
pseudallescheria boydii infection of the nasal cavity of a 18-year-old 454-kg (1,000-lb) american quarter horse gelding was evaluated because of chronic intermittent malodorous right-sided nasal discharge. endoscopy revealed a mycotic plaque in the nasal cavity adjacent to the nasomaxillary opening of the right caudal maxillary sinus. the nasomaxillary opening appeared to be larger than normal. fungal culture of specimens of the mycotic plaque yielded pseudallescheria boydii. the horse was treated with 2% miconazole intranasally, sodium iodide i.v., ...200010976304
vertebral osteomyelitis secondary to pseudallescheria boydii.because pseudallescheria boydii vertebral osteomyelitis is rare and frequently resistant to available antifungal agents, the proper treatment of this lesion has not been defined. to better determine the best treatment of this lesion, the authors evaluated a case p. boydii vertebral osteomyelitis and reviewed the literature. a 48-year-old man had isolated thoracic vertebral osteomyelitis resulting from p. boydii and associated severe thoracic back pain and proximal lower extremity pain and weakne ...200111481561
[new developments in therapy of deep mycoses].over the past two decades the incidence of deep mycoses caused by several major groups of fungal pathogens such as candida spp., aspergilli, cryptococcus neoformans and zygomycetes has risen steadily. moreover, opportunistic fungal infections due to fusarium spp., trichosporon spp., pseudallescheria boydii and other emerging pathogens, as well as fluconazole-resistant candida albicans, all of which are often resistant to existing antifungal drugs, are also encountered more and more frequently. t ...200011064319
endogenous pseudallescheria boydii endophthalmitis in a patient with ring-enhancing brain lesions.a 46-year-old man, status post liver transplantation and taking immunosuppressive medications, was admitted after suffering a generalized seizure. magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed two ring-enhancing lesions and treatment was begun for presumed toxoplasmic encephalitis. he was already receiving amphotericin b for a skin lesion suspected to be caused by candidiasis. one day after the seizure, he complained of photophobia in the left eye. intraocular inflammation and a small infiltr ...200111475400
atypical skin lesions caused by curvularia sp. and pseudallescheria boydii in two patients after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.we report two patients who developed atypical skin lesions caused by curvularia sp. and pseudallescheria boydii after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia. the first patient (female, 18-year-old) had multiple hemorrhagic vesicles on day +30 after her second bmt for graft failure. pseudallescheria boydii was isolated from a skin biopsy. the patient died of respiratory failure probably as a consequence of systemic fungal infection. the second patient (male, 9-year-old) ...200111548851
typing of scedosporium apiospermum by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and random amplification of polymorphic dna.the genetic diversity among epidemiologically unrelated strains of the human pathogenic fungus scedosporium apiospermum or its teleomorph, pseudallescheria boydii, from different areas in europe, was investigated by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (mlee) and random amplification of polymorphic dna (rapd). fourteen enzyme activities were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis, corresponding to 27 polymorphic loci and 43 iso-enzymes. among the enzymes studied, propionate esterase, carboxyl ester ...200111599744
uncommon opportunistic fungi: new nosocomial threats.during the past two decades opportunistic fungal infections have emerged as important causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with severe underlying illnesses and compromised host defenses. while aspergillus and candida spp. collectively account for the majority of these infections, recent epidemiological trends indicate a shift towards infections by aspergillus spp., nonalbicans candida spp., as well as previously uncommon opportunistic fungi. apart from an expanding number of different z ...200111525222
emerging fungal pathogens: evolving challenges to immunocompromised patients for the twenty-first century.opportunistic fungi have emerged during the past decade as important causes of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. candida species constitute the third to fourth most common causes of nosocomial blood stream infections, and aspergillus species have emerged as the most common infectious cause of pneumonic mortality in bone marrow/stem cell transplant recipients. among hiv-infected patients, meningoencephalitis due to cryptococcus neoformans ranks among the most common aids-defi ...199911428996
systemic antifungal agents.anti-fungal agents are classified under two major headings, systematic and topical agents. only systematic anti-fungal agents will be discussed in this chapter. since the discovery in 1955, amphotericin b has been the cornerstone of anti-fungal treatment. it is active against most species of fungi. however, candida lusitaniae, pseudallescheria boydii, and fusarium spp have primary resistance to amphotericin b. recently, new liposomal preparations of amphotericin b have been developed. they are l ...200111519290
pseudallescheriasis as an aggressive opportunistic infection in a bone marrow transplant recipient.pseudallescheria boydii is a low-virulence fungus that is the main causative agent of posttraumatic mycetoma in a nonimmunocompromised host. immunocompromised patients are at high risk for locally invasive or disseminated pseudallescheria infection. however, aggressive opportunistic infections due to p boydii are reported infrequently because it morphologically resembles other fungi, especially aspergillus species, on tissue histology; therefore, such infections are not identified and treated pr ...200211825121
fungal skin infections in organ transplant recipients.transplantation is now currently and increasingly performed for the treatment of various acute and chronic diseases. today the kidney, heart, lung, heart-lung, liver, pancreas, kidney-pancreas, small bowel and bone marrow are being transplanted. the immunological status of patients receiving such transplants exposes them to the risk of developing bacterial, viral and fungal infections. the etiological agents of mycotic diseases involving the skin of transplant recipients range from the common de ...200211817966
