data indicate that the cdna contains the complete coding region for the enzyme, which is 1105 amino acids in length with a calculated molecular mass of 121,419 da. comparison of the human and rat atp-citrate lyase cdna sequences reve ...19921371749
detection of herpes simplex virus by a nonradiometric spin-amplified in situ hybridization in situ hybridization kit (diagnostic hybrids, inc., athens, ohio) was evaluated for use in the detection and identification of herpes simplex virus (hsv) from clinical specimens. for in situ hybridization, a 10-min spin amplification onto monolayers of african green monkey kidney cells (cv-1) in 24-well polystyrene dishes, 24-h culture amplification, and hybridization with an alkaline phosphatase-labeled dna probe were used. a total of 648 specimens were tested, including 275 specimens from ...19921372619
characterization of the endogenous reverse transcriptase reaction products of sivagmtyo-7, a simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from an african green monkey.the products of the endogenous reverse transcriptase reaction of sivagmtyo-7 were characterized after the reaction conditions had been optimized. the major reaction product in the presence of actinomycin d and oligo(dt) was a dna with a size of 300 bases. without actinomycin d two additional reaction products with 600 or 700 bases appeared. the 300 base product was identified as the (-)strong-stop dna, whereas the 700 base product is the (+)strong-stop dna. the 600 base product appeared only aft ...19921373556
cytokeratin reorganization induced by adenosine diphosphate in kidney epithelial cells.exogenous adenosine diphosphate (adp), the most potent mitogen for nontransformed african green monkey kidney epithelial cells of the bsc-1 line, rapidly alters the appearance of the cell monolayer. examination of the cells with indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies reveals a considerable reorganization of cytokeratin filaments without a major change in the pattern of microtubules or microfilaments. in untreated confluent cells, cytokeratin filaments are predominantly confined ...19921374034
b-cell epitope mapping of the entire sivagm envelope glycoprotein including fine mapping of immunogenic allow the precise definition of the anti-lentiviral immune response in the natural host and to facilitate the development of an alternative animal model for vaccine development, we are identifying the immunogenic domains of sivagm proteins. first, a total of 173 synthetic 15-mer peptides with an overlap of 10 amino acids were produced spanning the entire envelope glycoprotein of the molecular clone sivagm3. these peptides were used as antigen in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for identify ...19921375290
differential inhibitory effects of tibo derivatives on different strains of simian immunodeficiency virus.recently, several classes of compounds have been shown to be extremely selective inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) replication in vitro. these include the tetrahydro-imidazo[4,5,1-jk][1,4]-benzodiazepin-2(1h)-one and -thione (tibo), 1-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)-6-(phenylthio)-thymine (hept), dipyridodiazepinone, pyridinone and bis(heteroaryl)piperazine derivatives. the hallmark of these new antiviral compounds is a specific interaction with reverse transcriptase (rt) of hiv- ...19921378481
identification of broadly reactive continuous antigenic determinants of simian immunodeficiency virus glycoproteins.the env polyprotein sequences of several simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) isolates were analyzed using computer algorithms designed to predict immunologically reactive protein segments. peptides corresponding to predicted epitopes were synthesized and employed in peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) screening of serum panels from experimentally infected macaques, as well as naturally infected, asymptomatic mangabeys and african green monkeys. several of the peptides are recognize ...19921380262
identification of a gag protein epitope conserved among all four groups of primate immunodeficiency viruses by using monoclonal antibodies.five monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were raised against the gag proteins of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) from african green monkey (sivagmtyo-7). two mabs reacted with the matrix protein p17 and the other three with the core protein p24. studies on the cross-reactivity of the mabs revealed that the anti-p24 mabs detected an epitope shared by the viruses belonging to the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2)/sivmac group and sivagmtyo-7 and sivagmtyo-5. the anti-p17 mabs recognized an ...19921383399
shared antigenic epitopes of the major core proteins of human and simian immunodeficiency virus isolates.antigenic epitopes on the major core (gag) protein of isolates of simian and human immunodeficiency virus (siv and hiv) were compared using a panel of eleven mouse monoclonal antibodies (mabs) that recognized nine distinct gag epitopes. viral isolates used for comparison were hiv-1iiib, hiv-2rod, and siv isolates from macaque (sivmac), sooty mangabey (sivsm-ucd), african green monkey (sivagm), and stump-tailed macaque (sivstm-ucd). the relatedness of the various hiv and siv isolates, as determin ...19921383547
