
articular aspergillosis: two case reports and review of the literature.we report two cases of septic arthritis of the knee caused by aspergillus: one by aspergillus terreus in a cirrhotic patient and the other by aspergillus fumigatus after vascular graft infection. the recovery of these organisms in synovial fluid should be considered as pathogenic, particularly in immunocompromised hosts. the pathogenic mechanism is discussed and the literature is reviewed.19979448597
long-circulating immunoliposomal amphotericin b against invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in mice.we investigated the efficacy of long-circulating immunoliposomal amphotericin b (amb) against invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in mice using three types of liposomal amb: conventional liposomal amb (ambisome), a long-circulating liposomal amb and prepared by coating the liposome surface with polyethylene glycol (peg; peg-l-amb), long-circulating immunoliposomal amb (34a-peg-l-amb). the survival rates for mice with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis treated with an intravenous dose of 2 mg of ambis ...19989449258
anti-interleukin (il)-4 and -il-5 antibodies downregulate ige and eosinophilia in mice exposed to aspergillus antigens.the effect of multiple divided doses compared with single-dose injections of antibodies to murine interleukin (il)-4 and il-5 in their respective downregulation of ige and eosinophilia developing in a model of allergic aspergillosis is investigated. balb/c mice were exposed to aspergillus fumigatus antigens (af) before and along with anticytokine antibodies. the kinetics of blood eosinophils, eosinophil peroxidase (epo) in bone-marrow cells, serum levels of ige and af-specific antibodies, af-ind ...19979450141
superior orbital fissure syndrome caused by indolent aspergillus sphenoid sinusitis. 19989450837
cholangitis due to aspergillus fumigatus in a patient with acute leukemia. 19989455565
prostatitis and epididymo-orchitis due to aspergillus fumigatus in a patient with aids. 19989455566
pulmonary fungus ball. 19989456936
successful treatment of mycotic hepatic artery pseudoaneurysms with arterial reconstruction and liposomal amphotericin b.a 55-year-old woman developed end-stage liver disease and the hepatorenal syndrome secondary to cryptogenic cirrhosis. orthotopic liver transplantation was complicated by bile peritonitis, requiring reoperation and eventual placement of an internal biliary stent. on postoperative day 26, hemobilia was caused by localized rupture of mycotic (aspergillus fumigatus) hepatic artery pseudoaneurysms with fistulization into the biliary tree. after arterial reconstruction with a reversed autologous saph ...19989457973
detection of aspergillus ribosomal rna using biotinylated oligonucleotide probes.aspergillosis continues to be a devastating disease entity that results in significant mortality in immunosuppressed patients. rapid diagnosis is often required to initiate appropriate therapy. although the histopathologist may be able to visualize fungal organisms in tissue specimens, the histology of aspergillus species may overlap with a variety of fungi, so diagnosis often relies on fungal cultures that can take weeks to complete. recently, an in situ hybridization assay targeting aspergillu ...19979458383
applicability of random primer r143 for determination of aspergillus fumigatus dna.the specificity of random primer r143 for aspergillus fumigatus dna was determined in order to test its usefulness in establishing the presence of a. fumigatus dna in fungal cultures. when pcr reaction products of these cultures were compared with those of 21 other bacterial and fungal dna samples, r143 proved to produce a 1346 bp band with only a. fumigatus. this band has been sequenced completely and the ecori restriction site was used for subsequent confirmation of pcr products. the specifici ...19979467106
morphological characteristics of aspergillus fumigatus strains isolated from patient samples.the aspergillus fumigatus group splits into the anamorphic a. fumigatus series and the teleomorphic neosartorya fischeri series. the species a. fumigatus fresenius is the most common species within the a. fumigatus series. forty-seven clinical isolates out of the a. fumigatus group were obtained from patients with diseases such as localized and invasive aspergilloses or allergic disorders due to aspergillus and were mainly isolated from respiratory secretions. isolates were studied concerning ma ...19979470420
retained aspergillus-contaminated contact lens inducing conjunctival mass and keratoconjunctivitis in an immunocompetent patient.a 66-year-old woman presented with a 1-month history of prominent mucoid discharge and foreign body sensation in her left eye.19989474456
in vitro interactions between histoplasma capsulatum var. duboisii and other fungi.histoplasma capsulatum var. duboisii has only recently been shown to occur naturally in soil admixed with bat guano in a bat cave. we report our observations on the in vitro interaction of histoplasma capsulatum var. duboisii with other fungi recovered from the same habitat or other sources by employing co-culture technique and by investigating antibiosis between h. capsulatum var. duboisii and other fungi. the range of interactions varied from total overgrowth of histoplasma by aspergillus fumi ...19979476515
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with massive aspergillus fumigatus infection. 19989482569
recombinant aspergillus fumigatus allergens: from the nucleotide sequences to clinical applications.members of the genus aspergillus are opportunistic pathogens for cold- and warm-blooded animals. they are associated with an impressive spectrum of diseases in humans, ranging from benign colonization of the lung to life-threatening diseases such as invasive aspergillosis or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa). aspergillus fumigatus is the etiological agent identified in most of the aspergillus-related human diseases and is therefore of particular clinical relevance. a major problem i ...19989482698
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: disease pattern in central arabia.despite a high prevalence of asthma in saudi arabia, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) has not been reported. we reviewed the medical records in a large university hospital in saudi arabia where thousands of asthmatics are being followed up. over a 9-year period starting january 1986, the diagnosis of abpa was made in 10 patients only. delay in diagnosis was common and in some patients the disease was confused with fungal pneumonia, tuberculosis or tumours. aspergillus fumigatus was ...19989484966
