
dynamics of microbiological parameters, enzymatic activities and worm biomass production during vermicomposting of effluent treatment plant sludge of bakery industry.this paper reports the changes in microbial parameters and enzymatic activities during vermicomposting of effluent treatment plant sludge (etps) of bakery industry spiked with cow dung (cd) by eisenia fetida. six vermibins containing different ratios of etps and cd were maintained under controlled laboratory conditions for 15 weeks. total bacterial and total fungal count increased upto 7th week and declined afterward in all the bins. maximum bacterial and fungal count was 31.6 cfu × 10(6) g(-1) ...201525982984
tracking the composition and transformation of humic and fulvic acids during vermicomposting of sewage sludge by elemental analysis and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix.sewage sludge (t1) and the mixture of sewage sludge and cattle dung (t2) were vermicomposted with eisenia fetida, respectively. the transformation of humic acid (ha) and fulvic acid (fa) extracted from these two treatments were evaluated by a series of chemical and spectroscopic methods. results indicated that the vermicomposting decreased ph, toc, and c/n ratio, and increased ec, total extractable c, and ha contents. the fa content in treatment t1 was increased significantly, and only slight in ...201525736580
potential utilization of bagasse as feed material for earthworm eisenia fetida and production of the present work bagasse (b) i.e waste of the sugar industry, was fed to eisenia fetida with cattle dung (cd) support as feed material at various ratios (waste: cd) of 0:100 (b0), 25:75 (b25), 50:50 (b50), 75:25 (b75) and 100:0 (b100) on dry weight basis. co-composting with cattle dung helped to improve their acceptability for e. fetida and also improved physico-chemical characteristics. best appropriate ratio for survival, maximum growth and population buildup of e. fetida was determined by ...201525625035
metal remediation and biodegradation potential of earthworm species on municipal solid waste: a parallel analysis between metaphire posthuma and eisenia fetida.information on vermicomposting with metaphire posthuma is scanty. this paper, therefore, aims to evaluate the bioconversion efficiency of this species against eiseniafetida. for comparative analysis, different combinations of municipal solid waste (msw) and cow dung were used as substrates. the contents of total n and availability of p, k, and fe increased significantly in both metaphire and eisenia systems which was accompanied by substantial reduction in ph and total organic c. both species ex ...201525616236
towards understanding the effects of additives on the vermicomposting of sewage sludge.this work evaluated the effects of additives on the chemical properties of the final products (vermicompost) from vermicomposting of sewage sludge and the adaptable characteristics of eisenia fetida during the process. an experimental design with different ratios of sewage sludge and the additives (cattle dung or pig manure) was conducted. the results showed that the vermicomposting reduced total organic carbon and the quotient of total organic carbon to total nitrogen (c/n ratio) of the initial ...201525328094
vermiremediation of heavy metals in wastewater sludge from paper and pulp industry using earthworm eisenia fetida.this work presents the results of removing heavy metals from paper mill wastewater (pms) sludge spiked with cow dung (cd) employing eisenia fetida. a total of seven set-ups were prepared: cd (100 percent), pms: cd (1:3), pms:cd (1:2), pms:cd (1:1), pms (100 percent), pms:cd (3:1) and pms:cd (2:1) and changes in chemical parameters were observed for 60 days. vermistabilization caused the significant decrease in the level of cd (32-37 percent), cr (47.3-80.9 percent), cu (68.8-88.4 percent), and p ...201425215882
bioremediation of distillery sludge into soil-enriching material through vermicomposting with the help of eisenia fetida.the aim of the present study was bioremediation of distillery sludge into a soil-enriching material. it was mixed with a complementary waste, cattle dung, and subjected to vermicomposting with (v) and without (t, control) eisenia fetida in the ratio of 0:100 % (v1, t1), 10:90 (v2, t2), 25:75 (v3, t3), 50:50 (v4, t4), 75:25 (v5, t5) and 100:0 % (v6, t6), respectively. survival rate, growth rate, onset of maturity, cocoon production and population build-up increased with increasing ratio of cattle ...201425113550
towards understanding the stabilization process in vermicomposting using parafac analysis of fluorescence this study, fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (eem) combined with parallel factor analysis (parafac) was employed to trace the behavior of water extractable organic matter and assess the stabilization process during vermicomposting of sewage sludge and cattle dung. experiments using different mixing ratios of sewage sludge and cattle dung were conducted using eisenia fetida. the results showed that vermicomposting reduced the doc, doc/don ratio and ammonia, while increased the nitrate c ...201425068534
optimization of eisenia fetida stocking density for the bioconversion of rock phosphate enriched cow dung-waste paper mixtures.vermitechnology is gaining recognition as an environmental friendly waste management strategy. its successful implementation requires that the key operational parameters like earthworm stocking density be established for each target waste/waste mixture. one target waste mixture in south africa is waste paper mixed with cow dung and rock phosphate (rp) for p enrichment. this study sought to establish optimal eisenia fetida stocking density for maximum p release and rapid bioconversion of rp enric ...201424997095
vermicomposting of tea factory coal ash: metal accumulation and metallothionein response in eisenia fetida (savigny) and lampito mauritii (kinberg).earthworms can accumulate heavy metals in their intestines to a great extent. impact of feed materials and duration of metal exposure on natural activity of earthworms are rather unclear; this investigation therefore addresses the impact of metal rich tea factory coal ash (tfca) on reproduction, composting and metal accumulation ability of eisenia fetida and lampito mauritii. earthworm count and cocoon production increased significantly during vermicomposting. ph of the vermicomposted mixtures s ...201424907568
efficacy of bioconversion of paper mill bamboo sludge and lime waste by composting and vermiconversion technologies.paper mill bamboo sludge (pmbs) and paper mill lime waste (pmlw) are extensively produced as solid wastes in paper mills. untreated pmbs and pmlw contain substantial amount of heavy metals (zn, pb, ni, cd, cr) in soluble forms. efficiency of vermiconversion and aerobic composting with these wastes is reported here. adopted bioconversion systems enhanced the availability of some essential nutrients (n, p, k and zn) in various combinations of cow dung (cd) with pmbs and pmlw. colonization of nitro ...201424873710
species differences take shape at nanoparticles: protein corona made of the native repertoire assists cellular interaction.cells recognize the biomolecular corona around a nanoparticle, but the biological identity of the complex may be considerably different among various species. this study explores the importance of protein corona composition for nanoparticle recognition by coelomocytes of the earthworm eisenia fetida using e. fetida coelomic proteins (efcp) as a native repertoire and fetal bovine serum (fbs) as a non-native reference. we have profiled proteins forming the long-lived corona around silver nanoparti ...201324245550
