
response of ovine prolactin-treated mice to initial infection with trichinella spiralis.the effects of ovine prolactin on the expulsion of adult trichinella spiralis were studied in adult virgin female mice. the results showed that ovine prolactin-treated mice had an altered pattern of worm expulsion; i.e., more adult worms were recovered from prolactin-treated mice than from normal control mice, 18 days after infection.19761003276
the effects of mebendazole and fenbendazole on trichinella spiralis in mice.oral administration of either mebendazole or fenbendazole at 50 mg/kg body weight was effective in killing a 7-hr trichinella spiralis infection in mice. adult worms, 72 hr postingection, were unaffected by the same dose of fenbendazole, while mebendazole showed partial activity. both mebendazole and fenbendazole were active against developing muscle larvae. mebendazole was effective against encysted muscle larvae while 50 mg of fenbendazole per kg per day for 7 days from 28 days postinfection f ...19761003277
[immune elimination of trichinella spiralis in rats. 2. transfer of sensitized cells]. 19761007703
serum and antral gastrin levels in rats infected with intestinal parasites.serum and antral gastrin were measured in rats infected with either trichinella spiralis or hymenolepis diminuta as a step in testing the hypothesis that parasites change certain aspects of host physiology by altering gastrointestinal (gi) hormone levels or responses to gi hormones. parasitism with t. spiralis was associated with inflammatory changes in the small bowel mucosa and with a significant increase in serum gastrin. neither changes in hormone level nor inflammation were induced in tapew ...19761008130
effect of trichinella spiralis (oven, 1835) infection on ultrastructure of epithelium of small intestines in germfree or conventional mice. 19761016899
suppression of giardiasis during the intestinal phase of trichinosis in the mouse.the interaction of the intestinal phases of giardia muris and trichinella spiralis was investigated in swiss albino mice. intraoesophageal inoculation of g. muris cysts seven days before, or seven days after, similar inoculation of t. spiralis larvae resulted in significant reduction in the numbers of giardia trophozoites in small bowel and giardia cysts in stools. this effect was not observed when g. muris cysts were administered after resolution of the intestinal phase of trichinosis. giardias ...19761017715
[feeding behavior of trichinella as a leading factor of adaptation to the body of the mammals].studies were carried out of the permeability of the cuticle of trichinella spiralis (owen, 1835) for fluorochromes and histidine, the filling of the mid-gut and the amino-acids contents in it. the quantity of glicogene in different organs was estimated. a conclusion has been grown that a larva consumes food through the integuments of its body; intestinal trichinella use within the first 20 hours of their development the reserves of glicogene and later consume food monomeres and oxygen from the h ...19761023143
[biochemical changes in the white rat with trichinella spiralis parasitosis. experimental study]. 19761027085
a sausage-associated outbreak of trichinosis in illinois.twenty-three of 50 members of an extended dutch-german family and their close friends who ate raw homemade summer sausage became ill with trichinosis; 12 patients were hospitalized for an average of 10 days each. the sausage had been made in three different batches according to an old family recipe. one of the batches made from usda-inspected pork was found to contain trichinella spiralis larvae by two illinois state laboratories. the other two batches were negative. seventeen of the 23 patients ...19761034441
immune response to trichinella spiralis in the rat. i. development of cellular and humoral responses during chronic infection.the immune response of rats to infection with trichinella spiralis was studied serially for more than 1 year. initial antigen-specific cellular reactivity, assessed by the lymphocyte transformation response, developed in the draining mesenteric nodes 3 days after infection. after 1 week reactive lymphocytes were detectable in the spleen and circulating blood, but the more 'remote' peripheral nodes did not harbor antigen-reactive cells until late in the second week. thereafter, the patterns of an ...19751080134
transfer of delayed-type hypersensitivity by cells (spleen, mesenteric lymph node) in trichinella spiralis infection in mice. 19751081309
cellular immunity in peyer's patches of rats infected with trichinella spiralis.a rat model of trichinella spiralis gut infection was used to observe the sequence of developing cellular immunity in peyer's patches and other lymphoid tissues. whereas cellular reactivity (lymphocyte blastogenesis) for worm antigens was evident in mesenteric lymph nodes draining the gastrointestinal tract within 3 days after infection, peyer's patch lymphocytes developed maximal reactivity 2 to 3 weeks later at the same time as the spleen and other lymphoid tissues. furthermore, the immune rea ...19761082443
t-dependent suppression of the primary antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. 19761086721
absence of intestinal mast cell response in congenitally athymic mice during trichinella spiralis infection. 19761087373
antigenicity of the newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis. 19751092832
