
a mixed foodborne outbreak with salmonella heidelberg and campylobacter jejuni in a nursing investigate a mixed salmonella heidelberg and campylobacter jejuni foodborne outbreak in a nursing home.19979120239
antibiotic resistance of campylobacter jejuni with reference to plasmid profiles of clinical and chicken isolates.a total of 47 clinical isolates and 52 poultry isolates of campylobacter jejuni were characterized by their resistance to 16 antimicrobial agents and by plasmid profiles on agarose gel electrophoresis. almost all isolates were susceptible to erythromycin, chloramphenicol, gentamycin and nitrofuratoin. plasmids were detected in 19% of c. jejuni strains isolated from feces of children patients and in 36% of strains isolated from chicken. the presence of plasmid dna was not found to be correlated w ...19969127480
cloning of an outer membrane protein gene from campylobacter antigen in the outer membrane protein (omp) fraction of campylobacter jejuni was identified and characterized. western blot analysis demonstrated antigenic differences in this protein between two congenic c. jejuni strains. strain a74/c, which colonizes chickens, expressed the antigen at 34 kda, while strain a74/o, which poorly colonizes chickens, expressed the antigen at 32 and 34 kda. a genomic library was constructed in lambdagt11 with dna from a74/o and screened with antibody raised again ...19979142743
in vitro permeation of human chorioamniotic membranes by campylobacter vitro penetration of human chorioamniotic membranes by campylobacter jejuni was investigated by an organ culture model. membrane permeation was detected by an immunoperoxidase technique and viable bacterial counts of membrane homogenates. human clinical isolates of c. jejuni inoculated on the maternal side of the membranes penetrated to the fetal side suggesting that chorioamniotic membranes constituted a weak barrier against campylobacter infection. chicken fecal isolates did not penetrate c ...19979144913
oral administration of antibodies as prophylaxis and therapy in campylobacter jejuni-infected chickens.passive immunity against gastrointestinal infections has recently been successfully applied as prophylaxis and therapy in patients in a variety of virally and bacterially induced infections. campylobacter jejuni is frequently associated with acute diarrhoea in humans, and several species of animals have been shown to transmit the disease, although birds have been implicated as the main source of infection. we used bovine and chicken immunoglobulin preparations from the milk and eggs, respectivel ...19979182891
adherence, invasion and cytotoxin assay of campylobacter jejuni in hela and hep-2 cells.campylobacter jejuni is an important human enteropathogen worldwide. chickens are the major reservoir and source of campylobacter infection. ten clinical isolates from human and five chicken strains were tested for the adherence, invasion and cytotoxin assay in hela and hep-2 cells. all human strains adhered to both the hela (10(3) to 3 x 10(4) bacteria/ml of cell lysate) and hep-2 cells (2 x 10(3) to 4 x 10(4) bacteria/ml of lysate). all chicken strains also adhered to the hep-2 cells (10(2) to ...19969203788
rapid pcr with nested primers for direct detection of campylobacter jejuni in chicken washes.rapid detection of campylobacter jejuni by pcr directly from foods, without prior growth steps, would be beneficial for the poultry industry. we have previously reported a pcr assay that allows detection of this bacterium after 48 h growth on campy cefex agar. we have now developed a more rapid nested pcr assay that specifically detects c. jejuni in chicken washes that have not undergone any lengthy growth steps prior to pcr. for the nested reaction, an external set of primers, c-1 and c-4, are ...19979281412
distribution of serotypes of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli from danish patients, poultry, cattle and swine.the number of human cases of enteritis caused by campylobacter jejuni and c. coli is increasing in denmark and other european countries. no systemic typing has earlier been performed on campylobacter isolates of danish origin. the primary purpose of this study was to provide a serotype distribution of campylobacter isolates from danish patients and the major food production animals. in addition, the occurrence of intestinal carriers of thermophilic campylobacters among these food production anim ...19979322068
antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of thermophilic campylobacter spp. from humans, pigs, cattle, and broilers in denmark.the mics of 16 antimicrobial agents were determined for 202 campylobacter jejuni isolates, 123 campylobacter coli isolates, and 6 campylobacter lari isolates from humans and food animals in denmark. the c. jejuni isolates originated from humans (75), broilers (95), cattle (29), and pigs (3); the c. coli isolates originated from humans (7), broilers (17), and pigs (99); and the c. lari isolates originated from broilers (5) and cattle (1). all isolates were susceptible to apramycin, neomycin, and ...19979333055
specific detection and confirmation of campylobacter jejuni by dna hybridization and pcr.conventional detection and confirmation methods for campylobacter jejuni are lengthy and tedious. a rapid hybridization protocol in which a 1,475-bp chromogen-labelled dna probe (pdt1720) and campylobacter strains filtered and grown on 0.22-micron-pore-size hydrophobic grid membrane filters (hgmfs) are used was developed. among the environmental and clinical isolates of c. jejuni, campylobacter coli, campylobacter jejuni subsp. doylei, campylobacter lari, and arcobacter nitrofigilis and a panel ...19979361442
insights into campylobacter jejuni-induced guillain-barré syndrome from the lewis rat model of experimental allergic neuritis.experimental allergic neuritis (ean) is considered the in vivo model of guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) and has been extensively studied in the lewis rat. both cellular and humoral components of the immune response are implicated in the inflammatory demyelination of peripheral nerves that characterizes ean. the recognition of campylobacter jejuni infection as a frequent antecedent event in gbs, and in particular its association with anti-ganglioside antibodies and a primary axonal neuropathy, has ...19979396704
campylobacter jejuni in broiler chickens: colonization and humoral immunity following oral vaccination and experimental infection.a formalin inactivated, campylobacter jejuni whole cell vaccine, either with or without escherichia coli heat labile toxin (lt) as a mucosal adjuvant, was administered orally to broiler chickens. three vaccine trials were performed, differing in the number of vaccinations, and time of administration, as well as the inclusion and dose of lt. the overall reductions of c. jejuni colonization in the vaccinated chickens ranged from 16 to 93% compared with non-vaccinated controls. enhanced levels of a ...19979413103
the prevalence of campylobacters and arcobacters in broiler chickens.chicken carcasses from a supermarket and from a poultry abattoir were examined using methods designed to isolate as many strains of campylobacters and related organisms as possible. strains of arcobacter, but no campylobacters, were isolated from every carcass after enrichment. campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni was isolated from all carcasses examined by direct plating and other campylobacter-like strains were isolated from nine out of 15 abattoir carcasses by direct plating but not after enric ...19979418023