bioconversion of garden waste, kitchen waste and cow dung into value-added products using earthworm eisenia fetida.solid waste management is a worldwide problem and it is becoming more and more complicated day by day due to rise in population, industrialization and changes in our life style. transformation of industrial sludges into vermicompost is of double interest: on the one hand, a waste is converted into value added product, and, on the other, it controls a pollutant that is a consequence of increasing industrialization. garden waste, kitchen waste and cow dung were subjected to recycle through vermico ...201323961230
vermicomposting of toxic weed--lantana camara biomass: chemical and microbial properties changes and assessment of toxicity of end product using seed bioassay.this work illustrates the results of vermicomposting trials of noxious weed - lantana camara (ll) leaf litter spiked with cow dung (cd) in different ratios (0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%) using eisenia fetida. a total of five treatments were established and changes in chemical and microbial properties of vermibeds have been observed for 60 days. in all treatments, a decrease in ph (19.5-30.7%), total organic carbon (toc) (12-23%) and c:n ratio (25-35%), but increase in ash content (16-40%), total n( ...201323796668
reduction of bioavailability and leachability of heavy metals during vermicomposting of water hyacinth.vermicomposting of water hyacinth is a good alternative for the treatment of water hyacinth (eichhornia crassipes) and subsequentially, beneficial for agriculture purposes. the bioavailability and leachability of heavy metals (zn, cu, mn, fe, ni, pb, cd, and cr) were evaluated during vermicomposting of e. crassipes employing eisenia fetida earthworm. five different proportions (trials 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) of cattle manure, water hyacinth, and sawdust were prepared for the vermicomposting process. ...201323757026
vermiremediation of dyeing sludge from textile mill with the help of exotic earthworm eisenia fetida savigny.the aim of present study was for the vermiremediation of dyeing sludge from textile mill into nutrient-rich vermicompost using earthworm eisenia fetida. the dyeing sludge was mixed with cattle dung in different ratios, i.e., 0:100 (d0), 25:75 (d25), 50:50 (d50), 75:25 (d75), and 100:0 (d100) with earthworms, and 0:100 (s0), 25:75 (s25), 50:50 (s50), 75:25 (s75), and 100:0 (s100) without earthworms. minimum mortality and maximum population build-up were observed in a 25:75 mixture. nitrogen, phos ...201323508537
chemical and spectroscopic characterization of water extractable organic matter during vermicomposting of cattle dung.this work illustrated the characteristics and transformation of water extractable organic matter (weom) during vermistabilization (eisenia fetida) of cattle dung by means of chemical and spectroscopic methods. the independent experiment conducted in triplicate was sampled at the 0, 7, 14, 21, 35, 60 and 90days. results showed that the doc kept steady around 2.7gkg(-1) after day 60 and the doc/don ratio decreased from 19.77 to 5.26 till the end of vermicomposting. on the other hand, vermicomposti ...201323416619
vermistabilization of paper mill wastewater sludge using eisenia fetida.vermistabilization of paper mill wastewater sludge (pms) spiked with cow dung (cd) at ratios of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% was carried out employing the earthworm, eisenia fetida. a total of five treatments were established and changes in chemical and microbial properties of mixtures were observed. vermistabilization caused decreases in total organic carbon, c:n ratio and cellulose by 1.2-1.5, 4.6-14.6, and 2.3-9.7-fold, respectively, but increases in ph, electrical conductivity, ash content, ( ...201323196238
vermicomposting of milk processing industry sludge spiked with plant wastes.this work illustrates the vermistabilization of wastewater sludge from a milk processing industry (mpis) unit spiked with cow dung (cd), sugarcane trash (st) and wheat straw (ws) employing earthworms eisenia fetida. a total of nine experimental vermibeds were established and changes in chemical parameters of waste material have been observed for 90 days. vermistabilization caused significant reduction in ph, organic carbon and c:n ratio and substantial increase in total n, available p and exchan ...201222609678
vermicomposting of herbal pharmaceutical industry waste: earthworm growth, plant-available nutrient and microbial quality of end materials.efforts were made to decompose herbal pharmaceutical industrial waste (hpiw) spiked with cow dung (cd) using eisenia fetida. a total of five vermibeds: t(1) - hpiw (0%+cd 100%, control), t(2) - hpiw (25%), t(3) - hpiw (50%), t(4) - hpiw (75%) and t(5) - hpiw (100%) were used for vermicomposting. the changes in biology and chemistry of vermibeds were measured after ten days interval. e. fetida showed high growth and cocoon production rate in all vermibeds. the vermicomposted material contained gr ...201222440575
species-specific effects of epigeic earthworms on microbial community structure during first stages of decomposition of organic matter.epigeic earthworms are key organisms in organic matter decomposition because of the interactions they establish with microorganisms. the earthworm species and the quality and/or substrate availability are expected to be major factors influencing the outcome of these interactions. here we tested whether and to what extent the epigeic earthworms eisenia andrei, eisenia fetida and perionyx excavatus, widely used in vermicomposting, are capable of altering the microbiological properties of fresh org ...201222363763
changes in the chemical characteristics of water-extracted organic matter from vermicomposting of sewage sludge and cow dung.the chemical changes of water-extractable organic matter (weom) from five different substrates of sewage sludge enriched with different proportions of cow dung after vermicomposting with eisenia fetida were investigated using various analytical approaches. results showed that dissolved organic carbon, chemical oxygen demand, and c/n ratio of the substrates decreased significantly after vermicomposting process. the aromaticity of weom from the substrates enhanced considerably, and the amount of v ...201222230755
cloning and expression of a chitinase gene from eisenia fetida.chitin is the second most abundant biopolymer in nature and is an important resource. in this study, we identified a chitinase gene, named eisenia fetida-chitinase (ef-chi) gene, of 1494 base pairs (bp) that encodes a protein of 498 amino acids as indicated by the corresponding mrna sequence. the amino acid sequence of ef-chi was similar to those of chitinases from eisenia andrei (99%), branchiostoma floridae (50%) and oryzias latipes (49%), and a gene encoding mature ef-chi was expressed in the ...201728373044
antioxidant responses of annelids, brassicaceae and fabaceae to pollutants: a review.pollutants, such as metal trace elements (mtes) and organic compounds (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides), can impact dna structure of living organisms and thus generate damage. for instance, cadmium is a well-known genotoxic and mechanisms explaining its clastogenicity are mainly indirect: inhibition of dna repair mechanisms and/or induction of reactive oxygen species (ros). animal or vegetal cells use antioxidant defense systems to protect themselves against ros produced during oxid ...201524951273
biotoxicity assessment of pyrene in soil using a battery of biological assays.a test battery, composed of a range of biological assays, was applied to evaluate the ecological health of soil aged for 69 days and spiked with a range of pyrene levels (1.04, 8.99, 41.5, 72.6, 136, and 399 μg g(-1) dry soil; soxhlet-extracted concentrations after 69 days of aging). chinese cabbage (brassica rapa), earthworm (eisenia fetida), and bacteria (vibrio fischeri) were used as test organisms to represent different trophic levels. among the acute ecotoxicity bioassays used, the v. fisch ...201222941450