mutations within the 5' nontranslated region of hepatitis a virus rna which enhance replication in bs-c-1 cells.passage of human hepatitis a virus (hav) in cell culture results in attenuation of the virus as well as progressive increases in the efficiency of virus replication in cell culture. because the presence of identical mutations within the 5' nontranslated regions (5'ntrs) of several independently isolated cell culture-adapted hav variants suggests that the 5'ntr may play a role in determining this change in virus host range, we constructed chimeric infectious cdna clones in which portions of the 5 ...19921404601
emergence of the keratinocyte growth factor multigene family during the great ape radiation.the structural gene for human keratinocyte growth factor (kgf), a member of the fibroblast growth factor family, consists of three coding exons and two introns typical of other fibroblast growth factor loci. a portion of the kgf gene, located on chromosome 15, is amplified to approximately 16 copies in the human genome, and these highly related copies (which consist of exon 2, exon 3, the intron between them, and a 3' noncoding segment of the kgf transcript) are dispersed to multiple human chrom ...19921409637
hepatic acat activity in african green monkeys is highly correlated to plasma ldl cholesteryl ester enrichment and coronary artery atherosclerosis.previous studies and this study of african green monkeys show a strong positive correlation between plasma low density lipoprotein (ldl) size and the extent of coronary artery atherosclerosis (caa). increased ldl size was principally due to the accumulation of cholesteryl oleate molecules within the particle core, suggesting that many of these cholesteryl esters were of tissue origin, i.e., from the acyl-coenzyme a:cholesterol acyltransferase (acat) reaction instead of the lecithin:cholesterol a ...19921420087
cloning and sequences of primate cd4 molecules: diversity of the cellular receptor for simian immunodeficiency virus/human immunodeficiency study the interaction between the primate lentiviruses simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and the cd4 receptor we have cloned and sequenced the cd4 molecule from six non-human primate species: african green monkeys (three subspecies: sabeus, pytherethrus, aethiops), sooty mangabeys, patas monkeys, chimpanzees, rhesus macaques, and pig-tail macaques. molecular cdna clones representing cd4 mrna were generated from total rna from peripheral blood mononucle ...19921425921
comparison of eight different procedures for harvesting avian reoviruses grown in vero cells.14 avian reovirus isolates adapted to replicate in an african green monkey (vero) cell line were studied for the nature of their replication. the growth curves of 5 viruses showed them to be highly cell-associated in vero cells. different procedures were examined for releasing the cell-associated virus following propagation in vero cells, including several freeze-thaw cycles, treatment with sterile distilled deionized water (ddh2o), freon extraction, and trypsin treatment. treatment of virus inf ...19921430071
presence of calbindin and lack of parvalbumin in progesterone receptor-containing neurons of the monkey mediobasal hypothalamus.all of the progesterone receptor-containing cells of the monkey hypothalamus are gabaergic. the aim of this study was to further characterize these gabaergic progesterone receptor-containing neurons based on their calbindin or parvalbumin content. these calcium-binding proteins are characteristic markers of different populations of gabaergic neurons in the central nervous system. double-immunolabeling for progesterone receptor and either calbindin or parvalbumin was performed on hypothalamic vib ...19921436493
[changes in the blood serum aminotransferase activity in the experimental infection of cercopithecus aethiops monkeys with the marburg virus].aminotransferase levels in the peripheral blood serum of african green monkeys were studied after aerosol infection with lyophilized virus preparation. a correlation between aminotransferase activity and other symptoms of hemorrhagic fever was shown. considerable variations in the features of aminotransferase activity in severe and mild cases of the disease were observed.19921441443
myocardial bridges over coronary arteries in cercopithecus.the presence of myocardial bridges over the coronary arteries has been studied in 29 monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) hearts. the great resemblance between the cercopithecus subepicardial arterial net with the corresponding one in humans has been revealed. there is a high incidence (83%) of myocardial bridges only over the ventricular branches of both coronary arteries. myocardial bridges are usually (90%) located over the left coronary artery branches, and the left anterior interventricular bran ...19921449220