central nervous system aspergillosis: a 20-year retrospective series.over the past 20 years at my institution, 71 patients with invasive necrotizing aspergillosis have been encountered; 42 have shown central nervous system (cns) involvement by autopsy (40) or surgical biopsy (2). most non-cns aspergillosis patients had invasive disease confined to the lung, and only 2 with dissemination to 3 or more organs did not have spread to the cns. in addition to the expected post-transplantation and hematologic malignancy cases, other risk groups identified included those ...200211823982
a chemically modified tetracycline (cmt-3) is a new antifungal agent.several chemically modified tetracycline analogs (cmts), which were chemically modified to eliminate their antibacterial efficacy, were unexpectedly found to have antifungal properties. of 10 cmts screened in vitro, all exhibited antifungal activities, although their efficacies varied. among these compounds, cmt-315, -3, and -308 were found to be the most potent as antifungal agents. the mics of cmt-3 against 47 strains of fungi in vitro were determined by using amphotericin b (amb) and doxycycl ...200211959581
pseudallescheria boydii knee arthritis in a young immunocompetent adult two years after a compound patellar fracture.pseudallescheria boydii arthritis of the knee developed in a 32-year-old immunocompetent man 2 years after a compound patellar fracture contaminated with soil. no other potential portal of entry was identified, suggesting that the fungus remained latent for 2 years. pseudallescheria arthritis often occurs after a prolonged latency period, causing minimal symptoms that contrast with the frequently severe radiological changes. although this organism often shows limited sensitivity to most antifung ...200111808991
pulmonary scedosporium infection following lung transplantation.infectious complications are frequent following lung transplantation. tracheobronchial aspergillosis is the predominant fungal infection in these patients. infections with scedosporium apiospermium (pseudoallescheria boydii) and scedosporium prolificans (scedosporium inflatum) have mainly been described in bone marrow transplant recipients and only occasionally in solid organ transplant recipients. we analysed risk factors, the clinical course and outcome of seven lung transplant recipients who ...200111844150
scedosporium apiospermum fungemia in a lung transplant recipient.scedosporium apiospermum, the asexual anamorph of the cosmopolitan fungus pseudallescheria boydii, is emerging as an important cause of disseminated infection in immunocompromised patients. we present our experience with the first reported case of s apiospermum fungemia in a lung transplant patient. disseminated infection resulted in sepsis, multiorgan failure, and death. review of the literature highlights the diagnostic difficulties related to the similarities between s. apiospermum and asperg ...200212006471
antifungal triazoles and polymorphonuclear leukocytes synergize to cause increased hyphal damage to scedosporium prolificans and scedosporium apiospermum.scedosporium prolificans and scedosporium apiospermum (pseudallescheria boydii) cause pulmonary and disseminated infections refractory to most currently used antifungal agents in immunocompromised patients. we therefore investigated the potential antifungal activities of the triazoles itraconazole (itc), voriconazole (vrc), and posaconazole (psc) in combination with human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns) against the hyphae of these fungal pathogens. a colorimetric assay with (2,3-bis[2-methox ...200212069979
cutaneous infection showing sporotrichoid spread caused by pseudallescheria boydii (scedosporium apiospermum): successful detection of fungal dna in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections by seminested pcr. 200211843660
characterization of glucosylceramides in pseudallescheria boydii and their involvement in fungal differentiation.pseudallescheria boydii is a fungal pathogen that causes disease in immunocompromised patients. ceramide monohexosides (cmhs) were purified from lipidic extracts of this fungus, showing that, as described for several other species, p. boydii synthesizes glucosylceramides as major neutral glycosphingolipids. cmhs from p. boydii were analyzed by high-performance thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic ...200212042248
primary cutaneous fungal infections in solid organ transplantation: a case series.cutaneous fungal infections in solid-organ transplant patients present in a variety of nonspecific ways, requiring a high index of suspicion to diagnose correctly. in the present series of four transplant recipients, subsequent primary cutaneous fungal infections presented as papules, plaques, ulcers and subcutaneous nodules. transplantations included one cardiac, two renal and one renal-pancreatic transplant. fungal infections were limited to the skin; there was no evidence of disseminated dise ...200212201372
chronic sino-naso-orbital fungal infection due to pseudallescheria boydii in a nonimmunocompromised host--a case report.a case of recurrent sino-naso-orbital fungal infection due to pseudallescheria boydii described in a 28 yrs. old man, who appeared immunocompetent, and was found negative for hiv i and ii by elisa tested on two occasions. the fungal culture was negative. it is very essential to identify p boydii as miconazole is the only antifungal drug of choice for this fungus. the pathologist plays an important role in identifying this fungus when fungal culture fails to yield the growth. the pathologist has ...200112024935
scedosporium apiospermum (pseudallescheria boydii) endocarditis.scedosporium apiospermum, the asexual state of pseudallescheria boydii, is increasingly recognized as an opportunistic pathogen. we report a case of native valve endocarditis due to this organism that developed in an elderly patient following a prolonged hospitalization. literature on endocarditis caused by s. apiospermum and p. boydii is reviewed.200212099748
case reports. infection due to scedosporium apiospermum in renal transplant recipients: a report of two cases and literature review of central nervous system and cutaneous infections by pseudallescheria boydii/sc. apiospermum.two cases of infections due to scedosporium apiospermum in renal transplant recipients, one localized in the central nervous system, the other in the skin, are presented, and a literature review of 21 cases of central nervous system and cutaneous infections due to pseudallescheria boydii/sc. apiospermum is given.200212421295
experimental murine model of disseminated pseudallescheria infection.pseudallescheria boydii is found in soil and has a worldwide distribution. this fungus was initially identified as a pathogen targeting a variety of tissues. there are fragmentary data in the literature on the in vitro susceptibility of p. boydii to different antifungal compounds. p. boydii is highly refractory to antifungal treatments. in this study, a murine model of disseminated pseudallescheria infection was developed to evaluate efficacy of different treatment regimens. a clinical strain of ...200212146753