aspergillus fungal mass detected by transesophageal echocardiography.cardiac fungal infections have become more prevalent and are being diagnosed with increasing frequency. the most common infective organism is candida albicans, followed by aspergillus fumigatus and cryptococcus. cardiac involvement is usually associated with endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, or intracardiac fungal mass. early diagnosis is imperative, as these patients have poor outcome once there is cardiac involvement. in this report we describe a patient in whom an intracardiac mass was ...19989487477
human platelets damage aspergillus fumigatus hyphae and may supplement killing by neutrophils.neutropenia is considered a significant risk factor for invasive aspergillosis but is almost always associated with concurrent thrombocytopenia. studies determined that platelets, like neutrophils, attached to cell walls of the invasive hyphal form of aspergillus fumigatus. organisms were damaged as shown by loss of cell wall integrity in scanning laser confocal microscopy and release of defined hyphal surface glycoproteins. rapid expression appearance of surface antigen cd63 and release of mark ...19989488412
[cystic fibrosis in adults--clinical aspects].nineteen patients with cystic fibrosis were seen in the i department of tuberculosis and lung diseases during 3.5 years. there were 12 (63%) female, and 7 male, aged from 16 to 35 years (mean 23.2). most patients were diagnosed in childhood, but 4 were diagnosed in their early adulthood. the diagnosis was confirmed by positive chloride sweat test in all cases. molecular dna analyses were performed in 16 cases. in 9 (56%) cases two mutations in the cftr gene were identified. in 5 cases one mutati ...19979489415
[invasive pulmonary aspergillosis caused by aspergillus ochraceus].invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa) is a frequent complication in patients with severe neutropenia resulting from cytotoxic chemotherapy. in europe, aspergillus fumigatus is most common pathogen of ipa. in our case, ipa was recognised in 54 year old female suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia with pancytopenia. the patient developed severe granulocytopenia during chemotherapy. chest radiograph revealed progressive bilateral infiltrations with cavitation. in sputum culture aspergillus o ...19979489424
concentration- and time-dependent upregulation and release of the cytokines mip-2, kc, tnf, and mip-1alpha in rat alveolar macrophages by fungal spores implicated in airway inflammation.inhalation of fungal spores has been shown to cause primary or secondary infection and respiratory inflammation and diseases such as allergic alveolitis, atopic asthma, and organic dust toxic syndrome, which are rarely reported in the absence of predisposing factors. biochemical and molecular markers of inflammation were measured in rat bronchial alveolar lavage cells (> 95% macrophages) following stimulation with fungal spores isolated from pathogenic and nonpathogenic fungi that have been impl ...19989490662
[endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis in aids].we present the course of an endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis in a 38-year-old hiv-positive man. history and clinical signs: the first examination because of a sudden visual loss in the right eye showed a central subretinal infiltration, peripheral vascular sheeting and retinal hemorrhages.19979498193
hospital construction-associated outbreak of ocular aspergillosis after cataract surgery.this study aimed to report an outbreak of aspergillus endophthalmitis after cataract extraction during hospital construction.19989499785
periantral soft-tissue infiltration and its relevance to the early detection of invasive fungal sinusitis: ct and mr findings.our goal was to illustrate the relevance of periantral soft-tissue infiltration to the early diagnosis of invasive fungal sinusitis and to describe variations in the appearance of normal periantral soft tissues.19989504486
[profound mycoses in aids in abidjan (côte d'ivoire)].during 1995, among 1105 hiv patients explored in our department, 64 presented a deep fungic infection (5.8%). the yeast was searched for in cerebrospinal fluid, blood, urine, and bronchoalveolar aspiration. isolated germs were cryptococcus neoformans (95%), candida tropicalis (1 case), saccharomyces cerevisiae (1 case) et aspergillus fumigatus (1 case). results of treatment with amphotericin b were: recovery (9%), clinical success (11%), out of sight (14%), letality (66%), relapse (23%) and side ...19979507758
mapping of the nitrate-assimilation gene cluster (crna-niia-niad) and characterization of the nitrite reductase gene (niia) in the opportunistic fungal pathogen aspergillus fumigatus.this study reports the molecular characterization of the nitrate-assimilation gene cluster from the opportunistic fungal pathogen aspergillus fumigatus. a genomic fragment was isolated which contained the entire structural gene encoding nitrite reductase (niia), plus segments of the nitrate reductase (niad) and the nitrate transporter (crna) genes. nitrate-assimilation genes in a. fumigatus are physically linked and transcribed in the same direction as in a. nidulans. the nitrate-assimilation ge ...19989508795
prostatic abscess due to aspergillus fumigatus: trus and mr imaging findings. 19989514171
a comparison of sampling methods for airborne fungal spores during an outbreak of aspergillosis in the forest aviary of the north carolina zoological outbreak of aspergillosis with the death of six birds in the north carolina zoological park r. j. reynolds forest aviary in the spring of 1993 led to an investigation of the concentration of aspergillus fumigatus spores in the air. no aspergillus sp. was found in the facility through use of the drop plate method (gravitometric sampling) along with swab-sampling of selected surfaces within the exhibit and plating of food samples and nesting material onto petri dishes of nutrient media. a numbe ...19979523640