leucoagglutination and cytotoxicity of the serum of infected mice and of extracts of trichinella spiralis larvae and the capacity of infected mouse sera to prolong skin allografts.the sera of mice infected with the nematode trichinella spiralis agglutinate and kill homologous lymphoid cells in vitro. the agglutinating activity is present in the sera of infected animals on the 7th day following inoculation with the parasite, rises to a maximum on the 30th day of the infection and then decreases. the leucoagglutinating titre of these sera is related neither to the level of the inoculating dose of parasites nor to the intensity of muscle infection. the agglutinating and leuc ...19751093968
evaluation of soluble-antigen fluorescent antibody test for antibodies to trichinella spiralis in experimentallly infected swine.the soluble-antigen fluorescent antibody (safa) test was evaluated at intervals from 7 days to 1 year in 42 swine infected with 25, 100, 500, 2,500, 12,000, or 250,000 trichinella spiralis larvae. serums were test positive as early as 14 days after exposure in swine fed 25 larvae and as early as 7 days in swine fed 100 or 500 larvae. serums of all swine fed larger numbers of larvae were test positive by day 17 and remained test positive for the duration of the experiment. fluorescence obtained i ...19751094864
[immunofluorescence technique in diagnosis of trichinellosis in swine. i. investigations with the tube test (author's transl)].experiments have been made with serological demonstration of trichinella spiralis infections in swine. the technique applied was the indirect immunofluorescence tube test with whole larvae of t. spiralis as antigen. the blood samples tested were taken from groups of spf swine inoculated with, respectively, 50, 150, 500 and 1500 trichinella larvae. in animals inoculated with at least 150 larvae, antibodies could be demonstrated 3-5 weeks p.i. until the investigation was finished 6-7 months later. ...19751096075
[immunofluorescence technique in diagnosis of trichinellosis in swine. ii. comparative investigations with the tube test and the cryostate method (author's transl)].a series of comparative if tests have been made on serum samples from 9 spf pigs experimentally infected with trichinella spiralis (50-500 larvae per animal). the techniques applied included a tube test (antigen: whole trichinella larvae), and a cryostat test (antigen: sections of trichinella larvae). with the cryostat test a positive reaction was recorded in 2 animals already on the 6th day and in 5 animals on the 13th day p.i., while with the tube test such reaction was not demonstrated until ...19751096076
application of immunofluorescence and immunoenzyme methods in the serodiagnosis of trichinella spiralis detect antibodies to t. spiralis in sera, the if methods with the cuticle of t. spiralis larvae (the tube test) was compared to the cryostat method. in the latter method, cryostat sections were prepared from isolated t. spiralis larvae or from tongue or diaphragm musculature in which encysted t. spiralis larvae were present. in this case, both cuticle and internal structures were employed as antigenic sites. the cryostat method proved to be more sensitive than the tube test. with the cryostat ...19751101773
[rapid detection of trichinella spiralis infection in its focus]. 19751111237
trichinella spiralis: growth of the intracellular (muscle) larva. 19751116513
adaptive changes in muscle fibers infected with trichinella spiralis.ultrastructural changes which occurred in infected skeletal muscle fibers after infection with larvae of trichinella spiralis were followed on a daily basis utilizing synchronous infections. no changes were observed in muscle fiber architecture during the first 2 days of intracellular infection. however, on day 3, a space containing various sarcoplasmic elements developed between the plasma membrane and myofilaments. widening near the regions of triads was also observed at this time. on day 4 th ...19751119537
trichinella spiralis: phospholipase in sensitized mice after challenge. 19751123017
selective immunodepression in mice by trichinella spiralis extracts and infections. 19751125990
trichinella spiralis: morphological characteristics of male and female intestine-infecting larvae. 19751126422
the participation of c'3 and mg++ in the mediation of cell adherence reactions (car) to trichinella spiralis in normal non-immune sera. 19751139357
the development of alkaline phosphatase in trichinous muscle.the development of alkaline phosphatase during invasion and encystment of trichinella spiralis in rat skeletal muscle fibres was studied at the ultrastructural level. on day 14 after infection, the enzymatic activity is found in proliferating parts of the t-tubular system and in parts of the plasmalemma. in cells, in which a strong hyperplasia of this system is noted. alpase is present in the abundant network of stratified and concentric membranes from which a large number of pinocytic vesicles ...19751150485
[effect of trichinella spiralis infection on the development of rauscher leukemia].the influence of trichinella spiralis on the course of rausher leukemia in mice was studied. inoculation of mice with trichinella spiralis larvae 15, 16 and 30 days before infection with rausher leukemia virus was shown to stimulate splenomegaly, whereas preinoculation of rausher leukemia virus at 6, 12 and 18 days before infection with trichinella spiralis resulted in inhibition of splenomegaly. under the experimental conditions used, no effect of t. spiralis on reproduction of rausher leukemia ...19751162955
immunity to trichinella spiralis vi. the specificity of the immune response stimulated by the intestinal stage.mice were immunized to the intestinal stage of t. spiralis by using infections terminated with methyridine before production of newborn larvae had commenced. the muscle larvae which encysted following a normal complete challenge infection were reduced by 87 and 95% in immunized mice. no statistically significant reduction in a challenge infection of intravenously injected parenteral larvae was produced (8% and 15% actual reduction). previous work has shown that adult worms in a challenge infecti ...19751168664