silhouettes elicit alarm calls from captive vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).in part 1, we analyzed alarm calls produced by captive vervets (cercopithecus aethiops) in response to naturally occurring stimuli. females and juveniles regularly alarm called to airplanes, birds, and barking dogs. juvenile females accounted for 60% of these alarm calls. in part 2, we isolated several monkeys from the colony and presented them with life-sized silhouettes of a leopard, snake, eagle, baboon, vervet, and goose. adult monkeys alarm called more than did juveniles. alarm calls were e ...19921451417
immunogenicity of conjugate vaccines consisting of pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide types 6b, 14, 19f, and 23f and a meningococcal outer membrane protein an effort to prepare pneumococcal (pn) capsular polysaccharide (ps) vaccines that would be immunogenic in infants, covalent conjugates were prepared for pn types 6b, 14, 19f, and 23f. each ps type was covalently bound to an outer membrane protein complex from neisseria meningitidis serogroup b and evaluated for immunogenicity in mice and infant monkeys. the conjugates induced specific anti-ps antibody responses in mice and in infant rhesus and african green monkeys; a conjugate of 6b and oute ...19921452327
analysis of the envelope region of the highly divergent hiv-2alt isolate extends the known range of variability within the primate immunodeficiency is a highly divergent hiv-2-related isolate that is genetically equidistant to the prototypic hiv-2 strains, defined by hiv-2rod, and to the simian immunodeficiency viruses sivmac and sivsm. we have now cloned and sequenced the envelope region of hiv-2alt, thus completing the analysis of the whole viral genome. the sequences of env and nef and of the second exons of tat and rev were compared with those of the other viruses of the hiv-2/sivsm/sivmac group. despite of the high degree of v ...19921457208
inhibition of agonist-induced activation of phospholipase c following poxvirus infection.recent studies indicate that viruses may influence polyphosphoinositide levels. this study has examined the effects of vaccinia virus infection on phospholipase c activity. infection of bs-c-1 cells, an african green monkey kidney cell line, or a431 cells, a human carcinoma cell line, with vaccinia virus inhibits receptor-mediated phospholipase c activation. as a consequence, agonist-mediated ca2+ mobilization in bs-c-1 cells also was inhibited by vaccinia virus infection. alleviation of the inh ...19921460012
the influence of fish oil supplementation on plasma lipoproteins and arterial lipids in vervet monkeys with established atherosclerosis.there is controversy about whether supplementing diets with marine fish oil can regress, promote or prevent atherosclerosis. therefore the effects of an atlantic pilchard oil (fo) supplement and dietary change were measured in a proven atherosclerosis model. vervet or african green monkeys were fed an atherogenic diet (ad) for long enough to ensure progression before treatments started. matched groups were then treated for 20 months, either by adding fo to the ad (ad/fo), or by changing to a the ...19921461923
filovirus contamination of cell cultures.the filoviruses marburg and ebola comprise a newly recognized family of viruses. the first filovirus to be isolated was marburg virus in 1967. this virus was imported in shipments of african green monkeys from uganda and infected several cell-culture technicians, with serious illness resulting. the rarity of marburg and ebola virus transmission, decreasing use of imported african monkeys, and quarantine efforts have presumably been responsible for the lack of additional episodes until 1989, when ...19921478345
[cytotoxicity of ferric chloride used as an adjuvant of organic acid precipitation].the objective of this study was the amelioration of the organic acid precipitation technique currently used as a secondary stage for viruses concentration using ferric chloride (fecl3) as an adjuvant. to carry out this work successfully, we have studied the cytotoxicity effect of fecl3 towards cell lines usually used for the investigation of enteric viruses. two kinds of african green monkey kidney cells, ma104 and bgm, were used as a cellular model. the results showed that optimum concentration ...19921489244
strong association of simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm) envelope glycoprotein heterodimers: possible role in receptor-mediated activation.soluble forms of a human cell-surface molecule expressed on t lymphocytes (cd4) neutralize diverse strains of both human (hiv) and simian (siv) immunodeficiency viruses through the induction of envelope shedding and direct competition with cellular cd4 for virus binding. however, we have previously shown that scd4 enhances infection of simian immunodeficiency viruses from african green monkeys (sivagm) and have theorized that this enhancement is due to the induction of conformational changes lea ...19921493051
parvalbumin in the medial septum/diagonal band complex of the african green monkey cercopithecus aethiops.the distribution of the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (pv), a marker for a subpopulation of gabaergic neurons, was studied in the septal complex of the african green monkey, cercopithecus aethiops. pv-immunoreactive neurons were found in relatively small numbers in the medial septum and in large numbers in the nucleus of the diagonal band (broca). they were extremely rare in the dorsal and intermediate parts of the lateral septum. pv-immunoreactive neurons in the medial septum and the nucl ...19921494043