ige down regulation and cytokine induction by aspergillus antigens in human allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa), occurring primarily in patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis (cf), is a hypersensitivity reaction to aspergillus fumigatus (af), and is characterized by increased serum ige levels and peripheral blood and pulmonary eosinophilia. we evaluated the ige and cytokine profile in abpa through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), and evaluated eosinophil activity with the eosinophil peroxidase (epo) assay. ige and cytokines were measured in superna ...19989523846
air-borne microorganisms in the metropolitan area of graz, austria.urban and rural regions are affected by different microorganism loads depending on their structure and utilization. at 7 sampling sites in the metropolitan area of graz, counts of airborne bacteria as well as yeasts and molds were conducted over a one-year period at two-week intervals. bacteria and yeasts/molds counts in a village area to the south of graz dominated by agriculture exceeded the corresponding counts in a suburban residential area fourfold (327 cfu/m3 air-bacteria) and twofold (185 ...19989524738
infective endocarditis in solid organ transplant recipients.infective endocarditis, defined as pathologically or clinically definite by the duke criteria, was observed in 14 transplant recipients at our institutions. in addition, we reviewed 32 previously reported cases in solid organ transplant recipients. the spectrum of organisms causing infective endocarditis was clearly different in transplant recipients than in the general population; 50% of the infections were due to aspergillus fumigatus or staphylococcus aureus, but only 4% were due to viridans ...19989524846
neuroaspergillosis and brain tuberculosis in an immunocompetent patient with good outcome. 19989527169
detection of fungemia from blood cultures using the bactec 9240 instrument.from january 1995 to november 1996, 14,623 resin-containing blood culture vials were tested with the bactec fluorescent series instrument. a total of 1560 microorganisms were recovered. 48 of the microorganisms were fungi. we could demonstrate the ability of the bactec 9240 to detect cases of fungemia with candida species and moulds such as aspergillus fumigatus (4 cases) and fusarium solani (1 case).19989532264
[the spontaneous variability of populations of fungal strains in the genus aspergillus--producers of allergen-active substances].the method of genetic selection has been used for obtaining the fungal cultures of aspergillus strains, producers of allergen-active substances. the natural variability of populations of a. fumigatus, a. niger, a. clavatus strains as regards the intensity of conidia germination has been studied. these fungal species are the etiological agents of mycotic lesions of the body in cases of immunodeficiency. as the result of this study, 3 aspergillus species, stable as regards the intensity of conidia ...19989532691
[approach to nasal aspergillosis]. 19979534815
skull base osteitis following fungal sinusitis.aspergillus sp. sinusitis is not uncommon in immunocompromised patients but is unusual in patients who are not immunocompromised. the disease may occur as a saprophytic condition, as an allergic sinusitis or as a potentially lethal invasive disease. the differentiation between non-invasive and invasive aspergillus sp. sinusitis is crucial and this distinction is fully discussed. the treatment options are also considered. invasive disease requires aggressive treatment with long-term antifungal ag ...19989538458
itraconazole for the treatment of pulmonary aspergillosis in heart transplant recipients.the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of itraconazole as a first choice drug in the treatment of pulmonary aspergillosis in heart transplant recipients. heart transplant recipients suffering from invasive pulmonary aspergillosis were included in this study. group 1 included 4 patients treated with i.v. itraconazole (janssen pharmaceutica) 400 mg daily, as a first choice drug for 28 d. itraconazole was discontinued and amphotericin-b was started before the 28th day if clinical o ...19989541420
therapeutic efficacy of ashwagandha against experimental aspergillosis in mice.therapeutic efficacy of an indian ayurvedic medicinal preparation, ashwagandha [withania somnifera l. dunal (solanceae; root)] was evaluated against experimental aspergillosis in balb/c mice. ashwagandha given orally once daily for 7 consecutive days in a dose of 100 mg/kg after intravenous infection of aspergillus fumigatus prolonged the survival period of infected mice. this protective activity was probably related to the observed increases in phagocytosis and intracellular killing of peritone ...19989543708
cerebral aspergillosis in a liver transplant recipient: a case report of long-term survival after combined treatment with liposomal amphotericin b and surgery.cerebral aspergillosis is a life-threatening complication in liver transplant recipients, with mortality rates approaching 100%; treatment with amphotericin b is of limited efficacy because of its poor distribution in the cerebrospinal fluid and its systemic side effects. we report the case of a liver transplant recipient who developed recurrent cerebral aspergillus fumigatus infection, and was successfully treated by combined surgical excision of the lesion and administration of liposomal ampho ...19989551693
massive hemoptysis from a pulmonary artery aneurysm associated with an emphysematous bulla.a 66-year-old man with a history of copd and aspergillus fumigatus infection developed massive hemoptysis. pulmonary artery angiography revealed an aneurysm which was successfully treated with coil embolization. this is the first known report of a pulmonary artery aneurysm causing massive hemoptysis in a patient with bullous emphysema.19989554660
[nosocomial ventilator-associated pneumonias caused by aspergillus fumigatus in non-immunosuppressed, non-neutropenic patients].we observed three cases of severe ventilator-associated pneumonia due to aspergillus fumigatus in non-immunosuppressed, non-neutropenic patients. autopsy confirmed an angioinvasive pattern of spreading with septic foci. in all cases conditions associated with temporary immunodysfunction like underlying diseases, antecedent sepsis or pneumonia, coinfections or steroid therapy were present. although aspergillus fumigatus was isolated in all cases in cultures of tracheobronchial secretions, the cor ...19989557055