influence of earthworm eisenia fetida on removal efficiency of n and p in vertical flow constructed wetland.this study investigates biomass, density, photosynthetic activity, and accumulation of nitrogen (n) and phosphorus (p) in three wetland plants (canna indica, typha augustifolia, and phragmites austrail) in response to the introduction of the earthworm eisenia fetida into a constructed wetland. the removal efficiency of n and p in constructed wetlands were also investigated. results showed that the photosynthetic rate (p n), transpiration rate (t r), and stomatal conductance (s cond) of c. indica ...201323729029
effect of earthworm eisenia fetida and wetland plants on nitrification and denitrification potentials in vertical flow constructed wetland.the response of nitrification potentials, denitrification potentials, and n removal efficiency to the introduction of earthworms and wetland plants in a vertical flow constructed wetland system was investigated. addition of earthworms increased nitrification and denitrification potentials of substrate in non-vegetated constructed wetland by 236% and 8%, respectively; it increased nitrification and denitrification potentials in rhizosphere in vegetated constructed wetland (phragmites austrail, ty ...201323591133
impact of treated wastewater on organismic biosensors at various levels of biological organization.relating the treated wastewater quality and its impact on organismic biosensors (prussian carp, carassius gibelio and earthworm, eisenia fetida) was the main objective of the study. the impact on health status of fish living downstream, microbiological contamination and antimicrobial resistance, fish tissue structure, blood biochemistry, oxidative stress, genotoxic effects, as well as multixenobiotic resistance mechanism (mxr) was assessed. treated wastewater discharged from the wwtp modified th ...201526298246
differences in p,p'-dde bioaccumulation from compost and soil by the plants cucurbita pepo and cucurbita maxima and the earthworms eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris.two plant species, cucurbita pepo and cucurbita maxima, and two earthworm species, eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris, were exposed to soil and compost with equivalent p,p'-dde contamination. pollutant bioconcentration was equal in plant roots in both media, but translocation was higher in c. pepo. bioaccumulation by e. fetida was approximately 6- and 3-fold higher than that by l. terrestris in the soil and compost, respectively. for all species, p,p'-dde uptake was significantly greater fr ...200717241722
bioavailability assessments following biochar and activated carbon amendment in ddt-contaminated soil.the effects of 2.8% w/w granulated activated carbon (gac) and two types of biochar (burt's and blueleaf) on ddt bioavailability in soil (39 μg/g) were investigated using invertebrates (eisenia fetida), plants (cucurbita pepo spp. pepo) and a polyoxymethylene (pom) passive sampler method. biochar significantly reduced ddt accumulation in e. fetida (49%) and showed no detrimental effects to invertebrate health. in contrast, addition of gac caused significant toxic effects (invertebrate avoidance a ...201626495827
in situ application of activated carbon and biochar to pcb-contaminated soil and the effects of mixing regime.the in situ use of carbon amendments such as activated carbon (ac) and biochar to minimize the bioavailability of organic contaminants is gaining in popularity. in the first in situ experiment conducted at a canadian pcb-contaminated brownfield site, gac and two types of biochar were statistically equal at reducing pcb uptake into plants. pcb concentrations in cucurbita pepo root tissue were reduced by 74%, 72% and 64%, with the addition of 2.8% gac, burt's biochar and blueleaf biochar, respecti ...201323933124
effect of c60 fullerenes on the accumulation of weathered p,p'-dde by plant and earthworm species under single and multispecies conditions.the use of engineered nanomaterials has increased dramatically in recent years, but an understanding of nanomaterial fate and effects in the environment is lacking. in particular, the interaction of nanomaterials with coexisting organic contaminants and the subsequent implications for sensitive biota is almost completely unknown. here, the effect of c60 fullerenes on the accumulation of weathered dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-dde; ddt metabolite) by cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) and eisenia ...201323401244
the use of biochar to reduce soil pcb bioavailability to cucurbita pepo and eisenia fetida.biochar is a carbon rich by-product produced from the thermal decomposition of organic matter under low oxygen concentrations. currently many researchers are studying the ability of biochar to improve soil quality and function in agricultural soils while sustainably sequestering carbon. this paper focuses on a novel but complimentary application of biochar - the reduced bioavailability and phytoavailability of organic contaminants in soil, specifically polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs). in this g ...201222922132
influence of plant-earthworm interactions on som chemistry and p,p'-dde bioaccumulation.laboratory experiments assessed how bioaccumulation of weathered p,p'-dde from soil and humic acid (ha) chemistry are affected by interactions between the plants cucurbita pepo ssp. pepo and ssp. ovifera and the earthworms eisenia fetida, lumbricus terrestris, and apporectodea caliginosa. total organochlorine phytoextraction by ssp. pepo increased at least 25% in the presence of any of the earthworm species (relative to plants grown in isolation). uptake of the compound by ssp. ovifera was unaff ...201121421253
surfactants differentially impact p,p'-dde accumulation by plant and earthworm species.the effect of four surfactants (triton x-100, tween-80, rhamnolipids, cyclodextrin) at 100-1000 mg/l on p,p'-dde phytoextraction by cucurbita pepo (zucchini) under field conditions and p,p'-dde bioaccumulation by earthworm species (eisenia fetida, lumbricus terrestris) under laboratory conditions was investigated. abiotically, surfactants (except cyclodextrin) increased contaminant desorption from soil by 4-fold, with higher concentrations generally promoting greater release. cyclodextrin had no ...200717533859
effects of coal gasification slag as a substrate for the plant cyperus esculentus and the worm eisenia fetida.a further development of the coal gasification process will result in an increase of the amount of coal gasification slag (cgs). as yet little is known about the effects of storage in uncovered dumps. if there are any environmental effects, they are most likely caused by accumulation of metals from the cgs or by unacceptable physical properties of the cgs. growth inhibition, mortality, and metal accumulation were analyzed for the plant cyperus esculentus and the worm eisenia fetida on cgs substr ...19921385078
bioremediation of polluted soil through the combined application of plants, earthworms and organic matter.two plant species (paulownia tomentosa and cytisus scoparius), earthworms (eisenia fetida), and organic matter (horse manure) were used as an ecological approach to bioremediate a soil historically contaminated by heavy metals and hydrocarbons. the experiment was carried out for six months at a mesoscale level using pots containing 90 kg of polluted soil. three different treatments were performed for each plant: (i) untreated planted soil as a control (c); (ii) planted soil + horse manure (20:1 ...201222911348