quantitative study of the effect of previous trichinella spiralis infection on sarcoma 180 ascitic tumor formation in mice.tumor development in ham/icr mice inoculated intraperitoneally with sarcoma 180 (s-180) can be easily quantitated by linear regression analysis of non-destructive measurement of total body mass. this procedure readily separated the postinoculation period into incubation and clinical phases. the former was dependent on s-180 dose, while the latter was not. trichinella spiralis infection 28 days prior to s-180 challenge produced small but statistically significant increases in the length of both t ...19751189027
trichinella spiralis studies in the netherlands. 19751189427
[clinical, epidemiological and parasitological characteristics of human trichinosis caused by synanthropic and wild animals strains of trichinella spiralis]. 19751189432
immunobiology of trichinella spiralis. 19751189433
biochemistry of trichinella spiralis. 19751189439
the association in mice of intestinal inflammation, elevated levels of phospholipase b, and expulsion of trichinella spiralis. 19751189440
elisa (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) as preventive and repressive control method for the detection of trichinella spiralis infections in slaughter pigs. 19751189447
laboratory study of the fate of trichinella spiralis larvae (owen, 1935) in the body of insects species dermestes lardarius l. 19751189449
failure to confirm reported lethal effect of cytotoxic drugs on encapsulated trichinella spiralis larvae in mice. 19751195075
detecting the presence of trichinella spiralis (owen) larvae in animal muscle by automatic data-processing using a digital image transmutator for feeding the data into the computer. 19751212544
[the effect of trichinella spiralis on the susceptibility and antibody production to vaccinia virus].trichinella spiralis exerts an immunodepressive effect on production of antihemagglutinins to vaccinia virus in mice, increases the susceptibility to the virus in mice and rabbits. deaths of mice inoculated with vaccine virus and generalization of the vaccination process in rabbits were observed at 33 days of invasion.19751216835
[interrelations of experimental trichinella spiralis and erysipelothrix insidiosa infection in rats]. 19751217543
[ultrastructural changes in muscle cells infected with trichinella spiralis]. 19751221627
trichinosis (trichinella spiralis infestations) in wild animals of the kruger national africa trichinosis is essentially a disease of wild carnivores. once established in a suilline cycle it becomes a more important threat to man. the results of tests on 8,000 specimens of 20 wildlife species in the kruger national park are discussed and the epizootiology of trichinosis in south africa is briefly reviewed. the first case of trichinosis in an african civet, viverra civetta schreber, 1776, is reported. the confirmed absence of trichinosis in true herbivores is of practical signif ...19751240968
the immune mechanism which expels the intestinal stage of trichinella spiralis from rats.the immunological response of rats to the intestinal phase of trichinella spiralis was assessed using criteria derived from pervious studies with the nematode nippostrongylus brasiliensis in rats and mice. in adult rats, the duration of infection with either parasite is similar and both infections are prolonged in young and lactating rats. as previously shown with n. brasiliensis, immunity to t. spiralis was transferred to recipients with antiserum or mesenteric lymph node cells from immune dono ...19761248863
finding of trichinella spiralis in a walrus (odobenus rosmarus l.) in the thule district, northwest greenland. 19761250688
trichinella spiralis: anaphylactic antibody formation and susceptibility in strains of inbred mice. 19761253885
reliability of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the serodiagnosis of trichinella spiralis infections in conventionally raised enzyme immunoassay with horse radish peroxidase as marker enzyme for detection of antibodies to trichinella spiralis in pigs is described. in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) quantitation of specific antibodies is obtained by means of peroxidase labeled anti-species-immunoglobulin in antigen-coated tubes. the enzyme remaining in the tube after washing provides a measure of the amount of specific antibodies in the serum. a crude saline extract of t. spiralis muscle larvae served a ...19761254975
immunogenicity of the parenteral stages of trichinella spiralis. 19761255373
[mineral contents of the blood and chemical composition of the muscles of trichinella-infected piglets (author's transl)].three piglets of 22 kg were infected each with 10 larvae of trichinella spiralis per g body weight. in the blood plasma the contents of several electrolytes were measured twice per week to day 45 post infection (p.i.). these electrolytes, water, dry matter, lipids, nitrogen and ash contents were assayed on samples of muscles of each animal after they were sacrificed on day 61 p.i. three noninfected piglets served as controls. in blood plasma the contents of na, mg, ca, cu, zn and chloride decrea ...19761258143
prevalence of trichinella spiralis in the mongoose, human, and swine populations of the virgin islands. 19761263030