integration of human alpha-satellite dna into simian chromosomes: centromere protein binding and disruption of normal chromosome segregation.centromeres of mammalian and other complex eukaryotic chromosomes are dominated by one or more classes of satellite dna. to test the hypothesis that alpha-satellite dna, the major centromeric satellite of primate chromosomes, is involved in centromere structure and/or function, human alpha-satellite dna was introduced into african green monkey (agm) cells. centromere protein binding was apparent at the sites of integrated human alpha-satellite dna. in the presence of an agm centromere on the sam ...19921505032
vaccination of the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) against infection with schistosoma mansoni.pilot experiments were carried out to assess the immunizing potential of radiation-attenuated cercariae of s. mansoni. groups of 4 monkeys each were vaccinated 4-5 times at 3-5-week intervals using cercariae which had received 10, 20, 40 or 60 krad of gamma radiation. animals were vaccinated with 1000 or 2000 cercariae per kilogram of body weight. overall the difference in worm burdens between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups was highly significant (p greater than 0.01). the highest level ...19921514046
molecular analysis of simian varicella virus dna.clinical and pathological studies indicate that simian varicella virus (svv) infection in primates is the counterpart of human varicella zoster virus (vzv) infection. the svv and vzv genomes are also similar in size and structure. to extend studies of svv dna, we analyzed virus dna from african green monkey kidney cells infected with the delta-herpes-virus strain of svv. the infectivity of svv dna was 88 pfu/micrograms. the buoyant density of svv dna, determined by isopycnic banding in cscl grad ...19921519354
a monoclonal antibody recognizing nuclear matrix-associated nuclear bodies.we have isolated a monoclonal antibody, 5e10, that labels discrete spots in the interphase nucleus. by immunoblotting mab 5e10 recognized predominantly a 126 kda polypeptide with an isoelectric point of 5.5. indirect immunofluorescence showed that mab 5e10 labeled spots in many cell lines and tissues from rat or human origin, but not in cells from mouse, chicken, african green monkey, or the lower eukaryotes saccharomyces and dictyostelium. in the human bladder carcinoma cell line t24 the number ...19921527179
pathogenic potential of filoviruses: role of geographic origin of primate host and virus strain.african filoviruses have caused outbreaks of fulminating hemorrhagic fever among humans. in 1989, related filoviruses were isolated from cynomolgus monkeys imported into the united states from the philippines. the pathogenic potential of these new filoviruses was compared in 16 asian monkeys (macaca fascicularis-cynomolgus) and 16 african monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops-african green) using african filoviruses from zaire (ebola virus) and sudan or asian filoviruses (reston and pennsylvania). afr ...19921527410
reduction of cholesterol absorption by dietary oleinate and fish oil in african green determine whether diets enriched in monounsaturated or n-3 fatty acids cause a reduction in cholesterol absorption relative to those more enriched in saturated fatty acids, we measured cholesterol absorption in 18 african green monkeys fed diets enriched in lard, oleinate (oleic acid-rich safflower oil), or fish oil at two levels of dietary cholesterol (0.05 vs. 0.77 mg/kcal). all animals were initially challenged with the lard, high cholesterol diet to ascertain their responsiveness to dieta ...19921527479
recognition of liposomes by cells: in vitro binding and endocytosis mediated by specific lipid headgroups and surface charge density.we investigated the interaction of liposomes of different surface properties with two mammalian cell lines, cv1, an african green monkey kidney cell line, and j774, a murine macrophage-like cell line. cell surface binding and endocytosis of liposomes were quantified by fluorometry, using the liposome-encapsulated ph-sensitive fluorescent dye, pyranine, and the lipid marker rhodamine-pe. the liposome uptake was dependent both on the surface properties of the liposomes and on the cell line. negati ...19921543703
quantitation of a lentivirus in its natural host: simian immunodeficiency virus in african green monkeys.we have examined the viral load in the peripheral blood of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv)-infected african green monkeys with a view to the unexplained apathogenicity of african green monkey siv (sivagm) in its natural host. by using polymerase chain reaction, viral dna was detected in fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) of each of nine seropositive animals. the virus dna load was variable among the monkeys tested, ranging from 5 to 50 (mean = 15) copies per 10(5) pbmc, which is ...19921548755