regulatory ecotoxicity testing of nanomaterials - proposed modifications of oecd test guidelines based on laboratory experience with silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles.regulatory ecotoxicity testing of chemicals is of societal importance and a large effort is undertaken at the oecd to ensure that oecd test guidelines (tgs) for nanomaterials (nms) are available. significant progress to support the adaptation of selected tgs to nms was achieved in the context of the project marina ( ) funded within the 7th european framework program. eight oecd tgs were adapted based on the testing of at least one ion-releasing nm (ag) and two inert nms ...201627592624
toxicity assessment of oil field produced water treated by evaporative processes to produce water to irrigation.during the productive life of an oil well, a high quantity of produced water is extracted together with the oil, and it may achieve up to 99% in the end of the well's economical life. desalination is one of mankind's earliest forms of saline water treatment, and nowadays, it is still a common process used throughout the world. a single-effect mechanical vapor compression (mvc) process was tested. this paper aims to assess the potential toxicity of produced water to be re-used in irrigation. samp ...201020706017
ecotoxicity of selected antibiotics for organisms of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.the aim of this study was to assess the ecotoxicity of selected antibiotics (i.e. penicillin g, vancomycin and tetracycline) using ecotoxicological tests. tests were conducted on organisms representing all trophic levels of the aquatic ecosystem, namely producers (green freshwater algae pseudokirchneriella subcapitata), consumers (water fleas daphnia magna) and decomposers (bacteria vibrio fischeri). the effect of antibiotics on the representative of edaphon was measured by testing the inhibitio ...201628263529
bioassays with terrestrial and aquatic species as monitoring tools of hydrocarbon this study chemical analyses and ecotoxicity tests were applied for the assessment of a heavily hydrocarbon-contaminated soil prior and after the application of a remediation procedure that consisted in the stimulation of soil autochthonous populations of hydrocarbon degraders in static-ventilated biopiles. terrestrial bioassays were applied in mixtures of test soils and artificial control soil and studied the survival and reproduction of eisenia fetida and the avoidance response of e. fetida ...201627312898
ecotoxicological risks of the abandoned f-ba-pb-zn mining area of osor (spain).due to its potential toxic properties, metal mobilization is of major concern in areas surrounding pb-zn mines. in the present study, metal contents and toxicity of soils, aqueous extracts from soils and mine drainage waters from an abandoned f-ba-pb-zn mining area in osor (girona, ne spain) were evaluated through chemical extractions and ecotoxicity bioassays. toxicity assessment in the terrestrial compartment included lethal and sublethal endpoints on earthworms eisenia fetida, arthropods fols ...201627260479
use of digestate from a decentralized on-farm biogas plant as fertilizer in soils: an ecotoxicological study for future indicators in risk and life cycle assessment.over the last decade, the number of decentralized farm biogas plants has increased significantly in the eu. this development leads not only to an increasing amount of biogas produced, but also to a higher amount of digestate obtained. one of the most attractive options to manage the digestate is to apply it as biofertiliser to the soil, because this gives the opportunity of recovering the nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, and of attenuating the loss of organic matter suffered by soil ...201626724231
fate and effects of clothianidin in fields using conservation practices.despite the extensive use of the neonicotinoid insecticide clothianidin, and its known toxicity to beneficial insects such as pollinators, little attention has been given to its fate under agricultural field conditions. the present study investigated the fate and toxicity of clothianidin applied every other year as a corn seed-coating at 2 different rates, 0.25 mg/seed and 0.50 mg/seed, in an agricultural field undergoing a corn-soybean annual rotation, and conservation tillage. concentrations w ...201525376402
ecotoxicological evaluation of sewage sludge contaminated with zinc oxide nanoparticles.the objective of this work was to evaluate the ecotoxicological qualitative risk associated with the use of sewage sludge containing zn oxide nanoparticles (zno-nps) as soil amendment. a sludge-untreated soil and two sludge-treated soils were spiked with zno-nps (0-1,000 mg/kg soil). soil ecotoxicity was assessed with eisenia fetida (acute and sublethal end points), and the unfilterable and filterable (0.02 μm) soil leachates were tested with a battery of biomarkers using chlorella vulgaris, dap ...201425185842
napl migration and ecotoxicity of conventional and renewable fuels in accidental spill scenarios.fuels derived from non-petroleum renewable resources have raised interest due to their potential in replacing petroleum-based fuels, but information on their fate and effects in the terrestrial and aquatic environments in accidental spill scenario is limited. in this study, migration of four fuels (conventional diesel, conventional gasoline, renewable diesel nexbtl, and ethanol-blended gasoline re85 containing maximum 85% ethanol) as non-aqueous phase liquids (napl) in soil was demonstrated in a ...201424764004
amendment application in a multi-contaminated mine soil: effects on soil enzymatic activities and ecotoxicological characteristics.several amendments were tested on soils obtained from an arsenopyrite mine, further planted with arrhenatherum elatius and festuca curvifolia, in order to assess their ability to improve soil's ecotoxicological characteristics. the properties used to assess the effects were: soil enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, urease, protease and cellulase), terrestrial bioassays (eisenia fetida mortality and avoidance behaviour), and aquatic bioassays using a soil leachat ...201424337998
ecotoxicity of cyanide complexes in industrially contaminated soils.this study deals with acute and chronic ecotoxicity of leachates from industrially contaminated soils. analyses focused on cyanides (complex and free forms) to study their possible involvement in leachates toxicity. no acute toxicity on the microtox and 48 h-daphnia magna tests was found in leachates collected over 18 months, but a high chronic toxicity was recorded on the reproduction of ceriodaphnia dubia (ec50-7d=0.31±0.07%) and on the algal growth of pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (ec50-72 ...201122018867
modelling the propagation of effects of chronic exposure to ionising radiation from individuals to populations.this study evaluated the potential effect of ionising radiation on population growth using simple population models and parameter values derived from chronic exposure experiments in two invertebrate species with contrasting life-history strategies. in the earthworm eisenia fetida, models predicted increasing delay in population growth with increasing gamma dose rate (up to 0.6 generation times at 11 mgy h(-1)). population extinction was predicted at 43 mgy h(-1). in the microcrustacean daphnia m ...200818314232
is there a relationship between soil and groundwater toxicity?part iia of the environmental protection act 1990 requires environmental regulators to assess the risk of contaminants leaching from soils into groundwater (detr, 1999). this newly introduced legislation assumes a link between soil and groundwater chemistry, in which rainwater leaches contaminants from soil into the saturated zone. as the toxicity of both groundwater and overlying soils is dependent upon the chemicals present, their partitioning and their bioavailability, similar patterns of soi ...200312901073