mycetoma due to pseudallescheria boydii and co-isolation of nocardia abscessus in a patient injured in road accident.we report the case of a patient who developed a mycetoma after experiencing a road accident. from surgical biopsies pseudallescheria boydii was isolated. subsequently, after the infection had been treated with itraconazole, a gram-positive bacterium, identified as the newly described species nocardia abscessus, was cultured from wound fluids.200212462533
in vitro susceptibility testing of filamentous fungi: comparison of etest and reference microdilution methods for determining itraconazole mics.the performance of the etest for itraconazole susceptibility testing of 50 isolates of filamentous fungi was assessed in comparison with the national committee for clinical laboratory standards (nccls) proposed standard microdilution broth method. the nccls method employed rpmi 1640 broth medium, and mics were read after incubation for 48 h at 35 degrees c. etest mics were determined with rpmi agar containing 2% glucose and with casitone agar and were read after incubation for 24 h (aspergillus ...200010970383
antifungal activity of the new azole uk-109, 496 (voriconazole).the in vitro activity of voriconazole fully includes aspergillus, and also emerging moulds like fusarium, pseudallescheria boydii, and penicillium marneffei. the minimal inhibitory concentrations of voriconazole for candida krusei and candida glabrata, which are resistant or less susceptible to fluconazole, promise clinical efficacy, although they are ten times higher (0.30-0.39 microgram/ml) than those for candida albicans and other candida spp. (0.001-0.05 microgram/ml). the endemic fungal pat ...199910865910
comparison of in vitro activities of the new triazole sch56592 and the echinocandins mk-0991 (l-743,872) and ly303366 against opportunistic filamentous and dimorphic fungi and yeasts.the in vitro antifungal activities of sch56592, mk-0991, and ly303366 against 83 isolates of acremonium strictum, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus terreus, bipolaris spp., blastomyces dermatitidis, cladophialophora bantiana, fusarium oxysporum, fusarium solani, histoplasma capsulatum, phialophora spp., pseudallescheria boydii, rhizopus arrhizus, scedosporium prolificans, and sporothrix schenckii were compared. the in vitro activities of these agents against 104 isolates of ...19989738049
rapid extraction of genomic dna from medically important yeasts and filamentous fungi by high-speed cell disruption.current methods of dna extraction from different fungal pathogens are often time-consuming and require the use of toxic chemicals. dna isolation from some fungal organisms is difficult due to cell walls or capsules that are not readily susceptible to lysis. we therefore investigated a new and rapid dna isolation method using high-speed cell disruption (hscd) incorporating chaotropic reagents and lysing matrices in comparison to standard phenol-chloroform (pc) extraction protocols for isolation o ...19989620390
in vitro activity of the new triazole voriconazole (uk-109,496) against opportunistic filamentous and dimorphic fungi and common and emerging yeast pathogens.the in vitro antifungal activity of a new triazole derivative, voriconazole, was compared with those of itraconazole and amphotericin b against 67 isolates of aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, bipolaris spp., fusarium oxysporum, fusarium solani, pseudallescheria boydii, rhizopus arrhizus, blastomyces dermatitidis, histoplasma capsulatum, and sporothrix schenckii. the in vitro activities of voriconazole were also compared with those of amphotericin b, fluconazole, and itraconazole agains ...19989431946
pseudallescheria boydii (anamorph scedosporium apiospermum). infection in solid organ transplant recipients in a tertiary medical center and review of the literature.(sca) is a ubiquitous filamentous fungus capable of causing invasive disease. we reviewed our electronic microbiology records and the english-language literature. between 1976 and december 1999 we identified 23 solid organ transplant recipients with sca infection, 7 of which occurred between december 1987 and december 1999 at our institution. overall incidence was 1 per 1,000 patients, with a trend of higher incidence in patients receiving lung transplants compared with other transplant organs ( ...200212352630
immunohistologic identification of aspergillus spp. and other hyaline fungi by using polyclonal fluorescent antibodies.isolation and identification of pathogenic aspergillus and fusarium spp. from clinical materials provide the most accurate means for establishing a diagnosis of infections by these molds. such efforts, however, are not always successful. histologic diagnosis also has its limitations. in vivo the hyphae of aspergillus and fusarium spp. are very similar and their in situ manifestations are not pathognomonic. to improve the histologic diagnosis of infections by aspergillus and fusarium species, we ...19979276388
mycotic aneurysms as lethal complication of brain pseudallescheriasis in a near-drowned child: a ct demonstration.intracranial true mycotic aneurysms are rare and generally lethal. we report a case of a near-drowned child with brain abscesses due to pseudallescheria boydii, a saprophytic fungus, who died after subarachnoid hemorrhage occurred. ct showed contrast-enhancing lesions indicative of aneurysms of basilar and right posterior cerebral arteries that could not be appreciated 2 days before. p. boydii is often resistant to commonly used antimycotic drugs. because cns infection is frequently associated w ...200212427626
an immunocompetent patient with primary scedosporium apiospermum vertebral osteomyelitis.scedosporium apiospermum, the asexual anamorph of pseudallescheria boydii, is a ubiquitous saprophytic fungus that usually causes cutaneous/subcutaneous infection but may manifest as an invasive disease, often in immunocompromised hosts. following an extensive literature review, we think that this case represents the first documented report of a primary infection of the spine in an immunocompetent patient. despite extensive surgical debridement and itraconazole therapy, the patient died of multi ...200212394669