detection of campylobacter jejuni in food and poultry viscera using immunomagnetic separation and microtitre hybridization.thermophillic campylobacter and camp. jejuni were detected from samples of chicken liver, gall bladder, muscle and contaminated milk and chicken meat after an enrichment step by using immunomagnetic capture of cells with monoclonal antibody against a specific outer membrane protein of thermophilic campylobacter. the detection of captured cells was achieved using two different hybridization methods. in one of the methods, the captured cells were lysed by guanidine isothiocyanate and the 23s rrna ...19979418026
evaluation of an avian-specific probiotic to reduce the colonization and shedding of campylobacter jejuni in broilers.campylobacter jejuni has often been responsible for human gastroenteritis. poultry have often been implicated as a source for these human infections. intestinal colonization of c. jejuni in the chicken plays a role in carcass contamination during slaughter. thus, reducing c. jejuni colonization in chickens can potentially reduce the incidence of c. jejuni infections in humans. the use of probiotics to competitively exclude the colonization of intestinal pathogens has been proposed for poultry. h ...19979454918
outbreak of campylobacter enteritis associated with cross-contamination of food--oklahoma, 1996.on august 29, 1996, the jackson county health department (jchd) in southwestern oklahoma notified the oklahoma state department of health (osdh) of a cluster of campylobacter jejuni infections that occurred during august 16-20 among persons who had eaten lunch at a local restaurant on august 15. this report summarizes the investigation of these cases and indicates that c. jejuni infection was most likely acquired from eating lettuce cross-contaminated with raw chicken. this report also emphasize ...19989498294
strategies to control salmonella and campylobacter in raw poultry products.foodborne illness is a major public health concern. the largest number of foodborne illness cases attributed to poultry and poultry products are caused by paratyphoid serotypes of salmonella and by campylobacter jejuni. the effective prevention of foodborne disease requires an understanding that contamination can be introduced into foods at numerous points along the food chain. since multiple entry points exist for foodborne pathogens, multifaceted intervention approaches are required to success ...19979501366
campylobacter jejuni in coccoid form does not reverse into spiral form in chicken guts.the incubation of campylobacter jejuni suspension in aerobic conditions results in the conversion of spiral cells into coccoid form. the present paper shows that such forms introduced into the alimentary tract of two-day-old chicks are not able to convert back into cultivable, infectious spiral forms, as has been suggested by some authors. technical problems connected with this type of experiment are also discussed.19979516989
effect of yeast-supplemented feed on salmonella and campylobacter populations in broilers.the effect of the yeast, saccharomyces boulardii, on experimental cecal colonization of broilers with salmonella typhimurium and campylobacter jejuni was investigated. duplicate pens of broiler chicks were given ad libitum access to a standard feed supplemented with no yeast (control), or 1 g (1x), or 100 g (100x) dried s. boulardii/kg feed. all chicks except negative controls were challenged on day 4 with 3.2 x 10(8) cfu s. typhimurium and 6.5 x 10(8) cfu c. jejuni by oral gavage. after 3 wk, t ...19989521452
evidence of genomic instability in campylobacter jejuni isolated from poultry.poultry isolates of campylobacter jejuni derived from a survey of meat processing batches were genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) of chromosomal dna to establish the clonal relationships between single-colony isolates. in the majority of batches studied, one or two genotype patterns predominated. however, in one batch (batch a), 21 single-colony isolates gave 14 different pfge genotypes. the banding patterns obtained with smai were sufficiently different to distinguish between ...19989572956
isolation and molecular analysis of colonising and non-colonising strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli following experimental infection of young chickens.fourteen-day-old chickens were inoculated with selected campylobacter coli and c. jejuni strains. c. jejuni strains were of two subgroups based on a polymorphism detected using a dna probe and represented the profiles typical for the majority of strains of either chicken or human origin. all c. coli strains previously isolated from humans colonised chickens, whereas from 4/7 c. jejuni strains of human origin, failed to colonise. of 12 campylobacter strains of chicken origin, 10 established a per ...19989646454
antimicrobial susceptibilities of campylobacter jejuni and coli by using e-test in report the in vitro antibiotic susceptibility of campylobacter species, we determined the mics of 6 antibiotics by e-test for 93 human clinical strains and 35 chicken strains. the 6 antimicrobial agents tested were gentamicin, erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, and nalidixic acid. isolates from humans were significantly more susceptible than chicken strains to erythromycin, clindamycin and ciprofloxacin. nearly all of the human and chicken strains were susceptible to gent ...19989670357
characterization of the thermal stress response of campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter jejuni, a microaerophilic, gram-negative bacterium, is a common cause of gastrointestinal disease in humans. heat shock proteins are a group of highly conserved, coregulated proteins that play important roles in enabling organisms to cope with physiological stresses. the primary aim of this study was to characterize the heat shock response of c. jejuni. twenty-four proteins were preferentially synthesized by c. jejuni immediately following heat shock. upon immunoscreening of escher ...19989673247
frequency of occurrence of campylobacter spp. in red meats and poultry in northern ireland and their subsequent subtyping using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and the random amplified polymorphic dna method.sampling of lamb (n = 100) and beef (n = 100) carcasses in abattoirs in northern ireland produced no evidence of campylobacter spp. contamination and when retail packs of beef (n = 50) and pork (n = 50) were sampled these were also apparently free of campylobacter spp. however, 38% of retail packs of chicken pieces (n = 120), yielded campylobacter spp. these packs were purchased over a period of 1 year and came from a single local producer. after the species of the isolates had been determined ( ...19989674121
trisodium phosphate increases sensitivity of gram-negative bacteria to lysozyme and nisin.cell suspensions of campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli, pseudomonas fluorescens, and salmonella enteritidis exposed to sublethal concentrations (0.5 to 5 mm) of trisodium phosphate (tsp) for 10 min showed greatly increased susceptibility to lysozyme (10 micrograms ml-1) and/or nisin (1 microm). under optimal conditions at 37 degrees c, reductions in viable count after 30 min were up to six log cycles. at 4 degrees c, c. jejuni showed greater resistance than at 37 degrees c, and maximal cell ...19989678166