reliability of elisa (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) as control method for the detection of trichinella spiralis infections in naturally infected slaughter pigs. 19761263051
immunity to primary and challenge infections of trichinella spiralis in mice: a re-examination of conventional young (6- to 8-week-old) nih strain inbred mice expulsion of a primary infection of trichinella spiralis began on day 8 and was virtually complete by day 11-5. in older mice expulsion occurred 1 or 2 days earlier. experience of a primary infection elicited strong immunity to challenge, whether the challenge was given immediately after worm expulsion (day 14) or delayed (day 42). challenge infections were expelled rapidly the majority of worms being lost during the first day. immunity to chall ...19761264489
an evaluation of the role of carbohydrate epitopes in immunity to trichinella spiralis.a study is described in which the role of carbohydrate epitopes in the generation of protective immunity to trichinella spiralis was investigated. antigen preparations were treated with increasing molar concentrations of sodium periodate, which is known to degrade carbohydrate moieties by cleaving one side of the hexose ring, and a suitable protocol was established for the selective degradation of carbohydrates with the retention of protein integrity. using excretory/secretory (es) proteins, bot ...19921279505
synthesis and characterization of rat interleukin-10 (il-10) cdna clones from the rna of cultured ox8- ox22- thoracic duct t cells.a cdna of the complete coding region of rat il-10 was cloned and sequenced using rna isolated from a cultured population of thoracic duct t-lymphocytes obtained from trichinella spiralis infected animals. the ox8- ox22-t-helper cells were stimulated in vitro with concanavalin a for 24 hours prior to harvest. reverse transcription of cellular rna was primed with oligo-dt followed by amplification of il-10 specific cdna by polymerase chain reaction with synthetic oligo nucleotide primers chosen fr ...19921280414
trichinella spiralis: specificity of es antigens from pre-encysted larvae.excretory/secretory (es) antigens were obtained by culturing pre-encysted trichinella spiralis larvae which were recovered from muscles of experimentally infected mice 14-15 days postinfection. analyses of these antigens (pel es) with immunoblotting, sds-page and triple antibody elisa showed that they yielded a low sensitivity and specificity when tested with antisera against the common nematodes of chinese pigs. as compared to es antigens from encysted larvae, pel es also contained more low mol ...19921281854
an outbreak of trichinosis in 1982 an outbreak of trichinosis occurred in an area of south lebanon consisting of 4 villages, including 6440 persons. in 267 households, involving 2456 persons, typical clinical signs of trichinella spiralis infection could be recognized among household members. twenty-one of these households, including 193 persons, were randomly chosen for further studies. nearly half of the household members (46%) had clinical symptoms consistent with acute trichinosis. 12 of 16 tested persons had high ant ...19921287937
immunodiagnosis of human trichinellosis using excretory-secretory (es) antigen.infective first stage larvae of trichinella spiralis were recovered from muscles of laboratory infected mice by digesting the muscles with 1% hc1-1% pepsin and collecting the larvae by modified baerman's method. the larvae were cultivated in a serum-free medium for 18 h. the es antigen obtained from the culture medium was used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for detecting igg antibodies to t. spiralis in serum samples collected from three groups of individuals. the individuals of ...19921293197
[trichinellosis focus resulting from consumption of wild boar meat].the focus of trichinellosis was presented comprising 28 patients and resulting from consumption of the wild boar meat. early confirmation of trichinellosis diagnosis in the first case (index case) and an accurate epidemiological analysis established that the patients became infected with trichinella spiralis strain originating from natural environment. a severe clinical course was disclosed in the index case, moderate course of trichinellosis in 11 patients, a mild course in 15 cases and an abor ...19921296244
[establishment and preliminary application of competitive elisa using monoclonal antibody against trichinella spiralis].monoclonal antibody competitive elisa was devised with a highly specific mcab (2g8) against t. spiralis. among 20 rabbits infected with t. spiralis experimentally. 35% (7/20) were positive on the 17th day post infection (pi); 100% positive on the 31st day pi. no cross reaction was found with 29 sera of rabbits infected with other kinds of helminth. the dynamic antibody titer of five infected rabbits sera were studied with this method. the change may be helpful to judge the state of infection. in ...19921298715
[a method for acquiring newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis in vitro].this paper reports a simple method for acquiring numerous newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis in vitro. adults of t. spiralis, collected from small intestine on rats which were infected with infective larvae separated from mice infected experimentally, were put into tissue culture bottle containing m199. then the bottles were incubated in co2 incubator (37 degrees c, 5% co2) for 15-20h. the newborn larvae were collected by passing through filtration, centrifugation and repeated wash. the resu ...19921298727