successful treatment of simultaneous pulmonary pseudallescheria boydii and aspergillus terreus infection with oral itraconazole.pseudallescheria boydii and aspergillus terreus are unusual opportunistic fungal pathogens that are often resistant to chemotherapy with amphotericin b. we report a case of simultaneous invasive pulmonary infection with these organisms occurring in a bone marrow transplant recipient who was successfully treated with the oral azole itraconazole.19938392389
effect of increasing inoculum sizes of pathogenic filamentous fungi on mics of antifungal agents by broth microdilution method.inoculum size is a critical variable in development of methods for antifungal susceptibility testing for filamentous fungi. in order to investigate the influence of different inoculum sizes on mics of amphotericin b, 5-fluorocytosine, itraconazole, and miconazole, 32 clinical isolates (8 aspergillus fumigatus, 8 aspergillus flavus, 5 rhizopus arrhizus, 8 pseudallescheria boydii, and 3 fusarium solani isolates) were studied by the broth microdilution method. four inoculum sizes were studied: 1 x ...19957615745
disseminated opportunistic fungal disease in dogs: 10 cases (1982-1990).medical records of 10 dogs in which fungal infection was diagnosed between 1982 and 1990 were reviewed. in each dog, infection was determined to be caused by a single species of fungus, either aspergillus terreus, penicillium sp, paecilomyces sp, chrysosporium sp, or pseudallescheria boydii. nine dogs were german shepherd dogs; 1 was a german shepherd dog cross, and 9 were females. the most common clinical signs were signs of neck or back pain (9 dogs), weight loss (7 dogs), anorexia (6 dogs), p ...19957601696
molecular probes for diagnosis of fungal infections.we have developed 21 specific nucleic acid probes which target the large subunit rrna genes from aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus glaucus, aspergillus niger, aspergillus terreus, blastomyces dermatitidis, candida albicans, candida (torulopsis) glabrata, candida guilliermondii, candida kefyr, candida krusei, candida lusitaniae, candida parapsilosis, candida tropicalis, coccidioides immitis, cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii, cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans, filobas ...19958576345
osteomyelitis due to pseudallescheria boydii.this report describes an unusual opportunistic fungal infection in an immunocompetent young man who had no cutaneous involvement and whose infection was diagnosed 6 years after an accident. the unusual clinical presentation and difficulties in making a correct diagnosis are discussed and prophylactic antifungal chemotherapy is suggested.19938434301
sulconazole in the therapy of dermatomycoses in nigeria.a 1% cream of sulconazole nitrate, an imidazole derivative, was used to treat 38 patients with diverse clinical types of dermatomycoses, including 16 cases of pityriasis versicolor, 14 of dermatophytosis (tinea pedis, tinea cruris, tinea corporis), two of balanoposthitis due to candida albicans, another two of candidosis of the groin, one each of groin and foot infection due to trichosporon beigelii and one case each of lesions of the hand and trunk caused by petriellidium boydii and scytalidium ...19979375503
human sex hormones stimulate the growth and maturation of coccidioides immitis.because men and pregnant women show increased susceptibility to extrapulmonary dissemination of coccidioidomycosis, studies were conducted to determine the direct effect of human sex hormones and related compounds on the growth and maturation of coccidioides immitis in vitro. 17 beta-estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone were highly stimulatory for the parasitic phase of c. immitis growth whereas cholesterol, ergosterol, and 17 alpha-estradiol (a physiologically inactive stereoisomer of 17 b ...19817251153
chronic mucocutaneous candidosis and other superficial and systemic mycoses successfully treated with ketoconazole.four patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidosis from early infancy were treated successfully with ketoconazole given orally. all thrush lesions were clinically and mycologically cured within a few days of treatment with 100-400 micrograms of ketoconazole daily; skin lesions were cured within a few weeks, and nails were cured after about three months of treatment. delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity to candidin was acquired by the third month. cellular and humoral immunologic responses were re ...19806255540
in vitro antifungal activity of clotrimazole (bay b 5097).the in vitro antifungal activity of clotrimazole (bay b 5097) was compared with those of amphotericin b, griseofulvin, nystatin, and pyrrolnitrin. the inhibitory activity of clotrimazole against most systemic pathogens was comparable to that of amphotericin b; minimal inhibitory concentrations of the two drugs for blastomyces dermatitidis, histoplasma capsulatum, sporothrix schenckii, cryptococcus neoformans, and coccidioides immitis were in the range of 0.20 to 3.13 and 0.10 to 6.25 mug/ml, res ...19714949484
a survey of fungi and some indicator bacteria in chlorinated water of indoor public swimming pools.fifty-four water samples, of volume 500 ml, originating from six public indoor fresh water swimming pools were examined for the presence of fungi and some indicator bacteria by a membrane-filter method. sabouraud-dextrose agar and selective candida albicans-medium were used for isolation and identification of fungi. in all but one of the samples the free chlorine content was above 0.40 mg/l. no candida albicans were detected. molds and unidentified yeasts were isolated from 29 of the samples. th ...19817304014
exoantigen tests for the immunoidentification of fungal cultures.exoantigen tests for the immunoidentification of fungal pathogens are playing a new and significant role in the diagnostic laboratory. properly performed and controlled exoantigen tests lead to rapid, accurate identification of cultures of many fungal pathogens. the tests are particularly valuable in identifying dimorphic pathogens that are difficult to convert or with atypical cultures. we review the value of exoantigen tests for identifying mycelial form fungi: aspergillus spp. blastomyces der ...19836410243
detection of fungi in cerebrospinal fluid.with the exception of cryptococcus neoformans, fungi are rarely detected in cerebrospinal fluid obtained from patients having or suspected of having fungal meningitis. a review of the literature reveals that several fungi have been either isolated, observed, or both in cerebrospinal fluid specimens. these fungi include acremonium species, aspergillus amstelodami, a. flavus, a. fumigatus, a. oryzae, a. terreus, blastomyces dermatitidis, candida albicans, c. tropicalis, c. viswanathii, coccidioide ...19836349340
mycologic, serologic and histologic findings in bovine abortion associated with allescheria boydii. 19744210101