acute toxicity of chlorophenols to earthworms using a simple paper contact method and comparison with toxicities to fresh water acute toxicity test of chlorophenols on earthworms (eisenia fetida) was performed using a simple paper contact method proposed by oecd testing guideline no. 207, that were applied as an earthworm toxicity test. the median lethal concentration, ec50, had significant correlation with logp(ow) (1-octanol/water partition coefficient) of the chemicals. the toxicity of chlorophenols on e. fetida was compared with toxicities for other species: an algae (selenostrum capricornutum), a crustacean (daph ...200211996137
effects on litter-dwelling earthworms and microbial decomposition of soil-applied imidacloprid for control of wood-boring insects.imidacloprid is an effective, systemic insecticide for the control of wood-boring insect pests in trees. systemic applications to trees are often made by soil injections or drenches, and the resulting imidacloprid concentrations in soil or litter may pose a risk of harm to natural decomposer organisms. the authors tested effects of imidacloprid on survival and weight gain or loss of the earthworms eisenia fetida (savigny) and dendrobaena octaedra (savigny), on leaf consumption rates and cocoon p ...200818069649
comparison of forest soil microcosm and acute toxicity studies for determining effects of fenitrothion on earthworms.the effects of the organophosphate pesticide fenitrothion on eisenia fetida savigny and dendrobaena octaedra savigny were studied using the oecd acute toxicity test and microcosms containing forest organic matter. in the acute toxicity study, both species were relatively susceptible to fenitrothion, although d. octaedra (lc50 = 393.9 ml/cm2) was approximately eight times more sensitive than e. fetida (lc50 = 54.1 ml/cm2). e. fetida was unable to utilize oak/maple litter for growth, and attempts ...19957539366
mixture toxicity of four commonly used pesticides at different effect levels to the epigeic earthworm, eisenia commonly used pesticides, chlorpyrifos (cpf), fenobucarb (fen), clothianidin (clo) and acetochlor (ace) are widely applied on crops worldwide. in this study, the combined toxicities of their binary, ternary and quaternary mixtures were evaluated using the earthworm eisenia fetida as test organism. mixture toxicities were studied using the combination index (ci) method and visualized by isobolograms, and then data were compared with traditional concentration addition (ca) and independent actio ...201728384501
a brief review and evaluation of earthworm biomarkers in soil pollution assessment.earthworm biomarker response to pollutants has been widely investigated in the assessment of soil pollution. however, whether and how the earthworm biomarker-approach can be actually applied to soil pollution assessment is still a controversial issue. this review is concerned about the following points: 1. despite much debate, biomarker is valuable to ecotoxicology and biomarker approach has been properly used in different fields. earthworm biomarker might be used in different scenarios such as ...201728382452
effects of silver nanoparticles on survival, biomass change and avoidance behaviour of the endogeic earthworm allolobophora chlorotica.increasing commercial application of silver nanoparticles (ag np) and subsequent presence in wastewater and sewage sludge has raised concerns regarding their effects in the aquatic and terrestrial environment. several studies have employed standardised acute and chronic earthworm-based tests to establish the toxicological effects of ag np within soil. these studies have relied heavily on the use of epigiec earthworm species which may have limited ecological relevance in mineral soil. this study ...201728319860
toxicity effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate to eisenia fetida at enzyme, cellular and genetic levels.di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (dehp) is a dominant phthalic acid ester (pae) that has aroused public concern due to its resistance to degradation and its toxicity as an endocrine-disrupting compound. effects of different concentrations of dehp on eisenia fetida in spiked natural soil have been studied in the body of the earthworm by means of soil cultivation tests 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after exposure. the results indicated that, in general, superoxide dismutase (sod) activity, malondialdehyde (mda ...201728319143
responses to silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate in a battery of biomarkers measured in coelomocytes and in target tissues of eisenia fetida earthworms.the current use and development of applications with silver nanoparticles (ag nps) could lead to potential inputs of these nps to soils. consequently, it is crucial to understand the ecotoxicological risks posed by ag nps in the terrestrial compartment. in the present investigation, the effects produced by pvp-pei coated ag nps were assessed in eisenia fetida earthworms in comparison with the soluble form (agno3). earthworms were exposed for 1, 3 and 14 days to a range of sublethal concentration ...201728314142
comparison of vermicompost characteristics produced from sewage sludge of wood and paper industry and household solid wastes.the aim of this study was to determine the potential of produced compost from the sludge of wastewater treatment plant using earthworms and compare it with the vermicompost produced from household solid waste.201728286658
organic wastes as soil amendments - effects assessment towards soil invertebrates.using organic wastes, as soil amendments, is an important alternative to landfilling with benefits to soil structure, water retention, soil nutrient and organic matter concentrations. however, this practice should be monitored for its environmental risk due to the frequent presence, of noxious substances to soil organisms. to evaluate the potential of eight organic wastes with different origins, as soil amendments, reproduction tests with four soil invertebrate species (folsomia candida, enchytr ...201728279835
proposed modification to avoidance test with eisenia fetida to assess metal toxicity in agricultural soils affected by mining activities.use of avoidance tests is a quick and cost-effective method of assessing contaminants in soils. one option for assessing earthworm avoidance behavior is a two-section test, which consists of earthworms being given the choice to move between a test soil and a control substrate. for ecological relevance, tested soils should be field-contaminated soils. for practical reasons, artificial soils are commonly used as the control substrate. interpretation of the test results compromised when the test so ...201728267652
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons bioavailability in industrial and agricultural soils: linking spme and tenax extraction with bioassays.the aims of this study were to evaluate the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in industrial and agricultural soils using chemical methods and a bioassay, and to study the relationships between the methods. this was conducted by comparing the quantities of pahs extracted from two manufactured gas plant (mgp) soils and an agricultural soil with low level contamination by solid-phase micro-extraction (spme) and tenax-ta extraction with the quantities taken up by the earthwo ...201728260684
biochemical and genetic toxicity of dinotefuran on earthworms (eisenia fetida).dinotefuran is a third-generation neonicotinoid insecticide, that is considered promising due to its excellent properties. in the present work, the biochemical and genetic toxicity of dinotefuran on earthworms were evaluated at a series of environmental background concentrations. meanwhile, the effective concentrations of dinotefuran in artificial soil during the entire exposure period were monitored. the present results showed that dinotefuran was stable in artificial soil, and its concentratio ...201728260655