efficacy of ly303366 against amphotericin b-susceptible and -resistant aspergillus fumigatus in a murine model of invasive aspergillosis.ly303366 is a novel antifungal echinocandin with excellent in vitro activity against aspergillus spp. we compared four doses (1, 2.5, 10, and 25 mg/kg of body weight) of ly303366 with amphotericin b (0.5 to 5 mg/kg) in a temporarily neutropenic murine model of invasive aspergillosis against an amphotericin b-susceptible (af210) and an amphotericin b-resistant (af65) aspergillus fumigatus isolate based on in vivo response. mice were immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg) and infected ...19989559799
microgranulomatous aspergillosis in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease: cure with voriconazole. 19989564492
differential ige recognition of recombinant aspergillus fumigatus allergens by cystic fibrosis patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis or aspergillus allergy.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa), an intense inflammatory reaction to aspergillus in the lung, is recognized as a severe complication in patients with cystic fibrosis (cf). the diagnosis of abpa in cf patients sensitized to aspergillus fumigatus is complicated by interfering laboratory and clinical findings shared by the diseases. we have used cdna encoding a. fumigatus allergens which were cloned from a cdna library displayed on phage surface to produce recombinant proteins in esc ...19989565354
the effectiveness of several current soft contact lens care systems against aspergillus.fungal contamination of contact lenses is a common occurrence. in this study, we tested the effectiveness of currently used soft contact lens care systems against aspergillus fumigatus.19989571267
effects of synthetic hydroxy isothiocyanates on microbial systems.hydroxy isothiocyanates (itcs), including some new derivatives of naturally occurring compounds, were synthesized and their minimum inhibitory, minimum fungicidal, and minimum bactericidal concentrations for aspergillus niger, aspergillus fumigatus, staphylococcus aureus, and escherichia coli were estimated. these compounds were strongly antimicrobial; for example, 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethyl itc inhibited growth of all strains examined at concentrations of 7.8 to 15.6 micrograms/ml. the atp conce ...19989571778
molecular epidemiological study of aspergillus fumigatus in a bone marrow transplantation unit by pcr amplification of ribosomal intergenic spacer sequences.we have developed a pcr-based method for the subspecific discrimination of aspergillus fumigatus types by using two primers designed to amplify the intergenic spacer regions between ribosomal dna transcription units. the method permitted the reproducible discrimination of 11 distinct dna types among a total of 119 isolates of a. fumigatus collected from patients and from the environment of a bone marrow transplantation (bmt) unit over a three-year period. ten dna types of a. fumigatus were isola ...19989574694
polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism mediated detection and speciation of candida spp causing intraocular determine the usefulness of polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis in the identification and speciation of candida spp that causes ocular infection.19989579465
extracellular phospholipases as universal virulence factor in pathogenic fungi.microbial pathogens use a number of genetic strategies to invade the host and cause infection. these common themes are found throughout microbial virulence factors. secretion of enzymes, such as phospholipase, has been proposed as one of these themes which is used by bacteria, parasite, and pathogenic fungi. the role of extracellular phospholipase as a potential virulence factor in pathogenic fungi, including candida albicans, cryptococcus neoformans and aspergillus has gained credence recently. ...19989580028
necrotizing external otitis caused by aspergillus fumigatus: computed tomography and high resolution magnetic resonance imaging in an aids patient.most necrotizing (malignant) external otitis (neo) occurs in diabetic patients and is commonly caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa. we report an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patient with neo caused by aspergillus fumigatus in which computed tomography (ct) showed destructive petrous bone involvement and magnetic resonance imaging (mri) of the ear discovered extensive soft tissue and facial nerve involvement. dedicated mri studies of the ear in this type of pathology provide new insight ...19989580133
gastrointestinal ulceration and pulmonary aspergillosis in a llama treated for parelaphostrongylosis.a 9-year-old llama examined because of hind limb paresis was found to have parelaphostrongylosis. despite treatment with ivermectin, fenbendazole, cimetidine, and ceftiofur, the llama developed gastrointestinal ulceration and pulmonary aspergillosis and was euthanatized. parelaphostrongylus tenuis is a parasite of white-tailed deer, but ruminants can serve as aberrant or dead-end hosts after accidentally ingesting snails or slugs carrying third-stage larvae of the parasite. gastrointestinal ulce ...19989589133
lacrimal sac plugging caused by aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus is a rare cause of canalicular obstruction. we present a case where an aspergillosis plug caused extreme tenderness, epiphoria and discharge from the lacrimal puntum. ct scan showed dilation of the lacrimal sac. medical treatment did not relieve the symptoms. during a planned dcr the sac was opened before the osteotomy, and found to contain a plug which caused the obstruction. aspergillus fumigatus was grown from culture. the dcr was abandoned and the patient is symptom fre ...19989591962
in vitro antifungal activity of can-296: a naturally occurring complex carbohydrate.the in vitro activity of a naturally occurring complex carbohydrate, can-296, was evaluated by testing 132 clinical and atcc isolates of yeast and aspergillus fumigatus, many of which were azole-resistant. the in vitro susceptibility tests were performed by standardized broth micro- and macrodilution methods and results were compared with those obtained for amphotericin b, fluconazole, ketoconazole, flucytosine and the pneumocandin l-733,560. all tested candida species showed highly uniform susc ...19979592567