detection and identification of fungi from fungus balls of the maxillary sinus by molecular techniques.the aim of this study was to find a reliable method for the detection and identification of fungi in fungus balls of the maxillary sinus and to evaluate the spectrum of fungi in these samples. one hundred twelve samples were obtained from patients with histologically proven fungal infections; 81 samples were paraffin-embedded tissue sections of the maxillary sinus. in 31 cases, sinus contents without paraffin embedding were sent for investigation. pcr amplification with universal fungal primers ...200312574250
scedosporium apiospermum pneumonia and sternal wound infection in a heart transplant recipient.the most common fungi that cause invasive infection in transplant recipients are the spp, spp, and the endemic fungi such as and. recently, however, other fungal pathogens have emerged as important causes of invasive disease in these immunocompromised individuals, including the dematiaceous fungi, such as and the spp, species of and, and the hyalohyphomycoses, such as (pseudallescheria boydii) (1).200212490804
cutaneous infection due to scedosporium apiospermum in an immunosuppressed patient.scedosporium apiospermum, the anamorphic form of pseudallescheria boydii, is a filamentous fungus with low inherent virulence. increasing numbers of cases of this infection have been reported probably related to the rising number of immunosuppressed persons. apart from mycetoma, cutaneous and subcutaneous infection is rarely encountered in clinical practice. we describe a case of cutaneous infection caused by scedosporium apiospermum in a subject with rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus w ...200312602968
disseminated pseudallescheria boydii (scedosporium apiospermum) infection in a renal transplant patient.transplant recipients receive a number of immunosuppressive medications that result in an increased risk of infection, including infections with microbes that are normally not pathogenic. we describe a patient with end-stage renal disease who underwent kidney transplantation. six months postoperatively, he presented with a lesion on his ankle, multiple thigh nodules, and right testicular pain. biopsy of the ankle lesion demonstrated pseudallescheria boydii (scedosporium apiospermum), a common en ...200212535264
activity of posaconazole against pseudallescheria boydii: in vitro and in vivo assays.thirty isolates of pseudallescheria boydii were tested to compare the in vitro activity of posaconazole with those of fluconazole and itraconazole, using nccls methods. posaconazole was evaluated in an immunosuppressed mouse model of disseminated pseudallescheriasis. posaconazole was more effective than itraconazole and as effective as fluconazole in preventing death and significantly reducing the cfu of p. boydii from tissues.200312654687
[mycetomas in central tunisia].mycetomas are inflammatory pseudo-tumors containing fungal or actinomycosic-type grains. they are frequent in tropical and subtropical countries and unknown in tunisia.200312843827
breakthrough scedosporium apiospermum (pseudallescheria boydii) brain abscess during therapy for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis following high-risk allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. scedosporiasis and recent advances in antifungal therapy.systemic scedosporiasis due to the anamorph or asexual form scedosporium apiospermum (pseudallescheria boydii) has become an important cause of opportunistic mycosis, especially in patients undergoing high-risk hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. we report a case of rapidly progressive cerebellar hyalohyphomycosis due to scedosporium apiospermum in an allogeneic marrow graft recipient receiving treatment for severe graft-versus-host disease. this fatal breakthrough intracranial abscess, due ...200212535265
[nine cases of maduromycosis in the belgian congo caused by allescheria boydii, monosporium apiospermum and nocardia madurae]. 195413229089
[mycetoma: 130 cases].mycetoma is a pathological process in which eumycotic (fungal) or actinomycotic causative agents from exogenous source produce grains. it follows penetrating injury inoculating soil organisms, occurring preferentially in rural areas usually among labourers who work barefoot. mycetoma is a localized chronic, and deforming infectious disease of subcutaneous tissues, skin and bones. we report 130 cases of mycetoma in senegal from 1983 to 2000.200312605151
scedosporium apiospermum keratitis treated with itraconazole.mycotic keratitis usually occurs in conjunction with trauma to the cornea. scedosporium apiospermum, a dematiaceous fungus linked to the teleomorph pseudallescheria boydii is not a common agent of mycotic keratitis. a 22-year old male patient with mycotic keratitis due to s. apiospermum is presented. in in vitro susceptibility testing, the isolate showed resistance against amphotericin b (minimum inhibitory concentration [mic] 16 microg ml(-1)) but was susceptible to itraconazole (itc) and fluco ...200312964842
in situ hybridization for the differentiation of aspergillus, fusarium, and pseudallescheria species in tissue section.identification of fungi in tissue sections can be difficult. in particular, species of aspergillus, fusarium, and pseudallescheria all appear as septate, branched hyphae. however, their differentiation can have significant clinical implications, as the latter two groups are often resistant to commonly used antifungal agents. in situ hybridization may assist in rapidly distinguishing these organisms in the absence of available culture. oligonucleotide dna probes were directed against the 5s, 18s, ...200312605032
infection of the cns by scedosporium apiospermum after near drowning. report of a fatal case and analysis of its confounding factors.this report describes a fatal case of central nervous system pseudallescheriasis. a 32 year old white man presented with headache and meningismus 15 days after nearly drowning in a swine sewage reservoir. computerised tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the head revealed multiple brain granulomata, which vanished when steroid and broad spectrum antimicrobial and antifungal agents, in addition to dexamethasone, were started. cerebrospinal fluid analysis disclosed a neutrophilic meningiti ...200414747453
isolation of histoplasma capsulatum and allescheria boydii from soil. 195114845707