de novo transcriptome assembly, functional annotation and differential gene expression analysis of juvenile and adult e. fetida, a model oligochaete used in ecotoxicological studies.earthworms are sensitive to toxic chemicals present in the soil and so are useful indicator organisms for soil health. eisenia fetida are commonly used in ecotoxicological studies; therefore the assembly of a baseline transcriptome is important for subsequent analyses exploring the impact of toxin exposure on genome wide gene expression.201728241869
earthworms change the quantity and composition of dissolved organic carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions during composting.dissolved organic carbon (doc) has recently been proposed as an indicator of compost stability. we assessed the earthworms' effect on doc content and composition during composting, and linked compost stability to greenhouse gas emissions and feeding ratio. earthworms reduced total doc content, indicating larger stability of vermicompost than of thermophilic compost. the concentrations of humic acid and fulvic acid were reduced by earthworms, whereas there was no significant effect on hydrophobic ...201728228360
the effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids on copper toxicity in e. fetida in an acute exposure the present study, the effects of low-molecular-weight organic acids (oas) on the toxicity of copper (cu) to the earthworm eisenia fetida (e. fetida) were investigated in a simulated soil solution. we exposed e. fetida to soil solution containing cu and a variety of oas (acetic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, and edta). we found that the addition of oas reduced the toxicity of cu to e. fetida, where the reduction was strongest in edta and weakest in acetic acid. these compounds decreased the ...201728214934
combined toxicity of imidacloprid and three insecticides to the earthworm, eisenia fetida (annelida, oligochaeta).although the earthworm eisenia fetida has been used in many ecotoxicological studies in recent years, most of these studies have only focused on assessing the effects of individual insecticides. in the present study, we aimed to compare the individual and combined toxic effects of imidacloprid and three insecticides (phoxim, chlorpyrifos, and lambda-cyhalothrin) on e. fetida. we showed that imidacloprid had the highest intrinsic toxicity to the worms in filter paper contact test, followed by pho ...201728210953
distribution, isomerization and enantiomer selectivity of hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd) diastereoisomers in different tissue and subcellular fractions of this study, earthworms eisenia fetida (e. fetida) were exposed to a soil artificially contaminated with individual hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd) diastereoisomers (α-, β- and γ-hbcds) to investigate the distribution, isomerization and enantiomer selectivity of hbcds at tissue and subcellular levels. at the tissue level, the concentrations of hbcds all followed the order of gut>bodyfluid>body wall, which suggested that earthworms accumulated hbcds mainly via ingesting soil particles. at the sub ...201728183046
the response of earthworms (eisenia fetida) and soil microbes to the crumb rubber material used in artificial turf fields.municipalities have been replacing grass fields with artificial turf, which uses crumb rubber infill made from recycled tires. crumb rubber contains hydrocarbons, organic compounds, and heavy metals. water runoff from crumb rubber fields contains heavy metals. these components can damage the environment. we contaminated topsoil with new crumb rubber and measured its impact on earthworms and soil microbes. specifically, we compared soil microbe activity and earthworm health, survivorship, and lon ...201728142114
management of food and vegetable processing waste spiked with buffalo waste using earthworms (eisenia fetida).the present investigation was focused on the vermicomposting of food and vegetable processing waste (vw) mixed with buffalo dung (bw) under laboratory condition employing eisenia fetida earthworm species. four different proportions of vw and bw were prepared and subjected to vermicomposting after 3 weeks of pre-composting. after vermicomposting, nitrogen (7.82-20.73 g/kg), total available phosphate (4.80-11.74 g/kg) and total potassium (7.43-12.75 g/kg) content increased significantly as compare ...201728130724
life cycle toxicity assessment of earthworms exposed to cadmium-contaminated soils.cadmium (cd) is of great concern in the soil environment and it can damage terrestrial organisms. the purpose of this study was to employ a toxicokinetic/toxicodynamic (tk/td) approach to investigate the effects of toxicologically relevant cd accumulation on the life cycle growth of earthworms (lumbricus rubellus and eisenia fetida) and to assess potential terrestrial ecosystem risk. we reanalyzed growth toxicity and whole body and pellet accumulation data linked with tk/td and life cycle growth ...201728130694
evaluation of complex toxicity of canbon nanotubes and sodium pentachlorophenol based on earthworm coelomocytes a standard testing organism in soil ecosystems, the earthworm eisenia fetida has been used widely in toxicity studies. however, tests at the individual level are time- and animal-consuming, with limited sensitivity. earthworm coelomocytes are important for the assimilation and elimination of exogenous compounds and play a key role in the processes of phagocytosis and inflammation. in this study, we explored an optimal condition to culture coelomocytes of e. fetida in vitro and investigated th ...201728125623
effects of rhamnolipid and microbial inoculants on the vermicomposting of green waste with eisenia fetida.the effects of adding the biosurfactant rhamnolipid, the lignolytic and cellulolytic fungus phanerochete chrysosporium, and the free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium azotobacter chrococcum on vermicomposting of green waste with eisenia fetida was investigated. the addition of rhamnolipid and/or either microorganism alone or in all combinations significantly increased e. fetida growth rate, the number of e. fetida juveniles and cocoons, the population densities of cellulolytic fungi and azotobact ...201728122059
allelopathic effects of volatile organic compounds from eucalyptus grandis rhizosphere soil on eisenia fetida assessed using avoidance bioassays, enzyme activity, and comet assays.allelopathy has been identified as an underlying mechanism of detrimental environmental impacts within commercial plantations. eucalyptus spp. are known to generate huge amounts of volatile organic compounds (vocs) that can function as phytotoxins and thus inhibit other plants. in the present study, biochemical markers, including activities of acetylcholinesterase (ache) and oxidative stress enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (sod) and glutathione s-transferase (gst), were assayed to assess c ...201728113065
toxicological effects of aflatoxin b1 on the earthworm eisenia fetida as determined in a contact paper this study, aflatoxin b1 (afb1) toxicity toward the earthworm eisenia fetida (savigny 1826) was evaluated in contact paper test systems containing distilled water and ethanol or 20 to 400 μg/ml of afb1 over 72 h of exposure. the results indicated that afb1 could induce significant damage to earthworms (coiling, curling, excessive mucus secretion, clitellum swelling) at greater than 75 μg/ml. moreover, afb1 had harmful effects on e. fetida (degenerative changes such as bulging of the clitella ...201728083735