age- and dietary fat-related effects on biliary lipids and cholesterol gallstone formation in african green monkeys.the effects of age and dietary fat on bile cholesterol saturation index (csi) and cholesterol gallstone formation were studied in three age groups of male african green monkeys. animals were fed semipurified diets containing cholesterol (0.34 g/100 g diet) and 42% of energy as saturated or polyunsaturated fat. animals were killed at 16 (pre-pubertal), 32 (peri-pubertal) or 60 (young adult) mo of age; the presence of gallstones was determined and gallbladder bile was analyzed for csi and bile aci ...19921552365
a comparative study of natural killer cell activity, lymphoproliferation, and cell phenotypes in nonhuman primates.three different species of nonhuman primates (baboons [papio hamadryas], rhesus monkeys [macaca mulatta], and african green monkeys [cercopithecus aethiops]) were evaluated for their natural killer cell activity, and for the ability of their peripheral blood mononuclear cells to proliferate in response to known mitogens (concanavalin a, phytohemagglutinin, and pokeweed mitogen) and to react with a panel of mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against human leukocyte surface antigens. rhesus monk ...19921557864
sequences of primate insulin genes support the hypothesis of a slower rate of molecular evolution in humans and apes than in monkeys.the chimpanzee and african green monkey insulin genes have been cloned and sequenced. these two sequences together with the previously reported sequences for the human and owl monkey insulin genes provide additional support for the hominoid-rate-slowdown hypothesis, i.e., a slower rate of nucleotide substitution in humans and apes than in monkeys. when these sequences and other primate sequences available for the relative-rate test were considered together, the substitution rate in the old world ...19921560757
siv/hiv recombinants and their use in studying biological properties.a series of chimeric clones between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and simian immunodeficiency viruses (siv) were constructed. viability of the recombinant viruses was dependent on the position of recombination. infectious chimeric viruses between hiv-1 and sivagm (isolated from an african green monkey) and those between hiv-1 and sivmac (isolated from a rhesus monkey) were examined for host cell tropism. viral determinants that restrict the replication of sivagm in human mt-4 cells ...19921571199
on the tertiary structure of satellite dna.the primary structure of the citrus ichangensis satellite dna repeating unit has been estimated. the repeat is 181 bp long and contains four pentanucleotides of adenine residues. oligomer forms of the stdna repeating unit were detected by a partial hydrolysis of the c ichangensis stdna by bspi restriction endonuclease. experiments on comparative mobility of oligomers in agarose and polyacrylamide gels evidenced a certain retardation of those in polyacrylamide gel indicating to a slight bend in t ...19921581394
clearance of microsphere-entrapped 5-fluorouracil and cytosine arabinoside from the vitreous of primates.experiments were conducted with biodegradable microspheres containing antimetabolites to assess the release of the drugs from the microspheres into the vitreous cavity of primates. microspheres containing a mixture of radiolabeled and cold cytosine arabinoside (ara-c) or 5-fluorouracil (5-fu) were prepared using a solvent evaporation process. the copolymers of poly (lactic) and poly (glycolic) acid (85:15) and drug was dissolved in a mixture of chloroform and acetone. the solutions were then emu ...19921587693
proprotein conversion is determined by a multiplicity of factors including convertase processing, substrate specificity, and intracellular environment. cell type-specific processing of human prorenin by the convertase pc1.proprotein and prohormone processing at pairs of basic residues is generally thought to be both tissue- and precursor-specific and to be developmentally regulated. furin, pc1 (also called pc3), and pc2 represent three recently discovered subtilisin-like proteinases which cleave a number of precursors at the same pairs of basic residues normally processed in vivo. using human prorenin as a model, we show that pc1 can process it to active renin in cells containing secretory granules, such as the s ...19921597471
acute simian varicella infection. clinical, laboratory, pathologic, and virologic features.five african green monkeys inoculated intratracheally with 7.5 x 10(3) to 1.4 x 10(5) plaque-forming units of simian varicella virus (svv) were subjected to clinical, laboratory, pathologic, and virologic analyses to study the pathogenesis of acute varicella. all animals developed viremia and rash and were sacrificed 8 to 11 days post-infection. no serum was available for postmortem serologic studies. examination of multiple organs for pathologic changes and for svv-specific antigen and nucleic ...19921602744
plasma catecholamines and social behavior in male vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).many investigations in humans indicate that epinephrine, norepinephrine and their ratio may correlate with such traits as social competence, academic achievement, and aggression. however, the socioeconomic, dietary, and environmental confounds accompanying most human studies complicate their interpretation. social status, aggression, and other social behaviors can be reliably assessed in nonhuman primates under conditions controlling for crucial environmental factors. if interpretation of human ...19921615058