[influence of cadmium on the course of intestinal and muscular phases in mice infected with trichinella spiralis].at the first experiment 20 swiss male mice were infected with 100 larvae and 20 mice with 500 larvae t. spiralis per mouse. two days after infection (d.a.i.) mice orally received 1.5 mg cd (water solution cdcl2) each. 40 mice were infected only t. spiralis as control. at the second experiment muscle larvae used were isolated from mice (from the first experiment) which received cd. 20 mice were infected with 100 larvae and 20-with 500 larvae per mouse. two d.a.i. mice received 1.5 mg cd. mice fro ...19921299056
activity of natural killer (nk) cells in the course of experimental trichinellosis in mice.b6c3f1 mice were infected with 200 or 500 larvae of trichinella spiralis per mouse and pulmonary nk cell-mediated clearance of semisyngeneic tumour cells was determined in vivo on days 10, 20, 30, and 60 after the infection. cytotoxic activity of nk cells in the lungs was substantially elevated on days 20 and 30 after challenge with both "doses" of the parasite. at the same time large granular lymphocytes (lgls) as well as cells expressing surface asialo-gm1 molecules were isolated in elevated n ...19921299057
activity of specific igg, igm and ige antibodies in human trichinellosis.the activity of igg, igm and ige antibodies to somatic antigen of trichinella spiralis in the sera of patients with trichinellosis at various intervals after infection was examined by means of elisa. mathematical analysis of the dose-response curves was used. elevated level of igg and igm antibodies of relatively high avidity and of rather low ige avidity was documented. amount or avidity of igg antibodies was found to be most useful for the diagnosis of trichinellosis (85% positive results in p ...19921299058
[influence of nalcrom (sodium cromoglycate) on the course of the intestinal phase of trichinellosis in mice].the influence of nalcrom (sodium cromoglycate) on the course of the intestinal phase of trichinellosis in mice was investigated. the animals infected with 200 trichinella spiralis larvae were treated with nalcrom between 7-20 or 3-20 days after infection (d.a.i.). the drug was administered in two doses: 0.6 or 1.7 mg/mouse/day. in the all groups of animals received nalcrom higher number of mast cells and eosinophils than in the control groups was observed. these results are the opposite of those ...19921299059
efficacy of albendazole against trichinella pseudospiralis and trichinella spiralis in mice.albendazole (smith kline, beecham) in a dose of 20 mg/kg/day was given to b6c3f1 mice exposed to 300 larvae of t. pseudospiralis or t. spiralis. the drug was introduced on days 2, 3 and 4; or 4, 5 and 6; or 18, 19 and 20 after infection. it limited the intensity of intestinal and muscle phases of trichinellosis. given at the stage of maturation of adult forms and production of new-born larvae, the drug caused almost total elimination of both species from the intestines of mice and a decrease in ...19921299060
trichinellosis in the ussr (1983-1987), tendency to spreading. 19921299061
[the role of the nucleus in the mechanism of transformation of muscle after infection by trichinella spiralis larvae. iii. morphometric analysis of the functional transformation of the muscle cell nucleus after infection].morphometric investigations (using the convergence analysis method) of geometric parameters of nuclei and nucleoli of transformed muscle cells were carried in mice 15 days, 30 days and 6 month after infection with t. spiralis larvae. the analysis showed the largest increase of investigated the parameters of 15th day after the infection. the results of morphometric analysis are in agreement with the morphologic, ultrastructural and histochemical observations (published in i and ii part) as for as ...19921299069
[current prevalence of trichinosis in santiago, chile (1992). a study on 500 corpses].in august-december 1992, 500 diaphragm muscle samples taken at random from people who were autopsied at the santiago medico-legal service, were submitted to phototrichinoscopy to search for encysted larvae of trichinella spiralis. for each sample seven small pieces were examined. three hundred and eighty nine (77.8%) cadavers corresponded to males and one hundred and eleven (22.2%) to females. ages ranged from 1 to 90 years. ten (2.0%) of the individuals examined resulted positive, the higher fr ...19921307006
impaired acetylcholine release in the inflamed rat intestine is t cell independent.we investigated mechanisms underlying the suppression of [3h]acetylcholine ([3h]ach) release from myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle preparations of rats infected 6 days previously with trichinella spiralis. there was a 73% suppression of kcl-evoked release of [3h]ach in the jejunum, and a 76% suppression was observed in the worm-free ileum, indicating that the local presence of the parasite in the lumen is not prerequisite for the suppression of ach release from the myenteric plexus. treatmen ...19921325127
the significance of the "lung phase" in host-helminth relations.many helminth infections have a "lung phase" whose significance considering the host-parasite relations has not yet been clarified. in some nematode infections larvae must pass through the lungs, in others adult worms live in the respiratory tract, and some others cause tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. some examples of these infections (nippostrongylus brasiliensis, schistosoma mansoni, trichinella spiralis and toxocara canis) are considered to clarify whether this phase of infection is a "pro-h ...19921339975