[rapd typing of campylobacter jejuni and comparison with lior's or penner's serotyping system].campylobacter jejuni were isolated from 7 epidemic outbreaks (121 isolates), 15 patients with gastroenteritis, chicken meats (47 isolates) and chicken cecal contents (70 isolates). the isolates and one standard strain of c. jejuni jcm2013 were analysed by randomly amplified polymorphic dna method (rapd). total of 254 c. jejuni isolates were divided 68 different rapd types which included strains that did not to divided by lior's or penner's serotyping system. to compare the similarities of rapd p ...19989780736
a campylobacter outbreak associated with stir-fried outbreak of gastrointestinal illness affecting 12 of 29 customers of a 'hawaiian' theme restaurant specializing in stir-fried food occurred in cardiff, wales in february 1997. campylobacter jejuni serotype hs50 phage type 49 (pt49) was isolated from 5 cases. a total of 47 isolates of c. jejuni hs50 pt49 were identified from wales during 1997, of which 11 were isolated in late february or early march and from the cardiff area. in the outbreak, illness was associated with eating stir-fried chic ...19989825777
high frequency of metronidazole resistance among strains of campylobacter jejuni isolated from birds.a total of 2157 strains of the enteropathogen campylobacter jejuni were examined for resistance to metronidazole (5 mg l-1). high rates of metronidazole resistance, between 82 and 100%, were observed amongst strains of avian origin, including commercially reared broiler chickens (90.1%, n = 314) and turkeys (92%, n = 100), as well as wild birds sampled from farms and coastal environments, such as starlings (82%, n = 50), and gulls (100%, n = 20). in comparison, isolates from bovine and ovine rum ...19989830138
aerobic growth and survival of campylobacter jejuni in food and stream water.when 40 campylobacter jejuni isolates from human clinical cases, raw chicken and water were tested, 29 (72.5%) could be adapted to grow on nutrient agar under aerobic conditions. once adapted, these isolates could grow on repeated aerobic subculture. an aerobically-grown camp. jejuni isolate survived almost as well as the same isolate grown microaerophilically in sterile chicken mince at 5 degrees c, and survival of a cocktail of camp. jejuni isolates under both atmospheres was comparable at 25 ...19989871351
the specificity of antibody in chickens immunised to reduce intestinal colonisation with campylobacter jejuni.poultry consumption has been identified as a major risk factor for human infection with campylobacter jejuni in developed countries. c. jejuni is present in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens at the time of slaughter, and faecal contamination of carcases during processing results in significant campylobacter loads on carcases. one approach to reducing the level of carcase contamination with c. jejuni is to control campylobacter infection in broiler chickens. to this end, the study de ...19989874102
survival and growth of campylobacter jejuni after artificial inoculation onto chicken skin as a function of temperature and packaging conditions.campylobacter jejuni is one of the major causes of food poisoning in humans. c. jejuni is also widespread in food animals, and meat and meat products derived from food animals are the most common vector of bacterial transmission to humans. to determine the role of packing and storage conditions on the replication of c. jejuni on chicken, the virulent strain c. jejuni 81116 was artificially inoculated onto chicken skin pieces (1 cm2) and stored at different temperatures and under various packagin ...19989874337
shedding and colonization of campylobacter jejuni in broilers from day-of-hatch to slaughter age.poultry are considered to be the primary reservoirs of campylobacter jejuni for humans. campylobacter jejuni can colonize the poultry intestinal tract and its subsequent shedding can result in environmental contamination, resulting in an increased risk of infection for the rest of the flock. at present, there is no information on the daily shedding pattern of c. jejuni in broiler chickens. thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the daily shedding pattern of c. jejuni in broiler chicken ...19989876841
identification of the enteropathogens campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli based on the cadf virulence gene and its product.campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli are common causes of gastroenteritis in humans. infection with c. jejuni or c. coli is commonly acquired by eating undercooked chicken. the goal of this study was to develop specific detection assays for c. jejuni and c. coli isolates based on the cadf virulence gene and its product. the cadf gene from c. jejuni and c. coli encodes a 37-kda outer membrane protein that promotes the binding of these pathogens to intestinal epithelial cells. a fragment of ...19999986804
apoptotic effect of outer-membrane proteins from campylobacter jejuni on chicken lymphocytes.campylobacter jejuni is a significant cause of food-borne diseases in humans. the bacterium is considered a commensal organism in chickens, and it can heavily colonize chickens without causing inflammation. poultry may be the major reservoir for the human infection in developed countries. here we show that an outer-membrane protein extract prepared from the bacteria caused apoptosis of chicken lymphocytes detected in vitro with the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dutp nick end-lab ...199910069862
serotypes and typability of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from poultry products.campylobacter infection is one of the most common bacterial enteric pathogens. campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli infections are mostly food- and waterborne and especially poultry is often assumed to be an important source. the heat-stable serotyping system (the 'penner' scheme) was used to study the serotype distribution of c. jejuni and c. coli isolated from different food products of poultry origin sampled from retail outlets in denmark. a total of 156 isolates were serotyped, 85% of ...199910100900
detection of cytolethal distending toxin activity and cdt genes in campylobacter spp. isolated from chicken carcasses.this study was designed to determine whether isolates from chicken carcasses, the primary source of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in human infections, commonly carry the cdt genes and also whether active cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) is produced by these isolates. campylobacter spp. were isolated from all 91 fresh chicken carcasses purchased from local supermarkets. campylobacter spp. were identified on the basis of both biochemical and pcr tests. of the 105 isolates, 70 (67%) ...199910103243
differentiation of campylobacter coli and c. jejuni by length and dna sequence of the 16s-23s rrna internal spacer region.the internal spacer region (isr) between the 16s and 23s rrna genes of campylobacter was investigated by pcr fragment length typing and dna sequencing of clinical and chicken wild-type isolates. pcr fragment length typing showed one fragment of 859 nt in length for the 12 strains of campylobacter coli investigated. thirty-six of the campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni strains possessed one fragment, which varied in size between 727 and 802 nt. three strains showed two fragments between 501 and 92 ...199910206715