new azole antifungals. 2. synthesis and antifungal activity of heterocyclecarboxamide derivatives of 3-amino-2-aryl-1-azolyl-2-butanol.a series of 92 azole antifungals containing an amido alcohol unit was synthesized. the nature and substitution of the amide portion was systematically modified in search of improved antifungal activity, especially against filamentous fungi. the compounds were tested in vitro against a variety of clinically important pathogens and in vivo (po) in a murine candidosis model. thiazole and thiophene carboxamides carrying both a substituted phenyl ring and a small alkyl group were best suited for acti ...19989599236
new azole antifungals. 3. synthesis and antifungal activity of 3-substituted-4(3h)-quinazolinones.a series of azole antifungal agents featuring a quinazolinone nucleus have been subjected to studies of structure-activity relationships. in general, these compounds displayed higher in vitro activities against filamentous fungi and shorter half-lives than the structures described in our preceding paper. the most potent products in vitro carried a halogen (or an isostere) at the 7-position of the quinazolinone ring. using a murine model of systemic candidosis, oral activity was found to be depen ...19989599237
[fungal infection of human organs by resistant melanin-synthesizing species is one of the pathogenic factors and one of the real consequences of the accident at chernobyl power plant].free radical melanin centers have been detected in the cell concentrate of bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) of liquidator of chernobyl npp accident. to identify the nature of these centers the epr technique and the fluorescent technique were used to study bal of liquidators with lung chronic pathology, their blood, blood components as well as model melanin- and lipofuscin-containing systems: synthetic dopa-melanin, human melanosome, human lipofuscin, human melanolipofuscin. i besides that we have in ...19979599625
magnetic resonance image detection of coincidental sphenoid sinus aspergillosis and pituitary microadenoma: a potential surgical disaster.while localizing the microadenoma in a patient with cushing's disease on magnetic resonance imaging (mri), fungal granuloma of the sphenoid sinus was coincidentally detected. this helped in the proper management of sphenoidal disease before undergoing trans-sphenoidal removal of the microadenoma, thus averting the possible catastrophe of direct intracranial spread of aspergillus infection.19989599827
cloning and sequencing of three new putative toxin genes from clostridium bifermentans ch18.three new open reading frames were found downstream from cbm71, a toxin gene from clostridium bifermentans malaysia (cbm) strain ch18. the first one (91bp downstream) called cbm72, is 1857bp long and encodes a 71727-da protein (cbm72) with a sequence similar to that of bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins. this protein shows no significant toxicity to mosquito larvae. the two others, cbm17.1 (462bp) and cbm17.2 (459bp), are copies of the same gene encoding cbm p18 and p16 polypeptides and loc ...19989602158
brain abscesses in children with cancer.brain abscesses in pediatric patients are rare events, and the causative organism and prognosis vary with the population under study. children with cancer seem to be particularly susceptible to the development of brain abscesses because of the immunological changes induced by cancer and its treatment. we reviewed the records of children who developed a brain abscess during treatment of a malignancy to define the clinical characteristics, prognosis, and management of these patients.19989607425
allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis to fusarium vasinfectum in a child.a 12-year-old boy with asthma and 6 years of recurrent pneumonias who had normal serum immunoglobulin concentrations was suspected of having allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa).19989609605
[recombinant allergens for diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis]. 19989610177
biovolatilization of antimony and sudden infant death syndrome (sids).1. the aerobic filamentous fungus s. brevicaulis imi 17297 methylated antimony from sb2o3 substrate, with the formation of gaseous trimethylantimony (tma). no evidence was found for the generation of other gaseous antimony compounds by this organism. 2. biovolatilization of inorganic antimony was greatest during cultivation of the fungus on solid media at 25 degrees c, and occurred more readily from antimony (iii) substrates than from antimony (v) substrates. 3. under simulated cot environment c ...19989617636
development of a homologous transformation system for the human pathogenic fungus aspergillus fumigatus based on the pyrg gene encoding orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase.a homologous transformation system for the opportunistic fungal pathogen aspergillus fumigatus was developed. it is based on the a. fumigatus pyrg gene, encoding orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase, which was cloned and sequenced. transformation of both aspergillus (emericella) nidulans and a. fumigatus pyrg mutant strains by the use of protoplasts or electroporation established the functionality of the cloned gene. dna sequencing of the a. fumigatus pyrg1 mutant allele revealed that it enc ...19989618589
molecular typing of environmental and patient isolates of aspergillus fumigatus from various hospital settings.fingerprinting of more than 700 clinical and environmental isolates of aspergillus fumigatus from four differential hospital settings was undertaken with a dispersed repeated dna sequence. the analysis of the environmental isolates showed that the airborne a. fumigatus population is extremely diverse, with 85% of the strains being represented as a single genotype isolated once. the remaining 15% of the strains were isolated several times and were able to persist for several months in the same ho ...19989620367
rapid extraction of genomic dna from medically important yeasts and filamentous fungi by high-speed cell disruption.current methods of dna extraction from different fungal pathogens are often time-consuming and require the use of toxic chemicals. dna isolation from some fungal organisms is difficult due to cell walls or capsules that are not readily susceptible to lysis. we therefore investigated a new and rapid dna isolation method using high-speed cell disruption (hscd) incorporating chaotropic reagents and lysing matrices in comparison to standard phenol-chloroform (pc) extraction protocols for isolation o ...19989620390