effects of the amendment of biochars and carbon nanotubes on the bioavailability of hexabromocyclododecanes (hbcds) in soil to ecologically different species of earthworms.biochar is a promising material used in soil amendment and carbon nanotubes may enter soil due to its increasing application. these carbonaceous materials may change the bioavailability of pollutants in soil. in this concern, 0.5% w/w multi-walled carbon nanotubes (mwcnts) and 3 corn-straw biochars acquired at different pyrolyzing temperatures were used in soil amendment and their influences on the bioavailability of hexabromocyclododecanes (hbcds), a brominated flame retardant, to 2 ecologicall ...201728057373
differential protein expression and localization of cyp450 enzymes in three species of earthworm; is this a reflection of environmental adaptation?cytochrome p450 (cyp450) is a hemoprotein superfamily, among which cyp1, cyp2 and cyp3 play a major role in the metabolism of vast array of xenobiotics and endobiotics. this paper reports on three cyp enzyme variants (cyp1a2, cyp2e1 and cyp3a4) in three species of earthworm (eisenia fetida, metaphire guillelmi and amynthas carnosus). the relative expression levels and localization of the three associated proteins were investigated at three life-cycle points (juvenile, sub-adult and adult), throu ...201728038420
evaluation of combined noxious effects of siduron and cadmium on the earthworm eisenia fetida.environmental contaminants do not often occur as individual chemicals but rather in complex mixtures whose joint effects can create a strong toxicity to surrounding organisms. to determine the combined harmful effects of siduron (herbicide) and cadmium (heavy metal) toward eisenia fetida earthworms, samples of worm's coelomocytes were subjected to siduron and cadmium (cd) at sublethal concentrations (lower than lc50)-siduron 0, 0.8, 2.4, and 7.2 μg cm(-2) cd 0, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.6 μg cm(-2) in fil ...201728013463
nadph-diaphorase histochemistry selectively stains peripheral and central sensory structures of lumbricid means of whole mount nadph-diaphorase histochemistry the distribution pattern of primary sensory cells (psc) and the pathway of their central processes in the ventral nerve cord (vnc) ganglia were investigated in the lumbricid earthworms, eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris. the distribution pattern of the stained structures seemed to be the same in both species investigated. strong labelling occurred in sensory fibre branches of segmental nerves and in each of the sensory longitudinal ax ...201628000510
earthworms (eisenia fetida) demonstrate potential for use in soil bioremediation by increasing the degradation rates of heavy crude oil hydrocarbons.crude oil contamination widely impacts soil as a result of release during oil and gas exploration and production activities. the success of bioremediation methods to meet remediation goals often depends on the composition of the crude oil, the soil, and microbial community. earthworms may enhance bioremediation by mixing and aerating the soil, and exposing soil microorganisms to conditions in the earthworm gut that lead to increased activity. in this study, the common composting earthworm eiseni ...201727979622
uptake and bioaccumulation of pcdd/fs in earthworms after in situ and in vitro exposure to soil from a contaminated sawmill site.uptake of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdd/fs) was studied in earthworms collected from a sawmill site in sweden with severe pcdd/fs contamination (the hot spot concentration was 690,000ng teqwho2005/kg d.w.) in order to investigate the transfer of pcdd/fs from the site to the biota. pcdd/fs concentrations in the collected earthworms were compared to pcdd/fs concentrations in laboratory exposed earthworms (eisenia fetida), which were exposed to contaminat ...201727964988
nanoparticle silver coexposure reduces the accumulation of weathered persistent pesticides by earthworms.although the use of engineered nanomaterials continues to increase, how these materials interact with coexisting contaminants in the environment is largely unknown. the effect of silver (ag) in bulk, ionic, and nanoparticle (np; bare and polyvinyl pyrrolidone-coated) forms at 3 concentrations (0 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg, 1000 mg/kg, 2000 mg/kg; ion at 69 mg/kg, 138 mg/kg, 276 mg/kg) on the accumulation of field-weathered chlordane and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene + metabolites (ddx) by eisenia fetid ...201627925275
biochar amendment for integrated composting and vermicomposting of sewage sludge - the effect of biochar on the activity of eisenia fetida and the obtained vermicompost.sewage sludge derived biochar (ssdb) was used as a supplementary material for municipal sewage sludge (ss) and wood chips mixtures (wc) treated by combined composting and vermicomposting. ssdb added to the mixture before composting resulted in significantly higher reproduction rate: on week 4 the number of cocoons increased by 213% when compared to the mixture with no biochar. on week 6 the average number of juveniles increased 11-fold in the mixture with biochar added before composting and 5-fo ...201727894039
toxicological effects of dimethomorph on soil enzymatic activity and soil earthworm (eisenia fetida).the objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of the fungicide dimethomorph to soil microbial activity and the earthworm eisenia fetida. multiple biomarkers, namely, four soil enzymes (urease, dehydrogenase, invertase, and acid phosphatase), four earthworm biochemical indices (dismutase, catalase, cellulase, and malondialdehyde), and the transcriptional levels of both target genes (dismutase and catalase) were measured at 1, 10, and 100 mg kg(-1) after 1, 7, 21, and 28 days. the degra ...201727886533
bioaccumulation and toxic effects of decabromodiphenyl ether in the presence of nanoscale zero-valent iron in an earthworm-soil this study, the bioaccumulation and toxic effects of decabromodiphenyl ether (bde209) (1 and 10 mg kg(-1)) were investigated in the earthworm eisenia fetida in the presence of different levels of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nzvi) (100, 500, and 1000 mg kg(-1)) in an earthworm-soil system. the results demonstrated that compared to single bde209 exposure, the addition of high levels of nzvi significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited growth and respiration, while increased the avoidance response of eart ...201727863305
effects of earthworms on nitrification and ammonia oxidizers in vermicomposting systems for recycling of fruit and vegetable wastes.although it is known that earthworms enrich the nitrate content in their final products, the detailed mechanisms behind this are not well understood, and this is important for determining the agricultural value of vermicomposting. hence, this study aimed to investigate the effects of earthworms on ammonia oxidization and to clarify the functions of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea (aob and aoa) during vermicomposting of fruit and vegetable wastes (fvws). for this, two dry systems using dry ...201727842968
the biochemical and toxicological responses of earthworm (eisenia fetida) following exposure to nanoscale zerovalent iron in a soil system.nanomaterials have increasingly gained a great amount of interest due to their widespread applications, while their potential impacts on invertebrates in soil lack thorough investigation. this study is mainly aimed at determining the acute and subacute toxicity to the earthworm eisenia fetida, induced by different levels of nanoscale zerovalent iron (nzvi) (100, 500, 1000 mg kg(-1)) in natural soils. the results showed that compared to the controls, exposure to 500 and 1000 mg kg(-1) of nzvi sig ...201727822688