[susceptibility and the immune response to trichinella spiralis infection].the aim of this study was to assess a possible association between parameters of immune response and susceptibility/resistance to t. spiralis infection. the immune response to t. spiralis was monitored in two inbred strains of mice (balb/c and c57bl/6), as well as in the most important natural host--swine, by analysing the changes in main lymphocyte populations, the appearance of specific antibodies and worm burden recovery. in the murine model, the lower level of muscle larvae worm burden recov ...19921340488
recognition of trichinella spiralis muscle larvae antigens by sera from human infected with this parasite and its potential use in diagnosis.human antibody response to total soluble extract of trichinella spiralis muscle larvae (tse) was analyzed by western blot. the most frequently recognized antigens had molecular weights of 96, 67, 63, 60, 55 and 47 kda. an antigenic fraction containing two peptides with m.w. of 43, 47 kda from the parasite (p43, 47 ts l1) was isolated by elution from polyacrylamide gel slabs. it was used as antigen in an elisa test and compared to that of tse. serum samples from 51 symptomatic trichinellosis pati ...19921345318
influence of resistant and susceptible genotype, il-1, and lymphoid organ on trichinella spiralis-induced cytokine secretion.the relative importance of cell-mediated inflammatory responses and antibody-mediated responses in controlling parasitic helminth infection is debated. to study the relationship between these responses and resistance or susceptibility to primary trichinella spiralis infection, we infected resistant akr mice and susceptible mice and analyzed the lymphokines il-2, ifn-gamma, and il-5 produced by their t cells as a function of time and lymphoid organ. il-2-secretors occurred maximally betwee ...19921353100
characterization of cholinesterases from the parasitic nematode trichinella spiralis.1. trichinella cholinesterases occur in multiple molecular forms which differ in size, kinetics, activity with butyrylthiocholine, and effects of inhibitors. 2. the 5.3 and 13s forms identified in trichinella extracts are also found in c. elegans and other nematodes but the 7s form which occurs in other nematodes was absent from trichinella detergent extracts. differences in kinetic and inhibition properties among nematode species were also evident. 3. the level of cholinesterases in excretory/s ...19921360365
[soluble metabolic antigens of trichinella spiralis: their isolation and characteristics].cultivation of trichinella muscular larvae, purified by centrifugation in 20 ... 50% saccharose density gradient, in protein--free nutrient media at a dosage of 3.5-.10(3) lar./ml in the presence of insulin has made it possible to obtain a soluble antigen of trichinella. it has been shown by means of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel that the soluble (secretory-excretory) antigen has three protein fractions while the somatic trichinella antigen has 18 fractions. it has been shown that the so ...19921364527
specificity of affinity-purified trichinella spiralis affinity-purified fraction (apf) was obtained by passing crude somatic antigens of trichinella spiralis muscle larvae through an affi-gel 10 column coupled with anti-trichuris suis igg. the fraction contained seven antigens with molecular weights ranging from 28 to 55 kda. when tested with antiserum against other common nematodes of pigs from china, the apf was found to be markedly more specific than s3 antigens (prepared by a combination of cell fractionation and differential centrifugation ...19921373256
increased levels of substance p in the myenteric plexus of trichinella-infected rats.changes in immunoreactive substance p concentrations were investigated in longitudinal muscle-myenteric plexus preparations from the inflamed jejunum of trichinella spiralis-infected rats. the substance p concentration increased within 2 days of infection and increased fivefold by day 6; in contrast, there was no significant increase in substance p in the noninflamed ileum. in vitro exposure of preparations from infected rats to scorpion venom reduced substance p levels by 88%. in addition, no i ...19921375178
analysis of a 43-kda glycoprotein from the intracellular parasitic nematode trichinella spiralis.the l1 larvae of the parasitic nematode trichinella spiralis invade skeletal muscle and initiate a process that has been interpreted to represent skeletal muscle dedifferentiation. in this process, the infected region of the muscle cell is converted into a unique structure, called the nurse cell. the nematode t. spiralis can survive for tens of years within the cytoplasm of the nurse cell and secretes proteins into the cytoplasm that are believed to play a role in mediating the nurse cell format ...19921382055
[chemistry and immunochemistry analysis of the soluble antigens of newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis].the soluble antigens of newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis were characterized in terms of molecular weight of protein, glycoprotein and lipoprotein contents, and immunochemistry. after the antigens were separated with sds-page and then followed by ultrasensitive silver staining, at least 40 bands of proteins were noted. correspondingly, 28 bands of glycoproteins and 9 bands of lipoproteins were revealed as the similar gels were stained by the hypersensitive periodic acid silver and nile's bl ...19921383119