structure and biological functions of fungal cerebrosides.ceramide monohexosides (cmhs, cerebrosides) are glycosphingolipids composed of a hydrophobic ceramide linked to one sugar unit. in fungal cells, cmhs are very conserved molecules consisting of a ceramide moiety containing 9-methyl-4,8-sphingadienine in amidic linkage to 2-hydroxyoctadecanoic or 2-hydroxyhexadecanoic acids, and a carbohydrate portion consisting of one residue of glucose or galactose. 9-methyl 4,8-sphingadienine-containing ceramides are usually glycosylated to form fungal cerebros ...200415048196
respiratory tract intracavitary colonization due to scedosporium apiospermum: report of four cases.four cases of respiratory tract intracavitary colonization (fungus ball) due to scedosporium apiospermum (teleomorph, pseudallescheria boydii) are reported. the need for a careful search for anneloconidia, in order to establish the etiologic diagnosis in the clinical specimen by microscopy, is emphasized.200415057335
in vitro activity of anidulafungin against selected clinically important mold this study, we evaluated the in vitro activity of anidulafungin against selected mold isolates. anidulafungin showed promising activity against bipolaris spicifera, exophiala jeanselmei, fonsecaea pedrosoi, madurella mycetomatis, penicillium marneffei, phialophora verrucosa, pseudallescheria boydii, sporothrix schenckii, and wangiella dermatitidis.200415105159
an abortion due to allescheria boydii and general observations concerning mycotic abortions of mares. 196514331433
testicular involvement in disseminated fungal infection by pseudallescheria boydii.we present an immunocompromised patient with a painless testicular mass. usually, this mass is suspicious for testicular cancer; however, a fungal abscess from pseudallescheria boydii was found. the patient eventually died from disseminating infection. this is the first such report of a testicular infection involving p. boydii. early diagnosis and treatment are paramount because of the poor outcome with disseminated disease.200415134998
human phagocytic cell responses to scedosporium apiospermum (pseudallescheria boydii): variable susceptibility to oxidative injury.scedosporium apiospermum (pseudallescheria boydii) is an emerging opportunistic filamentous fungus that causes serious infections in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. to gain insight into the immunopathogenesis of infections due to s. apiospermum, the antifungal activities of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns), mononuclear leukocytes (mncs), and monocyte-derived macrophages (mdms) against two clinical isolates of s. apiospermum were evaluated. isolate sa54a was amphoter ...200314573669
isolation of histoplasma capsulatum, allescheria boydii and microsporum gypseum from iowa soil in an attempt to determine the probable point source of a case of histoplasmosis. 196213877537
otitis caused by scedosporium apiospermum in an immunocompetent child.scedosporium apiospermum (pseudallescheria boydii) is a ubiquitous saprophytic mold. it is considered an infrequent but important and emerging human pathogen, mostly in immunocompromised hosts. otomycosis secondary to s. apiospermum is extremely rare. we report an 8-year-old immunocompetent male who developed otitis media and otitis externa from s. apiospermum, which was successful treated with combination of surgical debridement and topical clotrimazole therapy. a brief literature review of inf ...200415183592
pseudoallescheria boydii pneumonia and empyema: a rare complication of heart transplantation cured with voriconazole.pseudoallescheria boydii pneumonia is a rare occurrence, usually resistant to amphotericin b and other anti-fungal agents. we report a complete response to voriconazole in an immunosuppressed host.200415135387
meningitis caused by pseudallescheria boydii.we present a 43-year-old immunocompetent man who developed meningitis caused by pseudallescheria boydii. the patient had no history of near drowning, trauma, steroid administration, operations or any other underlying systemic disease. he presented with intermittent fever associated with headache, bilateral eye pain, and vomiting. progressive hydrocephalus was noted during the course of the disease. cerebrospinal fluid (csf) from the ventricular system allowed culture of the organism. although th ...200415149002
susceptibility of pseudallescheria boydii and scedosporium apiospermum to new antifungal agents.hyalohyphomycoses caused by pseudallescheria boydii and scedosporium apiospermum have recently been on the increase. to find the appropriate treatment for this emerging disease, we examined the antifungal susceptibility of 10 isolates of p. boydii and 17 isolates of s. apiospermum, most of which were isolated from clinical specimens. when the nccls m38-p microdilution method was used, itraconazole showed strong antifungal activities, while amphotericin b had little efficacy. a new triazole agent ...200415118667
orbital apex syndrome secondary to pseudallescheria boydii fungal sinusitis in an immunocompetent patient.orbital apex syndrome secondary to mucormycosis in immuno-compromised patients is well described; however, few reports exist of a paranasal sinus mycetoma resulting in this presentation in the immuno-competent patient. the case is reported of a 92-year-old man who developed orbital apex syndrome secondary to a sphenoidal sinus mycetoma of pseudallescheria boydii.200415498073
involvement of peptidorhamnomannan in the interaction of pseudallescheria boydii and hep2 cells.pseudallescheria boydii is an emerging fungal pathogen that has a worldwide distribution. virulence mechanisms of p. boydii are largely unknown. we studied the interaction between p. boydii and hep2 cells and demonstrated that conidia of p. boydii attached to, and were ingested by, hep2 cells in a time-dependent process. after 2 h of interaction, the conidia produced a germ-tube like projection, which was able to penetrate the epithelial cell membrane. recently, our group characterized a peptido ...200415555531
pseudallescheria boydii cranial osteomyelitis and subdural empyema successfully treated with voriconazole: a case report and literature review.described here is a case of pseudallescheria boydii cranial osteomyelitis and subdural empyema following craniotomy, which was successfully treated with surgical debridement and voriconazole. other reported cases of pseudallescheria boydii osteomyelitis are reviewed. the reported case suggests that voriconazole may represent a new therapeutic option for this infection.200415558341
pulmonary pseudallescheria boydii infection with cutaneous zygomycosis after near drowning.pseudallescheria boydii is a ubiquitously occurring fungus. while rarely causing opportunistic infection in humans, it is the most common cause of fungal pneumonia in cases of near drowning, and is associated with high mortality. p. boydii typically causes cutaneous mycetomas but may invade the lungs or brain. p. boydii infections are difficult to treat due to amphotericin b resistance and frequent need for surgical resection. zygomycetous infections, often referred to as "mucormycoses," usually ...200415301126