the developmentally regulated alb1 gene of aspergillus fumigatus: its role in modulation of conidial morphology and virulence.aspergillus fumigatus, an important opportunistic pathogen which commonly affects neutropenic patients, produces conidia with a bluish-green color. we identified a gene, alb1, which is required for conidial pigmentation. the alb1 gene encodes a putative polyketide synthase, and disruption of alb1 resulted in an albino conidial phenotype. expression of alb1 is developmentally regulated, and the 7-kb transcript is detected only during the conidiation stage. the alb1 mutation was found to block 1,3 ...19989620950
secretory leukoprotease inhibitor: a native antimicrobial protein presenting a new therapeutic option?secretory leukoprotease inhibitor (slpi) is a low molecular weight serine protease inhibitor found on various mucosal surfaces and has been ascribed an important role in maintaining the protease-anti-protease balance of the airways. recent scientific evidence has suggested that slpi may also have a broad spectrum antibiotic activity that includes antiretroviral, bactericidal, and antifungal activity. given the unpropitious development of drug resistance to infectious micro-organisms in the human ...19989624296
extreme dna sequence variation in isolates of aspergillus fumigatus.dna sequence analysis of the alkaline protease gene was used to investigate two aspergillus fumigatus strains isolated from ostriches (qld1 and nsw3) and one environmental isolate (frr 1266) that have shown genetic variation in previous analyses. the results showed that the qld1 sequence was virtually identical to the published sequences for three human isolates but nsw3 differed in > 6% and frr 1266 in > 10% of the nucleotides that were analysed. an rflp assay was designed to determine the dist ...19989626933
angiogenesis inhibitor tnp-470 inhibits growth and metastasis of a hormone-independent rat prostatic carcinoma cell line.inhibitory effects of tnp-470, a synthetic analogue of the antibiotic fumagillin secreted by aspergillus fumigatus, were studied with respect to growth and lung metastasis of the hormone-independent rat prostatic carcinoma cell line at6.3.19989628652
susceptibility of aspergillus strains from culture collections to amphotericin b and itraconazole.susceptibility testing of 27 aspergillus reference strains belonging to five species was performed using the microdilution broth method with yeast nitrogen broth and rpmi-1640. similar results were found using the two media. the strains of aspergillus fumigatus (n = 8) and aspergillus niger (n = 4) had mics of amphotericin b in the range 0.125-0.5 mg/l. in contrast, nine out of 13 strains of aspergillus flavus and aspergillus nidulans had mics in the range 2-16 mg/l. all strains had mics of itra ...19989630411
lung injury and degradation of extracellular matrix components by aspergillus fumigatus serine proteinase.aspergillus fumigatus produces a variety of extracellular proteinases that are believed to be virulence factors towards aspergillus-related lung disease. among aspergillus proteinases, the serine proteinase is thought to play a major virulent role because of its widespread production. nevertheless, evidence of direct pulmonary injury caused by the a. fumigatus serine proteinase is still lacking. the purpose of our work was: (1) to provide evidence for a pivotal role of a. fumigatus serine protei ...19989635248
inducible chitinolytic system of aspergillus fumigatus.incubation of aspergillus fumigatus ncpf 2140 in growth medium containing 1% chitin as sole carbon source led to induction of specific extracellular chitinolytic activity of 1.5 mumol glcnac released min-1 (mg protein)-1. the effect was repressed by the inclusion of glcnac in the medium, indicating regulation by a negative feedback mechanism. extracellular chitinase activity was inhibited by allosamidin (ic50 0.12 microm). multiple chitinolytic enzymes were detected on zymograms of extracellular ...19989639928
requirements for allergen-induced airway hyperreactivity in t and b cell-deficient mice.the pathogenesis of asthma is believed to reflect antigen-induced airway inflammation leading to the recruitment of eosinophils and activation of mast cells through cell-associated ige. controversies persist however, regarding the relative importance of different pathogenic cells and effector molecules.19989642684
[two cases of hematological malignancies diagnosed before death as aspergillosis with skin lesion].we report two cases of aspergillosis with skin lesions. the first involved a 63-year-old female with acute lymphocytic leukemia. in 1992, she received chemotherapy for acute leukemia. subsequently, she noted swelling of her leg, a skin biopsy was performed and aspergillus flavus was isolated. the second patient was a 71-year-old male with myelodysplastic syndrome. in 1996, he developed a massive inguinal abscess from which aspergillus fumigatus was isolated. the prognosis of aspergillosis was po ...19989642945
serum procalcitonin rise is only slight in two cases of disseminated aspergillosis.high serum concentrations of procalcitonin (pct) have been found during bacterial and parasitic infections. this is a report of two cases of disseminated aspergillosis with moderate pct increase in two 14-year-old girls after bone marrow transplantation (bmt) for myelodysplastic syndrome and fanconi's anemia, respectively. in contrast, the important rise of serum crp observed in these patients tends to demonstrate that the synthesis of these two proteins is under different control mechanisms.19989646109
prevalence of otomycosis in malnourished children in edo state, nigeria.out of the total number at 200 suspected cases of otomycoses consisting of 40 malnourished and 160 apparently healthy children examined in this study between the months of july and august in edo state, 64 cases (32%) were identified to be of fungal aetiology on the basis of positive culture and careful microscopic examination. the state at protein energy malnourishment was deterwined using physicians' comments in their case files. the fungal agents isolated were aspergillus niger 28 (43.8%); a. ...19979646512
cushing's syndrome complicated by multiple opportunistic infections.the case history of a 56-year-old man is described who suffered from severe adrenocorticotrophic hormone (acth)-dependent cushing's syndrome. the clinical course was complicated by simultaneous infections with pneumocystis carinii, staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans, aspergillus fumigatus and herpes simplex, which proved to be fatal. a study of the literature shows that opportunistic infections in endogenous cushing's syndrome are associated with severe cortisol excess and carry a high mort ...19989648056