[changes in t lymphocytes and their subpopulations and igg in peripheral blood from mice infected with trichinella spiralis].acid alpha-naphthyl esterase (anae), a cytoplasmic marker, was used to identify the t lymphocytes and their subpopulations in peripheral blood of mice infected with trichinella spiralis, and dot-elisa was used to identify the serum igg antibody of the infected mice. the results showed that t lymphocytes increased on the d3 after infection, reaching the peak on d14, and then remained in number greater than normal up to d77. the spotted granular anae positive cells (help t cells, th) decreased and ...19921394900
[analysis of newborn larva of trichinella spiralis by immunoblot].newborn larva (nbl) antigens of trichinella spiralis were analysed by immunoblot, and were compared with the adult and muscle larva antigens. the sds-page patterns of nbl somatic constituents consisted of about 40 polypeptide bands, which were obviously different from those of adult and muscle larva. immunoblot analysis indicated that immunization with nbl could induce a stage specific immune response. the molecular weight of specific nbl antigens were 129, 120, 89, 87, 79, 74, 72, 64, 58, 43, 4 ...19921394901
boosted mucosal immune responsiveness in the rat intestine by actively transported hexose.anaphylaxis-mediated intestinal fluid secretion was measured in trichinella spiralis- or ovalbumin-immunized rats challenged intraduodenally with t. spiralis somatic antigen (1 mg protein/0.5 ml saline) or ovalbumin (1 mg/0.5 ml saline), respectively. intestinal fluid volume was measured 30 minutes after challenge as an index of net secretion. challenge with the antigenic bolus containing 40 mmol/l d-glucose induced twice the fluid secretion as that induced by either antigen alone. l-glucose was ...19921397873
minimizing elisa background in the diagnosis of swine trichinellosis.after confirming that long-term serum storage (frozen at -20 c for greater than 3 mo) causes optical density to drift upward, several modifications of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) protocol were evaluated to identify a protocol that would reduce background in porcine sera tested for trichinellosis. modifications evaluated included blocking the antigen-coated elisa plate with sample diluent containing 10% bovine serum albumin (bsa) or 10% nonfat milk powder (bovine lacto transfer o ...19921403424
detection of circulating antigens in human trichinellosis.a 'sandwich' enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was established to detect circulating antigens of trichinella spiralis in human sera, its sensitivity and specificity was evaluated using 4 antigens (trichinella spiralis, trichuris trichiura, dirofilaria immitis and ascaris suum), and it was found to be sensitive and specific for t. spiralis antigen. samples of 347 individuals with suspected trichinellosis, who had eaten incompletely cooked bear meat containing larvae of t. spiralis, were examined. ...19921412659
immunogenetic and evolutionary influences on the host-parasite relationship.immunogenetic aspects of the host-parasite relationship between the laboratory mouse and the parasitic nematode trichinella spiralis are reviewed. variation in the capacity of hosts to express an effective protective immunity is associated primarily with variation in inflammatory responsiveness. analysis of the contributions of t lymphocytes, cytokines, and myeloid precursor populations to variation in one particular inflammatory component, eosinophilia, is described. variation in parasite immun ...19921426489
immunization against geographical isolates of trichinella spiralis in mice.partially purified antigen preparations from six isolates of trichinella spiralis were used to immunize mice. immunogenicity of the antigens was assessed in terms of antibody and lymphocyte responses and ability to stimulate protective immunity against challenge. isolate antigens showed considerable cross-reactivity, and all elicited protective responses. two major patterns of immunizing ability could be distinguished: (a) isolates that immunized well against heterologous challenge and elicited ...19921428511
depletion of eosinophils by anti-il-5 monoclonal antibody treatment of mice infected with trichinella spiralis does not alter parasite burden or immunologic resistance to reinfection.mechanisms of parasite killing by eosinophils are widely studied and are often implicated in mediating resistance to parasitic infection, especially in conjunction with specific antibodies. evidence for the eosinophil as an anti-parasite killer cell in vivo is limited and may not justify the belief that eosinophils engage and/or kill infective helminths. we reexamined this question in a mouse model of trichinosis in which antisera to eosinophils were previously used to show the requirement for e ...19921431133
cyclosporin a in experimental trichinosis scanning electron microscopic study.the surface morphology of adult and larvae of trichinella spiralis after cyclosporin a treatment was studied by scanning electron microscopy (sem) of fixed, dried and metal coated specimens. the earliest topographic changes revealed in adults after the drug treatment were in form of disorganization of the cuticle especially between the hypodermal pores which appeared somewhat thickened and irregular. other changes were in form of bullae formation covering the whole width of the adult surface. ot ...19921431295
[a morphometric study of the bone marrow of mice infected with trichinella spiralis and t. pseudospiralis].the study of cytograms of the marrow of mice with experimental t. spiralis and t. pseudospiralis invasion of 1 to 60 days revealed the marked activation of granulocytes and lymphoid cell proliferation with the much lower response of erythroid cells. the maximal response occurred at 21-35 days of invasion with subsequent diminution. in mice experimentally invaded with t. pseudospiralis the response of the marrow was less pronounced, but the period of active cell proliferation was prolonged.19921435529