cutaneous scedosporium apiospermum infection in an immunocompromised patient and a review of the literature.scedosporium apiospermum (also known as pseudallescheria boydii) is a ubiquitous filamentous fungus. this fungus is known as a cause of mycetoma, which may occur in a normally immune host following trauma. however, in an immunocompromised host, s. apiospermum may cause a life-threatening infection. we describe a case of s. apiospermum infection of the right hand in a patient who was receiving long-term immunosuppressants for adult still's disease. we also review the cases of s. apiospermum infec ...200515823912
[successful treatment with voriconazol of a pseudallescheria boydii fungus ball in a hiv positive patient and previous tuberculosis].we herein describe a patient with a pseudallescheria boydii fungus ball in a tuberculous lung cavity, which was successfully treated four years earlier. the patient was hiv positive classified as c3 with a previous history of i.v. heroin abuse. the clinical presumptive diagnosis was radiologically established combined with histological examination. culture of tissue confirmed and proved the fungal etiology. in vitro mic values for voriconazole (0.5 mg/ml) guided antifungal prophylactic treatment ...200315456374
structures of the o-linked oligosaccharides of a complex glycoconjugate from pseudallescheria boydii.nonreducing o-linked oligosaccharides were obtained from the peptidorhamnomannan of mycelia of pseudallescheria boydii by alkaline beta-elimination under reducing conditions. they were separated by gel filtration chromatography to give three oligosaccharide fractions. the major oligosaccharide from fraction 1 was characterized by a combination of techniques including electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (esi ms/ms), matrix-assisted laser desorption ionizatio ...200515932920
fungal endocarditis caused by pseudallescheria (petriellidium) boydii in an intravenous drug abuser.we present a case of fungal endocarditis in a 42-year-old man with a history of intravenous drug abuse who required aortic valve replacement for severe aortic insufficiency. cultures of the resected valve grew pseudallescheria boydii. the patient subsequently developed persistent endocarditis of the prosthetic valve with systemic embolism. at autopsy, cultures of the prosthetic valve grew monosporium apiospermum, an anamorph of pseudallescheria boydii. although fungal endocarditis is not uncommo ...198715227321
successful treatment of multiple pseudallescheria boydii brain abscesses and ventriculitis/ependymitis in a 2-year-old child after a near-drowning episode.we report on a cerebral infection by pseudallescheria boydii in a 21-month-old boy after a near-drowning episode. mri revealed multiple (> 60) intracerebral abscesses.200615864705
scedosporium apiospermum brain abscess treated with surgery and voriconazole. case report.scedosporium apiospermum is a fungus found in the soil and in contaminated water. common cutaneous manifestations include madura foot, a painless swelling on the sole of the foot. invasive infection is usually associated with immunosuppression. the authors present a 16-month-old immunocompetent boy who had a near-drowning event. following this, he was severely disabled with spastic quadriparesis. early computerized tomography scans revealed diffuse hypoxic injury. magnetic resonance images obtai ...200516122011
activity of posaconazole in the treatment of central nervous system fungal infections.a multinational, multicentre, open-label clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of posaconazole, an extended-spectrum triazole antifungal agent, in subjects with invasive fungal infections who had refractory disease or who were intolerant of standard antifungal therapy. in this subanalysis, we report on those subjects in this trial who had a fungal infection that involved the cns.200516135526
pulmonary pseudallescheriasis in a patient with healed tuberculosis.pulmonary pseudallescheriasis in an immunocompetent patient without a pre-existing cavity or cyst is a rare phenomenon. we report a case of invasive pulmonary pseudallescheriasis in a lobectomised patient treated for tuberculosis. filamentous fungi with pyriform conidia were seen in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid . the fungus was identified as pseudallescheria boydii on culture.200415645170
molecular phylogeny of the pseudallescheria boydii species complex: proposal of two new species.pseudallescheria boydii (anamorph scedosporium apiospermum) is the species responsible for human scedosporiosis, a fungal infection with a high mortality rate and which is difficult to treat. recently, it has been demonstrated that high genetic variation exists within this species. we have performed a morphological and molecular study involving numerous strains of clinical or environmental origins and from different countries. the analysis of partial sequences of the beta-tubulin (two loci) and ...200516207945
pseudallescheriasis in the 21st century.since its discovery as an agent of mycetoma nearly a century ago, pseudallescheria boydii with its asexual (synanamorphic) form, scedosporium apiospermum, is now recognized as an important emerging opportunistic pathogen causing invasive mycosis in immunocompromised patients. the clinical spectrum of pseudallescheriasis is wide. invasive disease of the lung, cns and dissemination are serious manifestations in immunocompromised patients. this organism responds poorly to amphotericin b, and its hi ...200516207168
prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by scedosporium apiospermum.scedosporium apiospermum, the asexual state of pseudallescheria boydii, is increasingly recognized as an opportunistic pathogen. we report a case of prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by this organism that developed in a patient following cardiac surgery.200516327126
pseudallescheria boydii releases metallopeptidases capable of cleaving several proteinaceous compounds.pseudallescheria boydii is an opportunistic filamentous fungus that causes serious infections in humans. virulence attributes expressed by p. boydii are unknown. conversely, peptidases are incriminated as virulence factors in several pathogenic fungi. here we investigated the extracellular peptidase profile in p. boydii. after growth on sabouraud for 7 days, mycelia of p. boydii were incubated for 20 h in pbs-glucose. the cell-free pbs-glucose supernatant was submitted to sds-page and 12 secreto ...200616487686