stability of related human and chicken campylobacter jejuni genotypes after passage through chick intestine studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.the genomic stability of 12 campylobacter jejuni strains consisting of two groups of human and chicken isolates was studied by analysis of their pfge (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) patterns after passage through newly hatched chicks' intestines. the patterns of smai, sali, and sacii digests remained stable after intestinal passage, except for those of two strains. one originally human strain, fb 6371, changed its genotype from ii/a (smai/sacii) to i/b. another strain, bti, originally isolate ...199910224037
study of the presence of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli in sand samples from four swiss chicken farms.chicken farms are frequently infected with campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. the objective of the present study was to investigate environmental samples from chicken farms for the presence of c. jejuni and c. coli. every week between july and november 1997, three sand samples from the runs of four chicken farms were analyzed by culture and directly by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). these two detection methods were compared to each other. a total of 231 samples were tested. eleven sa ...199910229951
natural and experimental infections of arcobacter in poultry.arcobacter butzleri causes human enteritis and is frequently recovered from poultry carcasses. the purpose of this study was to determine 1) the natural distribution of a. butzleri in poultry and 2) its relative pathogenicity in experimentally infected poultry. cloacal samples (n = 407) were collected on four occasions from three flocks of chickens. overall, arcobacter spp. were recovered from 15% of the birds; a. butzleri was identified in 1% of cloacal samples. three experimental trials were c ...199910230906
a novel campylobacter jejuni two-component regulatory system important for temperature-dependent growth and colonization.campylobacter jejuni colonizes the intestines of domestic and wild animals and is a common cause of human diarrheal disease. we identified a two-component regulatory system, designated the racr-racs (reduced ability to colonize) system, that is involved in a temperature-dependent signalling pathway. a mutation of the response regulator gene racr reduced the organism's ability to colonize the chicken intestinal tract and resulted in temperature-dependent changes in its protein profile and growth ...199910322038
quinolone-resistant campylobacter jejuni infections in minnesota, 1992-1998. investigation team.increasing resistance to quinolones among campylobacter isolates from humans has been reported in europe and asia, but not in the united states. we evaluated resistance to quinolones among campylobacter isolates from minnesota residents during the period from 1992 through 1998.199910332013
biotin-streptavidin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to campylobacter jejuni and c. coli in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed in a homologous system with bacterial ultrasonic-treated proteins as the antigen and antisera from chickens infected orally and subcutaneously with the strain campylobacter jejuni serovar 6 (cj 6). the cut-off level was determined using antisera from non-infected specific-pathogen-free chickens up to the age of 10 weeks. the suitability of the elisa system was verified using antisera taken from chickens orally infected at the age of 4 we ...199910337238
contamination of meat with campylobacter jejuni in saitama, determine the source of food contamination with campylobacter jejuni, we investigated retail meat, a chicken processing plant and a broiler farm. c. jejuni was found in domestic retailed poultry (45.8%) and imported poultry (3.7%), but not in beef or pork. in the poultry processing plant, there is significant contamination with c. jejuni in chicken carcasses, equipment and workers' hands. this contamination increases during the defeathering and evisceration processes. rapd analysis shows that ...199910359491
inhibition of salmonella typhimurium in the chicken intestinal tract by a transformed avirulent avian escherichia avirulent, wild-type avian escherichia coli (e. coli av) was electrotransformed with a plasmid coding for the production of microcin 24 (pgob18) and was designated e. coli avgob18. the transformant inhibited the growth of seven serotypes of salmonella commonly associated with colonization and contamination of poultry products and seven strains of e. coli o157:h7 in the in vitro colicin/microcin assay. the transformant did not inhibit the replication of multiple isolates of listeria monocytoge ...199910396637
comparison of a commercial test for serotyping heat-stable antigens of campylobacter jejuni with genotyping by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.a new commercial serotyping set based on heat-stable penner's antigens was compared with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) with smai and sacii restriction endonucleases. among 50 isolates of campylobacter jejuni from finnish patients, which represented predominant pfge patterns selected from isolates from sporadic cases and isolates associated with small outbreaks, 11 different serotypes were demonstrated from 43 typable isolates. several pfge patterns could be found within one serotype; o ...199910403411
high-performance liquid chromatography determination of residue levels on chicken carcasses treated with cetylpyridinium chloride.cetylpyridinium chloride (cpc) has been found to be effective in reducing contamination of chicken carcasses from a variety of microorganisms, including escherichia coli o157:h7, salmonella typhimurium, campylobacter jejuni, aeromonas hydrophila, listeria monocytogenes, and staphylococcus aureus. a procedure has been developed to determine residue levels on chicken carcasses after cpc treatment. for the analysis, chicken carcasses were extracted with 95% ethanol. the cpc concentration in the ext ...199910406212
incidence of salmonella, campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and listeria monocytogenes in poultry carcasses and different types of poultry products for sale on the belgian retail market.from january 1997 to may 1998, 772 samples of poultry carcasses and poultry products for sale on the retail market in belgium were analyzed for the presence of salmonella spp., salmonella enteritidis, campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, and listeria monocytogenes per 100 cm2 or 25 g. poultry samples were contaminated with salmonella (36.5%), c. jejuni and c. coli (28.5%), and l. monocytogenes (38.2%). in about 12.3% of the poultry samples, the l. monocytogenes contamination level exceeded 1 cfu per g ...199910419264
restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the flaa gene of campylobacter jejuni for subtyping human, animal and poultry isolates.233 strains of campylobacter jejuni were subtyped by pcr-rflp analysis of the flagellin (flaa) gene by double digestion with ecori and psti (ep flaa-profiling). the strains represented a variety of common penner heat stable (hs) serotypes and comprised isolates of human, bovine, ovine, chicken and canine origin. flaa amplicons were obtained directly from dna in cell lysates of most strains. rflp analysis showed considerable allelic variation and nine ep flaa-types were identified of which the mo ...199910427717
retail poultry and beef as sources of campylobacter investigate the level of contamination with c. jejuni of raw chicken and beef meats sold in nairobi and to assess their potential as sources of campylobacter infections to man.199910442113