utility of random amplified polymorphic dna pcr and taqman automated detection in molecular identification of aspergillus fumigatus.we developed a method for the identification of aspergillus fumigatus fungal isolates by using random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) pcr (rapd-pcr) cloning and the taqman ls50b fluorogenic detection system (perkin-elmer corp., applied biosystems, foster city, calif.). dna from seven clinically important aspergillus species was screened by rapd-pcr to identify section- or species-specific amplicons. with the opz19 rapd primer a 1,264-bp product was amplified from all a. fumigatus strains initia ...19989650962
[successful therapy of pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with non-hodgkin lymphoma].anamnesis and clinical picture: a 65-year old male with non-hodgkin lymphoma developed severe invasive pulmonary aspergillosis during a state of leucopenia after chemotherapy. investigation: the initial manifestation was an infiltration in the right upper lobe of the lung, identified by lung scintigraphy as a peripheral wedge-shaped loss of perfusion. both serum and bronchoalveolar lavage extreme high titre of aspergillus antigen were seen as a laboratory indication of an invasive aspergillosis. ...19989654974
detection of immunoglobulins g and a to aspergillus fumigatus by immunoblot analysis for monitoring aspergillus-induced lung diseases.the aim of the study was to investigate whether patients with aspergillus-induced lung disease can be monitored by immunoblot analysis to detect antibodies to aspergillus fumigatus (af). immunoblotting was performed by incubating 57 longitudinally collected sera from 13 patients on nitrocellulose sheets, blotted with af antigen, separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. bound antibodies were demonstrated by peroxidase-labelled antihuman immunoglobulins (ig)g and ig ...19989657566
chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis in brazil: report of two cases with cavitation diagnosed by transthoracic needle biopsy.two cases of chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis are reported and other eleven cases, collected from brazilian literature, are commented. after being clinically cured, one of our patients presented an aspergillus fungus ball inside a cavitation in the wall of which h. capsulatum was disclosed. comments are also done on the diagnosis of the mycosis.19979661309
successful treatment of aspergillus fungaemia in two children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.aspergillus species can cause life-threatening infection in immunocompromised children. pulmonary infections are the most common, and are usually acquired through inhalations of aspergillus spores in unfiltered air. some patients acquire invasive aspergillus infection from endogenous spread of colonized para-nasal sinuses.19989661945
steroid-induced invasive aspergillosis with thyroid gland abscess and positive blood cultures. 19989665309
the role of the aspergillus fumigatus area gene in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.the area gene of aspergillus nidulans is a positive-acting transcriptional factor required for the expression of genes involved in the utilization of a broad range of nitrogen sources other than ammonium and glutamine. we have investigated the role in pathogenesis of the corresponding gene (afarea) of aspergillus fumigatus, a causative agent of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. stable and unstable afarea- strains were constructed and tested for altered virulence in mice on the basis of host surv ...19989669338
dna damage by gliotoxin from aspergillus fumigatus. an occupational and environmental propagule: adduct detection as measured by 32p dna radiolabelling and two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography.gliotoxin is produced by the fungus aspergillus fumigatus. aspergillus is widespread in the environment and this ubiquitous nature results in disease and co-carcinogenesis to be distributed world-wide. gliotoxin contains an epipolythiodioxopiperazine (etp) ring that is believed to be involved in redox reactions. the reactive oxygen species produced interact with dna to form hydroxylated and other altered dna products. to measure dna adduct formation, we used 32p radiolabelling and, after enzymat ...19989670759
identification and cloning of two novel allergens from the lipophilic yeast, malassezia furfur.two novel allergens, designated mal f 2 and mal f 3 according to the who/iuis allergen nomenclature subcommittee recommendation, were isolated from the lipophilic yeast malassezia furfur cell extracts and the genes coding for those were cloned. mal f 2 and mal f 3 had apparent molecular weights of 21 kda and 20 kda, respectively, on sds-page under reducing conditions. the identified cdna clone of mal f 2 encoded an open reading frame of 177 amino acid residues. fifty-one percent identity was fou ...19989675120
tryprostatin a, a specific and novel inhibitor of microtubule assembly.we have investigated the cell cycle inhibition mechanism and primary target of tryprostatin a (tps-a) purified from aspergillus fumigatus. tps-a inhibited cell cycle progression of asynchronously cultured 3y1 cells in the m phase in a dose- and time-dependent manner. in contrast, tps-b (the demethoxy analogue of tps-a) showed cell-cycle non-specific inhibition on cell growth even though it inhibited cell growth at lower concentrations than tps-a. tps-a treatment induced the reversible disruption ...19989677311
a murine model of allergic rhinitis: studies on the role of ige in pathogenesis and analysis of the eosinophil influx elicited by allergen and eotaxin.allergic rhinitis is a prevalent disease with significant morbidity. studies of its pathophysiology in human subjects have been limited. nasal biopsy specimens are difficult to obtain, and nasal secretions incompletely reflect the cellular and molecular events in the mucosa. ige-mediated mast cell activation and the elaboration of factors promoting eosinophil development and chemotaxis are likely to participate in pathogenesis.19989679849
aspergillus fumigatus is the causative agent of hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by esparto dust. 19989679860