subcutaneous infection with pseudallescheria boydii in an immunocompromised patient.with the broad employment of immunosuppressive therapy, the incidence of pseudallescheria boydii infections is rising. we report a first case of the localized subcutaneous p. boydii infection in a patient with microscopic polyangiitis. favorable outcome related to the treatment with voriconazole adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the use of this particular agent in p. boydii infections.200716572287
pseudallescheria boydii keratitis.we describe a patient with pseudallescheria boydii keratitis. the treatment of mycotic keratitis remains difficult. this case demonstrates that identification and susceptibility testing should be rapidly performed. in cases of indolent keratitis, the possibility of fungal infection should be kept in mind.200616598981
periocular abscess caused by pseudallescheria boydii after a posterior subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide.a posterior subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide is an alternative to intravitreal injection in diabetic macular edema and is known to have fewer vision-threatening complications. here, we report a case of periocular abscess following posterior subtenon injection of triamcinolone.200716612634
[pseudoallescheria boydii (scedosporium apiospermum), cause of mycotic granulomatous osteomyelitis--case diagnosis].fungal bone infections constitute about 0.1-0.2% of all osteomyelitis cases. the disease, mycetoma pedis, most often affects the feet and is also known as madura foot. mycetoma, extremely rare in this geographic area, is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions. we present a case of mycetoma pedis (madura foot). the patient was a 50-year-old woman. the clinical signs included pain, indurations, and local redness. the anamnesis was very long, about 10 years. the operative material was routinel ...200516623262
an alpha-glucan of pseudallescheria boydii is involved in fungal phagocytosis and toll-like receptor activation.the host response to fungi is in part dependent on activation of evolutionarily conserved receptors, including toll-like receptors and phagocytic receptors. however, the molecular nature of fungal ligands responsible for this activation is largely unknown. herein, we describe the isolation and structural characterization of an alpha-glucan from pseudallescheria boydii cell wall and evaluate its role in the induction of innate immune response. these analyses indicate that alpha-glucan of p. boydi ...200616766532
scedosporium apiospermum: changing clinical spectrum of a therapy-refractory opportunist.current knowledge on the opportunist scedosporium apiospermum (teleomorph: pseudallescheria boydii), generated over a period of more than 120 years, is reviewed. the natural environmental habitat of the fungus is unknown; nutrient-rich, brackish waters like river estuaria have been suggested. the fungus is strongly promoted by agricultural and particularly by industrial pollution.200616772225
extracellular peptidase in the fungal pathogen pseudallescheria boydii.pseudallescheria boydii is a ubiquitous filamentous fungus capable of causing invasive disease in humans. in the present study, using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels containing bovine serum albumin as co-polymerized substrate, we identified a 28-kda proteolytic activity released to the extracellular environment by mycelia of p. boydii. this peptidase was detected during the growth of p. boydii in sabouraud-dextrose medium for 13 days and reached its maximal production on day 7. the 28 ...200616775782
polycytella hominis is a mutated form of scedosporium apiospermum.pcr amplification and sequencing of two separate regions of the nuclear ribosomal repeat region revealed that polycytella hominis, a hyphomycete isolated from a human case of mycetoma, was genetically indistinguishable from scedosporium apiospermum (the anamorph of pseudallescheria boydii). these organisms also exhibited remarkably similar susceptibility profiles to common antifungal agents. p. hominis is thus likely to be a mutant of s. apiospermum showing abnormalities of sporulation, for whic ...200616805091
scedosporium/pseudallescheria infections.the genus scedosporium comprises a group of filamentous fungi found ubiquitously in the environment. the two major human pathogens within this genus are s. apiospermum-the asexual state of pseudallescheria boydii-and s. prolificans. both histologically resemble aspergillus species, with hyphae that are septated and branching at acute angles. although scedosporium infections can occur in immunocompetent persons, the overall incidence has increased over the last decade as a consequence of improved ...200416088460
phytochemistry and antifungal properties of the newly discovered tree pleodendron costaricense.gas chromatography analysis of the essential oils of leaves and bark collected from the newly discovered tree pleodendron costaricense identified alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene, beta-thujene, and beta-caryophyllene as their major constituents. phytochemical analysis of p. costaricense parts led to the isolation and identification of delta-tocotrienol, beta-sitosterol, four known drimane-type sesquiterpenes, cinnamodial (1), cinnamosmolide (2), polygodial (3), and mukaadial (4), and two ...200616872133
disseminated subcutaneous nodules caused by pseudallescheria boydii in an atopic patient.we present a 40-year-old woman with atopic dermatitis and multiple purulent subcutaneous nodules of 20 years' evolution. the biopsy material was cultured and revealed pseudallescheria boydii. the patient was treated with oral itraconazole for 4 months and incision and drainage of the lesions. afterwards the patient remained asymptomatic and no new lesions were detected.200616533231
endobronchial fungal disease: an under-recognized entity.most fungi enter the human body via inhalation; however, endobronchial fungal infection (ebfi) seems to be a rare manifestation compared to pulmonary or systemic disease. this presentation seems to be related to environmental factors as well as to the host status. with the increasing popularity of flexible bronchoscopy, it is being recognized with a higher frequency. bronchoscopic findings in ebfi vary from mild mucosal inflammation to central airway obstruction. we searched english literature r ...200716864987
pseudallescheria boydii keratitis.a case of pseudallescheria boydii keratitis is presented. the patient was successfully treated with topical natamycin and systemic itraconazole in conjunction with penetrating keratoplasty, leading to visual acuity of 20/40.200617148086
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