antibiotic susceptibility patterns and beta-lactamase production of animal and human isolates of campylobacter in lagos, nigeria.forty-three stool samples and rectal swabs were collected from diarrhoeic and 20 non-diarrhoeic patients under 5 years of age at various general hospitals in lagos. a total of 110 faecal samples from animals (101 from chickens and 9 from pigs) were obtained from mitchel farm, agege and oshodi--isolo local government farms at ejigbo. campylobacter species were isolated from 6 (13.9%) of 43 children with gastroenteritis and none from 20 asymptomatic subjects. forty-nine (48.5%) isolates from the h ...199910488568
the absence of cecal colonization of chicks by a mutant of campylobacter jejuni not expressing bacterial fibronectin-binding protein.campylobacter jejuni is a common cause of human gastrointestinal illness throughout the world. infections with c. jejuni and campylobacter coli are frequently acquired by eating undercooked chicken. the ability of c. jejuni to become established in the gastrointestinal tract of chickens is believed to involve binding of the bacterium to the gastrointestinal surface. a 37-kd outer membrane protein, termed cadf, has been described that facilitates the binding of campylobacter to fibronectin. this ...199910494431
improved pcr detection of campylobacter jejuni from chicken rinses by a simple sample preparation procedure.many food samples and enrichment media are inhibitory to the pcr, thereby lowering its detection capacity. a simple sample preparation method based on buoyant density centrifugation was examined for its application in pcr detection of campylobacter jejuni from chicken rinse samples. bacterial cells were spiked at different levels in a mixture of preston broth and chicken rinse (4:1 ratio) and 0.9 ml of these mixtures were layered over 0.6 ml of gradient medium made from percoll. pcr sensitivity ...199910573390
dose response and organ invasion of day-of-hatch leghorn chicks by different isolates of campylobacter jejuni.colonization of the ceca and organ invasion by different isolates of campylobacter jejuni were investigated in day-of-hatch leghorn chicks. this model of campylobacter colonization of the ceca demonstrates that 1) day-of-hatch birds do not naturally contain cecal campylobacter, 2) ceca can be colonized with c. jejuni by oral gavage and not by cloacal inoculation; 3) c. jejuni can be recovered from the ceca up until at least 7 days postinoculation, 4) cecal colonization occurs when as little as 1 ...199910611992
inhibition of colonisation of the alimentary tract in young chickens with campylobacter jejuni by pre-colonisation with strains of c. jejuni.strains of campylobacter jejuni, isolated from human gastro-intestinal infection and inoculated orally into 1-day-old chicks, colonised the alimentary tract (caecum) well. there was evidence of invasion from the intestine to the spleen. oral inoculation with some but not all strains of c. jejuni 24 h earlier (within 12 h of hatching) prevented establishment by challenge strains administered orally 1 day later. one strain which was less able to colonise the gut was less inhibitory than other stra ...200010612737
the effect of flavophospholipol (flavomycin) and salinomycin sodium (sacox) on the excretion of clostridium perfringens, salmonella enteritidis, and campylobacter jejuni in broilers after experimental infection.intestinal colonization and shedding of pathogenic bacteria in animal feces is an important factor in both human food safety and animal health. the effect of broiler feed additives flavophospholipol (fpl; flavomycin, bambermycins) and salinomycin sodium (sal; sacox) given singly on the excretion of salmonella enteritidis, campylobacter jejuni, and clostridium perfringens was studied following controlled infection. the incidence of shedding (number of birds with positive fecal cultures) and the d ...199910626641
flagellin gene polymorphism analysis of campylobacter compared with antigen serotyping.flagellin gene sequence polymorphisms were used to discriminate amongst 53 strains of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli. the campylobacter strains were made up of forty-three strains of campylobacter jejuni and 10 strains of campylobacter coli. the results were analysed in relation to penner serotyping. twenty dna pcr-rflp patterns (genotypes) were identified by analysis of dde i fragment length polymorphisms in flagellin gene (fla a and fla b) polymerase chain reaction (pcr) products. flagellin ...199910627993
secretion of campylobacter jejuni cia proteins is contact dependent.campylobacter jejuni is a common cause of human gastrointestinal disease worldwide. despite the prevalence of c. jejuni infections, the mechanisms of c. jejuni pathogenesis remain ill-defined. invasion of the cells lining the intestinal tract is hypothesized to be essential for the development of c. jejuni-mediated enteritis. recent studies in our laboratory have revealed that c. jejuni secrete proteins, termed cia for campylobacter invasion antigens, upon incubation with human intestinal cells. ...199910659362
detection and differentiation of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in broiler chicken samples using a pcr/dna probe membrane based colorimetric detection assay.campylobacter enteritis in humans has been linked to consumption of poultry meat. surveys show that 30-100% of poultry harbour campylobacter as normal flora of the digestive tract which indicates a need to identify prevalent organism types in flocks and trace their epidemiology. in this study we describe a campylobacter genus specific polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay, amplifying the 16 s-23 s rrna intergenic spacer region with an internal campylobacter genus specific dna probe and species s ...200010725058
genetic diversity of the campylobacter genes coding immunodominant proteins.three campylobacter jejuni 72dz/92 genes (cjaa (omph1), cjac (hisj) and cjad (omp18)) encoding immunodominant proteins are considered to be potential chicken vaccine candidates. the presence and conservation of cjaa, cjac and cjad genes among different campylobacter clinical isolates were determined. the genes were detected in thirty campylobacter strains using hybridization as well as western blot analysis. however, pcr products of the predicted size were amplified only from ten out of thirty e ...200010731605
the gale gene of campylobacter jejuni is involved in lipopolysaccharide synthesis and virulence.lipopolysaccharide (lps) is one of the main virulence factors of gram-negative bacteria. the lps from campylobacter spp. has endotoxic properties and has been shown to play a role in adhesion. we previously cloned a gene cluster (wla) which is involved in the synthesis of the campylobacter jejuni 81116 lps molecule. sequence alignment of the first gene in this cluster indicated similarity with gale genes. these genes encode a udp-glucose 4-epimerase, which catalyzes the interconversion of udp-ga ...200010768949
rapid and specific enzyme immunoassay on hydrophobic grid membrane filter for detection and enumeration of thermophilic campylobacter spp. from milk and chicken rinses.six commercially available anti-campylobacter antibodies were examined for their applicability in an enzyme immunoassay on hydrophobic grid membrane filters, both for the detection and enumeration of campylobacter spp. when a panel of nine campylobacter (seven campylobacter jejuni and two campylobacter coli) and eight non-campylobacter strains were used in a dot-blot format enzyme immunoassay to test the specificity of these antibodies, only one polyclonal antibody (biodesign) detected all campy ...200010772214