production of enterotoxin and cytotoxin in campylobacter jejuni strains isolated in costa rica.the production of toxins by 79 strains of campylobacter jejuni isolated in costa rica from children with campylobacter-induced diarrhoea (44 strains) and from chickens (35 strains) was studied. an enterotoxic effect giving a rounding of mouse adrenocortical tumour (y1) cells, which could be neutralised with antitoxin against escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin, was detected in supernates from 16 (62%) of 26 strains from children with watery diarrhoea, in 5 (28%) of 18 strains from children ...19921625311
[the morphology of cell lines suitable for vaccine production studied by scanning electron microscopy].five nontumorogenic cell lines suitable for vaccine production were studied by sem. it was shown that diploid cell line 41 originated from sheep embryo kidney and also two heteroploid cell lines, line 4921 originated from embryo skin and muscles of the african green young monkey and line 4647 from kidney of the adult monkey, maintained normal cell morphology and normal growth pattern in early and in later passages in cultures. some alterations in epithelial dense monolayer formation were reveale ...19921636216
adenovirus helper function activity of simian virus 40 t antigen mutants.the sv40 large t antigen provides a helper function that permits human adenovirus yields in monkey cells to approach those obtained in human cells. the carboxy-terminus of large t antigen is involved in providing this activity. the ability of a large number of sv40 mutants affecting t antigen to enhance the growth of adenovirus type 2 in the cv-1 line of african green monkey kidney cells was examined. mutation of those serines and threonines at the carboxy terminus which are normally phosphoryla ...19921641988
a spontaneous yersinia pseudotuberculosis-infection in a monkey-colony.a spontaneous yersinia pseudotuberculosis (y.p.) infection in one african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops), and nine squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus), is reported. the clinical findings, laboratory results and pathological findings are presented. the digestive system was the most affected organ in the acute phase of the y.p. infection, while in the subacute and chronic phases, the alterations of the lymphatic tissues, spleen or liver were severe.19921642076
interaction of simian virus 40 large t-antigen with cellular dna polymerase alpha: studies with various t-antigen mutants of sv40.simian virus 40 (sv40) large t antigen binds to host cell dna polymerase alpha and the t-antigen-dna polymerase alpha complex is implicated in the initiation of viral dna replication. we have examined various sv40 t-antigen mutants to test the correspondence between viral dna replication and t-antigen-dna polymerase alpha complex formation. the various sv40 t-antigen mutants were used to either infect or transfect african green monkey kidney cell line cv-1, and at different time intervals we mea ...19911646591
simian hepatitis a virus (hav) strain agm-27: comparison of genome structure and growth in cell culture with other hav strains.fragments of cdna representing greater than 99% of the entire genome of wild-type hepatitis a virus (hav) strain agm-27, isolated from an african green monkey, were obtained by the polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. comparison with other hav isolates revealed differences in the predicted amino acid sequence in functionally critical parts of the genome. comparison of the biological properties of agm-27 with those of human wild-type and cell culture-adapted hm-175 strains revealed that agm-2 ...19911649901
suppression of virus replication by prostaglandin a is associated with heat shock protein synthesis.the antiviral action of cyclopentenone prostaglandins (pgs) is generally associated with alterations in the synthesis and/or maturation of specific virus proteins. in particular, inhibition of sendai virus (sv) replication in african green monkey kidney cells by pga1 has been shown to be a cell-mediated event, due to alterations in sv protein glycosylation and accompanied by the induction of a cellular polypeptide of mr 74k. in this report we identify this protein as a heat shock protein (hsp) r ...19911651981
functional analysis of long terminal repeats derived from four strains of simian immunodeficiency virus sivagm in relation to other primate lentiviruses.the promoter activity of long terminal repeats (ltrs) of four strains of the simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from african green monkeys (sivagm) was compared with those of various ltrs derived from the other representative primate lentiviruses: human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), type 2 (hiv-2), siv from a rhesus monkey (sivmac), and siv from a mandrill (sivmnd). the expression of the ltrs was evaluated by monitoring chloramphenicol acetyltransferase production after transfection ...19911656599
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 3231