mammary and systemic aspergillosis in dairy sheep.mammary aspergillosis was diagnosed in four flocks of dairy sheep, comprising a total of 1,750 ewes. these animals had been treated prophylactically by intramammary infusion with cloxacillin 5 months prior to lambing. mammary aspergillosis with concomitant spread to the regional lymph nodes was present in these flocks in a percentage ranging from 2% to 36.4% of treated sheep. pathologic, bacteriologic, and mycologic studies were performed in seven of the affected ewes. some of them also had lung ...19989684966
in-vitro isolation and antifungal susceptibility of amphotericin b-resistant mutants of aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus mutants resistant to amphotericin b were selected in the laboratory following uv irradiation. a total of 18 colonies (frequency 1.8 x 10(-7)) that grew in the presence of amphotericin b (8 mg/l and 16 mg/l) on peptone yeast extract glucose agar were tested for their susceptibility to amphotericin b, nystatin, azoles, and the echinocandin l-743872. ten of the 18 isolates showed an eight-fold rise in amphotericin b mic (4 mg/l) compared with the susceptible parent whereas the ...19989687099
efficacy of mk-991 (l-743,872), a semisynthetic pneumocandin, in murine models of pneumocystis addition to its potent efficacy in animal models against candida sp., aspergillus fumigatus, and histoplasma capsulatum, the clinical candidate pneumocandin mk-991 (formerly l-743,872) was also extremely potent against pneumocystis carinii in models of immune-compromised animals. mk-991 was approximately 14 times more potent than the original natural product lead, pneumocandin b0. the 90% effective dose (ed90) of mk-991 for cyst clearance in the rat model for pneumocystis was 0.011 mg/kg of b ...19989687394
evaluation of antifungal activity of an antifungal drug by in vitro simulation of in vivo pharmacokinetics of the drug against fungal hyphal automatic drug concentration simulator (dcs) has been developed and its applicability has been demonstrated by in vitro simulation of the human plasma concentration-time curve of fluconazole (flcz) against hyphal growth of candida albicans and aspergillus fumigatus. the response of hyphal growth to flcz was continually monitored and analyzed using an automatic hyphal growth analyzing system (bio-cell tracer). the simulated concentration of flcz by dcs was confirmed by hplc. the dcs assay was ...19989694984
complex chitinolytic system of aspergillus fumigatus.native polyacrylamide gels incorporating a glycol chitin substrate were used to detect several chitinolytic enzymes in the culture filtrate and cell surface, wall and mixed membrane fractions of aspergillus fumigatus during the exponential phase of growth. much of the cellular chitinase activity did not bind to concanavalin a (con a) matrix and was heat-sensitive. in contrast, almost all chitinases secreted appeared to be heat-stable glycoproteins. the heavily glycosylated molecules, in a con a- ...19989697338
microsatellite markers for typing aspergillus fumigatus isolates.the use of microsatellites as highly polymorphic dna markers for the typing of isolates of aspergillus fumigatus was investigated. four ca repeats were selected by screening an a. fumigatus dna library with a (ca)10 oligonucleotide. primers flanking these ca repeats were designed to amplify each locus. one primer of each pair was labeled with a fluorophore, and the pcr products were analyzed with an automatic sequencer and the genescan software. for each primer set and for a given isolate, one b ...19989705365
interactive mortality factors in common loons from maritime canada.between august 1992 and november 1995, 31 moribund or dead common loons (gavia immer) found in the three maritime provinces of canada (new brunswick, nova scotia, prince edward island) were necropsied. eight of these birds were in good body condition and died acutely from drowning or trauma. the remaining 23 birds were in poor body condition and had either chronic lead poisoning, respiratory mycosis, or oil contamination of their plumage. loons in poor body condition had significantly higher num ...19989706561
concomitant mycotic and verminous pneumonia in a blue jay from emaciated, moribund, male blue jay (cyanocitta cristata) was collected in georgia (usa) and died shortly after capture. necropsy revealed nine large nematodes identified as diplotriaena tricuspis in the thoracic and abdominal air sacs and within the pericardial sac. multiple mycotic granulomas also were observed in the lungs and air sacs, and fungal culture of these lesions yielded pure growth of aspergillus fumigatus. histologic examination of the lungs revealed disseminated granulomatous in ...19989706574
[qualitative and quantitative studies of autofluorescence in fungi].fluorescence microscopy is an important method in mycology. it is a common procedure used in immunology or histology and more recently in modern techniques of molecular biology like in-situ hybridization. since several molds and yeasts show autofluorescence, an interference of this phenomenon with the detection method cannot be excluded. therefore, we studied autofluorescence in fungi in more detail, in particular with respect to the dependence of this phenomenon from growth conditions, fixing m ...19989717385
[molecular aspects and diagnostic value of fungal allergens].cloning, sequencing and production of highly pure recombinant allergens allows to produce perfectly standardised allergen preparations. the development of a new cloning system based on filamentous phage allowed the fast isolation and characterisation of allergens from the fungus aspergillus fumigatus. the produced recombinant allergens were tested in serological and clinical studies as well as for their performance for routine assessments in the immunocap-system. thereby, a perfect correlation b ...19989717388
[the significance of secretory and structure-associated proteases of aspergillus fumigatus for the pathogenesis of invasive aspergillosis].in the course of invasive aspergillosis, aspergillus fumigatus is capable of penetrating any tissue of the host. secretory proteinases of the fungus might facilitate the hyphae to grow through fibrillar proteins like elastin and collagen. however, using systemic infection models, no significantly reduced virulence could be shown with fungal mutants deficient for all known secretory proteinases. thus, secretory proteinases might be of minor relevance for the pathogenesis of invasive aspergillosis ...19989717391
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