a three-year study of campylobacter jejuni genotypes in humans with domestically acquired infections and in chicken samples from the helsinki area.campylobacter jejuni isolates from stool samples of patients with domestically acquired sporadic infections and from chicken from retail shops were studied during seasonal peaks from june to september over a 3-year period from 1996 to 1998. a large number of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) genotypes (a combined smai-sacii pattern) were identified each year. certain genotypes persisted for the whole study period, and predominant genotypes represented 28 to 52% of the strains during a rest ...200010790140
ostrich diseases.scientific knowledge of ostrich diseases is incomplete and very fragmented, with specific details on technical aspects of diagnostic and/or screening tests completely absent in most cases. salmonella typhimurium is common in multispecies collections and causes mortality in chicks younger than three months on commercial farms, but is rarely found in chicks older than six months, or slaughter birds of twelve to fourteen months in southern africa. campylobacter jejuni and chlamydia psittaci are occ ...200010935285
rapid detection of salmonella typhimurium in chicken carcass wash water using an immunoelectrochemical immunoelectrochemical method coupled with immunomagnetic separation was developed for rapid detection of salmonella typhimurium in chicken carcass wash water. samples of chicken carcass wash water were inoculated with salmonella typhimurium at different cell numbers. possible nonspecified inhibitors in the wash water were minimized by filtration and centrifugation. an approximately 9.4% loss of salmonella cells was found after filtration (p < 0.01). the samples were mixed with anti-salmonella ...200010945578
detection and investigation of campylobacter jejuni by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis.a molecular typing approach for campylobacter jejuni with restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis of the flagellin gene flaa in c. jejuni, was generated and studied. using polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-rflp with the restriction endonuclease mbo i, it was demonstrated that c. jejuni could be divided into four types. genotypic analysis of c. jejuni by pcr-rflp is a valuable technique for epidemiological typing.200010955830
amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from chickens and from patients with gastroenteritis or guillain-barré or miller fisher syndrome.the high-resolution genotyping method of amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis was used to study the genetic relationships between campylobacter jejuni strains infecting chickens (n = 54) and those causing gastroenteritis in humans (n = 53). in addition, c. jejuni strains associated with the development of guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) (n = 14) and miller fisher syndrome (mfs) (n = 4), two related acute paralytic syndromes in human, were included. strains were isolated between 1 ...200010966409
quantitative immunocapture pcr assay for detection of campylobacter jejuni in foods.the rapid detection of food-borne bacterial pathogens as part of a quality control program is necessary for the maintenance of a safe food supply. in this report, we present our findings for an immunocapture pcr method for the detection of campylobacter jejuni in foods. the method permits direct detection of the pathogen without an enrichment step and can be performed in approximately 8 h. assay results are quantitative, and one cell in a milliliter sample can be detected. application of the met ...200010966437
determination of the incidence of salmonella spp., campylobacter jejuni, and clostridium perfringens in wild birds near broiler chicken houses by sampling intestinal droppings.several methods were evaluated for collecting fecal and intestinal samples from wild birds found near broiler chicken houses. a few intestinal samples and cloacal swabs were obtained from european starlings and house sparrows. most of the samples collected consisted of wild bird droppings found on or near the houses. samples were collected from each of four farms of a broiler integrator during a grow-out cycle: a cycle in the summer for farm a, fall for farm b, and spring, summer, fall, and wint ...200011007026
evaluation of phenotypic and genotypic methods for subtyping campylobacter jejuni isolates from humans, poultry, and cattle.six methods for subtyping of campylobacter jejuni were compared and evaluated with a collection of 90 isolates from poultry, cattle, and sporadic human clinical cases as well as from a waterborne outbreak. the applied methods were penner heat-stable serotyping; automated ribotyping (riboprinting); random amplified polymorphic dna typing (rapd); pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge); restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the flagellin gene, flaa (fla-rflp); and denaturing gradient gel el ...200011015406
effect of delayed placement on the incidence of campylobacter jejuni in broiler experiment was conducted with broiler chickens to evaluate the effect of delayed placement on reused litter and the isolation of campylobacter jejuni. the experiment also assessed the presence of c. jejuni in the crop following feed withdrawal periods in cages vs floor environments. trial 1 utilized 320 female broiler chicks obtained from a commercial hatchery. the chicks were randomly placed into the following experimental groups that were replicated four times with 20 chicks per pen: 1) 0-h ...200011055842
expression of invasiveness of campylobacter jejuni ssp. jejuni after serial intraperitoneal passages in mice.we investigated the possibility of inducing the expression of invasiveness in 10 non-invading, laboratory-adapted campylobacter jejuni ssp. jejuni strains, after serial intraperitoneal (i.p.) passage in mice. all the strains expressed invasive capacity after the first passage, with an increase in invasion rates and the number of internalized bacteria after each passage. these results suggest that i.p. passage enhances the expression of invasiveness in c. jejuni ssp. jejuni strains.200011075552
genotyping of clinical and chicken isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.genomic dna from 58 strains of campylobacter made up of 48 campylobacter jejuni and ten campylobacter coli were digested with sma i and analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge). the cleavage of dna by sma i gave 22 distinct hybridization patterns. the two campylobacter species were subtyped by pfge. the average genomic size for c. jejuni by sma i digestion was 1.73 mb, while that of c. coli gave 1.7 mb. results from this study indicate that pfge analysis by sma i digested genomic dna ...200011077971
microbiological hazard identification and exposure assessment of street food vending in johannesburg, south hundred and thirty-two samples of beef, chicken, salad and gravy were collected from two street vendors over eleven replicate surveys to assess microbiological safety and quality. for each food type samples were collected during preparation and holding. dish water was also collected and food preparation surfaces swabbed during preparation and display. standard methods were used to determine aerobic plate counts, enterobacteriaceae counts, coliform counts and spore counts. six hundred and sev ...200011078164