[the morphological changes in the organs of the lymphoid system in the experimental infection of mice with trichinella spiralis].the dynamics of morphological changes in central and peripheral organs of the lymphoid system of mice experimentally invaded with trichinella spiralis was studied. the immune response of the host was shown to have two phases including two peaks and the suppression period. the activation of the lymphoid organs was observed in earlier intestinal and muscular phases, and the suppression was noted in migration phase of invasion.19921435560
[the effect of specific therapy on the bone marrow reaction in experimental trichinelliasis]. 19921435574
occurrence and characteristics of hypodense eosinophils in rats infected with trichinella spiralis.hypodense eosinophils are observed in peripheral blood and tissue from patients with eosinophilia due to helminthic infections. in this study, the variation in eosinophil density was examined in rats during trichinella spiralis infection. hypodense eosinophils were observed in the peripheral blood in association with trichinella infection. in peritoneal fluid, which was representative of tissue fluid, a majority of eosinophils were hypodense regardless of the infection. during the course of tiss ...19921437239
genetic influences upon eosinophilia and resistance in mice infected with trichinella spiralis.genetic influences upon host variation in eosinophilia and resistance to helminth infection, and the relationship between these parameters, were investigated in 7 inbred and 1 hybrid strains of mice infected with trichinella spiralis. clear strain-dependent variations were observed in the maximum peripheral blood, bone marrow and spleen eosinophilia attained in infected animals. swr, nih and sjl strains of mice all gave high responses to infection; four congenic strains sharing the b10 backgroun ...19921437268
variation in responsiveness to trichinella spiralis infection in inbred rat analysis of interstrain variation between 12 inbred and 4 congenic rat strains in the expression of immunity against trichinella spiralis is reported. all rat strains expressed strong rapid expulsion which resulted in the elimination of 88-98% of a challenge infection of muscle larvae. in contrast, substantial interstrain variation in the rate of adult worm expulsion in the primary infection was evident. by day 10 after infection, buf and yo strains had less than 50 worms left in the intestin ...19921437269
the effects of maternal ethanol consumption on lactational transfer of immunity to trichinella spiralis in rats.transient immunity to the intestinal parasite trichinella spiralis can be transferred from the mother to the neonate during lactation. the goal of this study was to determine whether maternal ingestion of ethanol during pregnancy and lactation inhibited expression of anti- t. spiralis immunity in nursing pups. groups of female rats were infected with 1000 t. spiralis l1 larva, mated, and fed either ethanol-containing or isocaloric liquid diets and maintained on diets through pregnancy and lactat ...19921443426
distribution of lymphocyte subsets in rat milk from normal and trichinella spiralis-infected rats.we have shown that t. spiralis-specific t lymphocytes can mediate maternal-to-neonatal immunity during lactation. this study addresses the change of lymphocyte populations in rat milk during normal and disease conditions. two color flow cytometric analysis was performed for milk lymphocytes. t cells (ox19+) made up 45% of rat milk lymphocyte population. t helper cells (th) composed 35% of total t cells while t cytotoxic/suppressor (tcs) cells constituted 34%, giving a th/tcs ratio of 1.03. the c ...19921453391
isolation, characterization, and transcription of the gene encoding mouse mast cell protease 7.a gene that encodes mouse mast cell protease (mmcp) 7 (also known as mouse mast cell tryptase 2) was isolated by genomic cloning with a cdna that encodes mmcp-6, a tryptase in serosal mast cells. cdnas encoding mmcp-7 were isolated from a bone-marrow-derived mast cell cdna library. the mmcp-7 gene spans 2.3 kilobases and contains five exons rather than six, as found in the mmcp-6 and human mast cell tryptase i genes. comparison of the 5' end of the transcript with the genomic sequence indicated ...19921454796
trichinosis from wild boar meat in gojjam, north-west outbreak of trichinosis associated with ingestion of meat from a wild boar in gojjam administrative region, ethiopia, is reported. of the 30 soldiers, 20 who ate the meat raw, became ill and 5 of them were admitted to the armed forces general hospital (afgh). even though they presented with a typical history and clinical features the disease was not even suspected at the peripheral hospital. the diagnosis was confirmed, at the afgh, by deltoid muscle biopsy in all the 5 cases. trichinosis bei ...19921455537
[the helminth fauna of the red fox (vulpes vulpes linne, 1758) in nordhessen and ostwestfalen. 2. nematodes].between november 1989 and june 1990 a total number of 397 foxes were examined for the presence of nematodes in the stomach and the small intestine and 403 foxes for the presence of trichinella spiralis larvae. the animals came from the districts of kassel, arnsberg and detmold. in 32.7% of the foxes infections with toxocara canis were found, in 11.1% toxascaris leonina, in 3.8% ancylostoma caninum, in 3.5% uncinaria stenocephala and in 2.3% capillaria species. in most cases the number of nematod ...19921459030
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 3079