responses of earthworms and microbial communities in their guts to triclosan.responses of the earthworm (eisenia fetida) and compositions of associated microbial communities were determined after exposure to various concentrations of triclosan (tcs) for 7 d. concentrations of tcs were greater in intestines than in epidermis of earthworms, which suggested that earthworms accumulate tcs mainly by ingestion rather than by epidermic penetration. exposure to tcs caused a concentration-dependent increase in activities of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (sod ...201727810239
avoidance behavior of eisenia fetida in oxytetracycline- and heavy metal-contaminated determine the behavior of oxytetracycline (otc) and heavy metals in soil, this study assessed the pollutant-induced avoidance behavior of earthworms (e. fetida) exposed to zinc (zn(2+)), lead (pb(2+)), and otc in soil. the results showed a clear avoidance response within 48h of exposure to the highest concentrations of pollutants. moreover, e. fetida was shown to be more sensitive to zn(2+) than to pb(2+) and otc. compared with otc alone, the net response of earthworms increased in the otc-zn ...201627665306
oxidative stress of imidaclothiz on earthworm eisenia fetida.imidaclothiz, a kind of neonicotinoid insecticides, is developed as a commercial pesticide in china and used for the control of sucking and biting insects, including aphids, whiteflies, beetles and some lepidoptera species as well. in recent years, more and more attention has been focused on the adverse effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on non-target organisms. in this study, inhibition effects of imidaclothiz and recovery capacity of molecular biomarkers (gst, ce, cat, sod and pod activity, ...201727612665
effects of bifenthrin exposure in soil on whole-organism endpoints and biomarkers of earthworm eisenia this study, toxic effects of bifenthrin in soil on earthworms were evaluated by acute and chronic toxic endpoints combined with a set of biomarkers. bifenthrin was moderately toxic in 72-h filter paper test and low toxic in 14-d soil test. the exposure of earthworms to bifenthrin-polluted soil for 8 weeks showed that cocoons were inhibited by high dose of bifenthrin, and larvae were stimulated by low dose but inhibited by high dose of bifenthrin. furthermore, 28-d soil test on the responses o ...201727776237
mercury toxicity to eisenia fetida in three different soils.three different soils were spiked with 12 different concentrations of inorganic mercury (hg). sub-chronic hg toxicity tests were carried out with eisenia fetida in spiked soils by exposing the worms for 28 days following standard procedures. the toxicity studies revealed that hg exerted less lethal effect on earthworms in acidic soil with higher organic carbon (s-3 soil) where water soluble hg recovery was very low compared to the water soluble hg fractions in soils with less organic carbon and ...201727770329
uptake route and resulting toxicity of silver nanoparticles in eisenia fetida earthworm exposed through standard oecd tests.despite the increasing interest in silver nanoparticles toxicity still few works dealt with the hazards of nanosized ag in soils (either dissolved in pore water or coupled to colloids) although disposal of biosolids in landfills has been reported as the major source of silver nanoparticles in terrestrial environments. presently, eisenia fetida was used to assess the toxicity of 5 nm sized pvp-pei coated silver nanoparticles in soil through the implementation of different exposure media standard ...201627614742
soil contamination with olive mill wastes negatively affects microbial communities, invertebrates and plants.the aim of the present study was to evaluate the ecotoxicological effects of olive mill waste (omw) on soil habitat function. to this end, soil samples from omw evaporating ponds (s1-s5) located at agareb (sfax, tunisia) and a reference soil (r) were collected. the effects of omw on the springtails folsomia candida (f.c.), the earthworm species eisenia fetida (e.f.), enchytraeus crypticus (e.c.) reproduction and on the soil living microbial communities were investigated. e.f. reproduction and to ...201627491759
data on proteins of lysenin family in coelomocytes of eisenia andrei and e. fetida obtained by tandem mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography.the data described are related to the article "lysenin family proteins in earthworm coelomocytes - comparative approach" (b. swiderska, s. kedracka-krok, t. panz, a.j. morgan, a. falniowski, p.grzmil, b. plytycz, 2016) [1]. lysenin family proteins were identified based on unique peptides sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography (lc-ms/ms) in lumbricid earthworms eisenia andrei and e. fetida, the latter with or without the mug-like fluorophore. lysenin and lysenin- ...201627766293
oxidative damage of naphthenic acids on the eisenia fetida earthworm.naphthenic acids (nas) have been gaining recognition in recent years as potentially harmful environmental contaminants. few studies have focused on the potential ecotoxicity of nas to terrestrial environment. in this study, the responses of antioxidant system and lipid peroxidation and dna damage were investigated after exposing eisenia fetida to soil contaminated with nas. the results indicated that nas induced a significant increase (p < 0.05) in superoxide dismutase and catalase enzyme activi ...201625809073
combined effects of chlorpyriphos, copper and temperature on acetylcholinesterase activity and toxicokinetics of the chemicals in the earthworm eisenia polluted environments organisms are commonly exposed to a combination of chemicals with different modes of action, and their effects can be additionally modified by natural abiotic conditions. one possible mechanism for interactions in mixtures is via toxicokinetics, as chemicals may alter the uptake, distribution, biotransformation and/or elimination of each other, and all these processes can be affected by temperature. in this study, the effect of temperature (t) on the toxicokinetics of co ...201727743795
changes in the bacterial community structure of remediated anthracene-contaminated soils.mixing soil or adding earthworms (eisenia fetida (savigny, 1826)) accelerated the removal of anthracene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, from a pasture and an arable soil, while a non-ionic surfactant (surfynol® 485) inhibited the removal of the contaminant compared to the untreated soil. it was unclear if the treatments affected the soil bacterial community and consequently the removal of anthracene. therefore, the bacterial community structure was monitored by means of 454 pyrosequencing of ...201627727277
biomarkers indicate mixture toxicities of fluorene and phenanthrene with endosulfan toward earthworm (eisenia fetida).α-endosulfan and some polycyclic aromatic compounds (pahs) are persistent in the environment and can reach crop products via contaminated agricultural soils. they may even be present as mixtures in the soil and induce mixture toxicity in soil organisms such as earthworms. in this study, the combined toxicities of pahs with α-endosulfan were determined in eisenia fetida adults using an artificial soil system. α-endosulfan and five pahs were tested for their acute toxicity toward e. fetida in arti ...201727696228
toxicity and physiological effect of quercetin on generalist herbivore, spodoptera litura fab. and a non-target earthworm eisenia fetida savigny.a novel flavonoid, quercetin, was isolated from the medicinal plant euphorbia hirta l. through chromatography techniques including: tlc, column chromatography, nmr and then screened for toxicity to larvae of spodoptera litura fab. bioassays were used to analyze pupal weight, survival rate, fecundity, egg hatchability, population growth index, nutritional index and histopathology of treated larvae at a range of e. hirta extract concentrations. results of toxicity assays demonstrated that, 6 ppm o ...201627657818
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 866