reduction of campylobacter jejuni in a simulated chicken digestive tract by lactobacilli cultures.studies were conducted to investigate the impact of a selected lactobacilli mixed culture on campylobacter jejuni in simulated chicken digestive tract models. veronal buffer solutions corresponding to the ph of successive segments of the chicken digestive tract were prepared. the lactobacilli mixtures were prepared by mixing four fresh lactobacilli cultures, including lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus fermenentum, lactobacillus crispatus, and lactobacillus brevis. the c. jejuni and lactob ...200011079707
dna rearrangements in the flagellin locus of an flaa mutant of campylobacter jejuni during colonization of chicken ceca.campylobacter jejuni is an enteropathogen for humans but commensal for chickens. in both hosts, the flagella and motility are important colonization factors. the flagellin gene is duplicated in campylobacter, but only one flagellin gene, flaa, is sufficient for motility. we found that, during colonization of the chicken intestine, a nonmotile flaa mutant of c. jejuni underwent rearrangements within its flagellin locus, thereby regaining its motility and colonization capacity. in contrast, in vit ...200011083841
detection on surfaces and in caco-2 cells of campylobacter jejuni cells transformed with new gfp, yfp, and cfp marker plasmids.we have developed two sets of campylobacter shuttle vectors containing either the gfp (green fluorescent protein), yfp (yellow fluorescent protein), or cfp (cyan fluorescent protein) reporter gene. in one set, the reporter gene is fused to a consensus campylobacter promoter sequence (p(c)). the other set contains a puc18 multicloning site upstream of the reporter gene, allowing the construction of transcriptional fusions using known promoters or random genomic fragments. c. jejuni cells transfor ...200011097924
a rapid dna isolation procedure for the identification of campylobacter jejuni by the polymerase chain reaction.we have developed an efficient process for rapidly isolating campylobacter dna using mechanical disruption combined with the guanidine-based reagent dnazol. template dna was isolated by this method from cultures of campylobacter jejuni resistant to lysis by boiling or enzymes and identified following polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification using primers specific for the hippuricase gene. direct detection of campylobacters in poultry-processing samples by pcr is demonstrated in chicken carc ...200011123549
campylobacter contamination of raw meat and poultry at retail sale: identification of multiple types and comparison with isolates from human infection.campylobacter species are the major cause of acute bacterial enteritis reported in the united kingdom, nonetheless many aspects of campylobacteriosis epidemiology remain poorly understood. the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in fresh bovine, ovine, and porcine liver and chicken portions from retail outlets and compare strain subtype distributions with those associated with cases of human campylobacteriosis occurring within the same ...200011131886
competitive exclusion of heterologous campylobacter spp. in chicks.chicken and human isolates of campylobacter jejuni were used to provide oral challenge of day-old broiler chicks. the isolation ratio of the competing challenge strains was monitored and varied, depending upon the isolates used. a pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay of the flagellin gene (flaa) was used to discriminate between the chick-colonizing isolates. our observations indicated that the selected c. jejuni colonizers dominated the niche provided by the chicken ceca. chicken i ...200111157253
detection of thermophilic campylobacter from sparrows by multiplex pcr: the role of sparrows as a source of contamination of broilers with campylobacter.the best combination of primers and the annealing temperature of multiplex pcr for campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter lari were examined. the multiplex pcr was able to detect type strains of the three species. all results of identification of wild strains (30 strains of c. jejuni, 20 strains of c. coli, and 4 strains of c. lari) by the multiplex pcr coincided with those of the conventional biochemical identification tests, suggesting that the multiplex pcr can simultaneo ...200011193345
epidemiologic features of campylobacter jejuni isolated from poultry broiler houses and surrounding environments as determined by use of molecular strain genetically type campylobacter jejuni isolates from broiler houses or the external environment to identify the source of campylobacter organisms in broiler chickens.200111212026
evidence for a genetically stable strain of campylobacter jejuni.the genetic stability of selected epidemiologically linked strains of campylobacter jejuni during outbreak situations was investigated by using subtyping techniques. strains isolated from geographically related chicken flock outbreaks in 1998 and from a human outbreak in 1981 were investigated. there was little similarity in the strains obtained from the different chicken flock outbreaks; however, the strains from each of three chicken outbreaks, including strains isolated from various environme ...200111229909
sporadic campylobacter jejuni infections in hawaii: associations with prior antibiotic use and commercially prepared chicken.campylobacter is the most common cause of bacterial foodborne illness in the united states, and hawaii has the highest rate of campylobacter jejuni infections in the nation. a case-control study was conducted to determine indigenous exposures that contribute to the high incidence of sporadic c. jejuni infection in hawaii. a total of 211 case patients with diarrhea and confirmed campylobacter infection was enrolled, along with 1 age- and telephone exchange-matched control subject for each patient ...200111237847
pcr-elisas for the detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in poultry samples.campylobacter species, primarily campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, are regarded as a major cause of human gastrointestinal disease, commonly acquired by eating undercooked chicken. we describe a pcr-elisa for the detection of campylobacter species and the discrimination of c. jejuni and c. coli in poultry samples. the pcr assay targets the 16s/23s ribosomal rna intergenic spacer region of campylobacter species with dna oligonucleotide probes designed for the specific detection of c. j ...200111252796
genomic relatedness within five common finnish campylobacter jejuni pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotypes studied by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis, ribotyping, and serotyping.thirty-five finnish campylobacter jejuni strains with five smai/sacii pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) genotypes selected among human and chicken isolates from 1997 and 1998 were used for comparison of their pfge patterns, amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) patterns, haeiii ribotypes, and heat-stable (hs) serotypes. the discriminatory power of pfge, aflp, and ribotyping with haeiii were shown to be at the same level for this selected set of strains, and these methods assigned t ...200111282608
study of the infectivity of saline-stored campylobacter jejuni for day-old chicks.the culturability of three campylobacter jejuni strains and their infectivity for day-old chicks were assessed following storage of the strains in saline. the potential for colonization of chicks was weakened during the storage period and terminated 3 to 4 weeks before the strains became nonculturable. the results from this study suggest that the role of starved and aged but still culturable campylobacters may be diminutive, but even more, that the role of viable but nonculturable stages in camp ...200111319130
enrichment media for isolation of campylobacter jejuni from inoculated ground beef and chicken skin under normal atmosphere.the efficiency of hunt broth containing oxyrase was compared with the gas replacement method for detection of campylobacter jejuni in inoculated ground beef and chicken skin. five strains of c. jejuni were inoculated individually into samples and cultured with various media under conditions generated by either flushing with a mixture of gases or supplementing with oxyrase. oxyrase media added with 7% lysed blood, 2.5% charcoal, or 6% ground cooked meat were compared with examinations from chicke ...200111347991
evidence that certain clones of campylobacter jejuni persist during successive broiler flock rotations.through the national surveillance program for campylobacter spp., nine broiler chicken farms that were infected with campylobacter jejuni in at least five rotations in 1998 were identified. one additional farm, located at the island of bornholm where divided slaughter is used extensively, was also selected. twelve broiler houses located on 10 farms were included in the study. the c. jejuni isolates collected from the selected houses during the surveillance were typed using fla typing and macrore ...200111375189
survival and death of salmonella typhimurium and campylobacter jejuni in processing water and on chicken skin during poultry scalding and chilling.salmonella typhimurium and campylobacter jejuni were inoculated in scalding water, in chilled water, and on chicken skins to examine the effects of scalding temperature (50, 55, and 60 degrees c) and the chlorine level in chilled water (0, 10, 30, and 50 ppm), associated with the ages of scalding water (0 and 10 h) and chilled water (0 and 8 h), on bacterial survival or death. after scalding at 50 and 60 degrees c, the reductions of c. jejuni were 1.5 and 6.2 log cfu/ml in water and <1 and >2 lo ...200111403124
animal models of campylobacter jejuni colonization and disease and the lessons to be learned from similar helicobacter pylori models. 200111422561
serotype and genotype diversity and hatchery transmission of campylobacter jejuni in commercial poultry flocks.we investigated the genotype and serotype diversity of campylobacter coli and c. jejuni in two parent flocks of adult hens and their offspring over two rotations in order to evaluate the role of hatchery mediated transmission and/or vertical transmission of campylobacters in broiler flocks. in total, 314 c. jejuni and 32 c. coli isolates from parent and broiler flocks and from the surroundings of broiler houses were typed by flagellin gene pcr/rflp (fla-typing), and selected isolates were also t ...200111423205
comparison of genotypes and serotypes of campylobacter jejuni isolated from danish wild mammals and birds and from broiler flocks and humans.the incidence of human infection with campylobacter jejuni is increasing in most developed countries and the reason for this is largely unknown. although poultry meat is considered to be a major source, it is evident that other reservoirs exist, possibly common to humans and poultry. environmental sources are believed to be important reservoirs of campylobacter infection in broiler chicken flocks. we investigated the potential importance of wildlife as a source of infection in commercial poultry ...200111425730
campylobacter contamination in french chicken production from farm to consumers. use of a pcr assay for detection and identification of campylobacter jejuni and camp. coli.campylobacter contamination in french chicken production from the farm to the consumer was determined using a pcr assay for bacteria detection and identification.200111473590
antimicrobial susceptibilities of campylobacter strains isolated from food animals in belgium.campylobacter spp. are a frequent cause of diarrhoea in man, originating mostly from poultry. it has been suggested that the veterinary use of antibiotics is largely responsible for resistance in human isolates, particularly to quinolones. during a 6 month period from june to december 1998, 677 campylobacter isolates were obtained from healthy poultry and pigs. samples were taken at belgian slaughterhouses. species identification was performed by biochemical tests, multiplex pcr and sds-page of ...200111481294
prevalence, antigenic specificity, and bactericidal activity of poultry anti-campylobacter maternal antibodies.poultry are considered the major reservoir for campylobacter jejuni, a leading bacterial cause of human food-borne diarrhea. to understand the ecology of c. jejuni and develop strategies to control c. jejuni infection in the animal reservoir, we initiated studies to examine the potential role of anti-campylobacter maternal antibodies in protecting young broiler chickens from infection by c. jejuni. using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), the prevalence of anti-c. jejuni antibodies in ...200111525990
survival of clinical and poultry-derived isolates of campylobacter jejuni at a low temperature (4 degrees c).campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans, and contamination of poultry has been implicated in illness. the bacteria are fastidious in terms of their temperature requirements, being unable to grow below ca. 31 degrees c, but have been found to be physiologically active at lower temperatures and to tolerate exposure to low temperatures in a strain-dependent manner. in this study, 19 field isolates of c. jejuni (10 of clinical and 9 of poultry origin) were stud ...200111526022
specific identification, grouping and differentiation of campylobacter jejuni among thermophilic campylobacters using multiplex pcr.campylobacter species such as c. jejuni and c. coli are recognized as major causes of acute gastroenteritis world-wide. although c. jejuni and c. coli are usually non-pathogenic in birds and animals, they cause enteric disease in humans and the source of infection is often the consumption of contaminated foodstuffs. in this paper we report on the development and use of a multiplex pcr of c. jejuni genomic dna which yielded a pcr product with a unique polymorphic site that can be used to quickly ...200111561961
role of campylobacter jejuni potential virulence genes in cecal colonization.campylobacter jejuni, a common commensal in chickens, is one of the leading causes of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans worldwide. the aims of this investigation were twofold. first, we sought to determine whether mutations in the c. jejuni ciab and plda virulence-associated genes impaired the organism's ability to colonize chickens. second, we sought to determine if inoculation of chicks with c. jejuni mutants could confer protection from subsequent challenge with the c. jejuni wild-type stra ...200111569726
differentiation of campylobacter species by aflp fingerprinting.the fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) fingerprinting method was tested for its ability to identify and subtype the most important campylobacter species found in veterinary infections. sixty-nine reference strains and 19 clinical isolates of campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni, campylobacter jejuni subsp. doylei, campylobacter upsaliensis, campylobacter coli, campylobacter lari, campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus, c. fetus subsp. venerealis, campylobacter hyointestinalis subs ...200111577152
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 1199